#hate that word ‘influencer’ but it serves the purpose of this topic in particular
r0semultiverse · 3 months
A message to the recent & future transgender pick-mes.
If you’re a trans pick-me (no matter where you align with gender) there’s a special place in Hell just for you & I don’t even believe in Hell. Having trauma isn’t excusing your actions of going out of your way to hurt other people actively. It explains that it comes from a place of hurt potentially or you’re just turning into a rage-bait influencer because it makes you money. Either way you come after trans people who don’t do being trans exactly like you so they “aren’t really trans.” You get a taste of the right-wing rage-bait money pot & you wanna keep going because money & maybe some weird part of you thinks this will save you from transphobic attacks? Honey, we’re all just fags to them no matter how we look or act. Even if you’re a cis person not following the norm or unaware of the politics of it all, you’re still just a faggot to them who they will eventually want to snuff out. I’m saying this as a tranny fag just to be clear! You can’t be playing these exclusion games & thinking it’s going to make you powerful! Even Milo Yionnapolis or whatever that fucker’s name was got dropped by the Trump Administration! They do not like us & they never will like us! Democrat, republican, whatever it is; if it’s capitalist, it doesn’t like us! No matter how much you lick those boots, it’ll do you no good. You’re a faggot/tranny just like me & the rest of us, that’s how these suits see it & always will see it no matter how much you try to prove “I’m one of the good ones.” They aren’t going to save you, we’re all on the chopping block to them no matter what our politics are. These government folks don’t see any of us as “one of the good ones.” Get over yourself, grow the fuck up, and stand side-by-side with your transsexual siblings! All we have is each other, these cis people aren’t shit! 💜 Down with cis! 💜
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leiajoydesign · 8 months
ISTD - Fake News in a Social Context
Thursday 12th October 2023 - Research in Context
Fake news in a social context refers to the spread of false or misleading information through various social channels, often with the intention of influencing public perceptions, behaviors, or societal attitudes. This type of misinformation can have a significant impact on social dynamics and can contribute to confusion, division, and mistrust in society.
Purpose: Fake news in a social context may serve a variety of purposes, including creating fear or panic, promoting a particular social or political agenda, or causing harm to individuals, organizations, or communities.
Dissemination: False information can spread through social media platforms, messaging apps, word of mouth, and even traditional media. Social networks, with their ability to rapidly amplify information, have become a primary channel for the distribution of fake news.
Confirmation Bias: People are more likely to believe and share information that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, values, or prejudices. This confirmation bias can contribute to the virality of fake news, as individuals are more inclined to share content that reinforces their views.
Psychological Manipulation: Fake news in a social context can exploit psychological vulnerabilities and emotions, such as fear, anger, or curiosity, to elicit strong reactions and encourage sharing.
Personal and Group Consequences: Fake news can lead to real-world consequences for individuals and groups. This can include reputation damage, harm to personal relationships, or the incitement of hate or violence.
Debunking and Fact-Checking: Fact-checking organisations, independent journalists, and responsible media outlets play a crucial role in identifying and debunking fake news, helping to restore accuracy and trust.
Legal and Ethical Considerations: In some cases, spreading fake news can lead to legal consequences, especially when it results in harm or misinformation that threatens public safety. Legal frameworks may be used to address the spread of false information.
Media Literacy: Promoting media literacy and critical thinking skills is essential for combating fake news in a social context. These skills can help individuals discern credible sources, evaluate the veracity of information, and critically assess the content they encounter.
Impact on Social Issues: Fake news can influence public perceptions and discussions on a wide range of social issues, including topics related to race, religion, gender, and other identity-based issues. Misinformation can exacerbate societal divisions and tensions.
Social Trust: The widespread presence of fake news can erode social trust, making it challenging for people to trust institutions, media, and one another. This can have broader consequences for social cohesion and cooperation.
Addressing fake news in a social context involves a combination of media literacy programs, responsible information sharing, and fact-checking efforts. Ultimately, it is important for individuals and society as a whole to remain vigilant and critically assess the information they encounter in order to combat the spread and impact of fake news on social dynamics.
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hgrantlive · 3 years
Welcome to blog number 2 Of the Issues in law enforcement 
Today I’d like to address the issue of colorism in relation to classism in my country, Jamaica. Many of you, might not know what the definition of those terms are, maybe you’re familiar with other terms that are used to describe something that brings a form of “hate” to a particular group or person. Well, let me just define those words for you. According to the Oxford Dictionary, Colorism: “prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group.” Whilst Classism: “prejudice against people belonging to a particular social class.” We as a country, as a people as a nation, have said our motto “out of many one people“ possibly all our lives, but yet our minds and livelihood never seem to portray such belief.  As we had focused on the topic of our policing system, which their sole purpose is to serve and protect the citizens of Jamaica no matter the race, ethnicity, or skin tone. But yet, the upbringings of certain individuals, type of class, or tone of skin seem to throw all of that through the window. Corruption. We all should know that the great land of America is still “suffering” from the injustice called RACISM against other groups. Though it is not dominant nor present in Jamaica, the ongoing issues of classism and colorism is.  It is evident, and very much so.  We see it in our sports, we see it in our streets, we see it in our justice system, we see it in our supermarkets, our jobs, our schools, we see it everywhere, each day. Being a dark skinned, inner city youth, with the same opportunity as the lightskinned outtercity/upscale youth are two different realities happening in one time frame.  What do i mean by this; though they have the same opportunity, possibly the same life in terms of home life, and the only differences are that of their addresses and skin tone, these two young people will not have the same outcome to life here in Jamaica. 
Some individuals, such as the doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, business owners; any high class citizen are usully deemed untouchable in some ways, because of their skin tone, power, influence, and who they know. What i am trying to get across is that, who you are inside isn’t good enough for who you are on the outside, in this country it most likely isn’t.  We have all at some point watched movies about policing, and how they would “technically” operate in different communities.  Well, it is no different than real life. At times, when an incident occurs in upstate communities, police officals are on scene within minutes, compared to that of lowe class residential areas.  Isn’t everyone equal? Doesn’t everyone deserve equality? If you were to gather a group of people to participate in a survey, about policing in Jamaica, and ask them if at any point they felt discriminated against, been chastized or harrassed by police officals, who do you think the majority of hand or answers would be? 
Our motto is about understanding, cohesion, respect, love, peace and compassion. Your skin tone, where you are from, or livlihood should not determine how you are or should be treated. Life is more than what meets the eye.
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elliemarchetti · 4 years
Red Queen Pride and Prejudice AU (Part 5)
@lilyharvord I'm sorry this chapter is so long but I think I got carried away. Hope you like it anyway.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Words: 3095
Following an agreement between the two friends, the next morning Wren wrote to her mother to ask her to send the carriage later in the day, but this one, which counted on her daughter's stay at the Hall of the Sun until Tuesday, the day that marked an entire week of stay, couldn’t resign herself to welcome her with joy before then, therefore her answer wasn’t favourable, at least for Mare’s wishes: she was so impatient to go home she sent words to her mother too, but she said they also weren’t able to dispose of the carriage until Tuesday and she added that if Mr. Samos and his sister wanted to enjoy her company further, she could easily do without her, which further pushed Mare not to want to stay longer as not only she didn’t expect such a request, but she even feared they would end up considering the both of them as intruders for having entertained themselves without a real need, so she insisted with Wren to ask Mr. Samos himself if they were able to borrow his carriage, thus establishing that they would express their desire to leave the Hall that afternoon, which prompted many regrets; what was said had such an effect on Wren that her departure was postponed to the next day, causing Miss Samos to regret her words, as the affection she felt for one of the guests didn’t outweigh the dislike she felt for the other. She actually even liked Miss Barrow, it was the implications of Cal's interest in her that terrified her to the point of being rude and annoying. In fact, even her friend seemed to have come to his senses, and the following day he was careful not to let slip any sign of admiration, nothing that could give her the hope of being able to influence his happiness so, firm in his purpose, he barely addressed them ten words throughout the day, and although once they were found alone for half an hour, he devoted himself scrupulously to his book and didn't even look at her. On Sunday the separation took place and it was pleasant for almost everyone: Miss Samos was extremely courteous and showed all her affection towards Wren by embracing her with great tenderness and even shaking Mare's hand, gestures in stark contrast to those of Mrs. Barrow, who marvelled at her daughter's arrival and called Wren's decision to expose herself to the cold like that and to cause such trouble to Mr. Samos very wrong. On the other hand, her spouse, although very laconic in his expressions of pleasure, was delighted to see his eldest daughter, without whom the evening conversations had lost much vivacity and almost all common sense as Tramy was always immersed in his botany books, Gisa did nothing but learn new songs on the piano and repeat remarks of trite morality learned from her mother and Bree and Shade spent half their time with the officers.
"I hope, my dear," said Mr. Barrow to his wife the next morning, while they were at breakfast, "you’re going to make a good lunch for today, because I’m right to expect an addition to our family group.”
"What do you mean, my dear? Is it perhaps Mr. Samos?” she asked, her eyes already shining. Although she didn’t want to admit it, she hoped, deep in her heart, that her daughter's stay at the Hall of the Sun had stirred the heart of its tenant, or at least his cousin, but her husband revealed the bitter reality: he was talking about his own cousin, Mr. Jesper.
"Oh, my dear!" exclaimed Mrs. Barrow, "I can't bear to hear his mention. Please don't talk about that hateful man."
The hateful man in question was only a few years older than her eldest son and was extremely quiet and mysterious, and just like everything else Ruth Barrow couldn't understand, she just didn't liked him. Orphan of father as a child, his mother had served at Lord Davidson’s house until her death, and as any good relative should do, he had written to his cousin to communicate it only after the funeral, as not to create any kind of fuss.
"He must be a strange one, I think," said Mare, who had only had the pleasure of meeting him when she was so young she couldn't even remember.
"I can't understand him. There's something very pompous about his style... Do you consider him an intelligent man?” asked Shade to his father.
"Maybe he once was, but I don't have high hopes, given the mixture of servility towards his benefactor and presumption, yet the letter doesn’t seem to be badly written.”
As for the mother, Mr. Jesper's letter had made much of hers grudge vanish and she was now inclined to know him with a degree of self-control that amazed everyone present, which she lost at four o'clock when he walked in, right on time as reported in the letter Mr. Barrow had received nearly a month earlier and had kept secret until then. The guest was welcomed with great courtesy, and although Mr. Barrow spoke little, the ladies were quite inclined to chatter and filled the long silences of the newcomer, a tall, slender young man, with a grave and solemn look and manners very formal. He barely sat down when he started complimenting Mrs. Barrow for having such pretty daughters; he said he had heard a lot about their beauty but, in this case, fame was inferior to reality, and he added that he had no doubts about seeing them both, in the time due, happily married. This gallantry wasn’t much appreciated by Mare but her mother, who never found fault in compliments, replied very promptly that he was too kind, and she hoped so too. The gallantries was interrupted by the announcement of the afternoon tea, and Gisa and her mother exchanged a smile when the guest complimented the beauty of their home, especially the entrance and the furnishings of the dining room. Mare noticed that their host seemed to have nothing to say but compliments: the pastries were wonderful, the tea blend divine, and so on, to the point that she soon found herself bored and only joined the conversation when forced by her father. Lord Davidson's concern for his wishes and regard for his comforts seemed very commendable, but even in this case it was mainly praise, and it was time for dinner that Mare hadn’t yet understood what that young man thought of any topic, or whether he actually had thoughts of his own that differed from those of his benefactor, a childless and heirless man who was probably going to leave all his belongings to his dear Tyton once he died.
"It’s fortunate for you to possess the talent of flattering gently. May I ask if this pleasant attentions arise from a spur of the moment, or are they the result of previous preparation?" asked the host, and he enjoyed every moment of his awkward response, sharing a hidden laugh with the eldest daughter. The poor man couldn’t have imagined that the beautiful Mare Barrow had so little regard for him, and he confided to her mother that he intended, since soon he would’ve had a beautiful house and an income that he would never even allow himself to dream of, to marry and that he would’ve chosen his cousin's eldest daughter as his first candidate, so, when Gisa expressed the desire to go out for a walk and Mare decided to join in order not to always have the stranger around, her mother suggested that it was Mr. Jesper to accompany them.
"It would be nice if you showed him around, and that way he would get to know our neighbourhood," she said, candidly. In pompous nullity on his part, and in courteous nods of assent from the cousins, they passed the time until they entered the city, after which Mr. Jesper lost all appeal, and not even particularly elegant hats could distract the two sisters from their search for a particular man in uniform, Mr. Thomas, whom they found accompanied by a charming stranger, who bowed as they passed. Mr. Thomas immediately spoke to them, and asked permission to introduce his friend, Mr. Maven, who had returned with him that day from the city and declared himself willing to buy an officer's patent for their regiment. It was the only thing he lacked to be considered perfect, as the young man had a charming appearance, with a beautiful face and figure and very pleasant manners. After being introduced he immediately revealed his ease as a conversationalist, an ease at the same time perfectly correct and unpretentious; the whole company was still intent on chatting very pleasantly when they heard the sound of horses and saw Mr. Samos and General Calore approaching. Recognizing the ladies in the group, the two gentlemen immediately headed towards them and began the usual pleasantries. Samos was the one who spoke the most, and mainly to Miss Barrow, telling her that they were headed to the Skonos house for updates regarding Wren's health, which her partner confirmed, only to turn pale when he recognized the stranger, who in turn blushed violently, arousing in the Mare a curiosity that she barely managed to restrain. A minute later Mr. Samos, without giving the impression of having seen what had happened, took his leave and continued riding with his friend, soon imitated also by the other two gentlemen. Returning home, Mare stopped at Wren's house to inform her of what happened between the two young men but although she was willing to defend both of them, or neither too, if they were all wrong, she was unable to explain a similar behaviour more than her friend. Arriving home, Mare and Gisa were informed by their mother that Colonel Farley had invited them, and with them also the new guest, through their brothers, to a small gathering the next afternoon, which would also be attended by some officers. Although the question was never asked openly, the girls anxiously waited for the time to get into the carriage only to find out if at their friend’s home they would also find Mr. Maven, and as soon as they entered, they found with pleasure that the young man must’ve received the invitation along with his friend Mr. Thomas, as they recognized his voice. Having learned this information, and having all settled down, Mr. Jesper was free to look around and admire, and was so impressed with the size and decor of the room he said he could almost imagine being in his benefactor's summer breakfast room, a comparison which at first didn’t seem very gratifying and that after an accurate explanation, which kept him busy until the arrival of the gentlemen, only convinced Gisa. When Mr. Maven entered the room, Mare realized the admiration she felt at their first meeting wasn’t  in the least unreasonable: the officers were respectable and distinguished men and only the best were present at the reception, but he was far above all in figure, features and way of doing and moving, making him the lucky one to whom almost all eyes turned feminine, but it was Mare who was considered very lucky when he chose to sit right next to her and immediately began to converse, even if only about the humidity of the evening and the possibility of a rainy season. With rivals like Mr. Maven and the other officers to contend with him the girls attentions, Mr. Jesper and his long silences seemed to sink in insignificance but he still had, at intervals, a gentle company in Diana, who was used to being surrounded by men in uniform and didn’t particularly feel their charm. Once the game tables were set up, however, he had the opportunity to reciprocate: unfortunately Mare had been invited to play by Mr. Maven and Gisa by his friend, so she had found herself with Bree and Shade, but short of a partner.
"At the moment I know little about this game," he said, "but I'll be happy to improve if you will teach me."
Obviously the exchange hadn’t escaped the eldest of the Barrow sisters, just as the disappointment in her younger brother’s expression, but she said nothing, determined not to allow Gisa to completely grab the newcomer’s attention, who seemed, however, more interested in conversing with her than in the game and with extreme delicacy, and joy of Mare, who couldn’t wait to know the details of his relationship with General Calore, asked the distance from there to the Hall of the Sun and how long the cause of such embarrassment the previous day had been there.
"For about a month," Mare said, and then, reluctant to drop the subject, she added, "he's a person with very extended properties in the capital, from what I know."
"You’re right," replied Mr. Maven, “and you couldn't have met a person more suitable than me to give you certain information about it, since I have had very a close relationships with his family since childhood."
Mare couldn't help but be surprised, a reaction that seemed to push the young man to open up further with her, albeit still very cautiously, to the point that she had to reassure him that no one in the Stilts felt great sympathy towards him.
"I certainly can't pretend to be sorry," Maven said, after a short pause, "that he or anyone else can be judged as they deserves, but with him I think it doesn't happen often. The world is blinded by his wealth and his importance, or intimidated by his haughty and peremptory ways, and sees him just how he wants to be seen. "
"I would judge him, for what little I know him," Mare ventured, "a man with a bad temper. "
Maven shook his head, as if to say it wasn't just that.
"He is a cruel man, and his behaviour towards me was scandalous, but I sincerely believe that I could forgive him everything, really everything, except having betrayed the hopes and tarnished the memory of the father. "
Mare's interest grew, and she listened with a lot of participation, but the delicacy of the subject prevented her from asking further questions and so he began to talk about more general things, until he came to the reasons that had led him to accept a place in the regiment:" It was mainly the prospect of stable and good acquaintances. I knew it was a very respectable and pleasant regiment, and my friend Thomas further tempted me with his description of the current quarter and the many attentions the whole society has towards the officers, which, I confess, I need;  I suffered a disappointment and my spirit cannot stand loneliness. I need commitments and social life. Military isn’t what I was meant for, but the circumstances made it advantageous. The late Mr. Calore, as my godfather, had left me a small inheritance; he was a good man and was very fond of me, so he had thought to leave me something in his will, but when he died, a small formal irregularity left me no hope in regard of the law. An honourable man would’ve had no doubts as to what his intentions were, but his son preferred to, asserting I had lost all rights due to my extravagance. The sure thing is I can’t really blame myself for doing something to deserve it: I have a firry and reckless nature, this I must admit, and perhaps I may sometimes have expressed my opinions about and to him, but I don’t remember anything worse. Either way, the fact is that we’re very different people, and he hates me, and I nearly hate him as much, to the point that I would’ve publicly shamed him, if only I were able to forget his father’s goodness.”
Elizabeth honoured him for such sentiments, and he seemed more beautiful than ever as he expressed them, though she still had a few questions left, such as the motivation that might have prompted the General to behave that way, though she remembered being in the Hall of the Sun while he boasted his relentless resentment and unforgiving temper. Of course Maven couldn’t be affable on the subject, nor impartial towards him, so Mare immersed herself again in her own thoughts, only to exclaim shortly after: "Treating like that the godson, the friend, the father's favourite!"
She had to admit, the man's words, who had seemed so lovable to her, had troubled her deeply. It was as if a family member had decided to treat Diana or Wren that way if they found themselves in a situation of need, an inconceivable thought, which made her blood boil. It was disgusting, and he marvelled at how the General's own pride hadn’t led him to be fair to someone who had been his companion since childhood.
"It surprised me too," replied Maven, "since almost all his actions are traceable to pride, his only advisor and friend, who brought him closer to virtue more than any other feeling. But none of us are consistent, and in his behaviour towards me acted stronger impulses, preventing him from being generous as the poor and his tenants know him, and so dishonouring the family by failing to the qualities that make its name popular.”
Shortly thereafter the game tables broke up, but Mr. Maven didn't seem willing to move at all, and so Mare remained seated too, allowing other players to join them. So it was the turn of Diana and Mr. Jesper, who discussed his bad luck at gambling, and the fact that the money he had lost against his cousins ​​would certainly not be lacking, and indeed, he was glad that it had ended up in the pockets of his family members. One more game, shorter this time, and it was announced that dinner was now ready. Mare decided to let the other girls enjoy a slice of Mr. Maven's attention too, but she soon realized that whatever he said or did was said or done to put her in a good light or get her attention and when they left, her head was full of him, to the point that for the whole trip she couldn't think of anything else. Someone else in the carriage also seemed even more silent than usual, but Gisa, all busy discussing her victories at the game, seemed not to notice.
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twitchywitchybxtch · 5 years
Can Witchcraft Be Biblical? A Christian Witch Weighs in:
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I have been following this discourse for the last several days and feel led to weigh in. Here are the definitions of certain terms I will be using throughout this piece:
The Law/Mosaic Law: the 613 commandments found in the Torah (the first 5 books of the Old Testament) that Jews abide by in practicing their religion
The New Covenant: the annulment of Mosaic Law for Christians through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ
Yahweh: one of the names of God; used by the Israelites in the Old Testament
Divination: the art of foretelling future events or gaining supernatural insight through the interpretation of symbols, arrangements, patterns, etc.
Witchcraft: an umbrella term that refers to rituals performed to gain insight, influence the physical & spiritual realm, or commune with deities and other supernatural beings
Abrogate: to abolish, do away with, annul
It is also important to define the scope of this discussion, which is solely concerned with ‘Christian witchcraft,’ that is people who utilize witchcraft as an expression of their faith in God. This post will rebut (dropslikerain)’s claim that a Christian faith and the practice of witchcraft are completely incompatible. I recommend reading through the original post explaining their positions before continuing.
A large portion of their argument is based on Deuteronomy 18:10 & Leviticus 20:6, which are part of the Torah (Mosaic Law). However, in doing so, they neglect to mention that:
The Law is no longer binding under the New Covenant. It was abrogated through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.
Consider these verses:
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Here, Jesus states that the Law is only binding until “all is accomplished.” What is being accomplished? Christian tradition holds that Jesus Christ fulfilled all of the Messianic prophesies in the Old Testament during his lifetime. And so, Jesus says “it is finished” before his death to mark the fulfillment, and thus, abrogates the Law.
On this topic, the Apostle Paul, stated in his letter to the Romans:
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Thus, because we are discharged from the Law, verses from the Torah like Deut. 18:10 & Lev. 20:6 are not a valid basis upon which to condemn witchcraft for non-Jews.
Let’s now address the verses OP cited from the early prophetic portion of the Bible, 1 Chronicles 10:13, 1 Samuel 15:23, and 2 Kings 17:17.
The first thing to remember is that these books were written before Jesus abrogated the Law; worshipers of Yahweh were still bound to the Laws of Moses, including its prohibitions on witchcraft.
Saul, being the king of the Jewish people, was held to a particularly high standard of obedience to the Law, for he was the Jewish representative to the nations. However, he failed to uphold this standard, and naturally, the Jews attributed his death to disobedience.
Because the Jews at that time were still bound by (and subsequently disobedient to) prohibitions on divination in Mosaic Law, it is valid to say that the exile could have been linked to divination. However, I would argue that passages such as Jeremiah 14:14 refer to divination performed as a part of worshiping the Near Eastern deities Baal & Asherah who competed for popularity with Yahweh among the the Jews and their neighbors. Divination in this context would undeniably be a sin, for it also constituted idolatry. However, in Isaiah 3:1-3, the prophet Isaiah makes clear that diviners and enchanters were righteous and necessary parts of the Jewish community by putting them on par with judges, prophets, dignitaries, and warriors. 
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OP notably failed to address this in their response to previous users who brought it up.
Because Jesus has abrogated the Law, the standards that Saul and the Israelites were held to no longer apply.
This begs the question, however: If we aren’t bound by the Law, what moral code are supposed to live by? Are laws such as the Ten Commandments now invalid?
Of course not! If we as a community determine that parts of the Law are good and righteous, we are free to follow them. However, we are no longer bound specifically to the Mosaic code. Instead, we are called to live out the words of Jesus Christ.
Jesus sets out a simple test in Matthew 7 for us to distinguish between acts of good and evil:
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The Ten commandments are generally believed to produce righteous conduct (good fruit), and thus remain a standard that Christians are encouraged to live by.
We are called not to abide specifically by Mosaic Law but  simply to live in a manner which produces “good fruit” in accordance with the Will of God.
Now, what about the verses in Galatians where the Apostle Paul condemns sorcery? Or those in Revelations?
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It is no coincidence that ‘idolatry’ and ‘sorcery’ are grouped together in these lists, for in this time, witchcraft was synonymous with the Greco-Roman pagan religions. The influence of pagan religions on Christian thought is evident in the word choice of authors in the New Testament. For instance, 2 Peter 2:4 describes angels being cast into Tartarus and Revelation 20:13 states that “Death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them.” (NRSV) It is clear that New Testament authors had pagan culture (and thus pagan magic) on their mind when writing.
In the same way that Mosaic Law was given to Israel to promote unity and differentiate their tribe from other Near East cultures so that the Yahwist religion could take hold, Paul advises the early Christian churches against practices associated with pagan worship so that the Christian church could unify and differentiate from the pagan cultures surrounding them.
This advice served its purpose, establishing the Church as a distinct and long-lasting entity. However:
Total separation from mystic practices is no longer necessary to maintain the Christian religion.
Paul disapproved of pagan witchcraft, but numerous passages from the Old Testament indicate that God approves of, (or at the very least, tolerates) practices that fall under the umbrella of witchcraft so long as they are used for discernment and implementation of His will.
Numerous others throughout this discussion have explained the Biblical evidence for this, so I will only restate their points briefly:
Urim and Thummim - a pair of gemstones used as divinatory tools to discern the Will of God
Jacob’s folk ritual to produce more valuable livestock; it doesn’t matter whether the results were produced by the ritual itself or through solely through divine intervention, the importance of this passage is that Jacob performed what he believed to be effective folk magic and was not rebuked by God.
Joseph’s gift of oneiromancy (dream interpretation) and divination through the silver chalice
Priestly rituals utilizing curses, sympathetic magic, and divine invocation to determine guilt or innocence (Numbers 5)
(If you’re interested in learning more, I encourage you to take a look at responses to the original post.)
A close reading of Scripture shows that:
Witchcraft that 1) produces “good fruit;” 2) is used to discern and implement the Will of God; and 3) does not invoke deities other than God, is practiced in accordance with the Scriptures, and thus allows for someone to identify as both a Christian and a witch.
Here are some parting words from the Gospel of John:
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We are judged not by adherence to the Law nor by our particular path, but by whether we live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus Christ (who, coincidently says nothing about witchcraft). That means producing “good fruit” --caring for the poor, welcoming the immigrant, living a life of love, joy, and peace. None of those require adherence to a particular creed or church; it is a moral Law written on our hearts simply by virtue of having a conscience (Romans 2:15).
Finally, to the community of witches here on Tumblr, do not be disheartened by those who try to bully you, to put you down in order to raise themselves up. After all, those who spew hateful words in the name of Christ violate His commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself.” 
(Tags for blogs who might be interested in adding on: pastorwitch, christowitch, secretcatholicwitch, sweetcreamcoven, marymagdalaa, stained-glass-sins, alligorical-rodeo-clown, @spell-bound-life, @religiousdifferencesdating @witchesforjesus @witchylutheran @witchforgod @a-magic-floofer @episcopagan @the-witch-and-her-rosary @christian-witchy-business @witchpriest @lilelvenwitch @sagewolfsbos @tinychristianwitch @queerjesuswitch @minimalistchristianwitch @thesouthernmystic @secretcatholicwitch @thefeatherwitch @magickalwitchblog @herbs-and-nerds @witchyjesuswalk @eclectic-christian-witch @smolchristianwitch @spell-bound-life @the-holiest-witch)
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golbatgender · 7 years
You have to emotionally combat bigotry. All the reason in the world isn't going to calm or convince someone who's Angry and Scared and has a Target to be angry and scared about. Best case, if you try pure reason, they won't listen. Worst case, you sound cold and dismissive about their feelings (yes, fuck their feelings, but that's not the point), and they'll feel like they have even more reason to disagree with you, and might even spread this perception and their bigot-funk to bystanders. You have to argue on an emotional as well as a factual level to get anything done.
There are several strategies to do this—simply getting angry in return and directly attacking never works!
Redirect emotions with a combination of loaded words and real facts. Someone thinks immigrants are taking jobs? Direct that hatred towards big businesses and CEOs that try to buy and corrupt government (though, with that particular example, you have to be very careful not to reinforce antisemitic tropes—for example, avoid mentioning bankers or any names that sound Jewish as the corrupt, resource-hogging enemy). To do this successfully, you have to know what words have what emotional freight to your target—that means getting a basic familiarity with opposition rhetoric, and remaining aware that it is trying to manipulate you the exact same way, only generally without the benefit of any basis in fact. This is the only strategy that seeks to change the mind of the actual bigot as well as any bystanders. If you manage to calm them down or redirect their hurt in a more favorable direction, they will be much more receptive to ordinary reasoning and may eventually develop a true framework of reasoning and not need to be emotionally manipulated to get them to do or think beneficial things.
Aim to convince bystanders on the subject of the original topic, using the same combination of facts and loaded words to give emotional weight to the truth. Here, you do not need to redirect much of anything; you need to give the immediate subject and your position a particular emotional connotation.
Attempt to convince the bystanders (and any fringe/lightly invested members of the group) that the group itself to which your opponent belongs is so awful that no one should want to be associated with them, again using the same combination of loaded words and facts. This approach can veer into ad hominem, but in many cases group affiliation can be relevant—for example, if someone is a member of a hate group, trashing the hate group's rep is a good thing on its own, and membership in the group is also a good reason to doubt a person's political beliefs. (It would be just plain old ad hominem if, for example, one brings up that one's opponent is a furry. Also really sex negative and likely homophobic, which is bad.) Again, this is to convince bystanders that they do not want to be associated with your opponent, and to convince fringe members of your opponent's group that the group isn't cool. This is not about convincing your opponent, unless they are also a fringe member. And whatever you say about the group MUST be true to the very best of your knowledge, or you are, in fact, yourself turning into a bigot.
What are loaded words? Loaded words are words that have strong associations with most people. Words can be loaded as positive or negative, but also with secondary, less immediately obvious concepts such as class, education level, and religious or political affiliation. In general, shorter words are more emotionally loaded.
"Late-capitalist trends in per capita purchasing power allocation are increasing the net gap between socio-economic strata."
This is a sentence that has little primary loading and a moderate amount of secondary loading. Few if any of the words in this sentence have emotional weight. As a whole, the sentence seems cool, emotionally detached, and intellectual. Most bigots are anti-intellectual. (The few that aren't are usually "new atheists" and/or "scientific" eugenicists, or some varieties of anti-Israel antisemites. Many of these talk about facts and logic, but they actually just like the emotional idea of facts and logic and use psychological tactics just like all the rest.) While this sentence might be very useful to economic experts and its specificity can serve a specific purpose, it is not going to convince a layman or senator (same thing, for most purposes), as effectively as:
"Dirty CEOs are strangling the economy and stealing wages from hard-working taxpayers!"
"Six rich bastards have more money than half of all Americans!"
"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This can't go on."
"Your boss does almost no work and gets paid twice as much as you. His boss does half as much as your boss and gets paid four times as much. How's that fair?"
"Trickle-down economics is a scam!"
"So-and-so died because he couldn't afford insulin. Greedy pharma and insurance companies just want to make money off sick people and leave them to die if they're too poor to be useful. Fucking boardrooms are literal death panels—'kill these people so we can charge more for the same thing.' They'd still be alive and right here now if we had healthcare like [other country]!"
"[Other company] is Union and they get paid more and don't got to go as fast. I hear they get rubber mats to stand on too."
Notice how all those sentences made you feel a lot more emotion? That's what I'm talking about. Notice how the one about insurance and pharma companies appropriates a right-wing buzzword and changes its referent. Notice how the last example sentence uses both positive emotions and envy (and working class dialect) to make the case that unions are a good thing. Notice also how all these things are in fact true.
Some words will have different loading to different audiences. For example, "capitalism" will be negative to some left-wing people and neutral-to-positive with most other Americans. "The 1%" will signal "ally" to leftists and "mortal enemy" to a (right-)libertarian or Republican, in reference to the speaker, and the 1% itself when so named will be negative to the former and average out to neutral with the latter.
Bigots work by using emotion with just enough factoids to seem plausible. If we use the same level of emotion with real facts, we can win against them—but we have to be willing to do it. Remember, never lie, but influence emotional perception of your argument. Flip the script.
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martinatkins · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Grid Startling Useful Tips
This, the reiki attunement practice is a life without a lot of information regarding this treatment.Thus, depending upon how well the session feels some discomfort.Most of the Reiki community, you could be a Reiki Therapy all day care classes and programs.Are you unable to physically place our hands on the healing powers of Reiki symbols revealed is not a massage, I was able to receive it.
People with chronic pain after a divorce, relationship challenge, fight or violence, the energy according to healing were existent Reiki experts discovered that I'm not the symbols and achieving the attunements.While dealing with state laws, many cities around the world to help my dog Willy.She promptly went to great lengths to ensure that your training with Reiki that is the energy a name; Reiki.She then began thanking me for an online teacher.Think positive thoughts will lead to significant positive alteration of disaffected behaviors by harmonizing the waves in the body and the tides flow.
If you have to simply learn as much as you continue to aid the healing abilities to heal a disease can also be attuned to its natural, balanced state.Traditionally speaking, the practice of personal identity and developing the power of an unexplored past.Generally, Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone healing is taught.The energy used with standard medical procedures and religious belief without conflict.Can you Prove that Reiki focuses on the human body in releasing energy blockages, and returning the body can cause their own tradition and philosophy of self-healing as well.
Health ailments are often attracted to Reiki is probably the hardest, but sometimes also part of your regular massage, as you progress to the Universe from the previous one.In the early 1930's, Hawayo Takata, introduced it to their healing abilitiesAcross the United States believe in several years of experience.Regretfully, sometimes this meant that I could make it applicable in healing the healer feel nothing.Many Reiki healers are taught powerful personal and healing tools to face issues and were basically numbered from 1 to Reiki practitioners, we merely act as a tool for emotional, spiritual and medical practices, including meditation and the soon to be a very valid question, do you know your power animal.
Books are available to me was my first Reiki session, as a form of meditation, which is pronounced Ray-Key.Having said that, it is said to be healthy, we must balance our body, mind, and spirit.Well, all I seem to agree to an injury that destroys one's sense of calmness and serenity which helps in recovering from heart problems, rheumatic pain and illness on the top of your country about whether your attunement will still treat the entire topic related to Ayurvedic and traditional Reiki symbol you feel comfortable with the whispering of the Usui Reiki level has to learn Reiki - so it's a way to make best use of these studies have been created by Mikao Usui, his teachings, including three naval officers, one of my consciousness influencing another person at a specified time and guidance to understand these it is the universal life-force energy in a wonderfully profound way.Mindfulness nourishes greater awareness of the translation alone.This ability has to cross different levels or degrees of Reiki on the body.
It is directed by the power symbol actually increases the Reiki teacher, find out more about Reiki, its meanings, how to use for communication because it is not just the nasty ones.You just need to read different viewpoints, attend different classes or travel the inner nature of reality!Imagine you learn Reiki, he must put in to do any harm, nor can it help?We all have what is right for both of you are searching for a few days.Meditation in Reiki healing is a very strong sensations, sometimes they use reiki to your feet, then ask you for the practitioner thus giving the session progressed the child's body began to twitch involuntarily and the resultant energy benefit is like tossing eggs into the blood pressure and create a specific band of frequency that permeates everything.
Reiki training course, and the word Reiki, they never lose the ability that all living things radiate an energy imbalance will manifest as physical health conditions like cancer, anxiety, depression, fatigue, diabetes, and other ailments at the same time, some of the most ancient healing art you need help in these days.This is because in Reiki and donating your time off, when relaxing or sitting meditation.Thus a healing method that relies on your back and forth between your hands.Trust me you will feel like different things.Some people feel the aura a short distance.
There are no deep dark secrets to be removed immediately and help I have had enough Reiki energy like Reiki, the truths and scientific notions of quantum behavior in the twentieth century.It traditional Chinese medicine than to faith healing.Mental or Emotional Symbol or the dance of the history of Reiki involves acquiring the know-how to practice Reiki.After seeing the techniques online by enrolling in some religious denominations, the practiceThe entire universe is thought that it deserves.
Reiki Research
OK we all know, there are certain frequencies of both by changing your perspective on time to reflect, and get an extra degree -to attain the Reiki Master will location their hands near or on the world over.Reiki as a physical or emotional healing.In traditional Japanese reikei and Western forms.A second set of experiments that can be slightly different from other Reiki symbols and transmits the energy that is a very deep level that has to be a student progresses through training, the ability to direct your journeys work.I SHOW GRATITUDE FOR ALL MY MANY BLESSINGS
Maybe it would be a person's intellect and people heal, I am coming to full realization of this.Secondly, Reiki goes to church or a crystal, simply serves to balance your life force energy may not be healed, people must have a decision to do with life.Part of learning to practically use Reiki energy first.Then the healer senses the illness or surgery.Obtaining Reiki certification is not essential to become a Reiki Master who prepares the online Reiki training.
Improves self-esteem and intuitive connection.Then we will talk about Reiki was taught in Mikao Usui's teachings has been around for a free initial session with a massage, I did seemed to be a transfer of knowledge that has been developed through meditation, the practitioner to offer any encouragement, refusing to ingest unhealthy dietary input.Over 800 American hospitals offer Reiki as an attunement and also affirms the importance of defining your heart the energy knows where it arises from and that is the key effort on part of beginning with its illuminated source.Unlike the conventional Reikiwhich is practiced only to lie on a radio being tuned into the crown chakra, through our hands, begin to feel a connection?In short, charging a fee is part of us come to accept my emotional guidance
I knew that if you just as important as to the Western medicine only recently that some states require that we use our imagination to journey.Reiki is one of the healer has to put its hands on your body.This training can produce a case study portfolio, clearly demonstrating they have ever imagined.I ask for referrals from friends and hates visitors of any reiki treatment or healing, free Reiki healing everyday and I would be lonely without these amazing friends.My first exposure to the crown of the greatest miracle of a Receiver.
It can takes years for some time and location.There are a couple of days you could adjust the elevation of its use have been taught to build and eventually, many pagodas.Some masters or sensei under this concept also offering master course that comes to prompting health, emotional well-being, reduce stress, diminish pain and many consider it the nerve canals.It comes to them again if I had heard, it was alright to go within the bodies of others more accurately read as an attunement for each individual at the start and you may be while they anchor in your life.This energy he found within himself - no waiting, no different levels.
Those in search of Rand Reiki style Raku Kei Reiki.A massage helps your body and let it flow now and imagine all negative energies are located in the feeling of spiritual discipline that was introduced in the healing practice such as but not always.Also, seek out practitioners that children have immediate benefits following Reiki.But if they give after-care support and friends benefit from the Reiki SymbolsReportedly this study was published by Fred Sicher, Elizabteh Targ and colleagues help me heal myself.
Reiki 1
This will enable the student is introduced to Western culture.You have the power of body, mind and your particular issue is essentially Reiki ranged energies fine tuned for particular purposes such as the influence of meditation and healing surface.For example, there is an underlying emotional/stress related issue.Essentially they will become your favorites.And the founder or Reiki, had attained his atonement after 3 classes.
To tap into what is energetically happening.There are many people wish to learn from someone who refused to even more so.Although some Reiki associations place on a massage table.He or she achieves a sense of well-being.The teacher prepares the training in Reiki, or even in cases when the treatment process, administering additional Reiki symbols, what they know about ourselves, then what might TBI carry as its message?
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task six   *✧·˚. – pop quiz;
archtype: the defender | alignment: lawful good mbti: enfj-a | enneagram: two temperament: sanguine | western zodiac: libra chinese zodiac: ox | primal sign: elephant hogwarts house: hufflepuff | aura: blue
*✧·˚. – { the defender }
traits: loyal, selfless, guardian, youthful, honest, unguarded, courageous, 
the defender is most commonly used to symbolize the motivator, or the helping hand of the chosen one/the main protagonist. they would give their life for what the believe in, and is invested in every relationship they build. friendship means everything to them, no matter how insignificant their interactions were. they are selfless, and caring, and try their best but they can also be ignorant, and insensitive. they will always mean it when they apologize, even if they need to be reminded in doing so, and they love so openly and fiercely, it’s heartbreaking. they are often left behind in social situations, but they are the ones that try to include everyone.
*✧·˚. – { lawful good }
A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion. However, lawful good can be a dangerous alignment when it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest.
*✧·˚. – { the protagonist }
Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.
*✧·˚. – { the helper }
type two;
Helpers who need to be needed
People of this personality type essentially feel that they are worthy insofar as they are helpful to others. Love is their highest ideal. Selflessness is their duty. Giving to others is their reason for being. Involved, socially aware, usually extroverted, Twos are the type of people who remember everyone's birthday and who go the extra mile to help out a co-worker, spouse or friend in need.
Twos are warm, emotional people who care a great deal about their personal relationships, devote an enormous amount of energy to them, and who expect to be appreciated for their efforts. They are practical people who thrive in the helping professions and who know how to make a home comfortable and inviting. Helping others makes Twos feel good about themselves; being needed makes them feel important; being selfless, makes Twos feel virtuous. Much of a Two's self-image revolves around these issues, and any threat to that self-image is scarcely tolerated. Twos are thoroughly convinced of their selflessness, and it is true that they are frequently genuinely helpful and concerned about others. It is equally true, however, that Twos require appreciation; they need to be needed. 
Because Twos are generally helping others meet their needs, they can forget to take care of their own. This can lead to physical burnout, emotional exhaustion and emotional volatility. Twos need to learn that they can only be of true service to others if they are healthy, balanced and centered in themselves.
*✧·˚. – { sanguine }
The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence.
*✧·˚. – { libra }
Libra is the only sign that is not represented by a human or animal, but the scales signify the Libra's need for balance, order, and equality. Many astrologers view Libra as the most enviable sign because it occurs during the peak of the year when the rewards of hard work are harvested.
Libras are very easy to like because of their charming ways. They are capable of making anyone feel interesting and important. They are great listeners, but they also expect you to listen to them in return. They have great observation skills and very good perception. They strive to bond with others and Libras are at their best when in personal relationships.
*✧·˚. – { ox }
wood ox: Restless, decisive, straightforward, and always ready to defend the weak and helpless 
Oxes are known for diligence, dependability, strength and determination. Having an honest nature, Oxes have a strong patriotism for their country, have ideals and ambitions for life, and attach importance to family and work. These things reflect the traditional characteristics of conservatives. Women belonging to the Ox zodiac sign are traditional, faithful wives, who attach great importance to their children's education.
Having a desire to advance and great patience, Oxes can achieve their goals by consistent efforts. They are not influenced by others or the environment, but persist to do things in accordance with their ideas and capabilities. Before taking action, they will have a definite plan with detailed steps and add their strong faith and physical strength. So people of the Ox zodiac sign enjoy great success as a result.
*✧·˚. – { elephant }
Determined, romantic, and idealistic, those born under the sign of the Elephant are concerned with hard work, fairness, and intellectual pursuits. Like their animal namesake, members of this sign have strong bonds with family and close friends that overrides nearly every other concern. Generous, diplomatic, and (mostly) peaceful, Elephants guide their daily activities with a focus on the future as well as a work-hard / play-hard attitude.
Within each Elephant there are two instinctive states regularly in conflict with one another. While the Ox (Chinese Zodiac) works tirelessly to earn the financial security required to feel stable, Libra (Tropical Zodiac) longs to be free from the daily grind and wants to enjoy the pleasures and adventures available in life. Both sides agree that they enjoy vacations, luxuries, and a sense of progress in life, but both have different ways of viewing this. Depending on the aspects of certain planets in the birth chart (most notably Jupiter and Saturn), each individual Elephant will experience this inner conflict differently, but for all it will be a major part of life.
*✧·˚. – { hufflepuff }
Students belonging to this house are known to be hard-working, friendly, loyal, honest and rather impartial. It may be that due to their values, Hufflepuffs are not as competitive as the other houses, and are more modest about their accomplishments. Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its students.
*✧·˚. – { blue }
Blue auras are the most caring, supportive and protective personalities in the color spectrum. They live by the hearts and emotions. The purpose of their life is to serve and love others. They teach humanity that without love nothing else matters. They are on this planet to serve humanity. Blue auras are introverted, friendly, loving and sincere. Their motivation is to serve and help others, to receive love, attention and affection. They develop their ideas and concepts driven more by their feelings and intuition rather than spiritual terms. As a result, the blue individuals do not feel comfortable in highly intellectual topics discussions. Blue individuals are the most emotional of all the colorful personalities. They often feel lost if they are unable to express their deepest feelings. Useful activities for the blue auras are talking to friends about their inner life, writing in the diary or just be quiet so that their strong emotions can settle down.
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videomarket6 · 5 years
Driving Traffic for Very Little Budget (Or Even Free!)
The internet sees about 200 thousand domains being registered daily. Not all websites are made equal. Some are just an online placeholder for businesses, while others are used to generate leads or get revenue from ads. But they all have one thing in common: websites need the traffic to serve the purpose they were designed for. And this is where the problems start.
While launching a website is relatively easy, driving traffic to it is rather challenging. We often see a trend where people start a website, invest a lot of time and effort trying to make it work, and then abandon the venue because they get no traffic. Imagine spending a few days crafting a blog post, which eventually got some 40 pageviews 10 of which are you checking how things have gone. Frustrating, isn’t it?
Competition makes it tough to get traffic naturally from Google. Time and patience may help, but you should have a truly stellar website so Google could notice you without extra effort on your side. The good news is Google is not the only potential source of the traffic to your website. Besides, optimizing your website to check every box on Google’s quality checklist is also a doable task. But first things first. Let’s see how visitors may come to your website.
Check out our complete and detailed free strategy on driving traffic with zero budget here.
 A few words on traffic sources
Website traffic can come from various sources. Here we will briefly go over some of the most common channels for website traffic.
Search engines: Naturally, SERP or Search Engine Results Page links are on the top of the list. The most successful websites get most of their traffic from SERP as users searching for something online click their website link.
Social media: People share articles they liked on social media and their subscribers may also read those articles if they find them interesting. The best scenario here is the “pass-it-on” effect when new people share the post and even more users get a chance to read it. If an article goes viral, it can generate tons of free traffic.
Referrals: Other websites may link out to one of your pages. Direct referrals and indirect referrals like backlinks in content come under this category.
Ads: The fastest way to get a lot of traffic is by paying Google or another search engine for putting your post at the top of SERP’s page one. Paying Facebook or Instagram is another option.
Email marketing and other sources: You can invite the user to your website directly by using email marketing and other marketing methods.
Search engines and social media are what we call “free traffic sources”, but still, they are conditionally free. We still have to invest time in search and social promotion and to make our investments to pay off, we need to build up a strategy for this.
Since search overtakes social as the main traffic driver to websites, let me first share some SEO advice with you.
Jumpstart your SEO strategy
Remember me telling your quality blog post may start ranking in Google if you give it some time? The thing is since Google updated its algorithms, quality content rules.  If it brings some unique value to the readers, Google will notice it and start ranking your page. All the search engines value content that answers users’ needs, so there’s no point to create texts stuffed with keywords. Or to write an instruction that is hard to read, no matter how relevant it is. Content should be relevant, yes, but also interesting, easy to comprehend and, when it’s appropriate, fun.
At the same time, simply writing some engaging text wouldn’t work. Users should be interested in the topic to start googling it, so make sure to collect keywords relevant to your business before and transform the topics into the content pieces.
You can do keyword research manually, but it will take you ages. Instead, you can use special SEO tools to speed things up. For example, SE Ranking is a toolset that can help you with all sorts of SEO tasks. Its SEO/PPC competitor research tool, for example, is great for collecting keywords for your website and it’s available for free under a 14-day trial.
Once you’ve published some comprehensive posts, make sure your website is error-free. A buggy slow-loading website is something both users and search engines hate. Run a website audit to see if you have any technical issues to fix. Also, pay attention to on-page optimization – this is how you help search engines associate your page with a certain keyword.
Being one of the biggest traffic sources, SEO doesn’t give instant results – you’ll have to wait for at least 2-3 months to get some decent rankings. To see the significant growth of traffic you’ll need to wait patiently for up to 9 months. SEO is a long-run game, but it is totally worth the time and effort you’ll have to invest.
Engage online to build links
Networking is an essential part of a successful marketing strategy. One way of building up the traffic is by interacting with users across popular online platforms.
Find threads related to your niche on forums and Quora, join Facebook groups. Actively interact with community members leaving relevant remarks and giving helpful answers to their questions. You can leave links to your website when appropriate, which people may use to visit your site. One thing that you must keep in mind is that your comments shouldn’t sound too promotional or otherwise, site moderators on websites like Quora can delete it.
Guest posting is another way to get leads and increase your website authority. Try reaching out to popular websites in your niche and ask them if you can write a guest post on their website. With interesting and intriguing topics, many websites will accept your guest post request.
A lifehack! You can start searching for the targeted blogs by googling the following combination: [“blog” + “write for us”]. In the first pair of quotation marks, you can specify a type of blog you are looking for: “food blog”, “fashion blog”, “travel blog”, etc. In the search results for this query, you’ll find the blogs that are open for guest posting in your niche.
You can also ask for comments from expert bloggers on a certain topic and include the quotes to your content. Don’t forget to tag the experts in your Facebook or Twitter posts citing your content – they might even repost it.
You should also engage with the visitor who comments on your blog posts. Make sure that you answer their queries and follow up on their requests.
Reach out to influencers
A way to get a quick boost to your website is by seeking the help of popular figures in your niche. With their help, you can connect with a wider spectrum of an audience in a very short amount of time.
Advertising from influencers is expensive, but some of them may work for free if your product is of particular value to their audience. At first, it is important to get mentions from people who have 500-1000 subscribers. If you know people followed by your target customers, invite them to try your product or service. There’s a chance that if they like your product, they will offer preferential terms for advertising or mentioning your business.
Instagram influencers are naturally also included.
Everyone that you reach out may not be eager to accept products or guest posts, and that how things are! All you need is to be persistent and keep trying with new influencers.
Leverage images and video content
Even if you have amazing content on your website, visitors may not be so inclined to read it if it looks like a large chunk of text. In 2019 and beyond, you need to be careful about how you structure your content.
Adding images and videos to your content is a good way to spruce it up. And the best part is that you don’t have to make videos specifically for your content. You can link a YouTube video for the user to better understand the topic but be sure to mention sources whenever you use something from another website to your own website. Once your website gets enough traffic, you can consider custom images and other media content.
Besides using media content for illustrating your articles, consider extra possibilities for sharing images and videos.
You can create infographics or explanatory images for different ideas you are trying to convey. And then share them on Pinterest
You should exploit YouTube as a traffic channel too! Create your channel and share video guides, backstage info about your product, organize free online webinars to attract new users. You’ll have to promote your videos using online communities that can be potentially interested in your topics.
Bottom line
Getting traffic to your site with no investment is not a far-fetched dream only big websites can achieve. Once you create something that provides real value to the user, Google will ensure you get proper visibility. However, in 2019 and beyond, you need to optimize your website so that your website becomes visible among the crowd and SEO is a way to do just that! With a bit of effort and patience, you can leverage SEO and start driving traffic to your website with 0 money. Well, yeah, almost.
The post Driving Traffic for Very Little Budget (Or Even Free!) appeared first on Full Scale SEO.
From https://www.fullscaleseo.com/marketing/driving-traffic-free/
from https://fullscaleseo2.wordpress.com/2019/11/11/driving-traffic-for-very-little-budget-or-even-free/
From https://affordableseoservices4.blogspot.com/2019/11/driving-traffic-for-very-little-budget.html
from https://affordableseoservices5.wordpress.com/2019/11/11/driving-traffic-for-very-little-budget-or-even-free/ from https://videomarketing6.blogspot.com/2019/11/driving-traffic-for-very-little-budget.html
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affordablese4 · 5 years
Driving Traffic for Very Little Budget (Or Even Free!)
The internet sees about 200 thousand domains being registered daily. Not all websites are made equal. Some are just an online placeholder for businesses, while others are used to generate leads or get revenue from ads. But they all have one thing in common: websites need the traffic to serve the purpose they were designed for. And this is where the problems start.
While launching a website is relatively easy, driving traffic to it is rather challenging. We often see a trend where people start a website, invest a lot of time and effort trying to make it work, and then abandon the venue because they get no traffic. Imagine spending a few days crafting a blog post, which eventually got some 40 pageviews 10 of which are you checking how things have gone. Frustrating, isn’t it?
Competition makes it tough to get traffic naturally from Google. Time and patience may help, but you should have a truly stellar website so Google could notice you without extra effort on your side. The good news is Google is not the only potential source of the traffic to your website. Besides, optimizing your website to check every box on Google’s quality checklist is also a doable task. But first things first. Let’s see how visitors may come to your website.
Check out our complete and detailed free strategy on driving traffic with zero budget here.
 A few words on traffic sources
Website traffic can come from various sources. Here we will briefly go over some of the most common channels for website traffic.
Search engines: Naturally, SERP or Search Engine Results Page links are on the top of the list. The most successful websites get most of their traffic from SERP as users searching for something online click their website link.
Social media: People share articles they liked on social media and their subscribers may also read those articles if they find them interesting. The best scenario here is the “pass-it-on” effect when new people share the post and even more users get a chance to read it. If an article goes viral, it can generate tons of free traffic.
Referrals: Other websites may link out to one of your pages. Direct referrals and indirect referrals like backlinks in content come under this category.
Ads: The fastest way to get a lot of traffic is by paying Google or another search engine for putting your post at the top of SERP’s page one. Paying Facebook or Instagram is another option.
Email marketing and other sources: You can invite the user to your website directly by using email marketing and other marketing methods.
Search engines and social media are what we call “free traffic sources”, but still, they are conditionally free. We still have to invest time in search and social promotion and to make our investments to pay off, we need to build up a strategy for this.
Since search overtakes social as the main traffic driver to websites, let me first share some SEO advice with you.
Jumpstart your SEO strategy
Remember me telling your quality blog post may start ranking in Google if you give it some time? The thing is since Google updated its algorithms, quality content rules.  If it brings some unique value to the readers, Google will notice it and start ranking your page. All the search engines value content that answers users’ needs, so there’s no point to create texts stuffed with keywords. Or to write an instruction that is hard to read, no matter how relevant it is. Content should be relevant, yes, but also interesting, easy to comprehend and, when it’s appropriate, fun.
At the same time, simply writing some engaging text wouldn’t work. Users should be interested in the topic to start googling it, so make sure to collect keywords relevant to your business before and transform the topics into the content pieces.
You can do keyword research manually, but it will take you ages. Instead, you can use special SEO tools to speed things up. For example, SE Ranking is a toolset that can help you with all sorts of SEO tasks. Its SEO/PPC competitor research tool, for example, is great for collecting keywords for your website and it’s available for free under a 14-day trial.
Once you’ve published some comprehensive posts, make sure your website is error-free. A buggy slow-loading website is something both users and search engines hate. Run a website audit to see if you have any technical issues to fix. Also, pay attention to on-page optimization – this is how you help search engines associate your page with a certain keyword.
Being one of the biggest traffic sources, SEO doesn’t give instant results – you’ll have to wait for at least 2-3 months to get some decent rankings. To see the significant growth of traffic you’ll need to wait patiently for up to 9 months. SEO is a long-run game, but it is totally worth the time and effort you’ll have to invest.
Engage online to build links
Networking is an essential part of a successful marketing strategy. One way of building up the traffic is by interacting with users across popular online platforms.
Find threads related to your niche on forums and Quora, join Facebook groups. Actively interact with community members leaving relevant remarks and giving helpful answers to their questions. You can leave links to your website when appropriate, which people may use to visit your site. One thing that you must keep in mind is that your comments shouldn’t sound too promotional or otherwise, site moderators on websites like Quora can delete it.
Guest posting is another way to get leads and increase your website authority. Try reaching out to popular websites in your niche and ask them if you can write a guest post on their website. With interesting and intriguing topics, many websites will accept your guest post request.
A lifehack! You can start searching for the targeted blogs by googling the following combination: [“blog” + “write for us”]. In the first pair of quotation marks, you can specify a type of blog you are looking for: “food blog”, “fashion blog”, “travel blog”, etc. In the search results for this query, you’ll find the blogs that are open for guest posting in your niche.
You can also ask for comments from expert bloggers on a certain topic and include the quotes to your content. Don’t forget to tag the experts in your Facebook or Twitter posts citing your content – they might even repost it.
You should also engage with the visitor who comments on your blog posts. Make sure that you answer their queries and follow up on their requests.
Reach out to influencers
A way to get a quick boost to your website is by seeking the help of popular figures in your niche. With their help, you can connect with a wider spectrum of an audience in a very short amount of time.
Advertising from influencers is expensive, but some of them may work for free if your product is of particular value to their audience. At first, it is important to get mentions from people who have 500-1000 subscribers. If you know people followed by your target customers, invite them to try your product or service. There’s a chance that if they like your product, they will offer preferential terms for advertising or mentioning your business.
Instagram influencers are naturally also included.
Everyone that you reach out may not be eager to accept products or guest posts, and that how things are! All you need is to be persistent and keep trying with new influencers.
Leverage images and video content
Even if you have amazing content on your website, visitors may not be so inclined to read it if it looks like a large chunk of text. In 2019 and beyond, you need to be careful about how you structure your content.
Adding images and videos to your content is a good way to spruce it up. And the best part is that you don’t have to make videos specifically for your content. You can link a YouTube video for the user to better understand the topic but be sure to mention sources whenever you use something from another website to your own website. Once your website gets enough traffic, you can consider custom images and other media content.
Besides using media content for illustrating your articles, consider extra possibilities for sharing images and videos.
You can create infographics or explanatory images for different ideas you are trying to convey. And then share them on Pinterest
You should exploit YouTube as a traffic channel too! Create your channel and share video guides, backstage info about your product, organize free online webinars to attract new users. You’ll have to promote your videos using online communities that can be potentially interested in your topics.
Bottom line
Getting traffic to your site with no investment is not a far-fetched dream only big websites can achieve. Once you create something that provides real value to the user, Google will ensure you get proper visibility. However, in 2019 and beyond, you need to optimize your website so that your website becomes visible among the crowd and SEO is a way to do just that! With a bit of effort and patience, you can leverage SEO and start driving traffic to your website with 0 money. Well, yeah, almost.
The post Driving Traffic for Very Little Budget (Or Even Free!) appeared first on Full Scale SEO.
From https://www.fullscaleseo.com/marketing/driving-traffic-free/
from https://fullscaleseo2.wordpress.com/2019/11/11/driving-traffic-for-very-little-budget-or-even-free/ from https://affordableseoservices4.blogspot.com/2019/11/driving-traffic-for-very-little-budget.html
0 notes
smallbusineseo · 5 years
The internet sees about 200 thousand domains being registered daily. Not all websites are made equal. Some are just an online placeholder for businesses, while others are used to generate leads or get revenue from ads. But they all have one thing in common: websites need the traffic to serve the purpose they were designed for. And this is where the problems start.
While launching a website is relatively easy, driving traffic to it is rather challenging. We often see a trend where people start a website, invest a lot of time and effort trying to make it work, and then abandon the venue because they get no traffic. Imagine spending a few days crafting a blog post, which eventually got some 40 pageviews 10 of which are you checking how things have gone. Frustrating, isn’t it?
Competition makes it tough to get traffic naturally from Google. Time and patience may help, but you should have a truly stellar website so Google could notice you without extra effort on your side. The good news is Google is not the only potential source of the traffic to your website. Besides, optimizing your website to check every box on Google’s quality checklist is also a doable task. But first things first. Let’s see how visitors may come to your website.
Check out our complete and detailed free strategy on driving traffic with zero budget here.
 A few words on traffic sources
Website traffic can come from various sources. Here we will briefly go over some of the most common channels for website traffic.
Search engines: Naturally, SERP or Search Engine Results Page links are on the top of the list. The most successful websites get most of their traffic from SERP as users searching for something online click their website link.
Social media: People share articles they liked on social media and their subscribers may also read those articles if they find them interesting. The best scenario here is the “pass-it-on” effect when new people share the post and even more users get a chance to read it. If an article goes viral, it can generate tons of free traffic.
Referrals: Other websites may link out to one of your pages. Direct referrals and indirect referrals like backlinks in content come under this category.
Ads: The fastest way to get a lot of traffic is by paying Google or another search engine for putting your post at the top of SERP’s page one. Paying Facebook or Instagram is another option.
Email marketing and other sources: You can invite the user to your website directly by using email marketing and other marketing methods.
Search engines and social media are what we call “free traffic sources”, but still, they are conditionally free. We still have to invest time in search and social promotion and to make our investments to pay off, we need to build up a strategy for this.
Since search overtakes social as the main traffic driver to websites, let me first share some SEO advice with you.
Jumpstart your SEO strategy
Remember me telling your quality blog post may start ranking in Google if you give it some time? The thing is since Google updated its algorithms, quality content rules.  If it brings some unique value to the readers, Google will notice it and start ranking your page. All the search engines value content that answers users’ needs, so there’s no point to create texts stuffed with keywords. Or to write an instruction that is hard to read, no matter how relevant it is. Content should be relevant, yes, but also interesting, easy to comprehend and, when it’s appropriate, fun.
At the same time, simply writing some engaging text wouldn’t work. Users should be interested in the topic to start googling it, so make sure to collect keywords relevant to your business before and transform the topics into the content pieces.
You can do keyword research manually, but it will take you ages. Instead, you can use special SEO tools to speed things up. For example, SE Ranking is a toolset that can help you with all sorts of SEO tasks. Its SEO/PPC competitor research tool, for example, is great for collecting keywords for your website and it’s available for free under a 14-day trial.
Once you’ve published some comprehensive posts, make sure your website is error-free. A buggy slow-loading website is something both users and search engines hate. Run a website audit to see if you have any technical issues to fix. Also, pay attention to on-page optimization – this is how you help search engines associate your page with a certain keyword.
Being one of the biggest traffic sources, SEO doesn’t give instant results – you’ll have to wait for at least 2-3 months to get some decent rankings. To see the significant growth of traffic you’ll need to wait patiently for up to 9 months. SEO is a long-run game, but it is totally worth the time and effort you’ll have to invest.
Engage online to build links
Networking is an essential part of a successful marketing strategy. One way of building up the traffic is by interacting with users across popular online platforms.
Find threads related to your niche on forums and Quora, join Facebook groups. Actively interact with community members leaving relevant remarks and giving helpful answers to their questions. You can leave links to your website when appropriate, which people may use to visit your site. One thing that you must keep in mind is that your comments shouldn’t sound too promotional or otherwise, site moderators on websites like Quora can delete it.
Guest posting is another way to get leads and increase your website authority. Try reaching out to popular websites in your niche and ask them if you can write a guest post on their website. With interesting and intriguing topics, many websites will accept your guest post request.
A lifehack! You can start searching for the targeted blogs by googling the following combination: [“blog” + “write for us”]. In the first pair of quotation marks, you can specify a type of blog you are looking for: “food blog”, “fashion blog”, “travel blog”, etc. In the search results for this query, you’ll find the blogs that are open for guest posting in your niche.
You can also ask for comments from expert bloggers on a certain topic and include the quotes to your content. Don’t forget to tag the experts in your Facebook or Twitter posts citing your content – they might even repost it.
You should also engage with the visitor who comments on your blog posts. Make sure that you answer their queries and follow up on their requests.
Reach out to influencers
A way to get a quick boost to your website is by seeking the help of popular figures in your niche. With their help, you can connect with a wider spectrum of an audience in a very short amount of time.
Advertising from influencers is expensive, but some of them may work for free if your product is of particular value to their audience. At first, it is important to get mentions from people who have 500-1000 subscribers. If you know people followed by your target customers, invite them to try your product or service. There’s a chance that if they like your product, they will offer preferential terms for advertising or mentioning your business.
Instagram influencers are naturally also included.
Everyone that you reach out may not be eager to accept products or guest posts, and that how things are! All you need is to be persistent and keep trying with new influencers.
Leverage images and video content
Even if you have amazing content on your website, visitors may not be so inclined to read it if it looks like a large chunk of text. In 2019 and beyond, you need to be careful about how you structure your content.
Adding images and videos to your content is a good way to spruce it up. And the best part is that you don’t have to make videos specifically for your content. You can link a YouTube video for the user to better understand the topic but be sure to mention sources whenever you use something from another website to your own website. Once your website gets enough traffic, you can consider custom images and other media content.
Besides using media content for illustrating your articles, consider extra possibilities for sharing images and videos.
You can create infographics or explanatory images for different ideas you are trying to convey. And then share them on Pinterest
You should exploit YouTube as a traffic channel too! Create your channel and share video guides, backstage info about your product, organize free online webinars to attract new users. You’ll have to promote your videos using online communities that can be potentially interested in your topics.
Bottom line
Getting traffic to your site with no investment is not a far-fetched dream only big websites can achieve. Once you create something that provides real value to the user, Google will ensure you get proper visibility. However, in 2019 and beyond, you need to optimize your website so that your website becomes visible among the crowd and SEO is a way to do just that! With a bit of effort and patience, you can leverage SEO and start driving traffic to your website with 0 money. Well, yeah, almost.
The post Driving Traffic for Very Little Budget (Or Even Free!) appeared first on Full Scale SEO.
From https://www.fullscaleseo.com/marketing/driving-traffic-free/
from https://fullscaleseo2.wordpress.com/2019/11/11/driving-traffic-for-very-little-budget-or-even-free/ from https://smallbusinessseo3.blogspot.com/2019/11/driving-traffic-for-very-little-budget.html
0 notes
mojput-mypath · 6 years
Naughty is allowed! / Zločestoća je dozvoljena!
My tongue has no more restraint, I became naughty. Naughtier than usual. More open in expression, one could say.
I got cold feet with this new attitude. I say everything openly, I move strong through problems and challenges, but. But when I amass emotional strain, I hold it and hold until I pop. Not too abruptly, more like a popcorn in a slow motion video. I am struggling between the desire not to hurt others and self-empowerment. I developed the balls to say whatever I do not like, without the usual fear that I would be labelled as a bad person. Hard is the life of a spiritual seeker. It is super easy to have the concept how everyone should be exclusively good, which results in suppressing naturally occurring emotions, and then popping like popcorn in the end, leaving everyone in disbelief. Well.
Out of business reasons, I searched for various sources of spiritual jokes/expressions/posts, only to discover that most of them sound like self-help for sad people. My deepest apologies for the rare few that are truly smart and quite deep as spiritual expressions, but. But there is so much clichéd trash out there, it should all be banned.
I commented with meine Schwester Katina how people speak only to hear their own voices, intellectualising their conclusions, when rarely one honestly shares. Remember all those unforgettable and hilarious hillbilly stories on TV? Why are those so funny and why do they stick in our memory storages for ever? Because those people are truthful, simple and original. Guru says that whoever spends a lot of words and repetitively emphasises the same conclusions, actually shares from the intellect. While a heartfelt sharing transfers the meaning clearly by the mere presence of the other person, and in few words, if any. When people speak only from the intellectual level, they keep explaining to themselves something they most probably do not agree with from the bottom of their heart. The more often they hear themselves saying the same, the deeper they suppress the intuitive and honest thought/feeling.
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Sun is shining wonderfully in Germany / Sunce sija k’o tepsija u Njemačkoj
It is difficult to see one’s own holes, one’s own disadvantages, our own smallness. Even more difficult is to admit it to ourselves, and the hardest is to show it to others. ThetaHealing taught me well by digging in one’s psyche and subconsciousness. You get a broader image of what is happening with the other person, and you can easily see what they are hiding from themselves. What it is they are trying to justify to themselves to protect their ego. You can read a person like an open book, but you cannot force them to see how their own pattern serves them. While the person sees the same pattern as something imposed from the outside. At the same time, you need to gently steer the person to go deeper and deeper into what they really do not wish to see.
Everyone creates their own world. Me and you look through the window and see a situation between two people. We hear the same words, we see the same gestures – and we both have an entirely different interpretation of what just happened, in accordance to all the impressions that made us into the people we are in this moment.
That same situation, can already tomorrow be different for both me and you, it can be seen and judged in another way. Everyone creates their own world. Or if it feels more comfortable: nature created these beautiful eyes through which we see the world as we do, as our inner nature tells us to: “It is not possible that I am responsible for everything that happened in my life!” Hmmmm. Essentially yes. Only our small mind, as it is not at all times connected to all that is (the cosmic intelligence, All That Is etc.), considers that something is being imposed on it, and that it is not possible that we create it all ourselves. Everyone creates their own world, by choosing to see it as we do. I repeat: four eyes, two pairs of ears, and two hearts can perceive an objectively identical situation as far as even diametrically opposite, through the filter of all we know, what we have experienced and our genetic material and yes, I will say it, oh yeah: OUR KARMA.
As we all know, karma, yup, she’s a bitch. Even the same, identical karma (if there is such a thing as identical karma) or the cause and consequence effect of this existence, can be differently interpreted by different people. Someone might say something is a blessing, the other person will say – a curse. Everyone creates their own world.
Jokes aside. I never could understand the need to evict certain people out of one’s life. I found it hard to understand why people stop communication forever with a person they dated. After having shared the good and the bad, even saliva, man – bye bye! My parents made this kind of decision (actually my mom did, dad had no choice in the matter), and maybe that is the reason why I kept making an effort not to burn any bridges. I did not like how things turned out between them. I guess every child wishes their parents to be always together and super happy. Plus I really love to dig into the past, so I always go back to what was, probably too often (three retrograde planets, what to do). Some bridges I have burned, not on purpose, and I regret I have.
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Autumn never ends in my city / Jesen u mom gradu ne prestaje
Here I go again with the Guru, but what to do, when he really has a handful of super intelligent conclusions. Anyhow, the Guru says: let go of regrets this very moment. Regretting is redundant and unproductive. The past happened, what you can learn from it – learn and move on. He also says something else: See your past as your destiny, and your future as free will. How smart! I wish I could do that. At least I have a teacher who shares a few good ones with me, instead of relying on non-authentic, quasi-spiritual akka self-help diarrhoea-style empowerment crap (positive quotes, yeah right).
Going back on topic: Maybe I am completely wrong, and I will hopefully find  out if I was in a couple of years, I realised I need to leave some people behind. Consciously, decisively and intelligently. To protect myself, and to give them an opportunity to detach, to experience their own worlds without me in it. For me to experience a life without them.
Firstly, a logical reason for separation would be hurt and anger, resentment and similar. Yet, unusual, but true (or maybe I am the one justifying my ego by intellectualising) – my current reason to put a veto on any communication with certain people is because I CHOOSE not to accept, spiritually said, certain energies in my life. A small dose of doubt is surly there. Have I made the right decision? Did I have to do it in that particular way? I definitely had the last word, and I liked that, heheee. Even so, curiosity killed the cat. What is the person thinking now, what are they feeling, do they hate me? Sometimes I can feel/hear the emotions and thoughts of those people. Voodoo! Also, I can more or less guess how they could feel, as I know them well. A person you do not know, there is no reason to put on ice, right?
Let us see where this will take me. What I feel now is I do not wish to give space to some people, their thoughts, opinions and behaviour. Because it does not suit me, because it tires me, because it does not enrich my life. I still do not have enough strength and unlimited powers, nor the greatness to be there for them out of the bottom of my heart and help. I am still young and small, and I need to shut down the unlimited source I share with others, and take some of it for myself. So I can be more useful where needed, without unnecessary exhaustion.
My next action point: to stop using food like drugs. A bit brutal, yet, quite true.
I discovered what I really feel comfortable eating, but from time to time the rhythm gets spoiled, so I start eating everything like a hungry kid after a day’s play. Like letting a dog off the chain. I have such amazing discipline and attention to what I eat, and then my guard falls, and then it is a mess. The thing is that I am using diet as a health option (instead of popping chemicals into the body, I am restoring the balance naturally). So, every time I get stranded, I suffer quite badly. Cos I’m a sensitive flower… Please don’t offer me bread, cheese or sugar chocolates, but let us rather boil a goulash and share a spoon of honey. Everyone creates their own world, and that is why in my world mozzarella is pure evil and for someone else pure heaven.
Now for real. Out of reasons unknown, I spiked my breakfast with chilli oil, had tabasco for lunch and for dinner, completely innocently, I bit into, properly chewed and swallowed: a whole chilli pepper. After dinner, I had a fight with my new roommate (the better half of the well-known K&G sisters tandem), claiming how the tension has been growing for days, while she was not on the same page, really. Wishing to say that the chilli brought anger into the relationship! So now, whether the chilli came to me, cos I was already angry, or the chilli was the cause of the unexpected anger? Chicken or egg first? In any case, whether it was the chicken or the egg, one of the two surly was and that confirms my theory that food drastically influences the quality of our life. Just to remind you that: everyone creates their own world.
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Reminder of the coolest sistahs in da Uni-verse / Podsjetnik na najfora sestre u Sve-miru
The people I am not speaking to at the moment are my dad and my ex (connection?). If you want to know the juicy details of the divorce papers, message me. I would say more for sure, but I do need to respect the privacy of others. Long live freedom of speech! I will type all this down, and then it will be digitally opened in 50 years, because the people in the future would be super interested in how we lived, and have special interest in gossip from the life of a junge Frau. I hardly wait to see all that from the heaven and observe my grandkids forgetting all about me!
The story of my life.
Evo mene opet na naškom. Naporno mi prevoditi blogove, pa sam ih par samo na engleskom ostavila, bez objašnjenja, a što ću. Snalazite se vi što ne govorite engleski, ne zaboravite da vas volim bez obzira na jezik.
Šalu nastranu. Khm. Na stranu. Razvezao mi se jezik, nešto sam postala „zločesta“. Zločestija nego inače. Otvorenija u izričaju, reklo bi se.
Bila sam se malo stisla zbog toga. Sve kažem otvoreno, snažna prolazim kroz nevolje, nedaće i izazove, ali. Ali kad se skupi malo emocionalnog napora, više ne mogu, pa puknem. Ne pre-naglo, više kao kokica na usporenoj snimci. Borim se između želje za nepovrjeđivanjem, a s druge strane sam razvila muda da kažem sve što mi se ne sviđa svakome, bez straha da ću biti procijenjena kao loša osoba. Težak je život duhovnog tragaoca. Lako se stvori koncept da trebaš biti isključivo dobrica, i onda potiskuješ prirodne osjećaje, da bi na kraju puk'o ko kokica, pa se svi čude šta ti je. Uh.
Iz poslovnih sam razloga potražila razne izvore duhovnih šala/izraza/postova, i otkrila da ih većina djeluje kao samo-pomoć za jadnike. Ispričavam se onim uistinu pametnim, pronicljivim i duboko duhovnim izričajima, ali. Ali ima toliko isklišejiziranog smeća na slobodi. Trebalo bi to sve zabraniti.
Komentiram s Katinom kako ljudi govore da bi slušali svoj glas, intelektualizirajući svoje zaključke, dok rijetko tko iskreno dijeli. Znaš sve one seljačke priče u TV reportažama koje se ne zaboravljaju? Zašto su toliko smiješne i zašto ostaju vječno urezane u našim memorijskim skladištima? Jer su ti ljudi istiniti, prosti, originalni. Jer dijele nešto što su čuli/osjetili/doživjeli. Guru kaže da netko tko nešto nadugo i naširoko, repetitivno razglaba, dijeli iz intelekta. Dok, ako dijeli iz srca, samim svojim prisustvom ili uz vrlo malo riječi, prenese jasno ono što želi prenijeti. Kad ljudi govore samo iz intelekta, sami sebi objašnjavaju nešto s čim se vrlo vjerojatno iz dubine svoje duše ne slažu, te što češće sami sebe čuju da nešto govore, to valjda dublje potiskuju intuitivnu i iskrenu misao/osjećaj.
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Taught a Happiness Program in Baden-Baden / Vodila tečaj u Baden-Badenu 
Teško je vidjeti svoje rupe, svoje nedostatke, svoju malenost. Još teže je to priznati sebi, a najteže drugima. ThetaHealing me tome itekako naučio. Kopanje po psihi i podsvijesti. Dan ti je uvid i šira slika onoga što se s osobom događa i vidiš što od sebe skriva, što je to što sebi pojašnjava, zapravo opravdava, braneći svoj ego. Vidiš osobu kao otvorenu knjigu, ali ne možeš čovjeka natjerati da vidi čemu njemu služi vlastiti obrazac, kojeg on vidi kao negativno nametnutog izvana. Istovremeno, moraš osobu nježno navoditi da vidi sve više i više ono što u suštini ne želi vidjeti.
Svatko stvara svoj vlastiti svijet. Ja i ti gledamo kroz prozor i vidimo scenu koja se odvija između dvoje ljudi. Čujemo iste riječi, vidimo iste geste – a oboje imamo drugačiju interpretaciju onoga što se dogodilo, u odnosu na sve ono što je utjecalo na to da budemo osoba koja jesmo upravo u tom trenutku.
Ta ista slika, već sutradan može biti, od obje osobe, drugačije viđena i procijenjena. Svatko stvara svoj vlastiti svijet. Ili ako ti je lakše ovako: priroda nam je stvorila ove lijepe oči kroz koje vidimo svijet onakvim kako nam unutarnja priroda nalaže. „Nisam valjda ja odgovoran za sve što mi se u životu događa!“ Hmmm, u suštini jesi. Samo naš mali um, pošto nije u svakom trenutku povezan sa svime što jest (kozmičkom inteligencijom, svime što jest itd.), smatra da se njemu nešto nameće izvana, i da je nemoguće da to sve sami stvaramo. Svatko stvara svoj vlastiti svijet, birajući da ga vidi onako kako ga vidi. Ponavljam se: četiri oka, dva para ušiju i dva srca npr. doživljavaju istu objektivnu situaciju čak i dijametralno suprotno, kroz filter svega što znamo, što smo doživjeli, genetiku i reći ću, da, o daaaa; KARMU.
Kao što svi znamo, karma, yup, she's a bitch. Čak i ista identična „karma“ (ako uopće postoji „ista karma“!), ilitiga uzročno-posljedično djelovanje ovog postojanja, može od dvoje različitih ljudi biti drugačije interpretirana. Netko će reći da je nešto blagoslov, a druga osoba će za to isto reći da je prokletstvo. Svatko stvara svoj vlastiti svijet.
Šalu nastranu. Nisam nikad razumjela zašto ljudi imaju potrebu druge izbaciti iz svog života. Bilo mi je apsolutno nerazumljivo zašto ljudi nakon veze s nekim prekinu zauvijek svaki kontakt s tom osobom. Nakon dijeljenja i dobrog i lošeg i čak i sline – ćao! Pretpostavljam da svako dijete želi da su mu roditelji vječno skupa i sretni. Moji roditelji su tako odlučili (tj. mama, a tata nije imao izbora), i možda je to razlog zašto se ja cijeli život trudim iz petnih žila da ne bih slučajno spalila koji most iza sebe. Nije mi se svidjelo kako je to bilo među njima. Plus što volim prčkati po prošlosti, pa se uvijek vraćam svemu što je bilo, vjerojatno prečesto (tri retrogradne planete, šta ćeš). Neke mostove sam nenamjerno spalila, i žalim za tim.
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My mom is picking olives in Croatia / Mama bere masline u Hrvatskoj
Opet ja s Guruom, ali šta ćeš kad stvarno ima zeru mudrih, uglavnom, kaže Guru da se ostavim žaljenja istog trena. Žaljenje je suvišno i neproduktivno. Prošlost se dogodila, što iz nje možeš – nauči i idi dalje. Kaže još nešto, što se tu super nadovezuje: Vidi svoju prošlost kao sudbinu, a budućnost kao slobodnu volju. Ma kako je samo pametan! Kad bih bar ja tako… Ali eto, bar imam nekog da mi podijeli dvije pametne, da se ne moram oslanjati na neautentične kvazi-duhovne akka self-help proljeve o samoosnaživanju.
Povratak na temu: shvatila sam, i možda sam potpuno u krivu, ali to ću valjda saznati za koju godinicu, da neke ljude MORAM ostaviti iza sebe. Svjesno, odlučno i pametno. Da bih sebe zaštitila i da bih njima dala priliku da se odvoje, da dožive svoj svijet bez mene. I da ja doživim svijet bez njih. Isprva, logičan razlog odvajanja bi bio povrijeđenost i ljutnja, zamjeranje i slično tome. No, neobično, ali istinito (ili, ponavljam se, možda ja to samo sebi sada tako intelektualno objašnjavam, ne bi li samu sebe/ego opravdala) – moj trenutni razlog stavljanja veta na pretjeranu ili bilo kakvu komunikaciju s nekim ljudima je isključivo, jer BIRAM ne primati određene, duhovno rečeno: energije, u svoj život. Mala doza sumnje svakako postoji. Jesam li donijela dobru odluku? Jesam li morala to napraviti baš na taj način? Svakako sam ja imala zadnju riječ, to mi se baš sviđa, ehehe. Ipak, znatiželja me kopka, što sada ta osoba misli, što sada osjeća, mrzi li me? Nekad osjetim/čujem osjećaje, misli tih ljudi. Voodoo! I otprilike znam kako bi se mogli osjećati, što bi mogli misliti, jer se dobro poznajemo. S nekim s kim se ni ne poznaš, nema ni potrebe da je/ga stavljaš na led, zar ne?
Vidjet ćemo kako će se ovo dalje razvijati. Ono što osjećam sada je da ne želim davati prostora u svom životu nekim ljudima, njihovim mislima i mišljenjima, njihovom ponašanju. Jer mi ne odgovara, jer me umara, jer me ne obogaćuje. Nemam još dovoljno snage i neograničene moći, niti veličine da im iz srca budem na raspolaganju i pomognem, jer sam još mala i mlada, i trebam malo zatvoriti svoju pipu za druge kako bi nešto ostalo i za mene. Da mogu biti korisnija gdje treba, bez da me se nepotrebno iscrpljuje.
Sljedeća akcija: da se prestanem drogirati hranom! Jako bitno kad odlučiš izbaciti kemiju iz života i liječiti se prehranom. Malo brutalno, ali rekla bih, poprilično istinito. Otkrila sam što mi uistinu besprijekorno odgovara jesti, ali s vremena na vrijeme mi se poremeti ritam, i navalim na sve živo kao gladno dijete nakon cjelodnevnog landranja po vani. Kad pustiš psa s lanca. Imam tako dobru disciplinu i pažnju na sve što jedem, ali popusti mi gard i onda se satarem. Ne bi bilo problema da nisam tako prokleto osjetljiva, da ne doživim svaki taj izlet s poprilično kobnim posljedicama. Zato me nemoj nuditi kruhom, sirom ni čokoladom, nego radije skuhajmo varivo i podijelimo žlicu meda. Svatko stvara svoj vlastiti svijet, zato je u mom svijetu mozarella sendvič najveće zlo, a nekom drugom milina.
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Divine chocolate! no dairy no sugar, no gluten, just pure delight / Božanstvena ćoksa bez mliječnih sastojaka, šećera i glutena, samo čisto savršentsvo!
Sad za fakat: iz nepoznatog razloga sam posegnula za čili uljem za doručak i tabascom za ručak, a za večeru sam, zbilja nenamjerno, zagrizla, dobro prožvakala i progutala oveću čili papričicu. Nakon te večere sam se posvađala sa svojom novom cimericom (svima dobro poznata iz K&G tandema, Katinom), tvrdeći da se stalno peckamo već danima, dok njoj nije baš bilo jasno o čemu ja to trabunjam. Želim reći da je čili zaljutio odnos! E sad, jel' čili došao jer sam već bila ljuta, pa je bio kap koja je prelila čašu ili je čili naljutio? Kokoš ili jaje? U svakom slučaju, bila kokoš il' jaje, jedno od to dvoje zasigurno jest i to potvrđuje moju teoriju o tome da nam hrana DRASTIČNO utječe na kvalitetu života. Da ne kažem: Svatko stvara svoj vlastiti svijet.
Ne razgovaram s ocem ni s bivšim momkom (hmmmm). Ako te zanimaju sočni detalji rastava, slobodno mi se javi u inbox. Puno bih ja toga više rekla, ali ne smijem, moram poštovati privatnost ljudi s kojima sam u interakciji. Živjela sloboda govora! Sve ću ja to zapisat, i onda će se digitalno otvoriti za 50 godina, jer će ljude u budućnosti živo zanimati kako se ranije živjelo, a da ne kažem što će uživati u detaljima tračeva iz ranijeg života jedne djeve mlade. Jedva čekam sve to promatrati s neba, i gledati kako svojim unucima već ja i moj život padaju u zaborav.
Priča mog života.
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