#have just run out! The road of easy choices have run out. And I for one hate that so much
itspileofgoodthings · 10 months
Years ago, I asked you what the different alternate universe Maria’s were doing with their lives. Are the answers still the same?
but now I’m in the period where I have to face that I do not, in fact, have multiple lives so I have to figure out what I’m doing with my one wild and precious life and the sort of (for me, at least) ease of following a particular school-related completion course that wasn’t too hard to commit to or finish has come to an end and I am at a crossroads where it’s just like—you could choose. And on some level, in the next few years, you need to. Low-key terrifying and I hate it.
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ririblogsss · 2 months
what if Danny give no fu-ks
Ok hear me out, Dannys obsession has never truest been confirmed by the show itself (that I remember) I've seen a lot of people say his obsession comes from wanting to help / protect people. But what if he feels as though that he is now doing more damage than good, after all there are a lot of people getting hurt as colateral damage from the chases he has to go on. Or simply when he has to run away from getting captured.
What if one night he was up late and saw a post about a tragedy that happened because he slipped up (it wasn't even his fault, but he still blames himself for everything). And then he starts looking at all the bad comments against him ignoring all the good ones saying how much Danny Phantom has helped Amity. Because Danny is still human and confirmation bias is real. Imagine how he felt the moment he realized that he was causing people to get hurt instead of keeping them save.
Image the desperation clawing at him with the realization that he has never been able to fully manage his obsession. it makes him sad, desperate, angry.
His entire self is filled with too many emotions at the sametime he isn't even able to identify them and catalogue them properly like Jazz taught him.
and then everything stops and he feels nothing.
Completely and utterly numb.
Like his whole reason to keep going suddenly disappears.
And it has.
He gave up on his obsession and now he has to make / get a new one.
But it's not that easy.
This drastic change could've ended any ghost as they run on (live off) emotions.
Luckily because he's a Halfa, so that has given him the upper hand. Unfortunately it makes it so that he is completely devoid of any emotion.
Months go by and people immediately notice changes, the more drastic one is that Phantom went missing, and eventually a lot of ghost that where coming in looking for him stop. Amity Park is no longer populated by ghosts, and slowly the GIW started to retreat from Amity going to another place following a lead that says there are more ghost activities up north.
But those changes aren't the only ones noticeable. Dannys classmates and teachers can vouch that Danny has changed. Most say he was always quite , and others say he looked down right depressed. Danny didn't do much in classes not that he paid attention before. Its just this time it seems that its not out of being sleepy or anxious about another ghost attacking the school instead Danny looks like he coundn't give less of a fu-k about anything.
He never smiles anymore not even when his favorite subjects (mechanics and space) are brought up. Not even a quirk of a smile. The school decided to contact his parents about Dannys new behaviors. That includes skipping classes, not handing in work, not doing the assigned work in class ect....
And its not like his parents havent noticed, they've had more time in their hands since they aren't using hours of the day/night going out hunting anymore. and they have witnessed their son become a shell of himself. They don't know what to do, and they don't want to worry Jazz about it because she's at collage and needs to focus on her studies.
So when the school contact them and told them that the behavior is the same in school they decided major changes needed to happen. Starting with a change of environment.
Maddie and Jack decided that Amity park was too big of a city with too many people. They could nearly see the stars at night because of the light pollution, hence they decided to move next door to Alicia, Maddie sister, home in SmallVille.
They decided it was the best choice, Danny would be surrounded by nature and he could do online classes that would go the pace he wanted. The move was immediate, the day off they packed everything sold the house and moved.
They only stopped to say goodbye to Danny's friends. A small bye and hug later they were on a 7 hour road trip to their new home.
When they got there the old resident handed them the keys of the home and told them to ignore the their neighbors 'The Kents' as they often made a lot of noice and had group gatherings every month.
The one thing Jack and Maddie forgot to double check was if the house was an actual house or a farm house. Sounds similar, but completely different as they now had 2 cows, 16 chickens, 1 rooster, and 3 pigs to take care off.
Danny was put on duty of taking care of the animals, such as feeding them on time and making sure they were healthy. Jack and Maddie made more of the heavy weight as to re building broken fences and fixing the questionable roof.
(The first thing Danny did when meeting all the animals was name them. After all this was about all the interaction he was going to do.)
Danny didn't have time to think about his lost obsession or his lack of emotions as he was now too busy making sure each animal was taken care off.
Marcy and linda (the cows) were danny's favorite they were very gentle and he felt that they could understand him when he spoke to them the stories of his vigilante past.
On the other hand The Chickens were a nightmare, Glinda was cool as she never chased him down. But Matilda and Bethany were a nightmarish duo spiteful too when he was seconds late to the finding time. Mark the rooster was chill he mainly acted as of he was part of the group that needed protection.
Marice, Betty, and Miss Piggy were the chillest of the bunch never gave Danny any trouble when feeding them and always made a point that they loved their new mudbath installation that Danny made for them on his first 2 days on the farm.
A month after arriving at the farm house Danny noticed that mark was missing. Danny looked everywhere around the property and saw him from afar, at the road. So Danny did the sensible thing anyone would do when spotting a run away pet, and that is call their name at the top of your lungs whilst running after them.
naturally Mark the escape artist run the opposite direction. By the time Danny caught up to him Danny didn't recognize the house he was infant off. So with Mark comfortably in his arms He swears he can see a smug look on marks face. Danny turned away from the house to start his walk back to the farm, but he was met with a kid his age looking at him with distrust.
"Ehhh look kid Im sorry to have crossed the properties border but Mark here" Danny made a point to acentuate Mark in his arms "Runaway from me this morning and I've been trying to catch him ever since, anyways I need to go feed the girls"
The kid starred at him for a second "OMG your from the new family in Mr.duncans farm right? in Aver ST.?" and wow the kid was like a ray of sunshine.
"Yea-" Danny could even finish his sentence before the kid cut him off by starting to talk a mile a minute about how he was so exited to meet people his age that lived near by and how farm chores were harder that normal house chores.
"Jon, give him time to respond. Im Damian this is Jon" Danny jumped he hadn't noticed the second kid at all
"Oh yeah... sorry about that what's your name?" The kid (Jon) slightly less enthusiasm, a bit embarrassed if his tone of voice was anything to get by.
"Danny, Im 15" he responded before he started walking away after all he did need to get in time to feed the chickens unless he wants to suffer their furry. Danny shuddered at the memory that popped up in his head.
"Wait!!! I just thought we could be friends cause we live close by u know" Jon said catching up with Dannys steps. Damian was following from behind.
"Sure kid I don't care" Dannys voice was monotone much like it had been for months.
"Hey were not kids for your information, Im 14 and Damians 16 soon to be 17, so if anything you night be the actual kid!" Danny chuckled slightly it was more similar to releasing air from his lips than a laugh.
Soon a quite and enjoyable science encompassed the group as they went to Dannys home.
"Hmm... you're hold on Mark is adequate and the your determination for getting home in time for feeding is acceptable" Damian spoke up after a while of the passive silence.
"yeah and what is It to you" Danny was slightly urked by Damians default setting speach. He told him as such.
Jon blanched before erupting into giggles that sent him to lay down on the grass uncontrollably laughing. Damians right eyebrow quirked up in what Danny assumed was amusement.
Thus a new friendship grew that day.
They often gathered at Dannys or Jons yard to have picnic in the weekends (as Damian and Jon has school in Metropolis on week days) and hangout with the animals. Danny found out that Damian was a vegetarian and that he had various animals at home. One time he brought his Great Dane Titus, who bodied Danny on sight to give him kisses.
Also Damian was Damian Wayne as in bruce Wayne, Batman sugar daddy. When he said that, Jons milk flew out of his nose and Damian choked on his cucumber wrap. Even Titus gave him a judgemental stare.
Slowly Danny started to smile more, laugh every so often. And things were feeling so much better after not being able to feel anything for a while.
Jazz, Aunt Alicia and especially Maddie and Jack felt so relived to see that Danny was slowly coming back to them.
Danny to this day backs the fact that Mark knew something and planned the whole thing.
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jiniret-writings · 10 months
Warm Blankets Pt. 1
Genre: angst, fluff
Pairing: platonic!skz x 9th member!reader
Warnings: Chan is really mean in the beginning
The actions of the members in this story do not represent how they are in real life. This is all fictional and should not be taken seriously.
Pt.1 || Pt.2 || Pt.3
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If I knew you'd act like this, I wouldn't have fought for you to be in the group!
Chan's words still rung in your head as you walked with Hyunjin, looking down to hold back another wave of tears.
You didn't know how the fight even started. One minute you were walking into his studio and the next, you were being pulled out by Hyunjin. His soft reassurances clashed with the cold look in his eyes as he looked at their leader.
Hyung! That was low. Calm down and then talk. We're done for today.
The minute the words left his mouth you were stunned. All fight and fire had left your body, leaving you cold. It wasn't easy for Chan to fight for you. The company had too many factors to consider. You were considered a "risky choice", but day in and day out, Chan fought. He practiced with you, recorded with you, and helped you prepare to be your very best. Even if you were good, you stayed up with him to strive to be better.
And in the end, it all came together. Your fate was left in the hands of public opinion and it seemed you were more liked than you thought. With 97% of the audience voting to keep you in the group, you were officially a part of Stray Kids.
You were always pushing yourself, staying late nights and having early mornings to squeeze in as much practice time as possible. You wanted to prove that you had a spot in the group. Impressing fans was important, but more than anything, you wanted to make the members proud. You wanted to make Chan proud.
You didn't remember how the fight started, but you knew he didn't mean it. Still, the words stung more than any critique or hate comment you've ever gotten. Unable to hold back the next wave of tears, you pulled Hyunjin to the side of the road and turned towards a wall to wipe the tears away. As soon as you turned away though, you felt a presence behind you and a hand on your back.
"It's okay to cry, you know. You don't have to hide it", he reassured, running his hand up and down your back. "What he said was mean, but it was wrong. You have a big part in out group. Without you, we wouldn't be Stray Kids, only Stray."
You couldn't hold back any more and hugged the older boy. He was only a few months older but it was like he took it upon himself to be the 00's eldest; he always took care of his younger members, and never left them alone when they were down.
Hugging you tightly to his chest, Hyunjin gently ran his fingers down your back, occasionally running them through your hair. He made calm shushing sounds as you let go of every tear you'd been holding back since you left the company building. You didn't know how to describe the pain you felt, but being around Hyunjin was making it better. I'm not alone. I'm wanted, you thought as your breathing finally slowed.
"Is there anything you want to do? We basically have the day off," Hyunjin whispered, still holding you to him. It was a gentler hold so you could let go if you wanted to.
You didn't want to.
Thinking it over, you were just tired. You didn't know what to do so you just shook your head. Hyunjin hummed at that, thinking. A few seconds later he said, "how about we go back to the dorms and just eat and watch movies?"
The thought of seeing the other members made your heart lighter so you looked up and nodded before stepping away from him. "Yeah, that'd be nice," you said.
"Cool! Let's get some snacks before heading back?" he asked, pointing to the convenience store not too far from where you were.
"Sure! And some drinks?"
"You got it," he responded before grabbing your hand and walking to the store.
Unknown to you, Hyunjin had sent a quick text to the dorm:
SOS, y/n had a really bad day, extra tlc needed
You lived in a dorm with Felix, Seungmin, Leeknow, and Jeongin since that dorm had five rooms and the other had four. Your dorm was immediately dubbed the "cuties dorm" because it was the maknae line + Minho.
Today wasn’t really a day off but most of your schedules were in the morning so most, if not all, if your dorm mates were home. The moment they got the text, it was like a spell was cast over them. Felix was the first to react, running to all of their rooms and grabbing every pillow and blanket he could get his hands on.
Seungmin and Minho were watching a scary movie together and got up as well. Minho went into the kitchen to start cooking your favorite meal and Seungmin looked for their matching pajama sets. You had bought it on the fay you all moved, but hadn’t had a chance to wear it. Jeongin was out for a walk when he got the text and started running home. On the way though, he spotted a cute bear and bought it quickly before heading back.
At the same time, Hyunjin sent another text to 2/3RACHA:
Leader-hyung is pissed. Casualty=1 Tread carefully
He knew today was a track-day for 3RACHA so he left them to it, but decided they deserved a warning. Chan never hurt them intentionally, but when he was mad, words could be said that he didn’t mean. Hyunjin already had one hurt kid, he didn’t want to add more to the mix. Placing his arms around your shoulders, Hyunjin walked towards the convenience store and hoped the members all pulled through.
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Here's Part One of my first mini-series here! I was originally going to make it one long post, but then it got really long so for my first one, I figured it'd be best to have this broken up into three parts.
The next two parts are being written and will be up in the upcoming days! If all goes well, the next part will be up in two days, and then part three will be up two days after the second part!
I want to reiterate the note I put in the beginning, I do not, in any way, think those words would come out of Chan's mouth. This is all purely fiction and in no way represents how I feel about the members. I love them all, but for the fic I needed an angst anchor.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! And as always, have a great morning, afternoon, evening, and night!
Divider made by: @cafekitsune
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
For Venus Day I wanted to do something special. My favorite girlies are the choices for this reading. Pick which one resonates with you the most, and take a look at each pile ! Have fun!
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PILE 1 - AALIYAH - 'The Loveable Child, Aura As Magical As The Clouds.'
You're aura has a mystical charm. Deep inside the inner self is a magical energy that puts people in awe. Your gentleness captivates people and your ability to see the beauty in all that is around you is what makes you much more magical. Your sensual energy is capable of proving a point, being a star is your mission if you have this placement. Because your divine essence is what attracts others to you and others are willing to help you in your mission, desires, dreams, goals, etc.
Message: Be quiet. Not everyone needs to know your mind. Be yourself but be quiet about the things you know. Take it easy, not everyone can be as high in the clouds as you. Heaven's Child.
Numbers & Colors : 333, 555, 777, 111, Pink, Yellow, Green Lavender
Animals : Skunks & Deers (Bambi)
Themes : Loveable, Kind, Sweetness, Adorable
PILE 2 - SELENA - 'A Dream Come True'
Whew. This one is magnetic and its BIG. Big in a way that you can feel it however you're not sure what it is. Your sensual grace forms a lesion of people to honor you no matter how you look. Your charm is essential to awakening the divine feminine in you and others. You have gifts in singing if you've pick this one, as your singing qualities is like a bee being attracted to honey, its calming, tasteful and filled with valuable energy.
Message: You are captivating, never allow jealous or envious beings bring you back to a place that kept you in depression. Leave now. Don't allow them to sink this ship, God sent you to them to heal.
Numbers & Colors : Rainbow , Green, Blue, Orange,
Animals : Gazelles, Lions, Cheetahs, Hamsters & Guinea Pigs
Themes: Bravery, Resilience, Determination, Power
PILE 3 - SALMA HAYEK - 'Witch; Powerful and Formidable Aura'
A Goddess. It is she who walks the darkest roads that comes out on top and flows like no other. Your charm and power holds so much weight. People stop and stare at you from a far. In a daze, no man or woman can stop looking at your psychique and the power you hold can make anyone be hypnotized by your spark. You have a gift in setting the room on fire, holding up the magic in the room and making it fold to your bidding. Powerful qualities in sensual abilities and manifestation abilities are stronger with this group. You have the gift of getting your desires through the power of your charm and ability to be seen in your raw nakedness, take that as you will.
Your flow intimidates people, but your charm is what keeps them running back ;)
Message: Know when to be seen or be heard. Appreciate the joy in being a 'bitch'. Allowing others in just because you said so. Boundaries are not a kept secret, tell them off. Let them know it.
Numbers & Colors : Pink, Red, Magenta & Purple, 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 111
Animals : Serpents & Octopus
Themes: Being who you are, Lilith, Oceans are connected to this group.
PILE 4 - BEYONCE - 'Look at me now'
This group is undergoing a big transformation! If not now it's on the way. No enemy shall prosper with this group. Now back to the reading, you guys have an immense power that is connected to a faerie like charm. Very pretty and magical. If you picked this group you may have a venusian energy that connects to a Goddess (this is for you to go within and seek). A high priestess energy from this group and a aura that is valuable no man and woman shouldn't dare come to you without a gift or even an honorable mention. Do what you will with that.
Message: Learn to appreciate the world as is, its just a minor reflection of whats inside of you. Speak highly to others as well as yourself. Be kind to you and to others and watch mountains open for you.
Numbers & Colors: Yellow & Pink, 3333, 444, 888, 1111
Themes: Goddess, Queenlike, Ochun, Pyramids, The world revolves around you, make it happen.
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beomiracles · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS moving rapidly through your career as one of the leading female investigators, you never once encountered a case you couldn't crack. though you never expected for your past mistakes to come back and haunt you in the form of an ex lover, accused of murder.
pairings: criminal!beomgyu x investigator!reader warnings for tape 01: mentions of drugging/drug use. oral (f, rec), marking.
GENERAL WARNINGS ─ this story contains dark themes, portraying unhealthy and toxic relationships as well as substance abuse. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.
✎ NOTE, this story is partly told in flashbacks. beware of time stamps as present and past is mixed throughout the story.
the tape recordings
tape 01 ─ stay away from Choi Beomgyu
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February 19th 2024 ─ present time 
You hated being late. You hated feeling rushed, the way things would always turn out half-assed. Yet you had turned off alarm after alarm, snoozing past at least five of them before finally pulling yourself out of bed with a groan. 
Though one glance at your phone has you rushing to your feet. There was no way you’d make it in time. Pulling on your shirt, looking everywhere for a pair of socks, toothbrush in your mouth. Having to redo your ponytail three times because your stubborn hair refused to lay flat and you’d run out of hair gel. 
One hand on the steering wheel and one applying lipstick messily all over your lips, you sway past the cars on the crowded roads. Parking was easy, you almost made it on the first try this time. 
Stumbling your way through the hallways of your office building, earning rather confused looks from your colleagues. Finally you make it to your office, your own private space. Breathing out a sigh of relief as the door closes behind you, you glance at the clock. Only five minutes late, that was 300 seconds and... 
“That’s not important now”, you sigh as you drag your feet over to your desk. There’s an unfamiliar file on top of your rather large pile. Frowning, you pick it up. Just as you’re about to open it and have a look your phone chimes. 
You bring the device to your ear, “you here yet?” Yeonjun's voice carries over the line. Rolling your eyes, you sit down on your desk, “of course, what do you honestly think of me”,  you snort. 
“Nevermind, don’t”, you then add with a groan. Your colleague chuckles on the other side of the phone. “You seen the file I left for you?”, he asks. You turn said file over in your free hand, “you left it?”. Yeonjun hums, “I need you down in the interrogation rooms in about fifteen, that okay?” 
“Of course, I’ll be there in ten”, you grin and Yeonjun scoffs, “i’ll bet”. You hang up and shove your phone in your back pocket before you make your way toward the interrogation rooms. 
The sound of your heels clacking along the stone floors fill the now empty hallway. Your ponytail swings in tune with your steps and you reapply your favorite red lipstick. Red had never been a color of your choice, but it had been someone else’s.
Another echo of footsteps join yours and soon a voice calls out, “miss y/l/n!”.  Turning around on the spot a smile finds its way to your lips, “Huening!”, you exclaim as the younger man approaches you. 
Huening had this boyish appearance that made him look youthful and innocent. No wonder so many of your female coworkers had a thing for him. Your own history of lovers, on the other hand, were far from anything and everything Hueningkai represented. 
The younger man gives you a shy smile as he hands you a mug of coffee, “you seemed to be in a rush earlier so I…”, he trails off as his gaze falls on the mug in his hand. “Well…”
“That’s very considerate of you, thank you”, you say as you take the cup from him. Bringing it up to your lips you smile, “how did you know I love lattes?”.  The tips of Huening’s ears turn pink, “I er…just y’know, went with my gut feeling…”. 
A small giggle escapes your lips, “never stop trusting it”, you say as you give his shoulder a pat. The younger man’s ears turn from pink to a flaming red as he nods. Clearing his throat he glances at the file in your hand. 
“New case?”, he asks and you nod. “I’m about to meet the suspect just now”, you say as you take a sip of the coffee. On your way you had gone through the pages briefly. To be honest you would need at least thirty minutes to just sit down and read through them. But time was a luxury you couldn’t afford today. 
Huening nods as he fidgets with the hem of his shirt, “perhaps…when you’re done, we could get lunch together?”.  It was impossible for you to decline his sweet request, “I would love to”. Your younger colleague beams as he takes goodbye of you. 
Sipping on your coffee, your red lipstick stains the cup. Eyes scan the papers one last time as you approach the interrogation room. Yeonjun meets you by the door, “you got the files?” he asks and you nod. 
“Yes, though I’ve barely had time to go through them thoroughly”, you admit as you recall your rushed morning. Yeonjun shakes his head, “don’t sweat it”. He brings out a file of his own as he reads a few main points to you. 
“23, male, brought in yesterday night at 1.22am”. Yeonjun flips the paper, “he’s under investigation for murder and attempted arson”. You nod along as you sip on your coffee, arson and murder wasn’t an unusual combination. 
“Any witnesses?” you ask and Yeonjun shakes his head, “none have come forward”. You frown, “how is he linked to the crime?”. Your colleague puts his files down as he turns to look at you, “victim’s DNA on him”. 
Your eyebrows raise in evident surprise, “really?”. Should no other evidence or witnesses surface the man would be as good as guilty already. Yeonjun nods as he unlocks the door for you, “good luck, I’m on the other side of the glass at all times”, he reassures and you give him a thankful smile as you step inside. 
Your heels echo inside the small and dark room as you approach the table in the middle of it. Not looking up from your files you slide down on the chair opposite the man. 
“You are being investigated for the murder of Park Baekhyun as well as the attempted arson against his property. You have the right to remain silent and or request for an attorney, keep in mind that anything you say can be used against you in court”, you say as you place your files down on the table. 
The man in front of you looks up and your eyes widen. His dark eyes pierce yours in such a familiar way that you almost have a hard time controlling your breathing. Lips curling into a smirk as he looks at you.
But that can't be him, it’s impossible, yet he looked exactly like… 
Your mouth betrays you before your mind has the chance to stop it. Beomgyu’s smirk only widens as it exposes his shiny teeth, the same teeth that had grazed your skin so many times before. 
He lets out a short laugh, “dollface, it’s been a while hasn’t it?”. 
You want to yell, shout, cry, possibly even throw your coffee in his face. But you do nothing. The smirk on his face doesn’t falter as Beomgyu tilts his head to the side, studying you, as if trying to calculate your next move, you knew he could. 
Though before he has the chance to, the door behind you clicks open. Yeonjun enters with a frown plastered on his normally expressionless and professional face.
“You know this guy?”, he questions and you nod without taking your eyes off Beomgyu who’s smirk only widens. “Know? That’d be an understatement”. Yeonjun gives Beomgyu a short glance before he beckons you to follow him out. 
As the doors to the interrogation room closes behind the two of you, Yeonjun turns to you with a sigh. “What on earth is going on?”. You chew on your bottom lip hesitantly, “well, I sort of…we sort of….” “were something?”. You nod, “yes, something like that”. 
“It was a long time ago though”, you quickly add in a rushed tone and Yeonjun raises an eyebrow. “Exactly how long is long ago?”, he questions. 
You nervously scratch at your forearm as your gaze wanders, anywhere but Yeonjun’s eyes. “I haven’t seen him in ten months..”, your voice is hushed, shameful even. And you were ashamed, ashamed of having any sort of connection to a man like that. 
The look your colleague gave you might as well have had you resigning on the spot. “Jesus christ”, he mumbles as he runs a hand through his hair, “I’ll take you off the case, we’ll find someone and─” 
The words leave your lips before you even have the chance to consider them. Why? You had no clue, but you knew that you wanted─ no, needed this case. Maybe it was only to satisfy your own curiosity or perhaps it was to gain some sort of closure. Either way you knew that this case could not go to someone else. It had to be you.
Straightening your back, you glance up at Yeonjun as your arms fall to your sides. “I’m confident that I can do this”, you state as you hold his gaze. The older man gives you a look of disbelief but your persistence eventually makes him cave as he sighs. 
“Alright, but if I notice that things are getting out of hand, you’re out”. 
You smile, “thank you”. Yeonjun nods, “well then, if you’re ready then go on back inside”. 
The silence as the doors close behind you to the interrogation room is deafening. Glancing down at the table you notice your coffee cup missing. Beomgyu turns said cup around in his hands as he studies it closely. 
“You like your coffee black”, he states as you sit down opposite him. Why would he remember that? Why did your stomach jump at the fact that he did remember such a detail? You push it aside as you look up to meet his gaze, “things change”, you say as reorganize the files in front of you. 
Beomgyu grins, “not you”. He leans forward as his cuffed hands rest on the table in front of him, “you look just the same”, he mumbles as he studies your face closer. You refuse to lean back, that would mean that you were scared, that you would let him win. And you wouldn’t, not this time. 
“Well luckily we’re not here to talk about me”, you give him a small smile and watch as he leans back in his chair with a small grunt. 
“Last night”, you begin as you glance down at the files once more, “you were at present at Park Baekhyun’s property between the hours of 10pm and 1am, what were you doing there?”. 
Beomgyu bites the inside of his cheek as he grins, “cleanin’ up a mess”. You raise an eyebrow as you question him further, “what kind of mess?”. He smirks, “well certainly not the ones we used to make”. You swallow as you try to dismiss anything he says. 
“What kind of mess was my question”, you repeat and Beomgyu rolls his eyes. “One of my employees messed up, he’s new, I don’t blame him”. His eyes flicker toward the glass window on one of the walls, certainly aware of the fact that Yeonjun was on the other side, even though he couldn’t see him. 
“You gotta go easy on the newbies”, he then adds as his eyes shift back toward you with a mischievous glint. “But you would know all about that, wouldn’t you?” he smirks as his tongue prods at the inside of his cheek. 
“I went easy on you the first time”. 
He didn’t. Perhaps that was why you remembered your first encounter with Beomgyu to this day. 
March 28th 2022 
“Oh come on, don’t be like that. Everyone will be there!”, your friend Kayla whines as she tugs at your arm. You shake your head, “no, everyone you know will be there”. Finally pulling yourself from her grasp you flop back down on your bed. “It’ll just be awkward to bring me along”, you mutter. 
Though your friend won’t have it. “Well if you’re not going then I’m not either”. The bed squeaks as she takes place beside you. The two of you stare up at the ceiling of your small apartment in silence for about thirty seconds before Kayla starts once again. 
“Pleaseeeeee”, she whines as she rolls over on her side to look at you. Giving you her best pout and puppy eyes you finally give in. “Fine, but you better not leave my side”. 
The first thing Kayla did was leave your side. Running off to wrap her arms around that no-good boyfriend of hers. You swallowed a gag. The club was hot, smelled like alcohol and sex, and was absolutely crowded. 
You instantly regretted coming here. You knew no one, and without your only friend, your introverted self could count on a lonely night. Quietly making your way over to the bar, you order yourself a drink in an attempt to drown your regret. 
As you sip on your drink, your eyes scan the dance floor after your friend. Though all you could make out were half naked bodies pressed against one another. You found your eyes wandering over to the small booths by the sides of the main floor. They were secluded, but far from private. 
Then your eyes fell on him. He wasn’t your type, at least you thought he wasn’t. Maybe it was the liquor, or the overwhelming sense of loneliness you felt that night. But when your eyes locked with his, you swear the two of you could’ve been the only people in the room. 
Sprawled out on the sofa to one of the booths, two of the prettiest girls draped over him, drink in his hand, mid conversation with one of the guys next to him, yet his eyes remained on yours. 
One of the girls plays with his long dark hair as she whispers into his ear. He smirks as he brings his drink to his lips, over the rim of the glass you catch the subtle wink he gives you. Your heart skipped a beat. 
It wasn’t like you weren’t used to getting hit on. Or even just subtly flirted with, but this, this felt different. This man was far from anything you had ever laid your eyes on, you felt intoxicated but you weren’t so sure that it was because of your drink. No, there was something about him. 
So you did the only reasonable thing, you winked back. 
The man’s smirk only widened as his free hand moved up the inner thigh of the other girl. She squirmed under his touch, emitting small giggles as she leaned in to kiss at his neck. He seemed to pay her little mind, eyes still trained on yours. 
No matter how badly you wanted to, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from him. He was so… “Don’t even think about it”, Kayla mutters as she appears next to you, causing you to jump in your seat. 
“What?” you question as you finally pull your gaze from the man and to your supposed friend. She rolls her eyes as she motions towards the man, “him”. “Don’t even think about starting anything with that man”. 
You frown, “I wasn’t…”─ “oh no but you were”, she cuts you off as she orders a drink of her own. “That man is no good”, she continues as she leans against the bar, “only uses girls for his own pleasure, you’ll get hurt”. 
You scoff, “what if I only seek pleasure”. Kayla frowns as she turns to look at you, “then I suggest you seek it elsewhere, he is no good”. Receiving her drink she takes a large swig and you set your own empty glass down. 
“How do you know about him?” Kayla had never even mentioned the man to you before and you were curious to know her history with him. Your friend shakes her head, “used to be close to this one girl, then one night she’s off with him”. 
Kayla sighs as she takes another sip of her drink, “next time I see her is two weeks later, drugged out of her mind”. Your eyes widened, Kayla had never even mentioned anything like this to you, perhaps you could understand why. 
She points her drink toward the man again. His hands roam the bodies of the girls who cling to his sides as they whisper sweet nothings into his ears. “That, is what that man will do to you”, she states as she downs the last of her drink. “Besides”, she shrugs, “I have never seen him with the same woman twice”. 
Setting her glass down, Kayla pulls herself from the bar, “I gotta get back to Jim”, she gives your cheek a quick peck, “call me when you’re ready to go home, yeah?”. She scurries off onto the dance floor before you have the chance to reply. 
Sighing, you return your attention to the bar as you order yourself another round. Whilst waiting on your drink you feel a hand on your shoulder. Startled, you turn your head to be met by an unfamiliar man. He gives you a polite smile as he introduces himself, “Hwan” .
You can’t help but smile back, “Y/n”, you say and when he asks to join you, you comply. Hwan takes the seat next to yours, “how come I haven’t seen you before, you new in town?”, he asks as he orders himself a drink. 
You shake your head, “no, just not a fan of clubs I suppose..”. The man nods, “I see, then I must’ve been real lucky to catch you here”, he grins and you giggle, “indeed”. 
“You here with a friend or boyfriend?”. “Just a friend, she sort of forced me along”, you say as you sip on your drink. “So no boyfriend then?”, he asks, leaning slightly closer. 
Just as you’re about to tell him no, a tall figure appears behind him. His presence makes the hair on the back of your head stand up. Hwan, inevitably notices the man as he turns around in his seat with a frown. 
“Can I help─”, he begins but is quickly cut short. 
“Scurry off”, the man who you’d locked eyes with previously says. Hwan glances between you and the man in a confused manner. When you don’t say anything he finally gets up as he gives you a small bow. 
The man from earlier clicks his tongue as he takes Hwan’s seat, quickly calling the bartender over, “I’ll have what she’s having”. 
A small silence falls over the two of you and you nervously grip your glass. What was going on? You had certainly seen the same man with two girls all over him not less than ten minutes ago. Why was he here? With you?
Sneaking a glance at him you find him already looking at you. His eyes study your face in an almost calculating way. Though he doesn’t say anything, the smirk that etches its way onto his face gives away that he likes what he sees. 
As he gets his drink, the metal rings on his fingers make a clinking sound against the glass. He takes a sip as he continues to study your face. You shift in your seat, feeling rather uncomfortable under his intense gaze. 
“Choi Beomgyu”, he then says. The name fit him, oddly enough. Perhaps it was a bad idea to give out your own name, a piece of you, to the man your friend had previously warned you about. But this man intrigued you, almost like a forbidden fruit that you know you shouldn’t eat. Yet you can’t help but wonder, could one bite be so bad? 
“Y/l/n, y/n”, you say as you set your glass down. Beomgyu’s smirk widens. “You come here often?”, he asks and you shake your head, “rarely”.  He hums against the rim of the glass, “you didn’t really strike me as the type anyway”. 
You can’t help but frown at his answer, “then what type is that?”. Beomgyu raises an eyebrow as he glances toward the dance floor, you follow his gaze. “Her”, he mutters, “and her, her, her and her”. 
You take in the appearance of the multiple half naked girls, pushing anything and everything they could onto the nearest stranger. Beomgyu’s eyes snap back to yours, under the blues and purple of the club, they glint in an almost starlike way. 
“But not you”, he states. 
“Not me”, you agree as you finish your drink. You look at him as you brush a strand of hair from your face, “then perhaps, you’re striding outside of your usual target group”. 
Beomgyu tilts his head, “I’m not opposed to trying new things”.  
Maybe it was the liquor, or the fact that Kayla had already warned you about him, or maybe it was the way his eyes drugged you stronger than any other substance could. But you found yourself wanting more, if he wasn’t opposed to trying new things, then who says you weren’t either?
And perhaps that was why you had let him lead you upstairs. Let him close the door behind you, sealing you away from the world. Let him push you back against the soft mattress of the foreign bed. 
And maybe, just maybe that was why you had let his hands wander. The same way they did those girls not even an hour earlier. The cold metal of his rings digging into your soft thighs as he pushes them apart. 
When his lips found your neck, they were soft. You had little expectations of the man currently between your legs, however, his lips being soft, had not been one of them. And he’s gentle, a lot more than you had expected. He takes his time exploring you, as if you were an exotic and foreign artifact. Something that he had never before come across. 
His large hand cups your face as he exhales, letting his warm breath fan your face. His thumb pulls your bottom lip down before he pushes it inside. Your tongue immediately wraps around it as your eyes lock with his. 
“You’re so pretty”, he murmurs as his free hand brushes through your hair. “Pretty like a doll”,  his eyes wander down your body. “Made out of porcelain, untainted and perfect”, he whispers as he pulls his thumb from your mouth. 
His now saliva coated thumb presses against your clit in a menacing way as you squirm beneath him. “And such a pretty pussy too”, he groans as he leans down to ghost his lips over where you need him the most. 
His tongue drags between your folds, drawing moans and whines from you as you grip onto the bed sheets. As his tongue dwells deeper, Beomgyu uses his hands to roughly massage and grope your thighs, making sure to leave you blue and purple. 
Occasionally inhaling before diving right back at your cunt, his nose stimulating your clit just enough to have you see stars but never a shooting one. Beomgyu groans between your legs at the sheer taste of you. 
“Need more”, he grunts as he pulls you closer to his face. “You’ll give me more, won’t you dollface?” 
You nod furiously as your thighs close around his head. Finishing all over his face with a small cry as you grip the bed sheets enough to cause ripping. 
As your orgasm fades and all that is left are your trembling legs, Beomgyu finally pulls himself from your cunt. Nose, lips and chin coated in all of you. His dark eyes find yours as he smirks, “I like you dollface”, he states. 
“I’ll keep you”. 
And that was, exactly, how you became infatuated with Choi Beomgyu.
A/N ─ EEEK, it's finally out!!! please please please drop some feedback I would love to hear your opinions >.< also this Beomgyu is such a 180 degree turn from pretty princess Beomgyu so it's been a little challenging to write but I am loving it so far!!
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→ want to get notified whenever a new dream is published? join my TAGLIST ★ all rights reserved ─ @beomiracles 2024
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slvttyplum · 25 days
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love is the most twisted curse of all. 
it’s not like satoru didn’t try, like he didn’t put effort into what he did, because that’s all he ever would do. work hard and hard, until he was bleeding and tears were putting out of his eyes. that was until he met you, someone who kept him grounded and safe, someone who understood him and accepted satoru for satoru. 
he was fine with it; he loved it, he enjoyed it, and he let it all sink in until it finally stopped, until he realized he wasn’t capable of loving you the same way, let alone treating you the same way. it’s not like he didn’t want to; he knew that deep down inside of him, he wanted to reciprocate what was given to him and give you the love that you so desperately needed.
he just couldn’t. 
he was capable of doing that; he wasn’t capable of holding you while you were sobbing and covering his shirt full of tears; he wasn’t capable of going out of his way to pick up things in the store that reminded him of you; he wasn’t capable of being the first person you would call when you were having a bad day. 
because the truth is, you weren’t his first choice. he never had a first choice; he never had someone he would run to and do something for in a heartbeat; he didn’t have someone who made his heart beat and flutter when he heard their names. 
he never told you how he truly felt because he thought, maybe for an instance in the years that you’ve been cuddled up next to him with that almost pathetic smile on your face, that he could feel the same, but it never showed up. those feelings never rained down on him; instead, they just became a burden to think about. 
it was nice to have you there until it wasn't, and the more he kept you around, the more shame and guilt began to weigh on him. his shoulders and heart heavy from having to keep how he truly felt away from you, but knowing he was too much of a coward to tell you to your face that he didn’t care for you like you cared for him. 
i mean how does that work? having someone you go to for comfort and reliance but not being able to give that same person reciprocation is quite odd; it's almost like the two things don’t add up because they don’t. it was a two-way street, but satoru molded it so that it was just one way, in the direction that both of you were walking at the same speed, but the other one was getting tired, anxious, hungry, and frightened, and he wanted to leave. 
he didn’t want to keep going down that one road anymore; it wasn’t fun or pleasant, and even though it was easy to walk down, he didn’t have to worry about
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g0ry0re0 · 4 months
"Valentine", Mike Schmidt (Five Nights At Freddy's, 2023, Film) - Imagine
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Description: You and Mike take the day off for Valentine's Day, spending quality time with one another. / Mike Schmidt x GN!Reader
General Notes: Established Relationship (reader lives with Mike and Abby), Gender Neutral Reader (no use of Y/N), Pure Fluff, Second Person POV, Takes Place After The Film's Events (no mention of movie plot, mostly just mentioned for the character and relationship development), Set In The Movie Year (2000), Brief Scene With Abby In The Beginning, Lots Of Physical Touch
Author's Note: The song choice is soooo not original lol, but I love Laufey and had to do something really cute for Valentine's Day (song is linked at the bottom of the post). This was also heavily inspired by a tweet from @/whycraves on twitter (screenshot at bottom of post). Also, my best friend, @anal-spaghetti-monster (I'm sorry lol) helped me choose the gif for Mike! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The morning before posting this, I read @sleepyhutcherson's Mike Schmidt Valentine's Day prompt and noticed a lot of similarities. I just want to throw it out there that this is purely a coincidence and that I reached out to her to confirm that posting this was still okay. Besides that, check out her work as well, as she did an amazing job with a similar prompt!
Word Count: 1,693 Words
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"Alright, Abbs, you got everything?" Mike turns around in the car seat to face her.
Your car is temporarily parked by the elementary school curb with a handful of others, you're sitting in the driver's seat and looking back and forth between your boyfriend and his younger sister. This was one of the rare days you and Mike could drop her off at school together, as you had both taken the day off work. The three of you spent an easy-going morning together, not as hectic as it usually is when trying to get ready as fast as possible for work and school. Mike in particular had woken up early and made a small breakfast for you and Abby. He woke you up with coffee and Abby with the promise of bacon, causing you both to rise quickly out of your beds and immediately join him in the kitchen. The time was spent enjoying each other's company and getting ready leisurely before heading out the door.
Abby rolls her eyes playfully and smiles. "Yes, Mike."
You smile as well and add, "Sounds like something you should've asked before we even got in the car. Definitely not when we're already at school."
It's Mike's turn to roll his eyes, but he quickly looks back at Abby.
"And you have your...love- heart candy letter things for your friends?"
"They're Valentine's Day cards, Mike! And, yes," she shakes a pink and red decorated, emptied-out, tissue box filled with cards and candy. "I have them right here."
Before Mike can even think about a response, Abby opens the car door excitedly and jumps out, shouting her goodbyes while running to the school entrance. Mike tries to yell something out the window about staying safe and paying attention to her teacher, but Abby is inside before he can try. You laugh while putting the car in drive and pulling out of the parking lot, Mike still flustered and slightly worried.
"She- she didn't even...I didn't get to-" Mike stutters out, speechless.
"Mike," You laugh again. "She's excited about Valentine's Day and seeing her friends. Can you blame her?" You glance at him, smiling before turning back to the road and continuing your short drive home.
Mike grumbles unintelligibly and looks out the window, but still grabs your free hand that's set on the center console and squeezes it lightly.
Getting out of the car causes a harsh chill to run through your body pulling your jacket around the front of your torso while closing the car door. Mike pulls out his keys and quickly opens up the front door, both out of anticipation for your day together and to get you both out of the cold as soon as possible. You rush in side by side, slightly stumbling and sighing as the warmth of your shared home dethaws your frozen bodies. Mike locks the door and watches you fondly as you remove your scarf, your gloves, your coat, and finally your shoes, leaving them by the front door. Not going unnoticed by you, you smirk while walking towards the living room.
"You're staring again, lover boy." You comment teasingly, walking around the couch and plopping down.
Mike blushes, a little embarrassed, but smiling at the nickname. He removes his excess layers as well, following you to the couch shortly after. He sits directly beside you and wraps one arm around your shoulders, the other snaking around your front, then burying his face into your neck.
A muffled, "I can't help it," vibrates against your neck while Mike rubs his thumb along your hip.
You lean into Mike's embrace, laughing a bit at his breath tickling your neck. He pulls you closer and starts peppering kisses along your neck, the act of affection making you giggle as you lightly try to push him away playfully.
"Mike, come on." You whine, weakly pushing at his face this time, trying to turn him away.
"What? I can't kiss you, my love?" He speaks against your throat again, his smile causing his stubble to scratch your skin a little bit.
You resign, defeatedly leaving your hands to rest on his chest and sighing out of fake annoyance. He leaves quick, gentle kisses along your neck, collarbone, shoulder, and trails up your jaw. Getting closer to your lips, he brings his hand up from your waist to cup your cheek, He finally presses his lips against yours sweetly, the most innocent of kisses, Mike's signature. He was pouring every ounce of his love into this one kiss, taking his time, lips moving slowly against yours. His thumb now softly grazes your cheek as he pulls away a few minutes later. He's got kind of a shy look on his face when you open your eyes.
"I got you something...for today." He whispers, glancing up from your lips to make eye contact.
"You did?" You inquire back, looking up affectionately, but feeling a slight twinge of guilt. "You didn't have to do that."
Mike gives you one final peck on the lips before pulling away. He stands up, grinning.
"Gimme one sec- " He says right before turning and walking down the hallway to your shared room.
You both had anticipated spending the day together, but you didn't expect any gifts. You loved Mike to death, but sometimes you never knew what to expect from him. All that really mattered to you was spending time together, which you didn't get to do often despite living together. If you were lucky, you got to spend time with both the Schmidt siblings, like this morning. Today was about you and Mike, though, and all you wanted to do was cuddle and talk each other's ears off until you couldn't think of anything else to say. Lost in thought, you barely notice as Mike walks back to you, holding a small object. He sits back down next to you, bringing your attention back to him. His body facing you, he smiles nervously and rubs his hand on the back of his neck.
"It's not much, but..." He trails off, holding out the item and presenting it to you.
You look down and your heart melts. In his hand is a cassette tape with your name scrawled on the front. You beam up at him while grabbing the tape, and then you look at your name written in the center. You can tell Mike put a lot of effort into printing your name as nicely as his hands allowed him to, noticing also the miscellaneous tiny, slightly sloppy, hearts surrounding it. You hold the cassette to your chest and look back up at him.
"Michael Schmidt, did you make me a mixtape?" You ask playfully.
He loved hearing you say his name. You can see a light blush spread across his face as he smiles shyly, his hand still anxiously messing with the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I tried- well, it's got, like, songs that remind me of you and stuff. Songs that remind me of us," he stammers, bashfully looking down at the tape. "Do you like it?"
He looks back up at you hopefully, using his other hand to nervously pull at the bottom of his shirt. You smirk and stand up, still clutching the cassette to your chest.
"Well, let's see..." You trail off, teasingly, walking across the living room to the cassette deck near the entertainment center.
A familiar song begins to play and you smile softly now. You turn towards Mike and walk back to the couch, standing over him. He looks up at you quizzically before you reach your hand out to him.
"Wanna dance?"
He looks slightly relieved and grabs your hand, standing up and pulling you to the center of the room. One pair of hands intertwined, his other on your waist, your other on his shoulder. You stare at one another lovingly, almost sickeningly sweet the moment being shared. The tempo of the song didn't matter, you both slowly swayed back and forth, taking in the tranquility of the scene. You squeeze his hand and he squeezes back, rubbing his thumb over yours.
"No one's ever made me a mixtape before," you comment distractedly, most of your focus being on Mike's puppy dog eyes that you loved so dearly. "it's definitely worth however much time you spent on it. When did you get a chance to do this anyway?"
A lopsided smile appears on his face.
"A little too much time," he laughs a little. "And I put it together while you were sleeping the other night. Though, most of the time I spent was thinking of songs to put on it. That took me a few weeks."
You move the hand that was resting on his shoulder up to cup his cheek. Mike leans into your touch and closes his eyes, humming in contentment. You lean forward and capture his lips in a quick kiss, his eyes fluttering in pleasant surprise, kissing you back. You pull away, using the hand holding his face as leverage to start peppering kisses all over his face. You go from the corner of his lips, to his stubbled cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his chin, and finally back to his lips. He smirks knowingly and opens his eyes to look at you.
"What are you doing, love?"
"Paying you back for earlier," you smirk back at him, pinching his cheek before resuming your hand's previous position. "And for the amazing Valentine's Day gift."
You take both of your hands now and place them on the sides of his face. His eyebrows furrow but he's still smiling, both of his hands now placed on your hips to keep you both balanced. You start placing soft, quick smooches everywhere now. Rapidly placing kisses all over his face, causing you both to laugh, smiling against his skin. Your laughter in unison with the music playing sounds like heaven to Mike, knowing that moments like these are rare. Though treasuring the moment, both of you feel tenderness in knowing more memories like these will happen as your merged existences face what everyone craves more of, time.
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Divider: saradika and saradika-graphics on tumblr
Gif: charlie-eppes-blog on tumblr
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forgeofthenine · 6 months
Could I request the tiefling bachelors with a lover from Elturel who opts to leave with them when the tieflings are exiled from the city?
This was one of those requests where I started writing and just couldn't stop, I love this idea and it was so refreshing to just be able to write off vibes without any real issues. Thank you for the wonderful request Anon, I hope you enjoy <3
The bachelors when their partner joins them in exile
Dammon isn't stupid, he knew when Elturel was returned to the surface that tensions wouldn't resolve easily
What he wasn't expecting was for his non tiefling lover to come find him as he packed a bag of whatever tools he could carry
There in his workshop doorway is where you stood, panting and catching your breath, and Dammon pauses
He's wondering how you might say goodbye to him, after nearly a year of being lovers no goodbye seems like enough to him
It's hardly a shock when you launch yourself into his arms and pull him down for a kiss, what does surprise the blacksmith is when you ask to join him afterwards
It's a quiet plead, you know it sounds desperate but time is running short and it's impossible to imagine a life without this man
Dammon is honestly conflicted about the whole thing
He wants desperately for you to be safe, to live a good life, to be happy
You both know however that the two of you are happiest when together, and he's spent so long imagining the life he'll share with you
Despite the dangers he knows will be waiting on the road, he agrees to take you
Dammon will selflessly shield you from any mockery or criticism as you both leave with the pack of tieflings
He's happy to protect you from danger or cold while on the journey too, it's easy for anyone to see his dedication to you in the way he acts
However, it would be a lie to say Dammon doesn't worry sometimes that you both might've made the wrong choice, that being exiled with him might be your ruin
Those thoughts will only be quashed in the future, when you both reach Baldurs Gate, but for now you two snuggle by campfires as Dammon sneaks some of his food onto your plate
Zevlor is in bad shape when Elturel is returned to the surface where it belongs
He and the rest of the hellriders disgraced, his fellow tieflings all being driven from the city
The paladin has a couple residual injuries from the fall and the ensuing chaos, trying to nurse them as he and the others are driven out
It all happened so fast, things passing by in a blur until he hears someone calling his name
It's no secret you're the lover of the hellriders general, the two of you had been together happily for a couple years now
He's shocked to see you sprinting over to him, a satchel thrown over your shoulder as you call for him to wait a moment
As soon as you reach the man he's ready to pull you against him, trying to hide you from the judgemental stares of others as he asks what you're doing
Zevlor is honestly speechless when you tell him you're joining him in exile
As much as he loves you, he doesn't want it at first
The most important thing to him is that you stay alive and safe, he can't guarantee that if you join him on the road
It's only when you tell him 'staying in Elturel can't guarantee that either' that he'll finally acquiesce
He's careful to take notice of your comfort, making sure you have good shoes and a warm blanket even if it means him going without
Zevlor is both dedicated and a protector, sometimes it takes you talking to him before he sees that he needs to be a priority for himself too
You spend your time sat on his makeshift desk in the grove, making sure Zevlor eats and drinks enough while looking over his maps
You'd known Rolan and his siblings for years, your families close as the four of you grew up together
The budding wizard had always been drawn to you, much to his own annoyance at times, and it was no surprise when the two of you became lovers as teens
When Elturel was returned to the surface there was chaos and confusion through the streets, seemingly the only thing people could agree on was to blame the tieflings
Rolan himself was focused on trying to get Cal and Lia out safe, not worried about himself so long as they make it out unharmed
What draws him out of this focus is when you meet the trio at the gate
Your face is flushed, hair a mess from your heedless running towards the group of tieflings, and at any other time Rolan would consider it an attractive look on you
His own clawed hand grips yours as you pull him into a firm hug, and as soon as you ask to join him you feel the warmth of his tears against the skin on your collarbone
It's so relieving for him to know you still want him, despite the shunning that comes with it
Your thumbs wipe away the tears gathered in the corner of his eyes when you both pull away, his hand quickly taking yours as you all join the group of refugees beyond the walls of the city
While tempers run hot between him and Lia as you all journey, particularly when he wants to split from the group in the grove, everyone can rely on you to calm him
He struggles with the lack of privacy and the high tensions both wearing on his patience, but having you to confide in is endlessly helpful for him
Even while on the road, you two often sneak away to spend time alone and if you're lucky Rolan might even put on a bit of a magic show for you, much to the amusement of his siblings
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House Call
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~6.5k
Summary: You recieve a proposition
A/N: Here's the mean Wanda y'all have asked for.
Warnings: Angst, mild torture, mentions of blood, stalking, and manipulation.
Wanda’s regretting her choice of shoes as she continues to run after the stalker she’d been following for a few hours. She curses under her breath as she sees him make a turn up ahead and out of sight. She speaks to Steve who’s in her ear and supposedly has eyes on their target from whatever rooftop he’s on.
“Steve, where’s he heading?”
Wanda rounds the corner only to see that he’s disappeared and she’s about to ask again when Steve speaks up.
“He’s trying to catch a ride a couple of blocks away. Take the next left and you can probably cut him off."
Wanda nods before heading in this direction quickly. She hasn’t had to run after someone like this for a while, but given the circumstance she wanted to be the one to do this.
Yesterday, Bucky had told her that someone had been following you for the past couple of days. He had waited until he was certain, but after seeing him drive by your work and then again when you went out with friends one night, he knew he had to tell Wanda. This wasn’t something that had happened before and both he and Wanda agreed that it needed to be handled promptly. She’d decided to tail you and Bucky today, and as soon as she saw him leave your work, she followed him back to his hotel. She’d knocked on his door and the moment he opened it and realized who was standing there he slammed it in her face before escaping out the window.
Now Wanda was chasing him around downtown during rush hour, but she was determined not to let him get away. She was going to find out why he was following you, and she didn’t care what it took.
As she runs down the alley and turns one more time when Steve tells her to, she grabs her gun preparing to meet the man head on.
“He’s coming around the corner, you should see him in a few seconds.”
Wanda smiles at this and she steps out of the alley just in time to see the brunette fly down the sidewalk. He’s looking at a car down the road that she suspects might be his ride, but he’s not going to make it that far if she can help it.
“Got him.”
He’s too focused on getting away to notice her appearance, and she catches him off guard when she grabs him. He’s thrown onto the ground back down the alley that she’d run through so he’s away from sight, and he stares up at her in shock and terror when he sees her smiling. She hears Steve say that he’s on the way and she just hums before she puts her gun away for now. She’s not going to need it for this.
“Hi there.”
When Wanda sees him next, he’s in the basement of the compound in a room that Wanda’s used many times. She doesn’t miss the sight of it though, but this is something that she’s not going to leave to anyone else. She plays with the sleeve of her jacket as the door closes behind her with a quiet click. She takes a second to study the man in front of her. He looks mostly unharmed, the only sign that he’s been roughed up is the dirt on his shirt from when she’d thrown him down when she caught up to him. She wonders if he’ll be compliant, rather how long it will take, and she sighs slightly as she decides to start off easy.
“What’s your name?”
The brunette’s wrists and ankles were secured with zip ties, and despite not being gagged he made no attempt to speak. Wanda isn’t really shocked by this, and she just takes the few seconds of silence to glance at the familiar table of tools that she uses for these interrogations. She briefly wondered how long it would be until you’re home. She had meant to cook you dinner, but for now this took precedent.
“I assume you know who I am, given that you ran, but in case you hit your head let me remind you.”
Wanda opens her mouth to speak but she’s cut off by a curt response and a weak glare.
“I know who you are.”
Wanda smiles slightly at this and she brings her focus back on her captive audience with a nod. When Bucky first told her that someone was stalking you, her first thought was Strucker. He was the most annoying of her rivals, but this wasn’t really his style. If he wanted something from her, he would usually just ask, or if she was insistent on not giving him the time of day, he’d do something far showier to get her attention. This left her less insistent and therefore less important rivals to consider, but there were too many for her to narrow them down on her own. She only briefly wondered what someone would want with you, but she couldn’t think about that right now. She needed to focus on what she could find out and not get too caught up in the what ifs.
“Great, then you should know why I’m here, and why I bothered to bring you in myself.”
The scowl on his face tells Wanda that he shares in her annoyance, and she decides to sit down for a minute. She wishes she had changed before coming down here. Her slightly wrinkled suit isn’t her most comfortable, and after running for a few blocks she’d sweat a fair amount. She doesn’t realize until later that she made an unconscious decision to wait because she always counts on these interrogations getting a little messy.
A shrug is the only response Wanda gets and she sighs as she crosses her arms and leans back in her chair. She stifles a yawn as her mind wanders to her stubborn cat who’s bound to be angry at her for being gone so long. She’ll have to give her extra treats tonight if she hopes to get her daily dose of snuggles.
“I’ll tell you what, Jeff? You look like a Jeff. How about you tell me what I’d like to know and then we both can get out of here okay? I certainly have somewhere else I’d rather be.”
‘Jeff’ was a little miffed about being here. Earlier this week he’d been asked by his boss to follow you around. He hadn’t really wanted to because he liked his usual gig, but he couldn’t just say no. When he’d been told what he would be doing he was a little surprised and reluctant. He was only slightly mortified that he’d been caught after only two days of recon. He didn’t even get to attempt what he’d been ordered to do before he found himself here. If he’s a little pissed about that and he lets it show, who’s going to hold it against him?
Unfortunately, he realized the answer to this as soon as she’d knocked on the door of his hotel room.
He tugs uselessly against his restraints and shoots Wanda a dirty look that does nothing to hide his leering as he looks her up and down.
“What do you want to know?”
Jeff figures that if he can come up with a convincing enough story he can get out of here and stay out of trouble with his boss. The only problem is he failed to realize how poorly thought out this plan was. He blamed the redhead in front of him for rattling his brain inside his skull.
Wanda frowns at the look he gives her, but she ignores it for now as she gets to the point. She’s never liked how things tended to be dragged out in this room. She just wanted answers, and occasionally she wanted to hurt someone, but most of the time she just needed information. She feels her phone vibrate in her pocket, but she ignores it for now.
“Why have you been following my wife?”
You’re glad to be leaving work early, at least the building. There had been a lot of difficult clients today and people were very stressed. It was nice to have the occasional house call because it kept things interesting and the change of scenery was nice. Sometimes clients would try to feed you and as much as you wanted to accept it you knew it wasn’t allowed.
It might be frowned upon at work because it tended to encourage a sense of obligation in clients that wasn’t necessary, but you’re sure that Wanda would be apoplectic if you told her that you ate something a stranger made you. With this in mind, you look to your assistant who’s almost as excited to be here as you are because you’re sure he’s felt the stress of the day as well. You weren’t sure who was going to accompany you on this trip, but you wouldn’t be surprised if all of the assistants had tried to take Tyler’s spot. You were secretly glad that he was with you because he liked all of the exotic pets that this client had.
When the blonde nods, you ring the doorbell and readjust the bag on your shoulder. You were only here to take care of three of the dozen or more pets here, but that still required more than you always think. The house you’ve arrived at is large enough to house a couple dozen dogs if the owner decided to have that many. The house is larger than yours and the land that surrounds it goes further than you can see. You’ve often wondered what this client did to have all of this, but it wasn’t your business, and your imagination could only tell you so much.
The door opens a few seconds later, and you’re surprised to see who’s on the other side. The other  times that you’ve come here to treat his pets, you’d been greeted by one of his employees.
“Mr. Flynn, good afternoon.”
“Dr. Y/L/N, good to see you again! Come on in, please.”
You walk through the front door, closely followed by your assistant who’s already looking around for some of the snakes that are commonly seen roaming free. You try not to think about it too much as you’re led toward the main room where most of the pets were. You smile at the sight of the many dogs that roam freely from the house to the backyard through the large glass doors. A couple of the dogs run up to you and you greet them with some scratches before looking for the three you’re here for.
“Thank you for coming all the way out here. It’s just so hard to get them to the clinic.”
You smile at this before shaking your head. Despite it being a bit of a drive, over 30 minutes to get here, you don’t mind it too much. It was a beautiful place, and despite his pets mostly being anxious about anyone they didn’t know, it had gotten easier since you started these visits. These dogs lived outside primarily and being enclosed anywhere, let alone restrained, freaked them out. You bribed them with a lot of treats and pets, and usually things went quickly and you watched them all run out into the yard as soon as you were done.
“Of course. It really is beautiful out here.”
You look around a little while longer before you notice one of the pets you’re here to examine. You kneel and hold out your hand with a smile before trying to encourage the dog to greet you.
“Hi there, Red. Do you want to come say hi to us?”
Wanda scowls at the brunette as he decides to counter her question with one of his own. Wanda has a sneaking suspicion that she knows why he was following you, but she wanted to hear him say it. She contemplates slapping him when he simply smiles at her and shrugs in indifference.
“Why would anyone want to follow your wife? To watch her walk aw-.”
His head snaps to the side as Wanda backhands him before he even finishes his thought. He grimaces and his face is still stinging when she speaks up a couple of minutes later. She forced herself to take a deep breath and not blow up at this idiot. He’s clearly hiding something, but Wanda just has to be patient enough to figure out what that is.
“Really? You’re following her around just to leer at her?”
She watches Jeff consider this for a moment, and he had to admit that you weren’t bad to look at. Following you was only difficult because he’d had to keep his distance and this meant that he rarely actually got to leer at you. He honestly only recognized you sometimes because of your dog. You always had him with you, and this was another reason why he hadn’t risked getting close. He hadn’t known that you would be tailed by someone other than him.
“You have to admit that she’s got a nice set of—ack!”
Wanda’s hand is around his throat so quickly that he doesn’t even get a chance to breathe before she’s choking him. His breath hitches, and his face turns red as Wanda leans in to whisper in his ear with a smile. She sighs making him jump and she can’t help but chuckle at his poorly concealed fear.
“Let’s just get one thing straight before you keep talking, Jeff. I’m already going to cut you twice for what you’ve said. If you want to add to that by saying something else supremely stupid, be my guest.”
Wanda doesn’t let up on him until his face starts to turn blue, and she leaves him sputtering and gasping for breath as she turns to grab a weapon. She grabs the large hunting knife and twirls it in her hand with a small smile. This was going to be fun.
“Now tell me. Why were you really stalking, Y/n?”
She reaches out for his shoulder ignoring how he’s still struggling to breathe between coughs as she cuts his shirt away. He starts to struggle pitifully but Wanda doesn’t pay him any mind as she presses the tip of her knife into his trembling stomach. She doesn’t go deep enough to cause much damage, but blood immediately starts to pool at the waistband of his pants as she drags the knife one way and then the other to make two jagged cuts.
“Come on, Jeff. I don’t have all day.”
“Red! Come on, we don’t have all day buddy.”
The first dog you’d seen is actually the last one you end up looking at because he’d fled and you hadn’t wanted to chase after him. For this reason, you’d started with the other two, but now that they were taken care of you had to find Red again. Correction, Tyler had to find him again since you were just waiting inside and getting everything ready for him. He’d insisted on looking for him, and you had hoped it would only take a minute or two.
“Dr. Y/L/N, I have a question for you.”
You look up from your exam sheet to see that you’re being watched. Your pen stops moving and you offer a smile as you nod in response. You’re only half paying attention as you review your findings that you’ll need to write down soon or else you’ll forget.
“Of course.”
You’re prepared to answer a question about how to treat Red for ticks, or maybe how to make sure the other dogs don’t get them too. You’re surprised when your client doesn’t ask anything that relates to the three dogs you just looked at. After being examined in her shortest amount of time possible, Red had run back outside and you’d let Tyler roam around for a bit leaving you alone with your client. You glance up at a dog that brushes by you before noticing a cat following closely on his heels. Well, relatively alone at least.
“I was wondering. Would you be interested in being a live-in vet? As you’ve seen, I have a lot of animals that require medical care.”
You try not to stiffen at the question because it puts you on high alert. Despite the years you’ve come here, and the many times you’ve spoken with Ted Flynn, you never felt like he was someone you needed to worry about. Sure, he was a bit of a hermit and an odd guy overall, but he never did anything that raised any concerns. Or specifically made you think he was involved in similar dealings as your wife. You still try not to consider this as you smile at him sheepishly.
“As nice as that would be, unfortunately that violates my contract, so we’ll just have to stick to these visits.”
You try not to be obvious as you glance outside to see if Tyler’s on his way back. You’d like to leave soon, but you had to wait until your assistant returned. When you just hear a laugh before turning to see the back of your client’s head you frown in confusion. You watch him walk across the room toward a desk that apparently functions as a safe as well. He unlocks one of the drawers and pulls out a nondescript black bag that you really hope doesn’t have a gun in it.
“Are you sure I can’t convince you otherwise?”
You stand up and watch as he unzips the bag and takes out a large stack of something. You wish you’d brought some sort of weapon with you other than hypodermic needles. Realizing that it was a bunch of money only improved your mood a little bit. You look up from the thousands of dollars to the brunette with a confused look. He must not be involved in the mob because if so, he’d know that you have too much money to be bribed.
“No, I don’t think so.”
Wanda pulls her knife free from Jeff’s shoulder with a disgusted noise. His blood splatters on her sleeve and his ruined shirt, and Wanda scowls at the mess. She sighs impatiently as she glances at her watch for the time. She’s been in here too long, but as she forgets that quickly when she sees how many notifications she has. She forgot that she’d put her phone on silent until she pulls it out of her pocket. She frowns when she sees that Bucky has called and texted her, and that you’d called her a few minutes ago.
Hey, Y/n’s going on a house call at the Flynn estate. I can’t tail her.
1 missed call
1 missed call. 1 voicemail.
Hey Wands. Sorry to bother you, but I need help.
Wanda turns back to Jeff with a suspicious look and she lifts his head up so he can meet her gaze. He’s got tears running down his face, but his stubborn scowl makes Wanda doubt that he’s going to be any help to her. Still, she has to try because clearly something is still going on, and she needs to leave soon to look for you.
“I’m going to step outside and make a call, Jeff. By the time I get back you can either talk, or die here. Up to you.”
Wanda doesn’t give him time to answer before she leaves the room to call you. She doesn’t go far, but she makes sure the door is shut and locked behind her before she starts to dial your number.
You’re not sure that you made the right decision, but as you watch Tyler leave with your car you realize that you’re stranded here. You’ve already texted Bucky and Wanda, but you hadn’t heard from either of them.  You’re unaware of Bucky’s presence at the gates of Flynn’s house, and that he stops Tyler on his way out. You think you’re truly alone and you try not to worry too much as you figure out how to deal with your soon to be fired client.
As soon as he’d hinted at your wife’s occupation, you decided to send Tyler back to the practice and you would figure out what Ted really wanted from you. You turn back once Tyler’s out of sight and head to the living room again with a sigh. You are really hating yourself for not bringing a weapon as you notice that the stack of money is now accompanied by a gun that definitely hadn’t been there before.
“So where should we start, doctor?”
You frown as you eye the seat in front of the desk. It’s a lot closer than you want to be to him right now, but you’d love to sit down. Your back is killing you, but you force yourself to ignore it as you put your hands in your coat pocket with a sigh. You’d been excited to come here and get away from work, but of course things had to get complicated.
“Do you really want me to be your doctor, or are you just doing this to get attention?”
You don’t mention whose attention because you haven’t gotten confirmation that he knew who you were, but you were hoping he’d tell you now that you were alone. He’s looking around the room at the dogs who have all started to gather. He’s not quite sure how things are going on your wife’s end, but she was supposed to be busy and allow for him to have some time alone with you. He glances at the stack of money, $50,000 and then his gun that he hasn’t even loaded. He’s hoping he won’t need it.
When you’re offered a smile, you can’t help but feel conflicted and betrayed. You feel your phone buzz in your pocket and you think about grabbing it when it doesn’t stop. Instead, you wait for Ted, to answer your question. You can’t help but be curious if he’d known who you were this entire time, or if he’d learned recently and decided that he wanted something from you. He certainly didn’t need money.
“You’re a great doctor, Dr. Y/L/N. I meant what I said when I told you I wanted you to stay here to help me. Mrs. Maximoff can come stay too.”
You don’t really know how to respond to this, so you’re a little relieved when your phone continues to vibrate. It provides a nice distraction, and you don’t hesitate to take your phone out and confirm your suspicions.
“Speaking of Mrs. Maximoff. Do you mind?”
Ted just nods and you quickly answer the phone with a sigh.
“Hey, Wanda.”
Wanda nearly curses in relief when you finally answer, and she frowns as she tries to figure out what you need from her.
“Y/n, hey. What’s going on? Where are you?”
You don’t answer immediately, instead you turn back to look at Ted who’s waiting patiently for you. You don’t know how to feel about all of this, but mostly you’re a little annoyed at being misled for so long. You supposed you believed that Ted wanted you to live here and take care of his animals, he was far away from the practice, so it would be more convenient. That said, he chose today to do this for some reason, and you can’t help but want to get out of here as quickly as possible.
“I’m at Ted Flynn’s house, and he’s got an unconventional request for me…well us.”
Wanda left Jeff without making a decision about his fate, but she figured whatever she finds when she reaches you will help with this. She sighs as she pulls up to the large gate and sees the house on the hill where she assumes you’re surrounded by dogs. You’ve been to this house before for a house call, and you’ve told her many times about how many pets this man had. She found it a little chaotic, almost suspicious, but you’re always thrilled about getting to visit, so she keeps her opinions to herself.
She’s wondering if maybe she should have shared them earlier as she walks up to the door to find Bucky standing there with a sour look on his face. He apparently had made it through the gate, but was having trouble reaching you. Wanda offers him a sheepish smile that he merely sighs at.
“Were you not invited in, Bucky?”
The brunette had called you and been let onto the grounds, but when he rang the doorbell, he was told to wait outside. Whatever business was being conducted behind the door didn’t require his presence apparently.
Wanda rolls her eyes at this as she rings the doorbell despite her desire to just walk in. She’s not sure how that will be received, and given that you seem to be more or less stuck here, she doesn’t want to push her luck. Yet.
When the door swings open, she’s relieved to see you standing there shooting her a smile. It’s apprehensive and she doesn’t like this at all, but she’s going to make sure she takes care of whatever is going on here so you two can go home.
She reaches out for you with a smile of her own and she grasps your hand in hers with a relieved sigh.
“Are you okay?”
You nod before you can really consider your answer because you’re tense. You’re not sure what’s going on and the fact that Wanda is here with you is causing you all kinds of distress. The fact that your work life and home life, and maybe Wanda’s work life are about to collide is giving you a migraine.
Still, you squeeze her hand reassuringly as you lead her and Bucky down the hall quickly. You want to get this over with and go home.
“I’m okay. Just a little confused. Hi Bucky.”
When the three of you return to the large room that opens into the backyard, you’re surprised that more dogs have returned. It is getting close to dinner time you suppose.
Your attention goes to them first of course because you’re never not a vet, but both Wanda and Bucky had their focus on Ted. You stop short when Wanda stops dead in her tracks at the sight of the gun now lying on top of the bag full of cash. She moves in front of you just enough for Ted to notice, and Bucky’s already reaching for his own gun.
“There’s no need for that. It’s not even loaded.”
Even if Wanda was inclined to believe him, she didn’t move any closer and she didn’t stop Bucky from drawing his own weapon. The way she saw it, you were asked here under false pretenses, and she just had to figure out why. She hears them, but still doesn’t spare the dogs a glance as she considers everything that’s happened today. She feels your hand move to squeeze her arm, but she’s not sure what you’re trying to communicate to her. She’s a little distracted at the moment.
“We’ll be the judge of that.”
Wanda frowns as she stands up straighter and tries to resist the urge to snap in annoyance.
“Well, I’m here. What is it you wanted to ask me?”
Wanda is very deliberate with her words, she always has been, so you know for a fact that she’s as suspicious of Ted’s motives as you are. Likely more because honestly, you know your wife. You have been coming here for over two years to treat his pets, but at no point in time did you fear that Ted knew who you were. Not until now of course.
Your head is spinning as you try to consider all of the reasons why Ted would lure you here. The gruesome possibilities are overwhelming, but it only takes a few moments for you to see reason. The fact that Wanda’s here is no small feat, and as soon as you realize this, you understand what the goal of today’s visit was. You try not to be annoyed at the fact that you were so obviously used. You don’t do a great job.
Ted simply smiles as he looks between you and Wanda with barely concealed glee. He’d only been trying to figure out who you were married to for years, before he’d even met you. He had immediately been intrigued by the lack of a paper trail when he looked into your background. Everything he found told him nothing of interest. Every document, college transcript and bank statement screamed you were just an average 30 something-year-old. It only took meeting you once to realize that this wasn’t true in the slightest.
He glances at the rings on your finger, and he can’t help but wonder why Wanda’s not wearing any. This hardly matters though in the grand scheme of things. The fact that she’s here at all speaks volumes. He spares Bucky a glance before turning back to the couple in front of him.
“Mrs. Maximoff. Were you behind the fire that burnt down my headquarters on the East side?”
You feel Wanda stiffen in front of you, and although you can’t see it, you’re sure she’s surprised by this. You have no idea what he’s talking about which makes you even angrier because of course this whole visit was about Wanda. It was always about Wanda.
It doesn’t take Wanda long to recover, but she hadn’t been able to hide her surprise. She knows exactly what is being asked, but she had no idea that he had any ties to corrupt business. All she had cared about was that they were funding her rivals, and she’d had to send a message. She eventually shrugs in response. She’s not sure how Flynn will react, but she trusts Bucky to shoot him if he makes a wrong move.
“I wasn’t the one to start the fire, but it was my call I suppose.”
You tug on the back of Wanda’s jacket, probably to warn her, but she doesn’t shift her attention from Ted who merely smiles at her confession. She’s a little confused and doesn’t hide it well as she watches Ted sigh heavily before he walks out from behind his desk. He heads toward one of the dogs sitting on the ground, and he kneels down to scratch him absentmindedly.
“Alright, well you’re free to go as you wish. Thank you again for your help, Dr. Maximoff. I do hope this isn’t the last time we see each other.”
You honestly can’t promise this and you’re not even going to bother addressing it as you step out from behind Wanda with an angry look. She tries to hold you back, but you’ve taken two big steps toward Ted before she manages to catch your wrist, not that you notice.
“Was this entire visit just to prove that you knew who I was? To have a chance to talk to Wanda? What the fuck!?”
You shake Wanda’s hold and take another step closer, so you’re almost looming over the brunette. Much to your chagrin he doesn’t seem to react at all. You realize that he’s telling you all you need to know, and you decide to leave before you embarrass yourself further.
“Unbelievable. You’re going to have to find another vet, Mr. Flynn. I’m done.”
You’ve turned around and you’re on your way to storming out when you hear laughter. You stop in the doorway before turning around to shoot the contemptuous brunette a glare. If you wouldn’t get into trouble for slapping him…
Ted’s eyes are bright with amusement as he looks you up and down in a way that makes Wanda glower while you grimace at the idea of what’s going through his mind. When he stands back up you expect him to threaten you. Maybe to say that he’ll tell everyone who you are if you walk out on him. You’re not sure it would be worth it either way. Wanda could certainly take care of any threat he posed, and threatening to expose you also threatened her, so you’re sure she won’t leave him with a warning.
“I can see why Carson is so taken with you.”
Your brows furrow in confusion because why would anything that happened in the last two hours make sense to you. You open your mouth to respond, but Wanda cuts you off. 
“Who the hell--?”
“Carson? Is he the one who’s been following Y/n?”
Now you’re staring at your wife in confusion but her attention’s not on you as she shoots a suspicious look at the man behind you. You turn back to him before you start to step back so you’re closer to Wanda. She barely resists the urge to reach out for you and hold you close.
As he’s wiping the invisible dirt off of his pants, Ted nods in response before turning to Wanda with a curious look. She’s beginning to wonder how he’d managed to make everything line up so perfectly. How he’d played her so thoroughly.
“Yes, my son. He’s the reason why I looked into you in the first place, doctor. He was obsessed with you after that first visit with his dog. If he was to try and court you, I wanted to make sure you would be good enough for him.”
You have many objections to what he’s just said, and you plan to at least voice a few but you don’t get a chance. You can’t even wrap your mind around the fact that someone, this man’s son, has apparently been stalking you. You were going to have to ask Wanda about that.
“You’ll cut him loose, won’t you Mrs. Maximoff? I’m sure you’ve sufficiently warned him off.”
At this, you spin around to look at Wanda in surprise. She’s already found him? Also how long has she known about this and not told you about it? Wanda seems to realize that she’s in trouble with you, but she can’t focus on that now. She spares a moment to send you an apologetic look before she shakes her head at Ted’s question.
“He hasn’t given me a reason to do so yet, but I suppose we could make a deal.”
It doesn’t take Wanda long to negotiate, not that you’re even really paying attention. You’re sufficiently overwhelmed by today’s events, and you’d like to go home and collapse into bed and pass out for a few hours. You don’t even need dinner. As soon as Wanda agrees to release Ted’s son in exchange for keeping your identity secret, she’s leading you back outside into the darkness.
It’s not until you’re settled beside her in her car that you manage to speak. You listen to the rumble of the engine for a few seconds before shaking your head in disbelief.
“What the hell just happened?”
Wanda sighs as she reaches over to buckle you up so they can get out of here. She doesn’t want to linger and she’s as eager to get home as you are. Bucky’s already gone to the compound to figure out how to get rid of not-Jeff, so that leaves her with you for the rest of the night. She pulls out of the driveway and turns onto the road before she responds. She’s tried to figure out how to explain this to you since she realized where you were and then again once she realized she’d been set up. She didn’t like being toyed with any more than you did, but she has a feeling you’ll be angry about more than just Ted’s actions.
“He planned all of this. He had his son follow you, knowing I would confront him, but he made sure it would be today. While you were with him. He made sure that I would willing to come here.”
You don’t say anything immediately. You just stare ahead at the dark road with a scowl. You hated being used as a pawn. You especially hated to be humiliated like this. You had thought all of this time that Ted was just another client. You had no idea that he’d suspected anything of you, and now you felt like a fool because all he’d cared about today was talking to Wanda. All he’d ever cared about was Wanda. You knew that he didn’t have to bring her to his house today to prove that he knew who you were. He could have done that in a number of other ways, but no, he’d wanted an audience with Wanda.
You try to push down your frustration at the fact that you’ll always pale in comparison to your wife, but you don’t quite succeed.
“So he just wanted you then? Now that his son won’t dare come near me again, he just used this opportunity to talk to you?”
When Wanda hesitates, you realize that you’d sounded a lot angrier than you’d intended. You just sigh in defeat before turning toward the window with a scowl that you can see reflected back at you. You close your eyes and shake your head, not noticing Wanda’s worried look.
“Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”
It won’t change anything.
The rest of the ride home is made in silence, and when you arrive to your rooms you do exactly what you’d intended to. You forget about work, eating, and anything else that doesn’t involve falling into bed. You barely take the time to remove your furry clothes before crawling under the covers in the dark. You notice that Wanda’s standing in the living room, unsure of what to do, but you can’t bring yourself to call out for her. You’re not in the right mindset to have a productive conversation. You just want to sleep and forget that today ever happened. You’d love to pretend as if this blow to your ego hadn’t happened.
This only lasts for about 15 seconds because without looking, you know that Wanda’s made her way into the bedroom. She’d taken off her shoes so you didn’t hear her come in, but you’re not surprised when you open your eyes and see her standing at the foot of the bed. You sigh and just shake your head before rolling onto your side to sleep.
“We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?”
Both you and Wanda hear the fatigue and disappointment in your voice, and luckily, she doesn’t argue with you. She simply nods before deciding that she’ll try to find something else to do to give you some space. She runs a hand through her hair and immediately regrets it. Her headache that had started on the ride home had worsened significantly with each minute of silence between you.
Wanda figures she’ll use this time to figure out how she feels about everything that happened. It’s not like she’ll be able to think of much else tonight.
“Okay, tomorrow.”
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urhoneycombwitch · 1 month
hands of love
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foreword: omg been so long since I wrote for greenwitch!reader she’s baaaack. thx for reading if u do <3
cw: greenwitch!reader, R dresses very femme, referred to as ‘girlfriend’ once
wc: 1.5k
It’s the first sunny spring day in Hawkins, so when Eddie’s cursory call goes straight to your answering machine, he’s not worried. Wherever there’s sun, you’re sure to be found- dozing on his front porch like a cat in the sun, making daisy chains with rings sparkling on your pretty fingers, anywhere but indoors.
He hums along mindlessly to the radio on his way over, plucking at the neck of his cut-off tank for airflow. Metalhead fashion is a killer during warm months; he’s already regretting the choice of black ripped jeans over more weather-appropriate shorts.
Your dad’s house is just off Cornwallis, nestled in a forested area, gravel service road for a driveway that’s easy to miss. Eddie swings his van with a practiced wheel-flex, tires crunching down the lane when something catches his eye and he hits the brakes, hard.
Just off the gravel, sittin’ pretty in the dirt, is you- deep green tank top hugging your chest, bare feet poking out of a long patchwork skirt, gold and silver jewelry dripping from your ears, sliding around your neck and wrists, glinting in the sun. 
You’re a fucking vision. Eddie swears, softly, then throws the gear shift to park and pockets his keys.
At the sound of the van door closing, you look up from your spot sat on the ground, the little crinkle of focus between your brows smoothing out into a devastatingly radiant smile- for Eddie. All for him.
”Hey! Was just thinkin’ about you!”
Eddie’s careful not to disturb the gardening tools spread out in haphazard array when he walks over, bending to his haunches for a kiss. 
You taste like fragrant oil and sunshine. He gives you another for good measure, then pulls back, bracketing your face between his palms- “You were thinkin’ about little ol’ me?”
“Always.” An honest grin for an honest answer. “I was making you a present and then wishing you’d show up, so it’s kind of like I manifested you. With my mind.”
“Freaky,” he replies, indulgent, giving you a forehead kiss then dropping to sit at your side. “Good thing I have a witch for a girlfriend, hm?”
“Uh-huh. Good thing.” 
He’s already lost your attention to the trowel you’re plunging in the dirt, churning up the earth, loamy smell filling the air. Used to chasing after your trains of thought, Eddie asks, “Whatcha doing? 
“In a minute.” The reply is kind but distracted, a sort of coded rhythm that Eddie’s good at breaking- I want to tell you but if I try to find the words, my focus will slip.
Your focus is a precious thing- especially when it comes to your craft. Unintentionally, you’ve taught Eddie more about the virtues of shutting up and taking the world in these past few months than he’s ever cared to learn before.
After reaching past him for an open mason jar, you carefully shovel in about an inch of dirt, hold it up to the light for inspection, then repeat the same motion for the other nearby jar. 
Eddie waits patiently, leaning back into his hands, watching you work. It’s soothing, seeing you interact with the nature that runs through your veins; having been on the receiving end of many of your gifts, he wonders if it’s a spell jar. Or a planter. Or-
“Terrarium.” As if responding to Eddie’s internal questions, your full attention envelops him, suffocatingly, wonderfully close as you lean in. “Was gonna make it for you as a surprise, but now that you’re here… wanna make it with me?”
Eddie’s still reeling from the steadiness of your eyes on his, the soft slip of bare arm pressing against his own. With a slow, dazed head shake- “Hold on. Give me a second.”
Your turn to be patient, jar of soil held at the space where your bodies are joined, paused, lashes sweeping with each curious blink.
Eddie blows out a breath, only half-joking as he says, “Goddamn. Really unfair. Thought you promised not to get prettier?”
Compliments only land with you half the time, so when a bashful smile pulls at the edges of your pretty mouth Eddie mentally fist pumps.
“I made no such promise.” The jar is thrust into his waiting hand, and you turn to pick up your own. “This one can be for your windowsill, maybe in the kitchen? It’s gotta have some light, but not too much. If Wayne likes it, maybe you can share-”
“Not sharing shit with that man,” Eddie says, grand in his petulance. “Wayne can get his own jar of dirt.”
Your squint straightens him out. Eddie folds easy for you, always has.
“Gotta find some moss,” you say, eyes still unerringly on Eddie’s, “That’s the substrate layer. And then little plants, maybe some grass, whatever we can forage that’s small enough to fit. Oh, and isopods, if we can find ‘em.”
“Iso-what?” Eddie asked, alarmed, but you’re already standing, moving past the edge of the forest in search of terrarium treasures while he scrambles to catch up.
There’s an easy, graceful lilt to your movements when you’re outdoors, as if you’re meant to be there- moss reveals itself to you faster than Eddie would’ve thought possible. One overturned rock later and your gleeful exclamation rings bright through the woods.
“Sheet moss!”
“Oh, sheet,” he jokes, lamely, but you laugh anyways.
A circular patch of moss gets pushed into the jars. Eddie’s fingers feel bulky and clumsy in comparison to your dexterous ones, but the praise you give him once the layer is settled makes it worth it.
He happily trails after you in search of more small greenery, listening to your lengthy explanations of each new addition, huffing in amazement when you come up with the scientific name for crabgrass.
“Christ, sweetheart.” He whistles low as soon as you’re done, reaching over to brush some sticky pine needles off your hip. “So fuckin’ smart. Would’ve killed to have you as my teacher back in the day, might’ve actually graduated on time.”
“I don’t think Hawkins High has a botany program.” Your reply comes distracted, but this time it’s because Eddie’s hand has found a home on the strip of skin between your skirt and top.
He rubs a thumb into your bare hip, moss jar hanging loose from his other hand as he pulls you towards him. “Yeah. Probably for the best. I think they frown on students who sleep with teachers. Couldn’t keep my hands off’a you.”
Chin tilted to meet him halfway, you give him a real good kiss, lips soft and smooth over his, parted slightly until the thrill of your wet tongue presses into his eager one.
“Gotta show you the best part.” When you pull back, sounding a little out of breath, you slip your hand into Eddie’s and lead the way to your original spot.
Two flat metal disks are procured from your pile of things; you hold one out for Eddie in your palm, explaining as he takes it- “Made this one special for you. It goes on top, like this-” you rotate the other disk until it slides into place over your jar. “Like a lid. But I had to make my own from scrap pieces ‘cuz the original mason lids didn’t take the markings.”
Eddie flips the homemade lid over in his hands to find a five-pointed star hugged by a circle, raised and tamped by hand into the metal. He blinks up at you, in awe. “You did this?”
“Yeah, it’s-” you must misread his wonder because the words spill out like you’re nervous, fiddling with the sides of your jar like you don’t want to see his expression anymore. “It’s a pentacle. Like from your Judas Priest poster? But this one’s not upside-down like his, so I meant it more for protection and prosperity. Y’know. To help keep your little world safe. And make it grow.”
Gently, a little unsure, you clink your jar against his in the sweetest cheers he’s ever seen.
Eddie swears again, achingly in love, then spins the lid tight over his new terrarium and grins at you. “I’m gonna marry you one day.”
There’s no room for a buffer as a smile nearly splits your face in two, giggling, delighted with his affection. “Over a jar of dirt? Man, can’t wait to see what you promise me when I give you an even better gift.”
“I’ve got some ideas.” His voice pitches low, taking the jar from your hand to join his on the ground so he can wrap you up in his arms, properly. “Gonna have to come over a lot more and make sure I’m keeping it alive. Think of all those tiny ocelots depending on you.”
“Isopods,” you correct in a whisper, letting Eddie nuzzle into the crown of your hair, warm and smelling faintly of your bergamot shampoo. “And it only needs to be watered like, once a month, but I’ll come over way more than that.”
“You better.” Eddie puts on his best threatening tone. “I get crazier every hour we’re apart. Swear.”
He feels the curl of your smile against his sternum, and you let him hold you and sway in the afternoon sun. 
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sunlightmurdock · 4 months
okay apocalypse dbf!jake will not let me go again so- I need the confession 🙏 I need the tear-stained first kiss after an attack, with too much adrenaline and too little care for the inappropriate age gap
EEK me either me either me either ! I’m so insane about him rn
And I feel like this particular attack would be a big one. Resources are running low and Jake won’t leave you up on that mountain by yourself, so he has no choice but to bring you with him. He has done what he can, preparing you for this.
It scares you, even when it’s just all pretend with him. He’s not as kind when he’s training you. Even as you’re crying and telling him to stop it, that you don’t want to, he’s yelling and insisting that you aim straight and breathe — that these things won’t stop no matter how much you cry, or scream, or beg.
He doesn’t mean to be cruel. It would be far more cruel to leave you unprepared, to let something happen to you.
This is a low stakes run, but you can feel that he’s unhappy having you here. It’s itching at you that maybe it’s because you couldn’t hit that target last time. He had tied a thick tree branch to a length of rope, pushed hard, and let it swing. Your first moving target. Not so much as a chip in the wood. You’ve got a pretty big knife, one that could tear muscle from bone— he won’t give you a gun.
You know he’s focused on protecting you, it’s an awful feeling to think that you may not be able to do the same for him, especially after all he has done for you so far.
It’s a gas station, back off of the road, early enough on that it hasn’t yet been completely raided. Heavy metal shutters cover the windows, but Jake makes quick work of the padlocks on the back door. The power has all gone out by now, it’s just the light from your flashlights to guide the way. Jake is two paces ahead, close enough to jump back and pull you behind him if he needs.
It’s eerily quiet. You’re stuck to him like a shadow as he surveys for danger, and ultimately decides that it’s okay.
Keep away from the doors and windows, stay where I can see you. Dejected and feeling more uselessly childish than you have in a long time, you sweep the shelves and take what you can while Jake does the same. Continually, he checks over top of the shelves to see if he can see the top of your head.
It’s going too well, it tricks you both into thinking that this is going to be easy. You’re focused, on your knees and rummaging through the medicines to take everything you could need. You don’t even notice the noise that you’re making. Jake doesn’t mind the rummaging sounds, it means he can hear where you are without needing to watch.
But then, so can the employee who took such care to fortify this place before he took swallowed back a cocktail and pills the second that he saw his home in flames and his undead mother staggering around on the news footage. He made himself comfortable before he passed. His shoes and his jacket are in the back room. His socks are almost silent against the linoleum as he staggers around the corner.
He’s tall, and skinny, and hadn’t hurt anyone in his entire life. But he’s close enough by the time you spot him that his height gives you no room to stand up. His eyes are wide and gorging, the sockets sullen and lifeless. You haven’t seen one of them so clean before, part of him still looks human. His lips are pulled back, animal, growling weakly as he reaches for you and tumbles forwards.
Jake hears the scream and he swears that he’s going to be too late. Even just across the floor of the gas station — it takes seconds for one of those things to get their jaws around you. He’s sick to his stomach, his gun pulled and the safety off, uncaring about if the sound draws attention for miles around.
He rounds the corner and spots the puddle of dark, thick blood first. His heart sinks to his stomach, until he realises that it isn’t yours. You push the corpse back, off of you. Your knife is plunged through the socket of its eye, it’s dead. You take one look at Jake, and crumble, tears pouring from your eyes as you stare at your blood soaked hands.
“Shh, I’m here. Shh, shh, shh. You’re okay,” Jake whispers, sinking to his knees and pulling you off of the floor, cradling you in his arms as he kisses the top of your head. “It’s alright, I’m right here. You’re safe, you’re okay.”
“I didn’t— I didn’t see it— it was —“
“I know, sweet girl,” Jake whispers, rubbing soothingly at your back. He presses his lips together and kisses softly at your temple. “You did so good. You did it. You’re alright now.”
Again, Jake kisses your temple softly, hugging you closer. His weight and his smell, his strong arms wrapped around you. All of it almost makes you forget where you are. Blinking back any more tears, you turn your head as he kisses at your temple again. This time, you’re looking at him as he pulls back.
Tears soaking your lashes and your cheeks, staring up at him. Jake’s throat feels thick, his mouth suddenly dry as your fingers press into his arms. You are okay, you did it. He’s here. You sit forwards first, and Jake’s met with the exact thing that he has been trying to stop himself from thinking about for these past few weeks. Your lips are just as soft as they look, and your hands pawing at his arms make him melt into you.
Before all of this, Jake tried so hard to fight it. You’re so much younger. Your father would have never approved. Now, he supposes — it doesn’t matter. What matters, is keeping you safe, and he’s so glad that you’re safe.
His hand grabs firmly at the nape of your neck as he presses closer, deepening his hold on you, kissing you firmly.
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tennessoui · 3 months
Anakin as Obi-Wan's Campaign Manager?? Say more right now please!
correction - anakin (19yo) as obi-wan (35yo)'s nonconsensual campaign manager
here's a bit more! all just set up, i have no idea what i want out of this fic yet word-count wise. structure wise. etc.
The Kenobi thing happens accidentally, honestly. Anakin isn’t even sure how he got into it, but at the end of September, Padmé had mentioned how formative canvassing had been to her own political outlook, how impactful it had been to help out on a campaign, and Anakin had thought—that’s it. I can do that, and then she'll see we have things in common and then she'll fall in love with me. And that night, he’d gone to his apartment and researched upcoming local elections. He’d found the list of people running for the city council, and he’d chosen one at a random. Obi-Wan Kenobi was thirty-five and up for re-election. He’d first been elected four years ago, at thirty-one, one of the youngest city councilmen in the history of Coruscant, running—as far as Anakin could tell—on the issue of city infrastructure and misuse and diversion of funds away from public goods like pothole-less roads to drive on. Even just reading the summary on the guy’s past campaign had been boring as hell, but he’d won, is the thing. He’d won, which means he has a good shot of winning it again, which would make it incredibly easy to help him along. Not many people vote in city council elections—fact. Not many people vote for names they don’t recognize, and they have a higher chance of recognizing an incumbent’s name over a challenger’s—fact. It’s only impressive to canvas for a campaign if the guy you’re canvassing for is elected—fact. So Obi-Wan Kenobi was a safe choice. A stellar choice. Anakin hit the books that weekend, printed out a bunch of blurbs on what the guy’s done—apparently it’s been mostly advocating for filling in potholes on what Anakin would bet his tuition money on is the guy’s commute to work—and hit the streets to drum up support for him. The election is in the middle of November, and today is October 2nd. Half the doors Anakin knocks on remain unopened, a fourth are closed in his face, and the remaining percentage are either not registered to vote or seem lukewarm to the idea of voting in a city council election at all. Three different elderly ladies have asked him if Kenobi is running for president. Hell, next time he’s just going to say yes. —--------- But Ahsoka isn’t wrong. Anakin hates to admit it, but he knows he has to. She’s not wrong. Something needs to change in his strategy because he’s not getting the numbers he needs. Honestly, this whole adventure has made him lose faith in the effectiveness of democracy. Maybe dictatorships aren’t so bad. It’s not like these people are voting anyway. He’s smart enough to keep this observation to himself, of course, but he wonders what could have been so eye-opening about Padmé’s time canvassing when Anakin’s having a hard enough time making this whole thing door-opening.
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raeynbowboi · 8 months
Playing a Heroic Necromancer in DnD 5e
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Necromancy is one of the most evil-skewed powers in just about any fantasy setting. However, unless you're running a villain campaign, most DnD parties are made up of heroes who won't like having an evil character in their midst. You want to play a necromancer, but you also realize that DnD is a very collaborative game. So, how do you make your party more amicable towards the thought of you raising a family? Here's some possible backstory ideas that can fuel a heroic necromancer for your next campaign.
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The Scholar
The taboo, illegal, or forbidden nature of studying necromancy drew your interest. Whether you studied with a secret sect, uncovered a grimoire of necromantic magic, or made a deal with a devil for profane knowledge, you were driven by a desire to study magic. The sparse availability of necromancy forces you to remain mobile, making party formation easy. You may be hunted by law enforcement, clerics of Kelemvor, or other necromancers angry at you for stealing their arcane secrets. And now that you know what so many tried to hide from you, it's your choice how to use it.
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The Chronicaller
History is written by the victors, the rich, and the powerful. But every life holds valuable knowledge and secrets. Ancient bones know things lost to time. Knowledge that was never written down. Stories which have not been spoken in centuries. Opinions of the common people during a historical event. Experience with phenomenon that can no longer be encountered. The Chronicaller wishes to unearth the secrets of the past already laid to rest.
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The Physician
The Frankenstein of Necromancers wishes to understand the medical and scientific elements of life and death itself. To understand the body by inspecting it and digging into it. They may study how to cure diseases or how to spread them. Try to find a way to slow or even halt the slow decomposition that turns the body elderly and frail.
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The Thayan Rebel
Once a Red Wizard of Thay, you have left Thay and the Red Wizards, letting your hair grow back slowly as you seek to expand your arcane talents beyond the limitations of Thayan conquest and oppression. The Red Wizards and Szas Tam become personal antagonists for your character and party as a result.
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The Undead
Be they a Revenant, a Dhampir, a Vampire, a Lich, or something else, they are already imbued with undead power. They simply embrace their anti-life energy already flowing through them, channeling a power most others would avoid. You may be undead, but you desire to staunchly defend the living from other undead who are less compassionate.
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The General
A wizard with a soldier background and optional martial multiclassing, your undead horde is your army of loyal soldiers, putting their lives on the line again and again to serve their general. An Oathbreaker 7/wizard 6 adds your CHA mod to undead within 10 ft, and proficiency bonus to all undead you control. But the steep dip into paladin locks you out from higher level spell slots for stronger undead minions.
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The Noble
Similar to the general, the undead serve you out of loyalty, not fear or force. But where the general commands their soldiers, the Noble may command their staff of servants, their commoner citizens, their knights and soldiers, or their own noble ancestors. The Noble utilizes their horde to fulfil the services and duties of their noble house. They're just as likely to conscript skeletons to pave a road or build a bridge as they are to form a wave of zombies to break up a smuggling ring in their city.
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The Immortal Guardian
You have or want to become immortal not out of power hunger or greed, but to protect the innocent forever as an unwavering guardian against evil. Everyday people can't protect themselves, and even legendary heroes die eventually. Only an immortal protector can be an eternal defender of the people.
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I hope if nothing else, this gave you some ideas for some good and noble necromancers you could bring to your next table. Did I miss any Heroic concepts that you thought of? Let me know, and help make the world a more morbid place.
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thelarriefics · 1 month
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SPRING FIC REC: Below you will find fics that take place in spring, have a springy feel, etc. 
📖 always you (i should have known) by @28goldens (60k)
“Oi, now we’re talking. Came running to ol’ Tomlinson for help, gotta say Harold,” He crossed his arms over his chest, and Harry watched as his eyes looked him over. “It's very out of character for you.”
“Yeah, well, don’t feel too special, you're my last choice,” Harry subconsciously crossed his arms as well, giving Louis his own look over.
“Oh, that's a lot of power, I’m your last resort!” He wagged his finger at him, letting out a cackle. “Alright, hit me with it.”
Harry’s lips pursed as he slowly started to regret the words about to spill out of his mouth, “I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend.”
or the one where harry and louis cant stand each other and fake date to make someone jealous.
📖 (I'm Dreaming of a) One Night Inn by @lululawrence (54k)
When everything Louis had planned for his life falls through, and on his birthday no less, he's left with no other option but to regroup and start over again. The road of life isn't always straight and it certainly isn't always easy, but sometimes it's those twists and turns that find you your closest friends and—if you're really lucky—the love of your life.
Louis just happens to be very lucky.
A Holiday Inn AU.
📖 Blush by @dip-lou-in-honey (33k)
Harry is a young omega, presented at his first Royal ball, when he first meets Louis, the King. They're immediately infatuated with each other, but in the ancient hallways of the castle, whispers travel far and wide, and what they want is not what they're allowed to have.
📖 Tip Toe Through The Tulips by @peachbootylouis (27k)
Ever since moving to Manchester, it had just been Louis and his dog Clifford against the world though it had never felt like enough. It’s not until Clifford quite literally sniffs Harry out while on a walk that Louis realizes he’d been looking for someone like this flower child all along. A fluffy one shot filled with fur and flowers.
📖 To Begin Again by @chloehl10 (23k)
Harry’s ready to spend a fun Easter morning with his two children at the park, but it’s thrown into chaos when an over-excited dog and his owner come barrelling into their lives...
📖 Sakura Sunset by @mizzhydes (16k)
Harry and Louis have a tradition. Every spring they stand below hundreds of dazzling cherry blossom trees in Kew Garden, and year after year they come back to walk amongst the trees and experience that love over again.
This year everything changes. Louis is offered a once in a lifetime opportunity in Silicon Valley, California.
Only after Louis has left does Harry realise he made the biggest mistake of his life breaking up with Louis, and he has to live with the consequences of his actions.
Four years later, Harry discovers that Louis has returned to London, and in an effort to find the closure he desperately needs, he must tell Louis the truth behind their break up so he can move on with his life.
📖 The Prince and The YouTuber by @haztobegood (12k)
The Annual Rosendal Spring Gala hosted by the Royal Family is the most prestigious fundraiser in the country. When a problem with the honorary foundation arises, Crown Prince Louis Tomlinson must pick a new worthy foundation on short notice. He discovers the perfect replacement in an unlikely place, while watching his favorite YouTuber, Harrysparkles.
📖 Love You To Want Me by @rainbowsandlovehl (11k)
Niall coerces Louis into doing 'spring cleaning', which is basically cleaning their flat which leads to Louis finding the pair of braces he used to wear back in early Uni days. Harry, Niall's bandmate has a strange but visible reactions to the braces.
📖 Chubby Bunny by @littleroverlouis (2k)
Harry spends his Easter Sunday basking in the spring breeze while playing games with the smallest Tomlinsons, and a package of marshmallow Peeps.
Louis is stuck in a sweltering bunny costume for the enjoyment of all around him.
Harry offers him a chance to peel himself out of the costume and indulge in some of the fun.
📖 my lap is the best place for you to be by @bottomhaztoplou (1k)
Omegas, especially pregnant omegas, are expected to ride in their marriage partner's lap, usually on their knot, during carriage rides so as to minimise any jostling that may harm the pup.
Heavily pregnant in mid-April, Harry lifts his skirts and sinks down onto his waiting alpha, his body easily taking Louis inside himself.
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mrsstarkey1 · 1 year
this is me trying - rafe cameron
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SUMMARY: based on 'this is me trying' by taylor swift. takes place after the events of season three.
WARNINGS: season 3 spoilers
A/N: you cannot tell me this song doesn't portray rafe cameron perfectly like ??? it's insane. also check out my most recent rafe fic
i've been having a hard time adjusting
i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting
rafe couldn't remember a time before the gold, before the cross, before his dad became obsessed, before he let his dad drag him down with him, before his dad was dead.
rafe's entire life, he made decisions with one thing in mind; his dad. then suddenly, he was gone. it was as if in one singular instant, rafe's life became meaningless. his purpose - gone. his reasoning for every terrible thing he's ever done - gone.
he wanted to be angry, to blame someone. he wanted to not believe the story that sarah told him. but something inside him wouldn't let himself blame anyone but himself.
as rafe wandered the streets of whatever city he ended up in running from his problems, he found remembering glimpses of his life before everything got complicated. he used to have money that didn't come from gold; he used to have friends; he used to have the possibility of a future; he used to be happy. he missed that. and he could finally admit it.
i didn't know if you'd care if i came back
i have a lot of regrets about that
rafe left the outer banks without saying a word to anyone the same day that sarah told him about his father. he didn’t even say anything to you, but he wished that he did.
now it’d been so long, he was so worried that even if he came back to you, and God knows he wanted to, that you'd never forgive him.
he told himself that you probably wouldn't even care if he came back. in reality, he was just terrified that if he faced you and you felt how he thought you did, he'd lose the one thing he was still living for.
if he lost the idea of you; the possibility that maybe one day he could hold you in his arms again, then he'd have nothing. he couldn't bare the thought of that.
pulled the car off the road to the lookout
could've followed my fears all the way down
rafe twisted the key out of the ignition, tossing it onto the passengers seat. he opened the car door with a shaky hand before he could talk himself out of it.
he dragged his feet along the ground, dirt kicking up as he walked. breathing in the mountain air, he looked down, kicking a rock over the edge. he estimated about it was about 300 feet until the first ledge.
rafe lifted his eyes up, blinking the tears away that he hadn’t realized had formed. he took in the view along with a deep breath. his head was level with the clouds, and he’d never seen something so beautiful; so calming - the fresh air, the mountain view, the feeling he got. taking it all in, rafe finally felt at peace. which made sense, given what he’d pulled over the car to do.
almost every part of him was ready. every part of him except for the part that still loved you; the part of him that wanted to make things right.
he was still terrified of facing you, even more so now since it had been almost a year. and now he had a choice to make. he could take one more step forward and chase that fear all the way to bottom; take the easy way out. or he could turn around, and follow his fear back home.
and maybe i don’t quite know what to say
but i’m here in your doorway
i just wanted you to know
that this is me trying
rafe could barely keep his eyes open by the time he’d pulled into your driveway. a twelve hour drive running on no sleep and no food, it was a miracle he hadn’t wrapped his car around a tree.
rafe’s heartbeat quickened when his eyes met your car parked on the side of the street. you were inside. a part of him had been hoping you wouldn’t be home, and he’d have a little longer to decide what to say. he’d thought 12 hours would have been enough, but his shaking hands suggested otherwise.
he gripped the steering wheel, closing his eyes and forcing in a deep breath. this is why he was still alive, for this very moment.
he pushed open the car door as soon as he’d psyched himself up enough. within a couple seconds, he was at your front door, fist held up inches from the wood. this is when he finally realized what he was doing.
you were never going to forgive him, what was he doing? his heart beated against his chest like a drum, and he suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe. his body went completely weak, and he practically crashed into the front door.
it was the footsteps on the other side of the door that brought him out of his weakened state, and he realized what had just happened. you were coming to the door. he was going to be face to face with you in less than a minute. he stepped back from the door, glancing back at his car, weighing his options.
the door swung open so quickly, rafe jumped out of his skin, for a lack of better words. he opened his mouth to say something, but not even a breath came out.
there you were. you looked even more beautiful than he remembered. your hair was lighter and a lot longer, reminding him that it had been an entire year since he’d seen you.
“rafe,” he’d barely heard you say, still trying to believe that you were within his reach. you took a step closer, eyes scanning over his entire body. “you-you’re here,” you breathed out.
your eyes asked a million questions, and all he wanted to do was answer them. but every time he opened his mouth to say something, only silence followed. before he knew it, your arms were wrapped around him and hands tangled in his hair. your hugs still felt the exact same after a year, and the second he breathed in the scent of you, it felt like he’d gone back in time.
his eyes fluttered shut and his arms closed tightly around you, hanging on for dear life.
the embrace didn’t last nearly as long as he wanted, which was forever. you pulled away, keeping your hands on his arms. “where the hell have you been, rafe?” you asked, eyes scanning his face. he wanted to tell you everything, he needed to, but his throat was closed shut. all he could do was stare into your eyes. “talk to me, baby. you’ve been gone for a year. no contact, no nothing. i understand why you left, okay? you lost your father, and i know how much me meant to you. but you’ve got to tell me what’s going on. please, rafe, just talk to me.”
“i-” he started, a pathetic feeling engulfing him when his voice broke after one word and he looked at the ground. you moved closer, hands slipping from his arms and up to the sides of his face. you trained your eyes on his, silently begging him to talk. rafe took a shaky breath, “i’m trying,” he let out weakly.
you nodded your head intently, “i know you are.” you saw it in his eyes, the broken part of him. you leaned in, resting your forehead on his, “i know you’re trying.”
rafe nodded, a sigh of relief escaping him. twelve hours ago, he was standing on the edge between life and death. looking into your eyes now, he knew that he would spend the rest of his days trying to pay you back for being the reason he chose life.
at least i'm trying
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celestialspecial · 1 year
I Still Do
Thank you for 700 followers!!!! You guys rock- thank you for making me realize how much I love writing and being so loving and supportive of my work.
*places a kiss on each of your foreheads*
18+/Sexy timesss
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The book lay heavily in your hands. Thick cardstock and glossy full color pages bursting to life with each page turned.
You’d sprung for the fancy package, because why not? A matte black hard cover with gold embossing delicately scribbled across the front in some fancy schmancy font that one would usually associate with wedding invitations.
Those days had passed and they’d been fun enough. The planning, the excitement but while your friends had ooed and awwed over floral arrangements and cake choices you instead looked forward to other things.
A future with the man of your dreams. While you did find yourself giggling and joking with them about the trials and tribulations of marriage, it felt different. It felt right. 
A lightness and a rightness in saying ‘yes’ to him.
That had been years ago and while, yes, there were some rough days. Some highs and lows. It still felt easy. Even those winding roads and unexpected things felt easy to navigate by his side.
Lately work had been consuming Billy’s every waking moment. Days chock full of meeting after meeting. Paperwork, spreadsheets, traveling, the whole gamut.
Even now as you peered around the corner into your bedroom he sat on the edge of the bed, laptop opened and furious typing filled the room.
His eyes roamed over the screen and a small wrinkle formed between his brows as he scowled at what was before him. You stood there peeking in on him, the book now behind your back, as you watched him.
His eyes never left the screen as he continued typing but his voice rang out, startling you a bit.
“Are you gonna stand there and hide or are you gonna come and save me from writing out another god forsaken email?” 
You couldn’t help the chuckle that rushed past your lips.
“I’m out of view! How the heck did you see me?” His eyes still remained on the laptop but you noticed the way the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“I can hear you.”
“I was being quiet.”
“Quiet as a bulldozer.” You made a huff in faux anger as you walked over to the edge where he sat.
“That’s what I get for marrying a marine I guess.” 
At that Billy’s eyes did leave the email he was angrily pounding out to look up at you. Hand reaching out and softly running the back along your jaw.
The sensation tickled and sparked something in the pit of your stomach. His dark eyes darted to the side then back to you.
“What’s behind your back.”
“Put away the laptop and I might show you.” 
You’d never seen a work device shut and tossed aside so quickly. He grinned up at you, patting the bed next to him, smoothing a few wrinkles out of the duvet cover.
Coaxing yourself onto the mattress and pulling one leg to cross the other you quickly pulled the book around, holding it tight to your chest. Only the blank back cover showing.
He raised a brow, curiously inspecting the mysterious item. Waiting for you to proceed.
“I hate to the be the person on the receiving end of what sounded like a scathing email you were typing out.”
“Some people don’t understand gentle nudges.”
“You’ve been working really hard recently.” At that his interest in the book cooled as he looked briefly away, running his fingers through the dark locks on his head.
His hair had grown out longer, and his usual scruff was slowly morphing into a full beard. He’d barely had any time to eat let alone go to the barber.
It was unlike him. You joked that he was vain, but was there really anything wrong with wanting to keep up one’s appearance? Especially when one was the CEO of a booming corporation.
“I have, but I promise I’m going to start delegating more. It’s just these new recruits are all green and I can’t afford to have any mistakes. And I-“ he paused taking in your sympathetic face.
“And I don’t want to talk about. I’m here with you right now.” The grin returned to his face as a finger reached out and he tapped against the back of the book. “And I want to know what this is.”
Your grin turned feline, allowing the top of the book to drop down so he could grasp one end.
Billy’s eyes ran over the front cover, zipping back and forth before darting up to yours. His lips had parted ever so slightly and you could practically hear the gears turning in his head.
“Is this…what I think it is?” 
“Well if you already know I guess you don’t have to look at it then.” You moved to take the book back but his grip held firm, tightening against the spine.
He pulled it another inch closer to him.
“You’re gonna be in big trouble if you don’t let me look.”
“Why do I feel like I’m already in big trouble?” 
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and you could see his resolve starting to melt away. A hungry look began to grow in his eyes, fixated on the cover.
It was too good and part of you wanted to drag it out longer but your poor husband. He was practically aching to look, so you let your hand drop and he immediately pulled the book into his lap and flipped open to the first page.
Then the second. The third. The fourth. With each page turning you could watch the lust seem to grow brighter and brighter in his eyes. 
His breathing turned shallow and the tips of his ears had begun to turn the slightest shade of pink. After a long drawn out moment he spoke,
“When did you have this done?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” His hand shot out and grabbed ahold of your wrist. Tight and unyielding, until his thumb began to brush over your own heated skin.
“I think…you’d better tell me.” 
He flipped to another page, then another. 
“This one….this…God-“ he cut off, fingers drifting over the paper before him, twitching as they held the page between his thumb and forefinger. 
Of course he’d focused in on that one. Not that you weren’t watching him now slowly losing it as he took in photo after photo of you.
A girlfriend had mentioned getting boudoir photos done before her wedding and there sparked an idea in your head.
Sure you two weren’t newly married, the honeymoon phase gone years ago. And yet the flame burned just as bright between the two of you. 
There wasn’t a freckle, divet, or curve on you he hadn’t seen. Not a crease or mole he couldn’t place and yet as he devoured the photos from your own boudoir shoot it was as if it was all brand new.
The traditional lingerie shots had been fun, Lacey numbers that had way too many straps but looked gorgeous on camera.
A few of you surrounded by books, a white button up haphazardly falling off your shoulder as you held a book in your hands, a steamy romance novel. Eyeglasses dangling from your mouth.
The one he stopped on had been you, on your bed, Billy’s suit jacket draped over your shoulders. Covering enough, a satin thong sat on your thighs and you had one of his work ties pulled between your legs.
Your face, one of ecstasy, and you remember taking the shot and half telling the photographer not to leave it in. It had felt so raw and your cheeks turned pink when you’d seen it on their camera.
You remembered the thoughts you’d had to conjure up to make that face. Billy’s face pressed between your thighs, his moans drowning out your cries. 
Billy beside you now, seemed to be humming with energy. He wasn’t physically shaking but you could see him nearly hanging on as his eyes scanned over each and every page.
After he’d consumed the entire book, and gone back about three times, he landed again on the tie picture. 
Before you could ask if he liked it, a thought that felt silly and yet you’d never given a gift like this before. He was up and at the dresser, rifling through one of the drawers until he came away with a dark navy tie in hand.
“Was this it?” He asked, holding the swath of fabric. How he’d examined the image with the accuracy and precision only a marine could, of course he knew exactly which tie you’d used. 
Your mouth barely open as you nodded. Not a split second and he was before you, knees bumping against yours as he held the item of clothing out, draping it around your neck and leaning in.
Fingers grasped your chin holding it in place as he lowered his eyes to meet yours.
“Recreate it.”
“W-what?” You couldn’t help the stammer that had escaped you.
“This picture. I want to see what it looked like, in real life.” You laughed at that.
“Billy-“ but you could tell from the way he was looking at you, a hunger so divine and untainted that you felt a shiver slither its way up your back. Heat pooling between your legs as his grip tightened ever so slightly on your chin.
Realizing you were the instigator of this situation your hands pulled the loose t shirt you were wearing off, tossing it to the side. Followed by your pajama shorts and socks.
You turned away from him to unclasp your bralette, “I’m gonna need your suit-“ but as you looked back around he was standing there holding one of his dark suit jackets out to you.
One hand over your chest and sticking your tongue out at him before pulling it over your shoulders. Glancing at the lining you realized this was the very same jacket from the photo.
“How did you..”
“It’s one of my custom tailored pieces.” You were still facing away from him but you felt his hot breath by your ear as his hand slid down the back of the fine material, giving your rear a squeeze in the process.
You squeaked at that before realizing. The underwear. You didn’t have them anymore. The dryer decided to eat them, tearing the satin fabric and creating quiet a mess to clean from the filter for you.
“I don’t have the thong anymore.”
His hands roamed over your back and along your waist, kneading at your sides as he let his head rest in the crook of your shoulder. 
“That’s ok, do it without them.” You felt the heat bristling under your skin. Pinpricks of pleasure running just under the surface. You wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words.
Instead you pushed away from him, letting his jacket cover your butt as you squatted down enough to get your much less sexy underwear off. 
In your last attempt at a playful jest you tossed them over your shoulder at Billy who caught them effortlessly. A shit eating grin plastered across his face.
Letting one of the leg holes swing around his index finger playfully.
“Encore!” You shook your head at that before resuming your place on the bed as you had been on the photo shoot. 
You could feel his gaze resting heavily on you. Every part of you.
Removing the tie from around your neck, wrapping slightly around your knuckles once then on the other hand letting the silky fabric come to rest between your legs.
The cool touch of the fabric grazing against the sensitive spot between your legs made you shudder softly.
“How’s this?” You asked, begging for the silence to be broken as you watched Billy, his whole attention focused on you. 
“And make the face.” He said. A little to casually for your liking. Because of course, he wanted to see the whole scene played out.
You tried imagining the scenario again but being out on the spot, it felt so inorganic, so forced. He could tell.
“What if I helped you out?” The saliva in your mouth had fully dried up at this point. Help? “Close your eyes.”
You couldn’t stifle the halfhearted giggle you made as you said his name.
You did as he said. Eyelids drifting shut, licking your lips in anticipation. Not quite sure what his intention was.
You felt the warmth of his hand closing over your ankle, rubbing soft circles on your skin.
“Do you remember when we went to the beach up in Michigan?” 
You nodded, licking your lips nervously.
“The way the breeze was..warm and inviting. And we had a cabin with our own private beach?” His hand moved up your leg to rest on the inside of your knee that was planted on the mattress.
“And when we got tired there was a patio with a hot tub overlooking the water as the sun set.” You could feel where this was going.
“And I seem to recall a few days where we didn’t even leave the bed.” He ran a finger up and down your thigh, depthless eyes looking up at you. Oh he was wicked.
“The way the sheets would get all tangled up and I could smell the fresh air in your hair. Feel the heat on your skin where the sun kissed you a little too much. How your lips tasted-“
The need swirling around in your stomach and that desperate desire to feel him inside you started to fire within every nerve. 
“How did my lips taste, Billy?”
“Which ones?” His hand didn’t rise higher to where you needed him, but you were dying for contact, friction, anything.
Two could play at this game. Pulling the tie up tighter between your legs, not even feeling guilty for the gasp that left your lips at the soft drag of it against your body.
Billy’s eyes watched with rapt attention. You could feel the tell tale signs of pleasure building with each glide of his tie, certain you’d need to toss the thing aside before you soaked through it.
“And when we did finally leave the bed it was only so I could bury myself so deep into you on the beach that not even the waves and wind could drown out your screams.” 
Your mouth opened in a silent moan, begging for release.
“That’s it, that’s my girl.” You didn’t need him to say it outright to know your face matched the picture. The same feelings coursing through you now were the ones you’d envisioned when taking the shot.
“Why don’t you make a mess on my tie, sweetheart?” The words had you grinding  onto the fabric, but that wasn’t what you wanted. 
It took more willpower than you’d care to admit to toss the tie aside, grabbing Billy by the shoulders and pulling him onto you as you both dropped onto the duvet and pillows.
Your mouths collide in a kiss only described as feral. Desperate to touch and taste each and every part of each others mouth. His tongue sliding against your own and you hear him groan loudly.
His hands brushing your hair away from your face, pieces caught up in the crossfire of your kiss. His palms coaxing the jacket open and running along your breasts.
Chest heaving you arch up into him to show your displeasure at his continued teasing. You can feel the hardness pressing into your thigh and you line up to grind against him fully.
The hiss he makes thrills you and is only amplified when you feel him grab a fistful of your hair, tugging your head back to expose your neck to him.
He licks a line up the column of your neck before pressing a scalding kiss to your jaw before working his way back down. 
“Torturing me with those photos.” He murmured as his lips continued to lavish along your collar bones then along the swell of your breasts.
His body settling into the cradle of your thighs and you pushed up again dying to feel his cock, hot and pulsing against you. 
“Someone is eager.” He huffed out, a smile playing across his face as his mouth continued its devilish work sucking on one of your nipples. The other under the palm of his hand. 
“Billy, I swear to god…please.” A weak plea answered with a roll of his hips against you and you felt dizzy with desire.
Your mind felt fuzzy and in that haziness you managed to free one of your arms, letting it drift between your bodies. Pressing firmly to where his pants had become unbearably tight.
The sound he made as you stroked the front of his pants sent electricity shooting up your spine. All these clothes needed off. Now. 
Any other day Billy would be even more tortuous, drawing out your pleasure but tonight after viewing that picture book he seemed in just as much a rush as you.
Fumbling over remaining clothing, ripping open buttons, unzipping and sliding out of his suit jacket eventually he was just as bare as you.
Capturing your lips in another toe curling kiss. His scent filling your nostrils and your own hands tangled up in his hair and the sheets. 
“Please please-“ you could feel him pressed against your thigh, the silky hardness so close to where you needed him.
You feel his hand caress the side of your face once more, turning your face so your eyes meet his fully. His expression is enough to undo you. Passion mixed with awe, tenderness and thrill.
And people say married life is boring.
No words need exchanged as you feel him slide home, stretching you slowly. You swear you can feel each ridge and vein on him. Forcing air into your lungs as you feel him fill you up completely.
“How’s my girl?” He asked placing a gently kiss on your temple. His body hovering just above yours.
“Good.” You say rather breathless. Mind unable to focus on anything beyond him within you. How his body seemed to melt into yours perfectly.
His hips slotted against yours and then a gentle rocking. Your eyes squeezed shut, relishing the push and pull, hips rising up to meet each arc and rock.
It’s delicious, but not enough. Faster, deeper. Your ankles cross behind his lower back, pulling him even closer to you as he grinds into you. 
Billy grunts as he begins to pick up the pace. Your body feels heated, his hot breath next to your ear, then a few open mouthed kisses to your pulse point on your neck.
Filling you up deeper and deeper. Your moans match alongside the noises he’s making. You can tell he’s close the louder he gets.
Your mouths move against one another, desperate longing. He rocks faster and faster. Claiming your mouth and body all at once.
Your orgasm snuck up on you, slowly swirling through your entire essence then you lost it all at once. 
Sweating, breathless, holding onto Billy for dear life as you said his name over and over. His hips continued their relentless sway carrying you through your bliss.
Then it was his turn to join you. Pushing off from the bed, holding you tight against his chest as he emptied himself into you. A loud groan followed by expletives and final few thrusts.
Both of you toppling off to the side, panting heavily. You moved to wipe a few pieces of sweat soaked hair from his forehead, then placing a kiss to the now clear spot.
You found yourself mesmerized by his dark lashes, watching them flutter as he took in a full breath. Cheeks no longer ruddy and red but fading to a softer pink.
The two of you laid there in silence, coming down from the post climax high. Basking in the afterglow, the only sound your breathing coming back to center.
After a moment Billy turned to you, his fingers brushing up the length of your arm.
“Thank you.”
“I’d say I got a little something out of it too.” You chuckled, running the back of your buckles over his cheek. He laughed in response.
“I meant for the book, but yes also this.” You snuggled closer to him, just enjoying being in his arms. Yes, married life was bliss.
The next morning you rolled over still groggy from sleep, a satisfied ache between your legs. Billy’s side of the bed was empty but you could hear him moving about getting ready for work.
Sounds of the coffee pot being turned on and that delicious aroma wafted in from the kitchen. A moment later you saw him standing in the doorway, anvil mug in hand as he took a sip of the fresh brew.
“I’m heading out. Coffees on. I promise not to be too late tonight” he grinned as you sleepily nodded, bed head and all. He lowered the mug and with a wave turned on his heel, the front door closing behind him.
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