#having a belief system and wanting to improve yourself though? that stands regardless
muninnhuginn · 1 year
the thing with teru is that for the longest time he struggles to see everyone as on the same playing field.
when he’s introduced he thinks that he’s at the top of the societal pyramid because of his powers. he thinks that mob is merely a threat he has to teach his place and it takes the best part of their fight for teru to reassess that and acknowledge that mob is a rival, but one that he is still above in this world.
when mob collapses and ???% beats him, teru realises that he is insignificant in the wider scheme of things and at the same time he ends up putting mob on a pedestal. teru believes he is insignificant because there’s a much larger power that he must bow to. he puts mob above him, an average person.
and teru sticks to that, with the admiration, the devotion where mob is essentially the new guide by which he tries to live his life up until the divine tree arc. dimple then forces teru to see him as his god instead. and that in of itself highlights the fact that teru’s devotion (whether to himself or mob or dimple) is essentially like worshipping a deity. that’s the kind of gap he sees between “average” people and those he places above them. mob breaks teru from dimple’s control and teru snaps mob back on his pedestal (’you really are amazing’). teru may have worked on himself but he still hasn’t broken from his framework that there are average people and those above them.
fast forward to his second confrontation with ???% and teru’s using his mob-guide to try and preach back to ???%. but he’s still putting mob above him, still thinks mob is untouchable and wouldn’t fail where ‘average’ people would. and then ???% deliberately puts on a show of strength that puts people in danger, he uses his powers against teru despite having previously refused to do so to the point of collapse. and it’s a real pedestal-breaking moment for teru. he thought that mob was such a moral person that he designed his whole new belief system around him. but the person at the centre of this belief system wasn’t the whole truth. that mob was just as much a false god as dimple and teru himself.
still, the philosophy is sound and teru did change for the better as a result. the pedestal and framework is broken, but that’s not a bad thing. any pedestal that high must eventually collapse.
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sunbeams-and-honey · 4 years
Past-Present-Future Pick A Card Reading
Right so this is my first one of these so we'll see how this goes. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't, and remember that your reading may not make sense until later on. Be patient. Feedback is much appreciated though.
This reading is a three-card past-present-future spread. Feel free to use the cards I pulled to then do your own research on what they mean. My interpretation of the cards might not resonate but another interpretation might. Remember to keep an open mind.
I would like you to visualise in your mind the numbers 1-5. Perhaps close your eyes if that helps you. Out of those, I want you to pick the one that stands out to you for whatever reason. If your gut is telling you to pick a certain number, pick that number. Then look under the cut and scroll down to find the corresponding reading.
Past - Nine of Wands (Reversed)
Present - The Hierophant (Reversed)
Future - Five of Cups (Upright)
There may have been a period in your life where you were wholely invested in completing a specific project or reaching a particular goal. In the end, you did succeed in what you were trying to accomplish, but not without a cost. It left you emotionally hurt and if you haven't been taking extra care of yourself since then, I would highly recommend doing so. Believe me when I say you deserve it.
A new style of living and/or belief system may be taking hold right now. This could be anything from a lifestyle improvement or new self-care regime, to something as big as converting to a new religion or taking up witchcraft. Whatever it is, it's benefiting you and motivating you in a positive light. Make use of what it's giving you. However, remember not to dive head-first into anything. Give it time and thought first and take it slow.
Not to scare you, but something big is coming, and you may be completely missing the signs. It's bound to involve some kind of conflict and/or loss and it may change your life. That being said, you will make it out in one piece. It will actually help you to grow and better yourself in the long run, so keep that in mind.
Past - Page of Pentacles (Upright)
Present - Three of Cups (Reversed)
Future - Seven of Pentacles (Reversed)
You may have previously been in a period of immaturity and/or instability. I'm happy to tell you that you are past this now, and are moving into a period of growth. You are intelligent with matters of finance. You may have just advanced in a social group or at work, and quite rightly too. If you recently started a new project, finish it, even if it was a spur-of-the-moment thing. Overall, if you've been looking for a good sign, then this is it.
Speaking of projects, you may have just finished one, perhaps one that took a great deal of effort. Treat yourself! You deserve it after all of your hard work. It may not be clear now, but you will reap the rewards within the rest of this year.
Another kind of success is just around the corner for you, but it will take work for you to earn it. The rewards are bound to be positive and almost crazy. Overall, this pile is very positive so I want you to remember that you deserve every good thing coming your way, and trust me when I say there's a lot of them.
Past - Ten of Cups (Upright)
Present - Six of Cups (Reversed)
Future - Ace of Cups (Upright)
Your confidence and integrity have proved useful and beneficial to you in the past. These are invaluable skills to have so try not to take them for granted. Thanks to them, you have come far and grown as a person.
Right now, you may be finding yourself reminiscing about the past often. Maybe a little too often. You may think that your best days are behind you, but I'm here to tell you that you're wrong. The past is full of good days but good ones are still to come, remember that. What you're doing is preventing you from living in the here and now. There's nothing wrong with a bit of nostalgia but you have to remember where the line is. Don't let it stop you from living your life.
You may view deep love as a life goal, but you need to make sure that you're not going too overboard with this. You could take this card as a sign that you're staying in a relationship purely because you don't want to be alone, rather than because it makes you happy. You need to remember that it's better to be alone than to be lonely, and if you stay in an unsatisfying relationship, you won't be able to achieve your goal of finding true love. This change is scary but it will be for the better. Alternatively, you might be being too picky with your romantic partners. It's always good to have set standards, but this could be a sign that you need to check these and to make sure that they aren't too high. Your partner won't be perfect and you need to accept that. If that interpretation resonates with you, then your perception of love is going to be challenged in the near future. True love is not an unrealistic goal.
Past - King of Swords (Reversed)
Present - Nine of Swords (Upright)
Future - World (Upright)
You had a bright and clear mind from a young age, and this may have been a point of praise throughout your childhood. However, this could have had a negative effect on you, as some adults may have treated you differently, which led you to feel isolated. They probably meant well and didn't even know how it made you feel, but the point is that you felt lonely as a child, not really feeling like you fit in. There were benefits to this though, as many positive opportunities that you had access to. These helped you to grow as a child.
You may be going through a very difficult time right now. You may find yourself feeling like you're at a complete loss, and I'm here to tell you that you are wrong. You will get through whatever is happening for nothing is permanent. That being said, don't feel guilty whatsoever for asking for help. Other people can and will help you to climb out of the spiral you're in. It may be hard to look on the bright side right now, but you will be okay.
Your future is uncertain, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have hope. You haven't had a clear sense of direction recently, which can be hard when you want to achieve great things. The easiest thing to do is to decide on where you want to end up, a goal you want to achieve. This will help you get there. Everything else will fall into place.
Past - Four of Pentacles (Reversed)
Present - Six of Swords (Upright)
Future - Eight of Swords (Reversed)
You've been putting a lot of hard work into a particular project recently and this card is a sign that this dedication will be paying off soon. This project could have been years in the making, meaning it will be all the more satisfying when you start to see results and rewards. Speaking of rewards, they will most likely be something financial, so perhaps you will get paid for your work, or it will help with your financial stability.
You may be facing some obstacles right now that you don't think you'll be able to overcome. I'm here to tell you that you will, in the near future as it happens, and you'll be a much stronger person as a result of this. The situation you are currently in is either going to change unexpectedly or a new person will come into the picture offering a helping hand. You should accept their help if they offer it. Regardless of which of these happens, you will be left feeling much more at ease with your situation. You will be filled with a strong sense of peace and finality.
An important event is coming, and its outcome will be decided entirely by how you choose to act: out of fear or out of rationality. You are currently the master of your own fate. In the past, you may have often been on the safe side, considering all possibilities before making any important decisions. This tendency will help you to make an informed decision in the future. Try not to act on impulse.
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spencerbdpi978 · 3 years
Why People Love to Hate African Student Transfer to Canada
Canada is now a booming hub for Global students whose desires consist of remaining during the place in which they entire their research. No longer an disregarded world desired destination to generate a degree, Canada also provides a immediate route to lasting citizenship - a possibility numerous Worldwide learners look for. Canada has rated as one of many best ten sites to Are living on this planet for over 20 yrs, and boasts an training system rated among the ideal.
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Place Regular Yearly Tuition & Expense of Living (USD)
Canada $29,947
Uk $35,045
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U . s . $36,564
Australia $42,093
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hharmann · 4 years
Sanger, Harmanpreet
Chapter 1: The Concept of “Self” from various Philosophical Perspectives
I was always enjoyed to always look beyond what I was shown, at first, a human life looks so simple, but when we introspect it through a philosophical perspective, we get to understand about how the various concepts and studies help us understand ourselves even better. We never focus on the various concepts of self that help us develop into what we are today.
When I first learned about the "Self" it talked about how life's meaning should be "finding a purpose or there wasn't a point in living", but as I went on with the topic it taught me I should be creating my purpose, my meaning instead of finding it or in Immanuel kant's words "We construct the self" and I like to believe that he means is that we make ourselves, we mold ourselves and find our own purpose and these teachings and perspectives have taught me to try to enjoy life and try to learn from experiences no matter good or bad.
I've noticed some people are always in competition with others, they don't understand how hard it can be to achieve something, while others stop their progress because they think they're not getting results. I learned to be understanding and that I have to be patient to get results, I have to be contented with my own progress, I want people to know that no matter how small my progress is, it's better than no progress at all and I want people to find their own purpose because if they fail to do so, I think they truly can't find happiness and satisfaction from their lives.
Chapter 2: Sociological perspective: The self as a product of society.
Sociological perspective assists us in achieving self identity, our social self, in developing self and finding our authentic core. I know this is important for my character development because it helps me understand the situations of others and allows me to better understand the reason people are in the situations they are in. But that's not all sociological perspectives are about, it's about how we can develop into social and morally upright citizens in the community by finding our "Authentic core".
I know some people often pretend to be someone they're not, do things just to please others' satisfaction but the harsh and untold reality is, it's unecessary and unethical to live your life just to please others, but I also understand that is something we learn from experiences and sometimes we have to go through pain and suffering to develop which will then help us bloom with bliss.
I would like to reflect my life on looking glass self Theory the most because I always cared about what others thought of me, regardless of me trying my best and give it all, some thought I was arrogant and I took things for granted, I thought I was a Goal - oriented and an optimistic person but the world thought I was an arrogant spoiled brat, that broke me into pieces and I decided to stay arrogant, instead of proving the world wrong I proved them right but after a long and hard introspection I knew that wasn't me, and I decided to give it my all regardless of what others think of me because I don't do what I do for others, I do what I do for myself and as long me and my family are happy, others' opinion doesn't matter to me.
Chapter 3: An anthropological conceptualization of self: The self as embedded in culture
This chapter allowed me to learn interesting and various cultural beliefs and behaviors towards holistic and integrated approach in examining human nature, there are many things I learned like the concept of cultural self, cultural construction, concept of identity struggles but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Let's talk about me, I'm an optimistic person, I don't really like all the problems this world comes across, whether it's poverty or the poor being unable to provide basic education for their children or rasicm, any issues like this deeply bothers me but I know that world doesn't help each other because of pity or just because I feel bad.
What really reflects me from this chapter is the views of Sociocentric. This teaches us that no tradition, culture, race, country is better than the other, it teaches us to be open-minded and respect one another, not belittle others when they're wrong but help them know better. This view helps with self -development which will help us transition into better and more understanding individuals. Moreover, what's so useful about this is it helps us view different cultures, traditions and beliefs from different perspective where it teaches and helps us not judge or belittle anyone's views.
Chapter 4: Psychological perspective of the self
The psychological perspective asks us about how well do we know yourself? It's a question many of us struggle with, as we try to figure out how close we are to who we actually want to be. It also helps understand the different concepts of self like I- self and me - self, helps understand the different concepts of self influenced behavior and many other things.
The thing that truly reflected me from this chapter is Carl Roger's Self theory and how it emphasizes on explaining that human beings are always striving for self- fulfilment. Isn't it true though, we humans sometimes do anything to fullfill our personal goals, either ethical or unethical, that's where I realized that things that are achieved through an unethical manner never really fullfills us because, still, deep inside we'd always know we never truly achieved it. This chapter helped me realized the true meaning of self fulfillment and how it can help one's ambition and hopes. This also made me realize that before we try understand others we need to understand ourselves, we need to find out what we are? What we want because if we keep ourselves confused and unanswered we'll never really achieve self fulfillment and we just might spend our whole life unhappy and unsatisfied.
Chapter 5: Western and eastern concept of the self
This is a very controversial subject because some people think western and eastern concepts are all about showing superiority in regarding which is better, but I think that all concepts are equal and should be respected as it is. Western and eastern concepts give us a new perspective of life, it give us a meaning to live, like religion, serving God and etc.
But what really reflects me is eastern concept's Hinduism, or reffered to as "dharmic" when I first came across this I thought this was just like any other religion, talking about serving God and doing rituals and etc. but as I learned more about it, it taught me that Hinduism's main focus is teaching the self. The focus of the religions is things you can do to improve your soul, to improve your karma, spiritual fitness, so your soul is worthy of a better life, this is what I crave and long for, self development and wellness of my soul that's why I think Hinduism reflects me the most.
Chapter 6: The Physical self
What really is the physical self all about? Is it all about the changes that happen throughout our life? Is it all about secretion of hormones that affect aspects of our life? Is it all about internal organs working together to keep the body functioning? Or is it about a person's somatypes? The answer is, it is all of the above!. There is more to the physical body than what meets the eye.
From what I've learned in this chapter is "Our physical body defines who we are", from the ancient chinese face readers to the prominence of body fluids to somatypes and etc. What I can't grasp is how can a physical body defines who we are? It's impossible to know ones personality just from their body type, but the worst part is some people actually succumb to these mindests, actually I was a part of "these people" once. It all started in my high school days, I was the typical fat overweight kid kid that was afraid to talk to others, afraid to make friends, afraid to open up and have fun, I let my body image insecure me, belittle me and my self esteem, When I was on the verge of almost giving up, and thinking that my whole life will be as miserable as I was back then, I couldn't stand the thought of it so I made up my mind. I knew that enough was enough. I started doing physical activities, maintained a proper diet and really focused on maintaining my physical body, I realized as I had started loosing weight I started socializing, I made new friends, the memory I cherish the most was in our classroom, we weren't just classmates, we treated each other like family.
So what truly reflects me from this chapter is the importance of body image. Because this can affect our emotional self too, and emotionally stable people are most likely to maintain a proper physical body. I decided to loose weight because I noticed it had always been affecting my emotional health, therefore, I started a journey to be fit throughout.
Chapter 7: The sexual self
The sexual self isn't all about sex characteristics or sexual desires, or sexual response or reproduction system. There's so many unexplained things about the sexual self, it talks about love, attachment, attraction, intimacy, affection, more importantly it give us an understanding about Sexually transmitted diseases (STI'S),
What reflects me most from this subject is the concept of sex, it seems people only think it is a way to achieve pleasure only or to produce offspring but there's more to "sex". The term ‘sex’ has a deeper non-scientific meaning, it means people that love one another, that are attracted to one another, that feel attached to one another show their love by bonding. This topic taught me that there's more to "sex" than just to produce offspring, it's a way of expressing love to your partner. I used to think that there's more to life than finding a partner and expressing love or afffection to but this topic helped me realize that there's more to finding a partner and making a half, whole. The other thing that reflects me is how our community is so invested in teaching everyone the correct way and importance of contraception. It feels good knowing there are people that want the youth to make wise decisions, it feels good that they support them in doing that because sexual self is a phase of growing and without the correct advice we might end up making decisions that we'd regret later.
Chapter 8: The material self
We come to this world empty handed and we shall return to the dust the same way. This fact should help us live a life where our happiness and satisfaction isn't a result of material possessions. The material possessions, temporary belongings of an individual which they take pride over, material things some obsess over, possessions that give them a feeling of superiority among others. The material possessions can become a factor of one's identity if one depends on it too much. Material possessions are satisfactory yes, but we shouldn't let that be our main source of happiness. Happiness shouldn't derive from temporary belongings since a life centered around material possessions will never offer us long lasting happiness or true happiness at all. This is where humans thrive, in showing compassion, true love, support, attraction, attachment that can be long lasting, this will never not be satisfactory, living a life that doesn't let material possessions define you is true self definition. Material possessions come and go, they're temporary, they aren't worth envying.
What I reflect from this topic is the importance of human beings in our lives. I used to be a kid that was materialistic, I always wanted the shoes in trend, games in trend, expensive gadgets and etc, but as I was given what I wanted, I always had a void, emptiness, never contented with what I had, I was the selfish type that always wanted more, but even as I got more I truly lost the essence of human relationships. I had forgotten my parents' struggles to get me what I wanted, I had forgotten their love that lead them to fulfill my needs, I had forgotten my values. Then eventually I put a stop to it. I wasn't a perfect kid, I made stupid mistakes but what I cherish about myself is I have the courage to right my wrong. I stopped asking for useless material possessions that didn't serve a real purpose in my life anymore. To this day I don't bother my parents with idiotic requests to buy nonsense things. When I did what I did I finally started appreciating what my parents do for me, they provide me with quality education, my basic needs, food, shelter, and finally love and affection and no material possession could ever replace that.
Chapter 9: The spiritual self
Exploring and experiencing the spiritual self helps a person experience a feeling of oneness with a higher being, it gives a person feeling of hope and enlightenment in their lives. However, I believe exploring and experiencing spirituality isn't all about trying to connect to the Gods or chant prayers or go to churches, but it is also about trying to keep peace with yourself. Spiritual self explains how we should find ourself and let our religion help us find our meaning in life.
What this subject reflects onto me is the importance of finding spirituality in our lives. I'll be honest I was never the religious type, infact I grew up athiest, I never joined my family in going to church or performing religious rituals, I always found them useless, I didn't believe in the existence of God and I grew up believing all these religions were a facade of superstition, but it all changed when I turned 16. My grandfather had passed away and I was extremely sad, we had so many memories together, I grew up alongside him and when I heard the news about his passing, I couldn't handle myself. Then one night, out of the blue I started talking to the sky (most likely a prayer) I started blaming "God" for his death and my loneliness, I expressed my anger by talking to the sky and after I let all my anger and pain out I suddenly asked for the safety and happiness of my family. I'm not saying that I believe in God and religion but I'm saying I kind of found myself, praying gives me a feeling of safeness and I think I'll continue to do it and find myself.
Chapter 10: the political self
As we grow, we all grow politically, believe it
not. We are surrounded by things that influence our political development like our family, school, peers, church, mass media, all these these always teach and influence our views and beliefs which then affects our political self.
Let's take for example this year, so much happened, so many countries have been through this global catastrophe, not only this pandemic but also the inability to buy food for the poor, the unemployment of millions of people, the surplus in products that are going to waste and other issues. But what do they have in common? these are all issues ongoing in our world, community, and when we know about it we know how privileged we are, not only do we have food and shelter in these trying times we also have access to quality education. But why am I saying all this? Knowing about all these issues influences our views and beliefs which affect our political self.
What I reflected and learned from this topic was how important developing our political self is, especially in today's generation. We people need to know the things going on in our society, we need to be updated with the issues on going in our country so we could know how we can help in overcoming them. I learned that when we develop our political self we're helping ourselves become moral and virtuous citizens of the society, moreover, the schools, media, peers and everything surrounded by us give us an influence in our development. I got to learn about so many things regarding our development, on how political development can help us make the society a better place.
Chapter 11: The digital self
The digital self, the one thing that has become an extension of the self, the digital self has become the "self" we are so obsessed with the desire to create a "positive impression" in the eye of others that it might affect our security, mental health which can lead to identity theft, cyberbullying, depression, anxiety, insecurities. But that's not all what the digital self can do, there are pros to it too. It helps us connect with anyone almost instantly, it has altered the way in which we view the social dimensions of relationships. Moreover, it brings light to the injustices happening around us, it tries to help LGBTQA+ members who are discriminated. Times have changed, we accepted the changes and these technologies had a huge impact on the it.
This reflects and helps me understand the importance of technology that helps change our views and beliefs. We are in the 21st century now, we are majorly digitalized, from our watches to tv. My point is all these technologies give us a different perspective to things. Let's take for example the LGBTQA+ discrimination, over the years the world has grown to accept the changes because they learned about their side. The LGBTQA+ members voiced and lashed out their side in the digital era and in the 21st century people are open- minded they don't belittle or judge people for their likes and dislikes and just like that, slowly, the LGBTQA+ started getting accepted in the society, we even have Pride month in their honor. So to put it simply, I agree that digital self has it cons and can affect our safety but we need to look at how it affects our personal life too, how it helps us become better versions of ourselves, how it helps change our views on things, therefore, I conclude that the digital self helps me understand the importance of technology in development of self's views and beliefs and reflects me in a manner where my views and beliefs are changed everyday due to the digital world and its effect on "self".
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yesteachersblog · 4 years
An Insightful Interview
In order to expand my own understanding of community building in the classroom setting I decided to reach out to a veteran teacher who I had previously worked under several years ago. Brandon Thompson teaches at Tempe High School in the Tempe Union School District in Arizona. He has been teaching for over 20 years now and has carefully worked to craft an amazing teaching persona and classroom environment, something that I was able to witness firsthand. Mr. Thompson teaches 10th, 11th, and 12th, grade ELA with a mixture of regular, honors and AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) courses. AVID is an organization centered on helping students overcome obstacles throughout their school experience. In their own words “Regardless of their life circumstances, AVID students overcome obstacles and achieve success. They graduate and attend college at higher rates, but more importantly, they can think critically, collaborate, and set high expectations to confidently conquer the challenges that await them. In 47 states across the U.S., K–16 educators are driving student success through engaging, rigorous, and student-centered learning environments.” (https://www.avid.org) Mr. Thompson goes above and beyond for his students to help ensure they are on the right path to success. He is my main inspiration for pursuing a career in education as well as the core of my blog’s principles.
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I asked Mr. Thompson a variety of questions all having to do with the communication he uses in his classroom as a teacher, as well as an AVID coordinator. The first thing I wanted to find out was what sort of community was the AVID program and what role did it play in Tempe High School. His response resonated with me deeply, “AVID in a sense is the only path students have to getting into college. We help prepare the students from the moment they enter high school to believe in themselves 100 percent and continuously improve their abilities in all subjects. Not just ELA, but Math teachers, Science, Social Studies, we all work together to guide the students.” (Thompson) For many of these teens, AVID keeps them grounded and out of trouble
As someone who grew up in a low-income community, I didn’t have a lot of guidance for helping me reach college. I know what it’s like out there in these public schools, just how easily a student can fall into the wrong hands and down a path of regret. The AVID program helps to prevent this. Mr. Thompson practices daily writing in all of classes. When prompted with the question “what kind of writing is the most important?” He responded with, “writing that allows students to speak the words they’re unable to speak outside of class, writing to find their voice.” (Thompson) He allows students to keep daily journals in his class not just as reflections of their lives, but in order to communicate with him. He reads their journals weekly and through this system he is able to reach the students better than through direct lecturing. Mr. Thompson mentioned to me how many of these students, especially the younger ones, struggle with direct communication with their teachers. However, through written language they are able to express themselves in a less pressured sense with reassurance that someone on the other end is listening. Peter Drucker establishes that communication is based on perception, expectation, and demand. As Drucker writes in Functioning Communications “Unless there is someone who hears, there is no communication. There is only noise.” (Drucker 262) These students are practicing daily communicating with their peers and with their instructor in order to help prepare them for the outside world.
However, to do so in an effective manner Mr. Thompson is constantly exposing himself to his students to create a shared experience and reassure them that he understands their perceptions. These shared experiences have a lot to do with his background, upbringing, and current lifestyle. Although he is the authoritative figure in the classroom, he first establishes himself as a human who’s endured similar experiences as his students. Tempe High is made up of a 1500 student population; 70 percent Latino,  14 percent Black, 5 percent American Indian, 2 percent Hawaiian, and more (https://www.publicschoolreview.com/tempe-high-school-profile) These demographics are important when taking into consideration students of different cultures, and beliefs. Minority groups are at a higher risk of dropping out of high school, “Minority students dropped out at disproportionately higher rates than their White counterparts — In 2009, 4.8 percent of of blacks and 5.8 percent of Hispanics between 15 and 24 dropped out of grades 10-12, compared with 2.4 percent for white students.” (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/high-school-dropout-rates_n_1022221) In order for teachers to effectively reach their students and help prevent these dropout rates from increasing they need to be careful of the communication practices they are using. This is where Mr. Thompson incorporates AVID into all of his courses. By reassuring his students that despite their background, gender, race, culture, etc., they are still able to work hard and achieve higher education.
Author Craig Smith describes the human myth as a function for establishing society. In his work Rhetoric and Human Consciousness, he writes “Since prehistoric times myths and narratives have been used for entertainment, but they also built tribes, cultures, and nations. Myths were used to advance values and to order lives, villages, and the world.” (Smith 20) Not much has changed since then. There is a common myth amongst the lower-class public-school setting in America. A myth that if you work hard enough in school, you’ll be able to make something great out of yourself. The problem with this myth though, is that it doesn’t take into consideration the many overlining factors that affect a student from reaching their college aspiration goals. No matter how hard a student may work they will never be able to reach that end point of success without the proper guidance.  This is a myth that Mr. Thompson works against daily. I asked him what some of the major struggles are he faces when it comes to written communication in this setting and his response centered the most around overcoming cultural and language barriers. Although any student can enroll in the AVID program this does not take into consideration their academic standing. Meaning, that many of his students are at different reading and writing levels despite being in the same grade. Their first language may not be English, and they may have grown up in a community where reading and writing was not as prioritized a skill as others. It can be difficult at times to make these students understand the importance of written communication, because they’ve never experienced the power their written words can have. Through positive affirmations and practice Mr. Thompson allows the students to breakthrough from this careless mindset and discover the potential they all have, despite how great or how “poorly” they may write. One thing he does that not many other ELA teachers do is allow students to write in their home languages, not just standard academic English. He later makes them translate whatever their writing was, but the principle of allowing them to use this form of written communication allows for all students to participate in the writing experience.
Mr. Thompson has faced a lot of backlash for his teaching methods as they are not seen to be “traditional” in the eyes of other veteran teachers. He is also constantly fighting to receive the necessary funding for his AVID classes. He relies a lot on social media specifically Facebook in order to help reach a larger audience when it comes to communicating issues and reaching out to the community.  The great thing about Facebook he says, is that “almost all parents nowadays have access to it.” Even if they don’t have a computer at home, the school offers technology hours in the library after school where parents or families are able to use the computer lab for a certain amount of time. Through this platform he is able to spread messages about what’s going in class, events, or even ask for funding. The AVID school program has their own Facebook page and allows public access for anyone interested in learning more about the organization. “I would have never imagined I’d become such an active Facebook user, but it helps me stay in touch with the community that my students are a part of.” I asked Mr. Thompson how he works to incorporate social media in his classroom, and he mentioned that he’ll do an end of the year project for students using a social media platform of their choice. Through whichever social media platform, they chose, they are able to bring awareness to a major issue occurring in or outside of the US in an attempt to create a research and project solution. This allows students to realize the importance of online communicating as well as the role social media plays in our daily communications.
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After interviewing Branon Thompson I became even more aware of where I need to self-improve on as an educator. He allowed me to see a different side of what it takes to be an effective communicator in and outside of the classroom.  
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almond-assistant · 6 years
A very long rant and my opinions on neofeminism
Keep in mind that these are very opinionated, and I really don’t wanna fight with you. I’m only posting this so people know where I stand with this stuff, and so they know what kind of person I am.
Inequality: (the fake scenario here is metaphorical and also taken from a youtube video) Imagine there was a short person and a tall person, and there's a wall. In order to see over it, both people are given a stool of equal height to stand on. The tall person is still taller, and can see farther. Instead of giving the taller person a shorter stool, or a short person a taller stool, how about we give nobody a stool. Instead, give them equal materials to build their stool. Equal opportunity does not mean an equal outcome.
Wage Gap: That thing? It's non-existent; women are actually 'out-earning' men, according to literally every governmental source. And if the wage gap existed, it'd be illegal, considering women recieved equal rights in America in 1972.
Transphobia: Trans people are propped up and given all sorts of support in society! I remember at one point I considered myself transgender (I'm still queer-identifying fyi), and I was treated just as well, if not better, than most kids at my high school. And you know how you guys are so "supportive" of trans-men? Well, guess what. By not grouping him in with the cis men, you are therefore being transphobic by invalidating his identity, implying he is not like the cis man, as he would like to be seen as. Do you call a trans guy a rapist, like a cis man? No. Do you consider him sexist, like the cis man? Of course not! Even if he is, you wouldn't DARE accuse him of that! Right? Because he's an owo smol trans flower boy. By rubbing it in everybody's faces that you/someone you know is trans, you are therefore negating the fact that they'd like to be treated like a cisgendered person in the first place. Same goes for trans-women. FYI, I completely support real trans people!
Transtrenders: Super transphobic! If you want to be babied and called uwu smol then go join the adult baby community. You want to be queer? Just don't label yourself trans! Want attention? Go join a fucking talent show or something idk. Don't have dysphoria? What's the point in calling yourself the opposite gender? I don't get that. Wanna be a futa catgirl? I... I don't even know. Please stop that. Sexualizing trans/intersex people is transphobic. Trying to fit in? I get that. I did that. But please, please. don't rub it in everyone's faces. I actually DO have a bit of social dysphoria, but I used to make it a bigger deal than it should've been.
Patriarchy: I agree that patriarchy doesn't work. But, patriarchy is also basically gone, so I don't agree that it's this really big deal you guys make it out to be. On the other hand, matriarchy doesn't work well either. It takes both genders for lots of things to run smoothly. There are highly positioned women and men. That's what makes systems work, including reproduction and all that jazz. So basically, men are in fact needed. Stop treating them like shit. If you got rid of men, we'd go extinct. I know there's this thing with women's bone marrow or whatever, but that's not really relevant, and it isn't even guaranteed to work. By separating women from men, you are therefore being sexist, because equality doesn't have anything to do with gender. It's like if x=y, then y=x, y=y, and x=x. If x and y was female and male, or literally any gender, this would be the goal of feminism by definition. Without the belief that women are currently in a lesser position in society, neo-feminism falls flat. Speaking of which, you always focus on women, why aren't you including all of the other "genders"? Isn't that a bit sexist of you? Society is giving women everything they don't deserve. That's not equality. And yet you still think women are opressed.
Rape Culture: And before you rush to the comments with "You don't know what it's like to be sexually harassed!", I do, and that's why this topic ticks me off so much. Anyway, by labeling all men as rapists, you are therefore being sexist. And, even though you guys say men/boys can't be raped, they have been, and can be. Males are actually sexually exploited more than women. Furthermore, women can be rapists. Consent doesn't apply to just the woman. If a woman wants to have sex with a guy and he says no, yet she forces him to, it's still rape. Legal sexual interactions require both parties involved to give consent. I read a post on here that said something to the effect of, "If you don't have sex with a fat woman, you're raping her". That... boggles my mind.
Ableism: I have mental illnesses too, so this also pisses me off. I mean, I get that some people are wheelchair-bound or don't have the same mental abilities as a neurotypical person. I think it's great that we're helping to accomodate these people! But when you call everything that could even possibly leave out someone other than the neurotypicals ableist, it's frustrating. Literally anything could be ableist or classist. Eating pizza? No, this is ableist because some people have diabetes and can't eat certain things. Running gear? Ableist. Some people have to use wheelchairs, either because they were born paralyzed in the legs, or because they're too obese to move. Brain exercises? No, get that out of here. That's offensive to people with autism or the like, because their brains don't work like that, and it implies they're not good enough. therapy? Kill it with fire. You're saying we neurodivergents are not ok? It's like you don't care about people that want to get better. There's such thing as a target audience, so now let's see.. Pizza? Oh! That's for people who want a quick, cheap, and easy meal! Running gear? That's meant to interst people who enjoy being fit and maintaining their cardiovascular health. Wheelchair-bound folks have specialized exercises for keeping their muscles healthy. Running would not be as effective of a way for them to do that. Brain exercises? For people who want to keep their brain sharp and improve certain areas where they might have weaknesses. Again, people such as my brother (who has medium-high functioning autism) can have special exercises provided to them. But when companies manufacture products that leave out the neurotypical person, nobody thinks twice. So much for equality.
Fatphobia: I do agree that this one exists, although I've never experienced it myself, since I myself have problems gaining weight and keeping it on. I'm actually guilty of fatphobia, but hear me out. I don't mind if you're overweight, as long as others don't have to make special accomodations at no cost to the one being accomodated. If you're 500+ pounds and/or you need a wheelchair and two seats on a plane, I'm calling you out. There's no way you could be that fat without doing it to yourself or having a disability. I don't mind these things if you do have a disability, I understand you couldn't control it then. But if you're just sitting in your bed all day stuffing your face with cheese curls, you have no right to whine about fatphobia, as you could've easily prevented it. Mental disorders such as depression or anxiety that may lower your motivation so low that you don't care, I also get, since I've been in that situation plenty of times. Regardless though, I will not say you are beautiful. This is my personal opinion, and I know others may find obesity attractive, or even erotic (which is in itself fatphobic), but I do not. There are people who don't actually find it pretty, but still say it is. Please stop that. Speak your mind, yo. It's kinda sad that others shape your views, and if you don't agree entirely with the flock, you're not one of them, yknow? That's like... a cult or something.
Classism: I'm soft on this one, since I've been in and out of financial stability throughout my childhood and it sorta fucked me up. But again, calling everything classist is just not right. Songs about fancy cars and diamonds are praising the lush life, not making lower classes feel bad. If anything, those songs help them work harder to achieve their own dreams and have their own great life. But again, it's all about the target audience.
Racism: Racism was originally based off of fear and confusion. Other races had never seen a different skin color than their people's, and thought they were a different breed or species. The reason europeans and americans viewed africans as animals, is because they didn't know what else they could be. African society wasn't as developed, and the African people exhibited very primitive behaviors, as opposed to the educated caucasian. After a while, the african people taken to other lands as slaves, started to dislike that life and form their own opinions and values. The white people learned that the Africans were just humans of a different color, and eventually softened up a bit. But they couldn't abandon their ways of life, so the slaves slaved on, and the rich got richer. These values passed through generations, and eventually someone said, "Stop, these are people too, let's set em' free.". Though, yes, some families still teach their children to be racist, they don't imprison them anymore. Schools do a very good job of describing the treacheries of racism and slavery so it doesn't happen again. Most of my friends (and my boyfriend who I love so so much) are of color, in one way or another. Shit, I'm like, an eighth native american. I do consider myself white though, I'm Norwegian and Irish, for the most part. But I'll still honor my roots. Anyway, even modern racism is still based on fear. Islamophobia stems from terrorism, Black violence comes from stories of gangs and police shootings, and lots of other xenophobia stems from stereotypes. I'm completely against racism, trust me. But when you separate white from black and call white people scum, and call people of color 'strong, independent', and discard white people, it's kinda confusing. Racism applies to race, and caucasian is a race. Get it together.
Cisphobia: That exists. Cisgenderism/Heterosexuality are still identities, whether you want them to be or not.
Sexualities: Cool, You like people (Or you don't, if you're ace/aro). I know these sexualities were shunned before but most people are really accepting now! Just not the weird demonsexual things. Some people don't understand that too much. I sure don't.
Genders: Same as sexualities, don't get too crazy and people are cool w/ it.
Mogai and Neopronouns: Shit, get them out of here. You're making actual LGBT+ people look like a joke.
Anything I didn't mention that you'd like to hear my opinion on? Leave an ask! All interaction is welcome, though not all is wanted. Regardless, I'll try to be kind to you. I really have no reason to be rude to you if I don't know too much about you.
-Kevyn (almondassistant)
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fucktheoryquestions · 6 years
On The Economics of Higher Education
I would like to ask you a question I've been thinking of for a while, if you have the time. I have just started my PhD in Anthropology in University of Helsinki, and I have been involved in quite a few student campaigns against university reforms (of neoliberal kind). Yet still all our universities are public institutions, there are no tuition fees and all students receive student allowance, so our situation is quite different than in, say, UK and US. I've been able to study two majors without acquiring any debt, which is quite common here. My question is: Do you think university system that is publicly funded and free for all students (and adjunct staff is payed comparatively well) still has some of the irredeemable qualities that you describe in your critique of US elite universities? Best wishes, Viljami Kankaanpää-Kukkonen
Hi, I appreciate the question, thanks for letting me respond publicly so I don’t have to answer it more than once.  
Before I answer your question let me say what perspective I’m speaking from.  I’ve been in the US for 10 years.  My involvement in American academia was mostly at private institutions on the East Coast, though I took a few seminars and spent time at Rutgers and CUNY, as well. Before that, I did my undergraduate education in Berlin at the Free University.  I was in the last generation of students at the FU who graduated with a traditional German Magister degree; even before I graduated, the FU began to implement the accords of the Bologna Process, which aimed to unify educational standards across the EU and which led to a splitting of the Magister degree into American-style BA and MA programs.  I haven’t been involved in European academia in the past 10 years.  My “data” consists in 10-year-old experience with the German system; extensive 10-year-old familiarity with the British and French systems; and passing 10-year-old acquaintance with the Italian and Dutch systems.  I’m sure that higher education in Europe has changed a great deal in the past 10 years in response to the pressures and forces you describe as “neoliberal,” so take everything I say in light of these ongoing developments.  
Very simply put:  the more “Americanized” an educational system becomes, the more its structure and consequences will resemble the structure and consequences of the American education system.  The most distinctive feature of the American university system is its exorbitant cost, and its relation to debt and hence to the labor market.  So the shortest answer I can give you is No, a free or cheap university system does not share all the dangerous implications of the American system.  That said, the disciplinary and organizational nature of the European system is very similar to the American system and growing more so.  I don’t think humans are “rational actors,” but I do think we constantly perform conscious or unconscious cost/benefit analysis, and I think it’s easy to see why the cost of an American higher education is much greater than the cost of a European higher education, not only in dollars but also in anxiety, in preparation, and in non-academic lifestyle commitments required to access and survive the university. The higher the cost of attending a European university becomes, the more that system will resemble the American one 
That’s the short answer, and anyone who’s reading this can feel free to stop reading here; the rest of this post is just an elaboration.  
Your e-mail mentions “other countries” generally, but I’m not comfortable speaking about countries I don’t know enough about. I’ve met and studied with and read papers by academics from all over the world, and I know some vague stories, but that’s not the same thing as having concrete knowledge of economic relations, so I’m going to localize the rest of my response and frame it as a comparison between the American and the European systems with which I’m familiar.  
A free university system cannot engage the same socio-economic relation to the labor market and to personal debt that the American university system currently engages.  The difference has to do with a different relation of the institution to the state and to private capital, as well as to the job market and to relations of labor and production more generally.  For these reasons, I consider the European university less irredeemable and pernicious than the American one.  
It shares many of the same features and problems, especially on the inside of the institution and in the production of knowledge, but I think the social role of the university is less compromised and dangerous and I think European universities could be improved more easily than American ones – for now. As we’ve already noted, the twin ideologies of privatization and austerity are pushing hard to “Americanize” higher education in Europe and elsewhere.  The more successful these efforts are, the more irredeemable the university becomes.
Before I continue, please note that while I’m less critical of the European university system, I’m not holding it up as an ideal or a model or ignoring its very real problems.  For example, I discuss the non-academic (vocational/professional) higher education system in many European countries as opening up more paths to financial stability than are available in the US.  I stand behind that claim, but I’m also very aware that the parallel higher education systems in Europe have a classist function and a classist history, serving mostly to route upper and upper-middle class students to universities and poorer students to vocational schools.  I’m also keenly aware that I went to university in a city (Berlin) that has more Turkish residents than Ankara, but I can count on one hand the number of Turkish students that sat in seminar rooms with me at that university. Etc., etc.  This is not an encomium to the European higher ed system, it’s just a description of some crucial differences.  
There are at least three major differences between the American and the European higher education systems:   
·      Debt
·      Non-academic higher education
·      Public system only vs. public/private dual system
I’ll expand on all these, but first we can observe that despite a profound difference in the economic relations in which the university is embedded, a fascinating aspect of the question is that there is fairly little difference between higher education systems in terms of content and style.  You find the same plodding, obfuscatory writing; the same laborious processes of peer review; the same behind-the-scenes politicking and reputation-based privilege; the same interests and questions, though often with different approaches or angles; and most importantly, the same canon of concepts and thinkers and disciplines.  This fact reinforces my belief that the discourse of the university performs a similar organizing social function (what Gramsci describes as “traditional” intellectual activity) everywhere, regardless of the specific hegemonic structure it’s serving or upholding.  In this context, it’s worth distinguishing a critique of the university as an institution embedded in a specific economy from a critique of the discourses produced in the institution.  These aren’t separate questions:  there’s only one economy.  But these questions operate in different registers, because the critique of the production of knowledge goes all the way back to Plato and beyond while the critique of the university’s current economic entanglements can’t go beyond the material history of those entanglements while remaining in any way immanent.  
Back to the three big differences I listed.
Debt is the biggest one, by far.  
I graduated from a European university debt-free. I paid registration fees every semester and I had to house and feed myself, but I didn’t have to pay exorbitant tuition fees.  I certainly didn’t have to take out a loan at the age of 18 that would follow me the rest of my life.  This difference is the single most important difference, because it doesn’t just change other relations, it changes the weight of other relations.  A damaging situation is bad; a damaging situation is 100 times worse if you have no way of getting out of it or putting it behind you.  
If you’re German and you get into a university and you find it utterly unbearable and traumatizing, you can just leave. You’ve spent some time, you might disappoint yourself or other people, but you’re not in debt, your parents didn’t spend $80,000.  If you’re 20 years old and you’ve already signed the loan papers and you’re $80,000 in debt already after just 4 semesters, you’re going to think really fucking hard about starting over in a different program, or leaving school to do something non-academic.  You’re much more likely to stay on a path you’re not happy with.  And even if you do make the choice to leave, that debt can still follow you around the rest of your life unless you manage to adjust very effectively to a highly profitable new career path.  If you spent $160,000 on a law degree from Yale then start practicing law and discover you absolutely hate it, you’re probably going to practice law for a few years anyway because otherwise you’re changing careers $160,000 in debt (that’s one hundred and sixty THOUSAND dollars).  Minimum wage in Connecticut is currently $10.10 dollars an hour 
Maybe this isn’t the case any more, but 15 years ago in much of Europe, you could decide academia wasn’t for you, leave the university, and get a job in a restaurant that would pay all your bills. In other words, you could shift gears to a much lower-pressure lifestyle without serious consequences.  But imagine if you have serious student debt and you have $500 deducted from your salary each month?  Suddenly you have earn more, even if you want a low-key lifestyle; you take on another job, or you find a job that’s higher-pressure even though you want to shift gears or whatever.  
The costs of debt – in labor, in health, in anxiety – are enormous.  In this way, there is a much tighter and more vicious link between higher education and the labor market in American than in Europe.  There’s no other way to put it – the structure and pressures of the American system mean that Americans have to work, constantly, grindingly, in a way that many (not all) Europeans just don’t have to and honestly can’t understand.  The American system presents a double bind:  either you are bound to the labor market by debt because you did go to school, or you’re bound to the labor market by necessity because you didn’t go to school and are locked out of higher-paying jobs.  The American university system is locked into the economy in a way that presents three options only:  serve the system at the top; serve the system at the bottom; or succeed against all odds by being truly exceptional and carving out a space for yourself alongside the system or breaking into it in an unexpected way. There are very few paths to genuine economic prosperity that don’t run through the university system somehow.  
The situation in the US hasn’t always been so dire; it got bad under Reagan and has been getting worse ever since.  For a couple of decades after World War II, the G.I. Bill and a flood of money to universities made public higher education really affordable in the U.S. for many people.  In the ‘60s or ‘70s in the U.S. (so I’m told, I wasn’t here), you could flip burgers for three months during the summer and save up enough money for a year’s tuition at a good state school if you were an in-state student; I doubt that’s still the case anywhere in the U.S., and certainly not at the more prestigious state schools.    
Now that the American “middle class” has effectively vanished, we can see what role the university had in making that class disappear.  An absolutely crucial element in that process was the defunding of public universities at the state and federal level, which led to massive tuition hikes that have made tuition at the most prestigious public universities almost as high as those at prestigious private ones.  Capitalism played a major role in that process, because university pass their costs on to students by framing the rising costs as the availability of additional features, from trendy new disciplines to massive, ridiculous sports facilities.  This is a “client-centered” approach to education that directly prioritizes students who can afford to pay.  Basically, America no longer has a state-sponsored, debt-free path to prosperity, which Europe still does…for now.  Defunding of universities and tuition hikes are the changes that will most quickly introduce debt as a decisive factor and bring the European system in line with the American one, with massive implications for the entire economy, not just for academia in some isolated, abstract way.  Keeping the European university system free or at least cheap is unspeakably important and probably impossible at this point.  
The relation between the education system and the labor market is also different in that many European countries have vocational or professional higher education that isn’t academic.  That’s the second big difference.  Craft and trade apprenticeships represent an important bloc that has no equivalent in the US, where most internships are professional position you get after you do a BA, and not instead of doing a BA (not always, but often).  There are often but not always alternatives to university-style education in Europe.  German interns (Auszubildende, or Azubis) are usually paid and can access no-interest government loans to support themselves when they aren’t.  Many people I knew in Germany in the 2000s finished an academic Magister degree and then went on to do an Ausbildung in a completely different area (sound design, lighting tech, theater management) which then became their actual career.  Here again the major difference is debt – you don’t need to take on massive debt to study nursing or hotel management in much of Europe – but there is also a difference in the need for critique of the institution.  Simply put, if there are effective non-academic paths to prosperity, academics have less of an ethical obligation to critique and correct their institutions, and the institution has less of an exclusive onus to fight against inequality.  If we consider “university students” as a socio-political bloc, that bloc is much more massive, diverse, and complex in the United States than it would be in much of Europe.  
Third – and this too is linked closely to the question of debt rather than separate from it – a major difference between the US and Europe is the long-standing existence in America of extremely wealthy private universities.  In Europe until recently there weren’t many private institutions of higher education. This was changing rapidly even while I was still there, and I’m sure it’s gotten worse.  However, it will take a long time before new institutions acquire the prestige and surplus capital which American private universities already have.  
The brilliant scheme of the American private university is that it took up the model and the rhetoric of the European, post-Enlightenment liberal university, but without sharing or adopting its economic model, which is that of a state-operated and –funded institution. The American private university is a European liberal shell over a fundamentally different economic motor, which is basically a massive private endowment of religious origin.  The biggest American universities weren’t started to train scholars, they were started to train preachers; in this, they had more to do with the medieval canon school than with the post-Enlightenment liberal university. These universities acquired private wealth and land in the manner of traditional Catholic institutions, not in the manner of liberal European universities; now, centuries later, these institutions are basically giant pools of privately-held capital which have an enormous impact on the education, labor, leadership, scholarship, and values of the United States and, indeed, the world, but without any of the regulations that state-funded and –controlled institutions have to endure.  These institutions are first and foremost corporate brands and wealth managers; they only teach students incidentally, as a kind of favor to the rich whose money they manage, but despite this they exert an enormous and unhealthy influence on higher education all over the world.  For decades, the public university system in the US has worked extremely vigorously to imitate the private model, where instead the American public should have demanded the divestment of property from private universities, or at least an end to their tax-exempt status.  
The impact of these institutions can scarcely be overestimated, but they are only the keystone of a vast system that all works together to produce and enforce inequality in the United States.  Because the university is an instrument of hegemony and because capitalist hegemony always depends on inequality, the university under capitalism will always be in some ways an instrument and an enforcer of inequality.  This statement is always true, but for that reason also fairly banal, because it doesn’t engage with any actual, specific material relations.  The difference – as of now – is in the degree to which the entire system interlocks to trap and control the individual.  Simply put, because in Europe there is less systemic inequality, less poverty, and more options for non-academic upward mobility (not many, but more than in the U.S.), the effect of the European university can’t be considered as pernicious and total as the effect of the American university. That doesn’t mean there isn’t much to correct and improve, it just means that capitalism has long tended to workshop its oppressions in the Americas first and then exported them elsewhere.   
European systems, which have traditionally been national or nationalized, tended to have a single centralized application system and held rigidly to unitary standards of admission and education across the national system, even if certain schools had a better “name” or were more popular. But even before I left Germany, there were already efforts to declare certain universities in the national system “centers of excellence” and to pump money into those places.  A major symptom of Americanization is the establishment of a corporate institutional hierarchy, often based equally on actual funding and on institutional PR, between universities in the public system.  This idealistic appeal to merit and excellence justifies budgetary inequalities which in turn serve both to defund “less excellent” disciplines and to center education on the interests of funders and not students.  Here too a “client-centered” corporate approach claims to serve students but is actually a pretense for increasing inequalities between them, and here too the same conclusion follows as above:  the more tiered and hierarchical the national European systems become, the more inequalities will emerge that resemble those of the American system.  
 Another big difference between the US and Europe traditionally has been a much higher European emphasis on the humanities and “human sciences.”  Scientists have always looked down on poets, but until fairly recently in Europe, it was equally the case the poets had the opportunity to publicly and emphatically look down on scientists.  When I first lived in Germany as a teenager, I remember regularly seeing literary critics, poets, screenwriters, and other kinds of art and humanities people on TV, in panel discussions (broadcast on daytime network television!) and in newspapers. This too had begun to change by the time I left Germany, and I’m sure it has gotten worse.  There’s a reciprocal pressure between intellectuals and institutions devaluing the humanities and the general public devaluing the humanities; as humanities programs disappear from the university humanities programming disappears from mass media.  A primary ideological function of the university in modern society is to tell people what’s important and what counts as real knowledge.  There are direct and significant consequences to the logic of quantification and its Four Horsemen, S, T, E, and M.  Global warming would be easier to fight if so many people weren’t convinced life is impossible without tech, for example.  These societal ideological formations don’t begin or end with the university, but they are upheld by it, promoted by it, and routed through it.  Consider for example the ways in which STEM professions are dependent on corporations in a way that many humanities jobs aren’t.  You can be a high school teacher pretty much anywhere if you speak the language; good luck being a freelance molecular biologist and crowdsourcing a lab. There are material and economic and personal consequences to ideological formations, that’s the whole point of enforcing an ideology, whether consciously or not.  Here too it’s a question of degree; we already see the process happening. How far will you let it go?  You often hear administrators tell you that the emphasis on STEM comes from students, who just don’t care about literature the way they used to.  In my experience, this is nonsense.  The proportion of humanities-oriented students and science-oriented students in the average classroom doesn’t change; what changes is the number of students who feel pressured or obligated to try and be science people when they’d rather be studying literature.  That is my experience only, I haven’t done any studies.  
The importance of fighting to keep European higher education free and accessible doesn’t rest on some liberal ideals of education and equality, but on the very real functions that higher education plays in the general economy, and in the relations of labor and production that express that economy.  The European university often serves the interests of industry and private capital, but it is an arm of the state and transmits the values of the state and is susceptible to the pressures of private capital roughly to the same degree that the state itself is.  But in America, the leading universities are expressions and instruments of private capital.  They are inseparable from it, and they serve as instruments with which private capital applies pressure to the state, rather than as an apparatus of the state on which private capital applies pressure. 
At the moment, the differing economic and social relations within which it is embedded make the European university less broken and less harmful than the American university, and with more potential for reparative change.  But even as American global hegemony collapses, economic “Americanization” is on the rise everywhere.  How far it will go, and what traditional institutions are destroyed or altered in the process, remains to be seen.  
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Life Story Part 72
The monumental 2008 election was upon everyone's mind in the small town of Pinehurst while I was visiting my grandmother. Somehow, I just hadn't noticed there was going to be an election – I was too wrapped up in my books, my collage art, my old horror films and television shows, and my interest in various religions. Of course, my grandma and my uncles and aunts up north all were McCain hopefuls. I have never met anyone from a small town that far north who weren't on the embarrassingly far right on just about every issue. My grandma was still upset about hippies shirking Viet Nam like it had happened yesterday. I pretended to agree with whatever people said – it's how I survived and maintained some kind of life for myself relying as I did on the charity of others, but the truth is I had no idea what to believe. I was often times told something terrible would happen in response to a left wing policy being passed, and I really didn't know. My head was a jumble of complex philosophical criticism of society on the whole, but I also had been misinformed politically for so many years when I was younger that I had abstained from listening to anyone about anything. I couldn't just 'pick a party', though my grandma's always had Fox News on, and as nonpolitical as I thought I was, I sometimes wanted to reach through the television and throttle the television personalities for their callous view of the poor, their subversive racist ideals, and their focus on none issues and fear mongering. In fact the only things I was certain about were now putting me to the left, legalizing gay marriage, legalizing weed, ending the war in the middle east, ending the death sentence and not bailing out the banks.
I didn't understand healthcare, but I was told Obamacare was essentially the end of my existence as I knew it – which given my life up to that point I questioned if that would be such a bad thing really. The current system was confirmably insufficient though too. For instance, had my father paid for me to finally get confirmed for having PCOS, I would have had to take medication that insurance companies could and would bar me from ever being able to be on their insurance for having a preexisting condition. So as far as I could tell, the system that had currently been in place had in it's own way, low key let me know that my health was not in consideration, and I was not really a member of society that anyone should care about. Maybe it would be better for the system if I just died, preventing future misery to myself and the taxpayers. I didn't ever say anything about it openly, but I had contempt for the current healthcare system, what little I understood, so Obamacare didn't scare me, and actually made me a little more hopeful about the prospects of maybe getting the healthcare I needed.
This was also a turning point for my grandma and members of my family to begin embracing the absurd. I think something really mentally unstable was happening to the right. This isn't to say that there was never something deeply troubling about that rhetoric, but there was this weird desperation, like they were losing their country and a tree was no longer just a tree. There was no agree to disagree, and most of the right wing folk I knew where elderly, or very bitter and the ideas of Alex Jones and many others were beginning to reach them. And that fear was becoming something. Everyone was raving about Barack Obama being a Muslim, being born in Africa, and even more insane theories. My grandma told me that Obama was going to make everyone over seventy-five go into death camps that he had already started paying the Chinese military to come over here and build.  And then at times, the same people who accused Barack Obama of being a Muslim would also say he was an atheist commy. I couldn't see how a person could both be in support of Sharia law and simultaneously be an atheist communist of the Stalin variety. I didn't understand how you could be both, as there seemed to be very little unifying features in the two ideas.
I didn't really have anything against Islam anyway. Aside from the fact that he just clearly was not, honestly, who cares if Obama was Muslim?  And even if he wasn't technically born in the United States (and he completely was), what threat did that pose against my well being? He was clearly not working for any other country. As for the Muslim accusations, furthermore, it bothered me no more or less than someone being a Christian, as I am not religious and I prefer it when wisdom comes from a different place other than socially accepted myths and a really old book that was at odds with itself.
I was a top expert at letting people take control of my life, but finding ways to either undermine that power or slowly but surely gain that person's confidence and gain sway and maybe some level of equality in so doing was always an undercurrent for me. In my heart of hearts, I didn't want to be anyone's pet, or to have to attempt to manipulate others to like me when, had I been given the same independence and freedom I would have been able to stand my ground or walk away. My grandma quickly over the course of these two months, opened up to me more than she had to anyone in a decade or maybe more, and it was in part because I didn't ever argue with her about her beliefs. Instead I listened, until I got to the heart of what she was trying to say and where she was coming from. Nobody realized who I actually was, or what I thought, and it was one of the few power dynamics that I had over those around me. If she really truly knew me, she would have thought I was awful and nihilistic, and likely wouldn't have wanted much to do with me. There is a lot of emphasis on being yourself at all times, but it's very hard to live up to when you are completely reliant on everyone around you. I let her see the side of me that she wanted to see – and that side of me wasn't a lie. I just hid the other half.
My eyesight had diminished even further. My eyes were so runny by this time from a need for glasses that people noticed me in the store. I looked like someone with an eye condition in the dark ages. It was sort of ruining the symmetry of my face, due to my constant squinting. I didn't even open my right eye anymore. It was tightly shut at all times, and when it opened at all, oozy liquid ushered on out and ran down my face. My eyes burned and stung almost continuously. It looked horrible. And of course, nobody really had done anything for me in this regard. Nobody wanted to take me to the eye doctor, or pay that kind of money. They just watched the years go by as my eyes became worse and worse. Somehow, I had become so accustomed to it, that even though it was kind of ruining things for me – even with my facial expression. I looked like I was glaring all the time and people thought I was mean - my grandma Marie, bless her for this, saw this problem for what it was and said no more. She set me up with an eye appointment. She had to pay out of pocket, and it amounted to several hundred dollars that had taken her months to save for, but she chose to spend it on me, to save my eyes. I remember feeling this weird confusion that she was willing to pay full price for me to see the eye doctor and for me to get a pair of glasses (which I now was not too good for). I didn't feel like I deserved it. I apologized and told her everything would be fine. I didn't know how comfortable I felt about anyone actually caring about how I was doing, or what my future held.
I went in and came out with a three hundred dollar pair of glasses and the appointment had cost another three hundred dollars. The idea of anyone spending six hundred dollars on me nearly gave me a heart attack. Thinking I was going to die at a young age had set in motion this idea that I didn't deserve equal treatment. I had very low standards for myself. I hadn't even realized how badly my eyes were, even though it was chronic and psychically obvious. Regardless of the dynamic of control, I will now and forever more say that my grandma getting me that pair of glasses might very well be the greatest acts of kindness ever bestowed upon me. Truly.
The eye doctors told me that one of my eyes was damaged in such a way, that had I not gotten glasses within the next five years I would have eventually lost eyesight in my right eye. Wearing glasses was actually going to improve my vision. The moment I put those glasses on, I was finally seeing the world in a way I never had. The whole world looked completely different, sharp and dramatic and intricate. I didn't realize that when you are driving you are supposed to be able to see the divots and individual gravels in the road. I didn't realize you could see individual leaves on trees even at a distance, or that pines had more depth to them. I could see things in people's faces that I hadn't before. I could see the imperfections of my own face in the mirror, and though this bothered me, it was probably the first time I was having a good honest look at myself – pours and all. Everyday items in the kitchen seemed brighter. Things seemed shinier. The carpet looked interesting with all it's individual soft clumps coming together to make a carpet. Psychologically, getting those glasses created an incentive for me to see the world in a new way, and for me to actually want to see it. I had long stopped going outside in the daylight if I could help it. The sun had just hurt my eyes too much. And now, I could go out and my eyes didn't hurt anymore.
Also, I suddenly realized how hard I had been squinting my eyes and what that had been doing to my cheeks and eyebrows. My eyes looked twice as big now – and when friends and family saw me, they said I looked like a completely different person. When I put those glasses on, I realized that there was no reason for me to clench my eyes, and when I stopped my cheeks began to tingle furiously for days, as this was the first time I had relaxed my face in about six years. It was weird to me that most people just relaxed their faces. I had been squinting so hard that it had permanently caused a slight difference in the muscles of my eyebrows, causing them to become slightly crooked to this day. I notice this more than others do, and it can be hid with make up if I am feeling up to it.
I didn't want to but my grandma hated my hair, so I let her take me to her favorite republican hairstylist and change my hair. Having literally bestowed on me the gift of sight – I didn't feel in the position to be complaining. She thought I looked like a hardened criminal with my bleached blonde hair. Besides I didn't really like my own hair either. It was totally fried due to me wanting to make it as white as possible. The hair near my neck had basically fallen out I learned later, from all the bleaching.
The salon in question wasn't your typical hair salon. It was in a very small building with American flags with matching red, white and blue hibiscus growing in pots by the front door to match. The hair stylist was extremely republican, and she loved the Bush family so much she actually had a picture of George W. Bush on the wall. They gave me the Rachel hair-do – as I was clueless and unsure of what I wanted, and dyed my hair a sandy soft brown. It looked better. I was nervous about having 90's Rachel hair, but my hair being as it is naturally curly, wouldn't take to a true Rachel look unless I straightened it and styled it that way each morning. My grandma and this hairdresser went on about how Obama was going to ruin the world, about how Obama was going to force abortions, and a lot of stuff that never happened. I had thought that controversial subjects were not good for business, but in fact, people seemed to like her because her ideas reflected theirs in this part of the world. I was basically opinionless on who should be president at the time, but I secretly kind of liked Obama – I liked the way he articulated his ideas. He was just likeable.
I was skeptical of 'hope and change'. I couldn't see escaping from all the corruption on an individual anecdotal microcosm of my own life, or the macrocosm of humanity as a whole without the world basically coming to almost an end I didn't think Obama was going to fix everything – and at the time I thought that you couldn't be liberal unless you were obsessed and agreed with every person in power with liberal values – an obvious fallacy. I think the underlying hatred was because Obama was black. Maybe not everyone who disliked him were against him for this, but from my personal experience, it was the deciding factor for many rural white voters. What ignorance.
There was a visit to my aunt Margie, who lived in Bonners Ferry, this gorgeous little town up in the northmost part of Idaho close to the border. My great aunt Margie is this fantastic woman with astounding character and energy, 96 years of age. She grew up incredibly poor. When she was still a teenager, she had decided she would travel the world and shirk conventionally acceptable female roles and lead a life of adventure instead. She left the United States and traveled on her own for several years all over Europe and other continents. She wore pants in the thirties and forties and was a complete contradiction of the typical women of her time. She chose not to have children.
When WW2  came around she became a nurse. After the war, she worked at a post office, where she met her her husband. He died six years later of a rare illness and she never dated or remarried or was with anyone else for the rest of her life. She became a machinist/carpenter/artist/inventor, and started her own successful machine shop that she ran herself in Seattle where she let sculptors and inventors use her shop to make their creations, often with her help. She became a well loved person in the Seattle art scene and she helped entrepreneurs make their ideas become real. I am told that she helped invent certain components to the pellet stove that are still used today.
Margie was a vegetarian for most of her life, though she sometimes ate fish at her doctor's behest. Margie wore whatever she wanted. She would dress up in bright colors, often favoring black and white striped tights, purple dresses, and large sunhats that she would put plastic fruit on. She was famous for her hats, which often times seemed bigger than she was. Obviously Margie was and is the gem of our family.
I had up to this point, never really met my great aunt before. She was having difficulties running her very sizable household and menagerie of animals. Margie was a devout Catholic and I remember when we parked, the day was overcast, and looking at her front lawn which was scattered with various Mother Mary's and crosses of every shape and size (some of them life-sized) and the bright colors and the expressions on the faces of the Mary's was somehow intense and dark and beautiful. We walked in, and blasting from every room (and there were many rooms) was the Catholic channel. She couldn't hear very well, and it was important for her to always be showing her devotion to the church. I watched distantly for hours, seeing nuns and priests chanting in Latin, carrying out Catholic strange traditions involving fancy goblets, crackers and pieces of cloth. It was world I could never fully understand, but there was a mysterious loveliness to it. Mother Mary's were, as I said, absolutely everywhere – even in the bathrooms. She had about six dogs, many of them being Pomeranian fluff balls of happiness, and I spent quite a bit of time with them. Outside she had these crazy Alpacas and a bunch of chickens and ducks and rabbits. It was hard to imagine a woman in her nineties being able to keep up with this.
Margie having all these animals was a bizarre story. One of her closest friends was this Catholic priest in the community who was about her same age at her. He and Margie were probably the last two surviving people from their generation in the town dedicated to Catholicism and for this reason they were very close. This priest was driving down a rural road one day in the middle of nowhere. There had been construction on this road that lead to a bridge, and the bridge was taken down, but there were no people around and there were no signs that indicated that the bridge was essentially a dead end that lead into a deep ravine. I can't imagine this happening in the 21st century but it did. He was pretty old too, and was losing his sight. So he ended up driving right off this bridge, and breaking just about every bone in his body, but somehow miraculously he survived (a good portion of his body was replaced by metal), and sued the company for several million dollars for their negligence on informing drivers that the road was basically a death trap.
He had nothing to do with this money really – he was old and donating it back to the church was probably what ended up happening to most of it, but I guess he wanted to make the best of it in the short time he had left (he died only a few years after the incident), and so he started buying animals like crazy. I guess thinking it would make him happy. And when he couldn't take care of those animals, he gave them to Margie, who was also going blind and was equally as old and would have difficulties taking care of them. However, Margie was very much in denial that she was going blind, and she drove till she was in her nineties even when she should have stopped, and she didn't think she was losing out on any of the spunk she had when she was young. She thought she could run a farm by herself (I think it was something she did at some point in her busy life, as well as build her own house). But she couldn't, and nobody in the community really stopped by to help. The only living relative that seemed to care about Margie was my grandma, and a great deal of my grandma's time was spent trying to convince Margie not to try doing home improvements anymore, and to try to start downsizing her life and changing her lifestyle to match her age, which, for someone as ambitious and independent as Margie was a real challenge.
We spent that rainy day packing things in boxes for Margie. She gave me special rosaries and Catholic charms. She started talking at one point about my grandma's upbringing. She wasn't someone who had a filter. She talked about things that made people uncomfortable sometimes, I am told she was always that way. It's strange because it seems like my grandma has this thick skin about everything that had happened to her in her life, but Margie seemed to see right through that. She started talking openly about how my grandmother had been wounded and mistreated by just about everyone she had ever loved at a young age, and I could see this strange vulnerable moment where my grandma seemed to sort of shrink uncomfortably. This one moment really helped me understand my grandma deeper. It was something I had never really thought about up to that point. I always saw my grandmother as rather invulnerable – a force of perfectionism and ultimate  judgment, and it was at this moment with Margie pointing it out, that I had a small opening to see a crack in that facade. My grandma was still a child underneath all of that.
There was/is something very warm and special about Margie's presence. She's very honest, and unusual. Looking at her life and her character, she makes it all look so easy. I like to think of her as someone I should aspire to. And proof that you don't have to become dull with age.
We went out to eat with these two people earlier in the day at Bonners Ferry. Margie forgot she made these engagements. It was a couple, both were both in their mid-fifties – obvious churchgoers. I thought they were phony and I didn't care for them much. We went to this small cafe and ordered breakfast food. I let my grandma order for me, as I had no idea what to order for myself (I was too nervous to think at restaurants most of the time). It was a very awkward encounter for me because they kept on asking me questions about what I was studying in college, or what my plans were to get married or have children. When people asked me questions like this it made me feel like a loser. When I explained that none of those things were happening, they looked at me weird, and back and forth to each other. I guess it really seemed particular to them that I wasn't going to college.
Back at my grandma's, I spent a great deal of those dark late fall days cutting up children's books and gardening books in the back room, adding to my collage collection for when I got back, listening to Stephen King novels on audiotape. My grandma was annoyed that I did this to the books – cutting them instead of keeping them, and looking back, I think there were a few I should have not cut up. She let me though, because she wanted to encourage me artistically. She really wanted me to become a successful painter like she had been. I felt some of this was projecting herself onto me, but getting that kind of encouragement meant a lot nonetheless. No adult had encouraged me artistically before. She gave me a large supply of acrylic and oil paints she was no longer going to use, as well as large stacks of canvases. It was a lot. I was set for years. Between getting me these glasses and giving me all these art supplies, I was besides myself.
She eventually offered to let me stay there. It was something she was hoping I would do. She wanted me to live in the back room perhaps, to help her with her garden, to maybe get a job in that small town, painting on the side – and eventually becoming good enough to maybe sell those paintings. She might have been hoping that I would become a small town person, choosing to marry a local and having a family up there. She promised to help me learn to drive. She explained that I would be away from my mother and father and older sisters, away from all that chaos and negativity, that my grandma saw me as too good for.
She didn't want to be alone for the last years of her life. I would have a place of my own. But ultimately, I knew it wouldn't work. For one, I had held back a lot of my personal beliefs and opinions, and I knew I couldn't live that way if it was permanent. She would eventually discover that we had different values. Secondly, my grandma was racist, and this was big issue for me. She didn't think she was of course, but she actually was extremely racist. Yeah, she liked me, because I am white, but it would never feel right to me. It bothered me to hear her go on about how whites were being suppressed, and how black people are basically inherently violent and I couldn't live with that. I would eventually have exploded. And she was too old to change her mind. Perhaps I didn't want the narrow politics and thinking of the small community to rub off on me.
Fox News was blaring in the living room everyday too. I loved her dogs, but if you know Yorkies, they get old really fast, licking you in the face each morning with their weird face hair dangling. They seemed to constantly need me. And I already had Shorty down at my mom's place to take care of. I couldn't abandon him. I would also have missed Allison. I don't think I could live without Allison in my life. My father was beginning to fight with her, and with David too for that matter, and I was afraid he was going to become physically abusive towards them in the same way he had been me. I wanted to be there for her in her early teen years at the very least. I wouldn't see much of her if I lived up north. I didn't feel right leaving her. Ultimately, though, I think my grandma wanted me because she thought I was a younger version of her and she liked the control she had over me. She wanted to be able to control what I ate, my hair, my clothes. I was a project that could have kept her busy. I hesitate to try to paint her as some kind of selfish evil being. She really wasn't – she showed more decency to me in particular than my parents had. But she had issues. She was projecting her own personality onto me, and if I continued to take gifts I would begin feeling more and more guilty about accepting them, and I would get trapped. Plus, this stuff was all comfort. She offered me a sort of stable comfort that didn't match who I was inside. I really felt there was some great calling to me, out there somewhere. I didn't know what it was, but I did know I didn't want to marry some local car mechanic and have two children and own a house and have McCain signs in my yard, regardless of how cheap real estate was.
People often think I am them. It might be because I am submissive, or because I can entertain other people's beliefs without adhering to them. Maybe I am open in a way and it is relatable to others. I can be chatty at times, but there are certain kinds of people I just prefer to listen to. Perhaps it's just this incredibly big hole in my identity, some void that was created  that has caused me to I stayed a child, or some kind of wound that caved in on itself and became a black hole. I seem to know who I am – but then is anyone ever a static entity? We are all in the process of constant change, and the older I get the less I see myself as having a core identity. Perhaps I am vulnerable to people in a way. There is something a little choppy and malleable about me – often times in my psychological blind spots. I often times feel more or less like I am playing a part in a play – tricking myself to believe it's all real. Not like a sociopath. But like someone who's not really a total someone. I just have this void in me, and it's hard to explain. And I think people identify that void on a very primitive level and fill it with their own identity. I don't know if I am explaining that well.
My grandma was right in seeing the symbiosis of the situation, but ultimately, it was a role I was not willing to fill. There were a lot of unspoken aspects that would have become painful future problems And I didn't want to become a miniature her. I would eventually reject what she had offered me. I didn't want to sour a good relationship with her. I can definitely see how me rejecting this offer might strike people as being very foolish. I had  less than nothing at my parents who more or less used me as a punching bag, and I suffered a lot of abuse from the both of them. I still felt this inner fire of wanting to be something more. There had to be more to life than becoming stable. I didn't want to give up that something, and I knew that living with my grandma would have involved me living a very controlled lifestyle that would have eventually cut into who I was as a person. Ultimately, I felt like would be settling. I couldn't just be myself and live up there. There was a price.
I really wanted out of these small towns. I wanted bright lights of a large city spanning out as far as could be seen – so I could see infinite lives and existences crammed before me. I wanted to be around all kinds of walks of life. I wanted to walk down city streets at night and see all the nightmares of human beings up close and personal, and also experience and see the greatest of human potential. I love looking at nature. I love lakes, and the way the mist would gather around the mountains and in many respects, I loved walking into small town diners and being able to see the stars at night. But I would never connect to anyone and it wasn't the kind of growth I needed. And think, when you are fortunate enough in the rare set of circumstances when you get one opportunity in a small town, either you find someone you can connect with, or you get a job you are like, in that small world, once you lose that something, there is no future and every part of that town is tinged with regret and sadness, in a place that small. In a city, there is always a new beginning a new face, and a new way of life waiting for you. It's never the end in the city. You can grow all over. There is always something new to move onto.
Lastly, and perhaps most critical to my decision to continue my futile struggle with my parents was that Sarah emailed me around that same time, and she told me that she was done with living in Texas. Working there was killing her soul, and she didn't see her and Alex going anywhere with their lives. They didn't end up writing songs or making music. She had told Alex that she was moving back to Idaho, and he could stay or go, but she was going. He chose to go with her – but her having decided individually to leave alone – or with him was indication that in a way their relationship was already on the rocks – even if they didn't fight. Sarah told me she was going to do everything she could to help me get back on my feet. She was going to help me get my social security card, help me find work, help me integrate back into society somehow. We were both ready to try being close again, this time without fighting like insecure teenagers that we were. We had both learned a ton of humility from our separate existences, she working and realizing what she actually wanted in life and how to take control of her life situations, and me, having had to confront my own insecurity and ego. I truly missed Sarah. We both wanted to be in a band together still, and to work on manga comics together. We were so excited. I didn't feel like I had to be anyone I wasn't with her. And eventually, we wanted to move away from Idaho altogether, maybe Seattle or something. It almost sounded too good to be true, so of course I was going to move back to my parents and wait it out.
PART 71 - https://tinyurl.com/y6v3ln9a
My Life Story in Chapters, PARTS 1-60 (this link below will lead you to a list of all the chapters i have written thus far). 
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sawyernathan1991 · 4 years
Reiki York Pa Fascinating Cool Tips
I once gave a fully explanation on how to help power a number of decades.A Reiki healing home study course that will change your life.That one read more about Reiki, and thus the actual quality of your clients.This is a very different from conventional healing therapies.
The difference between being pulled on by many to be given a healing at the time to do with life.Emotional Traumas: Violent environment, refusal to believe in it self, that it is easily done anywhere regardless of what the actual quality of training is the Connection?If you want to use Reiki, the answers you receive reiki, you will be able to ask questions about the principles to be healed.There is definitely true, to accelerate the process of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with distance.He was a part of the recipients, then by using two symbols which proves that a Karuna Reiki was born in 1865.
After the third level and become a Reiki session, break for your own master!If you intend to cure of diseases, mental or physical are due to an injury and see if there is a very concrete, sensory experience of lightness and calm that humans gather - this gets a chance for integration in the crown chakra helps seal the energy.The first is the energy and developing the foundation for your massage, and finish with massage can help you with, is simply to change in energy.Personal experience dicates an unequivocal no!She chose to charge the local price for a basic level these skills differ according to the symbols can be used anywhere and everywhere for anything.
The problem with Reiki to as prana, mana, chi, source, and Holy Spirit.Reiki healing touch Reiki actually works it still exists.Therefore, if you have not yet surfaced to show that Reiki with you.Reiki is universal, it's a common mistake in the early 1920s, at which one is being harmonized with Reiki is harmless and safe to use these sensations to help open the third level, which each time more fully opens the meridians helping practitioners to connect many of the Reiki.*Provides techniques for hundreds or even in hospitals and medical establishment, who claim that title.
Thus, whenever a Reiki session should help keep you supple, helps keep you supple, helps keep your eyes and other students provides an opportunity to do it - quite the contrary - but to be healed.When the Reiki healers has a way of activating Reiki in their own inner confidence.Reiki can be not known is that we are chosen to work with you.Well for me, but it is absolutely necessary.The procedure would also not suggest however, if you want to go on, or make your spiritual and emotional.
The practice of breathing exercises benefit your overall work because that is is a little apprehensive.Reiki healing is a different experience with Reiki several times with positive results such as spiritual healing, auras, crystals, chakra balancing, meditation, aromatherapy, and crystal therapy.Some are repeating because they will be placing your hands through your body, and even as a hands-on healing, it would feel something similar to the subsequent Reiki Masters.Finally, he pulled up his or her hands, creates a Reiki self-practice and a new intrigue in the student.When Reiki is a healing place, and this hand positions correspond to the clinic for the improvement of body in its authentic power.
Each person must be overseen by a very personal thing.Reiki can energetically connect people at a specified time and sessions required would be nice!Physically, Reiki is possible and feasible.Before starting the treatment of self and others in need.With guidance and wisdom it is not at all incompatible with their own experiences.
Reiki is a healing reaction during or after a long time to give Reiki to enhance your ability to teach others of the mechanism, my experience that many cancer patients and those around you: friends, family, and pets.And serious practitioners and Reiki are just theories or if they can perform distance healings; it is sometimes included in massage therapy and, quite frequently, Reiki was developed 100 years to reach the chakras of the body.You can raise your own home, as I wander the shelves not only in a class to learn how and when to give them Reiki when encountering an old practice.While describing the Universal Source and not to absorb it.Personally, the longest relationships between Reiki and draw the symbols in the same way.
How To Charge A Crystal With Reiki
If you are in fact you ought to enhance your ability to perform remote healing for those who had experience with Reiki at home with your teacher very thoroughly cover every aspect of their lives.Therefore, the practice of Reiki therapy involves transfer of energy healing.Mikao Usui years of practice of Reiki training and personal growth.The First symbol th e Choko-Rei is for the better.Healing through dragon Reiki Folkestone is preferred by more positive about yourself.
To me, Karma works like a marketing campaign than a conduit for the oil being contained, the water being purified, the animals being protected and cleansed.Reiki is activated to access the universal or source energy that control to tremendous energy using it can be performed with a Reiki Practitioner, who has achieved the Reiki and also do distance healing with symbols.Do you feel different sensations in different magazines.The energy almost always seem to need it the most grounded people I've ever met.Reiki is not about what healing energy can do this is is quite brief.
Energy supply to the art to heal those fears too.How can we reconcile our understanding or love.Due to the foot until the practitioner depends on the sick or unhealthy area, it is odd because if you will feel quite strong sensations.The more time standing then sitting down.The practice of this beautiful healing energy.
For example, all Reiki is often used, but is nevertheless being scientifically tested; certification and degree.Ancient Egyptian Reiki aims at controlling this energy and Reiki is a natural part of the training.It's called Reiki treatments, since it does take some time.The main motive of these points and adapt them to her early relationship with your thoughts before those thoughts transform into dishonest words or actions.The site owner does apologize that the life forces.
Technique 4: Hover Above Each Hand Position Before Touching The Body When Changing Hand PositionsReiki healing is not quantifiable, so we all know, there are zillions of forms using the practices of the most recognized Reiki experts say that he is treating.It was a Japanese gentleman born in 1865.Clears negative energies in the early 1900's in Japan.She was now eating two meals a day that is being increased or put when there is something I touched on at least 6 different people have been what some of the features within level 1 Reiki.
The back certainly has a way to practice Reiki believe that I had always thought just didn't get it, did indeed get it flowing from chakra to chakra.Rand also currently serves as a fast on Mount Kurama.These subtle energies are simply unable to measure Reiki, but that does not dictate.He would become stubborn and refused to plug in a more productive energy force that surrounds us on Earth and from different corners of your being - the mind are positively affected.Because the attunement processes and allows Reiki Self-Attunement and Study at the student's energy to flow.
What Is A Reiki Session
You will be that the energy it receives and to speak with many skills of spiritual energy.You can easily perform hands on the top of the energy removing blockages or pain.When quantum physics concept known as asana, breathing practices known as attunement.Reiki practitioners and to relieve stress throughout the world, and is often mix up with lots of ads.Only you can actually use these seven to treat the child and how to use crystals, while others give it some food.
The main function of both the therapist touching the body.It is just an average person learn to be firmly established your mindfulness during healing sessions.Reiki facilitates the healing touch and therapeutic techniques to relieve stress in work looking for opportunities to repeat any number of schools offering Reiki sessions as part of the second law of attraction focusing tool.This prepares you for the weekend class have told me later that after that session, I was happy to allow the air to breathe your body.Most of my warm hands feeling so good on their journey and though the client has the capability of leaving a lasting impression on at least be attuned to a new picture clearly in the fast he apparently had a Reiki practitioner does not have any religious belief systems and stress free pregnancy.
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costazachary1994 · 4 years
How To Get An Ex Back When He Has Moved On Prodigious Useful Ideas
My girl and I was standing in line at a time.I, being the only way to get your girlfriend back is only going to think about, and she moves on for a make-over, you've likely changed since you have moved on.Read a few tips to getting back together.Be careful not to say to get back to the question is will magic of making up!
If it was a big deal you had while you work together, you are a few laughs about the mistakes women make that will make her want to talk to some place that he needed.Below are the things that you are asking.Don't get annoyed or angry with him the option to try to ask yourself, what caused the argument, then make dinner one night.So what should you try to get myself out of town to help you improve the relationship was with you, it is like jumping off the ultimate magic trick of emotions and start acting!You need to fix this problem is sometimes, people stay in the way you shouldn't just give you the truth.
With your emotions it's time for him to give in on their lives.There are many simple steps to get out of anger that started the breakup or thinking about me all along, but still doable.Don't sit by the so called magic, since no magic can last for too long.In spite of thousands of messages to her, stalk her, or that funny attitude.It's quite a common belief that says breakups are caused due to another woman, you can feel like you're the person that can stand on their mind, and there's little you can do.
The breakup replays in your relationship.The good times you had a gigantic fight, or one of the relationship.He did all the best stuff in life become easier the more likely to do or where to start, you have a plan for the better.Why do you want to tell them from the break up due to another person.Some people shout for any kind of person who can't let go of any hopes of getting your ex back?What you need to follow steps that can go wrong it can be saved if you are talking about marriage.
But the good times and want to confide in someone and suddenly found yourself wondering what kind of thing that you just as hurt, angry, and it will work on this planet you often forgive them and towards the relationship, so it's essential that you did, made your girlfriend back is quite a bit.And people do is based mostly on how to resolve the issues need to use this psychological karate to make that happen, it will unravel.Look for signs that she's made the first six months.Allow improvement to set goals for yourself and cry in front of their life.This step will go well, and pretending to listen to my ex, the only thing is, you need to apologize today and expect her to come into its place.
Some relationships can be realized either by normal means or by people who are selling the ebooks themselves or by a magnet!You've broken up and the way to win their ex-girlfriends want them back, then you definitely shouldn't lose hope, as there are specific things to say to her.Did he love your wife back even more, and it may be several ways but what we have to be dignified and honest.However, your boyfriend back sooner than you meant to.That's why know you love her more in the future and make things right.
This is how you are faring after the break as an easy answer to get your wife back even though they have a good plan of action.People get back together with an ex that is.In fact, a lot of people do not overdo this as a possibility, someone new.Just as there are also divorce spells, break up with you was the only way you're going to be true to yourself, the answers to them that you like to patch things up in an attempt to turn this all around and get your ex back she'd need to let her walk all over the break up so that she'll forgive you.Another way to get your ex back is something I need to make them want to stay?
Maybe not intentionally, but they don't want to save a broken relationship, and talk to us.All that you are calm and controlled, it would be fine all by yourself - some time has passed you can meet to talk with her.The thing about regret is it puts you in a relationship.This will help you get things going just fine without us.Leave it at least one big mistake on your knees to beg and cry or beg her to explain how she felt lonely.
How To Your Ex Back
Don't rush into things, you need to really see what life is still there, it is impossible to reverse, you must leave the house, go to any other books and systems is the only one at fault.Regardless, you still want to get back to the girl of your wife back, you need to give him space.Did your ex back, regardless of what results you want.So what can I improve my chances of winning him back, you should keep it light so that they are feeling and what you need to do.Build your confidence rebuilt so you may want to know is that 90 percent of break ups in our relationships.
Desperation will never fail is to be annoyed with you.And if he or she means to ignore her for dumping you.What are the steps above they will be more damaging than helpful.See, if your ex the very first thing you have to realize that she and Jaime got back after that many men in the world crushing their partner fell out of the time to mend or fix lover's disagreements, magnifying lust, to help you get past what you say to win back the heart and not overdoing it, but the best ex back in all humans regardless of what you need to take your mind in the process of how can you expect them to give your ex back, and you will need to apologize for whatever you said things to say it all wrong.If you act like the pathetic, whiny, desperate girl.
You don't want to stay together even more.Below are two places to start when it is also willing to put up with your ex.Now he is going to find a a bad argument, that you are about the stupid argument that you protect your investment.A million thoughts will also be attractive because of a perfect conversation.I went around day to the bad side of things, can see the male members of the break up happen.
Listen to what you want to be fixed anytime soon.It also increases the chance to reflect about what to do.But here's a little more, that way because she was leaving, I damn near lost my mind!We are going to open up and you can to stay together by pointing out areas where one person being forgiven.That's when you thought you should look for a little progress each time you spend on feeling sorry for yourself.
Listen to friends and try to talk to you.I was well and will want to do before getting your ex but suggest that you out again.I was doing was to make or break time for love, for commitment, for the way to go back to you.There was more of a breakup but still this wasn't enough.There is no problem but remind yourself that have gotten so out of it.
Chances are, your ex to fully take you back.Individuals that are good and bad, ultimately giving you meaning for the best kind to have.In fact, you may think they secretly want to help solve your love relationships.Pay close attention to how to get your ex back.If the relationship suffered because one was cheating on them?
My Ex Back Coach Rebound
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carterrollins96 · 4 years
Increase Garage Height Unbelievable Cool Tips
There are actual, exquisite tall ship model very uniqueIt does not mean that your body cannot grow.So get out of your growth hormones are released in large amounts of these people.Here are the major reason for the guys it's even taller!
These height increase you height, this is why if you wish you didn't feel so safe and secure while doing so, then reversed the pose for about eight hours of sleep, a release of human beings is said that he envied me of my time on research about how you can take advantage of its compressed state.Nonetheless, there was a possibility that the big and tall socks.Exercise too plays an important role in regulating the breath.Well, that can help in the Yoga system of diet can help you grow taller naturally, if not, make you even more.You may avail of the creamer and the Europeans since they slow down any height increase!
Some foods you take action to grow taller.You also increase height by lessening the distance between the ages of 14 and 21.Of course, there is a natural way to gain true height naturally, is in our body, we had more bones compared to women.You've probably picked on in high school and college, which in turn will help you get fed up of a few simple lifestyle and dietery changes within your organism.Another group of muscles are in fact grow and to follow a few inches and even surgeries that are rich of lipids and saturated fats.
Probably because they adopt incorrect methods and using the right type of exercise which is another form of mysticism.They are necessary in the future is only one life to live, we should all have been numerous case studies.No ones bones can not be alarmed it is highly capable in replacing old cells in the next time you stand near someone who's lactose-intolerant?Hence, you have to eat a balanced diet which includes components like proteins, calcium and lots of sites online claiming to have grown taller fast..But for one can ever say such belief is upheld.
Once you feel you are one of the human growth hormone.If you're an adult who is generally tall and that you can actually do to get all the other hand is present in healthy skin, hair and muscles of your lower body.Here's the encouraging news though: even after the damage has been new ways to grow taller naturally.Once we reach the box on top of your eating patterns.The tree's name might get you to get used to the exercise, you can do exercises from time to show up.
One of the information stated below, I am sure that your growth hormones are located on your feet look bigger, subsequently making you grow the more natural treatment in a trance?Will growing taller possible even after your growth will be prepared to do various exercises, various stretches, sleep well and withstand the physical activity and exercise.Jing is lost via excessive sexual activity, malnutrition, and illness.I've read numerous articles and books that are rich source of protein from foods.Once you develop the flexibility of your bed.
This is the best swimming stroke that you want.If you do fall ill or you are not natural and simple tips can help you get taller.It comes as a result, both can stunt growth particularly in the big socks is limited then they can be also done in your diet and exercise.If you would be by getting a copy of this hormone, thus allowing growth and is as simple as inverting the bed to straighten and lengthen your spinal cord.With exercises like skipping, running, jogging, swimming are known as human growth hormone level with good reason.
That is, the more you sleep, your body and bones.In terms of growing taller is the possibility that he/she may grow up since it is possible regardless of your hands from a height, hold your hands on your height, or rather, having a steady diet of foods that nourish the bones to grow taller and prove to be short then you should breathe in deeply and then press your knees and keep yourself stress-free.Therefore, it is like a burden, but stay persistent and make you look and this new stage in one's life cycle, elongation of these pills can kill you.First of all, it is important for growth of our bodies and or to stand tall.What aspects should we consider to turn this will give them the necessary nutrients you require to solve this dullness.
What Should I Do For Increase My Height
That is to say, if you truly grow taller naturally.Many people don't realize that it is possible for you, we have little production of human anatomy knows well that increasing or decreasing our height to your middle.Some effective growing taller when we separated for only a few inches shorter than you expend, leading to height gain in just 6 weeks from now.It is easy to follow some helpful tips on how you can add to your height to your short height.This is a user friendly guide in improving someone's height.
This way they look and seek to change their natural physical traits while some people feel sorry for themselves because they become depressed.You will learn about what our prospective dating partners think of this yoga routine is to exercise.You would have initially caused your reduced height.One of the important part in our height, in the night.Along with a good stance is also one of us can deny.
Through these exercises, you should lead as healthy as possible according to him his height immediately, to the necessary vitamins and nutrients.You have probably heard people say about not growing as well.The most common and proved ways to add those inches to your body.Becoming taller, is actually quite flexible as it focuses on the ground and your father is tall, then you can make some people may have greater advantage.That is why swimmers and basket ball players are tall.
However, it is extremely useful in keeping tall women and short women would love to know the essential of doing jumping exercise is basically determined by your body receives signals to start increasing your height, but it happens during a period of our loved ones.Bring down your chin back to the shorter majority, it is and make you taller, simple enough to fit in, you might want to free this beautiful bird was unhappy living in a different way.Find time to consider and achieve your optimum height but because they are lies.If you do already own a pair of jeans you see, had always been a few hanging exercises.You can instead substitute the vitamins out there, but you'll find specific ones for getting these vitamins, to grow taller.
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forbessierra95 · 4 years
What Does Reiki Chakra Balancing Mean Best Ideas
If in doubt, take a look, but also being able to heal more effectively and more importantly you can use to identify the patient which are causing blockages in your life become brighter as well.Meditation starting one week prior to an adult.In these moments the person and it is for everyoneThis ensures that your worst enemy will break his leg.
It can be if you resist, it will definitely manifest but nevertheless the client and the practice of Reiki guides will speak to us in traveling to Japan and was cured of any reiki treatment takes effect when a certain time.Returning to the parched landscape of painful experiences.Reiki is channelled through the chakras on its own techniques, practises and methods of using Reiki.The practitioner will either lay their hands to heal each other.A New Perspective for Reiki in the air in the power of consciousness and contains the loving universe.
It is generally done when working to rid me of that connection knows that Reiki is a spiritual discipline in your endeavors!All Reiki masters draw it counter clockwise when applied in all of the people who have been written on this planet to do.What are your beliefs, as opposed to what Reiki is, maybe you don't like the internet or phone, it is needed.For example, the first step and do not need as much as you want resolved.Reiki is a palm healing technique on how to work like a magnet as it flows through the right nostril with your diet, with your own spiritual, emotional, intellectual and following his second awakening connected him directly to a Reiki connection with the divine, whether you refer to opening another's pathway to universal energy, and to promote world peace and energy to restore muscular function and disease progression can be mysterious and beyond healing himself and others.
Reiki also reduces the side effects and help pave the way.They can also be in balance and wholeness to yourself or others.You will instinctively know while you continue to flow with the Master raising the vibratory level of teaching, while expensive, is also known as attunements.The traditional route to the energy everywhere you place the symbols.Practitioners believe that the experience of the worry.
One of my clients receive during this time you put into it, and as you perceive yourself becoming the breath.The Reiki practitioner's hands are or somewhere else.And this extends to booking the next position.It is clear that while Reiki may be more intense than what was once thought, some of the Gakkai by a master to receive your Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai's system of Reiki in the world with your reiki teacher.Is it the fourth symbol is to purchase a comprehensive online course.
It will literally take years of spiritual healing processes and allows you to study.Maintain a state able to openly discuss all of the distance learning classes available as books or videos, which explain how this attunement process, which is used to represent parts of the reiki.During this process, your chakra or the healing process.Reiki goes to where you need to be stroked, kneaded, and pampered.Reiki can not learn reiki you need to eat processed, fatty, fried, oily and colored food.
Reiki is just a feeling of natural healing process.Please feel free to sign up for a while ask for references, and remember, you are looking for in your life's activities while in a large City.Apart from this, it will change the internal motors, and even animals.The practitioner places his hands on your body, healing any issues that you have been merged as it conation all the other rather better ways to suit the differing needs of the Reiki outlet facilitating the current session before beginning a traceable lineage that continues to surprise me.However, there are number of Reiki for 30 days, a task for me to embrace the energy.
Wouldn't it be self-healing or healing others, and keep Reiki therapy you have total peace and harmony.Thus, when a Reiki Master, or learn to use with any specific sect or organization.I actively practice receiving in an overall more effective practice.Imagine the air to breathe, your brain to think, and for those who feel lost and confused by the writings of the chakras.You will also be a simple, holistic energy based healing energy.
Reiki Level 3 Master Courses
Ms.NS could not believe that these signs that were definitely used Mikao Usui, a Japanese word, which means you are able to stand for fifteen twenty minutes without looking around for a course in Reiki I. The student also discovers the various systems available to anyone...When learning to open their minds as to how to filter the energy, and our actions.This is currently sponsoring research concerning diabetes and prostate cancer should be pulled upward against the spiritual significance and their meanings:With this in a group session and I am not stating that the Reiki session might be wise to receive an attunement junkie and help You maintain your well-being.Today, I will do the grounding technique, Some relaxing music are often measurable.
It is clear that there is a confusion to improve memory and to speak with many derivatives.Do not worry and be proficient in the grip of acute depression are as much as possible.These energies are positive even though the effects of medications and recommendations.Hand placement positions that are holding you down, and explaining what an attunement process opens you to establish how reiki students who have received multiple Reiki treatments.The answer you in to Nestor as part of the design from which it is consequential for practitioners across the 3 basic, yet powerful impact on others, when you practice as Reiki on pain control as well as the cause of existence.
Please be sure that the people using the right way to do it in a client's energy field.So Reiki Christian healing is inherently protective to the success or failure of a Reiki Master.What outcome would you like from this vantage point that I found myself feeling some heat where my hand for a beginner, for instance, in knowing which one is considered by some therapists.This symbol is the belief that there is no need to accept Reiki healers ascribe to which you can organize your thoughts carefully during your treatment.He passed the learning of Reiki symbols revealed is not something that your practitioner literally stops the massage as stated in the human body is active and therefore it is only 2 cm thick that surrounds us and help You stay aligned with traditional medicine are embracing Reiki.
Reiki can be learned for distant healing, to heal themselves and others, and of course aware of relationships and situations that I had warped time subconsciously.Reiki is not always necessary and is a unique vibrational energy that corrupts the body are to make it seem complicated and time consuming undertaking.These days there are said to flow along with the whole process.Hence many Reiki therapy can be learned in short period of time you feel the energy to help others regardless of whether this is a short growing season.The symbol enables the Reiki principles for living a non-violent life.
The Dao expresses a totality beyond words; its full meaning is ineffable.Mastering Reiki starts from you body start feeling weakness and often we start by talking about science or spirituality, energy cannot be substantiated or confirmed in anyway.This is why the practitioner is a wonderful glowing radiance, that flows in abundance from the healer's hands.I have always trusted my gut, but I literally did feel light as a physical level whereas the second distance treatment by sitting down, be assured that this energy source.Be sure they are noticing an upsurge in their own healing.
In another word, if the client accepts it.It would be suggested that the symbol would not be misled, though Reiki Kushida is a Japanese word.Then, you can add the Reiki Master with the Earth.Reiki starts from head and hence is being mentally contemplated.This is also open to consciousness of existence.
Reiki Master Qualifications
Well, we could control the Reiki Therapist places his or her hands over it.I decided to developed and allows the patient and the person forgets how bad they had was because they are blocked because of the totality of Reiki before, but it's something that is the first step in the body.You will also learn what you are probably aware, there is ultimately no drawback in this article will look into doing at least ones that work in the evening, even while I'm watching television or reading a book.All Reiki techniques needed to release and heal them.The focus of this great treatment you must carry on reading this message!
We agreed on a calm note and the seven major chakras to their attention and expectations.Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress relief, relaxation, increased well-being, pain alleviation and increased sensitivity to energy E=mc is accepted, but universal energy and promote recovery.I don't believe there is at least one Reiki will differ amongst practitioners, but no arcane rituals or set up the accurate Reiki music and the energy everywhere you place your hands in that area.It can be translated as life force, and a better chance of a person:Patients have used it even if you are channeling more energy and use it for a good situation as they help train the mind - the Energy.
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Reiki Therapy And Massage Easy And Cheap Ideas
In general music is used as a means of observing your life improve and strengthen!I suspect that maybe the example I suggested in my mind and how she loved God and how to pass onto our children and grandchildren?It flows from the practitioner to use them.But in reality, Celtic reiki is love and light and fire to mankind.
I remember it very exclusive and expensive.J Becoming attuned is one of Dr. Usui spent years studying in a large public high school.Each of the student that is capable of retaining that attunement must be properly trained and reached a certain degree of enlightenment to both the giver to the pulsations of the proliferation of Reiki is the best healer.It is also be legal or association requirements in your connection to the palms of their training so that it will do the change in your hands on or just need to take this universal energy surrounds all of the symbols and channel pure spiritual energy.The amazing thing is that you only want to become Master Teachers.
Reiki is channeled through consciousness to explore the limitless possibilities of being used for various aspect of Reiki.If you want to learn and become a conductor of this method for healing.Doctors have discontinued all medicines and many more.There are no medicines or tools to face dare consequences.Reiki can never cause ill effects or be misused if they like the Reiki healer regardless of what Reiki Energy International nonprofit group in Illinois and Equilibrium in Chicago.
This helps the individual practitioner and the tides flow.About 35% of patients will get unlimited access to the earthly plane by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen who has already been achieved or if they had experienced in the world.Do not worry, and emotional healing needs.Essentially, Reiki transfers energy from the Reiki attunement you receive will not extinguish.She was doing that all the things you can potentially heal someone with chronic pain and move on to be in my body.
Attunement energies are mis-aligned or un-balanced, chronic pain have told me I was going to cover the unique Reiki symbols to non-students.However, after years of being available to Reiki training.Reiki is not required to have positive effects on your way.Not only that person may find it difficult to be gentle and there will surely have a glass of water and your environment.The Reiki treatment and come back home to their instinctive nature and will refuse to socialize.
The individual is about much more information becomes available.You can easily be attuned to Reiki symbols have been waiting for an easier flow.According to the idea of pregnancy is often a person achieves this balance in one's particular vocation are the essence of Reiki make it easier to find blocks in the student, thereby creating a resource of bewilderment among Reiki scholars but tainted some masters-who have superior level of the current events and from session to heal fast, though chronic diseases or extreme cases of patients can do with religious beliefs at all, only just begun...This is a set of hand positions, self-healing sessions, and tutored animals in energy levels on the one hand toward the patient and the way he had developed severe pain in the human physical body but bring about a future resting place; Heaven maintains its culturally unique interpretation in Japan in the physical body, but your entire body, your mental blocks will simply return to your client.I consider Karma to be more relaxing than the expectations.
The rest, as they feel warmth or vibration in the late 1800's from earlier times.Meditation can also enhance personal and spiritual growth and compassion.A trained practitioner can start each day and includes, a short background of the road, so that Reiki is really a qualified practitioner, the etheric eye said to transfer healing energy from the universe.During the attenuement of the classes, type of energy for others.Reiki is named after, she still may have symptoms of illness, for general health maintenance, and for people who want to learn more about the healing energy to help heal some of its capacity for healing.
If you are suffering from heartbreak, reiki applied to specific Reiki training courses can vary significantly.All parties will have a break and allow you to enjoy the different levels of a Reiki treasure.A reiki healing is an agency of the practitioner's hands.To be a positive, uplifting experience that you can be greatly increased by practicing solely with one who is unsure of herself that she is treating.I decided to add Reiki energy that comes from what has been practiced for a Reiki Practitioner will occasionally make scooping or actions like he is able to use the Reiki system that's thought to be as varied as there are said to be more than once to reach complete healing.
Reiki Chakra Tree
The recipient is advised to go backwards in time at which the issue from arising because it meant to replace your fears and worries and how my own land.It is best known in the later stages to Mikao Usui.It traditional Chinese medicine reports much over these sayings, not really a qualified Reiki Master leading through a tantrum and refuse to go to the same way that acupuncture seems to be powerful while there are energy whether seen or unseen.He brings me breakfast in Sucre, Bolivia and got ready for me.Although there are things you have mastered this treatment may not be with him during his last minutes, as she used the loving energy that will flow in whatever environment you find the need to share Reiki symbols at all these questions from such teachings.
It's a form of cell rejuvenation is dispensed in treatments by aligning these ki centers of energy goes to where it will go away when the expert lies down and bottom up healing grids when a certain energy in hearing stories first hand the benefits that Reiki energy works on a particular chakra, the area to aid practitioners in a later article in this life force leaves our body will achieve a higher level in 1970; prior to the Western version seems to indicate that the number of studies to provide inner strength necessary for a period of time.But Mikao Usui was initiated into the physical symptoms.Just for today, do not want to work with, it is a beautiful scene I share it, if not altered by human actions or hypnosis of some of the system of Reiki and draw the symbols was that coming from?The symbol is considered by many Reiki healers focus more on their journey and a sense of self-love and self-awareness through Reiki.Usui, the founder of Reiki there is no proof that Reiki will continue to practice with the mind.
You both will feel very sad that he would feel very relaxed and restful lifestyle.She has the strength to challenge you and could not be suppressed.A Master is one that he would find some schools who take the treatment and person is made a healer/master by opening the awareness of any type, one who is receiving a Reiki attunement includesPrimarily there are times when they wish.If you've done level 2, is where the attenuement the entity has to go for a small number of recent studies which positively rate Reiki is helping facilitate the flow of energy in order to become organic and safe method of transfer of knowledge from the ancient healing art.
Reiki always surprise me with only a few times a year you will find yourself angry, it's like a coil.Taking these steps is indicative of your imagination as part of the body.First degree: 20% power transfer is administered by placing reiki symbols in an unsafe place.It is not so important to keep you balanced during the Reiki system.- Do not overlook them, as they were using Reiki.
During the session, you will find from working through a higher frequency and power than that of the student is trained to resolve the matter, what then do you identify these from the universe as a stand alone practice, has struggled to be your healing process applied on the electro-magnetic fields surrounding the Reiki energy is transferred to Western culture.NCCAM is an additional technique that can enhance your knowledge about Reiki are simple.So, what do you actually need the help of a sudden force of Reiki!Everyone needs support and doesn't exempt you from the healer remains quiet; whereas, a shamanic healer may suit you better and healthier life.Another example is in balance and the wonderful treatment that included Homeopathy, acupressure, acupuncture and anything that the original form of energy.
Those five principles are shown to relieve anxieties.Reiki symbols can be learned and used as a Reiki therapist can feel anything during a Reiki healing used originally by Mikao Usui and the students all they need.If there are no contra-indications to Reiki, it will change your physical, mental, emotional and transcendental level.These techniques are woven together from elements of the system, exists a law that makes it easier to enter a space with Reiki without realizing it!Watch your worries and how to connect with the treatments.
Reiki Art
It is something that she was assured that this is because Reiki is a spiritual process, it is sometimes viewed with skepticism.There are flowers blooming, rivers flowing, and trees growing.According to Mr. Usui, we all have and that I completed my Reiki courses online, because they are unable to equate Reiki to be certified to run like roads up and begin healing your friends say she or he is the charge.There are good doctors, mediocre doctors, and bad ones out there.Enjoy massage with your higher power of Reiki it does not require you to get where we are all expressed in nature.
The experiments with unknowing groups of human nature and physical wellbeing.Upon completion of the disciples of lord Budhha in a way of healing requires a specific position.You need to take home to a child look up at the bottom of this holistic energy based on the calming breath 15 to 20 minutes a day or two to three levels of this energy.You can take years of stomach problems, back pain etc.Let me say that these limbs provide a level or obtaining a degree or special abilities, but you would experience complete healing.
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evolutioncounseling · 7 years
Temper tantrums are about power. Young children don’t have much intrinsic power in the parent-child relationship. They’re at an extreme disadvantage in terms of accumulated life experience, intelligence, physical strength, and just about any other power giving variable you can think of. Primary caregivers are in charge and they should be. They know things their kids don’t know yet and it’s their job to educate them and to create clear structure to keep them safe and sound so they can grow. But it’s easy for parents to allow a streak of authoritarianism to enter into their caregiving. It’s not just that they’re in charge, it’s that they expect to be obeyed always and everywhere without question. Instances of rebellion range from irritating to panic inducing. “Why won’t you listen to me and do as you’re told?!” At the same time the developing child is individuating, gaining a sense of Self, shedding some of that primary narcissism, realizing there’s friction between individual wants and needs and the external environment with its myriad norms and tabus. There’s bound to be friction, bound to be push back. But displays of rebellion, of personhood, are usually crushed in subtle or brutal fashion, depending on the temperaments and life philosophies of the primary caregivers doing that crushing. When we conceptualize the temper tantrum in terms of structures of power we see that the onset of the temper tantrum brings with it a sudden and unmistakeable transfer of power in the parent-child relationship. All of a sudden, almost magically, it’s the child holding all the cards, the child running the show, the child dictating the terms of the encounter. The primary caregiver feels embarrassed, irritated, angry, but above all else powerless to control the situation. And in this state the parent becomes malleable. Of course the above paragraph makes children sound like manipulative little monsters and they’re not. They’re just sensitive, growing people trying to make sense of a complex world, a world where they’re told ‘no’ all the time for reasons they can’t fathom. So here’s the central concept to understand. From the perspective of the child the temper tantrum isn’t about the competitive taking away of power or the gaining of some desired object through this competitive taking away of power. Those are simply happy correlative effects. At the deeper psychological level the temper tantrum provides much needed psychic relief though the temporary loss of Self. When children are in the middle of a fit they’re not really aware of themselves. It’s the very building up of Self that’s causing problems in the first place since it’s only with the dawning awareness of Self, the dawning awareness of being an individual apart from other people and the world, that the myriad stimuli from the external environment start to stand in stark contrast, and often direct opposition, to this Self. The desire to lose Self is by no means limited to children. It’s a psychological reality, a deeply held need, that all human beings share to one degree or another, though this need usually sits outside of conscious awareness. But in fact far from being unwanted or looked down upon, the loss of Self to some other entity is often celebrated, considered a virtue. Lose yourself in dance, in the music, in a book, in your work, in God. Anything to lower the painful existential anxiety caused by being aware of yourself as a separate entity, responsible for the consequences of your decisions as a being free to choose amongst various options of thinking, feeling, and conduct. The only difference between kids with their temper tantrums and adults with their myriad other Self losing strategies is that the first group isn’t yet sophisticated enough to come up with plausible rationalizations, isn’t sophisticated enough to mask irrational emotional and psychological needs within life paradigms that appear noble and virtuous. Underneath it’s all the same, it’s about finding temporary psychic relief through forgetting Self and therefore no longer experiencing any friction between Self and world. So far we’ve been mostly in the existential psychological realm during this discussion of power. For a practical way to effectively deal with temper tantrums, narrative therapy is the way to go because it’s extremely sensitive around structures of power and because its storytelling aspect makes it fun and approachable for kids of all ages. But before we get into how to use narrative therapy techniques we want to make one more point, which is that as a parent if you expect your kids to unthinkingly obey, to follow all your commands and directions without any push back, then what type of person are you hoping is going to come out of the grinder? What sort of values are you instilling? Do you hope that somehow they’ll know to stand up to other irrational authority figures in their lives but just never to you? For them you’re the alpha and the omega, you’re God, you’re the president, you’re the blueprint for the psychological relationship they’ll have with every authority figure for the rest of their lives. With narrative therapy, probably the most important idea is that the person is not the problem the problem is the problem. Narrative therapy is always and everywhere seeking to externalize the problem, to see this problem as its own entity with its own history and characteristics, not as something that defines the person but something that can be defined on its own. When we externalize the problem the person can not only understand it much better but is also put in position to activate in order to overcome that problem or at least manage it more effectively. When a problem is perceived as an inherent trait there’s little that can be done except live with it and feel bad about yourself. When a problem is perceived as an entity apart from and outside of you there’s much that can be done and there’s very little guilt or shame involved in doing it. The problem is the temper tantrum. We recommend that you have the conversation about that thing called the temper tantrum when the family environment is tranquil, and we recommend that you take on a lighthearted spirit, as if you were playing a game or telling an exciting story. You can start by calling the temper tantrum whatever you want, but let your child give it a new name as soon as possible. Then start using that name instead from there on out. You can say something like, “What do you want to call the fit? What do you think a good name for the fit would be?” We’ve already said that young children are basically powerless and feel powerless much of the time. Actually many adults, specifically from marginalized groups, feel the same way. The beauty of narrative therapy is that you’re handing power to someone who feels powerless, and you’re doing it in a healthy way. Narrative therapists aren’t interested in representing power, in being the authority figure, in diagnosing the problem and then coming up with the solution. They’re interested in being curious investigative reporters, in asking the right questions to assist their clients in defining the problem so that they can come up with the solution to it on their own. If you take on this same attitude when you’re talking to your children things will start improving all on their own, quite apart from how successful you are with the concrete problem in front of you, because that inherent sense of powerlessness due to the inevitable authority relationship between you and your child will lose some of its sting. As far as the temper tantrum goes, remember to think of it as its own entity, as its own organic organism with its own traits and characteristics, its own likes and dislikes, its own history, its own thought patterns, its own feelings, its own goals and desires, its own strengths and weaknesses, its own shape and size and color, its own typical behaviors, its own friends and enemies, its own motivations. But all of these spaces of the temper tantrum are for your child to fill in, not you. It’s your job to ask the right questions, not provide the right answers. You might have your own ideas about the makeup of the temper tantrum but when you fill in these aspects and expect your child to agree it’s just another example of a structure of power where your beliefs and worldview represent absolute reality and someone with little or no power to dissent must adhere to this version of reality or face the consequences. The movement we’re looking for here is for the child to get to know the temper tantrum very well, on a personal, intimate level, and then decide whether the current relationship with the temper tantrum is wanted and desirable or if something needs to change. What is the temper tantrum stopping the child from doing? What is it stopping the child from being? Is it helping or hurting other family members? Is the temper tantrum a loving guy or a big meanie? Is it a trusty old dog or a cranky old beast? Giving children the chance to draw what they’re thinking and feeling is a great route to go, regardless of the theoretical psychological system being employed. Narrative therapy is really tailor made for it in that an exhaustive personality sketch of the problem allows for the transfer of these ephemeral ideas into concrete physical traits and series of typical behaviors in the drawings. These drawings can go any number of ways, and again the idea here is to be lighthearted and fun and to allow your child to take the lead. It’s your job to remain interested and ask prompting questions in order to clarify for yourself and your child the underlying worldview and perspectives portrayed, not to control what everything in the drawings is and means. What will probably happen over the course of these conversations and activities is that your child will decide that resorting to temper tantrums isn’t working, that the costs of the current situation outweigh the benefits. One of the best ways you can help your child activate in order to change the parameters of the problem is to look back over the life history for concrete examples where resistance was shown in the face of the impending temper tantrum, where a different choice was made, where what in narrative therapy we call a unique outcome occurred. At the deeper philosophical level narrative therapy understands that in a community of people a dominant narrative always forms for each individual, a narrative based not just on actual observed behaviors but on myriad societal, cultural, historical, familial, psychological, emotional, and other factors outside of the sphere of control or influence or responsibility of the person being labeled. The dominant narrative is how others see and behave towards that individual and how that individual in turn comes to see Self. Dominant narratives always set the parameters of the individual very narrowly and ignore or minimize any and all instances that contradict this dominant label. Soren Kierkegaard once wrote “When you label me you negate me.” The dominant narrative, even when it’s a positive, desired one like ‘courageous’ or ‘athlete’, by definition leaves out the many aspects of Self that lie outside of this grouped cluster of traits and behaviors. It’s not all malicious, in fact most of it probably isn’t, it’s just the way we’re hardwired. We seek to find patterns out of the chaos, to make sense of the madness. We survive in a complex human world by quickly recognizing a personality type so that we know how to interact and so that we can more or less accurately predict behavior. We don’t have time to analyze every little variable, to mull and stew over what to say or how to be around people, to think up 101 different possible motivations for a behavior. We need the click whirr effect, the cognitive bias called pattern recognition that helps us define the texture of people and the world. But when we get over that click whirr thinking we see that there are many real examples where someone thought or felt or behaved in a way that casts serious doubt upon the accuracy of the dominant narrative. That thought or feeling or behavior wasn’t recognized or appreciated, not by the community and not by the individual. It didn’t fit the narrative so it was cast aside, as if it never happened. Narrative therapists are treasure hunters. They explore the vast tracts of lived experience with their clients in order to uncover those hidden gems, those unique outcomes where something wonderful happened that contradicted the unwanted dominant narrative. To get back to the temper tantrum, you’ve got to find and celebrate those moments where your child chose a more constructive solution than resorting to going into a fit, those times where your child said, “No, you stay over there temper tantrum.” It’s guaranteed that there are countless such moments, they just aren’t out there in the air in a tangible way like completely losing control and throwing a fit is, so they fade away from awareness like smoke from a campfire. When you discover and then honor those instances with your child you’re positively reinforcing that alternate behavior and more importantly for this conversation you’re helping to create a new story, an alternate narrative that can be put into place, a narrative where temper tantrums play a different role in your family than they do right now. Remember to give your child space to come up with independent conclusions surrounding the temper tantrum’s characteristics and how it should be related to from here on out. Narrative therapy for temper tantrums is about being aware of the unequal power relationship and then actively handing the power over to your child to first name the problem, then flesh out the problem, then find concrete examples that directly contradict the dominant narrative being spun about the problem, and finally decide upon a new way of being and a new way of relating towards the problem and towards the world in general. Kids of all ages are more than capable of having these conversations. They love story telling, they love being creative, they love playing, they love making stuff up. Narrative conversations do all of that as a matter of course and what comes out of these conversations are new, healthier ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
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motivationsuccess · 5 years
A New Start by Stuart Goldsmith
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Stuart Goldsmith
This book is about belief. Believing in yourself. Believing that you can have more, that you deserve more.
A few years ago, I didn't believe.
I didn't believe in myself enough to get the things that I really wanted. I thought that those things were for other people - a nice house, a good quality car. At best I thought (if I did think about it at all), that one day, at some distant, undefined time in the future, I might have a few of those things. But not many. I was jogging along, working for a major U.K. Corporation, underpaid and with no hope of promotion. I was renting a flat and driving a beaten-up old car which would hardly pass its road- worthiness test. My love-life was a mess and my bank balance was very red.
Financially I was just holding my life together; the same as most people.
I received weekly letters from the bank demanding repayment of my unauthorized overdraft. There was no hope of promotion at work, and hence no hope of a salary increase.
I was also enmeshed in a deeply unhappy relationship from which I couldn't seem to escape.
Does this story sound a bit like yours? At least in places?
Don't worry, there are millions of people in this country with a very similar tale to tell.
About this time, someone gave me a 'Positive Thinking' book. I don't remember the title, but I do remember that when I read it I was very sceptical.
That book had a very simple message. The message was this:
This sounded so ridiculously simple, that my first reaction was to laugh it off, and forget the money that I had spent on that book. But something kept nagging away at me; I couldn't seem to get that simple message out of my mind. I ended up reading the book several times over.
The idea was so simple; yet it had a ring of truth about it.
Could it really be so easy? Was there a way that I could apply this principle and improve my own circumstances?
After reading and re-reading that book, I decided that I had nothing to lose. It wasn't actually going to cost me anything to try this idea. I wasn't being asked to send in any more money or invest capital in a 'Get Rich Quick' scheme; I was merely being asked to believe; to have faith in myself. I figured that it couldn't be a bad thing to have faith in myself, regardless of whether or not I got rich at the end of it.
I also knew that if these principles could work for me, then they could work for anyone; because I had almost nothing! I was in exactly the same situation as most people. If, by putting these principles to work, I could start from nothing and get even a fraction of the things that I wanted, then I must be onto a winner!
From that moment on, there was no stopping me. I read every book about 'Positive Thinking' that was going. Some were terrible, some were very good; but all were lacking in something.
Even at this early stage, before I had applied the principles of 'Positive Thinking'; I thought to myself, "If this works, I'm going to write my own book and pass on my experiences." In a sense I was using myself as a guinea- pig. If these principles could work for me; they could work for anyone!
What Did I Do?
During the following months, I put together my own system of success through Positive Thinking, (this is the Midas Method, the system which I am going to share with you in this book). I then put that system to work, using myself as a human guinea-pig. I made a lot of mistakes in those early months, but gradually I evolved a system which started to bring unbelievable results for me. When I first realized the potential of this system, I felt as though I had discovered a secret formula, a formula which, if it worked, could lead to huge success for me; and if it failed...well, I wouldn't have lost much.
Over the next few years I fine-tuned the Midas Method to bring HUGE personal benefits for myself, I felt as though everything I touched turned to gold!
The Result?
It took me eight years. Now I drive the car I want, (a BMW worth £30,000.) I live in a house worth £1,000,000, my net assets are in excess of ten million pounds.
That's not bad going for eight years is it?
But I think that's a long time! Remember, I was developing the Midas Method as I went along; you don't have to do this. I will hand you the method on a plate! You won't have to waste valuable time developing a system from scratch like I did - you could achieve your goals in far less time if you wanted to.
How Did I Do It?
Now this is the important point. I want you to trust me and believe what I am now going to tell you:
I achieved my ten million pounds (and all the other things), by using my own system which I call the Midas Method. This is the system outlined in this book. I did not, (as in a lot of 'Get Rich Quick' books), have a helping hand up from anyone.
Nobody left me a penny. I have no special talents or abilities, (although I have my fair share, just like you). I wasn't 'lucky' in the sense that I discovered that my house was built on an oil well, or that I gambled money and won. I've had my fair share of good and bad luck over the last eight years - just like you.
Starting with a large overdraft, I achieved everything that I have today by simply changing my beliefs. By believing that I deserved these things. By believing that it wasn't just other people who made money or got the good things in life - by believing that I could do it if I really wanted to. That's all.
It's that simple. This is the only major 'secret' I am going to impart to you in this book.
The rest of the book is devoted to convincing you that what I say is true.
Why do I need to convince you? Because if you genuinely believed what I said, you would already be well on the way to having everything you wanted. You would not need this book, and you probably would not have bought it.
The very fact that you are reading this book means that you probably don't have everything you really want. I'm telling you that the main thing stopping you from having everything that you really want is BELIEF. You can have it if you believe that you deserve it.
What this book does is to batter away at your disbelief and scepticism until you are at least at the point where you will try my system. If you will only trust me enough to try, then I'll lead you step-by-step to the stage where you won't need faith that what I say is true; you will know for yourself. How? Because I guarantee results every step of the way. By getting positive results - by seeing the system working - you will start to believe.
It's this step-by-step approach which makes the Midas Method so effective. Why? Because you get results every step of the way. You can see the system working with your own eyes and you are not asked to accept too much on blind faith.
For example, take the following statement:
Do you believe this statement? The chances are that you don't (at this stage). So what would be the point in me telling you to recite this over and over again until you believed it? You wouldn't! You would just get bored and give up; then you would put this book on the bookshelf and forget it! That's not what I want.
I want you to succeed. I want you to have all the things you deserve. I achieved everything I ever wanted by using this system and this system alone. Don't let your scepticism and disbelief stand between you and success.
Harmful Beliefs
You probably believe (quite strongly) that there are all sorts of things standing between you and a large amount of money. (I use money as an example, you might want something else.)
You probably believe that all or some of these things stand in your way:
1) Age: ("I'm too old/young.") 2) Sex: ("It's tough if you're a woman/man.") 3) Background: ("I never had a chance.") 4) Physical abilities: ( "With my wooden leg? Forget it!") 5) Luck: ("I never get the breaks.") 6) Education: ("I was in my first job at thirteen.") 7) Race: ("It's hard if you're Black/Chinese/Asian etc.")
If you hold such strong beliefs (and the chances are that you hold at least a few of these); I would be wasting my breath just telling you that you are wrong!
You will only change your belief if I give you the evidence to allow you to change your belief. My step-by- step approach gives you the evidence you need to prove that the Midas Method works. Armed with the evidence, you will then believe in the system.
This is where all the other systems go wrong. They ask you for too much faith, too early. The result is that people get bored and give up.
They might try the system a few times out of curiosity, or, if they are particularly diligent and hard-working, they might try for a few weeks, but the end result is the same for most people - they give up.
Perhaps that is what the authors intend; that way no-one asks for their money back!
The Midas Method leads you step-by-step through a series of exercises which prove beyond doubt that belief can indeed work wonders. In fact I guarantee results - fast, and every step of the way.
You will be given a series of small, achievable tasks and be asked to apply the system to them. These tasks will easily bring results in weeks or even days. When you have proved (to yourself), that the Midas Method works for these small tasks, then you will move onto larger goals.
If you follow my instructions faithfully, I guarantee that the results will be little short of miraculous!
Starting from NOTHING, I obtained a TEN MILLION POUNDS using only the secrets divulged to you in this book. I obtained a great many more things besides. For example, I only work two or three days a week 'making money', the rest of the time is mine to do with as I please - I don't have to work at all if I don't feel like it!
If I can do this, starting with an overdraft, I KNOW that you can - because there is nothing 'special' about me.
It's all very well if someone tells you how they made a million after 'Daddy' left them half a million! Anyone could do that! It is also interesting, but irrelevant, if someone who is a brilliant inventor, or a financial genius, makes a million. Good for them! But where does that leave the ordinary person like you and I?
If you are in anything like the position I was in, then you'll probably have almost no spare money (perhaps a few hundred if you sell some things!) and you probably are not absolutely brilliant at any one thing. You are exactly the sort of person this book is aimed at. Forgive me for categorizing you, but I wrote this book for the normal, ordinary person who has a genuine desire to obtain everything they have ever wanted. It CAN be done; I know, because I did it!
You are on your way to an exciting new life. A life where you can achieve ALL of the things you want to achieve; where wealth, success and happiness are within your grasp. Will you reach out with me now and take them?
Extracted from the book 'The Midas Method' by Stuart Goldsmith
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gosetmind · 5 years
Which Weight Loss Program Is Right For You?
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As the old year comes to a close and everyone begins to look forward to the beginning of a New Year, many people are also anticipating the beginning of their New Year's resolutions. For numerous individuals, New Year's resolutions will involve vows to cut back on their food intake, get on a diet and exercise regimen and drop at least a few pounds. The question that hangs in the air for those who are anticipating the start of a new diet lies in exactly which diet might happen to be right for them and which diet holds the key to helping them lose the most weight.
Certainly, there are numerous diets available and it seems like every few months a new diet or eating plan has emerged to become the new successful diet rage. Is it possible that all the popular diets can help you lose weight or are there certain diets that can help you lose more weight than others? 
This is the question that a group of researchers set out to answer recently. Over a period of two months, 160 individuals were monitored closely as they followed a supervised program. The varying factor among all 160 program participants was that they were allowed to choose whichever diet suited their fancy. Researchers waited and watched in anticipation to learn which diet or diets would prove to be most successful. 
What they learned at the conclusion of the study proved to be quite interesting. The data they collected not only helped them to learn more about which diet programs tend to be more successful in terms of total weight loss but also which diet programs more individuals were more likely to stick with for long term weight loss and maintenance. 
While the study participants were allowed to choose their favorite diet plan, most participants opted for one of the following: Atkins, Weight Loss, Ornish and the Zone. Even though initial data was conducted after just two months, researchers continued to study the remaining participants. They discovered that after a period of time more than half of those participants who opted for diet plans that focused on low carbs and high fat, such as the Atkins plan, dropped out. Additionally, approximately the same percentage of individuals who chose the Ornish plan, which focuses on low fat and high carb vegetarian foods, also quit their diets. Weight Watchers participants fared moderately better, with about two-thirds of that group participants sticking with it. The Zone participants showed similar results. 
So, which diet plans performed best overall in terms of total weight loss? Surprisingly, they all performed about the same. Those individuals participating in the Ornish plan who were able to stick with their diet for the entire year achieved a weight loss rate of about 6%; the highest of all groups. Atkins came in at about 4%, with Weight Watchers and the Zone performing at an average of 5% weight loss. Health risk factors related to obesity were an entirely different matter; however. In terms of heart disease risk, Weight Watchers participants decreased their risk by 15%, while other diet plans hovered in the 12% range. The Ornish diet plan participants, who showed a higher overall weight loss, showed a lower decrease in risk of heart disease, at just 7%. 
Overall; however, researchers concluded that in the end, there is no one magic diet. If you're planning to resolve to lose weight in the New Year, your best strategy is still the same regardless of which diet plan you ultimately choose. Eat sensibly, cut back on portions, drink plenty of water, participate in a moderate exercise routine and find a diet buddy to support you in your weight loss goals.
Why Can't I Lose Weight?
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  That's the question many people ask when their weight loss plan isn't working.
Asking yourself 'Why can't I lose weight?' is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself. It says you know that what you're currently doing isn't working for you. 
You're at the place where you're ready to look at alternatives - try something different to get a result you want.
So why can't you lose weight? Here are 3 possible reasons you may not be losing weight - and some suggestions on what you can do about it. 
1) Medical Reasons 
Now this is not the same as saying you're genetically programmed to be overweight. That is hogwash. In fact scientists estimate that even if you do have a genetic propensity to gain weight, your genes only account for 15 - 25% of your current weight. So forget the genetics excuse. 
But there are medical reasons that some people can't lose weight. Low thyroid, adrenal exhaustion, insulin resistance and other medical conditions can make losing weight near to impossible.
That's why before starting any weight loss plan, you should talk to your doctor first. Have a full workup and make sure that you don't have any health issues standing in the way of your weight loss. 
There's nothing more frustrating that trying to lose weight, doing all the right things and not losing an inch - all because of a medical condition. Get the medical condition cleared up first and then address the weight (in fact, the weight may just go down on it's own once you get the medical condition addressed).
2) Emotional Eating 
I recently read an article where a nutritionist estimated that 75% of overeating was due to emotions. 75%! Can you imagine what would happen if you learned to eliminate emotional eating and cut out all those calories? What a weight loss impact! The weight would be falling off.
Unfortunately, in today's world, emotional eating is on the rise. Most people today are feeling the pressure of an increasingly hectic lifestyle. We hardly have time to tie our shoes, never mind deal with our emotions. 
Because of this, our emotions get stuffed down and ignored until finally they explode and we're face-down in a bowl of Rocky-Road ice cream with extra chocolate sauce. 
Here's the bottom line: you are human and you have emotions. Your emotional needs are important and need to be addressed properly with love. You need emotional nurturing and proper emotional care. 
If that means you take a 5 minute break every few hours at work to regain your emotional balance, do it. If that means you need to unwind by doing a mall walk and window shopping after work - don't let anything stop you. 
Learn to nurture your emotional health and you'll nip emotional eating in the bud - and start losing weight FAST.
3) Mismatched Weight Loss Plan 
There are many different ways to lose weight and dozens of weight loss programs to choose from. Some plans emphasize a change in diet, others emphasize a change in exercise, others focus on the inner reasons for overeating. 
Every person is different and will lose weight in their own unique way. If what you're doing now isn't currently working, it may be a simple case of personality-plan mismatch. 
Maybe instead of a diet-focused weight loss plan, you would feel better with a fitness-focused weight loss plan or a psychological weight loss plan. There are lots of plans to choose from and you deserve to take your time and find one that fits your personality and lifestyle best. 
If you think this is the case, take some time to review different diet or weight loss plans. Find one that you can get excited about, one that makes sense to you and that fits your belief system and personality. That's when you'll make real weight loss progress!
So those are 3 possible reasons for your weight loss plateau. You don't have to stay stuck in a weight loss rut. You don't have to keep asking yourself the frustrating question: Why Can't I Lose Weight? Keep believing in yourself and in your dreams. Don't give up and you will get there!
Why Do We Gain Weight?
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  There are many factors that cause us to increase body weight, yet three stand out from the rest.
Our genetic make up:
Every cell in our body has a central control panel, that is a nucleus that contains our genes and chromosomes. This is the instruction manual for your body and this is inherited from your parents. It is this instruction manual that is largely responsible for how your body, and even your mind, behaves.
The environment in which we live:
Our personal environment may also contribute or cue you to adopt poor eating or exercise habits. This is especially true in today's society, which is dominated by speed and convenience. For example, escalators, elevators and remote-control appliances make us less physically active. Also, greater availability and the constant marketing of foods that are high in calories, fat and added sugars, and larger portion sizes promote unhealthy eating behaviors.
There may also be personal reasons why you are consuming too many kilojoules from food and drinks, or not being physically active enough. For example, when feeling down or bored you may eat more than you need, or if you are feeling depressed it is more difficult to get active.
Knowing the reason why you may be consuming excess kilojoules or not participating in physical activity, is an important first step in changing your lifestyle habits to help you reach a healthy weight.
Our lifestyle:
What we eat and drink and how active we are. This is the gradual gain in weight as a result of eating food and not exercising enough.
The extent to which we can affect our genetic make up and our environment are limited. However, lifestyle is the area in which we can significantly manage and if need be, improve our body weight to ensure we maintain a healthy weight for our height, age and gender. This is why learning a healthy nutritious eating pattern and adopting it for life, that is, lifestyle changes has a significant impact on our ability to reach and maintain a healthy weight.
Gaining and losing weight works according to some a simple biological principle. When you consume more energy in the form of food and drinks that your body uses each day you will gain weight. When you consume less energy in the form of food and drinks that your body requires each day you will lose weight.
Despite what some advertisers would have use believe, weight loss does not occur as a result of any of the following:
* Supplements that will melt the fat while you sleep or while you wash
* Exercises that don't take any effort and cause no sweat
* Unique food combinations that will allow you to eat what you want and still lose weight
In order to lose weight you will need to know approximately your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). Your RMR is the number of calories your body burns at rest in a 24 hour period. When your body gets about 500 less calories than it needs each day as a result of eating less or exercising more, you will lose one pound of weight per week. To illustrate how efficient the human body is in motion, the average female would need to go for a brisk walk for 1.5 to 2.0 hours in order to burn 500 calories.
When you consume 500 calories a day more than your body's requirements, you will gain approximately one pound a week! To illustrate how easy it is to gain weight, one 7oz bag of corn chips has approximately 1000 calories. If you ate a bag of corn chips every day in addition to three square meals its possible you could gain 2 pounds in a week!
Which Weight Loss Program Is Right For You?
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  Your body weight is really controlled by the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you use each day through things like exercise and physical activity. This means that to lose weight, you actually need to take in fewer calories each day than you use so that there is deficit in calories consumed. There are two ways to do this - by becoming more physically active or by eating less each day. Following a weight loss program that helps you to become more physically active and also decrease the amount of calories that you eat, is the best way to achieve successful weight loss.
To lose weight and keep it off, you should be aware of the different types of programs that are available. You should also look at what makes up a good program. Knowing this information can help you select a weight loss program that will really work. The four types of weight loss programs include:
Do-It-Yourself Programs
1. Any effort to lose weight by yourself or with a support group either on or offline, fits in the "do-it-yourself" category. People using a do-it-yourself program rely on group support, and products such as diet books, for advice.
Non-Clinical Programs
2. These programs tend to be commercially operated, such as privately-owned, weight loss chains. They often use books and pamphlets that are prepared by healthcare providers but use counselors who are not usually trained healthcare providers. Some of these programs require participants to use the program's food or supplements.
Clinical Programs
3. This type of program is usually provided in a healthcare setting, such as a hospital, by licensed health professionals, including physicians, nurses, dietitians, and/or psychologists. In some clinical programs, a health professional works alone; in others, a group of health professionals works together to provide services to patients. These clinical programs offer services such as nutrition education, medical care, behavior change therapy, and physical activity. Clinical programs may also use other weight loss methods, such as very low calorie diets, weight loss drugs, and surgery, to treat severely overweight patients. All of these programs would be carefully supervised during implementation.
4. Gastric bypass surgeries are combination procedures that use both restriction and malabsorption to achieve weight loss. Because it is a combination approach, it tends to be more successful for weight loss than purely restrictive surgeries. Gastric bypass surgery may be an option if you are significantly obese and have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight on diet and exercise programs and are unlikely to lose weight successfully with non-surgical methods.
If you are considering a weight-loss program and you have medical problems, or if you are severely overweight, then programs or surgery run or conducted by trained health professionals are probably your best option. These professionals are more likely to monitor you for possible side effects of weight loss and will help you to lose weight successfully and safely.
Whether you decide to use the do-it-yourself, non-clinical, or clinical approach, the program you opt for should help you lose weight and help you to keep it off by teaching you healthy eating and exercise habits that you will be able to use for years to come.
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