#he could be a real soft sweetie
thecoleopterawithana · 7 months
Lennon may not be at his most dynamic in Get Back but he’s still compelling, partly because he’s not the character we expected to meet. At least, he’s not who I expected. Having ingested many books about the Beatles I thought he was going to be fiery, caustic, domineering, and - in this period - bitterly scornful of McCartney. Yet the Lennon we see here is for the most part a rather gentle presence who acts as a calming mediator between Paul and George. He grins at Paul, laughs heartily at his jokes, listens patiently to him. There is something quite childlike about John, particularly when his face opens up into a smile as the band hits a groove, or when he’s sitting patiently on the floor with a guitar and Yoko, waiting for another take. When Ringo starts playing Octopus’s Garden with George, John says “What am I doing, Ritchie?” and gets on the drums. There is bravado, of course - as when, following George’s departure, he immediately suggests they get Clapton in and split George’s guitars. But there is tenderness, too: after George leaves, it is John who brings the three remaining Beatles together into a hug.
We are used to thinking of Lennon as the visionary and Paul as the pragmatist. Yet here it’s Paul who throws up wildly impractical ideas - a news show that ends in an announcement of The Beatles’ split, a TV spectacular, an album full of songs they haven’t written yet, by next week - and John who suggests, mildly and sympathetically, that they consider what’s actually possible.
— Ian Leslie, "The Banality of Genius: Notes on Peter Jackson's Get Back" (January 26, 2022).
[I was curious to read more of Ian Leslie's approach to the Beatles in general and Lennon-McCartney in particular, since he's currently writing a book about John and Paul's relationship: “John and Paul: A Love Story in Songs". He's also the author of that New York Times opinion piece that came out today.]
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street-smarts00 · 2 months
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (BAU!reader)
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WC: 3.7k
Summary: You tended to be very expressive with your friends when showing your affection. Whether it showed in pet names or physical touch. Only thing is, Spencer thinks he’s falling in love with you, and all of your sweet affectionate actions are starting to take a toll on his unrequited heart. At least, he thinks it’s unrequited. 
Tags: there’s a tiny bit of miscommunication but not too much that it will make your head explode like it does mine. Make out but nothing grown/spicy. Friends to lovers. A bit of hurt/comfort
A/N: Not beta read don’t kill me! yoooo spence is so in denial about her feelings in this but lol so real king. This is mostly from his POV but I had to cheat a few times. Hope i can live up to the hype that complimentary colors was. I low key don't like this one as much but had to execute it cause the idea was cute.
You were starting to drive him insane. Criminally insane. You could invade his thoughts at any waking moment of his day and take over his mind. Every affectionate pet name, every soft fleeting touch, hell every time you look at him, he would replay the moment in his mind like a broken record. If he was in a crowded room, his eyes would always fall on you. 
After being with the BAU for a while you became good friends with your coworkers. And with that, came your habit of calling your friends sweet nicknames. Anything from sweetie, to honey, to babes, and the one that broke his heart the most, my love. 
At first he didn’t understand why you were using terms of endearment that were typically used in a romantic relationship, but in a platonic way. At some point he caught on that you were similar to Garcia when it came to expressing your love for friends. Similar to her and the way she has her own sweet silly way of expressing how she cares.
Nevertheless, some small part of his heart still broke when you called him those names. He adored your sweet caring nature and the fact that you cared enough about him to call him terms of endearment. But every time a nickname fell from your lips, he was reminded you only meant it platonically. 
It was his own personal torture to constantly be reminded he would never be your sweetie, your honey … your love. But the nicknames weren’t enough to drive him insane. While it drove him to the brink of insanity, he was able to keep his head somewhat still on his shoulders. 
Not long after the heart warming but crushing nicknames, you showed your true love language. Physical touch. It showed in many forms. It could show when poking JJ in the shoulder and giving Emily a high five. Or nudging Morgan in his side with your elbow. You even managed to get a fist pump from Hotch and Rossi. And of course the welcome and goodbye hugs from Penelope. 
You were a bit hesitant at first to express this love language of yours with Spencer due to his aversion to touch and germs. However, you observed that he would gratefully receive occasional touches. Whether it be a hug, high-five, or even the rare ruffle of his hair -which of course would be from Morgan. So you approached him and asked if he was comfortable with physical contact. 
When it came to you, he was more than comfortable. You could take him in your arms and he would simply melt into a puddle on the floor. Except he didn’t say that and his reply was closer to a mix of stuttering and rambling about how you could never make him uncomfortable and how he just doesn’t like germs. 
Now he’s not saying he regrets his choices. He wouldn’t ever take it back. He enjoys every single lingering touch between the two of you. Actually “enjoys” would be a severe understatement. Every single time you ruffle his hair, lean your head on his shoulder, or even just carefully touch his arm, it was as if a thousand volts of electricity were flowing through him. Like he could light up the city even. You were the best part of his days and the reason breath filled his lungs. You brought a light into his life that made him feel safe and warm. 
He desperately wanted your affection, your attention, your touch, to mean something more than he knew it to be. But sooner or later, touch after touch, he started to go insane. Somewhere along the way he had daydreamed so deep he had lost his mind. 
You had officially driven Spencer Reid insane. 
He was promptly whisked away from his thoughts when he felt the tap of a folder on his shoulder and a light thump on his desk. 
“Hotch wants to know your thoughts on the consultation from Colorado,” you started. 
He blinked back into focus glancing at the papers on his desk. 
“Hey, you alright?” You asked with concern. “You look like your head is in the clouds.”
“I’m fine, just lost in thought,” he answered with a small smile reassuring you.
“Don’t get too lost. Can’t have your genius brain short circuiting on us.” You chuckled as you took a small step closer to him and playfully ruffled his hair. 
“I’ll try not to,” he grinned and pushed his hair back after you messed with it. 
“Well I’ll be back soon, my love. Gotta go bother Penelope,” you joked before making your way out of the bullpen. 
His gaze was lingering on you as you left. His thoughts started to drift to you again as his cheeks turned pink.
“I’ll be back soon, my love,” Morgan mimicked in a higher pitched voice with a grin as he approached Spencer's desk. In response Spencer turned his chair away from Morgan to hide his now red face. 
“When are you two going to start dating? You guys already act like a couple.” 
“We do not act like a couple,” Spencer argued. “She just sometimes calls me pet names, that's normal for her.” 
“You don’t see it do you?” Morgan furrowed his eyebrows and was seconds away from chuckling. “She’s been giving you quite a bit of attention lately. Practically clinging onto you.” 
“I mean I- I don’t think so. She does that with everyone, it's not just me. She just happens to be very affectionate with friends.” He answers as his voice almost cracked. 
Morgan shook his head, “Oh no it’s more than that. Have you ever noticed that she calls you “my love” but she calls us “love”? Or when we’re on a long flight back home and you two are all cuddly on the jet. How she always seeks out your company and finds an excuse to talk to you or about you.” 
Spencer couldn’t speak. He had so many words on the tip of his tongue but his voice wouldn’t make a sound. He sat frozen and mouth slightly agape as his brain started to go into overdrive. 
Morgan's face softened at Spencer's reaction. “It’s different with you kid. Friends don’t act like that.” 
“You and Garcia do.” Spencer countered, this time definitely with a voice crack. Morgan lightly chucked. He was well aware that his and Penelope’s friendship was a bit different than other male/female friendships. 
“Okay you got me there, but you and Y/N aren’t me and Garcia. We may flirt with each other a lot but that’s our thing. You two have this care for each other like nothing I've ever seen.” 
Spencer was left stunned once again and Morgan could practically see the gears in his head turning.
“You may not notice it now, or hell you may not let yourself notice it now, but it’s true.” 
Those words rang in the back of Spencer's mind for days. Of course on a regular basis you would occupy his mind at any given moment. But now it wasn’t just thoughts about you. His mind was over analyzing almost every interaction between you and him, trying to find what Morgan had talked about. Some form of evidence that proved what you felt for him was beyond what he had initially thought. 
He was recounting all the recent times you had approached him out of the members of your team. He recalled all the times you were either hanging out or on the jet and you found yourself tracing patterns on his arm. He was rethinking when you started to use nicknames around him and how it could be different with him than with others. It turned out Morgan might be right, as Spencer realized the numerous times you referred to Garcia or Emily as “love”, but in the rare instance you said “my love” it was only ever directed to him. 
The idea of you liking him back had become an all consuming thought, but he was too terrified to ask you. What if Morgan was wrong? Profilers have been wrong before. He became petrified by the idea of asking you about it and possibly finding out his feelings were unrequited. But most of all, he was scared of losing you. Scared that if he brought it up he would make things awkward and ruin your friendship. He couldn’t lose you, not over something as trivial as his feelings. 
Unfortunately the mental toll this was taking on his mind started to show. Not so obvious that the everyday person would notice, but you weren’t an everyday person. You grew to know him like the back of your hand. So of course you started to notice the little changes in his behavior. His ever so slight flinch when you would initially touch him. His eyes which used to linger on you and catch your eyes from across the room, now focused almost anywhere you weren’t. The way his body froze when you placed a hand on his shoulder. The way his eyes partially widened when you called him anything other than his name. 
He tried to hide his worries from you, but you could tell something was bothering him. 
Something about you.
His overall behavior didn’t reflect that he was avoiding you or distancing himself from you. He still talked to you and acted around you like normal. Instead it felt like he was holding himself back from receiving or truly appreciating your affection the way he used to. 
Days had passed and the team was sent on a case. While this case was an emotional rollercoaster for everyone, it had affected you the most. The victims had reminded you of yourself and the unsub and all of his delusional reasoning for his actions had hit very close to home. 
The team caught the unsub and closed the case quite late in the evening. Everyone was exhausted after the grueling past few days and decided to spend the night at the hotel to rest and leave in the morning. You however, still felt an ache in your stomach from all the anxiety felt throughout the day. You couldn’t seem to relax and let that weight off your shoulders. So you went to the one person who could help.  
Spencer was getting ready to go to sleep, peacefully reading a book in bed when he got a knock on his door. He placed his book down and when he opened the door he was greeted by you in pajama pants and a zip up hoodie, clearly also winding down for the night. 
“Hey,” you greeted. 
“Hi, what’s up? Is everything okay?” he asked, a bit concerned as to why you showed up at his hotel so late at night. He opened the door wider signaling you were welcome inside. You entered the room and stuffed your hands in your pockets as he closed the door. 
“I’m okay I just …” you cleared your throat. “I know this case has been a tough one but today’s been really hard for me. I’m still wired and awake, I can’t seem to relax enough to go to sleep,” You abruptly stopped your rambling to catch your breath. 
“This might sound dumb but, I’m in desperate need of a hug right now,” you finally admitted quietly.
He hated seeing you so timid and closed off. How you made yourself smaller than you were, all because you were asking for your basic needs to be met. 
“You don’t have to explain yourself.” 
“You don’t have to explain why you need a hug. You can just ask,” he said reassuringly. 
“Physical contact has been shown to increase levels of dopamine, serotonin, and even oxytocin; therefore, decreasing levels of stress and anxiety. Some people might even argue that physical touch is a fundamental element of being human and experiencing life.” His other way of trying to validate your feelings was of course rambling a string of facts and information from his fingertips. 
You couldn’t help but smile. God he loved it when you smiled. 
“So is that a yes?” you asked since you never exactly got an answer from your question in the first place. Even though you knew what his answer was. 
The corners of his lips turned into a grin. “Come here,” he says with outstretched arms. 
You practically ran into him at his offer. He wrapped his arms around you as you placed yours around his neck. He wished this moment could last forever. All while at the same time Morgan's previous statements were circling around in his head. 
He tried his best to push them away. He tried to tell himself this was not you acting on any potential feelings for him. This was simply you reaching out to a friend in need. 
He took note of the way you held onto him so tightly, almost as if he could leave at any second. It made his heart ache. 
“You feel tired,” he almost whispered. 
“I am,” you mumbled back, face buried in his neck. 
“Do you wanna lie down?” 
You lightly patted him on the back, “Don’t worry I’ll leave you be and go to sleep soon. I just need a minute 
“I meant … I meant do you want to lie down here?” He stammered. “So you’re not alone. You seem like you need a friend right now.” 
His own heart almost cracks when he says friend. But that’s what you need right now, a friend. 
“I’d like that,” you said with a small smile. 
You separate from him and he leads you to the bed holding your hand. He sits down against the headboard and waits for you to join him. 
You awkwardly sit down on the bed, eyes darting in all directions of where he’s sitting. “I- what should I …” 
“You could sit down the way you do on the jet,” he kindly offers. 
You relax at his words and move to sit at his side. He wraps his arm around you as you rest your head against his shoulder. You both sat there in a moment of silence, enjoying eachothers company. He was getting lost in the sweet smell of your perfume; the small bit of it that still lingers from the long day you’ve had. 
He started to recall all the times you two would be close like this. It didn’t happen very often. Sometimes on a long jet ride home from a long or stressful case. Or sometimes when the team went out for drinks and you would be tired from dancing. In the rare occasions you two were like this, you would tend to draw patterns on his arm or leg. 
So he decided to finally return the favor. With the arm he had wrapped around you, he started to dance his fingertips over your upper arm. 
He felt you practically melt into him at the action. If you could get any closer to him, you did. 
He continued tracing your arm with an overwhelming amount of care. It made you consider his previous actions compared to how welcome you were now in his arms. 
“Spencer, I’m gonna ask you something, and I need you to be completely honest with me,” you spoke with a hidden hesitation in your voice. 
“Of course I’ll be honest to you. I always will be,” he furrowed his brows at the thought of you being scared of him lying to you. 
You let out a small, almost shaky breath. “Am I clingy?” you murmured. 
This made his hand on your arm stop. He shifted his sitting position so he could face you better but also didn’t want to let you out of his hold. 
“No, never,” he told you with assurance. “Why would you think you’re clingy?” 
He saw you hesitate once more before you gave him your reply. “I was just overthinking things. Worried I was taking the physical contact thing too far or that I’m a bit too affectionate at times.“
“Why would you be worried? You’d never take things too far. You’ve always been respectful of other people’s boundaries.” 
You sighed with a shaky breath. He could practically see through you and see you considering your response. 
“Because I thought I was making you uncomfortable.” you looked down to avoid his gaze. 
He was quiet for a second, absolutely baffled as to how you would think you could ever make him uncomfortable. “Why?” His question was a barely audible whisper.  
“You seemed different. All of a sudden you would freeze when I touched you. You became jumpy and skittish when I talked to you. I thought I was too much for you but you didn’t want to tell me about it.” 
You shifted away to face him and his hand fell from your arm. You fidgeted with the sleeves of your hoodie as your face went blank. 
“You could never be too much for me,” he spoke with a soft voice. He tried to reach his hand out to hold yours but your hand disappeared in your sleeve at his touch. 
“Then why were you different all of a sudden?” You narrowed your eyes at him. 
His cheeks started to turn pink, “I- I wasn’t.” 
“Yes you were.” 
“Y/N please,” he begged. 
“Spencer,” you whispered as your eyes bore into his. “You said you’d be honest with me.” 
He licked his lips and his face turned red. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He couldn’t find an escape route. He had no choice but to tell you. And once the flood gate opened, he would never be able to close it. 
“I was freaking out,” he blurted. 
“I was freaking out because Morgan implanted this idea in my head that you might possibly have feelings for me based on the way you act around me. I’ve been obsessed with that thought since he mentioned it. So I freaked out almost every time you touched me, talked to me, even looked at me,” he rambled on anxiously as he tried to explain himself. No holding back now. 
“I tried not to let it change my behavior but I guess it did and I am so sorry for that. I never wanted to give you the impression that I was uncomfortable. To be honest I don’t think you could ever make me uncomfortable” 
You were silent for a moment. He couldn’t read your reaction. Your eyebrows slightly raised with your lips parted. He could only see surprise, which was typical, he just didn’t know if this kind of surprise was good. 
“Why were you so obsessed with the idea of me having feelings for you?” 
He could’ve sworn his heart was going to beat out of his chest at any moment. 
“Because I think I’m falling in love with you.”
 Here we go. Flood gates. 
“The idea you might like me back became an all consuming thought because I never before thought it was possible and I never wanted to get my hopes up. Actually, I pretty much think about you all the time so it wasn’t that far from normal. ” 
“You’re falling in love with me?” you asked barely above a whisper. 
“Yes,” he spoke softly with full confidence. 
The only change to your appearance was your eyes widened a bit more. It made Spencer's heart sink to his stomach. 
“Listen, I understand if this makes things weird between us and I am so sorry. I just couldn’t ..”
He couldn't finish his thought, you were too busy locking your lips with his. It was a sweet but cautious kiss, almost as if you were testing the waters in uncharted territory. You felt him freeze against you so you leaned away, breaking from the kiss. 
Not even seconds later Spencer placed a hand on your face and was diving back into the kiss with fervor. You instantly reacted as your arms found their way around his neck and your hand was digging in his hair. The kiss was intoxicating. Both of you trying to get a taste of the other after what felt like eons of pinning. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist while his one hand snuck up to the small of your back where your hoodie had exposed your skin. It sent a shiver up your spine while you let out a shaky breath against his lips. You tried shifting in your seat to somehow get closer to him. With his hands against your waist he helped guide you to sit in his lap straddling him. 
When you finally break from the kiss your faces are red and Spencer rests his forehead against yours. You focus on the sound of his breath and the feeling of your heart practically beating in your ears. 
Your hand moves to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. “I guess I didn’t do a very good job at showing I had feelings for you.” 
The corners of his mouth lift up into a giddy smile. “No, you did. I’m just oblivious.”
“Sounded like you were in denial,” you lightly teased. 
“That too,” he chuckles. 
After a moment of enjoying each other's presence, you pull away from him just far enough to look him in the eyes. 
“I know I call everyone pet names, but every time I used them with you, I wanted it to mean something more. Part of me would always hope you would one day call me those names back,” 
Spencer swore his heart could give out at any second. He never expected to hear this from you and it made him lightheaded.
“This may sound childish but.. I never craved attention so badly, until you gave me yours,” you added. 
He licked his lips and smiled. With his hands still on your waist he traced mindless patterns at your sides. “You have my complete and undivided attention, my love.”
His words made you giddy. You bit your lip to keep yourself from giggling. Although, he would never be opposed to hearing your beautiful laugh. 
There were no words to describe the way that you felt. So without thinking, you leaned forward once more to capture his lips with yours. 
Tag Requests: @nomajdetective
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trashogram · 4 months
He Chose You (Pt.1)
Hazbin Hotel AU where Lilith never existed, Lucifer has been lonely for over a millennia and Charlie will be born one way or another. Rated E for explicit sexual content of the raunchiest variety in later chapters and also weird old people.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13
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There was a knock at your door. It sounded like someone rapping their knuckles against the wood whimsically, as if following the beat of a song you couldn’t hear.
The methodical folding of your clothes into garage sale-quality drawers came to a halt. You looked over your shoulder, shifting on your feet hesitantly.
It had been little over a week since you moved into the grand old Donner apartment. Apart from a quick tow-in of shoddy furniture from your hired movers, no one had come calling. 
You definitely weren’t expecting anyone either, not in a brand new city you’d spontaneously decided to live in.
After another moment of uncertainty, you pivoted to the door and inched it open to a slit you could peek through. “Hello?”
Your brow furrowed as you stared at the empty space ahead of you. Pulling the door open fully, you peered down one end of the hallway to the other. 
Nothing but cracked and crumbling crown moldings on wainscoting, a matted-looking saxony carpet, the same musty, stale air…
You nearly jumped out of your skin, head snapping down to see a real, live duck standing just outside your doorframe. 
     You immediately squatted down to marvel at the animal. It gazed back up at you with beady red eyes and a curious gait. 
“Hey little guy,” You cooed, smiling despite the incongruous image of a waterfowl in your building.
You raised a hand and reached out slowly, instinctive desire to pet the cute little creature warring with a minuscule yet no less embarrassing fear. 
Were ducks typically friendly? You knew so little, ornithology not being your thing. 
“Will you let me pet you?” Your fingers hovered over the surprisingly patient animal before it decided to nudge itself under your palm.
The duck shivered with delight at your touch, all-white feathers ruffling excitedly and tail wagging, looking akin to a very happy dog. 
“Oh my god.” You gasped, heart melting. “You’re so cute!”
Soft feathers brushed against your bent knees as the duck drew close enough to rub its body against you. It had gone from doggish to cat-like effortlessly, and you couldn’t help giggling over how silly it looked.
“Where did you come from?” You asked after a bit of cuddling, glancing from side to side once again. The hallway remained empty, no one running to fetch what you assumed was a beloved pet. 
     ‘That’s… weird.’ You thought. ‘So, who knocked on my door?’ 
It was tempting to ask the bird that was currently bouncing on its webbed feet. You couldn’t help but snort with laughter before positioning yourself so that you were sitting. In an instant, the duck made to climb into your lap, allowing you to carefully lift it onto your legs when it couldn’t reach. 
“You’re so silly!” Grinning, you continued to stroke its head. “Your owner is probably worried sick about their silly little guy.” 
The duck burrowed its head against your stomach as it settled on your lap, and you sighed. “I’d love to keep you, but I don’t know how to take care of you, sweetie.” 
Little red eyes bore into you from below, seemingly wide and beseeching. It was too precious, and too perfect (to the point where you idly wondered if someone was somehow scouting a way to scam you via adorable duck shenanigans).
Aside from the guttural, sad ‘wek’ you got in reply, a slow creak of hinges drew your attention back up. The door across from you had visibly opened the barest amount. You squinted, just able to make out frizzy red hair and a red-rimmed, down-turned mouth in the dim lighting. 
“Oh hey, hi!” You stopped yourself from standing, instead of bracing the bundle in your lap close. “Is this your duck?”
A tingle went up your spine as the door opened fully and an old woman appeared. She was dressed in green capri pants and a ruffled tan blouse, hair red as an open flame and barely kept in-check by a cheetah-print scarf. The makeup she wore was caked on, harsh red lipstick smeared around her thin lips and black kohl-rimmed eyes popping out of her wrinkled face. 
The sour, almost suspicious look on her face softened but did not completely go away, even when she smiled.
“Oh Lou!” She cried, making you jump. “You didn’t get very far, did you? I almost didn’t notice you were gone, you little scoundrel!”
“Well, thank goodness for that I guess. He’s got those little legs, ya see,” She nodded down at your lap, “but he’s so darn fast anyway, might as well be a midget racehorse!”
You chuckled and smiled politely. That persistent tingling at your back had you holding back a shiver, and the skin on your arms prickled and rose. 
“I didn’t know we could have pet ducks in this building.” Your words belied a confidence, as well as interest in having a conversation with this woman, that you didn’t truly have. 
As a matter of fact, despite the inner scolding you gave yourself for being judgmental, you were quite off-put in the woman’s presence. The want to return to your apartment and shut the door in her overly-painted face was rising like a lump in your throat. 
“He seems to really like you, that’s so sweet. He’s not usually this friendly with anyone but my hubby. That’s Mr. Farrow, honey, have you met him?” The woman - presumably Mrs, Farrow, leaned down just a few feet away. 
She still looked to be examining you and your avian companion, the bland pleasantness oozing yet unable to suffocate the shrewd glint in her dark eyes. 
“Oh, uh, no. I’m afraid I haven’t -” You started. 
“Oh, that’s alright! That’s fine! Matter of fact, he’d get an earful from me if he was talkin’ to a pretty thing like you without me knowin’!” Mrs. Farrow laughed. “Just kiddin’, honey. You’re new to the building though, aren’t you? Well, welcome! It’s nice to see a new face here! ‘Specially a young one!” 
“Thank —”
“Maybe that’s why Lou is so taken with you! Animals just thrive off energy and sunshine and all that. Not slow, almost dead things. I’m sure you’re birds of a feather that way.” 
Again, your soft laughter is polite, teetering on nervousness. 
You took a moment to rise, humming apologetically when Lou squawked as he was jostled. On your feet, you instinctively stepped back. One foot over the threshold and solid in your apartment. 
“He is really sweet.” You said, holding the animal out as carefully as you could. “I’m glad he didn’t get lost.”
Mrs. Farrow stared, arms falling to her sides. She didn’t attempt to take the bird from you for a long, long moment. 
Confusion and disbelief clouded your mind as you stood, waiting, watching as Mrs. Farrow’s throat bobbed when she swallowed forcefully. 
What? Was she afraid of the duck?
In a split-second, she returned to smiling animatedly and waved a geriatric hand in the air so flippantly that the uncomfortable moment ceased to exist. 
“Oh honey, you can put him down if you want. He’ll come back over now that our door’s open.” Mrs. Farrow laughed. “Lou’s not my biggest fan. He’s such a prideful thing, you know. Just like Mr. Farrow - it’s probably why they get along so well!”
You blinked, then slowly bent at the waist to let Lou down. The duck made another disdainful quack, red eyes looking at you morosely. 
It’s little legs eventually rowed through the air in an effort to gain footing. You lightly placed him over the carpet and let go, allowing Lou to jump down. 
The duck began waddling away, though it appeared to hang its head as it did so. Occasionally, he turned to look at you, somber and sullen as if bidding farewell before walking on death row. 
“Aww, poor little thing.” Mrs. Farrow drawled. At your side. “Looks like my Lou is sweet on you! Poor guy, I can see why! Again, a lovely young thing like you is probably a gift from above in this stuffy old place.” 
“Say, how long have you been here?” 
You turned to the old woman. “About a week, I’m still getting settled.”
Mrs. Farrow nodded vigorously, eyes bright but mouth pursed. “A week, a week?! A week and no one’s introduced themselves to you?”
“Holy Toledo, you must think we’re all a bunch a’ snobs in here! That’s no good. Oh! Why don’t you come over for dinner sometime and me and my mister can show you some proper hospitality?” 
“Oh, that's really nice of you —” 
“Sure! Sure! It’ll be great, how ‘bout tomorrow night? It’d give us some time to get prepared, have things cleaned and settled. Do you like steak? That’d be perfect, actually. I’ve got some in the freezer just waitin’ to be defrosted.”
“Um, well — That’s a little short notice…”
“I’m sure Mr. Farrow won’t mind. He’ll be glad for the company, and if he isn’t, well he will be when I’m done with him.” She chortled. “Just another joke, honey. He’s always dyin’ to talk to someone that isn’t me. It’d be a real treat to him. Treat ta me too! What do you say?”
Your mouth opened and closed as a light sheen of sweat broke over the nape of your neck. Mrs. Farrow’s sharp eyes were wider, attempting to beguile you while your head was still spinning. 
“I-I guess, maybe —” You stammered.
“Wonderful!” The eccentric woman’s eyes lit up like fireworks, cigarette-smoker’s voice becoming truly raucous in her delight. “I’ll go ahead and get started. You go get back to what it was you were doing before Lou and I interrupted you! And don’t worry about a thing! We might be old timers, but a good meal and good cheer never go out of style.” 
Mrs. Farrow laughed, pretending to shoo you away until you were back inside your apartment and she was pulling your door to a close for you. 
“Have a good night, honey! We’ll see you tomorrow! 6 o’clock, don’t be late!”
Before you knew it, you were staring at the back of your own door again. 
‘What the fuck just happened?’
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Hello, bestie, your writing is fucking amazing, i adore you so much, lovie 💕❤️😍
Could i ask a request for 141, LV and Konig, where THEY send reader a nude photo as a tease, pretty smutty too, please? 👀😍 Thank you, sweetie ❤️
141 + König Sending Reader A Nude Photo
Warnings: smut, p in v sex, afab! Reader, oral f! Receiving
Note: I’ll be doing a second version with Alejandro, Nikolai, Rodolfo and Grave☺️❤️
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Simon Ghost Riley-
Simon felt ridiculous. He'd never sent a nude photo in his life, and thought the idea was frankly a bit silly. But Johnny had told him that this was something that people just “did” in relationships, especially when one of the partners was away for an extended period of time.
He closed himself in his office, locking the door behind him before sitting down in one of the chairs.
“Better be right about this, Johnny.” Simon huffed, moving to unbutton his pants. Now, Simon would be lying if the thought wasn’t intriguing, his mind filling with possibilities of just how you’d react to getting such a provocative picture of him.
He pulled his semi hard cock out, fisting it a few times before taking out his phone. If he thought the idea was ridiculous before, it was nothing compared to how he was feeling now. He struggled with getting the right angle, frankly feeling quite awkward as he snapped a photo and sent it off to you.
He debated getting back up, and going back to his bunk before his phone chimed a few minutes later. He looked down, to find a picture of you, your body donning the black lingerie set he bought you before his deployment, and your bottom lip tucked in between your teeth.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell.” Simon cursed under his breath, his cock now rock hard in his pants. He palmed at himself through his pants lazily, his eyes glued to your figure on his phone. “Gonna be the death of me.”
He quickly dialed your number, pressing his phone to his ear as his hand moved back toward his fully hard member. “Lovie- you look good in that set.”
“Thought you’d like that. That picture was quite the surprise, Si.” You gave a breathy chuckle, and Simon could’ve sworn he heard the faint buzzing of your vibrator in the background.
“You touching yourself, babe?” Simon asked, his cock twitching at the thought. “You touching yourself to the picture of my cock?”
You gave a breathy moan in reply, causing Simon’s eyes to squeeze shut as he pulled himself back out, and began to pump himself at a steady pace.
“Let me see, kitten.” He ordered, and who were you to deny his request?
Your picture came a moment later, your favorite vibrator shoved firmly inside of you, and Simon could clearly tell from the picture that you were soaked.
“Good fucking girl. That’s my girl. Go on and make yourself cum on the phone with me, I want to hear it.”
Your moans filled his ears, as Simon struggled to keep the phone steady in his hands, his eyes glued to your recent picture. His right hand was pumping at his cock furiously, your soft mewls driving him closer to the edge.
“Just you wait, princess. When I get home I’m gonna make you cum in every room of that fuckin’ house.” Simon groaned, his orgasm nearing quickly. “Can’t wait to feel that pretty little pussy cum all around my cock.
His vulgar words drove you to your edge, a loud squeak emitting from your lips as your release racked your body- causing you to scream out your lovers name.
Simon fell over the edge, his cock pulsing as thick ropes of cum flew onto his abdomen. “Fuck. My name sounds so good like that. Such a good girl for me.”
“You better have meant what you said Simon.” You teased, your voice breathless as you regained your composure. “As much as I loved the picture, nothing compares to the real thing.”
Simon cleared his through, a dark chuckle resounding from his chest. Of course he fucking meant it- after all, Simon’s a man of his word.
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Johnny Soap MacTavish-
Johnny was dying. He'd been without sex for months, and he was dying for any sort of release. He wouldn’t be home to you, his pretty little pet in at least another few weeks, and he was nearly about to burst from the pent up sexual frustration.
The saved pictures of you in his phone had done little to satiate his needs, and he decided to take a different approach this time.
He closed himself in one of the private bathrooms on base, and wasted no time in yanking off his pants. His cock was already semi hard, as crude thoughts of you had been swirling in his mind all day.
He gave his member a few pumps, before snapping a picture of himself in the full sized mirror in front of him, and sending it to you without any accompanying message. Now all he had to do was wait for your reply.
He smiled as not more than a minute after he sent the photo, he got a notification on his phone that you were face timing him.
“Bonnie.” He answered, making sure only his face was visible when he answered the video call. “Is everything alright?”
“You’re a fucking tease, you know that right?” You groaned, settling yourself on yours and Johnnys shared bed. “An absolute tease.”
“It’s only fair lass. How many times have you sent me pictures of yourself, knowing damn well I couldn’t do anything about it.” Johnny argued, getting himself more comfortable on the lid of the toilet. “Go on, show me what that picture did to you.”
He watched intently as you held your phones camera away from you, and began to slowly strip away at your clothes. Johnny licked his lips eagerly as you removed your panties, leaving yourself completely bare to his awaiting eyes.
He turned his camera to face his fully hard cock, and began to pump himself, his eyes never leaving the phone in his other hand.
“Let me see how wet you are, baby.” Johnny cooed, his eyes glued to the screen as you brought your phone closer to your pussy. He nearly came right there as he watched you drag a finger up your soaked cunt, the wet noises clearly audible through the phone. “Oh fuck me.”
You gave a delectable whimper, causing Johnny to fist at his cock faster than before. “Miss you Johnny.”
“I know, lass. Be a good girl for me and show me just how much that pussy misses me. I want to watch you come undone with your fingers.”
You spread your legs further for him, giving him the perfect view of your glistening cunt, and began to play with yourself, as soft moans began to emit from your lips.
“That’s it, keep going. I want to see everything.”
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John Price-
John was simply too old for this. He’d heard the men on base talking about sending nudes to their significant others, as a way to keep their sex lives spiced up away from home- but John never once had partaken in such a thing before. Would you even like it?
The alcohol swirling in his system told him that you would, and before he could second guess his decision, he made his way to his office, making sure to lock the door behind him.
He sat himself comfortably in his chair, before pulling his length out of his pants, stroking it lazily as he pulled up his messages with you.
He knew you’d be home, probably in bed right now- otherwise he’d never have entertained the thought of doing this. He could very well just go home, but he knew if he did the stack of paperwork would never get done, but gods could he use the distraction.
He held his cock firmly in his hand, feeling a bit silly as he snapped a picture, and sent it over to you without second thought.
To say you were surprised to see the picture that popped up on your phone would be an understatement. You loved John dearly, but never would you have thought he’d send you a picture like this. Not that you were complaining.
Biting your lip, you snapped a picture of yourself- Your cleavage pouring out from the top of one of John’s white dress shirts.
John felt his cock twitch in his palm as he opened up the photo message, and instantly typed out a reply.
Get in your car, and drive over to my office, NOW.
You barely made it through the door of his office before he had you bent over his desk, your leggings ripped down exposing your bare bottom half to him.
“Gods I am a lucky fucking man.” John groaned, his fingers immediately going to toy with your already soaked folds. “Does my sending you pictures of my cock make you this wet?”
All you could do was moan in reply, as his thick fingers plunged inside of you, pumping in and out of you at a vigorous pace. He paused his movements, clearly unsatisfied by your lack of verbal reply.
A harsh slap came down on your ass, causing you to cry out. John only chuckled at your mewls. “I asked you a question, I expect an answer.”
“Yes. Fuck yes John.” You cried out. Seemingly satisfied by your answer, John pulled his fingers out of your core, before landing a playful slap to your cunt.
“Then he daddy’s good girl and cum around his cock, yeah? Show me just how much you enjoyed it.” He cooed in your ear, before plunging his length inside you without warning.
Needless to say, this won’t be the last time you receive a photo from John.
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Sorry, you wanted him to what? Surely he didn’t read your message correctly. König looked back down at his phone, his eyes scanning over your most recent message about a half dozen times. You wanted… a picture of his cock?
König looked around the room shyly, somehow thinking the men 10 feet across from him knew what was being asked of him.
He gulped audibly as you sent through another text, this time a picture of you, in one of your more revealing sets of pajamas. König could feel himself grow hard and his pants, and practically sprinted to one of the private bathrooms on base.
Once locked inside, he wasted no time in ripping down his pants, breathing a sigh of relief as his painfully hard cock sprung free from its confinements.
Though he knew he was alone, König couldn’t help but look around the small bathroom, his cheeks burning crimson red as he snapped a picture of himself, before sending it off to you.
He honestly planned on getting up and walking out of the bathroom, never to think of this moment again, before his phone went off again.
A video came through, causing König’s brain to malfunction completley. You were playing with yourself, as soft moans of König’s name left your lips.
Königs legs acted on their own, prompting him to walk back over to the toilet and sit down on it, his cock making its way to his hand once more as he began to stroke it.
He had to bite his lip, hard enough to draw blood to prevent his cries of pleasure from escaping his lips. He felt so dirty. He knew men were right outside the bathroom, but in that moment all he could focus on was how good your pussy looked in that video- and how much he wanted it to be his fingers playing with it instead of yours.
Another ping of his phone came- another video from you. König eagerly watched as you came undone, cumming around your fingers as his name continued to spill from your lips.
Königs other hand was shaking, his orgasm rapidly approaching as his eyes remained glued to the video stuck in a loop on his phone. He held the phone, camera facing his cock as he pressed the record button. If you were going to treat him with videos, the least he could do we repay the favor.
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
You were a tease, through and through. It was one of the many things Kyle loved about you. But you’d been a devious little brat lately. You’d developed this habit this week, of sending him scandalous pictures of yourself, at various points of the day.
It was sending Kyle to a frenzy. Anytime he received the pictures it took everything in him not to run to the bathroom to bust a nut- but the timing was never convenient.
Now, now it was his turn to return the favor. Knowing he was being put on leave earlier than usual (unbeknownst to you) he decided to have a little fun of his own.
Before leaving the base, he stopped in one of the bathrooms, taking a quick picture of his semi hard cock, before tucking it back in his pants with a smile. Without second thought he hit the send button, before hopping in his car for the two hour drive home.
You blew up his phone at least a dozen times on his drive. Kyle was never one to spontaneously send pictures like that, and it had a heat pooling between your legs.
The worst part was, he was blatantly ignoring your texts. He knew damn well what he was doing. Frustrated beyond belief, you took matters into your own hands.
Kyle arrived home later that afternoon, the shit eating smirk from earlier never once leaving his lips.
He raced up the stairs, being as quiet as he could, and carefully opened the door to your shared bedroom. The sight he was met with had Kyle nearly creaming his pants right there.
You were splayed out on the bed, fully naked, your freshly painted nails stuffed firmly inside your core, desperately trying to find your release.
“Need some help?” Kyle called, a dark chuckle escaping his lips as he leaned against the door frame.
You jolted up, your eyes as wide as saucers as you pulled your fingers from your pussy. “Kyle!”
“Oh do continue, I’m quite enjoying the show.” He replied, licking his lips as his eyes remained glued to your sopping core.
“You’re a tease. I didn’t know you were coming home.” You huffed in frustration, your momentum from earlier long gone.
He grabbed your legs, firmly pulling you to the edge of the bed, and chuckled at the squeal that escaped your lips. “How’s it feel to be on the receiving end?”
Before you could reply, Kyle’s tongue found its way to your soaked folds, swirling and flicking rapidly at your sensitive bud.
“Now be a good girl and take exactly what I’m willing to give you.”
A/N: ahhhh sorry this didn’t come together as well as I’d liked!
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absolutelydedinside · 2 months
Dear Il Dottore,
I love you so much it cannot be contained into words. Even this letter is but a mere fraction of my affection. But I hope it gets the point across!
Every night when I cannot sleep and you're busy with work I imagine you laying next to me, your warm arms feel so real. I imagine you giving me snuggles and kisses. Even if in reality it is a mere delusion, it makes me happy. I care not if it is hurtful to me to love you so much, the happiness I feel with you by my side is something I will never forget nor change. Your existence brings me motivation and strength; something I find slipping from my grasp everyday without you.
In the early hours of the day I love it when I eat with you, even if it is a mere scrap or another tub of ice cream. Having you there with me is comforting. I know i'll never be alone because I have you with me! and i'm here for you as well! No matter what i'll always be here for you! 💕💕💕💕💕 I will be here to make you happy!! 💕
I love it when you tell me about how the serum you injected into patient 67 was a success or how you figured out what the missing component was to a machine. I love you so much Dottore!!!!!!! I feel like crying when you arent with me, even writing this im getting so emotional im.not evem joking.
AAhhhhh I just love you so much !!! I love you eyes, your face, your hair, your wardrobe, your ideals, your inspirations, your smile, and your EVERYTHING!!!! I just love you so much <3 WHENEVER I LOOK AT YOU I GET SO OVERWHELMED !!! I have to scratch and claw at my bed to calm myself down !!!
I love you so much I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU DOTTORE!!!!!!!!!!
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I remember you were so happy when I suprised you with that cheesecake for your birthday. You picked me up and gave me so many kisses!! I was so happy. And then for my birthday you made me a giant killing machine 😊 It was the best birthday present EVER!!!!!!!! I still love to snuggle with it!. I even got it a cute pink bow so it could match with you! It's so cute!! (but you're cuter~)
I love all the segments if it wasn't already obvious too!! Even if you cringe at things you did when you were younger, which is pretty funny :3 I love our son babyttore who gets rocks thrown at him!!! I love playing lps with him (he likes pulling them apart but its ok because he puts them back together afterwards) I love snuggling with you and all the segments!!!! 💖💖 YIPPE !!! *jumps around joyfully* I LOVE U DOTTORE!!!
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I love you dottore!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are so silly...... you are silly man :] 💕☺️ I love big spooning because it means I get to feel your soft hair!!!!!! YAY!! I LOVE YOU DOTTORE... You mean so much to me!! YOU ARE SUCH AN AMAZING MAN!!!! A BEAUTIFUL MAN!!! YOU ARE SO ADORABLE AND CUTE!!! I JUST WANT TO SMOTHER YOUR FACE WITH KISSES!!!!! AND I WANT TO HUG YOU FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!! you hold such a special place in my heart, all my thoughts lead to you. I see you EVERYWHERE!!!! I hear you EVERYWHERE!!! I'm so in love with you Dottore!!!
My dreams, which used to be empty now have you in them, whenever I close my eyes I see you there smiling at me. I love you! you are my everything in life, my sweetie pookie bear kitten. I love being with you every day 💕 you make every day worth it!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U DOTTORE!!!!!! i love you :3 you are so smart and pretty, you're the prettiest man EVER!!!!!!!!! and I love you!!!!!!!!!!! :]
When im sad I think of you and my day immediately gets better! You bring me so much joy ! you make every day my best day! I love listening to you ramble about your experiments and theories! and I love seeing you happy.
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I love kissing you!!! seeing you cute face blush whenever I kiss you makes it so worthwile! I know you think that you don't deserve it, but I will always be here to remind you otherwise! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU DOTTORE!!!! 💖💖💖💖
I have some other things i'd love to say too but... *giggles* ehe! not here *blushes* thats for private ;) giggles :3 lets just say!! I wanna make whoopie with your cushions! 💖💖💖💖💖💖 *blushes madly* hehehe..... >//////< got a bit too carried away there sorry sweetcheeks <3 lets get back to the more sfw stuff~
You have such a beautiful smile that it rivals the world. Your eyes are like a sunset and your hair is the blue sky. Your smile shines like the clouds which litter the sky and the stars that scatter at night. You're my favorite view. You light up my world.
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Even if others throw rocks are you I wont!!!!!! I will shield you from those rocks and bear the pain. I will protect you my princess! I will save you from the evil tower!!! and then I will kiss you 💕 I will give your face kisses.... and then I will kiss your lips!!!! 😊😊😊😊
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A world without you feels so far away, the thought of you vanishing is one that brings me pain. I would rather bear the heat of a thousand suns than think of leaving you, my beloved sopping wet beast. I'll stand by your side no matter what!!!!!!!!!!! because I LOVE YOU!
You're so smart and determined that it inspires me to be my best self everyday!!! to not let others bring me down! You bring out the best in me and I bring out the best in you 💖 we bring out the best in each other!!!! We fit together like puzzle pieces 💕 Whenever i'm with you i feel like im drowning in a sea of love and affection, a blue abyss of serotonin 🥰
Your eyes are the same color as that which keeps my body alive, maybe this is why I always find myself getting lost in them. Whenever I think of you my chest feels like its going to explode! my love for you is so strong. Your happiness is my happiness, Dottore 💕 I love your eyes so much!!! they are so beautiful and I love how you get flustered when I compliment them ☺️ you're just so cute when you blush!!! It makes me want to kiss you all over! ♡
The warmth of your body when we snuggle is a comfort I love experiencing every day!! I used to have a hard time sleeping but with you I don't! The love of your embrace never fails to lull to me dreamland at night 🥰🥰 I LOVE YOU DOTTORE!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
You bring me so much happiness, I can't even imagine a world without you!! I would probably be withering in the corner of my room like a dead fly in a fridge (reference to the dead fly that was in my fridge). I would have been turned into tiny little mold particles!! but IM NOT BECAUSE YOU'RE IN MY LIFE!!! :DDD
Ill fight the heavens to save you. ILL PROTECT YOU MY SNUGGLE BEAR!!!!!!!!! I love you so much. Even writing this I feel my cheeks heating up! 😊 and when I hear your voice I feel butterflies in my tummy !!!!! i love you so much 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😊☺️😊😊
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Ahhh! so joyous!!
Love, Absol ♡
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pucksandpower · 9 months
Borrowed Time
Charles Leclerc x single mother!Reader
Summary: you do everything in your power to make your sick son’s dream come true but what you don’t realize is that meeting his hero will change all of your lives forever
Warnings: terminal illness and death
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“You know what would be the coolest, Mama?” The soft voice of your son, Luca, breaks through the silence of the hospital room.
You brush a stray hair from his forehead, trying to coax a smile onto your face despite the weight in your chest. “What’s that, sweetheart?”
“To meet Charles Leclerc. Just once. To tell him he’s my hero.” Luca’s eyes, though tired, gleam with that familiar spark every time he talks about Formula 1.
Your heart aches, knowing how much this means to him. “He is pretty amazing on the track, isn’t he?” You respond, reminiscing about the countless races you’ve both watched together from this very room.
Luca nods, holding his toy race car, a replica of Charles’ Ferrari. “Yeah, but it’s not just that. He never gives up, even when things get tough. Kinda like me.” There’s a hint of pride in his voice, making you marvel at his resilience.
You pull him close, tears threatening to spill. “You’re my hero too,” you whisper, kissing his temple.
He snuggles closer, murmuring, “I just wish I could meet him, Mama. Tell him he gives me strength.”
You take a deep breath, new resolve settling in. “You never know, my love. Miracles happen.”
The determination you feel is like a roaring fire and you silently vow to make Luca’s dream come true. No matter what it takes.
As the evening shadows stretch across the hospital room, you find yourself deep in thought, racking your brain for any means to make Luca’s wish a reality. You think about reaching out on social media, starting a campaign, anything to catch Charles Leclerc’s attention.
You start by posting on your personal pages: a heartfelt message accompanied by a picture of Luca holding his toy race car, the walls of his room adorned with posters of Charles racing. #LucaMeetsLeclerc, you caption it, hoping against hope that the message reaches the right eyes and ears.
The following days are a whirlwind. Friends, family, and even strangers share the post, and the hashtag starts trending in your community. Messages of support flood in and local news channels express interest in Luca’s battle.
One evening, after reading Luca a bedtime story, your phone buzzes with a notification. It’s an email from a name you don’t recognize but the subject line sends your heart racing: A Special Meeting.
Opening it hastily, your eyes skim over the words:
Dear Y/N,
I represent Charles Leclerc. We were deeply moved by Luca’s story and would like to arrange a meeting ...
Tears blur your vision and you can’t help but let out a soft sob of relief and joy. Luca, hearing your cry, looks up at you with curious eyes. “Mama? What’s wrong?”
You pull him into a tight embrace, trying to convey all the love and happiness you feel. “Sweetie,” you whisper, pulling back to meet his gaze, “I think your dream might just come true.”
Luca’s eyes widen and his smile lights up the room brighter than any lamp ever could. The journey to fulfill a lifelong dream has just begun.
The hospital room feels heavier than usual. The rhythmic beeping of monitors fills the silence as Luca plays absent-mindedly with his race car on the bed. Just as you are about to suggest a card game, a knock interrupts the monotony.
“Come in,” you call softly.
The door opens and to your astonishment, Charles Leclerc himself steps inside, a shy smile gracing his features. He seemed different than on the TV — more human, more vulnerable.
“Ciao, Luca,” Charles greets, his voice gentle.
Luca’s eyes widen, his jaw dropping. “You ... you’re real.”
Charles chuckles, pulling a chair closer to the bed. “Last time I checked, I am. Your mom tells me you’re quite the fan.”
Luca nods vigorously. “You’re my hero. When you race, I feel like I’m flying. Free from this …” He gestures vaguely at the hospital equipment surrounding him.
Charles’ eyes soften. “Thank you. That means a lot to me. But, you know, you’re a hero too. Racing against challenges every day.”
You watch their interaction, touched by Charles’ genuine empathy. “Thank you for coming. It ... it means the world.”
Charles turns to you, a depth of understanding in his eyes. “When I read about Luca, I saw more than just a fan. I saw a fighter. Just like on the track, it’s the fights we don’t see that often matter most.”
There is a brief silence, filled with unsaid emotions.
Luca’s voice, trembling with emotion, breaks the quiet. “I have a question, Charles. How do you stay brave even when you’re scared?”
Charles takes a moment before responding. “I focus on the present. Fear often comes from thinking about what might happen. But in the moment, there’s a job to do, a race to finish.”
Luca looks thoughtful. “So, you mean I should focus on now and not think about ... later?”
Charles nods, placing a comforting hand on Luca’s. “Exactly. Live in the now and remember that every race has its challenges. It’s how we face them that defines us.”
Tears well up in your eyes, gratitude and admiration for Charles swelling within you. Here he was, not just a racing star but a beacon of strength for your son.
“Thank you,” you whisper, voice choked with emotion.
Charles smiles, glancing between you and Luca. “No, thank you. Today, I met a true champion.”
“You know,” Charles begins, playing with the edges of the signed Ferrari cap he just gifted Luca, “I once met a kid, a bit older than you, at a race. He told me that every time he felt like giving up, he’d watch one of our races. Said it gave him hope."
Luca’s fingers trace the signature on the cap. “Is that why you race? For people like him ... and me?”
Charles leans back, gazing out the window for a moment. “Partly. But also for myself. Racing ... it’s my passion, my escape. It’s where I find my strength.”
You feel compelled to share your own perspective. “We all have our races, don’t we? For Luca, it’s here, fighting every day. For me, it's trying to be strong for him, even when I feel like falling apart.”
Charles looks at you intently. “It’s incredible the strength we find when it’s for someone we love. Your journey, your race, is just as important — is more important — than any I’ve been on.”
Touched by his words, you continue, “I watch you race. The precision, the dedication. It’s art. I want Luca to have something like that, something to pour his heart into.”
Luca chimes in, his voice soft, “I think I already have something. Watching races with Mama, it’s our thing. It helps me forget, even if just for a while.”
Charles leans forward, engaging Luca directly. “Then let’s make a promise. You keep fighting your race here and I'll keep racing out there. Deal?”
Luca’s smile is radiant. “Deal.”
There is a pause, a moment of reflection, before Charles turns to you. “You're an incredible mother. The strength you show, the love ... it’s palpable. And it reminds me so much of my own maman.”
You blink away tears. “We do what we have to for our children.”
He nods, a faraway look in his eyes. “She would always say the same thing after losing my father. And sometimes, despite all the pain and struggle, we find connections, kindred spirits, who remind us we’re not alone.”
You smile, feeling a deep bond forming, not just between Luca and Charles but between two souls who understood the depth of love, sacrifice, and hope.
“I have a proposition,” Charles offers, the twinkle in his eyes belying the gravity of his words.
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Go on.”
“How would you both feel about attending a race in-person? I can make sure Luca is comfortable and you both get the full VIP experience.”
Luca’s face lights up with hope and disbelief. “Really? I ... I’d get to see you race in real life?”
Charles nods, “Right from the best seat in the paddock.”
You hesitate, considering the logistics, the health implications. “I don’t know. It’s a beyond generous offer but Luca’s health …”
Charles raise a hand, preempting your concerns. “I’ve thought about that. We have top medical facilities at the track and I’ll make sure we have everything necessary for Luca.”
“You’d do that for us?” you whisper, the weight of his offer sinking in.
Charles leans forward, sincerity evident in his gaze. “I’ve won races, stood on podiums. But the race Luca is running, the courage he’s showing ... it’s unmatched. I want him to see a race, not just as a spectator but as a fellow racer.”
Luca looks up, eyes brimming with tears. “You make it sound like I’m a hero. But I’m just trying to get by, just trying to ... to live.”
“And that’s what makes you a hero,” Charles replies gently. “Facing adversity and pushing through, not because of fame or accolades but because of love, hope, and sheer will.”
You feel a lump in your throat, deeply moved by Charles’ words. “It’s not just race wins or trophies that make you a champion, Charles. It’s moments like this. Thank you. This means more than words can say.”
He smiles, a touch of sadness in his eyes. “In the grand scheme of things, life is the most important race. And in that race, I’ve found two champions right here.”
In Monza, as you settle into the VIP area with Luca by your side, the excitement in the air is overwhelming in the best way possible. The roar of the engines, the sea of red flags, the bustling energy of the crowd — it is a sensory overload that fills Luca’s eyes with wonder.
“Monza is special, you know,” Charles whispers, kneeling next to Luca’s wheelchair, overlooking the historic Italian track. He slips off a red Ferrari bracelet from his wrist, its well-worn leather showing its age. “This was given to me when I first joined Ferrari. I like to think that it’s brought me luck ever since.”
Luca’s eyes widen, tracing the intricacies of the bracelet. “Why are you giving it to me?”
Charles smiles, “Today, I want you to hold onto my luck. Keep it safe for me, will you?”
Nodding fervently, Luca reverently holds the bracelet. “I promise.”
When Charles leaves to prepare for the race, Luca clutches the Ferrari bracelet to his heart. “Mama, did you see? He gave this to me. His lucky bracelet!”
You smile, brushing a tear from your cheek. “Yes, sweetheart. He wants you to keep it safe. It’s a piece of his heart.”
As the race progresses, you both watch in awe as Charles’ navigates the twists and turns of the circuit. Your heart races with every lap, both as a fan and as someone who had come to know the man behind the helmet.
And then, the moment you’d never forget — a triumphant finish, Charles Leclerc taking the checkered flag. The Tifosi erupts into cheers, and during the celebration, you almost swear that Charles’ eyes find yours among the crowd.
Over the radio, his voice crackles through the airwaves, reaching not just the pits but into your very soul. “This one’s for Luca. Keep fighting, champ.”
Luca’s eyes widen, his hand clutching the bracelet even tighter. “Did you hear, Mama? He said it for me!”
Tears well up in your eyes as you nod. “Yes, sweetheart. He said it for you.”
The post-race interview is a blur of emotions. Charles, sweaty and exhilarated, is asked about the race, about his victory. But then he pauses, his gaze distant yet focused, his voice trembling with emotion.
“This win ... it’s for someone very special. A young friend of mine named Luca. He’s fighting a battle much tougher than any race and his spirit, his courage — it’s what carried me through today. Luca, this is all for you.”
The roar of the crowd has faded but the emotional high from the race lingers. You, Luca, and Charles head back to the hotel provided by Ferrari with laughter and memories of the day filling the conversation.
However, as the night passes by, a chilling silence envelopes the room. Luca’s breathing becomes shallow, his skin clammy. Panic bubbles up within you. The medical equipment that was always close by in the hospital is absent here.
You rush to his side, your hands trembling as you try to comfort him. “Luca, honey, stay with me. Breathe.”
Charles, witnessing the scene, feels a deep pang of fear and helplessness. “I’ll call for help,” he says, fumbling for his phone.
As you count the seconds for first responders to arrive, Luca’s weak hand reaches out, clutching Charles’ wrist. His voice, barely a whisper, shares a desperate plea. “Charles, if ... if I don’t make it, promise me you’ll look after Mama. She’s strong but she'll need someone.”
Charles, tears blurring his vision, nods, squeezing Luca’s hand reassuringly. “I promise. But you’re a fighter. You have to keep racing, okay?”
Luca manages a faint smile. “Always racing, Charles. Always.”
Emergency services arrive soon, the room transforms into a flurry of medical professionals and machines. Charles wraps an arm around you, pulling you close as you both watched, praying for a miracle.
Hours feel like lifetimes. When the medical team finally manages to stabilize Luca, the emotional toll is evident in every face in the room.
You approach Luca’s bedside, gently stroking his forehead. “You gave us quite a scare, sweetheart.”
Luca, though exhausted, manages a faint smirk. “Had to keep the race interesting, right?”
Charles, his voice choked with emotion, adds, “Every race has its challenges, remember? You faced this one head-on, just like a true champion.”
Luca’s eyes meet Charles’ own, a depth of understanding passing between them. “Remember your promise,” he whispers.
Charles nods, his gaze drifting to you. “Always.”
“You know, I’ve seen some tough races,” Charles begins, his gaze distant, “but nothing compares to what I witnessed last night. The strength, the love, the sheer determination.”
You sigh, exhaustion stamped across your face. “Every day is a race. Some days, the finish line feels close, other days it feels miles away.”
Charles takes a deep breath, his voice wavering slightly, “I ... I can’t pretend to know what you’re going through but I want to be there, for both of you. Luca asked me to look after you and that’s a promise I intend to keep.”
You look up, surprised by the depth of his commitment. “You’ve done so much already. You’ve given Luca memories he will cherish forever.”
He moves closer, his eyes searching yours. “It’s not just about Luca. It’s about you too. Through this entire ordeal, the strength you’ve shown, the love … it’s made me see life in a different light.”
A silence envelopes the room, broken only by the rhythmic beeping of the machines monitoring Luca.
“I’ve raced all over the world,” Charles whispers, “but I’ve never met someone who’s touched my heart the way you both have. I want to be there for you, for whatever you need.”
You blink back tears, overwhelmed by the sincerity in his words. “It’s been so long since someone offered to share the load. I’m not sure I know how to let someone in anymore.”
Charles gently takes your hand. “One step at a time. Just like in a race. We face each challenge as it comes, together.”
A tear escapes, trailing down your cheek. “Thank you, Charles.”
He brushes the tear away, his touch lingering. “No, thank you. For letting me be a part of your world and for showing me what real strength looks like.”
“Look at that,” Luca murmurs, pointing towards the sunset painting the sky with hues of pink and orange. The three of you sit atop a hill overlooking the city, a picnic blanket spread beneath you.
Charles takes a deep breath, the fresh air filling his lungs. “You know, moments like this make me appreciate life even more. The simple joys, the beauty all around.”
You nod, taking in the serene view. “It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and forget these moments exist.”
Luca’s eyes shimmer with a mix of mischief and wisdom beyond his years. “You two sound like philosophers. All I know is that this sandwich tastes amazing.”
You chuckle, ruffling his hair. “Always living in the moment, aren’t you?”
He grins. “That's the secret, Mama. We have to savor every bite, every sunset, every laugh.”
Charles, deeply moved, joins in. “You're right, Luca. In the races, I’ve learned that every second counts. It’s the same with life.”
Luca nods earnestly. “Exactly! You can’t rewind time. You can only enjoy it.”
The evening wears on with laughter, stories, and shared dreams. The three of you revel in the simplicity of the moment frozen in time.
As stars begin to sprinkle the night sky, Luca turns to Charles, a serious expression on his face. “Promise me something?”
Charles leans in, listening intently. “Anything.”
“Make more moments like this with Mama, even after ...” Luca's voice trails off, the unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.
Charles squeezes Luca’s hand, his voice thick with emotion. “I promise, champ. Moments full of love, laughter, and sunsets.”
Luca’s watery laugh has tears pooling in your eyes. “You know, when you look at the sunset, remember me. Remember this moment.”
You turn to him, tears now overflowing. “Luca …”
He smiles, a mixture of melancholy and contentment in his gaze. “I may not be here forever but I'll always be a part of these sunsets. A part of you.”
Charles, his voice a gentle whisper, adds, “And a part of me.”
“Mama?” Luca’s voice, frail and delicate like the gossamer wing of a butterfly, quivers with fear.
You lean in closer, grasping his hand between both of yours, heart heavy. “Yes, my love?”
He swallows hard, searching your eyes with his own clouded ones. “I’m scared, Mama. I don’t want to go.”
Tears blur your vision but you muster a brave smile for him. “I know, sweetheart. But remember our sunsets? Sometimes, the sun has to set to make way for a new dawn.”
Luca’s fingers weakly grip yours. “But what if it’s dark, Mama? What if it hurts? What if I’m all alone?”
Charles, unable to remain a silent spectator, interjects, his voice cracking with emotion. “You won’t be. It will be just like falling asleep. You’ll have the sunsets, the memories, and all the love we’ve shared. That light will never fade. We will always be here. I promise.”
Luca’s eyes shimmer with tears but also a glimmer of hope. “Will you sing for me, Mama? The song from when I was small?”
Your heart breaks, remembering the countless nights you’d sung him to sleep. Taking a deep breath, you begin, your voice soft and lulling:
“You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy
When skies are gray ...”
Luca’s breathing slows, his grip on your hand loosening.
“You’ll never know, dear,
How much I love you,
Please don’t take
My sunshine away.”
As the final note leaves your lips, Luca’s chest rises gently one last time, then stills. The room is silent, save for your heart-wrenching sobs.
Charles steps closer, wrapping his arms around you as you crumple into him, your world shattering. “I’ve got you,” he whispers, tears streaming down both your faces.
The somber quiet of the funeral is punctuated by the soft cries of mourners. The backdrop of gentle flowers contrast starkly with the weight of the grief in the air.
Charles stands next to you, holding a polished helmet, the vibrant colors of his Monza race-winning headgear gleaming under the sun. He turns to face you, eyes red-rimmed.
“This,” he starts, voice choked, “is my helmet from Monza. The race we won together. He was my co-driver that day, in spirit.”
You take a shaky breath, reaching out to touch the helmet, feeling its cool surface, the memories of that day flooding back. “He would’ve been so proud to have this.”
Charles nods, tears streaming down his face. “And this,” he says, taking the Ferrari bracelet off his wrist, “he held onto it for me once. I ... I want him to have it. To keep it safe.”
You clutch the bracelet, feeling its familiar weight, the leather still warm from Charles’ wrist. “It meant the world to him. And to me. Thank you.”
The two of you stand side by side, staring at the small casket adorned with flowers and memories. The embodiment of a life cut short but filled with love and unforgettable moments.
Together, you place the helmet and bracelet inside, a final tribute to a young racer whose journey had inspired so many.
“He’s free now,” Charles whispers, his voice barely audible. “Racing in the skies, no pain, no limits.”
You nod, tears flowing freely. “Our little champion, forever.”
Charles pulls you into a tight embrace, both of you finding solace in each other’s warmth. The wind picks up, rustling the leaves, carrying with it the memories of a brave soul, forever remembered, forever missed.
The familiar crest of the hill looms ahead, the very spot where laughter and dreams once danced in the wind. You and Charles reach the top, the vast expanse of the horizon stretching out before you. The setting sun casts a golden hue, much like that unforgettable evening a year ago.
Charles lays down a blanket, reminiscent of that day, and the two of you sit, lost in memories. The silence isn’t empty — it’s filled with remembrance of a young boy’s laughter, his dreams, his courage. The hole he left behind in your hearts.
“Do you ever feel,” Charles hesitantly cuts through the quiet, “that Luca is still here with us, watching these sunsets?”
A tear slips down your cheek. “All the time. Every time I close my eyes under the setting sun or look up at the sky, I feel his presence.”
Charles takes a deep breath, struggling with his emotions. “I’ve been thinking about a way to honor Luca. To keep his spirit alive.”
You turn to him, eyes questioning.
“A foundation,” Charles begins, “In Luca’s name. To help children with terminal illnesses and their families. To give them hope, love, memories.”
You feel a rush of emotion, a tidal wave of love and loss. “He would have loved that. To know he’s making a difference even now.”
Charles nods, tears rolling down his cheeks. ‘It’s not just about the financial help. It’s about the moments, the memories. The sunsets and the picnics. The dreams and the hopes.”
You intertwine your fingers with his, drawing strength from the bond you’ve forged. “We’ll do it together. For Luca.”
The sun slowly dips below the horizon. As the first star appears, a sense of peace envelops the two of you. In the heart of sorrow, a new purpose is born, ensuring that Luca’s light continues to shine, guiding countless souls out of the darkness.
The sun sets in a blaze of colors, casting a warm glow over the hill that has become a symbolic memorial. Charles and you sit side-by-side, hand-in-hand, watching the bittersweet horizon.
A small voice breaks through the silence. “Mama, Papa, why do we come here?”
You turn to your daughter, a smile tugging at your lips. Lucia, with her curious eyes and radiant smile, is a constant reminder of love and life renewed.
“We come here to remember someone very special,” Charles explains gently, his eyes, so similar to your daughter’s, filled with tenderness.
Lucia looks at you both, a hint of understanding in her innocent gaze. “Luca?”
You nod, voice soft. “Yes, sweetheart. Your big brother. We come here to celebrate him, to tell stories about him, and to show him how much we love him.”
Lucia frowns slightly. “But I never got to meet him.”
You stroke her hair, your heart aching and swelling simultaneously. “He’s always with us, in our hearts. Just like you are.”
Charles leans down, wiping away a tear that escapes your eye. “And you’re named Lucia after him, to carry his memory forward.”
Lucia’s eyes light up, smile shining bright. “I’m like a part of him?”
“Yes,” you say, your voice filled with emotion. “A part of him lives on in you. In all of us.”
As the sun dips below the horizon, bathing the world in twilight, you hold each other tightly, a family united by love, loss, and the enduring spirit of a young boy whose legacy lives on in every sunset, every star, and every beat of your hearts.
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hanasnx · 6 months
Now that you've opened your inbox to DC! Men I'm just going insane! I have so many thoughts on this and now I'm going to flood your inbox with it, if that's okay.
I don't know about you, but I see AK!Jason falling (or just getting obsessed) over a real sweety reader. He would be in an immoral mix of how to take her to his cage with all his charm and suddenly he's just ponding your guts like u know ak would do, all cocky and massive and stuck up.
hi :) i got this yesterday and i would like to tell u i love getting inbox messages so i implore you, flood my inbox.
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JASON TODD never thought too hard about who he’d end up with. Concealed in the background of his mind for so long while he’d planned every other detail of his life out to fulfill one single vindictive plan. Now that he’s more or less free, he looks at you completely bewildered as to how he managed to cuff you. You’re nothing like him, save for a few domineering qualities you adopt when you’re disrespected, but other than that you’re… soft. Pliant. Sweet. When you hold his hand, you just clutch onto two of his fingers. You’re half his size. You’re adorable. A part of him wishes he could spend all day pinching at your cheeks and bullying you into whining indignantly at him.
He bullies you other ways instead. Charms you like a snake with all his sweet-talking, mouthing at your neck and smacking your little ass until you’re ready to do what he wants. Now he’s got you backing up on his cock with your hair roped around his palm. “Huh? What’s that? You like your guts fucked?” he jeers, a wolfish grin tugging at his lips as he’s yanking you back into his thrusts.
“Jason!” you whine at him indignantly, just how he likes it as he snickers at you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you brace the pain that comes with his length lodging all up in your insides, kissing your cervix. Not many like that sort of thing, but he loves that you do.
“You like this shit? You like it when it hurts? So fucking freaky, baby. Never would’ve guessed by lookin’ at’cha.” he degrades and you cry out as he rolls his hips the way that makes you howl. Bent over in front of him, his large hand comes down to swat your round ass that ripples with impact. A sweet little thing like you, drooling all over him because he’s being mean to you. “What’s next, huh? You want bruises?” He feels you clench down on him and he can’t help but laugh at you.
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lyvhie · 2 months
day off | ldh
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boyfriend!haechan × fem!reader (18+ mdni)
summary: a cozy day relaxing by the fireplace with your lover is the perfect way to spend a cold day. the warm glow of the fire and the soft, inviting atmosphere of the room make it the perfect place to unwind and spend time together.
a/n: y'all, some of my asks just disappeared 😭😭 but i could remember a few! pls, send me again if you asked me anything! anon, i'm sorry for not answer you directly, i hope you see this 😔💔
cw: fluff, smut, fingering, unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, love/sweetie/babe as petnames.
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you and hyuck sat curled against each other in the deep, leather couch near the roaring fireplace. he had his arm around your shoulders as you leaned your head into his embrace, while also craddling a goblet of warm tint wine between both of you. the heat of the flames warmed you both, and the cozy atmosphere of the room made it feel as if you were the only two people in the world.
“so, you are telling me that you actually liked me back then?” he raised his eyebrows, looking down at you with surprised eyes.
“of course!” you said laughing at his reaction. “is this really so surprising?”
recently, those moments together were rare indeed. hyuck’s busy schedule and your late work shifts always made it difficult to find time together. but, somehow, this day was different—your day off coincided with his, and you found yourselves at home at the same time.
this was your chance to spend some quality time together, and you knew that today was an opportunity you shouldn’t take for granted.
“seriously?” he asked incredulously, placing the glass on the coffee table nearby. “so, all those times i tried to make you fall for me, and you were already head over heels for me?” the corner of his lips turned up in a teasing smile, and he lightly tugged at the strands of hair framing your face. “and you never told me?” he pouted.
“that’s why i never told you, just look at this cocky words,” you said playfully, chuckling and shaking your head slightly. “but well, you were taking things too fast for me, you know i was a ball of shyness that time,” you explained briefly, shrugging.
looking back on it all, you've come so far from your timid origin. back then, you did everything you could to avoid him, but he always seemed to find his way to you somehow. despite your attempts to keep him at arm's length, he somehow managed to get under your skin, and you quickly found yourself enjoying his annoying company and looking forward to seeing him again.
"i did, and you were completely adorable, you know?" he leaned in closer, his face mere inches away, as his hands gently traced the nape of your neck. "i absolutely loved it when you got flustered and all fussed up," he said with a smirk, "you always managed to make my day with your reactions to my flirting."
“yeah, you were a real tease,” you boped his nose playfully, he chuckled quietly as your gently caresses. “though, i’m glad you never gave up on me, babe,” you peck him on the lips. “i wasn’t exactly the easiest person to deal with,” you said with a soft smile.
“you still aren’t that easy person to deal with,” he replied affeccionately, “you are still a little ball of stress and worry, but i can handle that. you are so worth the fight. i love every inch of you,” his fingers danced along the back of your neck, before wrapping their way into your hair. “i’m so lucky to call you mine.”
his loving gaze is filled with a softness and tenderness that reveals how deep his feelings for you run. it’s like he sees you as more than just a person, you are the heartbeat of his world, the light that fills his life with joy. when he looks at you, it’s as if the word just melts away and all that matters is you, you are all he wants and needs, and his love for you feels like is physically hurts.
when he look at you like that, your heart begins to race. you can feel your pulse quickening and your breathing becoming shallow in response to the intensity of his attention. you would never get used to this feeling, no matter how much time passes, he always makes you feel like the first time.
“i really love you, hyuck,” you finally says after a few seconds in silence. “like, a lot. i love you,” haechan smiled as he saw your expression, his face grew soft as you looked up at him, your eyes glistening with honesty, and he couldn’t help but feel a wave of feelings wash over him. “i really love you too,” he replied, “more than you could ever imagine. you have no idea how much you mean to me, love.”
he leaned in to kiss you softly. it was a gentle and tender kiss, filled with care and affection. he brought you close, wrapping his arms around you, and pressed his lips softening as your bodies embraced. you wrapped your arms around neck as he gently pushes you down against the couch, making you lay on your back. he break the kiss to move his lips eagerly along your neck and collar bone as he felt you shiver with pleasure, your breathing become heavy at each second.
his kisses become more enthusiastic and needy, nibbling and nuzzling at your skin, while his hands slowly, methodically start to roam over your body. he begins by tracing gentle circles on your stomach, each touch sending waves of pleasure through your entire being. as he continues, his fingers make their way up to your breasts, cupping them gently before giving them a light squeeze, making you whimper softly. he uses the other to slide down your pants. “oh, is my girl this needy already?” he asks softly, his fingers tracing small circles over the facbric covering your sensitive area, feeling how wet you were.
"w-what can i say?” you respond biting your bottom lip to keep sounds from coming out of your mouth “i-i’ve been missing you for a while now,” he move his head a little to the side to look at you, the corner of his lips twitching into a teasing smile. “i’m sure you did, love” he dips his fingers underthe lace of your underwear, teasing your wet entrance, your legs involuntarily parting further to give him better access. the sensation of his fingers playing with your entrance make you squirm against him. “hyuck, please,” you pleaded, moving your hips a little, eager to have him inside you.
with a wicked grin, he obliges, sliding two fingers inside you slowly. he watches your face intently, gauging your reaction as he begins to thrust gently, curving his fingers just right to hit that spot that makes you see stars. “that’s it, love, just let go,” he murmurs encouragingly. he leans in to kiss you again. devouring your moans as his fingers work their magic.
as he continues to pleasure you, his free hand moves to undo your bra, finally freeing your breasts. he takes one nipple into his mouth, suckling gently while kneading the other with his fingers. your head falls back, and you arch your back, lost in the symphony of sensations. hyuck knows exatcly how to play your body like an instrument, it was all about making you feel good.
“i know you’re close, sweetie,” he nuzzles against your neck, his hot breath against your skin as he quickens the pace, his thumb rubbing your clit in small circles. “c’mon, love, cum for me,” he didn’t have to say twice, you were already spilling your release on his fingers, moaning loudly, feeling your legs shaking a little as you breath quickly. hyuck observed how your eyebrows knit together and your mouth opened in pure bliss, he had to fight the urge to cum right on his pants.
he pull his soaked fingers out of you, bringing them to his mouth and sucking on it while keeping eye contact with you. “don��t relax just yet, love,” with a smirk, he captures your lips in a searing kiss, you could still taste yourself on his tongue. without breaking the kiss, he unbuttoned his jeans, pulling it down along his boxers, his cock rock hard, throbbing with an intensity that threatens to consume him. he was actually controlling himself to prioritize you, but now he even thought he might die if he didn't fuck you soon.
he pulls off your underwear completely, tossing it aside before pushing himself inside you. you feel every inch of him, hard and insistent, filling you up completely. he bury his face on the crook of your neck as groans, feeling you tighten around him, driving him deeper. “f-fuck,” he hisses under his breath. “feels s-so good, babe,” he kiss your neck.
he starts moving then, slow and steady, his hand reaching around to massage your clit while he's buried inside you, soon quickening his pace. his cock is like steel, throbbing with need and desire for you, stretching you in all the good ways. he lifts one of your legs up, hooking it over his shoulder to change the angle, hitting a different spot that makes you gasp, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. he can feel every vein pulsing with desire as he slides in and out of you, your warmth and wetness enveloping him in a way that makes him feel like he's home. he's never wanted anyone as much as he wants you in this moment, and it shows in the way he moves - with a primal urgency that's both thrilling and terrifying. he's lost in the sensation of being inside you, his mind a haze of lust and love, your loud moans like a sweet song to his ears.
he lower your leg to lean foward and kiss you one more time, his hips slamming against your cervix. “you are m-mine,” he said against your lips. “s-say it,” he bury his face on your neck again, biting the area with some force to leave a mark, but not enough to hurt you.
you weren’t sure if you would be able to say any kind of words at this moment, but you tried anyways. “i-i’m—ah, i’m yours, h-hyuck, all y-yours,” your arms wrapped around his neck and your legs around his hips, wanting to keep him moving as if he was even thinking about stop. “l-lov… i love you, h-hyuck,” you manage to say between your moans.
he loves hearing you say it, loves the way it feels to be wanted by you. As he thrusts deeper, harder, he mutters, "i love you too, babe,” he feels your muscles tighten around him, and he knows you're close again. he pulls back to look at you, watching the pleasure contort your face. it's the sexiest thing he's ever seen. he grins, his teeth flashing white in the dim light. "come for me again,” he coos. “let me see you fall apart.”
you body tenses around him as you reache your climax, your muscles clenching and releasing in a way that sends shockwaves of pleasure through his entire being. he can feel your heart racing against his chest, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you ride out the intense wave of ecstasy. your nails dig into his skin, leaving little half-moons on his shoulders, but he doesn't care—the pain only heightens his own pleasure. he groans into your mouth, his hips moving faster and harder as he chases his own release. the sight of you, lost in the throes of passion, is almost too much to handle.
as hyuck reaches his peak, he can't hold back anymore and releases himself inside you with a deep, guttural moan, filling you up. it's like a dam breaking, the release so powerful that he sees stars behind his closed lids. the feeling is indescribable, a rush of pleasure so intense it's almost painful. he can feel you trembling beneath him, your body still convulsing with aftershocks of your own orgasm. you both lay there for a moment, panting and sweaty, bodies entwined as you come down from the high. he pulls out slowly, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips as he looks down at you.
you were both panting, just staring at each other with a wide smile. you kept in silence, hyuck slowly wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you snuggle into him, your head resting on his chest. He kissed the top of your head before ask, “how about we take another day off tomorrow?”
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talaok · 6 months
hi!!! request for joel being readers first kiss. He won’t go any further than kissing but they have a LOT of fun kissing
post outbreak jackson pls
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: very brief talk of some sexual themes at the end, but the rest is... you guessed it, kissing!
a/n: 1000/10 idea i literally blushed when you sent it. idk about the execution tho
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You were so incredibly embarrassed when you told him, when you finally had to confess that you had no experience, and by that I mean really none, absolutely zero.
But then again what could he have expected?
perhaps he knew right from the moment he set eyes on you, and perhaps... perhaps he liked it.
It oozed from your every pore... your innocence, it was in the way you couldn't meet his gaze, in the way you shivered when his hand grazed against your arm, in the shyness in your voice... it was in everything... it was all of you.
But he nicked at it, piece by piece, brick by brick, he had gotten to know you... maybe a little too much.
He had realized at one point, too late he'd grow to admit, that he liked you, really liked you, in a way he hadn't experienced in ages, in a way that made him feel sixteen all over again.
And yes you were young... much too young for him, and yes you were complete opposites, him, a rough man with enough blood on his hands to make a serial killer's skin crawl, and you, you a pretty little thing who'd lived her whole life in Jackson, safe from the atrocities of the real word... but still, still he he couldn't stop his old heart from beating faster when he was with you.
And that's why one day, one cold, windy day, as snow fell to the ground and you held onto his arm as if it was a life jacket, while he walked you back home, he couldn't do anything but tell the truth.
"Joel" you had said right outside your front door.
"yes sweetheart?" he asked, watching your pretty face fill with dread
"Joel I... I like you"
You'd told him so casually, so simply, that for a moment he wondered if he had imagined it.
But you had misinterpreted his pause all wrong
"I-I'm sorry nevermind, pretend I didn'-"
"no, no I'm sorry" he shook his head, forcing himself out of his trance "You said you like me darlin'?" he asked, taking a step closer to you so he was right there before you, looking down at the gorgeous girl who'd just made all his wishes come true.
"mh-mh" you nodded shily
And at that, he smiled, placing a hand on your reddening cheek, as his thumb gently stroked it
"well then we're in luck" he'd murmured "cause I happen to like you too sweetheart" he promised "a lot"
"r-really?" Your eyes sparked with joy
"of course baby" he breathed, bending down to meet his lips with yours instinctively before your voice stopped him
"wait-" you said
"oh, I'm sorry, I'm going too fast"
"n-no you're not it's just that..."
it was getting harder to meet his gaze again
"if you wanna wait that's ok, sweetie"
"n-no I don't wanna wait, Joel, it's just that-"
"what is it?"
A loud sigh left your mouth before you could respond
"I've never... I've never kissed anybody"
His mouth fell open slightly at the confession, but he recovered quickly, now both his hands holding your pretty face.
"oh" he breathed "that's ok sweetheart, we can wait"
"no I want to kiss you Joel, I really really do... but- but I'm scared I won't be... good at it"
"oh baby" he couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle "You'll be great at it, don't you worry"
Your heart was racing and your breathing hitched as you looked up into his hazel eyes
"do you think- do you think you could... teach me?"
Now Joel Miller didn't deem himself a romantic, but the way you said that... the way you gazed dreamily and both anxiously into his eyes as you spoke those words... he had to stop a moment to thank whoever was up there for having allowed him to meet you.
"of course I can" he said
"there's nothing I'd like more baby"
And that was it, you were smiling like a kid in a candy store
"s-so what do I do?"
His hands were still on your face, holding you in a way that made your knees weak
"just follow my lead, I'll go slow, don't worry"
You nodded at that, and before you knew it, his lips were on yours and you were- you were giving your first ever kiss.
You got up on your tiptoes and held onto his arms as you closed your eyes and got lost in the feeling- and wow- you had only read in books about it and seen it in a couple of the movies they showed in Jackson, but this... this was just amazing, it felt like you were dreaming, like you had ascended to another universe.
He had kept his promise, he did go slow, but it felt heavenly for him too nonetheless.
He leaned away after what was probably an eternity, to look back at you and confirm this was all real
"so?" he asked, "how was it?"
You couldn't help but giggle as you almost jumped out of your skin from the happiness.
"good" you grinned "very very good"
"mmmhh" he hummed, moving one of his hands to your waist to bring you closer to him "'s that right"
"yeah" you breathed so lowly he wouldn't have heard it if he hadn't been an inch away from your face
"well I'm glad" he smirked, kissing you on the cheek this time "Hopefully we'll do that again then"
"yes please" 
He chuckled at that, not leaning away
"would you like a goodnight kiss?"
Not a split second passed that you had already answered
"yes" you nodded, leaning up already "yes please"
And that was how it all started.
That was the night you found your true calling... kissing, and not only that, but kissing Joel Miller.
God, there was nothing better than it,
feeling his beard stroke your cheek, the way his strong hands held you as he did, the way he tasted, the way his warmth spread all over your body, it was all just... perfect
And the coolest thing was that when he said he was gonna teach you, he meant it.
Who knew there were so many ways you could kiss someone?
There were the French kisses, the kisses on the neck, the "special kisses" aka hickeys you loved giving him and that he loved pretending not to like, then the kisses standing up, laying down, and your personal favorite: kissing him while sitting on his lap, and then of course as time went on you both found out (although him especially) how much fun it was to kiss in public, at the bar, on patrol, you name it, it didn't matter, what mattered was that his lips were on yours and his arms were around you (and even if he would have never admitted it, he loved it because he loved showing everyone you were his, and he was yours).
If it were up to you, you'd spend your whole life like that, diving your fingers into his hair as his hands explored every inch of your body, your face, your hips, your ass, your belly (above clothes of course), making you shiver and whimper with every movement.
But it was only just kissing, Joel made a promise to himself he was gonna wait, and it's not that he didn't want to go further, god only knew how many times his dick got hard just by giving you a chaste kiss on the lips as he felt your body pressed against his (and yes that did make him feel like a hormonal teenager again, but then again, everything about you did), so no it definitely wasn't that, and he didn't know if it was because he felt guilty or in some way, like he would be doing something wrong, but for now, all he knew was that he needed to wait, wait until he was sure you were sure about him, and about you.
And for now... for now, you were more than happy with it, counting down the seconds until you'd get a taste of him again.
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Hello teach 🌺💙
Can I request First time having sex with Izuku, Shoto, Katsuki, Dabi and Tamaki ( separately 😂 ) but it's their real personality ( insecurities, shyness... )
I always read people making things far away from the real character and sometimes I'm like 😐
No pressure I know you're the best 🥰
This was such a cute request to work on, so I hope you enjoy my input sweetie ❤️
First time
Characters : Bakugo/ Izuku/ Shouto/ Dabi/ Tamaki/ Fem reader
Genre/ Warning : Established relationship/ Smut/ NSFW/ 18+/ Vaginal sex/ squirting (in Izuku's part)/ cock warming -kinda- (in Shouto's part)
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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Bakugo :
He kissed you again, groaning against your lips as his fully erect cock grazed your thigh.
He has been waiting for so long to finally have you spread out underneath him, moaning his name as he pushes himself deep into your heat..
Sweat beads appeared upon his flushed chest and arms as he caged you between them, and his piercing eyes stared lustfully at your longing form.
You were anxious –extremely so– it was your first time together like that after all. However, you could sense a hint of nervousness in his usually smug demeanor as well, and you wondered if it was just a figment of your imagination.. until he spoke.
_ "Don't worry babe, I promise I'll be gentle."
You knew about that deeply hidden soft side of him, the one that makes your heart skip a beat everytime it shows, "I know you will Katsuki."
You gasped when he finally breached your fluttering entrance, digging your nails in his shoulders as he immediately started moving within you.
His sensual kisses distracted you from the inevitable discomfort of the first few thrusts, and those big warm hands caressing your thighs delicately, gave you the needed comfort to leave your anxieties behind.
_ "You feel so good around me babe, fuck, tell me how you're feeling." he groaned against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
_ "It feels amazing! Yes, keep going.. just like that." you shamelessly begged as your brain turned into mush with every slow stroke of his veiny shaft against your longing walls, and his heart swelled with pride knowing that he was pleasuring you the way you deserved.
He leaned back, kneeling in front of you while his hands moved to grab your sides, and thumbs caressed your skin reassuringly as he kept a steady pace.
The new position drove you wild, was it because you were given a clearer view of his godly flexing muscles? Or was it that he was hitting a spot within you that had you seeing stars? Either way, you weren't going to last much longer.
_ "I'm close.. Katsuki.. I'm cumming." you announced, desperately clawing at his arms and squealing when he picked you up and cradled your butt cheeks so he could upthrust into you while you collapsed against his chest.
_ "Don't hold back babe, I'm close too." his growls filled your senses and his pulsating cock drove you over the edge soon after, your walls squeezing hard before creaming around his shaft.
Your fingers tugged on his hair weakly as your mind slowly cleared up, he pushed himself deeper into you a few more times before pulling out of your glistening cunt and releasing his pearly seeds all over the bedsheets.
It took you both a moment to recover, and you almost lost consciousness in his arms if not for that deep voice you loved so much, "are you feeling alright princess?"
_ "I am.. s' good.. love you s' much.." you mumbled quietly but he heard it all, smiling tenderly as he placed you gently on the bed and whispered a soft: "I love you too baby girl," before moving to run you both a relaxing bath.
Izuku :
_ "Is.. is this okay? Are you really sure.. about this?" he nervously asked as you finished removing the last article of clothing separating you from one another.
_ "Relax Izuku, you're too tense." you giggled softly before pecking his lips and straddling his waist.
You have been dating the pro hero for a few months, but your intimate times had never gone beyond the usual intense make out sessions, and his shy and reserved nature is mainly why.
_ "We've already got this far, I mean look how hard you are." you admired the huge cock you could barely wrap your fingers around, and wondered if it would actually fit inside you.
His only response was a strangled whimper and a tighter hold on your waist, and you chose to interpret that as an approval to carry on.
You steadied yourself on your knees, positioning your pussy right above his pulsating shaft and looking into his eyes one more time before lowering yourself oh-so-slowly.
Your legs trembled beneath you, almost losing control over your body if not for two strong arms holding you steady and helping you carry out your task, "I got you gorgeous."
Where did that come from? Where did his bashfulness go and when did he manage to take control?
You were no longer in charge of your movements, nor were you about to set the pace like you thought you would.
_ "Just relax, I'll do it." his big calloused hands moved to cup your bum, squeezing your flesh and lifting you up with ease before slamming you back down on his cock.
_ "Izuku! too deep!" your eyes widened and your nails sunk into his arms as you tried to regulate your breathing.
_ "Oh! I'm.. I'm so sorry sweetheart, did I hurt you?" he blinked innocently, fear evident in his voice as he froze for a moment.
_ "No, don't worry I was just.. surprised," amazing how that sweet side of him reappeared as soon as your well-being was called into question, and you couldn't help but smile as you thought of it, "let's keep going Izuku, I'm all yours to claim."
His blush deepened and his hold tightened on your buttocks, but his eyes held a determination that made your heart skip a beat. He lifted you up again, leaving only his tip inside, and you squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation of another brutal thrust that never came, because instead, he lowered you slowly, making sure you could feel him thoroughly, repeating the action again and again and again until your moans were the only thing that could be heard.
You wanted his lips on you, but you couldn't for the life of you formulate a single word, settling for a longing gaze that he -fortunately- understood.
He smiled sweetly pecking your forehead first and moving to your scrunched up nose next before grazing his lips against yours and capturing them in a heated kiss, all the while bouncing you on top of him.
It was intense, passionate, the way he moved inside of you mixed with his breathtaking kisses drove you wild, and you knew you wouldn't last much longer if he kept it up, and judging by how erratic and sloppy his movements became, you knew he was too close as well.
His lips left yours and spread wet pecks along your neck, moving further down until they reached your bouncy breasts, taking one teat into his mouth and sucking gently before moving to the other.
And that did it for you, "Izuku! I'm cumming I'm cumming!" your moans turned into cries as you tensed up around him, trembling uncontrollably before gushing all over his abdomen.
The stream of your juices kept flowing with each snap of his hips, and you were too lightheaded to feel embarrassment at that point.
_ "Amazing, look at this I'm drenched.. you're going to make me cum sweetheart." he growled as he bounced you a few more times on top of him until the waves of pleasure had passed and you finally relaxed in his hold, and that was when he pulled out of you, pumping his length and releasing his seeds on the messy bed sheets underneath you.
_ "I'm sorry Izuku, I made a mess.." you mumbled quietly against his shoulder as shame washed over you, your first time together and this happens?!
_ "What are you talking about beautiful? That was so sexy and to be honest.. I can't wait to make you do that again." he responded cheekily as a gentle chuckle escaped his throat.
Shouto :
_ "Is this okay? I won't move until you tell me love, so take all the time you need." he sounded strained, holding you from behind and resisting the urge to start moving his hips as you both laid on your sides.
_ "Yes, this is fine, I'm okay." you responded quietly, sheepishness taking over your being.
He had you stretched out around his shaft oh-so-perfectly, and you thanked the heavens you weren't facing him at that moment.
It was your first time with the pro hero after all, something you hesitantly suggested earlier in the evening and to which he enthusiastically agreed upon.
His warm breath tickled your nape and his big protective arms squeezed you between them, "is this position comfortable enough?" he truly wanted your first time with him to be enjoyable, he had been waiting for that moment to come for a long time.
_ "Yes, this feels good." you placed your hands over his arms and shifted your hips a bit in order to get more comfy, but the action drove him deeper into your pussy and he instantly growled as a response.
You wanted him to start moving already, your walls desperately clutching onto him and you knew it must have been as hard for him to settle as it was for you, but you were too embarrassed to ask.
His lips caressed your shoulders, and his hot breath fanned over your skin as he trailed soft feathery kisses on your quivering flesh.
His hand brushed against your tummy, gliding along your luscious curves and resting on your thigh.
You couldn't speak, your lip caught between your teeth to prevent the whines threatening to slip out, and decided to let your body take control instead as you rocked your hips against his, and hoped he would take the hint.
_ "Y/n, can I?" he breathed out between soft kisses and you nodded weakly, feeling the curve of his lips against your nape, and finally allowing his name to escape your throat when he started moving within you.
He was gentle the whole time, knowing how much courage it must've taken for you to be this intimate with him, and wanting you to enjoy it thoroughly because you deserve to be treated well.
_ "How are you feeling princess?" he barely managed to keep his voice stable, as your gummy walls hugged his cock tightly.
_ "I'm.. 'm feeling good.. so good.. Shouto keep going.."
Your confidence went up and so did your bravery, nails digging into his arms as he kept a steady pace.
_ "That's good to know gorgeous, damnit.. I'm going mad." he wrapped an arm around your thigh, lifting it up so he could fuck you even deeper, a move that drove you both wild.
His smooth head kissed your cervix repeatedly, and it would have been overwhelming if his movements weren't gentle.
His other hand slipped between your legs to fondle your sensitive clit, and you gasped knowing that you wouldn't last long after that, "Shouto! Wait wait! If you keep doing that.." you couldn't finish speaking as your words turned into whines.
_ "I know beautiful, I'm so close too, let's finish together." his thrusts quickened and his lips moved eagerly along your skin, sucking a perfect red mark right behind your ear.
You opened your mouth to announce your upcoming orgasm, but no meaningful words have left you, only a loud moan along with his name as you tensed up and spasmed uncontrollably in his arms.
He pulled out immediately, tapping his cock against your bum before spurting all over your back while his fingers still played with your clit until you finally settled.
He squeezed your shaky form tighter, breathing heavily and showering your soft skin with even softer kisses before moving you gently so you were finally facing him.
_ "Hi princess, how was it? Are you feeling any discomfort?" he whispered his query before running his thumb over your parted lips and kissing you deeply.
_ "It was perfect." you mumbled shyly as you averted your gaze, the night's activities playing again in your head.
_ "It was perfect for me as well, I love you y/n."
Dabi :
Your back hit the wall behind you, and before you could voice your protest, a pair of needy lips claimed yours.
It was your fault really, how else did you expect him to react after giving him the green light at long last?
Your shirt was torn to shreds, and so was your cute little skirt, and if you thought he would treat you gently just because this was your first time with him, then you've got another thing coming.
He's never been known to be a softy after all, and his way of manifesting his lust for you is enough proof.
_ "You look so fucking sexy," his lips latched onto your neck, sucking and nibbling on your warm skin while his fingers sneaked under the trim of your panties, "uh-oh, what do we have here? eager already are we?" his teasing continued and without a warning whatsoever, he slipped two fingers into your wet quivering cunt at once, pumping them slowly and watching with amazement as your pussy swallowed his digits greedily.
_ "Touya please.." you didn't need to word it clearly as he understood what you wanted, pulling his coated fingers out and smirking while admiring the sheen covering them.
_ "I got it doll, now hold on to me alright?" he cooed before picking you up and pushing your back against the wall again, wasting no time thrusting himself into your welcoming heat.
_ "Touya, not too fast please!" your whimpers filled his dark empty room, and as loud as you cried out, he chose to ignore your desperate request.
_ "You feel so fucking good y/n, why did we wait this long to do it?" he growled between each deep thrust delivered straight to your cervix.
His pace was unforgivably fast, hitting you right where you wanted and soon, you started slurring your pleas for him to keep going "just like that".
You looked dashing to him; heavy lust filled eyes, flushed skin, messy hair, desperate clutches on his shoulders, and his name falling from your parted lips seductively each time he was buried deep into your cunt.
He cursed under his breath, but it was mainly directed at his own regret for not taking you much sooner.
Honestly speaking, intimate relationships and sexual desires have never been among his interests or priorities until you came along, and voicing your consent was all he needed to hear after long weeks of imagining how it would be like to finally have you.
_ "The real thing is even better." he admitted with a smirk, leaning in to lick the string of saliva escaping your abused swollen lips before capturing them yet again in a passionate kiss.
It was intense, nothing like you've ever experienced before with any of your previous partners. His strength, his stamina, his familiarity with your needs, all of it was driving you nuts, "Touya, oh god! I'm cumming!" you broke the kiss to voice your announcement.
_ "Oh yeah? Go ahead then, let me see you lose control gorgeous." he was obviously nearing his own release as his thrusts became erratic, but he wanted to hold on a bit longer until you crumble in his hold.. and you finally did, spasming violently while struggling to form a coherent thought and almost passing out with an overwhelming pleasure.
He fucked you some more until he reached his own high, pulling out and shooting his sperm all over your belly, "we should do this again soon gorgeous." he requested heavily and you nodded weakly, smiling against the crook of his neck.
Little did you know, the 'soon' he referred to was only a few minutes away, and your first time together was just the beginning of a passionate night.
Tamaki :
_ "I.. I don't know.. this is embarrassing!" he covered his face with both hands as you lowered his boxers and revealed his rock hard cock.
_ "Well, seems to me like your body is more honest than your words." you giggled softly, taking his thick shaft in one hand while using the other one to fondle your own heat.
You lowered your head, eyes studying his trembling body as you took him in your mouth.
You hummed around his throbbing cock, eyes widening with surprise when you felt a grip on your hair, "you're.. so warm," he whined through a clenched jaw, unconsciously bucking his hips and hitting the back of your throat.
You moved back immediately, coughing as you tried to catch your breath, and seeing you in that state freaked him out.
_ "Oh God! Sweetheart I'm so sorry! Look at me, are you okay?" he bolted upright and came closer to you, caressing your cheeks and apologizing non stop.
In all honesty, you were perfectly fine, but he looked adorable blinking in fear and checking to see if you were alright, so you decided to play along for a bit.
_ "Maybe I'll feel better after you kiss me." it was a joke that you thought would lighten up the mood, but what he did next left you in state of disbelief, as he actually leaned in and kissed you deeply.
You had no time to react to his brutal force, and next thing you knew, you were laying on your back with him on top, still kissing you.
_ "Are you.. feeling better?" his innocence is baffling -always has been- and it's one of the things that made you fall deeply in love with him.
_ "I am," you giggled softly, cradling his cheeks and pulling him in for another kiss, moaning as the smooth head of his raging cock touched your glistening cunt for the very first time in your life.
You rolled your hips against him, craving for more, and he tensed up feeling your heat.
One of your hands traveled down to caress his shaft, "can I.. is it okay?" your self esteem slipped away little by little as you anticipated his response, wondering if he didn't want to go any further..
He must've sensed your struggles, because a shy smile appeared on his face before you could finally feel him breaching your longing entrance.
He hid his face in the crook of your neck, whines stiffled against your skin as he started moving hesitantly at first.
_ "Yes baby you're doing so good.." you cooed breathlessly as you wrapped your arms around him while gently caressing his spine.
Your little gesture helped settling his nerves, and soon, he picked up the pace as his thrusts deepened, but his face remained tucked in your neck.
You ran your fingers through his soft hair, pulling gently everytime he hit that tingly spot within you, " Tamaki, kiss me, please.." you wanted his lips on yours, you needed to feel him everywhere in your being, and all you had to do was ask once as he instantly connected your lips in a passionate kiss that took you off guard at first.
His thrusts quickened and you wondered if it was unintentional or if he was as close to climaxing as you were, but you assumed the latter judging by the twitch in his cock and the groans against your lips.
_ "Faster! Tamaki please don't hold back!" you tilted your head back and begged to be fucked harder, crying out his name when he did as you asked.
_ "Y/n, I think I'm gonna.." his lips were back on your neck, nibbling softly on your skin while rutting into you mercilessly.
_ "Me too honey! I'm cumming!" you wrapped your legs around his waist and dug your nails in his back as you finally reached your blissful high.
You trembled beneath him and he fucked you throughout your orgasm until he reached his own, pulling out last second and releasing his pearly seeds on your tummy before relaxing on top of your spent body.
You held him tighter, smiling satisfyingly and almost drifting off if not for a trail of soft kisses against your heaving chest, "I really.. I liked it.. so much.." he mumbled quietly and it was the cutest thing.
_ "Me too sweetheart," you whispered back and sighed in satisfaction as his arms sneaked around your waist and squeezed you between them.
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heartfullofleeches · 6 months
I saw a video of a vampire bat drinking cow's blood and now all I'm thinking about is Carnis and Vampire/Bat Hybrid Darling- Darling has an unlimited and willing blood bag and all they have to do is take good care of them and reward them with treats every now and then. The price of junk food and candy is nothing compared to what they used to have to pay for warm blood before finding this poor sweetie in the streets. Carnis reveals their regenerative abilities the first chance they get to prove their worth to darling. Darling can sell their parts or put them throw any hardship if it means they have a home. Darling probably wouldn't want to hurt the poor cow more than needed and honestly feels a little bad for them.
Maybe Darling works at a shady blood bank and meets Carnis that way. A receptionist who turns a blind eye to what really goes around the office so long as they get their weekly payment of blood and cash. They develop a bit of a soft spot for the hybrid who stumbles into the building every now and again. Their clothes are awfully dirty and there's no telling if they even knew what a hairbrush was, but they always light up whenever they talk to Darling. It's probably because of the suckers Reader hands out with every visit, but the company is nice in this environment. They ask Darling what their favorite snacks are and brings as many as their arms can carry whenever they return. Unlike most clinics, the one reader works at has no limit for patients to donate and so they see Carnis quite often. They really shouldn't pry, but curiosity gets the better of them.
"Hey, this is like... the fifth time you've come in this week and it's only Tuesday. What would you possibly be wasting all that money on? - how you're even standing straight is a better question."
"candy... the nice man said...said I could have anything in his store if I bring some."
"Have you seriously been buying nothing but candy all these months?."
"No...no... gifts for you... remember? To show you I'm...I'm interested."
"What he said... You're... nice.. gave me candy.. I like nice things. I like candy. I like you."
"....Ok, I get off in twenty minutes. We'll get you some real food and then I'll drop you off at home. It's not fair if we both have to starve."
"Yea. You have one don't you?"
The cow silently shakes their head. "Never..."
"Well since I'm pretty sure it's your blood that's been keeping me fed I guess the least I can do is lend you my couch for a couple nights. Sounds good?"
"Stay...with you? Sounds good... Happy... Thank you... Promise I won't make trouble."
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ahsxual · 1 month
William Afton x Fem!Reader who is his stepdaughter, Y/N being a person that dresses very feminine and a lot of short skirts and dresses. Y/N would have a boyfriend that she learns had cheated on her with her best friend and she goes to her mom and stepdad house for comfort from her mom before quickly, realizing her mom was not home and it’s instead gets cheered up by her stepdaddy 😏
Daddy's Comfort
Genre: Smut & Angst
Warnings: minors dni +18, sad reader, Soft!Dom!William x Sub!Reader, cunnilingus, fingering, Perv!William, married!William, nipple play, praising, William calls reader a slut twice, cheating, age gap (reader is +18), daddy kink, almost getting caught
Word Count: 2,2k
Tagging: @aliceblxck @wolfman-moony
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Warm tears streamed down your face the moment you discovered that your boyfriend was cheating on you. And to make things worse, it was with your own bestfriend, the girl you were supposed to trust the most. But oh, how wrong were you. You never saw the bad side of people, because you didn't believe that people could be so cruel and untrustworthy. Whenever you felt down, you would go to your best friend's house to cry on her shoulder, but now that wasn't an available option, leaving you alone with your broken heart and no one to talk to about your pain.
You never liked to vent to your mother about your heartbreaks, feeling embarrassed to be vulnerable in front of her. Your stepfather William Afton, on the other hand, always gave you advice about how boys your age only wanted to play with naive girls and take advantage of their fragile hearts, which was why he was so strict about you having affairs or boyfriends. Right now, as you were heading home to get some comfort from your parents, since there was no one else who would listen to you, you realized how William was absolutely right.
You were hoping that your parents would be home at that moment, comforting you with the right words and the reassuring physical touch that you so desperately needed. However, when you opened the door, you noticed that only your new parental figure was home.
"Hi sweetie! How was your day?" William immediately noticed you weren't well the moment he looked at you. Your red face and puffy eyes weren't fooling anyone, especially your stepfather who was such a intelligent and perceptive man, and who apparently knew you too well.
He was sitting on the couch watching a criminal documentary to which you didn't pay much attention, as your mind was occupied with other thoughts. He was already in his pajamas, so he must have gotten home some time ago. He got up quickly the moment you didn't answer him and instead you just cried on the spot, as his tall figure approached you carefully so as not to elicit any negative reaction from you.
"Hey hey come here, honey. It's alright, daddy's got you now, baby." he reassured you in a soft tone, as he hugged you against his strong frame. You instinctively returned his gesture, the feeling of hugging your stepdad being much better and needed than you expected.
"Do you want to talk about it?" you nodded, allowing him to carry you over the couch and sit you on his lap, while he rubbed your back and grabbed your exposed thigh to hold you closer. You hadn't realized the effect you had on him because you were wearing a short, pink dress with a bow that hung just below your cleavage.
"You were right, William... guys are all the same. M-my boyf-, I mean, ex-boyfriend cheated on me... with my bestfriend! How could they do this to me??" you started crying harder now that you had verbalize what had been haunting you since that morning, but you still felt much better for being able to talk about it with your stepfather. Suddenly, you felt William's hand squeeze your thigh harder, but you ignored that feeling for the moment. He remained silent for a moment before he spoke again.
"Sweetheart, boys your age don't know how to value a woman... Daddy tried to warn you, but you didn't listen. You need to find a real man who can take care of you and who won't break that soft heart of yours. You're too beautiful and young to cry over some idiot, and that's why I don't want you dating anyone. Do you understand me now, honey?" his voice was slightly deeper than before, but once again you let it pass. After listening to his "dad speech" about boys, you just nodded and leaned your head on his neck as you hugged him, looking for some kind of safety and warm physical touch.
"I'm sorry, daddy... I didn't mean to upset you. You were absolutely right... boys my age are real assholes." you stayed on his lap for a while, as he softly stroked your back and legs and kissed your head several times. As time passed, you noticed that his breathing changed its rhythm to a faster one.
"And there's one more thing..."
"What is it, daddy?" you asked innocently, having no idea what he was going to say next.
"You shouldn't... dress like that around men. You know how pretty girls are an easy target for men to take advantage of. You can... drive them crazy and make them do things that they can't... control. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, sweetie?" it was only then that you felt something getting hard under your ass, his thin pajama pants making it obvious that he was getting turned on by your outfit and vulnerable state. You blushed heavily at this and began to tremble a bit from embarrassment and nervousness.
"I'm sorry daddy, I didn't mean to..." you were left speechless, as you had no idea what to say or how to face this awkward situation.
"Do you want daddy to make you feel good?" he asked bluntly, his tone indicating that his intentions were far from innocent.
You didn't know how to react, but what you did know was that you desperately needed him inside you. You stared deeply into his eyes, trying to figure out if his intentions were the same as yours, and as soon as you realized this was confirmed, you simply nodded and spread your legs wide. His pupils were extremely dilated and his stare at your lips was becoming unbearable, while a small smirk appeared on his face.
"My babygirl is so good to me... I promise that daddy will take care of his sweet girl and make her forget about everything that upset her. Do you want that, bunny?" his hand was now dangerously close to where you needed him the most, as you felt your white cotton panties already soaked by his simple touch and voice.
"Yes daddy, please... I need you." you moaned softly, and that was enough to drive him crazy.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked cautiously, yet you could see he was getting desperate and impatient to touch you in such an intimate way. The moment you said yes, his thin lips glued to yours in a hungry, passionate kiss, a kiss you'd never experienced before. You could have sworn it was the best feeling you'd ever felt, until he rubbed his long, skilled finger against your clothed pussy and smeared your cum juices all over your already ruined panties.
"Oh fuck... is this all for me, baby? You're so, so wet... it'll make everything so much easier, you'll see." and that's when you felt him pull your panties aside to insert his middle finger inside your cunt.
You immediately moaned loudly as he curled his finger inside you, hitting your g-stop over and over again, so sweetly. He went from fingering you to drawing circles around your clit as you he kissed you slowly, his tongue dominating its territory inside your mouth. After a couple of minutes, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your first orgasm, before he added a second finger inside you. Just as you were about to cum, he started fucking you faster and harder with his fingers, before bitting your neck and sucking on a purple hickey, making you reach your limit much more intensely. While you recovered, he never stopped kissing your neck and face, making you feel like the most special girl in the world.
"My sweet girl is so beautiful when she cums... What a beautiful sight to behold every day, every second... if only it was possible..." he whispered lovingly as he played with your lower lip. You wanted to please him too, so you took his thumb into your mouth and started sucking on it the best you could while gazing into his eyes.
"Can I suck your cock, daddy? Please, I want to pleasure you too." you were too eager to see what was under those pajamas, the hardness of it already promising that he could destroy you if he wanted to. He chuckled softly at you while shaking his head.
"Not now, sweetie. Daddy needs to taste his favorite girl first. You're the one who's had a bad day, right? So I'm going to pleasure you until you can't take it anymore... You can suck daddy's cock later, ok? I promise you'll see, feel and taste every bit of my cock sooner or later... I'll make sure of that. But right now, it's all about you, bunny." you smiled at his gentleness, and only wished you could have more time alone with him, since your mother would be home soon. Now you understood why your mother married this man after saying several times that she would never marry again.
William grabbed you in bridal style and took you to your room, where you would feel more comfortable and remember it every time you went there or slept. You were giggling in joy in his arms, his pecks on your lips made you feel hysterical butterflies flying around in your stomach. When you reached your bedroom, he gently placed you on your bed before undressing you. Your nipples hardened not only because of how cold it was in the room, but also with desire.
"Would you look at this... my bunny has such a perfect pussy. I can't wait to fuck you so good, princess. You're gonna love daddy's cock inside you. But for now... I'm gonna show you how a real man eats his pretty girl's pussy." his tongue trailed slowly through your wet folds, before leaving soft kisses on your clit. It was driving you insane and you desperately needed to beg him for more.
"Daddy, please... I need more please!" on another occasion William would continue to tease you, but your time was limited and he needed to make you cum again. He began to eat you out more eagerly, until you screamed his name over and over again. His skilled tongue never stopped pleasuring you, his beard and chin all covered in your juices, before you came again on his mouth.
"Just one more time and I'll let you go, baby... Come one, make daddy proud and cum all over my face." he demanded, before pinching your nipples harder.
His tongue didn't stop sucking on your clit, before it entered your empty hole until it reached the sweet spot inside of you. His beard scratched your tights and the slight pain only increased the pleasure you were feeling. A few minutes later, he grabbed your trembling legs and forced them over your chest with one of his strong arms, while his free hand fingered your pussy at a fast pace as he sucked on your clit. That was enough to make you moan loudly from pleasure as you came in his mouth and fingers, your cum dripping from your stepdad's chin as he stood up and looked at you.
It was only then that you heard some keys trying to open the front door of your house and you both immediately exchanged a knowing look. William wiped his chin with his sleeve, before leaning down to kiss your lips. However, you couldn't let him go just yet.
You knew that your mom's routine was to go to the bathroom before greeting her family, so when William was ready to leave your bedroom, you grabbed his arm to turn him towards you. He frowned at you, not believing that you were willing to risk getting caught, before you pulled his pants down and freed his cock.
"Honey, what are you do-" you didn't let him finish his sentence, as you put his long, thick dick inside your mouth and started sucking him off as if your life depended on it. "Oh fuck, you needy little slut... you just can't resist daddy's cock, can you? You're so desperate that you're willing to get caught sucking off your own mother's husband. Bad, bad girl..."
And that's all he said, before forcefully grabbing your hair and fucking your throat harder than you thought, which made you choke around him as spit dribbled down your chin onto your exposed nipples. Your mother had already left the bathroom by then, so you had to be quick. You held William's hips firmly and helped him fuck deeper into your mouth, which helped him finish faster inside you. You swallowed every drop of his cum, before showing your tongue to prove that you were a good girl for him by swallowing everything he gave you.
"I had to thank you for making me feel better, daddy. I wanted you to feel good and proud of me too..." you smiled shyly, while blushing and bitting your lip seductively.
"Oh, you little whore... my baby is always surprising me for the better. Next time, I won't be so gentle with you. And this is not a warning... it's a goddam promise." he said with a satisfied grin, before leaving your room with a wink in your way that held a million promises.
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jksprincess10 · 1 year
My ex boyfriend’s parents || Joel x Tess x reader
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AN: So i’m nervous af to post this. It was long awaited,  a lot of you asked for a part 2 of this fic. It can also be read alone. It was my first time writing a threesome, so I hope it’s okay. 
This is for the bi/pan girlies or they/thems only.
Summary: After discovering Chad was cheating on you, Joel offered you to  show you what a real man felt like. Now, his wife was taking part of it as well. (no outbreak AU)
CW: threesome, cunnilingus (fxf), voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, unprotected sex, praise kink, nicknames (babydoll, sweetheart, etc.), weed consumption.
That special night, Tess simply watched as her husband took care of you, until you were too tired and had to leave, but with the promise of seeing them again.
Back to his usual gaslighting, Chad had tried calling, but you ignored his calls.
When the number called again, you heard Tess’s familiar voice on the other end. She had left a message.
This time, your ex boyfriend’s parents met you in your small apartment. You didn’t want to risk seeing your ex again by coming to their home. 
But… you wanted to see them. You wanted to feel the same high as you felt last time. You were chasing after Joel’s raspy voice, after Tess’s softness. They were two contradictions, yet, they fit together perfectly. And they could give you everything you wanted.
You awkwardly stood in your living room and gestured to your whole apartment. There wasn’t much to visit but it’s all you could afford.
“So, this is it. Make yourself at home…”
Tess abandoned her handbag on the floor and came up to you with a smile. “It’s nice, sweetie. Cozy, too.” She cupped your cheek with her soft hand, making you blush.
Joel was standing behind her, hands in the pockets of his jeans.
“You look nervous.” He stated.
You bit your lip and sat on the two-seater couch. “It’s just… I’ve never done it with more than one person.”
“Aw, isn’t she cute being all shy and nervous, my love?” Joel’s wife asked him. He smirked and nodded.
“We can help her relax…”
He bent down to grab his wife’s bag and retrieved a small pack of joints.
As the smoke filled your lungs, you felt more at ease. Joel had sat beside you, while his wife was sitting on a chair from your kitchen. She looked at the two of you with interest, waiting to see who would make the first move. You just told yourself fuck it, and went for it.
When you finished smoking and after you abandoned the joint in an ashtray, you climbed up on Joel’s lap, your ass sitting on his thick thighs while your back was pressed to his chest. His free arm held your waist, while his other one was busy still holding the joint to his lips.
“Babydoll, you’re bein’ so good for me. Can ya feel how you makin’ me feel?” He lifted his hips a little, so you’d feel his hardness.
“Yes…” You turned your head to press a kiss against his rough cheek.
You didn’t even see Tess getting up and approaching the two of you like a hungry feline. She kneeled in front of you when you finally noticed her. Her soft hands caressed your clothed thighs.
“What do you think… about us making you feel good, sweetheart?” She pressed a kiss to your knee, beautiful eyes looking up at you.
“Please.” You breathed.
Joel crushed the rest of his joint in the ashtray. Then, his hands found your stomach under your shirt, going up slowly to feel your naked breasts. Your whined needily. Tess laughed softly, amused by your reaction, as she slid down your pants.
She smiled as she discovered the skimpy underwear you were wearing. “Not so sweet after all…”
Joel looked down to admire your lace panties. He groaned in approval, and leaned down to kiss your neck. “Babydoll, aren’t you naughty? You really wanted this, didn’t you?”
You nodded shamelessly. Tess’s index and middle finger slid on your covered core, feeling how wet you were. Satisfied, she pulled you in for a kiss.
It was a lot, all at once; Joel’s open-mouthed kisses on your neck, while his wife’s tongue was exploring your mouth. Her kiss was slow, sensual. While you were concentrated on kissing her back, her fingers slid in your panties and felt your bareness.
“I’m gonna prepare you real good, make you cum a few times, so Joel can fuck you freely. Sounds good?”
Her fingers circled expertly your clit. It was your first time getting touched by a woman. You knew you were attracted by them, but you never had the chance to act on your need. It just confirmed how you felt.
To get a better access, she slid down your panties, and you kicked them away. Joel’s calloused hands took care of your bare thighs, spreading them for her wife.
“Such a perfect pussy.” The woman said, her pale eyes admiring your cunt hungrily.
She leaned in, her face disappearing between your thighs. She licked at your folds eagerly, not taking her time, and focusing on making you cum. You squirmed, moaning freely. Joel occupied one of his hands with your boobs, fingers playing with your hard nipple.
“You like this, babydoll?” Joel’s raspy voice asked in your ear.
“Y-Yes. I like it.”
You were closing your thighs, you were so close, but Joel hand held them open. Tess sucked around your clit, guiding you through your first orgasm with her. Even after you were done, she kept going, making your legs shake under the caress of your oversensitive pussy.
“Joel, you wanna touch her?” Tess asked against your wet skin, leaving a kiss behind.
“Yes.” His fingers sneaked under your leg, and he inserted a finger in your wet heat. He felt you tighten around his digit, as Tess went back to eating you out. The combination of Joel’s thick finger curling into your heat and Tess’s rough sucks on your clit sent you over the edge again and again. The sensation of your numerous orgasms and the left-over high made you dizzy.
Tess took a break, moving away so she could look at Joel inserting a second finger.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart.” She praised.
You blushed under her burning gaze. While Joel was still taking care of getting you ready for his cock, Tess pushed your shirt away to look at your tits.
“So pretty…” She cooed.
The combination of Tess’s words and Joel hitting that sweet spot over and over made you spill around his fingers with a loud cry.
“I think she’s ready, what do you think, babe?” Tess asked her husband.
Joel’s fingers left you empty, filling your mouth instead. You sucked on his digits, tasting your salty juices.
“She is. C’mon, let’s go to the bedroom, babydoll.”
In your bedroom, you realized how small your bed really was when three people were trying to fit in it. Joel got rid of his clothes, and you took off your shirt completely.
You were totally focused on the graceful movements of Tess taking off her clothes. She had small, perky breasts, and a toned body. Miss Miller was as beautiful as her husband. She smiled at you when she saw you were looking at her.
Joel’s body took over yours, his large shoulders dominating you completely.
“You did the tests we asked you to do?” Asked Joel, while he was spreading your thighs. He pumped his cock a few times, while your gaze devoured the way his rough hand was stroking his length.
“Yes. All clean.”
“Good girl.” Mr. Miller smiled.
Tess laid beside you on the bed, her face turned to look at you. You met her pale eyes with yours and kissed her while Joel was inserting his bare girth between your opened thighs. Feeling him like that was different, and it was even better than the last time. You let go of Tess’s lips to concentrate on the rough pleasure Joel was procuring you.
Beside the two of you, Tess was pleasuring herself lazily. She could get off on the simple view of you getting railed by her attractive husband.
Your arms circled Joel’s neck, bringing him closer, as he was fucking you deeper, hitting that sweet spot with his tip. You muffled your loud moans against his lips, kissing him clumsily, teeth clashing. You could hear Tess’s sighs. Your walls tightened around Joel, your back arched and you abandoned your body to your sweet release.
“So tight… g’nna make me cum. Where d’ya want me, babydoll?” He asked between rough thrusts.
“Inside. Please.”
Joel shot warm ropes of cum inside you. In your blurry state, you could also hear Tess coming.
Your ex boyfriend’s parents let you calm down, both holding you close. Not long after, Joel got up to use your bathroom.
As he was coming back, he heard your phone ring. He answered. Chad’s sorry voice was on the end.
“Stop calling her, son.”
He slammed the phone down before he could even answer.
You were Miss and Mr. Miller’s toy now.
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thesoftestirises · 2 years
carry your throne
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♡ pairing : aemond x reader ♡ rating : 18+. this is smut. like... toe curling, pearl clutching inducing, ‘what did he sayyyy?’ smut. minors dni. you will be blocked. ♡ word count : 4.5k ♡ warnings : light degradation, humiliation, quid pro quo set up (fr this could be read as prostitution - but only to one man), name calling, nipple play, breeding, sanctioned cheating, oral, aemond is kinda evil but he’s a sweetie on the inside i promise ♡ summary : If you had met under normal circumstances, you would have been expected to curtsy to him. But you and Aemond were far past societally expected niceties. ♡ a/n : if this seems familiar, it is! it’s a rewrite of the moon knight fic of the same name. i just felt it suited aemond so much it needed to be republished.
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“Aren’t you just the prettiest?” A voice whispered into your ear, soft and teasing.
A familiar pair of hands moved to your waist, caressing your curves and playing with the laces of your gown. Goosebumps erupted all over your skin in response to the touch, your body growing warm at just the thought of the person behind you. Experience had not made you numb to the feeling those fingertips brought. You turned around to gaze into the single, pale blue eye you saw in your dreams.
“Prince Aemond,” you said, tilting your head downwards in a polite nod. If you had met under normal circumstances, you would have been expected to curtsy to him. But you and Aemond were far past societally expected niceties.
“Miss Y/N. That dress looks expensive,” Aemond said, his heavy gaze roaming around your frame before coming back to your own eyes.
Time had taught you that every conversation with Aemond went deeper than what was heard on the surface. Every exchange was a performance, an intricate dance where you would circle around the truth and try to gain the upper hand by pretending to care less than the other. There was always a double meaning to every word he said. You supposed it was a habit he picked up from being surrounded by two faced aristocrats. Cruelty masked as politeness, gossip masked as concern. Even though you were both well into adulthood, Aemond constantly made you feel like a clumsy little girl.
“Is it? I wouldn’t know,” you said. You kept your expression neutral and looked down at the vivid blue fabric draped over your body as if seeing it for the first time. As if you hadn’t spent two hours marveling at the intricate lacework before even trying it on. As if you hadn’t had to hide it under your bed to prevent anyone else from seeing and wondering why you were in possession of such a luxury. “After all, you were the one who bought it.”
He smiled in amusement and cupped your cheek, the cool metal of his signet ring pressed against your burning skin. “How’s Ron?”
You fiddled with your wedding ring without thinking. It was a gaudy thing, studded with sparkling gemstones that practically took up half your finger. Of course, none of them were real. As many things with Ron were, it was just for appearances. Appearances were all Ron could afford. All he cared about. His concern with what other people thought had driven the both of you into debt, leaving you to clean up his mess. But your solution to the problem was merely a house of cards. You just hoped it would last long enough for one of you to come up with a better solution than spreading your legs for your husband’s lender.
“He’s fine.”
Aemond hummed in acknowledgment. “Business is good, I presume?”
“It is.”
“Wonderful. Strip.”
You obeyed, quickly and efficiently removing your clothes. Aemond had little patience and didn’t care much for shows. In the beginning of your arrangement with him, he would tear the clothes off you himself if you weren’t quick enough. You had spent many nights hiding out in Aemond’s study until all his servants were off to bed so you could sneak out in a different gown than the one you had arrived in.
Aemond moved across the room to a red leather armchair and sat down while you set your discarded clothes down into a neat pile. You folded your hands in front of you and stared at him, waiting for further instruction. Every rendezvous with Aemond went a little differently. So differently, in fact, that you often felt like you were dealing with entirely different people who were simply wearing the same face. Sometimes, he just wanted you to stand in front of him while he stroked his cock to completion. Other times, he would pin you against a window and whisper immoral filth into your ear while rubbing your clit. Tonight, he watched you with a greedy glint in his eye as he dragged his gaze from your head down to your toes.
You sucked in a breath and sank to your hands and knees. The hardwood floors under your skin were unforgivingly cold, but acted as a welcome balm on your feverishly hot skin. You kept your gaze locked on Aemond’s lips as you moved forward, trying to remain as unbothered as possible to spite him. He liked humiliating you, just as he did with everyone else in his life. You tried to avoid giving him the satisfaction of shaming you. He already had more than enough power.
He stopped you with a simple hand motion when you got close enough to touch. “Sit.”
You leaned back and sat straight, allowing Aemond to brush your hair away from your face. You tilted your head up and allowed him to run his fingertips over your jawline, nose, and lips. His touch was gentle, warm, almost sweet. You hated how much you enjoyed it.
“When was the last time Ron fucked you?” Aemond whispered.
He kept his expression neutral, but you could see the distaste on his lips. Perhaps he hated to be reminded that he had to share with someone he thought of as beneath him. “Did you like it? His cock?”
“Yes,” you replied, but it was a second too late. Aemond could easily see the hesitation written all over your face.
“Don’t lie to me.”
“What is it to you if I enjoy being fucked by my husband or not?” You said in a whispered hiss.
He smirked and stroked a thumb over your cheekbone. “Whatever are you so angry for, dove? Are you upset your husband can’t satisfy your cunt the way I do? Maybe next time we should invite him in. I could give him a proper lesson on how to tease and stroke your whore body.”
You wrapped your fingers around his wrist and sneered. “Are you going to talk all day or are you going to fuck me, my prince?”
“Patience is a virtue, princess,” he grinned, his teeth appearing inhumanly sharp. He plucked an envelope from the table next to him, tearing it open with an ornate ivory letter opener and extracting the contents. He leaned back in his chair with all the assured air of a refined aristocrat and spread his legs. “Be a dear and busy your mouth, won’t you?”
You glared at him but he ignored you, choosing to focus on the paper he held in his hands instead. A tense silence settled in the room, only interrupted by the sound of Aemond’s drunken servants having their evening meal in the kitchen downstairs. You bit your tongue and sighed to yourself. Pride wasn’t something you could afford anymore. The sooner you sucked him off and gave him his release, the easier it would be for you to go home without drawing suspicion.
You placed a hand on Aemond’s thigh and listened to his pleased hum. The material of his trousers felt like silk, the type of rich and smooth fabric that only the ultra wealthy could afford. You ran your fingertips over the inner seam and drew closer and closer to his cock. His warmth seemed to radiate right through the clothing. It was addictive. You were almost tempted to rub your face against him like a cat in heat.
You glanced up and were annoyed to see he still wasn’t looking at you. You scowled and tugged at his belt, swiftly unbuckling it and loosening his trousers. Aemond’s cock was half hard, the soft skin flushed pink instead of the violent red you were more used to. You spat into your palm and wrapped your hand around the base, gently stroking him as you got yourself warmed up. Even though you’d taken Aemond many times and in multiple positions, his size still intimidated you. You gave the tip of his length a kiss before swiping your tongue over the head. He let out a quiet hum of approval and pushed his cock against your lips more insistently.
“Get on with it, princess. At this pace you’ll be here until sunrise,” he grunted.
You glared at him but obeyed, wrapping your lips around his flesh, his bitter mint flavor washing over your tongue. You found his taste remarkably tolerable, almost arousing. Like his essence was laced with some sort of aphrodisiac. You pressed your tongue up against the underside of his cock and sucked, drawing a pleased sigh from his lips. A steady trickle of precum began leaking from his tip and filling your mouth. You pressed your tongue into his slit and looked up to see if you had gotten his attention. Aemond stared back down at you with a glossy expression, his letter long forgotten on the floor by his feet.
You pulled your mouth off of him, leaving his cock slick and shiny with spit, and pumped his length with the hand you kept wrapped around the base. “Is this satisfactory, my prince?”
“I’ll be satisfied when that pretty face is coated in cum and tears,” he replied, his chest heaving as he dug his nails into the leather of his chair. “Choke on my cock, princess. Let me see you look ravished and thoroughly had. Do that for me and I’ll give you the world.”
You closed your eyes in response to his filth. How he managed to make the dirtiest things sound sexy and pleasurable, you’d never know. “As you wish, my prince.”
You lined his length up with your mouth and took it as far into you as you could. His flesh pressed up against your throat, restricting your air flow and getting your eyes to well up with tears, just as Aemond had wanted. You ignored the discomfort in your mouth and jaw and moved your head up and down over Aemond’s cock. Aesthetics came second to doing whatever got him to react. Eventually Aemond stopped you, pulling his length away from your mouth and taking your chin into his fingers.
“It’s a pity we don’t have a portrait artist on hand to capture the way you look right now,” he said, gently stroking your cheekbone with his thumb and mockingly pouting at you. “You know, I’ve always admired the way you carry yourself. So poised, so refined. One could easily mistake you for a landed lady. But when I see you like this, I can’t help but think this is where you truly belong.”
He pulled you up and into his lap, your back pressed against his chest as he explored your body with his hands. You pressed your legs together to try to control the dull throbbing in your core and bit back your urge to whine. Aemond placed his lips on your jaw and moved his hands upwards to pluck at your sensitive nipples. You squirmed and pressed back to try to evade the pleasure his fingers brought, but there was no escaping him. He had caged you in his arms, enveloping you into a pine scented embrace. And even if he wasn’t wrapped around you, you weren’t sure you would really want to leave.
“My pretty little dove,” he whispered, squeezing your breasts. “If I were your husband, I would have impregnated you four times over by now.”
“My prince,” you gasped. “Your words are dangerous.”
Aemond merely hummed in response, nibbling at the shell of your ear while continuing to circle and pinch at your buds. Once your nipples were swollen and fully sensitive to the touch, Aemond twisted your head towards him. You obediently let him press at your bruised lips with his fingers and explored his face with your eyes.
Prince Aemond was undeniably good looking. He had a head full of white blond hair, golden skin, a rare smile that could bring a woman to her knees. A god amongst men. But your favorite feature of his had always been his gaze. The raw, unrestrained power on one side, the ghost of his past written on the other. Even now, your breath caught in your throat as your eyes locked with his.
“Spread your thighs,” Aemond said.
You obediently opened your legs and leaned your head back against Aemond’s shoulder. His hands directly went to your folds, one hand keeping you spread open, the other playing with your aching clit. You closed your eyes nuzzled into Aemond’s neck as he touched you, circling your bead in a slow, steady pace.
“Sloppy little harlot. Dripping all over my fingers and staining my trousers,” Aemond said, pinching your clit. “No one fucks this body as well as I do. Right, dove?”
“Yes,” you replied breathlessly, desperate to keep his hands on you.
“I’m going to prepare you for my cock, princess. Is that okay?”
Aemond chuckled and kissed your temple before taking your left hand into his. He ran his thumb over your palm and paused when he reached your wedding ring. He examined the glittering paste jewel before taking the band off and placing it on the side table next to him. You opened your mouth to protest but stopped when you noticed him taking off his signet ring. You knit your brows together and watched as he placed the ring on your finger where your wedding ring used to be.
“Hold that for me, won’t you?” he said, kissing the soft skin of your neck before playfully biting down.
You nodded and whined as he returned his fingers to your folds, this time focusing on your entrance. He circled your opening and pressed the pad of his finger in, teasing you without providing any release. You grabbed onto the arms of the chair you were both in and bit down on your lip.
“Please, my prince, I can’t take it,” you begged.
“What is it you wish for, dove?”
“Your fingers,” you breathed.
“And where would you like my fingers, hm? Your pretty breasts? Your sweet mouth?”
“Don’t tease me, my prince.”
“Oh,” he pouted, giving you a look of false pity. “I’m afraid I can’t help you unless you tell me where to touch you. So tell me, princess. Where does this lewd, whore body wish to be touched?”
“My cunt,” you said without hesitation, turning your head towards Aemond. Your gaze was so hazy, you could barely make out his facial features, yet you could easily focus on his berry tinted lips. You stared and longed to close the space between your bodies, to finally taste Aemond’s mouth. But some part of you, the logical part most likely, was demanding you keep your distance.
“Oh, my dove. Was that so hard?” He asked, pressing the finger he was teasing you with inside. You whimpered as Aemond began moving the digit in and out at a steady pace. “How are you always so tight? Is your husband even fucking you?”
“Sh-shut up,” you said, biting back your noises of pleasure. “Put another finger in.”
“Such filthy demands,” Aemond said, pretending to be shocked. He kissed your cheek and did as you asked, pushing another finger into your entrance and curling the digits inside to tease at your walls. You stiffened and let out a strangled cry, writing in Aemond’s arms as he pressed against every sensitive part of you. “Look, dove. Look at where I’m touching.”
You lowered your gaze to where your bodies were connected and groaned. Aemond’s fingers were glistening and flushed pink, dripping with your juices.
“Dirty, isn’t it? You can practically hear how wet you are. Listen,” he whispered in your ear as he parted your folds further to illustrate. “Do you hear that?”
You nodded, watching as Aemond rubbed your swollen clit with his thumb. Every time he moved his fingers, a slick, wet noise came from between your legs. You were mesmerized. Dizzy with pleasure, swept up in the desire that only Aemond could seem to bring out of you. He added another finger while you were lost in your thoughts and kept working you open.
You were only broken out of your trance by the brush of Aemond’s lips against your ear as he spoke. “Are you ready to continue?”
“Yes, my prince.”
He smiled, his sharp teeth on full display once more. You shivered, half in arousal, half in anticipation. He slipped an arm under your knees and another around your shoulders and lifted you up. You snuggled in close as he settled you onto his desk and cleared off the space behind you. The edges of the mahogany table felt harsh and unyielding underneath your hips, but you could barely focus on that when Aemond had his hands on your thighs.
“Beg for my cock, princess.”
“My prince,” you said, cupping the side of his face and brushing your thumb over his cheekbone. “I need you inside me. Take me. Please.”
He smirked down at you and loosened his tie. You laid down and stared up at him as he positioned himself at your entrance. The two of you had engaged in this illicit dance so many times, and yet each time felt like the first. You placed your hands on his chest, curiously stroking the silky fabric of his shirt. The material was thin, allowing you to feel the muscles he hid under his clothing. You briefly lamented the fact that he rarely ever had the patience to strip for you. While you were lost in thought, he took one of your hands and brought it to his lips, softly kissing it before placing it over his heart.
You let out a deep breath and winced as he began pushing inside. He stroked the skin of your hips and made sure to move slowly, keeping his gaze on your face. The pain mixed with pleasure until you could no longer tell which feeling was which. Every nerve in you had been set on fire, the warm arousal in the pit of your stomach flaring up to a heat that rivaled the sun. He bottomed out in you after what felt like an eternity and waited for you to whine at him before he moved.
“Needy little thing, aren’t you?” He chuckled. “I’ll give you what you want, dove. Don’t worry. I’ll tend to your every desire.”
You were too delirious to respond to him, lost in the overwhelming feeling of him filling what felt like every empty space in your body. His warmth, his scent, his touch - he overwhelmed you. He moved in a slow, deep rhythm, careful not to hurt you as he reacquainted your body with his. His consideration for you was sweet, but unnecessary. You wrapped your legs around his waist and gripped harshly at his shirt.
“I’m not made of porcelain, my prince. Please go faster.”
“Last time I obeyed your commands, I got an angry letter from your keeper,” Aemond said, keeping his slow rhythm steady as sweat began to gather on his brow. “Apparently you told him I had fucked you so harshly, you couldn’t bare to take another cock for two weeks.”
You flushed with heat and looked down in embarrassment. “I was fine.”
“Oh, so you lied?” He asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking.
“Will you fuck me properly or not?”
“Tell me why you lied to your husband, truthfully, and I’ll give you as many orgasms as your body can handle.”
You hesitated. The rational part of your mind screamed at you not to give someone as manipulative as Aemond information that could destroy you. But the part of you that was at the helm, the animal instincts that polite society had demanded you keep suppressed, thought destruction at the hands of your secret lover sounded seductive. “I did not want to lay with him.”
His lips curved into a slow smile, as if he had been expecting that answer all along. “Trouble in paradise?”
“I wasn’t aware ‘marriage counseling’ was one of your areas of expertise, my prince,” you sarcastically replied. “Fuck me harder or I’ll get myself off.”
At that he frowned, grabbing your hands and pinning them down at your sides. “You are the most infuriating little creature I’ve ever met.”
“Likewise, my prince.”
His lip twitched in displeasure before he slammed into you without warning. You gasped, digging your nails into his desk to keep yourself grounded as Aemond began fucking you relentlessly. Though his rhythm was meant to be a punishment, you enjoyed it far more than you should and quickly found yourself hovering over the edge. You only needed a little push to fully get yourself there. You attempted to move a hand between your thighs to rub your clit, but were still trapped by Aemond’s unyielding grip.
“Let my hand go,” you demanded.
“What for?”
“I need to come.”
“And you thought I’d just let you take your pleasure after how rude you’ve been to me tonight?”
You frowned petulantly. “You promised.”
“You didn’t get it in writing,” he smirked. “But I’ll make you a deal, hm? I’ll deliver everything I promised you if you say one, simple phrase.”
You paused and looked at him skeptically. “What phrase?”
He gave you a gentle smile, bringing a hand to your hairline and wiping away the sweat that had gathered there. “Say that you love me.”
You froze. This was cruel, even for him.
“I can’t.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” He asked, slowing the pace of his thrusts until he stopped entirely and released his grip on your wrists.
“Both,” you snapped.
“Why not?”
“Because,” you said, looking away from him as your eyes began to flood with tears. You kept your gaze fixed on a painting of a flower vase and willed yourself to stay calm. You had done everything to prevent yourself from developing feelings, villainizing him in your own mind so you wouldn’t have to suffer the pain of loving someone you could never have. Somehow, despite all odds, he had found you out. You felt embarrassed, ashamed. You were fearful that he’d throw your feelings back in your face, unable and unwilling to reciprocate.
Aemond brought the hand on your forehead down to your jaw and forced you to look at him.
“My princess,” he murmured, his brows drawn together. “Even if you do not say it, I want you to know that I do. Love you, that is.”
“My prince-“
“Aemond,” he corrected.
You licked your lips and nodded. “Aemond, we can’t. I’m a married woman, and you’re a respected member of this community. This affair was bad enough, but to get our emotions involved- this could ruin you.”
“I don’t care,” Aemond replied. “I need you, all of you. My entire life I’ve wanted for nothing. I understand the value of wealth and power, but all of these things that surround me are just baubles to show off to others. I could live without these things. But you, I could never live without you. I crave you. I think about you constantly. You are the only person in my life who I feel at ease with. Everything beautiful and pure in this world reminds me of you. Please, my love. Don’t give up on us before we even have the chance to try.”
You blinked up at him, searching his expressive gaze and only finding affection and overwhelming adoration. “I love you, Aemond.”
He grinned and leaned down, pressing his mouth against yours for the first time. He tasted surprisingly sweet against your tongue and you couldn’t get enough. You tangled your fingers into his soft hair, parting your lips and sighing into the kiss. He shifted his hips back and forward against yours, reminding you he had never pulled out.
You broke the kiss to look at Aemond incredulously. “Did you seriously stay hard that whole time?”
“You know how much I like it when you cry, my love,” he replied, nipping at your lower lip before moving to lick one of your tear stained cheeks.
You shivered in disgusted arousal. “You are a perverted man.”
“I know,” he said, stealing a quick kiss from your lips before moving back to his earlier position. He gripped the back of your knees and looked down at you with a smirk. “But you seem to like that, hm? Maybe that’s something we should explore.”
“Later,” you said, gasping as Aemond’s cock began pressing against a sensitive area inside you. “Oh, right there.”
He wordlessly continued hitting the spot, keeping a steady rhythm as he brought you back to the precipice. You struggled to keep your eyes open, the feeling he evoked inside of you becoming too much for you to handle. At that moment, he moved a hand down to the apex of your thighs and pressed his thumb against your clit. Your climax overwhelmed you, blocking out your vision and leaving you writhing in the aftershocks of pleasure. Aemond finished a few moments after you did, carefully pulling out before finishing on your stomach. You winced as he dragged his fingers through the mess he made and smeared the sticky fluid over your cheeks and lips.
“You make the prettiest picture like this,” he said, massaging the fluid into your skin as best as he could while you squirmed and shot him an annoyed look.
Once you came down from your post coital haze, you looked at Aemond apprehensively. “Did you mean everything you said earlier?”
“Of course I did,” he frowned. “I love you, and I’d do anything to have you.”
“Does that include leveraging your financial control over my husband to take his wife?”
“I did say anything, didn’t I? Don’t worry, I have plans for dear Ronald.” Aemond smirked and gently placed his hands on your hips. “Suppose a certain prince who Ronald was indebted to noticed a few discrepancies in his ledgers? Fraud is a serious crime, my love, especially when you’re defrauding nobility. That’s a guaranteed prison sentence for dearest Ronald. But oh, he would be leaving behind a beautiful wife to fend for herself. Would it be so bad if the handsome prince that Ronald defrauded kindly decided to take in his helpless, pretty wife? It would only be the honorable thing to do.”
You giggled and pulled Aemond down to brush your nose against his. “And would this handsome prince be marrying Ronald’s wife?”
“If Ronald’s wife permits, the handsome prince would not only marry her, he would fill her womb as many times as she likes,” Aemond said.
“I think she’d like that,” you replied, stealing a kiss.
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moshpitgamma · 6 months
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My Sunflower|| John Dory x Fiancé!Reader
(This is my first real fanfic so Plss don’t be TOO harsh)
“John! I’m home!” Said the exhausted troll walking through the door of their shared apartment. “Huh? Damn it’s 9pm.” Y/n said checking the time. “Hun, You here?” They screamed again wondering why their fiancé wasn’t answering. When they didn’t get a response they started to get anxious, but convinced themselves he went to either the studio or to hang out with his brothers.
The clock finally hits 11:03pm and still there isn’t a sign of JD. “Why isn’t he answering his phone?” You said with worry laced in your voice. His brothers also didn’t answer their phones for god knows what. Now you’re in full panic mode pacing back and forth in the dining room blowing UP his phone with messages and calls. After your many failed attempts of contacting him you finally decided to call the only person you KNEW that was gonna pick up. So you called his grandma.
Once she answered you tried to hide your anxiousness and your panicked voice, but she caught on to it quickly. “Hi Mrs. Rosie, do you know where John is? I haven’t spoke to him since this morning before I went to work.” You asked frantically hoping that she would cure the pulsating adrenaline going through your body. When you finished your nauseating questions the silence you both held was fueling it like you were going to burst. When the never ending silence finally came to an end a sigh was heard. "Hun Bun….JD left hours ago after their embarrassing show fail." she told you with reassurance and empathy. She then continued to tell you how and what happened between the brothers. The last thing you ever heard from her was “Sweetie just give it time.” So you waited…
And waited….
And waited….
Until 20 years have passed and still no sign of John. You were invited to the royal wedding of King Grisel and Bridget and was currently trying to find a dress. While rampaging you closet like a mad woman you come across and unfamiliar bagged dress. When you took it out you stared at it with tears welling up in your eyes. It was your dress he proposed to you in. It was admired in jewels and yellow sunflower like petals and soft like satin and silk. It was one of a kind. Your debating stopped instantly and you proceeded to put on the dress.
“We are gathered here today t-.” “STOP THE WEDDING!” A random voice yelled…
You felt like your heart was going to jump out your chest from all the adrenaline rushing. Trying to force your tears down you finally built enough courage to turn around and look to where everyone else was looking. When you finally saw who it was your tears finally escaped their haunted and sorrowful chamber. He was there……
Standing in front of Branch?
Trying to pick him up?
You didn’t wanna get noticed in this state so you turned to leave but you felt a hand grab your flushed smaller ones. It was Branch..”Are you ok?”he asked knowing you weren’t. “I’m ok.” You said quickly dismissing his attempts of comfort. Before you could leave you heard a nickname you never knew you would hear again. “My sunflower?” He must’ve felt the tension he created so he hurried to you and begged you too listen to his explanations and excuses. You couldn’t do nothing, BUT listen so you gave him 3 minutes. “The reason I left was because Brozone was turning into a disaster and I needed to just space myself away for a while!”
You didn’t know whether to be mad or sad or HELL even glad but you knew he was trying to get you to understand. “But did you have to go?” Tears welling up..
“Did you have to leave me alone without telling me ANYTHING?!!?”
“I-“ you didn’t let him finish before you started walking off letting the emotions and realization sink in. He knew he fucked up… He couldn’t let you leave…. He needed his flower…He ran up to you and hugged you as hard as he could to prevent you from leaving and cried like hell was dragging him away from the heaven he created with you. “Sunflower PLEASE, I promise I’ll never leave you again!!” He repeated like his life depended on it. You slowly started to give in and soothed him. “Please Hun, I promise I’ll pro-“ He couldn’t even get done with his sentence before feeling the feeling he oh so missed….
Your lips…
“Please Don’t leave me again.” You said barely above a whisper and your teary E/C eyes looked at him.
He smiled warmly and responded with nothing but sincerity..”Of course not my sunflower.”
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novasdarling · 1 year
Hawks requests you say??? How about yan hawks with a darling that has been kidnapped for like a month or two now. Darling has been getting a bit bored so hawks is giving them freedoms (like outside time, getting to choose what movie they watch etc.), in exchange for physical and verbal affection. Like darling gets to choose the movie if they cuddle with him for the entire thing.
He would, so many yanderes would, but him especially. Hey, it's a win-win for him. Gets what he wants and sees reader happy.
I rushed it at the end a little sorry!
Give and Take
TW: Kidnapping, Dubcon, Smut, Broken Bones, Female Reader, Stockholm Syndrome
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The room was dull, with little decor in it. Hawks had stated it was cause he didn't like when rooms were too busy. He was worried he would bump into something. Bang his wings against a shelf or table. Meaning any decor you wanted to make the place feel like anything other than a jail cell was limited. Hawks had allowed you to decorate certain rooms. Let you bring a few things from your own place. Items he had managed to go back and get. A few picture frames, books, and a few other trinkets. Yet, it was still limited. You couldn't stand looking at the plain walls and bare rooms. The same thing, day in and out. It drove you nuts.
The worst was when it was a nice day out. Sun shining, and a warm breeze. A day you wouldn't be able to actually enjoy. You weren't allowed out, even after all this time he was still worried you would run. You learned your lesson the last time you tried. The memory of hearing your bones snap under his hands still haunted you. A punishment that made its marks on your mind. You hadn't run since then.
You were seated in the living room. On the huge sofa, he had ordered before he brought you home. For the sole purpose of its size, large and soft. Perfect for afternoon naps with each other and movie night cuddles. Words that made you want to puke once. Kicking and screaming when he dragged you to it on those nights. After some time, you eventually became indifferent to it. Though on days when he was out busy saving the city. You could enjoy the softness of it. The comfort it brought when it was just you on it.
"Sweetie, I'm home."
Of course, the comfort never lasted long. Hawks was practically singing those words as he opened the front door. Locking the multiple locks behind him. Most needing a key only he had. Before you would grow angry and hopeless as each lock clicked shut. Now, there was only a gentle laugh leaving your lips. The locks weren't what was keeping you in anymore.
"How was your day." Hawks had made his way to you, placing a kiss on your cheek.
"Same as always. Boring, nothing to do."
"That's unfortunate."
Hawks didn't care to hear you complain. He never did, shutting you down before you could go any further. Now, if you had a complaint. It was short and vague. Something he could hear before interrupting. Something you could slip in before he shut you down.
"It's really nice outside." You were staring out at the patio.
"I guess, though a bit too hot for my liking. I was sweating all day."
That was a lie. He was just saying that to keep you from asking to go out. From asking to go on the patio like you used to do. You had no idea why he was so reluctant to let you on it. It was completely blocked off from other apartments. No other patios could see in. Plus you two were at the top of the building. No one could look down in on it. There was no way you could call for help, that anyone would see you. You were curious if he would ever let you on it, or if it just was for show now. A reminder even in your "home", you weren't welcomed in some areas.
"What's the point of having a balcony if you won't let me use it."
"Oh, well I never use it myself anyway. Just came with the place."
"Keigo" He preferred when you used his real name. A small form of vulnerability he shared with you. "You have a whole patio set out there. You're telling me you never used it?"
Hawks gazed at the furniture out there, then back at you. He didn't like the look you gave him. One that told him you had him. No one owned several outdoor chairs, a table and umbrellas when they didn't use them. Not to mention from what you could see. Some of the chairs looked quite used.
"Well," He was thinking of a comeback. "It's too dangerous for you out there."
That was a lie. You tried to argue with him. Stating no one could see you out there. That you were safe. The railings were high enough that you couldn't jump. Even if he feared that, you wouldn't mind just going out with him. Letting him babysit you while you soaked in the sun. You tried to reason and bargain with him.
"I said no." His tone was telling you not to push on. "Plus, you haven't shown me you deserve it." Hawks' smile was filled with condescending intent.
That piece of shit.
The topic was dropped, but your mind raced through his words. If you were going to be here for the rest of your miserable life with him. You needed to make the most of it. Try to make things normal. Before you were simply cruising on autopilot. Not fighting him anymore, but not actively engaging in his wants and needs. Possibly, it was time things change. That you actively engaged with your new life. A thought that didn't make you want to scream and hurl insults at him like it did in the first few weeks.
The day went by as usual. Hawks got takeout from his favourite restaurant. Both of you ate, him making most of the conversation while you answered with a "that's impressive." or a "you're so good at your job." every time he paused. Compliments that made his wings puff with pride. Once these words made you nauseous, but now they were just words. They made him happy, which meant you were happy. You began to tune him out enough to listen to your thoughts. Starting to think of what he had said earlier "you haven't shown me you deserve it." and what he meant by that. You hadn't made an attempt to run in a long time. Surely that was worth something. You had been good that way, proved you wouldn't run anymore. Why did you have to prove you were good for him anyway? He was the one who kidnapped you. He was treating you like a dog. Do a trick and you'll get a treat.
"Hey, did you hear what I said?"
"Oh," You had heard, at least enough to answer. "yeah, you saved someone from a hostage situation. Very brave."
Brave or attention seeking, who knows.
"Reminds me of the first time we met. When I saved you in that museum." Satisfaction was littered across his face.
How could you forget? The day that ended your life. It had been like any other day. You were a volunteer at the museum, showing a school class around. You were just trying to get some experience to get a job you actually liked.
Around each exhibit, you went. Showing relics from civilizations that didn't exist anymore. Bones of creatures that no longer roamed the earth. That was when it happened. A sudden sound of shots, people hitting the floor. The door leading in and out of the exhibit was shut and blocked. Three men yelling, brandishing guns. You weren't sure what exactly happened. All you remember is getting the kids to hide in a corner. Keeping them as far from the men as possible. It only lasted a few moments apparently. Hawks had cut their plans short. Swopping in and pinning the men with his feathers. Assuring everyone that they were safe now with that stupid smile plastered on his face. That was when you two first met. After the cops had shown up, taking over. You wanted to thank him, along with the kids that wanted to meet the mighty Hawks. He had been so sweet and kind to the kids and you. He had been charming, you could understand how so many fell for his trap. How you fell for it too.
After that day, he began to show up more and more in your life. Little bump-ins, him just showing up to the museum when you were there. You had believed his lies of wanting to make sure he hadn't missed anything, wanting to go over the scene again and again. That was the start. Then there were coffee dates, evening dates, and extravagant gifts. All until he had gotten bored of taking things at the normal pace, or in his words. Taking things slow. Before you knew what was happening. You were here, in his house with locks on every door leading out.
"That was the best day of my life, meeting you. Seeing how you cared for those kids. Putting yourself in front of them. You're one of the few truly good people out of there."
He was prompting you. You could either smile and thank him, or perhaps try something different. After all, he did say you hadn't been good. That was why you couldn't be on the patio. Couldn't have some safe freedoms.
"Thank you, but compared to what you did that day and do every day. It was nothing."
Hawks had paused eating, looking at you like he was curious about where this was going. This wasn't your usual answer. You seldom talked so much unless it was to complain or beg.
"I mean you save people every day without a second thought. Who knows what would have happened without you."
"Yeah, I guess your right. Who knows what would have happened without me." Hawks smirked like a child who was being praised for good grades. Continuing to eat his dinner, smiling throughout the rest of the meal. You had done something right.
You watched him for the rest of the evening. Noticing how much cheerier he was than usual. He was kinder and more lenient than normal. It made you begin to think of his words from earlier "you haven't shown me you deserve it." Was this what he meant, completing him, playing into his little fantasies of a perfect little couple. Like you two were in love. Indifference wasn't good enough for him anymore. It seemed like he wanted more if you were going to ask for things.
For a few weeks, you tested this theory. Complimenting him without any prompts. Kissing him before he left for work and when he got home. It was the small things that made him happy. Hawks began to give into your wants more. Letting you help pick a place to order takeout from. Allowing you to pick the movie or show for the night. He even allowed you to use the TV when he was out at work. Small things that made your cage more comfortable.
It must have been a month or two before your mind wandered to the patio. It would be a big ask, meaning something big in return would need to be given. Hawks had never pressured you for sex. No, he demanded kisses and touches, but not sex. You were glad for that, but his touches began to linger longer as the days went on. You realized it would eventually be requested, or he'd let it fester and cause a fight. Either you could wait, or take it into your own hands. It became a question not when or how you wanted it, but rather which was the better of the two choices. A big ask would need a big return.
You made your choice after a few days. Deciding to take things into your own hands. You had this chance to decide when and how sex with Hawks would go. Something for you, and something for him.
Waiting for the perfect opportunity, you found it. It was after a hard day for Hawks. He had spent half the day chasing a criminal down. One he had been looking for, for weeks. Finally, he had managed to track him. Made the arrest and was the city's hero once again. He was happy, but exhausted. Now was the time. Before you knew it, you two were on the couch, making out. He was enjoying himself, letting his hands roam. Moaning into the kiss. It was now or never. Quickly, you made your way onto his lap. Wrapping your legs around his waist, balancing on your knees. It was a lot, more than you had given him before. The most intimacy you had initiated. You felt Hawks pause for a moment, surprised at your actions.
"What are you-" Hawks pulled away, enough to look you in your eyes.
"I think I'm ready, I-I think I can..." You couldn't finish it, but you knew he understood.
Hawks pulled away further. Allowing himself to look at your whole face. Trying to read your expression. Hawks was a professional at reading people. He knew how to tell when people were lying, and when they were dishonest. There was none in your face. He could tell you wanted this, he just couldn't tell why.
"Ready for what? Use your words, sweetheart."
He was living for this. Living to hear you beg for him, to want him out of your own free will. Or at least as free as it could be in this situation. You told him what you wanted, that you wanted him. Oh, the look he gave you was terrifying. Full of desire, with a predatory element to it. Like he was a starved man, finally finding out his trap had worked. That finally he was going to eat tonight.
Before you knew it, Hawks had picked you up. Taking you to the bedroom. A part of you was thankful that he wasn't just going to take you on the couch. That he would offer some form of comfort for you.
The bed was soft, swallowing you whole while Hawks stood at the end of the bed. Staring down at you, as if he was waiting for you to beckon him down.
"If-If you want me to stop. Let me know, please." He was nervous, you could tell. His voice was a bit shaky.
Maybe it was the Stockholm syndrome finally taking full effect, but you found his words comforting, and endearing. He was letting you have some control. The first taste of control he let you have since bringing you here.
Things had started off slow. Hawks letting you set the pace at first. Allowing you to let him know when you wanted more than just kissing, more than simple touches over the clothing. You were the one to pull him down towards you. Letting him hover over you on the bed. You were the one to deepen the kiss. The one to slide your hand under his shirt. Feeling his skin, allowing your fingers to rake over his muscles. For someone who fought for a living, his skin was somehow so soft. Leaning further in, wanting more of him. He felt soothing like this was something you two had done times before. It felt familiar.
Hawks was hovering over you, letting his tongue explore your mouth. He was being needy, and desperate, but you could tell he was holding himself back. He was waiting for you to allow him more.
Your fingers began to slightly lift his shirt, trying to get him to remove it. It wasn't long until Hawks was stripped of his shirt, and moved onto his pants. Leaving him just in his boxers. Even if some part of you still wanted to fight him day and night, you couldn't help but marvel at his beauty. It was clear why he had so many fans, especially those who ogled him. He had the charm and the looks.
His hands were back on you, helping you move further up the bed until you both lay in the middle. His lips quickly attached themselves to your neck. Kissing and sucking any spot he could get to. You couldn't help but moan when he laid his lips on one spot. Even if you were about to have sex with him, it embarrassed you to enjoy his touches so much.
Hawks' hands were beginning to move under your clothes. Trying to peel them off, though he refused to let his lips part from your skin. Stopping his efforts. You couldn't help, but laugh. His movements weren't smooth. They were rushed and needy as he finally parted from your neck. Getting your shirt and pants off. Leaving you just in your underwear. Hawks had rarely seen you naked. He had given you your space when you changed, or when you bathed. Leaving the room or turning around. But now he was staring shamelessly. His eyes were wide as he watched as you sat up on the bed. Him kneeling beside you while you used your elbows to prompt you up.
"Is-is something wrong?"
You couldn't understand why he was pausing now.
"No" He was now leaning over you, slowly pushing you back down on the bed. "Of course not. It's just that, that I've never seen someone as beautiful as you before." Leaning down, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. "How am I so lucky to have you."
He was sweet talking you, but this was different than his normal flirting. It seemed more meaningful. He wasn't just flirting to bother you, to make you flustered. He wasn't using the charm he put on for the camera. This wasn't an act. This was him. Awkward and attempting to be meaningful. He wasn't being Hawks, he was Keigo with you now.
It wasn't long until he was pulling his boxers down. Letting you see just how hard he was just from kissing. You'd never seen him bare, at least not on purpose. He wasn't small, but he seemed more reasonable. Having more width than length. You followed suit and took off your underwear. You both were fully bare now. Both ready for things to move forward, yet unable to push it. Staying in place for a few moments. Hearts pounding, until Hawks made the first move. His fingers finding their place in between your legs. Letting them play with the fat of your inner thigh before moving up. Sliding his fingers up and down between your folds. Getting you used to his touch, getting you used to him being so intimate. It wasn't long until his fingers found their way into you. He was slow, letting only one finger in. Taking his time to allow you to adjust. You closed your eyes, taking in his touch fully. He felt good, it felt nice to have him touching you in a way you wanted. He was doing this to make you feel good. As his finger began to slowly pump in and out of you. Warming you up, getting you ready for him. It wasn't long until he was able to move a second finger in. He was slow. Watching your face to see if you showed any discomfort. Trying to make sure you enjoyed this as much as him. The oddness and discomfort were fading away. It was beginning to feel nice. You were enjoying it and there was nothing you could do to hide the moans escaping your lips. If only your eyes were open to watch how Hawks was looking at you. To see how he marvelled at you. The way he looked at you, reading every little change in facial expression. Wanting nothing more than to give you everything.
It wasn't long until Hawks had his mouth back on you. This time in between your legs. Kissing your inner thighs before attaching his lips to your clit. Your hands gripped the sheets. Trying to ground yourself. Hawks had always put on such a front, acting like your comfort and needs would come second as long as his were met. This time, your needs seemed to be first.
Your back was arching. You were pushing your body lower. Trying to get closer to his mouth. Wanting more. Both his fingers and mouth were making you feel amazing. His name left your lips. Begging for more. You could feel his smile against your skin. He was enjoying this perhaps more than you.
It wasn't long until the feeling in your stomach started. The heaviness of it, like it was begging to be released. He was bringing you closer and closer. You needed it so badly. You hadn't realized, but a "please" had left your lips. Making Hawks pump his fingers slightly faster. Hitting your spot. Tipping you over the edge. Making you finish on his mouth.
You still had your eyes closed, trying to level out your breathing before looking at him. Even with your eyes closed, you knew what look he would have on his face. A smile bigger than anything you'd seen. It would be full of pride. What you missed what how his mouth and chin were now covered in you. Something he was immensely proud of.
"You liked that?"
Of course, he would need you to confirm it. He knew the answer but wanted you to admit it. Wanted you to acknowledge that Hawks the hero, Keigo the kidnapper, could make you feel like this. Could make you cum on his tongue.
Nodding was enough for him. He made his way back on top of you, hovering over you. If only you could see how hard he was. How badly he wanted you. How precum was now leaking from him.
Your eyes shot open when he began to push in. Although he had warmed you up, you were still trying to adjust. It didn't hurt, rather it felt good. Inch by inch he pushed into you. His lips on yours, swallowing your moans. You could taste yourself on his tongue.
Once he was fully in. He took a moment before he began to move slowly. Pumping in and out of you. It didn't take long for Hawks to get carried away. He couldn't help, but begin to move faster. Letting his head rest on your neck. Moaning into your skin. He was desperate. Frantic for his own release. His hands sliding under you, grabbing at your ass. Trying to lift you further into him. Mumbling into your skin, praises, rants about how long he's waited. Any type of restraint was gone. He was back to now seeking his own release.
It didn't hurt, rather it felt good. More than you were ready for, but moans still left your mouth. Your hands went to his back. Settling by the base of his wings. Letting your fingers stroke the base. Causing Hawks to shudder and moan at the feeling. Begging you to do it again.
It must have only lasted a few minutes because before you knew it. Hawks had grunted into your neck and his body twitched before stilling. He laid on top of you for a bit. You wanted to laugh, you found it amusing how the oh-great Hawks didn't last long in bed. But in some odd way, it was endearing. To have such a man fall so easily.
Hawks got both of you cleaned up before getting back into bed. It would be stupid to ask for anything right now. He would see it as a betrayal. That you were just using him. You would wait till later. Hoping it would work. Tomorrow evening perhaps, when you had the energy. For now, you would just curl into him. Enjoying this moment.
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