#he has weird bendy arms
rachelfaye-art · 2 years
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I couldn't do a bunch of Undertale fan art and NOT draw Mettaton. He's definitely my favorite character to draw. You can pose him pretty much however you want, and it always works! The more dramatic, the better! I have more Mettaton coming, and this was the least dramatic pose I put him in.
Oh, and by the way, LEGS is the correct answer!
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seekingdecay · 1 year
Btw i only have a 10 image limit and I have more notes so PLEASE ask me if ur interested. I've been DYING to talk about this since I played act 2-3. Sorry for the long post in advanced.
Here are all the unobstructed images of p03's model! You may immediately notice...
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Hmm. P03 is weirdly green.
Well, theres a reason for this! If you take a closer look at the top of his head.
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P03 is made of copper.
Now this is interesting for a few reasons. Most importantly because copper is a terrible metal to be using for a robot.
1. It oxidizes
2. Its bendy as hell
3. It has a much lower melting point (1,675-1,981°F / 913-1,082°C) compared to traditional Iron Alloys (2,200-2,500°F / 1,205-1,370°C).
4. Copper is corrosive in water, especially salt water.
5. Copper is super conductive and typically used only in wiring.
Theres other things but this is specifically what I find interesting.
P03 was 100% not made to survive out in the elements. If anything being out in the open is an active danger to him. To keep his outer metal from degrading, he'd need to stay in a cool, dry environment. As well as staying far away from The Melter's area.
Considering all this, it is VERY unlikely P03 is very damage proof. Water, excessive heat and sources of high electricity could take him out.
Another thing to note is this exposed... Wiring? Tubing?
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This is SUPER dangerous in the environment he's in. Like if this is important and it gets nicked or god forbid sliced, hes FUCKED. What is it even for? Cooling system? Wiring? and why does he just have an open, exposed hole in his back that assumingly opens into his wiring?
ANOTHER thing, too
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P03's crank arm (left) is a screw joint of some kind. Meaning that it can't spin forever and at some point will just... Get stuck. And his claw arm (right) is a weird looking ball joint? It obviously only moves really up and down with how it looks, considering the raised up parts would get stuck. So his movement must be extremely limited and rudimentary.
Why is P03 built like a bitch?
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bendyredrawn · 19 days
Since I know you have gripes with Beast Bendy, how would you redesign him and/or incorporate him into the au? If the multi-limbed messed up end boss fight doesn’t already count?
(Not saying you should incorporate him, I just thought it would be interesting!)
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(excuse the rushed drawings) the multi limbed messed up bendy still exists, I imagine that the boss fight would take place in phases, with a total of 3
The first one would be like the bendy with the hammer, he doesn’t have all the limbs popping out of him but his face is still pretty distorted
The second phase is when all the limbs start popping out and his body gets more messed up
the third phase is the equivalent to beast bendy, bendy takes the form of this weird giant blob thing (the one in the drawing is not final at all haha), and and an arm pops out of his body and snatches henry
He then flings henry into the air where he falls directly into his mouth, onwards, henry has to overcome a number of weird scenes he’s thrown in, like him running along a piano trying not to squashed by bendy or like something from bimbos initiation when bimbo runs away from the axes, idk something very typical of old cartoons
Henry’s objective is basically to make it through each one until he finds the way out and eventually plays the reel
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bendysinitiation · 17 days
Do you have any headcanon for the ink demon?
The ink demon has had a lot of changes from the original game so I can’t describe everything, but he’s has a lot more cartoon fun and enjoys toying with Henry. His goal is really just to make him as paranoid as possible.
Physically, the ink demon is also a toonlike, just a very weird one comprised of possibly hundreds of bodies strung throughout the studio, like a home security system that also happens to be his flesh. He can sense everything that moves in them, so Henry’s best bet is to avoid as many puddles as he can.
I actually have a lot of concept arts (and stupid arts) for him so I’ll put some here!
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(Image ID: five different forms of the ink demon. The first is him engulfed in a void, with only his white face and gloves showing. The second is him without arms and with a clear skeleton walking around. The third is him rooted to the ground with his head flipped upside down and whistling something. The fourth is him as a big inky mass with candles on his shoulders and exposed flesh underneath the slop. The fifth is him most like Bendy, just skeletal and without a real face. End ID)
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macksartblock · 4 months
do you have any specific headcanons for the teens??
I don’t really have too many headcanons for the teens. Most of them tend to draw from my own or my friends experiences/habits bc I find it funny so —
Taylor: has fibromyalgia and once texted the group chat something along the lines of “do you guys ever sleep so hard you wake up to a dislocated hip? I’m so good at sleeping” Scary was the only one who thought it was funny.
Normal: washes his hair in the sink more often than one should. He also wouldn’t have time to blow dry it before he’d put on the Teenie costume so his hair would end up crimped and half wet for the entirety of the day.
Additional HC that’s more family aligned: Before Hero and Normal were born, Sparrow painted a tree mural in each of their rooms. Hero eventually repainted her room when she was 12 but Normal’s tree is still visible :)
Hermie: is double jointed at the elbow and shoulder in his left arm. He can do this weird trick involving moving his clasped hands from behind his back, over his head, to his front. It’s weirdly bendy and uncomfortable to witness.
Lincoln: when he was around 8-9 yrs old, he attempted to convince his dads to help him make a sign that said “Tricks for Kisses (hershey kind)” around Halloween. He explained he was gonna do soccer tricks for kisses but did NOT explain he meant the chocolate kind. They did not make the sign.
Scary: when she was very little, like 4-5ish, Veronica signed her up for ballet classes. She did enjoy them until it was time for her first recital where, before even going on stage, she burst into tears and her teacher had to run out to collect Veronica from the audience. She was then signed up for soccer and was far more interested in that. Veronica still has the picture of Scary in her recital outfit in her wallet bc Scary couldn’t stand the idea of it hanging up in the house around Terry Jr.
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Love your stuff man, can I get audrey bendy susie allison and carly(the ghost girl) x a reader that is a living shadow like dr facilier's shadow and can manipulate people through there shadows, Again love your stuff.
Audrey,bendy,susie,allison and carly x shadow reader that can manipulate living matter
Of course u can!
Has been proofread!
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Considering the fact that shes been bothered by all sorts of things since shes entered this inky hell,I think it's safe to say she would be somewhat surprised apon initially finding you
That's until she finds out that you can interact with people through their shadows
Shes honestly terrified once she finds you practically playing ping pong with some stray searchers
The ink around the place dosnt help,it becomes harder to locate you when your against a almost pitch black surface
Once befriended you though all the things that were a issue before became an uperhand
If shes ever in trouble,should a searcher get to close you can pull it back and just hold it there
She finds it funny when you hold one back and it has no idea what tf is going on
After friending you she finds your powers cool and not as terrifying
You can create little puppet shows for her and manipulate shadows to dance and do stuff
Audrey finds you a massive help when navigating through the place
When she manages to escape you bet shes taking you with her
Once in the real world you can have alot more freedom and it's easier to find you now that the hallways have colour.
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He knows of all the weird creatures that live in the studio,its his realm
Yet he hadnt seen you before
A shadow,that can manipulate living matter by using their shadows?
How interesting
Would probally take a similar approach with you like he did with audrey
If your even made out of ink
He likes to watch when you mess around with people's shadows,tripping up searchers and fucking around with the lost souls
If you ever manage to trip up Wilson you'll definatly get on bendys "do not kill yet"list
He dosnt know how you can even exist because your literally a shadow,do you perhaps have a seperate body somewhere in the studio?perhaps only your shadow appears
He trys to find a logical explanation but cant so he kinda just goes "well if you dont help Wilson or audrey then u stay away"
He dosnt care about you if your not a threat,hes annoyed he cant talk telepathicly or controll u though
Once he bonds with you though you can be a pretty nasty duo
If anybody tries to run away I dont think theyll get very far,
The studio is abit slippery today,or maybe it's the fact that you tripped them over
Well either way they fell head over heels,just like bendy did for you
Anyways,intruders dont get far as you drag them to wherever the ink demon is to take care of them
If you play with his shadow he will get annoyed so dont do that
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Shes been around the studio for God knows how long,so of course she knows about the things the ink creates
However she had never seen a being quiet like you
Shes not bothered by you until you pull on her arm and mess with her,she thinks it's a lurcher trying to annoy her at first until she comes to the realization that shes alone
After that she dosnt like to see you
She thinks that your always gonna pull on her hair or something and since your a shadow she cant do anything,so she just leaves,not being bothered to deal with you when more important matters are at hand
She eventually talk to you when your both in the same room,although the conversation starts out rough,she dosnt like being messed with,especially when she cant do anything to stop it
After eventually getting over her grudge she speaks to you...passively?
Relatively passivly
Eventually a friendship starts to bloom though
Theres a very high chance you could bond over a common hatred for the ink demon
Definatly asks if you can fuck around with audrey and Wilson
You can both be quite scary when in the same room,especially if one of them has something against you
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Shes a survivor,she knows the things that lurk in the shadows of the ink but shes also not afraid to stand her ground against them
Once coming across you,allison will immidatly deem you as a threat,nothing is as it seems in the studio
When she finds out that you can move people through their shadows etc,shes not surprised,like mentioned previously,the things in this realm are made to deceive you
If you become troublesome for her and Tom then she will light candles everywhere or choose lit up areas,only venturing into dim ones when shes sure your not lurking around a corner
Once she somewhat friends you,you can be a massive help,she found out that you can also interact with stuff like bacon soup,so sometimes you go out getting supplies so they dont get injured by the ink demon or anything
Tom warms up to you surprisingly quick(its because you spoil him)
She does eventually admit that maybe she judged you to hard to being with
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Considering the fact that shes a ghost aswell she'd be very intrigued by a shadow like you
Shes probally the only one on this list who isnt surprised that you can interact with peoples shadows,shes just not that surprised anymore
That's not to say she isnt impressed
She cant really "interact" with the living
Although she can scare people,moving things etc isnt really her forte
You two get along amazingly almost immediately
Its probally due to the fact that you both dont have a physicall body
The two of you could probally cause most people a heart attack
Both of you are very annoying towards audrey
And no audrey will get no breaks from your antics
You both mess around with the butcher gang alot alswell,one time accidentally causing a fight to break out amongst themselves
Wilson gets alot of problems from the both of you
If the old man needs to sleep hes not getting any,at all
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So! Everything I’ve learned about spooders is from my aunt Angie, and Exotic Lair on YouTube and now I’m talking about Idia!
Spiders rub their thorax with their legs to kick their little hairs at predators or enemies, they actually get irritated really quickly (no I personally haven’t had kicked hairs in my arms, but my Auntie has and we had to drive her to the hospital cause the topical ointments were causing an allergic reaction) so all I’m picturing is if you scare Idia, and his back to you he kicks his hairs at you. Make sure to knock before entering his room! Nobody makes this mistake twice…
Some tarantelas keep small frogs in a symbiotic relationship where the frog protects the spiders eggs, and the spider protects the frog, so honestly…Ortho is a frog boy. Maybe not a full frog boy but like he wears froggy outfits. He has a bucket hat with the frog eyes, and everything!
Spiders use their webs as an extended sense of touch, so as much as I want to say Idia uses his webbing for wiring and electronics, I’m worried he would electrocute himself…he probably does periodically and you and Ortho yell at him to STOP! This is the third time!
Spiders HATE blowing air and wind, so he uses it as an excuse to avoid the outdoors. « It’s so windy out though! » it actually can cause overstimulation for them, and they can get sick from too much wind! So windy days I bet he gets a bit of a fever every time. His little hairs also shake to try and calm down. He looks like he’s vibrating
So there are burrowing spiders (which are the ones I know about) and arborils (or the tree livers…) and since he prefers the indoors, he would be a burrower! Also cause then I can talk about him! Also cause he would prefer the dark, damp, and he would totally burrow into his blanket fort, and his super fluffy hoodie!
After he molts he’s SUPER pretty, as all spiders are! They’re so vibrant and bright blue. I bet Idia would be a cobalt blue tarantula, and if Ortho is a spider, I bet he would be a rose hair. Rose hairs are best for beginners, as they’re pretty docile, and just live and let live, while cobalts choose violence more often. Rose hairs also choose violence, but more as a last resort. Both kick hairs, but cobalts also bite…
So spiders teeth are actually like straws (if I’m remembering correctly) so just picture him crunching a soda can and he sucks it all down! Just a SHLURP, and he’s hydrated! But I bet he still likes the crunch of chips. (Weird asmr too look for is tarantula feeding! Don’t watch if you have a weak stomach)
Spiders don’t have bones and use more of a hydrolic system to move, with their heart pushing blood into each leg to move forward then pull it back. So I say Idia has very few bones, or none, and his human torso is highly flexible. Without his exo he would be very bendy.
Spiders have retractable claws AND PAW PADS! They only have two of each on each food, so 16 paw pads to squish! But spider pads are different from other animals, as they have tiny hairs that help them stick to things and climb. (Once scientists found web residue in spider foot prints so they were like « they stick by excreting webbing from their feet! » and another groupe was like « bet, there is webbing everywhere! How do you know they’re not trailing it like toilet paper?» and covered a spiders butt with wax to keep the environment more clean, and there was no webbing there! I love science beef) his little feet’s are still probably sticky from webbing, so use a baby wipe or something to clean him up.
Males leave their burrows to go try and see if someone wants to mate (I’m not going into how they have to carry their little sperm web bag with them, because yes they have to take the sperm and put it into basically a little bag to put in the female!) so only when he’s actually interested does he start to leave his room for you! He helps clean up ramshackle I bet! Or uses robots to help clean it…
Different breeds have different mating styles, but the peacock spider does a little dance, shaking his butt around and he’s like « please, please, please, please plea-«  or they also tap a little pattern on the females webbing to see if she’s willing,
Spiders don’t have genders until I think their third molt, and that’s just a free fun fact!
So many cute and interesting things.
I think of Ortho being a dif creature from his brother. Maybe cuz of their parents are dif creatures with one being a spider and the others something else or current or past ortho was a spider but always wanted to be something different so Idia decided to be a cool bro and make him a body that lets him be whatever he wants.
So, imagine he has all these diff creature bods. Dog, bunny, frog, bee, spooder, and whatever else.
Part of me thinks Idia helping to clean would just him picking you up under the arms like a cat and lifting you to reach things which would be so funny to see.
It would be cute if Yuu kept baby wipes with them and helped Idia keep those spider feeties clean when he needs it.
It would be pretty freaking cool Seeing Idia do the soda can thing, i feel like he would try not to do it around you at first but forgets but then you act all impressed and tell him it's cool and he's flustered.
Poor Idia on those windy days. Makes me think of that orange cat that hates the beach cuz it was windy.
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He makes that face whenever it gets windy.
Hmmm the hairs though...in this AU I think of the hairs he has being soft of fluffy baby they get stiff when scared so he can do that thing, or it becomes that way cuz magic.
....I'm just picturing him doing his scared yelling while doing it and I can't stop laughing. It's just such a silly mental image and I love it.
Thank you for all the information and Ideas, I love them.
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lordvikdreemurr · 25 days
Sammy Lawrence x Reader
fem!reader btw!! Sammy is dom!
Sammy has been so needy all those years, deprived of any kind of touch and he recognize his favorite girl in the old workshop MEOOWW<3
(we don't have enough batim x reader💪 uh first time writing smut like that yk GRRR, lemme know if its good?)
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You worked in this workshop a long time ago. Joey Drew Studios.
After everything had closed you decided to return there for the nostalgia and good memories spent working in this place you cherished so much. But when you stepped in here you heard the door close behind you and immediately panicked when it didn't open.
"What the fuck?..." You mumbled under your breath.
You looked behind you, it wasn't really welcoming anymore, you hesitantly started walking in. Ink dripping down the walls, the floor beneath you squeaked, you had an uneasy feeling.
You began to revisit the place, recognizing every part of the studio.
You went back into a corridor, a cardboard cutout of Bendy was placed there. In front of you. Although it was not here the first time you walked here. You stared at it as you walked past him. You turned your head and your eyes widened, a sort of...Boris, dead. Not just dead, His whole stomach...we could see his bones and you were disgusted, you had to leave.
You hurried your steps, you had to find items for this stupid ink machine. After gathering everything you went back to check on the machine but...... Was the door barricaded now?...
You approached it slowly.
You let out a scream as a creature appeared behind the boards, you gasped and didn't even have time to look at him that you were running for you life, ink was everywhere now, It drowned your feet, what the hell was happening. Didn't have time to think.
You made your way back to where you came from, the door. It was open. But before you could get to it the floor under you broke and you falled.
Ink splashed, it was really annoying. You got up and sighed, how long until this adventure would be done ? You frowned.
This place had become very big, you kept your axe in your hands as you continued on your way, you arrived in front of a inky path and stepped in it as you started making your way to the end of it you spotted someone passing by, holding a cardboard cutout of bendy under his arm, you could see his whole body was covered in ink. "Excuse me!? Hey! Can you help me?!"
You tried to get faster there and when you tried to see from where he left he wasn't there. Just a Bendy, again. Against a wall with a pentagram. You groaned and hit the bendy cutout with your axe. "Ugh! Seriously?!"
Later you arrived to the music department, after getting rid of monsters you approached a tape and made it work. You heard a familiar voice, and you knew who it was anyways. Sammy. It felt like forever, his voice was always relaxing and calm. Once was a time you were in love with him. You loved him so much, a small smile appeared on your lips as you brought back the memories, you had to get going though, so you walked away from it, holding tightly the axe.
You walked, you were starting to become familiar with the place again, even after the whole monster things and demon weird shit going on there. You turned around feeling a presence behind you, just to make s—
What the fuck. The man you saw earlier stayed still as he kept his shovel up in the air, was he going to fucking hit you and you caught him red handed?? Oh that was an awkward situation to be in... He silently stayed still before he grabbed your axe with a hand and pulled on it, getting you closer to him. You gasped as he got it out your hands and he threw it behind him. He then pushed you down on the floor, falling on your butt, you looked up at him as he got on his knees on top of you, you couldn't see his face behind that fucking mask, he grabbed your throat with his cold and inky hand and pushed you down to lay on the hard wooden floor on your back. "Urgh!" "Shh..Stay still."
This voice. "..Wha..." You stared at him for what seemed like an eternity before finally saying something. "Sammy?.." You could tell he got caught off guard. He rapproched his masked face close to yours, like he was analysing you. "....Y/N?" He said your name quietly. "I didn't expect to see you. How cute it is from you to come down there and visit me, my dear Y/N."
He placed down the shovel next to him and completely sat down on you, he leaned down. You frowned, annoyed. "What the hell happened here? And you..You.." "I know. Isn't it a beautiful place. Kept by our lord. And this body. What do you think happened my dear ?" You grabbed his wrist with your hands, it wasn't very comfortable having him grab your throat that roughly. "I've been rotting here for 30 years. I became something else." "Urgh..I saw that. God, Sammy..I missed you but can you remove your hand? Need to breath a lil y'know.." You weren't even going to question why he wanted to knock you out 5 minutes ago, you were even lucky you were still alive. He removed his hand and placed it on your cheek instead, you were a little bit surprised by the move. He brought his other hand up to his mask and raised it slightly up his mouth. You raised an eyebrow, confused before he placed his lips on yours, kissing you passionately. You didn't immediately kiss him back, still processing, your cheeks heated up. He breathed heavily, kissing you a bit more roughly and pushing his tongue in your mouth, getting a soft moan out of your lips, he loved this sound. He brought his hand down your waist, slipping it under your shirt to grab your breast and massage it slowly, he pulled away, you both catched your breath. He smirked slightly, enjoying your vulnerability as he sat still on you. "You really are a blessing from him, he blessed me with your divine presence, my love."
You quickly looked away, nervous. Everything was going a bit too fast for you to clearly understand what the fuck was going on. You hadn't seen him for 30 YEARS.
He stopped massaging your breast, bringing down his hand to your pants, he removed them quickly out of the way and looked down at your panties. You blushed heavily, he removed it too and lowered his suspenders, he lowered his overalls until he revealed his lenght, your lips parted slightly and looked up at him. "Are you sure about this? Right here?..." You asked quietly, unsure. He licked his lips, looking down at you, he placed himself between your legs. With a small smirk he grabbed your thighs and wrapped them around his hips. "C'mere."
You felt the tip of his hardened cock at your entrance before he pushed himself in you, earning a loud moan from you, you swear you heard him chuckle as you covered your mouth with your hand. "Oh no my dear, let those pretty sounds be heard. Its the most beautiful melody to my ears.." You gulped, hesitant. "What if someone hear us!?" You asked, worried about this whole thing. "Shh.. Don't worry, dearest. Now let me.." He started moving slowly in you, moving his hips. You whimpered softly, your cheeks red. Sammy was enjoying this as much as you, he grunted softly as he started speeding up, gripping your thighs. God, he haven't had pussy in years, but here you were, you were his.
He felt your walls clenching around his cock as he pounded in you and he lived for it, your reactions were so cute. He was panting looking into your eyes as he wanted to watch your every reactions.
He wanted to feel, mark, and own you, you were his to have and he was going to fuck you so hard the only word you would remember would be— "Sammy! Hh..!~" You moaned out his name, arching your back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He breathed heavily and leaned down, starting kissing you roughly, your muffled moans against his lips.
Skin slapping against skin. It almost echoed in the corridor.
You were surprised no one walked in here seeing you two fuck like animals. "Oh my love..I—..Ff..uuck..." He came inside you without warning and your orgasm didn't take long to come right after, cum dripping down your soaked hole. He pulled away from you and looked down at his art work, you grabbed his shoulders and pulled his body back against yours. "Huh?" "I love you, Sammy..." You breathed out, still panting. He smiled softly at you and placed a small kiss on your lips. "I love you too, dearest."
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sleepytoken · 30 days
heyo! I’ve been listening to sleep token for a while now and I’m familiar with like some of the lore and such, but I don’t know the band members besides vessel very well! I’m big into ghost so I get the anonymous and playing characters theme. Can you tell me which is which and their personalities and the like? Thank you ^^
Hi there! And sure, or at least how I perceive their stage personas c: Since you already said you are pretty familiar with Vessel I will skip over the mighty vocalist, heh. Rant and gifs below!
II : The tiny king of drums. He is insanely talented and known to get really into the music. He will often mime and sing behind his kit, dangling his drumsticks or beating up his poor soundboard. He is both cool and collected but also gets very animated when he’s feeling it. You can tell he pours his heart and soul into every song. He may be the smallest but he’s got a ton of swagger and a very confident and commanding presence. And the biggest blue eyes that he enjoys peering into any camera lens's soul with (and then your own). He is a founding member along with Vessel and has writing credits. He is all about the vibes. What vibes exactly? I dunno but they are weird and wonderful. He is my personal fave...though how can you choose ffs.
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III : The lanky bassist. Now this tall boy is all about the moves and chaos. He is very bendy and jumpy and kicky and he dances all over the place. He is goofy and playful and known especially for his antics with IV and Vessel. Though he will go bother II as well. He is also the most expressive with his wardrobe and paint - especially with the new looks. He can proper headbang now with his hair out which is lovely though it never stopped him before. III is by far the most talkative on stage and will yell at the crowd. You may find him holding his hand out with a question mark on his palm or demanding a pit. Like II he will also mime songs out to the crowd. He’s the lovable goober, sassy and potentially a little shit.
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IV : Mr. Business Casual. He is the guitarist/back up vocalist and his screams will saturate your eardrums with bliss. Affectionately called a fuck boy, this man is the embodiment of horny swagger. He’s a massive tease. He is known for sensually stroking his guitar neck and strap, singing out to the crowd pointing and drawing them in and playing heavily with his mask. Like Vessel, he uses his hands a lot for expression. He has a quieter and more watchful stage presence but still playful, especially when interacting with III, and he has a signature leg raise and twirl. IV also demands kisses and can be found waiting with arms outstretched and on his knees for Vessel to swoop in for a smooch or leaning back hoping for III to come along for a smacker check out the yearning tag for those. He's also often just vibing with II. He has come the farthest with his stage confidence and we are so proud of him. He comes across as a genuinely kind soul and openly shows his emotion and gratitude to the fans.
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And all together now
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From left to right is III -> II -> IV -> Vess
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
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A buncha scribbles from session 15 of the BatIM Cthulhu game! including:
Prophet swapped Sammy in for a brief moment of awareness before the final ritual to release the muses, in which he was relieved to see Susie okay and Susie was glad to see him... back to normal! Oh geez. Sammy doesn't actually know what Prophet's interactions with Susie were, but he's sure he probably regrets them
Susie hummed a little bit of a new version of one of the Bendy songs Sammy had been working on and oH YEAH THATS RIGHT SHE'S STILL KIND OF POSSESSED,
Back when the Coney Island ride they were underneath was flooding, I specified that Prophet was going to climb up the stairs "on all fours" to minimise chances of slipping and falling and I just wanted to try to draw this lmao. i forgot he was wearing a vest here
with Joey exhausted, Allison was the only one who could conduct the final ritual, and Sammy ended up calling out Prophet to keep an eye on her. i was just way too amused by the idea of sammy just TAKING A SWIG OF INK WITHOUT BREAKING EYE CONTACT TO DO THIS
also in addition to me drawing just so many scribbles of sammy lawrence i DO have some out-of-context quotes for you!!
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[GM] It kind of jolts, and turns – assumedly – towards you, [Sammy] *laughs* YOU CAN’T TELL which direction it’s looking in, just, IT HAS MOVED
[GM] And some tentacles are gonna come at you guys! Like they do. [Jack] #JustTentacleThings
[Joey] This IS Joey’s arm, which means if it does get destroyed by the circle, Joey’s going to be missing an arm…! [Jack] I can fix it, it’s fine, [GM] It’s fine! Yeah! [Sammy] How many limbs would you like to be made of ink, Joey Drew?! [Joey] I dunno if he’s gonna have a CHOICE! [Sammy] You’re going to have fewer working limbs than Moonlight.
[Sammy] These guys might all be those goop people, who are harder to fight than humans – [Henry] I don’t think Henry’s thinking about that. I think Henry just heard Bendy and Joey scream and is in Go Mode. [Sammy] Well-- [Henry] I mean, it’s a smart thought! I don’t think Henry’s having it right now.
[Sammy] Leon, if you want to surprise us all and do something really heroic, PLEASE go for it [Jack] I thought you were going to say “please DON’T” [GM] “Don’t be a hero!!” [Sammy] No no, I think it’s fine, if he wants to be a hero, I think he should do it. [Joey] I mean, if he wants to grab Colette and RUN, that would be great, [Sammy] Yeah, nobody can DRAIN INK out of HIM! [Jack] Unless we’re about to learn something,
[Sammy] No, wait, that was Colette’s parents. I can keep all my minor NPCs straight! [Jack] Straight? In this campaign?! [Sammy] *startled laugh* [GM] Tell me about it…! [Sammy] We can’t keep ANY of our NPCs straight! We’re fundamentally terrible at it.
[Jack] I’m imagining it like, you know when you try to use an item in the wrong place in pokemon? [Joey] THE MASKED MESSENGER SAYS: IT ISN’T THE TIME TO USE THAT!
[Joey] Hold on. I was going between two normal ideas, and then I had a really weird one, so I need to check something. [GM] Joey? Making bad decisions in the finale of a scenario? What a thought! [Joey] hIS SANITY IS NINETEEN, SO!!!!
[Joey] Okay. I have an idea. >:3 [Sammy] Oh NO. [Henry] Oh no. Have you got a Joey Plan™? [Joey] *cackling* [Sammy] *muttering under breath* We really should’ve just… waited for Henry…
[Joey] Joey is going to realise the ink is being siphoned from them for use in whatever this guy is trying to do, and he’s not pleased about that, [Sammy] Yeah, neither am I. So far we’re on the same page – [Joey] It’s HIS ink–! [Sammy] It, it’s not – okay. [Joey] So, remember when Joey was visited by the Masked Messenger, and they had the little battle over ink possession? Joey is going to take over the Ink in the circle -- [Sammy] OKAY! This SURE is a Joey Drew™ Plan, [Joey] -- and reclaim it for himself, and take over the magic! [Sammy] Well, the LAST time we had a circle dedicated to doing something with the Yellow King, and Joey switched it to be himself instead, that went SO well, why WOULDN’T you do the same thing again!! [Joey] Listen, he has 19 sanity, I don’t know what you’re expecting from him. *rolls* …….He has 18 sanity, I don’t know what you’re expecting from him!
[Henry] Henry is going to shove the blade of his axe against this guy’s throat and tell him if he does anything fishy, he’ll kill him. [Joey] (This includes turning into a fish.) [Joey] (No more tentacle monsters, no more fish monsters, none of that!)
[Henry] 32, which is a hard success. [Sammy] …What’s your intimidate skill?!? [GM] Oh, y’know, :) [Henry] 85. [Sammy] *nervous laughter???* [Jack] Normal amount. [Henry] Normal amount! [Sammy] YEAH, the same number as Sammy’s musical skill??? OKAY COOL!!!
[Sammy] Does Sammy look like his mascara is running? I just want to know.
[Joey] Can I… *quietly* ...grab Colette and toss her out of the circle? [Sammy] … YEET HER? [Joey] yEAH,,, [Henry] Can’t be more damage than falling over a fence. *everyone giggles except for Sammy* [Sammy] …Okay.
[Sammy] I can’t believe Joey is stealing Prophet’s nemesis. Rude. [GM] I mean, Joey DID stab Moonlight. They can share! [Joey] …I don’t know if they can share. They’ve been doing very bad at sharing.
[Jack] Also she’s not an ink creature, so, big win for you, Leon!
[Sammy] It grabbed me in the leg, right? [GM] Yeah! This is the cool leg scar. [GM] Not to be confused with the not-cool leg scar, [Jack] He’s just never going to live that down, huh. [Sammy] He COULD, if everyone would stop bringing it up! [GM] Sammy wakes up and hopes dearly that Prophet tripped over a fence so at least it’s both of them, but no…
[Joey] So – hold on, let me see if a thing existed back then. [GM] Oh boy…? [Joey] 18th century. Great! Okay, so I’m going to drain the rest of my magic points, to do a new toon action – you know those, circular saw blades? [GM] BUZZSAWS???
[Henry] Henry’s gonna do something suuuuuper risky,,, [Henry] He’s going to drop the axe and summon the scythe. [Sammy] ….OKAY, [Joey] Okay…! I’m very curious what’s going to happen if Henry uses the scythe on the mirror. [Henry] Oh, I wasn’t thinking that. [Sammy] UM, [GM] This is fine, this is great! [Sammy] Nervous chuckle, I’m in danger, [Henry] Henry is going to say “Sammy, duck!” and, swing the scythe [Sammy] OH, OKAY, I WILL DO THAT, [GM] Make a dodge roll! [Sammy] OhhhHHH THAT’S NOT GOOD… THAT’S NICE, BUT IT’S NOT GOOD,,,, My dodge is 55 and I rolled a 69, [Joey] Nice [GM] Nice! [Henry] And since it’s in close quarters, I’m guessing it’ll go through both of them. [GM] Yeah! Roll damage! [Sammy] CAN I,,,, PUSH THAT ROLL MAYBE,,, [GM] [GM] No. :) [Henry] *cackles*
[Jack] THAT’S trauma for future Sammy!!
[Jack] He’s gonna see if Sammy’s okay! See what’s going on. [Sammy] Sammy still looks pretty shaken up, and will tell him, “Stay back my sheep – I will join you soon.” [Henry] “I’m not going to hurt him!” [Sammy] jUST GIVES HENRY A LOOK,
[Sammy] So that’s seven damage! [GM] Okay! You see that the shadowy figure on the other side is ALSO trying to hit the mirror. [Sammy] Huh. Can I tell anything about the shadowy figure, now that I’m right up next to the mirror? [GM] Yeah! :) Uh, looks kinda familiar. It’s maybe somebody you’ve seen before. [Jack] yEAH I thought it might be,,, [Sammy] …wait, what? [GM] Maybe somebody… last scenario… [Jack] Who’s in Carcosa… and wants to break the mirror… [GM] Yeah, someone like that maybe! [Sammy] ………….. Is it… is it Moonlight…? [GM] Yeah! Yeah it is! ...Anyway, the mirror breaks. :)
*successful dexterity check to avoid getting knocked over* [GM] Okay, you keep your feet! [Sammy] Thanks, I like my feet.
[Joey] Joey is going to start scanning for his people, who LEFT HIM while he was being thrown around by tentacles, [Sammy] You were a great distraction, thank you. [Jack] You’ve gotta keep a better eye on your people, one of them just stabbed another! [Joey] EVERYONE ABANDONED ME! [Sammy] I TOLD YOU WHAT I WAS DOING! [Joey] Oh, yeah, no, Prophet gets a pass. Everyone else ran off, and – [Henry] YOU LEFT HENRY! [Joey] ….eh, ‘strue. [Joey] …Left Henry with others! [GM] Bendy’s still there! [Joey] Yeah. Bendy’s got me. [Sammy] Joey, any time he’s trying to leave by himself: “No, I’m never alone, I’m with Bendy!” Joey, as soon as we figure he’s fine, because he’s with Bendy: “HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME ALL ALONE?!” [Jack] Betrayed, Abandoned,
[Joey] And the water is coming in fast, [Henry] These people are going to have SUCH a mold problem when we’re done…
[Joey] Does Bendy have any magic points…? [Sammy] “I spent all of mine turning my arms into buzzsaws!” [Jack] As you do!
[Sammy] Poor Leon. I’m so sorry. You’re going to have to go straight into an asylum.
[GM] You’re pretty sure you’re not in Carcosa. [Jack] Okay, good. I needed to know if Jack would be panicking about things… [GM] He’s got plenty to panic about, but that one is currently good!
[GM] I wonder if Sammy… from Sammy’s point of view, Jack was driving when he lost consciousness, and then he’s still driving when he comes back! Like… he doesn’t even know they went to Coney Island, I don’t think? [Sammy] No, I guess not! Joey was just like “I know where they’re taking Colette” [Sammy] And now we’re going back to the Studio so it’s like, I guess we got Colette! And got wet, for some reason! [Jack] At least he didn’t end up seeing The Great Bertrum Piedmont. [Sammy] There are SO many things it’s good that he didn’t end up seeing.
[GM] Bendy is going to chime in that it was busy, but they went to an amusement park! [Joey] Joey’s going to correct him that they did NOT go to an amusement park. That was not what that is. [GM, as Bendy] “That’s what you said it was last time we went!” [Joey] “Was it like last time we went?!” [GM] He’ll think about that, go quiet for a minute, and then be like, “No, I guess not, huh!” [Joey] “EXACTLY.” [GM, as Bendy] “Yeah, he’s right, we didn’t!” [Sammy] Hm. Hmmmm. Sammy’s squinting at you both.
[Sammy] He might still cough up blood, just not embarrassingly so. Just, in a cool way!
[Henry] Henry will… “pull” is too strong of a word? But Henry will… physically encourage Joey to step back from the circle.
[Sammy] Ehhhhh, I don’t have a lot of hitpoints… [Joey] Who needs hitpoints? [Sammy] I do, I need them!!
[GM] *rolls* …hm. *mumbling to self* What do I do with that…? [Sammy] Troubling reaction! [GM] ….huh…. [Joey] Not getting less troubling!
[Henry] I don’t want to keep using the scythe spell, but it keeps presenting itself as the best option! [Joey] DO YOU HAVE, ANY OTHER OPTIONS,, FIRST???? [Henry] These things have a bajillion HP! [Sammy] I mean, you COULD do the scythe thing, but maybe don’t hit anybody else with it! [Jack] I think you should hit Sammy with it again. [Sammy] NO I DON’T THINK YOU SHOULD
[Henry] Well, my strength is higher… oh no, it’s not, I’ve been doing too much mAGIC, [Sammy] That’s what happens when you do the scythe spell constantly!!! [Henry] Uggghhhhhhh... [Sammy] “Been doing too much scythe spell, better do some more scythe spell!”
[Joey] Do we have any bonus dice left? [Sammy] *sarcastically* Well! If we end up at the hotel, I DID scout it out ahead of time!
[GM] And Joey is feeling all the way better, except for all the ways that he is not!
[Henry] I just want to say, I did not expect Weird Henry to go on for FOUR SESSIONS. [Sammy] He went out with a bang, too, sliced a scythe RIGHT THROUGH THE PROPHET, [Henry] Yeah, everything has been working out so great!
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inkyvendingmachine · 1 year
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Dawn Season 3, Episodes 16
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 🎶 Call of Cthulhu Season Three Masterpost 🎶
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: Song and Dance scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
ANOTHER BIG THANKYOU TO @inkdemonapologist FOR HELPING ME WRAP UP THE LAST SUMMARY OF SEASON 3!!! THAT'S RIGHT! WE'VE MADE IT AT LAST!!! which means we can now start posting the 18384927 post game RP logs we've been doing meanwhile lmao.
ART CHANGES THIS SEASON!! @inkdemonapologist and I are collabing on all the art for these summery posts!! Shazz does lines, and I compose and colour the pieces.
Almost done, just one last muse to free.
But first, the Angel left a bit of a mess. While Jack is using all his willpower to NOT give into the urge to “fix” everyone by shoving ink into them, Joey pleads with Prophet to do the final ritual with Susie, so that there won’t be any weirdness between Susie and Allison. Prophet’s flattered, but he… would need more time to study this one. Why not let her do it? Joey concedes, but he wants to be the one to lead it. Jack helps Leon patch Allison up so she can be ready for round 3, while Joey and Prophet go to reset all the candles that got knocked over in the fight.
Susie wants to talk to Allison, while they wait. What were her intentions at the Studio? Allison assures her she didn’t even want the part (which offends Susie more, honestly) – she just wanted to keep her eye on this Studio, after everything they’ve been up to!! ... What… have they been up to, exactly, Susie asks?
… and Allison admits, well, maybe they were just… protecting their home. It sounded ridiculous at the time, but… maybe that’s really all it was. Someone told her recently to be careful of making monsters out of others, and maybe that’s what she did here. (Thanks for putting in a good word for us, Tom!!!)
Joey, of course, has been busy getting everything in order and has heard none of this, but Susie and Allison seem to be on okay terms, so let’s hurry up and do this ritual – without the creative power from the muses of storytelling or dance keeping him going, Joey is running on pure determination and adrenaline. Tasty.
And together, they’re able to do it. The golden glow drifts out of Susie, but this time, they all hear a faint “thank you” before the spirit disappears.
Susie collapses.
Allison tries to catch her, but it wrenches her bad arm and she falls to the floor as well.
Joey passes out, too, with his one goal done – and now Jack’s feeling the sudden drop in energy as the muse of music returns to normal; he loses consciousness as well.
Prophet’s too thrilled to give in!!! announcing “We’ve done it, my Lord!” before swapping back to regular Sammy – whhoooo ALSO immediately passes out without the extra creative energy keeping him going, leaving Henry and Norman and Timothee with a bunch of unconscious people. Henry and Norman are maybe not the ideal folks to handle the inevitable police visit after all those gunshots, but Timothee is also a child of Lady Orchid and can pull some of his influence before taking Nichole home.
Henry and Norman just get people into beds. Bendy, uh, helps??? Which means Joey’s body is wandering around, but Joey himself is practically unwakeable right now and Jack is bleary enough that driving home seems unwise. Better to just spend the night for now and sort it in the morning.
7 AM greets them with Henry waking Joey up with a panicked, “What are we doing here, what’s going on?! …I don’t think I remember last night.”
The colour drains from Joey’s face, and he tries to calm Henry, find out what the last thing he remembers is – Henry knows he remembers the contest. When asked if he remembers that scythe spell, Henry groans and admits that he does, but he’s still shaking and does not seem all right, so Joey runs off to dig through Jack’s bag and find something to draw with – oh, hey, at some point Henry’s sketchbook ended up in here, and there’s the rest of Joey’s ink, and also one of Joey’s nice pens? Anyway, that’s enough for him to bring Henry something to draw on, hoping that will calm him down. HE’S NOT GOOD AT COMFORTING and his brain is running at full capacity trying to figure out what to do…
Henry immediately starts drawing one of the monsters from last night. He remembers some things… he remembers attacking Sammy, though Sammy has no recollection of what Prophet did and can’t verify this, and Joey is sure that the two of them were working together by the end of the night and seemed fine – but, uh, Henry wasn’t quite himself and Joey had been afraid he’d lost him, LET’S NOT… USE THAT SPELL AGAIN,,,,,
in the meantime, Joey finally admits to himself his few and far between weaknesses, that maybe he still isn’t, at the end of the day, the one who can comfort Henry, and asks his best friend if… he’d like Joey to call Linda for him. Henry’s taken aback, and agrees, so Joey swipes Jack’s hat to cover his horns and heads outside to use a payphone.
Sammy goes to check on Jack, then on Susie, who looks a little worse for wear – she thanks him for coming after her, and admits that she remembers it all, but it feels like a dream. She… wants to talk about all this later, if they could, but for now, even as worn out as she is, she’s eager to get back and finally record a good take of that new Alice Angel song. She can’t believe they didn’t stop by the studio all week, when that was the whole reason she agreed! But Nichole had so many other things she wanted to do with them, that they just never got the chance…
Joey gets back, asks Henry how he’s doing. Henry says he’s doing okay (but he’s definitely not doing okay). So Joey gently pulls him towards the door, where… Linda is waiting for him. Joey actually called her over. Henry is overwhelmed, hugs his wife, and gives Joey a grateful look – he knows how much this means for Joey to do. Joey just tells him not to worry about the cartoon and to get some rest.
And then it’s time to clean up and get going!
Joey uses Bendy’s help to just make a giant cartoon squeegee, as you do, to smoosh all the candles and ink and paint and chalk together, so hopefully it won’t be useful to any future cultists, and throw this weird ball of gunk in the garbage. Allison tries to… sort of apologise? – or at least explain why she had thought mind-controlling Sammy was justified – but the boys are not interested and Joey simply tells her they’ll talk later.
Well, first back to Jack’s house to get a shower since we’re all sort of gross from getting dunked in the lake but
The music department is sluggish, everyone there feeling the after-effects of the muses’ presence, but Sammy is as demanding as ever, refusing to let a musical cataclysm stop his department from creating excellent work. Lyrics are done, but Jack’s nonetheless here to… balance Sammy out a little. Henry shows up halfway through the day anyway, and Joey decides that if Linda let him come then he probably needs something to work on. Joey is feeling PRETTY DEAD today and mostly works out of his office, though he does clear off a spare desk in there for Henry to work beside him, away from the stress clamor of the rest of the studio, and also perhaps just to enjoy each other’s quiet companionship.
It’s been a long time since they both just sat and worked on animating together.
There’s a few messages for the boys throughout the day – one from Peter checking in with Joey on how he should describe their group to the reporter they rescued (Joey settles on “someone else who got tangled up with that cult and wanted to set things right”), another from Peter to Jack letting him know that his cat Beans had been fed the night before and DO NOT BELIEVE HER when she inevitably tries to convince him that she’s never been fed in her life, and finally, a simple letter to Joey that just says, “We should talk sometime,” with the address of a local cafe, a date and a time, and the signature of “Y.”
Joey………… decides the other boys maybe possibly do not need to know about this last letter right now.
Susie shows up – with that chocolate cake she promised last week, at last!! – to do a take on the new version. Joey stops by the department to cheer on his Alice Angel, which she appreciates; after everything, her first take chokes, but her second is beautiful. She loves the song and she loves the new changes to it. Sammy’s pleased with her performance, though he mutters that it might be the best thing he’ll ever write. But he’s soon cheered up by the prospect of a cake untouched by roaming janitors, even sharing a piece with Jack and Susie. Joey, who had figured out some magical control over ink at some point, will handle updating the lipsyncing so nobody has to redraw entire cells.
A… feature length cartoon, in 1934??????
( joey b like: >:3c )
Well, Joey DOES have the break room magic that helps everyone in the studio gel with each other a little more to work faster, and stay awake just a little easier, and in this timeline JDS does still have Henry. It’s not in colour, and probably not as complex as Disney’s first feature will be, (joey voice hUSH) but still, the first feature length animated movie will be a Bendy cartoon put out by Joey Drew Studios! GOSH!!
That evening Joey reaches out to Nichole Savoy, the daughter of Lady Orchid, to let her know about the premier tomorrow – he did promise her and her friends a stage, after all, and he’s not one to go back on his word, if they’d like to perform for the premier? Or if not, he’ll just give them all tickets, but if they so choose, he trusts they’ll put on a magnificent show. Nichole is taken aback and tells him that he’s very strange, but gratefully accepts.
And now, the most important task before the premiere: Joey decides it’s time to drag all his boys out for fancy new outfits (It’s for the premier!!! It’s part of the premier budget!!! Don’t worry about it!!) personally tailored and picked out by yours truly. Perhaps it is also… a little treat for himself, getting to see all his boys dressed up nice… y’know, for finishing the cartoon. That is going to premiere. Only that reason, nothing more.
And the premier itself goes great. Susie sings the new song live with Colette as a dancer (and Sammy on the piano), Nichole doesn’t perform but seems really happy to see her friends get this spotlight and night out with her. The cartoon itself is pretty darn close to what they hoped it would be. Afterwards Jack keeps everyone charmed and out of range to socialise with Sammy while Sammy glares and looks unapproachable; Henry is a little tired for socialising but DOES want someone to ask about the animation on the scenes he’s proudest of, while his kids try to pick which scenes are his; and the head of the local paper catches Joey Drew to ask about an interview about this unprecedented accomplishment, and Joey’s all too happy to set up a time for a tour.
The head of the paper is also curious if Joey’s met Peter Sunstram? They seemed to know each other, and the man had been looking for a job at his paper, and he wonders how well Mr. Sunstram takes direction? There’s a glint in Joey’s eye as he realises his chance to talk Peter Sunstram up as only Joey Drew can. Jack surely won’t leave if his OTHER boyfriend is ALSO in New York!
And that one investor who started all of this is here, too; oblivious to the magical shenanigans he inadvertently kicked off, but thrilled with the finished film he’s just seen! Somewhere, Grant can breathe a sigh of relief, and hopefully soon, so can the boys.
Joey Drew Studios has managed the impossible, one more time.
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
[Previous Episode]
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nayialovecat · 8 months
The Ink Demonth 2023 - Day 31. Revival
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Day 31. Revival Crossover: Bendy and the Dark Revival I'd say, Bendy, you can't be that rude... but I feel exactly the same way. I know it's not BATDR Bendy's fault that he is the way he is - but that doesn't change the fact that this is how I feel. So, if anyone else wants to ask me what I think about Ink Bendy from BATDR - I will refer to this image.
Yes, I consider it a crossover because I don't consider BATDR to be a sequel to BATIM in any way. It's a completely separate creation that is simply heavily inspired by BATIM. However, in places he rewrites the stories, changes the characters' personalities, adds new threads... This is not an expansion of the world. This is an alternative version of the Workshop - and you won't convince me to think otherwise. So a separate game with which I did a crossover called "Bendy doesn't like his alter-ego".
Actually, the only thing I like about Ink Bendy from BATDR is his voice. When I heard it first time, I felt a shiver down my neck... and then, unfortunately, I focused to the words - and all the charm was disappeared. Seriously. There are reasons why Bendy has been mute so far - and apparently the main one is how much he talks f**cking nonsense. I don't like the shape of his head. His hideous teeth, which are not scary - are disgusting. Hoofs instead of feet is a nice idea - but why both legs? Where is the wonderful asymmetry of the original? Why does he turn into a hedgehog (those spines in strange places - they make sense when they are spine vertebrae). No. Absolutely no. And what's with the skeleton arm? Someone used acid on his ink there?
As for the game itself... Uh... I was impressed at first. First chapter - great. New possibilities of moving the character, beautiful backgrounds, delightful details, an interesting ritual of starting the machine... I was delighted. My slight discouragement began when I first heard Wilson's voice over the speakers and the subsequent behavior of the Lost Ones afther that proclamation... In the second chapter, the game started to piss me off on a regular basis. Then I just watched gameplays and... I don't regret that I didn't keep playing. The game is frustrating, the characters are warped (but not in the realities of the game as they should be warped - warped from the ones we knew and liked). A lot of stupid things happen: Tom being treated like a pet, Wilson acting like a villain from the start, Allison being a fucking deus ex machina, Twisted Alice's death scene and Sammy's death - I hate them both, no physical Bendy (appears out of nowhere and instantly kills - a very lazy solution, game creators), Henry's whole entrance, that weird puppet character what's-her-name Betty... Ok, I like Porter's character a bit - but that's probably only because of his resemblance to my OC Brody.
So you've asked many times what my opinion of Dark Revival is. That's it: I hate this game. It killed my passion for creating SATIM and made me stop looking for images with BATIM on tumblr or on dA - 'cause people don't know how to hashtag and they tag BATIM when they make arts about BATDR. Okay, I'm not saying I have nothing but hatred for this game - but it disappointed me just in the way like BATDR Bendy is disappointment for SATIM Bendy in the picture. And it pisses me off when I see on dA that people add my art to folders called "Dark Survival", "BATDR art" or so. It's like a slap in my face.
That's why I made this picture as quickly as possible. An unspectacular finale - but I've been waiting to say this openly for a very long time, so appreciate the solemnity of this art.
And finally, something positive: I FINISHED ON TIME! Yeah, I did it again!
Bendy and the Ink Machine (c) Joey Drew Studios Inc. Bendy and the Dark Revival (c) Joey Drew Studios Inc. Sammy and the Ink Machine (c) Nayia Lovecat
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themidnightghoul · 4 months
Spicy Bubbles
The wonderful @jesusbutbetterrr (along with a few other lovely humans!) has created Ghoulette Appreciation Weeks 2024 to show some love to the amazing Ghoulettes. I’m using this opportunity to work on my Ghoul OC, Midnight! They will be interacting with both the Ghouls and Ghoulettes during these stories and I can’t wait to expand on Midnight’s story some more and share her with you 🖤
Week 3: First Ritual
Rating: Anxious Ghoul ahead but it’s fine she’s fine Word Count: 1370 CW: Mention of puking
Read on AO3 or below!
Weeks of practice with the others. Hours upon hours of working on her own in her room with her noise canceling headphones and backing tracks. It had all led up to this moment: Midnight’s first Ritual. The rest of the pack had been hyping her up, so excited to see how she did during her first performance in front of an audience, and even she was through the roof on the way to the venue. She struggled to fall asleep at a decent hour, still running through the music in her head and how she thought things would go. 
Now, she was in the dressing room with the other Ghoulettes letting them fuss over her and help her buckle up her vest, make sure the ties on her pants were secured, helping her set her violin up on her shoulder and making sure her helmet didn’t interfere with her playing. Where she was jittery and excited before, now she was quiet, her stomach in knots. 
“You’re going to do fantastic, sweetheart.” Cumulus hugged her gently, well aware of pre-Ritual nerves and how they could get the best of any of them, but especially Midnight right now.
Aurora, who was kneeling down to make sure Midnight’s boots were fitting properly, looked up as she tapped her calf twice. “It’s gonna be great, Stardust, I promise.”
Cirrus, ever the mother figure, held up a glass of ginger ale with a bendy straw to Midnight’s lips. “Drink a little of this, yeah? It’ll help settle your tummy. And remember, we’re all out there with you. We won’t let you fall.”
Midnight sipped the ginger ale, making a face at the weird tingly feeling in her mouth, which made them all laugh. “And how is that supposed to make me feel better when it made my mouth feel like it was full of spicy bubbles?”
The other Ghoulettes just laughed harder, with Cumulus rubbing Midnight’s stomach gently and Aurora hugging her arm as she stood up. Cirrus encouraged her to drink at least another sip of it, claiming the ginger was supposed to help settle an upset stomach, and reassuring her that the “spicy bubbles” were just something called carbonation.
“Man, I can’t wait for her to try alcohol.” Aurora giggled, skipping off to grab her helmet and settling it on her head.
“One big hurdle at a time, Rory,” Cirrus sighed, shaking her head. “You ready, Middy?”
Cirrus and Cumulus were on either side of Midnight, each holding a hand, and Aurora was skipping just ahead, as they all walked to meet with the others for Papa’s pre-Ritual prayer. They gathered with the other Ghouls, everyone briefly fawning over Midnight in her full uniform. She was thankful her face was hidden when she noticed Swiss and Rain eyeing her up and down, Swiss elbowing Rain a few times and whispering something to him that Midnight couldn’t hear. Couldn’t have been anything important, right?
As she huddled together with the pack, listening to Papa’s prayer, she found her mind wandering. Midnight’s introduction to the band was to be a surprise, which made her all the more nervous. What if she did fall? What if she missed a queue? Hit a wrong note? Or even just forgot how to play entirely? Her stomach started to bubble like the drink she had and she felt wobbly, reaching a hand out to a random road case to brace herself on. She pulled down her balaclava to breathe, bending over slightly, which ended up being a mistake.
Without missing a beat, Dew swooped a trash can in front of her just as she emptied the contents of her stomach (which, admittedly, wasn’t much) into it. He rubbed his hand along her back gently as the others made a protective circle around her so she could pull off her helmet for a moment.
“It’s okay, you’re okay, just let it all out,” Dew was whispering next to her. Midnight was crying at this point, feeling like a failure already for letting her nerves get the best of her, and Dew was brushing away her tears as they fell. 
“I h-hate whatever this is,” Midnight sobbed as her stomach roiled once again, but nothing came out. “M-my violin…” she tried to ask Dew to move her violin so she didn’t puke on it but he was already unclasping it and handing it and her bow to Phantom.
Rain had quickly wandered off to grab a bottle of water and had returned with it opened, a bendy straw stuck into it, and held it up to Midnight’s lips. “Drink, Sparkle. Slowly.” His free hand rubbed up and down her arm and she could tell he was trying not to crowd her but all she wanted was to crawl into his lap and stop feeling so awful.
“Five minutes to curtain, everyone,” a stage hand called out and the entire pack instantly tightened their circle and scared off the human, their instincts kicking in to protect their pack mate. They all knew it would be hard for her to hold her glamour for the duration of the Ritual, so they told her not to worry about it. But with her helmet off, her Ghoulish features were visible, even through her balaclava, so they were extra protective of her at the moment. Midnight noticed, of course, and felt a new wave of tears pour from her eyes at everyone not hesitating to protect her.
“You gonna be okay, Sparkle?” Rain was crouched next to Midnight as she was kneeling over the trash can on the off chance she felt the urge to puke up the water she had consumed. “It’s okay if you can’t, no one will be disappointed in you,” he whispered.
Midnight shook her head. “No, I’m okay, I want to do this.” She stood, slowly at the insistence of Rain, and took another sip of water. “I’m not going to let you down.” Did she mean him? Papa? The pack? Surely all of them, but all she could think of at the moment was how she didn’t want to disappoint Rain. Then she remembered how Phantom had been so excited to see her play. How Aurora had helped her customize her violin. How they were all so supportive and loving ever since she had been Summoned. She couldn’t help but start to cry all over again, now for an entirely different reason.
The entire pack moved in closer and hugged Midnight, reassuring her that she could never let them down in any way and that they all loved her very much. Phantom handed her violin back and helped her clip it back into place and as she was getting settled, placed their hand on her stomach and pushed a little Quintessence into it to help calm her nerves. Midnight slipped her helmet back on and bonked Phantom’s in thanks and in reassurance that she was feeling better.
As everyone made their way out on to the stage to get into their positions, Rain kept hold of Midnight’s hand the entire time. They had decided she would be free to move around the stage just like he did to interact with the other Ghouls, but that she would start on Swiss’ side and Rain would start on Dew’s side. As he led her into place and made sure she was ready, she felt her stomach almost fluttering like it was full of the spicy bubbles again. But it wasn’t nerves it was…something else? Rain went to walk away and let go of her hand but before he could, she squeezed his and he stopped and turned around, tilting his head.
“Everything okay, Sparkle?” He squeezed her hand back twice.
Midnight nodded, squeezing his hand again. “I just…thank you, Rain.”
He pulled her hand up and kissed it before squeezing it twice once more and walking to his spot, leaving Midnight standing there with spicy bubbles in her stomach and a smile that was thankfully hidden under her balaclava. As everyone got into their places and the lights went dark, Midnight shut everything else out except for one thought: Rain had kissed her hand.
Her performance that night was the best she had ever played.
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cartoondaydreamer · 2 years
Pibby Minisodes: Prepare for Battle
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Pibby prepared for battle against the Glitch, with the army of friends she made along the way.
I thought it would be cute seeing Pibby riding on Pinkie into battle, like a noble steed. And watching the video, I like that her hand sticks to the sword, it’s like Powerpuff Girls logic.
Pinkie is armed with her party cannon (maybe she had a new one recreated in a forge idk) and she is firing Coco’s eggs while the crazy palm tree plane bird drops eggs everywhere. (I was thinking of Pinkie using Coco as an egg firing gun, like when she used Twilight as a magic firing machine gun , but maybe using Coco as a cannon would be too weird)
Melira has her acme ray gun from the trailer, Mojo also is equipment with a ray gun, Lady Rainicorn is blasting magic beams and I thought I would also include Grim from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. GAOBAM is one of my favourite Cartoon Network shows, my siblings and I all love it. Grim’s scythe is powerful but not strong enough to destroy the Glitch.
And just for fun, characters in the Glitch include Kenny, Peppa and Bendy. I honestly don’t watch South Park but everyone knows that running gag. Peppa is a brat and a bad role model for kids so I thought I would sacrifice her to the Glitch. And then there’s Bendy, anyone that watched Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends will never forget that episode. He was horrible, he never got punished, the other characters were blamed for everything and he got away with it. So I Hope Fosters fans will find this cathartic.
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solradguy · 1 year
So if the entire GG Cast had animal ears, who do you think would be each animal and why?
You can ask me what I think their fursonas would be, it's ok. I'm just gonna do Strive or I'll never finish writing this haha
Sol gets cat ears. He wants to be a dog so bad but he's a cat. Sorry Sol but you're cranky and love people anyway and that's catman behavior
Ky would have wolf ears. Wolves can be beautiful and majestic but Ky is a machine in battle and is a good leader. Him and his squad will destroy anything they need to like a pack of wolves.
Jack-O' would be a colugo, I think. They're these sort of stubby-tailed squirrel-like animals with webbing around their arms and legs that lets them glide from tree to tree. They're also kinda green!! Colugo are very cool. Anyway, they're weird and silly and bendy. Jack-O' animal.
Chipp is a squirrel. I see the little grey and black squirrels around here jumping around and climbing on shit and I'm like "Yeah, Chipp behavior"
Potemkin is tricky hmm... Maybe a buffalo? He's big and lumbering and just wants to chill but he'll fuck shit up with his giant horns if he has to. I'm getting lost in the image of him being big and fluffy...
I don't have an explanation for this but I want Nago to have a bat motif so badly. Not in a vampire way like Slayer though, more like one of those flying foxes with the cute little ears and big ol eyes. I love them.
I wish I knew Gio better because all I can think is "dog" but that feels like a cop-out lol
Goldlewis would be a dog too but like a St Bernard with big floppy ears. St Bernards don't get angry easy, but they're so big I don't want to see one ready to throw down. I think a St Bernard could juggle me across the room and crush my guts like a bug on the wall.
Testament would be a cat but one of those really classy sleek black cats with a lithe build. I don't know the breed name but Testament is always talking about baths and probably loves to be pampered like a fancy cat.
Bridget would have hamster ears. Look at those squishy little cheeks. Hamster girl.
Sin is a PUPPY he eats EVERYTHING and he's SILLY. Give him the floppy baby half-wolf ears he deserves
I-no would have lion ears. Female lions are very fierce but efficient hunters but they've also got a bit of an attitude.
Baiken is another tricky one. Maybe a hyena? Spotted hyenas especially have a very interesting relationship with gender and the females are quite masculine. They also get mischaracterized a lot, similarly to Baiken... Spotted hyenas live in groups but they can also be pretty independent and are capable of some wild stuff, like having one of the strongest bite strengths amongst mammals and being able to eat bones. I think Baiken would eat bones if she had to.
Ram is pretty cat coded too but I don't think she'd be a house cat. Maybe something like a caracal? They're charismatic but they're still large cats. I wouldn't want to fight a caracal, it'd bite my arm off.
Zato is an interesting one. A lot of the cast has at least a bit of an underlying animal motif but Zato really doesn't... Zato would have luna moth antennae. Luna moths, once they enter their moth stage, don't have mouths and can't eat. They're doomed to die the second they crawl out of their chrysalis, like how Zato was doomed to die the second he summoned Eddie.
Millia would have a feathery crest like a bird even though she also has some cat motifs in Strive. Birds kill and eat moths. I don't know what kind of bird though. Horned owl?
Axl has labrador retriever energy. Sort of silly/relaxed by default but those dogs can get serious when they work.
Faust... Hmm... God I honestly have no idea haha Faust is really in like his own little category, I have no clue what to file him under. He kinda has this indescribable frog energy but those don't have ears in a traditional sense lol
Leo is leo. Another cop-out answer but the man's a lion through and through haha
Anji is so pretty, he's another bird. Like one of those ones where the males have an elaborate mating dance lol Maybe he'd have a peacock crest.
May would have bunny ears. She's kinda round and adorable but rabbits are a little crazy haha They'll bite you!! But they don't like getting wet so maybe making her a rabbit is oxymoronic rofl
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blushstories · 2 years
Hi! May I request eddie (or literally any character you would enjoy writing on) x gn reader where they start making out and reader has flash-back from past sa (sexual assault) and starts panicking and body goes numb (idk if this sounds weird but trauma reaction s9metimes are weird, idk if its common sorry-) but it has a good/comforting ending? (Hope it's not against your rule request idrk sorry, would totally understand if u don't write about this since it's a triggering topic sorry).
anyway have a good day and I rlly like your work!!
hey nonnie!! thanks! i'll try my best! never written steamy stuff before so please excuse it if it's poor tw: sa references
There is nothing dangerous about Eddie Munson. There's kindness in his smile and happiness in his eyes. His hugs remind you of a teddy bear, if one of those could stretch their little fluffy arms and hug you. Eddie Munson is safe, and being with him is addictive.
He nudges the door open with his hip, emerging with two glasses of iced lemonade with striped bendy straws. Condensation has already beaded along the sides of the glass, leaving streaks of cool water over his fingers. He places them on the table next to the bed before flopping onto it next to you. He sits with a hand propping up his face, staring at you with those big adoring eyes that make you want to hide your face in a pillow.
"How's it hanging?" He asks with a smile, his hand playing with the hem of your shirt. "Good," you say, leaning forward to kiss his forehead. "Thanks for the lemonade." "Gotta treat you right, keep ya sweet," he leans closer to you, still displaying his signature dazzling smile.
"Yeah, yeah," you let him close the distance between you. He smiles into his kisses often, gently testing the waters before allowing it to heat up. You both sit up a little straighter, and you brace your weight on his shoulder.
But his hands quickly brush against your sides as he looses himself in the heat of the moment, his kisses increase in intensity, and your heart skips a few too many beats. You can't keep up with his kisses, and your hand slips from his shoulder. Tears spring to your eyes and your breath catches somewhere in your throat.
He feels you become unresponsive, and pulls back. "You good?" He mutters, eyes scanning your face back and forth. You shake your head, never being able to lie to him. "Okay: we're done. You're okay." He scoots back a little bit, giving you space to breathe.
He knows your history. It was whispered to him under the covers of your bed during one of your bad days. Usually, you insist people should go, and they usually do. Except Eddie. He wanted to stay, to tear away the walls you've built around your heart and fill in the cracks.
Now, he's looking at your shaking form, completely attentive to the point of almost not blinking. Studying you carefully, not wanting to spook you but wanting to comfort you with everything he has. When he notices your breaths beginning to mimic a spluttering car engine, he jumps in.
"Can I help?" You know what he means, and you trust him. You nod, and he slips behind you, one leg on either side. He doesn't use his hands, but guides you to lean back onto his chest. He exaggerates his breathing, and you close your eyes with the steady rise and fall of his chest.
Following each inhale and exhale eventually pulls your breathing into a more manageable pace, and brings you into a headspace where you reach for Eddie's hands, playing with them on your stomach.
"How're you doing, sweetheart?" He says, and you feel the rumble in his chest in your back. You mumble something incoherent and unenthusiastic, so he leans forward, ducking his head to hear you better. "One more time?" "'M sorry."
Eddie freezes, taken aback by your unexpected apology. "There's nothing to apologise for!" You make an unconvinced sound, grappling with guilt, embarrassment and undertones of anxiety in you. "D'ya wanna get showered, hop into bed, and watch one of those movies you like? I can get popcorn!"
Your chest swells with adoration, gratitude for his attentiveness. You nod happily and say, "We can watch The Breakfast Club!" He chuckles lightly, lovingly. "Yeah, we can." His fingers have wound themselves into your hair, massaging your scalp with just the right pressure. You melt into him, in disbelief that your boyfriend is Eddie Munson, and he want to watch The Breakfast Club with you.
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