#heaven officials blessing x reader
platinumrosetail · 2 months
Yandere Hualian x reader.
Warning: In the fem reader's first life, she was the younger sister of General Pei Ming. She lived as a beautiful young woman loved by her brother, without caring that he was a womanizer. Then, according to Pei Ming's ascension story, when he was accused of treason and broke his sword. However, the reader remained in the mortal realm and was unjustly executed. After 800 years she is reincarnated again, but as a humble traveler, there she meets Xie Lian and Huan cheng (you decide how) after many adventures together. He then reunites with his brother, although at first he does not remember him, although Pei Ming insists that he was once his brother. Little by little she will remember her past life. In the end he has a relationship with Huan cheng and Xie lian, and when he remembers his previous life, he sadly dies, but some time later he is reincarnated again.
(I based this request on some Chinese dramas, thank you for accepting it.)
Oooh interesting, also my first heaven officials blessing/tgcf request yay!
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere characters, and others.
Characters: hualian (hua cheng and xie lian).
You were the little sister to pei Ming, you didn’t mind his womanizing ways but you always scold him to be careful as one of those woman he woo’s could seek revenge when he breaks her heart. Though not many gods knew about you as you had died a little after your brother ascended to godhood, falsely accused and executed over a misunderstanding along with how you were the little sister to pei Ming so they thought you had a part in the rebellion even though you were innocent, your brother couldn’t save you as he had only learned after your death that you were in trouble and it was already too late to save you.
Pei Ming has hope that you might reincarnated or turned into a ghost and he just couldn’t find you good enough. He has searched high and low for you, and when he gets frustrated he usually woo women’s hearts and release his frustration by having sex with them and leaving afterwards to continue searching for you after the stress and frustration is out of his body.
Pei Ming was right to think you reincarnated though it was only after 800 years had you finally reincarnated this time as a young female and humble traveler, each time you have left a place he would arrive missing you each time as you have never stayed in one place for too long which resulted you in meeting a nice young man by the name of xie lian who is a humble cultivator also traveling. You soon start having a crush on xie lian as he is such a kind person so it was no surprise when you started developing feelings for the young man.
On your journey with xie lian you meet many interesting people and fight against some enemies as well, though even when you can fight it’s not as good as two junior officials from the heavens and your crush; xie lian, fighting though xie lian always seems to be there for you no matter what and can protect you and your weak spots which warms your heart and love for him.
You soon met hua cheng when you had became a bride bait to lure out the ghost groom or also known as ghost bride as you all soon found out that the ones behind the disappearance of brides was a woman one who shared history with pei Ming, who you find familiar in name but can’t place where it was familiar. Pei jr saw you and noted to tell his father about you.
You later met San lang when he was with you while you and xie lian was riding a cart together to get back home to your little shrine in piqu village, later spending the night there with you and xie lian before the two junior officials came by again with another mission to banyue(?) pass. Many months later and many adventures later you, San lang who you later found out was hua cheng, and xie lian who you also found out later was a god, started a relationship together.
Pei Ming had soon asked xie lian if he could meet you as you very well could be his sister who finally reincarnated, xie lian at first was worried that pei Ming would flirt with you but soon found out that you were pei Ming’s reincarnated sister and let pei Ming meet you though with a subtle warning on if pei Ming hurt you he and hua cheng would show no mercy even if he was your past life brother. You were skeptical about the situation between you and pei as you had no memories and there wasn’t really any proof and pei Ming could have gotten the wrong person but after meeting pei Ming you kept getting memories of your past life but before you could celebrate on finding out the pei Ming is actually your brother you were sadly killed by a jealous woman who had mistaken you for pei Ming’s lover instead of sister.
The woman was soon tortured and killed by hua cheng, xie lian and pei Ming, thankfully the woman was a ghost so xie lian and pei Ming didn’t get in trouble on killing her if she was human, and even if she was it would be easy to hide that fact considering who the three were. Hua cheng and xie lian are now on the hunt for your next life with pei Ming as the two both love you and won’t let you go even after you die and pei had just found you he won’t lose your next life like he did last time which means he gives up on womanizing if it meant you won’t get hurt like you did last time. You won’t ever escape them and no one will ever take you away from them now.
(A/n: hope yall liked it!! I decided on making pei Ming a platonic yandere as I thought it fit plus since xie lian and hua cheng were already yandere i thought why not him too? lol anyway hope yall have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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wuxianxkexing · 6 months
Mu Qing x Goddess Reader: Stop Fucking With My Cat Part 5
What do you mean I have to actually write this story and it won't just magically appear? Yeah, I didn't forget, I've just been too busy for the past like 5 months? Or however long it's been since the last update. Lol
Ghosts of all types were most active at night. It was a fact of life and it seemed like humans were born with that innate knowledge, the innate fear of the dark. Y/N didn't really mind the dark too much usually. However she really wasn't prepared for how all consuming the darkness of the swamp really was. It was her first time ever being in one. The torch she carried was practically useless. Between the darkness and thick of the swamp the eye could only see maybe a foot or two in front of it even with the help of the torch. Still it was better than nothing. With it's help Y/N was able to traverse the swamp with all of the delicatecy and grace of a couple hours old fawn, instead of one just born mere minutes ago. It was more difficult than walking on just solid ice! Y/N thought as she gave a dismayed look to Mu Qing who was impatiently stopping every few feet or so to wait for Y/N to catch up again. At least solid ice usually doesn't have so many damned obstacles! Y/N had long ago lost count of how many twigs, mossy rocks, fallen trees, roots and just plain mud she had fallen over during their trek deeper into the murky swamp. It didn't help that despite being so dark it was also super loud. Bugs, owls, frogs, everything seemed to be screaming, or rather singing, it's lungs out. Though Y/N supposed that was a good thing. A silent forest is a bad forest.
"At this rate I might as well carry you." Y/N froze over the large tree root she was making her way over. Mu Qing rolled his eyes so hard she wasn't sure if they'd ever return back to normal. Unlike Y/N Mu Qing was making his way through the swamps like an elf. Never a foot misplaced, barely making any noise. He had the footwork that one would expect of a martial God. It kind of annoyed Y/N, nevermind the insult he had just given her. Why was she the only one suffering in this stupid swamp? "Feng Xin could move through this faster and quieter than you. I'm surprised you haven't scared off everything in the area. The frogs must know that you are too clumsy to be a threat." He smirked.
"Well if you hadn't interrupted my hunting lesson with Echo I could've learned cat like footwork from him!"
"Pfft, so you'd make your master my cat? Well I suppose no one else /would/ take you under their wing." Y/N puffed her cheeks in mocking fake anger. She was a martial Goddess. If anything people would fight each other to be able to claim her as their student. They both surely knew that to be true.
"I think your cat would be a good master. The worst he'd do to me is maybe scratch or bite me, but at least he wouldn't have me run laps until my legs fall off." Y/N smiled back.
Mu Qing huffed and rolled his eyes. "Actually the worst he might do to you is try to suffocate you in your sleep by laying directly on your face like he does to me every night. He's not as innocent as he looks."
"Maybe I shouldn't have given him that demon collar after all. Sounds like he is already halfway there." Y/N laughed at her joke but Mu Qing just stared at her, clearly unamused. Y/N mentally hit herself. Right, he still didn't find the whole thing funny. Y/N liked to fancy herself as a comedian but undeniably most people didn't think she was very funny. She made the rest of her way over the large tree root and went to stand next to Mu Qing, who quickly turned on his heel and continued deeper into the swamp. 'Psh, maybe I should just have him carry me.' Y/N thought grumpily to herself. But she knew it was just a thought. No way would she ever ask to be carried by anyone, let alone Mu Qing. He obviously already thought that she was useless, she didn't need to make it worse. And really it was rather pathetic that a martial Goddess was having such a hard time just walking around. Y/N decided to focus harder on making her way through the swamp with some element of grace, and whether through actual focus or just more experience on where to step the duo actually started making decent time on their descent into the swamp. However their slow going in the beginning finally caught up to them as their last torch finally died.
"Nice going Y/N, now we have to walk around in the dark." Y/N felt her eye twitch in the pitch darkness. It wasn't her fault! She was pretty sure that they needed to bring twice as many torches than they did but Mu Qing was the one who didn't want to carry them around!
"General Xuan Zhen, why don't you just light a palm torch? I was pretty sure that we didn't bring enough torches along but you were the one who said that we'd be fine. Don't blame me for your lapse in judgment." Y/N let out through a very forced smile. She wasn't sure why she even bothered since neither of them could see anything at the moment but that's just a part of playing nice she supposed.
"Tch, why don't you light a palm torch. I need to conserve my spiritual energy." Y/N didn't need to see to know that he just rolled his eyes at her though. She thought about telling him to go fuck himself, she needed to conserve her spiritual power as well and being the very popular God that he was he surely had a lot more of it to spare than she did. Y/N waited a few seconds, listening to the sounds of frogs croaking in the night, considering whether or not she would use her spiritual power. To be honest she didn't really need her spiritual powers, her martial abilities were exceptional even without them, so she ultimately decided to cooperate and lit a palm torch for them.
Unexpectedly Mu Qing was standing a whole lot closer to her than she remembered and she almost caught his robe sleeve on fire. "Watch it!" He screamed out as he pulled himself out of the line of fire. Y/N almost laughed. What was he even doing standing so close to her in the first place after he had just told her to light a palm torch?
"Sorry General Xuan Zhen. My bad." Y/N weakly apologized with a small smile on her face. Mu Qing fixed her with a scrutinizing gaze.
"You did that on purpose."
"No I didn't. I thought you were standing over there." Y/N pointed to where Mu Qing was definitely standing when the last torch went out. His eyes followed the line of Y/N's finger and he pressed his lips together firmly. Maybe it was just the lighting from her palm torch but Y/N was pretty sure that Mu Qing was blushing.
"Whatever, let's get going." Mu Qing turned and started to walk off into the darkness, leaving Y/N to chase after him so he didn't get lost or hurt without light.
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lu-dao-writes · 5 months
— 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝙓𝙞𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙖𝙣 & 𝙃𝙪𝙖 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜)
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ᡴꪫ ゚. 𓂃𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨 You like being with Xie Lian, and when San Lang joined you had no problems with him either. You love their natural affection…
B̴̰̼̤̄͋̽̆͝ų̷̤̫͙͉͈́̓ͅt̵̯̬͌̿̎̽̉ ̵͎͈̯̓͐̀͘͝s̷̡͖͚̘͓͙̹̰̖̈́o̸̪̞̹̞̼̥̮̮̊̃̈́̎́̾̕͘͜͝m̶͚̐̉͑́͗̕͜͠ͅé̴̫͓̥̈́͗̈́̒ͅt̷͚̟̲̻̜̙̾̚i̷̢̗̗͈̩͚͆̍m̴͙̼͉̻̗̻̬̿̓̀̆͘ͅe̴̡̧͉͔̲͔̫̻͑̋̀́̈̀̌̈́̚s̵̢̫̟̳̩̲̟͆̏̆̃̄̿͝ ̴̤̘͉̻̮͈̿̀̐̄͒̃͝į̴̫͔̫̠̌͐̚t̸̰̔̋̀̾͐’̴̢̦̥͓̯̺͖̈́̓̒ś̴̨͇̣̼͑̀̉͛̎̏͠ ̸̤̺̼̞̠̖̃̋͗̄̀͝š̸̙̼̐̉̎͗͘u̶͍̞͖͒̈̅̔̒̍͘͜f̵̨̝̳̻̪̫̫͈͎̑̏̎̍̈͒f̵̞͇̥͖̥̹̳̹͐͐̌̈́̽͝o̸̡̤̙̙̗̤̦͙̿́̀͐̾͠c̵̨̹̔͜ȃ̶̛̱̜̗͍̒̌̈́̿́t̸̛͎̘͕̤̜̟̎̐i̷̖͓͖͔̭̥̒̆͂́̚͘͘ͅn̵̛̯̬͎̭͐̊̋̏g̸͓͍͚̦̻̳͑.̵͙̖̰͊̉ ̶̲͉̘̆̋̀̆̓
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, codependency, possessive behavior, biting, blood tasting, sleep watching, amnesiac!reader, gn!reader, hybrid au, some animalistic behavior, maybe poor grammar.
𝘼/𝙉 This is a warmup I made when I needed to take a pause from my jjk projects! Also deciding to post this while I wait for my poll to end!౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹
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YOU’VE only met Xiè Lián a month ago, but he is a humble man, perhaps the most humble man you’ve ever met in your years of living.
And despite only knowing him for such a little amount of time, there’s this huge sense of familiarity whenever you’re together.
He’s so kind, too kind almost, and submissive, but not in a completely bad way. It just seems that he’s too willing to let others walk all over him sometimes.
But you don’t regret befriending him. He’s as sweet as can be and your wonderful savior, his only want when you asked how you can repay him is your e̶t̶e̶r̶n̶a̶l̶ friendship.
You two were lonely souls wondering the earth so it’s natural that you remained at each other’s sides, helping him collect scraps.
While staying with him, you’ve noticed the ferret’s need for physical touch and aggressive play, which you grant because how could you not? You owe him a lot and you’re touch starved yourself.
B̶u̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶y̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶i̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶ ̶a̶g̶g̶r̶e̶s̶s̶i̶v̶e̶,̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶b̶i̶t̶e̶s̶ ̶d̶r̶a̶w̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶b̶l̶o̶o̶d̶,̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶X̶i̶è̶ ̶L̶i̶á̶n̶ ̶h̶a̶p̶p̶i̶l̶y̶ ̶l̶i̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶.̶
But it’s okay! That’s just his nature!
There was one time he had to disappear for a moment, stating that it’s just some business to help innocent people from a ghost problem and left you at an inn for the time being.
You missed him,b̶u̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶’̶t̶ ̶d̶e̶n̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶e̶n̶j̶o̶y̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶p̶a̶c̶e̶.̶ ̶
But he soon came back and you two now had a place to live at for once! It’s a shabby shrine, but both of you put your care and hard work to make it a home.
The bed is a simple straw mat on the hard floor but the comfort of each other’s arms and warmth make up for it!
B̶u̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶h̶u̶g̶s̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶i̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶ ̶t̶i̶g̶h̶t̶,̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶ ̶p̶o̶s̶s̶e̶s̶s̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶l̶m̶o̶s̶t̶.̶ ̶
Sleeping together is a joy though!
And things get more interesting when a lone fox joins the mix.
His name is Sān Láng, and Xiè Lián had brought him over one night and offered your collective space to him since he had no place to go.
He’s a charming young man with a mysterious aura, giving answers but becomes a bit elusive when it’s direct questions about him. He’s far more interested in getting to know you and Xiè Lián though, wanting the both of you to lay yourselves bare to him.
But he quickly becomes close to you both, and you become aware that he’s just as clingy as the ferret.
The bed situation is even more cramped, but as long as you were all touching all was fine!
S̶o̶m̶e̶t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶s̶w̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶’̶r̶e̶ ̶b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶e̶d̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶’̶v̶e̶ ̶y̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶f̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶l̶e̶e̶p̶s̶ ̶e̶m̶b̶r̶a̶c̶e̶,̶ ̶X̶i̶è̶ ̶L̶i̶á̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶S̶ā̶n̶ ̶L̶á̶n̶g̶’̶s̶ ̶b̶r̶e̶a̶t̶h̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶u̶f̶f̶o̶c̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶,̶ ̶i̶m̶p̶r̶i̶n̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶s̶k̶i̶n̶.̶
Sān Láng likes to watch you and Xiè Lián, especially when you’re playing, but he never gets in the mix until he’s invited, and you can see the pure delight in his eyes when asked.
But you almost always end up on your back, overpowered and vulnerable to them both.
L̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶p̶e̶r̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶y̶.̶
But unfortunately, things get weird when Nán Fēng, a dog, and Fú Yáo, a cat, show up at the door.
The way those two grow so pale when they look at you…
And how tight Xiè Lián holds your shoulders…
How Sān Láng’s voice gets unusually more sharper…
There’s more to what’s going on.
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ladydostoevsky · 4 months
Idk of request are still opens, but if no you can just ignore this haha.
Sooo can you do an escenario of hua cheng x male!reader x xie lian where the reader was the best friend of xie lian before xian le fell and like with the power of character backstory they knew hua cheng aswell.
That was like the context, but my request is like:
After the 800 years of previous events, xie lian, hua cheng and the reader meet again at the banyue arc(with xie lian meeting hua cheng fisrt ofc) and when they saw the reader (who ill suppose died by saving xie lian from something and u know, ✨️drama✨️) they can't belive it cus his soul should have been banished and welp. After the end of the thing (timeskip) when the reader tries to leave after helping em' with the mission, both xie lian and hua chen stop him from doing so. But why did M/N tried to leave as fast as possible? Hoho, well let's say he accidentaly inhaled a flowers scent wich had an strong afrodasic and didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of his dearest friends and tried to leave (failling miserably) and we all know both of our bois are so fricking touch starved at this point and here is where the smut makes it's presentation. (idk much about that so u can just wite it however you'd like, but reader should be the bottom oh yes hahah)
ik its a large request so if its too much just ignore me haha 😭.
A tender touch🌺
Xie Lian & Hua Cheng x m!reader
Warnings: nsfw, 18+, novel and donghua spoilers, little bit violence, breeding, m!sex
A/N: I’m not the best when it comes to smut, especially when it’s threesome so warning, this is really cringe🥲 but I hope you like it
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The floor of the temple was icy, freezing, just like the atmosphere which surrounded them. Fear seeped through y/n, who was kneeling on the cold ground, before the altar of a temple on which Xie Lian was chained on. He didn’t know if he was more afraid of the creature, the monster with white half crying-smiling mask or this thing hurting Xie Lian - his prince, his best friend, his beloved. The latter. In his hand, was the little ghostfire who tried to keep them out of the temple and warn them. y/n felt pity for it.
He bowed down, his forehead touching the ground. ‘’Please. I beg you. Take me. Have mercy on His Highness. Whatever you plan to do, please take me instead of him.’’ y/n straightened himself a little and looked with teary eyes towards the white clothed creature, pleading, ‘’I beg you… punish me for whatever he has done,’’ he whispered desperately. ‘’Y/N! STOP IT! I FORBID YOU TO SAY ANOTHER WORD. YOU WILL NOT SACRIFICE YOURSELF FOR ME!’’ Xie Lian screamed. The creature laughed out loud, slowly moving towards yn, like a predator. ‘’DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM, YOU FUCKER. LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS.’’ The Crown Prince screamed but to no avail, the creature ignored him. y/n gulped as he got closer. ‘’My my, are you a brave one,’’ he stopped right in front of him and crouched down to be on the same eye level, the little ghost still in his hand, ‘’and so stupid. Willing to give your life for someone else's sins and choices.’’
y/n eyes widened slightly after the realization. He whispered to the mask in front of him, ‘’kill me instead then.’’ The little fire started to glow even more, little sounds coming from it. ‘’Oh I will. Let’s see what face His Highness will make after it.’’ The next second Fang Xin pierced through y/n.
y/n looked at the ground, in shame and sadness. He didn’t dare to look His Highness in the eyes, or even San Lang, who he knew was actually Hua Cheng. ‘’I don’t understand…how?’’ The Crown Prince was in shock, in disbelief. Xie Lian saw his best friend being killed in front of his eyes by White No-Face. Same as Xie Lian, Hua Cheng felt some kind of betrayal and hurt, he - being a little pitiful and weak ghostfire - also was in that temple and saw everything. If he really somehow survived, why didn’t he come looking for His Highness? It has been 800 years…
‘’Tell me, how are you here? What happened to you?’’ Xie Lian asked, his earlier shock turning into a sadness. y/n looked at San Lang then Xie Lian. ‘’Did you really think he would have let me die? That easily? My life was worse than hell, a constant torture after that night.’’ He looked away from them, towards the darkness of the cave. All hidden and locked up memories coming back to him. ‘’He did that only to torment and manipulate you. And me.’’ Xie Lian let out a sight he realized he was holding. Hua Cheng’s eyes were full of sorrow. They looked at each other then back to y/n.
He looked at Xie Lian, ‘’I’m sorry, Your Highness. After that, I didn’t dare to show my face anymore. Not like the monster would have let me. I was afraid. I hated myself for I couldn’t save you in the end. I blame myself till this day. You had to go through so much because I was too weak to protect you.’’ Hua Cheng’s dead heart warmed in that moment. After all, he felt the exact same way. He blamed himself for not protecting the two when they needed it the most. But he is here now, and he will protect them for eternity, from now on.
‘’Can you forgive me, Your Highness? I understand if you don’t want to or-’’ Xie Lian gave a sad smile and moved closer to y/n. ‘’There is nothing to forgive. You did nothing wrong. It was never your fault, it was White No-Face who did this. I just wish you hadn't been there. I’m sorry you had to go through this, because of me.’’ The prince leaned closer and hugged his former friend. It took the man by surprise but gladly accepted it. The warmth of his best friend being so foreign to him. He locked eyes with San Lang who looked at him with sadness. y/n gave him a sweet smile of reassurance, for which the Ghost King smiled back.
After that the three stuck together the whole mission. y/n and San Lang got to know each other more, surprisingly they clicked immediately. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian still didn’t know how y/n survived that night. He wasn’t a god, neither a ghost so what was he? But they understood that it was not their business if y/n didn’t want to tell them.
Currently, everyone was looking for the Banyue Fern to use as an antidote for the scorpion-tailed snake’s venom. Unfortunately, y/n had strayed too far from the others. He realized it when he found flowers that shouldn’t be growing in a desert. They were bright, colorful and smelled so nicely. They were tempting. They were so very familiar…
NO! The land of the tender! They were the tender flowers that contained strong aphrodisiacs. The moment he realized he backed off. Thank the heavens that these flowers didn’t speak or he would have surely done something he couldn’t even imagine. He ran back to the others, hoping that the aphrodisiac didn’t make it to his system.
After all the hell was over and the mission completed, Earth Master Ming Yi and Wind Master Shi Qingxuan came to take Pei Xiu back to heaven realm. The gods exchanged a few words. Beside Hua Cheng, y/n felt ill. His body temperature had risen after the tender flowers. He was sweating and his knees felt weak. He holds one hand in front of his lower face to hide his reddened face and to seal his mouth. Hua Cheng turned to him, concerned, ‘’y/n? Is everything alright? You seem… sick.’’ Only thing he could do was nod his head and turn away from him.
With every passing second he could feel more sweat forming on his skin, he wanted to let out sounds he thought he could never form. He felt a painful pulsing between his legs. Seeing Xie Lian and Hua Cheng next to him didn’t help, it made it all worse. Slowly, he started to back off but Hua Cheng grabbed his forearm before he could escape. Xie Lian walked over to them. ‘’y/n, what’s wrong?’’ He walked to him and put his palm on his forehead to feel his temperature. ‘’You are burning! You must have a fewer.’’ Feeling his prince’s touch he put his hand over his mouth even harder. He let out weird noises that neither of the two understood. y/n shook his head. ‘’Gege, we have to get him somewhere else. I don’t think it’s sickness.’’
The two brought y/n to an old empty house of Banyue. They put him on the floor, making him sit against a wall. Only sound that was heard was y/n’s constant breathing. With shaky hands he tried to open his robe. ‘’Y-you two… you h-have to leave.’’ Xie Lian was first to react. He crouched down in front of him, ‘’we will not. Tell us what happened?’’
He helped y/n and tore the robe’s front open so he could get some cold air. His fingers brushed against y/n’s hot skin which made him let out a little whine. Xie Lian’s breath stuck, but he didn’t back off. ‘’T-the flowers, t-tender…’’ the arousal he felt made it hard to talk. San Lang came next to Xie Lian and put his hand on y/n’s chest, feeling his fast heartbeat. y/n wrapped his fingers around San Lang’s wrist, not wanting him to pull away.
‘’That’s what I thought,’’ Hua Cheng whispered, mostly to himself. ‘’Please…’’ y/n’s other hand made it to his hard erection. His hand was quickly replaced with Xie Lian’s, ‘’you helped us today so well, it’s only fair if we help you now.’’ The prince and the Ghost King gave a knowing smile to each other. Hua Cheng tore the whole robe to shreds, freeing the whole body beneath it free to the cold air of Banyue. Xie Lian leaned in and kissed his old friend, his- no- their beloved.
His tongue taking the lead and exploring every corner he could find. His fingers ran delicately over y/n soft pink nipples. The man didn’t see the point to hold back anymore and let out all the sounds that were stuck in his throat. Hua Cheng also leaned closer and wrapped his fingers around y/n’s precum leaking cock. He slightly pressed on to the pink tip which made y/n whine against Xie Lian’s mouth.
‘’Don’t worry, love. We will take good care of you,’’ whispered Hua Cheng. Xie Lian leaned back, a string of saliva connecting the two. ‘’Have I ever told you how beautiful you are, y/n?’’ Xie Lian said while taking off his white robe. Hua Cheng followed and his red clothing was thrown somewhere he could care less. This time Xie Lian took y/n's pulsing cock and started slowly moving his hand up and down. San Lang latched his mouth onto y/n’s sensitive nipple, kissing and teasing it. y/n moaned their names, feeling himself nearing. ‘’X-Xie Lian…nghh San L-Lang, I’m g-gonna cum.’’ Xie Lian’s other hand played with y/n’s smooth hair, ’’cum for us, dear.’’ He came without a second thought.
The Crown Prince gave him a sweet, loving smile, pecked his darling’s soft lips and started moving towards his abdomen, leaving butterfly kisses behind. He took all of y/n in his mouth, swallowing his cum in the process. With his experience in sword swallowing in the past it wasn’t very hard. He had no gag reflex.
While Xie Lian was busy with y/n’s cock, San Lang used his own precum and saliva as a lube and smeared it on his own hard cock. y/n felt his second orgasm coming. In ecstasy he grabbed Xie Lian’s hair, not wanting him to pull away. ‘’Y-your Highness…mm,’’ The prince started to run his fingers gently across y/n’s body. Being so hot, bothered and sensitive, this act threw him over the edge again and he came deep into Xie Lian’s mouth. ‘’Xie Lian…’’ he breathed out a whisper, barely hearable. ‘’Such a good boy, aren’t you? So good for us,’’ Hua Cheng teased with his low voice. The man beneath let out a desperate whine, knowing what’s coming next. The black haired king leaned closer, giving him a gentle kiss on his forehead and lips. ‘’I’ll try to be gentle.’’ Xie Lian went to y/n’s neck and started to suck marks into his skin.
San Lang positioned himself in front of y/n’s unprepared entrance and slowly entered. Feeling soft and thigh walls around him he let out a grunt, entering inch by inch. y/n let out loud cries from the pain. Tears started to drip down from the corners of his eyes. Xie Lian shushed him, assuring that everything was alright. He kissed the tears away and started to abuse his mouth with his tongue again. When Hua Cheng was finally all in, and confirmed that y/n wasn’t uncomfortable anymore, he started moving his hips. At the beginning it was slow and gentle, as time went by he started to speed up. Rocking in and out like an animal in heat.
He pulled y/n’s legs more towards him to hit that one spot that surely made his darling lose it. y/n grabbed onto Xie Lian to steady himself. ‘’Gods y/n…’’ San Lang moaned, feeling his peak coming. He pressed y/n into a mating position, to look him into his beautiful tear stained eyes while he cums deep into his gore. y/n screamed, feeling overstimulated. ‘’S-San L-Lang… p-please,’’ with a few more pumps he came inside.
After a few moments he pulled out, panting. Feeling himself coming down from his high. He watched how some of his seed tried to come out of y/n. He pushed it back inside with his fingers, smiling, feeling some kind of pride. ‘’You are so beautiful like this. Now my beloved…’’ Xie Lian moved away from his side and placed himself on top of y/n. He already knew that it was going to be a long night.
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solannn · 3 months
Ok... so I saw you write for tgfc and I was like🤭🤭🤭🤭
So here is my request! Muahahaha
Hua cheng x male!God reader (like idk he is the God of the sun or sum )
Just Hua cheng being sosososos down bad the the reader that he likes (yk how he is with xl) and he is just like that with the reader and he even makes him hairpins of gold with little stars (since he is the reader is the God of the sun he wears so much gold and he loves to dress himself up in gold hair pieces smt like this
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) and hua cheng made it himself and he is super inlove and anxious what the reader thinks
(It's ok if you don't wanna do it tho 😔)
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⭐️┆ ╰┈➤ 𝜗𝜚 ┈ The Sun proposed to the moon and the Moon, know 。—
⭐️┆ ╰┈➤ ┈ warnings : male reader, fluff, fem dni, ooc hua cheng..
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• you’re the god of Sun, you would always shine by wearing shiny accessories that reminds you of the sun.
• hua cheng was definitely the moon to your sun, he loved the way you are, your voice, your smile, he just loved everything about you
• This man is definitely whipped for you. He could do anything for you, you have wrapped him around your finger
• if you have any problem with a god he’ll help you, any struggles with a mission? Hua cheng is there for you
• he’s protective of you, he doesn’t like to see hurt, injured.
• he def like tease you until he makes you blush (his heart flattered him seeing you like that)
• he had an amazing idea of give you hairpins golden to match your style, your clothing.
• he knew it would match you, thought of the idea randomly
• he wanted to made it himself, with little stars since the sun was also a stars.
• he was anxious when he wanted to give you the hairpin, he thought that you wouldn’t like it or just anxious about your thinking but he decided to show you anyway ^_^
The long haired male was waiting for a certain person to show up. He waited patiently his friends, no even more than friends, a crush. Hua cheng was a little nervous, he didn’t know if you’ll appreciate it or not. His thought were cut by someone’s presence, this person was [Name]. His shining and hopeful [eyecolor] eyes makes his heart flatter even more then before. The male walked to him, with smile across his soft face. "Hi, Hua cheng, you wanted to see me right ?" He assured, his sweet voice was a melody to his ears, he could listen to it forever "Yes,[Name] I just wanted to give you something" he stated, he seemed calm but inside, his anxiety was eating him up. "Oh ! Really what is it ?" He happily said as Hua Cheng give him the gift. There was no words for few seconds, only the silence. He didn’t like it ? At least that’s what the ghost thought, until he felt a pair of hands wrapping his waist making him surprised a bit "it’s so beautiful !" The other male said. "I’ll cherish it and wear it everyday !" He smiled, and failed to notice the faint blush on hua cheng’s cheeks. "Did you make it yourself ?" He asked, curiously as an answer the ghost hummed
• love laugh live whipped hua cheng
A/N : it’s been in my box for a while so here is it !!
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asimphehehe · 3 months
Do yall really get triggered by this?
I noticed recently in the MXTX community that people were getting pissed that Hua Cheng or Xie Lian x Female Readers exist. Their argument is that it is fetishizing gay men. How????
To the extent of my knowledge as an MXTX fan of several years, MXTX never clarified their sexualities. They could be gay, bi, pan, who knows? Also, I know for a fact that Hua Cheng would still love Xie Lian if he was a woman and vice versa.
More importantly, liking a potentially gay man isn’t a fetish? If someone likes Hua Cheng because he’s gay (which he might not be), then that’s a fetish. Liking Hua Cheng and having him be potentially gay as one of his many characteristics is not a fetish. Source: I’m a Bi woman who has seen several men fetishizing lesbians 😀
Overall I think this is really ridiculous. Am I wrong?
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iiotic · 5 months
hello!! how are you? :D i hope your doing well! i have a request for you if that’s cool with you! here I go (:
Could I request Alastor, Angel Dust and (Maybe?) Vox with a GN! Reader who’s like Qi Rong from Heavens Official Blessing?
The idea being that their a very attractive person who’s very emotionally immature and uses very vulgar language? but later they’ll turn a tiny bit softer perhaps? Also maybe this video will explain the most silliest language LOL
Thank you!
(A/N) - first of all i wanted to apologise that this took so long but i've been really busy lately!! Anyways I hope it isn't too bad.
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‧꒰�� Alastor, Angel dust and Vox with a gn! Reader who acts like Qi Rong (from Heavens official Blessing)
TW - cursing??
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‧꒰ა Angel Dust:
When he heard the news that someone new joined the hotel he didn't really care. He thought that it would be another boring person, a goody two shoes who would try to lecture him every second.
But oh boy was he wrong..
You're attractive? And NOT boring? Well pheraps he's slowly going to heaven.
Flirts with you 24/7. It would definitely piss you off so much.
"Hey there, sugar. You know I'm started to get really bored.. all alone.. in my room.. Maybe-"
"Not respectfully shut up. You smell like a fucking fish who didn't have the access to water for a month."
It may seem like you hate him but you really don't.
He did caught some soft gazes at his direction.
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When you joined the hotel seeking redemption, i have to say you intrigued him.
You reminded him of Angel Dust. Such a vulgar mouth but such a pretty face? Well that's not how it's suppose to be. At least not for him
He remembers oh so clearly when things didn't go the way you wanted. You were in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Someone approached you? Cursed him off. Accidentally tripped over a thing? Well it's a perfect occasion to say that its parents doesnt love it.
When Alastor's friend, Rosie decided to take a visit. She was absolutely mesmerised by your beauty but quickly lost interest after she heard how you behaved.
As long as you won't insult him and his precious jambalaya you're good!
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༉‧ა°. Vox:
I have absolutely no idea how y'all met. Pheraps you met at a local bar? Or you just bumped into him at the streets? Or are you Valentinos new doll to play with?
Doesn't matter.
I think that he wouldn't love you but he wouldn't hate you too..?Sometimes it just really annoys him how immature you are. (but he is so capitalised by your beauty too)
I can imagine him coming back to the studio, overworked and tired after a fight with alastor and you'd be just throwing those comments at him:
"You should've cut his dick off"
"You could've smashed his precious radio"
"why didn't you cut his legs off?"
And he would be just staring at you. Respectfully shut the fuck up.
Other then the fact that you're annoying him a bit. You're good!
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niki-phoria · 3 months
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pairing: xie lian x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff/comfort word count: 472
notes: tgcf has taken over my mind so enjoy some (possibly ooc ??) xie lian nightmare comfort lol, set at puqi shrine before xie lian meets hua cheng, title from the 1975 - i couldn't be more in love
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your body jolts upright as you’re forcibly ripped out of your dream. you can feel your heart pounding wildly in your chest. shivers run down your spine as you blink a few times, desperately willing your eyes to adjust to the darkness quicker. 
in your disorientation, you quickly scan the room for any danger. the fabric xie lian had hung up as a makeshift door flaps quietly in the wind. a few stray offerings sit on the edge of a nearby table. a stream of moonlight shines in through a small hole in the roof, illuminating the small shrine just enough for you to make out xie lian’s worried figure staring at you. 
“y/n?” his voice is quiet, as if you’re a small animal that will bolt at the first sight of danger. xie lian pauses for a second as if to search for the right words before finally settling on, “are you alright?”
“yeah,” you breathe. you run a shaky hand through your hair, taking a shallow breath. “i’m fine.”
xie lian doesn’t believe you. he’s smart enough to recognize the signs of anxiety. he’s known you for long enough to know exactly which nightmares plague your dreams. even the exhaustion of traveling for hours on foot isn’t enough to starve off the horrors that live inside of your mind. 
xie lian turns, reaching over to grab his boots. “why don’t i go get you some water? it’s been a while since you had anything to drink.” 
“wait,” your hand catches xie lian’s wrist before you can stop yourself. disguised by the darkness of the night, a flush rises to both of your cheeks. your grip around his hand loosens, but you don’t pull away completely. “stay?” your voice is barely a whisper; it’s all but swallowed by the quiet of the night. “please.”
xie lian’s gaze lingers on your hand for a second before he looks up into your eyes once again. your touch ignites goosebumps along his skin. since the fall of xianle, he had long since forgotten what it felt like to be touched with care. 
despite his reservations, xie lian curtly nods. “alright,” he murmurs, settling down on the straw mat beside you once again. 
the ground is uncomfortable, but it’s nothing you’re not used to. xie lian lays facing you; even with your eyes closed you can feel him studying each of your features. you can feel the mat move slightly as he shuffles closer. he props his head against his arm like a makeshift pillow.
you tense momentarily when xie lian reaches over, gingerly resting his hand on top of your own. despite the cold night, his skin is warm. his fingers gently trace along the grooves of your knuckles. “try to get some sleep,” he whispers. “i’ll be here when you wake up.”
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darlingpwease · 1 year
𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
𔓘 unhealthy behaviour (obsessiveness, possessiveness, clinginess, kidnapping, dependence), dommale elements, pet names ("gege"), dark au, mention of nesting & heat, mention of sex (heavy petting), mention of killing; reader x xie lian, omega!xie lian
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ᥫ᭡ You didn't know how long you had been living in this small, cute house with Gege — and where you lived before you met your Gege, who loved white clothes, cooked poorly, smiled like the midday sun, never cried and was not at all the omega who could have anyone but you. Not only because he said that he didn't even have plans to have anyone other than you in his life, but because you saw that Gege wasn't looking for anyone, didn't hold his eyes on anyone; even if he was gentle to children and if he ever wanted to have a puppy, it was clearly that he wasn't going to get an alpha for this — you understood perfectly well why.
Although you haven't self-presented yet and weren't going to guess what your role in gender society would be, you understood that he would only be with you. That you will definitely grow up, get married and will have a lot of happy and married days.
You can't not. He's your Gege, after all.
ᥫ᭡ Your Gege smelled richly tender and a little like blood, a completely incongruous fragrance, — but you've never smelled anyone expect him for more than five minutes, so you didn't know how normal it was. Something in your head is throbbing with the obsessive thought that he smells wrong, he should smell wrong, he smelled completely different before, but you have nothing to oppose — you don't remember that his smell was different, but you know it.
According to Gege, you smelled like milk and his favorite food "even when he was like you," but you always brushed him off; even with your little socialization, you know that people can't smell like a 'specific food', and he only teases you without malice, as he loves to do, affectionately saying that you look 'like a little steamed bun' or peeking at what you're cooking, purring and squinting when you tell him to leave the kitchen.
You know that he can — is able — to cook well (after all, you somehow survived before you were old enough to cook yourself), but for some reason his food looks terrible all the time, and you can't name the reason, but can feel it in your heart. At least he can do physical work like fixing a house or a fence — and you want to say that you didn't decide to live with him just to be a servant, but you can't say this with certainty. You don't remember why you decided to live with Gege — it seems you've always lived with him.
Maybe you were with Gege from the very beginning?
ᥫ᭡ Your Gege is tall, flexible as a vine and his hair is so long that you could get tangled in it. His skin is soft and pleasant, even if his palms are slightly rough, and his pretty, scarlet lips, like cherry blossoms or drops of blood (maybe that's why he smells like blood?), look like a brushstroke that was left because of how adorable he looked on a beautiful, handsome face. Your Gege looked the way anyone would want to look, no matter if it's omega, beta or alpha. Your Gege has slender long legs, moderately broad shoulders, black peach eyes and a thin waist, and even if he gently teases that you will grow up to be even more rare magnificent, you know that the charm of your Gege makes even flowers be ashamed of their imperfections. If Gege wanted to, he could ascend and become the god of flowers — you are not sure if this is how it works, but if heaven did not give such beauty to someone great, then they are definitely blind. Your Gege laughs gently and says that 'Heaven has already given him the best gift', and if it were necessary, he would give everything, but not this "jewel", — and you understand who he means, but pretend that you don't. In the end, you know that you have no one but him, just as he has no one but you.
But he doesn't need to say it — even if he looks like a bunny, you know he's a cunning predator, like a weasel or a ferret. However, even in spite of his nature, you know that he cares about you, and probably cared even before you came, when you remember how you first saw your house — a memory from which your memory begins.
Everything around is like a perfectly modeled paradise for you — living in a comfortable, small house, with a beloved, gentle Gege, with trips to the city from time to time and the opportunity to do anything, since people don't go that far, while if you want to see more, then your Gege is always ready to get up and to follow you. It's like a flower garden in which you were the most luxurious and beloved, the only flower, while your Gege was a gardener who adored you to such an extent that he would do anything to make you bloom.
You want to tell Gege that he is the most charming for you, but he already knows it. After all, you haven't seen anyone for so long and often to tell if there is someone better. But something tells you that this is absolutely impossible — as if he was an absolute that others dare only look up to. If he called himself beauty number two, no one would be able to call themselves beauty number one. Gege says — with complete confidence, almost doom, with a sparkle in his matte black eyes, — that if he calls himself "handsome", then his face will burn with shame of brazen falsehood at the sight of you.
That is why, — he whispers, kissing the top of your head, as if cradling when you hide face in his chest, — the most beautiful things should be hidden.
You don't quite understand "why", but react to gentle purring, letting yourself be hidden in his clothes, smelling of him. even if the sleeping place is hard, Hege is soft and a little warm, and when you are in his hands, you feel as if the whole world is holding you, although he only gently purrs that you are his "whole world".
Just in case, you whisper that he is also your jewel and prettiest flower.
ᥫ᭡ Gege smells sticky, sweet, tender; his hair is wet and tangled, and even his scarlet lips look even brighter and more beautiful, as if soaked in blood, with a slight mist of blush on his cheeks, while his peach black eyes are like an abyss into which no one can help falling, seeing him so tender, so sensual, so... tempting. You can't — at least not now — be able to respond to courtship, not when the smell of milk is still subtly enveloping your body, but Gege doesn't mind at all, hoarsely whispering in the semi-darkness of the small, sweet house that everything is fine as long as you are around, don't go anywhere without him.
You will never you dare, of course, but when you bring him jugs of water, feeling the heat of his flexible soft body, you feel at home. His nest is elegant, not very full of soft things, but it "always has the most necessary" — you.
Even when his skin is so hot, like an oven, you feel so calm and good in his arms, burying your nose, as if hiding from the whole world. Gege's hands are gentle, with palms slightly roughened from frequent work, and you only purr that you have the best Gege in the world, your omega is the best, while he buries his nose in your hair, cooing inaudibly, pressing you to his flexible, wet body, but not at all to the "thirsty" or "in need of an alpha", as you have sometimes heard about omega leaks somewhere on the street — Gege is ruddy, bright-smelling, beautiful, but so homely and... ordinary, only becoming even more clingy and unwilling to leave the nest, and this is the only time when you do not go and leave offerings in front of a small temple for the "dear deity who guards this place."
You hope that the deity will not be too offended, looking at how your usually gentle and calm Gege whines that "you are too cruel" when you have to come out of his nest and bring water and light snacks, because you are an ordinary person and because everything inside the nest smells so much of him that you are afraid not to will he die of dehydration. You don't know how to handle omegas, but you are sure that "as long as Gege is good, everything is right". Gege only purrs that he only needs you to make him feel good when his long, elegant, eternally cold fingers cling to your clothes, looking at you with the gaze of a sad bunny, but your decision is unchanged.
You still bring some gifts to the deity, fearing that your Gege has messed up something again and you should at least remind from time to time that you are grateful to this deity and appreciate their protection.
And when you leave, you definitely feel better.
ᥫ᭡ The smell of Gege is thicker, richer, brighter, bloodily bright when blood flows from his elegant, white, long fingers — fortunately, not his, but even if it were his, you would take care of the wound and would stay on his chest before he wakes up.
You would a little like it to be his blood, because sometimes your Gege is so perfect that you want a little more human qualities from him,
especially when he gives you a gentle, adoring smile again, and his lips are even brighter than even the blood of the body lying on the rain-smelling, dark grass someone. This happens sometimes — even though you live in the forest, it only means that there are even more predators here. Gege gently purrs that you both should not go to the city for perhaps another month — who knows where else these creatures are hiding? it's not safe — and it's not that you're disappointed, having already bought everything you need... but you know that your Gege is doing it for you.
Every year there are more and more of them, like weeds in the garden, but Gege only gently tells you not to think about it, although you more than clearly see that the older you get and more often appears in cities and villages, the more of them. Gege sometimes allows you to go for things yourself to the nearest village, where not only passing merchants often stop, since the village is conveniently located with a road leading to the center, but also other rabble, and you can more than connect the point "they see me" and the point "they began to appear more often in our part of the forest." However, Gege, although omega, is not like ordinary omega at all — he always hides the bodies himself, although never comes back full or with meat, so you prefer to think that he feeds other beasts or does something else. You don't really want to know.
In the village, you heard about a case where omega endured violence from his spouse for a long time and eventually scratched out their eyes and chewed their throats, and whatever Gege did with the body, you just hope that it won't affect you. Of course, you do not commit violence against him, but your future spouse is not an "ordinary" omega, who can only endure until he explodes. Of course, you have never seen him explode, but you are sure that this will not be normal, and he will certainly commit one or two particularly serious crimes, which are whispered about from time to time in cities — you do not quite understand what it is, but you are sure that it will not be very good. Just in case, you regularly bring him flowers and cook food much better — Gege seems to think it's a little silly, but very cute, and hides head in your neck, purring that whoever you turn out to be, he will become your omega husband.
You are not self-presented in any way, although you no longer smell of milk and have definitely grown up, even matured rather, and Gege now puts his head on your chest, unlike how he hid you on his chest, like a parent hides his cub from danger. However, he continues to bring crowns of flowers and gently pulls your name, depending on how you take care of the household, still much better than him. Of course, he also contributes to your small household with a vegetable garden and a plan to build at least a chicken coop, but still prefers to spread out on the wooden hem, looking on how you work, and you can't blame him, seeing his happy face, like he's a pet that's been petted and is now resting.
(purrs plaintively when your hands slide over his chest, but you only coo him to relax when another flower appears on delicate neck, too contrasting with the color of his skin, just like the one that appears a little lower, then to the right, a small inflorescence on stomach, small bouquets on sides, scarlet spots on wet slippery trembling thighs, an ecstatic squeak when your lips descend lower, and his legs try to hide, but you only squeeze his knee tightly — and let him squirm while his legs wrap around your head, draining him even before the start to ease his desperate need and hunger.)
Perhaps you spoil omega too much, who has not even become your husband yet, but for some reason you always want to pamper him, as long as you remember yourself.
Perhaps you are just a good spouse from birth, huh?
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cw blood, amnesia, poly relationship
ᥫ᭡ Red flowers always grow around little house. You often bring them to the deity, thanking for protection; the deity never responds, but you are still calmer and happier, as if the very knowledge that someone is guarding you inspires you — just like the sight of red flowers, almost as scarlet as the lips of Xie Lian, your mate, who picks up garbage, likes to dig in the garden and builds a chicken coop where you can then put the chicks, and also repairs the fence and the house, purring that he should prepare if you turn out to be a non-beta. You don't think that you will turn out to be a non-beta, but don't say anything, gently rubbing Xie Lian's back and not resisting when he offers to massage your, enveloping you with a gentle, slightly mettalic scent that has already become your favorite and so native that you can't imagine that there was a more attractive fragrance in the world.
The stranger in red smells of sweet datura — a fragrance that is so rich and bright that it could be used for demonic dual cultivation, but it envelops you so naturally, as if it is focused only on you. He has shiny black eyes, as if absorbing any sunlight that gets into them, and a carelessly woven black braid with a thin scarlet ribbon, the look of which is too familiar, but you don't understand why — and you haven't been so stupid and naive for a long time to say things like "I probably saw it somewhere on the market", because the way it is cut and decorated is too reminiscent of your way. His skin is white, too white for a person in any state of health except death, but his lips are peach-colored, curved in a mischievous smile with a hint of tenderness.
You don't see the point in asking if you know each other when the cheekily sweet fragrance becomes brighter at his playful approach, although you see how his body trembles slightly.
San Lang. My name, — if Xie Lian's smile is like the sun, then he rather resembles the devil, with this gentle youthful aura and the sparkles of the imp in his eyes, — but I'm much more interested in yours.
And before you have time to answer, he continues, trembling slightly, with pent-up delight, looking at you as a deity, although a devilish smile does not leave his thin, gently peach lips:
Let me guess, though.
Xie Lian, your sweet, gentle omega, has always told you that no one but him knows about you, — jewelry should be kept from others, — but in San Lang's eyes, a veil of pure adoration shimmers like black pearls in the light, especially when he tilts his head, and the familiar-looking earring gently follows this movement, caressing unnaturally white skin, like a drop of blood — the same as Xie Lian's bright scarlet lips.
I'm sorry; did I scare you? I just live in the city, — the son of a merchant family, — so I often saw you. Don't you remember me? You often come to our store.
Do you?
We could take a walk before my family starts looking for me, right? After all, I don't bite, so you have nothing to be afraid of, right?
Despite all the playfulness, you hear nervousness, and you can't find the strength to refuse, knowing that Xie Lian knows about your possible long absence and is probably busy outside the house right now. Maybe you just inhaled too much of its smell, leaving a taste in your mouth, and maybe it just seems to you when you feel the familiar bloody notes of fragrance through the sweet dope. Maybe it just seems to you that omega is too passionate about you and trusting even for someone who left the city for the first time and ended up in the forest, and is too playful, even if unmarried and not marked by anyone. You're not sure how normal it is when an omega tries so desperately to snuggle up and purrs something, more just keeping up a conversation than trying to develop it, enjoying your company the way a fish inhales oxygen in water after a long stay on land.
You're not stupid, though. Perhaps you are not very experienced, but you are not stupid, especially when he looks at you as a deity, and his gaze is too reminiscent of Xie Lian's gaze when he thinks that you do not see, not taking his unblinking eyes off you, as if afraid that if he does not see you and you do not give voice then you will disappear, go away like the morning mist.
And the fact that Xie Lian does not grow up; and the fact that you do not remember anything before coming to your "home"; and how you and he bring offerings to an unknown deity; and how white San Lang's skin is, but his gaze burns harder than a burnt hand that you have never burned in your memories.
The small child who fell from the wall; royal colors, like a kaleidoscope, with a sunny smile and a sword made of peach wood; clothes so bright that it's almost uncomfortable, but as long as he's around, everything is fine. Two faces, like a blurred image in a puddle. You don't remember anything before you were brought in and told that he's your family now, and you're not sure you want to know. Maybe there are things you don't need to know.
A small child. Red eye. Blood. A lot of blood.
The little lump on your chest, not understanding what's wrong with you, but trying to do everything.
When blood flows from your body, it doesn't hurt that much.
San Lang's lips taste like ripe cherries.
I don't think Xie Lian will mind.
You think that the omega story may have been more true and probable than you thought.
Perhaps you should find more flowers.
Oh, are you picking flowers for him again? Can I help?
For some reason, now you understand where the bodies went, who defended territory and why scarlet flowers bloomed around everything.
I don't know what you're talking about, my darling.
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platinumrosetail · 2 months
Heaven officials blessing/tgcf masterlist:
Hua cheng and xie lian x pei Ming’s reincarnated sister!reader
Hua cheng:
Xie lian:
Mu Qing:
Feng xin:
Pei Ming:
Shi qingxuan:
Jun wu:
Ming yi/he xuan:
Qi rong:
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derlost · 6 months
Don’t mind me, just thinking about bunny boys…
ABOUT: Wouldn’t it be so great to own a sweet little bunny boyfriend? WARNINGS: Proofread, nsfw (below cut), mentions of crying, mostly fluff & vanilla, male reader
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Thinking about cute little bunny boys. Absolute innocent sweethearts that would curl up in your lap and beg you to cuddle them, tearing up in delight as you coo into their plush ears, reassuring them that they are your favorite.
🎀☁️Cute bunny boys who smell like roses and taste like cotton candy, who enjoy warm baths with you, because it just makes them feel at home. You would ask him to fill up the tub and he’d most certainly oblige, even taking the extra step to light candles and put bubble bath in. When you wash his perky rabbit ears, he’ll giggle in delight as you itch his favorite spot. He’ll sigh happily as he lays between your legs, smiling innocently.
🎀☁️ Cute bunny boys who take care of you, cooking and cleaning, being absolutely perfect in order to please you. After a long day, you would return to an orderly home with floors so clean that they shine, and music coming from the kitchen. There stands your adorable little bunny, dressed in a soft pink apron, cooking you dinner. A giggle would escape his lips as he sets down his wooden spoon and wraps you in a hug, whispering “I missed you” into your ear.
🖇️🖤 Naughty little bunny boys who act so innocent in front of you when in reality, their minds wander to the darkest of places. If you can’t bathe with him, it’s not a problem- he’ll secretly lube himself up after his bath before climbing into bed, hiding himself under layers of blankets as he waits for you to find him.
🖇️🖤 Naughty bunny boys who cry when you tease them, acting as if they weren’t the one that got you riled up. He’ll cry and plead for you to stuff him full, crystalline tears wetting his pretty face as he clings to your shirt and whimpers for you. His ears will go flat against his head, and he’ll beg and beg until he goes dumb and loses his voice.
🖇️🖤 Naughty bunny boys who beg for you, only to cry when you finally fill them up. Pretty tears drip from his lashline and drool escapes the corner of his lips as you pound into him, kissing all along his neck, leaving him breathless. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” you find yourself saying, tightening your grip on his waist. But your precious bunny can only nod and let out a muffled ‘uh-huh’, too spent to even listen.
🖇️🖤 Naughty bunny boys who cherish your seed so, treating it as if it were liquid gold. To him at least, it really was- and even when he knows that he can’t get pregnant, his desire clouds his senses, and all he can focus on is you breeding him. After you spill your seed into him, he begs for you to stay inside- to keep it all plugged into him. When you do have to pull out however, he’ll absolutely insist that you use a pretty pink glass butt plug on him- he just can’t stand to be apart from your seed!
🧸🩷 Loving bunny boys who snuggle up in your arms after you’re both spent and tired, cuddling you to sleep. He would rest his pretty head on your chest, and would stay comfortably tucked to your side for the entire night. If you move, that’s fine- because he’ll move too. He loves nothing more than feeling you in his arms- and being your cherished one. You’re the only one he loves, and you make him so very happy…
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🍰🤍 Author’s note: Hello everyone! So I know this is kind of unexpected, but lately i’ve been suuuuper fixated on bunny boys- i’m even thinking of making an oc and posting stories about him on tumblr! I’ve been active a lot more (can u tell? ;)) and i’ve also had a lot more free time on my hands, so requests are open! Per usual please like, comment, and repost if you enjoyed. Feedback is super appreciated, because as a small author, it lets me know that people see and like my work! In any case, thank you for reading!
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lu-dao-writes · 5 months
Thinkin bout…
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ෆ ‿︵‿୨ 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) Rough sex, threesome, bondage, cum smearing, biting, dom Hua Cheng, soft dom Xie Lian, gn!reader. ୧‿︵‿ ෆ
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Being bound up by Ruòyé while Xiè Lián’s delicate and sinful fingers toy with your nipples until they’re raw and sensitive to the touch, your eyes wet with delight.
You can feel his hardness against your back as you squirm around, and as he sometimes ruts himself against you to shamelessly relieve himself.
But while he’s sweetly cooing at you and toying with your chest, Huā Chéng has your hips in a bruising grip as he fucks into you like it’ll be has last. He’s already bitten your skin up, ate you out like he just hadn’t eaten dinner not too long ago, and smeared his and your cum on your skin like your his canvas.
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“Yes… Just take my cock and cry for us, Baobei. We know you can take another load~.”
“You can’t be tired yet,” Xiè Lián sweetly informs you, wiping your tears away as you moan incoherent phrases. “It’s my turn next, after all~!”
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misakidraconia · 3 months
I find it really unfair that writers are insulted because they write Heaven Official Blessing fics with female readers. I believe that it is everyone's right to fantasize despite the character's love interest. And in any case it is not necessarily true that the character is actually only gay( Hua cheng still loves the female form of xie lian no?), it could be that pansexual, bisexual but this doesn't only apply to this fandom but in general, I don't understand so much hate on this thing I find it very unfair we all love these characters why deprive ourselves of a fic just for our gender. I understand that it can be annoying but at least don't spit venom in the comments of the fics, just scroll, **everyone has the right to do what they want**
My question is why so much Badness ?❤️🤷🏻‍♀️
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boonsmoon · 6 months
Would you do a Mu Qing from TCGF fluff request Xie Lian (and by extension San Lang) attempt to play matchmaker between Mu Qing and his god/dess crush (cause Mu Qing refuses to admit liking them despite them being the person he’s closest to since meeting each other)?
I fell in love with this idea instantly A Christmas special for the lovelies Btw for creativity purposes, you can be the goddess of literally whatever
Request Masterlist Mu Qing x f!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🧪
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Kiss of Winter
To the untrained eye you would seem like a subordinate or nuisance to the cold-hearted god; however, this couldn't be further from the truth. You would considered yourself a close friend to Mu Qing, you have known each other for hundreds of years after all.
Though when asked, Mu Qing would refer to you as "a valuable acquaintance," and boy did it hurt to say this. Luckily, there was a very observant god who decided he had watched you two dance around each other long enough.
The holidays were approaching and Xie Lian thought this would be a great time to force persuade both of you to be in each other's company more often. So, with some hard thought planning and input from San Lang, the boys decided on a special celebration for the gods.
Now considering all these higher beings actually have standards, lots of works will have to be put into this. And who better to ask than someone that'll be excited to attend?
"I can't think of anyone more fitting for this job than you," Xie Lian praised, hoping to get you on the project. Everything has to be perfect if he's gonna get you and Mu Qing together.
You hesitated for a moment, "I've been getting many more prayers recently, though I suppose those can be put on hold..." There was a look of pondering on your face, weighing the pros and cons of what this could do to your status among deities and humans.
"Don't you have subordinates? If anything important happens they'll surely yap to you about it," you tensed at San Lang's words. Subordinates yes, deserving of disrespect no.
Unfortunately though, you must admit he was right. Your subordinates were always more alert than you, even when it came to your own temples. You sighed, "fine, I will help you prepare for this celebration."
After tireless days? Weeks? Of work, you all finally finished the super secret super awesome holiday party. Now you may be wondering would Mu Qing even come to the celebration? The answer is yes, but only if you invite him.
And let's be honest, most of the Heaven Official's don't like Xie Lian and San Lang very much, so making you the messenger was common sense from the beginning. So after running around and inviting everyone you saw, it finally came to the one and only.
"It is a holiday that comes each year, what makes this one special?" So far, so bad, he doesn't seem very keen on attending your greatest achievement yet.
"Becauseee we put effort into enjoying it this year. It'll be fun, I promise!" You pleaded with Mu Qing, hoping he'd say yes. "I worked on it the most anyways, so you don't have to worry about Xie Lian's 'bad taste.'"
He crossed his arms, contemplating if that was really a good enough reason to attend. "And when did I say you have good taste? It is likely just as bad considering you dare interact with him." OW OKAY THEN.
You folded your hands and begged, "if it's not I swear to never invite you again! Just please come this once..." This is what convinced him, the pain that in the future deities will get to enjoy your hard-work and he'll be left out. No one could ever appreciate your efforts like he can.
"Fine! I will agree this once..." That was a lie, he will make sure to agree in the future, even if it means forcing himself to attend a celebration that involved Xie Lian and San Lang.
The day of the celebration was fantastic, several deities appeared, many complimenting you on your efforts. You most oversaw everything that was happening, what you didn't see; however, was Xie Lian spying on you and Mu Qing while talking.
He took this as his chance to put the real plan into action. After getting a signal from San Lang that the mistletoe was hanging up a few feet from you two, Xie Lian basically sprinted into the both of you, pushing you under the plant.
Mu Qing turned around, visibly angry at Xie Lian, "would it hurt to watch where you move?!" This caused Xie Lian to put his hands up in defeat and shuffle away.
While rubbing your head to try and soothe the pain, you noticed something bright above you. Realizing it was mistletoe your face got darker. This caused Mu Qing to seem slightly concerned, questioning what was the problem. You only pointed up, and when he took notice his face also darkened.
"We can simply move and ignore this tradition, it's not that important anyways-" He was interrupted by you however, "rules are rules, Mu Qing, we can't ignore them. Plus, I kinda like this tradition."
He tried to get over the initial embarrassment and decided it would be easier to dive into the kiss. What would've been a fleeting moment to others felt like an eternity to you both.
Pulling away you could both tell by the look in each other's eyes that the feeling was mutual. And hidden somewhere else was a very proud and excited Xie Lian.
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this was a very beefy fic
not that i'm complaining i liked it
anyways, happy holidays everyone! may all be well for the new year
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dumbkatsu · 2 years
Hi! Could you please do hualian (together or separate) with a mortal s/o who has reincarnated? Thank you!!! (I don't normally do request like this so I'm kinda nervous)
Hey anon! I'm so sorry I'm only responding to you now. Thank you so much for waiting! I really like this prompt so I'll try my best. Hope you like it!
(I'll do a mix of both here. from personal pov to hc of them together)
I was listening to this playlist video on yt while writing
When Xie Lian saw you he couldn't believe it. He thought it was just some spirit messing with him. But no it was you. It was you.
Time stood still while flashbacks of memories and feelings you shared styarted flooding back in. From the joyous times where everything seemed right to the unbearable grief, rage and sorrow from your loss. By the time he'd recovered you had already disappeared into the crowd.
He wandered around for a while until he heard the voice of his beloved in the comunication array. "Dianxia where are you? Did you forget about our date in Yu Jun mountain for our 50th anniversary. I'm counting on your wonderfull cooking." "Ah yes San Lang I'm on my way!"
Xie Lian arrived and Hua Cheng was quick to greet him with a peck on the lips. A cheeky gesture that held an insurmountable of love. "Gege everything's ready and this tine I'll make sure we won't have any interruptions" "Hmm" Xie Lian was looking at the horizon deep in thought. "Gege are you alright? You seem distant. What happened today?"
"I saw them" xie lian blurted
"Who?" San Lang inquired
"Y/N san lang."
" I-I couldn't believe it myself either but- "
"No, that's impossible they're dead" Hua chengs face was deadpanned. Showing no emotion "San Lang it's true I saw them today at the market"
"No gege they're dead I saw them die"
It was brutal and ice-cold. Xie Lian knew this was a touchy subject but he pressed on. "I think they've finally reincarnated" "..." "It's been so long since I've seen their face...seen those eyes-" "Dianxia I'm very sorry but it seems there is trouble in ghost city and it requires my presence. I'm terribly sorry but I must go. I'll meet you in puqi shrine." with that hua cheng disappeared. Xie Lian knew Hua cheng didn't need to go to ghost city, yin yu could basically manage ghost city without hua cheng for a year in the least. He'd seen it. Alas xie lian sighed and he knew hua cheng just needed space.
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Hua Cheng didn't even try to find you. With his network already so spread out (yin yu) it was too easy to find out where you were.
You were there. Rigth there.
You were working in a lantern shop. Helping the owner preparing for the grand festival that celebrated the two deities of the village. Hua Cheng could only watch. Fighting the urge to come to you and hold you. To make sure you were real. It took too much of him when he lost you right in his arms. He wanted to protect you. So much so that you'd never leave like that ever again.
But he couldn't. He didn't move and just stared at you until the shop closed.
The walk back to puqi shrine felt longer than usual. With all his turmoil at least he knew with certainty that he could always find comfort in his beloved's arms. Xie Lian swallowed him in a hug as soon as Hua cheng laid down. "So how were they?" "Still has that same selflessness... they were helping the old Tao with the lanterns for tomorrow " "Do you want to meet them?" "I don't know" "I don't know either. To be honest I'm scared." hua cheng turned cupping xie lian's face "It will be alright. We've been through worse."
The day of the festival was hectic. You were filling in for old Tao's nephew that broke his leg two days before the festival and the customers were flooding the humble stall, the craftsmanship and ability of old Tao that translated to his lanterns was indeed mesmerizing. After things slowed down old Tao gave you time off to enjoy the rest of the festival. You went straight to the food stalls and grabbed some "chastity meatballs" you always found the name a bit odd but the tale was that the Scrap‌ ‌Immortal saved a family by offering the ghosts those meatballs and went to a quiet table to enjoy your treat.
After the meal, you got up but tripped on your robes and bumped into a man and spilled some liquor on them. They made quite a fuss and were very angry. As they prepared to strike you, you closed your eyes and prepared for impact. But it never came.
A strong hand pale as chalk was holding tightly onto the wrist of the man. A youth that had such a delicate physique was looking at the man like he was about to kill him.
"Is there a problem here?" Hua cheng inquired.
The look from his threatening gaze was enough to send the man running. As he was out of sight Hua cheng swiftly turned away and started walking. Until he felt a gentle tug on his sleeve "Hey gongzi wait up! I never got the chance to thank you. Can I offer you a meal to repay your act of bravery and kindness?"
The young man turned to you with a face of disgust. But his eyes were of melancholy and hurt.
Hua Cheng breathed in sharply and held his breath. His pupils slightly shrunk. "Ah, I'm sorry I don't know why I called you by that name, forgive me. You do look quite familiar..."
The resurgence of memories foreign to you started flooding back into your mind at a rapid speed. The fog started clouding your mind and you started to lose your balance. But before you could fall you were enveloped by soft white fabric.
"San Lang let´s get them somewhere safe"
That was the last thing you heard before falling into slumber.
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Alright! Time for some hc!
Ok so while you were sleeping you regained your memories of them. You saw everything happen before your eyes. How you met Xie Lian and Hong'er when the kingdom of Xianle was vast and prosperous. The memories you made with them. How you died in honger's arms in the war. Everything.
You woke up in a staw mat. The two faces you thought you'd never see again now are looking at you with worry.
Your eyes started to swell up with tears and pulled them both into your embrace while softly crying.
Xie lian closed his eyes and embraced you with so much strength to compensate for all the years filled with regrets and let out a deep sigh.
Hua cheng on the other hand hugged you reluctantly and buried his face on your shoulder, biting his trembling lip to keep himself under control.
He was the first to break the embrace and booked it into the woods. With you following behind for a while.
He stopped at a lake and turned to you.
"I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"For leaving you"
You got closer to hua cheng and just held him there.
"It's ok. I'm here now"
You both stayed there for a while. Sitting in front of the lake embracing each other. Hua cheng with his head on your chest and you carding your fingers through his hair. Xie Lian Joined you shortly.
Now! Obviously they put you up to speed on all the events that happened. And you were incredulous at the adventures and plots they uncovered. But you were glad everything turned out in the end.
Surprisingly, an activity you guys like to do together is fishing
Even though you and hua cheng had to "fish" xie lian out of the sea most of the times.
You help xie lian in collecting trash so you can sell it.
Dude. When I tell you sleeping with them is THE BEST THING
Take that info as you wish 😏
They would introduce you to their friends. Even yushi huang!
Becoming buddies with shi qingxuan was bound to happen.
Thankfully mnq although at the beginning skeptical, accepted you more then hua cheng for xie lian.
Travelling with them to other lands is so enjoyable.
Hua cheng likes to spook you with sneaky kisses on your neck
Giving gifts to each other bcs something reminded you of them is very frequent.
One day after xie lian came from working in the rice fields you were preparing dinner and he sneaked up behind you, covering your eyes "Now who from my two lovely husbands might this be?" you said playfully.
Xie lian's heart skipped a beat.
"It's me dear" he said pecking your cheek lovingly.
He then took your hand stroking it lovingly and and sliding a grass ring in your finger.
"I did that with a couple of grass I found. I know it's nothing compared to san lang's elaborate rings but-" he was interrupted with your kiss.
"I love it A-lian"
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jacksonlywife · 6 months
Tcgf characters of choice (but please do Mu Qing) overhearing their crush admit to liking them while turning down Pei Ming (example: turning Pei down by being like “sorry but Mu Qing is more handsome than you”) thank you!!?!
   I Like You Better
 (TCGF characters overhearing their crush admit to liking them while turning down Pei Ming)
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Mu Qing:
Mu Qing had a crush on you. Though him being his stubborn self he would not admit it. Today though his world flipped. He saw Pei Ming the womanizer ask you out. Rage bubbled inside of him and he wanted to intervene but then he’d know you’d be aware of his feelings for you so he kept silent and watched the scene unfold in front of his eyes.
“Would you like to go out sometime?” Pei Ming says to you, taking his hand out.
“Well.” You mumbled
“Well?” He says smiling clearly anticipating a positive response.
“Mu Qing’s is cuter than you.” You bow your head apologetically, making Pei Ming flinch in surprise and shock.
Mu Qing on the other hand was fuming red. 
You called him cute.
His face shined with flush as he covered his mouth with his hand hiding behind a wall making sure you didn't see him.
“They called me cute.” He mumbled to himself a blush more evident and a small smile creaking onto his face.
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Feng Xin:
Feng Xin loved you deeply. He wasn’t going to straight up and say that to you. No way. Though he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel an immense rage as he saw Pei Ming try to ask you out. His fists clenched as he tried to watch the scene in front of him.
“I’m sure I’d be an amazing date for you.” Pei Ming says with a smirk and an eyebrow raise.
“Actually I have someone else in mind.” You avert your eyes playing with your fingers.
“Oh? Who might that be?” Pei Ming say’s oddly curious.
“Feng Xin is way more handsome than you. I apologize, Pei Ming.”  Your ears flushed as you said that statement.
Feng Xin watching this whole thing go down and hearing you call him handsome made him go so red that he could be used as a light. His eyes widened as he kept repeating those words you said in his head and eventually he sighed in relief.
“Thank goodness.” He mumbled smiling.
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