jayswing101 · 4 months
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Fill for G1 - Black Cloaked Envoy on my Guardian Bingo Card!
The base pattern is taken from this daxiushan (大袖衫) pattern. To make this daxiushan (Heipaoshi's Version), I shortened the sleeves a bit, added extra length to the body, added a hood, and added the weird gauzy bits on the back. I also added some cording on the shoulders and the sides of the hood, following the design from the show as closely as I could. You'll also notice a couple decorative bands of black ribbon on the chest and at the waist, as well as a square of skightly different black fabric on the back — these are also embellishments added to follow the model in the drama.
Fabric: raw silk noil, cotton lining in the hood, a silk habotai square, silk gauze, silk ribbons, cotton cording. Entirely handsewn using waxed black linen thread.
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yilian0203 · 10 months
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He who emerges from the flutter of the wings.
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maiji · 1 year
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[image 1: digital ink-brush style illustration of Shen Wei/Heipaoshi from Guardian, in a reversible composition reminiscent of the design of a court card in a playing card deck. One orientation shows Shen Wei, eyes closed, a necklace with a rounded pendant floating just above his slightly-cupped hands. The reverse shows the masked Heipaoshi ("Black-Cloaked Envoy") with his sword extended above his head, pointed behind him, and his black hood billowing and framing his face. Organic, inky lines whip about the figures, creating the sense of ink trails, billowing fabric and wispy shadow, cloud, or wave-like forms.
images 2-3: very rough scribbly sketches of the above composition]
A commission for yaaurens of the two identities of the “Black-Cloaked Envoy” from the Chinese SF/fantasy-danmei drama 镇魂 (“Guardian”)! I haven't seen this series myself, but I learned a great deal while working on this, and it’s epic. I haven’t done a flippy reversible composition in a while, and it was awesome to get to draw such a fantastic character who is so perfect for a brush-style illustration!
It was really fun to conceive the image in a way that would show off what I call his super cool flippy-back sword move (I am not very good at naming moves) and lots of wispy brushy flowiness.
Thank you so much yaaurens for this opportunity to create this very special piece for you!
I’m currently still open for commissions! More info here.
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elvencantation · 1 year
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heipaoshi in professor shen’s clothing (29/?)
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miss-ingno · 2 years
Fandom: Guardian (镇魂) Rating: T for shameless flirting Ship: pre-Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan Words: 3k Tags: case fic, fake dating, pre Identity Reveal, Masks Are Sexy @lienwyn said so, UST, flirting
Summary: In which Chief Zhao takes Heipaoshi dancing on a fake date for a case they're trying to solve.
A/N: Big shout out to @lienwyn for collabing with me on this Hallow Zine contribution, immortalizing my fave scene in this beautiful fanart here.
Also much thanks to my betas, @elenothar, DjinnCared2Much and Vasilias <3
Zhao Yunlan stuck a finger through the band of his bow tie and tugged, grimacing. The tuxedo jacket sat stiffly on his shoulders, something he only dug out for stuffy parties he was forced to attend. Pacing up and down the sidewalk, he nearly bumped into Guo Changcheng as the younger man rounded the corner.
“Here you go, Chief!” he exclaimed, thrusting a bag into Zhao Yunlan’s arms. Zhao Yunlan arched an eyebrow, and Guo Changcheng shuffled his feet. “It’s the best I could find on short notice.”
With a sense of trepidation washing over him, Zhao Yunlan opened the bag gingerly and peeked inside. His first impression was feathers, lots of them, in varying shades of red with some black in between. He pulled out the mask and inspected it, black with red, glittery highlights and tiny rhinestones glued onto it.
“I figured it should be black, too, since Heipaoshi’s mask is black,” Guo Changcheng rambled on, twisting his hands nervously.
“Let’s just hope he shows up,” Zhao Yunlan muttered, putting the mask on. It fit well enough, he supposed. “Or else you’ll have to be my plus one.”
“Me?” Guo Changcheng squeaked, eyes widening.
A whoosh of cold air stopped Zhao Yunlan from teasing him further. He turned around and found himself face-to-face with Heipaoshi as the envoy stepped out of his portal.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting, Chief Zhao.” His voice was its usual calm, mellow timbre, giving none of his thoughts away.
“Ah, Hei-laoge, when don’t you?” Zhao Yunlan joked, taking a small step back to appreciate his outfit. Gone was the hood, revealing long hair pulled up into a silver hairpiece. His usual black robes had fine, silver embroidery running along the hem. Even his mask seemed subtly different. Zhao Yunlan realized he was staring and decided to lean into it. “Aiya, you clean up nice, Hei-laoge.”
Continue reading on Ao3
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baiyubai · 1 year
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"Shen Wei~~" Zhao Yunlan whined, but this time, Shen Wei was unmoved and unyielding.
"You know I can't, I am not built for that sort of responsibility," he continued, hiding his face in Shen Wei's shirt. Shen Wei simply adjusted his grip on the book and rose it higher, to keep on reading.
He still refused to deign his lover's whining with any kind of answer.
He could withstand it.
Shen Wei jolted a little when Zhao Yunlan's hands started to grab at him underneath the shirt, but years of acting as Heipaoshi allowed him to keep his face straight.
He would not cave in. The matter was too great.
"Shen Wei," Zhao Yunlan whispered weakly into the fabric, his voice weak and needy.
Shen Wei turned the page with merciless precision.
"I have no idea how to fit everything into the dishwasher," Zhao Yunlan muttered.
Shen Wei read the word at the top of the page again.
Zhao Yunlan was smart, he should figure it out.
That, and it was nice to have him so close, Shen Wei supposed. (by @the-marron I'm not worthy)
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hideyseek · 26 days
today on: woagh that's the same character? the mandarin word for "angel", 天使 tianshi, uses the same 使 shi as black cloak envoy (黑袍使 heipaoshi) .... its literally ... sky envoy ... messenger of the heavens ... augh ... tenderness and pain ...
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tinypinkmouse · 2 months
Guardian (and adjacent) WIPs
These are literally the titles of the documents, and yes, I am definitely embarrassed about some of them.
To be edited
These are technically WIPs since they're not posted yet, but they just need a round of editing and podficcing and they're ready to post.
Weilan derivatives
Luo Qingeng/Zhang Yuan sequel 
<1k words
deaged SW, <1k, probably weilan and idk maybe twincest (we'll see)
Instead of trying Shen Wei to a pillar Ye Zun decides to turn him the same age(ish) they were when Ye Zun was taken by the rebel leader (see how SW likes being young and helpless and at someone else's mercy). Except then Ye Zun just can't resist tiny, worried gege with his big eyes and needs to protect him (also probably finds out what actually happened in the past, because to de-aged SW it happened recently).
arranged marriage yohe, <1k, weilan, lanzun
Zhao Yunlan ends up in YOHE and stumbles into an existing marriage agreement with the Black Cloaked Envoy… that then instead ends up in a marriage agreement with the Rebel Chief (Ye Zun at that point but they don't know that of course). Everyone is upset, but I guess Zhao Yunlan is doing it for peace and whatnot.
cuddle the enemy, <1k, weilan
AU where Dixing and Haixing are at war. There's peace talks and diplomatic teams and whatnot and Zhao Yunlan is very bored. He might want to cuddle Heipaoshi.
SW stalker, <1k, weilan,
Shen Wei somehow stumbles into Zhao Yunlan's existence years before he did in canon. And then starts stalkins Zhao Yunlan, of course Zhao Yunlan catches onto something at some point.
ZYL memory loss, <1k, weilan
Instead of time travel Zhao Yunlan is immortal and has amnesia. There are some issues here with some of the details, but lots of handwaving will make it work.
I just had a dream, <1k, weilan
Literally a dream I had where Shen Wei is some kind of god that happens to rescue Zhao Yunlan for some reason. And then keeps rescuing him. And Zhao Yunlan figures out that Shen Wei will show up if he's in danger so then he starts deliberately putting himself in danger. Shen Wei is not happy about it, but of course still keeps saving him.
Mass Effect xover?, <1k, weilan(zun?)
The Hallows throw the three of them off somewhere else somewhere around the show ending, because they somehow know the reapers are coming and someone needs to do something. Set somewhere around ME2.
amnesia au, <1k, weilan
Shen Wei doesn't remember being the Black Cloaked Envoy. He meets Zhao Yunlan earlier than canon, they get married, everyone's happy. The SID is pretty busy with no BCE around. And then something happens and Shen Wei starts remembering, slowly in bits and pieces that don't make any sense (alright, I admit I might have rewatched the Long Kiss Goodnight).
monster!ZYL... prequel? <1k, no weilan because it's before they meet
Musings on little monster Zhao Yunlan's life before he meets Shen Wei in a night club.
android au, <1k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan used to be Kunlun during a war or something, got deactivated, but somehow Shen Wei managed to save him, but he got sent off somewhere to be reprogrammed/memory wiped instead and Shen Wei has been trying to find him ever since.
AC crossover, <1k, weilan
Post-death Desmond meets Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan post-death. And then once Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan drag themselves back to the living (because post-canon fix-it of course) they take Desmond with them.
soulmate au writing, <1k, weilan
Soulmates can write on their own skin and it appears on the other one. Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei are soulmates separated by time, but they can still write to each other (because of the Hallows somehow).
another soulmate thing, <1k, weilan(zun?)
Soulmate bonding between Dixingren and Haixingren always skews in favour of Dixingren because something about dark energy making the bond and it ends up with the Haixingren sort of subservient. It is somewhat public knowledge that Zhao Yunlan has the Black Cloaked Envoy's mark. He's sixteen when they bond and he… has expectations. Things turn out quite different.
serum time travel, <1k, weilan
The serum at the end of the show makes Zhao Yunlan travel in time, but he can't control it. Just jumping from one moment to another, never there long enough to do much. Eventually, should somehow end up in a fix-it.
wish, <1k, weilan
Someone makes a wish to change one thing and the world is suddenly entirely different. Things go very bad. But possibly a somewhat hopeful ending anyway.
android sci fi au, <1k, weilan
Really just an excuse to write a scene with Zhao Yunlan flirting with android!Shen Wei and some outsider being horrified/disapproving. Because androids, you know.
Shen Xi and Shen Wei, <1k, weilan
AU where Shen Wei and Shen Xi learn to know each other because the treaty says that her son and the Black Cloaked Envoy will be married and Shen Xi wants to meet this man. Zhao Xinci will just have to indulge her.
Parallel, <1k, weilan
Somehow post canon (fix-it) Zhao Yunlan ends up seeing a parallel timeline in glimpses. His mom is still alive there. Somehow the two timelines seem to be converging and Zhao Yunlan doesn't know which one he wants to be real, because he's never seen Shen Wei in those moments when he sees the other world.
this nice AU, <1k, weilan(zun?)
More or less canon setting, except nothing bad is going on and everyone is doing well and Shen Wei and Ye Zun get along just fine. And Ye Zun decides to pretend to be Shen Wei and go flirt with Zhao Yunlan because he wants to know more about this human that Shen Wei has been hung up on for ten thousand years.
amnesia, <1k, lanzun, weilan
Zhao Yunlan loses his memory when he's in Dixing to free Shen Wei from the pillar. And then Ye Zun finds him, and well, takes advantage.
time travel fix it - ye zun, <1k
post-canon Ye Zun ends up travelling back in time to fix thing, but it means he initially ends up back in the pillar.
Dance, dance, <1k, weilan
Alright this is novel verse and entirely ridiculous. There are videos somewhere on the internet about the 'dance' stoats do to confuse prey (or something, it's weird) and what if that's what Little Ghost King did when hunting?
so what happened in YOHE, <1k, weilanzun
Zhao Yunlan manages some last minute rescuing of Ye Zun while back in time and things go differently.
sequel - he had a name, <1k, weilanzun
Sequel to https://archiveofourown.org/works/26892040/chapters/65617987. Zhao Yunlan is in Dixing and they try to work things out.
cohabitation, <1k, weilanzun in some form
Ye Zun is stuck in the pillar and his body is gone, and he can't just make a new one. Wanting to help Ye Zun, and make up with him, Shen Wei offers to share his own body with Ye Zun.
surviving, <1k, weilan
Both Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei somehow live through the show end, but Shen Wei doesn't survive it well.
chronic pain, <1k, weilan
Post-canon fix-it, but Shen Wei is left with chronic pain and needs to learn to live with that.
arranged marriage, <1k, weilan
The Black Cloaked Envoy and Kunlun got married back in the day, and now with the anniversary of the Treaty signing coming up, they need to do a whole Black Cloaked Envoy getting married to a Haixingren thing again.
blind? <1k, weilan
A lot of Dixingren are born blind, Shen Wei happens to be one of them. Because of the whole living in darkness thing, which doesn't make as much sense for Shen Wei, but I'm going with that anyway.
tiny dragon, <1k, weilan, damian
One tiny dragon ficlet in the series that I started and haven't finished.
sequel? yohe, <1k, weilan
Another instalment in the time travel fix-it series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2182137). This one deals with the YOHE issue.
sequel seeing shadows, <1k, weilan
(https://archiveofourown.org/works/42466083/chapters/106652535) Zhao Yunlan wakes up with amnesia, so the monster boyfriend is a bit surprising.
wants, <1k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan tries to get Shen Wei to express his wants, but Shen Wei doesn't actually know what they are
Hell, <1k, weilan
Masturbating creates a portal to hell. Shen Wei is a demon… 
Shen Xi and Shen Wei, <1k, gen
The treaty says that Shen Xi's son and the Black Cloaked Envoy will be married and Shen Xi is going to meet this man no matter what.
1k-5k words
but winter, ~4k, weilan
Literally just "what if Guardian, but it's winter?" Things did start deviating from canon pretty fast though, so who knows where it's going.
Fringe AU, ~1k, weilan
Tries to fit the whole concept of Fringe (two universes, if they eventually smash together badness follows) with Guardian somehow. The Hallows have something to do with crossing universes, there's only one Zhao Yunlan and somehow he falls for the Shen Wei in both universes.
Somekind of eldritch AU? ~1k, weilan
Shen Wei is some kind of eldritch thing faking humanity for some reason, he went to jail a decade or so ago for a series of murders (actually committed by Ye Zun probably) and now Zhao Yunlan is investigating murders that are exactly like those ones…
AC fusion thing, ~1k, weilan
Assassin's Creed fusion with Zhao Yunlan stuck in the animus. He meets Shen Wei in his memories and then I just handwave everything AC tells us about how the animus works so I can make this weilan anyway. By Hallows magic somehow.
undercover cop au, ~1.3k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan is an undercover cop, Shen Wei is a lawyer for a criminal organisation. They end up fake dating because Shen Wei finds out about Zhao Yunlan and wants to help him for reasons he's not telling Zhao Yunlan.
dragon au, ~3.8k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan accidentally wakes up a sleeping dragon when he's a kid. And then at some point when he's all grown up he meets Shen Wei.
So like, SW and HPS different people, ~1.3k, okay probably some weird ot4
There's three brothers instead of two. Shen Wei is the normal brother. I'm pretty sure Zhao Yunlan falls for everyone.
DA fusion thing, ~1.1k, weilanzun
Dragon Age Inquisition-ish setting plot wise. Shen Wei and Ye Zun share a body (like an Anders-Justice type situation). I just wanted something where if they're in the Fade Shen Wei is suddenly Ye Zun instead. There's some plot and backstory, and trying to mash Hallows and other Guardian things into this setting. But the Shen Wei and Ye Zun situation is the most important thing.
da xover, ~1.4k, weilan
Portal accident somehow takes post-canon Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan physically into the Fade. And then… they get involved in the plot of DA:Inquisition.
Monsters in the jungle, ~2.8k, weilan
AU, explorer!ZYL gets dumped into the jungle to die, and gets found by Shen Wei, who is half snake apparently.
yohe sex injury, ~1k, weilan
Their first time having sex turns out a bit… much and Zhao Yunlan gets slightly injured. It's not really the first time that's happened (from Zhao Yunlan's perspective) and he doesn't think it's a big deal, Shen Wei can heal him and no harm done. Except Shen Wei hasn't learned healing yet, and he's a lot more horrified at hurting Kunlun.
fake dating, ~1.1k, weilan
Everyone keeps assuming Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing are dating, for some reason, Zhao Yunlan can't be bothered to correct them. When he meets a very attractive Professor Shen, Zhao Yunlan is suddenly worried that he'll think that too.
Untitled document, ~1k, weilan
AU, this is a bit confusing because I forgot the specifics of what this is about (learn to make notes, self). It starts out with Shen Wei and Ye Zun being separated because Shen Wei gets banished from Dixing because he disagrees with certain official policy. Haixingren are the result of Dixingren doing some kind of experimenting to make people better suited to life on the surface. Except things get out of hand and there's a rebellion and war. After he gets exiled to Haixing, Shen Wei meets Kunlun.
sw/zyl/hps, ~1.8k, weilan (I guess, what else would I call it?)
Shen Wei, despite seeming all kinds of suspicious and being in the wrong place at the wrong time actually is entirely normal human man. The Black Cloaked Envoy is the Black Cloaked Envoy (I might need to figure out if he still looks just like Shen Wei). Somehow, Zhao Yunlan manages to start a relationship with both.
marriage proposal celbrity au, ~2.6k, weilan
AU based on the trailer of some movie. Zhao yunlan is a celebrity of some kind, Shen Wei is University Professor that ends up entirely accidentally proposing to him during some public event (it was Cheng Xinyan's sign, he was just holding onto it, and it was a joke anyway) and Zhao Yunlan accepts for reasons, in public.
knitting, ~1.6k, background weilan probably
Post-canon fix-it and Ye Zun is supposed to find a nice calming hobby to keep himself occupied. Knitting is it. He forces gifts on people.
kidnapping, ~1.3k, weilan
After meeting Zhao Yunlan for the first time, Shen Wei gets his file, learns some things about Zhao Yunlan and decides the most sensible thing to do to keep him safe is to kidnap him.
bear, ~2.7k, weilan
At some point is the past Shen Wei somehow got stuck as a bear (a curse or something, a Dixing power?). Zhao Yunlan meets a bear, and is rightfully terrified. He doesn't know the bear is anything but a bear.
dragons. for fucks sake. I cry, ~2.7k, weilan
Shen Wei is a dragon and when he meets Zhao Yunlan for the first time in modern times he more or less drags Zhao Yunlan to watch some baby dragons hatch. Look, Kunlun had told him he'd be there for it, so Shen Wei just goes with it. He just forgets to actually tell Zhao Yunlan that they're actually also Zhao Yunlan's babies. Or, Zhao Yunlan acquires an instant dragon family.
mermaid love triangle in the forest, ~1.2k, weilanzun
Very random fantasy AU. Zhao Yunlan is some kind of errant hero, and there's monsters in the forest. Well, mermaids. In a forest. Thank you random prompt.
enemies to lovers, ~3k, weilan
An AU where the Dixing-Haixing relations are worse. Well, Zhao Yunlan assumes they're enemies, Shen Wei (who hasn't been able to move to Haixing in this AU) has never actually met the Chief of the SID and has no specific feelings about him, but this one seems… better from what he's heard. So, when Shen Wei sneaks his brother out of the pillar, he needs to take him somewhere, and the Chief of the SID seems like a very bad choice, but it's possibly also literally the only Haixingren Shen Wei knows about. If he won't help, Shen Wei will just make him help. He really just needs somewhere to hide for a while.
what do you mean by expected? ~2.6k, weilan
Some mpreg happens due to the whole Sundial healing thing.
space farming, ~2.6k, weilanzun
Scifi AU, Zhao Yunlan crashlands on what seems like an empty planet and then finds the twins just sitting there, leaning against each other and not moving in the middle of a field of oats.
Shen Wei is not a disney princess, ~3.3k, weilan
Shen Wei woke up from the nap and decided to go live alone in a cottage in the woods for reasons. There are animal friends.
daemon au, ~3.6k, weilan
Basically canon but with some daemon wordlbuilding.
another au, ~3k, weilan
Relatively close to show canon, but there's no Black Cloaked Envoy. The SID occasionally gets messages from Dixing telling them about some escapee. One day the rogue Dixingren they get information about is Shen Wei.
teaching cat, ~4.2k, weilan
Post-canon Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan (and Ye Zun) go on vacation. But Shen Wei has to do some remote teaching for a few days (Zhao Yunlan promises to set it up). During everything, Shen Wei gets turned into a cat and insists on teaching anyway, as long as the students don't see him, it'll be fine or something, and Ye Zun steals a child (it's not stealing if the parents don't want her anyway, Ye Zun insists).
wolf cubs, ~1.8k, weilan(zun?)
Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing go hiking and run into a couple of wolf cubs. Well, the wolf cub finds them and takes them to its injured sibling, really. Somehow, Shen Wei got Ye Zun out of the pillar but things went a bit wrong and now they're in Haixing and stuck as tiny wolves.
hostile alien race? ~1.9k, weilan
Dixing is some semi-evil alien empire and Shen Wei's spaceship ends up boarding Haixing's first exploratory spaceship, captained by Zhao Yunlan.
chatfic, ~2.3k, weilan
AU where Dixing and Haixing are at war. Shen Wei gets captured, and tortured by Zhao Yunlan who doesn't know who he is yet, because time travel.
cyberpunk(ish) au, ~1.9k, weilan
Roughly canon adjacent, but Dixingren come with various cybernetic enhancements.
broken time, ~1.8k, weilanzun
At some point post-canon while Zhao Yunlan is hanging around not being alive, he somehow manages to time travel back to YOHE, and then decides fuck timelines and changes things. And the future, his own time, turns out very different.
neigbours, ~1k, weilan
Monster AU, Zhao Yunlan gets a new neighbour, and he seems a bit… off.
shen wei/zhao yunlan/ye zun???? ~1.4k, weilanzun
Post-canon. An ace Ye Zun tries to somehow fit into Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan's life, while being in turns jealous and angry at the other two.
the world never touched me, ~1.1k, weilan
An AU where Shen Wei is the murderer the SID is after.
assassin!au, I guess, ~4.4k, weilan
Assassin!Shen Wei gets hired to take out cop!Zhao Yunlan.
dark fic? ~1.2k, weilan
Basically just Shen Wei a little less worried about doing the right thing.
 hps dream thing, ~4.4k, weilan
Mostly canon-ish, but something where Shen Wei looks more alien/inhuman.
haunted house sequel, ~3.8k, background weilan, maybe Wang Zheng/Sang Zan
Wang Zheng gets murdered and then she's busy trying to solve her murder and trying to make the only colleague who might have any idea she's still around actually pay enough attention to actually notice her.
guo changcheng, ~3.3k, Guo Changcheng/Chu Nianzhi(/Chu Shuzhi)
A sidestory to Modern Times (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39748716). Guo Changcheng somehow is assigned as an aid to Haixing's ambassador to Dixing.
hive of two, ~2.2k, weilanzun
Scifi AU, Zhao Yunlan goes to check up on some reported anomaly that turns out to be a spaceship. The twins have at some point separated from a larger hive mind (something between Star Trek's Borg, and Marvel's Phalanx but with less malicious intent and more just… trying to learn the universe by assimilating it or something), and they're injured and not dealing all that well with being alone. Zhao Yunlan gets added to mini hive mind.
ye zun? ~1.2k, weilan
Another instalment in the time travel fix-it series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2182137). Zhao Yunlan dealing with Ye Zun not being who he remembers from the other timeline.
Sequel - in the shadows, ~2k, weilan
Eventually Ye Zun/Zhao Xinci, navigating child care and trying to figure out family relationships when most of the family are eldritch beings and Zhao Yunlan is very human.
wind is cold, ~4.8k, weilan
Trying to figure out canon with a much darker Shen Wei.
the future, ~1.4k, weilan
Another part of teenage!Zhao Yunlan meets Shen Wei series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/1810891). Just weilan being weilan really, and maybe trying to save Dixing.
ot3 kissing, ~2.2k, weilanzun
Zhao Yunlan walks in on Ye Zun kissing Shen Wei (it's never happened before) and expects some kind of explanation
possession ZYL-KL, ~1k, Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan+Kunlun(?)
Zhao Yunlan gets possessed by Kunlun
grooming, ~1.8k, weilan
The hair kind of grooming in YOHE
AC reincarnation ~2.5k, weilan
Assasin's Creed crossover. Zhao Yunlan gets reincarnated as Desmond. And then ends up seeing Shen Wei somewhere in those ancestral memories while he's in the Animus.
same, ~1.5k, weilanzun(?)
Shen Wei and Ye Zun are the same person, sort of. Except Ye Zun was the original personality that somehow (trauma and dark energy) got replaced by Shen Wei. Shen Wei doesn't know this and thinks all his memories of his didi are real. And then Ye Zun comes back
SW and HPS different, ~3.6k, weilan (except with two Shen Weis)
The Hallows do something screwy while Shen Wei is napping and now he's two individual people: Professor Shen and Heipaoshi.
imperial au, ~1.2k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan is a crown prince. He's forced to marry Shen Wei, the prince of another rival nation
yet another soulmate au, ~1.2k, weilan
Soulmate marks that grow when something significant happens in their lives. Idk, baby Zhao Yunlan is born with a lot of soulmark then?
FFVII xover, ~4.7k, weilan (no idea what I'm doing with Ye Zun though)
Post-canon Guardian Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and Ye Zun end up in pre-canon FFVII (pre-canon for the game that is). Apparently they meet Angeal at some point.
naruto xover, ~3.1k, I think I might seriously have been considering Hatake Sakumo/Ye Zun so who even knows
Okay, this is hilariously both a time travel fix-it for naruto (Kakashi goes back in time) and a crossover where Ye Zun just happens to run into Kakashi. It doesn't make sense, but whatever.
another ac crossover I guess, ~1.5k, weilan (other than that I have no idea at this point)
Desmond meets Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and Ye Zun in the Grey.
Zhu Hong time travel, ~3.9k, weilan
Zhu Hong gets to do the time travel fix-it
voyager vorik/ye zun, ~1.8k, Vorik/Ye Zun (but probably very one sided)
They happen to be on Haixing when Vorik has his Pon Farr and he proposes to Ye Zun isntead
voices, ~2.1k, weilan
Soulmate!AU, kid!Zhao Yunlan hears Shen Wei's voice in his head, except it speaks in a language he doesn't understand.
goth!ZYL :D, ~1.8k, weilan
Sequel to At First Glance (https://archiveofourown.org/works/55003546)
AI, ~1.4k, weilan
This is literally a fever dream. Shen Wei is an AI in charge of Zhao Yunlan's life. And then there's… some kind of android rebellion going on.
tiny soulmate, ~2.6k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan has had Xiao Wei (literally, he's tiny) with him his whole life. No one else can see him, and Zhao Yunlan doesn't know where he came from.
YZ/DQ, ~1.4k, Ye Zun/Da Qing, weilan
Da Qing is lying in the sun when suddenly a very young time travelling Ye Zun appears out of nowhere.
somnophilia, ~1.7k, weilan
Supernatural AU of some kind. Zhao Yunlan accidentally summons Shen Wei, doesn't realise it and then Shen Wei just hangs around without Zhao Yunlan ever realising he's there and kind of… worries about Zhao Yunlan. And maybe takes advantage while Zhao Yunlan is sleeping.
Planet drop, ~3.1k, weilan
Apparently this is the idea: Random idea. Something happened, Haixing evacuated. And then a lot of years later ZYL and a bunch of others go down to… investigate. Make that work somehow.
Weilan Jurassic park, ~2k, weilan
Weilan end up on Isla Sorna (portal accident or something) around Jurassic Park 2, with that kid Eric
5k-10k words
soulmate au, 8.9k, weilan(zun?)
A soulmate AU that is relatively close to canon, but things aren't going so badly, Ye Zun is un-pillared and living with Shen Wei when weilan meet. Ye Zun doesn't have a soulmark and at some point when they were kids Shen Wei promised that Ye Zun would of course share his soulmate. Ye Zun intends to keep Shen Wei to that promise. (I'm not entirely sure what kind of relationship Ye Zun and Zhao Yunlan will have yet, though.)
Sword!YZ, ~4.6, weilanzun
Ye Zun is somehow actually Shen Wei's sword/glaive turned sentient and, you know, human shaped. Shen Wei still sees him as his brother though. Also no one is stuck in a pillar. Having Ye Zun around makes the first meeting with Zhao Yunlan happen differently.
baby animals, ~5.5k, weilan
The Black Cloaked Envoy keeps showing up with baby animals all over him, like that's normal. Zhao Yunlan is charmed, everyone else is confused or vaguely horrified. No one ever says anything about it.
sequel life's a little weird, ~7.1k, weilan
The next part in this AU: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2649130. Zhao Yunlan gets offered the job as Chief of SID.
other soulmate AU, ~6.6k, weilan
Dixingren soulbonding is a bit more intense, requiring that they basically keep touching each other for however long (days, weeks, it depends) until the bond is stable. So, Zhao Yunlan's first meeting with the Black Cloaked Envoy goes in a very surprising direction.
more au, ~9.7k, weilan
Canon adjacent AU, Shen Wei is in prison in Haixing, he stays there for reasons that are his own, then suddenly escapes. He goes after among other people Zhao Xinci (because he was involved in whatever happened in the past). The team sent to capture him includes Zhao Yunlan, who's still a relatively young cop. There's a stand off sort of thing where Shen Wei holds Zhao Xinci hostage, and Zhao Yunlan suddenly offers himself up instead.
sequel k15 - it's complicated, ~6k, weilan
Shen Wei tries to navigate being an accidental sugar daddy to teen prostitute Zhao Yunlan (https://archiveofourown.org/works/26986951) 
vampire, ~7.6k, weilan
Mostly casefic and Shen Wei just happens to be a vampire
Gifts, ~8.2k, weilan
Vaguely supernatural AU where Shen Wei has been stalking Zhao Yunlan for a while and leaves him weaponry (mostly knives) as gifts for reasons.
Star Wars xover, ~8.7k, weilan
Post canon everyone is magically alive and some Mandalorians happen to make a quick stop on Haixing and Zhao Yunlan thinks it's a good idea if he and Shen Wei take Ye Zun and leave with them because apparently no one is that happy with Ye Zun being around. Oh, Da Qing goes with them too.
monster, ~8.5k, weilan
Some kind of AU where apparently Heipaoshi and the Guardian traditionally work together by Heipaoshi possessing the Guardian
ZYL time travel, ~5.3k, weilan
Post canon (I think) Zhao Yunlan time travels and finds himself an outsider to that scene where kid!Zhao Yunlan lost his dog. He decides to interfere 
memory, ~8.1k, weilan
Shen Wei has a power (can't turn it off) that makes people forget about him once they haven't seen him for a day or something. It makes relationships hard. Zhao Yunlan makes notes, he's not going to be stopped by some memory issues.
acquiring ZYL, 8k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan was kidnapped at some point when he was younger and taken to Dixing and sold into some kind of sexual slavery. A lot later Shen Wei finds him and kills everyone and takes Zhao Yunlan with him. Except Zhao Yunlan now thinks Shen Wei is his new master.
lake dragon, ~6.9k, weilanzun(?)
Totally a dream I had. Zhao Yunlan wakes up in a strange place with temporary amnesia. He finds some weird town, and some weird people. And then there's a lake, with a dragon, that people warn him not to go close to. There's a portal at the bottom of the lake somewhere.
tiniest dragon sequel, ~7.4k, weilan
Sequel to Too Small (https://archiveofourown.org/works/46538785/chapters/117189478). Shen Wei keeps growing.
space pirate AU, ~6.1k, weilan
Shen Wei is a space pirate (really, some kind of freedom fighter) and Zhao Yunlan is stuck policing some backwater planet that Shen Wei is supposed to meet someone on. It's a trap, there's fighting, Zhao Yunlan ends up in the middle. Shen Wei kidnaps him, as you do.
he-man x-over, ~8.6k, weilan
Crossover with the newish netflix he-man. Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and Ye Zun are hanging around in the void post-canon and then Eldress ends up there and she ends up wishing them all back to Eternia with the wishstone.
>10k words
ot3 arranged marriage AU, ~12.3k, weilanzun
It's the old the Treaty says they need to get married thing, but instead of just marrying the Black Cloaked Envoy, Zhao Yunlan needs to marry both of the twins.
alone, ~26.1k, weilan, Chu Shuzhi/Shen Wei, Shen Wei/OCs, Zhao Yunlan/Da Qing
Shen Wei wakes up in Haixing after his long nap and the portal to Dixing is closed. He has to learn all about modern Haixing on his own, and somehow through some odd developments there's prostitution (hey, he needs money) and then he slowly and accidentally takes over the whole business, and starts studying in uni. Eventually, he meets Zhao Yunlan.
in this thing together, ~33.5k, weilan (optionally weilanzun)
A choose your own story that's gotten very out of hand and has too many storylines. Shen Wei holds Ye Zun's hand in that last scene in YOHE and lets go or doesn't let go, Zhao Yunlan manages to intervene or he doesn't… and then the Hallows have opinions too.
weizun I suppose, ~14.1k, weizun
Third part of a genderbent series, mostly a prequel about the twins learning to get along and some twincest, https://archiveofourown.org/series/2613379
let's go back to yesterday, ~18k, weilan
A time travel/time loop story that fixes nothing, just makes things differently sad.
tradition, ~22.2k, weilan
A kind of collar AU, where that's a Dixing tradition or something. Not sure I'm entirely happy with how close to slave!AU this one got, so I don't know if I should rework things or not.
voyager xover, ~11.2k, weilanzun
Star Trek Voyager that is. They find dilithium or something on Haixing, and then accidentally end up kidnapping everyone during that whole confrontation with Ye Zun at the end, and there's a transporter accident… there's a lot going on here.
marriage, ~14k, weilan
A younger Zhao Yunlan digs Shen Wei out of the ground and accidentally proposes marriage. Shen Wei of course thinks it's the best idea, even once he finds out Zhao Yunlan has no idea who he is.
Weilan derivatives
These are mostly not getting summaries, because the title is the pairing and that basically is the summary. Just throw the characters together and see what happens.
<1k words
Luo Qingeng/Han Chen, <1k (cult leader!LQG, undercover cop!HC)
Jiang Yang/Mao Hou, <1k
Luo Fusheng/Jiang Yang, <1k (JY wakes up and there's a dead body, LFS helps)
Yang Xiuxian/Xun Xu, <1k (YXX time travels)
Jiang Yang/Xun Xu, <1k (JY time travels)
Jiang Yang/??????, <1k (more like JY/everyone)
sequel - unexpected turns, <1k (Jiang Yang/Luo Fusheng)
Luo Fusheng/Jiang Yang?, <1k
Jiang Yang/Han Chen the AU fusion version, <1k
Jiang Yang/?, <1k
1k-5k words
Luo Fusheng/Jiang Yang Star Wars AU, ~4.1k
Meng Shaohui/?, ~1.1k (I'm thinking either Bai Zhu or Jiang Yang, so far it's just MSH breaking up from gf)
Mao Hou/Lin Dayu, ~2.1k
Chen Yiming/Lin Dayu, ~2k
Cheng Musheng/Jiang Yang, ~2.5k
Luo Qingeng/Chen Yiming, ~2.9k
Yang Xiuxian/Luo Fusheng, ~1k (older LFS amused at getting hit on)
Han Chen/Mao Hou, ~3.3k
Jiang Yang/Han Chen (the worst idea), ~1.7k (HC time travels a few years back)
Xun Xu/Luo Fusheng, ~3.6k (this is catboy!LFS btw)
Luo Fusheng/Chang Dong/Ye Liuxi (Parallel World (folder)), ~4.5k
Ye Liuxi/Chang Dong/Hua Wuxie (?), ~1.4k
Chang Dong/Ye Liuxi/Jiang Zhan (also not derivative obviously), ~4k
Chang Dong/Gongzi Jing sequel, ~3k
Yang Xiuxian/Gongzi Jing, ~3.2k
5k-10k words
Chen Yiming/Han Chen, ~8.6k (HC saves a pocket sized CYM)
Luo Qingeng/Jiang Yang/Luo Fusheng, ~6.4k
Clown/Yang Xiuxian, ~5.8k
Mao Hou/Lin Dayu, ~5.1k
Jiang Yang/Han Chen/Luo Fusheng (android thing), ~6.6k (LFS is the android)
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allaboutthatwhump · 1 year
I have decided I need a masterlist of favorite whump moments in my cdramas. I'm gonna update this in a super haphazard manner 🙂 list includes: Guardian, A League of Nobleman, Nirvana in Fire, The Untamed, Word of Honor, Love Between Fairy & Devil
-ep 19 Chu Shuzhi, Guo Changcheng, & Yehuo held hostage in freezer room; Zhao Yunlan has a Hallows-induced fit and Shen Wei gets very upset about it
-eps 38-40 climax Shen Wei & Zhao Yunlan imprisonment & torture, failed escape, recapture; Guo Changcheng mind control
-eps 30-33 Shen Wei chained to pillar & tortured (first round). Chu Shuzhi & Guo Changcheng go to Dixing to find Lao Chu's brother's puppet, & Lao Chu loses his complete shit. Trapped in dreamscape, rescues, hurt/comfort
-ep 36 Changcheng manhandled, injected with dixing serum, weak & dazed. Zhao Xinci threatens him at gunpoint, & Lao Chu rescues him. Flashback to Chu Shuzi chained to pillar, tortured, rescued by Heipaoshi.
A League of Nobleman
-ep 4 Lan Jue kidnapped, bound, & tortured
-ep 12 Zheng Ping detained, interrogated & tortured
Nirvana in Fire
-ep 38: Mei Changsu interrogated, tortured (a little), & poisoned in Xuanxing Bureau
The Untamed
-eps 11-13 sacking of Cloud Recesses; Wen indoctrination camp; Xuanwu Cave.
-ep 42: Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji flee Jinlintai, with love confession and stabbing on the tower steps; caretaking
Word of Honor
-ep 30: Zhou Zishu has a drink with Prince Jin & gets interrogated & tortured in the dungeon
Love Between Fairy and Devil
-ep 9: Lord Yunzhong discovers Xiao Lanhua's connection to Dongfang Qingcang. He strings her up and publicly tortures her until Dongfang Qingcang comes to rescue her. Changheng tries to prevent what he sees as Xiao Lanhua's kidnapping. Dongfang Qingcang beats him up before bringing Xiao Lanhua back to the Moon Palace to nurse her back to health.
-ep 18: Dongfang orders Xunfeng’s execution by lightning strikes for his betrayal. When Xunfeng collapses, Dongfang Qingcang spares his life by enduring the remaining strikes on his behalf.
-ep 28: It's revealed Dieyi is poisoning Jie Li & using the antidote as leverage. Dongfang Qingcang receives the Bone Devouring Spike as punishment for failing to save his soldiers. Xiao Lanhua enters Fuju Cave. Dongfang Qingcang avoided any medicine so that he can undergo the ordeal with her.
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kholran · 7 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
Tagged by @lucientelrunya Thank you friend!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only DMBJ right now, but I have written for The Hobbit and Les Mis in the past.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I Will Go Now To My Pyre (254)
And Here My Troubles Begin (246)
When the Stars Align (212)
I Get By (211)
Skin Deep (197)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I am Very Bad at remembering to do it, and I end up replying like months later. But I value every single comment I get, and I want to let the commenter know that I'm grateful they took the time to not just read but say something.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm... I always try to end on a hopeful note, if not an outright happy one. I did write a Barduil (The Hobbit) ficlet here on Tumblr where the reveal is angsty, so I guess that one.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, I usually try to end in a happy place. I guess I'll say Ordinary World, because (spoiler alert) the world is saved, the 'ships are all together, and everyone is content.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I did get one comment on an unfinished fic where the person made an (incorrect) assumption of where it was going, and then judged the fic based on that assumption. IDK if they actually made it to the end when it *was* finished. They never did comment again.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep, I do. Usually as part of a larger plot/story. I don't really like writing smut just for smut's sake. But as long as there's some plot around it, then I don't shy away from it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
In the traditional sense of the word (characters from one thing meeting characters from another thing) then no. I'm not a big fan of that, either writing or reading. But I LOVE me a good fusion fic, and I've written many of those. I'd say the Les Mis/Les Amis Titanic fic is the "craziest" but it's not a crackfic by any means.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Hmm I don't think so?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I used to do a ton of forum-based RP, which is basically just collaborative writing. If you look closely, you can still see that influence. I tend to write from the POV of one character at a time, although now I'm writing all of the characters myself, and only switch when there's a natural break/need to change.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
That I've written? RiSang, hands down. But I also have a ton of favourite ships that I've never written for. I think maybe Alucard/Integra (Hellsing/Ultimate) is at the top of that list? It's been one of my faves for a very long time, in any case. As has Zechs/Noin (Gundam Wing). And honourable mention to Weilan (Guardian) and Wenzhou (Word of Honour) for being more recent, but consuming my every brain wave ever since I watched those shows.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The Weilan mermaid AU I still have sitting in my laptop's Docs folder. I had the whole thing planned out but then RiSang happened and that's all I've been able to focus on writing ever since.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at setting scenes? Like the atmosphere and setting, and who the characters are in the particular universe I'm writing at the time.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Abuse of adverbs and em-dashes, but you can pry both of those out of my cold dead hands. Oh also natural dialogue. I am an awkward human person who can't carry on a conversation to save my life and it shows.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Dialogue, not so much. I will occasionally use a word, phrase, or title (like Fuguan or Tianzhen or Heipaoshi) if it's something I'm sure is common knowledge of the fandom, but apart from French, I'm not fluent enough in any language to trust my ability to write realistic and grammatically correct dialogue in it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
When I was in like fifth grade, I was obsessed with Baywatch (don't judge me). So me and my friend made original characters and wrote out like little stories about them and the show's characters hanging out.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I think my favourite has to be Pyre. RiSang got me back into writing after I had a massive confidence crash and spent 5 years not writing anything. I'm also very proud of Ordinary World. It's my longest fic to date, and, in my own humble opinion, one of the tightest plots I've ever written. I can reread it and not be bored, even though I wrote it.
Tagging: @merinnan @hils79 @xantissa @eirenical @saxgoddess25 and uhhh @amidalogicdive (Only if you want to! No pressure!)
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jayswing101 · 1 year
Just bought fabric and ribbons to make my first ribbon skirt and I am v v excited!! I'm planning to go kinda rogue and non-traditional with it, basing the shaped off the really full skirt of one of my favourite dresses and I'm gonna put in some massive pockets. Also I'm hoping that getting the fabric in for the ribbon skirt will force me to actually finish my other sewing project 😅
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yilian0203 · 3 months
"Ay, don't be scared! Hei Lao Ge won't bite!"
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The inspiration lmaooo:
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dobranocka · 2 years
WIP word search
Since I’ve been tagged by @the-marron, I am choosing to seach through the WIP we are working on together (also because it’s the only WIP that is long enough that I can reasonably search through it). Thank you, my dear, both for tagging and the permission to use our baby! I am, like, reasonably sure these were fragments were written by me. Like, 90% sure. Or 80%.
hair, heart, loss - loss doesn’t appear in the search, so I am replacing it with forlorn
 Zhao Yunlan spend the rest of the workday driving his team up the wall and eating lollipops while holed up inside his office. There were only so many tasks he could think of to get them out of his hair, and while proclaiming he would require all of the paperwork to be up to date at the end of the week was satisfying and fear-inducing, it was also unattainable goal; and as such did not do much to keep the most persistent ones out.
Which explained why half of his lollipop stash had been appropriate by Da Qing, who let himself in and was currently napping on one of the loveseats. Sometimes Zhao Yunlan wondered if the kid even had a spine, or if he simply was a medical marvel. Or a human-cat hybrid.
Zhao Yunlan rolled his eyes theatrically, making sure his freeloaders knew what a sacrifice this was, then lit up the incense. The smoke rose in the air slowly, so vivid he couldn’t believe it wasn’t actually there; he swore he could even smell it.
“Welcome, PlayerOne,” an elegant voice behind him said. Zhao Yunlan didn’t startle this time, because he knew it would happen, but he still wished the hologram would appear before him. Did they want the players to die of a heart attack? “Do you require my assistance?”
“Hei-laoge!” Zhao Yunlan turned around with his best-winning smile. If Heipaoshi was Shen Wei, then it could work, right? Maybe if Shen Wei started trusting Yunlan enough he would admit where the hell he was hiding. “I thought you were the one who wanted my help?”
loss forlorn
Xiao Wei face did something – his eyes suddenly got wider, and then he looked down, blinking – that made him look so sad and forlorn that Zhao Yunlan regretted his words immediately. But – he really did need to speak with Da Qing, and somehow he wouldn’t feel, well, comfortable having this conversation in front of Xiao Wei.
The young ghost  stepped aside, gently lifting Da Qing from the makeshift holder in his robes, where the lazy cat had apparently been sleeping, then bowed to Kunlun once again. And then he wandered further into the meadow, to the place where it turned into a line of trees, a little black figure walking alone into the darkness of forest.
I am tagging @dual-domination with some special words just for you: gun whip suit
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elvencantation · 2 years
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heipaoshi in professor shen’s clothing (28/?)
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elenothar · 2 years
WIP word search
Tagged by @thelaithlyworm (*waves*) for FLUFF, NIGHT, and EXONERATE. Off the top of my head, I suspect I may only have one of these...
After some thorough checking, I indeed don’t have FLUFF or EXONERATE. Several options for NIGHT though, and I’m choosing the Guardian singing AU:
Shen Wei lives in a modestly-sized apartment near the university, having moved out of university-provided accommodation due to “noise”. What exactly that means Zhao Yunlan isn’t sure, but he has visions of thin walls and the particular kinds of sounds people who aren’t social hermits might produce keeping Shen Wei up at night.
Because this one only had one result, I’m adding @forerussake‘s (*more waving*) words I was tagged with to the same post: bright, heart, hurt
BRIGHT, actually in the opening paragraph of a languishing LTR tomb shenanigans fic:
It really wasn’t his fault this time. Wu Xie had still been at least a meter away from the interesting-looking artefact in a little nook off to the side of the burial chamber when a bright flash of light had engulfed him, a high-pitched whistling noise drowning out Pangzi’s startled shout.
Wu Xie coughed – more out of habitual reflex than any real reason to clear his throat – and blinked against the afterimages seared onto his eyelids.
“ – zhen, I swear to the heavens that if you touch one more – ”
“I didn’t touch it!” Wu Xie yelped, hands busily rubbing at his eyes, but there was still a weird golden sheen in his vision, followed by a deep, powerful tug, like somebody yanking him forwards with a hand clenched around his ribs.
HEART, unsurprisingly, turns up in almost all WIPs, so I had to choose. I went with the fic I’m actively working on at the moment, a very canon divergent Guardian fic that’s entitled ‘hostage shen wei’ in my drafts:
“Professor Zhou,” he says, gesturing towards the chair by the coffee table that already has a gently steaming teapot arrayed on it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s my pleasure,” Professor Zhou demurs, and probably truthfully so. He wants to learn about dark energy after all, and apparently relations between Haixing and Dixing are still not good enough to easily find answers elsewhere. Perhaps the Professor could be persuaded to tell Shen Wei a little of the current political atmosphere in return – not that he intends to be too forthcoming. There are plenty of reasons to be wary. “What is the appropriate term of address for you?”
He wonders what Professor Zhou was told about his situation.
“Just Shen Wei,” he says quietly. “I have no title.”
None that would concern a Haixingren, anyway, and he has hardly felt like Heipaoshi these last few years. That might still leave Professor Zhou with Shen-xiansheng should he wish for greater formality, but that term didn’t exist ten thousand years ago, and feels very Haixingren to Shen Wei besides.
“Shen Wei, then,” Professor Zhou says, inclining his head slightly, and Shen Wei’s mind blanks.
It hadn’t occurred to him that hearing his name spoken aloud could set a vice squeezing around his heart, but perhaps it should have. This is Kunlun’s name for him, the name Kunlun’s lips had shaped in a loving, reverential manner Shen Wei had never quite understood.
HURT from the singing AU again:
“Don’t mind him,” Zhao Yunlan says, ignoring the string of protesting heys when he continues, “you don’t get to work at the SID if you don’t have a screw loose somewhere. Lin Jing is an inventor – he came up with ear plugs that nullify the effect of Zheng Yi’s powers on the wearer.”
Shen Wei nods his understanding, but makes no move to take the box Lin Jing waves in his direction. “I won’t need them.”
Zhao Yunlan’s eyebrows hike upwards. “It’s not really safe without them. Her powers have a sonic as well as a mind control aspect.”
“Very few powers can hurt me,” Shen Wei says with a gentle smile, as if he isn’t admitting to very unusual invulnerability. “To assess whether I can help her control her power, I need to fully experience it.”
I’m tagging @eirenical, @sasamelons, @the-marron with the words: break, sun, mind
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