#hello is especially funny to me bc i love that song so much and their voices go????? so well together?????
fairyhaos · 5 months
svt really need to bring back songs where they just throw a bunch of members into the recording studio to create impromptu units again, bc like. it's so funny. like, 'hello' has dk, mingyu and junhui, and what unit is that? the 97 line but they replaced minghao with jun? and 'fronting' is cheol, wonwoo, mingyu, vernon, hoshi, and woozi. leader line + the rest of the hhu anyone?? and 'space', which is hhu + dk?? do they just like adding one vocalist to the hhu and going ok cool guys have fun now? and 'still lonely', 'drift away', 'flower'.... which all have the most random members and are absolute bangers, btw. unit songs r great, age line songs r underappreciated, but nothing tops the random grouping of members tbh
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rabbitsrams · 10 months
i am thinking... schlatt x neurodivergent reader w/ vocal stims and arm/hand stims.... (one of my vocal stims lately has been just been making goblin noises??) -Kasey!!!!
hello kasey as a resident neurodivergent with both vocal and arm/hand stims you brought this to the right place!!!! tysm for sending this ilysm
this is just gonna be 100% self-indulgent and projecting don't mind it at all
♡ having certain lines from his videos as vocal stims
♡ "arizona, mucho mango."
♡ "it's very green!" :]
♡ "it's spinach!"
♡ especially if it's from an older video and you say it out of nowhere he gets lowkey jumpscared
♡ "damn, that's from years ago toots."
♡ "i know, but i watched it again today!"
♡ and it makes him rly happy bc :( u watch his vids :(
♡ and sometimes your stims are just the most random shit ever
♡ he hears you making goblin noises from his office and he's like
♡ "there they go again."
♡ he just loves it he thinks it's cute and also very funny
♡ especially if a stim is completely random like some obscure line from a piece of media or a random sound
♡ having certain lyrics from his favorite songs as stims if he plays it a lot
♡ sometimes if you're holding his hand you find yourself drumming with your fingertips and he doesn't mind it at all
♡ also squeezing his hand/arm if you're holding it just out of nowhere
♡ honestly? it comforts him a bit. cuz it shows how comfortable you are with him
♡ tapping your foot and also doing The Leg Bounce tm is very common for you
♡ certain stims becoming faster/more common if you're anxious and he tries his best to help you calm down as best as he can
♡ it will get to a point where he's very used to it when you do stim because it's so common with you
♡ bonus for me bc picking at my cuticles is a stim for me
♡ him getting u bandaids when ur finger starts to bleed :(
♡ "lemme kiss it to make it better, dolly."
♡ but yeah schlatt loves ur stims bc it's a part of you!! he loves you!! so much!! <3333
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babiebom · 5 months
Ranking Nerdy Prudes Must Die songs
A/N: because I need something to post and I’ve been obsessed since the musical came out. Also merry Christmas and happy holidays!! Also PLEASE DONT HATE ME
Tw:some sexual mentions, cursing, lyrics might be wrong bc I’m going off the top of my head, mentions of murder etc
Wc: idk it’s headcanons so like 3 points for each song
Misc Masterlist
15)The Best of You
I just don’t listen to this as much as I listen to the other songs
Like it’s not bad
I just don’t really listen to it
It sounds like a high school musical song and the child in me loves it
14)If I Loved You
Idk y but the first time I watched this song made me uncomfy
Well not the whole song literally just the “don’t need lover boy need lover man” part even though Mariah KILLS it idk what it is about that part
But also their voices are immaculate
like Actually I love their voices so much
And the song itself is VERY good
Again I just don’t listen to it as often as the others
I also really love the chaos that would be watching two people do this in a cafe
Like how they’re standing at the door like “you leave” “no you leave” actually funny.
13)Cool as I Think I Am(Reprise)
But also they again kill this Mariah and Joey are top tier
The whole “you’re not as cool as you think you are” “you’re as smart as I know you are”
Would be higher up if I listened to it more often but alas like the ones before this I just don’t listen to it enough.
12)Just For Once
Tbh this is only this high up because of the iconic parts that I listen to over and over
Like I think the only time I listened to the whole song was while watching the musical in its entirety
I literally only listen to VERY specific parts of this song
I’m gonna skip around some of the lyrics but y’all know the parts
The “I wasn’t upset about the attention I ensnared JUDGE ME”
“It fucking worked, I’m fucking here, he’s fucking her, I’m disappointed”
“The other day the Johnson’s borrowed my tap shoes. I used to dance”
Like actually makes my heart clench
Like I’m 23 and this song makes me feel like it’s too late to do what I want because there’s all these things I used to do when I was younger and now I’m just….living but not really.
11)The Summoning
Stephanie yum yum
I love the lords in black (especially because they’re so colorful)
Also the beginning of this song is iconic
Literally their chanting and voices are so good.
Honestly if they remade this musical into a movie with all sorts of cgi I feel like this would be a VERY CHAOTIC PART
I love it
Also I think I just love when it’s a bunch of noise that allows me not to think
Which is what this song is when they’re singing the repetitive parts
And I know people hate the repetitive parts but I love them
Like so good
10)High School is Killing Me
Again don’t listen to this as much as I should
But I should mention that I listen to this at least once a day so we see how much I listen to the songs after this one
I’m scared someone comes for ME I’m unprepared
Jon and Lauren sound so good here and I honestly think this was the perfect way to open a musical
Like yeah it’s a little spoiler but it’s so GOOD
It’s hell on earth you know? I’m tweeting all about it!
The way Angela covers her mouth every time they curse is funny
AND the part where they’re like “is god the one giving the test” and Angela (Grace) is in the middle with the light shining down on her is imagery I love
Like idk why people aren’t mentioning that she’s literally a Christian and is highlighted in that part.
Stephanie was up late last night and couldn’t study bc she was arguing about the homophobic dog
Also crypto?
Also I think this song perfectly embodies what it’s like to be in high school?
Like it was killing me and I swore that I wouldn’t miss it after I graduated, and that I would always hate high school and that idk how I survived it
But now as an adult I’m like damn while I hated going to school it was something about those days that I miss so much. And I only graduated 5 years ago.
09)Bully the Bully
Keep the beans cool
Bean school
Also I think we’re starting to show that I have a very special place in my heart for Angela
I love how she performs and portrays characters
Also the fact that they’re just singing about bullying the bully for all sorts of different reasons is funny to me
Petey gonna jump on out ✋😐🤚
Jäeger gonna Jäger out 🤘🤪🤘
Also actually was a funny plan that probably wouldn’t work irl but would be funny to watch on a school fight page
Also the fact that Max says that it’s the nicest thing anyone has done for him
08)Bury The Bully
Oh no 😥 she’s snapping again 😟
Please let this be a normal field trip
Give off same vibes
Also I love the layers in the song
Mariah does a good job
HACK ALL HIS LIMBS OFF (did you say hack all his limbs off?) YEAH!
Also very funny
Like Grace’s descent into madness is entertaining
Also shows how stupid they are because they literally could’ve said that it was an accident
It’s literally 5 of them
Just be like yeah we brought him here to scare him and his stupid ass decided to stand on top of some old ass wood and it cracked under him and he died.
But no listening to Grace they become criminals.
No one is gonna make Ruth their bitch
“Do you wanna get the fullest ride? Then start CUTTIN RIGHT ABOVE THE THIGH!”
07)Cool as I Think I Am
Song that shows up throughout the musical
Like it’s in almost every single song if you listen closely to the background
And honestly it’s so good
Because it makes me feel something inside
Like it plays as Richie dies
As Pete and Stephanie realize that she’s gonna have to kill him
At the very end in dirty dudes must die
It’s just an iconic song
Also Joey’s voice is AMAZING
“If I could finally break the rules I would know that IM NOT A LOSER”
He’s as cool as she thinks he is and she’s as smart as he thinks she is
It’s so cute
Like it’s inspiring in a way
And it’s like he’s finding himself.
06)Go Go NightHawks
I literally just love this song and that’s why it’s high
Like literally no other reason other than this song gets me crunk
I wanna whoop clivesdales asses
Bitch ass hoes
Like I did not like my own school rallies this much
But I would love to aten one of these football games
05)Hatchet Town
He is Dan Reynolds with Action News
I think her name is Bryce I am not sure
But the pretty woman who sings the slow part
So beautiful and her voice is literally out of this world
Literally I was blown away when I heard this part
And I honestly just really like this song
Like it perfectly portrays how people act when anything happens
Like shifting the blame and causing hysteria when all you really need to do is be vigilant and listen to what the professionals are saying
But then also the people in charge don’t know what they’re doing so it’s like WTF do we do
It’s a chaos song that depicts people properly
I feel like most of their songs depict people pretty well.
Like yeah it’s exaggerated but it’s accurate as well.
I also like dancing around to this song like I’m being sneaky and gossipy
“Someone’s got their hands on the hatchet handle” 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️
04)Literal Monster
The only reason it’s not higher is because I listen to the other songs more
everyone’s vocals immaculate
The dancing?
Like actually literal monster is so good
Is her name Kim? I think this is Kim
Also everything about this song is just like YES this is how you do a musical
Also I think the guy who plays Max is named Will?
This is my first time ever hearing him sing and actually it’s so good
He’s the goofiest bully to exist like HUH
His little dancie dance is so funny
He’s like a Fortnite character
He doesn’t need anyone to tell him high school will be his peak
Also his obsession with Grace is so funny and comes out of nowhere.
And the fact that he hates nerds like her but somehow wants to smash even though there are more than enough people who are probably willing makes me think he genuinely likes her but would never admit it.
He’s a literal monster (lmao rip bozo)
03)Dirty Dudes Must Die
When I tell you I am obsessed
I mean I am literally listening to this song like a dozen times a day
And I sing it at the top of my lungs
I’m actually in love with this song
The only reason it’s not number one is that I like the vocals of the other songs better
Like YES
Like yes girl use your haunted poosay to kill everyone YES
Like actually her arc is so good to me even though it’s like not what you’d expect/think would happen
Like you would be like oh Christian girl has sex and realizes that it’s not that bad and that she doesn’t have to be a radical religious person
But instead she’s like yeah okay I’m gonna use my new evil powers for GOD and now no one is gonna stop me
She goes from crazy to crazier and I love it
Angela is the love of my life
Like actually she makes me wanna act
And also be absolutely insane but that’s a different topic
Good song gets me hype.
02)Dirty Girl
I know this song makes people uncomfy
But I am a horny girl and this song literally gave me whiplash when I first watched like
Their vocals and just the song itself is so good
Like her struggle with staying true to her religion and herself but also now feeling lust and want for someone that she previously never would’ve thought about before
And it does prove that Max is right about Grace being kinky af because as we see her descent into madness the things that she’s into are things that I know Christian people would be horrified at
Like when they bring him to the Waylon house and he’s aggressive and she’s like OH YEAH THIS IS GOOD
This song is just like look at her try to deny what she’s feeling and look at her struggle with something that many other people religious or not struggle with and look at how badly she handles it
Like if her parents would’ve handled this better Max would not have died
She is hungry for more and now her judgement is all cloudy because of ONE BOY
Everything could’ve been avoided if she was raised to believe that lusting is okay, feeling those feelings is okay
You don’t have to act on them but LORD they aren’t something that is wrong to feel.
It just makes it worse when you try to suppress things
But alas she lives in a no moan household.
01)Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Literally the name of the musical
And rightfully the best song
Jon’s acting and voice is AMAZING
Will sounds amazing
Like actually I could not stop repeating the “will you pray for me, when I’m gone?” Part for WEEKS
Like I’m still singing it to myself
It’s so good
Like brother how he just sings that part is like OH MY GOD
Like everything about this song is good
And the fact that Max is like Yeah I couldnt care less how you actively dismembered me and defiled my body(his nipples) and buried him in an abandoned old house.
Like everything about this song is also tragic
Because everyone is celebrating his disappearance
And at this point I feel like he has to have seen that they’re celebrating.
And he was so close to changing
We see that he’s an asshole because of his family life which is tragically the reality of a lot of bullies and hurt people in general
So to have him on the brink of maybe changing and then dying and being dismembered and buried in a place no one knows he’s buried in
Is so sad in a way
Like we don’t even get to see if he would have changed because he does
And when he comes back as a literal monster he’s hurt and angry and wants revenge on the people and people like the people that got him killed even if it was an accident.
This musical is genuinely so good UGH
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omgahgase · 2 months
i'm on my hazbin hotel shit so i can't stop thinking of tommy and ellie bonding over the show.
like tommy loves cartoons, both the kind intended for adults and the ones for kids—spongebob especially bc he thinks that show is comedic genius—and ellie loves anything tommy's into, so of course she'll binge watch the first season with him in one sitting (it's actually tommy's 12th time rewatching the show and he still gets excited every rewatch).
sarah tried to get into it bc she always wants to talk about her uncle's interests, but it's more ellie's speed, so she'll stick to her k-dramas and let them have fun. which they do.
ellie's memorized almost every joke in there and she thinks vaggie is kickass bc, hello? an ex-exterminator angel who went and fell in love with the princess of hell? yeah, that's pretty fucking cool. her favorite songs are "hell is forever" bc adam may have been a little bitch but he had a catchy as hell song, and "hell's greatest dad" bc she thinks lucifer if a silly little guy. she hasn't stopped saying "i wap-bam-boom, alakazam" for 6 days straight and sarah is about to duct tape her little sister's mouth shut lmao
her and tommy rewatch their favorite episodes a lot, specifically ep 4 bc they're angel dust lovers, and they've learned the choreography to "loser, baby" much to joel's absolute displeasure bc they won't stop singing "you're a fucked up little whiny bitch" anytime he's in the room. they do it even when they're not watching the show and he's about to break the roku remote he's so goddamn serious—
on a serious note, tho, joel's actually so happy his daughter and brother love spending time together and that they have similar interests, even if the first time ellie watched hazbin, joel was in the room when husker appeared and all she did was point and laugh bc "joel! you didn't tell me you were in this show! look, look, he's exactly like you! old and grumpy!" it was funny the first time but now he's learned to stay far, far away from them whenever he hears the opening jingle blare from the living room tv
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wereoz · 3 months
YAY when i saw u tagged me my mouth literally dropped open THANKS @belleandsaintsebastian
last song: dancing barefoot!! was so obsessed with that song around… 2022? and about every other time i encounter it
currently watching: twd & the mentalist!! love twd sm i love long series and how they become homey and i love thinking abt constant underlying messages which twd is RIFE with. i am watching this season quite infrequently tho just cuz i don’t enjoy it as much as the others and i have been angry ranting abt it tbh………
the mentalist is quite frankly…… bad. 😭😭 WELL actually idk…… like it has strong points and obviously something abt it hooks me cuz hello i’m on s4 but in s1 & 2 i was like thats so cliched and annoying and that’s literally just police brutality so….. but in s3 i was enjoying parts & building little fantasy worlds abt it in my head & oh my god im obsessed w teresa lisbon & i LOVED the finale because it had DRAMA!!!! but then all the drama surrounding one plot avenue is just SUCKED OUT (imo) in the beginning if s4 so??? and one plot thread was just left so like thats annoying….. and the main guy at the last few minutes of an episode was literally told. i’ve diagnosed u with aspd (well. he said ‘psycopath’ i think but then when he lightheartedly asked a coworker he used the term ‘anti social personality’ so) and its like…. a joke basically so…… thank u very cool. literally that one house autism GOTCHA moment i had flashbacks
currently reading: love and marriage by monica ali, i got it from my english teacher cuz she brought in her favs. it was funny cuz last minute she was like oh no i forgot!!!! theres a lot of sex!!!!ask if u have questions i’m ur pshe teacher!!! very earnest & giggly shes great. i like it so far and the style of writing, im VERY interested in where its going, so glad i’ve found a book i enjoy sm
‘how far we’ve come’, for a competition…… ough i need to pick that up again before time runs out.
fever wake, very interesting to read, especially cuz i always read it before bed , all hazy and tired lmao
lesbians guide to catholic school, just for the mandatory 10 mins reading at my school in english. don’t really like the writing style, but i find the main character, yamilet’s, unique relationship w her family SO interesting. being the second favourite just bc shes a girl, how she reconciles her love for her brother with how frustrating that is, homophobia from beloved family members, and her dad being deported all interest me a lot
current favourites: …..always hot chocolate & whipped cream, my binder!!!!! oat biscuits, pasta, painting in acrylics & just working in my gcse sketchbook in general, collaging, imagining scenarios & fic scenes in my head especially w music, listening to music to and from school, when i make people laugh, that i’ve become more social and less afraid to talk to people,
no pressure tags <3 : @gayfilmbro @preordainedplace (again!! no pressure esp for u!! cuz ik were not mutuals but i love ur blog & art <3 and with it being so hard to find anyone posting abt one deranged movie released 13 years ago it feels like were locked in the same cage already lmao) @1985houndsoflove @thelastdaysofrocknroll @thepunkmuppet @doctorgregoryhouse @pnt03prcnt
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roachemoji · 11 months
NEW ST LIVE BLOGGING bc i lost my old thread lmao S1 06-08 (but not really i need to rewatch the end again)
Episode 6
OKAY im starting like halfway through ep 6 again
the AUTISM in the first 30 seconds of this episode starting up again lmao EL calling him a mouth breather because its the first insult she fucking hears??? Yea YEAH
GOD JOYCE IN A TURTLE NECK <- my mom (hold oni have to jump back up here because I completetly skipped the part about Jane and her mom and the connection to El and i feel like its a little too on the nose that thats who El is given how much ive seen and read about the fuckery and connections in this show so im waiting on that - unless it is just... that. AKJHD)
hes SO smart holy shit i mean they all are but his interpersonal skills are so JUST YEAH CALL THEM OUT CALL THEM OUT also his quiet "ok" when he pushes that theyre all his best friends UGH
is this the scene is this the i think im about to watch the thing i just OH MAN HE JUST CLOCKED HIM WHO STRADDLES A MAN LIKE THAT WHEN YORUE FIGHTING HELLO
anyway sorry Johnathan and Nancy Platonic Soulmates Best Friends Forever im making them bracelets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh man i was gonna mention the van that Lucas saw but i forgot also GOD DUSTIN IS THE ONLY ONE WITH FUCKIGN SENSE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH boys boys boys boys boys
JUST PISS YOUR PANTS???? oh he okay yeah i though the was actually asking him to just piss his fucking pants
SO what would happen if Mike had like died what would happen if those kids had caused his death like wouold they have just ran and left Dustin or pushed him off or what like AKJSHDSKAJHD
El exxperiencing PTSD so vividly breaks my fucking heart like girlie i understand i understan di do i reall really do god im so sorry BABY GIRL ITS OKAY AOOIASUDSKAH SHE OPENED THE GATE DAMN gonna like swaddle her or something god
im sorry the squad of white vans going to kidnap children is a little too on the fucking nose for me
Episode 7
real talk could El not just explode them what if El just exploded them i mean obviously theres OTHER consequences like... killing people BUt i mean.
Pausing to say something actually: How child abuse is depicted so far in the show is very scary to me in how real it feels. To be a kid in those situations, to not understand the power you weild because an adult as manipulated you into believing that you're helpless? That the only person you can rely on is them, even as they're actively harming you? Brenner being aware of the harm that El can cause him but believing so strongly in the hold he has on her and therefore he is above consequence, above harm? fucking yucky The scene of him giving her the potted flower made my stomach sink. Felt a little too close to home I know that themes of abuse are really prevelant in this show and Its really interesting to see how it affects people different but especially El, someone who'se pretty fucking clearly autistic and shows a lot of the same symptoms that i did post abuse? I thought i had more to say on it and maybei will as time goes on i just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ough okay moving on --
i cant wait to get to the part where i understand who you (POINTS AT EM) believe she is and fully feel whatever i should feel about her and what shes done or about to do or going to do in multiple timelines or what have YOU
Mikes dad makes me want to ram my head into a wall
Joyce is just :3c she just!! she <3
she can.... make you fly....... and...... piss yourself
the two super powers
the Byers,,,,,,,,,, seemed so distant before like they didnt know each other or cared but god theyre so close theyre so so close and i feel that i get that
MIKES DAD AGAIN I WANT TO HES SO FUCKING STUPID if i were locked in a room with him id put on cocomelon
HOPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
El is just trying so fucking hard god the liek desperation and fear or failure and guilt that she just keeps carrying itS JUST!!!!
MR CLARKS LIL DATE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! do you ever use your teacher's autism against him and force him to info dump in the same of science.
watching them setting up the pool and knowing they probably just told them to figure it out while they filmed it <3 ALSO MIKE REALIZING HIS SISTER IS ACTUALLY COOL idk need more siblings being siblings
JOYCE IS MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone giving El the option to say no? to back out? to FEEL SAFE??? im going to lose my mind im gonan scREAM and cry and throw up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am BANGING MY FISTS On the TABLE
genuinely WAHT did barb do to deserve this WHAT DID SHE DO SHE WAS SUCH A GOOD FRIEND OH MY GOD
joyce joyc ejoCYCE JOYCE JOYCE fuck all yall shes my favorite character im in love with her
Do episodes that end in the upside down also not end with music @ em i cant remember this happening before bc i didnt write it down <3
Episode 8
LAST EPISIDE OF THE SEASON i went to get popcorn for this to pay full attention or as much as i could im goingin an dout of dissociating so bare with me i feel like im gonna have to rewatch the entire first season again bc i missed a lot but we'll get there in due time anyway onward and upward boys
Hopper <333333
Johnathan and Nancy are my favorite best friends theyre jUST like GUNG FUCKING HO i love it
IM OAIUSDKAJHD NANCY AND HOPPER GOING FUCKING IN WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN yall keep underesitimating these people because you got your fancy suits and you think ou have control of the situation and then you get your ass handed to you SO IM waiting for his ass to be handed to him
if i have to watch people cut their palms to get blood one more time im gonna STOP STOP IT STOP IT STOP oh my GOD LIKE... BAK O FYOU HAND? YOUR ARM? GIRL.
STEEVEEEEEEEEE are the lights gonna start blinking girl please pleas eplease srteve please can he help kill please bro Im HIS big brown eyes hello hwa the fuck
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SO Tumblr deleted... everything after this and im kinda upset man i got like 20 minutes left in the episode not even and it just wiped out 90% of me going balls to the fuck wall about El exploding people's brains and how much i love Joyce Byers and how they gotta stopputting me through so much emotional turmoil when it comes to Hopper and his flash backs
I think im gonna rewatch the last episode to give a better genuine reaction bc i kinda spaced out at the end and dont super know whats going on now askdhj
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mins-fins · 5 months
some of isa's favorite kpop bsides ! not in any specific order (¬_¬)
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y si fuera ella ( shinee ) - one of the best covers of this song wbk!! and okay maybe its not originally a kpop song but god does it slap!! have cried to this song sm times you may as well make it a drinking game 😊👍 (guess how many times isa has cried to y si fuera ella shinee cover ver) (don't) (you'll get alcohol poisoning)
cool with you ( newjeans ) - every song on this album is a 10/10 tbh (ESPECIALLY GET UP LIKE COME ON) but im going to be honest this song just makes me very smiley 😊 everything abt it makes me feel insanely joyous i LOVE newjeans my bffs 🙏
i'll make you cry ( aespa ) - I'LL MAKE YOU CRYYYYYYYY, queens!!! making people sob and sounding good doing it 🙏 every time winter sang i started glitching in real time not fake 🙁 imyc better than lucid dream real!!!
round and around ( jo yuri ) - she knew this song wouldve lead to my death thats why she only made it one minute 😢 oh im so DIZZYYYYY 😖 would sell half of my right leg for a full round and around pls yuri ik its hiding somewhere in the studio 😞
love o'clock ( wjsn ) - ITS SO FUN!! ITS JUST SO FUN!! only ot13 wjsn song in my playlist shameful 🙁 but anyways my girl yeonjung did what she had to do and thank god she did!! they just all sound so joyful i love when women are happy 😠!!!
make me go ( twice ) - love me love me now love me love me good.. AHSGSHSSHA 🙁 the whole more&more album is SOO UNDERRATED YET SO GOOD GIVE IT MORE LOVE?!-&1?-?-?? mina's voice throughout the whole song 🤭 my wife did so well……
oxygen ( twice ) - ANOTHER MORE&MORE SONG YES!!!!! i really really really really want 😢… this song put me through the whole of 2021 easily my most depressed year and i just heard that lalalalalalala at the beginning and i was 😊
sweet talking baby ( girls generation ) - YES YES GIRLS GENERATION!!! literally one of the best songs on the album (boys & girls comes as a close second 😒) one of their most underrated songs fr more sweet talking baby appreciation dyk how much this song has got me through 😡!?-?-&—???? (lying)
salty ( the boyz ) - truly couldnt make a list without this song 🙏 there's a reason no person in the deobi fandom hates this song, it's literally so yummy like i need to CONSUME this song
will i ever see you again? ( red velvet ) - this one is kinda funny bc i didnt really like it when i first listened to it……. BUT I LITERALLY CANNOT HATE ANY RV RELEASES LIKE COME ON?? IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN 🙁 isa #1 will i ever see you again fan real
melting point ( zerobaseone ) - TOUCH TOUCH 심장이 BLUSH BLUSH 두 볼이 RUSH RUSH LIKE DO YOU HEAR THOSE BARS 🫨???? zb1 actually made this song for me guys gunwook and taerae were thinking of me in the studio when they were both FUCKING IT UP IN THERE!!! cutest song ever hello i listen to it almost everyday and im not ashamed 🫢
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x10, a mix of everything, part 2.
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Rebecca is Keeley's best friend. and Jack is a fucking liar. what the hell is going on this season? especially with Keeley's plotline?
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Roy & Keeley holding hands and Jamie walking in the room? hello?
on the other point, Keeley deserves better than constantly pushing people around her on their way to growth. first Jamie (which, fine, it was necessary and he did all the work by himself and came out beautifully). then Roy (that I presume will realise his mistake and will become better and such). still, can Keeley finally have some happiness and sense of confidence and self-worth that doesn't depend on her love life and personal relationships?
people keep thinking about Jamie being the matchmaker for ot3, but to me rn it looks like it's gonna be Keeley. and i'm not sure if I like that they're using a woman to do that.
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This is nice. I like this. Something about Keeley being Richmond's football team best friend and finally making it to Mae (while Ted and Beard been visiting her place since the day they arrived to UK).
Red Right hand while Roy walks in the building? I have Peaky Blinders flashbacks. an interesting use of that song, for sure.
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I want what Ted and Beard have.
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same, Trent, same. maybe this is gonna be Roy's colorful awakening era.
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somebody save them.
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it's not the first time we see Isaac with an earring, but we don't label him bisexual the way we do with Jamie. it's the attitude, really.
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this is not even funny. how are they not supposed to be romantic? how? i don't even ship them you just rub this under my nose. platonic after the matchbook and supposed to be a mother? what IS this? i seriously have questions to the writers. can they make up their mind? bc one is gives to her by an ex lover and one is given to her by, according to writers, her brother from another mother. all i keep seeing is how they keep connecting Ted and Rebecca and not in a platonic way. there's no romantic chemistry between them for me, especially this season, but hello???? WHAT? IS? THIS? what are they trying to achieve?
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you tell them.
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rainbow <3
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oh, don't start with that, as if it sends Roy on some righteous path back to Keeley. "hope it didn't cost too much" i'm so tired of that plotline.
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Keeley is such a sweetheart and deserves so much better.
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this is so bad. i feel for Rebecca.
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oh, fuck off. not a good look is a room full of rich men that can make an influence but choose not to. even decide to charge more. and if we're talking politics for some reason, have you also seen other nations' government? even the mess that happens in UK, where you live? seriously, fuck off and take P*tin with you, maybe then it'll start looking better.
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she learned that from Trent & you can't convince me otherwise. i LOVE the parallel. QUEEN.
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POV: you're an only woman in the room of white rich old cis men and a black one. ew.
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she gets it now. the power of Ted Lasso and Coach Beard.
i'm not sure what they're doing there with Rupert. redemption arc through Rebecca's words? why? forgiveness? also why? Rupert and Rebecca laughing together? what is going onnn??? AND then Rebecca hanging back Hockney aka the drawing Rupert gifted her? i'm confused.
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"we just borrow them for a while" hello?? they keep connecting Rebecca to Ted???
i was screaming a lot of NO's as Rupert went for a kiss. I'm glad Rebecca stopped it. i was seriously scared for that moment. what a shitty person he is. you can never have that wonderful woman again. suffer and die in suffering, bitch.
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no way Keeley has a glass wall in her bathroom???? also, what's with both of her exes coming to her house instead of calling, texting and facing her face to face? why ot3 if not ot3?
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*peels my face off with skin and muscle* if you're not adding Jamie to that, I swear to the Outsider—
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hell yeah <3
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you suuuure?
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roseposts-stuff · 3 days
hello hello!!! time to rate series 6 of doctor who :D once again remember that my opinions are mostly based on Vibes and also i change my mind like daily sldhks yay! also like. making these mostly for my own benefit because it's a lot of fun
1. The Doctor's Wife (6x4) - SO SO SO SO GOOD i LOVED that we got the TARDIS like actually be an important character she is so precious to me, like it's unbelievably unfair towards me specifically that she's not a real character most of the time like HELLO the missed potential??? we have A BIGGER ON THE INSIDE, SENTIENT TIME-SPACESHIP?! y'all best believe that if i ever write an episode for doctor who i'm gonna make the TARDIS important (i'm not even british they will NOT hire me) but yeah just a brilliant episode neil gaiman DELIVERED thanks king, i love everything about this episode very much one of my favourites for sure
2. The God Complex (6x11) - SO fascinating, i loved Rita especially i was so sad that she died :( she would've been such a great companion i feel. the episode is unsettling in the best way and obviously i LOVE the doctor and the ponds, such a great episode
3. The Girl Who Waited (6x10) - i loved loved loved rory in this actually, the ending is so beautiful and so devastating like😭 an interesting concept and i LOVE timey-wimeyness
4. Night Terrors (6x9) - this episode is like. genuinely kinda scary the dolls are terrifying 😭 yeah a really good episode, also adam's dad from good omens what are you doing here!?!?
5. The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon (6x1/6x2) - LOVE the silence and the plot is so good imo, i love the whole concept of creatures you always forget and the design is so good i think, love river and amy and rory as always, and yeah, really great i think
6. A Christmas Carol (6x0) - really really like the story in this one and the fish are so so cool i actually love that there's sort of fish swimming in the air it was beautiful, one of my favourite christmas specials for sure!!
7. The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People (6x5/6x6) - what i do like about this episode is that this kinda shows that you know we should be kind to everyone and understand them and like you know. not value others less because they're different or scary, i feel like that's important, yeah i like this story, also the half-human-half-föesh looks are lowkey scary 😭
8. The Wedding of River Song (6x13) - i LOVE some timey-wimey bullshit, it was so cool that everything was happening at the same time, it was brilliant i think and also slay doctor for not dying after all‼️ amy was so cool i love her. i do kinda wish we had more reaction than just amy killing madame kovarian from amy and rory bcs they lost their BABY but i'm not complaining abt kovarian's fate haha
9. A Good Man Goes to War (6x7) - has some really cool moments and i loved seeing like this sort of crew the doctor assembled, i love vastra and jenny and strax so much. i do feel like this episode is a tiny bit all over the place but i like it
10. Let's Kill Hitler (6x8) - i do like the plot and love river and the doctor in this their plotline was so good in this but tbh i didn't warm up to mels i just didn't like her and i feel like she either should've been in more so people would actually care about her or just should've been left out completely, tho the twist that she was river was pretty good i think
11. Closing Time (6x12) - i still like craig and i liked the ending, and i liked seeing 11 being kinda domestic and looking after alfie (stormageddon) and frankly this was pretty funny, had a good time
12. The Curse of the Black Spot (6x3) - i like this, i had a good time watching it, but i don't have much to say tbh
damn this was NOT easy to rank lol
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firstdivisiongirl · 26 days
Hiiii! How are you??? :) hope you are having a good day<3 may I ask for a romantic Tokyo revengers matchup, please??
My pronouns are she/her and I'm bisexual, but mostly attracted to men. I'm usually very friendly with everyone and willing to help people. I make friends easily and I'm very easygoing, like I could make friends with other random girls on the streets because if I find a girl very pretty or I like her style I usually come up to her and tell her and we start talking and talking like we already knew each other, lol. I'm very very loyal with my friends and family and I'm willing to go confront someone for them if they are having beef with someone else and asking for my help. I talk a lot about things that I like but I am a very good listener. I'm also very very forgetful and very very messy. I'm not good at school, like at all, I just have my head in the clouds most of the time. I'm also a very affectionate and touchy friend, most people find me pretty funny and chill, I tend to swear a lot even in normal conversations, even when I'm not mad, and I fall in love soooo easily, like way too easily😭 I have very very low standards even though I like more older, masculine and tall guys I also really really don't mind nerds, sensitive boys, artists, ykwim?? But I usually gravitate towards people who I think can take care of me and give me a little bit of princess treatment, patient lovers. I'm also kind of the type of girlfriend who is kinda like your best friend. But I just fall very easily and get heartbreaks a lot. I'm a very sensitive person, very empathetic, but sometimes I'm unintentionally rude to my friends or other people, so I can be rude and uncalled sometimes and I'm very ashamed of that after, and sometimes especially with professors I can be easy to put up a fight with since I have a sharp tongue- my hobbies are drawing, photography, watching anime, singing, theater, acting,the history of cinema and animation, makeup and hanging out with my friends :)
I dislike people who are mean just because they think it's fun to be randomly mean to someone, people who look at you weird or snob you when you compliment them, when people touch my stuff without asking, when someone hurt animals and people who just can't stand up for themselves not even a little bit. I really like Italian old love songs, love books from the 50s 60s (they are literally so romantic without being cliche), musicals, disney movies expecially the old ones, animation, flowers (even though im allergic🧍🏻‍♀️), making people laugh, imprevedibile and fun people, dressing feminine, horror and romantic movies, videogames, old rock and romantic music.
I'm 5'0 with long long brown hair with highlights and bangs, amber eyes with long lashes, thin lips, a mole next to my nose and I always try to smile bc I like how I look when I smile :) my skin is pretty taken care of and clear, i love dressing feminine but mostly dress with baggy pants and a crop top or compression shirt, something like that, but sometimes i love putting on very short miniskits and platforms to look taller (I never wear non-platform shoes bc I wanna look taller). Also I love wearing hello kitty stuff😭❤️
I feel like this is way too much I am so so sorry- you can ignore if you don't feel like doing it🙏❤️
Have a great day, love the way you write, keep it up :D
Hi. I am doing pretty good. You didn't write too much at all and I would never ignore it. And thank you for the kind words. I want to let you know that I picked someone who could be considered controversial. If you don't like it, DM me and I will give you another. I hope you like it!
You Got...
Tetta Kisaki!!!!
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I know. He's...him. But hear me out!
He's into girls who are friendly and super nice. You also give me Hina vibes.
He seems to be into very into things like history and film. I think you two would talk about film, it's history, how different camera angles are used, etc.
He would get you so many vintage things like books and old records. Anything to see you smile.
He would love that you fall so easily. That means it is easier for him to win you over. Although, he will try very hard to be the perfect partner.
Will treat you like a princess.
Most people would think he would hate someone who is not great in school. But I believe he would like that because then he could tutor you and spend more time with the person he loves.
Slow dancing to old songs in the living room!
Would love that you can fight for yourself. Makes him worry less about you and your wellbeing. He will still worry, but a little less
And lastly, he will love you no matter what. If you are rude, he will love you. When you are upset, he will love you.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs and likes are highly appreciated!
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fizzbot · 2 months
I literally just sent you one but what if. You did more. For me? :3333
9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24 VIOLENCE (please do not look at how I spelled it in the last one) ask game <333
3, 4, 13, 17 (This time with Octavia), 18 (Striker), 22 (Husk), 24 (This time with Fizz), 25 (This time with Charlie) for the other fandom ask game :333
violence ask game og post here!
9. worst part of canon for hh, its the valangel plotline. god its so bad. you cant have a silly joke character also be a horrific abuser, you have to pick one. also dont hire rape fetish artists to handle a very real?? issue?? hello??? for hb,,,,,i gotta pick the same vein and give it to stolitz. I KNOW I KNOW i bitched a lot about them in the last answer post but JKLSDFJKLHJKf IT MAKES ME SO MAD. especially bc (much like hazbin) the original plot of the story is SO FUCKING GOOD. a group of low-ranking hell creatures run an illegal business where the access the human realm??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME. THATS SO GOOD. i love that its a direct parallel to hazbin's "solving the overpopulation" main plot JKLSHDFJKLDS ITS SO FUNNY AND SO PERFECT AND WE WERE ROBBED IN BOTH SHOWS FOR VIVZIES STUPID FUCKING FETISH BAIT
10. worst part of fanon the vivzie dickriders are so goddamn annoying. ive noticed that this is kind of a trend in any media that has a large "critic" audience. like it also totally happened with miraculous ladybug. but for some reason when a bunch of people hate on the show bc it sucks, mostly bc the creator also sucks, it spawns a parallel group of people who will defend anything and everything about it. like there are people who devote entire blogs and accounts to ""disproving"" vivzie allegations (which no one has ever done successsfully btw bc she did all of the shit shes being accused of). and theres people who will defend every shitty plotpoint and piece of bad writing and leave no room for nuance. like, yes, im critical of the shows, but i can admit theres good in them. obviously i enjoy them enough to have a sideblog for them. but like. these people dont understand that its GOOD to critisize media, ESPECIALLY media that you like. its important to acknowledge when certain trends can be seen in the work, because otherwise youre going to be more susceptible to being negatively influenced. like, vivzie has history of antiblackness/racism/antisemitism. is it a coincidence that these people are horribly misrepresented in the show?
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered only 2 related to the hellaverse actually!! but ive had to put a whole bunch of different variants/spellings. i have radioapple and adamsapple blocked just cause theyre the most prevalent ships that i dont like.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them MIMZY. i fucking love her SO MUCH!!!!!! :DDDDDDDD part of why i despise radioapple and its shippers so much is bc so much of the fandom hates her for ""interrupting their moment"". SHUT THE FUCK UP shes the best part of their song and also the best girl and shes so pretty and cute and youre all WRONG for hating her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! light of my life <333333333 spinoff show about just mimzy immediately
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on... rosie x mimzy :(((((((( they dont even have a proper, fully agreed upon shipname. i thought you all loved old women yuri :/// also POLYVEES????? i am SOOOOO sick of the ""vel and her gay dads"" shit. it is so goddamn annoying. VOX CALLS HER "MY DEAR". VAL CALLS HER "BABYDOLL." theyre all fucking.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring honestly? all of hazbin. the heaven arc was just SO rushed and still felt like the same thing was happening every episode. helluva never/hasnt become tedious to me just bc its so much more episodic i think
21. part of canon you think is overhyped the fuckin. shipping. stolitz in helluva is SOOOOOO hyped and for NOTHING and the whole war was hyped in hazbin and yet was also so incredibly nothing. OH AND PENTIOUS' REDEMPTION??? everyones acting like its the most interesting plot twist ever as if it doesnt suck objectively
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores loona and via ://// the only time i see them talked about is when people are shipping them which is gross. i really really really want to see more of them and have them be developed more and given personalities outside their shitty fathers.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse VALANGEL. OH MY GODDDDDDDDD i fucking HATE hearing ""hot takes"" about that arc. THEYRE NEVER HOT TAKES. EVER. theyre just excusing vals actions or excusing VIVS actions in making it. I HATE IT SO MUCH
fandom ask game og post here!
3. NoTP? OOH. i have a bunch. ummm. literally any striker ship that isnt blitzker. striker x chaz, striker x moxxie, striker x millie, striker x sallie, striker x stella, etc etc i could literally list them all day. i hate all of them. every single one cannot work without mischaracterizing him to hell. he works with blitz because theyre equals and they LIKE EACH OTHER. OH DUH radioapple!!!! literally biggest NOTP ever i fucking hate them. i hate adamsapple, and cherrisnake, anddddd.......there are obviously more but im blanking. some i dislike for more innocent reasons. like any ship with tex and/or any ship with sallie? i hate all of them just because those characters are so. Nothing. they have 0 substance apart from being sexualized
4. Is there a popular pairing you don't necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in? OH well i guess i kinda answered this above hsdjkf. i guess my hottest take is fallenstar (chaggie) and m&m. i simply do not give a shit about them. i care a LITTLE more for vega n charlie, but like. pretty much JUST because theyre sapphic. what does m&m have going for them, they are literally textbook boring married couple. who give a shit
13. What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day? sjkdfhjksdf ive doodled them beforrreeeee but ive gotta draw more verbie <////3 im thinkin about making a finished piece for them they are CUTE.......otherwise i think ive drawn/written about like everyone i care for sjkdfhjsdkf
17. What's a book, movie, or show you think [Octavia] would like? AWW this is cute....ummmm!!!!! a piece of lore i just made up for her is that i think shes rlly interested in human culture. like she likes movies from earth, and literature from up there, so on and so forth <3333 shes really into horror movies but specifically the old and bad ones <3333 she will rattle off 100000 facts to you about how they made that fake blood for that scene or "did you know they used a REAL chainsaw?". i think she has an affinity for the macabre BUT i also think she has a bit of a soft spot. she was kind of robbed of a proper childhood a little bit (as were most goetians) so shes a sucker for sappy soft stuff too. she casually watches mlp or care bears and plays lots of minecraft and terraria <3
18. Type [Striker's]'s name and tell us what the autocomplete suggests as the next word shjkdfhjksdfhjkfsd ok so i wasnt sure whether this meant using google autocomplete or phone autocomplete. i tried google first and my only result was 'striker helluva boss' cause thats what i google for art ref. but then i tried it on my phone and. uh........................................................................this is so embarassing. i pulled out my phone and pressed the middle autocomplete button a few times and it landed on 'striker tying up blitzos arms'...........LISTEN. IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS WRITING DOWN THIS ART IDEA AND IT REMEMBERED. WHY DID IT REMEMBER
22. Give us a headcanon for [Husk] UMMMM!!!!!!! it is so muc harder to come up with these for characters i dont relate to as much..........i am so sorry but i have literally thought for so long and cant come up with anything that you havent already said <////////////////////333
24. What's your favourite thing about [Fizz]? i remember really not thinking anything of it at the time but i LOVE the transition of how he is in public/at ozzies to how he is at home!!!! its really interesting to see him soften up and i think theres a lot to be said about the persona he puts on in public that i just KNOW the show isnt gonna explore. i dont think hes the. best anxiety rep, but i do think there are moments where its compelling. OH and i LOVE watching his energy bounce off blitz, its super fun :3
25. What's your least favourite thing [Charlie] said or did? grgghgg ohh girl,,,,,you had so much wasted potential ://// this is a lot more nitpicky than my answer for stolas but its easily that one moment in ep 4. where she WHINES and CRIES like a BABY over angel and vega carries her away. the infantilization is SOOOO irritating, esp bc literally in the NEXT EPISODES they try to portray her as a strong and confident good leader???? its so pathetic and SO frustrating especially when she could easily make it up to angel by KILLING HIS RAPIST.
WAHHHJSKDFHJKLD THANKS FOR ASKINGGGGG i love getting out all my thinkies :33333
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rollercoasterwords · 10 months
oh!!!! happy 100k words wfrau!!!!!!! she's getting bigger (<- like you would speak of a puppy). how long is it supposed to be & how far along are you? and also... would you like to share a snippet you like (from any chapter ofc... no pressure if no it's completely understandable)? what do you enjoy the most about writing it? bc it seems like you're having fun & it's so nice to see someone enjoying a hobby so openly online... especially writing... there's this conception that writers don't actually enjoy writing (the whole 'forcing myself to write' bit) and i'm curious to hear your perspective on it!! also!!!!!! i hope moving will be easy & fun & the world will be kind to you with the change <3 i keep telling myself 2 read marx but i can't find any good translations to my native language and reading it in english is making my brain go grgrgrgrgr like an air conditioner on its last leg so alas it might have to wait... so true for liking iced drinks they're really the best!! i've heard someone say it's childish but i think they just live a very miserable hot life in the august heat drinking their hot coffee instead of putting some ice cubes in it :) it's funny you say that about fav line because it's definitely my fav fic of your writing & the ending of it is soooo beautiful i get back to it every time i need to feel something!!!!! that song line is beautiful too omg... and well the weather is hell everywhere at least the world is all suffering together :( i hope the atmosphere isn't suffering too much :/ honestly i am a big 'i would rather be hot than cold' believer because i am from a hot country so i know how to deal with the heat but you know what i'm sure the chill can also be intriguing to some... not me though... i hope the winter will be kind on you <3 thank u for letting me invade ur ask box i am creating myself a room here for now i think. anyway. love and hugs!!!! <333
hello!! she is indeed getting bigger <3 if i had to guess right now i'd say i'm maybe...possibly nearing the halfway point of the fic, plotwise? but honestly it's really hard to say lol. i've got 2 more story arcs to cover in part 3 (plus finishing the current one), and then part 4 is gonna have like...2 or 3 story arcs as well, plus an epilogue. so it just depends on how long it takes me to cover all that ground!
and yeah i'm having a lot of fun writing!! i know what u mean abt the whole "ugh writing amirite" bit that writers do lol and i'm sure i do it sometimes too...i mean i think tone varies a lot and many people who complain about writing still really enjoy the activity, but i do think there is sometimes this self-flagellating tendency amongst some writers to act like writing is meant to be this strenuous, emotionally draining activity like ur...idk sisyphus w the stone or something, and if you're writing something 'easy' or 'fun' you're somehow a lower caliber of writer than those who Nobly Suffer for their art, etc...which i think is dumb lol. suffering doesn't inherently make art any better or more noble
& thank u 4 the well-wishes w moving!! i'm mostly nervous about getting to my flight on time lol i have to go into work the literal day before i leave and then catch a train across the country at 5am the next morning 2 get 2 the airport...not going 2 be fun so i'll take all the well-wishes i can get !!
sorry 2 hear u can't find marx in ur native language :( it's hard enough 4 me 2 understand reading in my first language i cannot imagine trying 2 parse it in a second language...maybe it might be easier 2 find one of his (or engels') shorter texts 2 read? capital is a monster but i started off with a few shorter pieces ('socialism: utopian and scientific', 'principles of communism', 'wage labour and capital,' 'value price and profit') which i found helpful! also there are lots of secondary resources of other people breaking down + explaining marx's work; maybe there's a good source in your native language that could give a summary/overview of capital? there's no one right way 2 learn, it's just abt finding what works best for u!!
iced drink supremacy 4ever truly <3 me myself & i we can only enjoy a hot beverage if it's very cold outside...otherwise i am simply thinking well why would i do that 2 myself... & thank u!! happy 2 hear u like the lines!! v happy w them v proud <3 & also appreciate the well-wishes re: weather i cannot relate 2 the hot-weather preference i much prefer cold...or at least i used to i grew up in a relatively cold climate but then i moved south 4 university so at this point i'm going on 6 years of living in what is categorized as a "humid subtropical climate" & i think my winter tolerance has been all but destroyed it hardly ever drops below freezing...but hot&humid weather is still my least favorite i think i would prefer icy-cold winter + mild summer but i will be actually putting that theory 2 the test this year so!! who knows maybe my hubris will be my downfall...
& of course!! u are welcome 2 stop by + chat anytime...in my heart we are drinking iced beverages 2gether <3 also as requested here is a snippet from ch 14:
“Don’t,” he tells her, firmly, “Don’t say that. I don’t—want you involved. If they ever did anything to hurt you…I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” She stares at him, eyes ablaze. “And how do you think I feel? Knowing that they only pick on you because—” her voice falters, cracking, “Because you’re with me?” Her lip is trembling again, tears threatening to spill over from her eyes. Sirius shakes his head, helplessly, at a loss for what to do.
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rivaindaisies · 11 months
some dragon age music headcanons bc it’s fucking late and i feel extra neurodivergent today
morrigan is such a fucking edge lord in this game, she absolutely gatekeeps what she listens to but it’s pretty basic alternative stuff. arctic monkeys but only am and fsvorite worst nightmare, mindless self indulgence, a lot of joy division (she absolutely is the type of person to go up to someone in an unknown pleasures shirt and ask them to name three songs), some nirvana, pixies, etc. her favorite songs are arabella by arctic monkeys, back to the old house by the smiths, and probably mascara by deftones. she doesn’t listen to metal a lot but has a few deftones and lamb of god songs on her playlists.
leliana is trying to recreate her life in this game. she’s running from a lot of things, but also beginning to reflect. since she hasn’t been through as much as she has in inquisition, her music taste is much more relaxed here. i think she’d love dreamy shit, like the cocteau twins and the sundays especially. she listens to some lana del rey as well, mostly just nfr/lust for life. there’s a band called another sunny day i feel like she’d fuck with a lot too. her favorite songs are goodbye by the sundays and white mustang by lana del rey.
alistair listens to top 40 and nothing else
origins is my least favorite so i can’t think of much else for companions, i have the lowest time played as well so 🤷‍♂️
varric has the most dad music taste you could imagine. all classic rock, nothing else. i can very clearly imagine him cruising around blasting ac/dc and kiss.
fenris doesn’t listen to music, he just sort of goes along with what the others are playing. he likes slower songs, they help calm him down. if romanced, he ends up listening to the songs hawke likes and developing the same music taste as them and i think it would be a connection for them
isabela has some rare genuine self awareness in the music she listens to. she listens to lana del rey and marina and the diamonds, and that’s about it. her favorite albums from lana are born to die, paradise, and ultraviolence. her favorite marina albums are electra heart and froot. her favorite songs are i’m a ruin/rootless by marina, ride by ldr, and the other woman by ldr as well. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have is the only later lana song she like LOVES. basically 2014 tumblr taste but oh well
merrill listens to mainly instrumental music, either classical guitar or orchestral music. it helps her focus and calms her down quite a bit. she also really enjoys folk music. some of her favorite albums are shaken by a low sound by crooked still, someday we will foresee obstacles by syd matters, and dear wormwood by the oh hellos.
anders is also an angst fest. he listens to a lot of the smiths, mother mother (and hes very particular about being a “real fan” and knowing them before they blew up) and some nu metal as well. his favorite songs are this charming man by the smiths, 7 words by deftones, and you should all be murdered by another sunny day. calm me down by mother mother as well.
aveline listens to ed sheeran and coldplay exclusively. i don’t know why i feel this way but i do and im gonna leave it at that
leliana has been through so much over the last ten years, and the music she listens to reflects that. she doesn’t listen to music much anymore, but has a couple songs that she listens to. her taste is a lot heavier now- deftones, lamb of god, and some death metal as well. no specific bands, just whatever is the loudest and heaviest. i hc that morrigan showed her a few smiths songs during origins, and the one that stuck with her most is that joke isn’t funny anymore. she listens to it a lot, and relates to it a lot. it’s her favorite song. a few honorable mentions to that are sextape by deftones, and blood of the scribe by lamb of god. sometimes, she listens to the songs she loved back in dao times and gets lost in the memories of that time. her favorite song for that is the greatest by lana del rey.
josephine is mainly a classical/opera listener. i cannot picture her listening to anything else. maybe sometimes she gets angry, or exhausted/fed up with her job, and listens to the things she considers to be “heavy” but it’s something like acdc which she considers to be basically death metal because it has an audible electric guitar.
the chargers just blast dad music 24/7, along with varric/sera/blackwell.
cassandra absolutely listens to love songs all the time. she falls asleep listening to a playlist filled with songs like video games/love song/without you/lucky ones by lana. i feel like she was absolutely a tumblr girl and never grew out of that music taste despite presenting as an absolute hardass.
dorian adores artists like kylie minogue, lady gaga, etc. his favorite songs are shampain by marina, aura by lady gaga, and 911 also by gaga lmao. he also for SURE owns a justice for artpop shirt.
i have a lot more but don’t want to type any more out if this gets any attention i’ll add more tho- if you’ve somehow read this far into my adhd rambles thank you 🙏🙏 and comment ur thoughts/ideas of what characters would listen to
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arc-of-smiles · 9 months
yuya sakaki for the character memeeeee
General opinion/How much I care about them:
I LOVE YUYA HELLO????? I CARE ABT HIM SO MUCH!!!! he's just such a kind wejhfbewb person. yuya is a very kind protagonist, so kind that he's just super naive because of it. i would argue he's the most, because he just trusts anyone automatically if they remind him of his dad.
however, i really hated a lot of the zarc stuff, not his fault by any means! it's the fault of the writing, he could've shined more if the writing wasn't so... yeah. especially towards the end of the series. he could've been more if arc-v didn't hold him back. he lost so much potential because of said writing. i wish he got to shine more, and entertain us more.
and in my hot take: i would've loved an ending where all of the yu's and the bracelet girls lived! but also, i feel like the most interesting ending would've been if all of them died. i feel like his character arc would've ended super interesting like that. idk, i'm just still mad abt the ending wejhfbwe, why not have all of them dead?
i also say this bc angst my beloved. BUT BUT BUT, i love yuya so much and i want him to be happy. he deserves to duel with a giant smile.
A ship I love:
pendulum....shipping... i've loved them for a long time. they make me happy, and they itch my brain in SUCH a happy way. i always liked them since i was a child. i love the dynamic of reiji being in love with yuya, but not showing it (if that makes sense). he will show his love through actions, and protecting yuya and basically laying his life down. reiji will do anything for yuya, he wants and needs yuya to be happy.
yuya always loved reiji too! but i feel as if he had a hard time showing his love too. both of them went through so much, and i feel like it will take them a long time for them to be together. as friends?? YEAH THAT'S AWESOME!! as lovers??? give them a handful of years, then they'll go on a date.
A non-romantic relationship that I love:
him and the other yu's. i personally interpret them with a brotherly/strong friendship relationship thing. i can go either way. in some aus i have, they're brothers... others they're just friends or whatever.
i think all of them would have a very funny dynamic. yuya would always try to break up arguments and try to keep them all happy. i think they should all go to an amusement park and make yuri go on a rollercoaster. IT WOULD BE FUN
i really don't like yuto/yuya wehfbwehjJHWEBFWE LIKE I'M SORRY. i can't, i really can't. out all of the yu ships i rlly don't like them together. i also see them as brothers (in certain aus) but in general, i see them as platonic friends. that's it, i can only see them being platonic.
My biggest headcanon about them:
besides my semi-well known hc (if you look at my account), i hc yuya to be trans. however, since that's already well known, i will just share another one wefjhbwe.
imo, i feel like he would be a good cook... but can barely go grocery shopping. he will simply get too distracted, and get snacks instead of food to make.
he started out not so good, but he would constantly try over and over again. he would cook with yoko a lot! overtime, he did get better. when he goes grocery with his mom, she would have to keep yuya by her side. he would want to walk away and point at the snacks and beg for some. but no... they can make their own!
yuya's mind is scattered in stores, he wants to look at everything! also he can't follow a cook book, he will mess up.
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: (if I have none in my WIPs I'll make one up on the spot!)
i want to write a fic where yuya and reiji confess to each other, post arc-v! they're both adults, and they've been longing to see and talk to each other about these feelings.
angsty but full of love, i want reiji to be terrified of love. he's worried about messing everything up. and yuya is afraid of losing a friend.
Something that makes me think of them: (a song, a character in another fandom, an animal, anything)
anytime i see a colorful jester i think of yuya, i'm trying to think of a song that reminds me of him... but i can't rn. like god, it was on my mind BUT THEN IT SLIPPED I'M SO MAD AUGHHHHH!!! my joyous boy, god i love him.
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icharchivist · 10 months
I knew Sakurai voices Cloud, which is never not funny to me, man is everywhere (rip though, his own actions have greatly tainted my enjoyment of his work), but I wasnt aware Suzuken was in FF as well! Amazing. According to Google he was Zack (your cruuuuush ha ha, I am bullying you <3), so again two characters voiced by these two men who have a weird thing going on. That is objectively hilarious
*grabs your shoulders gently* you have no idea. how much this fact is haunting me.
Like i started playing gbf because a picture of Percival got my attention, but, i cannot stress enough, those two were almost the reason i got into granblue because a friend got into my DMs like "holy shit Icha you're never going to believe it."
See, the ending of Crisis Core has been something that like. actively changed the direction of my life? like i'm not even kidding it's that drastic. A friend dared me to play the ending of Crisis Core and that, if i cried, i would have to play the whole game, and at the time, i was very much thinking video games were a waste of time and everything bc of my mom's teachings (i was like 12 okay), so i scoffed and thought yeah alright. And i was such a mess because of the ending of CC my life changed drastically after that. (and considering how ff7 in particular changed my life and helped me through horrible times, this is pretty telling.)
The reason i'm bringing it up is that the ending of CC is "Zack dies trying to protect Cloud, who at this point is in a coma, and Cloud manages to crawl to Zack's body to hear his last words, while still lethargic, and Zack just manages to tell Cloud by the end that Cloud has to keep living and be his living legacy (especially to counter the fact Cloud tends to have suicidal idealization esp in the result of his grief later on)". (all of that with the knowledge Cloud is going to forget all about it bc trauma).
And it ruined my life. it genuinely ruined my life. I ended up becoming obsessed with this concept of "becoming the legacy of the person you loved, who died to protect you". "living legacy" was part of my url in the way back.
And i mention it, but, i have a Zack/Cloud playlist and one of the song in it that kills me the most is called Saturn by Sleeping At Last. It's relevant.
MY FRIEND. MY BESTIE. SWEETHEART OF MY LIFE. (who also followed me because she loved the way i talked about Cloud at the time. despite the fact she didn't know anything about ff7 back then she just loved my enthusiasm. She's still my bestie to this day).
Just one day hit me up like "Icha..... do you know that in Granblue there's a ship that fits Saturn by Sleeping at Last too? Literally a Living Legacy ship???"
I legit had my friend SUMMARIZE ALL OF WMTSB TO ME. in early 2019 before i even considered getting into gbf (i made an account in August and started playing in November of that year.)
and a few weeks later suddenly she hits me with "WAIT I DIDNT TELL YOU THEY'RE VOICED BY SAKURAI AND SUZUKEN"
And i was there. my life ruined. never fucking recovering
For the record if you didn't check the link those are the lyrics of Saturn:
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*grabs your shoulders still gently* do you realize. Do you realize the amount of psych dmg i have been taking ever since i got into granblue fantasy. The stuff that has been following me.
AND SO. "Character A is [indisposed] and Character B dies trying to protect them. When Character A wakes up they're not in the best shape, but they manage to crawl to Character B's dying corpse to hear their last words, in which they're told to keep on living and carry on the legacy of what they used to do before that". APPLIES TO BOTH THOSE DYNAMICS. DO YOU THINK I EVER RECOVERED FROM THIS.
So yeah this is like, actually a source of a whole lot of my pain reading wmtsb, and i can't bring it up all the time, but it literally follows me. I'm fucked.
Honestly very touched you managed to connect the dots on how haunting it is for me. My life is a joke.
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 11 months
For the character match up! Record of Ragnarok
I go by Mochi online usually, 😭
I like drawing, writing, reading, listening to music and singing as well, though my best ability is drawing!
I really don't like being lonely or in pure silence (which is funny bc my fav boi is Poseidon 😭), nor staying still too much. I truly hate loud noises tho, they make me very uncomfortable.
My friends always say that i have a very intense golden retriever energy, and i am a very bubbly and sociable person! Though, i can get shy a little bit too easily, it truly depends. I like to think that i am a kind person as well!
I am a disastrous bi, but i would rather be matched with male characters with RoR!
Hello Mochi! I match you with: Heracles
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As an extroverted, calm, yet determined person who enjoys voicing his opinions and beliefs, Heracles enjoys your bubbly and friendly nature to the fullest and has a habit holding long conversations with you. He is easy to talk and open up too and while he is a talker he is as much of a listener as well. Regardless of if you are God or Human he treats you with a sense of kindness and respect.
Heracles isn't much of a drawer himself but I feel he enjoys listening to your music with you and seeing your works of art. He may not have the best voice for singing as he is a bit loud though he will sing with you, even if his voice doesn't fit the rhythm of the song.
The one thing Heracles loves to do the most is to just spend quality time with you. To be honest, he's very flexible and will do just about anything with you as long as he's doing it with you. He's a big fan of pda, especially when it comes to showing others he's yours and you're his. Just because he's friendly doesn't mean he isn't prone to a bit of jealousy.
His favorite thing about you would be your hands. They're so small and soft compared to his own, because let's admit it, his hands belong to Giants. He likes holding them, kissing your palm or knuckle, amongst other things. He will try to steer you away from loud noises, though if that isn't possible with place his hands over your ears to help block out the noise and help distract you from it.
"Your hands are so small compared to mine, Mochi."
Character matchups can be found here
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