#hemo is the best
1perdekalorfer1 · 4 months
I keep discovering these old Glee cast videos I am dying watching Naya’s reaction 😭😭
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clockworkreapers · 1 month
question! you mentioned that purplebloods can be assistants to tyrians and that’s is a fairly recent thing; would an indigo/purple cusp also be eligible or would they be considered too low on the spectrum?
I did? (if I did I can’t remember where tbh that sounds too specific to single out one blood color) sure purples can, so can violets or indigos or cerulians even as low as teal. Depends what type of assistant though and what the individual trolls actual job is.
Domestics are always given to trolls lower down the spectrum and might not actually do much in the sense of interacting with Tyrians other than being servants or hive keepers.
Little bit higher up you could be in security or organization or doing more hands on things for them like styling or scheduling events.
Then if you have the background and prior knowledge for it you could be an assistant like an advisor or one that helps handles the governmental and corporate side of things. Those are usually the highest bloods since that usually is their neich in the social structure and what jobs the majority of them are already set up to do.
Either way you need the right skills and background to be able to be in a Tyrians inner circle when it comes to an actual job position under imperial. That and well you need to be loyal and actually good at your job and even then you might not be interacting with them 95% of the time, only when they need you.
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merp-blerp · 2 years
We were robbed of Brittany’s Dancing On My Own
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tuiyla · 1 year
Season 4 Brittany was unbearable.
It's like Heather came into work and kind of forgot how to play Brittany. So she just made it up and improvised and it was not the same. Her and Sam had no chemistry, every scene they had together was dead. I would hate it more but they didn't spend too much time together that season. I mean the other day I watched the scene where Brittany goes up to Kitty at the lockers and gets her to go on fondue for two and Brittany's acting was so bad. It's so hard for me to say this because I love Heather but man was she bad at her job in season 4. It actually was really confusing and made no sense because I know she can act!!
Idk if you expected me to agree with such a statement, but tbh reading the rest of your message it feels like you should have started with "season 4 Hemo was unbearable." Which I still wouldn't agree with tbh.
Obviously I'm no fan of Bram either and Heather was never the strongest actress even if she does improve over the years - and progress isn't linear so yeah maybe some of her weakest scenes are in season 4. Scene partners also matter and, well, she usually had Naya to work with. In season 4? Less so.
I'm not sure what to do with your line about improvisation because... that's who Brittany has always been? As she bot an actual storyline in Brittana her character needed to be more structured, sure, but so much of her in season 1 is either full Hemo lines or Ian Brennan being inspired by Hemo lines. And again, yeah, no fan of Bram over here but does that make Sam unbearable for you, too? Just wondering.
I personally love the Kitty scene, and is it Hemo’s best acting, probs not, but it’s not outstandingly terrible or anything. Because of the whole progress not being linear thing I would believe that she had weaker or even her weakest moments this season but I just don’t have season 4 as outstandingly bad in my memory, and I’m (ostensibly) rewatching it right now. Right not being the last half a year shhh. Even if she was noticeably that much worse in my eyes, too, I’d be tempted to cut her some slack because she was pregnant for the majority of filming. And not because of some sexist implication that pregnancy makes women crazy or worse at their jobs but just because of the myriad different things that go into literally developing a brand new life, I think she’d be forgiven for not bringing her A game the whole season.
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hs-transfusion · 4 months
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HEMO: Bronze (#A25203) TROLLTAG: combatantsArsenal [CA] SIGN: Tauraqua, Sign of the Disciplined STRIFE: riflekind MODUS: Mahjong LUNAR SWAY: Prospit MYTH. ROLE: Knight of Heart LAND: Land of War and Passion
CA: absolute VVILE WWASTE of good target practice if you WWANT my opinion
When you aren't noble enough to be given an army to lead, you just have to use your COMMUNION abilities to assemble an ARMY OF ALTERNIAN BEASTS. Unfortunately, Eridan's constant BLIND RAGE tends to weaken his psychic abilities, allowing his CAPTIVE ANIMALS to break free of their control and ATTACK HIM. You have to give him credit though, despite all his failures, he's RELENTLESS in his pursuit of glory.
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Eridan has a deep passion for HISTORICAL MILITARY FIGURES, attempting to imitate their exploits to the best of his abilities. He hones his mind via games like CHESS (LETHAL) and TRIVIA MURDER PARTY, one of Alternia's most POPULAR GAMESHOWS. He also enjoys CASUAL STROLLS ON HIS LUSUS, but he will hide this pastime with his life.
Eridan's MAHJONG Fetch Modus turns his inventory into a game of MAHJONG; in order to retrieve an item, two of its corresponding tiles must be removed from a small group of randomised piles. If the item you want ISN'T EXPOSED enough to remove? Tough.
Eridan's lusus is classified as the REINING STRIFESTALLION; a loyal horse lusus with facial hair DOUBLING AS REINS. Typically reserved for COOLER BLOODS, this majestic beast will PROTECT THEIR CHARGE WITH THEIR LIFE.
The Land of WAR AND PASSION is a craggy, WAR-TORN BATTLEFIELD (not to be confused with the ACTUAL SKAIAN BATTLEFIELD). Two warring factions of CONSORTS each vie for The Knight's affection and rescue. The denizen PEITHO also lusts for The Knight... much to Eridan's chagrin.
Eridan's ancestor is known as The WWARISON. He was a soldier eager to climb his way up through the ranks to eventually take charge of an ARMY OF HIS OWN, before he was SACRIFICED BY HIS COMMANDER and used as bait. He was killed unceremoniously.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 17 days
Hey I know this isn't on-topic for an Eridan blog but you're the best HS theorist I know <3 so do you happen to have any theories about WHY Gamzee faked god tier? I always see theories about how he could be a real god tier too, or about how he manages to be immortal even though he's not god tier, but I cannot find any discussion of WHY he bothered with that ruse in the first place!!! He didn't even fool anyone, unless we count Caliborn for like 2 secs before Hussie told him the truth, and all he got for his trouble was shot!
I think it's mostly a gag, but this is the Analyzing Homestuck blog, so: I think it's because Gamzee wants to look like an adult to impress Caliborn.
Gamzee's lusus is physically neglectful.
But you were never taught that on account of a lousy upbringing. Your custodian was always out to sea.
And several things stem from that neglect - the first, his indoctrination into the Clown Cult, the second, his extensive and all-encompassing drug usage, and the third, his poor social skills, which leave him ostracized by his teammates.
Let's first take a look at what, exactly, that religion entails:
You belong to a RATHER OBSCURE CULT, which foretells of a BAND OF ROWDY AND CAPRICIOUS MINSTRELS which will rise one day on a MYTHICAL PARADISE PLANET that does not exist yet. The beliefs of this cult are SOMEWHAT FROWNED UPON by those dwelling in more common lawnrings.
TC: I PeEpEd oN A PlAcE Of 6 tRiLlIoN HeMoS TC: AlL Up aT OnE RoCk, BlEeDiNg aS EqUaLs TC: It's eAsY To sEe iF YoU SeArCh aLl yOuR FeElInS TC: ThAt pEaCe hApPeNs fIrSt, AnD MuRdEr's tHe sEqUeL TC: It's tHe bEaUtY Of tHe cArNiVaL, tHe mAgIc's iN TeNtS
TC: all my life i believed at a fuckin paradise to come what held the most baller, darkest of carnivals to join. TC: AND A PROPHECY TC: to tell all about a band of rowdy and capricious minstrels steeped in the good harshwhimsy. TC: THE MIRTHFUL MESSIAHS WERE FORETOLD TO BE CRASHING THAT FUCKING PIE STAND AND BRING THE HOLY RUCKUS. TC: like a giddy fuckin ninja one wheeling head long at the hugest fuckin horn heap shangri la's got to see. TC: I'M TALKING ABOUT THE VAST HONK, YOU BLASPHEMOUS MOTHERFUCKER. TC: what i believed in it to be was so beautiful, us and them all mellowing in tents, bumpin sounds, tossing back the faygo and soaking the miracles up our faith sponges, while the special stardust rained down at our elixir sticky faces, like a bunch a fuckin fairy powder from religion space. TC: IT WAS GOING TO BE US AND MOTHER FUCKING THEM. TC: them and mother fuckin us. :o(
In essence: Gamzee's cult believes that there will be a Vast Honk, which will kill all trolls; however, "a band of rowdy and capricious minstrels" will usher in/create a new paradaisical planet of nothing but good vibes and chill times, where the "mirthful messiahs" will get to enjoy eternity.
There's pretty clear parallels here to the Christian concept of the Rapture, which fits in with the Garden of Eden/Original Sin themes of the Dancestors and the Second Coming thing Karkat's got going on. But, more importantly, it's also pretty directly just... what SGRUB/SBURB are all about. Their original population all dies, but a bunch of kids band together to create a new universe, with new planets, where theoretically live out the rest of their godhood in peace and happiness.
Were it not for the casteist influences as a result of being a cult largely followed by highbloods, there'd pretty much be nothing inherently objectionable about Gamzee's belief system - it's fundamentally hopeful, and, in fact, when he raps about it to Tavros, part of it is outright about "equalizing" the hemocaste (they all bleed as equals, see). Tavros agrees:
Next, we'll look at the sopor usage and ostracization together, because I think they're interlinked. People on Gamzee's team are friggin' mean to him.
CG: MIRACLES ARE LIKE POOP STAINS ON GOD'S UNDERWEAR. TA: eheheh makiing fun of people2 reliigiion2 i2 the be2t thiing two do.
CT: D --> What you do appear to know is e%actly how to ma%imize my livid contempt for you CT: D --> With your revolting language and your sense of decorum CT: D --> At such breathtaking odds with the richness and perfe%ion of your b100d CT: D --> I just hate you so much
CA: that is the wworst fuckin advvice CA: wwhat an awwful thing a you to say CA: MAGIC ISNT REAL STUPID STOP BELIEVVIN IN IT
On the whole, the team treats him as the party joke, if not outright worthy of derision. The one person on his team who IS nice to him, Tavros, ghosts him after Gamzee is too forward and asks to make out with him. He's deeply lonely, and what's more, his introductory narration is littered with pessimism.
You'll be doing one thing then something else hits you just like that and you roll with it. That's what you do when life hands you lemons. You sure as fuck don't make lemonade because who the fuck knows where that fuckin' shit comes from?
Someone is bugging you. This is exciting. You're always down for shooting the wicked shit with anyone that who'll put up with you.
That last one makes it clear that Gamzee is also aware of how much people on the team don't like him.
I'm also of the opinion that "Soft Gamzee" was always fake and never existed, which is outright stated by Hussie from the book:
The best explanation for why Gamzee says he's scared of Vriska, in my opinion, is this: he's flat-put lying. It's a good way for him to maintain his cover as 'Soft Gamzee.' It also provides some ammunition for those who, against all sense of good taste and judgment, want to continue to believe and assert that Gamzee is a decent guy with sensitive emotions and vulnerabilities before he undergoes his Muderstuck awakening. He was none of those things, ever.
But there's evidence for this - Gamzee has actually always been kind of casteist:
He's trying to be affectionately so here, but given Tavros's "whoa, haha," reaction, it seems like it's still a pretty out-of-pocket thing to say. Especially in light of GamRezi, it's pretty easy to read him as making passive-aggressive digs to Terezi here:
TC: I'm OuTsIdE kEePiNg An EyE oUt HeRe FoR tHe OlD gOaT. TC: yOu KnOw HoW iT iS wItH fAmIlY. GC: NO, NOT R34LLY! GC: 4DURRRR DURR DURP TC: Oh YeAh...
TC: hAvE yOu EvEr EvEn SeEn ThE oCeAn? TC: oR i MeAn SmElLeD iT... TC: SoRrY. GC: >:[
His reaction to Eridan is also "indulge emotional theatrics," but depending on whether you believe Eridan killed his lusus, it's debatably justified. I'm just going to mention that that's also there.
His constant assertion that Karkat is his best friend, which isn't reciprocated until after murderstuck, also kind of reads as a palecrush to me. This is supported by the fact that Nepeta has always had pale GamKat on her shipping wall - which I believe is more representative of how people feel and what they want than whether a romantic pairing is viable, as part of her Heart (and NOT Blood) powers.
He won't stop referring to Karkat as his best friend, really awkwardly changes the topic when the conversation has led to him having to acknowledge that Karkat is closer to Sollux (whom Karkat calls his best friend):
TC: yEaH mAyBe BuT hE's YoUr BeSt FrIeNd ThOuGh So It'S aLl CoOl. TC: AnYwAy I tHoUgHt ThIs SoUnDeD lIkE a PrEtTy BiG mOtHeRfUcKiN dEaL mY mAn. TC: aAaUuUhHh... CG: WHAT. TC: Aw BrO nEvErMiNd, I jUsT fUcKiN dId LiKe To ScArE tHe ShIt OuTtA mYsElF hErE. TC: tHeSe DaMn HoRnS.
(Sidebar about the usage of "best friend," Karkat pretty much outright says he's unreliable when it comes to who his best friend is at any given moment LOL - he spends pre-murderstuck insisting Sollux is HIS best friend. King of mixed signals.)
If we take Hussie's statement that Gamzee lied when he chased Vriska (whom he doesn't like) away from his horn pile -
GAMZEE: VrIsKa hEy yOu wAnT To uH… VRISKA: What? GAMZEE: ShIt, I WaS AlL GoInG To aSk iF YoU WaNtEd tO HoP In tHe hOrN PiLe fOr a bIt oF MoThErFuCkIn sHuTeYe, BuT… GAMZEE: I DoN'T ThInK I WiLl cAuSe i'm pReTtY MuCh sCaReD Of yOu, SoyEaH. VRISKA: Aww. ::::)
Then it stands to reason he's also lying about being scared of Jack so he can prevent Eridan from providing Karkat with emotional support:
CA: this is a lot a pointless fuckin rubbish and isnt no emotional help to him or me either for that matter CA: put kar on TC: UuUuH, i cAn't rEaLlY ThInK AbOuT InTeRvEnInG, tHe bLaCk fRoWnInG MoThErFuCkEr kInDa sCaReS Me
So, personally, signs point to Gamzee always having been a lot shiftier and meaner than he let on.
Naturally, that begs the question of why he's pretending to be nicer and higher than he actually is (not that he isn't high, but he's definitely more cognizant of what's going on than people both in- and out-of-universe give him credit for). Well, the answer to that is pretty simple: it's because he loves his friends and wants to get along with them.
You like to chat a lot with your pal Karkat, who is usually pretty cranky, but he is your BEST FRIEND. You have a lot of OTHER GREAT FRIENDS who you also like a lot.
Gamzee's story pre-murderstuck is a pretty tragic one about a kid who never got to learn proper socialization and has whacked-out religious beliefs, whose neglect from his lusus has left him with deep loneliness, who desperately wants to fit in with his friends, especially the lowbloods, and therefore feels the need to hide how pessimistic and angry he actually is under the guise of drug usage and not retaliating against the constant digs they make at him.
I also feel like I have to specify that Gamzee was already a pretty angry, mean, troubled kid prior to Murderstuck, because it helps to clarify his actions after being influenced by Lil' Cal. The nonlinear nature of the story kind of confuses the sequence of events, but it seems to be as follows:
Dave blasphemes against Gamzee's religion so hard that Gamzee has a total crisis of faith.
Gamzee has a breakdown and gets so pissed off that he oopsie-daisy'd a jester puppet into John's room on Prospit.
Gamzee, with his faith lost ("and now i don't know what to think about the spiritual fantasies i had"), Tavros dead, and thus in a very emotionally fragile state, is contacted by Doc Scratch and given instructions (likely to kill his friends and paint his wicked pictures in their blood). At some point during this, he falls under Lil' Cal's influence, too. As every person we've seen under LE's sway has very compelling, natural reasons for acting the way they do, I think it's better to see Lil' Cal's influence as influence and not mind control. It brings out the worst in its victims, but only what was already there.
This seems to give Gamzee a new belief system to replace/supplement the old.
TC: i've been kicking the wicked ignorance on this shit. TC: BEEN MOTHERFUCKIN SLAUGHTERING THE WICKED IGNORANCE, BRO. TC: all up in lifelong denial about my calling. TC: AS A DESCENDANT OF THE HIGH MOTHERFUCKIN SUBJUGGLATORS. TC: we are higher than you, brother. TC: WE ARE HIGHER THAN MOTHERFUCKIN EVERYBODY. TC: honk. CG: GAMZEE CG: PLEASE NO TC: and now i'm the last one, so i finally motherfuckin understand. TC: I FINALLY GOT MY MOTHERFUCKING UNDERSTAND ON TO WHO THE MIRTHFUL MESSIAHS ARE. TC: they were always both me. :o) TC: AND ALSO MOTHERFUCKING ME. Do:
Remember, his original belief system actually emphasized equalizing the castes - in death, anyway. It also never specified that the Mirthful Messiahs would be specifically highbloods. The hint that Gamzee had internalized casteism was always there, but now that his belief system has been supplanted by this new one, delivered by Doc Scratch (the story's Devil figure), his casteism becomes full-blown:
GAMZEE: heheh. GAMZEE: CHECK IT THE MOTHERFUCK OUT. GAMZEE: it's the peasantblood. GAMZEE: HEH HEH. GAMZEE: fuckin heh. EQUIUS: D --> Peasantb100d EQUIUS: D --> Is that a joke GAMZEE: if your blood. GAMZEE: IS A RUNNING MOTHERFUCKING GAG. GAMZEE: then soon. GAMZEE: IT WILL BE RUNNING. GAMZEE: through my motherfucking fingers.
Basically, the religious boy had a crisis of faith and was tempted by the Devil into becoming his servant - into desiring utter oblivion for everyone except his own continued existence within the one doing the destroying, rather than a paradise of love, friendship, and hope. And this new faith is what carries Gamzee through to the end of the comic:
So where does that bring us WRT the fake god-tier ensemble? Well, god-tiering in general is kind of a metaphor for becoming an adult - SGRUB/SBURB sets out for its player a quest directly tied into their maturation into adults, and god-tiering is (normally) supposed to sit right at the end of that questline, a semi-permanent state achieved at the end of adolescence. Characters who DO manage to god-tier without having naturally reached that point in their questline, especially Vriska, Dave, and Rose, have struggles that deal directly with "growing up too fast" - Vriska with the expectation that she be a vicious murderer, Dave with having never addressed his trauma and abuse, and Rose with having missed out on a loving relationship with her mother because she insisted on being more mature than her.
Gamzee's relationship to Caliborn is that of a parent:
ARANEA: It is just as well that cheru8 parents a8andon their offspring. Raising such a child 8y the familial standards of any race would 8e a monumental challenge. ARANEA: Nevertheless, it would seem there were those who tried. ARANEA: Details in my research suggest our villain had a num8er of acolytes oper8ting in the shadows, preparing for his arrival.
Kurloz also directly states that Gamzee's role in their religion is to serve and mentor their young lord:
And even beyond the religion aspect, Gamzee would take this job mother fucking seriously...
... Because his own parent failed him. See, we tie it all back to the beginning! Gamzee putting together a shitty fake god tier outfit is because he wants to be a good parent to Caliborn, an adult figure he never had in his own life, and god tiering is symbolic of that. And I think the saddest part is, he still didn't really manage to do that... because, perpetuating the neglect he faced from his own lusus, he wound up locking the two in a room and leaving them alone - possibly out of exasperation.
ARANEA: We will pro8a8ly never know who these scurrilous conspir8tors were. 8ut it is evident that at some point the cheru8 was locked in a room, either out of exasper8tion, or for its own good, until it was old enough to enter the session.
Like, I feel kind of bad for Gamzee, y'know? Especially since, alongside Eridan, he's one of the trolls the fandom seems to understand the least, and his story is also one of being failed by his family, society, and friends. This winds up turning him towards the worst parts of himself - the religious fundamentalism, the casteism, the emotional isolation - and away from the good - the fact that he loved his mother fucking friends, enough to wish upon them eternal paradise.
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adrienneleclerc · 2 months
Hello! I don't know if you accept requests but Henry eating for the first time esquites/chaskas/elote in a glass, whatever they tell him in your country because in mine they are called chaskas 😭😭
In Mexico, it’s esquites if it’s in a cup and of course elote if it’s on the cob. I do accept requests! Helps with la falta de imaginación
Something New
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Henry meets Y/N’s parents for the first time and tries traditional Mexican food.
Warning: no translated Spanish, spelling and grammatical errors,
A/N: Im gonna input my childhood, obviously.
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Y/N was making lunch her and Henry when she got a phone call.
“Bueno?” Y/N asked, adding pasta into the boiling water.
“Hola hija! Cómo estás?” Her mom asked on the other line. Y/N walks away from the stove.
“Mami, estoy bien, y tú? Por qué me estás llamando?” Y/N asked, walking to the living room and swatted Henry’s shoulder, he looked back confused.
“Estoy bien, hija, gracias por preguntar.” Y/N put her mom on speaker. “Como pascua es este domingo, quiero que vengas con tu noviecito, han estado saliendo por un rato y no le hemos conocido ni nada.” Y/N’s mom said and Y/N’s eyes widened, now Henry was concerned, he might not know a lot of Spanish, but he could tell by his girlfriend’s face, this wasn’t the best news.
“Si mami, claro que voy con mi novio, de verdad quiero que se conozcan.” Y/N said.
“Que bueno, Los veo mañana, chao.” Her mom hung up and Y/N facepalmed her forehead.
“I understood about 20% of that, what’s going on?” Henry asked.
“Fortachón, you’ve got your wish, You’re meeting my parents tomorrow.” Y/N said and Henry’s eyes look,Ike they’re going to pop out of his head.
“Tomorrow? I am not prepared!” Henry exclaimed.
“Well tomorrow is Easter and my mom wants to meet you so…yeah. Knowing her, we’ll have a lot of tias and tíos, some primos already have kids so get ready for Superman questions, fortachón.” Y/N said, patting his shoulder before going back to the kitchen.
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Now it was Easter, Henry and Y/N were at her mom’s door, Henry carrying the Mexican rice Y/N made. Y/N rang the doorbell again, the door opened and she was greeted by her cousin Ignacio.
“Nacho! Cómo estás?” Y/N hugged her cousin and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Estoy bien prima, Miguelito esta jugando allá fuera. Pásale, pásale, nice to meet you Henry.” Nacho said, shaking Henry’s free hand, leading them through the house and into the backyard. “Put the rice on the table, mi papá ya está preparando los elotes.”
“Ooh, i haven’t had elotes in a while.” Y/N said.
“What’s elote?” Henry asked.
“You haven’t been making Your gringo any Mexican food? What kind of girlfriend are you?” Nacho said and Y/N swatted his arm.
“I make him Mexican food…he likes tacos, bistec empanado con sopita, quesadillas de papa.” Y/N said.
“Don’t worry, hermano, You’re going to eat really well here.” Nacho puts his arm around Henry’s shoulder as best as he could since Henry is obviously taller than him. Y/N says hello to everyone, introducing them to Henry.
“Okay, primer elote está listo, quien lo quiere?” Nacho’s dad, Hernando, asked. Nacho quickly got up for the elote.
“Okay so elote is corn topped with mayonnaise, cheese, and chili power. It’s really good (I haven’t eaten in, I don’t like corn), you’ll like it.” Y/N said. Henry was sat at the table while Y/N made him a plate of food. “I served you sopes which is tortilla topped with refried black beans, queso cotija, and lettuce because the salas is probably too spicy for you, your elote, a tostado which is the same as a sope but it’s a crunchy tortilla, and tostadas de pulpo because they’re my favorite.”
Henry looked at the plate in front of him. “This is a lot of food, love.”
“Yes but think of it this way, if you don’t like it, I’ll eat it, and very happily too.” Y/N said, kissing him. Henry took a bite of the octopus tostada.
“This is really good.” Henry finished that tostada, moved on to the regular tostada, then the sope, adding a bit of salsa. Then to the elote, best for last. He took a bite, some corn falling off the cob, mayonnaise on the corner of his mouth along with pieces of queso cotija and chili powder. “I think elotes might be my favorite, it’s delicious, muchas gracias, Hernando.”
“No es nada, güerito.” Hernando said, making another 2 elotes for Henry to eat.
“I take it this means I have to make more Mexican food in the house?” Y/N asks.
“Oh absolutely, I’m going to have to work out even more to burn off these calories.” Henry said, kissing Y/N with his mouth tasting like elote.
The End
I know it’s short but I hope you like it! Feel free to request more ideas
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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spidybaby · 1 year
Begin Again | part one
Summary: Secrets can't be held forever. Specifically, not the one you keep from him.
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: The dividers I'm using are from @cafekitsune All credits to them ❤️✨️
Part two
December 2025
"No, Pedro! No puedo calmarme, estas bromeando?" (No Pedro, I can't calm down, are you joking?) You were shouting at this point. "Estas bromeando?" You repeat.
"¡No! Joder, no estoy bromeando!" (No, Fuck, I'm not joking) his tone elevates as much as yours.
You cover your face with your hands, feeling the tears wetting them.
"Cuatro putos años, Pedro." (Four fucking years, Pedro.) You shout again. "No me vengas a decir estupideces, anoche me hablabas de casarnos y hoy te dio por olvidar todo eso?" (Don't fuck with me, yesterday we were talking about marriage and today you forgot about all of that?) You couldn't believe his words. "Me estas jodiendo, dime por favor que me estas jodiendo" (you're joking, please tell me you're joking).
He stayed silent, time passing as you only waited for him to start laughing and tell you he was pranking you.
"Amor," you took his face in your hands. "Por favor no hagas esto, tu y yo podemos con todo, lo hemos hecho siempre, Pedro, por favor" (Please don't do this, you and I will get over everything, we've done it before).
You were begging him in denial of the situation.
"Pepi, por favor."
His eyes were fixed on something. He was trying as hard as possible not to look at you. He knew if he did everything he just told you, it was going to be taken back.
He press his hands on your wrists and slowly took your hands away from his face.
"Lo siento," he whisper "lo siento pero no puedo." (I'm sorry I can't).
He let go of you, not looking once at your. Took his jacket and keys and walked to the front door. "Por favor, ve a Portofino, no lo dejes ir por mi, no valgo la pena. Haz tu vida y déjame atrás." (Please go to Portofino, don't let that go because of me, I'm not worthy. Live your own life and leave me behind).
You saw his car getting away from your house.
The tears never stopped. Your body was now on the floor, crying louder than before, the pain I your chest was growing stronger by the minute.
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January 2026
"Bueno niña, todo listo y ordenado. Amo la vista por cierto." (Okay, girl, everything is done and ready. I love this view, by the way). Your brother Paulo says he's the one helping you with the moving.
You got an offer to be part of this big company in Portofino.
"Venga, cambia la cara, todo estará bien, me tienes a mi acá y Elena prometió venir a verte cada dos semanas, estas bien" (c'mon, don't act like that, everything will be fine, you have me here and Elena will visit you every two weeks). He pat you in the back, forcing you into a hug.
You accept the forced hug but only for a moment, after that you shove your brother away from you.
"Debería estar feliz." You say walking to the couch. "Pero no puedo estar feliz, Paulo. No sin él." (I should be happy, but I can't Pualo, not without him).
Your eyes water, you have everything you wanted, a big start, the job of your dreams, everything but him.
"No llores, por favor no de nuevo." Paulo runs to your side, hugging you while you cry. "Venga, vamos a dar una vuelta y tomar algunas fotos." (Don't cry, please not again. C'mon, let's go out and about and get you some good photos).
He dried your tears and pulled you out of the couch. Grabbing your purse on the way out to his car, you took out your phone and snapped a picture, sending it to Elena, your best friend.
Paulo took you to a rental of motorcycles, knowing you loved driving one around everytime you visited him.
You two spend the rest of the day laughing and having all the fun you could. You appreciate your brother help. He knew you needed to move on at your own time. A four year relationship was not a thing you left behind in a day.
"Para, deja te tomó una foto para tu insta" he indicates you how to pose for the picture, taking several. (Stop right there. Let me take a photo for your insta).
"Basta, ya son, suficiente," you laugh, getting off the motorcycle. "Igual solo subiré una." (Enough, they're enough, I'll only post one).
You both cheeked the pictures, and he airdrop them to you.
"Subí la foto y pone algo como "amando los nuevos comienzos", no crees?" (Post it and caption it with something like "I love new beginnings).
You laugh but did it.
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(Sorry if the picture doesn't adapt to your features. I just use it as inspo. Also this is not portofino but imagine it is, love you)
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February 2026
"Elena, apúrate por favor." You say as you touch up your makeup. (Elena, hurry up, please).
You were going to be her +1 at this event in London, Elena was became an influencer way back in the day when you were eighteen, she started posting for fun and suddenly it became a full time job.
A good one, she was always invited to fashion shows, she even did modeling campaigns for big brands. You were happy and thankful because you could borrow some trendi clothes.
"Relax, bebé" she says, coming out of the bathroom. "Tenemos aún como una hora para llegar, bájale" (we have an hour to get there, relax).
"Elena, ya viste la hora?" You say, looking at her with lifted eyebrows. (Did you see the time?).
She looks at her phone, eyes opening as you laugh.
"Okay, vamos c'mon, vamos todos al show, vamos a la obra en una sola maniobra." she sings the Dora the Explorer song, and you only laugh at her.
You make your way to the venue. It was this big event for Dior. They're showing their new makeup line and invite different type of social media presence.
The event was amazing. The Dior team was amazing and made everyone feel welcome. They even gave you a little souvenir.
You left a little earlier because Elena was done for the day, not feeling like socializing with other people but not wanting to be rude.
"Te sientes bien? Estás algo pálida, " Elena says, looking at you carefully. "Queres agua?" (Are you okay? You look pale, do you want some water?).
You were feeling kind of dizzy, but you didn't want to ruin the day with that.
"Toy' bien," you say, drinking from the bottle she opened for you. "Maybe it's the day being too hot." (I'm fine, maybe it's because of the weather, it's too hot).
She only nodded, leaving the conversation for later.
The car ride was rough. You felt to hot, too dizzy and too uncomfortable. But didn't say a word.
As Elena's driver parked in front of the hotel, she was the first to go out. "Sabes que quiero, un carpaccio de salmón." (I want some salmon carpaccio).
She was paying attention to her phone and didn't notice how you were struggling to even hold yourself on the car door.
The last thing you remember was Elena shouting your name and feeling a harsh pain in your head.
Waking up to a painful white light and with a headache was not the ideal thing.
"Ay Paulo, esta despertando." You can hear Elena's voice. (She's waking up).
"Paulo?" Is all you can ask, barely opening your eyes due to the light.
Elena noticed this and turned the switch off.
"Ya esta, relájate." She pushed you back on the bed. "Te golpeaste la cabeza, me asustaste." (It's okay, relax. You hit your head, you scared me).
"Joder, no sé que pasó." Your head is still pounding. "Dónde estamos?" (Fuck, I don't know what happened. Where are we?).
"En el hospital, lista." She says with that obvious tone. "Me diste el susto de mi vida." (At the hospital, dingbat. You scare the shit out of me).
"Paulo, donde esta mi hermano?" You ask remembering about hearing his name. (Where's my brother?).
"En portofino, lo llamé porque el hospital por protocolo lo debe llamar al ser tu contacto de emergencia." (In Portofino, I called him because the hospital did it).
You slowly nodded. Your eyes are open now, but you are still feeling a deep pain.
"No entiendo que paso, estabas bien al salir del evento." Elena was playing the whole event and day with you, trying to find an answer for your pass out. "Tal vez se te bajo el azúcar, esta horrible el calor afuera." (I don't know what happened. You were fine at the event. Maybe your sugar went low. It's pretty hot outside.)
Lucky for you, a doctor walked into the room, making her stop.
"Hi ladies, how are we feeling."
"How do you think?" Elena says and points at you.
"Well, I think that apart from the head, which you don't have any contusion, everything seems fine."
"But, this is not fine." Elena talks again, making the doctor laugh.
"Relax, please." He patts her shoulder. "Her iron went low. It's completely normal, with the weather being hell hot, it's nothing to worry about, I promise."
She nods, smiling shyly.
"And even better news for you miss." He's not talking to you. "You're very healthy, it's good. Let me call a nurse to make sure your little one is also fine."
Your head snaps up very fast. "What did you just say?"
"Oh, don't worry, it's a routine thing, we have to make sure mommy and baby are both fine before letting you leave."
You felt like passing out again. "Mommy and baby? You must have the wrong room, I'm not expecting." You're sitting now, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of your headache. "Elena, please tell him."
Elena is as shaken as you're. Being speechless was not a thing in her books, always having something to say at the right time.
"I" she tried but nothing is coming.
"Oh, okay. My bad, " the doctor began seeing your shock. "I didn't meant for you to find out like that, I'm sorry. I'll call the nurse and we can check."
"No!" You snapped. "You need to do another test or whatever I'm not pregnant, I can't be."
The air was reducing around you, feeling a pressure on your chest.
"Wow, no, ma'am, please, let's breathe slowly, I didn't mean for this, sorry." The poor doctor is now in alert mode.
"You, friend, please go out and call a nurse."
Elena does as she's told and goes out of the room.
"No, por favor," you're hyperventilating. "The tests are wrong. Run them again."
The doctor tries everything to calm you down, working a little bit.
Elena and a nurse enter the room. The woman has a machine with her.
"Venga, respira profundamente." Elena is calming you down now. The doctor focuses his attention on the machine.
"Can you open your dress for us, love?" The lovely nurse says. "Just a little on your tummy area will be fine."
Elena helps you with that. Thank goodness your dress was a corset type, and you could undone it upfront.
You calmed a little, the crying stopped, but your breathing still irregular.
"This is going to be cold, okay?" You nod at her words. "Okay, let's see here."
The gel was indeed cold, nothing too crazy for you to handle.
She's pressing the ultrasound thing on your stomach. Yours and Elena's eyes are fixed on the little screen.
"Here it is." She points. "Here's baby."
She's smiling, but you're not, mind blank.
"What about?" Elena starts, out of breath. "What about the heartbeat? Can we hear it?"
Pressing a button was enough for you to hear the little boom boom.
Your eyes water, you let yourself fall onto the hospital bed.
"Stop it." You cry. "Make it stop, please."
"Amiga" Elena tries but you're not having it.
"No, Elena! Stop it, please."
The nurse and doctor look at each other, and she cleans the gel off of you.
"Él tenía que estar aquí, conmigo." You can't stop your tears. "Yo no tendría porque estar sola, se suponia que ambos íbamos a enterarnos juntos, ambos íbamos a planear la sorpresa a los demás, ambos íbamos a hacerlo juntos" (He was supposed to be here with me, I'm not supposed to be here alone, we were supposed to find out together, we were going to plain the announcement, we were doing all of this together).
Elena's eyes are teary. She knows what you mean. She knows your pain.
"Me quiero ir, sácame de acá" (I want to go, take me out of here).
"Can we go?" Elena ask the nurse, who's at this point kind of scared to even talk.
The doctor gives her some indications for you to follow as well as a recipe for prenatal vitamins. Indicating her how to take them.
They both left, saying goodbye to you.
After calming down a little, still very shaken with the news.
Elena helps you as you make your way out of the hospital.
The silence was uncomfortable. You didn't know what to say, and she didn't want to trigger your cries again.
The only thing in your mind is him and all the what ifs.
"Vas a decirle?" Elena broke the silence. (You're telling him?).
You didn't even know your next step, afraid of everything. You only responded by moving your shoulders.
"Sabes que estoy aquí para ti, verdad?" (You know I'm here for you, right?).
You only nod. Just wishing you could wake up for this nightmare.
Lucky you, the driver pull up to the hotel. You exit the car as fast as possible, ignoring Elena calling your name.
You run to the elevator, not waiting for her, just wanting to dissappear on your room. Thankfully, you and Elena had separate rooms.
You slammed the door as you entered, throwing yourself in bed.
After a good hour or so without moving, just existing in bed, you grabbed your phone. Making the mistake of opening Twitter.
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You stared at the screen, feeling empty.
Two months.
In two months he replaced you.
After all the "you're irreplaceable."
After four years.
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August 2026
"Venga, que parece que cada que te veo estas más grande." Paulo and you are sitting on his couch, his hand on your belly. (C'mon, it looks like every time I see you, you're bigger).
"Paulo," you laugh. "Eso es porque cada vez va creciendo más. Duh." (That's because it's growing constantly).
He laughs as well.
Paulo got so excited when you told him the news.
He loves kids. He's the type of guy who you'll fall in love with just looking at him with a kid.
"El big boy esta cada vez más grande, eso me encanta." (Big boy is getting bigger by the day, I love it.)
"Big boy," you repeat, laughing. "Mami dice que no le gusta que le digas así." (Mom said she doesn't like it when you call him like that).
"A mi me gusta decirle así." (I like calling him that). You caress your belly. "Big boy."
You were thankful for all the support your family gives you.
They didn't judge you or repremend you when you told them the news. Your parents were excited, taking the first flight to Portofino, your brother cried, he was happy to be an uncle.
They even supported your decision of not telling Pedro about the pregnancy.
After the picture of him and that girl, you decided that if he had already moved on with his life, that was okay, but you were moving too, without him.
You blocked all the people from Tenerife and cut ties with all his friends from Barcelona. You even blocked his family from everything. Your brother did the same in support.
Your parents weren't posting or mentioning anything about your baby, not wanting to mention something to the wrong person, and have Pedro and his family find out.
"Te gusta esta foto?" Me la tomé el otro día y Elena quiere que la suba." (Do you like this picture? I took it the other day, and Elena is nagging me to post it). You showed him the picture.
He nods and motivate you to post it too.
So you did.
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"Harás una sesión de fotos como mamá te sugirió?" (Are you doing a maternity photoshoot like mom asked you to?)
"No sé, creo que si." (I don't know, I think so).
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August 2026
"Dame una sonrisa, mami." The photographer says.
Elena, your mom and you were at Mike Peralta, a big photographer. You mom wanted the best of the best for your maternity shoot.
After a while, you're done with the photos, kind of tired. Being seven months pregnant was making you tired all day.
"Oh mi amor, estas fotos están preciosas," your mom says as Mike shows her the photos. (Oh baby, this pictures are adorable).
You change into the clothes you bring.
Elena, as well as your mother, loved your photos.
"Hola a todos." (Hello, everyone).
A very happy and excited Paulo enters the room with different drinks.
"Un chai latte para Lena, una americano para mamá, un té sin azúcar para Mike, un frappe caramelo para mi y un frappe matcha para ti y para mi big boy." (A chai latte for Lena, a Black Americano for mamá, a tea without sugar for Mike, a Caramel Frappe for me and a matcha frappe for you and big boy). He says, giving each person their drink.
When he gets to you, he kisses your belly as he hands you the drink.
"Paulo, amor mío, ven a ver las fotos." (Paulo, my love, come see the pictures). Your mom dragged him to the computer.
After your mom paid, not letting you do it, you all went back to the house you have in Portugal.
You were thankful for all the opportunities your parents gave you. They worked really hard for you and Paulo to have a nice future.
Something that always made you laugh was that Pedro's fan girls used to say you were a gold digger. Even when you grew up with more money than him.
Having that stability helped you get away from him. Not having to get back to Tenerife to do all the things you were doing.
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September 2026
"No puedo creer que este año tenga que ir sola a celebrar mi cumpleaños" (I can't believe that this year I have to celebrate my birthday alone). Elena says, after her birthday dinner, you were in Manchester, she wanted to celebrate there.
You were sad too, it was the first time in all your friendship you didn't celebrate together.
"Tomemos una foto, antes de que te vayas." (Let's take a picture before you leave).
"Estoy bien hinchada, le haces photoshop." (I'm so bloated, photoshop it).
You laugh extra hard.
"Lena, créeme que la única barriga que van a ver es la mía." (The only belly people will see is mine, trust me).
"Okay." She giggle as pose with you in front of the mirror.
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Elena left for her party.
She was going to a new club that her boyfriend owned.
She loved parties, and her boyfriend had the perfect places for her to party.
As the night went, she wanted to take some pictures with her whole group. But before anything, she was going to retouch her makeup.
Making her way to the bathroom, she hit someone. Making that person throw the drink in their hand.
"Omg, I'm so sorry." She turned at one table stealing their napkins.
Her eyes found that person eyes.
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lopeirce · 9 months
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best of brittany pierce [Fun fact: According to Jenna and Kevin, this line was an ad lib by Hemo.]
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pablogavisgirl · 1 year
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Broken Love
read part five ➸ here
"Te amo." Gavi blurrted out. (I love you.)
"Que?" (What?) You were well aware, of what he said. Two months ago you would have been over the moon to hear those words come out of his mouth, but now you felt nothing.
You felt numb, staring at his eyes. The same eyes that once gave you butterflies, now made you feel nothing.
"Te amo." (I love you.)
"Para." You said. (Stop.)
"No, Y/n, Te amo, y sí, me llevó mucho tiempo darme cuenta, pero cuando vi esas fotos tuyas y de Pedri-" (No, Y/n, I love you and it took me a long time to realize it, but when I saw the pictures of you and Pedri-)
"Que? ¿Qué fotos?" You asked.
"Las fotos de los dos en la playa". (The photos of you two on the beach) He replied, "No se mostró tu cara, pero vamos, hemos sido mejores amigos desde que nací, sé cómo te ves, sabía que eras tú cuando vi las fotos". (Your face wasn't shown but come on we've been best friends since birth I know what you look like I knew it was you when I saw the pictures.)
"Y joder, me dolió, porque te amo y siento haber tardado tanto en darme cuenta, pero.-" (And fuck, didnit hurt, because I love you and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize but-.)
"Pablo, Por favor, para". (Pablo please stop.) You whispered, "Si solo dices esto por celos, no es agradable". (If you're just saying this because you're jealous, its not nice.) you whispered.
"Lo digo porque es la verdad". (I'm saying this, because its the truth.) He said grabbing your hands guiding you inside your apartment, closing the door behind him.
"No." You choked out sinking into your couch. "No."
"Si, te amo, por favor mirame". He pulled you closer, trying to get you to look up at him.
"Estás siendo malo, Pablo, no juegas con los sentimientos de la gente". (You're being mean, stop Pablo, you don't play with people's feelings.)
"Dijiste que no me amaba, dijiste que solo somos amigos, dejaste de tratar de contactarme, te rendiste". (You said you didn't love me, you said we we're only friends, you stopped trying to reach me you gave up.)You began to ramble all your surpressed feelings coming out.
"Me di por vencido porque no estabas respondiendo a ninguna de mis llamadas o mensajes, no abriste la puerta cuando llamé, pero eso no significa que no te ame, nena por favor, dime que aun mi amas." He begged, his voice slightly cracking. ("I gave up because you weren't answering any of my calls or messages you didn't open the door when I knocked, but that doesn't mean I don't love you. Please tell me you still love me.)
"Pablo te tengo que decir algo..." (Pablo...i have to tell you something...)You whispered not daring to look at him in the eyes. You couldn't look at his face when you broke it to him.
"¡Chica, tienes que empezar a cerrar la puerta con llave! Nunca se sabe quién podría entrar, siento haber tardado tanto, ¡pero bueno, traje pizza!" Isabella's voice ringing throught the apartment. ("Girl you have to start locking your door! You never know who could come in, sorry I took so long but hey I brought pizza!")
"¡Chica! ¿Onta-" Isabella's words stopped as she entered the living room, staring at both you and Gavi.
"Oh, lo siento, no sabía que ibas a hablar con él hoy" She said, slowly backing away an awkward smile plastered on her face. (Oh i'm sorry I didn't known you were going to talk to him today.)
"¿Quieres la pizza?" (Do you want the Pizza?) She said trying to difuse the tension,
"¿Qué? Puedes cortar la tensión con un cuchillo, pero si no quieres la pizza, me la llevo" She laughed. (What? You can cut the tension with a knife, but if you don't want it I'll take it)
"Isabella." You said giving her a stern look, that now was not the time for jokes.
"Ok, vale, sé que cuando no me quieran me iré , y estoy cerrando tu puerta ya que me preocupo por ti y te amo y no quiero que te secuestren". She yelled from the hallway hearing the door click. (Ok ok I know when I'm not wanted I'll be going now, and I'm locking your door since I care about you and love you and don't want you to get kidnapped.)
Gavi laughed at you rolling your eyes, "¿Tenías que decirme algo?". (You had to tell me something?)
Your face dropped, "Si." (Yes)
You bit your tongue, how exactly were you supposed to tell your bestfriend that you're supposed to be in love with that you kiss his bestfriend twice?
"Tu silencio me está asustando." Pablo spoke. You looked into his eyes, they were so pure and innocent, you couldn't tell him, it would destroy him.
"Lo siento". You brought your head down to your hands. (I'm sorry.)
"Hice algo malo, no debería haber dejado que sucediera". You said not daring to come out of the comfort of your hands that were hiding you from his gaze. (I did something bad, I shouldn't have let it happen.)
"Joder Pablo, lo siento." (fuck Pablo I'm sorry.)
"Que paso nena?" He asked growing worried. (what happened?) "Háblame, sabes que puedes decirme cualquier cosa". (talk to me you know you can tell me anything)
"Me vas a odiar". You said bringing your head up to face him, light tears rolling down your cheeks. (You're going to hate me.)
"Nunca puedo odiarte". He said, wiping off your tears. (I could never hate you.)
You took deep breaths, trying to calm yourseld down. Why was this so hard to say? Why was this tearing you apart so much?
You looked into his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes. "Pedri y yo...nos hemos besado dos veces". (Pedri and I...we've kissed twice.) You closed your eyes, not daring to look at his.
He felt his heart drop. Maybe he heard you wrong?
"¿Qué dijiste?" He asked his voice trembling scared for your answer. You lifted your head up staring at him. (What did you say?)
"Pedri y yo nos besamos... dos veces." You repeated, this time he closed his eyes. Not daring to open them, he was scared that once he looked at you he would break.
The silence was eating you up, he just kept his eyes closed. His leg began to bounce from the nerves, the anxiety he was getting.
"Estás mintiendo". He mumbled, his voice cracking. His two bestfriends, the two people closest to him betrayed him.
But could he be mad at you? Of course not, he broke your heart, he denied your feelings, he broke you in any way shape or form.
And Pedri? He was there to fix what he broke. He put you back together, he was the light at the end of a dark tunnel for you. A dark tunnel that Gavi caused.
He was stupid, he truly was, if he would have realized sooner, if he would have realized sooner that he loved you this could have been avoided.
The heartbreak he put you through the heartbreak he's currently going through could have been avoided.
"Dijiste que me amabas." He choked out, staring at the wall. (You said you loved me.)
"Y lo hago, pero también me gusta Pedri" You admitted hesitant, "No era mi intención enamorarm de él, pero él estaba ahí para mí y.-" (And I do, but I like Pedri. It wasn't my intention to fall for him, he was just always there for me and-)
"Para. No quiero oír más". He was mad, mad at himself. He didn't want to hear how you fell for his bestfriend. And it was his fault that you did. (Stop. I don't want to hear anymore.)
He was to blame.
But he's just a dumb kid, an eighteen year old kid that doesn't know how to to cope with his feelings in the right way.
And now he was paying the consequences.
"Lo siento, de verdad." You sighed. His eyes never meeting yours, "Pablo te amo pero-" (I'm sorry, I really am. Pablo I love you but-)
"Si me hubieras amado, no lo habrías besado". He stood up, walking out of your apartment. The instant flashbacks of the last time he was at your apartment came rushing back. (If you loved me you wouldn't have kissed him.)
The hurt, the pain, the betrayal you felt, instead this time it wasn't you who was feeling it. It was him.
This time it was you feeling what he felt two months ago. Guilt.
Now you wish you would have kept the pizza Isabella bought to give you comfort right now.
Gavi was known for having a bad temper on the field, at training he was more on the calmer side.
But today the rage he felt on the field during a match was taking over him. Everytime he saw Pedri he clenched his jaw, bit his tounge, balled his fist up anything to prevent himself from exploding on him.
Pedri on the other hand was calm, he wasn't aware that Gavi knew. The fact that he could act like nothing happened between him and Y/n and still look Gavi in the eye and pretend to be his bestfriend was sickening.
Every chance he would get he would let his teenage hormones get the best of him and shove Pedri. Hard. Enough for him to realize something was wrong. But not enough for him to realize that Gavi knew.
They had split up into teams, about to play a mini scrimmage. Gavi and Pedri on opposing sides.
The match started off easy, Gavi using this as a way to distract himself to get his anger out.
Fútbol was Gavi's safe place, it made him feel happy, safe, and protected. It might sound dumb to an average person but this was his life. This is something he gets lost in so easily. It's an escape from reality, and that's exactly what he needed right now.
The peace didn't last long however, Pedri stole the ball from him, laughing while he was jogging away with it, "¡Vamos, hermano!". (Come on brother!)
That was what set him off, that was what brought the rage back. It was stupid but at the time it justified what he was feeling, betrayal.
He took off after Pedri, diving for the ball making Pedri loose his balance and go rolling over the field.
Pablo stared as the other players went to see if an aching Pedri was ok. He felt satisfied. He felt satisfied seeing his bestfriend clutch his ankle in pain.
He didn't feel sad, he didn't feel bad, he didn't feel remorse. He felt good, so good in fact he let out a laugh.
A limping Pedri, shooting his head to turn back when he heard the laugh. "¿Cuál es tu problema?" Pedri shouted, limping over. (Whats your problem?)
"Tu." He blurted out catching the attention of the players and coaches. (You.)
"Que?" Pedri laughed confused. (What?)
"Sé lo que hiciste". He raised his voice. (I know what you did.)
"¿Qué hice?" Pedri laughed confused. (What did I do?)
"No te actúes como un tonto, la besaste dos veces". He yelled in frustration, everytime he thought about his lips on yours it set a fire off on him.
"¿Cómo lo sabes?" Pedri asked his eyes going wide. (How do you know?)
¿Qué te parece? Ella me lo dijo. ¿Cómo pudiste hacerme esto?" Gavi stepped closer to Pedri. (How do you think? She told me. How could you do this to me?)
"No te hice nada. Te lo hiciste a ti mismo". He spat limping towards Gavi. "Le rompiste el corazón, ¿crees que se iba a sentar y esperarte? No, ella tiene derecho a seguir adelante." (I didn't do shit to you. You did it to yourself, You broke her heart, you think she was just going to sit and wait for you? No she has the right to move on)
"Pero, ¿por qué tenías que ser tú? ¿Por qué tuviste que besarla?" He yelled. ("But why did it have to be you? Why did you have to kiss her?")
"Ni siquiera me jodas, ella me devolvió el beso". Pedri said. Gavi and Pedri were face to face the anger being radiated off of them was crazy. (Don't even fucking she kissed me back.)
Gavi snapped, he grabbed Pedri by the collar, "Cállate, joder". His voice rose. (Shut the fuck up.)
¿Qué? Es verdad, hermano, y joder, le gustó, No me estaba deteniendo ni siquiera cuando empecé a besarle el cuello". Pedri laughed. (What? It's true brother, and fuck did she like it she wasn't stoping me even when i started kissing her neck.)
"¡Eres un hijo de puta!" (You son of a bitch!) Gavi screamed his anger taking over him, his fist collided with Pedri's face. Pedri stumbling back falling loosing his balance from his ankle being swollen.
Gavi being pulled away by Ferran and Ansu, he wasn't done he was no were near done. He wanted to beat the crap out of him, he wanted all his anger to unleash on him.
Gavi was being yelled at by Pedri profanities being heard, Xavi yelling at both of his star players threatening them that they won't be able to play if they keep acting liks this.
But Gavi didn't care, he felt good about punching Pedri, fucking his ankle up. He let out a smile anger seeping out of it.
He wasn't sorry. He was anything but sorry.
His friendship was already ruined, he couldn't care less.
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sgiandubh · 3 months
What he said...
@bat-cat-reader has graciously asked me for a transcript and Spanish translation of the video posted by @samheughanswife from the Sydney Hublander and I think she didn't have time to check her DMs.
The one where S couldn't help but bring up C, the very first moment he was on stage. Check it out here, with all credits given to SHW, of course: https://www.tumblr.com/samheughanswife/743154023637614592/straight-up-in-the-first-question-from-the?source=share
I tried my best, sound was calamitous and yelling, well... worse than an MMA match.
English transcript:
It’s hard to not have fun, when you’re working with people like Mr. Lacroix, unless he’s in one of those like moods, you know, when he like just wanders off and does not speak to anyone. But uhm…over the years, we’ve got amazing cast we’ve worked with and everyone has just a good time. I mean, there’s not always much time to mess around or play pranks or anything like that, but we do tend to have a good time… Caitriona Balfe is an amazing co-star, she’s got a terrible habit of corpsing, so if something goes wrong, her shoulders start to go (mimicks laughter). She would turn around in the scene, so no one can see her face and just leave me to deal with a lot of questions. Yeah, it’s a lot of fun, we get all… I’ve got my groomer, Wendy, I’ve been with from the beginning, she is also a ridiculous human being, and just a lot of fun, so we can go along, just not much as did in Season 1, not so fun (?).
Traducción en Español:
Es difícil no divertirse cuando trabajas con gente como el Sr. Lacroix, a menos que esté en uno de esos estados de ánimo similares, ya sabed, cuando simplemente se aleja y no habla con nadie. Pero uhm… a lo largo de los años, hemos trabajado con un elenco increíble y todos se lo pasan bien. Quiero decir, no siempre hay mucho tiempo para perder o gastar bromas o algo así, pero tendemos a pasar un buen rato... Caitriona Balfe es una coprotagonista increíble, tiene un hábito terrible de morirse de la risa, así que si algo sale mal, sus hombros empiezan a moverse (imita la risa). Ella se daba vuelta en la escena, para que nadie pudiera ver su cara y simplemente me dejaba lidiar con muchas preguntas. Sí, es muy divertido, nos ponemos a todos... tengo a mi peluquera, Wendy, con quien he estado desde el principio, ella también es un ser humano ridículo, y muy divertida, así que podemos seguir adelante, simplemente no tanto como en la Prima Temporada, no tan divertido (?).
Funny how idioms like 'ridiculous human being' do spread in the family, only to resurface, years after Sis coined it. But hey, always bring Wendy in (remember Madrid, LOL?) and dilute, dilute, dilute.
Also funny how the 'best informed, most neutral blog' EVAH did not use SHW's footage, so as not to credit her (petty, I know)?
To make myself very clear, here is what I think about all that overtouted neutrality. Remembering that she used this tune in a very early S mudslinging video she created and put on Youtube:
(Irrespective, this is a great remix and Freddie - never been a fan, but deeply appreciative - is simply TOP)
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tuiyla · 1 year
If I may add to your convo, it's not that Heather didn't talk about Brittana, it's that she criticized that ship in interviews and such on many occasions during the Glee years, she'd actually seemed to prefer Br*m. So when she changed her tune after Naya's passing many people were surprised. Just so we're clear I'm not saying the fans should demand that she love Brittana or that she isn't entitled to her opinions, just telling you what happened in the past and why many people aren't big fans of her to this day.
That's still hearsay as far as I'm concerned and a lame reason to dislike her.
I don't like what that "changed her tune" implies so we'll leave it at that.
In the nicest way possible, none of these Heather anons have told me anything new nor do I feel the need to drag this on when I'm always just firmly gonna stand on the side of "leave actors alone". So that's that from my side.
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hs-transfusion · 4 months
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HEMO: Indigo (#0021CB) TROLLTAG: architectsTactic [AT] SIGN: Sagitaur, Sign of the Wistful STRIFE: javelinkind MODUS: Wallet LUNAR SWAY: Derse MYTH. ROLE: Bard of Time LAND: Land of Dust and Tomes
AT: Ah shucks, uh, 1 don’t really have t1me to 1ndulge 1n k1d stuff anymore,
Tavros used to be a kid that loved NERDY THINGS like Fiduspawn and FLARP, but under the strict influence of his LUSUS, strives to maintain an air of UPPERCLASSMANSHIP now that he's older. He tries his best to ACT LIKE HE ENJOYS IT, but deep down, he wishes things could go back to the WAY THEY USED TO BE.
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Now that he's buried his passion for CARD GAMES and CARTOONS, he instead takes up attending MUSCULAR THEATER and has been learning how to COOK EXOTIC MEALS. His lusus also has him reading FANTASTICAL NOVELS, all of which sound infinitely more fascinating than the MUNDANE LIFE HE LIVES NOW.
Tavros' WALLET Fetch Modus is the quintessential Fetch Modus for any RESPONSIBLE ADULT.
Tavros' lusus is classified as the SERVITUDINAL OXENHOIST; a large minotaur that serves as Tavros' PERSONAL BUTLER. It's quite OVERPROTECTIVE of Tavros, doing its best to ensure he lives life as a PERFECT HIGHBLOOD, much to his chagrin.
The Land of DUST AND TOMES is a desert-covered planet, lined with MASSIVE BOOKSHELVES that house entire communities, along with HOLLOWED-OUT TOMES used as camping shelters. The consorts of the land are convinced (and mistaken) that The Bard will just LOVE all these long, winding books to read. In particular, there are four tomes dotted across the land that combine to form a RIDDLE, the answer of which must be recited to HEPHAESTUS to earn his cooperation.
Tavros' ancestor is known as ATLANTUS IMPENDUS. A SWASHBUCKLING GAMBLIGNANT, he adventured far and wide in search of a WORTHY OPPONENT. Originally a trusted mercenary for THE EMPRESS, he was eventually swept up in a REBELLION AGAINST HER for the chance to duel her to the death. He did not win.
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mehilaiselokuva · 10 months
Finnish meme language part 2
Meemi - meme
Helvetti - Hell, Vittu - Vagina, Saatana - Satan - (All used just like fuck in English)
Ripuli/ribuls - diarrhea (second form humorous)
Perse - ass
Himo-/hemo- - Big, crazy big (humorous)
Läppä - joke
Meikä/meikäpoika/meikämandoliini/ meikä*insert thing*- I, me (humorous)
Kirjaimellisesti - literally
Lääh puuh - *panting noises*
Uuh - *ooh* (sexual)
Hik - *hiccup*
Jaahas - well then
Siisti *insert thing*, olisi sääli jos *insert thing* - Cool *insert thing*, would be a shame if *insert thing*
Se tunne kun *insert thing* - that feeling when *insert thing*
Et voi vaan *insert thing* - You cannot just *insert thing*
Pois tieltä *insert thing*, täältä tulee *insert thing* - get out of my way *insert thing*, here comes *insert thing*
Ystävyyssuhde loppui *insert thing* kanssa, nyt *insert thing* on uusi paras ystäväni - friendship ended with *insert thing*. *insert thing* is my new best friend
Sori, tänään en ehdi *insert thing*, mun pitää mennä *inert thing* - sorry, I cannot do *insert thing* today, I need to go *insert thing*
*insert thing*-ääniä - *insert thing*-noises
Ilmeeni kun - my face when
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ehcahache · 9 months
Translated with help from @vamossainz55 <3
I: We are here with Carlos Sainz. Carlos, how are you feeling? Because it has been really tense, this qualifying [session].
C: Yeah, it has been typical Monza qualifying. Very, very tight. Truthfully, from minute 1 the car has been much better than in Zandvoort the last race, and Carlos felt comfortable. He was fast in the FP1, 2, and 3 and then in quali too, no? But well, you have to deliver in quali and the last lap was a really good lap
I: It’s about working, fighting, and not throwing the towel. They knew here at home the result is important, especially for Carlos, not only to be in pole position but to be ahead of Charles Leclerc too.
C: Yes, in front of… to finish in quali in front of Max, of Charles, yes. It is a very good result especially being a Ferrari driver, getting pole in Monza has to be special, but now it’s sure that we need to move forward and focus on the race, try to do it the best way possible. We know that Max in the race and Ferrari’s degradation is a bit of a handicap, but we have to try, no?
I: This year we have experienced some situations during the race in which, whether it is for the strategy, or the indecisiveness of the engineer wall… We have experienced situations that have not favored Carlos. Whether it is for one reason or another. Are you scared that, despite it going well and being able to do his race…?
C: No, what I hope is that he does a good start and then the pace, well I hope he has pace and that he can fight for the podium, over anything try to win. But as I’ve been saying, unfortunately the experience with the (tyre) degradation… There has been a lot of difference between Red Bull, and last year it was in the race, Charles came out pole but there was no way to stop Verstappen, no? So, I think we have to, to push to the maximum. But with the experience from last year and this year’s experience, there is even more difference between the cars than there was last year, it’s going to be hard.
I: What advice are you going to give him tonight?
C: Advice? Well, the first thing I’m gonna do is congratulate him. Then, I’m telling him to have fun and do it the best possible way. To move on because qualifying has passed already and it doesn’t count, the points are made tomorrow and tomorrow has to be done the best way possible.
A: Estamos con Carlos Sainz, Carlos, ¿Cómo vas de emociones? Porqué ha sido realmente tensa esta clasificación.
C: Sí, ha sido típica clasificación de Monza. Muy, muy ajustada. La verdad que el coche desde el minuto 1 fue bastante mejor que en Zandvoort, la última carrera y Carlos se sintió cómodo. Fue rápido en el practice 1, 2 y 3, y luego la qualy, pues también, no? Pero bueno, la qualy hay que hacerlo y que la última vuelta ha sido una muy buena vuelta.
A: Son de trabajo, de luchar, de no tirar la toalla. Aquí en casa sabían que era un resultado importante y sobre todo para Carlos, estar no solamente en pole sino delante de Charles Leclerc también.
C: Sí, delante de... estar en qualy delante de Max, de Charles sí, es un muy buen resultado sobretodo siendo piloto de Ferrari, hacer la pole en Monza tiene que ser especial, pero seguro que ahora hay que pasar página ya y concentrarse en la carrera, intentar hacerlo lo mejor posible. Sabemos que Max en carrera y la degradación del Ferrari pues es un poco handicap, pero hay que intentarlo, ¿no?
A: Este año hemos vivido algunas situaciones en carrera en que, sea por la estrategia, sea por la indecisión del muro... se han vivido situaciones que no han favorecido a Carlos. Sea por una razón u otra. ¿Te da miedo mañana que, pese a salir bien y pueda hacer su carrera...?
C: No, yo lo que espero es que haga una buena salida y luego el ritmo, pues espero que tenga ritmo y que pueda luchar por lo que por el podium, sobre todo intentar ganar. Pero como digo, desgraciadamente la experiencia nos dice que la degradación... Hay mucha diferencia entre Red Bull y, el año pasado ya la hubo aquí en carrera, salió también Charles en Pole, que no hubo manera de contener a Verstappen, ¿no? entonces, yo creo que hay que intentarlo, empujar al máximo. Pero la experiencia del año pasado y la experiencia de este año, que todavía hay más diferencia de coche que lo que había la temporada pasada, nos dice que va a ser difícil.
A: ¿Qué consejo le vas a dar esta noche?
C: ¿Consejo? Bueno, lo primero le voy a dar la enhorabuena, lógicamente. Después, divertirse y hacerlo lo mejor posible. Pasar página porque la clasificación ha pasado ya y no cuentan, los puntos se hacen mañana y es mañana cuando hay que hacerlo lo mejor posible.
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Do you think hemo anonymous trolls all use the same shade of grey as Karkat? Or do they use whichever one they like best?
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