benevolenterrancy · 2 months
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@hereticcryptid i'm late responding to this prompt, but have a continuation on baxia and hensheng wanting more cuddles than one would normally expect from a spiritual sword!
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thatswhatsushesaid · 3 months
re: this post about hensheng (aka objectively the coolest sword in the mdzs canon, no further notes on that point necessary) by @xiyao-feels
something that i see brought up frequently in discourse that is critical of jin guangyao is the time he spends undercover with the qishan wen, which is often characterized as a negative indictment of his character and the first substantial proof we get in the novel of his duplicitous nature. which, to be fair to people who hold this opinion, is something that nie mingjue's perspective during the empathy flashback sequence absolutely reinforces, and if you aren't reading those chapters with your critical thinking/reading cap on, it is easy to internalize that viewpoint and consider it objectively true. but nmj isn't the only lens through which we get to view jin guangyao's actions and decisions, and i think what i love most about these excerpts concerning hensheng is how absolutely they contradict that discourse narrative. because yes, jin guangyao was a spy! he was a damn good one, too! i think that what seeing those kids re-enacting the sunshot campaign through innocent play makes clear is the whole cultivation world recognizes that without jin guangyao's deception of wen ruohan and the rest of the qishan wen cultivators, the sunshot campaign could not have succeeded! his success as an undercover agent for the sunshot forces, and ultimately his assassination of wen ruohan, are what propel him from obscurity and secure his place not only within the lanling jin, but within the heroic adventure tales that both the gentry and the common people tell each other, and their children.
tl;dr the spying is a feature, not a bug!
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korpikorppi · 1 year
Some thoughts on the origins of Jin Guangyao's sword, Hensheng, in the Untamed
Saw this excellent set of gifs from ep23 by @zelkam and went "Wait! Wait wait wait. That's a soft sword!"
So I went to check ep23 and indeed, Meng Yao kills Wen Ruohan with a soft sword:
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Then I recalled (been a while too long since I last rewatched these episodes 😅) that this is actually confirmed by Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangyao's discussion during the victory banquet (in ep23):
JGY: You seemed to want to say something to me as we were greeting rach other.
WWX: It's nothing. Just that the weapon you used to kill Wen Ruohan on that day of the Sunshot Campaign seemed to be a flexible blade. Why doesn't Young Master Jin carry it today?
JGY: Young Master Wei, sorry to have made (it) a show. It was just a random blade I picked up. Later, as I found out it had dark energy, I threw it away.
(As a side note, how observant Wei Wuxian is! He was exhausted from using the Tiger Seal, choked by Wen Ruohan, about to lose consciousness, and yet he noticed that!)
Yeah, right. We all believe you, Jin Guangyao 🙄. Soft swords (rare as they are) just tend to lie around. And that soft sword looks very - very - similar to Hensheng:
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In ep23, the blade has fittings that are clearly Wen, with dark-tarnished metal parts and a dark-red handle:
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And as we see in ep41, for example, Hensheng has white, gold and green fittings that are very clearly Jin, as befitting Jin Guangyao's status.
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But fittings can easily be changed, and the overall similarity is so great that it is quite clear (or at least I am convinced) that it is the same blade (and as already mentioned, soft swords are not that common). I am also quite convinced that it was not "just a random blade" he picked up.
If that is so, when did Meng Yao acquire the sword? Did he acquire it at some point after his banishment from Unclean Realm? Or did he acquire it during his time in Nightless City, a hidden sword for a last line of defence in an enemy stronghold? Or, was it a gift from Wen Ruohan?
As I mentioned, soft swords are not that common and high-class spiritual swords do not come cheap, so it is unlikely that Meng Yao would have been able to acquire one after his banisment, when his means must have been quite limited. It is more feasible that he could have acquired one sometime during his stay in the Nightless City, but I think I am most intriqued by the last possibility. Meng Yao seemed to have gained a high status and a position as some kind of advisor or right-hand man to Wen Ruohan, so it is feasible that he gifted the sword to his servant. This would be supported, firstly, by the custom made Wen fittings (no standard fittings for that type of blade!) and, secondly, by Jin Guangyao's mention that the sword had "dark energy" (translated sometimes as the sword being sinister) and by his eagerness to downplay the whole thing as "just a random sword I threw away" (can you just imagine Nie Mingjue's reaction to that piece of information in the aftermath of the Sunshot Campaign...).
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Also, I have always found Hensheng (恨生, Hènshēng), to hate/regret life, to be a bit peculiar name for a cultivator's blade (even for Jin Guangyao's blade), but if the origin of the blade would indeed lie here, it would add an entire new dimension to why Jin Guangyao chose to name it so. Or was the blade named for him?
So in the end, if what I am speculating here is right, Wen Ruohan had his own weapons turned against him, in more ways than one.
And as an end note, there is no mention about the origin of the blade in the MDZS wiki, so it is not mentioned in the novel? Anyone remember if there is anything implied? Also, Hensheng definitely is a soft sword in The Untamed, contrary to what is written in the wiki.
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paran0rmality · 3 months
Man I just noticed in mdzs donghua, Hensheng( Jin Guangyao's sword) isn't a full solid blade?? It's got a strip cut out down the middle- You can see it while they're fighting (When Wei Wuxian goes in the secret room), excuse the poor picture quality, but you can see through the middle section here and here, and you can also see the sword sections flail away from each otehr when he whips it out of it's hiding spot!
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Idk man I just think that's neat as fuck, his sword being so strange compared to everyone else's solid, non flexible ones!!
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little-meowyao · 7 months
Okay but the way swords in danmei often represent/are associated with manhood and masculinity and the way hensheng is a soft sword and a sneaky weapob could very well represent JGY's position as "lesser" for his origins as a prostitute's son.
Like the way JGY is treated, in lack of better wording, as a woman, throughout the whole novel, (see: the way he's held up to higher standarts than everyone else, the way his standing will plummet with a single whiff of sex relating to him, the way he has to protect himself and take preemptive measures against everyone and everything and most of the time he's right)
I feel it kind of ties onto the way hensheng works, as an assassin's weapon, as something that doesn't require strenght per se, as something hidden easily, etc, and the fact that it's a soft sword— soft as women and JGY are expected to be, soft as they have to be to survive, but deathly nonethelesss
Idk. I'm just very into swords and very into the subtle themes of emasculation around JGY's character
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wangxianswuji · 1 year
If the spiritual weapon from mdzs/the untamed become human...would they look like their owner?
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dimpledlianfang · 2 years
Meet the sword Spirit trio⚔️🗡
(A fanfic is soon to come btw.)
Jgys soft sword.
She's like Jiangzai and Nanping's spiritual sister.
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Hensheng is very cute, sweet and friendly. But she becomes harsh when someone insults her wielder.
She's really clingy towards jgy, and loves to hug his waist and wrist.
In addition, she has a crush on Shuoyue and Liebing.
Other than them, she's fond of her wielder. She won't call it a crush because she believes that the word *crush* is too lowly for the attraction she has towards him.
When Hensheng is with jgy, she feels like she has a purpose, and doesn't have to hate life (like her wielder) again.
Xy's sword
He basically acts like xue yang but more chaotic.
Jiangzai loves provoking Nanping. Well not only Nanping, but anyone he wants to harass.
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Jiangzai is a fun loving spirit, who never wants to stay in one place.
He says that he hasn't tried candy before because xue yang eats most of it.
Jiangzai is like xue yang's younger brother he never had.
(He's secretly dating Shuanghua)
Not to mention that Jiangzai us hotttt.
Su she's sword.
Nanping is very loyal and protective, and values others.
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He loves his master, as well as his master's master.
Nanping is always supportive towards his spiritual sis, Hensheng, whereas he tries not to qi deviate whenever Jiangzai opens his mouth.
Other than that, deep down, he cares about Jiangzai, and would protect him if he's in any trouble.
Like his wielder, he doesn't like the Lans and their weapons. Even though his beloved sis has a crush on them.
Nanping is literally the opposite of Jiangzai's chaotic personality.
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evilhasnever · 8 months
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G rated but horny about Hensheng, under the cut. (read left to right!)
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Originally posted in march 2022, here.
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I love hensheng but telling people about its name must have been so awkward. Imagine if someone said "that's a cool sword. What is it called?" and JGY responded with "hating life". I mean, what would you even say to that?
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So, apparently I am the Jiggy of a Sweet Paradise Cosplay Group now.
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benevolenterrancy · 3 months
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decided I needed to follow up that picture of jgy petting baxia with nmj petting hensheng
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lilnasxvevo · 2 years
I’m FUCKING GIGGLING when it’s clear that the Wens are spoiling for a fight, Jiang Yanli immediately runs to tuck herself behind Jiang Cheng and. Nie Huaisang and Meng Yao both make the decision to tuck Huaisang behind Meng Yao
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llycaons · 2 years
what if the swords were people? and other speculation: collab between me and jae @dragonji
Based on appearance only I think bichen (trans lesbian) is a very well-dressed little lady..she has short person energy. She likes fashion and is always dressed in heavy winter robes. She may be a little vain but she has a good heart and thinks it's fun to vanquish evil.
Suibian (masc lesbian) is tall and stoic and works out a lot. She has a little fang and she likes outdoorsy stuff like hiking. She's also very handy and likes to craft things out of wood. She is very deeply loyal.
Sandu is obsessed with reptiles/amphibians. Swamp lady! a bit creepy and wet but contrasts w Zidian in that shes really attached to her home and anyone who lives there and she might not say it outright but she's constantly doing little things for even random ppl she barely knows if they come from Yunmeng.
She can be offputting when she wants but mostly she just does outdoorsy stuff (gets along w Suibian before the whole brother breakdown wwx n jc go thru- or still gets along well just doesn't have much opportunity postcanon?)
ALSO she is a good cook. Spiciest and maybe strange ingredient choices but a good cook nonetheless. She shld be younger/middle aged at most as another point to constrast Zidian... Rly think shes secretly a huge softie tho she just has to trust you enough to show it.
She's a young person who has an old soul...she barely gets used in the show so it probably makes her sad. in her old age like jc I feel she's gotten more jaded and lonely as everyone left or died. She and suibian used to be close before suibian's fierce loyalty to wwx shut her away from the world.
Meanwhile Baxia is six and half feet tall and beefy as hell. Also a lesbian AND autistic. While she may seem intimidating, she has a huge soft spot for young children and is a great caretaker. Like Bichen she thinks vanquishing evil rules and like Suibian she loves to work out.
Suihua is an elderly and dignified butler. She was loyal to the father and she is loyal to the son as well. She has expensive tastes and likes sweets.
XY's sword jiangzai is an tumblr witch/egirl. Bit unhinged.
Hensheng is a contortionist who sometimes freaks out people by bending into shapes randomly. She'd be one of those people who makes herself very forgettable and doesn't stand out but Knows all the gossip bc ppl just forget to be on guard around her.
Another idea for Hensheng i think she Would be a like. Psychology + body language fanatic like constantly analyzing ppl and using that to determine how to interact but not always in a bad way at least at first i think its well meaning and comes from insecurity but gets to the point where she has all these preconcieved notions abt ppl and acts accordingly around them. She wouldnt share any of this with others either and she is really observant so it typically ends up being at least somewhat correct.
Fuxue (femme) and Shuanghu (butch) are old married social worker lesbians.
They have an opposite dynamic of xxc and sl's, where Shuanghua is a little blunt and can come off as p cold despite caring a lot (also autistic btw<3) and Fuxue is really easygoing and the socializer of the two.
Fuxue means "brushing away snow" and I just think she would be really motivated by making ppl's lives better and also very very sweet to her wife.
Shuanghua is a botanist who studies medicinal herbs but is also a gardener who just grows a ton of flowers for the hell of it.
And now...the others
Chenqing is a very pale and eerie-looking little girl who can't speak, only sing or scream. She often hides behind wwx's robes until she is called forward. Postres after reuniting with wwx she's more relaxed and friendly, able to find joy in the world rather than just controlling the dead. She loves to sing.
Wangji is a tall woman with a strong presence and a beautiful voice. I see her as very motherly and kind…she wears lovely golden and white robes. Also, bisexual.
Zidian is a seasoned older bodyguard. She is deeply loyal to the Jiangs but also rather ruthless and doesn't care about who she hurts. She has her job and she does it
Nhs's fan is a very well-educated and mischievous lady who likes to eavesdrop.
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fun-mxtx-polls · 5 months
Suibian vs. Baxia
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Suibian propaganda:
Suibian means Whatever, which is literally iconic. Vote for Suibian to make up for all the time it spent left behind in Wei Wuxian's edgy era, give it some compensation for dealing with all that (submitted anonymously)
Baxia propaganda:
I want to have some big, well thought out propaganda piece for Baxia but first of all, the existing propaganda is already excellent. second of all, the only thing in my head is BIG SWORD SEXY which honestly? what more do you need? Baxia is a gorgeous saber in every adaptation! i love her very much, please vote for our evil vanquishing queen who will Not be stopped. (submitted by @valiantbarnes)
Baxia is a huge sword made for cleaving and destroying evil. And if evil isn’t in the immediate vicinity she will find it. She’s angry and out for revenge and comes from a long line of swords that had to be entombed in order to stop them from killing everyone. Baxia has really awesome designs in all versions! (submitted by @absolmon)
Baxia: a sabre of routine! She will cut through literal iron but will sulk for ages if she doesn't get polished every alternate evening. She also treats Hensheng with contempt mixed with pity, much like an older cat to a baby kitten. (submitted by @lilapplesheadcannons)
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little-meowyao · 7 months
I am not gonna go off about weapon symbolism and how hensheng being a soft sword nicely represents JGY's sex issues. I am not. Not gonna I swear
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ehyde · 1 year
Jin Ling has always carried his father’s sword. Once, though, he asked his uncle how to wield a blade like Hensheng. “It is your good fortune," Jin Guangyao had said, “that you’ll only ever need to wield an honest blade.”
And yeah, Suihua’s good. Like a story — like his father.
But Hensheng’s not a story. Hensheng is the reality he’s left with.
Jin Ling takes up Hensheng, wraps it around his waist. Let everyone think he destroyed it. Let them think all his love for his uncle was wiped away. Hensheng was always meant to be worn in secret anyway.
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