#hes literally nice see nepeta thinks so
incorrect-hs-quotes · 28 days
EQUIUS: D -> Everyone get unemployed. I will provide for us
KANKRI: I a6h9r h9w safe every9ne in the c9mments feels a69ut 6eing entirely dependant 9n a p9tentially danger9us 6enefact9r.
EQUIUS: D -> I'm nice...
NEPETA: :33 < he’s literally nice
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thewertsearch · 9 days
NEPETA: :33 < here, take your gross stinky glasses back, SWEATQUIUS EQUIUS: D --> Very well, here is your hood NEPETA: :33 < umm NEPETA: :33 < yeah NEPETA: :33 < why dont NEPETA: :33 < you hang on to that NEPETA: :33 < forever!
Nepeta, he's already adrift in a literal ocean of death flags. Do you really need to add more?
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The latter two I understand, since both are effectively canon, but Dave x Tavros is a rather surprising ship. Did Nepeta just really enjoy their rap battle?
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You suppose this pairing is still viable. Although the roles will have to be dramatically reversed!
Nepeta initially hoped that Gamzee could calm Karkat down a little. This was already dubious, and now she thinks Karkat can pacify Gamzee?
I hate to say it, Nepeta, but I think we’re well past that, even if Gamzee himself disagrees.
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Yes! This matchup was always just so purrrrrfect to you. Why can't anyone else see it? WHY CAN'T THEY SEE???
Girl, I think everyone can see.
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You will have to remember to write Jade a nice thank you note for helping to stabilize Karkat's unhealthy relationship with his past and future selves.
Both Jade and Kanaya been recognized as effective auspistices. I guess it is all about giving bickering couples some Space from each other...
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Don't say it don't say it don't s
Some day you will work up the guts to say something.
Oh, god fucking damn it.
Alright, let's calm down a little. This isn't necessarily a death fl-
Maybe once this huge murder fiasco blows over!
We had a good run, Nepeta.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
Hello resident Eridan expert! 0u0 I was wondering if you thought he might get on well with Aradia? Thank you for your time!
Actually yes! In moderate doses. After Eridan's character development. The list I like to keep of his platonic friends, from most to least close to him, is like.
Nepeta -> Dirk -> Feferi -> Vriska -> Aradia -> Other
So I already talked about how he and Nepeta seem like they'd actually make for really good friends - the Heart player who can't help but see the good in him, and Eridan liking nice people and the fact that the two of them have a lot in common. I've also made mention before about how I think he and Dirk would have an extremely lethargic, almost transactional bro-ship where they sometimes beat each other to death. A completely neutral friendship, where they do not make each other better OR worse, they just help each other take the edge off the Prince Ennui. Using extreme violence.
He and Feferi are also not so different, and, honestly, they're childhood friends. She's pretty fond of him, and he's TOO fond of her, but after his character development and he fully gets over her, I think they'd be perfectly decent friends. He and Vriska have much the same deal, but I think their personalities mesh slightly worse than his and Feferi's.
If you're wondering why Kanaya isn't on this list, it's because she hates his dumb ass and always has. I think Eridan thinks he's really good friends with Kanaya. Kanaya has literally never respected Eridan even a little bit. Same with Rose. It's really funny.
So Aradia is kind of the last person out of the characters that I think I'd emphatically call "Eridan's Friend." Everyone covered in "other" tends to be people who are everybody's friend (like John) or basically tolerant of his behavior in small doses (like Dave).
With Aradia specifically, there's a few factors to consider; first of all, she has a pretty negative view of highbloods in general, calling them "hateful sn0bs" at one point. She's a lot more tolerant as the stewardess of the afterlife, because Alternia's gone and everyone else is dead, but I think it should still stand that she'd be sensitive to anti-casteist sentiment, since casteism colored so much of her life back when she was, y'know, alive.
But the reason I think they'd work as friends is because Aradia has a bluntness and straightforwardness about her that happens to mesh well with Eridan's suite of issues. He's actually fairly easy to manage if you're fully honest with him and set and maintain very clear boundaries, because he doesn't catch social cues, but also doesn't really see naked hostility, bluntness, or aggression as bad things.
And Aradia can be viciously sarcastic, but her natural tendency is to be very blunt and honest and call things the way she sees them. This means that if she's ever too annoyed by Eridan, she will let him know that as bluntly as humanly possible, and then happily fuck off, with Eridan generally no worse for the wear (although he may have a negative reaction in the moment. But Aradia's self-possessed enough to not really give a shit as long as she's not in the wrong).
The main issue between them is that I think Aradia would believe Eridan IS a nasty, casteist highblood, unless somehow given reason to interact with him for an extended period of time. Eridan didn't really talk to the lowbloods, and the two generally had no reason to interact, so she'd basically have no reason NOT to believe him when he starts spewing bullshit. Moreover, Eridan's the type of aggressive idiot that would outright admit that if they'd FLARPed together, there was every chance she'd wind up orphaned or dead (this is just a neutral fact to him), and then comment that maybe it wouldn't have mattered because she wound up dead anyway (again, just a neutral observation to him). Writing Eridan mostly consists of coming up with words that make you cringe.
Aradia is smart enough that I think any extensive conversation or time spent with him would make her realize how performative his casteist stuff is, and how little he actually cares about blood color. Since she generally never had reason to interact or care about him before (not even her friends are friends with him), this would pretty much shift her opinion from "idgaf about him, seems like a snob like the rest of the highbloods" to "oh... he's funny as hell. what's wrong with him".
Once she figures out that he genuinely doesn't mean any harm or offense by the awful dumb shit he says, I think she'd be willing to engage with him on mutual interests (they both FLARPed, so they're presumably both roleplayers, and they could probably bond over death - something Eridan is unfortunately obsessed with and Aradia doesn't have many discussion partners over). Emotionally, she'd probably keep him at arm's length - he has a lot of Issues and Problems, and she's not really interested in helping him handle them (she doesn't really bother with trying to cheer people up on the bubbles so much as just explaining what they can do now that they're dead, and letting them make their own decisions). Not that she isn't a nice person, but I do think it'd just be kind of difficult for her to have too much sympathy for a guy whose problems were largely caused by being too aristocratic.
But, like, she would also pretty happily call him "her friend," because she always cuts it short when it gets too real for her, minimizing her negative experiences with him. I think eventually, like training a dog, Eridan would figure out that Aradia is just Not The Friend For That, so it'd become less of a problem as time goes on.
She thinks he's ridiculous and funny, calls him up when she wants to infodump on someone and her usual buddies aren't around, and I think they'd play good DnD together with Nepeta and Vriska. Yeah I know Vriska killed her but she killed Vriska so they're even. The energy at the table is deeply weird but Eridan wouldn't notice and Aradia would get a kick out of it, leaing poor Nepeta to suffer it alone.
Anyway, I love that Eridan's assortment of platonic friendships is so haphazard. Nepeta AND Feferi, who hate each other. Vriska AND Aradia, who killed each other. And also Dirk is there. He's the DM.
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phecdasolar · 4 months
After several days of analysis and brainstorming I have successfully classpected the dragon riders from HTTYD :DDDDD
Hiccup - Page of Blood, Prospit Dreamer
Astrid - Prince of Rage, Derse Dreamer
Snotlout - Thief of Hope, Derse Dreamer
Fishlegs - Rogue of Heart, Derse Dreamer
Ruffnut - Witch of Time, Prospit Dreamer
Tuffnut - Sylph of Space, Prospit Dreamer
If anyone wants to know my reasonings it was a combination of Dahni Witch of Light’s classpect analysis and bouncing ideas off of my friends
Fun facts:
Hiccup was a tough choice between Blood and Breath, and I decided if he had indeed left before the fight with the Monstrous Nightmare and went to live with the dragons he would absolutely be Breath.
Another fun thing was Maid of Rage Hiccup if he was, well, angrier. Read Dahni’s description for the classpect and think of Hiccup going on his villain arc and you get the picture lol
My friend brought up the fact that Valka is Breath tho and I ABSOLUTELY agree with her
Tuffnut was originally Sylph of Breath! But after reading the description for Sylph of Space I thought it fit a lot more
Fishlegs I was initially gunning to be Mind, but it was the existence of one Thor Bonecrusher that made me realize omg, no, he’s Heart
Snotlout was a tie between Thief of Hope or Heart but after figuring out Fishlegs, and looking closer, Hope fit way more
Astrid was. A process. Hope, Time, Rage, Space, Knight, Heir, Prince, Bard, it took A WHILE but Prince of Rage seemed to fit the best (if you can think of something better I’m all ears, actually she’s the only one I’m still not entirely confident on 👀)
We have four!! Homestuck kinnies here lol Fishlegs the Nepeta kinnie, Astrid the Kurloz kinnie (it was SO CLOSE to being Eridan or Cronus I’m DYING-), Tuffnut the Kanaya kinnie, and Ruffnut the Damara kinnie
Final fun fact, I wanted to see what castes they’d be on the hemospectrum and Hiccup is the only one with a canon birthday but the FUNNIEST THING TO ME OKAY, is that he’s Fuchsia, aka the highest caste, literal royalty, and I find that funny because of his whole being the chief/son of the chief thing oml it’s just perfect it was meant to be
For the others, Astrid was Rust, Fishlegs Lime, the Twins Gold (duh), and Snotlout was so confusing bc like so many people couldn’t decide if he was Taurus or Scorpio, but then I thought since he’s Hiccup’s cousin what if he was Violet and I like that but it would’ve made him a True Aquarius.
Bronze would’ve been funny bc it would’ve been all the other riders at the very bottom of the spectrum (in order to boot!) and Hiccup all the way up top, I ended up going Cerulean as it was a nice halfway point but tbh I’m still kinda fond of Violetblood Snotlout so idk
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cherryluvrx3 · 5 months
meat lovers amirite??
Dave Strider x Reader x Karkat Vantas
Chapter 1
“Christ it’s always so goddamn hot..” Dave grumbled behind the cash register and wiped some sweat off his forehead. It was another Wednesday afternoon that was spent working for the best (not true) pizzeria ever, Pizza Hut. It was early march and even though it wasn’t necessarily hot outside, the heat inside the place was stuffy and unbearable.
It also didn’t help that they had hot pizzas being cooked, going in and out of ovens that let out little bursts of heat whenever they were opened.
“Yeah it’s even worse now that the air conditioner’s broken-“ “AND THAT WE’RE- SORRY I’M, COOKING HOT ASS PIZZAS!” Karkat cut off John, who was mopping in the front, with a yell from the kitchen.
“Stop complaining and get back to work, doughboy!” John shouted back. “DON’T MAKE ME COME OUT THERE!” Karkat yelled and the two were about to start their usual bickering.
“Guys wait, shut up there’s a call coming in.” Dave shushed the both of them and picked up the phone while Karkat grumbled to himself.
“Hi this is Pizza Hut, what can I get you?”
“Yeah hi! Can I get 3 pi-“
“Wait, for pick up or delivery?”
“Oh, uh delivery but yeah can I get 3 pizzas? One pepperoni, one sausage, and one meatlovers.”
“Alrightt… anything else?”
“10 breadsticks and 20 Cinnabons?”
“ Damn- I mean- ok anything else?”
“Uh.. yeah so like…”
They paused and he could hear murmuring in the back.
“Can you um.. can you hehe- send your uh, cutest delivery boy?”
“…Haha what.”
“That’s it ok bye!”
The call ended and Dave just shrugged off what he just heard as another one of the harmless pranks he’d hear as someone working the phones and finished putting in the order.
He looked over to the keys that were for the delivery car before thinking, ‘hmm.. it’d be nice to stretch my legs and get some fresh air’ and then snatched them up, swinging them around his finger in a cool nonchalant manner.
“Heh John guess what?” Dave called to John who was now wiping down the windows.
“I just got a call requesting “the cutest delivery boy” you know what that means?”
“Uhh.. no?.. what..?”
“That means you can’t go.” Dave snickered to himself and went to the back while John just yelled out an offended, “What’s that supposed to mean!?”
“Ugghh!!” I screamed into a pillow right after I clicked the end call button while my friends just laughed at me. “Hey! You forgot to order wings!” Terezi complained. “Oh no! I’m not calling again!” I told her while I felt my own hot cheeks. Roxy, the evil witch who was the one that set me up to humiliate myself, giggled next to me, “Oh my god! Haha! At least he seemed like- chill about it?” Roxy patted my shoulder as I just sunk deeper into the couch, pouting.
“C'mon that’s a good thing! Means it probably won’t be that awkward when you open the door!” “WHAT?” I snapped my head to look at her in surprise.
“Well.. think about it! You’re the one who called! You should open the door.” Nepeta chuckled from her spot on the carpet. “NO??? That means I shouldn’t have to answer??!” I whined as I shook the little cat girl by the shoulders. “Chill your motherfuckin’ grill little mama… it’s not that serious.. besides, if you play your cards right, you might be able to hit it off with pizza boy and finally land a boyfriend or some shit..” Gamzee said also from his spot on the carpet.
“I don’t think I’m getting a boyfriend from this Gamzee..” “I bet he’s gonna be ugly anyways.” Terezi snickered before going back to chewing on one of my pillows ew.
“Well it’s nice to be optimistic right!? A knight in shining armor-“ “You know damn well no pizza delivery boy is a knight in shining armor.” Roxy laughed while Nepeta pouted, “Well we’ll see when he gets here!”
About 15 minutes later, the doorbell rings and I get practically shoved to the door while the others hide behind a corner to watch. I pat down a few stray hairs- why am I so nervous? I’m literally never gonna see this guy again, I might as well rip the bandaid off, open the door, give him money, grab the pizza, wait.. wait wait wait - I hung up before he could tell me the price. Ugh now I have to have a conversation with him- oh god fucking damnit..
I open the door and right as I’m about to speak my voice cuts out. Okay, the dude isn’t devastatingly hot but he’s fairly cute, which is wayy more than what I was expecting from a Pizza Hut delivery boy..
“The cutest delivery boy is here.” He says with a smug tone, presenting himself like he’s the best thing since sliced bread.
Oh god eugh ..
He’s a prick…
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davekat-sucks · 2 years
I think it would suck horribly to be friends with trolls if you're human (hell even a troll). Tavros and Xefros being the exception and a few others, most are just so violent and mean and would probably murder you over the pettiness of shit. Take a look at friendsim, see how majority of them would kill someone and have no problem with it. Trolls are instinctually a violent species, not peaceful and I'm wondering how the hell the adjusted to human customs in comic? Kanaya obsessively watches Rose, Karkat was obsessive over Terezi, Equius tried to Force Aradia to love him, Vriska tormented Tavros, point is it's natural for them to take things to the extreme even if it would hurt their love interest or friends. Isn't it IRONIC that out of my examples Eridan was the most emotionally mature about his feelings? The bar really is that low. Sure he bugged (ha pun) everyone but at least stopped after he was rejected. Even with the whole joining Jack bullshit he was giving Feferi an option to come with him. He didn't kill her because of rejection, he killed her out of self defense and even tried to apologize to her when dead, he feels remorse for his actions. Karkat fucked up big time and admits it, he do nothing to diffuse anything and was focused on Terezi pussy. Trolls are a terrifying species and they would not be soft and cute are they are so commonly portrayed you'd have to be crazy to even date one
If not only biologically that they are violent creatures, but the living conditions that the trolls had to go through was also hell that it is instincts first before logic and reason. Anything and anyone could kill you at a drop of a dime. Whether it is from the wild animals that live by or to the literal acid rain that pours down the planet. Trolls, when they start as wrigglers, need to rely on their lusus being strong and smart against the ecosystem of their planet. They have advance technology, but the start of how they raised are feral for the most, even for highbloods since they are born in the same caverns as other trolls have. Eridan could have used his highblood status to make others like him. But he never did. He had power close to Feferi's, but never used it to force it on others. Sort of surprising people look past Equius making Aradia love him via a robot programming. Yes he does get his beat shit out of him and a kiss that ended to be a joke, since they weren't really together together. But also not even Aradia speaks to Equius again when he became ARquiusprite. So it shows much how Aradia cared little about Equius too, in both pre and post retcon. Tavros and Xefros would definitely be the only exception of trolls being the nicest and would not harm anyone, not even a fly. People may try to point Nepeta, but they forget she is a hunter. Crazy cute cat shipper girl hunts animals herself for meat and paint. She hunts using her own biological instincts that she honed and trained for sweeps. Nepeta would prefer to hunt a rabbit that shows up in your local town than get it from some grocery store, because the meat is better fresh when they were alive than placed in some fridge for who knows how long. Most fantrolls, especially in the nu-fandom, always go for the route of "trolls rebelling because the hemospectrum system is bad" as the easy way out for why their trolls are more nice and heroic. They want to avoid everything that makes Alternia the way it is or why we were interested in trolls in the first place. We liked the trolls because they were alien and foreign that their lives are different than ours that they accepted their horrible planet as it is. But now, people just think of trolls as just GREY HUMANS. They are not these unique cool aliens anymore. It sucks!
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allamalad · 7 months
Ok first HELLO?!?!?!? I HAVENT DONE SOMETHING LIKE THIS IN FOREVER?!?! Now thanks to my new aztec mythology storyline I've decided to dive back into the pjo series and finish book four. I finally have the time to do so, AND NOW I GET EVEN MORE STUFF TO READ I GOT 5 MORE BOOKS AFTER THIS ONE, THEN THE SUN AND THE STAR, THEN THAT OTHER ONE!! (I forgor the name) NOT TO MENTION THE NEW SERIES COMING UP!!! so excited rn!! Alrighty let's get onto the review. THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS BTW
OK SO THE BEGINNING SEEMED PRETTY NORMAL. always like seeing capture the flag, very fun!! Im a certified hater of the saytrs that were dissing grover, they can go like, fall in a hole or something.
Possible jail break with a coward dude with 100 hands?!?!?! Also woman with like a bunch of dragon and other animal heads that's also pretty cool. Comparing these designs to aztec monsters is very silly lol
Skipping to when they finally get into the laberynth, HERA IS VERY SUSPICIOUS I DON'T LIKE HER, but like then again maybe she's just on edge cuz Zeus cheated on her like half a million times. So what do I know.
Sphinx scene was very silly, sphinx is bbg, she is one of my favorite monsters cuz she reminded me of nepeta from homestuck.
Percy getting blown up by a volcano filled with silly little feral creatures is also pretty standard, then getting saved by some garden person. Her name was calypso, very nice name!! Her character was also refreshing.
Fight with that other one son of poseidon was also very cool, but i was too busy feeling bad about Annabeth and her interaction with Luke. Buuuut- ANNABETH STOP CRYING OVER HIM IK HES LIKE A SIBLING TO YOU BUT GET OVER IT HES EVIL NOW!!!!
Stupid little creature eyepatch demi god literally running as soon as they free him, mf is NOT greatful. Smh. IDC IF YOURE THE CHILD OF THE REVENGE GOD OR WHATEVER GET OVER IT YOU EDGELORD!!! speaking of edgelords, NICO STOP TALKING TO DRUG DEALER GHOSTS WHO HOLD YOUR DEAD SISTER OVER YOUR HEAD STOP!!
Speaking of nico when he got held hostage by that other guy previously and percy had to talk to those freaky flesh eating horses, those monsters were pretty neat. Like carnivorous horses seem like an awesome creature design. 10/10 would fight for my life.
OK GOING BACK TO THE SUBJECT when nico finally got betrayed by that ghost king guy it literally went like this
Nico: skill issue
King of ghosts: WHAT?? WHAT DOES THAT MEA-
Nico: S K I L L I S S U E
*Obliterates with ground powers*
Also, my biggest comment and my FAVORITE REVEAL IS LUKE??? HELLO??? HIM COMING OUT OF THE TOMB POSESSED BY CRONOS ALMOST KILLING PERCY WITH TIME POWERS IS LITERALLY SO COOL?? it sent LITERAL chills down my spine, like, percy having time warped around him because he is the titan of time basically, and almost KILLED percy if it weren't for that hair brush. DUDE. LIKE, DUDE. THE NARRATIVE IMPACT IS IMMACULATE, ESPECIALLY ANNABETHS REACTION IS SO..
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Ok NEXT I must say the pet hell hound is literally adorable I love her sm TOO BAD HER OWNER KILLED HIMSELF jk nico killed him kinda BUT STILL. that battle at the end was REALLT COOL. Nico using his epic powers, tyson being tyson, and horse man shooting arrows epically?!?!?! and THE ANGST. I literally almost cried again when one of the only two dionysus children DIED. like BRO WHY THEM??? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GIVE THEM A NAME, THAT MADE IT WORSE, AND THE FACT THAT DIONYSUS ACTUALLY CARED AND PROBABLY GRIEVED FOR HIS SON.
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Ok I think I covered the main parts, finally after this and after the death ceremonies, Annabeth being annoying, and nico being emo again and leaving, percy went home for his birthday. And everything seemed normal, tyson literally being the best character as normal, Mr blowfish man wanting to marry Percy's mom. AND THEN NOT ONLY POSEIDON PULL UP, BUT ALSO NICO?? LIKE YALL WERENT INVITED BUT OK. also sand dollars are cool I guess.
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overtrolled · 2 years
Now I'm just being greedy, Sollux for the ask game
All right. To be honest, I don't usually look for stuff with Sollux so idk how much I can fill out.
My NOTP for them: it isn't so much a notp as a why?-tp, but i never got why erisol was a popular ship. like in canon, eridan was angry at sollux mainl because he felt like he was entitled to feferi's flushed quadrant, and sollux never seemed interested in him pitchwise, he just didn't want the guy to hassle him. and like people will literally ship anything, but i never got why so many people wanted to see them together. i'll still read erisol but it's just weird to me. My BROTP for them: I don't know. all of his canon-validated friendships work very well as romantic. I have nothing to go on but I think he'd be friends with Nepeta. My OTP for them: I don't have one true pairing for sollux, but I like Arasol a lot. My second choice pairing for them: Solkat is fun, flushed, pitch or vacillating. My fluffy pairing for them: solfef is nice. My angsty pairing for them: there's plenty of angst in arasol, but i've also seen some good angst fics for solrezi. My favorite poly ship for them: oh man, pretty much any poly pairing works for sol. i've seen so many duality jokes for sollux three-ways but you know what? that joke would fucking happen. My weirdest pairing for them: i don't know why i have so many ships based on the idea of relationships that emerge out of Aradia's death, but the idea of pitch equisol, and the idea of them meeting in order to create Aradiabot, but finding each other irritating and sexy is sort of fun.
thanks for the ask!
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Classpects run on Irony, Puns, Wordplay, and each class has a secondary verb, in addition to the one they share with their pair.
Witch - Which. “Choose / Choice”. A Witch chooses power. Witches are the Powerhouse of the Session(cell). They are akin to Thieves, for a Witch takes power. But the difference here is that a Witch doesn’t need to take it from other people, a Witch takes back their own power from whatever Guardian (or “familiar”) has it. Its not like an Heir, where the Heir can just wait for it to come; a Witch has to grab it or be forced into its service.
Heir - Air/Err. “Inherit”. An Heir inherits power. While Heirs are akin to the Page, where they both inspire others to help them; the difference here is that Heirs will inspire others to Guide them (Literally inspire others to act as Seers), while Pages inspire others to Serve them (Inspire others to act as Knights). Heirs don’t like being Served (In fact, Heirs Homestuck-Historically have conflicts with Guardians because of their Service), and Pages don’t like being Guided. (Most Pages tend to talk smack about those trying to Guide them)
Mage - Magician. “Perform”. Mage’s are showy, in addition to being knowitalls. How you are Seen is Important. There are three Mages, two known and one HC’d, that give this. Sollux, inspite of his problems, is a Show Off and tries to play it off Smoothly. His performance is more important than his powers (Or Spells, if we’re dedicated). Meulin also tends to be Showy. Both by showing off her favorite couples, and by her Disciple self showing off her rommance on literal cave walls. HC’d Mage, Diamonds Droog / Draconian Dignitary, is all about the Show and the Class, and not about Flash Powers or Transformations.
Seer - To See. “Envision”. Seers See Seas. What you see is important. Unlike their counterpart, the Mage, A Seer’s visions are more important than their Spells. (This is inspite of the fact that both Mages and Seers are equally capable of both Visions and Spells, as well as Performance. It seems what what indicates if you’re a Mage or a Seer is if what’s important is How you are Seen, or What you See; A Mage wants to be Seen, a Seer wants to See).
Thief - To Steal / To Steel / Steel yourselves. “Enforce”. If Knights are the Law, Thieves are the Enforcers; because they literally reinforce themselves by taking what they want. Let’s take this a step further, and include all definitions of Enforce Thieves Strengthen, Intensify, Force, Drive and Urge whatever they set their sights on, to be what they want it. (After all, they Steal, or Take By Force / Violence)
Rogue - To Go Rogue / Haywire. “To Cross”. Rogues are pretty good about making connections, and making connections work; be it between people, or their Aspect. (Roxy between her Friends and her Windows; Nepeta with her Romances)
Knight - Night. “To Bare / Bear”. Bear hands? This may seem outlandish, but the origin of the word Night is “Bare” or “To be Bare of Sunlight”. And Knights tend to put on a kind of Mask, or Shield, or rather, Helm / Helmet as they feel their weaknesses (or what they think are their weaknesses) feel bare to the world (Dave and his Sunglasses; Karkat and his Temper; Latula and her Gamer Attitude).
Page - Chapter. “To Assemble” YOU BOY, EQUIP ARMS. This one took a bit, but what’s a Page without a Chapter? Be it a Chapter in a Book of Pages, or a Council to of all those they have called on to serve them. A Page is a Knightly figure that has a Round Table, akin to a Rogue’s Merrymen. A Page inspires others to play Knight to them, or to serve them. To call to Arms, or call to Action. So basically, if Robin Hood is a Rogue’s Mythic figure, King Arthur is a Page’s mythic figure. So literally, all those a Page calls on personally, makes them apart of their Round Table of Knights. (Wait, does this mean that HS^2 Jane is Morgan Le F--)
Maid - Made. “To Make” Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice. Maids are the Makers. They don’t so much as Maintain, though they do that too, as they create. Consider. Aradia is a prime example. She dies, so she makes Time for herself as a very powerful Poltergeist. She becomes a Robot, and makes Time for Herself by her many many Robot Time Copies, or as Time is Numeral, making Numbers. She becomes a Godtier, and suddenly, Time in the Dream Bubbles align perfectly with the Present. Notice how when we are first introduced to the Dream Bubbles, Time was a real nonlinear pain. But when Aradia took the Reins on this Time Management Stuff, and suddenly the Dream Bubbles were Linear and aligned with our Story. She did want to see the end, after all (And the more living Time Gods entered the Bubbles, the more Linear things became) For Porrim, its about Making Space for others in both her various views and her uh... Various Views. For the Dolorosa, this included making Space for herself, and for her son. She possibly even helped direct him closer to the idea of Freedom (And he did see visions of another space in time...)
Sylph - Sylvan / Wood Threshold. “To Matter” Okay, this one is like the Knight’s, if not more complicated (and likely gonna require more development in the future, cos this took waaay too much digging for my liking). Thing is, Sylph is a difficult thing to name from name alone unless you look into the word itself. Because its derived from Sylvan “Of the woods”. But we break that down into two things. Silva, the Woods, and Hyle, Matter. Hyle / Hule is already the Greek word for Matter or Wood in any case. And our word for Matter is already derived from Mater, the Latin word for Mother. (The original English word was displaced by Latin; Andwork was once our word for Matter). Unfortunately, I can’t quite make the connections here yet, so I’m not sure if “To Matter” is the proper verb. I can, however, describe some loose connections that at least tell me I’m on the right track: ... Sylphs are defined by their Environment; Such as Kanaya’s relations regarding Trolls (A motherly figure), Aranea defined herself by Information and giving Information (which ain’t healthy), Mindfang defined herself a Thief because the Troll Empire was lead by a Thief And HC’d Sylph of Mind, Snowman was, quite literally, the Universe (And its Multiverse, which is a Mind thing). So a Sylph defines herself by her “Woods”, or like a Nymph / Dryad, by her “Tree / Wood / Matter”. And when you kill the Tree / Wood, you kill the Sylph, and vice versa (Destroy the Matriorb, and Kanaya dies; Kill Snowman and you kill the Unvierse; Mindfang was murdered, and her Enlightenment about the Doc died with her).
Prince - Principle / Foremost. “To Postulate” Its the Principle of the matter. For Princes, Principle and Code are key, and they will follow these as a fundamental truth (and be damned to anything else). This is likely what it was meant when they were called a Destroyer Class, because they do tend to destroy all avenues when it doesn’t fit their Principle. A Group of Princes could be called an Argument. For Eridan, both the system he resided in, and his own internal narrative (his Hopes), were his fundamental truths. And in the end, it fucked everything up. For Kurloz, his Belief System and his chosen Lord were his Fundamental Truth (And Rage is about Truths; so this guy didn’t just have a fortified castle, he had an entire armored country) For Dirk, the Character someone presented was the Truth of the matter, and the Character he presented. He believed that all versions of him were Him, and that was his biggest flaw, because they weren’t. AR was no more Dirk Strider than Bro was. ... And unfortunately, one version of him took this very literally (HS^2).
Bard - Barred / Bar. “To Prevent” Bards are quite the Wild Card, because how the hell do you manage destroying stuff for other people’s benefit and it actually ensured that it is a benefit? But from our few examples, Bards do act as great barriers. They keep things on the path because if you didn’t have that barrier, you wouldn’t progress, or you’d go too far too quickly, or things could go out of hand. For Gamzee, he tends to invoke the idea of the Barrier Maiden (He does roleplay a fairy / maid). He can’t die cos he’s a Cosmic Keystone to things happening like they’re suppose to. Paradox Space, literally, cannot let him die because it needs him to complete the Alpha Loop [By extension, no Doomed Timeline ever has a Dead Gamzee, he’s just that important, the stupid fuck] / [consider the theory that he also absorbs his alternative selves to keep his keystone status; like how Rose absorbed her alternative dream self] (Though when you take him from his story / destiny / fate, he’s just another mortal shitty clown). Gamzee prevented Rage, for Homestuck to continue as its intended narrative. For Cronus, his little Hope Quest was a direct line to Lord English (being the evil wvizard in his little Harry Potter fantasy). But this blew up royally, because as it turns out, it isn’t up to the Beforus Trolls to do shit. So just as Gamzee’s crisis of Fate put things back on the Path to LE and prevented catastrophe, Cronus’s crisis caused catastrophe. He prevented Hope for the Beforus Trolls, because it wasn’t their Story. And now for my HC’d Bard of Doom, Clubs Deuce. He does exactly what it says, he Prevents Doom. Inspite of what it appears, he’s highly competent because that prevents things from going to hell. For CD, he prevented Doom, for his Crew, and the sessions he’s involved in. And any time CD tends to disappear from the picture, is when things go to hell fast (For the Crew, Cans showed up; for the Beta Session, he was a mere herald for the doom that was already coming and his death cinched it)
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evilroselalonde · 4 years
Homestuck characters and their hugs- rated by me
insp by @karixx-png
i am so touch starved writing these is giving me heart palpitations
John- strong. definitely lifts people up when he hugs them. really good at hugs probably has the most practice. when he’s sad he drops all of his weight onto you tho but even thats kinda nice cause you get to wrap him into ur arms  9/10
Rose- rose is..... trying. its the thought that counts? but like, she’s way to stiff for this to be a good hug. she does get the emotional bit down though! shes probably better off going with a good natured pat on the head tho 4/10
Dave- needs a hug thats for sure.. i think he would be too flustered to maintain a proper hug for long. he appreciates them! he just doesn’t know what to do with his hands and its nice but its... alot. good with those one armed side hugs tho! 5/10
Jane- good professional hugs! definitely one of the more comfortable, natural, huggers! it comes really easily to her! literally the best person to hug when ur sad, she does that really nice thing where she rubs up and down your back with her nails. she also always smell good. i want jane to hug me so bad 10/10
Roxy- ANOTHER GOOD HUGGER! good combo of a jane and jade hug! more for casual cuddling as opposed to a hug tho! likes to drape her body over people like a cat 9/10
Dirk- desperate hugger.  you already have to be pretty close to dirk to get a hug out of him, and one of you is probably going to be crying when it happens. bad at initiating but once it is he tooooooootally just sinks all his weight into it and just grabs onto you. probably cries. 7/10 the hug isnt really all that gr8 but you feel v emotionally relived after it all
Jake-  another one of those bone crushing huggers! jakes hugs are always him basically squeezing the life outta u. good for the short term! not sustainable tho  also very talkative but if you like pet his hair he’ll get real quiet real quick 7/10
Aradia- in theory she would be a good hugger! not to good at it in practice tho! all the potential is there tho, she is very strong and soft! needs practice but getting there 7/10
Tavros- very medium hugs? theyre not bad for sure! and he puts the effort in! he’s just v akward about it 5/10 medium
Sollux- i cant see Sollux ever giving out hugs too willingly. if you were really close maybe? he kinda just leans on u with his arms next to you. not a good hugger. thats okay tho he listens to u about whatever u need to say and helps things make sense. still not a good hugger tho 2/10
Karkat- if ur gonna hug karkat he will probably start crying! and then get mad at himself for crying so be prepared for him to mush his face into your shoulder. very clingy he’s gonna hug you HARD . very hug shaped though, fits in ur arms nice. comfy. 8/10
Nepeta- TACKLE HUGS!!! she WILL jump on u to hug u.  then u gotta move around with a nepeta clinging to u like a back pack. very nice tho, very comforting weight 7.5/10
Kanaya- hugs always start stiff with her. give her a second and she’ll relax dw! after that she is a very firm hugger, not in a bad way tho! makes you feel safe. if ur close she’ll probably hum while she hugs you 9/10
Terezi- if u hug terezi and she likes you ur in this for the long haul. you have a troll permanently attached to u now. deal with it. that said terezis hugs r good! a little tight but good! she comfy 8/10
Vriska- i dont think vris would be one for physical affection! maybe if she was really feeling up to it and liked you enough she’d sling an arm over your shoulder or give a quick squeeze! but long term hugs nah 3/10
Equius- damp. 1/10
Gamzee- i would not hug him. ?/10
Eridan- desperate hugger. always seems to hug u for a little to long. not the worst tho. 4/10
Feferi-  hugs u a little to hard at first but thats okay! she evens it out quickly! very talkative! likes if u play with her hair when u hug her! not good at sitting still but she usually ends up patting your back! 8.5/10
Calliope- very light hugs... likes when u hug her firmly tho. shes very.... boney... to say the least. so not very comfortable but the effort is there! better with her words! 4.5/10
Calliborn- no 0/10
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transformationstuck · 3 years
Amalagam Story
Jane was practically sick of trolls at this point. Ever since the entire fiasco had went down, her father gone, and the rise of complaints against her campaign by the majority of the troll population, she wanted them gone from this Earth. It had been a single month since she had deported most of the trolls using small legal constraints to other planets, where they’d continue with their meaningless banter of trying to disobey her. Why, she had been trying her hardest to conform the trolls to her ways, and look where that got her! Nowhere. Frankly, the next time she was going to see a candy corn horn, there was going to be a reckoning.
And yet there was no avoiding it. The twelve initial trolls who had assisted in the beta session remained within the galaxy. Some were taken care of, however discretely. She had devised Nepeta’s ship to crash into one of the deadliest planet to ever live in, and while she expectantly made herself the apex predators against all the face-sucking, marrow-gnawing monstrosities that lived on the planet, she had no way out. Kanaya was permanently disposed off with Rose after an indefinite honeymoon, with a small gift. Perhaps calling it small was the wrong thing, but she sure hoped Rose enjoyed pounding onto her wife like an animal in heat, because that’s practically what those two would be. Both Aradia and Vriska were off the books, considering the former was always missing and off doing something and the latter was currently the leader of the rebellion against her. Terezi and Feferi were far too important people in her campaign to even consider removing their existence, so she would have to simply tolerate them. After all, any legal issues regarding trolls would be pushed by the Pyrope and the former Heiress gave her such political power with her blood color. That left, coincidentally, all the male trolls.
And wasn’t it John’s birthday soon anyways? Might as well prepare him a gift.
The first one was easy. All it took was two drones, a burlap sack, and there was a rather large lump of troll in front of her desk, with two ridiculously large horns protruding out of it.
“I didn’t ask for him to literally bring him to me. Look at the mess he’s making on the carpet! That’s just vacuumed! Get him out of here!”
The drones obeyed, though finding themselves difficulty immediately upon a certain conundrum.
“Tilt him sideways. SIDEWAYS! Why are you rotating him vertically? I meant horizontally! I know the horn is stuck. Just back off, don’t use brute force and…”
As Jane felt a pressure build on her neck, she decided that whenever trolls were involved, so were her migraines.
“… What did I tell you about bringing him to me LITERALLY? Again with the carpet? Do you know how difficult honey is to wipe off a carpet? Have you even baked before? Obviously you haven’t baked before, but I’ll do it myself this time. Just… dump him! In the vat! Now shoo!”
“… Just put a sock in his mouth and get it over with.”
“Yoo hoo, handsome. I got a surprise for you~.” The hallway was empty save for a lumbering figure, who seemed rather confused and tilting his head quizically, to the point where his head was rotating in a perpendicular manner. That was most certainly not the way a head should rotate, and the fact that she was wearing nothing but a single sheet of apron was already making her feel more vulnerable.
“Come on, handsome. I know you want it.” She held up a pie, which was green and what she would consider the complete disregard for basic culinary needs. A single whiff was more than enough to make her feel disgusted, and she wondered how anyone could even take a bite off of it.
Still no response, which meant that she had to bring out the big guns. Taking a deep breath, Jane winked, twice, and each wink followed by a short honk.
That did it, as the juggalo basically launched himself, erect cock showing through his stupid codpiece, and Jane found herself wanting to fall for the same mistake of letting the clown in her bedsheet again.
As Gamzee fell down the trapdoor she had long since set up in case something like this would ever happen, Jane sighed with relief, rubbing her head, and massaging her boob. “God, I actually should get a dick some time soon… And preferably not a clown’s…”
“… Excuse me, correct me if I’m hearing this right.”
A rather muscular troll, sweating profusely and smelling like a hung horse and a broken engine sat in front of her desk. The poor furniture was now drenched, and already a dark circle was forming underneath the carpet.
“You want in on this project. After I kidnapped you friends? Condemn them to a horrible experiment that’ll leave their body gone, potentially the mind, and you want in on this?”
A nod. And a sigh from her direction, before she tugged lightly on the rope that was currently binding Equius’s neck.
“You know I was going to disregard you since you were somewhat helpful, right?”
Another nod. Another tug. The troll’s face began to glow bluer by the second, but that deranged smile of him absolutely wanting this behind the leather restraints made her think of all trolls were like this.
Especially when he had been like this for the past three hours.
“I swear, trolls…” She waved to her drones to take him away, but it seemed like the ingredients were complete.
Though she felt like she was forgetting something, she was sure it wasn’t that important if she could remember it.
In front of her stood approximately 1000 lb of troll flesh, complete with 5 pairs of horns, 5 pairs of misplaced arms and legs, the most obvious bulges ever, some obviously aroused, and few facial features which she proceeded to shut up. The process was going to be painstakingly simple, as she started to channel the Life into the body.
It hadn’t taken much for her to channel the five into a single blob majorly for safekeeping. She couldn’t risk any of them breaking out and spoiling her plan, so she had made them into what was a large meatball, feeding them all the surplus baked goods until they grew fat and complacent, and practically no traces of bone structure remained from the excessive flesh gained from consumption.
Push, knead. Push, knead. Minute by minute, the flesh began to sink underneath her hands, folding and mixing until gray became pink, round shape forming into more humanoid, a thousand pounds now beginning to dwindle into approximately one tenth of its original weight.
It was then that she called John.
“John.” She said with a quick, snappy tone that immediately informed her ecto-grandson that she meant business. “If you were looking for a relationship, what would you look for in a woman?”
“… What?” A click of her tongue immediately made John regret questioning Jane. There was something about her that intimidated him ever since her campaign began, but still, the question remained. “I mean… Nice, I guess? If you are asking about her personality o-”
“I meant a sexual relationship. Jesus Christ, get on with it!”
“Right, right. So uh… huge boobs.” Silence from her end was interpreted as a signal to continue as she proceeded to knead whatever was left over into a round shape, over the currently very flat chest with little to no definition. “I mean, some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers, packing some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabankl-”
“Right… Uh… Big ol’ tonhongerekoogers.” With that, John paused, and added, “And some thighs please. I like them thick.”
It wasn’t long before Jane was done, staring at her masterpiece she had taken three hours of pure Life to create. An hourglass figure, melon-sized titties, and the very definition of thunder thighs. It wasn’t long before they started moving, which, at that point, she wasn’t exactly sure what happened. One moment they had been lying down unconscious, the next thing, they were, and each limbs proceeded to move completely independent of each other. It wasn’t until she stuffed the horse-dildo in their seemingly very aroused entrance with rough force did they proceed to break out of her lab through sheer willpower.
It wasn’t long before she found her, though not directly. She had left her be for now, and it seemed that, as intended, John had found her first.
The various names mixed together had mistakenly led John to believe she was named “Etiquette.” Though a strange name, she had come a long way from being five different trolls to one hot little body. Sure, disjointed complaints and moans of pleasure occasionally seemed to confuse John, as well as her habit of talking to herself, but once she got in bed, he had no complaints. Sometimes she demanded a larger dildo stuffed down her ass. Sometimes she wanted to do nothing but videogames. Sometimes she started honking like a clown as she rode John cowgirl style, which obviously terrified John as much as it aroused him. It did leave Jane to wonder if they all shared an internal voice, or argued over what to do next, seizing control or each other? Or perhaps they got adapted to controlling their body in a uniform style? Or perhaps all of their personality got melded into one. Jane could potentially find out, but decided against it. As she closed the feed of John pounding Etiquette to the next pleasure-town, the way her fingers and toes twitched, her arms and legs occasionally moving as opposed to how she was acting, she knew that at the very least she got rid of an eyesore.
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I fucking NEED to write a Homestuck reincarnation AU with the ancestors. So I'll do it.
Tbh it'll be mostly our favorites hemoanarchist (gods do I love this word) ; The Signless, the Dolorosa, the Psiioniic and the Disciple. Because I love them, that's why. (let's say the Psiioniic died with the others bc if he's not dead he can't be reborn. He was still the helsman but for a shorter time)
So at first I was thinking "they could be reincarnated as Karkat, Sollux, Nepeta and Kanaya" but then I realized that there would be no Karkat, Nepeta, etc... And I love them. So nope nope nope. So I decided that they would be reborn six or seven sweeps before the beta trolls, with the same sign, same blood color and pre-scratch names. They're raised by the same lusus as their descendants. Now there's three ways to do it. 1) everyone remembers. 2) nobody remembers but they have feelings and dreams. 3) only one of them remember. The 3 would be interesting and sad ! Lots of angst. But as much as I love angst, I couldn't write it to save my life. I'm just overwhelmed by the "I want them to be happy". The 2 would be very interesting to write ! Slow burn and pining and also angst bc "why the fuck am I dreaming about my wrists burning ???". Also "I feel I loved you for so long but we literally just met ???". Nice. But sadly, I'll write the 1 ! Because I want to.
So. They're hatched like seven sweeps before their descendants. At first, they live their life quietly. Since Alternia is... Well, a whole planet, they never met when they were young (that would be too easy. They'll meet way later). They think they are alone :( cue angst. But their life isn't so bad. Kinda. Signless (and holy shit he has a lusus ! With his blood color ! He misses his mother but he's happy to have a lusus : he never had one before so) learns to shout loudly with Crabdad (lol) and doesn't go out much (bc you know mutant) but when he does everyone he mets is baffled bc he's super nice ?? He's like those people who smile at you on the streets and even if you know you'll never see him again you fell a little pale something. Half of his neighborhood got a little pale crush on him (he's totally oblivious because guess what ! He's still in love with Psii and Disciple). He studies psychology and other alien civilisations online bc he thinks it's interesting. That's all. He gives advices to people (he got a blog. He's pretty famous for his advice ! Both because he's wise and because his advices is always pacifist). He thinks he's in a other universe (again !) and then he discovers the story of the Signless (by sheer luck, since the story has been erased everywhere by the Condesce) and he's just baffled because wow, he's thousands of sweeps in the future ! Wow ! And also because "does that means that the Condesce is the same fucking Condesce that killed me/us ? WHEN WILL SHE DIE". The Psiioniic lives with his bipolar lusus (nothing new, he' s bipolar himself) and is the best hacker of all Alternia (come ON, of course he is !). Every goldblood knows him, there's a rumor (that nobody takes seriously) that he's the reincarnation of the Psiioniic ! (every time Psii hears this rumors he laughs so hard he cries. It's just so... So funny) he uses his skills for hacking more or less everything, subtly attacking the Condesce (nothing major he knows he can't win), fucking with highbloods (and if he specifically targets those cerulean that act like pirates, those indigo with bows, those violets orphaners, that's nobody's business) and search for the others three, because despite thinking he is alone, there's still a spark of hope (honestly, if we're being realist, he probably would have found them in one or two sweeps since he's really good. But that would be too easy ! So no). The Dolorosa is not in the caverns (and is thankful for that, because after a lifetime outside, she isn't ready to go back to this claustrophobic darkness where she would search and never find a hint of candy red). She does clothes. She's very good ans even does clothes for highbloods. She's both respected and feared. There are rumors about her, rumors of white light and stains of cobalt and violet blood on her lipstick. But those are only rumors, right ? It's strange for her to be this young, but it's also good. The Disciple lives in the forest, with her lusus. She's the best huntress ! Tbh she's a bit of a cryptid. People talking about the beast in the woods. Most olive bloods knows it's her ; she's not the first olive to live in the woods after all. She tries to find the remaining signlessists (is that how it's written ?) to 1) check if what they teach is really what Signless taught, because she knows how cults can be and 2) if they still have the right idea, maybe join them. Maybe not. She's not exactly a signlessist, after all.
Let's say it's a no game AU because I don't want them to die. Also, to be clear, I ship Psii/Signless/Disciple as in Psii/Signless + Disciple/Signless. I don't really ship Psii/Disciple, I see them as... Very good chaotic friends with blackflirting, could be pale or black or red but have this sort of "ewww" reaction about dating each other so no.
When they're seven sweeps, their lusus brings home a wiggler that looks exactly like them (everyone reacts differently : Disciple squeals because Nepeta is so cute ! Psiioniic look at Sollux like... What ? Is ? This ? Another Captor disaster ? In this house ? We're doomed. Dolorosa is surprised but well. She already raised a child, and this time her lusus will help. Signless is shocked. Really. He stays silent for hours and maybe cries a little. After a while they all figure out that they're their descendants - that leads to a "wait but if this is my descendant... Am I biologically my own descendant ??" confusion but eh). They're all very fucking surprised but well.
Nepeta grows up with her big Sister Meulin and their shared lusus. She never really understood that having a big sister was weird until she met Equius. After all, three of her friends also had siblings ! She loves her big sister ; Meulin is clever and nice and pretty and strong and she wants to be like her when she grows up ! But sometimes her big sister looks at the red blood of the beasts they kill with sad eyes, sometimes she draws a symbol Nepeta doesn't knows, she never kills bees, she has a lot of respect for the jades, and she hates being alone. Her sister hates loneliness more than anything. Sometimes, even with sopor her sister wakes up crying about people she doesn't knows. But her sister is the best of all. And when she tells Nepeta stories of love and equality, Nepeta listens, and understands.
Sollux grows up with his annoying big brother Mituna. They have this sibling rivalry (some trolls think it's blackflirting - ewww). His brother is the best hacker of Alternia and Sollux thinks he's very cool (even if he will never admit it). Sometimes his brother shakes his hands and legs for hours mumbling strange things (still moving still moving still alive not trapped not a helsman she's not here I'm not here) and touches the back of his neck, as if he expected something to be here. Some days his brother flinches just seeing pink. He spends days searching people online - Sollux thinks it's kinda stupid ; nobody has blood that red. His brother wears a necklace with a symbol that isn't his. He has three sharpies with three colors - Sollux expected yellow and blue and red but those are bright red and olive and jade. Sometimes he draws on his hands with those sharpies - always the same symbols. Sometimes he wakes up screaming and he talks in his sleep - about ships, about pink, about blue arrows and bright red blood and someone that was everything. Sollux doesn't really understands. His brother is sad half of the time, but it's okay, because Sollux isn't better. But he wouldn't have it any other way (he sure would like to do without the voices and the bipolarity and his brother's depression but we can't have everything)
Kanaya thinks her big sister Porrim is very wise. Maybe a bit too much for her age. Sometimes her sister seems very old. Porrim is beautiful ; the prettiest troll Kanaya has ever seen really, but there's a old sadness deep in her bones that's always here. Her big sister always hated the ocean. Most trolls feared it (because of the seadwellers) but her big sister hated it. She had an odd look on her face every time she saw a spider and never wore anything with blue or violet or pink. Her sister had a sad smile when she helped her to do her red skirt. Her sister is wonderful. Almost more like a mother to Kanaya than their actual mother. When Kanaya was little, she told Porrim so. Porrim laughed very hard and maybe cried a little, and Kanaya doesn't remember her answer (I have only one child, little sister, and it isn't you).
Karkat thinks his big brother Kankri was someone else, before he was his big brother. He sees many things on him that shouldn't be here. He sees his big brother rubbing his wrists sometimes, and flinches every time Karkat grabs them (Karkat does it because of that ; he wants his brother to know that he doesn't have to be afraid). His brother can't cook meat, because the scent of burned meat makes him gag and cry and rub his wrists harder. His brother never does anything to the little beehive on their house - he says he likes bees. His brother loves meowbeasts, like Karkat's olive friend. His brother believes in rainbow drinkers - it's strange. Rainbow drinkers doesn't exist after all ! When he was very little, Karkat thought that Kankri was a coward - he never fought anyone and was always talking about peace and equality and love ! Lame. But then when he was four sweeps he told his brother that he wanted to be a threshecutioner and Kankri suddenly looked very afraid. He explained him things ; about their blood, about the empress, about the culling, about equality. After that, Karkat decided that Kankri was cool in a very strange manner, and that peace and equality andd love wasn't that bad after all. Karkat thinks that his brother is one of those heroes we never talk about, and nobody remembers them because they did heroics things without hurting anyone or killing monsters. He thinks that being like his big brother would be nice. He knows he has anger problems, he tries to deal with it (it helps that he isn't the only one, with Sollux being bipolar and Nepeta being autistic). His brother helps him with his quadrant confusion, when he says he has a pale crush on Kanaya but he also has a crush on Nepeta and Sollux but it's like on all quadrants ! (yup I ship them all) his brothers laughs and tells him about his own history with his lovers and how they were everything to him without really being in a quadrant. It... Slightly help (Karkat still thinks his crushes are unrequited. Fool).
Those four little trolls grows up with their lusus and someone else, and it changes little things. Nepeta begins to write books of romance and adventure and she tells stories to those who wants to hear them. Sollux knows he can count on his friends and his brother ; he doesn't have to bear everything alone. Kanaya knows that if she doesn't wants to go to the caverns, her big sister will help her. She doesn't have to be an adult before really being one. Karkat is a pacifist and thinks his shouting skills are actually very useful to scold people (he isn't wrong). He wants to deal with conflicts without violence or blood spilled (especially not his !!!). He's working on his anger. It's hard, but he isn't alone. He told his closest friends about his blood color : Sollux Nepeta and Kanaya (he wanted to tell Gamzee as well but Gamzee can't keep a secret).
Honestly the reunion between the ancestors would be very emotional of course. Like at this point Karkat and Kanaya would totally be moirails and Sollux, Karkat and Nepeta would be dating (after a long chat about the quadrant thing they decided to say fuck the quadrant system). So they would like meet in person and their big brothers/sisters would go with them but like... Just to make sure they're alright you know (alternia is dangerous after all :/). And HERE'S the emotional reunion I guess. I won't write it, I don't know how to. But you see.
My main idea was a Reincarnation AU, then it became "Karkat, Sollux, Nepeta and Kanaya growing up with their ancestors but not as their ancestors and noticing strange things about their siblings". Hope you like it, because I sure do !
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birriabirria · 3 years
count your blessings: karkat as a deity au
polaris is @regulusrain, the bulk of this au is theirs​
…au where karkat’s a prince and john, dave, dirk and jake are given to him as a gift??? or like… human sacrifice au where karkat’s a god and the boys offer themselves up to him??? ooooooh. or maybe karkat’s not into human sacrifices-even if he’s very arrogant!-so he just makes jake, johh, dirk and dave as his “chosen” then lets them go??? the boys don’t expect that though! they expected that karkat take them in and they get to serve him?
karkat being arrogant but not willing to kill people is cute! and the thought of the boys being confused and offended that this god didn’t take them with him is pretty funny!
polaris: Also I’m like god Karkat wouldn’t like having sacrifices :/ so every time he gets a sacrifice (and it’s VERY RARE like one per century???) he makes them gods or demigods?? So far he had 12 sacrifices he made into gods (demigods???) (guess who lmao) but when it’s the boys he’s like “four??? OK if the sacrifices are increasing I GOTTA stop it that’s way too much” bc he just… Doesn’t likes people dying for him… khggkgkhhg yes! karkat doesn’t like killing people so he’s like why people keep expecting him to do that??? ):<B and the trolls? as demigods are good too! maybe not all of them are demigods? some of them are like heroes or smiths or bards! polaris: The boys are “so we’re not good enough for you?? >:(” and Karkat is “… Listen I just don’t want you to die? Did you… Wanted to? Why are you offended???” KJHFGHKHHKGGKG YES the boys don’t want to brag but they know that they’re very handsome! and that’s the reason they were picked to be sent to karkat! so the god that they were sent to rejects them it’s oooooh ROUGH polaris: Equius is SO a smith. yeah he is!!! and so is sollux? and nepeta’s a hero! polaris: And like Karkat gets sacrifices bc he’s the god of Blood! But people are not understanding the concept they think it’s literal blood! And Karkat hates it XD karkat, every twenty years: IT’S LOVE YOU IDIOTS karkat: BLOOD MEANS LOVE karkat: IT’S NOT ACTUAL BLOOD karkat: STOP SENDING ME ACTUAL BLOOD karkat: WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP TELLING YOU ALL THIS polaris: God Karkat : leave me THE FUCK alone!!! karkat’s a god so he always has to hear about people!!! his shrines are the size of birdhouses but they STILL can’t leave him alone!! polaris: Hero Nepeta is so good… Also her asking Karkat for blessings?? And she’s like the only human he likes so he’s actually nice with her?? And she knows Karkat likes to be talked to like a normal person so when she goes to Karkat’s temple she stays hours just to talk and braid Karkat’s hair and just being a good friend you know??? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :’) that’s so wonderful! maybe karkat’s likes nepeta so much that he like a constellation for her? and maybe turned her into a demigod too! polaris: Karkat : why can’t I be the god of silence or something like that… I just want peace… Leave me alooone… karkat’s very quick with the blessings and he doesn’t realize that that’s the reason people keep talking to him! hgkgghjkg polaris: Also Nepeta meeting Dirk and going “OH you’re the idiot he always complain about!!” khgkhgkhgkjfhkfjfhkj then nepeta goes >:33c ohohohohohooho!! i’m thinking of something here!!! vriska asking karkat for a blessing must’ve been quite the scene! ooooooh the stories talking about how the thief of light stole a blessing from the knight of blood! equius asking karkat for a blessing must have been so awkward for both of them!! karkat just giving equius a blessing so equius leaves him alone! HJKJVHKGH is that why karkat gave vriska a blessing??? so she’ll leave him alone??? polaris: Also people thinking Karkat is a war god bc Knight and Blood?? But no! Karkat is even more exasperated. Not only do they get the blood part wrong but they get knight part wrong too??? Are they all stupid?? Karkat is actually one of the most peaceful gods! Leave him alone! kkjhggkhgkhg yes!! karkat definitely doesn’t act like it but he’s peaceful! is it because of his title AND the people he’s blessed??? or do people just misunderstand even though he hasn’t said anything? does he have to come out of his temple/shrine to scream at people???? polaris: Also the few people knowing Karkat is a peaceful god (all the trolls + some of the kids) burst out laughing every time they heard people calling him a war god bc Karkat a war god??? Lmao yeeees that’s it for sure you’re all so clever *snickers* some of them even go: ‘karkat doesn’t like fighting??? i don’t even know if he actually can fight???’ but karkat really isn’t a war god! some of the people he blesses fight but karkat’s himself doesn’t! the knight of blood is the god of love and he only has a handful of temples and mostly has tiny house-shaped shrines. people come to him for his blessings and the knight of blood begrudgingly gives them to the people who ask. the people the knight of blood has blessed become “heroes” and there’s stories that if the knight of blood is fond someone he turns them into demigods karkat is the knight of blood’s true name but only a few of people know it oooooh the boys as rulers? adventurers? and they ask karkat for blessings! karkat doesn’t like it when he’s called so he just goes ok this prince wants peace so i’m gonna make people be slightly infatuated with him! this one’s an heir to something and also wants peace so i’m gonna make people slightly infatuated with him too! this one’s a knight? gonna make invincible! this one’s an adventurer? gonna make fast and strong and also invincible now you all get out of my temple!!! and kicks them out (the boys don’t know that karkat’s blessings don’t work on each other so dirk and john’s charm don’t work on each other so they have to make a peace treaty the old fashion way. talking. and jake’s crossbow bolts and dave’s sword work on each other which will be a huge problem when prospit and derse go to war. oops!) the prince of derse goes to one of karkat’s tiny shrines and goes ‘i want to be loved’ and karkat’s all ‘?? ????? ? first off, mood and secondly, are you sure? are you sure you want that to be your wish? because it’s very finicky and is gonna pain in the fucking ass’ and the prince of derse had the fucking GALL to interrupt him! ‘yes i want to be loved’ and karkat just sighs, he knows how this will play out and it will end horribly for this little prince but what can he do? say no? (yes, karkat, you can say no) karkat gives the prince of derse the blessing of everyone being infatuated with him the prince of derse comes back years later to karkat and goes ‘why did you curse me?’ and karkat goes ‘listen you dumb shit i did NOT curse you, you asked to be loved and i gave it you. i fucking WARNED you to not wish for it but you demanded it! look! i’m taking it away from you! so go away! and take your troops with you!’ the heir of prospit’s throne asked karkat for a blessing. he wanted something to keep his loved ones safe. so karkat gave him the ability to talk himself out of trouble and that is by giving him the blessing of everyone being infatuated with him. the heir of prospit’s throne’s life goes along much easier than the prince of derse’s because the heir of prospit’s throne gave karkat SOMETHING TO WORK WITH. (dirk’s blessing works all the time while john’s blessing only works when he and his loved ones are in danger!) the prince of derse refuses to leave karkat alone even though karkat already took his blessing off him. karkat’s gets fucking pissed and gets out of one of his tiny shrines to yell at him. the prince of derse is flummoxed, the knight of blood? is talking? to him? the prince of derse is amazed while karkat’s shouting insults and obscenities at him hgkgkjgjhg the prince of derse and his troops kneel before the knight of blood and karkat’s even more annoyed ghkjghkgkjh he pulls the prince of derse to his feet and turns him around. karkat pokes the prince of derse’s back and tells him to go away. the prince of derse is confused. the knight of blood talked to him just to tell him to go away??? (dirk doesn’t have karkat’s blessing anymore but he’s lauded as the knight of blood’s chosen because karkat got out of his shrine to shout at him. oops) polaris: Also when Nepeta talks about Karkat almost nobody knows who it is… Bc people don’t know his name you know!! The only ones to know his name are the 12 trolls (and he didn’t told his name to Vriska (she knows it from Terezi) and Equius (he knows from Nepeta)) so people think she’s talking about like her brother (bc she said multiple times he wasn’t her lover so…) and when she hears that she’s. Oh. Well. Why not. Karkat, people think you’re my brother! REALLY? THAT WOULDN’T BE SO BAD I GUESS. aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THAT’S SO CUTE karkat getting out his tiny shrine to walk around with nepeta and when people ask who he is, karkat answers with ‘nepeta’s brother’ nepeta’s all :DD :’) polaris: Awwww that’s the cutest!! Also Karkat going with Nepeta on her adventures but he does kinda nothing cause that’s HER adventures you know?? But like once she’s hurt badly?? By… Villains ?? And when Karkat sees that he’s YOU WILL PAY and if people don’t remember any time the Knight of Blood was truly angry it’s because nobody was left to tell the tale u_u" the knight of blood doesn’t kill people but those people didn’t get out that unscathed! and nepeta gets known as the knight of blood’s chosen after that and people think twice about hurting her! when people don’t demand a blessing, karkat gives them a blessing based on what they love. terezi loves law so karkat gives her the blessing of memory so she can be really fucking good at law! feferi wants to change stuff to care for people so karkat gives her the blessing of being persuasive and the blessing of healing too??? karkat gave nepeta the blessings of faster and stronger but also to see love?? (dave loved music so karkat blessed him to have magical music and dave’s like orpheus. his music moves the trees and the stones! but dave doesn’t really play music that much because he became focused on his knight training) a knight of derse came to karkat to ask for a blessing. karkat’s confused. didn’t he already bless this guy??? but karkat does give the knight of derse a blessing of speed and strength and invincibility polaris: The trolls (except Vriska and Equius even if he isn’t that bad) being Karkat’s friends is good! He’s a god so having people talking to him like a normal person is good! Even if he’s a god, Kanaya will mother him and scold him if he does sormthing reckless! Even if he’s a god, Sollux will argue with him and insult him (and also flirt with him XD). Even if he’s a god, Feferi will be as nice with him as she is with everybody! Terezi will lick him! Nepeta is practically his sister! Normality is good the god of love… surrounded by love… :’) that’s amazing the page of prospit goes back to karkat’s temple to talk to him and karkat reluctantly listens to him talk. the page of prospit gives karkat offerings and they’re the fancy and expensive ones so karkat doesn’t really like them. he still takes them anyway and gives them to his other followers. he doesn’t want to throw them away. that’d be waste! the page of prospit notices his offerings being given to the knight of blood’s followers and decides to start giving them stuff too. karkat’s really glad for that. the page of prospit isn’t so bad! the more loved an offering is-whether handmade or cherished-the more karkat likes it so karkat doesn’t really care about expensive offerings! karkat loves the pelt nepeta gave him because he feels the care nepeta feels for it! unfortunately, the prince of derse, a knight of derse and the heir of prospit’s throne didn’t get that memo and keep giving karkat expensive offerings. karkat’s other followers don’t mind and even encourage them to give karkat more expensive offerings. karkat’s annoyed kygkhkgkgkg when the prince of prospit gives karkat a wire wrapped pendant he spent hours on till his fingers hurt, karkat gives the prince of prospit another blessing. the prince of derse becomes a smith! a seer of derse gives karkat a doodle of her cat and a rogue of derse gives karkat whatever stuff that they like and karkat keeps all of them and is very fond of them polaris: Karkat’s other followers : why the fuck is this guy giving us precious stuff??? karkat’s other followers: …not that we’re complaining though! karkat’s other followers: oh yeah definitely not! polaris: Also I totally see Karkat loving Roxy bc she’s… Roxy. Enthusiastic and loving! She doesn’t cares that he’s a god! She’s nice! Also I want Dirk being pissed when he learns that the Knight of Blood likes Roxy more. KJHGKGJGJGJGKG awww that’s a wonderful thought! roxy doesn’t ask for the knight of blood’s blessing/protection but karkat gives one her for free because he just likes her so much! and dirk being jealous… KHGKJKJGHKGKKHG dirk’s glad that roxy has the knight of blood’s blessing/protection but he still doesn’t have one after the knight of blood took his blessing away!! polaris: Also I can totally see some of Karkat’s followers kinda tricking Jake?? Like Aradia going “if you show me those ancient Prospit ruins, I’ll be happy so the Knight of Blood will be happy too!” and Jake does that x) like… It isn’t wrong… Karkat is happy when hsi friends are happy but still… OK he might have laughed at Jake being tricked like that. karkat telling his other followers that the page of prospit is a gullible guy so maybe not lead him into too much danger??? just because this guy has his blessing doesn’t mean that karkat wants to bail him out of danger! polaris: Lmao one of Karkat’s followers takes pity on Jake and tells him that he wants loved things not precious things bc he would never have figured that out. to be fair to jake, he would have figured out eventually! a long, long eventually! khjgkjjkgkgh polaris: Omg Karkat wearing the pelt Nepeta gave him… Cute… it is! if karkat isn’t wearing it, he lies down on it to sleep! polaris: Also Karkat wearing things coming from his friends! Those things are like magically tied to them so when they’re in trouble he feels it! Nepeta’s pelt, Sollux’s earring (one blue and one red), Feferi’s fuschia bracelet, Eridan’s violet one, Kanaya’s green shoes (she made them for him), Aradia’s red hair tie, Tavros’ maroon belt, a necklace with a dragon teeth Terezi gave him! One of Vriska’s dice in his pocket! A metal bracelet Equius did for him! A shirt Gamzee gave him (it was his before). aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THAT’S SO SWEET surrounded by love! always!!! :‘) polaris: Also maybe wearing loved things from people he loves and who loves him gives him strength?? aaaaa that’s such a cool idea! strength from the power of love babey!!! polaris: Tbh I kinda want one of the boys to see Sollux arguing (and I can’t stress this enough, flirting XD) with Karkat and being completely flabbergasted like “you’re arguing with a god??? And insulting him???” and Sollux is “yeah?? It’s just Karkat, no big deal” while Karkat shrugs. karkat looking at each of the boys in the eye and going ‘listen if sollux ever ever ever fucking grovels, i am going to fucking kick his ass!’ and sollux does a there-you-go gesture kjklkjkjgjkgk vriska annoys karkat but karkat never smites her! kjhfjfkfkfk vriska would be SO annoying!!! she just goes around doing whatever the fuck and when people get mad, she just stands there with a shit-eating grin on her face. vriska DARES people to come after her! she has the dice and the knight of blood on her side!!!!!!!! someone comes after vriska and vriska’s just standing there. there’s a flash of light and karkat is there and he starts shouting. vriska watches karkat berate the people with unholy glee polaris: Karkat is “… Why the fuck do I like you…?” and Vriska is “aaaaaaaaw, love you too Karkles ::::D and that’s because I’m irresistible ;;;;D” and people are complaining to Karkat about Vriska! But he’s like “yeah I know she’s awful… But she’s my friend!* (cue Karkat having a crisis). Vriska gives him little things she stole (that she liked) because even being herself she’s still a bit grateful u_u their friendship is the riddle of the ages :D and aww! karkat’s mad at vriska a lot but he remembers he likes her-and she likes him!-when she gives him stuff :) polaris: Also one of Karkat friends going to see him while like Dirk is talking to him or something? Like he’s being all respectful and shit and suddenly a girl jumps on the Knight of Blood to hug him!! Dirk goes still, ready to see the girl killed by a angry god but the knight of blood SMILES and hugs her back with a "Aradia! It’s been way too long!! How are those ruins?” and then they have friendly chat while Dirk is still here, completely ignored (and very surprised). khggkgghkjkgjk poor dirk! he’s a prince! hes not used to getting ignored!! but it’s good for him to see the knight of blood happy with a friend! polaris: Terezi doesn’t really likes calling Karkat to court bc it’s too easy! >:[ she’ll win with her own skills! But when she knows that she has win and she knows she would have win even without Karkat’s presence, she calls Karkat! Just to see the shocked faces of her opponents ! It’s just too good! *cackles* terezi flexes on everybody by calling karkat!!! khjgkjggkg polaris: Also Feferi calls Karkat when she’s trying to make peace bit people REALLY aren’t listening?? (bc I guess she’s like the princess of a little kingdom…?) so she calls him! And everyone shuts up! Karkat doesn’t even says anything, he lets Feferi talk bc that’s her who’s trying to establish peace and he knows she didn’t called him so he would do her job! She wants to make peace herself!! And Karkat is just here so people will listen to her!! That’s HER fight! everybody using karkat to flex on people KJGHJGJKGJHG karkat’s just used a glorified prop and karkat just shrugs and goes a long with it. he’s out of his shrine and is walking around and he gets free food! he’s having fun! eridan doing the ‘my matesprit is the knight of blood’ thing and karkat’s confused. he isn’t???? but humors eridan anyway and shows up (does that make the boys irrationally angry? yeah kjhgkkjgkjkjg) polaris: Karkat : you knows, I see many places, I see my friends, I help them even if usually I do kinda nothing… I love seeing them and they live seeing me and I’m useful just by being here, everyone is happy *shrug* helping by doing nothing… that’s why karkat likes showing up! hgkhkgkgjg and being around friends make karkat happy too! everybody wins! except the enemies i guess kgkjhgkjhgkj the heir to prospit’s throne makes a tiny shrine for the knight of blood and karkat shows up to critique his work hkgkgkkhgk a maid of prospit bakes a cake and puts it by karkat’s shrine. karkat comes out of the shrine to eat it and thanks the maid of prospit for it. a witch of prospit loves her dog a lot and karkat knows so she and the dog has his protection polaris: Lmao Jane is very honored that the Knight of Blood liked her cake! However… He looks like he should eat more!! >:( Jane will not let one of the gods be malnourished! That’s how she begins to brings something to eat to Karkat’s shrine every day and how they become friends (Dirk is even more jealous : first Roxy then Jane??) dirk asks jane for cooking lessons jhgkjgkgkg karkat gets free food! he loves this girl! polaris: And Jane makes her cakes with love so for Karkat it’s actually even better!! aww! karkat really likes her. she has his blessing and his protection! and also some stuff he likes while karkat doesn’t call the boys ‘his boys’, he very much still considers them ‘his’ and is protective of them …who are the other gods??? the guardians??? kankri and his friends??? the seer of blood just going on and on and on while the knight of blood looks tired and annoyed sure is something for the people around!! JHKJHGKGKHG polaris: The guardians? And Kankri is/was a god but his friends aren’t? (oooor Kankri was the god of love before Karkat and when all of his friends died he got full reincarnation, the same powers the same body but not the same person?? And that’s how Karkat is created? He was Kankri before but he has only vague memories of him and he’s his own person?) the guardians sound good! death!bro strikes again! and hm maybe kankri was the god of love before and karkat was the mortal that was his friends and when kankri decided to “pass on” he made karkat the new god of love??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔 polaris: Maybe Kankri’s friends were all the Alpha trolls and Karkat and when all his friends except Karkat (he was younger) died, he decided that he would not let his last friend die but he didn’t wanted to live without all of his friends so he passed his powers to Karkat and died :( and Karkat is kinda angry at him! Bc OK he got that Kankri was sad that all of their friends died! But they were his friends too! And Kankri was the only one he had left! And Kankri abandoned him! Left him alone! okay now YOU’RE the one bringing the angst! this does sound good though but i don’t want it to be that angsty… choices, choices. karkat’s pissed at kankri but he’s nice to kankri’s reincarnation. it’s not kankri’s reincarnation he’s alone after all! and besides, kankri’s reincarnation does manage to have friends! and when karkat slowly gets friends, he starts to understand why kankri did what he did :’( death leaving the knick-knacks he likes around one of karkat’s tiny shrines and karkat shows up to accept them. karkat’s so fucking confused kgkhgkjgkgkj why does death keep giving him offerings???? does death want his blessing??? what is death gonna do with his blessing??? polaris: And then Nepeta sees Death while he visits Karkat and remember! Karkat gave her the blessing to see love ! So when she sees Death with Karkat she goes :33c hohohoooo… ooooooooh and i guess since nepeta’s a huntress, she sees death sometimes??? the gears of nepeta’s brain start turning really fast! kjhggkgj polaris: Also Kankri’s reincarnation having a irrational fear of being immortal ?? Like one time someone asked him if he would like to be immortal and he nearly gagged! That’s a very violent reaction! Everyone wanted at least once to be immortal! But not Kankri ! He fears it so much! When he tells that to Karkat, Karkat looks at him with sad eyes and says “yeah. Makes sense.” aww :’( and karkat promised kankri that he’ll never be immortal and kankri relaxes. karkat’s a god but he understands??? it’s very strange to kankri but he’s glad for it the eleven are all ‘the knight of blood is my friend!’ and everybody around is like ‘look at them saying weird things again!’ and then karkat ACTUAL DOES SHOW UP and now everybody’s all ‘THE KNIGHT OF BLOOD???’ if hal exists, he makes the same wish on the knight of blood as dirk. to be loved. karkat hears it and sighs, they really are twins, they’re both idiots. but karkat’s gonna grant the wish anyway polaris: Karkat, seeing Hal : wait is this the same idiot?? Karkat after looking closer : ah no it’s a different idiot who looks a lot like the other one. Karkat after Hal makes his wish : wait did I get it wrong?? It is the same idiot?? karkat gets offended because he thinks it’s one person making the same wish twice jhgkhghkg on a more serious note, karkat would be annoyed and sigh about it but still listen to hal polaris: “you two really are the same uh” “no we aren’t??? I’m offended” “kid you literally made the same wish to the same god. Be offended to someone more stupid” the knight of blood has worshippers of course and karkat’s all ‘yes, you all *should* worship me!’ but then some worshippers get *zealous* and now karkat goes ‘what the fuck are you guys doing?! STOP THAT’ and even goes to the person to yell at him. it unfortunately makes them even *more* zealous if the twelve are deities and there’s twelve months in a year, there’s a month named after each one? ok so. first month to twelfth: month of breath, the month of life, month of light, month of time, month of heart, month of rage, month of blood, month of doom, month of void, month of space, month of mind and month of hope. john and jane are born in the month of time! while jade, jake, rose, roxy, dave and dirk are born in the month of hope! …hal and jake meeting and of course the blessing of charm on hal works on jake and for a while hal basks in jake and everyone’s adoration until hal notices that jake talks about the knight of blood casually. when hal realizes that jake is closer to the knight of blood because jake is one of the people with divine protection, hal’s interest in jake disappears fast
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skeletorific · 4 years
How do you think the Beforus Ancestors(Aradia, Tavros, Sollux, Karkat, Nepeta, Kanaya, Terezi, Vriska, Equius, Gamzee, Eridan and Feferi)were like? I love your Alternian Ancestors stuff so far and was curious what you Interpretation of the Beforus ancestors were.
oh HELL yes I am about this.
Aradia Megido, the Tombkeep: I see Aradia as being born a bit later than the others, while the coddling laws are at their strongest. Rather than put up with that, as quickly as she can she removes herself from Beforan society to the very outskirts. Like their Alternian counterparts, Beforan’s are often avoidant of the notion of death. However, in their case, it is not because death is a failure of the dying, but a failure of those around them. It is not seen as a natural cycle but something to be abhorred and feared at all costs. As such, tombs are kept, but they are far away from the rest of civilization and usually talked about in hushed tones. Aradia grows up among these tombs, befriending the local ghosts and considers them her own coddling charge. She guards the tombs from any who get too curious, or more often, from well-meaning government officials looking to tear down monuments to such “nastiness”. What they find instead is an angry little girl with powerful psiionics. She becomes something of a bedtime story for young grubs, even long after her passing. They say she still haunts the halls.
Tavros Nitram, the Menager: In parallel to his obsession with Fiduspawn, I see Beforan Tavros as being some variety of animal handler, using his fully fledged wings (and his bronzeblood bankroll) to travel the world and collect rare and exotic creatures to his own plot of land, to tend to and train. Some know him as a kindly soul, treating all beasts with the utmost love and dedication. He seems like some kind of fairy tale figure, surrounded on all sides by animal companions who he communes with. To others, this is reckless ecosystem mixing, but then, what do scientists know anyways. He prefers the hero title a bit more, as it aligns more with his intentions anyways. Eventually one of his expeditions ends poorly, with him being confined to a wheelchair for the remainder of his life. Outwardly he dies content to let his coddler and his animal friends care for him for the rest of his life, but there’s a restless spirit that he passes down to his descendant.
Sollux Captor, The Dronebee: Completely and utterly unremarkable in every way. Sollux contented himself with working his function as a goldblood. His technical ability was fostered at every turn by a Beforan education system eager to see a lowblood embrace their “natural talents”, but while he made minor waves in the programming circles in which he moved with his often unique approach to coding, to most he was just one worker among thousands, very valuable of course! Every worker is valuable :) But ultimately.....not worthy of notice. Which is fine: that’s how Sollux likes it, and more than that if left him time to pursue more personal projects, such as a little game later known as sgrub. Just because he’s not vocally complaining doesn’t mean he’s not compiling a list. From his perspective, Beforan civilization is a ticking timebomb anyways. Why shouldn’t he be the one to start the countdown?
Karkat Vantas, the Advocate: Look, I know we all love revolutionary Karkat, but I think something we forget is that Karkat was pretty pro-system even as late in the game as Act 6. So, for the Beforan model.....well, every system needs its bootlickers. Karkat Vantas becomes a mouthpiece for some lowblood lobbying groups, acting in vocal support of the Empress’s coddling plan. Its not all love of power: legitimately there is a part of Karkat that tries to see how this is good. Healthy. The needs of his friends are being met, they’re safe, and attended to. Surely all of that is worth a little......infantilization, right? He deals with a lot of criticism from other lowbloods for being a sellout, and though he does his best to cultivate a calm unflappable demeanor so craved by Beforans, I guarantee Beforus has more than a few Grubtube compiliations of Vantas meltdowns that Kankri watches when he needs a good cringe. As he got older he slowly began to question the system he’d spent his whole life building, but ultimately lowbloods don’t live long enough for those kinds of regrets.
Nepeta Leijon, the Believer: What, you think clowns have the monopoly on weird religious communes? Nah. To be fair to Nepeta, her commune’s status as a “cult” is probably more indicative of Beforan prudery than anything else. Her sect, the Righteous Assembly of Withdrawn Renegades (or RAWR for short), is dedicated to the principles of free love and a return to the natural. Within the massive tunnel and cave system in which they live, trolls are free to strip themselves of signifiers like caste and clan and live as the gods intended: covered in dirt, chasing something furry, and flirting furrociously :33. While Nepeta in life insisted there was no leader it was her effect on people that kept them coming back for more, and while the commune purrsisted after her eventual death, ultimately its membership dwindled. Meulin was brought up among some of the last vestiges of it, and some of their old hideouts have been inherited by the Lost Weeaboos.
Kanaya Maryam, The Prioress: Literally, the prior. One of the earliest trolls, widely considered the Matriarch of Trolls in some sense. In her time she revolutionized many of the practices of auxiliatrices, ensuring greater safety for the grubs and greater care for the mother grubs. Many of the norms now in place for jadebloods are in large part due to her own influence. Despite her farreaching influence (and the fact that she left behind a journal of her practices), not much is known about her personal temperament. Quick readers may catch a certain dry sarcasm behind her words, and the especially studious scholar may note slight reference to a few great lovers (and a few great disappearances, *cough* rainbowdrinker *cough*. Her greatest secret is her brief and tumultuous kismesis with Vriska Serket, notorious Mafiosa, but only a very few historians have ever uncovered it. In part, her long shadow may have contributed to her descendant’s eventual anxiety regarding her prescribed role,
Terezi Pyrope, the Gumshoe: Beforan justice is tricky. As opposed to Alternia, there are in fact actual laws in place that aren’t just “don’t fuck with highbloods”, but in many ways its almost more corrupt. More often than not the courts are more concerned with petty infractions than it is with actual injustice, and furthermore, inter-caste tension remains a huge concern that bubbles up in violence. After a few years badgering olives for traffic tickets while watching actual fully fledged crime families get off scott free, well....Terezi had had enough. She took her pursuit of justice into the real world, working as a private detective for hire. She’s notorious for her, erm....quirks, but she’s a fastidious hunter and a careful investigator when she wants to be. She brings em back alive. USU4LLY >:).
Vriska Serket, the Mafiosa/Mapm8ker: Let’s be clear, a lot of Vriska’s society was laid on top of her and it was abuse from which she struggled to free herself. However, what does one do when freed from society, but seek to shake things up a bit. She’s still a thief of Light, make mistake, and she slowly works up the ranks from card shark working the tables to in charge of a small army of foot soldiers, smuggling mindhoney to goldbloods (who have been restricted “for their own good”) and sopor slime to clowns. She’s the flamboyant head of her own criminal empire, with the code of only stealing from those she deems worthy and a reckless approach to life
However, most of that isn’t generally known. And to the outside world, she’s just a simple cartographer, travelling the world to assemble some nice, safe, boring maps. Indeed, when her journal was finally unearthed by her descendant, she couldn’t help but wonder if these exploits were true, or simply a story her ancestor liked to imagine herself into on her off days. Tough to say.
Equius Zahhak, the Showpony: Alright, y’all knew I couldn’t stay away from that one. Equius was something of a puzzle to his descendent when Horuss actually went back through his (meticulously kept) caste records. By all accounts, he was an intelligent, capable, hardworking man. A tinkerer in his off hours, he was a pioneer in the field of robotics, and by all accounts not romantically unsuccessful. And yet, the man never seemed concerned with making a name for himself. Instead, over the course of his long life, you could perpetually find him at the shoulder of someone more powerful and important than he was. Was he....a bodyguard? Trophy husband? Butler? Hard to say, but there he was. Trotted out like the loyal steed he was.
Gamzee Makara, the Borrower: A peculiar legend of clownery regards a strange “hobo looking motherfucker what will wander into your hive and be all and snatching up your most secretous things for the messiah’s wider purposes”. So far as is known, he is not malignant, although its not unknown for a troll to occasionally disappear while running after him to retrieve their stolen items. Even without that possible threat, its usually not worth it to chase after him: the things he takes have a way of ending up back in your hands, one miraculous way or another. Gamzee is an itinerant monk, wandering the countrysides. Some passerby he’ll occasionally offer aid to, or proverbs. Which might be helpful if anyone could decipher what they mean. Ultimately he’s a happy man, if prone to fits of temper and bouts of melancholy. Still, as he notes, he’s got motherfucking friends all over these globes :o) what’s a motherfucker gotta be lonely for?
Eridan Ampora, the Magician: Well.....the Empress doesn’t exactly need Orphaners. As such, the violets are largely left to their own devices. Given they’re often prone to creative endeavours, Eridan found his own outlet. He became renowned as an illusionist, and at one point his shows were capable of drawing large and massive crowds, who would gasp in awe at his tricks and wonder if the violet really did have a trace of magic in his blood. He seemed to like the idea, eventually penning a popular grubling children’s series about a boy with those very abilities (which eventually found its way into the young hands of his descendent). However, celebrity wasn’t necessarily the best mix with Eridan’s temperament. He was prone to some truly disastrous quadrant outings, as well as developing several more addictive habits to drown out the oddly oppressive loneliness that permeated him. These bad habits were only worsened by the worst thing to ever happen to Eridan Ampora: the internet. With access to videos of his performance, most were pretty easily able to spot the trick of it, and hell hath no fury like a cyberbullying teen going after a b list internet celebrity. He took it as a sign to swear off the craft forever and lived the rest of his life on book residuals, alone, drunk, and miserable
Feferi Peixes, Her Highness: Not as much to say about this one, as Feferi is the one we have the most information about. Like it says on the tine, she instituted the coddling system on Beforus. This was widely considered a Bad Idea by those victimized by it, but you couldn’t pay anyone in Feferi’s court to tell her that. The Empress is sweet tempered and excitable, it’d be like telling a child 12 perigree night is cancelled. Perhaps the great irony is that as Feferi gets older, the thing that frustrates her most is that it feels like no one takes her seriously as a person. Merely as a figurehead. Still, she lives her life on Beforus ultimately convinced this is what’s best for the greater good. 
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cherryluvrx3 · 5 months
meat lovers amirite??
Dave Strider x Reader x Karkat Vantas
Chapter 2
It’s been two days since I ordered that pizza and it’s been two days having that smug brat with the nametag “Dave” stuck in my brain.
Honestly I don’t know why I keep thinking about him.
Maybe because it’s been a while since a guy who wasn’t Gamzee has been nice to me or played along with my jokes? Or that he actually seems like a cool guy? Oh geez he is genuinely cool and he knows it. That’s probably why he seems so full of himself- but it’s like you can’t get mad because he has good REASON to be full of himself. I haven’t talked to anyone new my age since I was like a sophomore. The friends I have now are cool of course but I need to start making new bonds! New memories! I’m a senior! I should be talking to more people- well they preferably should be ones from my school but guys who work at Pizza Hut could also work!
Well anyways, as I was saying before, Mr. Dave who works at Pizza Hut has been on the brain and unfortunately for me, my friends also see him as a golden opportunity for me to open up the romance section of my life. So, he, a guy who doesn’t know us, and a guy who we don’t even know has become a recurring topic that my friends can’t just leave alone. Well I guess they’re just trying to help me get a boyfriend.. but still!
——— two days ago..
After I closed the door, I was already prepared to listen to the four dickbags I call friends tease and mock me till the sun goes down, well actually, three guys because Terezi’s sole focus was tearing up the pizza she just snatched from my hands.
“OoooH! Would you look at that? I think someone actually has a little crush?” Roxy giggled as she pulled out cups. “Oh my- shut up Rox. I literally just met the guy, saying I have a ‘crush’ is total delusion.” I grumbled snatching a cup from her.
“Really? Then what was with how you were acting hmm?” She wiggled her eyebrows. “You were totally trying to impress him by ‘acting’ cool and don’t lie! You tried to drag out the conversation just to talk to him more!” Roxy smiled slyly and bumped me with her hip. I tried to hide the embarrassment on my face by digging my head in the fridge, pretending to look for something.
“Mhm! If you ask me -” “No one’s asking-” “I THINK! That adorable, nervous way you were acting was totally a purrfect example of having a crush!” “I'M JUST NATURALLY SHY!” I shout to Nepeta as I see her already adding Dave and editing her mental shipping chart. “Says the guy who’s currently blowing a motherfucker’s ear off..” Gamzee groaned as he was right next to me when I yelled. “Ah sorry..”
“Yeah right they have a crush on that guy! He’s ugly just like I thought!” Terezi laughed while still chewing all the food stuffed in her mouth.
“Uh…Rezi?.. You’re blind ‘member..? Roxy awkwardly laughed.
“Okay and!? I can just tell! He has like- ugly energy y'know? I can smell it on him!” she said defensively, again, with food in her mouth.
“If you can smell anything on him it’s probably fuckin’ pizza grease.” I grumbled.
“I thought he was purrty cute right?” Nepeta asked Gamzee who was chugging a bottle of faygo that he pulled out of nowhere. “Hmm… he wasn’t too bad… the shades make him look a little douche-y though..” He murmured, now more focused on getting some sausage slices before Terezi ate them all.
“So?” Roxy slid next to me with a sly smile.
“Well are ya gonna try to get to know him or not?” She asked in a somewhat exasperated tone. I sighed before speaking, “Ok, lets say, hypothetically, I have somewhat of an interest in getting to know him- as a friend, literally how would I do that?” I asked before taking a bite of a slice that looked… extra burnt?
“I think they fucked up on the peperoni..” Gamzee pointed out how it was much more.. toasty. “Shit, I’ll eat it!” Terezi said, snatching up the most burnt piece and biting into it like nothing.
“..anyways!” Roxy said, bringing me back into the convo. “You can uh..hm..call? Right now? and complain about the burnt pizza so he can come give us a replacement?”
“Girl that’s not flirty, that's just asking for a new pizza.” I deadpanned. “Besides, it's not all burnt and it doesn't seem like Terezi minds eating it- god her jaw just unhinges like a snake..”
“Well you can call tomorrow for pizza to eat?” Nepeta offered. “Fuck I look like? A ninja turtle? I’m not eating pizza for two days in a row.” “Okay! How about like two days from now?” She pouted before shoving a cinnabon in her mouth.
“It’s the best ‘natural’ option ya got. A motherfucker gots to take chances if they wanna sniff the sweet aroma of the thorn covered flower we call love.” Gamzee patted my shoulder. “Ugh don’t let him start preaching again!” Terezi groaned, face planted on the table, clearly sick from overeating.
“I guess that’s what I’ll try..” I sighed.
———- present…
Okay.. it’s two days from now and I should call. But what do I say? Order a pizza duh! I mean when he actually gets here what do I say? I gotta stand out compared to all the other guys around town he delivers to know? But I also can’t make it super obvious I wanna get to know him because that’s… like.. creepy…
Roxy <3
-You call yet?
Tezi >:]
-if you’re gonna do it, don't pussy out!
Ugh! If I keep worrying about the details I'll never get anywhere. I’ll call now. Right now.
Dave sighed and blew off the imaginary dust from the counter for the third time. John keeps this place really clean.. he wished he didn’t though… no, not really. It’s more like he wanted something to do. Today was a really slow day. Only thing he could do was count the seconds or annoy Karkat but he already over did it today, the guy seemed like he was on his last thread for real. Best if he didn’t go in the back for a bit and just let Karkat make his pizzas. It was sort of therapeutic for him? In a weird way?
He just wanted something to do.
Normally he could just talk to Aradia who was covering John’s shift but she was out on delivery right now. Even though she was always a bit weird to talk to, that's how desperate he was for something to do.
He sighed again.
Ring ring-
He never picked up a phone so fast.
“This is Pizza Hut, what can I do for you?”
“Yeah uh.. Can I get a delivery of a small pepperoni pizza?”
“Alright.. Anything else?”
“Uhm yeah can you...”
“Uh uh?”
“Can you..ugh.. make sure to send your cutest delivery boy again? Ok thanks bye!”
and the call ended.
Must be that one guy from before. Last time Dave went he saw their friends peeking around the corner so he could figure out that the poor guy’s friends just set them up. Does that mean they’re doing it again? Already feels a bit like an old joke to play so soon but whatever, at least he had something to do.
A few minutes later Aradia came in looking as.. Aradia like as ever.
“Hey Aradia?”
“Yes, Dave?”
“We got another order for delivery but uh.. can I take it and you’ll man the cashier?”
“Hm.. alright.” Aradia said and just tossed the keys to him which he of course caught perfectly in a cool kid manor and he was out the door.
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dradelcra · 4 years
Aspect Analysis for the J&H boys (Novel)(Hyde is not a separate entity during this):
Jekyll: Aspect-Heart player; Lunar Sway- Prospit
Utterson: Aspect- Doom player; Lunar Sway- Derse
Lanyon: Aspect- Void player; Lunar Sway- Prospit
Analysis down below for better reasoning and to save the non-homiestucks the trouble. (These are just basic stuff I pointed out).
Jekyll: Heart
-Splintered himself into two selves (a common trait of heart players (except for Meulin but we barely know much about her, Nepeta role played, Dirk had a robot version of himself along with alt dirk in hstuck2 and mind dirk made by Jake)
-I wouldn't say mind (sorry hekyll) since those in the mind aspect aren't too concerned with how others perceive them, Jekyll himself is so concerned with how others view him that even even splits himself into two so that he can Hyde a version of himself.
-Despite being a scientist and splitting his neurology, he does a lot of things driven by feeling or in the moment, especially as Hyde, which he says is his true self (doped up on extra drugs of course). He exudes irrationality as he declares to Utterson that he can get rid of Hyde whenever he wants and absolutely refuses to speak to him any more on the matter.
-Extremely passionate in his science where he was willing to test upon himself without thinking much of reperccussions (i'm sure he factored in the possibility of death but what did he expect to happen to his body when he died? He had his will written up and planned the possibility of being stuck as Hyde after the transformation but after a while of bad things it makes you think that he didn't truly think ahead of what would happened if he stayed as Hyde, knowing all the things he had done. Friendships Relations, his position in society. How prepared was he to be disliked by everyone, including his friends and the society. His decisions were in the moment while he was on the high of being "evil".)
Lunar Sway: Prospit
Why: Jekyll didn't entirely care what happened to himself when he drank HJ-7. He saw it's effects and analyzed them in the moment, not thinking of the consequences of his actions too much until it became problematic (when he started changing without the concoction). He co-exists with society as he doubles himself, being the sweet dr. jekyll by day and rebellious Mr Hyde at nights, keeping a good persona of himself while he is able to release steam at another time as another person who he won't have to face the consequences as. He uses Hyde as a safety net so he doesn't experience the consequences of his actions, sumilar to prospit player. He isn't fighting against the system, he is working with the system in his own way. Worries about how others would perceive him, even those close to him.
Similar derse aspects he shows would be living in a constant state of dissatisfaction, shown when he drinks HJ-7 and fuels the bad within him, and is able to keep a good hiding of his true self from others but at the same time, the irony of it is that he couldn't hide his true self due to HJ-7 forcing his transformations. He doesn't entirely lock his true self away either with the transformations under control, he goes out as his true self thereby exposing it to the world. A dersite wouldn't show that side to anyone even strangers. Another derse shown thing is
-He is more a problem maker than problem solver as his next mode of action of getting out of his Hyde situation is killing himself and before that, locking himself away until the inevitable took him.
-When he's shown, he is quite optimistic (especially when he came to the conclusions how Hyde may affect him) and cheerful (y'know, until he wasn't)
Utterson: Doom
Why: Unable to change things, could only provide advice for Jekyll and despite trying to help Jekyll it all goes down hill. He couldn't prevent his friend's downfall.
-Utterson is forced to suffer with knowing the secret of his friend, along with having those closest to him (long time friends) all die.
-Those in the doom aspect don't have much of a choice with what happens and are more of a "vent to" type of person. (He was there when Lanyon was dying and had conversation with him, he attempted to get him to open up and talk to Jekyll but Lanyon is stubborn and all right refuses to even talk about him.)
-He was the of narrator of the story, reading out the gradual downfall of the scenario (common trait i notice of doom players). Despite interacting with the characters, his actions had not influenced the decisions of his friends, and had the least impact. When breaking into the lab, Jekyll had already planned to end his life due to his inability to face the consequences of his actions.
- He is also a lawyer, holding Jekyll's will (and others) which means he was holding onto papers of plans for people's inevitable deaths.
-(True Headcannon on the extended zodiac website also describes Doom players as wise, kind on non-judgemental which are traits Utterson has displayed throughout the book.)
Lunar Sway: Derse
Why: Reasons (I was literally going to just put this here but I went “no, I love this guy too much to do that” and so i did it)
- A bit of a skeptic as to Hyde's realtionship to Jekyll.
- Thinking about information from the past (like the will) and outlooks of the future (is Hyde blackmailing Jekyll).
- Has a hard time letting go of the Hyde issue despite Jekyll trying to reassure him and telling him to drop it.
- He's quite shy but was willing to confront Hyde for the betterment of his friend.
- He kind of did that "entered a person's place without permission" like twice.
- Lawyer peeps abide by the rules, sure. But they are more focused on finding the truth for their client in the court of law, or preventing them from being arrested to the best of their abilities.
- Introversion is a common trait of derse peeps, and as far as i am concerned (and read), that man is not extroverted in the slightest.
-I think they would look nice in the dark purple, can you blame me? (my utterson already has purple eyes, it just fits owo)
Classpect: Void ( he avoids the situation haha)
Why: Despite the disruptions occuring around Jekyll, Lanyon preferred to have stayed away from all of it, not caring much about it due to his feelings towards it. He kept the Hyde thing a secret from Utterson until Jekyll died or went missing. A secret he was willing to take with him to his grave.
-While Utterson was trying to seek the truth, Lanyon didn't want to even think about it.
- Quote from Headcannon aspect: "At their best, Void-bound are wise, intuitive, and vibrant. At their worst they can be dismissive, indecisive, and apathetic.”
- During his introduction, Lanyon displayed vibrance and his warmth, he is wise (he's a doctor after all) enough to decide when to cut himself from negativity but that also adds to the negative aspects of the void player (we see more of the negatives than the positive with him) where he is apathetic towards the downfall of his friend, not even willing to make amends as he was dying (well it was Jekyll's fault that he is dying, can you really blame the guy?)
- He let the curiousity get the best of him in wondering what Hyde wanted to with those chemicals (leading to his mental trauma lmao).
- Not much is really heard about or from Lanyon through out the book, except from some plot points.
Lunar Sway: Prospit
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(I got lazy by Lanyon but I think it fits him; both Jekyll and Lanyon have similar personalities despite the difference in interests. Jekyll might be more collected and repressed though)
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