#hinako's writing shit
xxalphaclownxx · 2 years
So the death game is still going on and everything and it's when anzu dies in her first trial.
She just kinda floats and tries to understand why she's a ghost.
She goes around the whole place and then finally spots our alive candidates and participants.
She meets Sara and decides she must communicate with this girl.
Anzu possess stuff and Sara notices, but chalks it up to this death game playing tricks on her.
So this happens until we get introduced to the dummies, and Anzu has an idea.
She possess dummy her and gets close to Sara. She gains her senses back. She notes Sara smells like vanilla and lemon grass.
Then she dies again, but this time, it isn't as scary. She's a ghost, but now only Sara can see her.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 10 months
Every characters as homestuck. Yes I searched through every daily blog for this kill me actually. This is the second time I'm doing shit like this
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by @dailysarachidoun
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By @dailykeiji
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By @dailykannakizuchi
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By @dailykugiekizuchi
redraw and original
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By @dailyhayasaka
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By @dailyranmaru
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By @dailyreko
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By @dailyaliceyabusame
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By @daily-yabusames
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By @naorekodaily
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By @dailyshinai
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By @gashu-satou-daily
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By @dailyrioranger
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By @dailyryokohirose
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By @dailyhinako
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By @dailysmilingasshole
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By @dailykurumada
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By @daily-teki
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By @daily-shin
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By @daily-cup-of-joe-tazuna
Edited out @dailysarachidouin and @dailynaoegokoro since they asked nicely, again sorry, and if any of the content creator wish to be taken out of this post please message me
If any dailyblog post another homestuck!yttd character content I will repost on this post and the repost the original post with the tag "homestsuckgate" so that everyone can see it. If I missed any don't forget to tell me of course😊.
Oh no i will have to write every character, AGAIN. AAAAAAAAAAA
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
heyo!! i thought I sent this in already, but I guess not o.O
for the writing ask game, morning! :D
Woo thank you pal! :D Fingers crossed for an upcoming inno sweep, have something with Kazui and Fuuta in the morning
(From this ask game)
Kazui's body remembered the sunrise. His mind wouldn't have thought much of it, stuck in a place like this, but his body pulled him from sleep at the same time each morning as if he were still in the habit and standing on the balcony watching the sun with his morning coffee.
He couldn't quite replicate the experience, though not for lack of trying. He'd dress, pick up whatever drink he could grab from the dining hall before it officially opened for breakfast, then move to the common room to sit and enjoy the morning in solitude. Even Kotoko, the next earliest riser, wouldn't make an appearance for an hour or so.
Which is why he nearly spit out the orange juice he'd swiped when Fuuta strolled in just after him and sat himself down directly next to him. It looked like his little silent retreat was out of the question for the day.
"Can I sit here?" Fuuta said, already taking a seat. He rubbed his good eye groggily.
"Uh, sure! I'd love the company." Kazui nodded to him, trying to hide the surprise in his face. He must have failed. Or maybe Fuuta would have leapt to defend himself regardless.
"I couldn't sleep, okay? I hear you come out here at the ass crack of dawn every day, I just wanted to see what you were up to."
Kazui gestured a hand across the empty room with a dry smile. "Just this, sorry to disappoint."
It was easiest to leave it at that. He wasn't sure how to articulate the reason early mornings were so sacred to him -- the peace and the solitude and the ability to be himself without a single expectation put on him. He could take some time to prepare himself for the day ahead without putting up any airs for anyone. It probably would've sounded pathetic to a kid like him, anyways. He was always so full of energy, Kazui doubted he'd need more than a minute to get himself ready for his day.
Fuuta sank deeper into his hoodie. "Hmph."
The two fell silent. Kazui grew antsy as he sipped his drink. At first it had been nice, sitting in something reminiscent of his old fishing trips. But he didn't think Fuuta appreciated the quiet the same way. Was he looking to talk? Was he waiting for more from him? Kazui had never wanted kids -- not like Hinako had dreamed of them -- so he didn't know the first thing about starting a conversation with someone his age.
As he scrambled for something to say, Fuuta whispered. "It's nice."
"This. No prying eyes, nobody trying to start shit."
Kazui didn't mention that Fuuta was usually the one starting shit.
"I hope I didn't interrupt."
"Not at all! I'm glad you think it's peaceful too."
"Yeah... I do."
This time when neither of them spoke, there was no anticipation in it. Kazui breathed deep. His thoughts were allowed to drift freely. His mind felt at ease. He closed his eyes. Though there was no need to, he found himself opening his mouth.
"You know, I didn't realize how much I'd miss the sunrise."
Fuuta shifted. "Eh, I never saw it. I usually slept pretty late." He added, "I'm sorry you miss it, though."
"Thanks. I just hope I'll see it again..."
He wondered if the thought was too suddenly sentimental, but Fuuta nodded gravely. "I hope so too."
By the time prisoners started trickling into the common area, Kazui was calm and ready to begin his day. Fuuta stood to leave.
"Thanks for letting me hang out," he said.
"Heh, I should be thanking you. I didn't expect anyone to stick around for a boring old man like me."
Fuuta's expression twisted up. There was the energy Kazui had been expecting. "Jeez, you keep thinking you're so special! You're just like everyone else, you hear? You're not some boring old man no one likes. There's a lot of people just like you. A lot of us are just like you."
Kazui sat for one more moment after he left. He took the final sip of his drink.
A lot of them just like him? Now, that was a nice thought.
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danganronpamaster · 7 months
Danganronpa: Bloody River Incorrect Quotes!
(BTW, Danganronpa: Bloody River is my own fangan I have yet to even write for, so enjoy!)
Hinako: Eizō, I have a couple of words to say to you. Fumihiko: Please let those two words be “I’m sorry.” Fukashi: I’m ready with the bleep button if not.
Jana, jumping out of Hinako's closet: BOO! Hinako: Jana: Hinako: Jana: makes a sad face Hinako: Ahh! Oh my god! You scared me!
Hiroshige: Alright, listen up you little shits. Hiroshige: Not you Jana. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Keiko: Eiken, this morning, I called you abhorrent and reprehensible, and I’d like to withdraw that statement- Eiken: Aww, thanks- Keiko: But I can't. Those are the 2 words that best describe you.
Eiken, holding a scooter: Hiroshige! Can I go outside and play with this? Hiroshige: Sure, whatever. I'm not your parent, okay? Eiken, running outside: Thanks Hiroshige! Hiroshige, running out after them and screaming: NOT ON THE STREET! STAY AWAY!
Himawari: Hinako, I… Himawari: I love you! Hinako: Not my problem.
Ren: I hate you with every inch of my body! Hana: That’s not a lot of inches.
Atsumi, with their hands cupped over each other: I found a cool spider! Ikumi, writing in notepad: Oh? Lemme see! Atsumi, opening their hands to see nothing there: …hm. Konomi: …where’s the spider. Atsumi: looks troubled and stares at their hands Ikumi, writing in notepad: Oh no. Konomi: ATSUMI, WHERE’S THE SPIDER?!
Harunori: I can’t do this, it’s against my moral compass. Konomi: YOUR MORAL COMPASS IS A ROULETTE WHEEL! Harunori: …Your point?
Keiko: Atsumi, what are you doing? Atsumi: shaking a cat-shaped piggy bank I’m just trying to figure out how much change I have inside. Keiko: You could always take it out and count it. Atsumi: Where’s the fun in that?
Atsumi: Why is there blood everywhere? Hiroshige: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife. Atsumi: You stabbed someone?! Hiroshige: No, no. I aggressively poked someone with a knife.
Hope you enjoyed!
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honeyfizzly · 2 years
My favorite thing about each yttd character because there is no time to grieve when you're a boss babe
Long post oops
Sara- I love her complexity as a character, she both can fit as an audience surrogate while also having a personality of her own. Of course she has her moments of being a self insert (mainly at beginning) but she very much feels fleshed out as a character (with how she suffers from pressure, and has selfish thoughts and actions).
Joe- love how his mini character arc is wrapped up so well in just one chapter- he struggles with trust vs distrust, and in side jou novel he struggles with his own morality as well.
Keiji- the way he pushes blame onto other characters for his own actions is a defined trait throughout the entire game (before being stated outright in chap 3b). Like how he had such a intense grudge against megumi, Shin, and midori. It's interesting to think about how keiji as a character would change if we weren't on his side
Gin- my son, my precious boy. Anyhow I adore how Gin isn't just the "little kid" character and actually contributes to the plot, but it's also clear he's a little kid with his limits.
Shin- the way abusive victims are presented and the conflicted feelings that come with after the abuser is gone hit way too hard to home.
Qtaro- love how he was able to completely sway the opinions of the fandom, from most people hating to loving him. Qtaro went down like an absolute icon in 3b and even made me emotional.
Kanna- love how she's smarter than she seems, not to a unrealistic sense either. Like for example, she was the one who figured out the password to kai's laptop in chapter 2, or how in chapter 3 she mentioned that she felt like she knew that the message was fabricated.
Kai- I absolutely adore his humor, I was excited to play his route in ytts cause Kai is just a character with a great sense of humor (imo)
Reko- love how kind she is! Unlike what certain people say, she dosent hate men- rather, she's harsh on the strong, and kind to the weak. She's such a lovely big sister figure to Gin and Sara (oh and her comforting Ranmaru when he pulled off his hand was a nice scene as well!)
Alice- I love the way he talks! Not much to say, the way he talks is just very fun to read and write
Nao- i love practically everything about nao since she's my favorite character- but my favorite part about her would be about how she tries to take burden off of Sara's shoulder (like how she killed fake reko, or instead went to shin for help instead of Sara).
Mishima- love how he's like the only yttd character with his shit together, like he already had his character development before the story.
Ranmaru- I love the dichotomy between his character depending on the routes, and how his development makes sense in both routes.
Mai- I love her big dumb hat! It's memorable and so so dumb...I love it!
Kurumada- I love his character development and his care for the dummies, he starts off not wanting allies to be willing to to die for them.
Hinako- I love her attitude like her sarcasm and cynical nature (and also how she dumped hot coco on ranmaru)
Anzu- funny clown girl! I personally think she's very funny (it's also tragic how she fails at everything 💔)
Shunsuke- he is litterally some guy! And that is okay, he is allowed to just be some guy
Sue miley- her introduction really sets the tone for the game- showing how no matter who you are, or how kind you are, you can't escape the will of majority.
Tia safalin- she's a very morally ambiguous character- at times helping, and at other times making it painfully clear that she is absolutely not their ally.
Rio ranger- I love his funny little face masks, very cute.
Gashu- his stupid lil mustache
Midori- his death lolz
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iamvoid0 · 2 years
How this Magical Girl JRPG Handles Trauma - Blue Reflection
I wasn’t originally going to do a piece on Blue Reflection. However, after playing the Blue Reflection: Second Light demo, I thought, “damn, this shit dread”. Upon learning that Second Light was the second game in the franchise, I got the first game for the PC. Second Light’s demo was a great introduction to the game’s real-time strategy mechanics. Second Light was clearly leading from the first game, and I wanted to also enjoy the story.
Blue Reflection is a fantastic slice of life RPG which centres itself on teenage girls and the issues they face being teenagers. Going from a mundane plot line about a girl wearing makeup because she likes the art it can produce all the way up to sexual assault and trauma. Blue Reflection takes a nuanced look at emotions and how it interacts with the characters, crafting a unique identity for itself in a sea of over-the-top RPG clones.
In this essay, I’ll look at how the game handles itself, its severe and traumatic topics, and how it uses the plot to inform game mechanics. While this will not be a review, I will call out specific issues with the game and praise what many should be taking notes of.
Chapter One — Is this Slice of Life?
Once I got into the game and played for an hour or so. Something quickly hit me. This is a magical girl, slice-of-life JRPG. At that moment, I couldn’t recall the last time I saw a game like this. It was a breath of fresh air in a genre that defines itself on over-the-top dramatics, punishing gameplay, and a complex lore system that spans genres.
I have to be fair to Blue Reflection, and it carries profound lore that expands itself much like the JRPGs and RPGs that came before it. The gameplay systems are decently complex, but with an air of accessibility to them, where I didn’t actually feel frustrated learning or playing the game.
The game can be considered a casual RPG, though I believe this classification to be a bit limiting. The game is very relaxed. It makes it easy to pick up and just play. However, a lot is going on here, from manually levelling up your characters to keeping track of the multiple NPC characters and their relationships with one another.
Overall, the game is a fun experience that shines once you don’t let the little things bother you. The game isn’t perfect, but it is worth your time.
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Chapter Two — Magical Mechanics
I am writing this piece primarily to look at the game’s stories. However, I want to take a moment to talk about the game’s RPG mechanics.
The game starts you off as Hinako Shirai, a ballet dancer who injured her knee the previous year and has been unable to follow through with her dream of being a dancer. You eventually encounter another student consumed by their emotions, and they begin acting out. You then meet Yuzuki and Lime Shijou, who grants you the power to become a “Reflector” by giving you a ring. Though their decision seems simple at first, later, it is revealed that there is much more to this decision.
You jump into the Common, where everyone’s emotions are shared. In “The Common”, there are monsters who respond and feed off different kinds of emotions. The common also has these crystals, which house the deep-held emotions of the person whose emotional state you are in. Once you break enough crystals and beat the main antagonist, you leave the common and go back out in the real world, where you help the person, gain friends, and gain their fragments which help you in battle. The game incentivises you to do as many quests as possible, make new friends and earn their fragments which can help change the way you battle and power up your moves and character. It really leans into that whole, “Oh, you’re a God? I’m sorry, but you don’t have the power of friendship.” This also serves as a good allegory for friends supporting each other in emotional distress.
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The game has a mostly grounded, real-life, slice-of-life aesthetic. Then the bosses show up at the school, and they are literally these massive, biblical-style angels, titan-like monsters. The designs are genuinely intriguing.
Weaknesses are displayed to the user using symbols. And it doesn’t tell you when it changes. And it only tells you after you’ve attacked. When I pick a circle attack, there is no visual indicator to determine if this is a weakness or strength. I simply must remember it. It’s all grey. This is a real-time battle, and it is hard to remember square, circle, and triangle in the heat of the fight. It’s easier to remember when games use colour to help you differentiate between weaknesses and strengths. Then sometimes, some monster just chooses other battle weaknesses in the middle of the battle.
You can take up to four friends into battle. And they offer bonus stats, such as health, attack up, healing, etc. The game wants you to complete as many side quests as possible to unlock friends to use in battle. When you invoke one of your friends during your turn, they make quite a spectacle.
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Another point is that other games use emotions as a part of gameplay mechanics, such as the ill-fated Princess Peach game. (let me know if you want me to do a write-up on that)
Another thing to note is that the entire cast of this game is girls aged 15–18. And all of their stories are just normal but real stories. Their stories are also, at times, tedious and petty. In one account, we have a girl named Ako, whose subplot involves her being like, “oh my god, my father would never approve of my career choice”. And you have to then save Ako because she was too stupid/stupid to understand that journalism isn’t that bad. And her father, who is an in-universe rockstar, would be proud of her. I didn’t care for this plot point, but it shows what Blue Reflection does well.
If you’re looking for female-focused, hyper-feminist, lead games, you’re not going to find them here. The game has many fan service moments undermining what Blue Reflection wanted to stand for.
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Chapter Three — There shouldn’t be any fan service
It really becomes unbecoming by the mid-game. You’d get a low-angle shot at the start of the game, looking up, and I’m there thinking,” oh, okay, fine, it’s a little weird but okay”. But then it keeps happening. Every few cutscenes would be this weird angle camera, and you’d stand there going, “What is this?”. Especially given the content of the game and who it is meant for.
I think the game needs to reduce or altogether remove the fan service especially given the target audience.
Chapter Four — A breath of fresh air
I grew up with Hamtaro, Card Capture Sakura, and Totally Spies. Cartoons and anime that are female-focused and whose storylines are tailored towards girls. I watched several popular ones, and I enjoyed them as well. There is a demand for this kind of writing style and slice-of-life. I have not seen this kind of slice of life and female-focused writing in a JRPG. Others may have been produced in Japan but haven’t seen a translated release. I’ve played many dating sims and visual novels, though I only play the critically acclaimed ones.
Some people will criticise the game for leaning so heavily on emotions. I understand the history and its implications of it. However, at the same time, I think the game did a good job showing the player just how emotions can become monstrous when left unattended. It can be violent, and it can feel like a battle for some people. There were some issues. Some emotions were represented well, and others not. The game has potential.
Every girl in the game is just their problem. Their characters are only as deep as the problems they face. Despite this, you do get to help them along with their problems. You get to see them resolve issues through direct or indirect actions. There are times when, even though you ‘solve’ the character’s issue, the character themselves need to be willing to accept the help or do the work required to move on. So every quest may end, but ultimately it isn’t up to the protagonist whether or not the characters are better in the end.
Blue Reflection is an excellent female-focused story you don’t really get to hear or see that often in games.
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Chapter Five — Not All That Glitters
The characters may not be very unique visually, but the issues they face vary greatly. There are more minor issues, such as some girls being jealous of an exceptionally gifted girl because of her makeup.
One girl loves makeup and wanted to share the joy of makeup with her friends. She thinks that’s all she’s worth, and it’s the only way for her to make friends. She goes and helps them put on makeup and wants all of them to love makeup. When she goes and helps these other girls put on their makeup and puts on hers, The fellas tend to like her. For one girl, in particular, it made her angry at the makeup girl. She didn’t understand what she was doing wrong when nothing was wrong with her. And the individual was projecting their insecurity onto the makeup girl, which made the makeup girl insecure. She bonded with people over their love of makeup.
There were issues where the main protagonist is constantly battling her accident which stopped her from dancing, and her friend, who knew about it, used it against her. There were issues where the characters were intentionally lying about other characters so the others would isolate and bully them. The game’s storylines can be charming and easy-going, but when it takes a turn, it is a sharp turn.
One of the girls finds a camera in the changing room, and I was like, holy shit, that’s a real fucking plot line. I was getting ready for a teacher doing this, and we would have to do some real shit here.
A girl and her friend discovered the camera and realized someone was spying on them in the changing rooms.
One girl is furious and wants to desperately find the person, and the other is like meh, whatever, let me play on the phone. It may seem weird to some, but those are accurate responses if you’ve interacted with or seen people deal with and process trauma. Some people might fight hard to make sure this never happens again / reclaim power for either themselves or others. Some people might just recluse themselves into whatever they can to prevent from processing it. It could be tv, movies, music, books, going out, clubbing, and anything else. This was really good to see these actual responses. It was entirely out of nowhere. You get Saturday morning cartoons, then boom.
I was fully prepared for a conclusion where it was an adult, a principal, a teacher, or something along those lines. I was fully ready to see how far the story would go with these issues, maybe evening speaking on society as a whole.
And then we find out it’s a girl.
Not just any girl, it’s the Captain of the girls’ team. She placed the camera there. And I was like fuck, I genuinely didn’t expect them to say it was a girl.
But then it was never addressed.
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The girl who wants to know more and bring justice gets angry, and she gets angrier when the other girl who reclused doesn’t want to address the issue. As they both get angrier, they go rampant, and you must go into the common to fix it. And you find their crystals and break them, and you feel what they feel. Then you come out in the real world, and then Lime says you can try to help someone knowing fully what they have been through, but it may not always work.
I think it was an excellent plot point to have the characters acknowledge that this is all they can do at this point.
It was good that they provided a nuanced look at something as serious as this. Certain things can mess up people in various directions that we don’t simply understand or know how to deal with.
In another game, it might have been a switch. You know you break the crystal, and everything is fixed. Especially if it was a side character, you see the quest would have been done, and you probably wouldn’t think about it again. The game deserves credit for adding the nuance when I didn’t expect it.
You focused on the people and how they were affected. We don’t know the real repercussions and what the actual punishment was. It was okay to just leave and connect the dots for some others. This quest affected the entire school.
That was the last plot point I went through, and maybe it was addressed further down the line. So ultimately, I don’t know if the character in question was punished or if the victims ever got any relief or dealt with it.
I think they addressed some of it was really good. It was a great nuanced quest and arc. The game set itself up to have an honest discussion about the issues.
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Chapter Six — All together now
Blue Reflection offers a diverse set of characters, stories, and personalities for every kind of person to get attached to. Each character comes with their own problems and nuances and adds a great deal to the story. It’s a fun take on an overdone RPG style.
There are problems with the battle system, but the moves are well designed, and a lot of visual candy is associated with it. No action really feels tedious. However, coming down to the end of the game, you’ll find the moves that do the most damage and just use those to complete the game. You’ll spam AoE and knockback moves mostly. When that fails, there is Lime. Who, for some reason, is an absolute unit. She has some kind of hidden damage modifier that makes her hit enemies like a break wall. She is, without a doubt, op.
I think she was placed there to ensure casual players can power through the game. It is an excellent way to keep the player moving, especially if they might not have been competent or advanced in RPG mechanics.
Some topics here you don’t find in other games. There are many cutscenes, and hopefully, they’ll reduce it going forward. Fanservice is still a big problem that can affect playability. Don’t rush through the game; otherwise, it becomes frustrating.
Overall I’d love to see more depth and nuance in the characters. I feel like this game really has a lot to offer.
Even though it exists within its niche medium, I think the game can go beyond its niche and help craft a new RPG style that appeals to gamers who would like to see a story with a more modern touch and more profound stories.
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The Void Calls, Will You Answer?
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beanieman · 3 years
Making Very Random Assumptions About You Based On Your YTTD Kin
Sara Chidouin - You have a lot of stuffed animals and have named each one, you’ve listened to the new Olivia Rodrigo album at least once,  you bottle up your feelings and then you explode about something small when really there’s much longer overarching issue’s.
Joe Tazuna - You have a really weird but impressive skill set like you can shoot down a fly with a rubber band or something to that extent, you’re very analytical about characters and could write a good character analysis, you give a lot of finger guns or peace signs. 
Gin Ibushi - You’ve spent hours on Animal Jam, you like Studio Ghibli movies, and you’ve had a nightcore phase. 
Keiji Shinogi - You like fast food more than homecooked meals, if you’ve watched Bojack Horseman one of your favorite episodes is “Stupid Piece Of Shit”, you might have watched a lot of cop shows when you were a kid but you fully believe in ACAB now. 
Alice Yabusame - Hello LGBT+ community, you want to be a rebel but most of the time you’re pretty rule abiding, you aren’t a violent person but if someone bothers your friends you’re going to punch someone. 
Reko Yabusame - You want a sword, you curse a lot in your inner monologue but don’t swear much outwardly unless you’re around friends, you jokingly threaten to fight people or characters often. 
Nao Egokoro - You can’t focus on your schoolwork/job but you can write a novel length fanfiction or draw a Picasso art piece without breaking focus, you’re interested in astrology, you’re a magnet for weird things. If something’s going to happen it will be to you. 
Kazumi Mishima - You talk a lot with your hands, you have a really good memory when it comes to the people you care about, you can read people’s emotions very easily it’s hard for people to hide their feelings from you.
Q-taro Burgerberg - You’ve broken a bone before, you have the most likelihood of being tall compared to the other kins (no science behind it,, it’s just the vibes.), you love to listen to the sounds of nature like bird songs or a river flowing. 
Kai Satou - The one thing you don’t relate too about Kai is his posture, you’re a cat person, Earth or air sign vibes. 
Kanna Kizuchi - Under 5′6 gang, you love the sound of music boxes, you want to be a plant person but you can never keep one alive.
Shin Tsukimi - Your hands are always cold, you have a concerning amounts of near death experiences. , you either really believe in ghosts, or you claim to not believe in ghosts, but if you saw a shadow out of the corner of your eye, you’re calling an exorcist. 
Ranmaru Kageyama - You’ve been tired since 2015, you really wanted to have a goth/emo/punk phase but your parents wouldn’t let you, Creepypasta or Slenderverse phase vibes. 
Naomichi Kurumada - You were automatically drawn to him because his hair color is a vibe, you’re very chill about big life events but you will die on a hill over small inconsequential events, you’re a hat person. 
Anzu Kinashi - The first phase you had as a child was something most adults considered weird like clowns or rocks, Tumblr is the only social media you find tolerable, you’re very forgetful. 
Mai Tsurugi - You’re very passive aggressive when angry, you sleep holding a pillow or pressing your back to one, you were interested in YTTD because someone explained it being like Danganronpa. 
Shunsuke Hayasaka - You don’t watch video’s/tv shows/movies as much as you use them as background music, you don’t do well working because you’re always daydreaming, you overthink thinks a lot you worry about things like whether you’re standing awkwardly or not. 
Hinako Mishuku - You had an Anna Blue phase, You don’t get in a lot of arguments but you daydream yourself winning an argument whenever you’re frustrated, you watch either “Cinema Summary” or “Dead Meat” on YouTube. 
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strawberryjamsara · 3 years
Idea for a yttd no death game au that I may or may not write
-Joe is dying and Sara is frantically pushing at the button trying to stop him from succumbing. Everything seems bleak. Then she wakes up with the reveal it was a dream. Gin is shaking her awake yelling that Kai made chocolate chip pancakes and to go downstairs.
-Keiji is also down there, looking like he just woke up. Sara makes a snide comment about his eyebags, and he retorts that she doesn’t have much room to talk after she just refused to go to bed last night. Kai just serves breakfast with several one liners and Gin makes a comment about how he’s glad Kai is around because Mr Policeman and Muscle Gorilla can’t cook. Keiji takes offense to this and offers to try and make a side dish and about ten seconds in cuts himself on the knife. He gets the shit roasted out of him. Qtaro comes down looking pretty good and proceeds to see all the food is gone and gets roasted. All is well and good but something is bothering Sara.
-She meets up on the school path with Joe, Ranmaru and Anzu and they all begin teasing Ranmaru and pointing out his crush on Sara. At one point Anzu and Joe walk ahead and Ranmaru asks Sara if he can talk to her in private some time soon. Sara agrees then goes up to Joe and Anzu to loudly tell them that Ranmaru is gonna confess. Ranmaru protests loudly.
-She has a good day at school. Professor Mishima has always been her favorite teacher. However he says the old assignment Sara was working on got lost so she’ll have to start again. Sara agrees and accepts his apology, as well as his offer for an extension, and begins trying to recreate her old painting but comes to the realization she doesn’t remember what her last painting was.
-To amend this, she tries calling up Nao after school, since she remembers doing a lot of the piece with her. But strangely, Nao doesn’t seem to remember either. Nao offers to come up with a new painting if Sara comes over though, and Sara agrees. But before that her meeting with Ranmaru.
-She meets Ranmaru behind the school where he asks if she had a weird dream last night. She’s surprised and is about to say yes, but a sinking feeling arrives in her stomach at the idea of acknowledging it. She tells him no. So he says okay and tells her she can leave.
-She comes to Nao’s house and finds the usual scene. Reko is keeping to herself, Alice is lounging around before loudly announcing her presence when she comes in, and Nao is excited to see her! When coming up with a theme they toss ideas back and forth before Sara just suggests… a button pressing. She doesn’t know why. She just wants to. Nao doesn’t see a problem. Sara goes to give Reko a wave out before she leaves but she seems to be in a crabby mood. Alice explains it’s because of Samurai Yaibas concert getting cancelled due to an unexpected meltdown whatever that means. Sara offers to go shopping downtown with them on the promised day to make up for it. They agree and Sara is on her way.
-Sara is trying to go to sleep at night but the lights down the hall are still on so she storms to Keiji’s room to tell him to go the fuck to sleep it’s 1 in the morning. Good night Keiji.
-The next day, her and Joe are being sent together to babysit Kanna and Hinako after school. During school, Anzu asks Sara about her confession from Ranmaru and Sara just informs her of the conversation from yesterday. Anzu gasps and makes cries of Ranmaru playing with Sara’s heart, and Ranmaru tells her to calm down and more shenanigans ensue as they make a bigger and bigger scene.
-Joe is sent to pick up Hinako while Sara is out in charge of going to the Tsukimi’s and waiting on Kanna. Shin is pretty much already halfway out the door trying to get to work when she gets there, and she makes a few jokes at his expense but then feels a need to back off at how hard he recoils- usually he claps back twice as hard. Maybe she caught him on a bad day- and Joe comes in with Hinako who seems to have a new habit of writing everything that happens down. They watch She ra and play pretend well into the night and Shin comes back, thanks Sara and Joe profusely, and they even play a quick game of Mario Kart together, Sara taking note of how squeamish Shin is.
-Sara wakes up to see the lights are on again. She stomps to Keiji’s room again but this time she sees him hurriedly putting away a theory board when she comes in. She doesn’t know and she’s too tired to care. Goodnight Keiji.
-Ranmaru is absent from school the next day. Anzu and Joe are complaining loudly, but Sara for some reason feels a deep pit of dread in her stomach. She excuses herself trying to call him but gets no response. So she pulls Joe aside and tells him she had a dream he died and the last one on one conversation she had with Ranmaru was him asking her if she had a weird dream. Joe agrees that’s kinda weird and they decide to go around looking for answers.
-But first Reko Alice and Sara hangout! They go shopping downtown, and eventually stop at Mai’s bakery to sit down and eat. Throughout the trip Sara notices Reko being uncharacteristically mean to people they run into. Sara questions this before Alice replies that she’s always been like this and Sara must be remembering wrong. Sara can’t help but feel like she’s had this conversation before. On the bright side, Samurai Yaiba got rescheduled and Sara is invited. She gets 4 tickets, one for her, one for Anzu, one for Joe, and one for Ranmaru. She goes back home and tries to speculate on the personality shifts between Reko and Shin.
-It’s Sunday and time for Sara and Joe’s investigation! They meet up at her house, where they play with Gin and chat with Qtaro and Kai, then go off looking for leads, starting with Ranmaru’s apartment which is completely vacant. They track a few leads that go nowhere the final being that they know he would sometimes try to go and start shit with Kurumada so they go ask him and see him talking with Shin and Kanna, so they ask him and Shin for information. They don’t really have anything, and Shin actually says he’s looking for Hinako since she got a little far from him in a crowd. They agree and track her down writing notes again, and explain the situation, but Sara picks up one of the notes. “‘The case for Ranmaru Kageyama��? ‘A non-termination request’? What is thi-“ then she feels a shock at her back and falls over. “Sorry Sara senpai. I’m doing what I can.”
-Sara wakes up back in her room the next day. Was that a dream? She eats breakfast again tuning everything out, remembering how the scene went last week and then she remembers what bothered her so much about last weeks breakfast.
-Keiji didn’t bleed when he cut himself.
-Ranmaru is back in class the next day. Sara runs up to him trying to get answers out of him only to realize he hardly knows her and thinks she’s just a random classmate he’s never talked too. She yells to Joe and Anzu to snap him out of it but they seem to share a similar sentiment. She’s totally lost.
-She goes up to Mishima and asks what her previous art piece she was working on was. He says he doesn’t remember. That’s between her Nao and her own teacher not remembering. What is going on? How could they just forget? Did someone just erase it? Mishima asks if she’d like to see the nurse and she agrees.
-Until she sees the nurse. It’s her. She looks meek and quiet but the second Sara sees her her stomach drops to her shoes. She has to get out of there.
-She runs home- Keiji- Keiji had that theory board, he was saying something about her refusing to go to bed for some reason, and he went cooking to show her he didn’t bleed- he must know something-
-She finds the house empty. She calls for Kai and Gin and Qtaro and Keiji but nobody comes. The theory board- she runs to Keiji’s room and finds it- dolls- AIs- wait what? Everyone here was dolls and AIs? Was she…? She takes a pin from the board and pricks herself but she bleeds… so was everyone else… was this a box meant for her? Why?
-Then suddenly it slams into her brain like a freight train. She remembers what the previous version of the painting was.
-A sea of death. A pool of crimson with her standing above it, like she was somehow walking on top of it.
-“Ah… that’s another attempt miserably failed.”
-She turns around. She sees him. She doesn’t know him and yet she despises this person like mad. “Midori!”
-“You winning the game wasn’t supposed to be so much of a pain. Putting you in this glorified simulation for therapy is so much more trouble than it’s worth, but you were so hysterical otherwise we didn’t have a choice! And Hinako insisting we keep in people who keep cracking the code… we might have to do something about her too… but that’s nothing for you to worry about! Now go to sleep Ms Sara! When you wake up, everything will be fine again.”
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windblxmes · 2 years
Open for business
Hi before we get anywhere else if your gonna request please read my welcome post first please and thank you
Requests Currently: Open ✨
Drafts : 0 Asks: 1
Update 8/5/22: I’m currently trying to get all my asks written as soon as possible if it’s in drafts that’s means it’s written and I’m waiting to post it and if it’s asks that means the ask has been received and will be written when I get to it I most likely will not ever close my asks but it could take awhile to get to it thank youuu <3
✨Welcome Post✨
Ok so right now i'm gonna start with requests for
*Danganronpa (all games)
*Genshin Impact
*Your Turn To Die
I prefer doing yandere requests but please give me some non-yandere too for now so i can be more confident in my yandere writing ill probably change to just yandere at somepoint but i'll let you know when I do i'm more confident in my non-yandere writing atm i prefer x readers but i'll write character x character if i'm really into the ship but i might deny the request also please specify if you want a male, female, or gn i also have the right to refuse a request if i feel like i don't know how to write for the topic
(by the way if a character is in bold I have less confident in writing for so don't be to disappointed if the post is absolute shit and if it has a * next to it I ONLY WRITE PLATONIC if it doesn't have a * ill write both)
Trigger Happy Havoc
Makoto Naegi
Kyoko Kirigiri
Byakuya Togami
Chihiro Fujisaki
Aoi Asahina
Celestia Ludenburg
Sayaka Maizono
Goodbye Despair
Chiaki Nanami (both versions if you don't specify i'll pick)
Nagito Komaeda
Mikan Tsumiki
Mahiru Koizumi
Akane Owari
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Hiyoko Saionji
Ibuki Mioda
Izuru Kamukura/Hajime Hinata
Sonia Nevermind
V3 Killing Harmony
Shuichi Saihara
Kokichi Oma/Ouma (idgaf how u say it)
Maki Harukawa
Angie Yonaga
Himiko Yumeno
Kirumi Tojo
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaito Momota
Tenko Chabashira
Tsumugi Shirogane
Miu Iruma
Rantaro Amami
Ultra Despair Girls
Warriors of Hope*
Danganronpa 3 (Anime)
Natsumi Kuzuryu
Chisa Yukizome*
Ruruka Ando
Ryota Mitarai (the original)
Seiko Kimura
Genshin Impact
Traveler and Abyss Twins
Venti (warning i tend to write him ooc)
Childe (I tend to write him different than most ppl)
Hu Tao
Yun Jin
Your Turn to Die
Sou (Shin)
Hinako (i don't know alot about her so it will probably be very ooc)
Rio Ranger
ok i think thats it i'll probably edit this list once in awhile lol oh and im gonna edit the tags soon if you have any questions feel free to send in a ask i'll try and answer asap and to the best of my ability
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morsking · 3 years
earlier i said how the event is making me care for skadi but on the flipside it’s also exacerbating my frustrations with lostbelt 2 because the event implies she has unresolved trauma about ragnarok and surtr’s flames but in her story chapter proper she has barely any reaction (that i remember) to surtr appearing. there is a common theme in lostbelts where the problem with the lostbelt = the personal problem with the crypter = the personal problem with the lostbelt king. 
kadoc’s problem was that he forsook kindness despite having a very caring and nurturing nature due to the traumatic experience of dying having never been deemed worthy or appreciated by anyone and sought to overcompensate for the lostbelt’s rejection from proper human history, and that was matched by a lostbelt king who more than anything yearned for his lost humanity and the love he once had for someone else, which resulted in a lostbelt full of callous people who believed only in survival of the fittest rather than in cooperation. 
hinako’s problem was her reluctance to connect with humans due to her hatred of them born from experiencing the worst of their discrimination and warfare. qin shi huang, in turn, believed in severing humans from their emotional and intellectual connections in the lostbelt so they would never turn to war again, but are ultimately unable to think of life as a shared pursuit of happiness. while they both had transcended human limitations, whether naturally or artificially, they still had a fundamental flaw of being unable to grow as people by shutting themselves out from the human race and finding ways to leave behind a legacy of positive change. an eternal person and an eternal empire are existences full of stagnation. 
lostbelt 2 however is a damned mess because sakurai was more focused on writing a self-indulgent hell otome game scenario where ophelia is the object of surtr and napoleon’s affections while having conflicting feelings towards kirschtaria it’s comphet but sakurai doesn’t realize she wrote comphet and skadi is trying to push her into getting together with napoleon. she does this because skadi herself wishes she was like her proper human history counterpart who had someone who loved her in a world where she is the only one remotely capable of loving because all the gods who could ever love her have died. this is further worsened towards the end, where it’s revealed that napoleon does in fact hold the key to solving ophelia’s and the lostbelt’s problem by showing them that more possibilities exist other than the rigid and repressive way of life imposed on them by someone else. 
this just reeks of “i need a man to solve all my emotional problems”. there is extremely little actual personal connection between skadi and ophelia on the topic of shared trauma: ophelia having the trauma of being repressed as a child by her parents in a vague and nondescript way that causes her to seek direction from others without ever thinking of what she herself wants while skadi only knows how to repress processing her grief by depriving the world of knowledge and emotion and loving her subjects in a backwards way that leads them nowhere but also makes no freaking sense so now the setting feels forced.  in case you haven’t noticed, lb2 is lb3 but worse. 
when surtr appears again in lb2, released from the bonds placed upon him by ophelia and sigurd, there is no memorable, or rather, telling reaction from skadi. she’s just like “oh shit he’s here you gotta go take care of this here’s some magical support, bye”. there is no skadi reacting viscerally to the fact the man who killed all her loved ones has been hiding under her nose all this time and has been closer to escaping his prison than ever before and has even succeeded at the very end and is about to destroy more than just her beloved world. there is no quiet denial born from trauma, there is no subtle freaking out, there is no hesitation in her actions reflecting a psychological weakness, there is nothing to make you believe that skadi shares a meaningful character dimension with ophelia like the other lostbelt kinds do with their crypters. 
the story has to retroactively tell you she has unresolved trauma about ragnarok in a seasonal event because her story chapter where the man responsible for that trauma has an appearance and shares a space with her couldn’t even accomplish that because it was too busy making itself about ophelia and her “i need a man” syndrome.
don’t get me wrong, i think it’s really good how the celt servants are trying to accomodate skadi as one of their own despite her being from another country and another history, but it just speaks levels at how fgo resorts to writers picking up the slack for others and cleaning up after them because no one is actually properly supervising things or sharing feedback that significantly improves upon their work because they’re allowing each other to be far too self-indulgent in the things they write rather than do the responsible thing and hold back on that just enough so they can enjoy themselves without the story suffering for it.
i think that, the one moment that could reflect skadi has trauma in a way that’s powerful and effective, if sakurai had cared more, is when skadi insists on fighting you after dealing with surtr. she is not about to let go of her world, her core of emotional comfort and also her dignity, and let you destroy it without resisting first, which is something she learns to do after watching ophelia resist her own fate at the very end thanks to napoleon. that was good, but felt slightly unearned because there hadn’t been a more dedicated study to her character before like there is now.
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xxalphaclownxx · 2 years
HERE’S THE LINK: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/love-you-to-bits/id941057494
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yourturntosimp · 3 years
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Rules for asks:  ✿ When you send in asks, please don’t spam them or ask about it if i haven’t posted a response to yours within like 15 mins of you ending it in! If you’re unsure if your ask got through, just ask! ✿ No smut, general NSFW, or extreme gore! This blog is SFW ✿ If you want non-yandere content of a character, please specify!! This is a yandere writing blog first and foremost, so if you don’t specify non-yandere, i’ll assume writing the characters as yan is what you wanted. ✿ If you want a specific theme/plot to the hcs, send that in!!! it can be a loose idea or an entire plot, anything is helpful ✿ Please check if requests are open! (i mean they probs will be most of the time but yk, rule of thumb jhgv) ✿ Please specify if you want pre, post, or ongoing death game for your request! It helps with writing the characters (If you don’t, I’ll just assume post or pre depending on the character-) ✿ Okay this isn’t really a rule but if you wanna send in your own hcs/drabbles/scenarios or anything, go for it!  I WILL NOT write:   ✿ NSFW in any sense ✿ Heavy gore ✿ Character genderbends ✿ Character X Oc ✿ Character X Character ships that i am uncomfortable with ✿ Incest ✿ Pedo ✿ Extremely specific reader ( ie: to the point that it’s just character x oc or just character x that requester, requesting specifics in things like age, hobbies, professions, disorders/illnesses or aesthetic choice is fine!) ✿ Romantic Gin, Kanna, Kuramada, Mishima, or Hinako ✿ For Q-taro ✿ For Gashu ✿ Heavy angst (angst will always be light and brief if requested, just because i cry at feather angst and i literally wouldn’t be able to write it lmao– better off not requesting it tbh–) ✿ Formats besides hc! (This is a hc blog! Writing in a list-like format helps me do stuff, so i kinda can’t write anything but hcs hbgvcfgh-- The only exception is yandere alphabet, bc it’s still list format)  I WILL write:  ✿ Yandere reader ✿ Platonic yandere ✿ Gore (Not extremely heavy or descriptive) ✿ Polyamory ✿ Kidnapping, Drugging, Violence, Murder etc etc (all that yandere stuff yk) ✿ Gn!reader (this will always be the case unless specific gender is requested, in which case pronouns and gendered terms will change) ✿ AUs (Hanahaki, Soulmates, yk all that hopeless romantic shit but unhealty relationship edition) ✿ Yandere alphabet (Alphabet can be found here!) Characters I write for: Alice Anzu Gin (platonic) Hinako (platonic)  Joe Kai Kanna (platonic) Mishima (platonic) Keiji Mai Maple Nao Kurumada (platonic) Ranmaru Reko Ranger Sara Shin Midori Hayasaka Miley Safalin  Characters I will not write for (just as a reminder):   Q-Taro Gashu
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ninjayuri · 3 years
Shin& Mai for the ask game?
watch how hard i can ramble Lol (but fr i was NOT joking when i said i need time for these)
Shin Tsukimi: What do you think about the percentages? What would you change, and what would you give to the non-candidates?
the percentages WERE a plot point that was brought up a lot a lot, but i think it was interesting how they managed to dramatically change our view on the entire game with new tidbits of information, like first with shin vs sara and then with alice's real name and then with the non candidates etc etc. to be quite honest, i think the placement of the current people on the list is fine? i could easily go into a rant about every characters reasoning but,, i will refrain from doing that. as for the non candidates, i feel like theyd all have pretty surprising percentages, tbh.
like nao, she seems anxious and things at first, but we see COUNTLESS times that she's actually extremely smart, caring, and all in all underappreciated. plus, she has a playable massacre route :] and i think in routes with mishima still alive, shed have a higher chance as well, since hes such a support system for her, and that was the main source of weakness for her in our current game. so her percentage would be.. id like to say second page-ish if not higher? around an 8.5%?
kugie,,, im gonna be honest with you rn. if kugie had a percentage and was a proper candidate, i genuinely think she mightve been able to replace sara as our highschool girl. so second overall in terms of percentage, 12.7% specifically. the parallels between her and sara are often drawn upon in relation to kanna, and she seems to be a pretty strong character too.. if anything, in an au where kugie is the candidate? since shes the helper in our game, i think that kanna would most likely be KUGIE'S handicap.
kai? youd think with his assassin thing and general calmness hed be pretty high, but i argue otherwise. his suspiciousness, protectiveness of sara, general annoyance to asunaro, not to mention he really isnt as smart as some of youd like to make him out to be (/lh),,, so hed be going down for sure. not TOO much persay, bc of his knowledge first off, and his attitude would get him out of a lot of tough spots, right before putting him into new ones. being kai in a death game has its disadvantages yes, but its not ALL bad. 5.7%.
and finally, last but DEF not least, joe <333 i really should not be putting the hearts right before discussing how likely he is to not die but,,, alas, i digress. joe is an interesting case, i think? bc sure weve only seen him for so long, but hes shown us a lot of himself too. hes obviously VERY willing to do anything for his best friend, but not without some regrets. joe isnt dumb or fully innocent, but he isnt a monster either, and being so kind hearted and extroverted does serve as an issue if youll always be trying to trust the others, while in a death game.
at the same time, does he really,,? he only officially said he did before his canon ending,,, hmhmhm.. makes one wonder what a route with joe alive but no sara would be like. i think hed be way more likely to win in early game, but once he gets to know his 'allies' more, hes definitely the main glue keeping everyone together. hed be fun to see with the dummies situation too. im conflicted on joe, but ill give him a 9%.
Mai Tsurugi: Best plot twist in the entire game?
i talked enough on the last question, so the reveal that shin, our then masterful reveal antagonist, really is just some bitchy job hopper whos scared of a zero. nuff said.
real talk tho,,,, there were just so many good ones??? shin writing the message,, gashu being more than a creepy receptionist doll,,, mai's hands,,,, alice not killing the green felt bitch but instead indirectly killing a child,,, m.dori only being human in his body and only part of it at that,, hinako reveal,,,, GREENBLINGS CANON,,,,,,, if youre looking for plot twists, yttd has some GOOD shit.
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notasoukinnie · 3 years
spoilers for the entire game of your turn to die!
so I'm not going to say shit in detail since I'm literally writing this in 4 am but ranmaru is fr alive like bruh how tf did this bitch die he's literally covered in bandages, we don't even know what the fuck killed him nor do we see him ever actually die like there's a clear pattern with all of the victims and ranmaru doesn't follow it at all ,the only other person who doesn't follow that pattern is hinako and that's for obvious reasons .
so what is the pattern?
1.we all see the traps that killed them
2.we only see them before they die and after they die or a few seconds before dying in most cases
also I want to keep in mind that we as the player basically see stuff just like Sara so that means even she didn't see him close his eyes the screen just faded and all???
like at this point I just straight up think of this theory as a fact because we already know that the dolls can be active while the human counterpart is still alive (the reko situation in chapter 2)
and my last theory with the tapes and all also kinda proves it
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Lanling is a good boy and person overall.
Because I cannot tolerate Lanling slander anymore. I might as well make another defense later but this is a mini defense. Who would hate this sweetheart?
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First of all, I’m downright disappointed that LB3 was a mistake and that they treated his character like shit. He isn’t the only one. Liangyu, Yu, Xiang Yu, and literally everyone else is treated like shit.
I really don’t like how they treated my boy. Or anyone else who isn’t QSH for that matter.
But I really hate when people say he (Lanling) is outright evil or a complete asshole with no redeeming qualities yet will praise worse villains. He’s really not a bad guy. He’s just a man who wants his master to be happy. But deep inside, he doesn’t hate us.
The reason being is the fact that when Goredolf and everyone else in Chaldea was imprisoned, is the fact that he showed sympathy for both his master and for us. Yet people slander him like crazy. Especially on Reddit. For instance:
“I know I'll end up getting downvoted to hell for this but, of the 3 crypter servants shown so far Lanling in my opinion has been the worst and most boring one.
LB1 you've got Anastasia who had an interesting character she showed her cold noble side yet when alone with Kadoc she would sometimes show a sassy side or a sweet caring side. then you also look at her abilities she had style, she had ice magic and a badass snow beast guardian spirit (Viy).
LB2 you've got "Sigurd" who was a badass dragon slayer knight who hunted us down like the Terminator and was constantly kicking the crap out of us and nearly killed us a few times. then plot twist you find out it wasn't actually Sigurd in control but, a giant god of fire and destruction and the actual Sigurd was still  a badass Dragon slayer knight but, was also a friendly gentleman who alongside his wife helped us fight the evil god.
LB3 you've got Prince Lanling who for the most part was a pretty boy, yes man the entire LB who harassed us a lot but, really wasn't all that intimidating and constantly had to retreat and run with his tail between his legs. hell even his death sucked, he ended up dying being a glorified juice box with a pretty face for the angsty vampire with a fetish for the cyborg centaur wannabee dark souls boss.” (ironically, this post got really upvoted for the slander)
Anastasia (don’t get me wrong, I love her but this is the truth) outright hates us and wants us dead. She blames us for the death of her family. The entire human race. She is also responsible for killing and destroying Chaldea. Nonetheless, she and Kadoc have a good relationship and they get along like siblings.
Sigurd wasn’t written by Urobutcher so he got a good chance of helping us. Surtr, on the other hand hates us and treats his own master like trash. As for his master Ophelia, she doesn’t hate Mash so she has redeeming qualities.
Lanling is just a victim of his own story. Considering how Urobutcher treated Diarmuid, he has everything against pretty boy twinks. As for Lanling, sure, he harassed us and why did he do so? He was following orders. He isn’t the man to go against orders unless told to do so. The reason he wasn’t so intimidating is because unlike the previous crypters’ servants (for the record, Sigurd doesn’t count because Ophelia’s true servant was Surtr and the type moon wiki says that he’s only Ritsuka’s servant), he doesn’t outright hate us or want to kill us. The scene where he attempts to assassinate us but can’t bring himself to do so is proof of that and like I said before, he isn’t the man who wants us dead or locked in a cell with Tamamo Vitch. The reason he fought us anyway is because he’s a man who follows orders (and because that fox is a total bitch who annoys him too.)
The main problem is the fact that despite his somewhat good relationship with Hinako, she isn’t a good master and her team comps are terrible. Lanling with Guda isn’t weak at all, he is actually pretty badass and good at supporting us.
The reason his death sucked was because he was thrown out, nobody in the story cared about him, and he was basically treated as a punching bag turned into a plot device. Lostbelt 3 is terrible in my opinion because of how mistreated he was as a character. Not just him, but Liangyu was also shit on hard. If it ever gets an anime, it should have a writer who is good to all the characters overall other than QSH. QSH, while I do like them, they are the biggest creator’s pet in this lostbelt and thanks to them, no one else really got to shine except for a select few.
Honestly, I hate LB3 so much that I wanna make a fix it fanfic. One where Lanling isn’t treated like shit, one where Liangyu is conflicted with fighting alongside the emperor, and QSH is a male with his original design and never redeems himself because of how cruel he is. Yet so many people on Reddit are against this idea because LB3 is “good” to them. WTF? You do realize there are people who were disappointed with the ending for GOT for said reasons but when the story is by Urobutcher, it’s fine?!?!?!?!
Haven’t you forgotten Aldnoah Zero exists? That anime was a trash heap because all the characters who were supposed to die didn’t and were just there. No one really had any character development except a few characters. And it was written by the same writer.
Yet Urobutcher is a god when writing LB3 somehow.
I get QSH as a character, I really do. But I really liked Lanling (and everyone else but Tamamo Vitch) a lot more. The reason being is the fact that he’s got insecurities about his appearance, is shy and introverted, is most likely a crybaby, and suffers from back pain. He also loves horses the way I love other animals and not just horses for me. He is also not too bad with children (at least how I see it). Sure, he may not be the grand saber Muramasa but he was an important character to the story in my heart. Honestly, I hope he redeems himself in the story later on, considering how many characters did redeem themselves in the story.
I’ll definitely defend him for some of the newer reasons later.
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yabusamez · 4 years
Can you write hinako, gin, kanna being best friends please
Oooh! I can infact- please enjoy!! these were actually really fun hehe
Hinako is the scariest child on earth and the other two LOVE it.
Her sarcasm rubs off on them really bad and it actually pisses Shin off, because he doesnt want his little sister telling him 'sure, I'll go outside and play unlike you'
Seriously, it takes lifespan away from all of Gin and Kanna's guardians every single time
Hinako doesn't really understand this whole 'being nice to kids' thing... If I'm gonna be honest with you, she probably lowkey bullies them HAHA
Not like mean bullying, but like... teasing and play-fighting!
Gin forces Kanna and Hinako to come over to Keiji's house for a sleepover, because he's the only guardian willing to have Hinako over
Because every time Hinako goes to someone's house, it gets absolutely fucking trashed.
Kanna is Shin's little sister, Gin is Keiji's son, and Hinako...
Hinako is Midori's little sister.
You can imagine the problems that causes whenever she needs to be picked up.
Kanna loves having them bake with her because Hinako flings flour at Gin once and suddenly it's an all out war-
Kanna just hums as she puts her cookies in the oven while the other two are full on wrestling with sugar and butter on the floor.
Hinako, although being a teasing little shit, CONSTANTLY fights people for these two
People make fun of both Gin and Kanna for their quirks- Gin's being his cat and dog thing, and Kanna's being her bucket
Hinako throws literal hands and blood might spill
Holidays with these three are actually?? Peaceful??
Midori doesn't allow Hinako anywhere near his giant ass Christmas tree because she will scale that shit and call herself the star.
Halloweens are chaotic though-- Hinako dresses up in extremely convincing SFX makeup (thanks to Midori) and scares the everloving SHIT out of Gin and Kanna
Kanna nearly pisses her pants HAHA
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