#hiroki dan x y/n
lexsssu · 5 months
Odd (Hiroki Dan)
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TAGS: Dan/F!reader, yandere, possessiveness, obsession, breeding, impregnation, smut, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Dan was always…odd.
Even when you were both still young preteens fumbling their way through puberty and middle school, there was always something about him that stood out from the rest of the student body.
Sure, he was smart, handsome, and came from a good family especially with his father being the current superintendent general at the police force. He had all the qualities that ensured his constant popularity, but despite how amicable he was towards your peers he always retreated back into himself.
At least, that was when it came to everyone else that is.
Because the biggest oddity you could find in him is his blatant need to ALWAYS be around you.
Whether he was merely within your immediate vicinity or engaging with you in some way, the dark-haired male was drawn to you like a moth to a flame. The eyes are the windows to the soul and for someone like him who was a master at molding his expressions in whatever face he needed at the moment, his eyes clearly revealed how genuine he was towards you.
Perhaps you should be scared, especially when his expressive eyes widen and dilate whenever your eyes meet with him for even a second. How it seems as if he’d been staring at you for long periods of time without you even noticing how heated his gaze was, but…
Was it bad that you found his attention…endearing? 
Flattering even that such an eligible man such as him only had you in his eyes?
Dan never did anything that made you feel uncomfortable, but rather knowing that you had his eternal attention almost felt like a safety blanket was wrapped around you and that there was never really anything for you to fear. He is a gentleman first and foremost, but the longing within his eyes are unmistakable and the genuine smiles he bestows upon you wear down the walls you’ve placed around your heart little by little.
That is why is there really any surprise that you’re wedded beneath the sakura blossoms as soon as you’ve both graduated highschool? 
To most people, marrying so early seemed like such an archaic practice or that you were both throwing your lives away so early. 
Such a thought never passed through your mind however and much less your husband for that matter. If anything, both his family and yours were very supportive of your decision as they had all been witness to the love you both shared for one another through all these years. Plus, it also helps that his family was well-off enough and Dan himself driven enough that your father had no qualms handing you over to his new son-in-law because he knew that you’d certainly be taken care of and cherished.
However, as much as you were grateful to the family and friends that celebrated your union, nothing could still overcome the happiness that overflowed from your heart as you met this man at the altar and exchanged vows and a kiss to seal your everlasting love to one another.
Dan was certainly odd…but you loved him all the same.
“The doctor said that this is the best position to allow my seed to reach your womb and we’d be remiss if we didn’t follow her instructions. Besides, Masahiro deserves a new sibling, don’t you think so? I long to see you again growing ripe with my child…your breasts filling up with such fine drink that I’m already salivating just thinking about it…”
You don’t know what happened during work to set him off like this, but you weren’t complaining as Dan did his utmost best to practically rearrange your guts with how hard he was bearing down on you. The pillow he’d slipped beneath your hips just moments ago certainly helped as skin smacked against skin and bodily fluids dripped and stained the once pristine bedsheets.
The handsome investigator’s usually combed dark hair was in disarray as strands clung to his sweat-stained face, his movements & expression reeking of desperation and overflowing affection as he sought to get his cock as deep into you as he could. With luscious thighs wrapped around his narrow waist, hands raking against his strong back leaving faint red lines, and your lips kissed and bitten until it shone a bright reddish color, Hiroki knew that this might as well have been heaven.
For it is everything he wanted and dreamed of.
A precious young son sleeping in his own room, and the love of his life: his sweet little wife who still cared for him in spite of his need to ‘commit good deeds.’
And now that the newest member of your family was actively being made, Hiroki would make sure to continue his mission to cleanse the world of the filth that dared taint its goodness.
“ Leave it to me, darling. I’ll rack up enough ‘good deeds’ for you and all our future children so that you may all live without fears or worries… ”
With your face buried in the crook of his neck as you slept on top of him, his cock still stuffed inside your sopping cunt in order to prevent any of his seed from slipping out, the man smiled and closed his eyes and followed you into the land of dreams.
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dantheserialkillerman · 10 months
Hiroki Dan X GN!Teacher (one shot)
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Contains: Gender Neutral Reader and Age Difference General warning: Medium-length post (1,461 words) TW: Possessiveness/Yandere vibes Characters: Hiroki Dan and You
– There is a theory called The Green World by Northrop Fry. It's actually quite simple. Shakespeare's comedies follow a structure: in spring, the fertility month, the characters transition from the everyday world, faced with societal bondage, to the wild, where everything becomes topsy turvy, back to the ordinary world renewed and unbound. As you skimmed your class, you couldn't help but wonder if the same theory also applied to your life. This moment did feel wild.
– The semester is your first as a teacher at one of Toyko's most highly regarded private high schools, and according to the curious stares from your students, they don't know what to make of you. It sets you on edge. Yet, there is also great excitement as you finally have fulfilled your dream of educating the next generation after years of studying. Is there a word for both terror and elation? Perhaps euphoria? It did once mean to be removed from one's body. However, frisson seems to settle in your mind. Your hair does feel on end.
– One..two...three...breath...one...two...three...breath. You repeat this phrase over and over again as you start your lesson. This subject is your favourite, and not to brag, but you are an expert in this field; the school would have never hired you otherwise, and the parents would have you fired, flayed, and put out front as a warning for everyone else. Even some universities would pale in comparison. These are households of politicians, millionaires, and businessmen. The top of the top and greatness ensures they only produce greatness, or at least the image of it.
– Everything seems to be going well; to your surprise, the kids are actively engaged, yet you cannot help but sense an uneasiness. You feel dissected, like a butterfly being prepped for a display case. When turning around, an intensity makes you pause over a word to prevent a stutter. You swear unseen hands are rushing over your body as if to hold you and say, "Stay still; I deserve to look," for what reason you don't know. It's nerves, you tell yourself, focus on the lesson; you can't mess up the first class.
– But it happens again during the next lesson. Then, the one after that. Again and again until finally, when handing back the first assignment, you meet the cause after class.
– It was Autumn when the weather couldn't decide if it wished to be hot or cold, the leaves turning into a violent swarm of reds and oranges as if the trees were on fire. It had been a long day; you had to send someone to the head office for interrupting class, forgot your lunch, and were stuck grading papers. The only people still here were after-school clubs and occasionally teachers you heard walking in the halls.
– You were so absorbed in your work that you couldn't help but jump when you felt a tap on your shoulder and a soft "Excuse me" in your ear. Looking up in shock, you are surprised to see a man...well, a teenager. Handsome for his age, most likely eighteen and in his final year, with a shock of dark hair and eyes against pale skin, a warm smile breaks the otherwise monochrome facade. An image of Adder Snake flashes in your mind when he tilts his head and beams...it is as if he enjoyed scaring you.
– "Oh, I'm sorry, professor," he places a hand over his heart and straightens, "I merely wanted to get your attention." His eyes are so black that you can see your own startled reflection, and despite being in a more senior position, how small you look compared to this boy. You hate it.
– "It's fine," you look at the clock, "it's past five; shouldn't you be heading home, or is there something I can help you with?" You attempt to clean your desk to make it look moderately presentable. In reality, you wanted to seem busy so you didn't have to look him in the eye again. There was something profoundly unnerving about how he could pin you down with merely a look.
– His hand moves gracefully into his bag and pulls out a piece of paper; you recognize it as the recently returned assignment from your afternoon class. He places it delicately on your desk, atop the other essays you were grading. Pompous little shit, you couldn't help but think. You tilt over and see the grade, a ninety-five, the highest score you gave out recently.
– Picking up the paper, you hold it out for the student to take back, "It was very well-written and researched, particularly the second paragraph. Congratulations..." You quickly glance at the paper, hopefully discreetly, "Hiroki-kun." The name settled in your mouth like honey, sticking to your throat unpleasantly despite how sweet it sounded.
– He leans against the desk, the same plain smile upon his face and a light chuckle escaping his upturned lips. There is an uneasiness in the air, that pressure you felt during the day in increments, dilating in this very moment.
– "Thank you," he moves closer, and you realize the door is closed; who shut it? "But I wanted to ask," Closer, "what could I have done to have gained that extra five percent?"
– "I..." You feel speechless, your face hot from panic, "Well...you could've shortened it, perhaps?" Say anything to get him to leave.
– "That's it?"
– "It was written very well; I wouldn't worry about your grade."
– He takes the paper and folds it absent-mindedly, "I will take it to heart," as if to prove it, he holds the essay to his chest, "You are my favourite teacher here, and any advice you give me is a great help." To your horror, he looks somewhat bashful. Yet, it would be a lie to say it didn't stroke your ego.
– You clear your throat, "Thank you, but it is getting late-"
– "Let me walk you to your bike." You wonder how he knew you biked to school? "My father is the police superintendent General, and I am also heading out; I don't want someone so..." He looks down to where you are sitting, "vulnerable to walk outside by themselves."
– You weighed the options in your head. Saying no could hurt your reputation; this was the kid of a high-ranking official, and if you pissed off Daddy, you would be fired on the spot. Was it unnerving and inappropriate? Yes. But you couldn't think of a way to worm your way out of this dilemma. It was a true dichotomy.
– "I wouldn't want to burden a young man like yourself...."
– His smile stretched wider, so vast you could count each pearly white tooth. What big teeth you have..." It would be my pleasure."
– Hiroki demanded to carry your briefcase and, while you walked, asked miscellaneous questions about your life. How old are you? Do you live alone? Are you Married? How far do you live from campus? You tried to answer him subtly, attempting to dodge the questions with little skill. You cursed the school for being so big and your pupil for being such a slow walker.
– Ten minutes later, you reach your bike. Or where it should have been. Nothing but the chain was attached to the fence. You look around and quickly conclude that someone has stolen it. Man, I'm a fucking genius, you thought sarcastically, but you had to Act professionally. Act bloody professional. Oh, God, how in the living hell would you get back to your dingy little apartment?
– "People these days," Hiroki shook his head, "my father has been trying to tamper down the rise in petty crime such as this," he slung your case over his shoulder, "but it seems he has a long way to go."
– You pushed your forehead in stress, "It's fine, I'll just take public transport." And it would be awful in that crowded cart filled with annoyed people.
– "Nonsense," He turned and started to walk towards the parking lot; in confusion, you began to follow him, "I own a car, and someone like yourself wouldn't be safe on public transport." He looked over his shoulder, and you felt your stomach sink, "I'll drive you home." Shit.
– "It's fine, really. Plus, you're a student-"
– "My father would never forgive me if I left you in such a state. Alone. Defenceless. I mean," He stopped and turned. Suddenly, you recognized how tall and broad he was as he towered over you. "I could attack you right now, and you would have no way to defend yourself." His left eye twitched softly like he trying to keep a particular thought at bay, and you felt your lungs freeze, "But you're lucky," He chuckled, "I would never harm my favourite teacher." The air seemed to stop momentarily as if the sky held its breath for what he would say next. "I only want to do a good deed," Another laugh, "They make me feel blessed," and softly grabbing your hand and bringing it to his cheek, he tilted his head into your palm, whispering, "Won't you bless me, teacher?"
– You wondered if Northrop Fry had a theory on Shakespearian tragedy. What dark world were you being brought into by those eyes?
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boozenboze · 1 year
How do y’all feel about Hiroki Dan content... 😅
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minjhu · 2 years
sub! dan hiroki x dom!reader
cw: dom!reader, sub!character, afab!reader, pegging, accidental biting (is this even a thing?), a teeny tiny bit of cum eating at the end, kind of mean reader but not really
i feel like i forgot a lot so tell me if missed something
wc: 1.7k
This has been sitting in my drafts for weeks.. 
Also I want to add that english isn’t my first language. This is just a fun way to waste time, when im bored but if people actually like it I can post some more of my drafts.
but yeah.. Enjoy!
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“Ride me"
You said while aggressively making out with Dan on your lap. He was clawing at your still clothed upper body, making sure not to scratch you. Even though you wouldn't mind him scratching you because it would show you that you're making him feel good, and he can't get enough of you. His knees are caging your thighs with more force than you're used to. He is so fucking desperate.
"y/n, please. You know-"
"Try at least?" You uttered with both of your hands resting on the side of his face to direct his lust-filled eyes to yours. You're well aware that Dan is very much a pillow princess and prefers for you to do all the work but you just can't help but want to see how he'll look completely crumbled just by the thought alone of having to put any effort into receiving pleasure. It's not fair to him, and you know it.
But when have you ever been fair?
"I- alright, sure then. Hand me the lube!" he voiced assertively while shaking his head to free himself from your hold and opening his hand for you to place the lube in. After you did that, he grasped the bottle with a tight grasp. Open's it and pours some of the thick liquid onto his fingers and guides them to his hole.
"You know I can help with that," you get ahold of his waist, gracefully dipping every one of your fingers into his side to hear his little wince.
"No! I want to do this alone"
Dan just knew that if he let you touch him already, he would fold too quickly for his liking. He doesn't want to cum too early as he doesn't want to disappoint you. Two slow fingers ease up his hole in and out. Slight moans escape his lips as he is fingering himself, trying to loosen up for you. He bites his bottom lip and flops his forehead on your shoulder trying to hide his face from you while his unoccupied hand is still clutching your shoulder tight.
"You're doing so good for me, Dan," you whispered while snaking a hand up his nape and keeping it tangled in his hair.
You can feel him shiver at your remark. He was always so weak when it came to getting praised by you. He wants you to do the fingering so bad, but then it'll all be over so soon. He bites his bottom lip harder to get over this pathetic want he is feeling. He adds another finger, now three fingers fucking himself without many difficulties.
"Ok, I think I'm ready for you," Dan raises his head to meet your eyes and guides his fingers out of his hole. He repositions his hips on your lap from all the squirming he had done. (The strap was already attached to you and all)
"Let me just remind you… I won't be doing anything, ok? I want you to do all the work, and I want you to come just like that, are we understood?" Dead silence and a face of disbelief from Dan meet you.
"I said, are we understood?" You repeat.
"What- yes sure of course…" he answered startled.
"You can back out anytime you know the safe word, right?"
"Yea but I want to try"
"Ok, then put it inside"
His hand took hold of the length. It wasn't an unfamiliar length, he's very well acquainted with it, but now the length and the girth seemed to be somewhat scary from this new perspective. After a few lazy meaningless strokes to waste time, he lowered himself on the strap and felt like that alone drained all of his energy for the entire night. The overwhelming rush of pleasure nearly knocked him over as he bottomed out, feeling the tip reach places no other strap or dildo had hit before. Both of your hands were resting on your sides, nowhere near his body, and it frustrated Dan so much.
He reached out for your hand and tried to place it on his hip. But you quickly removed your hand and left him shocked.
"I said no, Dan," you said sternly.
"It's just your hand, please"
The way the frustration is leaking from his voice makes you feel so hot in your abdomen. He craved your physical touch and attention so much. And this feeling of being needed that desperately just did something to you.
"I don't like repeating myself and you know it. And stop sitting on my dick without moving. Won't you get on with it already?"
With that, he hides his face again by letting his forehead fall into the crook of your neck. With his hand on your shoulder again.
You can feel his body gradually heating up from being so flustered. His hips move up with the perfect back arch you could have the pleasure of witnessing. Him sticking his ass out like this, seeing him show off, made you feel lightheaded. You had to physically refrain from touching his mole right above his left ass cheek. He is so gorgeous, and you try to make sure that he knows that every day by complimenting and praising him. You were dying to touch him with such insatiability, and it wasn't fair because this was supposed to be a hard thing for him but not for you. So why is it so hard to keep your hands off his hot and warm-blushing body?
Moans and whimpers are the only things audible aside from his exaggerated sighs to show you that he can't do it anymore. A rapid up and down motion are what his goal was, but it never feels the way it is supposed to feel.
With a pleading look, he tries to persuade you into forgetting the whole "not touching him and making him cum on his own by riding" thing.
You didn't say anything at all. A cold stare-down is the only thing you give him while you have to do everything in your power to stand your ground and not fumble and keep up the facade. Dan continues to bounce on your dick, hands, and arms slinging to your neck in a tight embrace to keep you close while he fucks himself on you. The clapping sound by now turned into a pleasant melody in your ears.
"Fuck, I'm so fucking close,"
"Yes, yes, just keep going,"
"I can't. I just can't cum like this y/n, please,"
Dan uses his hand to direct your face to his.
"Just turn me around and fuck me hard, please. I can't cum like this"
Your continuous hard stare is what brought him to frustration and tears. He kept bouncing, trying to reach his climax, but it simply would not come. His legs were shaking, and he couldn't stop spasming like crazy. What is he supposed to do?
His face inches closer to yours and connects his lips with yours, exposing his crimson flushed face to make you fold and give him what he wants.
What he needs.
Both of you fall back down to the mattress after Dan purposely put pressure on your upper body. You reciprocate the kiss with great pleasure but try to hold back on touching him. Just his cheeks, you say. Your hands rise to his cheeks, holding them gently while crashing your tongue into his mouth, muffling all his pathetic moans from the strap still ramming his insides. Dan moves his head away to grasp some air and speak his mind.
"y/n, I mean it. I can't come like this. I have been trying, please help me. Please-"
You turn him around with his back hitting the mattress and you kneeling in-between his spread legs. He couldn't even say a word and just clung his arms around your neck for another hug and not to hide his excessive blush from you.
One hand of his is placed on the back of your skull keeping your head down while you push your dick into him again, fucking him desperately.
You finally touch him! You roam your hands all over his hips and waist and gradually go up his arched spine while still maintaining a steady pace.
Tears in his eyes start to pool up again, and his inability to keep his mouth closed because of the pleasure makes his face look so arousing.
"Fuck, oh my! That's it! You're-" he came hard, and a lot while muffling his screaming by biting hard in your flesh right above your collarbone which had you wince in pain.
"Ow, Dan! What the actual fuck!" You shout, pushing him off you out of reflex. Your right hand comes flying to the wounded mark on your shoulder as if it was bleeding and you were in desperate need to stop it.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry…" he was so out of it. His whole stomach and chest had splatters of cum on them, reflecting light from around the room as he inhaled and exhaled rapidly. He didn't hold back, did he, you thought.  
"I would have been screaming way too loud. I just didn't-"
"What do you mean? You live so secludedly up here. No one would have heard you 'screaming'" 
You touch his stomach with your index and your middle finger and go further north gathering his cum in the process.
"you just wanted to bite me, didn't you", you giggled.
"No, no i swear-"
"Open your mouth!"
Without any protest, he opened his mouth welcoming your cum coated fingers. He closed his eyes, enjoying every drop of it. And here you thought it could have been some kind of punishment for him.
He tremored, still overwhelmed by the intense orgasm he had.
"l'm sorry for biting you," he repeatedly murmured.
"Shh it's ok, it's ok,"
It wasn't ok. You now have a big bite mark above your collarbone. How are you going to explain that if someone sees it?
But just the way he's laying there completely exhausted and tired from going so rough at it makes you smile in triumph. You hate to admit it, but Dan might be your biggest weakness. You can't stay mad at him for too long. Whatever it is.
You keep this sadistic smile until you stand up.
"Wait! Where are you going?" He asked desperately.
"Hey, I'm just getting a wet towel. I don't really want all this cum on your body to dry, you know.."
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dantheserialkillerman · 7 months
Dan Hiroki X GN!Childhood Friend Reader Pt. 2
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Contains: Continuing story and Gender Neutral Reader General warning: Long-post TW: Possessiveness/Suicide/Implied grooming
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful crow. Her wings were like the tips of quills freshly dipped, and her claws sharper than the hook of a fisherman's rod—a perfect little bird. Everywhere she went, the forest's creatures would glance at her in astonishment and envy; no owl, robin or dove could compare. The crow knew this and, for a time, enjoyed their praise. What was love, if not the wish to capture? The desire to own what you could not own yourself? Yet, as the days went by, she could not help but feel unsatisfied, for none would approach her, and, eventually, she found herself an idle idol. That was until, one fateful morning, a hunter entered the wood. The man searched far and wide for the perfect game but would deem all beasts crossing his path too dull, ordinary, and a waste of his talents. His frustrations grew until his eyes fell upon the beautiful crow. Having never seen such perfection, the man raised his gun and decided such magnificence could not exist without his consent. In that final breath, staring down the barrel of the rifle, the crow realized a terrible truth: She had finally experienced her first and last act of true love.
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You would like to think you will meet again one day, perhaps in a better place, surrounded by the fragrance of the buna tree. 
A memory:
Under the branches, as the rain fell, he leaned his head against your shoulders:  "Do you love me?" "Only in summer." 
There is a strange beauty in defeat. To give up and to let go is an art so painful and euphoric that few can ever master the discipline. Yet, you could not help but try. You had to say goodbye to a bit of life, an old name, to live once again. Sometimes, still, you could smell the hints of a campfire if you closed your eyes for long enough.
After finishing university and moving away from your relative who took you in, you travelled around Japan for a while. It took years to get used to the constant hustle and bustle of the world, and you often felt displaced in the city's hectic life compared to the countryside you grew up in. However, life had finally returned to a somewhat more peaceful state. Not exactly familiar, but it was a softer difference. Recently, you were appointed as a history teacher in a small-town high school. It was a safer career than you had once dreamed of, but it would keep you hidden. That's all that mattered. You enjoyed the mountains near the town.
When you first arrived, some things were unexpectedly painful. The starting months felt like a constant exorcism, a battle not to jump and think you summoned the ghosts of old friends whenever a student came up to ask a question. But the pain was comforting in a way. They had lived and affected the world around them. Even if it was silently, you could carry their legacy and find forgiveness in supplying a future to others. A future they were denied. This was your cleansing.
The students on their end were pleasant, consistently hard-working and upbeat. And, of course, over time, you developed favourites: the creative Hana Kai, the outspoken Yuki Yamamoto, and, especially, the thoughtful Nanami Shirakawa.
Strangely, even with your reservations about closeness, you became rather popular, even finding, at the end of some classes, notes left on your desk: 
Dear Teacher,  Thank you for the class.  Dear Teacher,  I am glad you are feeling better.  Dear Teacher, Please smile more often.   
Despite years of developing a numb compliance with life, you could not help but feel touched. It was nice to be liked and somewhat accepted back into a community, even if it was only a false image they loved. 
However, you could not help but wonder what they would do if they knew that one of their favourite teachers, at night, away from their wool sweaters and bad jokes, dreamt of stone cottages and warm summers? How could they understand how your mind was captured by the sea and the calling of the woods? Even worse, you couldn't imagine their judgment if they knew of the gray eyes that haunted your subconscious. A demon. Shuten-dōji with a laugh: 
I could just die for you. I could just kill for you. And I could just love you until the end. I am you, and you are me. Cut off my head, and I'll grow another on the back of your mind. 
You would wake in terror and yearning. Most nights, you could not go back to sleep. Instead, you would find yourself sitting at the kitchen table, marking or reading anything to suppress the sweet evil lurking behind your fantasies. You had to forget before you lost yourself to dreams. 
In the waking world, you distracted yourself with a growing hatred for the biology teacher, Taisuke Henkyoji. In all fairness, it appeared he despised you in return when it became clear you would not fawn over him. 
He was from a wealthy family with designer clothes, fancy watches, and a carefree attitude. His name was seen everywhere, from the hospital where his brother, Kusuke, worked as the chairman to the only hotel within town. It was a world so far removed from small village roots, worn clothes, and scuffed shoes that you wondered if you could even find it on a metaphorical map. 
However, you could not help but see how he only possessed a dull attractiveness, only passively acknowledged until placed in a position of power. Therefore, it didn't surprise you that he was popular among teenage girls. Yet, out of all those teenagers, you could not help but worry about one in particular. The thoughtful Nanami Shirakawa, who was awkward and sweet, with big dreams and an introverted personality, which reminded you of someone you had to bury so long ago. 
Sometimes, you would catch her absent-mindedly doodling hearts in her notebook or fiddling with her phone with a wistful smile. Other times, while walking the halls, you would pass her peaking into Henkyoji's classroom. It was clear she was infatuated with the man.
It was a worrying love. Innaproate and not helped by Henkyoji's overly friendly and even disturbingly flirtatious behaviour. You had even tried to warn him of Nanami's feelings:
"You need to shut her down gently, Henkyoji-san. This whole situation is unhealthy."  "And you care, why? Jealous?" 
Of what? That comment made you immediately uncomfortable. You tried to go to the principal, who also quickly dismissed your concerns: 
"Henkyoji-san is from a highly regarded family. Such a suggestion could sully not only their image but the school's reputation," - a sigh- "There is nothing to worry about, Y/N... especially if the only evidence you have is an off-hand comment and the crush of a teenage girl. Please, don't bring this topic up again." 
Yet, it echoed in your mind when you noticed how sullen Shirakawa had started to become. There was a growing dullness behind her eyes, a letting go that was much like yours. You could see a dangerous defeatism. 
After class one day, as you saw the young girl merely gaze at her desk the entire lesson, neither moving to take notes nor really paying attention, you decided it would best to ask her to talk:
" Shirakawa-Kun, I just wanted to know if you are feeling okay," You tried to smile empathically, "I know it can be awkward talking to your teacher." "I am sorry, " she rubbed her eyes harshly. " I am just drained." You could see the fear behind her expression. An invisible subject, something cold and dead whose images reflected back a once firey disposition that burnt itself out into ash. "Shirakawa-Kun, I apologize for being so direct, but I know something is wrong."  "I really am okay," she paused for a second, fiddling with her bag, "I really have to get home...my mother needs me to help...she'll be worried if I am held up for too long."  You sighed, realizing any further conversation was a losing battle, "This may seem unorthodox...but please take my number," you pulled out a piece of paper and began to write, "If you need someone to talk to, call me, and we can set up a time to meet in my office." "Thank you." She took what you handed her with a slight reluctance and placed it in her pocket "Please, even if it's not me, know you do not have to handle this alone. I know what it's like to feel the world crashing into you. I promise." 
You closed your eyes as she left and sighed. I know what it's like to love and fear someone in the same breath. I know what it's like to be alone. 
It was easy to imagine him there next to you, as you often did, clothed in black, in a nice jacket, and without colour save for his red lips. Ah, what would you do? Is this what you felt like? Fragmented? 
You could not sleep that night. Sitting at your kitchen table, reading, until at 1 A.M, a single message appeared on your phone:
Dear Teacher, Thx for everything. It was nice to know someone cares. I hope you have a good night. -Shirakawa
When morning came, you were unsurprised that Shirakawa was absent from class. However, you could not have imagined the reason the headmaster pulled you out of your homeroom.
"Why would she try to kill herself?"  "She's a teenager, Y/N! I have no idea why she would do such a thing; I just called you in to let you know about the situation. Do not discuss this with anyone but the staff."  "It was him, wasn't it..." "I said not to bring such a topic up again!" "You can't ignore this forever! Please, just listen to me!" "Go. Back. To. Class. We will pretend this never happened."
Guilt spread throughout your body as if you were drowning. How could you have turned away? Why did you not write back? You felt yourself transform into a frightful and hideous creature that had been tied to the buna tree so many years ago. A coward. A failure. Another child almost died because you didn't act fast enough. Kikue. Reo. I'm sorry.
You had cut class early that day and ran to the hospital. My fault. It's all my fault. You needed to apologize in person. You needed to ask Shirakawa. You needed to know the truth. Fuck Taisuke Henkyoji.
Dishevelled, sweating, and breathless, you ran to the front desk and requested the room number. 
"Are you...okay?"  "Please, I'm here to see Nanami Shirakawa," - a breath- " I'm one of her teachers," The woman at the desk looked annoyed, "Well, you're lucky. It seems she's currently taking visitors; let me phone up the room...I'm not paid enough for this-" A voice...soft... melodious...that itched your memory interrupted, "Is everything alright here?" No...You could not speak. Your throat refused to open. The world swam for a second. "Sir, were just up to see Ms. Shirakawa?"  He was beautiful. He looked just like him. "Yes, she seems to be doing...well...as one would expect in such a situation."  "Hmmm," she hummed, uninterested, "Sorry to ask this of you as a civilian, but since you are here, could you please assist...who were you again?"  "Shirakawa's history teacher," You replied shakingly. It's not him. It cannot be him.  "Your name?" The woman rolled her eyes. You took a deep breath. You had changed your name when you lived with your relative. You were not you anymore, even if it was him somehow, "Y/N."  "Y/N?" The man turned to you fully. Shuten-dōji. He looked like your Shuten-dōji, "What a..." He paused as if startled before quickly composing himself, "Lovely name..."  "It's pretty common," He looked at you with such intensity you thought the ground would swallow you up. It can't be him. It wouldn't make sense for him to be here. You were literally in the middle of nowhere. The lady at the desk signed, "Well, you two are very sweet, but if you could kindly take Y/N up to see Shirakawa, that would be very helpful. I have to talk another call...so..."  The man gave the woman a bland smile and beckoned you to follow him. You could feel the sweat build upon the back of your neck; his grey eyes followed you like a snake to a mouse, refusing to let you out of his sight.  "You didn't ask me for my name,"  "I'm sorry?"  "My name, would you like to know it?"  "Oh, my apologies. I'm just a bit scattered today,"  "That's understandable, considering..."  "Yes, considering I would like to know your name."  The man laughed and mumbled, "You sound just like them...look just like them... you could even think," A distant look filled his expression, "It's like looking at a photograph," He seemed to catch himself, "Ah, sorry, I had a close friend that left me many years ago; I lost myself for a moment. I believe we are both scattered today." You wanted to change the subject as soon as possible. A coincidence. It has to be. The world wouldn't be so cruel. The Kirin would not be so cruel.  "How do know Shirakawa-kun?"  "I saved her from drowning."  "What?!"  "I'm a very strong swimmer." He glanced at you with subtle amusement, and then a look of distant grief entered his eyes. "My name is Dan Hiroki." You stopped. No. "Is something wrong?" Yes. Something is very fucking wrong.  "Oh, it's nothing...It's been just a long day..." You needed to leave as soon as possible, "Actually, I just remembered I forgot something at home-" "Hmmm," He hummed as if thinking, "I think you should see Shirakawa-kun." He stopped and grabbed your arm as if trying to ensure you could not flee. His grey eyes, searching as if trying to figure something out, "I fear she needs all the moral support she can get right now." You bit your lip hard, thinking of a way to escape this. Fuck. What if he recognized you? What would he do? A man capable of killing without remorse, you shivered just imagining the type of torture he would inflict. How could you leave without looking suspicious? "It..." Shit. "Your right. However, I really can't stay for long." He continued to walk, not letting go of your arm, until stopping before the elevator, "You really do look just like them...It's been so long...ah, memories... memories, a cruel mistress."  "I can't imagine," the evaluator dinged.  "Fufu, for some reason," He pulled you inside, "I feel like you might," You could feel the red string of fate being pulled, "Yes, I would love to get to know you, Y/N." 
You would like to think you would have met again one day, perhaps in a better place, surrounded by the fragrance of the buna tree. You never thought you would meet in a hospital. You never thought he wouldn't recognize you. 
A memory:
"Please don't cut off my head, Minamoto no Yorimitsu" "I promise, but only in summer."
One day, you thought you would meet again, surrounded by summer.
A memory:
"Tell him I died. He would come looking for me otherwise. You know why I am asking this. Don't let me bring you shame. Please let me go."
The ride is silent until the final ding. He smiles at you once you reach the right floor.
A memory:
"Y/N, wait for me next summer?" "You know I always will be here.
His left eye twitches and his smile grows.
"Shall we go see your student?" He pulls your arm gently, his now fully lopped with your own. "I don't think I have much of a choice." "Be careful, Y/N," He chuckles darkly, "I might just grow fond of you." "There is nothing to be fond of." You walked out together and felt his hand tighten around your bicep as if worried you would run away.
A memory:
A place filled with tiny stone houses, crumbling temples, and giant windmills with rotor blades like dragons' teeth, gnawing away at the occasional gale. "Do you believe in the Kirin?" "I believe humans are cruel, and Gods are crueller."
The red string of fate tugged again as you headed towards the hospital room and into an unknown future.
You fear Dan would never let you go if he discovered your true identity. You feared much worse than death. There truly is a strange beauty in defeat.
A memory:
This was your home. All you could ever want. "Hey, Y/N, look up! There's a flock of crows." "Actually, I think it's called a murder."
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Dan Hiroki X GN!Childhood Friend Reader
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Once upon a time, there was a Kirin who came to earth and fell in love with a human. The deity knew that if he acted upon his feelings, he would surely die, for humans always destroyed everything they touched, so he watched from afar. The other Yōkai begged him to leave the mortal alone, but the Kirin refused. Months turned into years as he watched, yearned, and adored until he couldn't anymore. When the human died, the spirit felt himself withering away from heartbreak and curled up on the mortal's grave. As he faded into dust, the Kirin realized that all his years of watching had been wasted since, in the end, the human still destroyed him. And like a dream, he disappeared right after being awakened, leaving nothing but bones behind. 
Contains: Backstory and Gender Neutral Reader General warning: Long-post (3000 words) TW: Possessiveness/Yandere vibes and Gore Characters: Dan Hiroki, You, and more minor OCs. Colour meaning: Green (mythology), Red (media), Purple (Dialogue)
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You grew up south of Tokyo. A beach village named Blest where tsunamis tried to drown the residents once every decade. A place filled with tiny stone houses, crumbling temples, and giant windmills with rotor blades like dragons' teeth, gnawing away at the occasional gale. 
Your parents used to tell you that a Kirin, during the Heian period, visited the town and fell in love with a human, only to die. Before it faded into nothing, the spirit gave a single blessing to the lover's family: "the loneliest child of each generation shall find the other end of their red thread of fate and meet their true love." You had scoffed and reasoned they were just trying to make you feel better about living in the middle of nowhere.  
You had a childhood friend once upon a time. A young boy named Dan Hiroki visited his grandparents during the summers. He was a blur of drained colour, save for his lips and red sneakers. 
When you first met, he had claimed to be the recantation of Shuten-dōji, and that's why he had no friends; you had asked, "who am I then?" He responded, "You were Minamoto no Yorimitsu, of course!" Sometimes, you believed him.
The two of you would spend your days searching for the Hibagon and Kodama in the nearby forest that smelled of paprika. Or, when the clouds covered the sun and made the day look like night, travelled down to the beach, hoping to find Ningyo and Akugyo. 
However, as Dan said, the other children in the village found him strange. They would point and claim he attracted evil spirits and commanded an Enenra. 
Summer after summer, they would assert something was amiss with him. One year after coming home from playing in the ocean, covered in seaweed and sand, a rumour persisted that he turned you into an Akaname. Another, when a new bridge was built, he made a Hashihime curse everyone in town after it rained for a week straight. 
Yet, the story that would never die was how Dan was Shuten-dōji and that you were destined to kill one another. They said his unnatural eyes gave his true identity away. Only a Yōkai could see without a soul. You always tried to defend him; Dan was sweet, caring, and... yes, he was strange, but so were you. As they said, dumplings rather than flowers. Especially when it comes to friendship.
Every year, without fail, when he was meant to leave on the day before August ended, he would take your hand into his and ask, "Y/N, wait for me next summer?" And because you were a child, you would agree every time. He then would smile enigmatically and say, "I am you, and you are me. They won't be able to separate us. We will always be together. I promise." You would then wave goodbye and return to your daily life.  
When you were ten, your parents, for fun, had decided to rent the American movie The Exorcist. Dan had remained captivated by the film, hardly speaking a word until the end. He had then turned to you and said, "that's what we should do when we grow up." 
"Commit suicide?" You had joked
"What!? No!" He playfully shoved you, "rid the world of evil." 
"You want to be an exorcist?" 
"That would mean I would have to leave you, so no. Never." 
Later, under a large buna tree, you had told him the story of Kusanagi, a sword which lay curled up in the scales of an eight-headed serpent named Yamata no Orochi, who, like Pazuzu, also attacked a young girl. The great god Susanoo defeated him by chopping off each head after tricking the monster. The weapon was then given to the emperor, who passed it down for many generations until the serpent returned and kidnapped the newly appointed boy-king. Some say the empire was able to obtain the blade again after a priest cast a powerful spell upon the dragon. However, others say it lays in the hands of the proper emperor, still waiting to be uncovered in a kingdom beneath the sea. 
"The sword, if ever found, can turn dragons into men and itself into a giant beast. Don't you see Dan, it can cast out all sin from this world." 
Entwining your pinkies, you promised to find that sword one day. No more bullying, oppression, or crime. As friends, you would pack your bags, travel the world, master astrology, and defeat all evil that stood in your way. 
Despite your closeness, you were not blind. You knew very well Dan didn't get along with others. 
During your 7th summer together, you introduced him to a friend of yours, a classmate named Kikue. All was well until you ran home to fetch popsicles and returned to Dan standing blankly over the crying girl, who had mysteriously broken her arm. When asked, she claimed to have fallen out of a tire swing, but you knew it was him. You couldn't bring yourself to tell, and Kikue was too scared. She had avoided you after that. 
 You would ask him why he did it a month later, and Dan only gave the muttered response, "she wasn't you." 
Time passed until your 13th summer together when you had turned sixteen. Having gone through puberty, the village children suddenly decided they liked Dan. 
He had come back taller, handsome, and more charming. Gone were the days of his dead-fish-eyed stare and, instead, a Tennin stood in his place, which you couldn't help but blush at. 
You had frozen at that moment, and like a faint light breaking away, you felt the Dan Hiroki you once knew, the strange but loveable child, fading from you. Thinking about the end of the summer, you guessed this would be the last beautiful goodbye before moving on with your lives. 
He would forget about you. You could see it in how popular he had become. Yet you pretend everything was fine as he greeted his new admires. You pretended everything was fine when he hugged you, and you felt a dozen eyes glaring in jealousy. Because everything was fine. Why wouldn't it be? You were never Minamoto no Yorimitsu, and he wasn't Shuten-dōji. Who wanted to cut off the head of their best friend anyway?
A week after his arrival, a couple of the local high school students decided to throw a party by the beach to celebrate the end of the school year. The location would be up where the trees grew thick and made way to a clearing that gave a view of the salty waters. Of course, they had invited Dan to come along, but he had said he was too busy hanging out with you. One particular girl, Reo, did not take this well and demanded you convince him to come or she would make your school life hell. 
Knowing she was serious, you told dan it would be "a fun field trip" for the two of you, like "the old times when we were kids, one last hurrah, you know?"
 He looked at you incredulously, then an emotion you couldn't identify quickly fluttered across his face like the opening of a fan, only to settle back onto his sleepy smile.
 "Sure, if it will make you happy."
You hadn't actually planned to go. Instead, you had decided to watch The Exorcist. Everyone would be happier that way, you had thought. Dan would show up, realize how much fun it was to have a Fanclub, and forget you were gone. But on the night of the party, you saw him at your window, tapping on the glass with big sad eyes and asking if you were ready to go. So you went. How could you say no to Dan?
As you walked toward the campfire, which lit up the night sky, you couldn't help but feel like he was acting strange. Dan seemed fidgety, his eye twitching occasionally, and his fingers couldn't decide whether they wanted to tap against his legs or fold behind his back. After a while, you grabbed his hand, as he would often do when you were kids, and kept him steady. 
"Calm down. I know you're nervous, but it's not like anyones gonna die. It's just a party." You laughed, but he wouldn't let go when you tried to pull back.
"I'll be your left if you'll be my right," he winked. You rolled your eyes and let him lead you up to the cliffside. 
The fire pit was surrounded by your homeroom, surprisingly including Kikue, who had grown pretty with age. And, of course, someone had brought a guitar to encourage everyone to sing random off-key hits from the radio. 
It only took an hour for most of the kids to be tipsy, having snuck Sake out of their parent's homes. You had taken a few sips as well, but Dan remained dry. 
Reo had stared at Dan throughout most of the night. Much to your displeasure, she had even shoved herself between the two of you, laying against his shoulder. Dan had looked surprised, but you just laughed, subtly telling him to let it go. 
"Why do you hang out with someone like Y/N, Dan-Chan? I mean, no offence, but you’ve moved up in life.” You heard her whisper. Dan simply smiled, and you looked away. She titled her head coyly, fawning at him through her lashes, "did you ever hear the legend about the Kirin?" Her nails tapped against his forearm, "I'm starting to believe it's true." You tried not to look over at the two of them, but you couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes bore into you. 
It was okay, you reminded yourself. You pretend to laugh at something Kikue had said; the eyes seemed to bear down harder.
When everyone was halfway through a garbled Kenshi Yonezu song, Reo had abruptly declared, "I wanna dance, like one those Oklahoma hoedown mixer-thingies they do in America or whatever," she stood and raised a bottle, "everyone, grab a partner! Dan-!"
You felt someone tab your shoulder, "Y/N promised me a dance." He blushed and brought a hand up to his face, "Oh, I'm sorry for being so rude," he squeezed the back of your neck playfully, "But there are more guys than girls here, and Reo, you seem so popular. I doubt you want to dance with Y/N anyway, and I wouldn't want to intrude." 
You didn't know Reo could possess so much hatred, but from her acidic glare, you decided not to cross her in the future. The guitar started again with some country song you didn't recognize, and Dan pulled you into a dance. 
The laughing and singing became nothing more than white noise as you looked into his grey eyes. You asked, "Hey, Dan? Do you still believe your Shuten-dōji?" 
"Only if you promise to always be my Minamoto no Yorimitsu." 
You didn't respond at first. You decided to answer, "How about I be your Kirin instead?"
Dan looked taken aback, so you quickly clarified, "Like the legend, I'll give you a gift. Didn't I tell you I wanted to become an archaeologist?" You smirked at his surprise and gave a flamboyant spin, "I'm going to find that sword, you know. Don't think I forgot about it. " 
"You can't." He abruptly held you still, hands digging into your arms, his eyes wild, reflecting the fire.  
You tried to shrug him off, "What?! Why not?" 
"Because that would mean you're going to leave. You promised you would never leave me." He seemed to hyperventilate slightly. 
You leaned forward, took a deep breath, inhaled the smoke, and placed your forehead against Dan's shoulder. You closed your eyes and swallowed, "We were kids. Kids say stuff they don't mean all the time. We would have to move on eventually anyway." 
You couldn't see Dan's expression, but you felt him tense up. "I don't like Reo. I rather die than have you leave me." 
"I can prove it." He mumbled to himself more than you. "I'll prove it." 
"Look, I'm going to dance with Kikue." You stepped back and brushed him off. You looked up and noticed Reo watching you like a hawk, and grinning the best you could, you decided to wave her over. "I think someone is waiting for you." Hair covered his eyes as he remained stock-still, arms hanging limply by his side.  
"I will prove it." you thought you heard as you walked away.
Three hours passed, and the fire had died down quite a bit, although still blazing. You hadn't been able to spot Dan after your conversation and reasoned he had either hit it off with Reo or gone home. The rest of your class mainly had passed out. You had remained awake for a while talking with Kikue. It was nice to have someone you once were close with want to speak to you again. But eventually, the night became too much, and the two of you fell asleep against one another.
When you woke up, you felt groggy at first. You tried to move your arms but realized you couldn't. Suddenly panicking, you awoke fully with a jolt. You blinked to clear your eyes. It was...the woods? Wiggling, you looked around and felt rope around your wrists tying you to a tree. You peeked at where you had been pinned to see the branches of your childhood buna. It was still night, and darkness fogged your vision, but you could tell it was the same rope you used once to make swings.
"Y/N?" Kikue whimpered from the other side of the tree, pinned as well.
"I'm awake. You okay? What the actual hell happened?"
"I don't know! Fuck, we're gonna die. We are totally going to die. This is why I didn't want to talk to you….Fuck, I don't want to-"
You suddenly heard movement, and the forest went completely quiet. You whispered, "Kikue pretend to be still passed out."
The footsteps grew closer and louder until they stopped right in front of you. You felt a body lean forward, and air tickled your cheek, "I know you're awake, Y/N."
"Dan?! What-I-Why am I-I mean we-tied up!?" His beautiful face nosed along your jaw, his torso pined against your own.
"I told you I would prove it," his lips pressed against your ear, "and unlike you, I always keep my promises." You gapped for a couple of seconds, lost for words. Dan kissed your cheek. "Look up."
You slowly gazed upwards and started to shake violently. There, up on a branch above your head, hung the shoeless lifeless body of Reo. The exact same place you had once placed a swing. Her neck was bent at an awkward angle, and her once lovely pink lips opened in a silent scream that was never heard. In a fit of madness, you had thought you had seen an Onryō.
Before you could scream, Dan placed a hand over your mouth. "I told you I didn't like her. See? She's gone." He smiled. "There's only one more problem to get rid of now, and then we can be happy again. We belong to each other, and you know what they say?" He let go of your mouth, a long trail of spit connecting the two of you, as you merely stared back at him in shock. Dan licked his hand. "Three's a crowd."
"Wait! Wait! Dan-just stop for a second. Please!" He didn't seem to hear you as he stood up.
"You see, Y/N. It wasn't me who Reo liked; it was Kikue." He spoke louder, so the named girl could also hear. "She asked to meet her by the buna tree after we all fell asleep, and there she confessed her love!" he sighed dramatically; you thought you heard vomiting. "But it seems Kikue didn't share such feelings, and in a rage, Reo murdered her and then killed herself. Shocking but riveting! It reminds me of that one show...Aha, evil against evil."
"Dan. You can't be serious?!" You yelled over Kikue's wailing.
"You know what's even worse, Y/N? They couldn't even find Kikue's body because Reo threw it into the sea out of shame. I do hate sad endings, but sometimes it can't be helped. At least they can be together in the afterlife." Dan gave a half-hearted shrug and dusted off his pants.
You started to cry. Not because of what was going to happen. You cried because when he walked around the tree to Kikue, you couldn't help but think how beautiful he was. Like an angel. Like a devil. Like the grim reaper. Your Shuten-dōji.
The screaming continued, then whimpering and finally gurgling up until a loud crack and silence.
"Close your eyes." And you did.
Ten minutes later, Dan returned, Kikue now buried in her watery grave with the Ningyo and Akugyo. You opened your eyes, and he looked perfectly put together. He untied your hands, and you rested numbly. He sat next to you, reached up, and pushed the dangling Reo's feet. "At least your hanging in there."
"Why did you do all of that?" You asked in a scratchy voice.
Dan took your face into his hands and kissed you. You felt the thread of fate being tugged.
After a minute, he pulled back, and you really looked at him for the first time tonight. He was a blur of drained colours, save for his lips and red beneath his fingernails.
He placed his forehead against yours. "I am you, and you are me. They won't be able to separate us. We will always be together. I promise." He kissed you again. "Please don't cut off my head Minamoto no Yorimitsu."
"I can't promise that."
"I know."
Dan walked you home. They didn't find Reo until three days later and never discovered Kikue. The police interviewed you. You lied, and Dan left soon after because his parents were worried.
You stood there with his grandparents, and Dan took your hand into his and asked, "Y/N, wait for me next summer?" He kissed your fingers, "because you see, next summer we won't have to wait until June to be together anymore." You agreed.
You told your parents that after Reo's death, you couldn't stay in the village anymore, and a relative arranged to let you live with them. Far away from the Blest. Far away from Dan. You felt your heart grow cold and cracked. Your parents agreed, you packed your things and left. They asked what they should tell him. You said to say you died in a terrible accident.
"Do you love me?" The memory of him whispered to you as you looked back upon the hidden village. A place filled with tiny stone houses, crumbling temples, and giant windmills with rotor blades like dragons' teeth, gnawing away at the occasional gale. 
"Then, promise not to cut off my head if you see me again?"
"Goodbye Dan."
You wished the Kirin had never visited Blest.
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