#historic with plenty of homo moments. whats not to love
european-love-hotel · 9 months
is there anyone else here who loves Blackadder and wants to talk about this silly little homoerotic show
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emjee · 4 years
The Glorious Queer Potential of Viola and Orsino in Twelfth Night
for Shakespeare Appreciation Week - Day Three - Lovers Day
This is a long-promised essay/ramble and I’m chucking it under Lover’s Day because it mostly concerns Viola and Orsino. I suppose an alternate title for it could be Orsino: He’s as Queer as the Rest of Them.
Before we begin, brief caveat: queerness exists in many forms and means many things to many people. This is my reading as one (1) singular queer person. Also, as you will have noticed if you read this far, I’m using the word queer. Not only is it an academically accepted term and one of my personal identifiers, it is in many cases the best descriptor for people and relationships in a play written in a time where gender and sexuality were constructed differently than they are today. Am I going to use the word “bisexual” when I talk about Orsino? Probably. But overall, the play’s just queer, in terms of gender, sexual attraction, and social relationships.
Let’s start with Viola (another heads up, I’m going to refer to her mostly as Viola because that’s how she seems to think about herself, and I’m going to use she/her pronouns). I believe @shredsandpatches recently made an argument that Viola can be read as a trans woman, which is an argument I love—she’s clearly uncomfortable with her masculine disguise (“Disguise, I see, thou art a wickedness, / Wherein the pregnant enemy does much. / How easy is it for the proper-false / In women's waxen hearts to set their forms!”) but she also passes as a man marvelously well. Like, people make a few comments about her higher voice, but nobody actually seems to suspect that she’s a woman until she’s finally in the same place as Sebastian and everyone goes “twins?!” Viola being a trans woman would also make the whole “she and Sebastian are literally identical” thing much more plausible, although one should never let “biological technicalities” get in the way of a good twin plot. I think there are also arguments to be made for playing Viola as a gender nonconforming cis woman who thinks, “It’ll be safer if I just pass as a man”, or with some other relationship to genderqueerness. (And by the way, when I say “arguments to be made”, sometimes that can mean the argument is “I, a queer person, feel like playing Viola this way.” Sometimes you just gotta do it for the queer joy, you know?)
So, Orsino. The two most memorable Orsinos I’ve seen have been Nicholas Bishop in the 2017 RSC production and Oliver Chris in the 2017 National Theatre production (truly we were blessed with Twelfth Nights in 2017). The RSC production chose to look at Orsino and immediately go, “This is not a Straight Man” which was valid of them—from the get-go, you understand why Orsino might go for a person who’s got some excellent gender-fuckery going on. In the NT production, Orsino is much more of a jock and, to my interpretation, definitely Thinks He’s Straight, which is fun because you get to see his heterosexuality crumble before his very eyes. (The moment where Viola reveals herself as a woman and Orsino lets out a long “oh thank God” breath can read a little too close to “no homo” for my liking, but Oliver Chris is good at making even asshole characters weirdly endearing, so I will let it pass.)
With both of these productions, you also have to consider the era they’re set in: the RSC is in the Victorian era, the NT in the 1970s (I think. I’m pretty sure it’s the 70s. Could be the 60s?) In the RSC, one could infer that Orsino’s commitment to getting Olivia to love him stems from the homophobia of the society he’s living in. Would he love to be able to just get with men? Sure. But the odds of him getting away with that for his entire life are low. The show’s design really makes this production Shakespeare-by-way-of-Wilde: the sets, the costumes (especially Antonio, who’s literally wearing a green carnation in his lapel). By evoking Wilde and his persecution, the production reminds the viewer that plenty of the people in this play—Antonio, Olivia, Viola, Orsino—can’t show the outside world their true queer selves, however much they might want to be.
Now, the NT production’s version of Orsino reads to me very much like someone going through a bisexual awakening. Source: I have undergone a bisexual awakening and I took one look at Orsino in this production and went *John Mulaney voice* “Oh, okay.” To me, Oliver Chris’s Orsino is going through the motions of compulsive heterosexuality. By all accounts, he should be in love with Olivia. It makes sense to him. He knows all the motions to go through. He’s talked himself into loving her because that’s what you do when you feel you need to be visibly in love with a woman and she’s the most suitable person around.
But once Orsino meets Viola, he seems to immediately adore her, in his own bro way, for herself. This isn’t what he’s used to attraction being like, he doesn’t immediately recognize it because Cesario is a guy, sometimes guys are just friends with other guys and do a lot of homoerotic boxing practice (still not over it) and it’s just dudes being bros and chilling on a table at your fortieth birthday part five feet apart because you’re not gay (spoiler: you’re actually really gay, and by gay I mean pick your favorite flavor of polysexual queerness).
Orsino continues to refer to Viola as Cesario up until the end of the play, mostly because Viola is still wearing men’s clothes. In early modern England, clothes were a huge part of gender expression. Cross-dressing was against the law (I’m 99% sure, someone please correct me on this if I’m wrong; it’s been several years since I discussed queer early modern stuff in a formal setting). Orsino referring to Viola as Cesario even when he knows she’s a woman is one of those things that has a reasonable historic explanation, but can also be read nowadays as: he likes it. Orsino’s into genderqueerness, and good on him. Genderqueerness is attractive as hell.
I know we sometimes lament the end of Twelfth Night along the lines of “But Will! Tell us what the original super-gay ending was!!” I totally understand why people want to see Olivia and Viola wind up together (Olivia—another raging queer who I didn’t even get to in this ramble—does seem to be truly in love with Viola and it’s hard to leave her disappointed at the end of the play), and I think we’re all heartbroken for Antonio (he just loves Sebastian so MUCH). However, I want to point out that men and women can still have queer romantic relationships with each other.  A love story between Viola as a straight trans woman and Orsino as a bisexual cis man is still a queer love story.
Happy Lovers Day, my loves! Have a fabulously queer day.
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harrietvane · 6 years
do you mind talking about why you dislike Love Actually and Richard Curtis's romcoms? I've seen you mention it in some of your tags and I'd love to hear your thoughts :)
Long post, so scroll now, ye who care not.
OK, so like better voices than mine have articulated Why Love Actually Sucks Balls, but you were kind enough to ask for my view, so strap in I’m gonna talk about Jane Eyre, and the 1990’s Fran Drescher sitcom The Nanny also. It’s coming up on western civilisations’ holiday season, so why not, it’s a good time to tell this movie to choke, because it’s about to be repeatedly thrust upon us once again. (Disclaimer: I acknowledge Richard Curtis is responsible for Blackadder and Vicar of Dibley, so whatever else, we’re still cool on that basis. But I have spite and to spare, so there’s plenty to go around).
My main beef is actually the context. Technically, if all of the below bullshit was in an offbeat movie from any other movie market (I’m thinking maybe a French, or Spanish movie from the 90′s boom, Almodovar style?), the focus would probably be a black humour take on ‘Lord What Fools These Mortals Be!’, sort of look at the inherent ridiculousness of mankind, and how we get in our own way, blah blah, might have been cute. I’d buy that. This movie? A british movie for the american market? It’s sold with a big holiday sticker on it saying ‘ROMANCE’, and specifically ‘ADORABLE ASPIRATIONAL ROMANCE THAT YOU SHOULD ADORE AND ASPIRE TO’. Also the context *inside* the movie itself (through a narration voiceover no less) is that all of these narratives is somehow proof that ‘Love, Actually is all around’, and specifically in a good, wholesome, happy way, overall at least. These stories are redeeming, even if they’re not all happy, they’re Good™ or whatever. The context outside the movie is the same: british TV advertising, hard copy packaging, holiday specials, outdoor gala screenings: they all say over and over: THIS IS SQUISHY HOT PINK NEON LOVE, wholesome, healing, and healthy. You should want this, aspire to this, think this is the cat’s pyjamas! It’s a wide and varied look at the beautiful power of love from all angles, comic, tragic, the lot. 
Is it fuck. The ‘positive’ romance stories range from Stage-5 Creeper to Crotch Puppet Afterthought, the ‘melancholy’, thwarted romance stories seem to say ‘if you’re a woman who’s not readily/immediately bangable to your allocated straight dude, romance is over for you I’m afraid’. Let’s recap, shall we:
Much has already been said about Andrew Lincoln’s character BLANTANTLY SHARKING ON HIS BEST MATE’S WIFE being uhhh, less than fresh. I don’t even feel like I need to justify this one, it’s so over-the-top. The main point is that movie itself maintains this as a tragic, swoony, thwarted, heart-string-tugging missed connection, rather than The Worst Friend Ever (meaning: it assumes we’ll be 100% onboard with Keira Knightley skipping secretly away from Chiwetel Eijiofor to grant his best mate one treasured kiss, as opposed to saying ‘what the FUCK Mark, why are you telling me this, this is super inappropriate?? and my only wedding video is just you zooming in on my face? Pls get help’.
We all love National Treasure Colin Firth and all, but like is Love, Actually fixating on a woman who literally can’t speak to you? Has said nothing understandable to you? About whose own life you’ve never yet, and could never have asked about? Whose main interactions with you have been to wordlessly clean your room, bring you food, and tidy it away after? Your ideal woman, who you meet immediately following a break up, is one who silently meets all your domestic needs, while making zero emotional or intellectual demands on you whatsoever? WOW, SHOCKER. (Oh but it’s cute or whatever, they have him propose, and there’s a mix up when her sister appears, but she’s Ugly™, so it’s funny that the sister is not getting romance. I mean, how could she, an uggo?? Classic joke. Good times.)
The Prime Minster and his tea lady: more on Curtis’ Domestic Servitude Kink below, whoo boy.
Laura Linney would really really like to sleep with Rodrigo Santoro, and god bless her who wouldn’t, but she is tragically unable to, because she has family commitments as being the sister – not even fulltime carer, just RELATED TO -  a brother living with disability. Sorry folks, romance is OFF THE CARDS, FOREVER for Laura here. How can she??? That’s the nature of love, actually. Can you have sex right now this moment? No? Whelp, sorry, thanks for playing, back to the Tragic Assisted Living facility for you. Gosh it’s unfortunate that’s a truth universally acknowledged that any whiff of disability = no romance for you ever. (Don’t start me on 4 Weddings* [edit: *it’s totally Notting Hill, not 4 Weddings, thank] and how that husband is like The Best because he continues to love his wife even though her legs don’t work. What a champ, honestly, do they have an award for that?) I have to stop now before I get sarcasm poisoning, but my eyes will continue to roll.
How could I say anything bad about the Liam Neeson widower and his adorable lovestruck son storyine? Lol, I’m gonna. Have you seen the Buffy episode The Zeppo? Xander is convinced the only way girls (as a concept, not in the specific) will like him enough to sleep with him is if he has A Thing. The Thing is posited as ‘being cool’ by having an object or skill that alone will be the magic bullet to romance. Musical instrument prowess is considered, and he ends up just getting a car to be his Thing. This just seems like a redux of that logic. This kid could get some genuine direction from the movie to get to know this girl, learn her interests and share his, see if she likes him as a person by being A PERSON, but the narrative just backs away from that and eventually DOES just say ‘play the drums in the show, she’ll like you’ and that’s …it. But it’s cool, teenagers don’t learn key interpersonal dynamics at this age or anything, she kisses him for some reason, whatever. (Bonus points for gifting his dad with a literal supermodel as a punchline, after making that an actual joke earlier about the shallow nature of attraction, and love is about filling a one-sided need.)
I could go on, but I have very little to say about Freeman falling for a girl whose tits he’s been holding for a week, the no-homo pop star Nighy plot, or the guy that goes and has sex in Wisconsin with Bond Girls, and can’t be bothered, which leads me to…
Richard Curtis’ Domestic Servitude Kink. Must I kinkshame Richard Curtis in his own home?? Nope, I’m kinkshaming him AT WORK in his narratives, surrounded by his nubile, pliant, adorable female employee characters. Oh Mr Curtis, I seem to have dropped a pencil!
OK, so like a M/F Domestic Servitude romance is an extremely old trope, and extremely common, and I’m not here to tear that up, because done well it’s amazing, lot of petrol in that King Cophetua narrative tank. I’m a fan. The most famous in-context historical example being Jane Eyre, for instance: he’s her boss, she’s his paid subordinate, they’re both 100% aware of that. It’s a great way to explore the real-life class and power dynamics of these 2 train wrecks of human beings, and they vomit their ridiculous drama llama feelings all over a 600 page novel. Super fun, they’re both awful humans, I love them. Mid-century you might have The Sound of Music, and in more modern times you get 1990s sitcom The Nanny, both extremely well-developed romances involving paid employees, and part of their value is that the shows KNOW THIS. They’re aware it’s the basis for their dynamic, that they have to directly play with that, and develop beyond to go anywhere. Watching Fran Fine in her runway-fresh Moschino minidresses jump on Maxwell Sheffield’s desk for the 800th time making him super uncomfortable (and not a little turned on) is always such a treat. It’s right out there on the label. The problem with Love, Actually, is Curtis doesn’t want to admit that naughty secretary seems to be a cornerstone of what gets him going, romantic-stylez. 
One (1) time in the movie would be ‘sure, why not’. Literally the highest political office in the land, making overtures to the woman who brings him tea, i guess might be a bit off, but let’s say it’s done well, and maybe Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon’s charisma gets us over the line (his behaviour is cute because her last man didn’t like her body, but the prime minister DOES like her body! so it’s cute!). Whatever, seen worse. Two (2) times however is making a point, and Colin Firth is driving his silent portuguese maid home - not a french maid but so close! - and deciding he’d like her to bring him tea and clean his toilet for as long as they both shall live, and that also seems to be her greatest joy. Ah, l’amour. OK, I guess you like the thing, everyone has a thing, but at least you’re done now. Wait, you mean there’s a third (3rd) one? Everyone’s Fave Alan Rickman drives the plot of his own marriage’s tragic romance because he’s having stiffening feelings about his own Naughty Secretary halloween costume, after all. All the beautiful speeches about Joni Mitchell give Thompson some nice things to do, but it still assumes the Nature of Romance is to want to plough the help. A man can’t help it! It’s how romantic attraction works! Once would be whatever. Three times and there’s a tag on Ao3 for that, so please just scratch that itch and stop selling it to me in a heartwarming christmas movie as the Universal Nature Of Romance, so varied, so vast, the full spectrum! Just 2 hours to tell a story: but 3 whole narratives and 7 actors devoted to the variants on the naughty maid story. My point is be upfront about it and I’d be all for it - pretend it’s not A Thing You’re Doing and my creep-meter goes ping. Steven Shainberg’s ‘Secretary’ has a scene where the boss literally puts a saddle on his employee, and I find it to be one of the most genuinely moving romances I’ve ever seen. Love Actually makes me feel like Curtis is sending me a ‘u up?’ late night text about his secretary fantasy.
Anyway, I fucking hate this film, and not necessarily because of the content, but because of the context. The movie tells me to love it as aspirational romance. My culture tells me to love it as aspirational romance. Everyone tells me to love it as a varied and full exploration of reasons to get up in the morning, because it’s an aspirational romance. It makes me want to claw my own face off.
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eponinemylove · 6 years
Helpful List of Gay Books for When the Straights Are Tiring
Books are great!! Reading is fun!! I want to encourage you all to really get into stories but at the same time it’s exhausting when EVERYTHING in the media is straight. People wanna read about people who are like them, you know? And not everyone is straight, so enjoy these books that represent lgbt+ characters.
The Song of Achilles. I know it’s everywhere and not all that rare, but its such a good book. Theres a reason it’s so popular, I promise. There is so much fluff and wholesome content and, of course, plenty of angst. It’s written beautifully and I’ve yet to find it’s equal. Hands down my favorite on the list, but decide for yourself!! Features resident badass Briseis and all of the iconic heroes in the Trojan War. I’m just saying this book has a special place in my heart. mlm.
They Both Die at the End. This one isn’t as talked about, but it’s a great read. Features a gay and bi mlm relationship, with an obvious amount of angst from the title. Despite the impending doom, the book does have it’s sweet and cutesy moments, which I’m a sucker for. I really loved it.
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. Also a very popular book in lgbt ya novels, I can honestly say this one made me cry. It’s heart-wrenching and beautiful, featuring two Mexican-American teens figuring out their feelings for each other through thick and thin. It’s real and wonderfully written. mlm SLOWBURN.
Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel. One of my friend’s all time favorites, though I haven't gotten the chance to borrow it yet. Features a wlw poc in highschool. I can't tell you anything about it, other than I’ve been promised it’s really good! I’m definitely waiting to read it, so add it your lists as well.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post. Fair warning, I haven't read this one yet, but it’s been on my list since forever. It’s’ supposed to be sad and gut-punching, but what good book isn’t? Follows a young girl who has to come to terms with her love for women on her own, while being told by the people around her that homosexuality is a sin. It hits pretty close to home for a lot of people, and I can't wait to read it. Also it’s being turned into a movie soon so hurry!! wlw.
Simon VS the Homo Sapiens Agenda (aka Love, Simon). This book has BLOWN UP since it was adapted into the hit movie, Love, Simon. IF you’ve seen the movie before reading to book, be warned: the book is a bit different. I won't spoil anything with details. It’s very fluffy with a small amount of angst and constant fear of being outed. The last few chapters read honest to god like fanfic with how sappy the whole thing is. Highly recommend.
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue. Christ, this book is something else. Told by Monty, the patron saint of Bisexual Disasters. It’s wicked funny, truly, and had me smiling like a fool while this dumbass did his thing. Someone on this website described it as “Gay Historical Road Trip” which doesn't quite do it justice, but says enough. Featuring the two most lovable characters in history (neither of whom are Monty) and a fair amount of realizing that the main character is a [lovable] prick. mlm.
The Rest of Us Just Live Here. This is on here by the hair of its chin. I didn't even really like it, but my friend did so I’ll humor her. The idea behind it was golden: a bunch of “normal” kids living in a world where almost everyone around them is some kind of Chosen One. While it only includes like two gay characters, one of whom is presumed to be straight right up until the end, it does have a fair amount of discussion about mental illnesses like OCD and Anorexia, though nothing too graphic. 
The Love Interest. This book is wild. It’s pretty much published fanficton but with OCs. That’s the best way to describe it. I didn't actually know it was gay when I bought it, but oh boy is it. It has the only acceptable use of a love triangle in literature history. I’d say you should give it a go. It’s a cute read if nothing else. Also the entire concept of the story is just?? Iconic? mlm
The entirety of the Magnus Chase series. Rick Riordan, bless him, really outdid himself with this one. Includes a pan main character, a deaf elf, a kickass muslim valkyrie and her betrothed, two gender fluid characters, and more. I love everything about this series. If you haven't read the pjo and hoo series by Riordan, I highly suggest reading them first as they're highly connected. Everything by him is a gem, each series gayer than the last. Bless. see also the Trials of Apollo series starring a literal bisexual god.
Carry On. If you’ve read Harry Potter, you’ll like this one. It started off just making an appearance in the book Fangirl, but Rainbow Rowell loved it so much she wrote it’s own story. It’s heart-wrenching and sad, but has just enough pure fluff and pining to keep readers content. I read the entire  thing in one sitting the second I bought it, so trust me, it will keep you addicted. Also Rowell is working on the sequel as we speak!!
Note: I know there’s a serious shortage of wlw novels on this list. Mlm are for some reason much more popular, but as soon as I discover some more I’ll add them. For now, reblog with more books to help spread to readers looking for a little representation!
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airoasis · 5 years
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/thoughts-on-humanity-fame-and-love-shah-rukh-khan-2/
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan
Namaskar. I am a movie megastar, i am 51 years of age, and i do not use Botox as yet. (Laughter) So i’m clean, but I do behave like you saw like a 21-12 months-old in my movies. Yeah, I do that. I sell goals, and i peddle like to millions of people again residence in India who assume that i’m the first-class lover on the planet. (Laughter) when you do not tell anybody, i will let you know i’m no longer, however I under no circumstances let that assumption go away. (Laughter) I’ve also been made to realize there are plenty of you right here who haven’t noticeable my work, and that i suppose really sad for you. (Laughter) (Applause) that doesn’t do away with from the truth that i’m fully self-obsessed, as a movie big name should be.(Laughter) that is when my pals, Chris and Juliet known as me here to communicate about the future "you." Naturally, it follows i’ll converse about the reward me. (Laughter) seeing that I real feel that humanity is rather a lot like me. (Laughter) it’s. It is. It is an aging film superstar, grappling with the entire newness round itself, wondering whether or not it obtained it right in the first position, and nonetheless trying to find a strategy to hold on shining regardless. I was born in a refugee colony within the capital metropolis of India, New Delhi. And my father was a freedom fighter. My mom was, well, only a fighter like mothers are. And very similar to the normal homo sapiens, we struggled to outlive. Once I was in my early 20s, I misplaced each my mum and dad, which I have to admit seems a bit careless of me now, but — (Laughter) I do recall the night my father died, and i do not forget the motive force of a neighbor who used to be driving us to the sanatorium.He mumbled some thing about "dead folks don’t tip so good" and walked away into the darkish. And i used to be simplest 14 then, and i put my father’s lifeless physique within the back seat of the auto, and my mom apart from me, I began riding back from the health facility to the residence. And within the center of her quiet crying, my mother checked out me and he or she mentioned, "Son, when did you learn to force?" and that i idea about it and realized, and i said to my mother, "just now, mom." (Laughter) So from that night time onwards, much corresponding to humanity in its early life, I realized the crude instruments of survival.And the framework of lifestyles was once very, very simple then, to be sincere. , you simply ate what you bought and did something you have been advised to do. I thought celiac was a vegetable, and vegan, of path, used to be Mr. Spock’s lost comrade in "big name Trek." (Laughter) You married the first woman that you just dated, and also you had been a techie if you happen to might repair the carburetor for your auto. I rather concept that homosexual used to be a cosmopolitan English phrase for joyful. And Lesbian, of direction, was the capital of Portugal, as you all understand.(Laughter) where used to be I? We relied on methods created by means of the toil and sacrifice of generations earlier than to look after us, and we felt that governments certainly labored for our betterment. Science used to be easy and logical, Apple was still then just a fruit owned by way of Eve first and then Newton, now not by way of Steve Jobs, unless then. And "Eureka!" used to be what you screamed when you desired to run naked on the streets. You went anyplace existence took you for work, and persons have been customarily welcoming of you. Migration was once a time period then still reserved for Siberian cranes, no longer human beings. Most importantly, you were who you were and you said what you idea.Then in my late 20s, I shifted to the sprawling metropolis of Mumbai, and my framework, like the newly industrialized aspirational humanity, started to alter. Within the city rush for a new, more embellished survival, matters started to look a bit of exclusive. I met humans who had descended from all over the sector, faces, races, genders, cash-lenders. Definitions became more and more fluid. Work started to outline you at that time in an overwhelmingly equalizing manner, and the entire programs started to believe less risk-free to me, practically too thick to maintain on to the variety of mankind and the human ought to progress and develop.Suggestions were flowing with more freedom and speed. And that i experienced the miracle of human innovation and cooperation, and my own creativity, when supported by way of the resourcefulness of this collective endeavor, catapulted me into superstardom. I started to suppose that I had arrived, and almost always, by the point I was once forty, I was once fairly, relatively flying. I used to be all over the location. You realize? I’d carried out 50 movies by using then and 200 songs, and i’d been knighted by means of the Malaysians.I had been given the absolute best civil honor through the French government, the title of which for the life of me I cannot pronounce even until now. (Laughter) i’m sorry, France, and thanks, France, for doing that. However a lot greater than that, I acquired to meet Angelina Jolie — (Laughter) for 2 and a 1/2 seconds. (Laughter) and i am definite she also remembers that stumble upon somewhere.Good enough, probably no longer. And that i sat next to Hannah Montana on a round dinner table along with her back toward me most of the time. Like I stated, I was once flying, from Miley to Jolie, and humanity was once hovering with me. We were both normally flying off the control, definitely. And then you definately all understand what happened. The web happened. I used to be in my late 40s, and that i began tweeting like a canary in a birdcage and assuming that, you realize, persons who peered into my world would admire it for the miracle I believed it to be. But something else awaited me and humanity. You realize, we had expected a variety of recommendations and goals with the improved connectivity of the sector. We had no longer bargained for the village-like enclosure of notion, of judgment, of definition that flowed from the same position that freedom and revolution was taking position in.The whole lot I stated took a new that means. Everything I did — excellent, bad, unpleasant — was once there for the arena to remark upon and judge. If truth be told, the whole lot I didn’t say or do also met with the same destiny. 4 years ago, my lovely spouse Gauri and me decided to have a 3rd baby. It used to be claimed on the net that he was the love baby of our first youngster who was 15 years old.It sounds as if, he had sown his wild oats with a girl at the same time using her auto in Romania. And yeah, there was once a false video to go with it. And we had been so disturbed as a household. My son, who is nineteen now, even now when you say "hello" to him, he simply turns round and says, "but bro, I failed to actually have a European driving license." (Laughter) Yeah. In this new world, slowly, reality became digital and digital became real, and i began to consider that I would now not be who I wanted to be or say what I virtually suggestion, and humanity at the moment wholly recognized with me.I feel both of us were going by means of our midlife situation, and humanity, like me, was once fitting an overexposed prima donna. I began to promote the whole thing, from hair oil to diesel turbines. Humanity was buying everything from crude oil to nuclear reactors. , I even tried to get right into a skintight superhero suit to reinvent myself. I have to admit I failed miserably. And simply an aside I need to say on behalf of the entire Batmen, Spider-men and Supermen of the world, you have got to commend them, on the grounds that it quite hurts within the crotch, that superhero suit. (Laughter) Yeah, i am being honest. I need to let you know this right here. Rather. And by chance, I happened to even invent a new dance kind which I did not fully grasp, and it became a rage. So if it’s all right, and you might have seen a bit of of me, so i am relatively shameless, i’ll show you.It was referred to as the Lungi dance. So if it’s all proper, i’m going to simply exhibit you. I am proficient in any other case. (Cheers) So it went anything like this. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi. That is it. It became a rage. (Cheers) It relatively did. Such as you detect, nobody could make any sense of what used to be going down besides me, and that i failed to provide a damn, fairly, in view that the whole world, and entire humanity, appeared as harassed and lost as I used to be. I didn’t quit then. I even tried to reconstruct my identification on the social media like everybody else does. I idea if I placed on philosophical tweets available in the market individuals will think i’m with it, but one of the responses I acquired from those tweets had been extremely complicated acronyms which I didn’t have an understanding of.You realize? ROFL, LOL. "Adidas," a person wrote again to one among my more inspiration-frightening tweets and i was wondering why would you name a sneaker, I imply, why would you write again the identify of a sneaker to me? And that i asked my 16-12 months-historic daughter, and she or he enlightened me. "Adidas" now way "All day I dream about sex." (Laughter) particularly. I didn’t be aware of if you know that.So I wrote back, "WTF" in bold to Mr. Adidas, thanking secretly that some acronyms and matters is not going to change at all. WTF. But here we’re. I’m 51 years old, like I instructed you, and intellect-numbing acronyms however, I just need to inform you if there has been a momentous time for humanity to exist, it is now, seeing that the reward you is brave. The present you is hopeful. The present you is innovative and imaginative, and of direction, the present you is annoyingly indefinable.And on this spell-binding, imperfect moment of existence, feeling just a little courageous simply earlier than I came right here, I made up our minds to take a excellent, hard look at my face. And i spotted that i’m commencing to look increasingly just like the wax statue of me at Madame Tussaud’s. (Laughter) Yeah, and in that moment of attention, I asked probably the most central and pertinent query to humanity and me: Do I have to fix my face? Rather. I am an actor, like I instructed you, a state-of-the-art expression of human creativity. The land I come from is the source of inexplicable but very simple spirituality. In its massive generosity, India determined by some means that I, the Muslim son of a broke freedom fighter who unintentionally ventured into the industry of promoting desires, must grow to be its king of romance, the "Badhshah of Bollywood," the finest lover the nation has ever seen … With this face. Yeah. (Laughter) Which has alternately been described as unpleasant, unconventional, and strangely, now not chocolatey enough. (Laughter) The folks of this old land embraced me in their limitless love, and i have learned from these folks that neither power nor poverty can make your existence more magical or less tortuous.I’ve discovered from the persons of my nation that the dignity of a existence, a individual, a culture, a faith, a nation definitely resides in its capability for grace and compassion. I’ve discovered that whatever moves you, anything urges you to create, to build, anything maintains you from failing, anything helps you live on, is probably the oldest and the easiest emotion identified to mankind, and that’s love. A mystic poet from my land famously wrote, (Recites poem in Hindi) (Poem ends) Which loosely interprets into that something — yeah, if you know Hindi, please clap, yeah.(Applause) it is very complex to bear in mind. Which loosely translates into simply announcing that the entire books of expertise that you just might learn and then go forward and impart your capabilities through innovation, through creativity, by way of technology, but mankind will under no circumstances be the wiser about its future unless it’s coupled with a way of affection and compassion for his or her fellow beings. The two and a half alphabets which type the word "," this means that "love," in case you are capable to realize that and observe it, that itself is enough to enlighten mankind. So I real suppose the future "you" has to be a you that loves. In any other case it will stop to flourish. It’ll perish in its own self-absorption. So you may also use your vigour to build walls and preserve persons outside, or you can also use it to interrupt boundaries and welcome them in.You may also use your faith to make folks afraid and terrify them into submission, or you should use it to present braveness to folks in order that they upward thrust to the finest heights of enlightenment. You can use your energy to build nuclear bombs and unfold the darkness of destruction, or you should use it to unfold the joy of sunshine to thousands. You can also filthy up the oceans callously and scale down all of the forests. That you may break the ecology, or flip to them with love and regenerate existence from the waters and timber. You may also land on Mars and construct armed citadels, or you can also look for life-types and species to learn from and appreciate. And you should use all the moneys we all have earned to wage futile wars and provides guns in the fingers of little youngsters to kill each different with, or you should utilize it to make more food to fill their stomachs with.My country has taught me the ability for a person to love is akin to godliness. It shines forth in an international which civilization, I consider, already has tampered too much with. Within the last few days, the talks right here, the exotic persons coming and displaying their talent, speakme about man or woman achievements, the innovation, the technological know-how, the sciences, the expertise we are gaining with the aid of being here within the presence of TED Talks and all of you might be explanations enough for us to rejoice the long run "us." but within that social gathering the search to domesticate our potential for love and compassion has to say itself, has to say itself, simply as equally. So I feel the long run "you" is an unlimited you. It can be known as a chakra in India, like a circle. It ends where it begins from to complete itself. A you that perceives time and house differently knows both your unattainable and extremely good importance and your whole unimportance in the better context of the universe. A you that returns again to the usual innocence of humanity, which loves from the purity of heart, which sees from the eyes of reality, which goals from the readability of an untampered mind.The future "you" needs to be like an aging film famous person who has been made to think that there is a possibility of an international which is entirely, utterly, self-obsessively in love with itself. A global — particularly, it needs to be a you to create a world which is its own pleasant lover. That I suppose, women and gentlemen, must be the long run "you." thank you very a lot. Shukriya. (Applause) thanks. (Applause) thanks. (Applause) .
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/thoughts-on-humanity-fame-and-love-shah-rukh-khan-2/
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan
Namaskar. I am a movie megastar, i am 51 years of age, and i do not use Botox as yet. (Laughter) So i’m clean, but I do behave like you saw like a 21-12 months-old in my movies. Yeah, I do that. I sell goals, and i peddle like to millions of people again residence in India who assume that i’m the first-class lover on the planet. (Laughter) when you do not tell anybody, i will let you know i’m no longer, however I under no circumstances let that assumption go away. (Laughter) I’ve also been made to realize there are plenty of you right here who haven’t noticeable my work, and that i suppose really sad for you. (Laughter) (Applause) that doesn’t do away with from the truth that i’m fully self-obsessed, as a movie big name should be.(Laughter) that is when my pals, Chris and Juliet known as me here to communicate about the future "you." Naturally, it follows i’ll converse about the reward me. (Laughter) seeing that I real feel that humanity is rather a lot like me. (Laughter) it’s. It is. It is an aging film superstar, grappling with the entire newness round itself, wondering whether or not it obtained it right in the first position, and nonetheless trying to find a strategy to hold on shining regardless. I was born in a refugee colony within the capital metropolis of India, New Delhi. And my father was a freedom fighter. My mom was, well, only a fighter like mothers are. And very similar to the normal homo sapiens, we struggled to outlive. Once I was in my early 20s, I misplaced each my mum and dad, which I have to admit seems a bit careless of me now, but — (Laughter) I do recall the night my father died, and i do not forget the motive force of a neighbor who used to be driving us to the sanatorium.He mumbled some thing about "dead folks don’t tip so good" and walked away into the darkish. And i used to be simplest 14 then, and i put my father’s lifeless physique within the back seat of the auto, and my mom apart from me, I began riding back from the health facility to the residence. And within the center of her quiet crying, my mother checked out me and he or she mentioned, "Son, when did you learn to force?" and that i idea about it and realized, and i said to my mother, "just now, mom." (Laughter) So from that night time onwards, much corresponding to humanity in its early life, I realized the crude instruments of survival.And the framework of lifestyles was once very, very simple then, to be sincere. , you simply ate what you bought and did something you have been advised to do. I thought celiac was a vegetable, and vegan, of path, used to be Mr. Spock’s lost comrade in "big name Trek." (Laughter) You married the first woman that you just dated, and also you had been a techie if you happen to might repair the carburetor for your auto. I rather concept that homosexual used to be a cosmopolitan English phrase for joyful. And Lesbian, of direction, was the capital of Portugal, as you all understand.(Laughter) where used to be I? We relied on methods created by means of the toil and sacrifice of generations earlier than to look after us, and we felt that governments certainly labored for our betterment. Science used to be easy and logical, Apple was still then just a fruit owned by way of Eve first and then Newton, now not by way of Steve Jobs, unless then. And "Eureka!" used to be what you screamed when you desired to run naked on the streets. You went anyplace existence took you for work, and persons have been customarily welcoming of you. Migration was once a time period then still reserved for Siberian cranes, no longer human beings. Most importantly, you were who you were and you said what you idea.Then in my late 20s, I shifted to the sprawling metropolis of Mumbai, and my framework, like the newly industrialized aspirational humanity, started to alter. Within the city rush for a new, more embellished survival, matters started to look a bit of exclusive. I met humans who had descended from all over the sector, faces, races, genders, cash-lenders. Definitions became more and more fluid. Work started to outline you at that time in an overwhelmingly equalizing manner, and the entire programs started to believe less risk-free to me, practically too thick to maintain on to the variety of mankind and the human ought to progress and develop.Suggestions were flowing with more freedom and speed. And that i experienced the miracle of human innovation and cooperation, and my own creativity, when supported by way of the resourcefulness of this collective endeavor, catapulted me into superstardom. I started to suppose that I had arrived, and almost always, by the point I was once forty, I was once fairly, relatively flying. I used to be all over the location. You realize? I’d carried out 50 movies by using then and 200 songs, and i’d been knighted by means of the Malaysians.I had been given the absolute best civil honor through the French government, the title of which for the life of me I cannot pronounce even until now. (Laughter) i’m sorry, France, and thanks, France, for doing that. However a lot greater than that, I acquired to meet Angelina Jolie — (Laughter) for 2 and a 1/2 seconds. (Laughter) and i am definite she also remembers that stumble upon somewhere.Good enough, probably no longer. And that i sat next to Hannah Montana on a round dinner table along with her back toward me most of the time. Like I stated, I was once flying, from Miley to Jolie, and humanity was once hovering with me. We were both normally flying off the control, definitely. And then you definately all understand what happened. The web happened. I used to be in my late 40s, and that i began tweeting like a canary in a birdcage and assuming that, you realize, persons who peered into my world would admire it for the miracle I believed it to be. But something else awaited me and humanity. You realize, we had expected a variety of recommendations and goals with the improved connectivity of the sector. We had no longer bargained for the village-like enclosure of notion, of judgment, of definition that flowed from the same position that freedom and revolution was taking position in.The whole lot I stated took a new that means. Everything I did — excellent, bad, unpleasant — was once there for the arena to remark upon and judge. If truth be told, the whole lot I didn’t say or do also met with the same destiny. 4 years ago, my lovely spouse Gauri and me decided to have a 3rd baby. It used to be claimed on the net that he was the love baby of our first youngster who was 15 years old.It sounds as if, he had sown his wild oats with a girl at the same time using her auto in Romania. And yeah, there was once a false video to go with it. And we had been so disturbed as a household. My son, who is nineteen now, even now when you say "hello" to him, he simply turns round and says, "but bro, I failed to actually have a European driving license." (Laughter) Yeah. In this new world, slowly, reality became digital and digital became real, and i began to consider that I would now not be who I wanted to be or say what I virtually suggestion, and humanity at the moment wholly recognized with me.I feel both of us were going by means of our midlife situation, and humanity, like me, was once fitting an overexposed prima donna. I began to promote the whole thing, from hair oil to diesel turbines. Humanity was buying everything from crude oil to nuclear reactors. , I even tried to get right into a skintight superhero suit to reinvent myself. I have to admit I failed miserably. And simply an aside I need to say on behalf of the entire Batmen, Spider-men and Supermen of the world, you have got to commend them, on the grounds that it quite hurts within the crotch, that superhero suit. (Laughter) Yeah, i am being honest. I need to let you know this right here. Rather. And by chance, I happened to even invent a new dance kind which I did not fully grasp, and it became a rage. So if it’s all right, and you might have seen a bit of of me, so i am relatively shameless, i’ll show you.It was referred to as the Lungi dance. So if it’s all proper, i’m going to simply exhibit you. I am proficient in any other case. (Cheers) So it went anything like this. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi. That is it. It became a rage. (Cheers) It relatively did. Such as you detect, nobody could make any sense of what used to be going down besides me, and that i failed to provide a damn, fairly, in view that the whole world, and entire humanity, appeared as harassed and lost as I used to be. I didn’t quit then. I even tried to reconstruct my identification on the social media like everybody else does. I idea if I placed on philosophical tweets available in the market individuals will think i’m with it, but one of the responses I acquired from those tweets had been extremely complicated acronyms which I didn’t have an understanding of.You realize? ROFL, LOL. "Adidas," a person wrote again to one among my more inspiration-frightening tweets and i was wondering why would you name a sneaker, I imply, why would you write again the identify of a sneaker to me? And that i asked my 16-12 months-historic daughter, and she or he enlightened me. "Adidas" now way "All day I dream about sex." (Laughter) particularly. I didn’t be aware of if you know that.So I wrote back, "WTF" in bold to Mr. Adidas, thanking secretly that some acronyms and matters is not going to change at all. WTF. But here we’re. I’m 51 years old, like I instructed you, and intellect-numbing acronyms however, I just need to inform you if there has been a momentous time for humanity to exist, it is now, seeing that the reward you is brave. The present you is hopeful. The present you is innovative and imaginative, and of direction, the present you is annoyingly indefinable.And on this spell-binding, imperfect moment of existence, feeling just a little courageous simply earlier than I came right here, I made up our minds to take a excellent, hard look at my face. And i spotted that i’m commencing to look increasingly just like the wax statue of me at Madame Tussaud’s. (Laughter) Yeah, and in that moment of attention, I asked probably the most central and pertinent query to humanity and me: Do I have to fix my face? Rather. I am an actor, like I instructed you, a state-of-the-art expression of human creativity. The land I come from is the source of inexplicable but very simple spirituality. In its massive generosity, India determined by some means that I, the Muslim son of a broke freedom fighter who unintentionally ventured into the industry of promoting desires, must grow to be its king of romance, the "Badhshah of Bollywood," the finest lover the nation has ever seen … With this face. Yeah. (Laughter) Which has alternately been described as unpleasant, unconventional, and strangely, now not chocolatey enough. (Laughter) The folks of this old land embraced me in their limitless love, and i have learned from these folks that neither power nor poverty can make your existence more magical or less tortuous.I’ve discovered from the persons of my nation that the dignity of a existence, a individual, a culture, a faith, a nation definitely resides in its capability for grace and compassion. I’ve discovered that whatever moves you, anything urges you to create, to build, anything maintains you from failing, anything helps you live on, is probably the oldest and the easiest emotion identified to mankind, and that’s love. A mystic poet from my land famously wrote, (Recites poem in Hindi) (Poem ends) Which loosely interprets into that something — yeah, if you know Hindi, please clap, yeah.(Applause) it is very complex to bear in mind. Which loosely translates into simply announcing that the entire books of expertise that you just might learn and then go forward and impart your capabilities through innovation, through creativity, by way of technology, but mankind will under no circumstances be the wiser about its future unless it’s coupled with a way of affection and compassion for his or her fellow beings. The two and a half alphabets which type the word "," this means that "love," in case you are capable to realize that and observe it, that itself is enough to enlighten mankind. So I real suppose the future "you" has to be a you that loves. In any other case it will stop to flourish. It’ll perish in its own self-absorption. So you may also use your vigour to build walls and preserve persons outside, or you can also use it to interrupt boundaries and welcome them in.You may also use your faith to make folks afraid and terrify them into submission, or you should use it to present braveness to folks in order that they upward thrust to the finest heights of enlightenment. You can use your energy to build nuclear bombs and unfold the darkness of destruction, or you should use it to unfold the joy of sunshine to thousands. You can also filthy up the oceans callously and scale down all of the forests. That you may break the ecology, or flip to them with love and regenerate existence from the waters and timber. You may also land on Mars and construct armed citadels, or you can also look for life-types and species to learn from and appreciate. And you should use all the moneys we all have earned to wage futile wars and provides guns in the fingers of little youngsters to kill each different with, or you should utilize it to make more food to fill their stomachs with.My country has taught me the ability for a person to love is akin to godliness. It shines forth in an international which civilization, I consider, already has tampered too much with. Within the last few days, the talks right here, the exotic persons coming and displaying their talent, speakme about man or woman achievements, the innovation, the technological know-how, the sciences, the expertise we are gaining with the aid of being here within the presence of TED Talks and all of you might be explanations enough for us to rejoice the long run "us." but within that social gathering the search to domesticate our potential for love and compassion has to say itself, has to say itself, simply as equally. So I feel the long run "you" is an unlimited you. It can be known as a chakra in India, like a circle. It ends where it begins from to complete itself. A you that perceives time and house differently knows both your unattainable and extremely good importance and your whole unimportance in the better context of the universe. A you that returns again to the usual innocence of humanity, which loves from the purity of heart, which sees from the eyes of reality, which goals from the readability of an untampered mind.The future "you" needs to be like an aging film famous person who has been made to think that there is a possibility of an international which is entirely, utterly, self-obsessively in love with itself. A global — particularly, it needs to be a you to create a world which is its own pleasant lover. That I suppose, women and gentlemen, must be the long run "you." thank you very a lot. Shukriya. (Applause) thanks. (Applause) thanks. (Applause) .
0 notes
airoasis · 5 years
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/thoughts-on-humanity-fame-and-love-shah-rukh-khan/
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan
Namaskar. I’m a film megastar, i’m fifty one years of age, and i do not use Botox as yet. (Laughter) So i am smooth, however I do behave like you noticed like a 21-yr-old in my movies. Yeah, I do this. I sell goals, and that i peddle love to millions of humans back home in India who expect that i am the first-rate lover on this planet. (Laughter) should you don’t tell any person, i will tell you i am not, but I not ever let that assumption go away. (Laughter) I’ve also been made to realize there are plenty of you right here who have not seen my work, and i think rather sad for you. (Laughter) (Applause) that does not take away from the fact that i am entirely self-obsessed, as a film famous person should be. (Laughter) that’s when my buddies, Chris and Juliet referred to as me right here to converse concerning the future "you." Naturally, it follows i’m going to converse in regards to the gift me. (Laughter) when you consider that I real consider that humanity is a lot like me.(Laughter) it’s. It’s. It’s an getting older movie celebrity, grappling with all of the newness round itself, wondering whether or not it got it correct within the first situation, and still trying to find a option to hold on shining regardless. I was born in a refugee colony within the capital city of India, New Delhi. And my father used to be a freedom fighter. My mom was, well, just a fighter like mothers are. And much like the long-established homo sapiens, we struggled to survive. Once I was once in my early 20s, I lost each my mom and dad, which I have to admit appears a bit of careless of me now, but — (Laughter) I do do not forget the night time my father died, and i bear in mind the driving force of a neighbor who was once riding us to the hospital. He mumbled something about "useless men and women don’t tip so well" and walked away into the darkish. And that i was best 14 then, and i put my father’s useless physique in the back seat of the car, and my mother besides me, I started driving back from the medical institution to the house.And in the middle of her quiet crying, my mom checked out me and he or she said, "Son, when did you gain knowledge of to force?" and that i idea about it and realized, and that i stated to my mom, "simply now, mom." (Laughter) So from that night onwards, much akin to humanity in its adolescence, I learned the crude tools of survival. And the framework of existence was very, very simple then, to be sincere. , you just ate what you obtained and did some thing you were advised to do. I thought celiac was once a vegetable, and vegan, of course, used to be Mr. Spock’s misplaced comrade in "megastar Trek." (Laughter) You married the primary woman that you dated, and also you have been a techie in the event you might repair the carburetor to your automobile. I relatively notion that gay used to be a cosmopolitan English word for comfortable. And Lesbian, of direction, was once the capital of Portugal, as you all comprehend. (Laughter) the place was I? We relied on methods created by way of the toil and sacrifice of generations before to shield us, and we felt that governments honestly worked for our betterment.Science was once easy and logical, Apple used to be nonetheless then only a fruit owned via Eve first and then Newton, now not with the aid of Steve Jobs, until then. And "Eureka!" was once what you screamed when you wanted to run bare on the streets. You went at any place life took you for work, and humans had been more often than not welcoming of you. Migration was a time period then still reserved for Siberian cranes, no longer human beings. Most importantly, you had been who you were and you mentioned what you suggestion. Then in my late 20s, I shifted to the sprawling town of Mumbai, and my framework, like the newly industrialized aspirational humanity, commenced to change. In the urban rush for a new, extra embellished survival, matters began to seem a little distinctive.I met men and women who had descended from everywhere the arena, faces, races, genders, cash-lenders. Definitions grew to become more and more fluid. Work started out to define you at the moment in an overwhelmingly equalizing manner, and all the methods began to believe much less secure to me, virtually too thick to hold on to the variety of mankind and the human must progress and grow. Recommendations had been flowing with extra freedom and speed. And i experienced the miracle of human innovation and cooperation, and my own creativity, when supported by way of the resourcefulness of this collective endeavor, catapulted me into superstardom. I started to feel that I had arrived, and most likely, by the point I used to be forty, I was really, rather flying. I was once in all places the location. ? I would executed 50 movies with the aid of then and 200 songs, and i might been knighted with the aid of the Malaysians. I had been given the perfect civil honor by the French executive, the title of which for the life of me I can’t pronounce even unless now.(Laughter) i am sorry, France, and thanks, France, for doing that. But a lot greater than that, I got to meet Angelina Jolie — (Laughter) for 2 and a half of seconds. (Laughter) and i am definite she additionally remembers that encounter somewhere. Ok, perhaps not. And i sat next to Hannah Montana on a round dinner desk with her back towards me as a rule. Like I said, I was once flying, from Miley to Jolie, and humanity used to be hovering with me. We were both generally flying off the manage, surely. And then you definately all understand what occurred. The web occurred. I was in my late 40s, and that i began tweeting like a canary in a birdcage and assuming that, you realize, individuals who peered into my world would admire it for the miracle I believed it to be.However some thing else awaited me and humanity. You recognize, we had expected a spread of strategies and goals with the improved connectivity of the arena. We had no longer bargained for the village-like enclosure of idea, of judgment, of definition that flowed from the equal location that freedom and revolution was once taking position in. Everything I mentioned took a new meaning. The whole lot I did — excellent, bad, unpleasant — was there for the arena to remark upon and choose.In fact, the whole thing I didn’t say or do also met with the identical fate. 4 years in the past, my lovely spouse Gauri and me decided to have a third little one. It used to be claimed on the net that he was once the love child of our first child who was once 15 years old. It sounds as if, he had sown his wild oats with a girl even as using her car in Romania. And yeah, there used to be a false video to go with it. And we have been so disturbed as a family. My son, who is nineteen now, even now when you say "hiya" to him, he simply turns round and says, "however bro, I did not actually have a European using license." (Laughter) Yeah. In this new world, slowly, reality became virtual and virtual grew to become actual, and i started to consider that I would no longer be who I desired to be or say what I genuinely inspiration, and humanity right now entirely recognized with me. I think each of us were going by way of our midlife obstacle, and humanity, like me, was fitting an overexposed prima donna. I started to sell the whole lot, from hair oil to diesel generators.Humanity used to be buying everything from crude oil to nuclear reactors. You recognize, I even tried to get right into a skintight superhero suit to reinvent myself. I have got to admit I failed miserably. And just an apart I wish to say on behalf of the entire Batmen, Spider-guys and Supermen of the sector, you need to commend them, due to the fact that it quite hurts in the crotch, that superhero suit. (Laughter) Yeah, i’m being honest. I have to inform you this here. Quite. And by accident, I occurred to even invent a brand new dance form which I did not realise, and it became a rage. So if it is all correct, and you may have noticeable somewhat of me, so i am rather shameless, i’ll exhibit you. It was called the Lungi dance. So if it’s all right, i’m going to simply show you. I’m proficient or else.(Cheers) So it went whatever like this. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi. That’s it. It became a rage. (Cheers) It particularly did. Like you realize, no one might make any experience of what was taking place except me, and that i didn’t provide a damn, particularly, since the entire world, and whole humanity, appeared as stressed and misplaced as I was. I didn’t stop then. I even tried to reconstruct my identity on the social media like every body else does. I thought if I put on philosophical tweets out there humans will suppose i am with it, however one of the most responses I acquired from those tweets were particularly complicated acronyms which I didn’t realise.You recognize? ROFL, LOL. "Adidas," anyone wrote again to one in all my extra idea-frightening tweets and i was once questioning why would you title a sneaker, I mean, why would you write back the title of a sneaker to me? And that i requested my 16-12 months-historical daughter, and she enlightened me. "Adidas" now means "All day I dream about sex." (Laughter) particularly. I didn’t be aware of if that. So I wrote again, "WTF" in bold to Mr. Adidas, thanking secretly that some acronyms and matters will not exchange at all. WTF. But here we are. I’m 51 years historic, like I instructed you, and mind-numbing acronyms however, I simply need to let you know if there was a momentous time for humanity to exist, it is now, on account that the reward you is courageous. The gift you is hopeful. The reward you is revolutionary and inventive, and of path, the reward you is annoyingly indefinable.And in this spell-binding, imperfect second of existence, feeling a bit of courageous just earlier than I got here right here, I determined to take a excellent, hard look at my face. And i spotted that i’m beginning to seem more and more like the wax statue of me at Madame Tussaud’s. (Laughter) Yeah, and in that second of cognizance, I requested probably the most valuable and pertinent query to humanity and me: Do I have to repair my face? Fairly. I am an actor, like I told you, a present day expression of human creativity.The land I come from is the supply of inexplicable but quite simple spirituality. In its significant generosity, India made up our minds somehow that I, the Muslim son of a broke freedom fighter who by chance ventured into the trade of promoting dreams, must grow to be its king of romance, the "Badhshah of Bollywood," the finest lover the nation has ever obvious … With this face. Yeah. (Laughter) Which has alternately been described as unpleasant, unconventional, and surprisingly, now not chocolatey ample. (Laughter) The individuals of this historic land embraced me of their limitless love, and i have discovered from these folks that neither power nor poverty can make your lifestyles more magical or less tortuous. I’ve discovered from the individuals of my nation that the honour of a existence, a person, a tradition, a faith, a nation certainly resides in its potential for grace and compassion.I’ve realized that some thing strikes you, something urges you to create, to construct, something keeps you from failing, some thing helps you survive, is perhaps the oldest and the easiest emotion known to mankind, and that is love. A mystic poet from my land famously wrote, (Recites poem in Hindi) (Poem ends) Which loosely translates into that something — yeah, if you recognize Hindi, please clap, yeah. (Applause) it’s very difficult to don’t forget. Which loosely interprets into virtually pronouncing that the entire books of skills that you just would learn after which go forward and impart your abilities by means of innovation, by way of creativity, by means of technological know-how, but mankind will on no account be the wiser about its future except it is coupled with a way of love and compassion for their fellow beings. The two and a 1/2 alphabets which kind the phrase "," because of this "love," if you are able to appreciate that and apply it, that itself is ample to enlighten mankind. So I real feel the long run "you" must be a you that loves.In any other case it’s going to stop to flourish. It is going to perish in its own self-absorption. So you may use your energy to build partitions and maintain people outside, or you can also use it to break boundaries and welcome them in. You can also use your religion to make folks afraid and terrify them into submission, or you should use it to offer braveness to people in order that they upward thrust to the finest heights of enlightenment. You should utilize your vigour to construct nuclear bombs and spread the darkness of destruction, or you need to use it to unfold the enjoyment of light to millions.You can also filthy up the oceans callously and scale back the entire forests. That you can destroy the ecology, or turn to them with love and regenerate life from the waters and timber. You may also land on Mars and construct armed citadels, or you may also appear for existence-types and species to learn from and respect. And you should utilize the entire moneys we all have earned to wage futile wars and provides weapons in the palms of little kids to kill every different with, or you should use it to make extra meals to fill their stomachs with. My country has taught me the capability for a human being to like is comparable to godliness.It shines forth in a global which civilization, I feel, already has tampered an excessive amount of with. In the last few days, the talks right here, the exotic people coming and showing their talent, talking about man or woman achievements, the innovation, the science, the sciences, the advantage we’re gaining via being right here in the presence of TED Talks and all of you’re motives sufficient for us to rejoice the future "us." but within that party the hunt to domesticate our potential for love and compassion has to claim itself, has to say itself, simply as equally. So I think the longer term "you" is an infinite you. It’s referred to as a chakra in India, like a circle. It ends where it begins from to complete itself. A you that perceives time and house in a different way knows each your unimaginable and first-rate value and your complete unimportance in the larger context of the universe. A you that returns again to the common innocence of humanity, which loves from the purity of coronary heart, which sees from the eyes of fact, which desires from the clarity of an untampered mind.The longer term "you" must be like an aging movie superstar who has been made to feel that there’s a likelihood of an international which is totally, wholly, self-obsessively in love with itself. A world — relatively, it has to be a you to create a world which is its own first-rate lover. That I think, ladies and gents, will have to be the future "you." thanks very a lot. Shukriya. (Applause) thank you. (Applause) thank you.(Applause) .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/thoughts-on-humanity-fame-and-love-shah-rukh-khan/
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan
Namaskar. I’m a film megastar, i’m fifty one years of age, and i do not use Botox as yet. (Laughter) So i am smooth, however I do behave like you noticed like a 21-yr-old in my movies. Yeah, I do this. I sell goals, and that i peddle love to millions of humans back home in India who expect that i am the first-rate lover on this planet. (Laughter) should you don’t tell any person, i will tell you i am not, but I not ever let that assumption go away. (Laughter) I’ve also been made to realize there are plenty of you right here who have not seen my work, and i think rather sad for you. (Laughter) (Applause) that does not take away from the fact that i am entirely self-obsessed, as a film famous person should be. (Laughter) that’s when my buddies, Chris and Juliet referred to as me right here to converse concerning the future "you." Naturally, it follows i’m going to converse in regards to the gift me. (Laughter) when you consider that I real consider that humanity is a lot like me.(Laughter) it’s. It’s. It’s an getting older movie celebrity, grappling with all of the newness round itself, wondering whether or not it got it correct within the first situation, and still trying to find a option to hold on shining regardless. I was born in a refugee colony within the capital city of India, New Delhi. And my father used to be a freedom fighter. My mom was, well, just a fighter like mothers are. And much like the long-established homo sapiens, we struggled to survive. Once I was once in my early 20s, I lost each my mom and dad, which I have to admit appears a bit of careless of me now, but — (Laughter) I do do not forget the night time my father died, and i bear in mind the driving force of a neighbor who was once riding us to the hospital. He mumbled something about "useless men and women don’t tip so well" and walked away into the darkish. And that i was best 14 then, and i put my father’s useless physique in the back seat of the car, and my mother besides me, I started driving back from the medical institution to the house.And in the middle of her quiet crying, my mom checked out me and he or she said, "Son, when did you gain knowledge of to force?" and that i idea about it and realized, and that i stated to my mom, "simply now, mom." (Laughter) So from that night onwards, much akin to humanity in its adolescence, I learned the crude tools of survival. And the framework of existence was very, very simple then, to be sincere. , you just ate what you obtained and did some thing you were advised to do. I thought celiac was once a vegetable, and vegan, of course, used to be Mr. Spock’s misplaced comrade in "megastar Trek." (Laughter) You married the primary woman that you dated, and also you have been a techie in the event you might repair the carburetor to your automobile. I relatively notion that gay used to be a cosmopolitan English word for comfortable. And Lesbian, of direction, was once the capital of Portugal, as you all comprehend. (Laughter) the place was I? We relied on methods created by way of the toil and sacrifice of generations before to shield us, and we felt that governments honestly worked for our betterment.Science was once easy and logical, Apple used to be nonetheless then only a fruit owned via Eve first and then Newton, now not with the aid of Steve Jobs, until then. And "Eureka!" was once what you screamed when you wanted to run bare on the streets. You went at any place life took you for work, and humans had been more often than not welcoming of you. Migration was a time period then still reserved for Siberian cranes, no longer human beings. Most importantly, you had been who you were and you mentioned what you suggestion. Then in my late 20s, I shifted to the sprawling town of Mumbai, and my framework, like the newly industrialized aspirational humanity, commenced to change. In the urban rush for a new, extra embellished survival, matters began to seem a little distinctive.I met men and women who had descended from everywhere the arena, faces, races, genders, cash-lenders. Definitions grew to become more and more fluid. Work started out to define you at the moment in an overwhelmingly equalizing manner, and all the methods began to believe much less secure to me, virtually too thick to hold on to the variety of mankind and the human must progress and grow. Recommendations had been flowing with extra freedom and speed. And i experienced the miracle of human innovation and cooperation, and my own creativity, when supported by way of the resourcefulness of this collective endeavor, catapulted me into superstardom. I started to feel that I had arrived, and most likely, by the point I used to be forty, I was really, rather flying. I was once in all places the location. ? I would executed 50 movies with the aid of then and 200 songs, and i might been knighted with the aid of the Malaysians. I had been given the perfect civil honor by the French executive, the title of which for the life of me I can’t pronounce even unless now.(Laughter) i am sorry, France, and thanks, France, for doing that. But a lot greater than that, I got to meet Angelina Jolie — (Laughter) for 2 and a half of seconds. (Laughter) and i am definite she additionally remembers that encounter somewhere. Ok, perhaps not. And i sat next to Hannah Montana on a round dinner desk with her back towards me as a rule. Like I said, I was once flying, from Miley to Jolie, and humanity used to be hovering with me. We were both generally flying off the manage, surely. And then you definately all understand what occurred. The web occurred. I was in my late 40s, and that i began tweeting like a canary in a birdcage and assuming that, you realize, individuals who peered into my world would admire it for the miracle I believed it to be.However some thing else awaited me and humanity. You recognize, we had expected a spread of strategies and goals with the improved connectivity of the arena. We had no longer bargained for the village-like enclosure of idea, of judgment, of definition that flowed from the equal location that freedom and revolution was once taking position in. Everything I mentioned took a new meaning. The whole lot I did — excellent, bad, unpleasant — was there for the arena to remark upon and choose.In fact, the whole thing I didn’t say or do also met with the identical fate. 4 years in the past, my lovely spouse Gauri and me decided to have a third little one. It used to be claimed on the net that he was once the love child of our first child who was once 15 years old. It sounds as if, he had sown his wild oats with a girl even as using her car in Romania. And yeah, there used to be a false video to go with it. And we have been so disturbed as a family. My son, who is nineteen now, even now when you say "hiya" to him, he simply turns round and says, "however bro, I did not actually have a European using license." (Laughter) Yeah. In this new world, slowly, reality became virtual and virtual grew to become actual, and i started to consider that I would no longer be who I desired to be or say what I genuinely inspiration, and humanity right now entirely recognized with me. I think each of us were going by way of our midlife obstacle, and humanity, like me, was fitting an overexposed prima donna. I started to sell the whole lot, from hair oil to diesel generators.Humanity used to be buying everything from crude oil to nuclear reactors. You recognize, I even tried to get right into a skintight superhero suit to reinvent myself. I have got to admit I failed miserably. And just an apart I wish to say on behalf of the entire Batmen, Spider-guys and Supermen of the sector, you need to commend them, due to the fact that it quite hurts in the crotch, that superhero suit. (Laughter) Yeah, i’m being honest. I have to inform you this here. Quite. And by accident, I occurred to even invent a brand new dance form which I did not realise, and it became a rage. So if it is all correct, and you may have noticeable somewhat of me, so i am rather shameless, i’ll exhibit you. It was called the Lungi dance. So if it’s all right, i’m going to simply show you. I’m proficient or else.(Cheers) So it went whatever like this. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi dance. Lungi. That’s it. It became a rage. (Cheers) It particularly did. Like you realize, no one might make any experience of what was taking place except me, and that i didn’t provide a damn, particularly, since the entire world, and whole humanity, appeared as stressed and misplaced as I was. I didn’t stop then. I even tried to reconstruct my identity on the social media like every body else does. I thought if I put on philosophical tweets out there humans will suppose i am with it, however one of the most responses I acquired from those tweets were particularly complicated acronyms which I didn’t realise.You recognize? ROFL, LOL. "Adidas," anyone wrote again to one in all my extra idea-frightening tweets and i was once questioning why would you title a sneaker, I mean, why would you write back the title of a sneaker to me? And that i requested my 16-12 months-historical daughter, and she enlightened me. "Adidas" now means "All day I dream about sex." (Laughter) particularly. I didn’t be aware of if that. So I wrote again, "WTF" in bold to Mr. Adidas, thanking secretly that some acronyms and matters will not exchange at all. WTF. But here we are. I’m 51 years historic, like I instructed you, and mind-numbing acronyms however, I simply need to let you know if there was a momentous time for humanity to exist, it is now, on account that the reward you is courageous. The gift you is hopeful. The reward you is revolutionary and inventive, and of path, the reward you is annoyingly indefinable.And in this spell-binding, imperfect second of existence, feeling a bit of courageous just earlier than I got here right here, I determined to take a excellent, hard look at my face. And i spotted that i’m beginning to seem more and more like the wax statue of me at Madame Tussaud’s. (Laughter) Yeah, and in that second of cognizance, I requested probably the most valuable and pertinent query to humanity and me: Do I have to repair my face? Fairly. I am an actor, like I told you, a present day expression of human creativity.The land I come from is the supply of inexplicable but quite simple spirituality. In its significant generosity, India made up our minds somehow that I, the Muslim son of a broke freedom fighter who by chance ventured into the trade of promoting dreams, must grow to be its king of romance, the "Badhshah of Bollywood," the finest lover the nation has ever obvious … With this face. Yeah. (Laughter) Which has alternately been described as unpleasant, unconventional, and surprisingly, now not chocolatey ample. (Laughter) The individuals of this historic land embraced me of their limitless love, and i have discovered from these folks that neither power nor poverty can make your lifestyles more magical or less tortuous. I’ve discovered from the individuals of my nation that the honour of a existence, a person, a tradition, a faith, a nation certainly resides in its potential for grace and compassion.I’ve realized that some thing strikes you, something urges you to create, to construct, something keeps you from failing, some thing helps you survive, is perhaps the oldest and the easiest emotion known to mankind, and that is love. A mystic poet from my land famously wrote, (Recites poem in Hindi) (Poem ends) Which loosely translates into that something — yeah, if you recognize Hindi, please clap, yeah. (Applause) it’s very difficult to don’t forget. Which loosely interprets into virtually pronouncing that the entire books of skills that you just would learn after which go forward and impart your abilities by means of innovation, by way of creativity, by means of technological know-how, but mankind will on no account be the wiser about its future except it is coupled with a way of love and compassion for their fellow beings. The two and a 1/2 alphabets which kind the phrase "," because of this "love," if you are able to appreciate that and apply it, that itself is ample to enlighten mankind. So I real feel the long run "you" must be a you that loves.In any other case it’s going to stop to flourish. It is going to perish in its own self-absorption. So you may use your energy to build partitions and maintain people outside, or you can also use it to break boundaries and welcome them in. You can also use your religion to make folks afraid and terrify them into submission, or you should use it to offer braveness to people in order that they upward thrust to the finest heights of enlightenment. You should utilize your vigour to construct nuclear bombs and spread the darkness of destruction, or you need to use it to unfold the enjoyment of light to millions.You can also filthy up the oceans callously and scale back the entire forests. That you can destroy the ecology, or turn to them with love and regenerate life from the waters and timber. You may also land on Mars and construct armed citadels, or you may also appear for existence-types and species to learn from and respect. And you should utilize the entire moneys we all have earned to wage futile wars and provides weapons in the palms of little kids to kill every different with, or you should use it to make extra meals to fill their stomachs with. My country has taught me the capability for a human being to like is comparable to godliness.It shines forth in a global which civilization, I feel, already has tampered an excessive amount of with. In the last few days, the talks right here, the exotic people coming and showing their talent, talking about man or woman achievements, the innovation, the science, the sciences, the advantage we’re gaining via being right here in the presence of TED Talks and all of you’re motives sufficient for us to rejoice the future "us." but within that party the hunt to domesticate our potential for love and compassion has to claim itself, has to say itself, simply as equally. So I think the longer term "you" is an infinite you. It’s referred to as a chakra in India, like a circle. It ends where it begins from to complete itself. A you that perceives time and house in a different way knows each your unimaginable and first-rate value and your complete unimportance in the larger context of the universe. A you that returns again to the common innocence of humanity, which loves from the purity of coronary heart, which sees from the eyes of fact, which desires from the clarity of an untampered mind.The longer term "you" must be like an aging movie superstar who has been made to feel that there’s a likelihood of an international which is totally, wholly, self-obsessively in love with itself. A world — relatively, it has to be a you to create a world which is its own first-rate lover. That I think, ladies and gents, will have to be the future "you." thanks very a lot. Shukriya. (Applause) thank you. (Applause) thank you.(Applause) .
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