#hitman headcanons
canonically47 · 5 months
You head canon, give it to me!
i remember this was right after my post about my hitman hcs, so here are some of them:
lucas’ birthday is september 3rd, 1964, just two days before 47’s.
lucas had multiple choices for his name, among which cassius and brutus. he uses ‘lucas’ now, feeling it is less conspicuous, but he prefers to spell it as ‘loukas’, as inspired by the greek version of the name, in informal settings. he also sometimes uses the names he ended up dismissing when he needs another alibi... which is more often than not.
speaking of alibis, 47 came up with ‘tobias rieper’ by himself, which earned a lot of laughs from those at the ICA. diana sometimes calls him toby because of it, just to get on his nerves. it works every time.
47 also was indecisive when it came to his alibi, almost landing on first names such as aeneas, ballister, cain or amos. much like lucas, he chose tobias because it is more common, and still uses some of these names when in need of another alias.
diana and 47’s relationship is not quite platonic, but not quite romantic either. as of now - when 47 is free of the ICA and doing his own gigs - he and diana live together in the hitmansion, but they each have their own rooms, and rarely sleep together. on rare occasions that they go out, they pretend to be a married couple, making it easier to blend in. however, neither of them actually have feelings for each other, and both of them are arospec & acespec - 47 is aroace, and diana, a demisexual aromantic lesbian.
47 and diana own three cats and one snake: amadeus (brown british shorthair, 2 y/o), sappho (white and grey maine coon, 4 y/o), ramses (black bombay, 1 y/o) and jörmungandr (AKA jörg) (corn snake, 1 y/o).
the reason 47 was locked in the basement for a bit was because diana wanted to be a bit silly. that’s all. let girls have fun!
diana always has to convince 47 to let loose and/or have fun, and that can range from going out to just... taking a break and laying back a bit. 47 is seriously a workaholic.
buuut when diana does convince him to go out, he always ends up going to some furniture or clothes stores, hence his immense wardrobe and so many decorations. diana almost regrets her choices... almost.
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the-fo0l · 1 year
Hi, I hope you're doing well and I love your work
Can I request for a fluff headcanon of agent 47 and Diana burnwood playing card games (like uno or monopoly) with a nb reader?
durak is the only card game i really know, so i had that in mind when writing. also 47 and reader are implied to be together
Playing cards with Diana and 47 hcs
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Playing cards with these two would be interesting, to say the least
47 is highly skilled in a lot of things, one of the main being strategic thinking, making him formidable in any game
On the other hand, Diana Burnwood possesses excellent analytical skills
So...good luck going against these two
47s poker face is insane
I mean, his natural resting face could already be considered a poker face
You can never guess what's going through his head, especially not while playing cards
All the while, 47 would be able to read his opponents and anticipate their next moves completely
And he uses his skills to make sure you always win
But that's hard to do when Diana has the best luck of the draw ever
He'll find a way to slip you extra aces to you
Towards the end of the game, when everyone's putting out their best cards, 2 extra aces are revealed
"I don't remember there being 6 aces in a deck, 47," says Diana, playfully glaring at him
"...What are you implying...?"
(boy, you know damn well you cheated so your lover could win)
Diana still ends up winning somehow
At least she's nice about it, even when 47 has a bit of sore loser energy to him
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myth-blossom · 2 months
Hi Mythy! For the ask game, let's do 🍄
Hi Spicy! Thank you for the ask 😊
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
One of my favorite headcanons is that Diana joins 47 for missions on occasion, especially once they're working together as freelancers.
I've written about them in different ways (some spicy, some tame), but whatever the mission, I think they would work well in the field together. From the comics, we're given the impression that Diana can handle herself well in a skirmish, so I think she could do a bit of action, if ever needed. I think she's quick enough on her feet that she could figure a way out for herself or both of them should a complication arise. Plus, they're an incredible agent/handler team, so their history of trust and communication would make them a formidable pair in any situation and against any target.
Truth & Dare Ask Game
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rieper-for-hire · 2 years
Random headcanon thought:
47 gives the Floral Baller to Diana/SO as a gift to match his own Silverballer because he secretly wants them to match when in the field and because it's cute like their personality sometimes
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diana-fortyseven · 2 years
You know I've got to drop that ⭐ 😊
OMG I've been dying to talk some more about this one specific headcanon I briefly mentioned in Ready for Take-Off [NSFW], how it started, and what other headcanons are related to this one.
I love Patient Zero. The entire campaign is so good, so much fun (yes, even the Sniper Assassin mission is decent, although I would've preferred a "normal" one). So many things to love about Patient Zero, but what I love the most is exploring locations during a different time of day (Sapienza at midnight? Nighttime Bangkok? Hokkaido in the morning? YES PLEASE!) and the briefings before the missions and the cinematic after the last mission.
Really, really hoping for a continuation of this side story... Year 3, anyone?
Follow me to Sapienza.
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When we acquire the Super Fan disguise and attend the photoshoot with Craig Black, we learn that 47 has read all the Cassandra Snow books.
"The first two books make it obvious that Cassandra's estranged father is the gentleman killer. The confrontation with him is set up to be her defining moment - specifically the séance at the end of book three. And then, suddenly that turns into a poorly written reconciliation instead of the clean break it was obviously meant to be. Care to explain yourself?"
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It makes sense, he's very thorough, of course he read them to prepare for the mission involving the author behind them. Hell, he took advanced drumming classes in preparation for his hit on Jordan Cross!
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The book we see in the next briefing could be the copy he bought before the mission in Sapienza... or it's a signed copy he got there, either for himself or as a gift for Diana (this is where this headcanon connects to the "47 buys souvenirs for Diana on his missions" headcanon I mentioned in Water Cooler Talk).
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And then I read Death and Orchids (if you can only read one fic this week, pick this one!!), and everything fell into place for me and the Headcanon Hare (closely related to the Plot Bunny) found its new home in my brain:
Diana and 47 are reading the same books.
It helps them feel less alone when they're apart, and their shared hobby gives them something to talk about. We all know that 47 isn't the best at having a normal conversation... Their little book club makes it easier for him.
Keep in mind that we're talking about Diana and 47 here. Would they pick highbrow literature? Well, maybe.
But at one point, during their "we're totally strangers" airport meetings, they realised that they didn't have a book yet for their long flights in opposite directions, and so they visited the airport bookstore (totally as strangers), where one of them picked a book and the other had to buy the same once they were gone.
It was 47's turn to choose a book, and it was ... bad. Instead of complaining, Diana decided to one-up (or one-down?) him when it was her turn, and from there on it spiralled downwards.
Both of them have since accepted that reading bad books is their guilty pleasure now, and they're thriving. 🥰
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 months
Yandere Head Canons:
The Hands That Hold You
Yandere Assasin Harem x Oblivious Fem Reader
TW: Somniaphilia, uncomfortable themes, yandere, stalking, mention of size difference, potential of being held captive, cunninglingus, smut, etc
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The town of Rellikhold, a peaceful town filled with quirky citizens. Each with a mysterious past and lack of warmth. And you had received a special invitation by the government to live in this new town! Aren’t you lucky?
Poor little you had no clue that this town was filled with ex-contract killers who’ve never felt warmth nor kindness in their life… they were all a moth to your flame. Each one wanting to stake a claim on you, even if it was at the expense of another’s life. You belonged to them.
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Callum: Scotland (Florist)
Callum is a massive man with a soft yet muscular build. He has a thick red beard that he keeps trimmed and a mustache he keeps curled up. Callum also has red chest hair and arm hair (the curtains definitely match the drapes). He is 35 years old and a retired sniper. Callum has a heavy Scottish accent and he’s the warmest of the villagers.
This big, muscular red head was shocked when you waltzed into his shop. You were so small and your steps were so clumsy like a newborn fawn. Yet it was your eyes that caught his attention. He’s never seen someone’s eyes filled with such innocence. It intrigued him.
Callum is easily flustered with from your bright smile and warm personality. Yet he can’t help the intrigue he felt from your arrival. From one glance, he knew you were just a regular civilian… what on earth were you doing here? This place was so dangerous.
Yet you’re oblivious to everyone’s past and treat him no differently from a regular man! Your interest in his flowers warm his heart… Callum is immediately taken to you. You’re so cute and you’d fit so perfectly in his arms… he’s never felt this way before.
Callum often looks forward to your visits to his shop. The red head often reorganizes the flowers just to make sure they’re to your liking! Callum always makes sure his beard is well trimmed and his long curls are pulled up into a bun. He has to look presentable for his little lady!
Often lingers around you like a shadow when you’re in the shop. Callum would lose his marbles if you ever came into his shop with a visible wound or bruise. He’s extremely obsessed with your well being.
Callum often offers you his jacket and holds doors open for you, he’s a total gentleman. A gentleman who believes you’re his. He sees no other logical explanation on why you visit him so often. You have to have a crush on him, right?! Don’t worry… he doesn’t mind that you’re shy. He has no trouble taking the lead.
It will take a total of four months until he’s trying to be more physically affectionate towards you. Callum believes the two of you are dating. His large, calloused hands often brush against yours or he’ll grab your waist to steer you in another direction. He cannot get over the size difference.
You’ll often have free bouquets delivered to your house with cute hand written notes. Which are often accompanied by Gaelic terms of endearment. “M’eudail. Mo chridhe. Etc.”
And if Callum ever spots you with one of ten other villagers? His stabs at affection take a turn to be more bold. In his mind, you’re trying to make him jealous… not to worry! Callum will give you more of his time! Whatever you want, he will give you! Even the heads of your enemies neatly arranged in a bouquet.
Callum I willing to do anything to keep you happy and satisfied. He’s the least selfish of the others. If you want to have a sexual relationship with him, he’d be more than happy to oblige!
Callum will have you bent over every surface and even his shop (with the curtains pulled down of course). Just so he can stuff you with his thick fingers and fat cock. He’s extremely giving and he’s more than happy to perform cunninglingus on you.
One day, you went into his shop and were filled with such fright, it made his heart ache!
“What are you so scared for, m’eudail?” Callum husky voice asked. The large man made his way over to your disheveled form. “Has someone frightened you?”
Callum bent down to your level and held your cheeks in his palms. His thumbs brushed a few tears from your cheeks as he shushed you.
“It’s okay, mo chridhe. I’ll keep you safe.”
Günter: Germany (Police Officer)
A tall, muscular blonde riddled in scars from head to toe. His blonde hair is always cut in a military cut and he’s extremely stoic. No one can ever tell what he’s thinking and he hardly speaks. Günter is Char’s identical twin brother and also an ex bounty hunter. The pair are both 29 years old and very feared members in the community from their reputation.
Günter was extremely wary of you at first. He isn’t used to people taking notice of someone like him or being warm to him.
Günter is extremely stiff when you interact with him. He often glances the other way if you stare at him with your pretty eyes for too long. He’s unsure of why his heart flutters whenever you’re around. Günter has never been in a relationship in his entire life. He’s so awkward and quiet around you, but his stoic expression never shows it.
You once grabbed his hand when you tripped and Günter swore he was electrocuted. He was quick to help you up onto your feet as he silently checked you over. His heart thrummed in his chest when you gave him such a sweet, grateful smile. It’s how Günter realized he’s smitten with you.
Günter often offered to walk you home to keep you safe. He’s the least delusional of the others and a rather lucid yandere. He is aware of the difference of reality and his fantasies. Which is why he will never act upon them on you. Everyone else is free game.
If someone upsets you even the slightest bit, they are instantly on his shit list. And if they make you cry or try to harm you? They’re as good as dead. He’s the town’s cop and the most prolific killer of them, so what can they do to stop him?
Günter is very aware of the others’ twisted feelings towards you, especially Char’s. He often hides around the corner as he watches his sister wash your hair. He’s a bit jealous of the intimacy, but he knows better than to be greedy. He’s a cop, not a hairdresser.
He’s usually quite silent but he often shows you his soft side. Soft smiles and tender touches. Günter is incredibly gentle despite his massive height.
Günter would be over the moon if you wanted a relationship of any kind with him! If it’s sexual, you sadly won’t be doing much walking. Günter tries his best to be gentle, but he soon finds himself blowing your back out while he whispers German pet names in your ears.
Günter also secretly has a breeding kink so keep an eye on him. If he’s in the heat of the moment, he will whisper his darkest desires in your ear. Of how he wants you round and fat with his kids with a ring on your finger.
And Günter will not share. So don’t even think about sleeping with anyone other than him or he will make several attempts to baby trap you.
“Meine Liebe, why do you cry?” Günter asked you softly with a frown. The police officer sat beside you on the park bench, his muscular arms now wrapped around you in a hug. “You know you can tell me anything… did someone make you upset?”
You just rest your head on his chest which made Günter melt into a puddle. He’s quick to scoop you up into his arms. “Do you want to head to my home, meine liebes Mädchen? It’s getting dark out and it can get dangerous at night.”
And the instant you nod your head, you’re swept off your feet in a bridal carry. His normally stoic face now had a small smile on it.
Finally… you were finally coming home where you belonged.
Wan: China (Photographer)
Wan is an average height man of Chinese descent. He’s quite feminine appearance wise, but don’t like that fool you. He’s one of the most dominant of the villagers.
Wan typically keeps to himself. Hes not as massive or intimidating as the other men. His long black hair is typically pulled back into a braid and he usually roams the village’s park or beach.
Wan is a bit shocked when he first met you since he can tell off the bat that you’re a regular civilian. Did the government send you as some sort of social experiment to see if their retirement was successful? To see if a group of ex- bounty hunters can integrate into society without a hitch? How peculiar.
Wan often trailed you home to see if you had any attachments to any governments. He didn’t want a government spy ruining his idyllic life and he was not afraid to eliminate you if that were the case… but you were clean! Annoyingly so.
You had simple hobbies and a permanent smile on your face. You were friendly and warm like a dog… like a pet. It made Wan’s mind wander to more promiscuous thoughts. Would you enjoy a collar and a leash while he dominated every aspect of your life? Perhaps you would since you always greeted him with such a warm smile and baked goods. You must have some sort of attraction to him, right? Why else would you bake for an acquaintance so often? (Wan had no clue you did for all of your friends).
Wan often invited you out for walks with him on the beach while he snaps photographs. It’s when you accidentally enter one of his shots that turn his whole world upside down. How could someone be so beautiful?
Wan started to snap photos of you smiling and dancing when in his company but it wasn’t enough. These simple photographs simply wouldn’t do for him anymore.
What started off as innocent photography took a quick, dark turn into obsession.
Wan began to slip behind you in the shadows to follow you everywhere. Whether you were simply enjoying a meal or beverage, or even sleeping, Wan captured it all behind his lens. Wan wanted more! More. More. More. More!!
His photography room was now covered in photos of you. There was not a single empty space left of the wall or ceiling that wasn’t adorned with your being. His darkroom still had thousands of photos developing as well. Wan simply couldn’t get enough.
When Wan found out there were others, he was extremely upset. What on earth did you see in Callum or Günter? They weren’t nearly as impressive as him! Wan was slim and far more flexible. Wan could bend your body in ways it’s never been before.
Wan often snuck into your room to lay beside you. To inhale your scent and to caress your soft, pliable body. Would you freak out if you woke up to see him or would you submit to his desires? This risqué game of his never grew tiring…
If you begin a sexual relationship with Wan, he’s incredibly rough. He has incredibly sadistic tendencies such as pulling hair, choking, licking up your tears, and harsh spankings… but he will talk you through it.
Slender fingers stroked your cheeks as you slept soundly. Wan smiled at how unaware of your surroundings you were. How could someone be so cute?
“Lǎopó, you’re so precious…” Wan bent forward and tenderly pressed his lips against yours. In his eyes, you were his lover. His and no one else’s. “I just want you to be my beloved pet, bǎobèi.”
Wan pulled your covers over your shoulders and over his body while he spooned you. This was the only time you were all his and no one else’s… and that’s the way he preferred it to be.
Amari: Thailand (Musician)
Amari is an amab individual but prefers to go by they/them. The twenty four year old often enchant others with their ethereal beauty. They have sun kissed skin and long black hair that frames a symmetrical face, one would think they were carved by the gods themselves. Yet Amari is partially blind due to their final assignment so they were forced into an early retirement compared to the others. Yet they pretend they’re fully blind to appear weaker to the others. They’re one of the most dangerous of the villagers due to their unpredictable mannerisms.
Amari can often be found in Belladonna’s restaurant playing the khene. Their mystic melody is as intriguing as they are which often captivates their audience.
Amari is incredibly shy and will be startled at first if you talk to them. Yet they’re eager for the companionship. Amari is the easiest to get close to compared to the others due to their young age. If you compliment them, they’re completely enraptured by you. You think they’re beautiful?! You love their music? Amari cannot get enough of praise.
Amari often trails after you like a lost puppy. They will often play the ‘helpless blind’ card just so they can hold your hand. They can’t get enough of how soft you are. Oh what they wouldn’t give to be able to see you… there was not a doubt in their mind that you were lovely.
Amari will play their khene for you and sometimes they’ll even sing. They’re your own personal song bird! They’re willing to perform any song for you so long as you eagerly listen to them just like they eagerly wait for your praise!
Amari will want to spend every breathing moment by your side. They’re stuck to you like velcro and unmovable. Suffocatingly clingy due to them never receiving warmth, Amari cannot get enough of your sweetness. They want you all to themselves.
They cannot stand you giving your attention and affection to the others. Look at them! Listen to their music, you said it was lovely! Just be theirs! Please. Please. Please. Please.
Amari will pathetically beg for your love on their hands and knees. They will use every card in their deck to manipulate you into their hands. They will not share and they will not surrender you.
No matter how puppy like they are to you, they’re a monster the others will not go near. Being involved with them is like being trapped in a spider’s web. You were doomed from the first interaction.
They’re one of the only ones who will stoop low enough to take advantage of you in your sleep (besides Wan). Their mouth is always buried between your legs as you sleep completely unaware of their efforts to get you used to them. They can’t get enough of how sweet you taste. Of how your body contorts and your toes curl in pleasure. Sometimes if the moonlight hits your face just right, they can see your face. And they make sure to burn that image in their memory forever. Oh what they would give for you to know it was them.
Amari pressed kisses up and down your thighs as your back arches in pleasure. So beautiful… so unaware. You’re just like a butterfly caught in a spider’s web.
“I love you…” Amari whispered against your skin, the assassin ran a tanned hand through their long locks in an attempt to reel themselves in. It was easy for them to get lost in the moment, but they needed to be patient. “And I know you love me too.”
Amari pulls themselves away from in between your legs and rests their head on your stomach. A soft hum escaped their thin lips in thought. It was such a beautiful night and they were happy to spend it with you.
Char: Germany (Hair Dresser)
Char is Günter’s identical twin and they couldn’t be more similar if they try. It’s easy to confuse one for the other since Char looks incredibly masculine. The only difference is their placements of scars and her blonde hair is just a little bit longer.
It takes awhile to earn Char’s friendship. She’s quite self conscious of herself since she looks so much like a man. Compliments will win her over and make her blush. She’s quite fond of being called handsome or beautiful.
She enjoys washing and trimming your hair for you. She cannot get over how soft your hair feels between her fingers…
It doesn’t take long for her to fall for you compared to her brother. She’s another sucker for praise, but she gives praise even more. Char is the queen of pet names.
Char is incredibly protective of you, just like Günter. The difference between them is that Char collects little keepsakes from you. Oh yes, she has a shrine dedicated completely to you.
Char is obsessed with you. She collects the trimmings of your hair and any utensils you had used in her salon. She tells herself it’s to keep herself from acting on her impulses, but that’s a lie. She’s simply obsessed with you.
If you ever vent to her about any one in the village, especially new comers, she will get rid of them for you personally. Typically in a rather brutal fashion. Anyone who upsets you simply doesn’t deserve to live.
If you’re ever curious about her past, she will tell you. She’s the least secretive and the most honest. Char will even admit about her shrine of you if you ask. She wants to be an open book that you can read at anytime. Trust her.
Char will often flee to the back room of her salon if she gets a bit too riled up from her interactions with you. If you follow her to the back because you’re worried, there’s no guarantee she won’t have you bent over the break room table with her lips eagerly pressed against yours and her fingers yanking at the waist band of your pants.
Out of everyone, Char is the most obsessed with your pleasure. She’s incredibly giving. It doesn’t matter the time or the location, if you’re a bit moody she will pull you into the nearest room and go to town. Be as loud as you want as she pushes your body to the point of overstimulation, she wants the others to know you’re hers.
“Meine Liebe…” Char whispered as she presses kisses all across your fear stricken face. An expression you always wore due to how passionate of a lover Char was. “I’m sorry I got carried away again.”
You nuzzled into your lover, who only peppered you with more kisses. “Mein liebes Haustier, I love you so much… how about you just stay in mein arms forever?”
Belladonna: French (Chef)
Belladonna was once a renowned poison specialist, hence her name. She’s a tall, slender twenty nine year old woman with fawn brown hair and sharp, feline like features. Belladonna is heartless and cold, just like the deadly poisons she once used. She’s a closeted lesbian and a very open misandrist.
Belladonna is the owner and head chef at Le Jarden. She’s quite prideful of her cooking and she only prepares the best cuisine. Belladonna has a tendency to be quite pretentious and she’s very rude if your French isn’t adequate.
Belladonna does not like Ignacia, to others it looks like she singles out Ignacia a lot, but they have a very complicated past. Belladonna is incredibly critical of others and holds herself at the highest standard. She’s also quite the bully.
Belladonna will chase out male customers from her establishment. They are not allowed in Le Jarden, no matter who they are. (She often gets into arguments with Callum over his floral choices).
If you catch her attention, it’s because you stood up for Ignacia when Belladonna gave the poor woman a verbal beat down. Belladonna immediately takes your defiance as a challenge.
Belladonna will often pick verbal fights with you, but she’s intrigued by you. You were a regular civilian and yet you stood up to her of all people? You had some guts. Plus, you still tried to be kind to her. It frustrated the chef to no end. Belladonna always feels conflicted when it comes to you.
Belladonna’s words often cut like a knife but you’re surprisingly quick witted with your comebacks. She enjoys the back and forth. To her, it’s like a game. And Belladonna wanted to win.
Her hostility increases the more she interacts with you since Belladonna has never experienced feelings of this magnitude before. Belladonna could not differentiate between love and hate. You confused her and made her mind in constant disarray…
You’re sweet to the point you make her teeth rot and she hates it… or at least she tells herself that.
Belladonna hates when you interact with the others! Especially the men (and Amari). She’s much better than them- wait… why did she care so much about what you did?
Your once pleasant words soon become sour whenever she enters your peripheral. You no longer try to smile or wave at her, only scowl. It confused her even more. Why did she care whether you liked her or not? You were just a civilian… right?
You eventually snap sense into her when you tell her you despise her. You… hate her? No… she didn’t want to be hated! No. No. No.
Belladonna loses her mind when you constantly reject her. You won’t come to her restaurant and you won’t accept the many, many bouquets she leaves on your doorstep. Why won’t you forgive her? She never apologizes, so she truly means she’s sorry. Please forgive her, she can be soft. She can be soft.
She will kiss you until your lips are swollen and bruised. Until your lungs are nearly out of air and you’re breathless. Belladonna could be your oxygen! Your reason for being! She can do everything the others do, if not more! She has access to various poisons and other plants, some that could take you to pleasures of immeasurable heights! Just let her worship you…
Belladonna will go to extreme measures if you continue to ignore her desperate attempts at reconciliation. And that includes poisoning you so that you’re briefly paralyzed.
Belladonna’s slender hands hold your cheeks as she quietly sobs from above your still form. She knows you’re afraid, but this was your fault! You pushed her to do this!
“All you had to do was forgive me… Je t'adore. Je ne voulais pas te faire de mal…” Belladonna slipped into her first language while the waterworks began. She was so conflicted and confused. Her new feelings were overwhelming and concerning. Belladonna was usually level headed, but when it came to you? She was a dumpster fire.
Belladonna pressed her forehead against yours, her tears now mixed with yours into a long stream down your face.
“Je n'ai jamais ressenti ça auparavant, mais je suis sûr que je t'aime. Je t'aime tellement, ça me rend fou.”
Ignacia: Nicaragua (Writer)
Ignacia always wears a steel mask over her face and completely covers her body. No one knows what she looks like under there and she prefers to keep it that way… she was a twenty seven year old bomb specialist. At least until the accident. Her entire body is now covered in third degree burns. She is no longer beautiful so she hides herself away in order not to scare anyone. Her accident landed her in an early retirement as well.
Ignacia is biromantic and asexual. She’s always been more interested in books than people. Fictional characters comfort her more than real people.
A few years ago, she had a mission to take down a French politician and ended up destroying Belladonna’s secret hide out. Which is why Belladonna despises her. Ignacia isn’t too bothered by it though since she’s the one who received the worse end of it,
Her English isn’t the best so she rarely speaks. She often observes others from the corner of every room. Through the various interactions she observes, Ignacia created a fictional world for her characters in her stories. It was an escape from her harsh reality in the real world…
She’s so shy when you come up to her. Don’t you know she’s a beast under this mask? That she’s not as picturesque as the others?
Yet your kindness makes her knees turn to jelly and her heart leap in her chest in hopes it will escape its prison made of bones. Perhaps you were her chance at real life romance rather than the comforts of the printed texts in her books?
Ignacia is delusional. She overthinks every interaction you have with her. If you touch her hand on accident, she believes it’s because you’re shy! She’s shy too! If you compliment her eyes, she will try to wear masks that show off her eyes more. She’s so ecstatic that she shakes whenever she receives words of praise from you. It’s so exciting! Ignacia is living out a fairy tale romance!!
Ignacia began to build a perfect image of you in her head. To her, you were the perfect princess in a fairy tale book and she was the knight that would save you from the monsters (the other villagers). You were kind and sweet, the kind that needed to be locked away so nothing could harm you.
Ignacia begins to decorate your future home with her! She will ask more questions and bout your hobbies and interests so she can make it all perfect for you! She will incorporate your favorite colors and themes just to make it into your dream space! A pretty cage for her pretty princess!
Ignacia simply wants to keep you safe from harm. She doesn’t want you to ever injure or harm yourself. Her carelessness had landed her in her own predicament and she wouldn’t dare let you suffer the same fate. Ignacia was your knight in shining armor!
“Buenos díaz, mi amor!” Ignacia beamed at you while she handed you some breakfast. You were confused on your whereabouts, but Ignacia simply crinkled her eyes up from under her mask (she smiled). “Did you sleep well, mi princesa?”
“Ignacia? Where am I-“
“¡Estás en casa! !Donde perteneces!” Ignacia giggled as she affectionately pressed her mask into your cheek. Home? What did she mean by home? “Estás a salvo aquí, mi princesa. Para siempre.”
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2-dsimp · 1 month
I feel like Danny would be conflicted on if he would want to screw his darling when they're in a really well done sexy cosplay because of how hot y/n looks in it or not because he doesn't want their outfit ruined since cosplay outfits take a long time to do (makeup alone takes a while and if the outfit is handmade it is even longer).
Like, he's so horny seeing his darling dressed in such a hot and lewd outfit, saving many pictures for his "private" files, and dreaming of so many scenarios he could go at it like a rabbit with y/n, at the same time he would sob if even a small tear were to damage the outfit.
He's probably likely to keep the stockings/thigh highs on his y/n at the very least if he does take off the rest of their outfit while he's desperately going at it.
-a rambling anon
I do agree with that dearest rambling anon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) NSFW,MDNI🔞 fem! Reader
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Generally speaking being the lazybones he is Danny doesn’t necessarily have a high sex drive to begin with, as it’s mainly nonexistent.
Before meeting his darling he’d be too busy fanboying over his favorite anime creators and merch that he hoards like a dragon to even have the effort to jerk off. If it did go hard he’d just think about old grannies or cute animals so it’d soften leaving him with no distractions on his binging.
Overall he’s a lowkey kind of guy when it comes to his energy output emission. But once he meet his cosplayer darling, who had the uncanny ability to turn his off switch on in an instance. Before he knew it, Danny’s whole entire nonexistent sex life dynamic had shifted.
And being the weeb virgin he is, the first time around when yall decided to make love. The Boss would be overly nervous and excited making pathetic humps against your mound. Jaw slacked from just rubbing his leaking dick against your soft skin. Lacking any thoughts whatsoever inside his head. As he soon became a love sex zombie from the way your pussy put him in a trance.
He’d continuously praise and thank his goddess for letting him cream your insides with his filthy otaku cum. Since you’d pop his cherry and take his nut simultaneously in one sitting. The moment his mushroom tip got suckled inside your tight twat.
Btw Danny’s got an uncanny fixation with thick thighs he’s wanna get crushed in between them and suffocate just so he knows what heaven feels like★彡
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Totally 100% True Top Gun Facts Pt. 3
By-the-book Admiral Tom Kazansky has frequently asked his minuscule hellion of a wingman to rain judgement upon those who’ve annoyed him.
Soon enough, people start to catch on that pissing off the Iceman results in an unfortunate assignment with the Navy’s equivalent of a live grenade filled with silly string.
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stormsthatrage · 9 months
Tsuna is kind. Tsuna is compassionate. Tsuna, unlike many bosses, does not see himself as more than simply because of his station.
The only people who are capable of bringing out the entitled, spoiled, possessive Mafia Prince - the tiny piece of Tsuna's heart that is a stereotypically behaved Vongolian Sky - are his closest family. And even then, they can only manage it in very specific circumstances.
Allow me to clarify:
Imagine Tsuna, in a café filled with rubble and smoke, looking down at Hayato's fallen form. He stares at the blood seeping out from Hayato's chest - the chest that was torn open when Hayato jumped in front of a bullet meant for Tsuna.
(The assassin's corpse is cooling on the other side of the room, dead too late at the edge of Takeshi's blade.)
Tsuna keeps his eyes locked on Hayato. Hayato, who lies limp and motionless, no matter how much sun flame Ryouhei pumps in to him.
It feels like a dream. It feels fake. He feels detached from it all, like he's watching the world from far above and emotions can only reach him after traveling through a mile of cotton.
"Move," he tells his sun, his dying will flaring in the midst of his strange numbness.
His sun yanks his hands back, as instantaneously as if he were following a reflex instead of words.
Tsuna surveys the scene for another second, still through that mile of cotton, and then decides, "No. No, I refuse."
And, after all, does he not have a right to? He, the holder of the Vongola Sky Ring, the Guard of the Vertical Axis, the Sky of Skies. Is it not his birthright to seize hold of, to command, the threads of time?
He reaches out, burning, and undoes it.
An orange glow erupts around the two of them - his Hayato, and the assassin.
And then there is the assassin, alive again, aiming at a spot Tsuna is no longer at.
And there is Hayato, alive again, throwing himself to protect where Tsuna once stood.
Tsuna already has an arm raised, and sends a blast of power at the assassin. The assassin crumples. And then Tsuna is turning around, spinning towards Hayato, and he feels, within him, a hot, violent rage swell up. How dare he. How dare he.
He stalks over to his Right Hand, hands shaking with anger, and he spits, "You."
His Right Hand looks at him, all wide-eyed and taken off guard. As if he's not a fucking thief.
Tsuna snarls up at him, right up in his space, "Sit."
His Right Hand's knees fold. He just barely manages to catch himself against the table directly behind him, and it's not so much sitting as propping himself up, but Tsuna doesn't fucking care.
Tsuna's fists clench, and he stares directly into those green, green eyes. "You," he seethes, "took an oath, Gokudera Hayato." He feels himself burning, dying will an inferno on his skin. "You swore yourself to me, yes? Your life is mine. You do not have the right to take it from me."
His Right Hand, his storm, his Hayato, says nothing, eyes wide and face pale and lips parted ever so slightly in shock.
Tsuna feels incandescent with rage. "You dare-"
And then he finds himself losing the words, swaying in place as exhaustion slams down across him.
The last thing he feels is Hayato's arms coming up around him, warm and alive and oh so gentle, and the last thing he hears is Takeshi, saying - absolutely delighted, Tsuna knows that tone - "Oh, he is going to be so embarrassed when he wakes up."
And then darkness.
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yanderederee · 25 days
YandereAlphabet MasterList
800 Follower Writing Event: April21st-May1st
*┊͙ ͙⋆┊͙* ⋆┊͙* ͙⋆┊͙* ⋆┊͙*┊͙ ͙⋆┊͙* ⋆┊͙* ͙⋆┊͙* ⋆┊͙*
Tokyo Revengers
Baji Keisuke - 〖 A , B , M , S , H, 〗
Haitani Rindou - 〖 A , F , S , T , 〗
Sano Manjiro - 〖 S , N 〗
Haitani Ran - 〖 K , 〗
Kazutora Hanemiya - 〖 H , 〗
Mitsuya Takashi - 〖 L , 〗
Kokonoi Hajime - 〖 Q , 〗
Kurokawa Izana - 〖 N , 〗
Kakucho - 〖 K , 〗
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sukuna - 〖 D , 〗
Choso -〖 E , H, 〗
Nanami Kento -〖 W , 〗
Ze’nin Mai - 〖 J , 〗
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Reborn - 〖 A , 〗
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khr-random-posts · 4 months
Tsuna’s wardrobe
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-i believe that he would have the most colorful wardrobe among other boys
-LOTS of t-shirts and sweaters with silly prints(silly in the best way possible!) (also nana helps him to pick them)
-has bracelets that futa and ipin made for him (he wears them as often as possible)
-100% has a bucket hat
-constantly wears sneakers that don’t match the outfit
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yennao · 1 year
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This is a wip, But I miss how happy he was at the beginning of the series. My BOY D,:
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liorlen · 2 years
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ok so like. Hear me out. Tsuna gets stuck in an in-between of hyper dying will mode and normal tsuna and he has to just do shit like going to school like that.
More detailed headcanons under the cut :)
1: tsuna has hyper intuition in daily life but is unable to handle it which makes him constantly scared/anxious/nervous. Hyper dying will makes him able to respond to his hyper intuition which is why he is much more calm during this mode.
2: tsuna’s not necessarily smart academically even in hyper dying will mode. Tsuna’s grades suck so bad because he cannot focus (refer to hc 1) so when he takes tests/does assignments in this in-between mode he does significantly better but still sucks/is incredibly average at best.
3: He is still super duper awkward in hyper dying will mode but due to being able to retain a more calm demeanor, it comes out as seeming more silent and unable to hold a conversation than being scared (altho he is plenty scared on the inside)
4: Tsuna feels INCREDIBLY awkward being like this outside of battle/tense situations so to combat this awkwardness, he wears stuff that feels closer to his normal battle attire (would depend on the time of this but I chose his jacket underneath his blazer and just some gloves he might have found hanging around idk)
I rlly wish the show/manga explored more of the weirdness of tsuna being so different in hyper dying will mode. Like how that must feel to tsuna mentally and how it affects him in more than just fighting. Tsuna and hyper dying will tsuna feel like almost two completely different characters but like… they aren’t. They’re the same person.
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myth-blossom · 4 months
Hi Mythy! For the sleepover ask game, let's hear those Spicy Thots/Headcanons :)
Oh Spicy’s asking for spicy headcanons! And you shall receive them :D
For Diana/47:
-Diana is the more dominant of the two, but she likes when 47 takes charge (and he is totally a service dom) -The silent assassin is not-so-silent in their bedroom -Diana enjoys the risk of public/semi-public sex -Their relationship began with quick passionate sex in the rare occasions they could briefly meet (ex. Airport, hotel, etc), but sex got more personal and romantic as their feelings for each other deepened -Diana loves when 47 marks her with love bites/hickeys -They hold each other after sex as often as possible
For Diana/Grey:
-Diana prefers to give Grey control during sex (she likes to shut her brain off for the pleasure and knows he won’t disappoint her) -Grey likes giving Diana commands (it’s a fun switch for him from her usual in-charge nature, plus he likes to build the tension for both of them) -Edgeplay is one of their favorite things to do -Diana likes to tease and/or test Grey’s patience when they plan to hook up later in the evening, happily knowing he’ll make her pay for it later when they’re alone -They occasionally smoke together after sex—if they have time before the others wake up, they seek each other’s personal thoughts on the upcoming mission, or delve a bit deeper into their habits and history
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rieper-for-hire · 2 years
Got inspired by this post and felt like writing October headcanons with 47. I tried to keep them objective for 47 & reader, Diana, OC, or any other pairing.
Trying to find ideas to do together would be tough.
Those haunted hay rides where zombies try and attack the cart and it's your job to defend it? Yeah, no one else would be able to take a shot if he's around.
Pumpkin carving might be a better shot. But 47's knife skills are unmatched. Whether taking down a target or just cutting up veggies. That's why he's always the one to dice food in the kitchen.
But you can never go wrong with a pumpkin patch trip. Enjoying the day together, trying to find the best ones for the season (But here comes the comparisons of pumpkins to his shiny bald head)
What he really would prefer (not that he'd admit it out loud) would be a cafe trip, preferably with a good book or two. Just enjoying each other's company. Cozy sweaters for the season paired with warm drinks.
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funnyexel · 7 months
imagine being on vacation with agent 47
The familiar click clack of the front door woke you from your tired state. A burst of energy shooting threw you as you peel yourself off the confines of the couch and shuffle to the quiet sound. You watch as he locks the door behind him, electricity flowing through you in pure excitement as you wait eagerly. Studying how precisely he took off his jacket, rolled off his gloves and loosened his tie with a small sigh. Opening his arms to you, you practically throw yourself at him. Burying your head in his chest and holding him tightly. His musky, powerful scent fills your nostrils as his arms travel around your waist and return the embrace. He got used to you waiting for him even though he repeatedly told you not to.
“You slept on the couch...” 
He utters, adjusting the bottom of your nightgown. In an attempt at shielding the soft flesh from the cold draft. His fingertips slyly dusting over your ass. 
Humming softly, you realize it doesn’t take a genius to see you’ve been camping out on the couch in anticipation for his arrival. Feeling his icy hands slide down the curve of your back, ass and stopping at the backs of your thighs. He grabs handfuls of your flesh and hoists your legs up to cross around his waist. A faint whine leaving your lips as your arms wrap loosely around his neck. Effortlessly holding your body around him as he swiftly moves across the living room to ascend the stairs.
Laying you down on the plush bedding, his fists are balled at each side of your head as he looks down to you. Looking up to him with eyes full of wonder and virtue, he uses his knuckle to delicately caress your cheek. As delicately as he can. Moving your head up, you eye his lips and kiss him, sucking on his bottom lip and he lies your head back down. Roughly holding your chin in his palm to keep you close. 
Kissing each other feverishly, your movements are rushed and hasty compared to his as you impatiently unfasten his belt. 
Your moans quickly fill the room as he drives his hips into you repeatedly. Fisting the back of your nightgown as he forcibly pulls you backwards to meet his ferocious thrusts. He may initially have more restraint than you but when he is nine inches deep in your wet pussy he can’t help but brainlessly abuse your cunt.
“m’wanna hear you...” 
You moan desperately, knowing he is suppressing his noises because of how jagged his breathing is. Arching your back so that your ass is right by his ‘V’ line, you wiggle your hips against him. Effectively earning a moan from him, albeit soft but vocal enough to satisfy you. Pushing your rogue hairs out your face, your toes curl at the excessive poking his tip is doing to your cervix. Shouts escaping your lips as his movements become more sloppy and brutal. 
Pounding you to the point where the dominating sound is the roaring sounds of your ass clapping against his pelvis.
Panting to catch your breath, you sneak your hand down to his stomach as you lay on his chest. Your head wrap fucked all the way up and dried up tear stains on the corners of your eye as you look up to him.
“I've been thinking....” 
You whisper to him, your voice threatening to break if you speak any louder. Gazing at you with neutral eyes, he nudges you slightly to hear you continue.
“we should get away... like a vacation.” You say in the sweetest voice you can manage. 
“A vacation?” 
You hum with a quick nod of your head. A small smile on your face, “everytime halloween comes around you get so paranoid. it's just a thought, you don’t have to agree.”
You’re shocked it was so easy. Usually he would need a whole lot more convincing but the next thing you know, you’re in Tahiti double fisting margaritas in a sexy swimsuit. All the while enjoying the sunset with your man in a hot tub. 
He can’t stop staring at your body as you straddled his lap. You can never get enough attention from him.
“I don’t think these drinks are strong enough.”
You exclaim to him as you finish your fourth margarita of the evening, knowing you’re at the point in your drinking where the cocktail is starting to taste more like juice. As you put the glass aside, your eyes widen as you feel his finger playing with your swimsuit bottom. Stretching and snapping the flexible fabric onto your skin.
Pulling your bottoms to the side, he easily slips his cock inside you, the bubbles  materializing in the hot tub covering up your indecent act.
“you’re wet.”
He states in your ear, loud enough for you alone to hear. Whining in his lap as he guides your hips to bounce on his dick. Holding his shoulders you move against him, sitting down on him and rotating your hips in a circular motion before moving up and down on his cock. Your cunt squeezing him so tightly. Letting your moans fly freely, you the slaps of your skin are suppressed by the splashing of water surrounding your bodies.
Luckily for the both of you, no one else would use that hot tub except for you but a good few happened to hear your moaning. Your loud, hot, horny and desperate moaning.
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