#hitoshi shinso x y/n smut
crushmeeren · 1 month
Hiii I hope you’re doing well!! I was wondering if you could write Hitoshi shinsou x reader of him absolutely destroying our guts 😊
Thank you!!!
• Everyone is 18+/aged up — scroll or block if that bothers you. •
Hello friend! I am doing well and I can definitely write this. 😜 I hope you enjoy! 💕
P.S. I automatically write it as fem reader unless specified, but I did try to refrain from using things like good girl, pretty girl, etc. because I wasn’t sure. I did however use female anatomy. 💜
How Shinsou eats you out.
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Shinsou Hitoshi Destroying Your Guts
You slam the front door shut so violently the frame rattles, threatening to crack under pressure.
“Everything alright baby?” Hitoshi’s smokey timbre calls out from the kitchen. He was forewarned about your god awful day out on patrol, so he’s treading carefully.
Your fingernails sink into your palms, teeth creaking as you round the corner to your kitchen. There’s a fury boiling in your chest that’s about to overflow.
“What the fuck do you think? You know how to read, don’t you? Because I already texted you what happened,” you bite. Your eyes narrow as your lip curls upwards.
Silence hangs heavily in the air for a few beats.
Hitoshi’s face remains impassive as he stands across the island from you. Leisurely, he folds his arms over his chest, arching one singular eyebrow at your bitchy tone.
“Do you really want to walk down this road tonight?” Hitoshi may as well be exhaling frost as he speaks.
Apparently, you do.
When Hitoshi bends you over the side of your bed five minutes later, you’re entirely naked.
He’s got your arms bent behind your back in an uncomfortable position as Hitoshi ties your wrists together with part of his capture weapon.
It’s tight — you can barely wiggle your fingers, heartbeat thudding in your fingertips.
A brutal swirl of exasperation and anticipation churns in your stomach. Sticky sweat begins gathering in the valley between your tits as you fidget against the blankets.
“Hitoshi!” You cry out, sucking in air through your teeth. “That hurts, you jerk!” He snickers as he wrenches your bound wrists upwards.
“You’ve been way too much of a damn brat tonight for me to care about that. Now, I’m gonna fuck that shitty attitude out of you,” he says hotly, pressing a hand down in between your shoulder blades, shoving you further down into the bed.
You don’t speak, clenching your jaw as frustration forces a hot flush to pour over your cheeks. The material of your current restraints dig annoyingly into your skin when you flex your wrists.
Hitoshi’s palm rains down on your ass, a sharp sting radiating up to your tailbone. He made it his mission for that one to hurt.
A muffled scream of his name punches out of you into the sheets below.
“What is it sweetheart?” He snarls, teasing the tip of his cock over the lips of your pussy. Parting you open with ease. “Can’t handle the punishment for being so fucking rude to me?”
Your breath hitches, goosebumps littering your arms. Your clit pulses, pussy eager to swallow his cock whole.
“Well?” He urges, yanking your forearms backwards until your spine arches, freeing your face from the blankets.
Your shoulders ache, throbbing dully and then suddenly a switch flips, all traces of your previous rage draining from your veins.
“I’m sorry Hitoshi!” You sob, voice scratchy and breaking. You shove your hips backwards, trying to get him inside you.
“That’s it pretty baby, good job,” he purrs, gifting you mercy and completely filling you with his cock in one effortless motion.
Hitoshi starts fucking you as if he’s attempting to carve a space out inside your guts just for him. Hips bouncing off your ass until your muscles are going taut, slick pussy suffocating his cock.
He fucks you until you’re a gooey, brain melted mess beneath him. Encouraging you to keep cumming for him, moaning when you curse his name.
Afterwards, once your chest stops heaving and your soul has returned to your body, you’re infinitely grateful for a boyfriend like Hitoshi.
“Hitoshi, thank you. I really needed that,” you mumble, throat raw as sandpaper. Hitoshi hums as he swiftly works to free your hands.
“No worries baby. I’ll fuck you into your place anytime you need it,” he teases, tilting his head back in laughter as you punch his shoulder halfheartedly.
Your wretched day is entirely forgotten as you climb into bed that night.
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tired-teacher-blog · 3 months
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You once begged Shinsou to use his quirk on you during sex, and guide you through something that you were dying to try, but clueless as to how you should.
He flatly refused at first, as the odd request of controlling your actions did not sit right with him, but your continuous and annoying pleas broke his resolve until he finally agreed..
A few hours after, you plopped down on the comfy sofa centering your living room, laptop placed on the coffee table, and your poor boyfriend facepalming in embarrassment as he sat awkwardly by your side, while you carefully analysed the foutage you insisted on recording in order to document the experience.
_ "Aha! I see, so this is how it's supposed to go right? I think I'm confident enough to do it by myself next time."
_ "Please stop talking." and he was dying in shame for agreeing to take part in your brazen plan.
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Shouto has always been greedy to use his quirk on you whenever in bed together.
He takes full advantage of his dual power and sometimes uses both sides of it at the same time.
He carefully warms up the fingers on his left hand to a pleasant temperature, before slowly stretching you out, and effectively increasing your pleasure.
Not only that, but he also uses his right hand in order to spread a delicious coolness on your breasts while taking his time to fondle and tease your nipples.
He is fascinated by the uncontrollable goosebumps spreading throughout your body, and the perk of your teats as they harden under his tremble inducing touch.
It's something that has proven -time and time again- to make you lose control and drive you over the edge in mere minutes.
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Poor Kirishima is always betrayed by his own quirk whenever with you, a sign of excitement that he cannot hide or control.
It's something that you've noticed a while back when you casually placed a hand on his thigh as you sat comfortably to watch a movie one evening.
He flinched in surprise at first, but instantly relaxed afterwards. However, when you decided to run your hand up his leg and dangerously close to his crotch, the whole patch underneath your palm suddenly hardened, leaving you shocked and impressed at the same time.
You knew immediately that it was your effect, and from then onward, decided to take advantage of the discovery to your own enjoyment, brushing your fingers along his chest, or down the protruding pulse of his neck, just to feel that rock hard transformation appear.
Best part of it though, is when it happens while you're touching his cock, because then you'll just sit back with an amused smirk on your face as he hides his blush behind his hands and apologizes repeatedly while striving to control his quirk and have your hands back on him once more.
Dividers by @/saradika
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propertyofkirishima · 6 months
Be Quiet
hitoshi shinsou x reader
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summary: y/n has always had a hard time staying quiet about anything. shinsou is the very opposite of that. he is reserved and mysterious. and of course, fate has to bite them in the ass. the two of them are partnered up for a final project in their last year of high school. why does the universe hate them?
a/n- this is assumed to be set in their last year (when they are legal adults) 💜 fic includes: fingering, thigh grinding, 69 position, lots of cum and snarky comments, enemies to lovers? and as always, no spell check!
“shinsou is my partner?”
you feel a rush of blood to your cheeks. patting your cold hands against the newly hot skin, you sigh and fall into uraraka’s shoulder.
“he hates me, ochako!”
the girl laughs at you, allowing you to lean onto her shoulder. “i doubt that, y/n.”
“well clearly you haven’t seen him staring bullets into my back! if he had the option to kill me, i think he’d take it!”
you heard someone clear their throat from behind you. muttering your apologies, you separate from urararaka and step aside the board. you were probably blocking it from the people behind you. when you turn around, you are met with the exasperated face of your partner.
oh god, you wanted to die! to literally die! you felt your heart drop in your stomach, panic setting in. your eyes darted to uraraka, who was just as surprised as you.
fuck! fuck! fuck!
“i don’t want to kill you y/n.”
you stood there for a few moments, barely registering what he said. shinsou found it kind of cute...how incorrect you were about him. though your mouth opened, no words came out.
“hm, the loud girl finally shuts her mouth. how refreshing.”
huh?? how rude! you were never going to shut your mouth! fuck being embarrassed, that was just plain old mean!
“excuse me?! sensei, i need a new partner, stat! this one is being mean!”
your sensei glared at you, ever used to your antics and dramatic flair. “i’m not giving you a new partner just because he said something mean, y/n. this is not a preschool.”
“oh for fucks sake...” you sigh loudly, pushing your hair back from your face. “don’t be an asshole, shinsou.”
“can’t make any promises.”
“well then i can’t make any promises that my fist won’t come in contact with your face.”
“good luck with that, pretty girl.”
and with that, shinsou walked away. a smirk was on his face as you stood there stupidly. your hands touched your cheeks again, which felt like they were on fire.
“pretty girl? the hell does he mean, pretty girl? i hate men!”
but honestly, you didn’t hate that one. not in the slightest. you felt yourself becoming attracted to him. he was the kind of guy who seemed all tough on the outside but a sweetheart on the inside, like bakugou. but wayyyy hotter.
you’d always had a crush on shinsou. he was the complete opposite of you. what attracted you to him was his enigmatic nature. though he was reserved, he was also very intelligent and intuitive. when he raised his hand in class, he fascinated you, embarrassingly enough.
uraraka came over to you. “he likes you! a lot!”
you wanted to bang your head on a table. multiple times.
“i want to die.”
uraraka laughed at you, taking your hand. “cmon! let’s go back to class!”
shinsou liked to watch you in class. you were the most interesting person he’d ever laid eyes on. your voice carried throughout the classroom as you shouted a profanity that went with your story. that earned you a glare from your sensei, who you apologized to, then went on like it was nothing.
the class laughed at your lack of concern. shinsou couldn’t help but chuckle himself as well. you were quite the character. it took a certain type of person to be able to handle you and your mannerisms.
your eyes shifted over towards his. when you realized he was staring, shinsou smirked. he gave you a wave without a care in the world. he was unabashedly staring at you. face blushing pink, you quickly adverted your eyes.
it had been a few days since the classroom incidents. your due date was coming in a month or so. but you wanted to get it done early. so you went to one of your many class 3-A group chats and found shinsou’s number.
y/n: project? 💻
shinsou : sure
shinsou: what day
y/n: whatever day works best for you!
shinsou: friday?
y/n: kayyyy sounds good! come to my dorm after dinner :p
you smiled to yourself and set your phone down. friday it is!
shinsou was on your bed. in grey sweatpants. on your bed.
you couldn’t help your eyes. they kept on going down to- nope! bad y/n! it was weird and perverted. if shinsou was looking down at your private parts you were sure you’d slap him!
did he notice? of course he did. but you had no idea. shinsou never really said anything about your obvious crush. he thought you were just adorable. that’s why he wore the sweatpants.
denki gave him the tip. shinsou would never admit it out loud, but his method worked. you were so flustered once he walked into your room. a chuckle came from his mouth when your eyes drifted down, but you had no idea he was laughing at you.
“so s-shinsou, what do you want to w-write about?”
the sexual tension was real. you could almost grasp it. it was emanating in the air, surrounding you.
you bent over and grabbed a text book from your backpack. shinsou’s eyes widened as you displayed more of your thighs to him. the area of exposed skin made him feel some type of way. his thoughts began to drift to less appropriate things.
as you settled back down, your thighs squished back into your soft mattress. he wanted to touch them. to squish the thick skin in his hands. they looked so smooth. shinsou’s mind was that of a stereotypical teenage boy. how humiliating.
“shinsou, what do you uh, think about writing about how our pasts have affected our current motivations to become a h-hero.”
meanwhile shinsou’s brain was in a frizz. your room felt so hot. he carded his hands through his unruly violet hair.
gods, why did you bother him so much?
shinsou felt sweaty. so very sweaty.
“before we uh, get started,” he cleared his throat awkwardly. “do you mind if i take off my shirt?”
“HUH?!” you gaped.
is he playing tirkcs on you? certainly shinsou has to know you have a crush on him. your actions are anything but lowkey. has he noticed you staring at his sweaty body after he gets done training? the way the sweat drips down his abs- or how big his arms are. oh god- get back to reality, y/n!
“it’s hot as hell in here.”
“s’not! s’not that hot at all!!”
shinsou glared at you. you glared back. your line of defense was anything but successful. and he was right- it was hot. but you preferred the warmth over anything else.
“fine! whatever! but we need to get to this project!”
“attagirl. do you have a hair tie i could borrow?”
when shinsou puts his hair up, your brain ceases to function. you could already imagine his strands of curls hanging out of the low bun.
“mmm...lemme go look.”
you turned your back on him, blushing furiously. attagirl. a simple phrase that turned your brain to mush. the lack of the shirt, his hair in the sexiest style, low hanging sweatpants. yeah, you were fucked.
finding a hair tie, you turned around to see that shinsou was sprawled on your full sized bed. his chest was face down (thank god) and his ring clad fingers were flipping through one of your journals.
“woah woah, nosy! get your dumb pretty boy head out of there!”
shinsou chuckled as you swatted him with the same book he was looking through seconds ago. you scold him under your breath as you return the journal to its rightful place. he had some nerve, going through your stuff!
“you think i’m pretty?” he teased
god, you hoped the entry he stumbled upon was a depressive episode entry and that he was just teasing you.
“no, i think you’re ugly and stupid. focus on the project, for christ’s sake!”
shinsou was disappointed by your reply. but he was sure that it was a front. your blushing face and flustered movements told an entirely different story.
“can’t say it was easy to understand when you were stuttering the whole time trying to explain the idea for it.”
taking the hair tie from your hand, shinsou pulled his hair up. half was up and half was down. a few unruly locks escaped his messy style. you hated to admit it, but he made you wet with just one look.
“oh for fucks sake! scoot over, asshole. i need room on my bed too!”
“can’t help that it’s tiny, princess.”
in spite of yourself, you mocked him. but truth be told, you loved it when he called you princess. you wanted him so terribly badly. he could call you any pet name and you’d think it was hot.
“what, you don’t like it when i call you princess?”
“shut up you-“
a startled gasp came from your mouth as he grabbed your chin. shinsou looked down at you condescendingly. such a fucking brat. but such a cute one at that.
“tell me the truth.”
his quirk- fuck! stupid shinsou with that incredible quirk! the control you had on your body temporarily ceased. your mind felt as though it went blank. and your lips were compelled to answer his question.
“i like it when you call me princess.”
“of courseeee you do, you just wanna act like a brat, huh princess? do you prefer brat or what?”
the response was automatic. robotic, almost.
“i like both.”
“attagirl. now you can shut that pretty mouth of yours.”
you were struggling against his control. being a victim of shinsou’s quirk was quite the inconvenience. he could literally ask you anything and you would have to say the answer.
“but i’m not that mean, so dontcha worry. i’ll release my control on you.”
once you were free again, you nearly lunged yourself at him.
“shinsou i am one step away from smacking the ever living daylights out of you!”
“calm down princess, i just wanted to test you.”
“test me? i’m starting to hate this.”
shinsou chuckled. “oh yeah? this has to be my favorite project of the year.”
“whatever, eyebags! onto the project!”
you ignored him, continuing on with your spiel.
“basically, i think we should do how our pasts affect our current hero ambitions! like how you were put into class 1-B the first year and transferred to class 2-A in your second, ya know?”
“mmm, okay. at least you didn’t stutter that time.”
you smacked him with one of your books. little shit.
and so, you and shinsou began collaborating on your project. shinsou remained relatively distracted though, as so much of your skin was exposed. your long sleeve barely covered your boobs from spilling out. and that little mini skirt did nothing to hide your thighs. and the worst of all- that heart garter. he loved to hate those stupid things you wore every day. shinsou imagined himself biting down on your thighs- even imagined you naked with just the garters and panties and bra. you were too much of a hinderance to his learning.
you tried to ignore his stares. but it became increasingly difficult as more hours went on. the sexual tension was still there, burning more than ever. you decided to break it.
"shinsou- are you almost done?" you inquired.
shinsou sighed, shoving his laptop shut. he needed to get to the point- and quickly.
“listen princess, this project is interesting and all, but i have my mind on other things.”
you raised a brow. “oh? and what might that be?”
“we need to cut the tension and be honest with each other. i'm so fucking horny, y/n. i need you on my lap, making out with me.”
“sh-shinsou?” you whispered, stunned.
“oh, don’t tell me you don’t feel the same.”
“i- it’s just so sudden is all!”
“yeah, well i’m not an idiot. i can tell when a girl is horny too.”
you frowned at him, upturning your nose. the hell did he know about that? and since when was it ‘obvious’ to a person? shinsou gauged your reaction, only fueling his need.
“i have half a mind to kick you out of my room.”
“but cha won’t, will ya princess? you want me just as bad as i want you.”
you brought your body closer to his, letting your thighs rest on his chest. shinsou only smirked, his deep chuckle in your ear. his greedy hands pulled on the plushy, soft skin of your thighs.
now it was your turn to tease him. your index finger trailed from his sharp jawline to v line towards his pants. shinsou simply observed you as your finger raked down his pale skin.
“how do you know that i want you so bad, shinsou?”
“i can smell ya from right here, brat.”
you weren’t even ashamed of your wetness. your pussy clenched at shinsou’s arrogant words. god, you panties were absolutely soaked. you spread your thighs and adjusted once again, letting your wet panties soak into his gray sweatpants.
“why don’t you just drop the stupid fucking innocent act?”
“m’not acting any way sir.”
“oh really?” he growled, pulling your collar back to him. “because last time i checked, i had the mind control quirk. so if you keep lying to me, i’ll force you to tell the truth.”
a whimper came from your throat as he moved his fingers to your neck. the thin, long fingers that you had wet dreams about. you wanted him to scissor you, shove them in your mouth, or even choke you if you got lucky. and it seemed like his mind ran to the same things.
“don’t be such a meanie, shin!”
his fingers wrapped around your throat.
a single squeeze. you moaned, gripping desperately onto your bed sheets. fistfuls of the cotton material. fingers and eyes begging for more.
oh god, now he was really doing it. his fingers squeezed hard.
a strained moan came from your throat as his fingers rendered you weak. you made a squealing sound and pulled at his wrist. shinsou chuckled as he watched your desperate hands. he wanted to tease more, but knew that you were finally willing to admit the truth.
“i’m acting like a brat because i want you to fuck me, sir.”
“and you just love acting like a brat. you love acting all innocent, being the adorable little thing you are. acting so oblivious. it’s a damn shame that you couldn’t own up to your desires sooner. i'd have fucked you all the way through high school.”
“really?” you smiled at him. "i never knew, shinsou."
shinsou smirked back, brushing hair from your face. you were so sweet despite your loudmouth. "i always thought you were hot, y/n. you'd be stupid to think you aren't attractive."
you nodded your head.
“god, your eyes are so pretty. they will look even prettier crying when i overstim you.”
“shinsou-” you gasped. he smirked as he threw you down on the bed. shinsou towered over you, chain hanging by your lips. his hand gripped your cheeks, squishing your adorable face.
“tell me what you need, my pretty princess.”
“i wanna be on your lap shinsou.”
fucking hell, the two of you were a match made in heaven. he always imagined your thick thighs wrapped around his chest. shinsou chuckled, sitting up against the wall. his hands beckoned you and his legs spread to welcome you on his lap.
"go on. sit on me, princess."
you blushed. "shinsou- i'm chubby."
your adorable little pouty face. shinsou shook his head. "get those thick ass thighs on me before i grab you myself."
you began to rock back and forth on his thigh. shinsou felt your hips grind your wet cunt into the material of his sweatpants. he looked down to see a giant wet spot and tsked to himself.
“naughty little girl, leaving a mess for me to clean up.”
“mmm~ i’ll always be naughty for you~”
he chuckled to himself as he observed you. entranced in the way you got yourself off. your eyes were screwed shut but your mouth was wide open. back arched close to his chest, nearly pressing against him. whines and whimpers fell from your mouth as you experienced an ultimate sense of euphoria.
“that’s it princess. keep on going.”
"shinsou, you're so big and muscly-" you whined.
your hands gripped at his biceps. he flexed slightly so you could feel his strength, which made you giggle. natuso couldn't take his eyes off of you.
"yeah? you like it?"
"uh huh!" you moaned as he rocked his thigh up into your pussy. shinsou loved watching you fall apart on him. "that feels really good sir!"
“oh yeah princess? you like grinding on my thigh like a little whore?”
“yes sir! feels so fucking good!!”
shinsou chuckled. he watched your face contort as you fell apart for him. the way your jaw dropped open and you threw your head back. how your thighs trapped his own. your boobs jiggling.
“god y/n, look at you. fucking falling apart on me and i haven’t even touched you yet have i? you’re a desperate little girl aren’t you?”
“so desperate daddy!” you whine, gripping onto his arm.
shinsou feels you press your tits around his arm. he leans into your ear and watches goosebumps appear as he speaks. your whimpers became louder until they were moans. he felt your pace hasten as you came closer.
“you gonna cum, pretty princess?”
shinsou chuckled as you moaned his name at climax. he had never seen anything so hot in his life. everything about this was perfect for him.
once you came down, you blinked. “oh my god- what have i done?”
“came all over my thigh like a dirty little girl.”
“shinsou!” you whined. “you’re so mean! i-i just can’t believe i did that…”
shinsou leaned against the wall, smirking. “oh i fuckin can. you’ve been horny for me, haven’t you?”
you gasped, wrapping your legs around him. shinsou felt you sit on his hard cock. his eyebrows knit as you settled your warm pussy right on top of him.
“i’m not telling!”
shinsou didn’t even register what you said though. you felt his dick throb. it was clear he needed to be taken care of.
“fuck y/n, you’re so hot. i should’ve shut you up like this long ago.”
shut me up? you pouted once again. “what d’ya mean shinsou? what do you wanna do?”
shinsou thought about it for a second. he didn’t want to rush into things. but he also wanted to pleasure you and show you just how skilled he was.
“69?” he asked
you blinked. “s-shin…i’ve never done that before,”
he took his face into his hands. those wandering eyes, peering into his own. they shined with lust. “oh princess, you’ll do amazing. i’m here to help you through…first things first.”
he pushed you off his lap. you gasped as you landed back on your pillow. shinsou wasted no time in tearing off your shorts.
“now princess…do you wanna keep your shirt on? i won’t force ya into anything.”
you were shy. you nodded your head.
“that’s okay baby. perfectly fine. i’m gonna take your panties off, okay?”
as he removed your panties, he smelled your pussy. his dick twitched uncontrollably, especially when he felt how wet the panties were. shinsou curiously pushed one of your thighs up. this revealed your sloppy, wet pussy to him. he audibly groaned.
“fuck princess. i need to feel this cunt.”
he took a finger, plunging it inside. your back arched as you felt the sensation. shinsou’s breathing became faster as he heard the squelching noises. he added another finger, making you cry out his name.
“shinsou! oh god- it feels really good!”
shinsou thought about how his cock would be even better. but that needed to wait. just like the fingers. he promised you 69, and 69 was what you were going to get. you whined as he withdrew his fingers.
“ah ah ah, don’t you start making those sounds. i could be real mean to you baby and not make you feel good.”
you shook your head quickly. “no sir! i wanna still feel good!”
shinsou loved this control. he towered over your body, each hand on the side of your head. he leaned down and seized your lips. you were caught in a storm of tongue and passion. both of you moaned into the kiss.
“need to switch positions princess. those thighs are gonna be around my head and that mouth is gonna swallow my cock. okay?”
you nodded your head, allowing him to rest his on your pillow. “you sure you won’t suffocate? i’m a bigger girl…”
“fuck, if i suffocate, ill die the happiest man. i have been dreaming about those thick ass fuckin thighs. can’t wait for you to sit that pussy down. it’ll be the perfect place for it.”
you giggled, though still unsure of yourself. shinsou took his sweats down, allowing for his dick to spring free. a little gasp escaped you. you couldn’t wait to suck it.
“you like what you see, my princess?”
“yes daddy! ‘m gonna treat you sooo good!”
you eagerly wrapped your hands around the base. shinsou hissed, slapping the back of your thighs. “put your pussy on my fucking face.”
finally, you sat on his face. natsuo absolutely lost it. all these moans came from him as he devoured your insides. and as for you, you arched your back and slurped up and down.
“fuck!” natsuo mumbled. “fuckin amazing head,”
as you went down, so did your pussy. the two of you were in perfect tandem. natsuo gripped onto your hips, slapping your ass occasionally. he couldn’t wait for more of these moments. next time he’d fuck your face, or even your pussy if you’d let him.
you loved sucking his cock. especially when he added inside his fingers. you were absolutely lost in pleasure. it felt so good to take care of shinsou while still also feeling good. he began twitching in your mouth. you began slowing your movements, becoming closer yourself.
“shit- shinsou! shinsou! it feels so good daddy!” you moaned
he felt you swallow him whole. shinsou’s eyes widened, feeling himself get close. he began to jerk up his hips, loving the sound of his cock hitting the back of your throat and making you choke.
you pushed your pussy on his face harder, practically fucking yourself on him. you slid your pussy up and down his lips, even side to side. you knew he was going to be absolutely covered in your juices.
he began to twitch, jerking his thighs all the way up without stopping. you choked, feeling his cum shoot up into your throat. quickly, you tore yourself off.
“shin-shinsou! please daddy~ make me cum too!”
when you looked back, shinsou only spurted more cum. it was all over your neck and he could see it on your tongue and lips. he gripped your thighs extra tight, quickening his pace.
“fuck daddy! yes! that’s so good!”
shinsou loved your pussy. he felt you go up from his nose to down his chin. and he wanted you to get it all over him. it was the best feeling he had ever experienced.
finally, you let out your final whine. “i feel it daddy~ oh god!”
you immediately pulled yourself off him. shinsou frowned, but quickly smirked again when you sat back on his chest. now there would be pussy on his tummy too.
“god princess…” he sighed, propping his head up. “i’m covered in you!”
you put your face in your hands as if it would help. shinsou chuckled. “did you like it?”
“uh huh- loved it shinsou.”
he brought your hands down and put them around his neck. you leaned down, cuddling yourself on top of him. shinsou smiled, petting your head softly.
“it was the best time i’ve ever had…” you admit
“yeah?” shinsou said. “me too.”
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slayfics · 4 months
PST. PST! Over here! I need a cockwarming sesh with hitoshi 🥺❤️ like they're having a movie night with guys or just us two and he whispers "just the tip"... Which we both know won't happen so when the guys leave after the movie ends (cockwarming the entire time) does he fuck you stupid 🤤🤤
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Movie night with Hitoshi.
Warnings: Hitoshi aged up | NSFW
1,200 words~
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"Ok, so we're totally binge-watching all of the new season, right?" Denki asked, entering Hitoshi's dorm with Eijiro.
"Yeah man, we have to! I have to know what happens!" Eijiro responded enthusiastically making his way to sit next to you and Hitoshi on the bed facing the TV.
"Yup, we agreed to watch as much as we could tonight," Hitoshi said.
"Aw man- I don't want to sit on the floor," Denki complained looking at the now full bed.
"I can make some room," You offered and climbed up to sit on Hitoshi's lap. Hitoshi's face pinkened at the feel of you in his lap.
""Ohhh~," Denki sang teasing you both.
"Shut up!" You retorted, smacking his arm playfully.
"Ok ok, I'll leave you two love birds alone," he said, moving to the newly opened-up spot on the bed.
Hitoshi cleared his throat trying to stay oriented to the situation. He knew he was around friends but- the sensation of you on top of him was making his mind wander.
"Everyone ready for me to start the show?" He asked.
Everyone nodded in agreement and Hitoshi pressed play. As much as he was excited to finally watch the new season of the show, he found himself unable to focus at all. He might as well have been blind to everything else except the stimulation he felt from you on his lap.
It didn't help that you'd laugh at the show occasionally or adjust to get more comfortable, rubbing up even more against him.
"Wait man pause it!" Eijiro spoke.
"What's wrong?" Hitoshi asked, pausing the show.
"We should have brought up snacks!" Eijiro answered.
"I was just thinking the same thing! You guys want to head downstairs real quick?" Denki suggested.
"No- you two go," Hitoshi answered quickly.
"Sure, but want us to bring you two back anything?" Denki asked.
"Popcorn please," You smiled at him.
"You got it! Be right back," Denki spoke, as he and Eijiro exited the room.
As soon as the door shut, Hitoshi rested his head on top of yours and wrapped his arms around your waist pushing you tighter onto him, a small groan escaping him.
"You're enjoying this too much, aren't you? I can feel your excitement," You teased him.
"Mmm," He nodded, nuzzling more into your hair and slightly pressing his hips up to grind even more into you. "Popcorn takes a while to make you know?" He said suggestively.
"What are you trying to hint at Shinso?" You giggled.
Hitoshi moved to press a kiss on your cheek before whispering, "I have time to feel you real quick, just the tip." He proposed.
"They are going to be back any moment," you said, but couldn't deny the rush of adrenaline you felt at his words.
"Hmm- I'll be fast," he pledged.
You didn't answer in words but worked to pull down your panties under your skirt. Following your lead Hitoshi undid his belt and pulled out his cock eagerly.
Hitoshi placed a hand on either of your hips as he guided you to sit back down- sliding himself inside you.
A moan escaped him as you slowly sank down taking all of him inside.
"Fuck- that feels good," he groaned.
"Mpf-," You squeaked out in agreement.
Just as you were about to suggest getting decent before your friends came back- the door flew open.
Denki's back was to the door and as he hip-checked it open, hands full of snacks. Hitoshi quickly grabbed the blanket beside you and threw it over you both- hiding the cockwarming situation you both now found yourself in.
"Alright, let's get this show started again!" Denki said, sitting back in his spot.
"Oh, here is your popcorn!" Eijiro said placing the popcorn just a bit out of reach from you.
"Oh... thanks Kirishima," you said eyeing the popcorn, unsure how to reach for it without removing the blanket, and exposing that Hitoshi was inside you.
"Uhh, you ok?" Eijiro asked, eyeing you confused.
"Yeah! I'm fine," you said and slowly began to reach for the popcorn. Hitoshi understanding, held the blanket carefully in place as you moved. You stretch to grab the popcorn causing his cock to slide back out, just the tip now resting inside.
Getting a grip on the popcorn you paused, aware that once you adjusted to sit back down, you'd be taking in his full length again. "Um... Shinso you- mm- ready for some popcorn," You asked subtly, hoping to prepare him for you to slide back down on his cock.
"Fuck yes," he said too enthusiastically.
"Man, you're really excited for popcorn," Eijiro laughed, tearing open a bag of chips.
You slid back down onto Hitoshi's lap, his cock sliding back inside you simultaneously.
"Mhmmm~" Hitoshi groaned.
You let out a deep sigh trying to bite back a moan that threatened to escape you.
"Alright well press play already," Denki said.
"Right," Hitoshi blinked hard trying to focus as he started up the show again.
Hitoshi paid no attention to the show- how could he while his throbbing cock rested inside you. To make it worse- every so often you'd tease him by adjusting your hips slightly or pretending to reposition yourself on his lap.
Hitoshi bit his lip so hard it broke skin- but he didn't have a choice. If he didn't surely a moan would break loose and expose you both. He couldn't remember ever being so aroused and tortured at the same time.
Finally, to his relief, the episode ended.
"Start the next one!" Denki suggested.
"I'm actually feeling pretty exhausted," Hitoshi said.
"WHAT!?" Eijiro exclaimed. "I thought we were binging this today??"
"I know I'm sorry- tomorrow we can watch more," Hitoshi suggested.
Denki eyed him suspiciously, then snapped his eyes to you on his lap, giving out a chuckle. "Yeah, sureeee~," he said with a wink. "Come on Kirishima, I think that was a nice way to say they want to be alone," Denki said teasingly, pulling his friend off the bed.
"Oh-," Eijiro blushed as they both swiftly excited.
"Fuck~" Hitoshi groaned out as soon as the door closed, wasting no time he thrust into you grabbing your waist for support.
A mewl escaped your lips at the sudden movement.
"Down," he said, pushing you forward, and changing your position. Your face now resting against the sheets- ass exposed to him. "I'm going to have to repay you for that torture you put me through for the last hour," he said devilishly.
"Awe~ don't pretend you didn't like i-" You spoke but your sentence was halted at the hard thrusts from Hitoshi. Giving you no time to speak or catch your breath, he slid himself in and out at full force. Moaning at finally being able to feel your walls slide around him.
Your face buried deeper into the sheets with each hard thrust- and your brain turned to mush at the intense pleasure.
"Shit-" Hitoshi groaned out of frustration. He wanted to punish you longer- but his end was already coming. After being teased for so long he couldn't hold himself back. Losing himself in one final thrust- Hitoshi pulled out and painted the sheets next to you.
"Well, that repayment didn't last very long~," You teased, coming back to your senses.
A devilish laugh erupted from Hitoshi, " Maybe not- but we're not done. Now it's your turn," he said, a smirk on his lips.
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Oh my I felt so dirty writing this haha. I hope you enjoy this! Thank you for the request~
Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee
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nivtee · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ BOTHERED. shinso hitoshi
shinso hitoshi x gn!reader
pinning ! flirting ! suggestive themes ! reader wears a skirt for the first time !
hitoshi is a thighs man. and fuck, you get him with that skirt.
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― hitoshi whose never told you but he loves your thighs
― he knows you've never slept with anyone, and even if he has, he's not going to pressure you or start that conversation with you.
― it happens in school, both of you in your third year. you're in different classes so you only see eachother at lunch. usually, he'd walk you from the dorms but he had a training session with aizawa early and couldn't see you.
― and then he sees you.
― then he sees what you're wearing.
― he's literally breathless??? holy fuck?? the skirt you're wearing is a part of the uniform, but you'd only worn pants from when you started school till today, apparently.
― its hiked up around your waist, flowing down till it sits just covering the edge of your butt.
― he cannot look away for the life of him oh my god someone get this man some water he's so fucking thirsty for you.
― he doesn't say anything until he's walking you back to the dorms and he shoved you against the door to the building, knee between your legs and his hands gripping your hips.
― "fuck, kitten, can't think straight when you're all dressed up" and he's kissing down your neck so feverishly you think you have a cold.
― his hands are wandering and there;s hickeys on your neck and then you finally drag him inside and you have to wear your pants the next day because of the hickeys covering your thighs.
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Shinso as a roommate w spice 👀
I can talk about this guy for hours. 🥵
Also send me an ask with a person from MHA and I will say how they are as a roommate. Please advise if you want some spice
I know that some people are sick of the cat and Shinso comparison but I think it is the perfect comparison for him when it comes to being a roommate.
You do not see him often when you first become roommates (and honestly unless you heard him leave his room to go to the bathroom or kitchen you were sure that he just wasn’t there) and it wasn’t uncommon to just say hi in passing once a week or so.
Something changed though once you had been roommates for around 6 months and he was more comfortable around you.
You started seeing him more and more but he did it pretty subtly. It started with him joining you for whatever tv show you were watching- and it rally did not matter what. He watched your (in his words) “pointless reality trash” or “tame horror films” and though he wouldn’t admit he liked them he also watched your “over dramatic teenage shows”.
It got to the point that it was common for you to knock on his bedroom door with a “take out will be here in thirty, I ordered your favorite ramen. Hurry up so we can finish the series tonight.”
What you weren’t expecting was for him to open his door clad in only a towel that was tied lowely on his lean hips as he ran another towel through his shoulder length hair.
“You’re home a bit earlier then usual” he stated, his voice low in a way that you knew he had just been smoking a joint. Just as you thought that you were hit with the smell, making your nose scrunch slightly.
You weren’t against weed but your job did randomly drug test throughout the year so you had not partaken since your first year of college.
“Oh shit, sorry I forgot to spray something before opening the door. I wasn’t quite expecting you home so early.”
“Oh, no worries. I get it.” You felt your heart race as your cheeks flushed with heat. You had seen Shinso shirtless. It actually wasn’t uncommon to see him that way when you two were watching TV or when he was cooking throughout the week.
He said it was because he ran hot, but you swear he continued to do it only after he saw you no so subtly check him out the first time you had seen him shirtless.
“Extra spicy?” He questioned as he back into his room, spraying an air freshener to help combat the smell. It never quite worked but it was nice that he tried.
“What?” You questioned, completely caught off guard as he turned around to look at you, his signature soft smirk pulling at the corner of his pink lips before he bit his bottom lip to try and make it go away. You couldn’t help but notice the blood rush to his bottom lip, making it a bit redder.
“My ramen, did you by chance get it extra spicy?”
“Oh yeah, yes I did. No worries, I know how you like it.”
You could feel the air continue to thicken as your tried to stare anywhere but him but you couldn’t quite take your eyes off of him.
While you had been attracted to Shinso the second you saw him (you mean, you weren’t blind) it had really been the past few months that your crush had gone from a small school yard crush to a full fledged stomach lurching infatuation.
You had honestly couldn’t remember the amount of times that you had spaced out thinking about the indigo haired man and you had definitely lost count of the nights that had ended with your hand down your panties getting off to the thought to him.
“Um, I’m going to get the show ready and listen for the takeout person. I’ll see you when you are ready.” You said quickly, embarrassment an understatement at this point as you got out of his room as quick as possible and walked to the couch.
It wasn’t long before you heard the trill of your doorbell, signaling the delivery guy. As you got up from the couch to get the food you saw Shinso emerge from the small hallway.
“I got it.” He said as he walked passed you quickly, your living room wasn’t very big.
“Oh I haven’t paid the guy yet, let me get it.” You insisted as you stood at the edge of the couch.
“I got it this time, you can get it next week.” Shinso reasoned as he opened the door while also digging into his black sweats for his wallet. He pulled out enough yen to cover the meal with a generous tip before grabbing the bag of takeout and muttering a thanks as he shut the door.
“You know, you said the same thing last week about me paying this week.” You said softly after Shinso had untied the bag and handed you your cup of ramen.
“Did I?” He muttered “must have slipped my mind. No worries, I’ll make sure you don’t get out of it again.” He said with a wink as he handed you your chopsticks.
You couldn’t help the warmth that spread across your chest and neck at the wink, butterflies erupting in your stomach as you thanked him while taking the lid off your food before placing it on the coffee table in front of you as you grabbed the remote to put on the last few episodes of the show that you two had been watching.
Dinner was quite as you tried to pay attention to the show you were watching but try as you might, you couldn’t get your brain to shut off. You made a mental note of needing to watch these episodes alone sometime soon because before this you had been wrapped into the story.
It wasn’t until the finale, the fourth episode you both had watched tonight, that you were able to pay attention. You were completely lost at this point, confused why the main character was in an abandoned farm but you tried to catch up as you watched.
A particularly frightening scene involving a chainsaw man that was wearing body parts of his most recent victims made you a bit jumpy and of course Shinso noticed right away.
“Come here” he whispered as he opened his arms while also putting his feet on the coffee table. It wasn’t completely uncommon for you two to cuddle but it was usually reserved for nights that one you have had a awful day and it never happened after so much sexual tension had been prevalent just hours earlier.
But you also knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth and you were basically crawling to his side without a second thought as you made yourself comfortable by placing your face onto to the chest of his white plain t shirt as he wrapped a long arm around you.
“No scary chainsaw man can get you know” he whispered into your hair. You could hear the grin in his voice as you slapped a hand onto his chest before moving to get up.
“Oh where do you think you’re going? I finally get you in my arms and you think you can leave?” As Shinso said this his arm tightened around you as the other one grabbed onto himself, effectively cocooning you into his side. You couldn’t help the laugh that erupted from your lips as you looked up to his face.
What you weren’t expecting was for his face to be so close to yours. Frozen from shock you continued to stare at him as he stared down at you.
Shinso couldn’t help but look from your eyes to your lips and quickly back to your eyes.
“Tell me to stop and I will.” He whispered as his head began to lean down towards you, his lips quickly capturing yours.
You could feel as he undid his embrace on you while also placing both of his hands on either side of your cheeks.
It didn’t take long before he was deepening the kiss and placing one hand on your hip as his skilled fingers drew random small shapes on your hip.
You broke the kiss, needing to breath. As you stared at him for a second you noticed that your hands had had a mind of their own and we’re both at the edge of his skull, pulling gently on his purple locks.
“Woah” you exhaled.
“Good woah, or ‘oh shit what the fuck did we just do’ kind of Woah” Shinso questioned with a quirk of his eyebrows. You noticed that when Shinso got nervous he talked a lot more the he normally would.
“More like ‘why the hell have we not done that sooner’ kind of Woah” you corrected with a smile.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since you became my roommate, but I also didn’t want to fuck anything up.” Shinso confessed.
Your eyes widened in surprise. Sure there had been some sexual tension, but he had thought you were attractive since you had two met? Why the hell did it take so long then?
“Maybe we shouldn’t waste anymore time then” you said, trying to sound very nonchalant but you could hear the tremor in your voice.
Shinso didn’t need to hear anything else as he grabbed you by your hips and placed you onto his lap.
Where the hell did he get so strong? You wondered as you widened your stance to allow both of your legs be flush with his hips as you straddled him.
Shinso placed a hand behind your head as he guided you back to him while whispering “if you want to stop at any point, tell me and I will. I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want to.”
You couldn’t help but feel your heart melt at the words. There was just something about your roommate that made him very different then most guys your age.
“Same goes for you” you whispered back before kissing him.
It wasn’t long of him kissing you that he began testing the waters by allowing his fingers to inch up a few inches up your shirt as he felt the skin beneath. You gave him permission to do whatever he wanted by tugging harshly onto his hair and moaning.
He quickly made work of taking off your oversized shirt, a twing of a smirk gracing his lips as he realizes it’s one of his black shirts that you must have stole at some point. He made a mental note to tease you a bit later, but for now he had way more important things to do.
As the shirt fell to the floor he couldn’t help but grown at the sight in front of him. He hadn’t realized due to the bagginess of the shirt but you were wearing a bra and damn if you didn’t have the pretties tits he had ever seen.
“No bra” he quipped as he cupped them in his large pale hands, loving the way your soft supple skin felt in them as your back arched a bit at the sensation of him kneading them softly, testing the waters to see what kind of pressure you wanted.
“Almost never when I’m in a baggie top.” You admitted with a flush.
“I’ll have to remember that for the future” he said with a shit eating grin before he latched onto your left nipple, rolling a very expert tongue around it.
You let out a louder moan then you meant to but this only seemed to spur Shinso on as he suckled harder.
“Shin, fuck, Shin, can we take this to one of our bedrooms? Not that fucking on the couch doesn’t sound fun, I just think I would rather be in a bed.”
“So demanding” he teased as his lips popped off of your bud, but in that same breath he grabbed you and hoisted both of you up off of the couch, his hands digging into the fat of your thighs. “My room? I just washed my sheets today.”
“We’re you hoping something was going to happen, Hitoshi?” You teased as you kissed his nose.
“Only every fucking day, also please continue to call me that. It sounds so fucking sexy coming from you and I can’t wait to hear you moan my name.”
“Well, just know I don’t just moan to inflate a persons ego, I have to mean it.” You quipped back.
“Don’t worry, you will.” Shinso said with a wink as he slapped your ass, making you giggle before attaching his lips to your neck and walking you to his bedroom.
Also, don’t worry. You moaned his name all night long.
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kattimaxx · 3 months
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Hitoshi Shinso Headcannons
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He loves to make playlists for everything with you
He will call you babydoll or pretty boy
Be prepared for compliments all the time
He loves sleeping next to you
He will send you cat memes or photos to start a conversation
He'll take you on dates to the humane society and animal shelters
He's a quiet observer so he'll know your habits better than you do
He struggles with anxiety and depression
If he's too deep in a spiral he'll be snappy with you
He won't think he deserves anything about you so he'll self-sabotage your relationship
He's highly observant so if you start acting weird he'll know just like that
He will apologise with desserts and chocolate
If you're sick or on your period he'll get you your favorite coffee or tea or other drink
He's not big on pda but if you touch him he'll reciprocate
No discrimination whatsoever. He loves all body types, he loves all sexualities, he loves all genders.
This man quite literally can't wrap his head around things like racism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, etc.
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Ass and thighs and stomach guy
Anywhere on your body that's a good cushy pillow is his favorite
Body worship hardcore
Sometimes he'll be vanilla other times you aren't walking for a good day or two
He will lick your cunt for half an hour and still be going
He makes you look at him through everything, it doesn't matter what it is, you are looking at him one way or another
Maybe bondage, he might be a bit wary at first because he doesn't want to hurt you ever
His kinks: daddy kink, mommy kink, praise kink, and choke kink
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kiwanopie · 2 years
ran across this picture of pro!hero shinsou and immediately died of brainrot. part time college professor shinsou x bimbo!reader [if you think this is ooc then maybe you should just kiss me on the lips then.] suggestive
Seeing your face in full for the first time is already enough to twist his stomachs in knots. Fold it over itself a few times until it’s tightened in a neat little hitch, and his lungs the pretty bow on top the moment her mouth opens. Plump lips that kiss each word on its way out and nearly leaves him envious. His brain barely registers what’s actually been said until he’s taking a moment to revise.
And then he short circuits.
“Are you interested in having sex?”
Shinsou stands there a little stiller than he should as his student stares up at him curiously, doe eyes blinking expectantly at the older man as the cool training ground air dries out his slightly gaped mouth and his brain buffers at the reality of things.
You breathe in a little briskly before nodding again, looking away briefly like you’re chiding herself. “Oh, sorry,” You redouble. “Are you interested in having sex with me?”
This is his reality right now.
Shinsou Hitoshi is not a religious man, a spiritual man, sure; but he has never been quite so comfortable with the idea of god’s and otherworldly forces - so powerful that they foresee the outcome of his and the lives around him. He doesn’t like the thought of greater powers or deities of any kind. Invisible men that pull his strings or any leveraged omnipotence that could disrupt the equilibrium of reality or nature. He believes in Then and Now, and any paths he may take in the latter are his choice and his doing. His fate will always be in his hands.
….Although - He stares at that familiar soft tawny now softened by the evening sun. Exposed shoulders veiled by dark thickets of bouncing curls and about eight months of over the shoulder glances and lingering stares that are apparently being cashed in right before him. Even a man so dead set on his ideals might have to reconsider at an opportunity like this. Maybe there is a big man in the sky. Maybe he’s been watching him piss away his love life for the past twenty seven years and decided that this was the time to knock him on his ass about it. Maybe this is a gift?
Maybe this is a test.
There’s a long second he spends blowing out empty air before his voice can seep into the atmosphere.
“Wha-…You’re… seriously asking me this?” And he can’t tell if he means that out of disbelief or genuine curiosity.
You must take it as the latter, because you nod so genuinely - so cutely. That his teeth instinctively start to grind against each other. “I hope this isn’t an inconvenient way to ask. You’re usually really busy outside of our training bumps and I doubt your assistant would take me seriously if I made an appointment for this reason.”
“It’s also…” And he almost feels like the weird one for saying this. “…Wildly inappropriate.”
“Oh...” You pause, and for a moment he expects you to finally tune into how bizarre this situation really is.
Until you’re hitting him with another curveball. “Rejecting me would also be fine then, Sensei.”
That makes him openly grimace - throw his head back a bit and remind himself that: No, that isn’t the worst thing you’ve said since this conversation started. And yes, rejecting you was always a valid option. You say it so cooly that he’s almost afraid that you’re indifferent about the whole thing to begin with. Which begs the question:
“What’s this about?” Shinsou furrows.
You finally move your gaze from him to an empty corner of the wall as you fidgets on your feet a few tense seconds, wrapping your arms around yourself with a short hesitant shrug of your shoulders and pout in a way that can only be described as troublesome.
“I’ve… I can’t put all of my focus on climbing up the ranks anymore. Or on studying… or on anything else for that matter,” You start shyly. “All I’ve been thinking about for the past few months is you.”
The more you continue the closer he gets to self-destructing. “To be fair, I thought I admired your skill and resolve. - Which I do. It’s just… I like the sound of your voice and how it sounds when you talk to me. And the way you handle us trainees, and me whenever I mess up. I like the way your fingers feel on my leotard.”
The fact that he can see you riling yourself up at the thought of him, redistribute the weight on your feet like you’re looking for friction - His mouth doesn’t know whether to dry or salivate and for his sake he hopes his suit is thick enough to hide the bulge that’s steadily forming.
“All I can think of is having sex with you, Sensei.” You say truthfully. “And at least if you reject me then the humiliation of that’ll-“
“I’m not gonna reject you.” And the way your eyes light up makes his lungs feel near to bursting. Seriously, have you seen you? What chump would be so out of his mind to pass up something like this?
But he steps in a little closer, enough to get a whiff of oat and honey, and finely scrubbed in sugars. It’s an ego trip to see you start to fluster a bit. Although he’s sure he’s not faring any better.
You’re bathing in his attention. “But _____ - Sweetheart, it sounds like you just have feelings for me.” Shinsou exhales a little breathlessly. “A regular confession would’ve done just fine, and we could’ve gotten to the good parts later.”
“I feel the same way about you, y’know?” He pinches one of your cheeks. “‘Have for a while, actually,”
You simper. “You have?”
He nods with a warm hum. You’d purr in his hands if you could. “And now that everything’s out in the open, don’t you feel a little better? ‘Can finally think straight, huh?”
“No, now I wanna do it even more.”
He pats your cheeks a few times as he raises his back to look over at the rest of your fellow classmates, flashes an innocent little lazy smile toward the field as he looks out for any wandering eyes and prays that that overhead bell is close to ringing.
Shinsou finds a secure grip on your jaw when the coast is clear. “Okay,” His smile sharpens. “That’s okay. - Hey, how about you try and make it through this bump and if you can do that; I’ll sneak into the ladies locker room and fuck you stupid. How’s that sound?”
The way your lips form into a pout by the force of his grip nearly has him pulling you forward to press his against them. “S’good, shensei. Thawnk yew!”
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kittywritessmut · 2 years
You’re my favourite kitty - Shinsou x fem!reader
Includes: pussy drunk Hitoshi, somnophilia, dom! sub! dynamic, use of nicknames: daddy, kitten, kitty,  oral fem! receiving.
Your pov:
It was late at night and you were exhausted from studying. You had just come out of the shower, freshly shaven and washed hair. You used the same soap your boyfriend used, resulting in you smelling like oak and lavender. You missed Shinsou, many villains became prominent in the early months of the year as they tried to make their mark on society. This meant that your pro hero boyfriend was very busy with late nights and early mornings. This meant you barely spent time together. You made his breakfast and lunch the night before and made his dinner when you were about to go to bed for him to heat up.
Since you barely had any physical interactions, you were becoming irritable. Well that’s what your friend told you while you were both in the library studying for your upcoming exam. You were studying to become a (d/j) *dream job. You had a strong quirk but didn’t want the publicity, so you were studying for a more “normal” job. The media didn’t know much about your relationship, only your family and friends did as well as Shinsou’s colleagues.
You hung your towel up and then put on your (f/c) fluffy pyjama pants and a large shirt that was a piece of Shinsou’s best selling merch. You flopped onto your shared bed, the sheets, blankets and pillows were all different shades of purple. You put yourself under the blankets and slowly drifted to sleep.
3rd pov:
Shinsou opened the door, turning on the light in the hallway. With a groan he took of his boots and left them neatly facing the front door. He walked straight to your shared bedroom, only to see you splayed across the bed. You looked so cute and peaceful while you slept. He chuckled to himself and started to strip himself. 
His lavender hair was damp, a towel wrapped around his waist and his toned chest showing. He dropped the towel and trudged towards your sleeping figure. He gently moved the blankets that were covering you, licking his lips as he looked at you. He thought you looked so gorgeous in his merch. You felt the bed dip as he caged your sleeping body. His eyes met your peaceful sleeping face, his heart fluttering at the sight. He began to press light kisses down your body until he got to your pelvic bone. With a shaky breath he tugged down your pyjama pants, to reveal your glistening heat. He sucked in a breath at the beautiful sight of your dripping sex. With lust blown eyes he checked to see if you were still sleeping, you were. 
He pushed your thighs apart with his large hands. He then plunged between your legs. Lapping at your heat like he was dehydrated and the only thing that could hydrate him, was you. He sucked on your clit while his hands caressed your bare thighs. His eyes fluttered the way you moaned sleepily, still stuck in your dream. His tongue prodded your wet hole, his eyes kept flicking to yours to see if you were awake. His mouth then moved to suck on your clit, while he pumped a thick finger in and out of you.
With a loud moan your sleepy eyes fluttered open to see the sight before you. Shinsou looking up at you through wet hair and licking at your cunt.
“Hey kitty” Shinsou smirked as he came up to peck a kiss on your cheek.
“Did you have a good dream baby?”
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novalite-nova · 1 year
Date night at Shinsou’s - Cat menace
Heads-up: Age up character, NSFW suggest, cute-humor content. Slight fluff.
MDNI. Do not repost/ if this bothers please ignore and move on.
*Link to TikTok clip that inspired this short. *
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You and Shinsou are bundled up and cuddling on his couch, watching movies at his apartment. This movie date night has been going well like the many dates before. The two of you conversed during dinner to catch up for the events of the past week apart. Then proceeded to spend the last two hours watching movies. You both are currently engrossed in the psychological thriller showing on screen.
When, in the corner of you eye you see Shinsou’s cat, Maru. A blue grey tabby with a white underside that highlights his chin and white socks to match. You haven’t seen him since you entered the apartment but he had made his appearance again after taking nap in Shinsou’s room.
At first, it looked like Maru was carrying one of his rod toys to play with in the living room. He often did this to grab you or Shinsou’s attention to play with him. But on second glance, you notice that what Maru was carrying wasn’t his usual cat toy. Rather it was shorter and jet black.
Turning your full attention on Maru, you see that he’s carrying a black, leather whip by the handle. Ones that are used in BDSM play. Shinsou and you have not made it that far into your relationship to that level of intimacy. So, your face begin to heat up, heartbeat increasing, as your voice stuttering out words.
“Uh… Shi-Shinsou…”
“Hmm…” Shinsou lazily hums back in response.
“I-I think Maru has something that belongs to you….”
Shinsou slowly turns his head, blinking away the drowsiness out of his eyes to focus on Maru. The moment he recognized what Maru had, Shinsou blushed bright red from ear to ear in embarrassment. He shot up from his spot beside you and began chasing Maru around the apartment.
For the next five minutes, you watched Shinsou chase his cat as Maru ran with he whip in his mouth like his life depended on it. All the embarrassment that you had minutes ago melted away and you were forced to stifle your laughter as you watched this chase scene.
Once Shinsou snatched the whip and chased Maru up his cat tree, he rushed back to his room to hide it and slammed the door shut. In awkward silence, Shinsou returned to the couch, you both sat with a gap of space between each other. The both of you had your eyes focused on television while your minds strained for words that would cut the silence.
Until, from the hallway, you hear Maru’s low, bellowing meows as he sits outside Shinsou’s room. It’s filled with sorrow at the lost of his new found toy. Shinsou lowers his head and sharply exhales in anguish.
“Why does he have to be such a freak…” He sighed as he rubbed his eyes in frustration.
Without a single hesitation, you speak up.
“Like father like son.”
Both you and Shinsou burst out laughing, breaking the awkward silence that drowned the apartment.
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
Imagine Shinsou calling you "princess" 🤤
Deep voice
So sexy
He grabs your waist to scoot by you while mumbling "sorry, princess..." but you can hear in his deep voice that he's TOTALLY NOT SORRY and he's got a dumb smirk on his face and he blatantly rubs his big bulge against your ass as he shuffles by you and his thick fingers lightly squeeze your waist
- 🐺
Oh he's definitely not sorry 😏
Even though you're unable to see his face, his hot breath, eager touches and pulsating bulge are unmistakable.
The line of soft pecks he carefully places on your nape, lures a shiver down your spine and a moan from between your lips.
You unconsciously roll your hips against the thickness nudging your bum, squealing when he responds with a bite on your delicate skin.
_ "Sorry princess, but I couldn't help myself." he apologizes again, but the deep chuckle following suit proves that he's relishing every second of this.
His hands slip under your shirt, hiking the garment up and squeezing your waist while his shallow thrusts gradually quicken.
His name flows past your lips and your eyes roll back in absolute ecstasy as one of his hands move down to fondle you through your soft panties.
You're close, both of you are, and the inescapable mess that's about to ruin your clothes and bed is the last thing on your minds as you give in to each other.
_ "Hitoshi, please! I'm cumming.."
_ "Me too sweetheart, fuck.."
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springsmile · 1 year
over my shoulder
yan. shinso x reader | series masterlist | 18+
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descr: with extreme and debilitating anxiety that has led to your desensitization, you think you're privy to feeling out danger before it strikes you. you're wrong.
<alt text: ( stalker!shinso )>
warnings: non-con, smut, pre-established trauma (r*pe), extreme anxiety/paranoia, victim blaming/shaming, abuse of prescriptions, self harm, suicidal ideation, disassociation, negativity around hospitalization, violent intrusive thoughts, kidnapping, murder, specific reader characterizations, manipulation, anorexia/bulimia allusions
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note 01: sooo this is largely based upon my own trauma and mental framework. it's a really really dark depiction. it might dampen your mood, but i promise it's a good read :) ! please make sure to examine the warning tags closely.
02**: reader's quirk is enhanced senses. upon activation, emotions and sensations are pretty much exacerbated. reader never learns how to channel or control it to its full potential, only to turn it on and off.
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slayfics · 5 months
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You seduce Hitoshi.
Warnings: Hitoshi aged up | NSFW
2,000 words~
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Hitoshi sipped on the glass of wine you handed him. He eyed you as you puttered around the kitchen finding another glass for yourself.
His mind was overflowing with thoughts. Why had you called him over so late suddenly?
It must have been a few years since you both graduated from U.A. and he hadn't heard from you since then. However, tonight he got a message from you asking- no demanding him to come over. Hitoshi had the largest crush on you back in U.A. to the point that it was stupid. Ever since your first spar he found himself captivated by you. You were a strong confident hero, everything he wanted to be himself and you did it effortlessly.
So- of course, when he received your late-night message inviting him over, he dropped everything he was doing and drove to your apartment.
Finally locating another wine glass, you slipped it between your fingers and poured yourself a sturdy glass.
"So, uh- it's good to see you again," he spoke, trying to break the confusing tension.
"Good to see you too general studies~" You teased as you stalked back over to where he was sitting.
General Studies
It was the nickname you used to tease him with at U.A. Even after he transferred to the hero course, you made it a point to continue to use the playful nickname.
If anyone else had called him that, his blood would have boiled. He worked hard to train and transfer to the hero course. However, when the teasing words danced off your lips, he felt no anger at all. Quite the opposite.
The way your eyes looked at him up and down, and the corner of your mouth raised to a smirk when you said it always left him flustered. Even now.
Hitoshi continued to attempt small talk with you however, found himself at a loss for words at your next action. "How have you been? I think I heard you are working at-," he was in the middle of saying as you plopped yourself down in his lap.
He was left open-mouthed as you adjusted yourself on his lap making yourself comfortable.
"Hmm~ what were you asking me?" You teased him taking in the stunned boy's expression and placing a hand on his cheek.
"Uh-" Hitoshi tried to regain his train of thought but your hand found its way to his hair, running your fingers gently through his purple strands.
Boys are so easy, you laughed to yourself.
"That's ok Shinso, I didn't call you over to make small talk anyway," You spoke and placed a kiss on his neck eliciting a soft moan from him.
"Hey, I-," Hitoshi spoke clearing his throat. "You know I- I've been interested in you since U.A.," He spoke.
"Mhm~" You murmured.
"So, I-," Hitoshi kept trying to form his words into a complete sentence but the way you began to rock back and forth on his lap sent all the blood from his brain rushing elsewhere. "So, I- uh- would actually like to get to know you." He finally managed to say.
"Mmmm~ this is a good way to get to know me wouldn't you say?" You said with another wink and a small lick to his neck. "Besides little mockingbird~ do you really want me to stop?" You challenged and moved your gaze to make eye contact with the hero.
Hitoshi's eyes were already swimming in lust, his mouth hung agape as he tried to get himself to reject your advances. He was interested in more than just a one-night stand with you but-
"I didn't think so~" You whispered pressing your lips to his ears. "You said it yourself- you've been wanting this since U.A. haven't you? When we sparred and I pinned you down I could feel how excited you were~ Tell me Shinso- did you go back to your dorm and think of me? Did you touch yourself and pretend your hands were mine? Come on let me finally show you the real thing~"
Your words sent Hitoshi over the edge. Whatever resolve he had was far lost now. Another moan escaped his lips as you settled more into his lap swinging your other leg over him bringing yourself to straddle him now.
Every word you said bounced around his brain and hardened his excitement. Every word was true too. He lost count of the times that he had thought about you alone in his dorm. Finding his hand wrapped around his cock before he could even register what he was doing.
Despite his fantasies when he was a young boy, he had every intention of approaching this traditionally and respectably. He wanted to take you to dinner- go on dates- get to know you. But- how was he expected to stop himself now- now that you were presenting yourself so straightforward and singing such lewd words in his ears.
"That's a good boy~ it's ok to give in. Your body is speaking for you," you said resting your hand on the growing bulge in his pants.
The feeling of your hand on his excitement caused Hitoshi to snap. His hand found its way to the back of your head, fingers grazing your scalp as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and guided your lips to his. He pressed a heavy kiss full of lust onto your lips, and you parted them obediently giving him access to whatever he wanted.
Hitoshi eagerly followed your signals- his tongue exploring your mouth in rhythmic movements that elicited a deep moan from you. Your moan excited him further as his other hand found your waist and encouraged you to press further into his lap- his bulge rubbing up against you through his jeans.
"Mmm that's it~ I knew you had it in you, general studies~" You pulled away catching your breath.
Hitoshi didn't speak but sucked in the air attempting to catch his own breath. His lavender eyes pierced through you full of lust and begging for more.
"Do you want to feel~?" You asked seductively guiding his hand under your lingerie to your entrance. Hitoshi happily obeyed once more, his finger sliding slowly over your clit as he made his way to your entrance.
His finger slid inside you easily, "Fuck-," he moaned out. "You're so wet," his voice was deeper and heavier than before as if the lust had taken him down an octave.
"Mhm~ Do you think you were the only one that thought about this back at U.A.? That seductive sex hair of yours and bondage scarf you ran around with~ come on general studies show me what you can do," you provoked.
Hitoshi followed through sliding his finger in and out of your entrance slowly and rhythmically. You moaned out and moved your hips in motion with him, fully intending to give him a show.
"Damn~" Hitoshi marveled at the way your body moved for him and sang out. It was hotter than any fantasy his young boy brain had concocted. He was utterly spellbound by you.
"Come on little mockingbird give me more~" You pleaded.
Hitoshi slid another finger inside and lost his breath once again at your deepening moans and whimpers that you let out for him. You fully bounce up and down fucking yourself on his fingers- giving Hitoshi nothing left to do but gawk at the sight.
"Mm~ want to feel you~" You moaned halting your movements. "Please- can I?" You asked pressing a kiss to his jawline as your hand ran across the throbbing bulge in his pants.
Your performance had left Hitoshi speechless, but his hand guided yours to his belt.
"Enjoying the show so far~?" You asked teasingly as your hands worked to undo his pants. Hitoshi let out a breath of air trying to form any words. "You're so cute all pussy drunk already~ don't worry I'm going to finish the job," You winked and pulled down his jeans and boxers.
"Ohhh~" You sang out taking in the sight of his full-grown excitement. "I felt you were big when we sparred but- this is quite the pleasant surprise~" Hitoshi's face flushed at your praises to his member.
You smiled enjoying how much power you had over him. You wrapped your hand around his cock and moved your hand up and down the full length of his shaft. "You know after we sparred, and I felt your bulge- I had some dirty thoughts of my own when I was alone in my dorm. I wondered what your cock looked like- what it would feel like~ I'm so thankful you came over tonight, don't worry I'll make sure you won't regret it~" You spoke as you placed your hands on his thighs to lift yourself up. Hitoshi placed his hands on either side of your waist helping guide you as you sat back down on his cock.
"Fuck~" Hitoshi let out a loud moan that filled the room as your walls stretched around him and you sat back on his lap- cock fully inside.
You placed a gentle kiss on his lips, "You want me to move right little mockingbird~?" You asked.
Hitoshi nodded eyes half-lidded filled with lust.
"What happened to wanting to get to know me first hmm?" You mocked him.
Hitoshi's eyes widened as he took in your teasing expression. You had him and now you were playing with him. His eyes said it all as they silently begged you to move.
"Come on then- tell me, what do you want? Did I break you that easily?" You asked, a twisted grin growing on your face.
"Move- please move~" He begged giving in to your taunts. You had him, and he knew he had no other option than to concede. He couldn't remember a time he had ever felt so dominated in his life.
You smiled down at him, "Again- I didn't hear you."
"Please- fuck yourself on my cock," He spoke again.
Boys are so easy.
Taking mercy on him you began to bounce slowly on his cock. The pleasure that erupted on Hitoshi's face was unmistakable.
"Such a good boy~" You taunted as you picked up the pace causing Hitoshi's moans to increase.
"Fuck- mm~" He mewled out.
Your pace did not let up or give Hitoshi any time to restrain himself, his end was coming near, and it was clear from the flushness of his face. The way you took complete charge of him- and the lewd sounds that echoed through the room were doing him in.
You bounced up and down further observing the increasingly euphoric look on his face.
"Shinso brainwash me~" You called out as you continued to bounce up and down on his shaft.
"What?!" His eyes snapped open.
"Brainwash me~ I want to cum with you~" You pleaded.
"Mm~ no~" he moaned out during your thrusts.
You slowed down your pace to make your case, "Please I want to cum with you- I can see you're almost there,"
"No," he said stubbornly, logic running through his brain for the first time since you sat in his lap for the night.
"Please I want my walls to squeeze you as you cum inside~ you have my consent~ brainwash me~" You continued to make your case as you slide down once more from his tip to his base.
"Fuck~" He sang out frustrated... His eyes searched yours. You were serious, there was no question about it. Hitoshi had his reservations about misusing his quirk but-
"You want to cum?" He asked you.
Your eyes locked onto his as an excited smile spread across your face, "Yes." You answered him, allowing his quirk to activate.
Hitoshi closed his eyes and allowed his end to come, simultaneously you felt a rush of pleasure ring through your body more intense than you had ever felt before- it put every vibrator you had to shame as you were forced to cum by his quirk.
Your walls squeezed around him as his release filled you.
"Holy shit~" You sang out and collapsed onto him, resting your head on his shoulder. "You have the best quirk for sex general studies~" You declared.
Hitoshi inhaled deeply, trying to catch his own breath- maybe he should have been using his quirk for sex he realized.
Catching your breath. you smiled up at him, "Tell me~ what do you need to get ready again? Some juice- water?"
"What?" Hitoshi asked breathlessly.
"Oh, don't get mistaken now- I'm not done with you." You smiled and moved your lips to ears once more to whisper, "You're fun I like you- so you're in for a long night~"
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee
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Shinso surprising you for International Women’s Day with some nice somnophilla.
It had been a kink that you had wanted to explore for a while but Shinso had felt a bit nervous about it because explicit consent from you every time you two had sex was very important to him with his quirk.
To your delight you stirred awake from Shinso pushing your panties aside and slowly warming you up and preparing you to take his hard cock.
Feigning sleep up until he sunk himself into your wet folds as you moaned from the sensation as his sinewy body pressed against your back. Shinso’s strong hands gripped your hips as he tilted your body in a way that took him better.
“Good morning kitten.” He said simply with a small smirk before he wrecked you in the best way possible.
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nasty-quillz · 9 months
Aiza/Shin/Han: Enchanted Fleshlight
....I found this in my notebook y'all. I don't remember what I was doing or how it was suppose to end, but I do no it had to be during one of my dark content kicks.
Premise: Y/n and Shinso adopted by Aizawa. Aizawa using Quirked Fleshlight to fuck you in class while you do group work with Sero and Shinso. Pseudo incest and public sex/voyeurism.(Cant remember if I made AU a College or not, but everyone is 18+)
Aizawa Sensei is a bastard. Hundred percent  an absolute bastard.
Because as he sits at his desk, droning on about the day's classwork, you feel the thick head of his dick nudging at your entrance.
He has the nerve to lean his face on one hand as if he’s tired, while the other one is no doubt teasing the enchanted fleshlight you got him, under his desk.
He paired you off for group projects and you remained in your seat, with shaking legs as Hitoshi and Hanta moved to your desk., with their chairs.
“Hey Y/n! You ready for this project,” Hanta asked as he sat in his chair backwards.
“I hope so. If we tank this, Sensei is gonna take it outta my ass in training,” Hitoshi smirks at you as he says it, knowing you’re aware of exactly how.
Just as you go to say you got them, Aizawa chose that moment to push into the gushy hold of the fleshlight, punching the air out of your lungs. Hanta and Hitoshi looked at you, but went back to sketching out ideas.
You tried to give an air of attentiveness, but you look over to where the yellow sleeping bag peaks out behind his desk and gives away nothing. You clenched your jaw at the pleasure of his minute thrusting, pussy spasming around him.
“Fuck.” The whimper is whispered as it drags its way from behind your teeth. Sensei always filled you so good and it made  you adjust yourself in your seat..
You were pulled from your distraction by Hitoshi and Hanta.
“Okay so our Designated villain is… Bakugo.”
You groaned. “Come the fuck on.” 
“Yep,” Hitoshi said, popping the “P”.
“”How the fuck am I meant to paralyze when he moves that fast?!”
Hanta pats your shoulder. “It’s ok, we can take him.”
You nodded, “Okay show me the plan.”
For the next several minutes you fall into your classwork and the thrumming feeling of Aizawa’s become a pleasant background feeling when you’d periodically clench around him. Your panties were soaked and you knew there’d be a wet spot if you stood up.
When Hanta was distracted talking to Hitoshi, you rocked your hips forward in your seat, forcing him deeper into your sloppy hole. Aizawa twitched minutely behind his desk and you bite your lip and exhale through your nose. You thought it went unnoticed, but Hanta turned to look at you.
You okay, Y/n?” 
You opened your mouth to answer, but Hitoshi’s phone went off. You watched as he looked at it and thin purple eyebrows raised to his hairline as he smirked over at you.
It didn’t slip past Hanta. 
“Shinsou, Buddy what’s up?”
Hitoshi started chuckling and you could tell from the look in his eyes you were fucked.
He glances at Hanta, “You wanna have some fun Sero?”
Sero looked at his friend interest piqued. “Yeah?”
Hitoshi looked back at you and Hanta followed.
Without any warning Aizawa started beating your shit up. 
His fist moved the pocket pussy roughly across his dick and the feeling made your eyes cross as your hands scramble to grip onto the desk
You were so wet that you could hear the gooey sound of your pussy in the loud din of talking from the rest of your friends. 
That fact stood for your two friends sitting with you as well, unfortunately.
“Holy shit,” came the lanky boy’s disbelieving whisper.
“How’s Daddy feel, Babygirl,” Hitoshi asked, chuckling at your distressed pleasure.
You glared at him, but it failed when Aizawa hit the spot that made your mouth drop open in a silent moan. “Nii-san, he feels so fucking good,” you whispered, gasping into your hand to muffle it.
Hitoshi looked at Hanta. “Look at my pretty lil’ sister enjoying using her pussy. Bet it’s real slick from getting fucked in front of our whole class.”
You shuddered, hating how your foster brother knew how much of an exhibitionist you were.
“I mean look at Sero. He’s rock hard just watching you fall apart on Daddy’s dick. Bet he’d nut right here if he saw the way it’s hollowing your pussy out. Just slick dripping walls twitching around the fat dripping shape of his dick.”
Hanta groaned, feeling his own dick twitch in his pants. “Fuckin’ Hell, Shinsou.” He pressed the heel of his pal  against his straining erection. “You’re fucking filthy.”
He just grinned that demented smile, as he slipped his hand under the desk. Strong calloused digits ran up bronzed thighs as you spread them.  He slipped them into your soaked panties and slicked his fingers in your mess.
He never took his eyes off of Hanta. “So what do you say, Sero? Don’t you wanna know what she look like creaming on Daddy’s dick.?” 
Just as Hitoshi asked the question, his phone screen lit up with a single word.
Hitoshi answers on his  headphones and listened briefly before taking out one earbud and passing it to Hanta.
The taller young man took it. “H—Hello?”
“Hanta.” Aizawa’s sex voice is something that is long imagined amongst their class in the late hours of the night, but hearing it made him whimper. 
“Yes Sir?”
“You want a taste of my Babygirl, I’ve seen how you look at her..” In the background the slick sound of Aizawa fucking the fake pussy could be heard. It sent a thrill down his spine.
“Watch Hitoshi and I get her off, and You can have all the fun you want.”
Hanta’s breath hitched as he thought of you on your knees in front of him, balls in your mouth and cum on your face.
“Yes Sir.”
“Good boy.”
Hanta’s dick jumped in his pants at the man’s words and his mind reeled with thoughts of getting the man to praise him again.
Shinsou's devious grin interrupted his train of thought.
“Let’s get this show started.”
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perfectly-unsad · 2 years
Mind and Body {Part 1}
Pairings - fem!reader x villain!Shinsou
Warnings - 18+ kidnapping, mind control / brainwashing, light bondage, Shinsou is crazy/creepy and a little cocky, dub con but no sex, choking
Word count - 2.6k
Important - for context, reader has a demon quirk which is seen quite negatively similar to Shinsous quirk, reader graduated UA last year (one year behind Shinsou) and works with Hawks, reader is very close with Aizawa
A/n - I’m still working on the Why Not Me/Aki part 2, hopefully it’ll be finished sometime next week, along with part 2 of this fic (which is going to be almost all smut, so I hope someone is excited for that!)
"I... I barely recognised you..." Your voice was quiet despite how your chest heaved for air in your panicked state, you had woken up in a dark room, from what felt like a hazy dream. Your hands were bound uncomfortably by some kind of cloth behind the back of the chair, your ankles and knees bound to the legs of the chair. Adrenaline pumped through your body when you realised something beyond your perception was stopping you from using your quirk, leaving you at the mercy of your familiar faced kidnapper sitting opposite you.
"What is it about me that has changed beyond recognition?" His voice was deep and lifeless, but there was clear intent behind his question. You looked at his face as he leaned forward in his chair, the dim bulb that barely lit up the area around it shining a gentle light on his features.
He had a number of scars littering his arms, as well as one starting at his nostril and going down his lips, ending at his chin. However, the most noticeable one was the deep scar that stretched over his right eye, his iris - once a deep and rich purple - was now a faded glassy blue. He didn't have these scars the last time you saw him nearly two years ago, but they didn't look especially fresh either which made you wonder what he had been doing since his disappearance to get them. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He teased after your long silence, although his teasing didn't feel light hearted or friendly.
You opened your mouth to respond, but closed it when you remembered the requirements to activate his quirk. He had never used it on you maliciously before, only once during a joint training session when you were a first year and he was a second year and another time to help you get to sleep when you were suffering a bout of insomnia. Despite this, you hesitated to answer him. "Oh, you're worried about my quirk, right?" Another trap. You wouldn't fall for it. Your silence following his question illicited a mildly amused exhale from his nose. "You know, I've been working on my quirk a lot since we last saw each other. I've improved it, significantly." You wondered if that had anything to do with how he got his scars. "Beyond what you already know, my quirk has become something much more. I can change you, passively, no more need for questions and answers. I just needed you to look at me." Once he explained this you immediately dropped your gaze to the floor. "No use looking away now, my quirk is already taking effect." He added, leaning back into his chair and covering his face in the shadows beyond the lights touch.
"Why can't I use my quirk? Is that you too?" You finally asked, wriggling your hands in their bindings in an attempt to escape.
"No, that's not me. That's one of my colleagues, his quirk is similar to Mr Aizawas, except he doesn't need to be looking directly at you." He answered in his gruff voice.
"Why am I here?" You asked, still unsure of whether you could look up at him or not. He let out a deep sigh at your question.
"I want you to help me. I'd prefer you did so willingly, but my quirk will be influencing you regardless… You may find yourself feeling more docile towards me." He almost sounded disappointed at that last part.
"Help with what?" You questioned hesitantly, building the courage to glance at his shoes.
"I want to fix this world. Heroes these days are so corrupt, egotists filled with narcissism and greed. They help those who are worth helping, fuck everyone else. That's not a real hero, wouldn't you agree?" You could feel his gaze on you as the bindings on your limbs tightened when his frustration grew, only now did you realise he must be using the binding cloth he got from Aizawa.
"What are you talking about?" You protested, trying to buy time as you continued to attempt to break free from your restraints.
"How the heroes and everyone else treat those of us that were born with what they deem to be villainous quirks. Don't act like it didn't happen to you with your demon quirk, I saw it for myself, just like how it happened to me." His tone was bitter and resentful, you could feel the contempt seething through his words, which weren't lies. It had been hard for you, especially at first, to be seen as a hero with a demon quirk, something inherently evil. "Heroes aren't heroes anymore. Who do you think did this to me." He gestured to himself, implying that heroes had given him the scars on his face and body.
In that moment you felt a rush of sympathy and affection for him, your intense feelings startled you once you realised them. Was this his quirk taking over your mind? You couldn't be sure what feelings were real and what were forced, and he seemed to enjoy your internal conflict. You tried to refocus on what he was saying, having slight trouble recalling his words. Heroes had left him scarred? That didn't make any sense, the last thing you heard about him he had secured a position in a hero agency. Why would other heroes-
"They did it because apparently my presence was giving their agency a bad name. They must have thought they could use me at first, but when the public found out about the details of my quirk they quickly lost support. Low ratings means less money." He interrupted your thoughts as if he had read your mind, something that could be entirely possible for him given the advancement of his quirk. "Think about what I've told you..." He took in a deep breath, standing up from his chair. "Think about what I've said so far, I haven't lied about anything."
"But, why me?" You asked quietly, looking at the ground in front of his feet. When he suddenly kneeled in front of you, you recoiled back slightly, staring at him with frightened eyes. You noticed his jaw tighten and a darkness you had never seen in him before wash over his gaze for just a brief second.
"Because you know what it's like to be discriminated against because of your quirk." He explained, his eyes now staring at you with a fierce intensity. He moved a hand to touch your knee "And also, you're-" but hesitated and pulled his hand back, as if he didn't trust himself to touch you. "I'm not a violent man, you know. For the longest time I wanted to use my quirk to help people, but if all they'll see me as is a villain then..." His eyes had wandered to your legs as he spoke, when he brought them back up to your eyes and saw the frightened look on your face he pulled himself away and turned his back to you in an attempt to clear his thoughts.
"Toshi, its not too late to fix this. If you let me go, you can still be a hero." You pleaded with him desperately, his affectionate nickname from high school slipping out of your mouth, or perhaps it wasn't a mistake and his quirk was influencing your feelings and behaviour? Either way, it was a bleak reminder of how close you two had been during your school years before he disappeared shortly after graduating from UA and starting as a sidekick.
"I haven't been called that name for a long time." Was all he could reply, seemingly not having heard a single word that came out of your mouth after you called him by his old nickname. He turned back around to look into your big doe eyes as you waited for a better response, but he just stared at you for a moment. "I won't force myself on you," this comment took you by surprise, it was something that hadn't crossed your mind until he said it and it made the adrenaline in your body tighten all your muscles knowing it was something on his mind "but its very hard to control myself when you look at me like that."
You opened your mouth to say something but no words came out and you quickly averted your gaze back to the floor. "Are you scared of me?" His voice sounded hurt and discouraged, like a child asking its parent if they were disappointed.
"N-no, I was just surprised-" You stuttered, doing a terrible job of lying. Of course you were scared of him, he had kidnapped you using the brainwashing aspect of his quirk after tricking you using a voice changer while you were walking home. He had tied you up in some weird, creepy, dark basement-like room and his behaviour alone seemed erratic and terrifying. Of course you were scared, and he knew it.
"Don't." His voice was deep, now full of a low threatening anger. "Don't lie to me. This won't work if you lie to me. I have to be able to trust you."
"Toshi, please stop." You whimpered, hanging your head to look at your lap while tears filled your eyes. "Yes, I'm scared. I don't know where I am and you're... you're not who I remember." You couldn't hold back your tears as you spoke, your voice trembling while you sobbed.
"I won't hurt you." His voice soothed as he moved closer to you, lifting your head by placing a finger under your chin to make eye contact with him. "I won't do anything to you until you're begging me to." Despite the malice of his words, his voice was comforting and soft as he used his thumb to wipe away the tears on your cheek. As you gazed into his eyes you felt a tightness in your chest, as if your heart had just beat harder than it ever has before.
His features softened as he looked down at you and, willingly or not, it made your heart melt. It was like looking into the past and seeing the old Shinsou, the sweet guy from high school that helped you train and study, your friend that you could always rely on and talk to, the one who you trusted to sleep in your dorm with you when you found it difficult to sleep on your own without anything happening. Here that guy was again. Standing in front of you.
"Toshi..." Your voice was soft and pleading, his touch on your chin was so gentle and comforting. You closed your eyes tightly, pulling your head out of his grasp. For a moment there, when you were looking into his eyes, you had forgotten where you were, why you were there, what Hitoshi had done. Your mind forcibly made you remember the truth behind this situation, and disgust filled your body.
His quirk was taking hold and severely limiting your memory and situational awareness. All you wanted was him, it was all consuming. To be close to him. To hold him. To stay by-
No! Your jaw clenched painfully as you tried to fight your own mind. You couldn't let him take control of you if you wanted to escape. How long had you even been unconscious before waking up? Surely the heroes were looking for you by now, you just had to hold on until help arrives.
"There's no need to fight yourself so hard. Be a good girl for me, angel." An ironic nickname given to you in high school considering your quirk. He tried to cup your face in his palm to comfort you, but you shook off his touch frantically.
"Don't! Don't touch me!" You shouted, an unimpressed and impatient frown plastered across his face at your disobedience.
"Silly girl." His words vibrated out of his throat in a growl, he gripped the binding cloth that rested around his neck and pulled it in various places so that it tightened around your wrists and legs. More of the cloth sprang towards you to coil around your body; your waist, your chest and your neck. It tightened around the sides of your neck and your chest, squeezing you tightly and constricting your breath.
Adrenaline flooded through your body once more, but this wasn't so much fight or flight more like... excitement. Your cheeks flushed red as you opened your mouth, breathing in what air you could while saliva spilt from your lips. "You seem to be enjoying this, what a perverted expression." He smirked, tightening the cloth further to force a whine out of your throat before it loosened and you gasped for air. "You like that, huh? Feeling this cloth tighten all over you?" His tone was mocking and cruel, but laced with a suggestive pleasure.
"N-no, you're wrong." You stuttered, avoiding his taunting expressing and keeping your eyes fixed on your lap as you took in deep breaths.
"I don't think so, angel. Let's check." With nimble hand movements, he used two pieces of the cloth to wrap tightly around your thighs and spread your legs apart. You had picked a bad day to wear a skirt.
"Stop it, Toshi! You said you wouldn't!" You pleaded, shutting your eyes, too embarassed to watch him looking over you in this position.
"I said I wouldn't touch you, and I'm not." He waved his hands in the air to accentuate his point, the cloth staying in place even when he let go, not that you saw any of this with your eyes closed.
You felt a hard pulsing in your core as your mind submitted further to his quirk. Toshi was looking at you in such a compromising position, he wanted to see you like this, he wanted to touch you and you wanted him to touch you. You wanted him to be filled with desire for you. Your mind began to go hazy, vague memories of you touching yourself while thinking of him back in school filled your mind, whether they were real memories or memories planted by his quirk you couldn't be sure, but it just made you more and more needy for him.
His cloth rested above and below your tits, squeezing tightly to earn a whimpered cry from you while you arched your back in a surprised jolt - as much as you could against your restraints anyway.
Your eyes widened in surprise when you felt a piece of the cloth press firmly against the wet patch that had formed in your underwear. Slowly, it began to rub across the length of your slit over the thin material, when you glanced up at Toshi he was staring directly at the centre of your parted legs, mesmerised by the view.
"T-toshi, please-" The pleading whines of your voice were like music to his ears, and he cruely decided to tease you further.
"I'm sorry," He didn't sound sorry at all "I'll stop." Your body betrayed you, letting out a frustrated grunt when you felt the cloth pull away from your soaked underwear. "Hmm? If you want me to continue, you'll have to beg me." He gave you a cruel grin, but the only thing on your mind was how much you wanted him. You didn't care if you had to have him mean, or happy, or crying, or angry. You wanted him more than anything, there was nothing else your mind could focus on. There was no other option in front of you.
"Please, Toshi, please fuck me."
I felt a little bad writing this, Shinsou would never!
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