#villain shinsou
perfectly-unsad · 2 years
Mind and Body {Part 1}
Pairings - fem!reader x villain!Shinsou
Warnings - 18+ kidnapping, mind control / brainwashing, light bondage, Shinsou is crazy/creepy and a little cocky, dub con but no sex, choking
Word count - 2.6k
Important - for context, reader has a demon quirk which is seen quite negatively similar to Shinsous quirk, reader graduated UA last year (one year behind Shinsou) and works with Hawks, reader is very close with Aizawa
A/n - I’m still working on the Why Not Me/Aki part 2, hopefully it’ll be finished sometime next week, along with part 2 of this fic (which is going to be almost all smut, so I hope someone is excited for that!)
"I... I barely recognised you..." Your voice was quiet despite how your chest heaved for air in your panicked state, you had woken up in a dark room, from what felt like a hazy dream. Your hands were bound uncomfortably by some kind of cloth behind the back of the chair, your ankles and knees bound to the legs of the chair. Adrenaline pumped through your body when you realised something beyond your perception was stopping you from using your quirk, leaving you at the mercy of your familiar faced kidnapper sitting opposite you.
"What is it about me that has changed beyond recognition?" His voice was deep and lifeless, but there was clear intent behind his question. You looked at his face as he leaned forward in his chair, the dim bulb that barely lit up the area around it shining a gentle light on his features.
He had a number of scars littering his arms, as well as one starting at his nostril and going down his lips, ending at his chin. However, the most noticeable one was the deep scar that stretched over his right eye, his iris - once a deep and rich purple - was now a faded glassy blue. He didn't have these scars the last time you saw him nearly two years ago, but they didn't look especially fresh either which made you wonder what he had been doing since his disappearance to get them. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He teased after your long silence, although his teasing didn't feel light hearted or friendly.
You opened your mouth to respond, but closed it when you remembered the requirements to activate his quirk. He had never used it on you maliciously before, only once during a joint training session when you were a first year and he was a second year and another time to help you get to sleep when you were suffering a bout of insomnia. Despite this, you hesitated to answer him. "Oh, you're worried about my quirk, right?" Another trap. You wouldn't fall for it. Your silence following his question illicited a mildly amused exhale from his nose. "You know, I've been working on my quirk a lot since we last saw each other. I've improved it, significantly." You wondered if that had anything to do with how he got his scars. "Beyond what you already know, my quirk has become something much more. I can change you, passively, no more need for questions and answers. I just needed you to look at me." Once he explained this you immediately dropped your gaze to the floor. "No use looking away now, my quirk is already taking effect." He added, leaning back into his chair and covering his face in the shadows beyond the lights touch.
"Why can't I use my quirk? Is that you too?" You finally asked, wriggling your hands in their bindings in an attempt to escape.
"No, that's not me. That's one of my colleagues, his quirk is similar to Mr Aizawas, except he doesn't need to be looking directly at you." He answered in his gruff voice.
"Why am I here?" You asked, still unsure of whether you could look up at him or not. He let out a deep sigh at your question.
"I want you to help me. I'd prefer you did so willingly, but my quirk will be influencing you regardless… You may find yourself feeling more docile towards me." He almost sounded disappointed at that last part.
"Help with what?" You questioned hesitantly, building the courage to glance at his shoes.
"I want to fix this world. Heroes these days are so corrupt, egotists filled with narcissism and greed. They help those who are worth helping, fuck everyone else. That's not a real hero, wouldn't you agree?" You could feel his gaze on you as the bindings on your limbs tightened when his frustration grew, only now did you realise he must be using the binding cloth he got from Aizawa.
"What are you talking about?" You protested, trying to buy time as you continued to attempt to break free from your restraints.
"How the heroes and everyone else treat those of us that were born with what they deem to be villainous quirks. Don't act like it didn't happen to you with your demon quirk, I saw it for myself, just like how it happened to me." His tone was bitter and resentful, you could feel the contempt seething through his words, which weren't lies. It had been hard for you, especially at first, to be seen as a hero with a demon quirk, something inherently evil. "Heroes aren't heroes anymore. Who do you think did this to me." He gestured to himself, implying that heroes had given him the scars on his face and body.
In that moment you felt a rush of sympathy and affection for him, your intense feelings startled you once you realised them. Was this his quirk taking over your mind? You couldn't be sure what feelings were real and what were forced, and he seemed to enjoy your internal conflict. You tried to refocus on what he was saying, having slight trouble recalling his words. Heroes had left him scarred? That didn't make any sense, the last thing you heard about him he had secured a position in a hero agency. Why would other heroes-
"They did it because apparently my presence was giving their agency a bad name. They must have thought they could use me at first, but when the public found out about the details of my quirk they quickly lost support. Low ratings means less money." He interrupted your thoughts as if he had read your mind, something that could be entirely possible for him given the advancement of his quirk. "Think about what I've told you..." He took in a deep breath, standing up from his chair. "Think about what I've said so far, I haven't lied about anything."
"But, why me?" You asked quietly, looking at the ground in front of his feet. When he suddenly kneeled in front of you, you recoiled back slightly, staring at him with frightened eyes. You noticed his jaw tighten and a darkness you had never seen in him before wash over his gaze for just a brief second.
"Because you know what it's like to be discriminated against because of your quirk." He explained, his eyes now staring at you with a fierce intensity. He moved a hand to touch your knee "And also, you're-" but hesitated and pulled his hand back, as if he didn't trust himself to touch you. "I'm not a violent man, you know. For the longest time I wanted to use my quirk to help people, but if all they'll see me as is a villain then..." His eyes had wandered to your legs as he spoke, when he brought them back up to your eyes and saw the frightened look on your face he pulled himself away and turned his back to you in an attempt to clear his thoughts.
"Toshi, its not too late to fix this. If you let me go, you can still be a hero." You pleaded with him desperately, his affectionate nickname from high school slipping out of your mouth, or perhaps it wasn't a mistake and his quirk was influencing your feelings and behaviour? Either way, it was a bleak reminder of how close you two had been during your school years before he disappeared shortly after graduating from UA and starting as a sidekick.
"I haven't been called that name for a long time." Was all he could reply, seemingly not having heard a single word that came out of your mouth after you called him by his old nickname. He turned back around to look into your big doe eyes as you waited for a better response, but he just stared at you for a moment. "I won't force myself on you," this comment took you by surprise, it was something that hadn't crossed your mind until he said it and it made the adrenaline in your body tighten all your muscles knowing it was something on his mind "but its very hard to control myself when you look at me like that."
You opened your mouth to say something but no words came out and you quickly averted your gaze back to the floor. "Are you scared of me?" His voice sounded hurt and discouraged, like a child asking its parent if they were disappointed.
"N-no, I was just surprised-" You stuttered, doing a terrible job of lying. Of course you were scared of him, he had kidnapped you using the brainwashing aspect of his quirk after tricking you using a voice changer while you were walking home. He had tied you up in some weird, creepy, dark basement-like room and his behaviour alone seemed erratic and terrifying. Of course you were scared, and he knew it.
"Don't." His voice was deep, now full of a low threatening anger. "Don't lie to me. This won't work if you lie to me. I have to be able to trust you."
"Toshi, please stop." You whimpered, hanging your head to look at your lap while tears filled your eyes. "Yes, I'm scared. I don't know where I am and you're... you're not who I remember." You couldn't hold back your tears as you spoke, your voice trembling while you sobbed.
"I won't hurt you." His voice soothed as he moved closer to you, lifting your head by placing a finger under your chin to make eye contact with him. "I won't do anything to you until you're begging me to." Despite the malice of his words, his voice was comforting and soft as he used his thumb to wipe away the tears on your cheek. As you gazed into his eyes you felt a tightness in your chest, as if your heart had just beat harder than it ever has before.
His features softened as he looked down at you and, willingly or not, it made your heart melt. It was like looking into the past and seeing the old Shinsou, the sweet guy from high school that helped you train and study, your friend that you could always rely on and talk to, the one who you trusted to sleep in your dorm with you when you found it difficult to sleep on your own without anything happening. Here that guy was again. Standing in front of you.
"Toshi..." Your voice was soft and pleading, his touch on your chin was so gentle and comforting. You closed your eyes tightly, pulling your head out of his grasp. For a moment there, when you were looking into his eyes, you had forgotten where you were, why you were there, what Hitoshi had done. Your mind forcibly made you remember the truth behind this situation, and disgust filled your body.
His quirk was taking hold and severely limiting your memory and situational awareness. All you wanted was him, it was all consuming. To be close to him. To hold him. To stay by-
No! Your jaw clenched painfully as you tried to fight your own mind. You couldn't let him take control of you if you wanted to escape. How long had you even been unconscious before waking up? Surely the heroes were looking for you by now, you just had to hold on until help arrives.
"There's no need to fight yourself so hard. Be a good girl for me, angel." An ironic nickname given to you in high school considering your quirk. He tried to cup your face in his palm to comfort you, but you shook off his touch frantically.
"Don't! Don't touch me!" You shouted, an unimpressed and impatient frown plastered across his face at your disobedience.
"Silly girl." His words vibrated out of his throat in a growl, he gripped the binding cloth that rested around his neck and pulled it in various places so that it tightened around your wrists and legs. More of the cloth sprang towards you to coil around your body; your waist, your chest and your neck. It tightened around the sides of your neck and your chest, squeezing you tightly and constricting your breath.
Adrenaline flooded through your body once more, but this wasn't so much fight or flight more like... excitement. Your cheeks flushed red as you opened your mouth, breathing in what air you could while saliva spilt from your lips. "You seem to be enjoying this, what a perverted expression." He smirked, tightening the cloth further to force a whine out of your throat before it loosened and you gasped for air. "You like that, huh? Feeling this cloth tighten all over you?" His tone was mocking and cruel, but laced with a suggestive pleasure.
"N-no, you're wrong." You stuttered, avoiding his taunting expressing and keeping your eyes fixed on your lap as you took in deep breaths.
"I don't think so, angel. Let's check." With nimble hand movements, he used two pieces of the cloth to wrap tightly around your thighs and spread your legs apart. You had picked a bad day to wear a skirt.
"Stop it, Toshi! You said you wouldn't!" You pleaded, shutting your eyes, too embarassed to watch him looking over you in this position.
"I said I wouldn't touch you, and I'm not." He waved his hands in the air to accentuate his point, the cloth staying in place even when he let go, not that you saw any of this with your eyes closed.
You felt a hard pulsing in your core as your mind submitted further to his quirk. Toshi was looking at you in such a compromising position, he wanted to see you like this, he wanted to touch you and you wanted him to touch you. You wanted him to be filled with desire for you. Your mind began to go hazy, vague memories of you touching yourself while thinking of him back in school filled your mind, whether they were real memories or memories planted by his quirk you couldn't be sure, but it just made you more and more needy for him.
His cloth rested above and below your tits, squeezing tightly to earn a whimpered cry from you while you arched your back in a surprised jolt - as much as you could against your restraints anyway.
Your eyes widened in surprise when you felt a piece of the cloth press firmly against the wet patch that had formed in your underwear. Slowly, it began to rub across the length of your slit over the thin material, when you glanced up at Toshi he was staring directly at the centre of your parted legs, mesmerised by the view.
"T-toshi, please-" The pleading whines of your voice were like music to his ears, and he cruely decided to tease you further.
"I'm sorry," He didn't sound sorry at all "I'll stop." Your body betrayed you, letting out a frustrated grunt when you felt the cloth pull away from your soaked underwear. "Hmm? If you want me to continue, you'll have to beg me." He gave you a cruel grin, but the only thing on your mind was how much you wanted him. You didn't care if you had to have him mean, or happy, or crying, or angry. You wanted him more than anything, there was nothing else your mind could focus on. There was no other option in front of you.
"Please, Toshi, please fuck me."
I felt a little bad writing this, Shinsou would never!
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ravenrissa · 7 months
Shinsou’s Descent
Shinsou just wants to be a hero. His Quirk is deemed villainous by almost everyone he meets, and his dreams fall short as he fails to get onto the Hero Course at U.A., forcing him to take General Studies. Despite the odds stacked against him, Shinsou is determined to become the hero he’s always dreamed of. However, after an encounter with the League of Villains and influenced by Stain’s ideals, Shinsou’s eyes are opened, and his dreams of becoming a hero twist into something darker.
He sees the dark side of heroism, and when he’s eventually given the chance to become the hero he’s always wanted to be, he’s not sure he wants it anymore. Torn between two people he cares for, a villain and a hero, Shinsou descends into an internal battle.
What is he? A hero or a villain? Or perhaps something else entirely?
Read it from the beginning here.
Read the latest chapter (113) here.
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pikaminari · 2 years
If Shinso was a villain with the LoV would Kurogiri subconsciously care for Shinso because of Shirakumo’s relationship with Aizawa?
Something Kurogiri can’t understand or put his fingers on about this kid just makes him want to take care of him. The tired bags under his eyes, his no bullshit attitude, the capture scarf, his affinity for cats, all make him feel something like nostalgia, but that doesn’t make sense.
Bonus if Shinso became a villain after UA and the inner Shirakumo recognizes that if Aizawa cared for Shinso then there must be something special about him, and he should continue filling that paternal role for Shinso in place of Aizawa.
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Anyone up for some Villain Shindeku?
Villains probably don't have a lot of dating options. Scratch that, villains definitely don't have a lot of dating options. Either they con their way into a relationship with a civilian or are forced to deal with the extremely small dating pool.
The average villain would have to cut out the weirdo freaks and serial killers only shortening the list of candidates. After all revenge villains were never too fond of traffickers or killers. not many other villains were.
Suffice to say the problem wasn't finding someone as crazy as them, the problem was finding their own brand of crazy to match.
So when a tired rugged-looking Mirage walked into the bar Izuku was bartending at for a friend he jumped make his move.
Mirage was definitely a villain right up Izuku's alley. He had a record similar to Izuku's, he was known to step in on any kind of abuse situation. They has similar fighting styles. The quirk he was rumored to have was one the would have brought a plethora of quirk discrimination with it he would understand. He was tall and had these light purple eyes that filled into this gray and god he was handsome-
To top it all off he was said to play and games of cat and mouse with underground heroes. One of Izuku's favorite things. Mirage was a catch and Izuku would be damned if he let this fish slip away.
"Rough night?" He asked
Mirage let out a huff, "Something like that. Give me a Mimosa."
"On it!" And if Izuku slipped his number to the worn-out villain with the message 'call me ❤ -Deku" to boot Izuku didn't see the harm.
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potato-mother · 2 years
Freelance villain Shinsou is ruthless, untamed, and merciless. But when his favorite shitposter updates, he doesn’t hesitate to check his feed.
We love falling asleep on the train and getting dropped off at the wrong station =D Even better, it’s in a part of town that screams “Come here if you have a knife kink”. If I don’t post again, y’all know what happened lol. someone pls find a way to delete this blog if I die, my mom doesn’t need to see the shit on here
Shinsou shook his head, stuffing the phone back into his pocket and leaping off of the roof. A part of him twinged at the thought of something happening to them, but he brushed it off. If some of what they post was any indicator, SmallMight could hold their own in a fight. At least enough to get out of any sour situations. Plus, this person definitely was smart enough to avoid anything too bad. They’d be fine.
His phone buzzed again on his way back to his hideout. After arriving and kicking off his boots, another vibration sent him over to his desktop to see what SmallMight had gotten up to in the few minutes it had taken him to return home.
I’m like 90% sure that I just passed a crime scene but I didn’t want to stop and check cuz that would mean I’d have to call the police and wait for them, and that sounds for sure like a death sentence.
Shinsou scoffed, picking up the fast-food cup next to his computer and taking a long sip as he scrolled to the next post.
Upside to all of this, look at the photo I was able to get! Who said having an editing app on my phone was a waste? I was able to enhance and retouch this while walking!
Shinsou expanded the image and immediately started choking on his drink.
It was him. Like, him inside of his costume and covered in blood. It was definitely from when he’d started making his way back home, but he had no idea when exactly it could have been.
Admittedly, it was an amazing picture. You could see the detailing on his clothes and the parts of his face that were visible. His eyes looked like they were glowing, brightly standing out from the backlighting he was getting from the starry sky behind him.
He shook his head to clear the thought away, immediately opening up the comments and frantically typing out a message.
The comment was up for only ten seconds before he saw it get deleted. Desperately, Shinsou started typing something else out when the bell icon in the upper corner turned red with a message. He grudgingly clicked it, seeing the notification “SmallMight420 now follows you!” Followed immediately by the notification “SmallMight420 would like to open messaging with you. Accept?” he confirmed the request and opened his messages.
SmallMight420: How tf do you know where I am? Also, you spelled pictures wrong.
Shinsou took to his frantic typing once more.
SmallMight420: I’m fine, I’m concerned with the fact that you seem to have access to my location. Yours being something that I could easily find. I’ll kindly ask you to fuck off with that, because believe me when I say there is a lot more I can do to you than you can do to me.
Without thinking, Shinsou furiously sent a response.
There was a long pause after he sent the message and he realized what exactly it was he sent.
FuckyHead: Shit. I shouldn’t have said that.
SmallMight’s response suddenly popped through.
FuckyHead: … I literally caused the crime scene that you passed by
SmallMight420: Yeah, but you have this whole ideology thing that I like 100% agree with, at least what I’ve heard. I mean, I’m not really on board with the whole murder part, but I still think you’re right
FuckyHead: I’m flattered???? That doesn’t really matter tho, GET OUT OF HERE, HOW FAR ARE YOU FROM HOME?????
SmallMight420: I don’t live close to here at all lol. The train from this city just doesn’t go back to where I live at this time of night so I need to go to one of the neighboring towns
Shinsou leaned back in his seat, running a hand down his face. He was mulling over a very bad idea in his head, one that would not end well in any situation he could come up with. Yet, he found himself typing again.
FuckyHead: You said you could find my location?
SmallMight: Uh, yeah? But forgive me if I don’t want to go to the residence of a known killer. No hate, just don’t think it’d be a good idea
FuckyHead: In exchange for you not revealing where my base is, I’ll take you to the station
SmallMight hesitated again. Shinsou couldn’t blame them, it sounded like a complete trap. He wasn’t expecting the other person to accept, and he didn’t understand why he wanted them to. Sure, he found their page entertaining, but that shouldn’t have meant that he’d be willing to risk so much for them. Yet, he let out a sigh of relief when their answer finally came up.
SmallMight: I just set up something that will mass-post your base’s location in exactly one hour. Only way for it to be stopped is for ME to turn it off. Hurt me, and your little hideout is getting reported to all the pros in the surrounding 3 cities. I’m at the corner of 5th and Oak <3
An excerpt from my fic “Midnight Stroll” on Ao3! If you’re interested, check out the link <3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/38579550/chapters/96436455 
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ao3-fanfics-recs · 2 years
Fanfic Rec: Shadows: The Horror Movie Heroes
Rating: Teen and Up
Archive warning: No archive warnings apply
Category: Multi
Characters/Pairings: Gran Torino/Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi
Summary: Izuku Midoriya and Hitoshi Shinso are never going to be the kind of heroes that make civilains think ‘oh, thank god we’re saved,’ when they arrive at the scene. There's too much prejudice against them, so a kid with a villain quirk and one with no quirk at all are never going to be able to inspire that sort of trust.
So instead of becoming heroes that bring hope, they decide to become the next best thing.
The kind of heroes that make villains think, ‘oh, fuck, we’re screwed.
Read on Ao3
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gradelstuff · 2 months
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My Hero Academia - Art Card Collection Vol. 1 from Jump Shop Online (2024)
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mha-quotes-and-such · 5 months
Midoriya: You’re like... like... the human incarnation of crumbs in the bed! Shinsou: Really? THATS the best insult you- Toga: THAT’S SO MEAN OF YOU HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT Shinsou: Never mind I guess that works
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flamingtouya · 9 months
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some hori sketches from volume 38
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krystalight · 9 months
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A fanart cover of the fanfic 'To Cross the Line' by JustaPerson1
It's a great story, really loved it!
Here's the link to the fic if you want to read it:
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stargirlie25 · 14 days
He looks fucking insane...i love it
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ravenrissa · 1 year
Shinsou’s Descent Chapt 109
Kaminari and Dabi follow the tracker to discover Shinsou's location, and that the situation he's in is far more complicated than they were expecting.
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codenamesazanka · 10 days
Shigaraki/Tenko wanting to destroy the false sense of peace All Might and Heroes created
Shigaraki/Tenko wanting to destroy everything that lead to the existence of that house, which he conceptualizes as the embodiment of rejection and injustice in the world. Be a Hero for the Villains.
AFO basically literally created that house
Shigaraki/Tenko helps defeat AFO
Deku telling him 'you already destroyed it' is... apparently Shigaraki/Tenko having finally gotten rid of the true cause of (his) rejection and injustice? main antagonist's big problem that represents an overarching major issue of the story/in-universe society... solved? (main antagonist's big problem that represents an overarching major issue of the story/in-universe society not actually being the problem he thought it was but now also solved?)
No longer a need for there to be a Hero for the Villains, Shigaraki/Tenko dies.
Heroes not to be blamed in the first place. also fuck everyone else and all other 'actual' outcasts I guess.
#i understand that Tenko not having 'supposed' to be rejected doesn't mean the rejection didn't occur for the other League members#but taking that away from Tenko/Shigaraki - leader of the League of Villains - wanting to be their champion#symbolically being their collective grievances and wills condensed into one#taking that away makes the story a lot weaker#GOD what happened#nalslastworkingbraincell#honestly making everything AFO's fault#and making Tenko's main issue being his despair toward himself (created by AFO)#allowed for the (seemingly for now) clean resolution of 'get rid of the both of them' possible#It's AFO's fault? Kill him! Problem solved#Tenko's issue not actually *harm caused by other (non-AFO) people* but instead *harm caused by his self-conceptualization/his own self*?#Tenko's projecting his own self-loathing and anger onto the world and causing trouble for everyone and making his crusade meaningless?#let him die too. Pity but problem solved!#AFO gave him the specific quirk that was Decay because it was such a brutal and deadly quirk that would guarantee rejection#you cannot tell me he could've been fine after manifesting Decay if only AFO wasn't there to tell him he has an innate need to destroy#not after what we've seen of Shinsou and Toga#other 'normal' people would not have let him live a normal life#that *is* also very much a problem that should be addressed#but it was AFO who gave him Decay and Decay was also actually not naturally existing#so everything's fine! no changes for anyone!#all this could've been saved if this was transferred to AFO - AFO also seen as a victim of societal apathy#especially since he was BORN A TRASH RIVER RAT ORPHAN#but he's just a lonely guy who was too unpleasant to form real relationships#so. only real issue Hero Society ever had that needed to be addressed was civilians being too hard on Heroes#gotta love them more and demand less of them#yippee
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wizzidoodles · 1 month
I know it’s pretty much decided among the fandom that Shinso is in foster care
But imagine we all get a random backstory and his dad is this mf
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amive2567 · 1 year
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Ingredients: Shoto Todoroki x gn!Reader, Izuku Midoriya x gn!Reader, Hitoshi Shinsou x gn!Reader
Contains: violence, mention of murder, mention of Stockholm syndrome, illegal gambling, just illegal stuff; don't take notes kiddos, yandere behavior
Type of order: macarons (headcanons), galaxy milkshake (au/ villain Au)
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Hitoshi Shinsou:
He's a bounty hunter on the run, but also kinda like robin hood
He killed the rich/villains in the way and gave his money to you or donation organizations
He is always on the run, so he can’t spend his time with you
He doesn't want you to know about his doings, but he always keeps you safe from everyone that wanted to hurt you
Tbh he hid in the dark and snatched those “not so good” people away from you
He works together with the Kurogiri
His mind control was pretty helpful
Winning their trust, controlling them, and boom dead
At the end of the day, he made a lot of money and he would gladly spend it on you
With that, you could live a lavish life
He may be always on the run, but he still visits you about 5 times a week, always in another disguise
He came in for cuddles, dinner dates, or gaming nights
You knew that bringing up his work would only cause arguments, so you just rolled with it
He would kill everyone if it meant keeping you safe and sound
You are the most precious thing in his life
You are the only one who sees him vulnerable
As long as he is by your side, nothing will ever happen to you
 Shoto Todoroki:
A corrupted speculator, he started in high school and gambled with the money he stole from his dad. 
Online, of course.
He always wins and people were are by his skills
Never lost a bet and earned an immense sum of money
If he won his conqueror would never be seen again
He spends a lot of his money on you, to get you little gifts or flowers
You knew what he does as an earning and you understand it somehow, even though you were anxious at first
but he will protect you at all costs, even if it meant to freeze someone to death
Even though he loved his job, he loved you more, so he spend as much time with you as he could
even though he is feared by most, he is pretty clingy and sweet when he's with you
His job wasn’t always as fun as it sounds, he had to deal with death wishes and gang fights
Due to these circumstances, you had to move now and then
But you didn’t care, you would go everywhere he goes
Izuku Midoriya:
After all, might told him he can't be a hero, he wanted to full fill Akatsuki's dream and jump off the school, but he thought about it one last time
Rage filled him and as he turned around from the building he ran in one for all
OfA gave him a powerful quirk to help him to tear down the hero-society
He wants to have everything under control
He always got ruled over by everyone, and now he rules over everyone 
Only kills heroes with bad intentions like endeavor and other fame-hungry heroes
Has an All might hate page, because he crushed his dreams
He helps ofa as a double agent, he feels like he needs to pay him back
Izuku is a Yandere you are his obsession and no one can have you except for him
You can't escape 
He will give you everything to satisfy you 
Loves you deeply and adores you to the core 
If someone harms you he will go feral and extremely protective of you 
He creates a sort of Mafia to get the hero-society down 
Will fulfill all your needs 
New car? No problem 
Traveling to Hawaii? He will book the best flight 
If the member of the Mafia take a wrong look at you, they are instantly dead, shot in the head in the center hallway of the Mafia 
He will take revenge if someone does him wrong 
You are the only person to see his caring side 
He loves you and you learned to love him to (thanks stockholm syndrome)

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Could we have headcannon for Izuku having a cat quirk?
I see you like dadzawa /hj
No, but dudeee, izuku is feral in his own right, add that with the chaos of a cat😭😭😭 doom. Doom to all that befall izuku’s wrath
Fuck those who befall izuku’s wrath though, because my son doesn’t even get mad easily, and when he does it’s justified
Get angry at kaachan, izuku. Do it. You know you wanna.
Okay though, so I wasn’t sure if you wanted where like,,, he can shape shift into a cat or he has like,, cat senses, but I’m going to go with cat shape shifting and when he’s in human form he still has some cat like reflexes? Like heightened hearing, always landing on his feet, and such!
I just think it’s kind of funny to imagine someone (we all know who) pushing izuku off a tall place and him just landing in his feet like nothing happened. Like, it’s horrible, but also just izuku being unbothered is so personal to me
Just, chaos going on around him and he’s just like, “oh, are you okay?”
Or even better, as a kid, he’s climbing a tree and falls out, scaring inko half to death, and he just lands perfectly on his feet or in place where he was about to land is a little cat, and both of them are like ?????
What type of cat do you think he’d be? Like, would he still have green fur/hair? Or would he be some type of regular house cat? I’m low key leaning towards green little cat because that’s adorable, but it’s up to you, really!
But I imagine izuku shifts into cat form a lot to get away from bullies and to sneak closer to villain/hero fights.
Is koda able to control izuku when he is in cat form????????
Shinsou “I’m not here to make friends” hitoshi
Izuku “I can shift into a cat and I think your quirk is incredible”Midoriya
Shinsou: ….
Shinsou: if anything happened to Midoriya, I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Mic takes so many pictures. So many. So does Aizawa, but he won’t admit that. Bastard.
He 10000% uses his smaller form as a cat to sneak out of U.A. for his. Unadvised adventures.
One time when Aizawa was sleep deprived and checking in on class a in the middle of the night, he spots izuku sneaking out in his cat form and doesn’t connect that the cat is his problem child, so he takes the cat up to his and mic’s apartment
He doesn’t realize it’s izuku until the next morning when mic is like, “was Midoriya trying to sneak out again?” Aizawa is confused, and then he remembers. And then he realizes.
And then izuku gets scolded :(
I once read a fic where izuku got turned into a cat due to some quirk, and bakugou was being mean to Shouto and he just did the cat thing where they stare at you while pushing your glass/mug/something off the table, and it was so important to me
But like. Imagine him doing that 😭
Imagine he gets found roaming around by the league and they don’t know it’s izuku at first, but toga decides that he’s adorable and she wants to keep him. So he’s like, okay, I can gather information I guess??????
And then he just like,,, completely fucks with them??
Like, shiggy is gaming and he just sits on the controller or computer keyboard or whatever
And shiggy is considering designating this goddamn cat, but toga would probably kill him if he did that
He helps Eri calm down from her panic attacks/ptsd by shifting into his cat form and sitting with her! Sometimes she prefers if he helps her in his human form, but she also loves running after cat izuku
Mina 1000% sets up a social media page for the cat hero. Not his hero profile. Just a profile for him as a cat. No one knows it’s even a human with a quirk. They’re all just like, damn, U.A. Has a pet cat
Izuku is very affronted by this at first, but accepts that it’ll probably help his cover once he does go pro
He 10000% made a hairball for overhaul to find later on. He fits as many, “fuck you’s” to overhaul as he can
As he should
Likes to fuck with endeavor the same way.
Has 1000% chewed/scratched holes in endeavor’s clothes
Shouto was so proud.
I already say that he’s a vent gremlin, but imagine bent gremlin izuku with a cat quirk😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
U.A. Is not safe
Was it ever?
But nezu finds it rather fun to try and determine where izuku will pop up next
Nothing will be happening, and all of a sudden, there is a cat falling out of a vent and everyone is screaming
Nezu sips on his tea and smiles
Aizawa is totally not itching to pet the little cat whenever he sees him. Not at all. Nope. He would never.
He succumbs to petting the cat once he finds that it calms izuku down sometimes.
He’s not happy about it though!
If you pulled down his capture scarf you totally wouldn’t see him smiling!!!!
No matter what hizashi or nemuri tell you!!!
If stain had control over izuku while he was in cat form and was making him stay still, if koda was also there, would he be able to override stains blood control????
Monoma finds himself petting a cat one afternoon and is surprised that the cat is acting like he understands him. It isn’t until izuku shifts back into his human form and starts talking back to Monoma that he understands.
He also freaks the fuck out.
But izuku nerds out about Monoma’s quirk and he’s suddenly pulling a Shouto and a shinsou with the whole “I’ve only had Midoriya for ______, but if anything ever happened to him I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself”
Shouto, shinsou, and Monoma are the trio who, “didn’t come here to make friends/didn’t want to be friends with class a bastards-“ and then they talked with izuku and suddenly they’re best friends, and this is something I hold very dear
I HOPE YOU LIKED THISSSS!! I’m so sorry it took so long 😅😅😅 my mental health was absolute shit and I had a lot of homework💀 I know this wasn’t super long, so sorry about that too 😅😅 I still hope you like though!!!! Thank you for the ask!!
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