#hope it was worth the wait for this Anubis!
abyssusinvo · 2 years
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 kinky/rough smut prompts - closed
@ikkaku-of-heart​ asked: [ bathe ] — my muse fucks your muse in the bath/shower (for Drake)
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Stretching sore muscles Drake winced as the action only served to pull at the scratches he knew lay scattered across his broad shoulders. The naked woman sleeping soundly beside him is the sole culprit, not that he minded carrying such trophies for a bit longer. Huffing to himself he lurches forward to stand up, his baked skin prickling with the cooler air of the hotel room now that he wasn't sharing lovely body heat beneath and on top of the tousled sheets.
He takes one last glance behind him at the sleeping beauty nuzzling herself deeper into the depression he left behind with the thought that he probably wouldn't be seeing her for a while yet. Unbeknownst to him however, an eye cracks open to behold the delicious sight moving away to the bathroom, thoroughly checking out the firm muscle of those glutes before letting deviously greedy ideas cloud her thoughts.
Twisting the knob for hot water to come gushing forth, Drake pauses a moment to test the stream of water occasionally until it is at the appropriately steaming temperature desired. Sliding the frosted glass door open, he slips through to groan in satisfaction at the soothing heat already melting away the tensions of yesterday from his muscles. The slight sting to his wounds are negligible compared to such bliss.
It isn't until he picks up a bar of soap that smelt pleasantly of a maplewood forest that he sees a dark silhouette saunter up the shower stall before the figure he'd assumed to go on her marry way slipped through to wrap arms around his middle with hands already beginning their naughty exploration of his lower abs as fingers playfully brush through his happy trail. The shower door is pushed shut by a foot almost in afterthought as Drake feels the engineer pull her front half off of him to the chagrin of removing her supple assets from his form.
" I would've thought you'd have left by now, miss Ikkaku."
A feminine giggle greats his words and then there is a pause.
" We goin' by 'miss' again Drake? Such a quick mood shift from callin' me your breeding bitch last night."
A bolt of heat is shot down his core at the sultry reminder purred into his back, stoked further by the teeth he could feel nipping at his skin and the fingers drifting lower to tease the top of his growing arousal. He places the bar of soap down seeing as the priority has now unexpectedly changed but not in a way he'd say was unwelcome but rather opportunistic.
He was a pirate now and it was more than alright to indulge in the pleasures more restricted by the rules he played when he was solely a marine. Perhaps one of the only perks of the job he'd taken up recently he supposed.
" Oh? Was last night not enough for you?"
"Nope." Clearly.
Before he can so much as move to grab the she-devil teasing him from behind she is already on the move. A flash of dark curls comes around to his front and before he knew it he was pushed insistently to sit down on the tiled ledge designed for the elderly or the injured to be able to shower with ease.
Guess it was perfect for the third use Ikkaku intended it for as with a lick of her lips at the sight he made moving so pliantly for her, she gets on her knees with a hand propped on each of his thighs keeping him spread nice and wide for the prize she was focused on. He stood fully erect by now, the idea of letting her take the reins in this change of roles certainly not a turn off to the former marine(as far as she knew).
Leaning forward to bite one of those thighs, she nibbles a path up smooth skin until her face sits next to the cock twitching eagerly for her touch. A hand relinquishes its position on a thought to hold the base as faux innocent eyes look up to the blue looking down at her.
" All this for me? Look at you, already dripping and eager to fill me up to the brim again. And yet… Such a good boy sittin' still and pretty for me, you are a good boy aren't you Drake?"
Biting his lip until he tasted the iron of his own blood spill over on his tongue he finally relented his Stony silence. Giving completely into this role the engineer prodded him into playing.
" Damnit, yes! I am a good boy so please…"
A heavy hand comes to rest on the top of those soaked curls, thick fingers digging in briefly to give an insistent tug he knew would get his message across.
" Do as you will with me, suck me off, fuck me!, hell, fill yourself up with my seed and keep me plugged in until it takes!"
At these words Ikkaku's eyes blow wide and not wanting to tease the redhead further she dives in to lick a stripe up the side of his cock, paying good attention to a sensitive vein before engulfing him completely into the wet heat or her mouth.
Throwing his head back as he groaned in bliss, Drake ignored the pain of whacking part of his head on the black tiles and instead fixated on the siren sucking his soul out of the flared tip of his dick. Every nerve was alright and he was hyper sensitive to her attentions as she essentially fucked her mouth over his cock in a show of what was to come.
Giving one last powerful suck at his base Ikkaku pulls back off of him with a pop as a telltale twitch if his hips and his shaft warned her of his imminent climax she would be sore to let waste.
Getting up off her knees with a small pop, she sits herself over his hips, taking the opportunity to tease herself by rubbing her slit up along his cock before aligning herself over his tip and abruptly dropping before a word of protest could escape Drake's lips. Instead, a moan replaced him as his hand reached out to grip her hips, helpfully guiding her as she rode him hard. Finally feeling some stimulation against her walls, Ikkaku couldn't help but collapse into the crook of Drake's neck, planting kisses across his skin as she did so.
Eventually the knot the grew tighter within her core finally snapped and with a bite muffling her cry of pleasure she came undone, the resulting undulation of her walls around the cock pistoning up into her forcing Drake to follow with a telltale surge of wetness that was distinctly not shower water surging within her womb.
Slumping down in his lap the engineer couldn't help but release some giddiness in the form of a chuckle that shook her shoulders which at first concerned the man she leaned upon until he heard that chime of amusement that perplexed him.
He could feel himself dripping out of her core and down his balls so with great reluctance he lifted the woman in his lap by the rear until he slipped out with a synchronized groan of sensitivity. There would not be any further rounds given this development.
Peering a tired eye down at the satisfied Hearts engineer beside him, he couldn't help but feel at peace in the moment. He feels just about ready to doze off until one little reminder made itself known as hot water suddenly turned ice cold and with a jolt, two very naked individuals were left to scramble out of the stall in search of towels and soon their clothes when the pair was suitably, finally dry.
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Amber's antics and Victor's call to the school meant that there was now a mistletoe hanging right over the entrance to the common room.
"I'm hoping Nina and Fabian get caught under it, anymore tension between those two and I'll lock them in a room," Amber high-fived you, obviously sharing the same idea.
"Like you wouldn't mind catching Jerome under there, Y/N!"
"Mick!" "What? I'm just saying."
Your face burned red, and you quickly grabbed an apple to distract you from the thought of meeting a certain blond troublemaker under the mistletoe.
Victor, surprisingly, didn't seem to pay attention to the berries hanging down, but he always seemed just out of its reach-thank God, nobody in Anubis House wanted to see Victor smooch with anyone or anything.
You on the other hand, lost count of how many times your eyes drifted towards the plant, wondering if it was worth waiting under, to which the answer was no. Spontaneous and mistletoe go together. Nina nudged you, and you quickly snuck away from the table for an impromptu Sibuna meeting.
9:45 p.m
Victor was watching from his office as Anubis house ran around for any last minute gatherings before curfew. Grabbing your thermos of tea, you went to head upstairs for a quick sleep before heading back down to the tunnels, but found yourself gazing into blue eyes.
"Well, well." Cheeks burning, you glanced up, and sure enough, whatever magic in this House had managed to put you and Jerome Clarke right underneath the plant.
Jerome tilted your chin up with a finger and met you in the middle, your chamomile forgotten in your hand, you leaned into it, awkwardly placing your hand at the back of his neck and he deepened the kiss.
"You have five minute- get to your rooms!" Victor's booming voice practically sent you and Jerome 3 feet apart in the span of 5 seconds, lips bruised and chests heaving, yet eyes unwaivering.
"Now! Or it will be you cleaning every speck of this house!"
A laugh bubbled up from your chest and you both took off to your respective floors.
Victor shook his head before dropping the pin.
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ofsapphicambers · 5 months
Jingle Bells, Victor Smells...
SIBUNA SECRET SANTA for @mask-of-anubis.
Merry late Christmas Jenna!
I was your Secret Santa this year, and I'm so sorry this is late, but it's finally here. This was really fun to write, and it's kind of a little Christmas blurb including everything you said you were interested in reading about. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope this was worth the wait!
(Also I can't find you on AO3, so if you want this gifted to you please let me know so I can do that properly x).
For extra credit, the students at Anubis house get the opportunity to sing at the school’s Christmas Talent Show. Feat Alfie/Jerome nonsense, Amber understanding the assignment, and Nina finding out her girlfriend can actually sing? https://archiveofourown.org/works/52938340
HUGE thank you to Tess (@incorrectsibunaquotes) for hosting this year, and to both Jenna & Tess for being patient with me. I can't wait to participate again in December. It's one of the best parts of my year to keep my favorite fandom alive.
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ow-anteater · 1 year
For the spotify wrapped. . . let's try #14 and Ramattra
(I need to see you write Ramattra like I need air. You're gonna do such a good job with him I can feel it in my bones)
Ngl this is mainly just me waxing poetically and trying to find A Voice for Ramattra ... all to the (very loose) tune of #14 Bitter Water by The Oh Hellos
I am not a fool entire, no, I know what is coming / You'll bury me beneath the tree I climbed when I was a child
He wakes up to hoar frost and for a second he is back at the monastery. The air is icy cold and still - the whole world holding its breath just for him.
He hasn’t graced the place with his presence for years now, and yet it has gotten him good. Sometimes he can almost feel it, beneath layers of plate and wiry blood. And beneath even that, the rage that birthed him. He wonders what Mondatta would think if he knew that itch hadn’t been worked out of him.
He is alone for the first time in a long time. He had almost managed to grow accustomed to the warning flashing at the edge of his vision; telling him a human lingers close. It’s almost weird, to not have Akande hanging close by, making him defy his design. 
He moves about the hideout almost hesitantly. It’s been too long since he’s been in the cold like this. He doesn’t like how it mixed past and present in his mind. It makes his armor heavy in a way he isn’t used to. He hopes the mission will be worth it, that this delegation really does carry intel they can’t live without.
He is not built for waiting, but he has figured it out. He is nothing if not patient. He sits idly on the floor while the sun steadily climbs until the entire world shines and refracts like a prism. Then he gets up, dares to move out into the light dusting of frost the night has left.
It’s only then he realizes it’s snowing. Each speck is barely big enough to be called a snowflake. His vision stutters and zooms in close but there’s no intricate crystals to find here. The point is the moving. The art is in the falling.
He remembers Zenyatta, far away and hazy. It’s a thing he’s only started doing recently; trying to recall stubbornly instead of simply finding the memory clip buried somewhere in his harddrive. He tells himself he likes how Zen floats and changes in his own less mechanical mind. 
The truth may be he doesn’t like how the files sometimes burst to the surface corrupted and decayed. He was not built to last.
A squirrel darts through a tree beside him. It stops to stare, for a second as still as he feels. His chest erupts in sudden fondness. For this world he is doomed to inhabit, for those of his kind who was robbed of the chance to lock eyes with a squirrel through the dancing snowflakes. 
It aches, unlike anger or despair. Unlike passion. It simply aches.
This is what will do him in. He’s as sure of it as he’s sure somebody will pick up his fight when he at last joins his brothers in the dirt.
His people is young but they linger long. He overheard a funeral service; of returning home until flowers braid their roots into your throat. Until you sing in rapid blooming. His brethren won’t. The best they can ask for is peaceful silence.
Or a return to a god he’s not sure he can call his anymore. His old god lays slain and bleeding behind him; his very creator turned to dust and code running like ink. 
The warm embrace of the Iris, the cool instinctual violence of Anubis; he knows already they spring from the same source. He is not quick to meander back and dip his hands.
The kindness is a mistake. So is the brutality. They are both the point.
He shakes his head. The squirrel blinks and races on, he thinks he can hear something coming through the trees. In his HUD, warnings come back to life. He gets up, and goes back to work.
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fakeosirian · 1 year
HI @theosirianischosen!! sorry for the delay -- your prompts were just too good, unfortunately, and i got a little carried away as you can see 💀 i'll definitely be taking the "but what if that little expulsion moment actually had consequences?" thing and running with it, so i hope that this initial taste of where i'm going with this is satisfying for now!!
for everyone else: this is an AU of the back half of season 3 in which the governor has to be called in to settle the matter of the anubis five's looming expulsion, so not only are we going to have sinners running around, but investigators too. oh no! i've had a LOT of fun mapping out all the directions i can take this, so even if it may be a bit of a wait between updates, i will do my best to make it worth it!
belated merry christmas to all <3 and a big thank you to @house-of-secrets for organizing this exchange!! it's been a blast 🤩
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@nostalgic-bee, it's finally here! your secret sibuna gift :)
so so sorry it was so late, i ended up getting really sick and just completely forgetting about it. i'm better now, and so is this fic! i hope it's worth the wait :)
House of Surprises (4515 words) by aivi_rose Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: House of Anubis (US & UK TV 2011) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nina Martin/Fabian Rutter Characters: Nina Martin (House of Anubis), Jerome Clarke, Alfie Lewis, Trudy Rehmann, Mara Jaffray, Patricia Williamson, Amber Millington, Mick Campbell, Fabian Rutter Additional Tags: anubis house shenanigans, sibuna bonding, Fabina fluff, post-season 1 but barely pre-season 2, Birthday, Surprise Party, also i will enforce my HC that jerome and alfie are secretly obsessed with cooking shows Summary: How do you celebrate a birthday in Anubis house? Jerome has a cake guy. Alfie has an errand date with Trudy. Fabian has a real date with Nina. Mick has….well, you'll see. Written as a secret sibuna gift for the 2022 (into jan 2023) gift exchange :)
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jaigny · 2 years
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"Sweet Lilith - زهرة ضوء القمر الخاصة بي (My moonlight flower Arabic/Egyptian translated),- allow this morning sun to brighten your nights and days as well as your heart..."
Khepri Nubia - Onofria
Age :??? (Looks to be in her 20's) Ethnics: Ancient Egyptian/Al Simhara Pronouns: She/They/Them Sexual Orientation : Allosexual Traits: Hot Headed. Family Oriented, High Maintence
Khepri has lived a long life til she was chosen as heir and then sacrificed for being accused of a crime she did not commit by her father the Pharaoh and was taken to be a sacrificial lamb of sorts to gods they adored hoping to appeal with Khepri's pure soul as well as her unique beauty.
Something interstingly enough happened as her hearts were weighted as the gods were unsure of what to do with her til Apep/Apophis, Isis and Ra soon decided that they would send her back to earth but as a reborn goddess among mortals as her penance was for eternity as an appropriate consequence. She also became the very first vampric occult who could stand the morning sun.
When she came back her people obviously knowing and seeing her new status obeyed her whim and such, her parents certainly were indeed shocked days after they had put their daughter to rest in the Valley of The Dead. She did not slain them, her fiancé' who was a Egyptian man from a neighboring city was overjoyed but also cautious of her and the ones who accused her of crimes who were infact the guilty ones were indeed livid as their plans were now thorted to take over the city and combine their own with the stolen one. (Not the fiancé's family obviously)
Decades later as her family,lover and enemies are now nothing but dust, she has decided to emerge from one of her many salvation spots to look for love once more, though she has heard of a mysterious other occult that lives in a place called Forgotton Hallows. Quiet as history flew by ,- she was hiding in her many safe haven nooks though still managed to learn out the world and its glorious moderns treasures and languages that are now spoken.
Travelling the world as each year to decade always finding new things to learn whether by book or street smarts etc a skill that she was good with her hands and logic as well as socially. Despite all these new amazing things, she's always wished to be loved as she was before and as she is now. There were times with her various other ex lovers but sadly never many lasted for too long due to her eternal yet cursed youth. She has had many children during this time of course but the last of her line now extinguished 30 years ago has deemed it safe to return back to her home.
Though her home was modern and newish though their were indeed still great glimpses of an ancient world if you squinted hard enough especially the ruins of the once great temples of many kings, and she kept it rented out privately eventually adding renovations to fit the time ages e.g candlelight to solar electricity and water.
It was only 2 years that had passed when Khepri during a very unusual desert heatwave that plagued the city for the past week continuously decided to stay indoors for the sake of it deeming proper and also she didn't want to push her sun limits and burst into flames *sniggers* and thus lazed about with her pet dog Anubi and cat Basket short for Basketcase and watched tv waiting for her usual soap opera show when their was Lilith's bachelorette advertisement playing.
Tilting her head she blinked curious whether or not it was worth it to travel all the way to this Forgotten Hallows place and though she was extremely wealthy (possibly in the AUD/US billions of simoleons) she didn't want to upset her familial pets with the traveling and its consequences that it may traumatize them unless she really had too. So she made arrangements for a house sitter as well as a kind animal kennel that would hold them until she returned and signed her name up to the producer, keeping of course her vampire/goddess immortal ways a secret. and once more thankful though she could drink both blood and eat mortal food for sustenance.
Your welcome to edit her with your own game as l know not everyone uses the same eye presets etc but please make sure her eyes are the same if possible in the defaults you use. Also if you have any Egyptian cc whether it be maxis or alpha your free to add it to her outfits
Other then that l hope Lilith and yourself enjoy having her in your game @hauntedplasma
Also please liking and reblogging is fine but please to others that isn't myself or hauntedplasma please ask permission if you want my sim in your game.
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moonxsuncelestials · 1 year
Aftermath: Leaving the Oasis (Part 3)
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“I know.” Set had said as he smiled at his youngest son as Yun felt more at ease. “I’ve known all along that you’ve felt miserable in Egypt, it’s why I never stopped you from running down to Hades or Persephone even back when you were just a little kid. It hurt but spread the wings of your dreams. That's been my only prayer other than for you to find yur happiness, to love every moment from sunrise to sunset. Just know that we will be there, alright?”
Sekhmet then spoke up with tears in her eyes. “I never wanted you to ever feel like you were a villain, that you didn’t have a choice in the matter. Nana was wrong to even suggest it, because I don’t see the dragon who’ll end the world. I see my youngest son, my little boy who has grown into the dragon that still gets himself into all kinds of trouble.”  She had a sad smile and added, “Syrina is right. This is your choice and while I’m afraid that I’ll never see you again, I have to trust in you. I know that apologies aren’t worth it, but I am sorry that I couldn’t do more.” Yun went over to her and hugged her, earning one from her and then his father. 
Though the meeting had ended on a sorrowful note, at least everyone got to hear him, got a chance to talk some of it out. Anubis and Jackal didn’t speak to him, they left in a huff and as much as it hurt, Yun knew he’d upset at least someone. But that was pale in comparison to the surprise that awaited him a week after Beelzebub proposed that they marry in a private ceremony til things settled down.
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Which leads to the present moment: Yun pacing the bedroom while he tried to calm his nerves as everyone prepares for the ceremony that would begin within the hour. Dressed in a black long-sleeved tunic with Beelzebub’s favorite sash acting as his belt, thigh-high stirrup leggings–everyone knew he’d go shoeless anyway–the upper portion of the tunic having a window chest whilst he wore a simply elegant blue crystal necklace and his studs; he was a stunning bride. All that waited now was his makeup and the crown that had his veil.
This was a new chapter of his life and one he had spoken with such hope that it would be better than the past one thousand years. As much as it hurt to not have most of the family here to witness this, Yun knew that this was actually for the best. Yun had at least sent word of his “wedding” to his parents, but until everything had settled down, it was best to  have this smaller private ceremony and maybe down the road (possibly a few years) they’d have a ‘proper’ ceremony with his family to witness it. And Sai Gong told him that it would be better for him to live in the country where he wouldn’t be so stressed out. 
It wasn’t good for him.
Hope chuckled and assured his Bright One that this was going to be a glorious day, Castle’s apparition was here and Mother Hell tending to him as she got him to sit down and allow her to fix his hair. 
“Nervous, Little Starlight?” She asked as he smiled at his nickname. “Every bride gets their jitters, so yeah.” He replied with a chuckle. “It’s just…also so hard to believe that I’m getting married. I never thought…I never thought that this day would come.” And yet it was here, the day he’d officially wed his best friend.
He suddenly felt a twinge in his belly and thankfully Ichabod had a waste basket for him which he took before he made a return on his light lunch. Kurrlatafan came over to help and touch up his makeup, getting him water and letting him sip slowly whilst Ichabod gently rubbed Yun’s back. “Easy Peanut…let Mommy and Daddy get through the ceremony.” Ichabod crooned to Yun’s belly as the dragon rubbed it. 
“Sorry, My Precious Aragonite. Mommy is just a bit nervous, that’s all.” He cooed and thanked Ichabod who smiled. 
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Hades suddenly coughed and Yun smiled at his father who came over to hug him. “Ready?” He asked as Yun smiled. Nodding, Persephone came in with his bouquet.
“Oh Mama, they're beautiful.” He said as he started to tear up again. Spider Lilies, his favorite mixed in with black roses and baby’s breath a couple pf blue bells, tied together by the very jade ring that Nyx had given to him. “I wish she was here too…” He said with a sniffle and Persephone wiped the tears away.
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“I know. I miss Nyx too but she’s watching from the Elysian Fields right now. And she’s so happy for you, Yun.” Persephone cried a little as she hugged him, shooing out the boys before she helped him also quell his nausea. “You reached your stabilization period. I was so afraid after you had that meeting…but it seems like The Fates know what they’re doing. Lakhesis was so adamant on it.” She teased at the last part as Yun laughed. That sounded like Lakhesis alright, being protective of him and he could only imagine what she had to do to ensure he didn’t lose the baby.
Well babies as it turned out he’s carrying twins.
In fact, he was already showing a small belly and yeah, that was the surprise after Beelzebub suggested this elopement. 
He’s already four months pregnant.
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theosirianischosen · 3 years
Not HHA-related or HOA-related per se, but as to why I haven’t been as active in recent months, I’ve been working on this fan edit of Thomas and the Magic Railroad.  For those who don’t know, that movie was my childhood film, and it went through a troubled production history that’s worth looking up.  It’s been in the works (in some form) since last May (long story there).  But I used Het Huis Anubis music (and this one I believe was also used in HOA) in two scenes temporarily, while I waited for music I commissioned to arrive.  Here is one of them.  I’m hoping it’ll be out next week, so I’ll then be back to this blog more often!
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crimson-chains · 4 years
My pin was supposed to be here today (Tuesday), but of course the USPS had to delay it, and not give me a new delivery date. 😢I can’t wait to rep Anubis and your art. Oh well, it will be worth the wait, now I’m wishing I ordered more stuff. Guess I’ll have to check out both of your shops later 🙂
Oh no!!! I hope it will arrive to you soon!
Thank you so so much for your support!!! ^W^
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Thanks for the tag @season5-thiccmerlin ! I think I’m getting faster at responding! This may be creating a dangerous precedent.
Rules: Name 10 characters from 10 different fandoms that you like and then tag 10 people.
1) Merlin from BBC Merlin
What can I say, this boy is magical. He is magical in his literal abilities, but also in the vast depths he loves with, the intense ferocity he protects with, the gentle tenderness he trusts with, the undying loyalty he guides with, and the unrelenting rays of sunshine he smiles with. He may be the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk this earth, but there is more than one type of magical in this world. And he has it all.
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2) Dean from Supernatural
Dean is undoubtedly one (1) deeply emo boi, but he is also unflinchingly loyal to those he loves, selfless to all, and brave until the end. The joke with Dean is that he’s always trying to sacrifice himself, but that’s what I love most about him; He’s not a hero because of any powers, he is a hero because of the sheer amount that he is willing to sacrifice to do what is right - which is everything.
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3) Crowley from Good Omens
Like every man has said in literally every romcom, Crowley is “not like everyone else,” but in the most complexly tender way possible. He is given a label that is meant to define him - a label that has clearly defined everyone else who shares it - and yet...it doesn’t. Crowley repeatedly shows that - no matter what the rest of the world may have to say - you have the power to define yourself. And when it feels like the world is ending around you, sometimes you’ve just gotta find the right hand to hold. And that, my friends, is the most badass of all.
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4) 10th Doctor from Doctor Who
Every doctor is memorable and special in their own way, but there is something about the 10th doctor that will never fail to capture my heart. He has seen horrors, he has felt loss, and yet he is still so...full. He is full of wonder despite all that he has seen, he is full of kindness despite all that he has suffered, and- possibly most importantly- he is relentlessly full of hope despite the moments where the universe seems to say there is none to be had. There is no situation in which he will not cross a galaxy to save you or burn a star just to say goodbye. This man is so fucking tender and, dammit, so am I.
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5) Jack Harkness from Torchwood
Jack Harkness is quite honestly the Doctor Who/Torchwood version of Gwaine from BBC Merlin and I am fucking here for it. He will flirt with anything that crosses his line of sight (and probably fuck it too), but he will also defend you to the end and try to put a smile on your face while he does. He was literally a slacker scammer who met someone he believed in and decided they were worth changing the world, and if that isn’t iconic then I don’t know what is. He’s here to serve looks, justice, and whole lot of adventure, so remember to stop by if you’re ever in Cardiff.
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6) Stiles from Teen Wolf
Stiles is possibly the most underrated character to ever bless our TV screens. He is practically the only character on the show without special abilities and yet somehow his loyalty, his humor, his brilliance, and his relentless determination to protect those he loves makes him the most special of all. 10/10 would hold dearly.
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7) Sherlock from BBC Sherlock
This show is such an insanely fun and enjoyable reimagining of the classic and college-aged me who watched it obsessively instead of studying for finals will never recover. Sherlock is that emotionally constipated kid who needs a hug and possibly an exorcism. He is a savage and an asshole, but at the heart of it he is still just that little kid playing pirate, lost at sea and waiting to be found. And found, he is. Sentiment may be a chemical defect found on the losing side, and yet it is so satisfying and heartwarming to watch all that Sherlock gains; he gains friends, he gains acceptance, and - perhaps most importantly - he gains the knowledge that if you’re going to make an ass of yourself, it might as well be with a friend by you’re side, because friends protect you. Still don’t like him? That’s your problem (and it sounds like a 3 patch one).
(Side note: I used to go to the door to their flat and Speedy’s all the time when I lived in London and it was magical every time. 10/10 would recommend.)
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8) Alison from Orphan Black
Y’all this show is PHENOMENAL and Alison is the soccer mom you DO NOT want to mess with. Her preppy demeanor while savagely destroying anyone who threatens her family will never fail to bring a smile to my face and her dynamic with Donnie is simultaneously tenderly beautiful and pure comedic genius. Alison is the most unexpected badass and yet possibly the most badass of all, and I fucking love her for it. 10/10 would pick her in a fight.
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9) Eddie from House of Anubis
The eternal child (and would-be-archaeologist) in me will NEVER get over this show. Eddie is literally a modern day Arthur Pendragon: a young man trying so hard to pretend he’s emotionless and unquestioning, but ultimately revealing that he is, in fact, the softest dumbass of them all. He also basically has a prophesy about him and is full of savage banter for his love interest, so maybe this is literally just an Egyptian-themed BBC Merlin. Nothing like an epiphany 9 years later.
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10) Anne from Anne with an E
Okay so this is kind of the outlier genre-wise, but Anne knows the truth that there is magic in this world. It’s in the freedom of imagination, glistening at the surface of the lake of shining waters. It’s in the power of knowledge, illuminating the way past the dangers of ignorance like Miss Stacy’s potato light. It’s in the strength of friendship, nurturing until the bond between bosom friends is as strong as the beating of one’s own heart. And it’s in the beauty of family, found and made and so well deserve. Anne sees magic and she helps those around her see it too. And what is more beautiful than that.
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Half of y’all have probably already done this, but I tag (if you want to): @clotpolemerlin @merlinmyboy @thegreymoon @sirwilliamofdeira @mediocreservant @sunnyatmidnight
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het-huis-anubis · 4 years
HHA & HOA Comparison: similarities and differences Part 1
Part One | Part Two | Part Three (WIP)
As per request, it's finally here @theosirianischosen !
Promised to make this post around three years ago. But studies and life got in the way, so I completely forgot about it. I hope you'll like it and that it's somewhat worth the extremely long wait!
Honestly, I'm not sure if I can even call this a comparison post, considering this is 99% hha content. 
I guess you can say this is more of a "get to know" post for hoa stans that would like to know more about hha.
My initial plan, as you requested, was to give you a summary of season 3 and season 4 of hha, compare them to season 3 of hoa and tell you the similarities and some of the differences between them. But while trying to make a short post about just that, it somehow turned into something more.
I'm not confident in my writing skills and don't have that good of a grasp on the english language, so I'm not sure how this will turn out. I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes, typos, and the frequent re-use of some words and sentences.
This post will include the following four topics:
Brief summaries for season 1 and season 2 of hha, and some of the obvious differences between the two versions. I will be going more into detail for season 2 in comparison to season 1.
Descriptions of other characters. (some will be long and detailed)
Similarities between season 3|4 and season 3 of hoa.
Warnings(!): bad writing, bad English, bad grammar, bad explaining of things, keep expectations very low
(!) Spoiler heavy (!)
For anyone else reading this: Please stop here if you haven't watched Het Huis Anubis yet, or if you are in the process of watching it. I'd hate to ruin the surprises and plot-twists for you. If you don't mind spoilers, then you can of course continue ahead!
[ONE: Summaries + Differences]
[!] Het Huis Anubis is more of a boarding house rather than a school. The school the kids go to is a public one and is not connected or related to the house.
This version has more than 2x the episodes that hoa has. Many of them can be seen as "fillers". It also delves much more into the lives of the characters, their relationships with each other, and doesn't always put the focus on the mystery.
Season 1:
Short summary:
A group of teenagers live together in a boarding house during their high school years. Each with their own story, their own history and their own way of dealing with school, friends and love. The new resident, Nienke Martens, discovers a mystery in the attic of the house. The house has a hidden past, a mysterious history.
Together with Fabian, Amber, Patricia and later on Appie, she uncovers the mystery of the Anubis house and finds the treasure that Sarah was talking about. Meanwhile, the mysterious caretaker, Victor, is chasing after the Club. He finds out more and more about what they are doing.
But where is that one girl, Joyce, who has disappeared without a trace? What does Rufus want from her? And who is that Zeno who seems to know more about the treasure?
For the most the part it's almost identical to season 1 of hoa, but there are still some differences to it. Important ones too.
Joyce is not involved in the mystery. She is under witness protection. A whole different plot.
The Secret Society;
The one that includes Van Engelen and Jason was started up by Victor to protect Joyce and her family. They are not evil. Disbands in the second half of the season. Victor and Van Swieten, however, are members of another secret society as well (Alliance Of Anubis).
Rufus and Zeno are two different characters;
Rufus Malpied: He is a criminal and seems to have connections with some people that work for the government. He is after Joyce so he can take her hostage and use her as some kind of blackmail material against her father. Her father is testifying in court against Rufus and some of his criminal colleagues. He gets in contact with Patricia, claiming to be a detective and wanting to help her find Joyce. His true identity and intentions are revealed during the mid-season, when he kidnaps Patricia and blackmails the teachers with it. Telling them that they'll never see her alive again if they don't give him Joyce's location.
Zeno Terpstra: He is childhood friends with Sarah and is a curator at a museum. He wants the Grail to become immortal. Jeroen overhears the Club name dropping him one time and decides to get in contact with him. Zeno pays him ten thousand euros upfront in return for important information regarding the Grail and its location, and promises him a hundred thousand euros more if he delivers the Grail to him. Jeroen becomes his spy, which eventually severes his friendship with Appie, whom is a part of the Club. Jeroen later on realizes the decision he made was bad and wants out. Zeno isn't too happy with that, though. He tells Jeroen to either keep working for him or to give him back his ten thousand. Jeroen, however, has already used up all of that money and has no way of getting it back either, and so has no choice but to continue working for Zeno.
Corvus is the core/vital point to getting the Grail/Cup. He ends up being "sacrificed" in the finale for the last task.
The Grail is hidden in him. In hoa, only a part of the Cup is inside of him.
Nienke's locket doesn't have any special powers and is also much bigger in size.
It's an important part of season 2 of hha, but not of season 1, and is of some importance in the beginning of season 3 as well. That's about it. Nina's locket on the other hand can open doors and secret compartments in the house.
Victor does not have an Elixir Of Life. Not even a little bit. It does not exist in hha.
He has been trying to make one for years, but has been unsuccessful.
Since the Secret Society's and Joyce's roles are different in this version, so is Jason's to some extent.
He does not have a degenerative disease and is only a part of the Secret Society to protect Joyce and her family. In the finale, he goes to the school ball/dance with the gym teacher, Esther. He does not disappear abruptly like he does in hoa, and still appears in a few episodes of season 2.
This version’s Secret Society only has four members: Victor, Van Swieten, Van Engelen and Jason.
Appie's way of finding out about Sibuna and the mystery was somewhat different.
In hoa, Alfie finds one of their clues that Fabian dropped on accident. He follows Fabian back home and sees him doing something with the hall clock. Fabian breaks off the pointers accidentally, it falls and he runs off to hide when he hears Victor coming. Alfie comes out, takes the pointer that fell to the ground just when Victor arrives, and he gets blamed for it. Later, he keeps barging into the gang's room when they are having a meeting, and they lie to him. Patricia and Fabian start feeling bad that they kept lying to him and that he got blamed for something he didn't do, and they end up telling him everything.
In hha, however, the Fabian and clock parts are similar(although this one happens at night), but Appie isn't there to see or get blamed for it. The next day, Victor asks them who broke it, but everyone keeps quiet. Jeroen accuses Fabian right of the bat, and they all start arguing. Victor then tells Appie to find out who did it(some time before this, Appie's cousin gifted him with a CSI-kit). And Appie does so, but on one condition: that Victor will give him one thing in return of his choice. Victor agrees, to the surprise and dismay of Appie, whom didn't actually want to do it. Patricia tries to talk him out of it, telling him to ask Victor to buy him something that he would refuse. Appie tries and ask for a casket(lmao!) as a bed, and Victor, again, agrees. So he had no choice but to do what Victor asked of him. Patricia gets mad and him, saying that he should've asked for something more. He takes everyone's fingerprints with that CSI-kit of his. Eventually, he finds out that Fabian did it. Jeroen questions him but Appie stays quiet. Then, instead of going to Victor right away like he was supposed to, Appie goes to Fabian. Fabian was in Nienke and Amber's room, discussing one of the riddles on the document(Amber was sleeping). So Fabian and Nienke are sitting there, with their backs facing the door. Appie enters the room quietly and start to interrogate them after seeing the document and then tells Fabian to speak up about the whole broken clock pointers thing, and that he should tell him the truth or else he would go tell Victor everything. Fabian and Nienke are left with no choice and tell him everything about the mystery and the Club, including which residents are part of it. Appie is a bit sceptical about everything, but still accepts whatever they said and goes back to his room. Jeroen then questions him again, Appie starts to chuckle and was about to tell Jeroen about the mystery etc, but holds back at the last second and says that he doesn't know anything and that Fabian didn't do it 'cuz he apparently he has an alibi. The next day, Appie goes to Victor and lies to him that his fingerprints thing didn't work. Victor gets mad tells him that he can forget about that casket-bed he was planning on buying for him.
Patricia gets mad at Fabian and Nienke for telling Appie about Sibuna and the mystery, saying that they can't trust him. According to her, he jokes too much, doesn't take things serious and will most likely end up telling Jeroen about it. Appie goes on to to do several things and helps them with the tasks and riddles to win their trust, even going as far as to stop hanging out more with them and spending way less time with Jeroen and giving him excuses as to why he keeps going off with the gang, and finally becomes an official member.
There is no mention of a Chosen One yet.
Season 2:
Short summary:
The club has found the Grail. When they open it, a mysterious curse is released, leaving Nienke's grandmother in a coma. Meanwhile the dangerous Raven has arrived. Together with his assistant, Vera, he wants to open and raid the tomb. This secret tomb, however, can only be opened when a descendant of Amneris holds the Grail up at a certain time and place.
In the meantime, Joyce is back at the house and Mara has returned to Dubai with her twin sister to continue her studies over there.
While retaining many of the original plot-points, it also has some differences to it, with the hoa writers not only adding new story-lines and characters into the mix, but also bringing some changes to the characters original story-lines.
(be warned: this will be messy and all over the place. I'm sorry for that!)
Joyce comes back.
She keeps quiet about her disappearance, saying that she isn't allowed to talk about it. She questions Patricia a couple of times about the Club. Patricia keep making up excuses, which leads to a fight. She tells the Club that she doesn't want to keep secrets from Joyce, so she decides to take a break from the whole mystery things for a while.. She still helps them and takes part in their activities every now and then, but spends most of her time with Joyce.
Mara is the one with a secret twin sister, not Patricia.
So, there is no Piper in hha. Most of hha Patricia's background is still a mystery to us.
Appie has a little crush on Mara's sister, Yasmine. This is similar to Alfie having a crush on Piper.
Jason leaves around the second quarter.
This, because he got offered a teaching job in a different country. It was said that he was going to teach unprivileged children in a poor country. His students throw him a karaoke party as a goodbye.
New main antagonist, Raven Van Prijze.
He becomes the school's new history teacher(EP029). He does so under a fake name, Wolf Rensen. In hoa, Rufus Zeno sort of takes over his role. (the secret identity/masked antagonist part). It is said that he was the reason for Jason being offered that job in a different country.
Raven gets in contact with Victor and asks him to work together with him. Victor refuses, until Raven makes him an offer: he will get all the rights to the anubis house(which actually belongs to the state). Victor agrees to the offer.
No Senkhara.
We instead get introduced to Amneris, the secret lover of Tutankhamun. She's on the Club's side and helps them when she can.
Regarding Nienke and Fabian's relationship:
They are confused after the kiss and don't know how to talk about their feelings to each other. They try to start things off slowly, with Fabian asking Nienke out on a little date in the garden. Amber later on suggests to play hard-to-get and messes everything by telling Mick that Nienke would never want to be with a nerd like Fabian. Fabian then starts to avoid Nienke. Nienke finds out about what Amber did and confronts her. Nienke gets angry, calls her a bitch and leaves to talk to Fabian. They all apologize and make up sometime later. Some days after, things are back to square one and they don't know how to act around one another. They start avoiding each other. This has a bad effect on the Club, as Fabian starts to lash out and get angry over things. Nienke makes the decision to stay friends instead. Things go well for awhile, but the whole "friends" thing doesn't sit well with Fabian, so he takes a break from the Club. Patricia takes over his place for awhile. Later on, Nienke and Fabian get paired up for a biology project, and have to look after a rooster. The rooster keeps making too much noice, which angers Victor, and he forces them to look after the rooster together, by having them both sleep in the bathroom. They have a fight and start arguing. They make up after some time, share a kiss, and finally become an official couple.
Mara leaves not long after Jason does and is pretty much replaced by a new female character, Noa.
Noa arrives to the house right after Mara leaves with her sister. She hits it off right away with Jeroen. She kisses him during a game of Truth or Dare. They become close friends and then a couple in the final episode of this season.
Love-triangle between Nienke/Fabian/Joyce is extremely brief, only really lasts for a night.
They throw a surprise, Halloween-themed, goodbye-party for Mara, and even Victor gets in on the fun, dressing up like everyone else.
After Mara leaves, they sit around in the living room and start playing Truth or Dare. Patricia dares Joyce to kiss Fabian, and she does, just when Nienke comes back into the room. After some time of playing the game, Joyce and Fabian leave the room and go to the backyard. They talk for awhile, and then both lean in for a kiss. Fabian backs out at the last second and leaves. But that's really as far as it goes with those two. Joyce was never actually in love with him, and what they had was nothing more than a 'fling'. She then starts hanging out more with Mick. They become close friends and challenge one another to silly bets. They end up falling in love later on in the season, but don't actually make it official official until the second half of season 3 comes around.
Esther and Van Engelen start up a school's paper.
Patricia and Joyce become the new editors, with Robbie as their photographer. Mick joins the little group later on.
Jimmy, Trudie's son, comes to stay at the house for a while.
He's hired by Victor as the new handyman to help Trudie around the house. All the girls, aside from Noa, start crushing on him. One time, he asked out Patricia, Joyce and Amber at the same, unbeknownst to the three. They get mad and decide to take "revenge". During Victor's Birthday party, they start things off by flirting for a bit, and then all three of them throw their drinks at him. They start laughing and Jimmy walks away to the laundry room. Nienke call them out on their childish behavior and goes after him. They kiss. Nienke and Fabian sort of break up because of the whole Jimmy thing(this happened before the kiss I mentioned above). Nienke confesses to Amber and says she regrets her kiss with Jimmy. She then writes an apology letter to Fabian, telling him that he has always been the one for her. The anubis house residents go on a camping trip. This was arranged by Wolf, so he could kidnap Nienke, thinking she is the Chosen One. Nienke gives Fabian the letter during this trip. He accepts and they get back together. After kidnapping Nienke, Raven makes her do the ritual, but nothing happens. She is not the Chosen One. While Raven and Victor are distracted, Nienke hides the Grail in a secret compartment behind her. Raven then forces Nienke to drink something that makes her lose her memory. She falls unconscious and is rushed to the hospital. She falls into a coma, but wakes up after a few days and doesn't remember anything about the ritual and her apologizing and getting together with Fabian. She gets her memory back after reading the letter she wrote to Fabian. She leaves the hospital, which worried the hell out of the others, whom thought she had run away and was lost somehow. Nienke actually went to Raven's castle to get the Grail back. She goes back home to the anubis house right after. The others call Jimmy out on his bs, for taking advantage of Nienke when she lost her memory. He leaves after Nienke returns to the house.
Rufus Malpied does not return.
No Jasper.
No Ms. Valentine.
But this is kind of similar to Jason leaving and being replaced by Wolf, even thought Ms. Valentine and Wolf have nothing in common.
Trudie goes crazy with all the ghost stuff.
Victor can't take her antics anymore and sends her away on a unpaid leave. We don't see her again until the first episode of season 3.
Vera arrives at the house and becomes the new house mother. Victor ends up falling in love with her.
Raven is the one responsible for this. Victor had put up ads asking for a new house mother after he'd send Trudie off, but he never got any calls back. I'm guessing Raven made sure those ads didn't go public. Vera is married to Raven and is send to the anubis house to keep an eye on Victor and the kids.
Throughout the season, Raven becomes more demanding and loses his cool.
He starts threatening Victor more and more. And the end, Victor loses everything (Raven's made sure of it. he actually goes through with his threats). The house with everything in it, and all of his savings. He is then left homeless.
With the last bit of money he has on him, Victor buys a bouquet of flowers and two tickets to an opera show, and asks Vera out on a date. Vera agrees to the date.
On the day of the opera show(a couple of days away from the finale), while Vera is on her way to the show, Raven finds out who the real Chosen One is and calls her back. They both end up kidnapping Noa and keep her locked up in their castle in a barred up room, tied to the bed. Victor doesn't go in to watch the show and instead just continues to stand there waiting for Vera. He goes back home after a couple of hours (this was before he officially lost the house as well). Vera isn't completely heartless, though, and feels sympathy for Victor. She left behind an apology letter, saying that she had to leave abruptly and won't be coming back. He is left heartbroken with her departure, because he was planning on asking her if she wanted to marry him. Victor never finds out about her involvement with Raven and the mystery.
From the beginning of this season, Jeroen starts avoiding Zeno, to the point of staying in his room for days on end.
He doesn't go to school and begins to hallucinate because of the lack of sleep. Appie is worried and wants to help him, but doesn't know what to do because Jeroen refuses to tell him what's going on. Jeroen then makes the decision to run away. He packs a bag and leaves the anubis house in the middle of the night. Things don't go as planned, though, 'cuz he ends up coming face to face with the very person he was running away from. Zeno, sort of, kidnaps him and takes him back to his place. Zeno threatens him with a lawsuit and live mummification if he doesn't deliver the Grail to him. Jeroen goes back home the next day, to the relief of Appie, whom got worried after waking up to Jeroen's empty, made-up bed.
Zeno is only present for a couple of episodes early on in the season.
In episode 14, Jeroen steals the Grail from the Club and delivers it to Zeno. Zeno pours some wine into the Grail and drinks out of it. He then starts choking. Jeroen, confused, gets closer to check up on him. Zeno suddenly reaches out and grabs his hand and tries to ask him if he did something with the wine. Jeroen frees himself from his grasp and runs away, scared. Turns out that the wine was poisoned by Raven. Zeno falls into a coma, but disappears without a trace from the hospital the day after. We don't hear from him for the rest of the season.
Wolf becomes Jeroen's confidant after his guilt-ridden nightmares about Zeno starts taking a toll on him.
As Raven, he blackmails Jeroen into working for him. He threatens to release the video of him and Zeno, from the day of the poisoning. He continues to use more threats, including one saying that he'd do something to Noa if Jeroen doesn't do his job well. This becomes too much for Jeroen and he ends up telling Wolf everything. He finds out the truth about Wolf in the mid-season finale, and is pretty much left heart broken. He runs away and goes into hiding for a couple of days. He leaves behind a message for Noa, saying that he'll be staying with an uncle for awhile.
After the mid-season finale fiasco, Raven tries a different approach to get Jeroen to work for him.
Instead of using threats, he promises him that he'll free his father from prison. We get to know some more about Jeroen's father, his situation and their relationship; which we previously only got vague info on throughout season 1 and first half of season 2. I think it's also important to note here that Jeroen's father isn't a criminal or a deadbeat dad. He got framed, wrongfully accused of something he didn't do, and got sentenced to life. He's staying in a prison in Colombia. Jeroen's mother divorces his father after his imprisonment, remarries and has two daughters. She then basically kicks Jeroen out because he "reminded her too much of his father" and sends him away to live in the anubis house. Jeroen and his father are very close. The other characters know that his father is in prison. It's not a secret to anybody. First mention of it happened in the middle of season 1.
No Poppy.
Jeroen's (half)-sisters are 3 and 5 years old and have only been mentioned once.
No such thing as an Osirian in hha.
This was an original idea that the hoa writers came up with. I personally really like the idea of such a thing existing in hha as well.
The underground tunnels + doll house plot does not happen in this season of hha, but in season 3 instead. (much more on that below, in point 3!)
And since the search for the Mask Of Anubis is connected to it in hoa, you won't find that plot in this season of hha either.
The Club's goal in this season is to do all sorts of tasks to then finally find out who the Chosen One is. Then, the Chosen one has to stand at a certain place, at a certain time and hold the Grail up, while wearing the locket, so that the location of the secret love tomb of Tutankhamun and Amneris can be revealed.
Only a descendant of Amneris can be the Chosen One. ¹*
Noa Van Rijn(Princess Fazia) is the last of her bloodline and is the real Chosen One. ¹
Patricia and Robbie become a couple.
Patricia and Eddie in hoa. Eddie's character is partly based on him.
Tutankhamun and Amneris get reunited and depart, together, to the afterlife.
Amber and Appie do no date and are nothing more than BFFs all throughout the series.
Appie is in love with her, but he keeps his distance because he knows that Amber doesn't like him the same way.
They start dating in the 3rd hha movie, and get engaged during the events of their last musical(which was a cross-over with the cast of the anubis sequel series).
Van Swieten and Van Engelen get married in the finale.
Some parts of the season’s finale(english subbed): One | Two | Three
¹ Originally, Mara was going to be the Chosen One. But the actress, Liliana de Vries, left in season two because she got cast in another show. So the writers changed up the plot a bit and brought in a new character, Noa van Rijn. This change was not a problem for hha plot-wise ‘cuz the Chosen One was not needed for anything in season one.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years
Remnants, Part IV
This chapter is another build--there’s going to be a little more action in the next.
    Summary: You are in the midst of formulating your dissertation, but you’ve hit a wall. Your doting aunt, Rebecca, has a solution that brings you face to face with Ahkmenrah, Fourth King of the Fourth King. As the connection between you and Ahkmenrah grows, and as the secrets of his ancient tablet unlock, the once-king will find himself faced with a difficult choice.
    Thanks so much to @kitkatcronch @kpopperotp12 @seafrost-fangirl  @sassystrawberryk and @perfect-rami for reading : ) If anyone else wants added to the taglist, let me know. I’ve greatly appreciated all of the feedback!
    Warnings: Another wee, mild reference to sex. Ahk is a solid 20 years of age to be certain to avoid any squick factor.
* * * * *
  You couldn’t stop thinking about Ahkmenrah’s long-returned-to-dust bedtime garment. Of course, you couldn’t stop picturing him in it and chastised yourself for that, but as his friend, you also longed to help him combat some of that nostalgia. You were really beginning to create a vortex of chaos when it came to your thoughts about the once-pharaoh. You saw him as a person now, a complex, oddity of a person who loved the thing you loved the most, too. The distance you told yourself to keep was now more of a suggestion than a rule.
   You sighed, frowning and mentally swearing to recement your own rule. It was for Ahkmenrah’s safety as much as it was for yours. You two couldn’t have a life together without you sacrificing everything, and you couldn’t bear the thought of having to break his heart if the two of you got in too deep. The true problem was that it was very easy to reestablish a solid boundary when you weren’t looking into his beautiful, intense eyes.
   Oh! Senet! Yes! You thought to yourself, remembering the board game that the ancient Egyptians played. While the rules had never really been discovered, you were sure Ahk would know exactly what it was. There was an antiquities store in Greenwich Village that specialized in recreating ancient artifacts. There was a niggling remnant of a memory in the back of your mind of you gliding your hand across the smooth top of the board, wondering what it would have been like to sit on a rooftop with a fire and the night sky providing just enough light as you played, the burbling of the Nile in the background, its din a sweet music to your ears.
   Yes. Senet would make the perfect gift for Ahkmenrah.
As you packed up your bookbag after a long day at school, you mentally mapped out your late afternoon. You had just enough time to journey into the Village to try to find the game for Ahk before you needed to begin the first chapter of your dissertation. Today had been a great day as you met with the three professors who would be serving as the chairs for your dissertation. Out of the three, there was only one who intimidated you. She was known for being tough, but you weren’t about to let something as little as criticism get in the way of your dream.
  You were just about to step out when your phone buzzed.
  “Done. Give it a look?”
  Your thumbs hovered over the letters as you decided when to meet Ryan.
  “Busy tonight. Tomorrow?”
  “Brunch. North Square on Waverly?”
  “Perfect :)”
  A small part of you longed to tell Ryan about the museum; he would love it, and you knew he would keep it a secret. However, you also knew it just wasn’t worth the risk. You considered Ryan your closest friend, but Rebecca was family, and she had risked everything by telling you about the museum’s secret. You also remembered Larry’s torturous induction; Ryan’s dissertation would be finished by the time Larry actually let him meet an important display.
  You shoved your phone into your bag and headed for the Village, picturing the delight on Ahk’s face when you surprised him tonight.
  * * * * *
Even though you had to explain some of the newer pieces, like dice, Ahk was impressed with how close the reconstruction was. He immediately went over the rules and you then spent the better part of the night losing to him again and again. He was so happy that you didn’t mind at all. And when you finally won a single game, you were highly suspect that he had let you win.
  “May I ask you something?” you questioned as you moved your piece to yet another square of bad fortune, falling further behind Ahk’s own seemingly blessed by the gods gamepiece. 
  Ahkmenrah rested his chin on his hand, a look of concentration on his face as he stared at the Senet board.
  “You may ask me anything.”
  “What was it like for you at Cambridge?”
  Ahk furrowed his brows and looked up, disregarding the dice as he explained, “Well, when I arrived at Cambridge, it was the first time that I had awoken since my entombment. According to Jack, he was the scholar assigned to examine the findings from my tomb and he later became my close friend, the tablet was stolen right before my tomb was sealed. During the excavation of the pyramids, it was actually discovered sealed up beneath a statue of Anubis. For years, people thought it was cursed. Jack, he was such a clever man, pieced together that it was the Tablet of Ahkmenrah, although he got quite a shock when he reunited me with it.”
  The game lay forgotten between the two of you as you listened to Ahkmenrah’s story. He had a strange look in his eyes, as if remembering something bittersweet that he had tried very hard to forget.
  “You don’t have to tell me anymore if you don’t want to.”
  “No, Y/N. I swore to always tell you the truth. It is painful to remember, but I suppose it’s a good kind of pain. It means I’m still human, still alive.”
  Yes, you thought, it most certainly did.
  Your mouth formed a small o of horror as you realized, “So you came to life, literally thousands of years later. That had to have been a shock!”
  Ahkmenrah barked out a sharp laugh.
  “To put it mildly, yes. If it weren’t for Jack, I think I would have lost my mind. He was so patient, obviously eager to learn, like you, but he really took time to explain everything to me. He would sneak me out to take me to all of Cambridge’s museums, and he even took me to the Museum of Natural History. He helped me understand where I was, what life was like now—well, then. He taught me the history of my empire, and more importantly, empathized with me as I grieved for the loss of everything my people had worked to build.”
  “Oh, Ahk, do you still feel that way? Like your Egypt has been lost?”
  “In some ways, yes, because it certainly has. That way of life, my way of life, is gone. But Jack showed me many of the things that my people have given to this world and that brought comfort.”
  “And that was in the 1940s? 50s? We now know even more about the advancements that are credited to the Egyptians, probably because of the work of people like Jack.”
  And then it dawned on you: “Wait a minute. Jack. As in Jack Cecil Evans?”
  “Yes. Do you know of him?”
  You reached into your backpack and pulled out your laptop. Ahkmenrah moved to stand behind you, watching your fingers dash over the keys. Google retrieved several images of Jack, along with the many articles he published on the subject of the Tomb of Ahkmenrah. Ahk was Jack’s life work.
  Ahkmenrah reached out a shaky finger and traced it over the image of Jack on your screen.
  You quietly asked, “What happened to Jack?”
  Ahkmenrah took a deep breath and returned to his seat across from you, his eyes glistening in the light.
  “He died a few years before my exhibit was moved to the United States. I suppose that is when I really began to understand loneliness. Jack knew he didn’t have much time left, so he ensured that I would be safe, able to get out and to move. It wasn’t long, though, before the allure of my tablet attracted those awful men who moved me here and locked me up.”
  Silence settled between the two of you, Ahkmenrah lost in his memories, you lost in making sense of the layers of pain that Ahkmenrah hid beneath his cheerful demeanor.
  “Ahkmenrah, if there’s one thing I could do for you, what would it be?”
  “You have given more already than I could have ever hoped. You are proving to be as good of a friend as Jack, except, you’re a bit younger and much prettier.”
  Your soft laughter pulled a smile from Ahkmenrah.
  “I’m being serious, though. What do you want or wish you could do?”
  Ahkmenrah’s face transformed as it filled with a childish excitement, making him look much younger than his 20 years. 
  He spoke softly, as if afraid someone might overhear: “I want to see the city, really see it. I want to know life as a normal, modern man.”
  Once again, you found yourself forsaking your rule, and you broke out into a grin because Ahkmenrah’s excitement was contagious.
  “Ahk, that’s a pretty simple request.”
  “Is it? You go and ask Larry. I’ll wait here and listen for his bellow.”
  “Larry doesn’t own you. You were a king, Ahk.”
  “Perhaps Larry needn’t know?”
  “No, he needn’t,” you said slowly, returning Ahkmenrah’s sly grin.
  You began to chew on your bottom lip, thinking deeply about what you would need to do to take Ahk out for a night. Clothes and shoes, maybe practice with those, figure out places to go, you didn’t want to wander around in the city and overwhelm him, and—
  “Care to share?”
  “I think we need a night to plan. I can pick up some clothes tomorrow morning and tomorrow night we will make sure they fit. Then we need to plan out where you want to go.”
  Ahkmenrah, his voice filled with anticipation, asked, “May I offer some suggestions of places I have been most curious to explore?”
  “Of course! It’s your night!”
  “There was a photography exhibit a few months ago that showed the view from the Empire State Building. I am curious to see just how high this building is.”
  “Done. I’ve got a friend who can get us tickets. What else?”
  “Music—some of my favorite nights during my youth were sneaking into my parents’ parties and listening to the music, watching the dancing and revelry. I miss. . .people.”
  You smiled, sadness tugging at your heart, but knew this wish was an easy one to fulfill, too.
  “Also as good as done. I know the perfect place in the Village, and it’s near my apartment.”
  Ahkmenrah’s face threatened to split into two as his grin widened even further.
  “Jack told me about life and he explained it well, but he never let me live it. When I was locked in my sarcophagus, I spent most nights worrying that I would never get the chance to live. And you know how Egyptians felt about the gift of life.”
  Indeed, you did. Well, so much for your rule—you’d have to once again reconcile that what you were doing for Ahk was more meaningful than maintaining a boundary. Besides, just because you were giving Ahkmenrah a taste of life didn’t mean that you were in love with him; you were being a good friend.
  “I’m going to duck out a little early tonight to get some sleep. I’m meeting a friend for brunch tomorrow, before work, so I’ll need to run the errands first.”
  “Thank you, Y/N. I am forever indebted to you for your kindness.”
  “Uh, remember those 4,000-year-old papyruses you gifted me with to allow me to finish my dissertation proposal? I’d say we are barely scratching even.”
  Ahkmenrah couldn’t stop smiling and you elbowed him in the ribs as he walked you to the front desk to say goodbye to Larry.
  “Stop smiling,” you hissed. “You’re terrible at being discreet.”
  Ahk composed himself for all of 10 seconds.
  “Fun night?” Larry asked, raising his brow and taking in Ahkmenrah’s unabashed happiness.
  “Y/N brought me a game that we used to play in my time. It was a real. . . blast from the past.”
  Larry laughed and you chuckled, too.
  “You’re really catching onto the slang, Ahk,” Larry said.
  “I’ve always been a quick study.”
  “Goodnight, boys. I’ll see you tomorrow!” you called, waving as you dashed out.
  * * * * *
Shopping had been a success, although you were now ten minutes late for your brunch with Ry, which was highly uncharacteristic for you.
  “I was about to call the coppers.”
  “Sorry—had to run some errands. I’m starving, though!”
  You picked up your menu and scanned for what you wanted. Ryan knew you well enough to know that you couldn’t focus on anything he said until you determined what you were ordering. Once the waiter returned and the two of you placed your orders, you turned your full attention to him.
  You asked him how he thought his proposal turned out, and he explained what he wanted you to look for during your proof. He knew your time was limited, but you assured him that you didn’t mind.
  Conversation flowed without effort and you found yourself smiling, falling into the charm that was Ryan. Things were so easy with him, so easy in the bright light of the sun that streamed through the window of the café.
  “Our mates are all headed out tomorrow night. Any chance I can convince you to meet up?”
  “Tomorrow, huh? I’ve—”
  “You’ve got plans,” Ryan said, his smile faltering a bit. “Any chance you wanna tell me what’s got you so busy all of a sudden?”
  “The same thing that’s going to have you so busy soon enough. I thought you and I didn’t do the whole jealousy bit?”
  “I’m not jealous—just curious.”
  “Mmm. You forget that I know you better than that.”
  “I don’t want you working too hard. You know how you get, Y/N. Your passion for your research is enviable. Is it wrong to wish that maybe you were that passion about something else? To keep a little hope that maybe it could be me?”
  “If you recall, I showed up at the airport and begged you to take me to Australia with you for the summer after the first year of our ‘friendship.’ God, I’m still not over that embarrassment.”
  Ryan laughed, the sparkle returning to his eyes.
  “What happened to that girl?”
  “She’s still here, just a little preoccupied.”
  “Well, I’ll text you, just in case you change your mind about Saturday.”
  Ryan held the door open for you as you exited the café. He pulled you into a tight hug, and asked, “Going my way?”
  “You know I am,” you replied and linked your fingers with his proffered hand.
  You and Ryan walked to NYU, hand in hand, the sun warming your skin and wrapping you up in his radiant energy.
  * * * * *
You had bought two sizes of everything, planning on returning what didn’t fit to the store tomorrow. It had been a long time since you had a boyfriend to dress up, so you were really loving the idea of seeing what Ahk looked like in your purchases. You also brought along some product to attempt to tame his curls.
  You crammed all of your purchases into your backpack, while simultaneously cramming down any thoughts about what you were doing. Brunch with Ryan had reminded you of exactly why you shouldn’t be getting so close to Ahkmenrah. The two of you would never stroll hand in hand through the New York streets in the sunlight. You could never wake up in Ahk’s arms, and the thought of exactly what would happened if you did should have been enough to scare you straight.
  Should have been.
  Except, once again, there he was, and he was barely able to keep from bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet the instant he saw you.
  Ahkmenrah swept forward, his cape billowing behind him, as he grabbed your hand.
  “Come on—I know where we can go to avoid detection.”
  You followed Ahk through the museum and into an old, clearly forgotten storage area. Stacks of boxes lined the walls, overflowing from the shelves that also had boxes and items of antiquity stacked to the ceiling. The room was about the size of a modest living room and was cast in a greenish hue from the single, fluorescent overhead light.
  Ahkmenrah locked the door, stating that as far as he knew, no one at night had a key.
  He started shedding his garments, faster than you could register and when he pulled his belt off, you said, “Whoa. I know nakedness isn’t, like, a thing for Egyptians, but it is for me, well, us, you know what I mean. . .”
  “My apologies. I am just so eager!”
  You laughed shaking your head and pulling the clothes from your bag.
  Ahkmenrah stood patiently now, and it occurred to you that he seemed to be more presence than actual personhood. He was fit, gorgeously proportioned, but he wasn’t a big guy. You sifted through your purchases and selected the smaller sizes.
  You pulled out a package of boxer-briefs and explained to Ahkmenrah that he should put these on before his pants.
  He examined the underwear closely, his nose scrunching up at the idea of being constrained, then proceeded to ask no less than ten questions. You considered yourself a patient person, but finally just exclaimed, “Ahk! Try them on!”
  He hooked his thumb into the tie of his shendyt and pulled, and you whirled around to give him the privacy that he clearly wasn’t concerned about.
  You listened to his shuffling and when he stilled, you asked, “Are they on?”
  You turned around and drank in the sight of the once-king in nothing but a snug pair of white boxer-briefs. The white complemented the darkness of his skin, even under the subpar lighting, and for the first time, you noticed the faint trail of dark hair that led beneath the waistband of his newly donned garment. His legs, just as perfectly proportioned as the rest of him, were muscular, strong, and you found yourself wondering if you could make the muscles of those thighs twitch if you were on your knees—
  “Does this look suitable?”
  You swallowed as you attempted to appear perfectly in control of your body’s reaction and nodded.
  “What’s next?” Ahkmenrah asked, still barely containing his excitement.
  You grinned, “Pants.”
  “Come on. Don’t discount them before you’ve even tried them.”
  You had chosen a pair of tight-fitting tan pants made of a soft, stretchy fabric. You were a little worried about his reaction to them, so you had also bought a pair of looser fitting jeans as a backup.
  You handed the pants to Ahkmenrah and he put them on slowly; you couldn’t hold in your giggles at the faces he made as he pulled them up his legs and over his hips. It was like you’d made him try on pants made of fire and barbed wire instead of cotton.
  Then, he puzzled over the hook-snap and the zipper for a moment before declaring he was afraid of getting something important caught if he were to zip up the pants. You laughed and told him to tuck himself in while you grabbed the two sides of his open pants. You assured him that everything would stay safe as you zipped up the zipper. Ahkmenrah sucked in a breath, clearly terrified. You showed him how the snap worked, and once he released the breath he was holding, you stepped back to look at him.
  The pants were certainly snug, but they fit him well. He was standing with his legs comically spread a part, clearly unsure about being this confined.
  “And this was why I wanted to practice,” you said as you pulled a shirt out of your backpack.
  “Alright, last piece before shoes. I think you’ll like this one.”
  You pulled out a thin, black, long-sleeve shirt. You figured it would be the perfect balance for a New York summer night that was muggy, but sure to cool as the night wore on. 
  “This is nice,” Ahkmenrah said as he ran his hands over his arms and smoothed out the material.
  “I thought so—it’s primarily a linen blend, something not too far removed from your clothing. And now for shoes.”
  You pulled out a pair of black, high-top tennis shoes that looked like a more expensive version of Converses. Ahkmenrah’s feet ended up being a little bigger than you thought, so you’d have to exchange for a size up, even though he didn’t want to admit that his toes were flush against the shoe.
  “I promise it’s not a big deal. I’ll bring the right size tomorrow. Our night won’t be delayed. You wouldn’t even believe how easy it is to just get another pair of shoes.”
  “I believe it if you say it is true, but it is still difficult to imagine.”
  “If we have time, we’ll walk by a shoe store so you can see just how many pairs are readily available.”
  “Do I look acceptable?” Ahk asked, biting his lower lip, his eyes shining with worry.
  You smiled as you took in Ahk’s appearance before nodding your affirmation.
  “But let’s get to work on that hair.”
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trustandblasters · 4 years
So wait, you mentioned making a channel about paganism/witchcraft. Do you practice? What path are you on if you do? Why don't you talk bout it more, it's really cool
Ehh, sorry for the late reply, i’ve been struggling with how to answer this.
For a short answer: Yes, I am a practicing Witch and follow a Pagan Religion. My path is an eclectic mess tbh, though is heavily Celtic and Wicca in leaning. The Pagan Community tends to make me want to keep quiet?
To be more in depth, yes I am a practicing pagan witch that works on spells and rituals with the occasional observance of a Sabbath (when work doesn’t keep me to busy) that follows a personalized path combining leanings from Wicca, Celtic Reconstruction, Norse Folk Traditions, and a few elements that come from my Christian background/childhood. The path is entirely my own though I do a lot of research on mythology, history, herbalism (it isn’t a substitute for medicine, go to a fucking doctor), crystals, divination, ect. I am open to questions, no you can’t see my Grimoire/Book of Shadows, I’m not interested in students, yes I am open to discussions on various topics concerning it. 
For the why I keep quiet part it is generally because, especially on Tumblr, I find the Pagan/Witchblr community to just be... very... out of touch with reality? That is probably the most polite way to say it. Now, I won’t sit here and take potshots at people that claim kin or godspouse stuff. They aren’t hurting anyone and I believe in the concept of reincarnation so for the most part I am good with all but Fictionkin (and specifically only ones that claim to be characters from anime/manga/video games/ect), Godspouses I take a huge issue with but again, they aren’t hurting anyone so if it helps them then You do You Boo. 
Now, to be a nitty gritty type thing, I will say this before I continue: I am aware that some of my views on Paganism, Witchcraft, Magic, and Occultism is something that will likely piss off some people in the Witchblr community. If you are apart of this community and anything in this post offends you? Move on. I genuinely don’t give two fucks this is my own opinion and path. I will answer to my gods when I die, and so will you so before you start any sort of hateful comment or message remember it isn’t your place to judge or condemn me, especially if you preach Tolerance to others. 
Now on to why I specifically don’t like talking about it: I find most of Witchblr in general to be slightly out of touch with Reality at the best of times and almost fully insane at worst. What I mean by this is that, while I follow a mystical path and practice magic I tend to keep things firmly rooted in what is actually possible concerning the Laws of Physics and Reality. While a spell that can call upon a Massive Thunderstorm that takes months to prepare and weeks to cast looks amazing and will likely get the caster to release a lot of energy by the end of the day a human can’t pull a Massive Thunderstorm out of absolutely nothing. 
Spells and rituals to get your dream job are all well in good but without some foot in the door already you aren’t getting that job. I won’t use the anology about submitting an application because I personally know that somethimes, someone can get a job without one. 
What I mean is, regardless of that spell, for you to get that job means that someone in the Hiring Team needed to already know you in some form. Maybe another person in the company with a lot of power suggested you for the position (this happened to me), maybe you personally know someone on the hiring team and they hooked you up, maybe you were well known in the company for a completely different reason and they offered you the position. All possible reasons for you to get a job offer without needing a resume/application. 
Because at the end of the day, no spell can magically put your information in a completely unknown company’s system so they know you are employable potential. 
I’ll see posts in witchblr about spells that promise a lot of effects, and while I am all for using magic to help get what you want I am fully against the idea that you can just Magick things your way with no mundane effort. A spell can help you get a job but without some effort you wont get it. A spell can help encourage a storm, but if it/s 100 degrees and not a cloud in the sky chances are the spell isn’t going to work. 
I also tend to get really weirded out by witches and practicioners that claim to have these supposedly really deep connections with their gods, to the point that they claim they always feel their presence. Now, history and mythology has shown us that sometimes deities can favor a mortal for really odd or nonsensical reasons but I tend to side eye witches that claim to have these deep connections with gods that for all intents never had any historical or mythological backing for even liking mortals. Let alone working with them. (A lot of Deities that could be classified as ‘Evil’ or ‘Chaotic’ in particular, but most of the time when this topic comes up it is usually for a lot of ‘mainstream’ gods like Thor, Loki, Odin, Poseidon, Zues, Anubis, ect).
I’ve worked with otherworldly energies, usually those of the Fair Folk/Fairies. Occasionally I have felt the energies of what I would consider a deity, but from a personal perspective I tend to find it some what showing in the other witch’s hubris when they claim a particular God/Goddess ‘Chose Them’ and they have this deep connection (and it is always a very popular Pop Culture God, and the Witch is usually young and female or young and gay)
Maybe I am wrong on this, and maybe many witches do have this kind of deep bond with their gods. Perhaps it is my own self-worth issues that make me see working with the energies of gods to be something to above someone as mundane as myself. But it is something that weirds me out. 
I also find the Witchblr community to be too full of SJWs as well. Now, I understand the concept of a Closed Religion. Certain areas of the Pagan Umbrella are areas I myself cannot go because of my bloodline/family history and thus I respect the fact these are closed religions and I cannot practice any of their concepts (Native American practices and Hoodoo/Voodoo are big ones here).
But I find Witchblr to take it to full on hysteria and purity culture. It genuinely concerns me that they police each other in so much fine detail that you could post something as mundane as ‘Rose Quartz can be used in Self Love Spells’ and chances are someone will send you an ask or anon ripping you a new one for getting some part of that sentence wrong. 
Going from there, a lot of spells I see posted also look to.... I guess ‘Fluff Bunny’ to me. For those who aren’t aware, in the Witchcraft Community, a Fluff Bunny is one who isn’t actually a witch but claims to practice witchcraft for the Aesthetic. Generally most of what they say is inaccurate and there is an 80% chance they will try to sell you a crappy essential oil and colored glass with some fruity quartz label and say it can cure some ailment. 
Now, for the most part spells are used to bring about a desired outcome by using ingredients and items with the desired attributes to attract that outcome. Quite a few spells on Witchblr follow this but most i’ve seen are making a spell more for the Aesthetics of Witchcraft rather than an actual spell. 
This might be somewhat rambly, but yeah. I don’t talk about my religion a lot due to me finding the Pagan community on tumblr to be just to out there for me. Hope this helps?
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Coraline au (Firebird)
N/A: Here comes the Firebird.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
Kitty´s hair is getting longer and she can recognise this as her curly long hair is spread around his shoulder and chest. In his own words, Kitty looks like a cute cat(and he chuckles as she looks at him funny. He adds, amused, she also look like a puppy too) and their hands/tentacles are untied. Is a calming moment among a human and Chaos itself.
"Hey, were you ever married before?" Kitty asked trying to hear his heartbeat. His mask is perfect in every sense, but, he´s not human and that´s something many, many people never realize until is too late.
No Heartbeat is found.
Kurt just chuckles again. His own laughter seems to vibrate through his body and Kitty has the feeling that the universe can feel it too. For some reason, that does make a smile born in her face.
"You mean if I was ever needing of a wife for my plans? Well, yes, and no, whatever happens, was consensual. Some lesser gods take women, men without caring for ethics" and flashes a big smile "when I was king of Kaldrum" and he´s not surprised by the fact Kitty knows this planet and this faction "I was married to a woman. She was a good cover!"
"Well, yeah, I can see you being a king and needing a Queen. And when you´re just being YOU?" now her face is directly making contact with his. Kurt won´t mention she´s in a compromised position now. He´s a gentleman.
"I mean, have you as well you, ever want company? The cats told me you´re the forever alone, but, you´re very, very old so I found hard to believe you never had anyone to share the night" Kitty explains and now Nightcrawler is pondering. His tentacles are playing with her hair.
When her hair got so big? Is almost full of life.
(LK can remember vividly of a certain case of a certain Outer God walking in his domains with such lively hair...)
Nightcrawler chuckles again. Odd how such malicious god can have such calming and soothing laugh, well, this is a special moment sure he keeps his ''evil laughter'' to work hours.
"Well...once upon a time another Outer God pretending to me be, doing a comical job at that" Kitty for some reason frown at that. "was walking down my realms and I got to admit she was ballsy for her endeavours. Do you know who she was?"
"Zaorva" she speaks as if is a question but deep down she is well aware is not.
"Yes, she! And is now funny how people really think she was me. The sea of dogs that follow her should have been a big clue" Kurt responds bemused "yes, yes, some cats follow her as well. Still...dogs!"
"Hey! Dogs are pretty cool as cats too." Kitty feels bothered by his comment for some reason. Kurt notices. IT smiles now.
"Anway, she also eats my snake god" now he feels sad and Kitty rolls her eyes. For some reason, she´s thinking in chicken when he details how Zaorva eats his favourite pet snake "and I would be very cross with Zaorva " his eyes trail Kitty´s petit form as she shakes her head not believing him and IT knows she is right. As if IT would hurt her "she also changes Anubis into a dog"
LK watches as Kitty rants about this case. "That fake dog. He was advertising himself as a dog, a good boy, but, in the end, he was just a human with a good aesthetic. I didn´t like that story and yes I can see Zaorva changing him into a dog to teach him a lesson" she crosses her arms.
LK is amused.
LK is also worried. The woman lay her head on his chest as she continues to talk softly with him and, for once in his entire existence, LK is listening gently.
Am I getting soft? Better go destroy something latter.
Jupiter is drinking his water looking at the moon. A full moon indeed. And back to Cosmo who is staring so intensely at the moon. "Hey, you won´t turn into a werewolf, right?"
"Jupiter, we talk about it. Werewolf is a human thing." Cosmo replies and asked something to Jupiter. "hey, remember when you asked about my patron?"
"The lady with many, many and many names? yep"
"Do you still want to meet her?"
"As long she´s not a werewolf..." Jupiter side-eye to the dog who rolls his eyes again.
"Not a werewolf, promise. And you´ll meet her soon. Right after Pheonix arrive on Earth"
The phone rings in Kitty´s newest residence. A superstar("guys, I´m not that famous!" "Don´t be modest Katzchen") living with her parents is cute until it isn´t. And when Kitty answers are the X-men begging, that´s right, begging for her help.
"Is Jean...she´s not alright" Ororo´s voice is speaking in a low tone as if she´s hiding. She can hear Dazzler and Rogue shout something and a third voice saying "Ah, damn I just finish fix the ceiling!"
"What happened?" Kitty asked with Cosmo on her lap.
"A team of X-men were sent to Space to help the Shiar´s civilization...but...but...Jean returns differently. Could you help us?"
"Of course, I´m on my way"
Cosmo only gives on a word to this situation. "Firebird."
Jupiter now has questions. Is this part of the dogs´ plans?
Jean Grey is fine. In fact, more than fine as now she sees everything with total clarity. Logan is not having a good time as Jean´s power is upgraded to the maximum.
"Am I still a myth little man?" she said in a deep voice. Non-human like as she, using her powers, juggle Logan among other objects. "Apology and I may stop it"
"Jeanie. Please, that´s not you" Logan pleads. "Please, for what you feel for me"
"Urg. Seriously? Did I have to fuck Scott Summers in your face for you to get I don´t love you? You know what? Stay here thinking about your life...if I´m the mood I may kill or change you, whatever strikes my fancy"
And no one manages to take Logan from that punishment.
Kitty arrives with Nightcrawler and, of course, Jupiter and Cosmo who have mixed reaction to seeing Jean Grey aka Pheonix in the flesh. Jupiter is scared ("I think she knows I eat many birds on the way here") Cosmo is calm and a bit bored("Ok, ok, you can stay behind me. I´ll protect you, but, can you stop using the slim form? Is freaking me out") Kitty is surprised and Nightcrawler is laughing in a mocking tone.
Pheonix is not happy to see Nightcrawler. But smiles gladly at Kitty. "Is good to see you again even if IT is here" Pheonix replies to a very smiling and creepy Nightcrawler.
"You´re Pheonix!"Kitty states calmly playing with the deity hair as if she´s a small child. "Does this mean you eat Jean?"
"In other versions? Yes. In this one? No. We merge, so to speak. She was made to be my vessel" Pheonix respond as Kitty is playing with her hair "She is not very fond of you"
"I noticed. Jean Grey is not good in being subtle ...just like me" Kitty jokes and the good moment is broken as Pheonix turns to Nightcrawler and speaks with venom in her voice. "And you! Keep your damned cats away from my birds"
"I can´t control my cats"
There´s something oddly familiar in this scene. "You two ...know each other...intimaly?" Kitty was sure they were exes with a bitter past. Nightcrawler and Pheonix are disgust by the question.
Kitty is somewhat relief by this revelation.
"So...Jean is Pheonix?" Scott asked once Kitty explain the situation. People were hoping for Kitty to fix this situation, and deep down maybe Kitty could take Pheonix out of Jean´s body, but, for some reason, she does not want.
Pheonix arrives first. She´s a fair person.
"Think of this way. You have a relationship with Jean now" she points at the red hair who has control of her choices and frowns as she recalls Pheonix let Kitty braid her own hair. "and a relationship with the Firebird of life and destruction. Pheonix"
Scott looks at Jean for a moment. "Is something really strange. And don´t know what to think right now, but, Jean is here and that´s what matters as for the Firebird, I mean Pheonix, well, uhm...I´m open to date an Outer God" Scott jokes cracking a small smile from Jean.
"Dazzler" Pheonix speaks and the blonde can feel the fire even in her small words. Dazzler bows to the Outer God. Pheonix seems to enjoy the love and respect she got.
"Relax, I don´t have any mission for you, in fact, me and Galaticus are very pleased with your track so far. I´m here to ask one thing" Pheonix draws suspense for a moment and Dazzler waits for the question. She hopes she won´t take a page from Zaorva/Gaia and ask something impossible, however, she chooses something different. "When Kitty punch Nightcrawler, did it feel pain?"
"Extremely so. I have the memories if you want to see it"
"Yes, please. I have Jean´s recollection of the case. I watch from space, but, oh that still is worth watching"
Nightcrawler is watching is not impressed.
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nol-overwatch · 5 years
The Language of Flowers
He keeps getting flowers at his grave.
[Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison x Reader]
He believed in the saying “Pity the living instead of the dead”, and at his supposed ‘death’ he hung onto that belief like it was his last lifeline. As the years wear on and his vigilante escapades all over the world stoked unwanted attention, it was safe to say that he pitied those who are even alive to incur his wrath. His conquest to uncover the truth of Overwatch’s downfall continued on, friend and foe remained a stranger in his eyes.
On his first year, he returned to his grave, not to reminisce, but to hide from a criminal syndicate who were adamant on hunting him down. It was for a brief moment, in the darkness while he tried to catch his breath, that he spotted a flower on top of his grave stone. It was too surreal; a dark crimson rose sat lonesome on the stone. He figured that some people still thought of him as a hero, and that thought sickened him. With rage he crushed the flower with his fist, and went on his way to find a car to steal.
It was a few months later, that when he passed by a flower shop in London, that he saw the same crimson rose in a bouquet on full-display, a card at the bottom saying “Flowers for Mourning”.
Was he happy that he ‘died’? That naive, charismatic, blonde, blue-eyed fella who thought he could take on the world on his shoulders and still look good for the press to snap a photo of? Maybe. He certainly didn’t miss having to kiss the UN’s ass all the time, or enduring the painful conundrum of the protesters outside of the base. The world despised him anyways, and while he, in turn, could hate them as well, he couldn’t. His moral compass may have shattered but duty above all else stamped right through. He is not Jack Morrison, Strike Commander of Overwatch anymore. He is Soldier: 76, the wanted vigilante in search of true justice.
On his second year, he returned to his grave, a little calmer and a little bitter as age wore him on. He meant to just pass by, before hitchhiking a train to the next state, when he saw another flower, a full bouquet this time, of beautiful pinks and whites. He mused that some people still don’t know when to give up, and left the flowers alone.  A month later, while camping at the mountains in Pakistan, a traveler pointed out to him the same pink and white flowers littered across the plain called Sweet Peas, the symbol of goodbye and farewell in the language of flowers.
Sometimes he thought this vigilante thing would never last. He often blamed his age for it, wondering when will be the day he’ll finally break down due to his old bones and weakening sanity. Sometimes they come in the form of danger, such as being strapped to the front seat of a car while sitting in the middle of the train tracks. It was mostly thanks to his super soldier strength, and the rest to his luck, that he was able to survive that, but Jack knew he couldn’t rely on those two for long.
The third year he returned in the form of an accident; he jumped off a plane and miraculously survived after dropping into the icy cold waters of a nearby lake. He didn’t know where he was going, too preoccupied with the cold settling in his bones, his legs unconsciously reaching the sight of his gravestone. He was dumbfounded to find purple flowers in a vase, reminding him of the lilacs at Gerard and Amelie’s wedding day. He didn’t need to go around and know what they mean: “Good luck to a new beginning.”
He was startled out of his wits when he heard a voice, “Sir, are you alright?” Immediately, he swiveled around, hand quickly going for his sidearm, to see someone wearing a gardening hat and holding a large broom on their hands. The keeper of this side of the cemetery perhaps?
“No, I’m fine.” He gruffly said before sprinting away, concerned that a civilian has spotted him.
Each year, he thought of the flowers and why on earth someone would waste their time on a problematic hero. It couldn’t be one of his fans, right? He remembered, during the glory days, he’d receive fan mail from teens younger than Oxton, and men and women who were definitely older than him. All expressed their admiration and love and at the time, he thought it was ridiculous. He still thinks it’s ridiculous. After all, he’s just a soldier. Surely they would’ve heard of the allegations held against him and Overwatch. Anyone would be willing to drop an Overwatch operative in hiding just for the reward money.
He decided to be a tad bit crafty, and visited his grave a week later just to see if anyone still cared. In his heart, he allowed a tiny spark of hope that someone out there still believes in their mission for peace, no matter how convoluted it was in the first place. He was still hiding from the local syndicates when he arrived at dawn, only to be disappointed at the appearance of an empty grave. No flower, no vase.
He wanted to kick himself; of course, nobody cares about a dead guy. Not anymore.
As he stood there, contemplating about his next move, a familiar voice sounded behind him, “Ah, you’re here again.”
He hesitated turning around to acknowledge them, but he nodded curtly. “Not surprised to see an old timer visit an empty grave?”
“No, more like I’m surprised to see Soldier: 76 around these parts.”
He growled at that, but he didn’t offer any more words. A civilian would try to apprehend him to the authorities, but like hell would he not resist at all. He waited for the signs of apprehension appearing on their face, but surprisingly there were none.
In fact, the keeper wasn’t looking at him, but the grave in front of them. “This man was a hero, not like the others here. And yet, you don’t see enough flowers in his grave.”
“He wasn’t worth any flowers.” He replied, only to see a flash of hurt cross the gardener’s features before it disappeared completely. “Of course he was. Last week, there were red and yellow zinnias on his grave. I just threw them out after they’ve wilted yesterday.”
He was quiet after the outburst, opting to replay the whole thing in his head. Somebody is still giving him flowers?
After a long moment of silence, of him staring hard at the ground and the gardener looking off into the rising sun in the sky, he mumbled quietly, “...What did they mean?”
“Mean what?”
“The Zinnias.” Another brief pause.
“Remembrance, and steadfastness.”
As time went on, he found some semblance of the justice he was searching for. The infamous assassin and guardian of Anubis, Shrike, turned out to be one of his long-dead best friends and former second-in-command, Ana Amari. After their escapades in Egypt, the two have agreed to work together again in search of answers. Ana had aged beautifully; though the same cannot be said for the old soldier, who admitted that he longed for the domestic life. The both wanted to return to their families, but they decided that the world isn’t safe yet for their respective loved ones. Ana, with her daughter Fareeha, and Jack, with his ex boyfriend Vincent.
On the fifth anniversary of the fall of Overwatch, Jack, at Ana’s insistence, visited his grave again. They were in the area and they might as well come see. He remembered, during his funeral, how his parents wanted his grave to be situated at Bloomington, Indiana, his home; not in a cemetery of heroes, not when the body wasn’t even found. He thought how funny and sad it was that they left Gabe’s grave alone, knowing full well how much he meant to their son. Five years later, and that day still held no special meaning to him whatsoever.
Except, maybe, for that one thing that continued to bother him.
When the both of them arrived, some time nearing dusk, he stopped dead at a figure approaching his gravestone. Ana, having noticed this, held tightly to her gun. “Who is that, Jack?” She said hurriedly as they hid behind some trees.
“I have no idea.” His mind was in hyperdrive and his heart was beating so loudly. Could this be the person who was giving him flowers for all these years? He wanted so badly to find out who they are, to ask why they’re still doing this, when his legs suddenly moved on its own.
He walked briskly, and then he started running, and he didn’t stop until he was face to face with the gardener of the cemetery.
He was out of breath, not from the run but from his thoughts all jumbled up, “W-why..? You, you know what happened..!” He roared, his voice echoing across the place. He should be more quiet, more respectful, but damn them all to hell!
The gardener stared at him, too surprised to even form words, when they frowned ever so slightly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, vigilante.”
“That man was no hero--”
“He was a hero,” They countered, their voice ringing loudly. “And he saved my life and countless others. I don’t care what the world thought about him; he was a good person. Too good for this world I dare say.”
He didn’t like to hear those words, but his tongue stilled, too distressed and bewildered to think that this is even happening. He wasn’t paying attention when the gardener turned their back on him and continued to move towards the grave.
In a gentle, peaceful motion, they settled down a tuft of white chrysanthemums from the inside of their jacket, slightly crushed from the inner folds. They took their time to dust the grave before standing up to admire it; the soldier behind them sulked quietly. “They never found the body, some say it got crushed under all the debris, others say he survived. The latter...saddens me--” They didn’t see him flinch. “--but I find it understandable.”
“The world wanted him dead when he failed to keep them safe, when even with his abilities and his comrades, they’ve all forgotten that he is human as well. I’d hide too, even change my name and my essentials, just so society won’t reject me again. It’s not good, but it’s the most human thing to do.”
They stood up and looked back at the soldier, a look of sincerity evident on their face. “I don’t know what you thought of him, Soldier, but you can agree with me that if he were alive, he’d still be fighting for what he believes in, right?” They said, a gentle smile caressing their features.
When Jack didn’t say anything, the gardener thought it was time for them to leave and start work, when his gruff voice sounded up again, “Chrysanthemums, what do they mean?”
The gardener paused, surprised at that type of question, before sighing contentedly. “Loyalty to one another. I think it’s my way of saying that, I do still believe in Jack Morrison.”
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