#hope this helps!! :DD
candygorecollective · 1 month
Hi endogenic systems and supporters! Here are some lizards I found because you're amazing and deserve alllll the lizards!!...only if you want them of course...
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-💐🏈 (Freddie)
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dirpinationsonyt · 9 months
Um... so, it turns out that soulmates can be platonic too...
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transexualpirate · 13 days
Okay this is extremely random and hopefully you don’t mind me asking *inhale* BUUUUUT I ate an edible for the first time today and since I do believe you have experience in the weed business you could help me understand this more cuz like I ate about a third of a full edible n im not sure how many mgs were in it but like do you think it was too weak because I thought it’d be like… me tripping out and discovering the secrets of the universe and making jokes so uncharacteristically hilarious that it scares people but all I did was get so loving and joyous and horny and laughing at everything to now im just hungry as fuck. Overall I felt different for about 5 or 6 hours. But it wasn’t like crazy or anything, all it did was put me in a relaxed and happy mood but physically I felt nothing. Was that liek a weak dose or does that sound normal and would eating more next time get me more fucked up … if you know. I’m sorry if that question is stupid like i said it’s my first time n idk what im doing 💔
NO UR GOOD DON'T WORRY it's good to ask people but i gotta say im unfortunately not as experienced as id like to be, ive only ever tried smoking and homemade edibles :/ BUT i might still be able to help you here!!!!! it sounds like you were only a little high like in one of the lowest "levels". i get like that when im smoking and only take a few hits. barely feel anything physically but i do get hornier and more relaxed (and sometimes sleepy)
the first time you try weed it's very common that one of two things will happen: either you won't feel almost anything or it hits so hard you might even get a bad trip. that's like a very common thing, most people react like that and it was like that for me too (the first time i ever tried it i was at the beach and barely felt anything at all, just kept staring at the waves wondering when it was gonna hit and then i got sleepy and went home). another thing is if you're eating it the effects can take a long long long time to actually hit. like to me personally it's usually almost two hours until im actually feeling it and then three hours until it peaks. when it does i get a really good trip for around three or sometimes (depends on the mgs and what else i consumed during the day) even four hours and then it starts going away. there are some things you can do to feel it faster like eating it in an empty stomach but i don't recommend it at all. also if you eat it with chocolate or milk for whatever insane reason it tends to last a little longer i have no idea why?? but it's a real thing, it's why pot brownies (or any recipe involving chocolate) are so popular
did you have a trip sitter or just anyone else with you? if they had tried it before and ate as much as you did and managed to get high it was probably just because it was your first time. if you didn't eat as much as them it's also possible that you didn't eat "enough" (BUUUUT if you didn't cook it yourself it's like always better if you start by eating very little then you wait like an hour to see how you feel, if you don't feel anything THEN and Only Then you eat some more. if you didn't cook it yourself, you don't know how strong it is yk? better safe than sorry you don't want an unexpected green out). and if you ate the same amount and it was also their first time then maybe you just have a stronger metabolism it happens sometimes. if you wanna try again i recommend eating the same amount and waiting, if you only feel the same thing again maybe try eating some more and waiting even more
if it's eating not smoking it's good to take like a whole evening for that because like i said trips from edibles last way longer. can go for even eight hours sometimes
i hope this helps :]
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kuni-kuun · 2 years
where can I read the bsd light novel? I keep hearing about it but I can't find it
Hello!! So far the ones i have read are ln1, ln3, 55 minutes (kinda) and kunikida and katai's brilliant days
I checked the website i usually read the lns on but for some reason the website was closed. However i found a new one where you can read some!
LN 1 (Dazai Osamu's entrance exam) :
LN3 (Untold Origins of the Detective Agency):
Chapter 1
(Unfortunately i cant find the site i read it on originally so this one is incomplete) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LoxzzHC0cC2up633LxpvnxhjcpfVbXGzj1pjhkn60uU/edit?usp=drivesdk
Chapter 2
1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rmIA6WJaMRsQyTJab2xugi9fBvJW-xrVt0qrLjfJaBU/edit?usp=drivesdk
2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L45bhrttssqj9TrKfDs6Ocsuy1mMXgc9IFIkazkJfII/edit?usp=drivesdk
3: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kudanKQAIi7piunBhqx4rkum8oEEx4BI5Hd5xGZE7_g/edit?usp=drivesdk
4: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11K3_nUay_w92_68wSh3pMG7ok5bpzAAw1zyfZybsjV4/edit?usp=drivesdk
5: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HbZUlKyVsrxVluZYeGpx50Bm4_JvpMmPYvKf736OUy4/edit?usp=drivesdk
6: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ApNI3620WtllJMxSSrGY0_KK_ze12Tcfmn0QhPucnA/edit?usp=drivesdk
Kunikida and Katai's Magnificent days:
55 minutes:
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meatbag-status · 9 months
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....i mean
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artnerd1123 · 29 days
What happened to witch in the Bad End drawing?
Ahhh, in the bad end au nobody manages to escape the dungeons! As such, jester isn’t allowed to regain their place as announcer, instead demoted to a floor one enemy. So, Lady Luck needed a new announcer. A new face for the cams. Who better to use than the very girl who arrived JUST to catch a glimpse of her hero? I mean, she’s already camera and media savvy! And that smiley optimism of of hers is so useful :)
So tldr she’s the announcer now and is having the worst best time of her life :)
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stillresolved · 2 months
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the way part of the reason i started this blog was to cut down on muses and now three months later, i plan to add like, four more muses to my roster :'D
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dwtdog · 3 months
When reading fics , do you care if it’s got a lot of like non dialogue lol
I’m trying to write my first fic and I have a lot of like story telling and not so much dialogue yet
moments without dialogue can be my favorite parts of fics :DD the only time that a lack of dialogue for a long period of time may turn people away is if it feels out of character- like if ur writing from say, george's pov, and it just feels like very general observations with none of what i would expect from him, then it may put me slightly off the fic, buttt obviously that's something that can be really hard to get right :o
dialogue used to be least favorite thing in the world to write lawl, but then something about writing mundane ass dnf conversations just made it click for me hehe
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willczek-art · 1 year
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I'm posting these in such an illogical order
Sad ghost boi inspired by @bratniadusza 's "Feeling blue" piece! :D
(here's a process video for it! :D)
Aaaand there's a poll to vote on the next stamp (that I will plug in every stamp post until it runs out of time, sorry if that's annoying, but polls make me happy C:)
Also!!! Your guys's tags on these stamp posts are the best?? I'm so happy to bring this random interest to your attention and I would absolutely LOVE to see what you make!!! If you want any help or just Talk (tiny) Printmaking I'm here for it!! :D
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ofgentleresolve · 9 months
“ POST - IT NOTE ” hehe u know for who
post it notes are valid and perfect ( post-it notes prompt w/ @wellfell )
send “ POST - IT NOTE ” for what my muse would leave yours in a post - it note message !
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“Coffee’s in the fridge- wait do you like coffee? Shit I don’t have any tea- I can get some next door. Maybe. You know what, I’m going to the supermarket- lmk if you want anything in particular.
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lorereadsclassics7 · 2 years
List of dates for DD this week according to my book (not saying whose entries to keep spoilers away):
24th (today) - 3, Jonathan, telegram, middle length one from Seward (see previous post as example)
25th - short entry
26th - short entry
27th - short entry
28th - short entry, very long entry
29th - very long entry
30th - short entry, very long entry, short-ish entry, very long entry, long entry
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deleteddewewted · 11 months
I haven't abandoned anime, don't worry. Im just wondering what I should od besides the event stuff I still have to do.
I want to do the Rengoku one and Shinso one i had already started planning for but I also want to do stuff that would actually entertain people since I don't really seem to like my more self-indulgent stuff.
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berryblu-soda · 2 years
Guess who just got confirmed COVID kekw *insert emoji lip bite here*
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cowcowwow · 2 years
How do you draw on your phone? My latest doodles were on my phone and they’re not very good! Have you just been doing it a long time? What app do u use on your phone?
I use Ibispaint!! :D I draw with my finger; there's a stabilizer on it that really helps with the shakiness of my fingers, and it's free! You do have to watch ads though :P
As for how long I've been drawing on my phone: not as long as I have been drawing on ms paint, but still a bit! It's been two years now, I think. :00
I think the key is just to practice, and know that eventually it'll get easier fgdv. When I first started it was super hard, but eventually I started using it more because it has more features than ms paint fgsvbdh
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gikairan · 2 years
Dragons Dogma Stream:
Best ending - Dragon's Dogma 2
Good ending - Dragon's Dogma 2, turns out the crappy anime was a prequel and sets the tone for the new story
Okay ending - Actually they just remastered the original game and are re-releasing it. For the second generation in a row.
Bad ending - Dragon's Dogma anime season 2
Worst ending - No announcement
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chocoenvy · 2 years
Good day my dear friend! Long time no see, hello from stuck on thousands of projects and on the verge of a breakdown!
I hope you’re having a lovely day :)
HELLO!! Happy to hear you're still alive!! But I can relate, there can just be too much happening sometimes. I don't really know a solution, but perhaps you should scoop a little off, or start something that means nothing to you. There's no pressure to finish or to even make it good, just to do it and finish it. Doesn't gotta be good but it's there. I think that can help with getting back in the swing of things.
You got this! You're doing great, don't stress it too much and keep breathing.
Hope you have a good day!!
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