#hopefully i'll have time during the weekend to draw it!
crabsnpersimmons · 2 months
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the babies, the little rascals
they are only a little bit ominous
(also hello! hope all is well)
i saw this in the middle of course work yesterday and the ominous little Sun and Moon with the "Do your Homework" at the top really motivated me to focus 🤣
they do give off a bit of Shining Twin energy huh:
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legovasavouchi · 1 year
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
Yay Yipee I Finally Remembered I Should Update Folks On Things That Are Happening
because hey whoops as some of you might remember Supposedly I Stream Sometimes! That Uhhhh Hasn't Happened In A While Has It! so I should probably let folks know what's goin' on!! the long and the short of it is
Around late November/early December I started having issues where Discord would crash and restart anytime I tried to screenshare my capture software with my friends who I stream with. This put console game streams (so 2/3 of the games we were streaming) on the backburner till I could troubleshoot and solve that issue
On top of that it was Fucking Finals Season for me at my Graduate School so at a certain point I had to be responsible and focus on getting my final projects & essays done, which meant sacrificing stream time till my break (where I would hopefully have time to troubleshoot and then do a ton of streaming to make up for lost time)
Except THEN literally the second I went home for the holidays my hard drive abruptly and completely died. It is very possible that this contributed to the aforementioned tech issues
I was able to replace the drive and get my computer working again but because I have a Fucking Curse a lot of tech-side things were lost or started experiencing issues due to the new drive, namely A) I haven't been able to get my capture software working yet and B) whoops my entire OBS layout is just gone now I guess
This whole saga, on top of juggling other life shit and work and the like, effectively ate up my entire winter break
so tl;dr! I have a computer curse and because of it streams are gonna have to wait till I can get both OBS and my capture software working again. I'm hoping to work on that this weekend so I can be back to streaming next week, but given my school & job workload I'm guessing it'll more likely be two or three weeks. On top of that, I won't be streaming most of March due to reason of "my partner is visiting then". all of this sucks cause I want to be streaming, both for reason of "i like spending time with my good friends doing this" and "haha whoops I'm not earning money now and oh boy there sure are a lot of expenses flying at my head like rocks huh".
I've already rambled a bit more than I'd like to now so here's da main points:
Streams will (HOPEFULLY) be back in February. When they are, they'll be Monday & Tuesday nights, 5:30pst/8:30est, for as long as my friends remain available at those times (we're all adults having to look for or maintain Day Jobs so availability could change. y'all know how it is). I may also do occasional one-off streams on weekends as my energy 'n schedule permits, most likely art streams
I'll continue to be around on Holly's streams Fri/Sat/Sun as her schedule permits, because I don't have to rebuild OBS from the ground up for that
There is a 99.99% chance I'll be totally absent stream-wise during March
Even though streams are facing The Troubles I am still taking art commissions! Those haven't been affected!! You can submit an interest form here and I'll reach out to confirm prices as soon as I'm ready to start work on yours
If, out of the kindness of your heart, you would like to toss some support my way during The Troubles (which would be much appreciated; as said I've got a lot of expenses coming my way and unfortunately my day job covers my rent and nothing more), here are some other ways you can do so: -- Tip me on Ko-Fi; if you pay $9 or more you can request a doodle that I'll do for you and post on here & twitter (and might stream the process of drawing once that's up and running again). Here's an example of some Ko-Fi doodles I did previously -- You can also tip through my stream page if you want but I probably won't see those till I start streaming again. Still appreciated!!! -- I have a Throne Wishlist that's mostly stuff like kitchenware, household goods, stuff for my kitty, etc. There's also a few Fun Things though, like vinyls and a billy big bass Jay insisted I add. Either way, if you wanna contribute to something on there it means a lot. You can also suggest items to make me laugh
an' above all: thank you for reading and for bein' around!!
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nattyluvs · 1 year
CAFE CUTIE - chapter 4
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you approached the all-so familiar spot on the corner of the street. the drawings on the window of the menu items for the week visible.
unfortunately, it was basically rush hour for the cafe, even though it was later in the day on a weekend. beomgyu, the barista that was pretty much there every single time you visited, happened to not be there today.
it was weird, now it was rush time and there wasnt anybody to make slow conversation with behind the counter. you quickly ordered something from the unfamiliar barista, and sat down at the last table empty.
you reached into your bag, about to pull out your notebook, just to vent, jot down ideas, write literally anything. you just needed something to get your mind off everything going on.
"um, is it okay if i sit here? there isnt any more tables open" you heard a voice mumble
you looked up from your urgent writing in the notebook, a young guy appeared, though apperance barely shown. he was wearing a mask and a hoodie, hard to figure out why he looked so familar.
"yeah, its fine dont worry." you smiled, continuing to write. you only got a auick glance at him, but he was definitely cute. his eyes were an obvious giveaway.
but, he just looked so familar, you couldnt quite put your finger on it. deciding to speak up, you asked,
"do we know eachother? sorry if this is weird, you just seem familar, like ive seen you before."
"no, i dont think we do...sorry" the guy mumbled again. you thought, maybe hes shy? or maybe his voice is soft? but its not. he has a sort of deep voice, its just barely spoken, almost not even audible.
"i see... do you perhaps go to decelis?"
"umm...no i go to jyp...the other school in town"
"ohh i see, our schools are rivals huh" you smiled again, hopefully getting some more words out of him.
"yeah, haha" he laughed a bit, "also...not to be nosy but whats the eyepatch for?" he quietly spoke
you scoffed, followed by a sigh, "at school we had our rally, and during the senior game i got hit by a dodgeball by this popular dude named jake or something. the worst part is, he didnt even apologize! or acknowledge that he hit me!" you explained, hint of anger in your voice.
"i see...he's kind of an asshole for that, he shouldve apologized." he whispered, but just loud enough so you could hear."
"right! now i have to wear an eyepatch for my homecoming photos, and nobody is going to ask to go with me..."
"dont say that, im sure somebody would take you, your pretty and you have a nice personality, dont doubt yourself."
"thats alot of compliments for someone you just met." you questioned, but also embarassed at the sudden praise.
"anyways, i didnt mean to dump all my problems onto a stranger, whats your name?"
"umm...my name is..ethan"
"okay...ethan. you seem interesting, give me ur phone."
without hestitation, he quickly handed over his phone, no seccond thoughts.
"ive got to go now, but i'll see you another time, yeah?" you gathered your things, flashing another smile before walking out the door.
the boy sat in silence for awhile, drowning in his own thoughts until he checked his phone, seeing the new contact added as "yn"
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previous masterlist next
a/n: sorry for not updating i came back from my trip on sunday and then i had a fever !!!
@16luver @junebug032 @zuyairus @bluxjun @iadorethemskz
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askroahmmythril · 14 days
Sorry, if people kept asking about future of MMBN5 LP. But, to be honest, I don’t care about that game anymore after really painful LP that was MMBN4. And besides, after what you gone through, I rather you have chill times with your friends. Besides, I really love shenanigans you and your friends pull during these sessions. Also, MMBN5 is also super notorious to LP thanks to having two versions. Hopefully, IF MMBN5 LP would end - I want you to take a break from Battle Network for good while. Don’t get me wrong, I love Battle Network. However, series become really uninteresting for me starting from fourth game.
It's one of those, same with Crystal No Evos since that's also "in progress," where there's different levels of those sorts of asks. Just genuine curiosity and understanding of my situation, that's fine, I totally get that, like, just a genuine question of "I know you're dealing with a lot, but just curious if you're feeling any closer to getting back to BN5" or what have you. The more entitled sounding ones, the ones that kinda have "DANCE, MONKEY!" energy, those, I can do without. Thankfully, that's a minority. A vocal one, but a minority of viewers. Most are far more understanding of the situation and patient with goings on.
That said, I am hoping to try to get back to things soon (tm), had some good news recently, so hopefully I can get back into the swing of things. May still take a little time, and might do something like some Durgon One Offs or a World of Horror run or two to kinda get a running start back into solo work, but I'll get there. Also honestly considering keeping weekend recording sessions with friends going to have a sort of backlog to draw from between solo project sessions.
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dennydraws · 7 months
Good Morning!
Happy 1st of November!! \o/ I hope all who were doing inktober are winning, everyone who chases fancy drops in FF14 is having blessed rolls and all of the Sun Haven squad is enjoying the new updates...and romanceables! And...all who attempt NaNoWriMo are prepared!!
So Inktober... as expected I got behind xD; But it's fine, between everything else I managed fairly well all things considered. I didn't want to post progress and stress myself so hopefully sketchbook flip through when I'm done...somewhere in November ... :D;; I did make it up to around 12th-13th and then slowed down and gave up :D;; but picking a smaller sketchbook definitely helped!
I wasn't as active in October as I would've wanted, truth is work gets extremely busy after September with all the holidays and events, it's honestly like a landslide lol More often than not I don't have the energy to draw or do much beyond watching a bit of tv and go to bed super early. I'm starting to fall behind with my Sneric comic work flow too, which bothers me to no end xD;; But I hope I can catch up in the weekends.
Speaking of... I made myself a new cozy creative corner by ..combining some old furniture pieces... it looks wonky but it works xD;;
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I just need a bit of fairy lights to attach around and I'll be set! :> Sadly now come the days of it's dark when i go to work and dark when I come back from work ... u.u and weekends can be so short... I also got to clean up and throw away old art supplies.. which reminded me once more, I need to use my markers more before they dry up lol;;;;
I don't know how I will fit time to read between everything I try to do buuut I ordered myself some spooky books during the Halloween discounts and kinda excited to get lost into some murder mystery and disconnect from the web for a bit!! :D So I hope I get to sweep these books through the month as well!
But yeah, I'm around, I'm just going to be permanently tired pigeon until mid December it seems ;u;! I hope you all are doing well! A thank you to all the new faces who followed this blog recently!! I hope I'll provide something fun to follow :D I'm still very much into Sun Haven, even if I'm so slow and barely fit time to play, I still have fun drawing Ary and Claude and I'm so floored by how much people seem to like them! Thank you so, so much!
And that's it, thank you for stopping by~ I hope you have great rest of the day and a November full of inspiration!
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pbandjesse · 4 months
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Well I wanted to go to work today. I fully planned on it! I was not feeling amazing but I woke up and got dressed and was about to put my shoes on when Alexi texted that it was snowing at camp and we should stay home. Oh. Okay. There were flurries outside which was pretty but I was very confused about this snow day. But I'll take it.
I wasn't entirely sure if we were actually staying home though. The way she phrased it I was not sure if I should be ready to head in later. But I wanted to be ready so I did not fall asleep. At least not for a while.
James has packed me breakfast and lunch and we're downstairs doing their thing. And I was a little unsettled and not feeling amazing. I wasn't exactly sure what to do with myself. So even though I didn't want to go back to sleep I did get in bed. I was very cold.
I would spend the first hour drawing and being cozy. James went to the museum to get a free bagel from the new bagel store that opened today. And would stay for a bit to help them with a weird school group issue. But I'm glad they were able to help and were safe biking in the wet snow outside.
I would wander around the house a bit. I decided we should move some of the boxes in the studio with my knickknacks to the small room for now. But I only got one box up before I got super tired. I am doing better but I am still so weak. And get so winded so quickly. Which is not fun for me at all. It makes me feel terrible. But I did my best.
I would end up falling asleep for a little. James would come back and I would be out. Just dead asleep. And that made me feel a lot better. When I woke up I finally had some work to do. Elizabeth needed me to edit a PDF and Alexi let us know we would be a part of a meeting at 1. Excellent. While I waited for the meeting I had some ice cream and worked on a drawing for Valentine's day. Which I will print tomorrow.
James would go for a bike ride during my meeting. And it was a nice little meeting about volunteering and how we're going to structure the program. I asked if I could do some research about trainings we could have them do to make the program more well rounded. It was nice to see Sarah and Alexi. Poor Sarah was struggling really hard with her connection but we made it through. And I spent the next hour or so researching and working on a few things.
James would take the car to go get some more stuff from the apartment. We are coming up on there only being some stuff left. Which is nice. Still some books to pack but I'm really happy with the progress. I hope next week to fill holes and clean. And then move my fishtanks. We are going to hopefully buy their new table this weekend at IKEA. I'm really looking forward to having furniture.
While James was gone I attempted to hang the curtain rods in our bedroom. Which went semi successfully but I got very very dizzy having my hands over my head. When James got back they helped me finish them and I really appreciated that.
They brought my table for my band saw back and I got that in place in the basement. And we worked to put more stuff away. Sweetp continues to run around on the vents in the basement. I hung a few pictures in the bedroom. James was downstairs making me something for Valentine's Day. So I was sequestered upstairs for a bit. But that was okay.
Eventually I ran out of steam. I felt gross. I tried my theory about turning the sink on to get the shower to work and it worked? Like it's still not hot but it's so much warmer and I was able to actually comfortably wash my hair and didn't feel rushed or anything. It's still not perfect but it's so much better. And it was really nice being clean.
I hung out in bed for a long time after that. James would make us spaghetti for dinner and we sat together in the living room watching a video about RL Stein. James telling me memories about being a kid and borrowing goosebumps from the library. The pasta didn't taste like much, because my sense of taste is all messed up still, but the love was there.
I wanted to sort the rest of the art we have in the ground but I just didn't have the energy. Instead coming upstairs. It is going to be so nice when we have a sofa downstairs but for now, the bed is good enough.
James is having their book club with their friends. Jess is on a first date. And I am thinking about going to sleep early.
Tomorrow is valentine's day! James and me are going to have special pizza at home. But I hope to have a nice day at work first. I love you all. I hope you are feeling good tonight.
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f1 · 1 year
Drivers notch up over 600 laps in Pirellis 2024 tyre test as Mick Schumacher makes Mercedes debut
Ferrari and Mercedes’ drivers have notched up over 600 laps between them over the course of two days of lapping the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya – host of last weekend’s Spanish Grand Prix – as Pirelli tested a selection of proposed tyre compounds for the 2024 season. Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz, and Mercedes’ George Russell and Mick Schumacher – the team’s reserve, who was making his on-track debut for the Silver Arrows in the newly-upgraded W14 – clocked up 617 laps between them across Tuesday and Wednesday: 167 for Leclerc, 152 for Schumacher, 151 for Russell and 147 for Sainz. WATCH: Schumacher returns to F1 action with first run in Mercedes’ W14 “These were two very important days of testing,” said Pirelli’s Head of Motorsport Mario Isola, “as we gathered plenty of useful information to come up with the best possible choices for next year. “In terms of construction, there are still just a few details to fine-tune, while during this test we began to identify a solid development base for the compounds; especially for the middle of what will be the 2024 range.” Ferrari and Mercedes were on hand to test the new rubber Meanwhile, Pirelli confirmed that running took place without the use of tyre blankets – with the manufacturer having been set to trial a blanket-less wet weather compound at the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix before it was called off last month. “All the running took place without using tyre blankets. We verified a few interesting things on track,” added Isola. “Now we move on to a complete analysis of all the data so that we head into the next test, at Silverstone after the British Grand Prix, as well prepared as we can be. “After that we will draw some conclusions from all the work done over the last few months and present the FIA, F1 and the teams with the complete picture, so that the best decisions can be taken using all the information available.” READ MORE: Pirelli 'happy' with their tyre development in 2023 as they talk plans for their future in Formula 1 Meanwhile Schumacher – son of seven-time champion Michael – who lost his drive at Haas to fellow German Nico Hulkenberg at the end of 2022, said it had been “good to get back in the driving seat” – with the 24-year-old having been praised after the Spanish Grand Prix weekend by Mercedes race drivers Russell and Lewis Hamilton for his simulator work developing the W14. “It was great! I learned a lot and it was a lot of fun,” said Schumacher, who drove alongside Sainz on Wednesday. “It was a very productive day; we got through everything we wanted to and ran every test tyre on the plan. It was also good to have that first experience of the tyres without any blankets. Obviously having not driven in a while, I felt it physically, but it was good to be back in the driving seat. George Russell discusses the new compounds with the Pirelli engineers “There is obviously a difference between the simulator and driving in the real world,” he added. “There will always be a difference as the technology is not at a point where you can compare it 100%. However, it is the closest experience I've had between a simulator and real life. The simulator has prepared me, and the team has made a great effort of correlating it. That helped me to know what to expect when driving it. READ MORE: Hamilton and Russell pay tribute to Schumacher for simulator work that contributed to double podium in Spain “I'm very excited for the rest of the year. I've had a great time today and hopefully I'll be back in a car at some point. I loved every bit of it! I want to say a big thank you to everybody for this opportunity.” Pirelli, meanwhile, will introduce a new specification of slick tyre for July’s British Grand Prix at Silverstone, with teams having tested the new construction in free practice for the Spanish Grand Prix last week. The next tyre test will take place at Silverstone after the British Grand Prix via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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smol-bean-of-the-smols · 10 months
it sucks that i have such a lack of motivation to draw (or at least the drive to. i WANT to draw but my brain is being so fucking difficult lately) during the little time i have before college starts
im just hoping that school's not gonna kill my art related motivation. i'll at least have 3 day weekends cuz its mon-thurs, and then mon-wed in the second quarter, which starts in october? i think?
so i'll have time, and hopefully my motivation or whatever returns and i get to make BANGER drawings
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alackofghosts · 8 months
Is this the one comic you said you're pretty sure you're going to finish this time? OH, I'M WAY MORE EXCITED FOR IT NOW, especially like after that.......... yeah, good wip. Also, him calling ur wol hero GIGGLES (I love them)
yep that's the one!! it's past the danger zone that the other 3 got stuck in (where i didn't know how to draw something or got overwhelmed by how much work i have ahead of me lol), so hopefully i'll get it done during the weekend!
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(I apologize for the errors, I use Google Translator to write this post) Hello, not so long ago I found out about your game "Darling Duality" and, having passed it the other day, fell in love with it! You draw amazing, and I almost really fell in love with Castor (you picked up an amazing voice for him, it's nice to listen to him). The way the atmosphere is conveyed deserves separate words. First, the calmness of the day / evening for the passage of the game, then a sweet and slightly anxious feeling during the first sleep with Castor, then embarrassment and panic fright in the cube with a slight madness (when we cut our palm) and at the very end a light comedy made me not get bored and experience emotions throughout the passage of the demo game! You write amazing music that conveys the atmosphere well! Please forgive me if my message seems strange or stupid to you, but in addition to thanking you for playing, I would like to ask a couple of questions (of course, if you don't mind):
Is it possible to ask questions about the character? I would like to learn as much as possible about Castor/Castoria, but if you can't, then I'll understand everything.
How is the development of the game progressing and when, perhaps, will we be able to see the sequel? (please forgive me if my question sounded rude. In no way am I going to be rude to you, rush you or put pressure on you)
Thank you so much for the wonderful game, and I wish you success in everything!
Hey hey! Thanks so much for all your kind words :3 I'm really glad you've enjoyed what there is of DD so far! I just wanted to let you know that I do plan to answer your questions and write you a proper reply, I just don't have time to do it at the moment because I'm really busy trying to get my project for this year's Yandere Jam done in time (the jam ends this coming Tuesday x3) I just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you or anything, so thought I'd let you know that I will answer when I can, it just might be a little while :3 Hope you have a good weekend! EDIT (to add my full answer :3)
Okay, so, hopefully I'm doing this right and you'll be able to see what I'm typing cos I don't really know how Tumblr works all that well x3
Firstly, I should probably say that, while I wish with all my heart that I could draw, I sadly cannot draw to save my life T_T haha. The art in all my games is either the result of me teaming up with amazing artists who can draw beautifully, or, me taking to GIMP and spending hours editing assets that I own to at least try and make them look somewhat unique to my projects rather than using them as they come :3
Darling Duality is the result of the second option, haha. I think it took me around 3 days to edit Castor/ia's sprites because I heavily edited colours, but I also added additional facial expressions that didn't come with the asset pack by layering parts of the face individualy, haha.
I'm glad you ended up liking Castor though ^-^ And I agree, his voice actor is incredible and the character wouldn't be the same without him!
I can also only take credit for certain music tracks within the game x3 The soundtrack is currently only partially original, and the rest of the tracks are ones I chose from various asset packs that felt like they fit well. I really enjoy making music though, so I've been trying to include more and more original tracks in my more recent projects :3
Your message doesn't seem strange or stupid at all though! I think it's extremely sweet :3 And it means a lot to me that you liked the game enough to even want to write something about it ^-^
I don't mind answering questions at all, so you're welcome to ask whatever you like :3 There might be some things that I can't say if they might contain spoilers for the story that is still to come, but I'll do my best to answer what I can.
To answer your second question, in all honesty, development is going very slowly >.< I got quite demotivated to work on the project when I found out that I might not be able to get the same voice actors back to keep playing the characters. So I ended up putting the project on hold and just working on game jams for quite a while.
The voice acting situation is still up in the air, but I am at least slowly working on the project again :3 I have a lot of writing finished that currently isn't coded into the game yet. In the next update, I'm hoping to continue a little more of Castor/ia's story, along with adding a new character to the mix as well whose route you will be able to begin.
It's a very long-term project though because I hope to add quite a few different characters over time. Because of that, my plan was to update sort of episodically, so that it doesn't take forever to release new content. Because the fully completed game will likely take me years to make >.<
As for the next update though, I can't really put a proper time on when I might be able to get it released, but I'm really hoping that it will at least be sometime later this year :3 It's just hard to say because you never know what is going to go wrong and get in the ay, haha.
Thank YOU for taking the time to check the game out and leave such kind words <3
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wulvert · 1 year
just wondering, lol
are avery and scarlet gay for each other? on your instagram stories i've seen some sussy wussy things that suggest such, but i'd like to hear it from the cat's mouth (that was a pun, yes, and I'm sorry)
also, are you okay with people shipping tex and red, and would they be compatible if they were not only teaming up due to illegal and immoral activities? (i'm asking because you once posted a funny sketch of terry asking red "why does tex call you babygirl?") [i personally like to think as their dynamic of 'idiot x other idiot' or 'tired x anxious']
also, i love tex and very much and he is very scrunkly (i just wanted to state that clearly) and I would love it if you would post more sketches of him on your instagram (you don't have to, but it'd be so absolutely cool if you did)
have a lovely day, night, or any other time also i love your comics <3 :D
(ps: your persona and the ways you draw the uwu-type face on your characters are quite adorable) (also ps: sorry for contacting you during your hiatus/break period)
Yeah they are!
I don't mind people shipping tex & red at all, to me in my post story mundane life setting, their relationships pretty platonic but definitely more than just friends- but people shipping them further than that's cool too.
I'd like to draw him more too, hopefully soon I'll have more time to do personal art again, im glad you like him :)
Dw abt it! im not really on proper break, im just working on stuff i need to do outside of comics.
Have a nice weekend (?) !
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
etta! thinking about you and your wips tonight! take this as a freebie ask to ramble about anything!
Hi Katie! How have you been doing?
Currently I have more non-writing active works in progress than stories but the quick rundown goes as so!
hand-sewing a pirate shirt as part of a cosplay base: but specifically so that I can be Vin from the Mistborn series this halloween. (I hope) I have all the materials I need and they're mostly cut out and stitched together in various stages of progress depending on what part of the shirt we're talking about. I mostly work on this during zoom calls for dnd games, but I've also been sick on-and-off since MAY and so I also spend a decent amount of time on the weekends just sitting around for hours and hyperfixating on a relatively simple task while youtube runs in the background
Editing Runaways before summer ends so that I can throw the 3rd draft at a second round of Beta readers while I'm dealing with the inevitable senior year uni drama. This is slower going than hoped due to being sick more or less all summer and not having the energy to do braining but we're getting the ball moving again. The core of the story will remain the same but this draft includes several big fixes that will hopefully help smooth out the entire story, such as...
Refining Hannah's character arc and her relationships with her family members
Providing more exposition and backstory as to the villain's motivations and the greater conflict going on in the fae world that the characters don't directly interact with,
Tweaking a couple of continuity errors and changing the worldbuilding to eliminate contradictions
strengthening the tone and voice and mood and pacing and all that good nitpicky sentence level stuff
Learning a bunch of songs on the guitar: I got a fingerstyle version of Fireflies by Owl City that I've been slowly picking up and I have some other pieces that I've been learning to sing and strum when I have a voice.
Figuring out audio recording, storage, editing, etc: This started as a project to record my dnd games for our group to use as review, but I might be exploring audio drama and podcast options in the near future once I get my act together.
Catching up on people's stories and my reading goals on goodreads: I can mostly read at work thanks to the nature of the tests I'm running at my internship this summer, so I've been splitting that between audiobooks, podcasts, ebooks, and fanfic
Sewing a bunch of patches onto my jacket/misc. embroidery projects: idk if I ever posted about this on here, but I have this green handmedown jacket that I love and want to customize so I've been embroidering homemade patches for it and sewing them on for several months now. I have a couple more my parents got me to add, there's florals attached now to give it some 3D texture, I want to add charms to make it noisy, it's a whole project on it's own separate from the sewing. I've also got leftover scrap fabric from the shirt I'll be turning into a dnd dice bag eventually
Author platform stuff/Catching up on writing reviews: because reviews really help indie authors! I want to do my part to help them get the recognition they deserve. Also maintaining my website is a part time job in and of itself so that's a decent chunk of my evenings.
Teaching myself digital art/animation: I impulse-bought a drawing tablet on a good deal earlier this summer and I'm putting it to good use with updated character art and illustrations, and hopefully some animatics or vine comps soon once I get my act together with THAT and overcome my fear of video editing.
Talking to friends and working on club stuff for uni: because none of them are here and I miss them :(
basically, I work for ~40 hours a week and spend the rest of my waking hours desperately wishing I had more free time, even those this is the most free time I've had in probably two+ years haha. If my body could stop dying for more than a week that would be great though :P
Thank you for checking in!
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
hii andy! how are you? i hope you’re doing fine :)))
i have a question and its quite simple (but you still don’t have to feel obligated to answer hehe), but how do you deal with writers block and feeling inadequate because of said writers block?? ? its ruining my life (im half serious but 🙁 ugh crying sobbing and regurgitating)
anyways, i hope you have a good day!
This one is so tough!! In my opinion it's just one of those things you kind of have to go through and weather out the best you can, and circle back to your writing when you're ready! And dealing with it probably depends on how you personally work best--either you can 1) power through it and write hot garbo and come back and edit later, or you can 2) wait it out and try to address other aspects of your life in the interim.
If I try and power through writer's block by carrying on writing, it honestly often makes it worse? Because I end up pooping out like, the hottest shit sandwich ever and it's horrible and unreadable and it absolutely tanks my self-esteem. So then I don't even like what I'm working on and I have less motivation to finish it, and it draws out the block even longer.
But if you're someone to whom the productivity matters in that kind of period more than the quality, then maybe it would be worth continuing to just write whatever, with the knowledge that you can always circle back and clean it up later! Whatever is going to make you feel better about it at the end of the day is what you should do!
What I personally prefer to do is just let the block win and stop writing. I'll do a whole host of other things to try and keep cool while I wait it out. I'll read a book, to take a break from my own headspace and hopefully get inspired again. Sometimes, if it's bad, that turns into like, three or four books. I'll go out with friends for the weekend and forget all about my fic, watch a TV show I've been meaning to get into just to change up the media I'm interacting with.
Usually I'll also get really into my other hobbies to keep up my self-esteem while my writing is trying to tank it lol. I'll cook a bunch, or exercise more or like, plonk around on my piano a little. I'll talk to people who are supportive about me & my work, ask them questions and let them gas me up lol.
TLDR; I think it really depends on your personal priorities and preferences! But please know that it WILL end sometime, and it all very much is just part of the process and no reflection of any shortcomings you think you have.
Please take very good care of yourself during this time, and to the best of your ability, please try not to feel guilty! Enjoy this time for what it is, and let yourself be open to what it means for the other areas of your life!!
I'm rooting for you!!
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curlyxxx · 3 months
Hi! I really like making beats, recently started to make a discord server🔞 where only a few of my friends have joined.... Most of them are people that I've met in the last year or sooner. All of them haven't treated me any differently from me being as myself as I can be. Normally, I don't share my thought's or creative outputs due to fear of judgment. I've made this Tumblr for me to post anything on my mind or to post openly. Anyways😅
My name is Curly, I'm a Transgender female, in my 20s... I've been involved with music for 10+ years but this year, I started Producing my own beats. Previous experiences has lead me to Video editing (12+ years). I haven't only spent my time living in the City.. I grew up kind of in the mix between country & Bigger Cities.. Younger me liked to explore a lot, I'd go on walks and disappear for hours listening to the same tracks on an iPod Classics... One of those old ones with 256gb. I maxed out the storage in middle school. I'm glad to be out of the toxic space I was in & I kinda finally feel like I'm headed in the direction I want to be going. Through my journey, I've lived in the woods (a fishing resort) for about 4 months. Learning all kinds of trades. With stories like being charged by a bear with mom's cubs climbing a tree😆. - I should note I normally use a lot of emojis... I tend to because I feel as though I can't articulate myself properly... Plus I really don't want people to misinterpret what I'm saying at all...😅 I enjoy gaming... So much to the point I've been guided by a friend to make a game. I've been taking my time to learn & slowly get organized, as I move soon. More Space! I finally get to use 2 monitors again & have a setup with a decent chair.. The game I'm going to make is a visual novel, I have 2 - I'm currently working on with a few other ideas I could work on in the future... I'm learning pieces of Python, Ren'py and small amounts of other code. I'll be making the entire visual novel myself, both games! I might get some help through people I meet through my future journey.. & I really look forward to it! but I'm currently still in a learning phase for what I really wanna do. It took me a really long time to realize or find the right people I needed to surround myself with... or I guess people I want to be around! I'll probably post again tomorrow, but I don't really have a schedule until the move... I really enjoy writing, I spent most of my high school years trying to figure out how rhythm works with words... Trying to match words to a beat... Took me a really long time to figure out on my own. Now, I'm so grateful for the people around that have nurtured me especially when I was most vulnerable. I care very deeply for those around me & sticking around. I was essentially left in the Dust by a group of YouTubers trying to make a Quick Buck during the Pandemic. I never made a penny... I tried to keep up with their level of business and dug myself a hole... Now I'm building what I hope to be my future from this point on. All I want to do is draw & learn... I want to constantly Learn from/with people. I have a huge interest in what's going to come in the future! Hope whoever reads this has a good weekend. Hopefully I'll post again soon. Stream plz cut it out by Curly | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
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missspringthyme · 4 months
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February 19th, 2024
Forgot! To set! My alarm! Tomorrow morning I swear.
I did finally do all the laundry (3 loads!) so that's good. I'll have to vacuum tomorrow. The washing machine was in high demand for a Monday, I may have to switch my laundry day to combat this if it becomes a trend. The whole point was to avoid weekend wait times.
I didn't get groceries so I didn't eat breakfast, but instead I had one massive meal that's kept me full the entire day (a bowl of miso, a block of fried tofu, some rice with furikake, and cucumber). I feel like I finally understand Thanksgiving. While I was out in the kitchen making my bruninner (breakfast+lunch+dinner), Finnish roommate and two of her friends came in to have some cheesecake. One of which I had met before (stoner indian guy), but I hadn't met the other girl. They're all engineering students and it's exam season right now, so they're all suffering. I mostly just listened to the complain and occasionally chimed in with my own stuff.
I will admit, I'm feeling a little self conscious because I had a big flare up of congested pores around my mouth and my chin that I very stupidly picked at. Needless to say I'm not feeling at my most pretty. Ironically though, I feel like I've escaped a lot of the damage that could have been done to me by only developing problems with my skin as an adult. I feel like if I had acne in high school I wouldn't be able to leave my room without make up. Anyway, they gave me some cheesecake as well which was really nice. It tasted incredible as well, and I paired it with a mug of lavender tea.
I left to go to my first lab meeting, they're having members present their research to us and this first one was about body-brain rhythms. They're holding a conference on the topic this September in Italy and said if anyone wanted to volunteer to let them know. I 100% am, but set a reminder to email the guy tomorrow so I don't look too thirsty. I mean, I already was considering being in Italy before graduation. What could be more perfect? The presentation was interesting too, I'm considering going in person on Mondays so that I can have an excuse to go to campus (and be a little bit more of a well known face in the lab ;)), the only thing that I'm concerned about is that I essentially can either listen or look like I'm listening. At least on a zoom call I can do things off screen, so people don't really notice but in person stuff is always a fight to remain focused and awake. I ended up drawing this during the presentation, and all I could think about is that hopefully one day I have enough credibility that I could openly doodle during a meeting. It would genuinely help me so much. Ah well. For the sake of my career it's probably better I attend in person, look engaged, but have nothing stick in my head. How ironic.
The rest of the day I spent playing some sims, watching modern family, and hiding out with my phone on do not disturb. I'm trying to create some actual, intentional moments of space so I can properly recharge. I think things are slowly getting better, but also I have the feeling I'm not going to end up putting sheets on my bed tonight. What can you do.
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