#how can y’all just agree with that review?????
theshadowrealmitself · 9 months
I hate that it was a trend awhile ago for people to make “this seems acephobic” jokes, because you know, sometimes y’all say stuff that seems acephobic
Just saw a post about this person’s review of the Barbie movie and it was all questions they wanted to ask Greta (I didn’t read all the questions because it just seemed like this person just wanted to hate this movie), and one of the questions was:
(from memory so not exactly worded like this but pretty close) “If there’s no sex in Barbie world, what separates the Kens and Barbie’s who are dating from the ones who are just friends, and what’s this unnamed desire Ken has that Barbie doesn’t?”
Motherfucker, romance!!!! Romance is what separates the ones who are romantically dating from the ones who are platonic friends, and Ken wants romance from Barbie!! I’m bisexual and even I get that!!!
And I just saw people reblogging this post without an ounce of critical thinking, what the fuck
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hunterofartemis7 · 3 months
*bat family going out for dinner and inviting Raven*
Bruce: so where does everyone want to go?
Jason: let’s go to a Steak House!
Damian: you always say that!
Jason: and we never go cause you’re vegetarian!
Damian: find a steak place with vegetarian options and I’ll go!
Bruce: boys! Behave
Tim: why don’t we go to the Mexican place on Main?
Dick: no way! My insides still haven’t recovered!
Jason: not our fault you can’t handle spice
Duke: isn’t there a new restaurant down town
Selina: absolutely not. I just went with Ive and Harley and I am not subjecting my kids to that trash
Steph: what about Chinese?
Damian: Cass is allergic
Steph: shit i forgot! Sorry cass!
Cass: *signs* it’s okay
Bruce: *looks at Raven through the review mirror* Raven? You have any preference or some where specific you’d like to go?
Raven: *shakes head* I’m fine with anything really, I’m not picky
Jason: what about sea food!? There’s a place across from Di’Angelos and they have vegetarian options
Bruce: sounds good to me
Duke: me too
Dick: me three
Cass/steph/dami/tim/; works for me
Raven: *fidgeting with her hands*
Selina: Raven sugar, you okay?
Raven: yes, I’m fine..
Selina: okay
*pulls up to the restaurant*
Jason: finally! I can’t remember the last time I have sea food!
Damian: *opens the door for raven*
Raven: thank you, Dami. *gets out*
Damian: *notices she has an epi pen* what’s that
Raven:..my epi pen..
Bruce: why do you have an epi pen?
Raven: just in case…I go into anaphylaxis..
Jason: why would you go into anaphylaxis?
Raven:…*looks down*
Selina: wait are you allergic to sea food?!
Dami: what!? Habibti why didn’t you say something!?
Raven: because I didn’t want to be a bother…..since yall invited me out with you..
Bruce: raven speaking up about an allergy is not being a bother! That’s your health and that should always come first.
Tim: how bad is your allergy?
Tim: how bad?
Raven:..I’m already feeling sick and I’m not even in the building yet..
Jason: okay we’re leaving.
Dick: yeah we can go anywhere else. Heck there is an Italian place across the street.
Raven: y’all don’t have to do that.
Dami: Beloved your health is more important than some fucking fish
Steph: agreed.
Dick: And are you okay rn? Do you need some water or anything? You said you felt sick
Raven: no..no I’m okay
Dami: you sure? Cause we can get you some if your not feeling good
Raven: I’m okay..really.
Dick: if you say so..
Steph: Btw, do you do this often?
Raven: do what?
Steph: put your health last instead of speaking up?
Steph: I’ll take that as a yes
*everyone gets back in the car*
Dick: wait if you’re allergic to sea food, than what do you do when there’s a crab boil at the tower?
Raven: lock myself in my room and try not to vomit..or pretend to eat and keep my epi pen close..
Bruce: does Kori not know about this?
Selina: why not?
Raven: cause I didn’t want to bother anyone with it..
Selina: *sighs* I’m calling her later
Raven: I’m sorry..
Dami: beloved you have nothing to apologize for. It’s okay
Raven: but everyone seemed so happy about sea food and I ruined it
Jason: girl no you didn’t. It’s okay
Raven: but—
Tim: no buts. Hey we can’t eat Chinese when Cass is around, and we keep it away from her at all times. we have no issues with that. And We have no problem doing the same for you.
Cass: *signs* yeah, your family now. We take care of each other
Dami: *kisses her cheek* your stuck with us Beloved.
Jason: yeah. Now, let’s get some pizza!
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amurderof · 10 months
So Aziraphale’s “I forgive you” has been living rent-free in my brain, mostly because I can’t pin down why he said it, exactly. I’ve read a few bits of meta on the reasoning behind it (which were all good! No shade here), and I’m still grappling with it, especially within the greater context of the series. So I'm gonna talk it out.
I read a subpar (professional) review of the series in which the author criticized the minisodes because they felt it took them out of the story and added nothing to the modern day plot — which, let’s be serious, is a ridiculous take. Both the story of Job and the Resurrectionists provide a clear insight into how Aziraphale and Crowley see both their duties and how they interact with the world and people (both as part of their duties and also just because… they want to).
Aziraphale doesn’t want Job’s children to die, and he’s horrified at both Heaven’s lackadaisical approach to “allowing” Hell to kill Job’s children and their incapability of understanding that a child can’t simply be replaced by another child. He’s delighted to learn that Crowley isn’t carrying out Hell’s (and Heaven’s) orders, and even goes along with Crowley’s impromptu plan to “return” Job and Sitis’ children to them. He’s clearly uncomfortable lying to Gabriel et al and expects punishment — even Falling. I summarize all of this not because I don’t know y’all watched it, but because it’s insight into how Aziraphale approaches internal conflict. He doesn’t want Job’s children to die. He backs down from his protests when Gabriel et al call him out; but because he knows Crowley has been tasked with carrying it out — Crowley, who he has report with, who he knew before he Fell — he tries to prevent it from happening. He tries to appeal to Crowley’s once angelic nature to prevent the act, while simultaneously knowing that Heaven wants it to happen too. He's tempted by Crowley into following Crowley's lead, into accomplishing what he wanted to happen anyway but wouldn't do on his own. 
Both Crowley and Aziraphale are hypocrites but with different end results: Crowley wants to slip under the radar by sort of following orders, while having as little to do with either side as possible. He’s a hypocrite so he won’t be bothered, even if it’s lonely. Aziraphale wants to follow orders that he agrees with, while wanting to appear holy and obedient in the sight of Heaven. He doesn’t want to be bothered either, but he wants Heaven to think well of him while he’s not being bothered. He cares about being lonely. Aziraphale wants to have his cake and eat it too, and Crowley just doesn’t want to be anywhere near cake.
The story in the Resurrectionists is tragic and fascinating from a character standpoint, because it puts Aziraphale in a position of what he considers moral authority, while ignoring the harsh reality of Elspeth and (wee) Morag’s lives. Elspeth is doing something Aziraphale (and society) considers immoral, and he actively prevents her from profiting from it; it isn’t until he understands the wider scope of how bodysnatching benefits medicine that he reconsiders. Seeing the girls in distress was not enough. He hesitates before saving Morag’s life and she dies. He doesn’t want Elspeth to kill herself, but it’s Crowley that truly intervenes (and is punished for it, unlike with Aziraphale and Job). Crowley doesn't "tempt" Aziraphale into anything, because Aziraphale doesn’t agree with Crowley, and he can only be tempted to do something he wants to. 
Here's the thing: Crowley was given orders to punish Job, which he clearly disagreed with due to the suffering it would cause. He found a way around them, and roped Aziraphale into helping out.
While not given orders, Aziraphale witnessed human suffering and decided it was not enough to warrant committing a victimless crime; and when given the opportunity to do something merciful but that might put him on Heaven’s watchlist, he doesn’t. His concern over his own reputation stops him. It’s Crowley who actively prevents Elspeth from killing herself, just as it’s Crowley who tells Aziraphale to give Elspeth his money.
Aziraphale agrees with Crowley that neither Heaven nor Hell is particularly great, but unlike Crowley with Hell, Aziraphale still wants Heaven to like him. As much as he loathes Heaven’s bureaucracy and obsession with appearance, he’s still tethered to it.
So what does this have to do with his forgiving Crowley after the kiss? Well.
Just like Crowley needed a good old-fashioned talking-to by Nina and Maggie about his ~feelings~, in the time-honored fanfiction tradition of third parties helping out; I don’t think Aziraphale knows he’s in love with Crowley. He knows he loves Crowley, and if pressed I’m sure he would admit that yes, it was different than the love he felt for other things in Creation — but he wouldn’t connect the dots. He wouldn’t want to. What he and Crowley have is perfectly suitable to him, and changing anything would not only rock the boat — but it would require him to have to sort out one of those internal conflicts he finds so distasteful.
The Metatron’s plan is thus perfect: it changes things, but does so in a way that affirms Aziraphale’s own biases. The promotion to supreme archangel would put Aziraphale at the top of the hierarchy. There’s no need to take the hierarchy/bureaucracy out — Aziraphale wouldn’t want that anyway. He cares about his reputation. He's being given the opportunity to be in complete control of it. 
The Metatron also validates his relationship with Crowley, and provides Aziraphale with not only the opportunity to bring Crowley with him, but to "restore" him. In Aziraphale's mind, Crowley's becoming an angel again wouldn't change who Crowley is: but it would connect him to Heaven again. Heaven can be a drag, but it's still good, and this time, Aziraphale will be in charge and he can make sure it's good enough for Crowley, who just asked questions, after all.
(And Crowley wouldn't have to be so lonely. Ignore the fact that Crowley has Aziraphale and that's all he wants.)
And this is where it all comes together.
Not only does Crowley reject his proposal, but he also insists on his perspective -- that they don't need anyone else. They don't need Heaven or Hell. (And this is off topic but I loooove the line that insinuates they basically live in each other's pockets now, as opposed to pre-Armageddon when they met up every once in a while. Love! It!) They're at their best together, and they always have been, and Aziraphale’s falling for Heaven’s bs. They can be like Gabriel and Beelzebub. They don't need anyone else.
But Aziraphale has just been told that he can have his cake and eat it too, for real this time; and to really stretch this analogy too far, he can own the bakery too. He doesn’t want what Crowley is telling him, because he wants what the Metatron has offered. Crowley wants them to be them, free of their constraints; Aziraphale wants to be them, with control over their constraints. 
And then Crowley does what he always does when Aziraphale is being obstinate: he leads him to what they both want. Or, he tries -- the kiss is desperate, messy, awkward. Crowley wants Aziraphale to follow his lead, to succumb to temptation, as it were, how he always does. To know it's okay to do what they want instead of what Heaven expects, just like how it was okay with Job’s children.
Aziraphale knows what Crowley’s doing. He will not be tempted this time. He forgives Crowley for trying. He forgives him for following the steps of their usual dance. This is the Aziraphale of the Resurrectionists, full of moral conviction, not the story of Job.
 (And now here's a fun kicker -- does Aziraphale know Crowley loves him, after the kiss? Or does he assume Crowley had a different intent? Aziraphale is stunned after the kiss. He’s not even sure how to define what he feels for Crowley, and Crowley kissed him? Oofa doofa.)
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wickedcinnamonroll · 2 years
I just watched They/Them and it was fucking perfect
This won’t be a detailed review or anything I just really wanted to share my thoughts cause I’m already seeing posts saying to boycott it and it makes me so upset to see people misunderstanding this movie.
(And to people saying to boycott it cause Blumhouse made it: were y’all saying the same thing about Halloween or Halloween Kills? Or The Invisible Man? Or Get Out? Or Ma? Or Freaky? Split is an awful Ablest movie I 100% agree and saying Blumhouse produces everything isn’t an excuse for their hand in making that, but if anyone should be blamed, it’s Shyamalan. He wrote, directed and produced it while They/Them is made by completely different people so it’s unfair to punish it for the actions of another director who worked with the same production)
Let me start off by saying yes, it was absolutely difficult to watch at times thanks to the in universe homophobia, transphobia, biphobia (both acted out by others and internally), abusive actions and language, the death of an animal and if those things trigger you, you don’t have to watch this movie and I don’t blame you for not wanting to watch something triggering. That being said, that is not an excuse to spread misinformation about what it is or isn’t just based on the trailer and summary.
This is not a movie made with the soul purpose of making and hurting/killing queer characters. This is a movie exploring the horrors of gay conversion, the unique struggles we go through, queer friendships and relationships and taking actions into your own hands to defend yourself and others. Queer characters are insulted and hurt by the camp counselors to show how evil they are and spoiler alert: all of the homophobic camp counselors and only one gay camper die (and I believe the way it was handled was for the most part pretty good). People saying it’s not a gay revenge movie are just wrong. Perhaps a spoiler but the slasher is absolutely doing this to take revenge on the counselors and to make them pay for what they’ve done to gay kids.
The slasher isn’t treated/viewed as just as bad as the counselors or worse (though they are arrested but honestly just a commentary on how fucked the legal system is and vigilante stuff). The gay characters don’t call them a monster for what they’ve done, only that they don’t want to join in their vigilante work and instead try to return to normalcy, which is completely understandable. As much as I’d love to kill a homophobe, the idea of actually ending someone’s life is fucking terrifying so I can fully relate to the main nonbinary character not wanting to spill the blood of another person.
Speaking of the gay characters, I thought they were all amazing, likable, relatable and realistic. I was extremely attached to them and felt their joy and pain and fear and it was a relief when they all survived. They weren’t all perfect and that’s what makes it so great. You have one or two gay characters who, despite being gay, hold partially transphobic beliefs or didn’t get people’s pronouns correct right away, showing the very real existence of inner community conflict and that yes, gay people can be transphobic or not understand the struggles trans people go through.
I can speak for myself at least when I say I’m so happy this movie exists. It further inspires and motivates me to work on my own queer horror story.
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clearlydiamondz · 2 years
The Game
Erik!Stevens x Black!Reader
Part Two
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Erik being the most popular person at  Texas Southern University, he has his heart set on a particular girl.
Warnings: Cursing, Strong Language, Smoking
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(Y/N) thought that night about the little conversation Erik had with her. A guy, like Erik Stevens, interested in her. She wasn’t gonna lie, it took everything in her to turn him down. But she heard stories of Erik. How he wasn’t really relationship compatible. And she didn’t want to be caught up in no drama this year. And dating a guy like Erik was a subscription service of drama every month. 
She was in the dance hall stretching in front of the mirror as she listened to her music. All of her other team mates were in their own little cliques as she was alone. That was until Brandy, Kia and Omariana came into the room. 
“Damn, what time did you wake up this morning. I woke up and you were gone.” Omariana said sitting in front of her. She didn’t hear, so she took off her earphones.
“What you said?” Omariana repeated herself. “Oh like six. I had to map all my classes, do a review board for the debate team, go to the student store to pick up my textbooks, and grabbed something to eat. Oh and got some school supplies.” she finished off as the three of them stared at her.
“Yeah, you are someone I inspire to be.” Kia said as all of them sat around in a circle. 
“I told y’all, if I want to have memorable college days, I have to work ten times harder to have a little fun and keep up with everything.” she was always so use to being a busy body, she wanted to fill up her resume with multiple of things to prove she didn’t waste time. But she also wanted to have fun and have memories. 
“Oh, there was something that I wanted to tell you guys.” (Y/N) started. “So last night,, Erik followed me outside to the back. We were talking and he asked me for my number.” he responded as Kia and Brandy started to smile. 
“That is so cute.” Brandy gushed. “Did you give him your number?” she shook her head. 
“No, but I have him my snap. I told him we should be friends considering that there is some people who have messed with him on this team.” she admitted. 
“Yeah, when you left the kitchen with Travis last night, he asked me to put him on.” she started, then finished. “I told him that he got to much with his name.” she said as (Y/N) agreed. 
“Friends? I can do. Getting together. Ion know about that one.” (Y/N) laughed. 
“Especially, with his ex. That girl is something else.” Kia said. (Y/N) rolled her eyes. 
“Yeah... Her and Travis is fucked up.” Brandy said as (Y/N) looked at her confused. 
“What did they do?” (Y/N) asked. The three of them looked at her in shock. 
“Girl, I thought I told you.” Omariana said. “Over the summer, Erik caught Travis and her together.” (Y/N) eyes widened.
“You’re lying.” she said as Kia shook her head. 
“It’s true. Aliyah really tried to get back with Erik, even tried fighting Mirah for kissing him at some party.” she said pointing to one of the girls. “She claimed she heard that Mirah was talking shit about her but we all know she was just jealous.” (Y/N) really couldn’t believe it. She did not know that Travis was that type of friend. No wonder why he didn’t want to be in the house with him. 
“That is so... it makes sense. That night Aliyah came outside trying to talk to Travis.” she said to them, it was actually pretty shocking. 
That’s when it hit her. That’s when Aliyah told him about her crush. Had to be. She didn’t even know Travis and her was close like that. She just thought she went out her way to tell him. 
She felt so bad for Erik. Poor dude was betrayed twice. Maybe she could be his friend.
- - - - - - - - - -
She was in the apartment finishing up her summer assignment for Thermodynamics class. She heard her phone buzz and saw that it was a snapchat notification. She picked it up seeing that it as a snap from Erik. Opening it, she saw that had slid up on the selfie she took in her car. 
All it said was a damn with the heart eyes. 
She chuckled texting him back.
Thank you lol, wyd ?
Within a couple of seconds, he had responded to her.
Just got home from the gym, how bout u ?
Finishing this summer assignment, then figure out what ima eat
I need to get something to eat too, maybe we can grab sum together.
She read the sentence over and over. Should she? I mean it can be just two friends grabbing something to eat. They’ve been texting and talking with each other for a couple of days, so she decided why not.
I’m down. I should be free around 6:30.
Bet drop the addy.
It was 6:15 now, she was finally done with her assignment. She decided to wear something simple so she wore a pair of grey biker shorts, a school hoodie and her white crocs. She She was putting on lip gloss when she the doorbell ring. She walked to the front door peeping through the hole to see Erik standing there. She opened the door as he smiled at her. 
“What’s up Mamas?” he asked giving her a hug. She hugged him back, smelling his cologne.
She was glad that she chose the outfit she did. He had on a pair of gray sweat pants, a black Nike hoodie and a pair of black and white air forces. He looked good. 
“Lemme grab my stuff. You can come in.” she told him. He walked in slipping out of his shoes and walking on the carpet. 
“Damn, this is nice.” he said looking around as she smiled. She grabbed her purse and phone.
“Thank you. Mari and I had some arguments about how it should look but this was the outcome.” she chuckled. 
“There is this really good wing place down the street. It’s literally a ten minute walk.” she said as they walked out the door. He winced not wanting to. 
“Oh please I be having to run three miles for dance. This is childs play.” she said locking the door.
“Well ain’t you just bossy.” he said looking at her back side. 
“I am not.” she stated turning around. He raised an eyebrow at her.
“What ever you say...” he trailed off as she playfully rolled her eyes. They walked out of the apartment complex, talking about the most random things. School, work, plans after college. 
They got on the main road on the sidewalk, her unintentionally getting on the side of the left side of him. He grabbed her putting her closer to the tree’s.
“My bad, it’s just instinct.” he told her as she smiled at the gesture.
“So what are you majoring in?” she asked him.
“Aeronautical Engineering.” she looked at him in shock. 
“Get outta here. I’m studying Aerospace Engineering.” she said as he kissed his teeth. “I’m surprised we haven’t crossed paths in some of the classes.” she wondered out loud. Considering their main education is engineering 
“It makes sense.” he said as she chuckled. 
“Oh really why?” Now she was curious to know.
“I can tell you were a geek.” he responded. She hit him in the abdomen as he groaned. “I’m just bein honest.”
“How? The only thing that came off geeky was that it was my first time drinking.” she responded as he laughed. 
“Oh no, I’m talkin bout our freshmen year.” he responded. Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. 
“You knew who I was freshmen year?” she asked him. He looked at her and nodded. 
“Yeah. I mean you’re bestfriend dates mine.”
“You right.” she agreed before he continued. “And I thought you were cute.” she shot him a glare before he put his hands in the air. “Again, I’m just bein honest.” she rolled her eyes.
“Sure...” she trailed off as he scoffed. 
“What? You don’t believe me or sum?” he asked her as she raised an eyebrow at him. They reached the intersection where they were suppose to cross the street to go to the restaurant.
“Yeah... it is hard to believe.” she chuckled waiting for the traffic light to get give them the go to walk across the street. 
“And why is it hard?”
“Well for one, you talked to people I know. And I’m nothing like them.” she said shrugging her shoulders. Erik was known to be with girls who were high maintenance. Toxic, crazy, fighting other girls over him. She was far from that.
“Well damn. You barely know me and judging my dating choices.” he gasped holding his chest. 
“I’m not judging them. I’m simply... making an observation.” she shrugged her shoulders. The sign said walk as they walked across the cross walk. “I’m not toxic. And you and the girls you mess with are toxic.” she finished off as they got on the sidewalk to go to the restaurant. 
“I’m not toxic.” She tilted her head to the side. “Okay maybe a little but I’m only toxic when she is toxic. See, matching energies.” he defended himself as she laughed. He opened the door for as she walked in. 
“Yeah but then that means you have an attraction towards toxic.” she said. He was about to say something but nothing came out. It was true, he did love them toxic. 
“Okay but if I’m attracted to you... that means your either toxic. Or, toxic is not everything that I’m attracted to.” he smirked at her. She rolled her eyes playfully.
“Nah, ion got nothing to do with that.” 
- - - - - - - - - -
The two of them finally arrived back to her apartment. “Have you ever smoked?” he asked her as she shook her head. 
“Well, I have a few blunts rolled in my car.” he said pointing with his thumb behind him. “If you wanna smoke with me.” she tilted her head at him. 
“Stevens if you want to keep talking to me that’s all you had to say.” she teased him as he chuckled looking at the ground. “I’ll stay for like 30 minutes. I have an early day tomorrow.”
“Sure thing scholar.” she rolled her eyes before following him out to his hell cat. He opened the car door for her as he got in the car. 
“Usually I don’t like smoking with someone when it’s their first time but I’ll do it for you.” he said. She gasped. 
“Oh well I feel special.” she said as he laughed. He grabbed a blunt from the middle counsel and his lighter from the cup holder. He put it up to his lips, lighting it up while taking a pull from it. She stared at him, fascinated by him smoking.
“Be careful. This one is a tad bit stronger then what I’m used to.” he handed it to her as she placed it between her lips. He grabbed the lighter lighting it up for her. 
“Breath in slow.” he instructed her. She followed his instructions though she still choked. She felt it burn her throat and lungs as she coughed. He grabbed the water bottle handing it to her. 
“Fuck..” she coughed trying to catch her breath. 
“I warned you.” he laughed as she handed it back to him. “You tapping out now?” he asked her. 
“Give me a second.” she said through her coughing fit. She opened it before pouring some in her mouth. Her throat cleared, she looked at him. 
She looked up at him to see him smiling at her. “Try it again?” he asked her as she nodded. They repeated the actions but this time it was a lot smoother. “You’re getting better.”
About 20 minutes passed and she was high. She couldn’t stop laughing, and her laugh was so contagious he couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ya know, I’m actually surprised you smoked with me.” he said leaning his chair back as she looked at him confused. 
“What do you mean?”
“Ion know. I was trying to build myself the entire night to ask you.” he admitted. It was true. For some reason, she’s the only girl that has truly intimidated him. To be honest, him being intimidated by her turned him more in then the toxic shit. But his presence looks like it just doesn’t faze her. She acts like they’ve known each other for years. 
“Ion know. I guess I’m so used to girls beating the bush around me. Or just listening to everything I say and going along with it. You’re.. different.” he said as she chuckled. “Like you make me question myself. Like you pointing out how I’m attracted to toxic.” she looked at him confused. 
“You don’t realize that?” she asked him as he shook his head. “No offense but from what I hear on the dance team... you are and attracted to toxicity.” she bluntly said. 
“I’m so tired of that.” he said as she raised an eyebrow at him. “Honest to God, what do they say?” he asked as she winced. 
“I don’t think I should-”
“Nah. You keep saying that and I feel like I have the right to know.” she chewed on her bottom lip before saying, 
“Honestly. It’s not what the girls say about you, it’s how they act about you. Fighting, arguing, internet beef like we are all grown.” she rolled her eyes. “To be honest, I thought you were just playing them and making them both look stupid. And then like four other girls say that you talked to them?” she said looking him in the face. He kissed his teeth looking outside. 
“So then why do you talk to me? Even if it’s just friends. You know, once you start being friends with someone that’s how it get’s.”  he said as she sighed. 
“I... don’t know. You’re a cool person and you’re very smart.” she said. “Ion know. One thing that I love about myself is that my intuition is pretty spot on. And I feel safe with you. Like I can tell you anything and it’s safe.” 
“Most def, you don’t ever have to worry about that. It’s just- I know the shit they say about me isn’t true. Swear to God, I’ve only talked to one girl on the team and it was Mirah. I texted this other girl, her name was Brianna?” his eyes looked at the ceiling for confirmation. “She was just nun but a pretty face. Other then that, I have never fucked with anyone else on the team. And occasionally, went on a date with a few people on campus but other that, I’ve been on my lonely.” he said as she nodded.
“So, you’ve only ‘talked’ to two people on the team.” she asked. He nodded. 
“This is what happens, girls get jealous. Trying to compete with each other over me. So they say things like.. oh yeah we fucked the other night or he just hit me up. Just to make each other jealous. And that shit goes on..” he says to her. “You know what I major in, that’s time consuming. I don’t have time to have multiple bitches-” she hit him in the stomach. “Ow. Young ladies. I meant young ladies.” 
She stared at him slightly in shock. “Like you say, I am attracted to the toxicity. Which means that nine times out of ten they are toxic in their personal lives.” he said as she thought about it. 
“Now I feel bad for judging you.” she pouted leaning against the chair. 
“Not your fault. That’s just how it is. Life is a bitch.” he shrugged his shoulders. Now she was really feelings bad. On top of that, for him to have the people he trusted betray him? 
“Oh no.. I’m so sorry Erik.” she started tearing up. Maybe it was the weed just talking. 
“For!? I basically called you a hoe, that is so fucked up.” she said. “And then on top of that, being cheated twice?” she accidently slipped up and said that but it was too late. 
“Wait you know about that?” he asked sitting up. 
“Yeah, Omariana told me a couple of days ago. Honestly, Aliyah seemed capable of doing some shit like that. But Travis threw me off guard. I can’t look at him the same no more.” she shook her head as he chuckled. 
“That threw me by surprise too.” he looked up at her, “But Aliyah and I were off and on for months. I ain’t expect her to fuck my friend. And then tried to fight Mirah because we were fucking with each other,.” he rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, heard about that too.” she said. 
“Damn. What else did you hear?” she thought about it. Other things she heard was sexually charged stuff. And she wasn’t going to entertain it. 
“Other things that involve your sex life. I’m good on repeating it.” she said honestly as he smirked. 
“Wait weren’t you and Aliyah friends at one point.”
“Yup. Mind you how I know about that- you know what. But she told a friend of mine that I liked him and it just... it just went down from there.” she said to him. He knew exactly what she was talking about but he didn’t say anything. 
“Shady ass bit- I mean young lady.” she shook her head at him but smiled. 
“Ion know. Maybe I need to get like you. Make some changes.” he said looking at (Y/N). “Like, I want to be with someone honestly but at the same time... it’s like everyone is using someone for something.” he said. “Have you ever been in a relationship?” 
“Yeah.. a few. But they just lacked something and I couldn’t stay. I don’t know what it was.”
“Was the sex horrible?”
“Erik!” she hit him in the stomach again. 
“Wait are you a virgin?” he asked her. She gasped at him hitting him again. “Awe you must-”
“No. I have had sex before. I just don’t know what it is.” she shrugged as he raised an eyebrow at her. 
“You have had sex.” he looked her up and down. “Nah.. Ion believe it. You look like you cover your ears at sex talk.” he teased her. 
“Trust me, you’d be surprised.” she said playfully back. 
“See now you’ve peaked my interest.” he said honestly.
“Well it will stay like that, but I’m getting hungry and tired and I’m slowly tripping out right now.” she said grabbing her things as he laughed. “Well lemme walk you to the door.” They stepped out walking up to the apartment building and walking up the stairs. She grabbed her keys before turning around. 
“Well thanks for this experience. We should do this again one day.” she said to him.
“Bet.” she unlocked the door before opening it all the way she turned around and kissed him on the cheek. The gesture threw him off as he looked at her confused. Before he could question her, she opened the door. 
“Goodnight Stevens,”
And with that she shut the door.
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@meekmillsfrenchfries @hinatasfleshlight @kokokonako @sociallyawkward18 @raysunshine78 @justgetitoverwith0 @lishabaybeee-blog @rbhup @ladymc82 @musicisme333
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carmenthabaddie · 5 months
Move in silence 🤫
2024 I’m moving in silence period. Too many losers and leeches who won’t do the work and hate on your success. I recently had job interview and didn’t tell everyone. I won’t know if I got the job till Tuesday or Wednesday.
People tell they plans cause they seek validation and approval from others. At 31 I don’t need people validation or approval. What people don’t know they can’t destroy. I had so many women hating on me cause I refuse to be mediocre. I hold myself accountable and dont point finger or blame others for shit I should be doing.
Some people addicted to they bad habits and bare minimum. At 31 I realized I needed go harder and less excuses. And I’m blossoming into a baddie. I dont care to know what others doing cause I’m to busy worrying about myself. Stop telling your business and ruining your life cause you are naïve about how most people think. Majority of people are losers. Only 1 % of people are winners.
People you call friends should have goals and productive and letting go bad habits, and holding themselves accountable and showing action and not just words. Who don’t gossip about people cause they too busy improving their lives. Who gives you what you give them. Who never drains you and doesn’t play the blame game. I agree and believe you are who you hang out with seriously. Stop hanging and associating with women who are losers and accepts bare minimum and low maintenance and don’t take accountability for themselves and low standards. She will hate on you and backstab you.
2024 I’m focused on myself and my goals. And learning consistency, discipline, dedication, commitment, and determination. I will be having success stories left to right. Most will not know my blessings cause I don’t believe in bragging and most will hate your success. If you gone tell make sure you accomplish the goal first and then tell. But never tell when you are planning and working for the goal. Cause once you accomplish a goal and they hate thei can’t do shit cause you already accomplished the goal.
I will be doing a video on this for my YouTube channel and explaining this with words from spirit and ancestors. 2024 my year. I refuse to be who I was in 2023. Im so happy since 18 I been in therapy and focus on improving myself. It’s been years and I’m finally reaping the benefits of therapy at 31. More black women should go to therapy and heal and do better.
Spirit and ancestors is all I need. I can do bad all by myself I don’t need another human being approval or validation period. Im too much of a bad bitch to care about others approval and validation. I hold and have the key to success and truth is some people can’t go to the promised land with you. We would accomplish more if we got rid of people who are dead weight. I know my worth and is a beautiful and intelligent and hardworking and well put together bad bitch. And stand out and rather hang by myself then fake people.
Got my 3 new wigs. Will try do quick review. Got Chinese food today. And worked out twice today. And did good at job interview. And busy working on my goals everyday. My goal is week of intermittent fasting 16:8. And gym once this week. Really need be stricter and actually go gym and interment fast 16:8. If I have more updates I all update y’all. The glow up level of journey isn’t for faint of heart. 💖💖😍😍😍
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
😡 Y’all need to stop before you hurt somebody with your garbage victim blamey nonsense. Your blind spot when it comes to sexual abuse and grooming when the proposed victim is a male is genuinely alarming.
There are no grey areas. There are not buts, no ands, and certainly no justifications. Karen Wheeler entertained sexual fantasies and engaged in an inappropriate flirtation with a teenager - full stop. The end. She memorized a teenagers schedule and showed up at their place of work in order to sexually entice said teenager for her own mental/emotional gratification, and then agreed to have a sexual encounter with that teen for further gratification. That's all there is to know and there is no qualifying data that releases her from responsibility from her own actions.
If your response to the Kareen Wheeler story line is not some version of WTF Duffers, please explain your gross mishandling and fetishy framing of this serious subject matter; and is instead some version of 'But Billy' or 'I'm just saying, Billy', then STOP. Review these cold hard facts:
Adults should not engage in inappropriate relationships with teenagers, and when they do, the adult is to blame and not the teenager.
An adult who forms an inappropriate relationship with a teenager is always taking advantage and it is always an abuse of power.
What a teenager wears or how they dress, speak etc. does not excuse an adult seeking an improper relationship with them.
A teenager giving their consent or offering sex to an adult does not relieve an adult of personal or moral responsibility to be the adult in the situation.
A teenager may act on inappropriate feelings, behave irresponsibly and erratically, and we should expect this. An 18-19 (which Billy is not, he's canonically 17-18 during this story line) is not fully developed and does not have the life experience of a middle aged adult, and it is blaming the victim to suggest "they knew what they were doing". Teenagers literally do not. No offense to teens.
A teenager is gonna think a lot of stupid shit and do a lot of stupid shit. The adult in the situation bears the responsibility to correct inappropriate behavior and make sure boundaries are set. When they do not because it tickles their genitalia and makes them feel special to have a child say and do inappropriate things with them, it is creepy and wrong.
A 17 year old is a child, and when a child flirts with an adult there is only one acceptable response.
An 18 year old is no more realistically an adult than a 17 year old, and counting down to the day a child turns 18 so that you can make your sexual fantasies a reality is predatory.
Arranging moments where you can show off your body and entice a teen into inappropriate feelings for you is also grooming and predatory.
Trauma manifests differently for everyone, and masking is learned in early childhood. Tears and wailing are not required for trauma to exist.
Just because a teenager does not act bothered by the flirtations and sexual advances of an adult doesn’t mean they aren’t in fact being bothered, or that they aren’t being traumatized by the event.
It is not a teenagers responsibility (or a moral requirement) to know that the things they are experiencing are creating trauma, or that their current behaviors are a result of previous trauma. They literally do not have enough life experience to be experts in recognizing and dealing with trauma.
It is an adults responsibility to recognize unhealthy situations, behaviors, etc. withdraw and set boundaries.
If the adults have decided that it is okay to sexually fantasize about a teenager and show up scantily clad to a teens place of work in the hopes of forming inappropriate relationships, and the culture cosigns this as just another Tuesday, then the teen cannot logically be the one at fault for their own skewed perceptions of sex and morality.
It is the responsibility of a sane adult to recognize when a teenager needs intervention and correction. Not a blowjob in a motel. Sorry Karen. Not sorry.
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euphorial-docx · 1 year
the idol episode 1 review
ok so… i watched it. it’s definitely a show, at least.
i will briefly talk first about my opinions on everyone else’s opinions:
i do not believe in the censorship of media. i think people can make whatever they want, even if i don’t personally enjoy or agree with it. maybe that’s a chronically online ao3 mentality shifting over to other arts, but i don’t think it’s a bad thing.
i think enforcing what can and cannot be made, and who can and cannot make certain things, is bullshit. i don’t agree with with that. i think sam levinson can make this type of show if he wants to, no matter my feelings on it (and oh boy do i have a lot of them.)
and i do not think a “boycott” will work at all. maybe this show will be cancelled, or get a production overhaul for season 2, but y’all… i know 70% of the people trying to boycott the idol also watch euphoria. and jesus christ stop saying people are demons if they watch the idol— guilting people over what they consume is stupid and does nothing to change conditions.
additionally, i want to talk about the drama behind the scenes:
i know all the drama. i think it was shitty to fire amy seimetz after she finished 80% of it, and it was shitty to scrap everything, and shitty to turn it into what it is now. not arguing that. it was a huge waste of the money, time, and effort of hundreds of people to bring sam levinson in and boot amy out.
sam levinson is also known to be a dick when directing. his sets on euphoria were hectic, his sets on the idol were hectic— the man needs to let more people help him in every step of filmmaking instead of hoarding everything to himself and believing he’s above collaboration.
and now for the actual review:
i’ll start with the highlights.
i think lily-rose depp did well. she wasn’t outstanding, but i think people are too harsh to say she’s this horrible actress. is she giving an emmy worthy performance? no, not really. but she wasn’t bad by any means.
the best actor there, however, is rachel sennott. she’s great in everything she’s in, so i’m not surprised at all. she plays the anxious assistant and concerned best friend very well. she’s as much as stand-out as she can be with such a bland script to go off of.
i will get into what i didn’t like about the main relationship later, but the scenes of jocelyn and tedeos dancing at the club was (mostly) pretty good. like i thought it was cute to start out, and then them talking at the bar at jocelyn’s house was pretty good. their dynamic is best when they’re having understated moments that aren’t rushing head-first into the plot too soon, if that makes sense.
i think that’s it.
now it’s time for the negatives… and there are a lot.
jocelyn’s music is boring. i feel they could’ve vocally trained lily-rose a bit more to make her singing more believable for a so-called pop star. the sound and production itself was very bland like her singing, and i can’t quite tell if that’s intentional or not.
the dance choreography had its good moments, but was mostly odd. they also kept in random shots of lily’s dancing looking very much Not Great despite the plot praising her dancing. they could’ve had her practice more too (i’m sorry if i’m being harsh, but it’s the truth! she’s not a singer or a dancer, so they should’ve trained her better to sell the story.)
the costumes, hair, and makeup was fine, but some of the outfits were strange and needlessly… sexy? like jocelyn wearing a thong and tiny bra that covers nothing during dance rehearsals is a bit extreme. it was a pretty outfit i guess, but absolutely not practical and clearly there to just be like Hey! Look How Hot Lily-Rose Depp Is!
the cinematography was… meh. i was underwhelmed. it wasn’t ugly, but i know sam can at least make visually beautiful shows, and he just didn’t do that here. he missed an opportunity to be praised for something.
i think the first half of the episode was marginally better than the second half, but generally it had pacing issues. it was TOO SLOW and then would also throw you into new scenes with no padding to soften the landing. i had no sense of what the timeframe was throughout this entire episode.
the editing didn’t help with the confusion. multiple shots were repeated. they would cut back and forth between scenes in different times in some weird montage sort of thing, which confused me a little as to what was happening, where they were going, and which timeline we were supposed to be following. but maybe that’s just me. i don’t know. i’m still confused.
plot wise, TOO FAST. the scenes were slow, but the plot was somehow advancing too fast. i didn’t have time to really invest in jocelyn as a character, let alone jocelyn and tedros’s relationship before they were pushed together like a child forcing their barbie dolls to kiss. i didn’t buy their dynamic of “romance.” as i said, there were 2 decent scenes, but those scenes didn’t last long enough and both ended with them making out instead of actually setting up the groundwork for their relationship.
i don’t think the weeknd did bad, but he wasn’t necessarily good either. a handful of his line deliveries were… questionable at best. i don’t know if this is purposeful, but he gave me creep vibes. other characters said he also weirded them out, so maybe that’s the point? i’m hoping that’s the point. please be the point.
and now about sex.
a very hot topic for this show, apparently.
i am not a prude by any means. i watch euphoria, and i watch game of thrones, and etc etc. i can handle sex and nudity, and i do think it can be a useful tool in storytelling. as i said before, i also do not believe in censorship, so put sex in your show or whatever. i don’t care.
big but.
i will critique this because i don’t believe in censorship :) freedom goes both ways
the sex scenes here felt out of place and unnecessary. they did not serve the story at all. they didn’t tell me anything about the characters. i honestly skimmed the sex scenes entirely because they were too long and not integrals
it’s not even that they were too graphic or anything, they were just confusing. like oh jocelyn and tedros are dancing— oh, now they’re making out? jocelyn got home for the club and oh! she’s suddenly masturbating. jocelyn and tedros are talking about music and wow! oh wow. now there’s temperature play and suffocation happening. point being: the sex scenes are too sudden with no real build up or purpose.
i feel with a story like this, explicit sex could work. but not like this. i feel the extreme nature of jocelyn and tedros’s intimacy should progress as the story goes on, and get more and more wild and dangerous as it becomes more obvious that jocelyn is being manipulated and preyed upon by the music industry. that would be a good use for sex scenes, but the way they’re used here— just sporadically thrown in for shock value and Edgy Points— is not only unsatisfying and uncomfortable, but also confusing and ultimately meaningless.
as for the nudity, i don’t think it was anywhere as bad as twitter made it seem. i’m chill with casual nudity, so her waking up without a shirt wasn’t really gratuitous to me, neither was her rarely wearing bras. i don’t care about that.
what i do care about when it comes to nudity is how the story portrays intimacy coordinators.
the characters get annoyed with the coordinator and lock him in a closet just because he wanted them to stop the photoshoot because there was undiscussed nudity that wasn’t in contracts. like the intimacy coordinator was right and the story treated him as if he was just annoying. i think that was strange for a story that’s supposedly about how women are taken advantage of and mistreated in the music industry.
also too much smoking!!! a pretentious amount of smoking!!! nearly every scenes, jocelyn was lighting up a cigarette. sometimes multiple within the span of one location and time. like girl put them down. i don’t need 12 shots of her lighting a cigarette.
final thoughts
the idol has undeniable potential, but all that potential was discarded and replaced with whatever this is. i can see the bones of what amy seimetz intended, but i can also see how sam levinson and the weeknd weakened the integrity of that.
it was quite frankly severely underwhelming and messy. it’s difficult to pinpoint what the story is and what we’re supposed to think about certain points of it, and it’s even harder to get a grip of who characters are and their motivations. it did a poor job of setting up the story, and instead chose to throw us in the deep end and hope we understand whatever the fuck is going on.
i’ll give the second episode a try just to see if i can comprehend what this show is trying to tell me, but i do not have high hopes at all. i believe it will be an unintelligible mess with a few rare gems thrown in (those gems courtesy of amy seimetz, of course), and will hopefully prove that sam levinson and the weeknd both need a fucking writers room and their egos checked.
i give it a 2.5/10. a 3/10 if i’m being nice.
it deserved the bare minimum 5 minute ovation at cannes.
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akwardlyuncool · 1 year
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What Goes Up Up (2009) - Review
The misfits find one teacher they can trust and when that teacher dies and a new figure appears in his wake, will they too trust him in that same fashion? Campbell Babbit (Steve Coogan) is put on a newspaper assignment, to get off of writing about the woman he obsessively writes about at current and onto more world news, like the Challenger Space Shuttle launch. He ends up slipping into the life of an old college buddy that has passed away, thinking he can figure out the students his friend left behind and maybe tell someone else’s story for a change.
While out for Record Store day yesterday, I came across this movie that had both Hilary Duff and Josh Peck in it, so I had to pick it up, not many questions asked. Now after watching the ish, I got a whole bunch of questions. The beginning of the film makes it seem like there’s just this group of misunderstood, outcast students who found solace in a classroom, run by a teacher who instead of becoming a priest, decided to put that care into students who needed a little extra, however, and I think this is the goal of the movie, I spent most of it questioning what was happening in that town and really in that classroom.
Now I don’t want to spoil anything, but I will say that I spent a good chunk of the movie with what the kids today call “the ick.” You don’t really know what did or did not happen so you make up your own assumptions, good or bad, until the end when things start to unravel and even then no one truly knows the truth or they do, just not the entirety of that truth. They let some people be heroes and others accept the story they’ve been given.
Had I seen this movie back in 2009 when I was an “edgy” teenager watching and reading all of the stories about misfit, outcast teenagers with identity issues and drug problems and cool art hobbies, I probably would have saw the story they were trying to tell with this one. I don’t know if I would have agreed, probably would of still had some ick, but I might have saw something redeeming in the hour and 44 minutes of run time. Now as an adult I’m left feeling uncomfortable and wondering if what I watched was worth the 3 dollars I spent on the DVD? I will say that some of the ick gets cleared it up which did ultimately help me feel a little less like I wanted to puke, but I’m still unsure about the whole thing.
I don’t think I can really recommend the movie to anyone outside of completionists, die-hard fans or those of y’all who can sit through  fairly dark films and be relatively okay at the end. There was just so much sketch up in the air for the majority of the film and I don’t know that I could recommend someone else sit with that much uncertainty for over an hour. Basically watch at your own discretion.
TW/CW Plus Some SPOILER-Esk Content Below:
Note on TW’s and CW’s: I’ve recently read something about the usefulness of Trigger Warnings and Content Warnings and how they may not actually be working as intended and don’t offer the help or protection that we think they do or did. That being said, as someone who at least likes to know when the overall subject or content of something may not sit right with me, I’ve decided to put them and other bonus content under a “READ MORE” or “Keep Reading” line, when I have them.
If you have feelings or insight on this please let me know, as this is something I’m testing out and would love further feedback on.
TW/CW: This movie talks about subjects of suicide and inappropriate relationships between adults and minors.
The Actual Somewhat Spoiler Commentary:
Steve Coogan’s character is a stranger to these kids and the role that he let them lead him into was inappropriate to say the least. I feel like because he is a stranger, no less an adult, even if he was trying to figure out what happened to his old friend, he should have put up some boundaries real quick. It seems like he’d tow that line to “protect” the heart of a teenage girl all in the name of the story. I think however, part of him wrote about heroes so much that he let himself slip into the villain role rather easily. He claims he’s not “that guy,” but I was not truly convinced. There were too many closed doors and making sure the girl knew she was loved by her teacher, for me to just accepts his grey area. I’m not saying I believe he’s “that guy” either but he is not the good or clean one in this situation, like at all.
Also I feel like the meaning of Josh Peck’s character (Jim Lement) was so confusing. Like is he in love with Hillary Duff’s character (Lucy) or just trying to protect her himself. Is he one of the “bad” guys who trips into heroism every once in a while, but knows they only partly deserve the compliments. Is he supposed to be the “teacher” in the end?
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juanabaloo · 2 years
Exhibit Ch - Your honor they love each other! (fuffy)
This is a pro-fuffy BTVS rewatch series. Kendra Appreciation Post! Exhibit Ch is a bonus / catchup review about Scott Hope, Kendra, and a few non-Faith episode recos. Long post.
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1. Remember how I wanted Scott Hope to get one more episode so Buffy could prioritize Faith over him? Scott is literally never seen again after 3.03. I wanna review Scott Hope. In exhibit B.10 I mentioned that Scott does seem particularly insightful. Here’s a text montage of all the great Scott moments. Imagine “I will remember you” playing in the background.
“Uh, I'm sorry. I'm a bad liar. It's not good for the soul.” (3.03)
“You're friends with Buffy, right?” - to Faith (3.03)
“Faith has been telling me tall tales.” (3.03)
“my mom says that therapy can be completely helpful.” - to Buffy (3.04)
“I hope you realize I don't actually know these people.” - jokingly about Pete and Debbie (3.04)
“It's just that you never really know what's going on inside somebody.” - about Pete and Debbie after they both die (3.04) Y’all he realized he didn’t actually know them.
“Before we were going out, you seemed so full of life, like a force of nature. Now you just seem distracted all the time, and… I’m really sorry” - dumping Buffy (3.05) Buffy agrees she has been distracted.
2. Scott - in what little we see of him - is very honest. He says he’s a bad liar, he realizes Faith’s stories are at least exaggerated, he’s pro-therapy. And he’s not just honest but he verbalizes it. The way he dumps Buffy, Scott’s so fucking honest. Scott is mentioned again in the show 3 times, twice more in S3 and then once in S7.
3. Remember Buffy’s traumatic therapy experience in 3.04? Well her next therapy session is to Holden the psych major and new vamp she very vaguely remembers from high school. In 7.07 (Conversations with Dead People) Holden says: “Scott Hope said you were gay… He says that about every girl he breaks up with. And then last year, big surprise, he comes out.” Buffy acts surprised at hearing this news, that he called her gay. 
4. Granted, I could buy that Scott was repressed and gay in high school. But just because he came out eventually doesn’t mean he was lying. Also the “he says that about every girl” bit sounds OOC to me. Scott was insightful and honest when we saw him. I think this is the show queer-panicking again. “Oh no wait, Buffy can’t be gay! Or queer! Uhm….. yeah let’s add that Scott says that about every girl, oh yeah because he’s actually gay and therefore a lying liar.” Homophobic much? Silly show. Also am I picking and choosing to fit my argument? A little bit.
5. So in summary, Scott Hope is insightful and honest and calls Buffy gay, aka calls Buffy queer. She is so repressed / panicking that she is visually surprised by this in 7.07. Oh Buffy.
Alright, enough about Scott, let’s talk about Kendra!
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6. Kendra is the Jamaican slayer that appears briefly in S2. The BTVS writers room was super white. There are several things they don’t do a great job with IMO, including the LA homeless scenes (3.01), queerness (in general and also being bi just doesn’t exist?), judaism, and sexual assault (*rages at multiple epis*). Sometimes the show is a little misogynistic (but not as bad as Angel, holy fuck that show) and a little racist. Or a lot. The racial diversity of the show is laughable, I mean late 90s California? Even in the LA episode (Anne 3.01) LA is just - mostly white? *cackles* (As a palate cleanser here’s a nice gifset featuring POC characters on BTVS and ATS.)
7. Interesting Black characters are given the short shrift, including Mr. Trick in S3. Kendra deserved better but at least we got a little glimpse of her. If you’re following along at home and but also trying to limit your BTVS intake, I recommend the following non-Faith-appearance catchup episodes: 2.09 (Kendra appears), 2.10 (Kendra heavy), 2.11 (the Ted episode), 2.21 (Becoming Part 1 - Kendra re-appears), 2.22 (Becoming Part 2 - to finish off the season). And 3.01 honestly, because limiting intake can be difficult, LOL.
8. ifeveristoday lays it out in this good short post on Kendra’s role / lore on the show, and how it could be better.
9. herinsectreflections explains Kendra is not one of Buffy’s shadow selves. This gifset by fuffygifs shows the scene parallel.
10. Kendra locks up Angel. Delight in her power over him, the way she laughs at him.
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11. I vividly remember the scene where Buffy slow-motion runs through the school, it’s in the show openers. But what I had forgotten until this rewatch was that it’s her running to get back to everyone in the library, after her chat with Angelus in the cemetery, and she finds Kendra dead. (Because of Dru’s hypnosis powers.) My memory of the slow-mo was that Buffy’s so badass, but now it’s tinged with sadness bc she was trying and then fails to help / save her friends, including Kendra. Although really the only long-term damage is Kendra. *grumble*
12. OK the main scene I want to review is when Buffy and Kendra say goodbye in 2.10. Buffy calls herself a freak, which is a real insult in her mind. Kendra reassures her “not the only freak.” And then Buffy goes to hug Kendra, but Kendra doesn’t hug. So Buffy doesn’t. Can you imagine where this didn’t happen, like Kendra is OK with hugs. And then when Buffy meets Faith she hugs her at some point (not right away). Gah! They never hug right? Or Buffy isn't feeling like she caused Kendra's death and she's more open with Faith? (spuffygifs has the full gifset)
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I gotta admit they did have chemistry.
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OK, a smattering of links to Kendra gifsets I found:
original andremichaux
andremichaux with tags people left
13. OK, a few thoughts on 3.01 Anne. Already unrealistic when it aired (Buffy somehow affords a studio apt on a waitress salary?) it’s achingly unrealistic now, in terms of money. Like Buffy would need 3 waitressing-type jobs and she’d still have 4 roomates in a craaap 2 BR apt that was falling apart.
14. SMG is giving a master class in acting in SO much of BTVS. The moment when she revolts is brilliant. Check it here (credit to deansmom and harrietvane and isagrimorie) proof that SMG made the acting choice, that it wasn’t that detailed in the script. (read the prev tags too, all of this is brilliant) Also we already know Buffy but this introduction of herself is great, on par with Faith-introducing-herself levels here. (the whole deansmom gifset and tags really sets the mood pre-"aggressive chipper shit talker" Buffy introducing herself)
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I am not great at finding gifs on tumblr. Here are some bonus ones for prev exhibits:
Faith accidentally punching Buffy in 3.04. (Eliza apparently actually punched SMG IRL)
Faith shooting her shot in 3.05
Buffy’s unsure reaction in 3.05
No rating for this exhibit bc there’s no Faith. (Exhibit C had a they love each other rating of 2 out of 5.) Next exhibit will cover episode 3.07 Revelations. Exhibit Ch has been submitted, the prosecution rests for the day.
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fsbc-librarian · 1 year
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Nomad Steve..
100 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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This is an open call for someone to create a ficlet for me.. I’ll even turn it into a podfic in the end
But imagine: Bucky is shopping with his and Steve’s daughter, but it’s been a long day and everyone is tired, and everyone is cranky and just want to get home, and this is the last thing that needs to happen before they can (cos it’s Sam and Nat’s wedding, and this kid is as stubborn as Steve ever was, and is the one who insisted on a dress in the first place, and god only knows what will happen if she doesn’t get one)..
185 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
Stolen from a friend.. but this should be a Stucky Fic 👌
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244 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
I have three fics waiting to go into The Library, and I cannot for the life of me work out which category/s they belong in.. (PS these are all explicit, please check the tags before reading)
Collar Full of Chemistry
Steve is very rich and desperate to feel in control of his life again after a recent divorce has left him feeling bitter and lonely. When he keeps crossing paths with a disaster twenty-something, an unconventional solution presents itself. Steve's always been one for following his instincts.
Bucky is very broke and can't seem to catch a break, especially after some asshole fires him for one fucking mistake. So of course, it follows that he should sign a contract agreeing to do everything and anything that same asshole wants for a whole year in exchange for a payout that could finally change his life for the better.
in the gold room [ where everyone finally gets what they want ]
It’s only when they’re on opposite sides of the country attending University that our beloved boneheads realise how head over heels for each other they are. It’s true, after all, that you never know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.
Steve’s pining from New York, terrified to make a move and lose the person that means the most to him, while Bucky’s been planning a birthday present to himself– one that’s been over a decade in the making. Will Bucky have the courage after all? Will Steve risk the possible loss to see if Bucky feels the same way he does?
Proprietary Information
Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.
And a reminder where you can find our current and upcoming categories
The Master List
258 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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As far as i’m concerned, fanfiction authors saved the entire MCU - y’all kept me around long enough for them to make the multiverse canon, which therefore canonises *every* fanfiction every made 🤷‍♀️
438 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
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I posted 28,317 times in 2022
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4,202 posts created (15%)
24,115 posts reblogged (85%)
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I tagged 4,799 of my posts in 2022
#thanks for the ask! - 1,529 posts
#gerald the swift - 550 posts
#the marvelous miss frizzle - 505 posts
#nom nom - 347 posts
#my fierce winter - 334 posts
#spam - 312 posts
#my lovely lily - 307 posts
#lily my beloved - 215 posts
#percy jackson - 172 posts
#kotlc - 151 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#shannon said in an interview keefe doesnt know how to human and may need help 😭 i made a joke was that its he makes friends with humans
My Top Posts in 2022:
Apollo doesn’t claim his kids he just visits both camps once a month and tells them you are my spawn
151 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
I’m saying it right now anyone who blames Percy for Bianca’s death can block me. He never broke his promise. He never even agreed to Nico’s promise. He told Nico he would try to keep her safe. During the junkyard Bianca decides to steal a figurine for Nico. She realizes her mistake and decides to sacrifice herself for everyone else. Who tries to stop her? Percy freaking Jackson does even though she makes the decision. Bianca finally gets control of her life when she decides to join the hunters. She won’t let that go, even if it means her death. Y’all are out here blaming a 14 year old for a death someone accepted. Also don’t respond saying Nico was just a kid and he didn’t see it that way. I never said Nico was a bad person for blaming Percy.
252 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
This blog supports straight queers
339 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
If this gets 10k notes I’ll read homestuck
1,782 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Friendly reminder the actress playing clarisse is 16 and will not have her body type because a 16 year old should not be expected to get unrealistically defined muscles
4,922 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
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treesap-blogs · 1 year
(yes this is abrupt shh) Some thoughts on “The Dragon’s Promise” by Elizabeth Lim!
Hello, Tumblrians! Due to my delay on my Gilded Ones review, I didn’t conduct a review for this book after I finished it. Oops. Hence why I’m publishing this in such a short period of time after my Gilded Ones review, as I had most of that prepared beforehand but I’m just typing this one out of my arse in the hopes I catch up with my reading records.
Whilst I may not have it documented on this blog(everything I’ve read is from January 2023 onwards), at the end of last year I finished reading Six Crimson Cranes. ‘Twas a solid book! (I did make an extensive review for it on a Padlet for my school dedicated to reviewing stories available from our library, though! I wish I could share it without being doxxed because then y’all would have more context!) Shiori’s character growth felt very earned, although I can’t say that I was 100% happy to see it under the circumstances she was in. I’m a sucker for fairytales too,  which is why I adore the fantasy genre to pieces (I am trying to branch out though), and the inspiration integrated into the story was pretty neat even if I’d never read The Wild Swans by Hans Christian Anderson. With that said, it still chose to forge a path for itself, and besides having different cultural influences in its world unlike the European origins of The Wild Swans, carried things out a bit differently narratively. It was appreciated, as someone who only needed to read the summary of the tale to know how it ended and didn’t want every plot twist and final word of Six Crimson Cranes to be spoiled to me as a result. Plus, even though I rated it 4 out of 5 stars, it not-so-steadily climbed up my mental ranks to become one of my favorite books. (Again with that “my personal enjoyment of a book is sometimes different from the rating I give it, which I base off of objective quality”.) So as you can expect, I picked up The Dragon’s Promise with zero hesitation after I saw it in a local library and clutched it with glee.
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So as you can expect, I picked up The Dragon’s Promise with zero hesitation after I saw it in a local library and clutched it with glee.
I was a little bit disappointed with it, though. I had seen a review a few months ago, before I’d read Dragon’s Promise, saying it suffered from “sequel syndrome”, and couldn’t quite capture the lightning in a bottle from the first book, and it’s a sentiment I agree with. So much happened in this book, but it also feels like so little did too. And in an action that I think is supposed to be emotional, we have to say goodbye to a lot of the elements and characters we grew attached to in the first book. We only got to have one book with them! And now in a world with so much going on, but where everything now moves at an alarmingly quick pace, I didn’t even feel that sad. I just felt disappointed, like I was cheated somehow. We were introduced to all of these characters, and now we have to say farewell to them so abruptly. This issue also, in my opinion, stripped the plot of its permanence. 
I think the worst part of this though is that I don’t think there will be another book to fix the Sequel Syndrome present. Everything is wrapped up here. It’s a duology, soon to be a trilogy with a prequel book coming out about Raikama, but Shiori’s story is done. That realization probably hurt me more than most of the events within the story. I wish this could’ve been a trilogy, the pacing would work so much better.
Spoiler section! This does cover mainly Six Crimson Cranes content. So if you haven’t read that, tread lightly!
So the main issue I had with the book in my Padlet review for it was that I felt that Raikama, or rather Channari if we feel like using her real name, being revealed to not be the main villain after everything she did to Shiori and her brothers felt..strange. Her motivation was confirmed last-minute as she was dying, and they pulled a Darth Vader where they redeem a character with a sacrifice they make that leads to their death.
Sure, there were some memories that hinted at her not being as evil as our protagonist originally thought she was, but they felt more like trying to humanize a villain than foreshadowing the true events of the book? Yes, I get she messes with memories and stuff so we can’t have that much, but I found it convoluted that the explanation for this not being built up very well was because she was so scared of hurting Shiori by being close to her that she completely brainwashed her into thinking she was terrible. And then Shiori had that realization while being burned by that other sorceress or somewhere close to that point (forgot her name but it started with a Z?), and, fine, if we had more time to dig into Raikama’s character while she was still alive, maybe we could’ve seen what got her to be so desperate. But we didn’t get that, and the demon king got defeated by an amateur sorceress like..one book after he was introduced. This is when I start REALLY WISHING THIS WAS A TRILOGY because MAYBE WE COULD SEE MORE OF THE CATASTROPHIC EFFECTS THAT GOT RAIKAMA TO BE SO DESPERATE TO PROTECT HER KIDS AND SAVE HER FROM THEM THAT SHE DECIDED TO CURSE AND TRAUMATIZE SHIORI AS WELL AS PUT SHIORI’S BROTHERS IN AGONY😭😭BRO😭
(Being burned at the stake and technically dying a book later is pretty bad though. Maybe I’m being picky here. Parents who might be reading this help me out???)
Even though Dragon’s Promise essentially expanded onto what I disliked the most about Six Crimson Cranes (the..entire time), surprisingly though that was not the thing I was most bothered by. It was literally the pacing lmao. At some point I just got desensitized to Raikama/Channari’s tragic backstory and the attempts to make her as redeemable and morally good as they could. I literally couldn’t find it in myself to be annoyed anymore. Not that I enjoyed that? I don’t think I did, I was just exasperated.
I get that she isn’t as bad as most book antagonists, though. I guess I should take that into account. Maybe I should be less harsh and there’s something I’m missing idk.
With that said though, the depiction of Shiori’s grief, and how she felt it, was something I didn’t have an issue with. She didn’t fully recover from it, and it wasn’t a linear process. But it’s kind of a weird zone to be in, where I don’t take issue with the subject matter that follows but I do whatever spurred it. Ehhhhggghhh.
End of spoiler territory!! You may proceed.
Anyhow. Did I still burn through this in 4 days, give or take? Yeah. It wasn’t exactly a boring read, and I still liked it to a degree, but I was left wanting more. It didn’t feel like it was meant to be the book to conclude this series’ timeline, despite its poetic ending and all of the goodbyes(which Lim likely wanted the reader to do in their mind, too). I’m just disappointed.
Also! Different note, but: I’m going to have to develop a weekly book review schedule so I a.) don’t get freaked out, b.) can be persuaded to keep up with my Goodreads challenge of reading 50 books this year (4 books ahead of schedule!! Might end up doubling it to 100, it’s only the beginning of February that’s a lot), c.) have something to look forward to every week! I am never in a very good mental state, I find joy in whatever is possible to at this point.
This review is probably the most critical one on here so far. I wasn’t expecting that but I did it as I was writing, so… Hopefully you guys like to see Critical Paz though! Or at the very least don’t mind him. He’ll be going into hibernation shortly after this review is published, honk shoo mimimi.
Here’s some things I did like about it though: Takkan and Shiori’s relationship remained sweet, and although Shiori tried keeping secrets from him initially(for his well-being), it was encouraged for her to communicate honestly and so we didn’t have to do with the dreaded miscommunication trope that plagues most YA media. (Of which I’ve been thankful to have mostly avoided, but..eughhegfheb.) The descriptions of the different locations were very interesting, they felt vibrant like the first book! I also enjoyed Kiki more in this book, she made me giggle a couple of times with her bluntness and sarcastic remarks.
That shall be all.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars.
Paz, signing off!
(Book trigger/content warnings: Blood(a sizable amount, actually), grief, can’t think of any others except for that a character almost dies from drowning.)
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makur0 · 1 year
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I posted 258 times in 2022
That's 258 more posts than 2021!
189 posts created (73%)
69 posts reblogged (27%)
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I tagged 147 of my posts in 2022
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#enstars - 91 posts
#ensemble stars - 85 posts
#ensemble stars x reader - 64 posts
#enstars x reader - 63 posts
#enstars smut - 60 posts
#ensemble stars smut - 58 posts
#kinktober - 29 posts
#makur0 - 20 posts
#interactions - 19 posts
#enstars fluff - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 88 characters
#dont ask for part two please you have no idea how hard it was for me to get through this
My Top Posts in 2022:
hihi! could i request an izumi x fem!reader where they just got married, and izumi has always wanted his children running around for the longest time, and just imagining his wife’s belly round and full of his children gets him acting up (in other words, he has a huge breeding kink)- so one fateful night, he creates a super romantic environment in their shared bedroom, and things escalate as he vows to fill her up with his kids ;) perhaps a timeskip at the end where izumi gets his wish of seeing his wife full if that’s not too much!
“‘M gonna fill you up~”
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synopsis — it may not be obvious, but izumi wants a certain something... from you. so one fateful night, he decides to take action. [izumi sena x fem! reader]
content warnings — nsfw, mdni. top! izumi, penetration, breeding, nicknames, body worship, izumi somehow being a fluffy yet sexy man, chaotic leo at the end
authors note — IZUMI GIVE ME ONE CHANCE- uh, ignore that. Anyways, YES I AGREE 100 PERCENT THIS MAN IS A CHILD LOVER and breeder. Ahem, but thank you anon for the detailed request, this was really nice to do!
word count — 1849
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245 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
“I’m sorry for leaving…”
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247 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
hELLO! Can I req threesome w mean dom reikao x afab reader ? 🥹🫶
“Don’t try to play with us.”
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synopsis — your friend warned you to stay away from his brother. but you get tangled with one of his friends, which then attracts the old vampire. [kaoru hakaze x AFAB! reader x rei sakuma]
content warning — nsfw, mdni. mean! dom! rei/kaoru, threesome, a slight altercation, fingering, penetration, oral (male recieving), manhandling, biting/marking
author’s note — kinda miffed that they weren’t as mean as intended to be but I somewhat figured out the plot- so I hope you enjoy! (First threesome y’all don’t expect anything)
word count — 1450
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270 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
“you’re perfect every way.”
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synopsis — mika is noticing that you’re slowly distancing yourself from him. after finally pinning you down and getting an answer, he does his best to make you feel loved. [mika kagehira x AFAB! reader]
content warnings — nsfw, mndi. soft! dom mika, nicknames, mirror play, praising, self-praise, slight teasing, fingering; slight angst in beginning, fluff at end (possibly ooc mika?? i’m too tired to really look)
author notes — uh, hi! first oneshot here, hope you (nearly nonexistent readers lmao) guys enjoy!
word count — 1195
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301 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hiiii may I request the reader seating on rinnes face as he's eating the reader out like his last meal ?? :) THABK YOUU
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“So, so good...”
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311 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
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I posted 8,023 times in 2022
That's 3,135 more posts than 2021!
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I tagged 5,665 of my posts in 2022
Only 29% of my posts had no tags
#sara's 1 year sl rewatch - 861 posts
#violetta - 465 posts
#the epic violetta rewatch 2: the rainbow season - 383 posts
#the epic violetta rewatch - 352 posts
#soy luna - 321 posts
#thanks for the ask! - 258 posts
#nordic s3 release rewatch party - 236 posts
#(not) very fabulous diary entries - 155 posts
#franletta - 104 posts
#sara's gleeful gleewatch - 102 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#honestly the sl fans scare me sometimes they feel like they’re more aggressive than like… the v-lovers who are a more chill bunch of people
My Top Posts in 2022:
Me: Makes one (1) swedish post
Every swede ever on Tumblr:
152 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
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226 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
What I like about Steddie is that it’s for once a good mlm ship for Steve.
I said what I said.
1,040 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
I really shouldn’t be so worked up about people thinking we never feed our guests, cause no matter how much we explain that we of course offer food for guests, there’s always gonna be people who question us anyway + trolls just living life and exaggerating everything.
It doesn’t help that us nordic people just are socially awkward too, and that can always make us seem like we are more coldhearted than we are.
Also, just so y’all know: We aren’t the biggest food people, we’re more into fika (Google it) - we’re very happy and eager to offer you coffee, cookies and whatever we baked/bought from the bakery. But when it comes to offering dinner, we’re often more awkward - we can be like ”are you eating here or are you eating home?” - and the guest can be awkward about it to, ”No it’s ok, I’ll eat at home” or ”I’ll eat here… if it’s ok”. And that’s just how it is. We’re awkward about it, but of course, we will offer food? And if you’re staying the night, then you will OBVIOUSLY get dinner + breakfast guaranteed.
And perhaps it doesn’t matter if I explain that, cause people might think it’s weird anyway and question it. Or other swedes who don’t agree with me. We’re all different.
Anyway, don’t jump to big conclusions for a country you don’t even live in and have never been to - the craziest people will always be the ones you hear about, just like with any country. Like I have heard so much weird stories about people from America and it’s often I can jump to conclusions everyone in America acts like them - which I at the end of the day know is not true.
1,277 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,314 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
[A very late review of 3tan!anytime]
You spoil us so much with these long chapters. 16k and I devour every word like I've never read a book before.
Seriously, such a great chapter, and so full of surprises. Was not expecting the revelation about basketball to come up here, and to know this dude was creepy enough to approach in a club? Like damn. I am very curious to know why he made threats about her to begin with! Annnd glad to know the tea on Taehyung and Jimin!
Omg, Yoongi being domestic in the kitchen once again. What a cutie, and I am totally whipped for him, even if he is acting very bold.
I loved the attempted texts in between each scene. And then how Yoongi showed vulnerability when he thought maybe she wasn't interested. It was sweet and a reminder guys have the same anxious thoughts.
And while yes, there was a warning for Yoongi on the phone, these warnings are never enough. Because this man is just too much. The chemistry between both of them on the phone was insane, and can't wait to see how freaky things get the next time they can be alone together.
A part of me wonders if it's possible if the brother heard anything and chalked it up to his sister having a dream about Yoongi. I was originally team Jin as the brother, but this chapter makes me think it's Namjoon.
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SOULLLLL this is my very very late response bc these messages got buried!! Finally going through my inbox and I saw this gem.. apologies for getting to it so late!
The reveal about basketball guy was definitely something I’ve been wanting to show y’all. For MONTHS😂 And the tea on tae and jimin was just as anticipated for me bc hello??? Yes??
3tan yoongi being domestic in general already has me swooning. But now to have him stealing kisses? HOW IS THIS EVEN FAIR‼️
The texts to break up the scenes made flow and overall formatting SO much easier. Gives readers room to breathe because there is so much that happens. With the vulnerability—YES!! I agree. It’s totally not one-sided in the anxious thoughts or just general overthinking department. Yoongi seems to have his own struggles, as well.
THE DAMN PHONE SCENE.. oh my god. I can’t even describe how happy I am to see that you like it🥺 And oh ho ho……. Next time….🫣 can I just say that I am super duper not ready lmfao. Have you down for either jin or Joon! Thank you for reading and sorry for getting to this lovely message so late<33
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