#however I know this isn’t me having an issue with survey classes (although the rate they make you read at is kind of ridiculous and I read
sailforvalinor · 11 months
Idk if this is controversial, but studying for a English/writing degree at university shouldn’t make you NOT want to engage with writing or literature. Just a thought.
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sweetbyte · 3 years
BakuMomo - Rated M 
Chapter One | AO3  
Loathe he was to admit it, UA taught him a great deal of things. He wasn’t generous enough to credit that to the instructors, no they all pretty much fucking sucked...as well as the other students and his classmates, hell everyone fucking sucked. However, it was definitely a learning experience. Constantly on the brink of mortal peril and all.
Firstly, he learned that he genuinely, truly, hated just about everyone. Secondly, he learned that he was shockingly lacking emotionally. This was an issue because apparently being a hero required one to show some degree of empathy and support to the general public as if saving their petty lives wasn’t enough. Thirdly, he learned how to tone himself down, so to speak. Mistakes were made, specifically, he made mistakes; he wasn’t perfect. Which ultimately taught him not to judge a book by its cover. Yeah, the spineless annoying Deku was not all weak and worthless as Bakugou claimed. Yeah, he probably owed a lot of his own personal growth to boy. Did that mean he would admit that out loud and apologize to the kid, not a chance in hell. Bakugou still had his damned pride and even though that in itself was another flaw, it was a rather slow work in progress.
When he finally graduated he was brutally honest about not giving a rats ass about any of his classmates’ futures. They were about as one dimensional as the line he struck through the class survey box indicating he would rather not keep in touch with anyone from UA or receive any type of reunion correspondence, thanks. He’d worked with some and caught glimpses of others and although couple were quite persistent to keep his camaraderie, cough Kirishima cough ,it was safe to say that they weren’t in his orbit and that was fine by him.
Fast forward to present day and he finds all that he’s supposedly learned is being challenged by a single unsuspecting walking threat.
Momo Yaoyorozu.
He never had a strong opinion of her, if he was quite frank. She wasn’t completely useless in UA but she wasn’t remarkable either, which he found to be a pity given her quirk. She was the obnoxious type of self-sacrificing sweet that made his teeth rot and left a disgusting aftertaste in his mouth that needed two rinses with listerine, or perhaps alcohol. Whichever was closest on hand.
She’s active when they graduate, that much he knows, but they never cross paths. She apparently specializes in hostage negotiations and emergency relief response and he strictly fights and beats the shit out of anything he’s given permission to. So outside of each other’s orbit and yet they still end up in a frame together of individuals who have been named employee of the year in their respective branch.
Is he surprised? Not really.
She, however, is and its clearly reflected on her face that he resists and urge to sneer at her for old time sakes but, again, he’s learned so he settles for a cold stoic expression. She quickly schools herself as well and offers a small smile but its meaningless to him. They just have to take a photo and he can continue on with his stale Champaign and equally stale career.
Except she’s grown tenacious and is unrelenting in forcing her unsought presence on him, sticking to him like that goopy monstrous wretch he fought so, so many years ago. She’s clearly learned a thing or two working with negotiations and showers him with pricey quality alcohol, an upgrade from the complementary stale bullshit that was being served. He remembers her prestigious background, i.e. fat wallet, and isn’t above admitting that he definitely stayed for the drinks. He figured that it was the least she could do after attracting an absurdly amount of unwanted attention. She’s a hot commodity and even his glower isn’t enough to keep her admirers away. Just to be clear, he wasn’t keeping them away from her, but away from himself. He has enough to deal with just her.
After he’s had his fill in liquor, the startling revelation that Yaoyorozu has indeed become a master strategist is the last clear thing he remembers before his mind and consciousness muffles and thus its also the first thought he has when he wakes up on a strange but very comfortable, velvet maybe, sofa with a groan.
“There’s a glass of water next to you, when you’re ready.” He’d roll his eyes if they weren’t closed.
“Do you usually resort to intoxicating some unsuspecting idiot to use as an excuse to excuse yourself from celebratory functions or am I just special?” His eyes open in time to see her flush guilty, reclined on the arm of the sofa opposite to where his head was resting.
“It’s not as if you truly wanted to be there as well.” She mutters glancing away, determined not to stare at him, her victim. He scoffs.
“Don’t act like you did this for me.”
“I’m not acting, but you cannot solely blame me. It’s not like you chose to keep my company because of my bubbling personality.” She sniffs with destain almost daintily and he jerks up with a sneer.
“I didn’t choose to keep your fucking company, you wouldn’t leave me alone!”
“If you wanted me gone, you definitely could have managed it.” She retorts and raises an eyebrow tauntingly. “It’s not like you’re shy, or are you?” Undiscouraged by his threatening glare she continues. “The fact of the matter is that you choose to stay around me because of the liquor. I did not make you do anything, it was a mere incentive.”
“Of course, to endure your sparkling personality.” He bites scathingly and it makes her face scrunch up like she’s swallowed something bitter. “Right.”
There’s an uncomfortable silence that is only broken by her tired sigh.
“I’m not sure how you are at handling alcohol and I don’t want to assume, but there’s ibuprofen and water right next to you on the coffee table. You’re also welcome to anything in the kitchen.”  She stands and stretches, still dressed up from the party,  and he definitely does not notice the sleekness of her neck as she rolls it or the lift of her assets the dress accentuates. The fucking audacity.
“What, no change of clothes?”
She freezes and blinks. “Oh. That can be arranged if needed.” Her flush has faded and its almost as if she’s already forgotten about him. As if she is counting on him to just be out of her hair as quickly as he can.
“You’re just going to give me free reign of your house out of guilt?”
“I don’t think I’m guilty of-“ He stands with a sudden swiftness that stuns her quiet and he’s walking through her house with sure steps as she sputters after him. “What are you doing?”
“I decided that you can sleep on the couch and I’ll take the bed.”  He declares checking the doors for the bedroom.
“Excuse me?!”
“Think of it as your penance. You know, if our roles would have been reversed, this would have been a very controversial situation.” He states matter-of-factly leaning against the jamb of her room and her flush deepens.
“There was never any ill intent and you know it!” Her newly disheveled and agitated appearance sends a jolt of satisfaction through him.
“Do I?” He promptly shuts the door before she can react locking her out. She knocks on the door frantically and yells.  “Bakugou! This isn’t funny!” Then after a moment, “I don’t have a change of clothes!”
He makes a show of slamming some closet and drawer doors to make her panic. They both know she has the power to get into her room and he wonders if he’ll force her to break her own door down.
She soon quiets and huffs away and while she’s left him in peace he takes the opportunity let the last couple of moments sink in. Her room is, well, grand yet minimal. It’s fitting for her. It’s oddly still yet cozy. He decides to take her spacious chaise by the window, she can think he slept in her bed all she wants, he knows a thing or two about boundaries and he’d rather not cross that one.
She doesn’t return and he’s not all that surprised, she was never one for a fight.
Despite himself Bakugou lets out a laugh. He laughs because he can picture her in that expensive uncomfortable dress, flushed and irate on her velvet couch all because of him.
He laughs because he rather likes the sight of such a pristine individual like Yaoyorozu, pink and breathless, because of him and if that isn’t the funniest joke of the century he doesn’t know what was. 
AN:  I feel guilty for not updating anything in years, don’t judge me.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
5,000 questions survey series–part forty-two
These surveys always take me so long to get through, hence why I took such a long break from them. The questions are just too much at times and some are just plain annoying. But, I’ll try and finish it eventually. A couple of you have been taking it lately, so I figured I’d start up again.
4001. How would you rate your sex drive? It’s been non-existent the past few years, honestly.  4002. You are sitting alone with a stack of videos and a vcr. Of the following which are you most likely to puut on (1 is most, 10 is least) I’m just gonna bold which one I’d likely watch out of all of ‘em...
The good the bad and the ugly, dracula, slc punk, twin peaks fire walk with me, jerry springer too hot for tv, singing in the rain, flash gordon, the matrix, blade runner, the muppet movie 4003. Are you more likley to get or send random instant messages? I receive nice messages more often than I receive random ones. I got a rude one recently; however, about how I’m still a 31 year old virgin. Does it affect their life? No. So, don’t worry about it. *eye roll* I do get a lot of random comments on my surveys from su*ar da**ies, though... super annoying. 4004. If you were writing an ad telling people to come to your town what would you say about it? I wouldn’t write such an ad. My town sucks. 4005. What part of your body can you not stand to get an itch on? One that’s hard to reach.
4006. How many people do you suppose have stolen that System of a Down album called 'steal this album'? I haven’t heard anything about that, I’m not even familiar with that album of theirs. I’m there were people who tried/did.  4007. Name a band you like: Linkin Park. What are/were this band's roots and influences? Zeppelin, Run DMC, Public Enemy, Rage Against the Machine, Depeche Mode. 4008. would you rather have a poster of john lennon or a cute fuzzy black cat? Cute fuzzy black cat. 4009. make a public service announcement: Wear a mask! 4010. What makes you feel the need to escape? Just the need for a change of scenery and to help take my mind off things a bit for a little while. I’m sad I couldn’t go to the beach at all this summer because that’s my one place where I’m able to relax at all and just zone out. 4011. You and your signifigant other, crush, interest etc...who is the ernie and who is the bert? I don’t have any of those. 4012. When was the last time you did something and later asked yourself 'did I do the right thing?'? I hate when I forget if I took my medicine or not. I end up taking it, questioning and hoping that I didn’t already take it. I feel so robotic at times and like I’m just living life on autopilot, so things like that tend to happen. 4013. What do you find it hard to say goodbye to? I have a hard time getting rid of things because of my emotional attachment to them. 4014. What is your fantasy valentine's day like? I’ll admit it, it would be nice to experience a Valentine’s Day with someone and actually do something. It’s always been just another day for me. 4015. If you had to have a color for a name, what color would it be? Jade. 4016. Should preference be given to minority students during the college admission process? I think everyone should have the same opportunity.  4017. Sweet wine, fresh crisp appples, bagles with creme cheese and lox...what is the most incredibly luxurious food? I don’t know about those options, but if I were to think of luxurious foods I’d think of like expensive wine, cheeses, fresh fruits, and seafood like caviar and lobster and whatnot. I’m picky so I personally don’t care for fancy foods. 4018. Is there really anything to fear in communism? I don’t know enough about communism and socialism and all that to speak on it. 4019. Best sesame street character: Uhh, Big Bird. most annoying sesame street character: Elmo can be a little annoying sometimes. 4020. feast or famine? I don’t need to overindulge and have excess, I just would like to be able to have food.  4021. Write a poem right here in five minutes or less: Nah. 4022. Do you stay and help clean up after a party? I usually was one to leave early. 4023. Why was the teddy bear named after teddy roosevelt? His name was Theodore, Teddy for short, and apparently while out on a hunting trip he refused to kill a bear and someone dedicated a bear stuffed animal to him and called it Teddy’s Bear. Then it was just called a teddy bear and the rest was history. 4024. What are you the prince or princess of? Uhhh. 4025. Some people think that Christmas should be taken off of public school calanders because it is politically incorrect. What aould you say to this? I say no. It can still be winter break for those who don’t celebrate. 4026. Would you rather go to an excorcism or a step aerobics class? Uh, I think an aerobics class sounds a lot better than an exorcism. I wouldn’t be able to participate in a step aerobics class, though. I’d have to do something else. 4027. Do you believe in spells and curses? No. 4028. What tv show does your family watch together? There isn’t really one all 4 of us watch, but there’s several that 2 or 3 of us watch together. I guess Family Guy or American Dad could be one all 4 of us could watch, although I don’t really care for either one much. 4029. What's on your calander this year? Nothing. 4030. Is anything ruining your life? It has felt that way with my health issues. 4031. How was life meant to be lived? “We were meant to live for so much moreeee.” 🎶
4032. What is your usual breakfast? I rarely have breakfast, but I like breakfast foods like eggs and hash browns. And country gravy, yum. 4033. If you had kids, would you worry about what they did online? Of course.  4034. Will you be maxin and relaxin this weekend? Sure. If not, what are your weekened plans? 4035. Who has the most interesting story to tell: someone who used to fly to asia as a drug trader the ceo of Nike a nyc homeless person a preacher's wife
^^^They all would. 4036. What do you have a bad feeling about? The future regarding this virus. 4037. Do you have a lot to say? No. 4038. If a smallpox vaccine was offered to you, would you take it? Wasn’t that one of the ones given as a baby or child? I should mention I live in the US. 4039. Would you ever work at a kissing booth? No. how about a dunking booth? No. 4040. There is a woman who paints by stripping naked, rolling around in paint and then pressing her body against the canvas. What do you think of her art? I’ve never seen it, but hey do your thing. 4041. Have you ever bought something you saw on tv? Yeah, I mean that’s what commercials are intended to do. However, I’ve never called the number for a product advertisement to order something that way. Like those as seen on TV products. There have been some of those products sold in actual stores, though, that I’ve got like the Snuggie and that Finishing Touch Flawless Razor. 4042. Name a relative:  that relative dies unexpectedly. On the same day 9/11 happens. You can either bring back your relative or bring back 1/2 the people who dies on 9/11. What do you do? I don’t like these type of questions. 4043. Have you gone mental? I’ve definitely felt like that. 4044. What do you think of jews for jesus? You word this like it’s the name of a group or something. Okay, so I Googled it and see that it’s an organization.  4045. Has anyone ever tried to 'save' you? Yes. 4046. Quick! picture santa clause in your head... ...Okay. Was he black or white when you pictured him? White. That’s just how I’ve often seen him portrayed. 4047. Would you ever buy a black santa clause? Sure. Santa isn’t real, you can make him look any way you want. 4048. or take your kids to vist a black santa clause? Yeah? why or why not? Santa is Santa.  4049. What do you smell like? I just smell my clothes laundry detergent scent. 4050. What kind of soup do you eat? I’m a ramen girl all the way. 4051. What have you heard about the next Harry Potter book? Will you pre-order it? I know this is old, but I haven’t read any of the Harry Potter books. 4052. Would you rather go out or stay in? I’m a hermit crab.  4053. What's your favorite song to hear on halloween? I like the classics like Monster Mash. Oh, and the Halloween movie theme music for spooky vibes. 4054. What song makes you feel all tingly like you want to laugh and scream and cry? Uhh I don’t feel that way about any song. 4055. If you were starting a website that was not about you, what Would it be about? Nah. 4056. Do you ever take the long way just for fun? I don’t drive. 4057. '..and god said let there be ____and there I was.' Fill in the blank, as if if you were talking about yourself. ‘...and God said let there be Stephanie and there I was.’ 4058. What do you think of when you hear the word 'mill'? A million.  4059. What do you think of when you hear the name: weird al? Parodies. bob dylan? Music. michael jackson? Moon dance. henry rollins? billy idol? White wedding. gary numan? will smith? Fresh Prince of Bel Air. paul mcartney? Black Bird. alice cooper? Rock and roll. J Lo? Jenny from the Block. 4060. What is one social disater you have had? It was really embarrassing getting sick in front of everyone at my party 7 years ago aka the last time I drank alcohol. I just threw up on myself in front of everyone and sat there and my friend had to help clean me up. What really messes me up is that I don’t remember drinking that much, so I don’t know how I got so drunk. 4061. Can you moonwalk? No. 4062. If a presidential candidate went on late night tv, picked up a guitar and rocked out on it and could really play, would that influence you to like/respect them more? I’d probably be like wow that’s cool, but no I wouldn’t let that influence my vote. Them being able to play an instrument doesn’t say shit about their policies or whether they’d make a good fit for the job. 4064. If it was possible for people to instantly change from one sex to another, would everyone be straight in the end? Uhh just cause they could switch their gender it doesn’t change their brain/sexual preference.  Would you change your sex? No. 4065. Finish the sentance: nobody broke your heart, if you're alone... I don’t know. 4066. Would you rather have a best friend OR a boyfriend/girlfriend on a Friday night? I’d rather stay at home and do my own thing, ha. 4067. Would a woman rather be complimented about her intelligence OR her looks? Depends on the individual.  4068. Do you tend to think of the right thing to say after the moment is gone? Always. Super annoying. 4069. Would you rather a potential mate have nice hair OR nice legs? Nice hair out of the two. 4070. Okay,…. nice hair OR a nice rack/bulge? I don’t look for a “nice bulge” when I look at guys. 4071. What is one thing you thought you would enjoy, but actually didn’t? Hmm. I’m blanking at the moment. 4072. Be in the spotlight OR in the shadows? In the shadows. 4073. What is your favorite part of the newspaper? I haven’t read a newspaper in several years. When I was a kid I loved the comics, though. 4074. What in your life has been an “acquired taste” for you? Alcohol. I never really cared for it, honestly. I drank because my friends were and felt like that’s what people in their early 20s liked to do. And because it was fun sometimes, though I more often just felt like crap. It’s been 7 years since I last drank and I truly haven’t missed it. 4075. Do you find sunlight makes you happier? No. 4076. If you could conquer one fear, it would be...? I’d take care of some health related things. 4077. What's the dumbest thing you've ever seen someone do or heard anyone has done? There’s been a lot of things. 4078. How do you feel about the fact that J-Lo earns 37 million dollars a year? Is that actually true? This survey is also like a decade or so old. Do you buy anything that contributes to her salary? I haven’t bought any JLO related in several years. Is J Lo the ultimate ideal of what a woman should be? To some people. 4079. What is unforgettable beauty? I don’t know. 4080. Worst fashion mistake EVER: I don’t know or care. 4081. What is your advice to someone on their first date? Ha, I’m definitely not one to ask for dating advice. 4082. Is there a musical performer more ridiculous than Avril Lavigne (I don't think there is)? I didn’t think she was ridiculous.  4083. What is the best: daytime talk show? Dr. Phil. late night talk show? I don’t watch any anymore. 4084. Are you afraid of total freedom? What would that mean? 4085. Do you live in an invisible prison? I feel that way with my mind and health. 4086. Who do you feel distant from, that you used to be close to? I’m not close to anyone anymore outside of my immediate family.  4087. Rate the following song lyrics (1 = you like it the most, 9 = you like it the least). Nah, I really hate the rating questions. Maybe you shouldn't care/throw away those dreams/& dare Eden lets me in/I find the seeds of love/And climb upon the highwire/I kiss and tell all my fears I know the pressure is on/In a race for the life of endless love/If it seems to much/Remember/All these things are endless I see the wind, oh I see the trees/Everything is clear in my heart/I see the clouds, oh I see the sky/Everything is clear in our world Inflatable doll/Lover ungrateful/I blew up your body/But you blew my mind Well I jumped into the river/too many times to make it home/I'm out here on my own/drifting all alone/and if it doesn't show/ give it time/to read between the lines The very thought of you makes/My heart sing/Like an April breeze/On the wings of spring/And you appear in all your splendor/My one and only love now I've had lots of girls/most of them from other worlds/but lookin through the galaxey/the valley girls are the ones for me I'm the dandy highwayman so sick of easy fashion/the clumsy boots, peek-a-boo roots that people think so dashing/so what's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?/it's kind of tough to tell a scruff the big mistake he's making 4088. Can you name any of the nine bands/songs above? I didn’t even read any of the lyrics. 4089. What would your reaction be if a total stranger called to say s/he loved you and told you that you were to pass the message on to others in a telephone call you make yourself? Uh, I wouldn’t answer a call from a total stranger first of all and even if I actually did, I would be like wtf and hang up.  4090. Would you like to take a journey to jupiter? No. I have no desire to take any trip to outer space. 4091. Can you crack nuts in your bare hands? I’ve never tried, but I’m going to assume that I couldn’t.  4092. Do you take walks at night? No. Or ever. 4093. Beavis and Butthead or daria? Neither. 4094. Cow or chicken? Chicken. 4095. Do you think you will visit China in this life? I don’t see that happening, but who knows.  4096. Are you having a happy day? No. 4097. When was or will be your 'golden birthday' (when your age is the same as your birthdate, like turning 17 on the 17th)? My golden birthday was 3 years ago. 4098. Enlighten everyone with something profound: Nah. 4099. When has the third time been the charm for you? Hmm. 4100. What is kinda sick, but fun? Uhhh.
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virtuous-homes-blog · 4 years
Invest in property
Last year's housing market was clearly one for the record books, with the gains partly driven by tightening stocks and exceptionally low mortgage rates. In some pockets of the country, housing prices climbed well over 10 percent on average. But, it's not only the big coastal cities which are seeing enormous growth. A survey from GoBankingRates demonstrated that many cities with the most growth proved inland, including: Buffalo, New York (34.6percent ), Atlanta, Georgia (24.54%), and Cincinnati, Ohio (20.6percent ). Bearing this in mind, you could be wondering in the event that you should throw your hat in the ring and invest in real estate -- or, in case you're too late. You might also be asking yourself if you should invest in property in a traditional sense -- as in, becoming a landlord. Now, here is the fantastic news. Not only is currently still a great time to invest in real estate since longer growth is probably on its way, but there are also more ways than ever to invest in housing without dealing with tenants or the other minutiae of landlord perform . Here are some of the best choices at this time: An exchange-traded finance, also called an ETF, is a set of stocks or bonds in a single fund. ETFs are similar to index funds and mutual funds from the fact they come with the exact same broad diversification and low prices over all. If you are angling to invest in real estate but also want to diversify, investing in a real-estate themed ETF may be a smart move. Vanguard's VNQ, for instance, is a property ETF that invests in stocks issued by real estate investment trusts (REITs) that buy office buildings, hotels, and other kinds of property. IYR is another real estate ETF that works similarly since it offers targeted access to domestic property stocks and REITs. There are loads of other ETFs offering exposure to real estate, too, so be sure to do your research and consider the options. A colleague of mine, Taylor Schulte of Define Financial in San Diego, says he swears by a real estate mutual fund known as DFREX. Why? Since its low expenses and track document help him feel confident about future yields. Besides low prices, Schulte says the strategy of DFREX is backed by decades of academic study from Nobel Prize winning economists. TIREX is another property mutual fund to consider with $1.9 billion in assets, broad diversification among real estate holdings, and low prices. #3: Invest in REITs Consumers invest in REITs to precisely the exact same reason they invest in property ETFs and mutual funds; they would like to invest in property without holding physical land. REITs let you do precisely that although also diversifying your holdings dependent on the type of property class each REIT invests in. Financial advisor Chris Ball of BuildFinancialMuscle.com advised me he personally invests in REITs for its diversification and for its"non-correlation" with other types of equities. He says that he likes the long-term data regardless of the typical mood swings and downs and ups of the real estate marketplace. "Additionally, it gives me exposure to property without having to be a landlord," he says. Ball also says a lot of his clients agree with that place and invest in REITs as part of the portfolio as a result. With that being said, I typically suggest customers stay away from non-traded REITs and purchase just publicly-traded REITs instead. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lately came outside to warn against non-traded REITs, imagining their lack of liquidity, high prices, and too little value transparency produce undue risk. #4: Invest at a property focused company There are a number of businesses that own and manage property without working as a REIT. The difference is, you'll need to dig to find them and they can pay a lower dividend than a REIT. Firms who are actual estate-focused can include resorts, resort operators, timeshare businesses, and commercial property developers, for instance. Be certain that you conduct due diligence before you buy stock in individual businesses, but this alternative may be great one if you need exposure to a particular kind of real estate investment and have time to research historical data, company background, and other details. #5: Invest in house construction If you look at real estate market expansion throughout the last ten years or longer, it's simple to observe that much of it is the end result of limited housing stock. Because of this, many predict that construction of new homes will continue to flourish during the next few decades or more. In that sense, it's easy to see why investing in the building side of this sector could also be smart. An whole industry of home builders need to come up with new neighborhoods and rehabilitate old ones, after all, so today might be a good time to buy in. Massive homebuilders to watch comprise LGI Homes (LGIH), Lennar (LEN), D.R. Horton (DHI), and Pulte Homes (PHM), however there are lots of other people to discover by yourself. #6: Hire a home manager Despite the fact that you do not have to purchase physical property to invest in property, there is at least one strategy that could allow you to have your cake and eat it, too. Many investors who want exposure to leasing property they could view and touch go right ahead and purchase leases but hire a property manager to perform all the heavy lifting. While he tried to manage his properties from a distance at firsthe ultimately chose to use a property manager to save his sanity and his gains. While he forks over 8-10% of gross rent to his manager, it was "one of the best decisions he's ever made" as a real estate agent, he says. "They take care of the rental property basics - minor repairs, vetting prospective tenants, collecting rents - so that I can concentrate on my career, family, and locating the upcoming lucrative rental property investment," notes Huffman. In that sense, he receives the benefits of being a landlord with the hard work. "Among the most crucial roles a home manager plays is that they work as a buffer between the renter and me," says Huffman. "I don't receive random texts, calls, or even emails from tenants in all hours of the night or day." The key to making sure this approach works is ensuring that you only invest in properties with enough cash flow to pay for a property manager and still score a substantial speed of return. #7: Invest in real estate notes Property notes are a sort of investment you are able to buy if you're interested in investing in real estate but don't necessarily wish to manage a brick-and-mortar construction. When you are investing in real estate notes through a bank, you're typically buying debt at costs that are well below what a retail dealer would pay. I've invested in property notes in the past via an individual investor I know who buys and renovates property. Thus far, my experiences have only been positive. However, I would conduct due diligence to be sure you know what you are getting into whether you invest into real estate notes using a bank or a property investor who is actively pursuing new possessions. #8: Hard money loans If you do not like any of those other ideas on this list but have cash to lend, you could also consider giving a hard money loan. My friend Jim Wang of WalletHacks.com says he's now investing in real estate with this strategy because he wants exposure but doesn't wish to cope with being a landlord. In addition, he says the ROI (return on investment) because of his time wouldn't be as great as other chances because his time is valuable. Hard money loans are essentially a direct loan into a real estate investor, '' he states. Wang offers property loans to an investor he understands in person, and he receives a 12% return on his money as a result. Wang says he feels comfortable with the set-up since the investor is someone he knows, but he isn't convinced he'd be comfortable with a stranger. In any event, hard money loans directly to real estate investors are another strategy to consider if you would like to invest in property but do not wish to manage a property and the frustrations that come with it. Last but not least, don't forget about all the new companies which have cropped up to help investors become involved in property without getting their hands dirty. Sites like Fundrise and Realty Mogul allow you to invest into commercial leasing or flipping houses and get money flow distributions in return. Investing with either business is similar to investing in REITs because your money is pooled with money from other investors that take advantage of the platform. The money you invest can be used to purchase residential property, commercial property, apartment buildings, and more. Ultimately, you receive the advantage of distributions and dividends and long-term appreciation of those properties that you"own." While neither company has been around for too long, they're doing well so far. Fundrise returned a mean of 11.4% on invested dollars in 2017 net of charges and 9.11 percent in 2018 after all, and you don't have to be an accredited investor to open an account.
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maccymacdonald · 6 years
A Study in Sunny
When asking how much of an impact television shows have and why they are so important to us, I’m sure the latter is a question that’s lingered in the minds of many parents concerned with their child’s obsessions with various things, whether that be bands, actors, sports stars or TV shows. I know I for one have endured the embarrassment of my dad bringing up my new hyper fixation at family dinners or my friends roasting me for whatever new poster I’ve just bought. Even before I planned on writing this article, I think I’ve always known my short-lived obsessions or long time loves have always been deeper than superficiality. (Maybe my High School Musical phase can be excluded from that, though).
I think there’s a lot more to what we watch that makes us cling so hard to our shows, and that they genuinely have a huge influence and emotional impact on our lives. A few people I’ve talked to or seen online think that my generation’s attachment to fiction universes is a bad thing, which to an extent I can understand. However, at the risk of sounding dramatic,  I truly believe TV shows have unimaginable impacts on us.
Whether that’s simply making us laugh until our sides hurt or allowing us a brief distraction from our messy lives there’s so much that shows offer us than just entertainment. Whether you find solace in living vicariously through your favourite character or simply enjoy being able to relate to a situation close to your heart, why should it matter what others think? How could we not hyper-fixate on something that to some extent reflects who you are and what you find compelling about life? And really, who’s to say that doing so is detrimental when to some, a show could be their only outlet to express themselves? I don’t know about you, but I can’t see anything wrong with that at all.
While its all well and good me saying all this, I thought I needed proof. I want to prove that TV shows touch people in many different ways and have the ability to improve lives, and that to many, tv shows mean so much more than what they are on the surface. The only way I was going to prove it, however, is with evidence. So I did a little research.
One of my favourite TV shows of all time is It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Rated 98% on Rotten Tomatoes, it’s millions of committed fans and numerous awards make it one of the most popular sitcoms of all time. It’s extremely dark and controversial humour torpedoes taboo topics in the most hilarious and ridiculous scenarios, yet remains subtly brilliant in the way it presents itself and it’s characters. If you haven’t seen it, (in which case the rest of this post will probably make no sense and I’d advise you to binge it, right now), the show centres around five terrible friends who run an equally terrible bar in downtown Philadelphia.
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I decided to run a survey about how Always Sunny has affected its fans. I chose this show in particular because each character is so complex and profound in their own right I can see how easy it is for many people to connect with them on such personal levels.
I think the thing I found funniest when starting this show is that the characters are seemingly just really bad people. Every member of the gang has been arrested for something, they’re all alcoholics, they’re constantly thinking of new get-rich-quick schemes and regularly ruin other people’s lives without a second thought. In a most extreme example, my brother can’t even watch the show simply because he genuinely hates the characters (which all in all, is fair enough.) However, I believe beneath the surface of the arguments and violence there’s a depth to every character that you don’t always see in light-hearted comedies.
“They are the most elaborate, multi-dimensional, complicated and most well-written characters in any show ever, especially comedy.”
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The characters are all very different. While Dennis is constantly harassing women and plotting against his family, he’s also extremely insecure and vulnerable. He was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder in season ten, which leads to him often being shown to struggle with his emotions and ability to feel. He’s an incredibly complex character who I think is often just overlooked as the psychotic angry man, which isn’t true at all.
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His sister Dee entertains the more slapstick and needy version of her brother. She too is very easily agitated and has no patience, as well as she’s always desperate for validation (where most of her humour stems from). Because of this, she is immensely guarded of her emotions, also due to the perpetual verbal abuse she’s endured from her family her entire life.
“I can relate to her past with being bullied, and her constant need for affection and to be told that she is good.”
Mac, on the other hand, wears his heart on his sleeve. His development of starting the show as a heavily religious closeted gay man to openly out and proud over 12 years was really inspiring to watch, and his father issues and struggles with acceptance is what makes him one of the most engaging and interesting characters.
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His best friend Charlie is also fascinating. On the surface, he is a substance abuser and alcoholic, unhygienic, illiterate, and highly unpredictable. But beyond that, he is very loving and supportive (most of this time).  He adores Frank and is usually happy to do anything for his friends. As a sexual abuse survivor, he is such an important character because it’s clear especially in the later seasons that he truly loves and believes in himself, and regardless of how others see him he never attempts to change who he is. Not only that, but many fans believe he’s autistic meaning his character is not only lovable but awesome representation.
A few months ago I launched a survey that 206 wonderful people responded to. Even though I’m involved with the Always Sunny community every day through social media, it really helped me get an understanding of the bigger picture, rather than just memes and discourse (although I wouldn’t change the Sunny Tumblr fandom for the world). So before I dive in I want to thank everybody that took the time to respond to the survey or talk to me privately, as you’ve helped everyone that reads this gain more of an insight into It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and it’s amazing fanbase, which I appreciate tremendously.
(And before I start, the overwhelming majority classed themselves as being obsessed with the show, and almost 100% have dedicated some form of social media to it, so you know these results are the real deal.)
While many people, like I do, watch the show on their own, over half watch it with friends and 49% say watching the show helps them bond with someone. I thought this was quite interesting because whether it’s your friends, parents, siblings or anyone else, if a show brings people together it really can only be a good thing, especially a comedy show.
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I think a lot of people don’t realise how important tv shows are to relationships. I once knew someone who told me the only time they ever spent with their father was when they watched their favourite programme together. This shows how powerful tv shows are – to some, they’re vital for bonding and spending time with someone you love. They allow you the opportunity to do something fun which inspires conversation and communication, things not always easy to achieve.
While this is really important, there are three main things that stood out in this survey as the most relatable and helpful to fans. Charlie’s autism, Mac’s sexuality, and Dennis’s BPD. After reading the results it became obvious that so many people relate really strongly to these characters, each one holding something personal to every different person who watches the show.
“I really like Charlie because he very accurately portrays a dyslexic person and I think that’s really great. I also really like Mac because I can relate to him being very closeted so his progression to acceptance of himself was really nice to see for me, so his storyline, as problematic as it may be, I do find to be very realistic and relatable. I can also relate to Dennis in a really dark way, with the borderline personality disorder, so he also has a special place in my heart.”
Predictably, ‘Who is your favourite character?’ is one of the questions I asked, and this is what came back.
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Charlie had the most votes with 58%, while Mac wasn’t far behind with 53%.
(And whoever gave a notable mention to special agent Jack Bauer and Poppins the invincible dog, I love you.)
As you can see, Charlie and Mac are the clear favourites. ‘Wild Card’ Charlie has attained number one though and has been a fan favourite for a long time. While there are hundreds of reasons to love him (he’s my favourite too), I think most people just see him as the funniest character. (Which is completely justified). However, apart from his humour, which obviously a lot of viewers adore, there are many other reasons fans love Charlie Kelly and the other characters so much.
Something I found interesting was quite a few responses mentioned Charlie’s autism. While it’s never been explicitly stated in the show that autism is definitely a condition he has, it’s something many fans have speculated about. It’s pretty much confirmed Charlie is autistic due to certain things he does or certain personality traits he has, explained brilliantly by Reddit user carrionkid in this post.
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“I really like how his character is almost certainly autistic. It helps me realize that it’s not something that I should be ashamed of, and I also really like the way he’s played and written in general, and his musical talent! I find a lot of comfort in the ways he’s similar to me. I relate so strongly to that feeling of being left out and trying really hard to make your friends like you.”
Charlie is obviously a character that some fans have a deep connection to. Autism isn’t often portrayed well or accurately on-screen, and well-developed characters like Abed Nadir in Community and JJ Jones in Skins are very rare. Frankly, representation of various mental conditions is majorly lacking in the film and television world. So to see someone as complex and engaging as Charlie Kelly is really refreshing and important in the progression of television.
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“I find Charlies’s autism symptoms make me feel more comfortable and accepting of myself as I might not be otherwise, due to past experiences with people telling me that I am not autistic despite my diagnosis (even though these comments were motivated by bigotry towards minorities I fit into I still find it hard to ignore them).”
Characters like Charlie show how much of an impact TV shows can have. Being able to relate to a character is a really big deal – finding something like a show that seems so unimportant, yet turns out to be something genuinely helpful in accepting who you are and being less lonely is really special. I think the personal connections between characters and viewers are underrated. At a certain point, they stop being characters, and you see them as yourself. Albeit a more exaggerated, problematic version of yourself, I suppose.
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Probably the biggest thing that a huge amount of people responded to is Mac’s sexuality, and his troubles with learning to accept and love himself as an extremely religious gay man.
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“Mac became a favourite [of mine] since at the time I was very closeted and so was he, and I felt protective of and comforted by him.”
If I’m totally honest, there were times in the first few seasons I really didn’t like Mac, but I think it just took me a while to understand him – Mac is a very dramatic guy, simply because he expresses his emotions so outwardly while the rest of the gang often struggle to. He tries to hold nothing back and is very open with who he loves, and I think this is why it was so heartbreaking to watch him suffer from his internalised homophobia and closeted sexuality.
There were so many people on this survey talking about how much they relate to him. In fact, when asked what kind of things in Alway Sunny has helped people with on a personal level, a third of respondents said Mac’s sexuality, and 38% said the show’s acceptance of their LGBTQ+ characters.
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The writers and creators (Glenn Howerton, Rob McElhenney and Charlie Day who incidentally play the characters of Dennis, Mac and Charlie) confirmed that each member of the gang is bisexual, while Mac himself is homosexual. This kind of representation, even though the topic was addressed off-screen, is still important for diversity and providing safe, inclusive characters for viewers to watch that aren’t harmful to the LGBTQ+ community or at risk of being killed off. In the unfortunate television culture now where LGBTQ+ characters are constantly under threat from the ‘Bury Your Gays’ trope, it’s so important to have such a well-developed, funny, human character like Mac around, who is happier than he’s ever been and isn’t going anywhere.
“The pay-off of him finally coming to terms with his sexuality was refreshing in the way that it didn’t become the butt of a joke or change the nature of his character completely.” 
It was really emotional to see people responding to the survey who have grown up in unaccepting, extremely religious families who found solace in witnessing Mac’s journey and finding hope in his coming out arc. It really is wonderful to see how comforting Mac is to people having a hard time and who may not have anyone else to relate to.
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“Mac’s character development resonated with me. Even though it was over the top and exaggerated in the show, the extreme Christian life of a closeted gay person and falling in love with your best friend was relatable.”
It’s been a running element of the show for a long time that he’s very much in love with Dennis, and whether their relationship is another case of queerbaiting, a simple gag that won’t actually amount to anything, or the longest slow burn relationship ever, Mac is still awesome representation and an amazing character who embodies many of the struggles and hardships real people face every day. And he’s an example of someone who overcame all of it.
While the gang have earned themselves a reputation for never giving a shit about each other, it’s pretty clear deep down they do all love one another. To see the gang unfazed by and supportive of Mac’s sexuality, (especially given Charlie and Mac have been best friends their entire lives and Charlie tells him he’s always known) is clearly very comforting and inspiring to a lot of viewers afraid of coming out.
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I  recently chatted with awesome Tumblr user Sunnystruck. On her blog she explained the importance of Mac’s storyline way better than I ever could:
Mac’s coming out arc is so unique and personal to me because it’s one of the very rare instances of fictional coming out arcs that doesn’t involve a romance as the transformative catalyst for a character embracing their sexuality or coming out.
Even when everyone else knows and recognizes that Mac is gay, he still has to figure out how to get there on his own terms. It takes him so long, and then to see him love and embrace that decision about himself is so refreshing. He comes out and celebrates his gayness openly and because he spent so fucking long getting to that point and so much time wrestling with it in terms of what it meant for his identity and his image – which again, are completely personal.
It took him a long time to love a part of himself. And that’s truly a kind of representation that gets to me.
Even though I came out to my friends and immediate family I’m still navigating how to embrace that around them and seeing Mac be so gay in some episodes makes me feel so normal. He’s really fucking gay and it shows, and I can relate to that. And he still took his time and that means so much to me especially in an age where straight people claim to have gaydar and say they’re waiting for someone to come out but it’s not their call you know? It’s ours. They don’t dictate our stories, we do. That means something.
Meanwhile, Mac and Charlie aren’t the only ones who struck a chord with viewers. Dennis also got a lot of attention from fans, mostly, I found, because of his borderline personality disorder.
Dennis has always shown signs of extreme mental illness. He is immensely manipulative and cold, often being compared to a rapist and serial killer. While claiming to be completely emotionless (which most of the time, he is), Dennis is prone to extreme bouts of rage. While these moments are funny to watch, Dennis’ behaviour has always signalled to something more serious, and in season 10 he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
“I relate the most to Dennis because before getting treatment for DID and BPD I was very similar to him.”
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For those who don’t know, BPD is a disorder of mood and how a person interacts with others. While there are many causes for developing BPD, a prevalent one is traumatic events which occur during childhood. Many people with BPD have experienced parental neglect or physical, sexual or emotional abuse during their childhood. This would make sense for Dennis, as he and Dee often describe the way in which Frank is a terrible and emotionally abusive father. Not only that but in the eleventh season Dennis reveals he had sex with the middle-aged school librarian, Mrs Klinsky, when he was 14. Despite his insistence he wasn’t raped, the experience seems to have been very traumatic and has left obvious scars.  These factors probably contributed to his emotional issues and extensive mental illness.
“I don’t “relate” to Dennis but his trauma and the way it manifests has been really helpful for me in dealing with my own trauma.”
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Dennis is an extremely complicated character, who may at first seem impossible to relate to, as his personality and behaviour are extremely complex. Despite this, or maybe because of this, a lot of people relate to him on many different levels. Some respondents said they also have difficulty comprehending social boundaries or emotional relationships. Some said that simply seeing a character be diagnosed with a condition they have is extremely comforting and helpful.
“I relate to Dennis in him having BPD. I didn’t even really know it was a thing until he was diagnosed with it, then I looked into it more to understand it and realized (to my horror, confusion, and ultimate relief) that he had the same thing as me.“
While in some ways I think the portrayal of Dennis’s BPD on the show can sometimes be quite problematic in terms of positive representation, his diagnosis has clearly been very important to a lot of people. This character is evidently very reassuring and solacing, and his effort in getting help and medication (although reluctantly at first) is extremely encouraging and inspiring to those in a similar position.
Okay, so that was a lot of information. Although, before you call me out for wasting time or over-analysing a sitcom, I’m not the only one:
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So suck it. But seriously, while I went into probably unnecessary and excessive detail, I did actually have a point.
The point I’ve tried to make here is that TV shows are extremely important. They’re important because of the immense impact they have on their fans.
Hypothetically speaking, TV show creators have a choice to use their influence for good or bad (or worse, indifference). It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has succeeded in carefully crafting characters which resonate strongly with their audience, and whose storylines and personalities are so well thought out and developed they’ve helped fans cope with a number of issues they’ve struggled to get help for anywhere else.
TV shows do affect us greatly. While the most common examples of this are being heartbroken over your favourite character dying, falling in love with a show so much you make it your life or a show inspiring you to follow a certain career or lifestyle, the responsibility TV shows have for creating a safe and inclusive environment where you can see yourself  being represented is, in my opinion, much more important. From what I’ve seen, countless popular shows just simply aren’t trying hard enough. Shows like Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead have become slightly infamous for their mistreatment or lack of representation of POC and LGBTQ+ characters, and every day a new show emerges that inevitably gets slated for romanticising or glorifying mental illness.
To disagree and say that TV shows don’t have an obligation to be diverse is something I just can’t understand. An audience is never exclusively white, straight, neurotypical individuals, and to assume that they are is absurd. While Always Sunny has a long way to go in its inclusion of POC characters, it’s one of the few shows I’ve seen that present such varied and interesting people who are so easy to fall in love with.
It’s so important to feel represented on-screen, so if anyone in any way can relate to Charlie, Mac, Dennis, or any of the other characters, and become happier because of it, it’s a win. So I believe yes, TV shows are important, and their effect is monumental.
If you managed to make it this far without falling asleep and want to obsess over this dumb show together, follow my Sunny blog!
Thank you to these people for letting me use your screenshots or taking the time to chat with me! 🙂
How much do TV shows really affect us? Why are they so important?
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paulinegill89 · 4 years
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pretishaarts · 4 years
In the UK, 1 out of 5 women will experience sexual assault during their life time. Sucks, right.
In 2017, the Crime Survey UK, reported that 20% of women have experience sexual assault since the age of 16, which is equivalent to 3.4 million women. Approximately, 85,000 women from the ages of 16-59 have experienced rape, attempted rape or sexual assault, meanwhile only 15% of those who experience sexual abuse report to the police. These statistics clearly shows that women of all ages have been taught to feel frightened to stand up towards sexual abuse of men they do not want to engage with, as a result this has led women to post-traumatic stress disorder and emotional responses such as depression, anxiety, guilt, anger etc.
When I first considered writing a manifesto based on sexual consent, a friend of mine asked me who would the target audience be and what level of understanding do I want them to gain after reading this? I answered “everyone.” However, my manifesto is for women, reason why I say women is due to the way society views us. Being a woman myself, I observe the way men degrade us on a daily basis for things that were gifted with, from our knowledge to our sexuality. Therefore, it’s my responsibility to stand up for women and by doing this, I will be discussing about cultural change that we need to help tackle sexual abuse. My aim is to help girls/women become aware of sexual violence that occurs all over the world, meanwhile providing ways to prevent it from happening.
There’s a large number of individuals who are unaware of the meaning consent that have experienced sexual assault in their lifetime. Majority of these victims, blame themselves for the wrongful incident thinking that it’s their fault which isn’t the case at all. I believe that majority of us are told the definition of sexual assault quite briefly rather than in detail, for instance “If you say no but they continue without your consent, then its rape”. However, they’re numerous ways that a person could be assaulted and what bothers me are the number of victims who aren’t aware of this, which leads to predators getting away with it.
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Historically, rape culture was entirely normalised in the western world during slavery. Slavers experienced sexual violence on a daily basis, however they didn’t consider their abuse as rape under the logic that their oppressors couldn’t rape someone who consistently wanted to have sex which is totally false. In many cases, rape was only rape if only the victim was a white woman. If black men were accused of sexually assaulting white women, they would face harsh consequences such as lynching or imprisonment. On the other hand, white men wouldn’t face any legal punishment for the same crimes against black women. Black women sexuality has made them unrapeable and unworthy of protection, slavers didn’t have the authority to stand up for themselves without being threatened, abused or murdered by slave masters.
If we compare rape culture during slavery and today, many changes have occurred culturally and politically. According to legal systems in 19th century rape was non-existent amongst slave but currently sexual abuse is recognised and illegal in many countries no matter what race you are. Beliefs have also changed as more people understand that sexual violence is wrong and whoever commits this unjustified act deserves to be sentenced. Although we’ve seen many improvements, culturally, legally and politically, we still have a long way to go in order to see a huge difference especially in third world countries. India is known to be the most dangerous country for women, having the highest rates of sexual abuse experts say that ‘a woman is raped in India every 16 minutes.’ Women are often seen as possessions or objects rather than human beings, which suggests that cultural change doesn’t occur in India quite often. Legally, the system continuously fails women in India by giving little legal assistance to victims.  Moreover, there's hardly any support shown towards rape victims, leading them to fight a lonely battle against their abuser where justice isn’t delivered timely.
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The economic, social and cultural contribution of creative industries are key factors of many societies and their policies. There’s various confirmation that precarity, competition and the lack of regulation within these industries is aggravating inequalities with respect to gender, race and class. These cultural patterns create and reproduce the way we think towards sexual abuse, whether it's worth fighting over and what should be accepted as the norm. In order to prevent sexual abuse, this will require action at the individual, educational and governmental levels, starting with public discussions to inform society that sexual abuse is never okay. Organisations can inform others about inequality in different aspects that will help influence culture. Many prevention will help create cultural patterns and reproduce how we think and feel about sexual abuse. Social media has a large impact towards cultural change i.e. Twitter and the prevention of sexual abuse. It’s very accessible for finding information and keeping updated with the latest news, therefore, individuals standing up online for what they believe in, spreading awareness and creating petitions allows us to understand that there’s a shift in cultural change within society as many people become aware of what's right and wrong. This helps create a culture of respect politically and legally by ensuring that the law enforcement takes sexual abuse a lot more seriously.
One big mover and shaker who has a major influence towards spreading awareness of sexual abuse would be Tarana Burke who’s a well-known activist and the founder of #MeToo movement. MeToo is a movement against sexual harassment and abuse in today’s society, which started in 2006 to help raise awareness. The movement is globally recognised and has successfully made an impact to cultural change throughout societies and adjudicative systems, meanwhile uplifting survivors of sexual abuse by letting them know that they’re not alone. Tolerance, silence, acceptance and victim blaming take hold and become the norm. With the MeToo movement, it helps challenge the cultural ground rule that women have no say in who is in their intimate life. The MeToo movement has definitely been the start of cultural change within the creative industries and working environments by determining professional standards. The movement has made organisations reconsiders their policies and guidance by stating what is unacceptable and the consequences you’ll face if you violate these rules stated. This allows women to feel confident enough to speak up on unethical, unprofessional and discriminatory behaviour that we are exposed to. Even though this strategy is very encouraging, there's still a lot of development that needs to happen. However, the movement has made a massive impact in attitudes, behaviours and the contrast in culture especially in creative industries. MeToo movement managed to investigate an abuse of power that has empowered wider discussions about inequalities as many are now confident enough to speak out when we see inappropriate behaviour.
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Another method that can be used to spread awareness and condemn sexual abuse within the creative industries would be art. Using art is a very effective way to speak on issues that happens across the globe, this can be expressed through music, shows, poetry, drawing and etc. An American neo-conceptual artist, Jenny Holzer reclaimed the concept of ‘Lustmord’ to discuss rape. Holzer addressed the sexual abuse against women during the Bosnian War in the 1990’s by creating texts from the perspectives of a victim. Holzer writes each line of the poems on women skin and photographs them individually, ‘I want to suck on her to make her respond’ reads one. She ensured that the poems were never read in full to complicate the identities of the victim, observer and the offender, making it difficult for her audience to detect which perspective each line came from.
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It’s my duty that through this and other attempts, the next generation of women maintain the power that they own in order to have access to complete freedom by owning their sexuality, fighting for their equality and speaking out without being back lashed. I will be applying this to myself by creating a platform where myself and other women can speak on the harsh reality that we face as rape victim as this allows us to deal with trauma in a healthy way. In conclusion, I strongly believe that sexual abuse is an important issue that we should be well informed on as millions of people have been in this predicament globally. For sexual assault to stop it all begins with what you understand, your morals and what you could do to prevent it from occurring.
LINK TO VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/450350632
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Get The Pain Solving Energy Boosting Professional DENAS PCM 6
Lifetime Access to 24+ videos worth $1575 Special Price:  $497
Upgrade: Professional Bundle 90 Day - 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Microcurrent Ninja Training
Limited time FREE shipping worth $65
"I've been without my original classic DENAS, that I bought from you in 2008, for a few months now and I'm starting to have wrist and foot pain again.  I'm sure it help keep me healthy and am sure it helped me get pregnant in 2009!  What a great machine, can't wait for my DENAS PCM 6 to arrive.  Aloha, Karen ho, Honolulu Hawaii."
Like Karen you need a proven system to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate even when everything else failed, so click on the green Buy Now button and learn how to do it like a professional and get off the deadly medical treadmil.
 Sign up and I'll send my Free Report about the DENAS PCM 6
Stay in touch and learn more about eBodyFUSION Training and Wellness Coaching for the DENAS PCM 6 and discover how to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate when you have more time to consider this life changing offer.
Get Instant Access!
Get The Pain Solving Energy Boosting Professional DENAS PCM 6
So You Can Solve Your Pain, Boost Your Energy and Rejuvenate
Buy Now
and learn more about theaccessories and training
September 10, 2017
Special DENAS PCM 6 Report
from the desk of Benedick Howard in Hawaii
As a Wellness Coach I love training and coaching people to optimum results using the  DENAS PCM 6.
Feeling frustrated when it comes to your health and your struggles stressing out over what to do about it, which way to turn, which device to choose, and where to train to guarantee your results?
Or do you feel anxious...angry...even at a loss about your progress and the so called medical health care system and all the kick backs to doctors?
What if I told you that clients of mine are now without chronic health issues and setting realistic physical activity goals and living a life free of pain …
...simply by leveraging the power of 1 new and revolutionary technique that allows them to get around. It's a very unique approach to people with apparently unsolvable health that's turning struggling people looking for solutions into inspiring success stories.
But listen, I get it if this sounds too good to be true. And it's only normal to feel a bit skeptical, even suspicious.
Just let me ask you this: Would hearing more about this new method interest you if I virtually guaranteed it would save you months, even years of continued heartache, pain, disappointment and depression?
And are you an action taker?
If you answered yes to any of the above, I have a big surprise - $1574 of bonuses - because when you buy today, I include my 24+ video online training for FREE and at a price that beats the competition no matter where you look, but hurry this limited special time offer and training will disappear when I get too busy …
So keep reading and you'll see exactly how others are using my system, and how you can too.
I'll reveal the REAL reason why some of the so called SCENAR and DENAS PCM 6 “experts” can leave you worse off than before, because they do not know this strategy that I discovered in a 2 year long study on hundreds of clients back in 2008 to 2010 before I was shut down.  
This study that I am in the process of organizing contains over 70 hours of teleconferences and 450 pages of transcript that became the basis of the online training you'll get as part of my bonuses.
It's a reason very few “experts” talk about... yet it's one that every serious SCENAR / DENAS / ENART / COSMODIC / AVAZZIA / RITM user with virtually any health issue absolutely must know in order to succeed.
Now just a word of warning,
The Odds Are Against You Unless You Really Get This:
I'm the furthest thing from a pessimist, but the numbers don't lie.
Are you aware that MRI scans for the back are on the rise and linked to high costs and relatively low success rates while physical therapy proves more effective.  Source: Deyo R. A. et al (2009) Overtreating Chronic Back Pain: Time to Back Off?
Or, that a APTA survey highlighted that almost two-thirds of Americans experience low back pain, yet 37% of the population do not see a professional to relieve their symptoms?
And as frightening as it may sound, data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proved that the number of Medicare beneficiaries purchasing a TENS unit (an inferior SCENAR type device), doubled between 2006 and 2010.
Surprise surprise …
and here's another one:
although the use of TENS treatment was on the rise in people on Medicare, in 2012 CMS stopped reimbursing patients for TENS units for the treatment of chronic LBP.
Altogether those numbers do not bode well for you ... and you absolutely need an edge.
I believe there is a way of approaching things that helps you avoid becoming just another number inside a medical nightmare statistic...
Why You Should Listen To Me 
In case you don't know me already, my name is Benedick Howard.
++ Bachelor of Science, development engineer for General Electric. ++ 30 years experience coaching people worldwide with chronic pain. ++ A profound understanding of SCENAR microcurrent application for solving the underlying causes of chronic pain. ++ I have been featured on British Television talking about SCENAR live in front of  8 million people and on PBS worldwide. ++ 66 years at the University of Hard Knocks! ++ and I have a passion for the Ukulele, Ashtanga yoga, jogging, Frisbee and raw food off grid living in Hawaii
Now, how did I go from a nobody to someone folks all over the world turn to for advice?
Let me tell you what you're about to receive is raw and unfiltered, and it isn't all wine and roses.
And I don't believe in sugarcoating the truth, but I do believe the lessons I learned along the way will save you months, even years of frustration and pain.
Here's how: I struggled with chronic pain for decades from the age of 14.
Back in 1965 my father was demolishing a small outbuilding on the farm in England and he had told me not to go there. Never the less I climbed over the rubble to take a look, and out of nowhere, a block from the partially standing wall fell on my head.
I saw stars and fell unconscious cutting my knees, and in that instant my life was changed. I came to with blood pouring down my face, I stumbled into the the farmhouse.
My mother's face turned white as she got out the disinfectant and began to clean me up.  
All she would say was “Your Dad told you not to go there”, because of my injuries I did not get a whipping, not that time anyway.
Needless to say the pain in my neck hurt bad for weeks. In that instant I could not run cross country anymore. After the doctors suggested surgery, but could not guarantee any results.
Of course I refused.
Over the years the pain got worse. I had dizzy fits. I developed asthma. And in my 20's and 30's my lower back pain and frozen upper back got worse, the onslaughts of pain more debilitating.
Down the road I learned to live with pain, yet deep inside I knew from within and my dreams that there had to be a solution (despite the doctors naysaying)
and consequently I set out on a journey to do the impossible ...
Many times my dreams have been a source of inspiration for me and showed me how to think out of the box. And as a development engineer for GE I helped create a couple of patents, but the corporatized world was not for me.
I figured I'd rather be poor than pay taxes that are used to make war and kill people.
Believe me I remember the day when everything changed for me.
In March 1982 I discovered Yoga and took weekly classes with an understanding instructor who nurtured me and I trusted her.
And little by little I learned how to stretch my tight seized up muscles.
Despite it being incredibly painful to stretch I stuck with it and was beginning to become more flexible.
Then after 5 1/2 months my yoga teacher went to India, never to return...
“That's Life” as Frank Sinatra says.
I tried another class (there was not much choice in Toronto in the 80's), I did not have the rapport with the instructor and I ended up flat on my back for a week.
Then in 1984 after returning from a year in Africa traveling 12,000 miles overland and visiting many tribes like the Dogons and the Ituri pygmies...
I came back to Canada in culture shock ...
However, I meditated and prayed and set my goals and by 1987 I was invited and accepted to take over the research of a naturopath Dr Randall Baer's Starcrest Academy.
I expanded on his concepts around the USA and into Canada, collecting data, and based on my engineering skills and dreams I invented a sound healing environment.
This is how it works, laying inside the environment that we named the “DreamWeaver” you actually FEEL the music.
And that really helped me manage the pain.
But if I did anything too physical it would bite me in the back.
Over the years these sound environments and the training I developed went worldwide.
From my earlier yoga experience I had seen a window of opportunity that would open up again years later in Los Angeles in 1999.
Meantime I was still on a path of at times massive pain, feeling irritable and incapacitated and of little worth to the world.
I was stressed and in an unhealthy relationship, and my ex God bless her, suggested I try out an Ashtanga yoga studio on Sunset Boulevard close to where we lived.
So for 6 months I went 6 days a week. I explained to the instructor Noah, what was going on for me and he skillfully nurtured me over the months into the demanding Ashtanga sequence.
… it was simply amazing.
I even started running again. But around the five month mark I kept getting the message to quit for a while. I was energetically depleted and addicted to the dopamine highs.
One day after yoga I came out of the studio a little dazed, walked to the cross walk and began to cross the street …
then all hell let loose …
Screeching tires, billowing acrid smoke and one of cars side swept me. I fell, bruised and scraped but OK.
Another cosmic 2x4 lesson ...
I got up brushed myself off and feeling embarrassed ran shaking to my home and right away used the sound healing environment to calm my nerves.
Whew that was a close shave.
And still I occasionally did my practice until I moved to London in 2001.
It was there, one day I was introduced to SCENAR in a pub, used it for a year then trained to the Master's level with Professor Revenko.
All of a sudden, after helping many clients, I was on live TV in front of 8 million people with the my sound healing and SCENAR work.
.. and got back into my now 6 days a week yoga practice in the amazing spacious Ashtanga studios, until returning to Hawaii in 2003.
Then, it was during my years of practice in Hawaii that a whole new level of pain surfaced one day out of the blue...
One morning I woke up alone and unable to move even to get out of bed.
Desperate, that is when I intuited a new SCENAR application strategy that finally worked to prove that the doctors were wrong, my chronic pain was curable.
You see over the years the Ashtanga Yoga was stretching deeper into my body.
The engineer in me tested this strategy when the opportunity happened for years with other clients and in 70 hours of weekly teleconference training sessions, so I knew we were onto something BIG.
Sometime later I ripped one of the intertransversal muscles deep in my lumbar …
.. within hours my sciatica hurt so much I could barely walk.
And now using the data I had collected over the years and by modifying my earlier discovery I was able to heal the torn muscles in a remarkable 12 days.
Most importantly: I finally knew how to reverse my chronic pain, after 40 plus years.
And furthermore aside from the chronic pain for which the SCENAR type technology is infamous, there is a whole list of stuff it can do.
So keep reading and I'll show you details of the $1574 worth of bonuses, and my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Your Bonus:
In the members only training area you'll get lifetime access to the video instructions for all of the 24 preset programs built into the DENAS PCM 6.
And there's more:
If you have a child or are microcurrent sensitive I'll include those videos too.
And the Welcome, Unboxing and Orientation videos ... all essential detailed instructions you need to have to get going and to succeed. This is a true bonus for FREE so that you can rest assured that you know how to apply your DENAS PCM 6 for about any health situation you can imagine to boost your energy, solve your pain and even solve the underlying causes.
You might be curious “Why the change of heart?”
February 1st 2017 out of the blue I got Shingles, real bad, and I did not know what it was then. The pain was excruciating. I was intolerant to microcurrent and so I had to resort to some drastic measures like using chlorine gas, the details I'll share later as a blog post.
I lost weight and by the end of the month I weighed only 120 lbs. I've always been a light weight, but not a featherweight!
As my Ukulele teacher Andy rightly remarked “Shingles make you see God”,
Through this experience I reconnected into the spiritual realm for the first time since my boys were kidnapped in 2003 and the years of emotional pain, court appearances, traveling to the mainland to search for them and the loss that only those who have gone through the CPS Family Court nightmare can truly relate to.
However painful as it was the Shingles gave me time to review my life and make a bucket list of unfinished business, and for that I am eternally humbled.
I used to be known as the most expensive high end wellness coach and trainer in this niche, and it attracted some awesome clients like:
++ Gold medalist sports coach ++ Corporate executives ++ Coaches ++ Doctors ++ Chiropractors ++ Massage Therapists ++ An Delta airline pilot ++ University management staff ++ Nutritional experts ++ and others whose testimonies you can find on this site eBodyFUSION.
So, as my bucket list grew, and my dreams got clearer and clearer during February, March and April, as I slowly recovered, I realized that I had been sitting on 450 pages of case history transcripts and 70 hours of teleconference recordings that I had not released to the public.
My testing and irrefutable proof of the phenomenal results that can be obtained even with the simplest microcurrent technology.
Right now at the time of writing it's in process of going public and I did a quick pre-launch video about the “ebodyFUSION T Archives”.
Well, another thing that happened is that my body cleaned out deeply and I have become:
++much clearer ++more focused ++reconnected to my life purpose ++and enthused to share
… therefore, I decided to give you exactly what you need to know for FREE.
Below you'll see all the details of the DENAS PCM 6 24 programs and what they address for a huge range of conditions, basically plug and play ... apply and heal.
Benedick Wellness Coach and founder of ebodyfusion
PS DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional, I am a Wellness Coach and on the purchase page you'll be acknowledging my disclaimer clause.
 Buy Now
List of the 24 Automated DENAS PCM 6 Programs and what they do:
Buy Now
The DENAS PCM 6 is the best value professional hand held device on the planet - complete with DENAS Therapy videos for all the 24 DENAS PCM 6 Programs.
Just these training modules and being assured that you are doing it right are worth way more than the price of the DENAS PCM 6.
Think of all therapists and money spent and the travel time ...
For now,
Lifetime access to my 24+ Video BONUS that took me years of pain, research and trials and errors that will save you months and years of being in pain. Worth $1128
3 NEW children settings and built in treatment protocols with training video bonus worth your child's health. These setting are used for “sensitive” folks like children and also very stressed adults who are microcurrent sensitive. Video training modules INCLUDED Worth $197
How to use the screen, MED, ultra low frequencies and the 10 frequency sets are basically described in the manual.
But as the application strategies change over time as your body changes you need me hands on to really benefit from those settings and you'll also learn the phenomenal predictive strategies that we discovered last year.
For example the screen pinpoints where you need to spend more time and it's often not where your think it might be is.
This professional wellness coaching upgrade called the ...
Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System
and is available on the next sales page after you purchase the DENAS PCM 6 with the FREE 24+ video training.
Note: some of the 24 Automated Programs require the Pad Set, ESPECIALLY if you have persistent chronic situations. Pad Set and video training modules INCLUDED Worth $197
Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System includes the probe, massage set, pad set, goggles and foot pad which can be used for earthing while you are sitting on you computer.
together with 90 days 100% Satisfaction Guarantee training.
The DENAS PCM 6 has 24 automated express treatment/prevention programs and 14 advanced modes an all in one solution with earthing frequencies too.
FREE worldwide shipping directly from Russia with guaranteed delivery in 10 - 15 working days. Worth $52.
ALL SALES ARE FINAL, no returns or refunds UNLESS you grab the Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System
Let me explain my thoughts about this.
In 15 years of selling these devices they have been close to 100% reliable with the exception of the ports that they fixed in the PCM 6. The pad sets and other accessories have been 100% reliable and the strongest longest lasting available.
Should it break I always have a spare laying around that you can borrow till yours is fixed, think of it as saving you on buying insurance. Takes about 3-4 weeks. Worth $97
Now here is a SHOCKING statistic I saw on Amazon
“84% of all (SCENAR) buyers put it on the shelf in less than a month” Dr Tom.
Whoa 84% put it on the shelf. Were these hopeful impulse purchases, or what that did not have a clue how to use it?
As a wellness coach you can trust that I care about your success and have spent years training and coaching people just like you, keeping the data and continuously improving the range of already phenomenal results.
It can take some time for chronic issues especially in this nnEMF microwaved, blue light, GMO stressful world.
Bottom line I don't care to just sell, sell, sell or to waste your time and money.
Above all you want results, right?
2 Year manufacturer's warranted.
To qualify for the 100% Satisfaction clause, you must complete the 90 day training and weekly assessments. To support you for 90 days will get my 24/7 Facebook support and much more.
Otherwise as I explained I am a wellness coach, it's up to you to do the work. Fair?
Your results will depend on your efforts.
Nobody else on the planet has a 15 year track record of a proven online training system with total bonuses worth $1574
Sign up and I'll send my Free Report about the DENAS PCM 6
Stay in touch and learn more about eBodyFUSION Training and Wellness Coaching for the DENAS PCM 6 and discover how to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate when you have more time to consider this life changing offer.
Get Instant Access!
Buy Now
The all new automated  DENAS PCM 6 is for you if you want to solve pain, boost energy and rejuvenate.
The DENAS PCM 6 has 24 automated sequences for all common ailments with on screen location and application time suggestions backed up by the DENAS PCM 6 excellent manual.
4 NEW settings for children from birth to 12 years and 14 treatment and prevention modes.
Limited time offer FREE shipping
DENAS PCM 6 Specifications:
Basic Frequencies: 60, 77, 125, 140 and 200 Hz
Modulated Frequencies: 77/10 Hz, 77/20 Hz and 77 AM
Infra Frequencies: 1.0 to 9.9 Hz
24 Automated Programs  that guide you with onscreen instructions
Scheduler - to remind you when to make the next application
Diagnostic modes - 10 Hz MED (Minimum Effective Doze) and 5 second SCREENING
General Specifications for DENAS PCM 6:
2 AA Batteries 1.5v Net weight 0.77 lbs (0.35 kg) Dimensions 145×55×45 mm
The DENAS PCM 6 device generates bipolar electrical pulses, felt as gentle tingles, that dynamically adapts to the changes of the skin impedance as your pain reduces, your energy is boosted and old injuries rejuvenate.
Buy Now
 To get results quickly we recommend 1 hour daily the first week, easily done (especially with the accessories) while you are sitting down or even sleeping.
Remember “Success Loves Speed”
Warranty DENAS MS has a limited one-year warranty against defect of material or workmanship The warranty becomes invalid when: More than one (1) years have passed since purchase or if the unit was damaged because of misuse or improper use.  Units are returned to Russia for repairs - 1 month turnaround - very rare and I'll loan you one if needed.  No need to buy insurance.
No returns, refunds and exchanges with this special offer. Allow 10 - 12 business days for delivery anywhere in the world
You may want to consider the 100% Satisfaction upgrade on the next page.
DISCLAIMER:  The DENAS PCM 6 Training is not medical advice or for the treatment of any medical condition.
Buy Now
FACT:  Did you know that SCENAR and DENAS are microcurrent biofeedback devices originally designed by Dr Alexander Karosev?
I feel the training program, esp. with all the videos, is a big selling point. Since I purchased my DENAS I have directed many friends to your site Benedick. When I talk to them about buying a device I always emphasize the great training that you provide.”
Dr David Ridley MD Tempe Florida
The doctors diagnosed me with nerve impingement, bulging of discs and stenosis along my whole spine. Later I went back for a MRI and the doctors were amazed – “Wow your body is healing itself” to them they could not understand that.”
Billy Jaeschke, Roofer, Mountainview Hawaii
Herniated discs, had hard time turning my head, arm going dead, numb for years.  After a couple of sessions felt the difference immediately.  Gone diabetes sores from legs, arms and chest, no more itching, sleeping better.”
Ruth Smith retired, Salem Oregon
Everybody was giving me different advice for lower back, sciatica and neck.  Lots of pain keeping me up at night. I was miserable for six months.  Now, sleeping at night, minimal soreness.  After healing crisis feeling much better, now it’s really working.”
Jenn Bowers, coach Pahoa Hawaii
Thanks to the training I am able to do my stained glass art without having to endure the pain in my back and hands. Will treat my hands after working all day and will have no pain. Also, have arthritis in right shoulder, pain controlled by the DENAS. No longer use my allergy medicine, treat sinuses freq especially when I have symptoms.”
Barb Wilson artist, Madison Wisconsin
The training helped me to fully understand the basic principles of the DENAS.  And especially the importance of the neuropeptides which motivated me to do the entire body.”
Russ Fleming retired, Santa Cruz California
I have a chronic, autoimmune disease that manifests itself with many different pain syndromes – paresthesia, joint pain, back pain, muscle pain, numbness and pain in the hands and feet. Your training has been helpful with almost all of the above.”
David Barker, broker Phoenix Arizona
This is a fantastic tool!
Chris Hoffman Olympic Gold Medalist coach/trainer USA and China
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ebodyfusion · 7 years
Free Assessment – worth $47
Learn How
About eBodyFUSION
Free Assessment – worth $47Learn How- Is “The Resonance Effect” The Definitive Reinvention Of Medicine With Frequency Specific Microcurrent?- Serrapeptase Benefits of This Phenomenal Butterfly Enzyme For Chronic Pain, Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer- Blog- DENAS PCM 6 – free pdf- My Ten Month DENAS Vertebra Review Part 1- Wellness Coaching for ProfessionalsShop- DENAS PCM 6 – from $497 with 24+ programs video training bonus worth $1575- VERTEBRA v2- ENART 907- ENART 911 Microcurrent Device | eBodyFusion.com- Avazzia Blue Microcurrent Device | eBodyFusion.com- Avazzia Best Pro 1 Microcurrent Device | eBodyFusion.com- Avazzia Pro Sport Microcurrent Device | eBodyFusion.comAbout eBodyFUSION
Lifetime Access to 24+ videos worth $1575 Special Price:  $497
Upgrade: Professional Bundle 90 Day - 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Microcurrent Ninja Training
Limited time FREE shipping worth $65
"I've been without my original classic DENAS, that I bought from you in 2008, for a few months now and I'm starting to have wrist and foot pain again.  I'm sure it help keep me healthy and am sure it helped me get pregnant in 2009!  What a great machine, can't wait for my DENAS PCM 6 to arrive.  Aloha, Karen ho, Honolulu Hawaii."
Like Karen you need a proven system to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate even when everything else failed, so click on the green Buy Now button and learn how to do it like a professional and get off the deadly medical treadmil.
 Sign up and I'll send my Free Report about the DENAS PCM 6
Stay in touch and learn more about eBodyFUSION Training and Wellness Coaching for the DENAS PCM 6 and discover how to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate when you have more time to consider this life changing offer.
Get Instant Access!
Get The Pain Solving Energy Boosting Professional DENAS PCM 6
So You Can Solve Your Pain, Boost Your Energy and Rejuvenate
Buy Now
and learn more about theaccessories and training
September 17, 2017
Special DENAS PCM 6 Report
from the desk of Benedick Howard in Hawaii
As a Wellness Coach I love training and coaching people to optimum results using the  DENAS PCM 6.
Feeling frustrated when it comes to your health and your struggles stressing out over what to do about it, which way to turn, which device to choose, and where to train to guarantee your results?
Or do you feel anxious...angry...even at a loss about your progress and the so called medical health care system and all the kick backs to doctors?
What if I told you that clients of mine are now without chronic health issues and setting realistic physical activity goals and living a life free of pain …
...simply by leveraging the power of 1 new and revolutionary technique that allows them to get around. It's a very unique approach to people with apparently unsolvable health that's turning struggling people looking for solutions into inspiring success stories.
But listen, I get it if this sounds too good to be true. And it's only normal to feel a bit skeptical, even suspicious.
Just let me ask you this: Would hearing more about this new method interest you if I virtually guaranteed it would save you months, even years of continued heartache, pain, disappointment and depression?
And are you an action taker?
If you answered yes to any of the above, I have a big surprise - $1574 of bonuses - because when you buy today, I include my 24+ video online training for FREE and at a price that beats the competition no matter where you look, but hurry this limited special time offer and training will disappear when I get too busy …
So keep reading and you'll see exactly how others are using my system, and how you can too.
I'll reveal the REAL reason why some of the so called SCENAR and DENAS PCM 6 “experts” can leave you worse off than before, because they do not know this strategy that I discovered in a 2 year long study on hundreds of clients back in 2008 to 2010 before I was shut down.  
This study that I am in the process of organizing contains over 70 hours of teleconferences and 450 pages of transcript that became the basis of the online training you'll get as part of my bonuses.
It's a reason very few “experts” talk about... yet it's one that every serious SCENAR / DENAS / ENART / COSMODIC / AVAZZIA / RITM user with virtually any health issue absolutely must know in order to succeed.
Now just a word of warning,
The Odds Are Against You Unless You Really Get This:
I'm the furthest thing from a pessimist, but the numbers don't lie.
Are you aware that MRI scans for the back are on the rise and linked to high costs and relatively low success rates while physical therapy proves more effective.  Source: Deyo R. A. et al (2009) Overtreating Chronic Back Pain: Time to Back Off?
Or, that a APTA survey highlighted that almost two-thirds of Americans experience low back pain, yet 37% of the population do not see a professional to relieve their symptoms?
And as frightening as it may sound, data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proved that the number of Medicare beneficiaries purchasing a TENS unit (an inferior SCENAR type device), doubled between 2006 and 2010.
Surprise surprise …
and here's another one:
although the use of TENS treatment was on the rise in people on Medicare, in 2012 CMS stopped reimbursing patients for TENS units for the treatment of chronic LBP.
Altogether those numbers do not bode well for you ... and you absolutely need an edge.
I believe there is a way of approaching things that helps you avoid becoming just another number inside a medical nightmare statistic...
Why You Should Listen To Me 
In case you don't know me already, my name is Benedick Howard.
++ Bachelor of Science, development engineer for General Electric. ++ 30 years experience coaching people worldwide with chronic pain. ++ A profound understanding of SCENAR microcurrent application for solving the underlying causes of chronic pain. ++ I have been featured on British Television talking about SCENAR live in front of  8 million people and on PBS worldwide. ++ 66 years at the University of Hard Knocks! ++ and I have a passion for the Ukulele, Ashtanga yoga, jogging, Frisbee and raw food off grid living in Hawaii
Now, how did I go from a nobody to someone folks all over the world turn to for advice?
Let me tell you what you're about to receive is raw and unfiltered, and it isn't all wine and roses.
And I don't believe in sugarcoating the truth, but I do believe the lessons I learned along the way will save you months, even years of frustration and pain.
Here's how: I struggled with chronic pain for decades from the age of 14.
Back in 1965 my father was demolishing a small outbuilding on the farm in England and he had told me not to go there. Never the less I climbed over the rubble to take a look, and out of nowhere, a block from the partially standing wall fell on my head.
I saw stars and fell unconscious cutting my knees, and in that instant my life was changed. I came to with blood pouring down my face, I stumbled into the the farmhouse.
My mother's face turned white as she got out the disinfectant and began to clean me up.  
All she would say was “Your Dad told you not to go there”, because of my injuries I did not get a whipping, not that time anyway.
Needless to say the pain in my neck hurt bad for weeks. In that instant I could not run cross country anymore. After the doctors suggested surgery, but could not guarantee any results.
Of course I refused.
Over the years the pain got worse. I had dizzy fits. I developed asthma. And in my 20's and 30's my lower back pain and frozen upper back got worse, the onslaughts of pain more debilitating.
Down the road I learned to live with pain, yet deep inside I knew from within and my dreams that there had to be a solution (despite the doctors naysaying)
and consequently I set out on a journey to do the impossible ...
Many times my dreams have been a source of inspiration for me and showed me how to think out of the box. And as a development engineer for GE I helped create a couple of patents, but the corporatized world was not for me.
I figured I'd rather be poor than pay taxes that are used to make war and kill people.
Believe me I remember the day when everything changed for me.
In March 1982 I discovered Yoga and took weekly classes with an understanding instructor who nurtured me and I trusted her.
And little by little I learned how to stretch my tight seized up muscles.
Despite it being incredibly painful to stretch I stuck with it and was beginning to become more flexible.
Then after 5 1/2 months my yoga teacher went to India, never to return...
“That's Life” as Frank Sinatra says.
I tried another class (there was not much choice in Toronto in the 80's), I did not have the rapport with the instructor and I ended up flat on my back for a week.
Then in 1984 after returning from a year in Africa traveling 12,000 miles overland and visiting many tribes like the Dogons and the Ituri pygmies...
I came back to Canada in culture shock ...
However, I meditated and prayed and set my goals and by 1987 I was invited and accepted to take over the research of a naturopath Dr Randall Baer's Starcrest Academy.
I expanded on his concepts around the USA and into Canada, collecting data, and based on my engineering skills and dreams I invented a sound healing environment.
This is how it works, laying inside the environment that we named the “DreamWeaver” you actually FEEL the music.
And that really helped me manage the pain.
But if I did anything too physical it would bite me in the back.
Over the years these sound environments and the training I developed went worldwide.
From my earlier yoga experience I had seen a window of opportunity that would open up again years later in Los Angeles in 1999.
Meantime I was still on a path of at times massive pain, feeling irritable and incapacitated and of little worth to the world.
I was stressed and in an unhealthy relationship, and my ex God bless her, suggested I try out an Ashtanga yoga studio on Sunset Boulevard close to where we lived.
So for 6 months I went 6 days a week. I explained to the instructor Noah, what was going on for me and he skillfully nurtured me over the months into the demanding Ashtanga sequence.
… it was simply amazing.
I even started running again. But around the five month mark I kept getting the message to quit for a while. I was energetically depleted and addicted to the dopamine highs.
One day after yoga I came out of the studio a little dazed, walked to the cross walk and began to cross the street …
then all hell let loose …
Screeching tires, billowing acrid smoke and one of cars side swept me. I fell, bruised and scraped but OK.
Another cosmic 2x4 lesson ...
I got up brushed myself off and feeling embarrassed ran shaking to my home and right away used the sound healing environment to calm my nerves.
Whew that was a close shave.
And still I occasionally did my practice until I moved to London in 2001.
It was there, one day I was introduced to SCENAR in a pub, used it for a year then trained to the Master's level with Professor Revenko.
All of a sudden, after helping many clients, I was on live TV in front of 8 million people with the my sound healing and SCENAR work.
.. and got back into my now 6 days a week yoga practice in the amazing spacious Ashtanga studios, until returning to Hawaii in 2003.
Then, it was during my years of practice in Hawaii that a whole new level of pain surfaced one day out of the blue...
One morning I woke up alone and unable to move even to get out of bed.
Desperate, that is when I intuited a new SCENAR application strategy that finally worked to prove that the doctors were wrong, my chronic pain was curable.
You see over the years the Ashtanga Yoga was stretching deeper into my body.
The engineer in me tested this strategy when the opportunity happened for years with other clients and in 70 hours of weekly teleconference training sessions, so I knew we were onto something BIG.
Sometime later I ripped one of the intertransversal muscles deep in my lumbar …
.. within hours my sciatica hurt so much I could barely walk.
And now using the data I had collected over the years and by modifying my earlier discovery I was able to heal the torn muscles in a remarkable 12 days.
Most importantly: I finally knew how to reverse my chronic pain, after 40 plus years.
And furthermore aside from the chronic pain for which the SCENAR type technology is infamous, there is a whole list of stuff it can do.
So keep reading and I'll show you details of the $1574 worth of bonuses, and my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Your Bonus:
In the members only training area you'll get lifetime access to the video instructions for all of the 24 preset programs built into the DENAS PCM 6.
And there's more:
If you have a child or are microcurrent sensitive I'll include those videos too.
And the Welcome, Unboxing and Orientation videos ... all essential detailed instructions you need to have to get going and to succeed. This is a true bonus for FREE so that you can rest assured that you know how to apply your DENAS PCM 6 for about any health situation you can imagine to boost your energy, solve your pain and even solve the underlying causes.
You might be curious “Why the change of heart?”
February 1st 2017 out of the blue I got Shingles, real bad, and I did not know what it was then. The pain was excruciating. I was intolerant to microcurrent and so I had to resort to some drastic measures like using chlorine gas, the details I'll share later as a blog post.
I lost weight and by the end of the month I weighed only 120 lbs. I've always been a light weight, but not a featherweight!
As my Ukulele teacher Andy rightly remarked “Shingles make you see God”,
Through this experience I reconnected into the spiritual realm for the first time since my boys were kidnapped in 2003 and the years of emotional pain, court appearances, traveling to the mainland to search for them and the loss that only those who have gone through the CPS Family Court nightmare can truly relate to.
However painful as it was the Shingles gave me time to review my life and make a bucket list of unfinished business, and for that I am eternally humbled.
I used to be known as the most expensive high end wellness coach and trainer in this niche, and it attracted some awesome clients like:
++ Gold medalist sports coach ++ Corporate executives ++ Coaches ++ Doctors ++ Chiropractors ++ Massage Therapists ++ An Delta airline pilot ++ University management staff ++ Nutritional experts ++ and others whose testimonies you can find on this site eBodyFUSION.
So, as my bucket list grew, and my dreams got clearer and clearer during February, March and April, as I slowly recovered, I realized that I had been sitting on 450 pages of case history transcripts and 70 hours of teleconference recordings that I had not released to the public.
My testing and irrefutable proof of the phenomenal results that can be obtained even with the simplest microcurrent technology.
Right now at the time of writing it's in process of going public and I did a quick pre-launch video about the “ebodyFUSION T Archives”.
Well, another thing that happened is that my body cleaned out deeply and I have become:
++much clearer ++more focused ++reconnected to my life purpose ++and enthused to share
… therefore, I decided to give you exactly what you need to know for FREE.
Below you'll see all the details of the DENAS PCM 6 24 programs and what they address for a huge range of conditions, basically plug and play ... apply and heal.
Benedick Wellness Coach and founder of eBodyFUSION
PS DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional, I am a Wellness Coach and on the purchase page you'll be acknowledging my disclaimer clause.
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List of the 24 Automated DENAS PCM 6 Programs and what they do:
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The DENAS PCM 6 is the best value professional hand held device on the planet - complete with DENAS Therapy videos for all the 24 DENAS PCM 6 Programs.
Just these training modules and being assured that you are doing it right are worth way more than the price of the DENAS PCM 6.
Think of all therapists and money spent and the travel time ...
For now,
Lifetime access to my 24+ Video BONUS that took me years of pain, research and trials and errors that will save you months and years of being in pain. Worth $1128
3 NEW children settings and built in treatment protocols with training video bonus worth your child's health. These setting are used for “sensitive” folks like children and also very stressed adults who are microcurrent sensitive. Video training modules INCLUDED Worth $197
How to use the screen, MED, ultra low frequencies and the 10 frequency sets are basically described in the manual.
But as the application strategies change over time as your body changes you need me hands on to really benefit from those settings and you'll also learn the phenomenal predictive strategies that we discovered last year.
For example the screen pinpoints where you need to spend more time and it's often not where your think it might be is.
This professional wellness coaching upgrade called the ...
Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System
and is available on the next sales page after you purchase the DENAS PCM 6 with the FREE 24+ video training.
Note: some of the 24 Automated Programs require the Pad Set, ESPECIALLY if you have persistent chronic situations. Pad Set and video training modules INCLUDED Worth $197
Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System includes the probe, massage set, pad set, goggles and foot pad which can be used for earthing while you are sitting on you computer.
together with 90 days 100% Satisfaction Guarantee training.
The DENAS PCM 6 has 24 automated express treatment/prevention programs and 14 advanced modes an all in one solution with earthing frequencies too.
FREE worldwide shipping directly from Russia with guaranteed delivery in 10 - 15 working days. Worth $52.
ALL SALES ARE FINAL, no returns or refunds UNLESS you grab the Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System
Let me explain my thoughts about this.
In 15 years of selling these devices they have been close to 100% reliable with the exception of the ports that they fixed in the PCM 6. The pad sets and other accessories have been 100% reliable and the strongest longest lasting available.
Should it break I always have a spare laying around that you can borrow till yours is fixed, think of it as saving you on buying insurance. Takes about 3-4 weeks. Worth $97
Now here is a SHOCKING statistic I saw on Amazon
“84% of all (SCENAR) buyers put it on the shelf in less than a month” Dr Tom.
Whoa 84% put it on the shelf. Were these hopeful impulse purchases, or what that did not have a clue how to use it?
As a wellness coach you can trust that I care about your success and have spent years training and coaching people just like you, keeping the data and continuously improving the range of already phenomenal results.
It can take some time for chronic issues especially in this nnEMF microwaved, blue light, GMO stressful world.
Bottom line I don't care to just sell, sell, sell or to waste your time and money.
Above all you want results, right?
2 Year manufacturer's warranted.
To qualify for the 100% Satisfaction clause, you must complete the 90 day training and weekly assessments. To support you for 90 days will get my 24/7 Facebook support and much more.
Otherwise as I explained I am a wellness coach, it's up to you to do the work. Fair?
Your results will depend on your efforts.
Nobody else on the planet has a 15 year track record of a proven online training system with total bonuses worth $1574
Sign up and I'll send my Free Report about the DENAS PCM 6
Stay in touch and learn more about eBodyFUSION Training and Wellness Coaching for the DENAS PCM 6 and discover how to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate when you have more time to consider this life changing offer.
Get Instant Access!
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The all new automated  DENAS PCM 6 is for you if you want to solve pain, boost energy and rejuvenate.
The DENAS PCM 6 has 24 automated sequences for all common ailments with on screen location and application time suggestions backed up by the DENAS PCM 6 excellent manual.
4 NEW settings for children from birth to 12 years and 14 treatment and prevention modes.
Limited time offer FREE shipping
DENAS PCM 6 Specifications:
Basic Frequencies: 60, 77, 125, 140 and 200 Hz
Modulated Frequencies: 77/10 Hz, 77/20 Hz and 77 AM
Infra Frequencies: 1.0 to 9.9 Hz
24 Automated Programs  that guide you with onscreen instructions
Scheduler - to remind you when to make the next application
Diagnostic modes - 10 Hz MED (Minimum Effective Doze) and 5 second SCREENING
General Specifications for DENAS PCM 6:
2 AA Batteries 1.5v Net weight 0.77 lbs (0.35 kg) Dimensions 145×55×45 mm
The DENAS PCM 6 device generates bipolar electrical pulses, felt as gentle tingles, that dynamically adapts to the changes of the skin impedance as your pain reduces, your energy is boosted and old injuries rejuvenate.
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 To get results quickly we recommend 1 hour daily the first week, easily done (especially with the accessories) while you are sitting down or even sleeping.
Remember “Success Loves Speed”
Warranty DENAS MS has a limited one-year warranty against defect of material or workmanship The warranty becomes invalid when: More than one (1) years have passed since purchase or if the unit was damaged because of misuse or improper use.  Units are returned to Russia for repairs - 1 month turnaround - very rare and I'll loan you one if needed.  No need to buy insurance.
No returns, refunds and exchanges with this special offer. Allow 10 - 12 business days for delivery anywhere in the world
You may want to consider the 100% Satisfaction upgrade on the next page.
DISCLAIMER:  The DENAS PCM 6 Training is not medical advice or for the treatment of any medical condition.
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FACT:  Did you know that SCENAR and DENAS are microcurrent biofeedback devices originally designed by Dr Alexander Karosev?
I feel the training program, esp. with all the videos, is a big selling point. Since I purchased my DENAS I have directed many friends to your site Benedick. When I talk to them about buying a device I always emphasize the great training that you provide.”
Dr David Ridley MD Tempe Florida
The doctors diagnosed me with nerve impingement, bulging of discs and stenosis along my whole spine. Later I went back for a MRI and the doctors were amazed – “Wow your body is healing itself” to them they could not understand that.”
Billy Jaeschke, Roofer, Mountainview Hawaii
Herniated discs, had hard time turning my head, arm going dead, numb for years.  After a couple of sessions felt the difference immediately.  Gone diabetes sores from legs, arms and chest, no more itching, sleeping better.”
Ruth Smith retired, Salem Oregon
Everybody was giving me different advice for lower back, sciatica and neck.  Lots of pain keeping me up at night. I was miserable for six months.  Now, sleeping at night, minimal soreness.  After healing crisis feeling much better, now it’s really working.”
Jenn Bowers, coach Pahoa Hawaii
Thanks to the training I am able to do my stained glass art without having to endure the pain in my back and hands. Will treat my hands after working all day and will have no pain. Also, have arthritis in right shoulder, pain controlled by the DENAS. No longer use my allergy medicine, treat sinuses freq especially when I have symptoms.”
Barb Wilson artist, Madison Wisconsin
The training helped me to fully understand the basic principles of the DENAS.  And especially the importance of the neuropeptides which motivated me to do the entire body.”
Russ Fleming retired, Santa Cruz California
I have a chronic, autoimmune disease that manifests itself with many different pain syndromes – paresthesia, joint pain, back pain, muscle pain, numbness and pain in the hands and feet. Your training has been helpful with almost all of the above.”
David Barker, broker Phoenix Arizona
This is a fantastic tool!
Chris Hoffman Olympic Gold Medalist coach/trainer USA and China
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Stay in touch and learn more about eBodyFUSION Training and Wellness Coaching for the DENAS PCM 6 and discover how to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate
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Disclaimer:  the 1980's Russian's SCENAR clinical trials on 18,255 people achieved 88.50% average cure rates, and naturally your results will vary according to various factors.  The results you get are because of the powerful cascade of beneficial effects of electricity on your body, animals and even plants. The success stories on this site illustrate what others have obtained with my training and coaching and your success will depend on you to regularly self apply your DENAS PCM 6.
©2016 Benedick Howard and eBodyFUSION - All Rights Reserved - Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Contact
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