#hualian atla au
pichirobi · 4 months
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xie lian as an earth kingdom prince turned scrap-collecting airbending monk.
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biconickyoshi · 5 months
Omgggg so I just saw some fan art by the user @/_hualianism on Twitter of Hua Cheng from Heaven Official's Blessing (aka Tian Guan Ci Fu/TGCF) as a Zuko-type counterpart in an AtLA AU, complete with a scar over his E-Ming eye and everything!! And of course everyone in the comments is saying Xie Lian would be an airbending Avatar!! Sadly I don't think this artist is on tumblr, but if y'all have Twitter I would definitely recommend go checking out their account!
I literally already have a very detailed brainstorming document of a Zukaang TGCF AU typed up in Google Docs lmao, so I was super giddy when I saw the artist's post. I've thought about sharing all of my brainstorming here - I probably will at some point. Especially if I start drawing fan art of it lol.
This artist seems to have imagined an AU of the TGCF characters in the AtLA universe, which is different from my AU where the AtLA characters are in the TGCF universe. So for example, Zuko is a supreme ghost king and Aang is the Crown Prince of Xianle (turned fallen god), and Katara and Toph serve as Feng Xin and Mu Qing roles respectively.
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curiosity-killed · 5 months
wip ask meme
tagged by @veliseraptor!
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs
normally i weed this down so it's just wips i'm actually working on/tentatively plan to finish someday/am okay with sharing but this time, i think it's a little funny to dump out the contents of my ~13 wip folders
he xuan and hua cheng bros (tgcf)
hualian makeup (tgcf)
tgcf twt au (tgcf)
altair and al mualim (ac)
altmal 6 below au (ac)
altmal kiss (ac)
altmal modern au (ac)
altmal modern soulmates (ac)
altmal modern swimg (ac)
altmal sex talk (ac)
altmal sparring (ac)
altmal time travel (ac)
convict altair plus future part_OLD (ac)
dragon ALTY (ac)
21st century aliens (mcu)
a small clock seen faintly (mcu)
ascsf (mcu)
before we go au (mcu)
cacw rewrite script (mcu)
counterweight (mcu)
ghostybucky (mcu)
post-AOU fic (mcu)
ragnarok vahing verse (mcu)
this too ch4 (mcu)
tonybucky fix-it cacw (mcu)
vahingonilo sequel (mcu)
white collar au (mcu)
t'challasam (mcu)
a thousand branches (mdzs)
burial mounds pov (mdzs)
copy of lwj thread fic (mdzs)
hua cheng bro (tgcf)
hualian dance au (tgcf)
lwj thread fic (mdzs)
lxc wwx post-whipstitch (mdzs)
sixteen stitches (mdzs)
sizhui bow verse (mdzs)
wangji find me (mdzs)
wenzhou fix-it (woh)
wulian au (tgcf)
wwx as madam yu protege (mdzs)
yunmeng jiang everyone dies (mdzs)
scorpion grass (original fic)
bflf mer au (tgcf)
hualian pygmalion — holy and real (tgcf)
huaqing gay chicken (tgcf)
xianle trio reunion (tgcf)
20200518_Family feels (mdzs)
bodyswap (mdzs)
jc perspective (mdzs)
jin ling wwx empathy (mdzs)
knives for JC (mdzs)
yunmeng bro reunion (mdzs)
adashi s6 (voltron)
ballet au nutcracker (voltron
NSFW captive shance au (voltron)
shallura ballet au_02 (voltron)
shallura crying (voltron)
shiro as death god (voltron)
shiro s6 (voltron)
superhero AU (voltron)
thermocline (voltron)
atla_light dancer (atla)
dreamwalker (the sandman)
hualian idev LMAO (tgcf)
20190429_sotiris and nadia (original fic)
20230528_nadia and sotiris (original fic)
crown of string (original fic)
gemini script (original fic)
overworld script (original fic)
pi & veria (original fic)
tyringay (original fic)
sphinxes (original fic)
untitled document (original fic)
20231130_Consolidated draft01 (original fic)
20190918_Soko family (original fic)
20191222_Sirion blues (original fic)
20200131_Sirion and Jaris (original fic)
20200131_Sirion and Jisel evolution (original fic)
20200217_Jemma letter (original fic)
20200421_Calsir first fight (original fic)
20210414_High fantasy AU (original fic)
20210516_Malia and Rassler (original fic)
20190902_Taelen FW (original fic)
20210908_Valyn POV (original fic)
20223405_Calsir third (original fic)
20230131_Calsir nudity talk (original fic)
20230603_Rafia POV (original fic)
i will not be tagging 88 folks but! an attempt: @lemeute @givemeunicorns @mikkeneko @monroeknoxwrites @crimsonrainseekingflower @lumiink @difeisheng @demenior @aurumdalseni @pengiesama @iamwestiec @saawek @pumpkinpaix @cleromancy @boomchickfanfiction @neuxue
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perseph0ne-13 · 11 months
WIPS + Completed works
I was inspired to make this by other pages I’ve seen do this, as well as to keep track of my own things + so that you guys can stay updated as well! So, I bring to everyone: A comprehensive list of all of my WIPs and completed works, organized by fandom :>> (except for the WIPs, those aren’t organized by fandom, sorry)
“fighting in only your army” - Rangshi fic, Rangi POV, inspired by Taylor Swift’s song “You’re losing me”
“we don’t know where we’re going (but we know where we belong)” - beiguang modern high school au, it’s loosely based on glee/brittana (because I am a nerd. I’m waiting to finish this one because I want to play the sumeru archon quests and add in the appropriate characters)
we’re reeling through the midnight streets - ATLA x Catradora AU. Adora is the Avatar
when you’re gone, it’s forever - 1st installment of my TGCF x Catradora AU. Adora is a God, Catra is a Ghost Queen, and everything that can go wrong goes wrong. (Catra POV)
tread the water child, and know that meanwhile rises the moon - 2nd installment of TGCF x Catradora. This was Catra’s interlude fic of her friendship with perfuma in the 4 centuries between her and Adora meeting again. Super cute, I was really proud of this one!
i’ll be around on sunday - 3rd installment of TGCF x Catradora. Adora and company enter Catra’s territory and commit a bit of arson. Adora POV
i need you closer (and you’re not even an inch away) - 4th installment of TGCF x Catradora, Catra interlude fic (again), the story behind the black sword Adora found in i’ll be around on sunday
i need less voices (just you and me) - 5th installment of TGCF x Catradora, Catra (thankfully) kidnaps Adora- but not without consequences. 
there’s nothing like a mad woman (what shame she went mad) - 6th installment of TGCF x Catradora, Catra is on trial for every. single. crime. she has ever committed. Sh*dow We*ver makes a surprise appearance and clears every god in the room. (Adora POV)
your smile, my ghost, I fell to my knees - 8th installment of TGCF x Catradora. Catradora + Glimbow travel around the ghost realm to search for Sh*dow We*ver. Adora doesn’t understand how Ghost’s work, Catra is terribly insecure, and Bow confirms something. (Catra POV)
I only have one finished for them and I think that’s truly a crime. I will get on this, soon. Trust. 
my achilles heel - Beiguang soulmate AU, 4 times Beidou got hurt + 1 time Ningguang got hurt. First fic I ever uploaded, and it’s still my most treasured upload 
i gotta get better - Ellie/Dina, basically just a sickfic. Ellie has chronic pains and migraines
passing notes in secrecy (don’t you let it go) - Rangi keeps finding letters around the mansion- love letters written for her. She goes insane trying to figure out who it is. 
i don’t remember who i was before you - He Xuan character study, he doesn’t remember who he was before impersonating Ming Yi. 
we hang back, but it’s all in the timing - Hualian genderbend modern AU, Hualian audition for the school musical and shenanigans ensue
That’s all for now! I’ll edit this post as I upload and finish things. I hope this is helpful to everyone! If you’ve read some of my work, don’t hesitate from commenting or reaching out, I’d love to talk to you!!!! Thank you all for reading <33
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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in the mood for a fic where...
Y'all don't forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme as a place to submit your prompts! Authors actually use them for ideas. You're likely to get what you order!  ***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink!  Fluff, crack, whatever is fine!***
*Nonny who uses Asks to submit answers for these posts:  you can use my @mojoflower Asks while this box is closed*
1. HI OKAY YOUR BLOG IS FANTASTIC AND A LIFE SAVER. [Ha, thank you!] for your next ‘mood for’ do you know of any where (1a) lan qiren is portrayed as bad/abusive? or any where (1b) the lan sect forbids homosexuality? thank you
life as a house by terri botta (T, 55k, wangxian) modern au, but lqr is awful)
moonlight falls by RoseThorne (T, 11k, wangxian, songxiao, series in progress)
❤️save a sword, ride a socialist by sysrae (E, 33k, wangxian, my post)
2. Hi! Before anything else, thank you so much for your effort. I’ve found a lot of gems in your space. And I was just wondering if you know anything where wwx’s 2nd life is somehow in a female body? I’m just dying to know how’d that go. TYSM. [I love this trope SO MUCH!!!]
❤️Beauty and the Boot by PTchan (T, 45k, wangxian, my post, WIP)
To Deserve So Much More by renysen (T, 20k, wangxian, my post)
The Fox and the Deer by mercyandmagic (M, 59k, xiyao, wangxian, my post) - in which jiggy comes back as a female
@stiltonbasket​ has a running au where wei wuxian comes back as qin su on their tumblr:  #qin su!wwx au but I don’t think anything’s made it to AO3.
3. Hi momjo 🥰 for your next (or next next next -I understand you're always overloaded with asks so I can wait!) I'm in the mood for fics, please may I ask for some dom!Lan Zhan and sub!Wei Ying? I know some fics have them but don't tag them as such. If they're long/plotty as well it's a bonus! I'm a sucker for like, protective or in control Lz over a somewhat gremlin/self destructive/too selfless WY, who keeps getting himself into trouble so LZ has to step in and sort him out. Thank you! Take care!
Y’all.  This one got so full I made a whole separate compilation post for Dom Lan Wangji.  Go save it!!!
4. First off, thank you for all that you do for this fandom, it’s certainly encouraged my addiction but hey, we love it here. [Hee, hee, hee.] Do you know of any fics that have (4a) LWJ finding WWX’s body post-Nightless City? Or if that’s too rare, (4b) any favorite 16 years fics? Thank you!!!!
❤️the heartlines on our hands by occultings (microcomets) (E, 47k, wangxian)
❤️no new age by everythingispoetry (M, 146k, wangxian, my post)
❤️To be of use by Erisette (not rated (G), 53k, wangxian, my post)
❤️scatter and sunder by silversshadow (T, 16k, wangxian, my post)
❤️Begotten by ecorie (G, 37k, wangxian, my post)
❤️The Rules of Living by syriala (G, 12k, xicheng, lan wangji & jiang cheng, my post)
❤️ And Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Glitterbombshell (T, 24k, wangxian, WIP, my post)
5. Could you or you followers recommend to me some wangxian crossover fics where they meet characters from other stories, I don’t mind what the stories are.
More Questions than Answers by tiniestawoo (T, 2k, wangxian, sterek, Teen Wolf, my post)
Atlas by etymologyplayground (M, 12k, wangxian, hualian, TGCF, my post)
ShuangXiu by panda_desu (M, 55k, wangxian, Nirvana In Fire, my post)
Spirited Away by PhantomWriter (T, 21k, wenzhou, wangxian, series in progress) -  WWX adopted by Wen Kexing & Zhou Zishu from Word of Honor
6. Mojo! I have been struck by a fic mood and I have no idea how to find what I’m looking for 😩 For your next in the mood post can you (in your infinite knowledge) or anyone else recommend a fic where LWJ and WWX’s first meeting doesn’t go smoothly. Where WWX is more annoyed by LWJ’s inflexibility with the rules and the curfew or the no entry debacle. Just something where teen LWJ has to put in way more effort to get WWX to forgive him and win him over.
7. Mrs. Mojo!! I need your and your followers help to recommend fanfics of teen wangxian getting caught doing papapa.
'A Question of Safety' verse by h0peless_oblivion (E, 7k, wangxian, series in progress)
8. Helloooo!! Thank u so much for all you do!!! We all 💖 and appreciate you very much!!! [And I love you right back!] I’ve been having a craving for wangxian who meet eachother and get married like… incredibly fast. Like married after a week of knowing eachother. Not in like an arranged marriage way but just bc they 💖 eachother :):) thank u!! ~ @camppureblood
Hua Qi 花期 by lazulink (E, 9k, wangxian)
Fighting Chance by fyredancer (E, 16k, wangxian)
me and you, always and forever by fyredancer (E, 150k, wangxian, series in progress)
Found Family by fyredancer (T, 11k, wangxian)
9. Hi! I was wondering if you knew of any fics where wwx grows mxy’s core super strong like wwx’s original. I’m only ever finding ones where wwx can’t do much with the core or gains his old powerful core back. But I really want to see wwx regrow a new core and be proud about it and stuff. ~ @greenpandi2004
补救; to remedy, to do something to correct or improve something that is wrong by ravenditefairylights (G, 22k, wangxian)
10. hello mojo! thank you for your recs, do you have any of adhd wwx?
❤️in the arms of the angel by ScarlettStorm (E, 38k, wangxian, my bookmark) - fox wwx
11. heyyyy!! I am craving for some bet trope fics. like wwx is betting on seducing lwj kind of thing? thak you!!! I absolutely love your page <3 [Thank you!]
❤️Bet Your Heart by Vamillepudding (G, 14k, wangxian, my post)
❤️Love wakes me by dea_liberty (E, 46k, wangxian, my post)
perfect pretenders by skyestiel (T, 61k, sangcheng, wangxian)
12. Hiiiii 👋! I was wondering if you knew any fanfics modern au where wangxian was married and had shizui and shizui’s friends did not know them, or met them or did not know he had two dads
Meet the parents by Lucky_Moony (G, 1k, wangxian)
13. Any Hybrid or creature!LWJ fics that contain plot?
Magical Marriage Ribbons by starandrea (M, 482k, wangxian, series in progress, my bookmark)
Of the Shadows by nockingarrows (G, 35k, wangxian, my post)
if you go chasing rabbits by occultings (microcomets) (T, 24k, wangxian, my bookmark)
bring you home by Alasse_Irena (T, 29k, wangxian, my bookmark)
a cyborg’s three laws by FairyGardenCorgis (M, 110k, wangxian, modern au, may depend on your definition of “creature” or hybrid)
❤️These woods hold the promises we make by jaws_3 (T, 30k, wangxian, my post)
Cultivation of the Pack by Midshipsman (E, 55k, wangxian, my bookmark, werewolf a/b/o)
❤️this river runs to you by sundiscus (T, 53k, wangixna, my post)
... and these have much less plot:
softly through pine trees, the moon arrives by theLoyalRoyalGuard (G, 3k, wangxian, my post)
sometimes curses are fun, or: the one where lan zhan is a squirrel by Malachic (T, 11k, wangxian, my post)
far longer than forever by jaws_3 (G, 9k, wangxian, my post)
❤️what else is there? by mme_anxious (T, 13k, wangxian, my post)
Do not waste your pearls for me by moonwaif (G, 9k, wangxian, my post)
Buried in the Sky, Hallowed by thy Depths by themunchking (T, 9k, wangxian, my post)
14. Hello dearest Mojo!!! This idea just came up to me but i wanted to know, do you know any fics (modern au preferably) where wangxian are married and have a school reunion where they meet their old schoolmates ☺️
15. Can you please recommend any fics where wei wuxian's talismans are somewhat of a focus point? Thanks
Moonlight as My Guide by BromeliadDreams (M, 32k, wangxian, my post)
❤️To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 79k, wangxian, my post)
Talismans by brooklinegirl (E, 10k, wangxian, my post)
Hyperprosexia by malkinmalkout (E, 192k, wangxian, my post)
Gentians in bloom by teawater (M, 251k, wangxian)
16. hello mojo! hope you're having a nice day <3 i have two request for the next i'm in the mood for. first one (16a): i just read family dinner by antebunny and now i desperately need more jin sibs ruining jgs's day skshjsjwk second one (16b): fics where wwx gets to be jc's right hand man (doesn't have to be in the canon universe). thank you <3 <3 <3
❤️save a sword, ride a socialist by sysrae (E, 33k, wangxian, my post, has a funny scene w/jin sibs at the end)
Magical Marriage Ribbons by starandrea (M, 482k, wangxian, series in progress, my bookmark, I think this qualifies)
17. hey, i was wondering if you knew of any heist aus? i've never read in this fandom one myself, and i honestly don't know whether one exists, but i thought it could be fun and it wouldn't hurt to ask. thanks :)
(i've got) trouble in mind by seularen (E, 77k, wangxian, xiyao)
I'd be the one to hold you down (kiss you so hard) by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (E, 85k, wangxian, Leverage AU)
18. Do you know any fics where lz is dared to kiss his crush and everyone is surprised he kissed wy?
19. Hi do you know any fics with de aged or time travel to cloud recess era wangxian fics? I've read the main ones and I was wondering if there are more. Thank you
It is a serious thing just to be alive by Itgoeson (E, 58k, wangxian)
how does one begin by Shializaro (T, 3k, wangxian, series)
rerun from the outside by Eicas (T, 3k, wangxian, my bookmark)
ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water by RoseThorne (G, 1k, wangxian)
The Art of Wishing Well by ElDiablito_SF (T, 3k, wangxian) Wangxian time travel to CR to traumatize their teen selves
20. Hi there! I hope you're doing well!! I was wondering if you know any fic where the juniors (4) are Doing Shenanigans? just kids having fun!!
The Full Form of Press by Vamillepudding (G, 13k, wangxian, my post)
Cut sleeve (m/m), slow burn, pining (lots of pining) by Lucky_Moony (T, 6k, wangxian, my post)
The Junior’s Guide to Setting Trends & Making Money by Wildcard (T, 1k, wangxian, WIP, my bookmark)
Half-Baked Quest by Jump_Pilot (T, 19k, zhuiyi, wangxian, my post)
A Dramatic Reading by pupeez4eva (G, 6k, wangxian, my post)
The Great Bathtub Conspiracy by pupeez4eva (M, 3k, wangxian, my post)
❤️The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli (T, 20k, wangxian, my post)
❤️anyway, here’s wuji by kakikaeru (T, 18k, zhuiyi, wangxian, my post) and its sequel
The Batsh*t Adventures of the Junior Quartet: Halloween Edition by KTheKryptid (not rated, 40k, no slash)
The Stuff of Legend by pupeez4eva (T, 21k, wangxian, WIP)
Detention, You Four! by hwalight (G, 1k, The Juniors)
21. Momjo, you are an ice cream truck caravanning through the desert of life (translation: I love this blog thanks for all you do ❤️). [Now all I can hear is that ice cream truck music to the tune of 'Wuji'] Any fics where some nefarious foe uses/takes the form of Jiang Yanli to torture Wei Wuxian? Or anything along those lines? Thank you! [You should submit this as a prompt to @mdzs-kinkmeme or @angstymdzsthoughts]
But You Always Return by uponmountains (T, 17k, wangxian)
22. Hello I’m new here, but I am so glad I ran into this blog. It’s amazing. [Thank you!] Do you know of any fics where Wwx and lwj get caught kissing or being sweet by like lan xichen ? I have scrolled for far too long on ao3 😩😩😩 I hope you have a nice day :)
Teenage Wangxian! Series by like_a_bird_that_flew (T, 6k, wangxian)
'A Question of Safety' verse by h0peless_oblivion (E, 7k, wangxian, series in progress)
23. hey so uhhh do you perhaps know these fics where wwx and lwj from mdzs meet the cql version or like idk modern versions of them? i read one and i saw some others too, quite recently even, but idk what they're called or what tags people use for that?? do you or your followers know them maybe? [Hmmm, if there's a specific tag, I don't know it. But there should be!] thank you sm! i hope you have a great week and stay safe & healthy!
Key Differences by pupeez4eva (T, 6k, wangxian)
24. Any fics where Xue Yang actually managed to abduct Wei Wuxian at Yi City? Or him capturing wwx in general
Down in the Valley by memequeen1127 (E, 44k, xuexiao, wangxian)
~*~ [My ko-fi.]
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pichirobi · 4 months
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fire, air, water, earth.
prince xie lian is one of the most promising up-and-coming avatars the world has yet to see. that is, until disaster strikes his home earth kingdom of xianle. when his people die out at the hands of a plague spirit, bai wuxiang, the nations blame the avatar. with his reputation destroyed, xie lian joins the air nomads for 20 years and travels the world as a scrap-collector. although he has lost the respect of the people he is destined to protect, the spirit world is thrown into chaos without his guidance. xie lian works thanklessly to maintain global balance all on his own. but unbeknownst to him, there's one person, upon the throne of the fire nation, who still believes in the avatar.
welcome to my tgcf x atla au!
click here to follow this tag for updates. read more below for my story notes.
xie lian is born to the king and queen of an earth kingdom city-state, xianle, and is quickly discovered to be the avatar. a wildly talented one, at that. he learns firebending second, and waterbending third. still young and pampered, xie lian struggles with the humility associated with airbending principles.
at just the age of 17 he begins to travel the world to master the four elements and [katara narrator voice] to restore peace and balance in the world. he acquires a servant (firebender mu qing) and a bodyguard (earthbender & childhood best friend feng xin). it's during this time that he tours the fire nation, meeting with political figures and impoverished citizens alike, gaining a positive reputation for his determination and skills. to celebrate the summer solstice, xie lian is the face of a festival in which he proves his elegance, combative strength, and firebending prowess. during the ceremony, he controversially interrupts it to save the life of a 10-year-old urchin boy.
the lines between the spirit and mortal worlds bleed together during solstices. it's xie lian's festival which attracts a particularly violent spirit to emerge into the mortal world: bai wuxiang. the white-clothed calamity.
xie lian's life is filled with promise until he turns 22. he catches word of a disaster taking place in his home kingdom. he puts a pause on his tour of the nations to return to xianle. there, he finds that a strange and highly contagious disease has begun plaguing his people. its symptoms are unnatural; the work of an angry spirit. xie lian works himself to the bone trying to save his common people. he fails.
when xianle falls to plague, to chaos, to fear, its people blame the avatar. he is dubbed the avatar of misfortune. a failure. xie lian's reputation crumbles to dust and he is helpless to restore his people's faith in him. when the rest of the world learns of how xianle came to ruin, the avatar becomes not a figure of peace to be revered, but a bad omen.
having lost his two companions, his parents, his kingdom, and the global adoration he's come to rely on for his self-worth, xie lian runs away. he disowns his past identity and seeks to start a new life. he finds himself in the northern air temples, where the air nomads pay him no mind, although xie lian is a bit of an oddball. (xie lian might look rougher and jaded but they certainly recognize the avatar. they pretend to not know him—the nomads keep to themselves and as long as xie lian doesn't cause trouble, he is welcome.) he eventually befriends a monk named shi qingxuan.
xie lian seeks enlightenment. he incorporates himself into the monks' way of life, releasing all ties to material possessions and worldly indulgences. he abstains from sex, alcohol, anger, and, hardest of all, grief. he goes on to live 20 years as a scrap collector, practicing what he was taught by his teacher and guide, monk wu yong. xie lian knows it's time to leave the temples when he finally masters airbending.
humbled, xie lian rekindles his fighting spirit. the common people loathe the avatar, but he forgives them. he will save them.
as xie lian wanders the nations, he learns that during his darkest years, literature, art, and scholarly works of the avatar have been destroyed. most people don't even remember what he looks like and much less have the means to learn anything about him. (hua cheng carving xl's face into the side of a mountain: HOLD MY BEER)
meanwhile, there is a fire nation urchin boy who has grown into someone powerful enough to be feared. through his unmatched wit and charisma, he has worked his way up the capital's political hierarchy. a city governor who calls himself hua cheng, is the first aristocrat to challenge the firelord to an agni kai. he is also the first to win. he delegitimizes the royal bloodline and single-handedly reshapes a generation's idea of a competent ruler. bonus points for the previous firelord being xie lian's indecent cousin, qi rong.
now 35 years old, the new firelord, terrifying yet respected by all, leads his people to prosperity and vanquishes every enemy. peculiarly, he seems somewhat uninterested in his position of power. instead, he enjoys turning his attention towards erecting a shrine, a palace, in honor of avatar xie lian.
the avatar preceding xie lian, jun wu, oversaw great conflicts between the four nations. it is during one of these wars that a seemingly insignificant teenager dies. his soul drifts aimlessly in the spirit world, vulnerable, alone. he encounters the trickster spirit koh who steals his face. time is hard to account for in this realm, and the once-a-teenager forgets his past life, his own identity, simply choosing to refer to himself as wu ming: nameless. many years later, the avatar cycle begins anew with the birth of xie lian.
at 7 years old, prince xie lian and his best friend feng xin are outdoors playing with swords. feng xin takes a break, as he is called inside by the king of xianle, leaving xie lian outside and unsupervised. (feng xin will shortly be told that xie lian is not only his friend, but now his responsibility.) meanwhile, xie lian is left without a sparring partner. until a ghostly silver butterfly flits in front of him. it playfully weaves around the flourishes of the blade. xie lian chases it, away from the palace grounds, across the fields and into the brush, where he falls head-first through a burrow. when he stands up, his sword has disappeared, but not the butterfly. it pulls his attention upward, where he takes in his surroundings: the spirit world.
xie lian continues to play and greet spirits, who are all pleased to meet the new avatar, eventually finding a sad, dissipating ghost fire. the ghost introduces itself as wu ming. xie lian works very hard to cheer it up, promising they'll be friends in this lifetime and the next. wu ming brightens and confesses that koh has stolen its face. xie lian fails to tolerate this news: if he's to be the avatar, he must protect the innocent and slay monsters. with wu ming's warnings, he marches to koh's den to demand his friend's face back.
xie lian succeeds. wu ming doesn't remember much these days, but he's sure that no one has ever showed him such incredible kindness. when wu ming expresses his desire to disappear, xie lian gives him a mantra: "live for me."
xie lian has to leave, to return to a very worried feng xin (who is scared he's already failed his new bodyguard job on day one), but wu ming is invigorated with life like never before. his soul persists, stubbornly, for the avatar. he is reborn back into the mortal world as a fire nation boy. although, the encounter with koh would leave a mark on his body: the sclera of his right eye would be an unsettling blood red. the people of his village would know him as hong hong-er.
elsewhere in the spirit world, the ghost of avatar jun wu senses young xie lian's presence. he also senses the persistence of the ghost fire—a soul reborn. could he, too, return to the mortal world? jun wu entertains a simple but horrifying thought: by swapping places with xie lian, could he achieve immortality as the world's last avatar? thus, jun wu hatches a plan. he strikes a deal with bai wuxiang, the white-clothed calamity, a malevolent plague spirit. bai wuxiang would possess the body of jun wu to eliminate the new avatar. to kill xie lian, and to be reborn.
the plan doesn't go—well, according to plan. the people of xianle are wiped out before he can get his hands on xie lian, and the destruction of a people leaves behind a universal distrust of the avatar. jun wu realizes he would be unable to seize power in such an environment. his new strategy must involve controlling young xie lian, manipulating him into a puppet. it takes a while to pin him down, but jun wu eventually finds him settled in the northern air temple, at his most emotionally vulnerable. jun wu will impersonate a monk teacher, changing his name to wu yong. he will bide his time and play his cards until the world is ready for his return.
hualian are middle-aged men in this au because it makes sense timeline-wise, but also because sexy silver fox xie lian is what i see every time i close my eyes.
narratively, i'm torn between hua cheng loving the avatar, or hua cheng loving xie lian. thinking about this timeless lovestory, "you, not the state of you," i can see it both ways. hua cheng might love the avatar, xie lian and all of his reincarnations regardless of their body. or, he might love xie lian, regardless of the "avatar" title. ("avatar" may also be this world's equivalent to hua cheng respectfully calling xie lian "dianxia".)
firelord hua cheng presents himself at what he believes is his ugliest, most intimidating form: exposing his burned right eye. as san lang, however, he is at first ashamed to reveal such a vulnerable part of him in front of his love; he covers it with an eyepatch. (the people of the fire nation are like: "a platypus?" [san lang takes off his eyepatch] "PERRY THE PLATYPUS?!?!")
hua cheng teaches xie lian how to bend lightning. they easily trade bolts back and forth to each other in a cute and intimate way. feng xin and mu qing are horrified when they first see this in action.
hualian's first kiss happens when they're battling a sea monster underwater and xie lian loses his concentration enough to accidentally pop hua cheng's air bubble. a little mouth-to-mouth resuscitation will do the trick until they can float back up to the surface.
ruoye = xl's spiritual serpent guide (kind of like roku's dragon)
e'ming = hc's super clingy fire ferret
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pichirobi · 4 months
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there's only one person firelord hua cheng seems to respect: the avatar.
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curiosity-killed · 4 months
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by @veliseraptor right when I turned work notifications off for 2 hours which feels auspicious
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
148 😅
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,201,484! For a couple years there, I was kind of cranking but now I basically haven't written fic for two years so uh. chilling at 1.2 million
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is always mildly upsetting to me because my favorites are rarely the winners lol
a bow for the bad decisions (3536)
willow branches and flowers (2785)
upon this altar (2745)
heart + bone (2090)
whipstitch (2024)
...well at least I like 2 of these lol
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I used to respond to every comment and then got overwhelmed and fell completely behind and THEN decided to clean house and answer all of the remaining ones...and the next day posted heart + bone and now have uh... 688 AO3 emails sitting in my inbox :') I periodically try to go in and answer at least a handful but honestly it's gotten very sporadic
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Off hesperus! I don't think I write a lot of true angst or tragedies tbh. But that one was meant to be 100% genuine, no happy endings angst. And admittedly it's not AS bad as it could have been but. it is probably as bad as I am likely to write (unfortunately (?), I left my "kill all your fave characters, make everyone suffer, burn it down!!!" writing vibes back in middle school mostly).
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I have so much fluff how am I supposed to pick. ...most of my tgcf fics? heart + bone and sunlight, sunlight, sunlight are pretty absurdly fluffy by the end.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not really. Back in the olden days (high school/college), I did more—see: whisper something holy, the OG loki fic... I think there were some others?—but it's pretty rare now.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
ehhh not really hate, just some folks who got lost and wound up mad in the comments that *checks notes* local complexity lover let characters be complex. I just turned off anonymous comments for a while and it was fine
9. Do you write smut?
Sometimes! I tend to write (& draw) smut when I'm stuck in a rut (pun sadly not intended), stressed, and struggling to make things which is. something to know about myself. but also means that it often serves as sort of an on ramp to making art that I care about more and so it's often left unfinished.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I have no idea how I'd know but honestly, I think my writing is enough directed toward my interests/wants that it's not a prime candidate for stealing lol
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! it's so cool!! and if she leads was translated into mandarin which!! is bonkers to me that's so much work
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don't think I've ever actually done it. Isaac (@/lemeute) and I have co-developed a few ideas before but I think they went the way of the raccoon poll and sort of died in discord (though the yanqing AU did contribute to me drawing art!)
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Ah I really struggle with this. Really high up there, and probably chief in staying power, is Altair/Malik(/& Maria) and then in terms of ones that have sort of rewritten my brain chemistry it's like Stucky, Cartinelli, Cap2 Crew, Ranwan, Hualian, Destiel...uh I'm definitely missing some there but that's a sampler!
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
;A; oh god. I mean. a short list:
wulian au
yunmeng jiang everyone dies
bodyswap (mdzs)
light dancer (atla)
I have many more wips but they're in more varying stages of either "I don't actually care that much if I finish these" (all unfinished MCU fics) or "I will actually finish this" (sixteen stitches).
15. What are your writing strengths?
uhhhhhhhhhh i hate this question bc my brain is immediately like "here is a laundry list of everything ur bad at and ALSO ur wrong. abt the things ur good at." bc well. mental wellness. ANYWAY i think I'm like ?? pretty good at creating intensity in writing??? I've talked about it before as viscerality and it is that but also like emotional intensity. and I do think I can craft a pretty turn of phrase here and there
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
well. plot, for one thing. having one? executing one? keeping it consistent without giant holes for everything to fall apart through? nahh. Similarly, continuity overall is! not a strength. Do you know how many notes there are in TCP asking myself to just sketch out a blueprint of the palace where 90% of the first book takes place. can u imagine
there are. more. but i will pause there
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it's something that needs to be done with intent and like. care. like, okay. actually I feel extremely subjective about this. Like on the one hand, I think there are times when I think using another language provides important connotative information that is lost when translating to English* (e.g., Wei Wuxian calling Lan Wangji er-gege or Jiang Yanli shijie which don't have very direct counterparts in English, but also if I were to write about my teacher calling me "chica" rather than "girl"). On the other hand, I think it's very important to be cautious (particularly as a white anglophone) about...like. Seasoning Ur Dialogue with Spicy Bits of Other Languages (I am struck by flashbacks of fanon Lance from VLD. bls.). ON THE THIRD HAND, depending on the POV of the work, writing dialogue in a different language can serve different functions in the text (e.g., if the reader knows what it means but the character doesn't, we can have some nice dramatic irony! when it's done well; if the character knows what it means but the reader doesn't, it can build suspense; if both know what it means, it can give insights into different character dynamics/backgrounds/etc.), but again, it should be done with care and intent.
uh i don't know that this actually answered the question or anything. i have feelings???? and minimally coherent thoughts?
*I am being so brave rn in trying not to go down a rabbithole about translation and meaning ;A;
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Marvel :')
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
hh hold on i need to go holler at lise and huaqing possibilities
anYWAY yanqing, xianle quartet (variably romantic), erha*, huaqing*, the king's affection**
*technically i've written once for these but like. not fr fr
**I still haven't finished this bc I am inexplicably stressed abt my blorbos suffering but STILL
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
oh gosh I feel like a broken record bc my fave fics have pretty much been the same for a long time but yeah, of swords and wings is still pretty much my fave largely because, even as it has aged (and I have become more critical of the actual writing), it was so finely tailored to my specific preferences, headcanons, and wants that it still remains quite loved
tagging anyone who wants to do this! (sorry, laziness wins)
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