twila-star · 2 months
Gon let out a small breath that dispelled the anxiety from his stomach. Gon was really good at feigning confidence, he faked it so well, its infectious energy made him feel as though he really was brave through everything and gave him the push to do things most people cowed away from.
He only got these feelings right before Gon intuitively felt something terrible was going to happen, like a storm brewing quickly on the horizon while you were in the middle of calm, deep, ominous ocean. The small breath usually centered him again.
“Are you sure you absolutely have to find death?” Gon’s latest companion asked from beside him, flicking a bang of white hair from his sharp blue eyes, his nose scrunched in doubt. Killua was against this plan since Gon’s explained it. Well, Killua’s been against this whole journey Gon was on, but still agreed to help. Now Killua was specifically against this current plan on how to get it done.
“When I spoke to the fae, he told me the Ar-Bar Viva was the best place to get information on Death’s whereabouts.” Gon said, grinning at Killua and Killua once again rolled his eyes.
“Unlikely. No one knows where he is…” Killua muttered darkly to himself, pinning his glance to one side away from the doors ahead of them. Killua has been pessimistic about it but Gon’s been grateful that he’s stuck around anyways. It’s a little disorienting, traversing the aephemeral plane once Gon’s entered, not many humans travel here and fewer even stay here, it’s easy to lose your life to the natural susceptibilities in human like entities here- many try to trick humans out of their lives or- just from their natural purpose- take humans under their influence. Killua who lives here as some sort of being- Gon hasn’t asked and Killua hasn’t offered- been working as a sort of guide to Gon in the realm. 
Gon smiled good naturedly to Killua and tried to elbow him playfully, and like all the other times, Killua swerved his body in a way to avoid contact with Gon. Killua was completely averse to physical touch to the point Gon was sure it was in some form to protect Gon. But it made Killua so mildly annoyed and it amused Gon how Killua always sensed just when Gon was trying to touch him that Gon kept attempting every so often, acting like it was out of human habit. Plus Killua hasn’t actually snapped at him about it, so Gon doesn’t think he minds, not really.
“Come on, Killua, you’ve got to have a better mindset about this. This has to work” Gon said, pushing past the doors to get inside the bar, and was immediately swathed in heavy heat floating close to the roof of the establishment and the smell of incense and inebriating smoke. Gon’s eyes swept across the people in the bar who stared back at him like he was the main show, a sore thumb stuck out in a place that would be boring otherwise. Gon might actually be a sore thumb, with some of the gear he’s gathered while he’s been here, a dialette engraved dagger at his hilt, a piercing cloak to keep from being hit by projectiles, fanciful fabric designed on the shimmery surface, a binding spell earring that catches and absorbs any spells thrown his way and allows him to release it back out at his will, he was a little more prepared now than he was before he came here.
But he just stood tall and stared back appraisingly for his target. He knows how to exude enough confidence to trick people into thinking he belongs here, down here, and not to be messed with. The entities here enjoyed drinks and smokes that would probably kill humans or lesser beings, or their brain would melt from what the hallucinogens would reveal to them. Their skins varied in as many colors of the rainbows and others Gon has never seen, some entities with too many eyes and others he couldn’t look directly at because his vision distorted and his brain could not comprehend the shape. Gon finally landed on his target, within an enclave in the wall of the establishment, parted light curtains to create a sense of semi privacy and importance, a snakeful lounging person, the tendrils of their tails curling and crossing so it looks like his upperbody is sitting in a writhing nest, and he sipped on a tall oblong glass while a long thin stick lazed between his pinched and painted lips, smoke tendrils lazily floating up past his hanging talismen.
Gon’s eyebrows set in determination and began making his way across to him like he owned the place.
“Oy.” Killua’s voice cut sharply through the bar’s low voices and music, and Gon felt Killua’s intention to stop. Killua didn’t really touch anything so when he needed to catch someone’s attention, Gon’s found Killua can send out intentions that feel as solid as a phantom touch from a hand or an intuition.
They weren’t too far from the man right now, and he appraised them interested but they were too far for him to ascertain if he was their target. They could still leave. Gon turned to Killua, raising an eyebrow.
“Please don’t tell me that’s who we’re here to see.” Killua said, scolding, caution, and weariness swimming in his eyes. Gon could always read Killua so easily, and he was sort of addicted to seeing what new emotions he could drag up into Killua’s face. “It’s a bad idea, Gon. That one is no good. He’s a trickster, a gambler, almost everything he says is a lie and almost never upholds his ends of his deals.” Killua explained in a hushed tone, giving a quick glance around at those around him.
“I’m pretty good at telling when someone is lying.” Gon assured Killua, and reached out his hand to grab Killua’s assuringly. Or he would if Killua didn’t swing his hand the other way and give Gon an irritated unimpressed look while Gon suppressed a smile. Poorly. “Even if he doesn’t give me everything, I know I can get the information I need.” Gon said and turned back to the man. Killua’s wall to keep him in place was no longer there and Gon went on with his plan. Behind him, Gon’s blessed ears heard Killua muttered, “I dont like this…”
Gon approached the snake man, and he could practically feel the other patrons at the bar vibrate with excitement, they had bloodlust and wanted to see violence. It raised Gon’s awareness, acute to any sudden movements, their energy prepping Gon for a fight from the man but he was surprised when the snake made no effort to stop or address Gon as he stepped past the curtain and talisman hanging above the enclave. Killua turned at the entrance of the seating area and leaned against the wall, perched with ease but a dangerous aura surrounding him to keep others from trying anything funny.
“Mmhh, what do I owe the pleasure of such a beautiful human specimen visiting me?” The snake man asked with a husky voice.
“Where can I find death?” Gon asked, no point in dancing around what he needs if this man will just try to talk him into circles. He grinned wider.
“What’s your name?” The snake asked. Gon just shook his head in response and caught Killua’s approving nod from the corner of his eye. The man grinned wider.
“We can exchange, my name is Hisoka.” The snake said and put out a hand to shake, black intricate markings on the back of his hand like beautiful vase work. Killua glanced over his shoulder at Hisoka and then back out over the general audience of the bar which had gotten back into their normal routine. Gon glanced at the hand, he knew no harm could really come to him if it’s from a casted spell or projectile. But he didn’t know what kind of entity was Hisoka, he could die naturally just by Hisoka’s purpose or some other means he can’t account for him.
“You know I am human, so I’ll be cautious of touch.” Gon said to Hisoka. Hisoka’s wired his mouth to one side but still seemed highly in a good mood.
“Alright, I understand, human.” The snake purred with the back of his tongue. “You asked for information. This I do not give out free.” Hisoka said. Gon tensed but nodded. He knows this much at least. But he has to know- Death’s the one that will most likely have Kite. Gon was so stupid, deadset on finding his father, he didn’t realize he could lose someone that was with him through the journey the whole time. Gon had to find him to see Kite one last time and apologize. Make sure Kite knows how much he meant to Gon. Gon grew up a sailor, he knows how to bargain.
“Name your price, we can see if we come to an agreement.” Gon said. Hisoka grinned with a sharp set of teeth but the next time he opened his mouth, they were harmless, human sets.
“I do not need much, I will tell you what I know. All I want is for you to do a favor for me before you leave the bar.” Hisoka said.
“Lies.” Killua whispered but it felt like Gon could hear it sweetly only in his ears.
“Mh, cute friend you have here.” Hisoka grinned towards Killua and Gon bristled.
“I won’t kill anyone. And I do not have enough money to buy something exorbitant.” Gon said. Hisoka grinned and nodded.
“That’s not a problem. I have information you want, but honestly, it’s not exclusive to me. It’d be mean to ask for a large favor in response, I want a favor equal to what you are asking for. No buying, no crazy actions, it’s really just something simple.” Hisoka said.
“Why not clear up what the favor is right now?” Gon asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, that’s information, and part of the exchange is information, isn’t it?” Hisoka grinned and Gon let out a breath before looking Hisoka over. He seems harmless, relaxed enough that he doesn’t even seem poised to attack or fight. Nothing tells Gon he should be worried about a physical resistance. So now it’s just mind games or puzzles he’d have to worry about. And with Killua with him, he has nothing to worry about. Gon gave a curt nod once to agree to Hisoka’s terms.
The snake coils tightened and writhed excitedly as Hisoka leaned forward, pulling the smoke of whatever it was from his lips and placing the flute of drink down, but his face didn’t betray any excitement. With a last exhale of smoke from his lips, Hisoka met Gon’s face properly.
“You’re looking for death, but to find him, you should understand his position in this realm. You’ve heard of the four horsemen of the apocalypse: war, famine, conquest, and of course death. They are family, and work in both tandem and against each other. They should never strike together, lest the apocalypse begins, but they all have work and purpose in the human realm.” Hisoka said and Gon nodded, listening intently. “Well, they have their locations here in the aephermeral realm, an ashen landscape with towers for each to commune and also stay apart from each other.” Hisoka said. “The badlands.”
Gon stiffened, immediately latching onto that piece of information. The badlands- ashen, towers- he can find it. Then he can find death and then he can find Kite and apologize to him. Hisoka’s tongue flickered out while his eyes widened with pleasant surprise.
“Ah, the way your eyes light up is beautiful… such determination! You must be really determined to chase your kill… But it’s not that easy, Gon. There’s been… a recent development.” Hisoka grinned and Gon narrowed his eyes in suspicion, a slight uneasy feeling in his stomach. He let out a small breath to get his confidence back and listen with baseless assurance.
“Recently the horsemen death has run from his position in a powergrab dash, took conquest and ran off with their handler- diablo.” Hisoka grinned, having too much fun weaving this tale. Gon’s spine tingled with unease.
“The devil?” Gon asked, a bit breathless. He knew that there were a lot of entities that influenced the human realm here- greed, cowardice, the tingly feeling you get when that one mirror is uncovered in the attic- but he didn’t think anything as big as a god like the devil was down here.
“He drives the four horsemen forward, they bend to his will. Once his master plan is ready, thats when he’ll direct them to attack all at once to bring the apocalypse. But now he has left with the horsemen- the rumors around the place is either death stole the devil away with unknown magicks to control the handler and come into power through puppetry rule, or the devil convinced death and conquest to run with him.” Hisoka explained. “No one really knows what happened, except maybe the other horsemen and riders. And no one can really confirm- you see, if you enter the badlands unprepared, you can lose all your memories, your soul, even your life. So the number of people who have seen who the horsemen are or what they look are slim and far inbetween, except for a few exceptions- close confidants, allies, riders and inhabitants of the badlands- the harbingers. So that might be your best bet to find where death is. Start with his domain.” Hisoka said, emphasizing the unsurity of this whole quest. But Gon already knew that this is all based on blindly groping around untrodden territory! It won’t be the reason he slows down now. Gon frowned as his mind whirled with the information, trying to develop next solid steps based on maybes and guesses.
“What about the kills? Can I find the spirits death takes in his domain?” Gon asked. Maybe if he didn’t know where death was but found where he kept the souls, he can sneak in and out after finding Kite. It was only a slight backstep that Death has run from his post.
“Sorry, death takes the souls, but doens’t tend to them, that is for the death’s angel, hades, to manage. You won’t find the souls in death’s domain.” Hisoka said. Gon huffed, but he needed either hades or death to direct him. Well, either way it sounds like his next steps are to go to the badlands and find out where death went or where hades keep the souls. He’s getting closer tho.
“Thank you for the information.” Gon said, his voice serious as he continued to keep his full attention onto Hisoka. “I want to get started right away, so… your favor, that I need to do before I leave here, what is it?”
There was a noticeable shift in the air as Hisoka narrowed his eyes. It seeped from Hisoka and spread until it affected the whole bar. It made Gon’s hair stand on end and Killua sat stragihter up from the wall alert.
“My favor… Gon…” Hisoka said and Gon shuddered, cold chill running through him- he never told this demon his name. “If you can go ahead and die for me.” Hisoka grinned and the bar sprang into action. 
Gon let out a choking gasp, turning to see every entity in the bar unload their ethereal weapons, melee and long range, soul and physical. Gon turned back to Hisoka, livid. He smashed his fists into the back plush of the seat Hisoka was just sitting in, having made his getaway in the split second Gon turned his attention away.
“Gon!” Killua’s voice cracked through the static ringing in Gon’s ears. Gon’s eyes snapped back to the enclave entrance where Killua was attempting to block the way inside. But he had no weapons and his thin and wiry frame lended to no intimidation to these people. Gon’s adrenaline was running and he needed to focus now to protect his partner, give that rage outlet somewhere to go.
Gon pushed forward past the curtains billowing behind him, and pulled out his dialette dagger, coming just in time as Killua flinched out the way of a sword’s downward swing. He caught the edge with his re-inforced dagger and pushed them back with a spray of stardust. He turned and jabbed his dagger into another one nearby and kicked back with his foot to keep another one from advancing on them.
Gon caught Killua’s expression as he turned to attack another bar patreon, genuine fear swimming in those beautiful pools of blue, and Gon let out another angry growl. He knew coming to the aephemeral plane, his life would be at risk, but it was worth it for Kite. He could throw it all away knowing what he was gambling with. But Killua who has been a constant companion for weeks now, soft and gentle, witty and funny, he’s here out of the goodness of his heart, or whatever equivalent, and the fact that Hisoka would threaten his life while Gon was around, it made him even angrier.
“Gon, to your left!” Killua called out, pressing himself closer to the wall. Shit, Gon learned how to fight well during his times in the aephemeral realm, and he knows how to bar brawl but this was becoming overwhelming. It was one thing to fight whatever his fists made contact with while everyone else was against everyone else too, but all eyes were on him and they were starting to swarm. 
Gon slashed another person down and jolted as a soul piercing arrow hit his cloak, but not him- still safe. He growled and released the spells from his binding earrings, a shot of fire into the entitiy and knocked them off their feet. Another took their place and Gon stabbed forward, but they clenched their muscles as they fell back and the dagger flew from Gon’s grasp, lodged in their body. Gon let out a surprised cry and he vaguely heard Killua cry his name but Gon’s static in his ears were much too loud as he saw the large bull man bring a heavy two handed axe down over his head. He had alot of magick protection but nothing for blunt damage.
The next thing Gon saw was a pale hand griping the bull man’s wrist. It was petite and didn’t even wrap fully around the bulky wrist, it seemed almost staged how this grip stopped the full moment swing. But the bull man let out a horrified cry as the skin in contact with this hand began to gray and wring out. The eyes glazed over, losing its color to a misty gray and the bull fell over, half his arm looking like something from a crypt. This happened in a few seconds and it stopped everyone in their tracks for a moment. Gon blinked, what just happened?
Then Killua was moving in front of him, a dark glower on his face and his eyes so dark blue they were almost black as they were shadowed by his bangs. Gon shivered, he looked terrifying, his aura immense like Gon’s never felt since being here- since being next to Killua. The crowd recovered and attempted to push past Killua to get to Gon and that proved multiple people’s fatal mistake. With a flash of blue fire, a white hot steel scythe materialized and with an effortless swing, braced around Killua’s hips, three of the closest people fell to their death, their eyes various shades of white and grays.
Gon stumbled back, adrenaline crashing down and leaving him breathless, watching Killua keep the crowd off them.
“I was serious when I set to help you.” Hisoka’s voice sounded in Gon’s ear and he startled, turning his head. He registered Hisoka floating besides him- no, the end of his seemingly never ending snake tail was wrapped up in the rafter’s of the bar’s roof, suspending him at Gon’s level. Then Hisoka was smacking a piece of paper to Gon’s face but he could see through it like it was sheer fabric.
“What are you-”
“The favor you gave me is the most fun I could have asked for- this talisman of true seeing will help you on your true next step of the journey.” Hisoka said and physically turned Gon’s head to look back at Killua. It was a little disorienting, it was like seeing two different pictures overlapping with each other in each of his eyes but then the magicks kicked in and Gon could see Killua’s form bleeding through what Gon knew Killua to look like this whole time. Half a face of skull, blue flames dancing around him, a billowing cloak made of the galaxy expanse and the black and blue and silver and white sythe, the image flicking as he gave another smooth upward slash and claiming four more souls in the motion. Gon’s been traveling with who he has been chasing this whole time.
Killua was the pale horseman, Death.
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asasiluminadas · 1 year
“chaeah, uma motorista de táxi, uma vez viu seu conhecido da igreja park yoonsoo andando pelas ruas da cidade com uma mulher, mas ela não tinha ideia de que isso levaria ao enterro de evidências de assassinato, perseguição e uma mudança total em seu estilo de vida diário.”
não terminado // capítulo 145
muito sem graça pra romance de vampiro, mas a estética é bonita. os personagens também. pulei alguns capítulos porque achei desinteressante. enfim, poderia ser pior, mas poderia ser melhor também. falam que o desenvolvimento começa pelo capítulo 80, mas se aquilo for desenvolvimento eu prefiro me m-
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sl-lens-launch · 2 years
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foxalone · 4 months
Cw: Suggestive 👀
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Allí love Yosa in secret...anyway sinful dreams xd and well...For Nor it's more like a memory jsjs
Underblood belongs to me
Undertale by Toby Fox
Allí belongs to: @technicolor-chocolate
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genderstarbucks · 7 months
Trendervember Day 8: Neopronouns!!
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keladeinos · 1 month
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🏹 thalia grace⚡ all images from pinterest
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wangmiao · 9 months
Could you please elaborate on the "Huang Xiaoming and Yin Zheng kissed" thing you mentioned on that Chinese Restaurant vs. Winter Begonia post? 👀👀👀
hello friend! first of all, anon was refering to this post, and "hxm kissed yz" was a trending topic on weibo referring to how they accidentally bumped their faces together when playing the balloon popping game in go fighting!
you know for a while i didn't want to post about this because i fear that people might misinterpret the situation and say things that's disrespectful to them. but after i read some comments from winter begonia fans, i realized that neither hxm or yz cared. they really have nothing to hide, and they don't give a shit about what people (both the fans and haters) might think of them because they played a censored mlm couple in winter begonia.
so yep here's the "kissing" gifs from the trending weibo topic (not my gifs of course, and you gotta click on the 2nd gif to see the full gif because it's taller than the 1st gif), and the top post in the trending topic got 45k notes.
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but yep of course the show didn't include this scene in the final cut, and it seems a lot of the balloon popping scenes between them were deleted. but we are still left with a lot of other scenes of them tangled together lol:
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regardless why higher ups never mind winter begonia being dangai much, i'm just proud that they never try to hide their closeness even though they know what kind of shit people would say.
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
When you like the idea of being called a he but also don't because it don't sound good in ur head so u switch to hx/hxm
just has a better ring to it!
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twila-star · 5 months
Your roommate didn’t let you know they were having an overnight guest and you wake up to a stranger in your house, but they’re kinda attractive?
Gon rubbed his face sleepily, a big yawn coming out of his mouth. He usually wakes earlier than this but that assignment from his professor had to get done by this morning. Hopefully his roommate Zushi got up by now and made something to wake him up. Hmm, based off that wonderful aroma, Zushi probably did.
Gon rounded the corner, a greeting on his lips as he heard rummaging in his kitchen. But he was met with opposite of his roommate, tall, stark white hair and fair skin, opening a cabinet.
We’re getting robbed. Was Gon’s first thought.
“Ahh!” Gon cried out startling the stranger from his musings. Gon reached for the closest blunt object, a shoe shaped key holder Gon thought was so cute when him and Zushi shopped together to fill their apartment, and threw it at the guy.
Shocking Gon, he simply caught it like Gon was throwing him a soft ball, and shocking Gon even further, he looked amused at Gon’s outcry. He looked the shoe over while Gon took a moment to collect himself, effectively stumped from the crazy reaction.
“Pretty tacky, but cute.” The man said in a low baritone and Gon cursed his head cause this was not the time to find the thief attractive. “Breakfast?” The man offered next, putting the shoe down and picking up the full pan up in a gliding motion, and Gon started to wonder how a demi god was sent into their apartment.
“What…?” Gon asked.
“Oh, Zushi didn’t tell you? I’m Killua, we went on a date last night and he asked me to stay over the night. I thought it was only fair to make breakfast.” Killua said. Gon closed his eyes, so embarrassed that he attacked an innocent stranger who was invited into their house like a psycho, and then only felt upset at Zushi for not telling him ahead of time to expect company.
“S- I’m so sorry about that- the… shoe!” Gon said, rounding the corner to try and see if Killua was hurt anywhere. Gon was a little confused why his cheeks colored a bit and he leaned back against te counter in an effort to look relaxed, but then remembered he only came out in low hanging sweatpants and Killua… was only wearing a big shirt of Zushi’s. Gon flushed too and tried to use Killua’s tactic of fake ease to step back.
“I’m not hurt…” Killua offered in lieu of Gon’s physical inspection. “Um, but it’s nice to meet you, Zushi spoke alot about you.” Killua said, and turned to get the eggs out the pan next to crispy bacon he probably cooked first and a pot of coffee.
“Ah… No problem… but I wished I could say the same. Zushi didn’t say you were coming or even a word about a date?” Gon said, carefully looking Killua’s profile over now his attention was elsewhere. Now that he knows he isn’t a robber, Gon can rightfully think he’s attractive.
“Ah, it was sorta sudden, the date. Things sorta moved fast from when we met.” Killua said. Gon groaned, looking to one side.
“Ah, I could kill him for not giving me an heads up, I’m really sorry for throwing that at you.” Gon said, feeling like he didn’t do enough to make up for that blunder.
“I feel a little wronged too. I went out with him when I could have had a date with you. But I met you now, so that’s something.” Killua gave a grin to Gon, obviously looking him over before place a  prepared plate down by Gon’s side, hand nearly brushing Gon’s hip as he pulled back with a look in his eyes.
“Oh…” Gon breathed out, effectively stunned. This guy was amazing. “Then allow me to make it up to you and take you out?” Gon grinned feeling emboldened. Killua’s answering coy smile sent Gon’s heart racing.
That’s how Zushi came out sleepily from his room to find his roommate and his last night date sitting close together talking and laughing over coffee like Killua had stayed the night with Gon, not Zushi. They both gave him glares and he was lke, ah, I messed up.
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pawette · 1 year
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hx / hxm
❝ hx/hxm pronouns pride flag. ❞ — ♡
credit : @pawette !
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angeiiz · 1 year
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♡︎ - hx/hxm/hxmself
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♡︎ - shx/hxr/hxrself
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♡︎ - thxy/thxm/thxmself
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lemonofthevalley · 11 months
t4t disabled4disabled oakworthy !!!
hermie loans normal a jacket when norm's binder causes his ribs to move too much so he wont be dysphoric + in pain as much
normal helps hermie rub pain cream onto hxs burns when hxs hand gets too cramped to do it hxmself
hermie's vision in the eye that got burnt is not very good anymore (it wasnt already in the first place) so normal made a makeshift eyepatch [obv teen high themed] for hxr when it gets to be too much
they each keep their own and the other's pain meds on themselves just in case the other runs out in an emergency
feel free to add on if you want !! i love disabled headcanons sm
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genderstarbucks · 7 months
Trendervember Day 11: Pronoun Hoarder!!
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Posting this later than I wanted to cuz I was feeling low on spoons today but at least I finished it before midnight
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the05council · 1 month
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j0ht0-gh0sthunt3r · 3 months
Wherever your milotic is I'm sure she wants you to be happy
dont say that, u sound like my ex ;-;
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rq-sourcecalls · 6 months
I'd like to call for sourcemates! VVaaahh
My name in canon is Cesar Torres and I am from an analog horror (The Mandela Catalogue)!
I'm looking for basically anyone from TMC but mainly Gabriel and Mark if anything! I'm comfortable interacting vvith any age so age range doesn't really matter I don't really feel discomfort based on age things I'm 18 and fine interacting vvith anyone above or belovv For Gabriel though I vvould more likely be looking for something romantic as vvithin my main timelines memories that is vvhat our relationship vvas and for most others! I'm comfortable vvith people looking to have specific relationships vvith me Best to contact me here on my blog (irlcesar) since Id rather not give out other socials unless I start to trust people I vvouldn't exactly call myself canon-compliant and I am (Alt!)Cesar technically but I'm also still the Cesar before being an alternate I'm comfortable interacting vvith canon-divergent and canon-compliant! I'm comfortable vvith KFF and I love doubles so doubles vvould not be a problem at all for me! Only boundary I have is to respect I don't like the ship of Gabriel/Intruder being mentioned to me if possible i knovv its a big one in fandom >>'' vvaahhg sorry if my typing quirk makes this harder to read somehovv
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