*Mainly use meaning your favorite set, the one people call you most, or your only set if you just use one.
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genderstarbucks · 7 months
Trendervember Day 8: Neopronouns!!
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local-hyena-reblogs · 2 years
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literally just learned this. Wich is cool, cuz I never exactly knew what was Beelzebub's pronouns and used they/them. Now I can use the ☆correct pronouns☆
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evion-sage · 3 months
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been a long time since I’ve posted my face (they/ze)
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pronoun-checks · 8 months
Could you do Ash with Ze/zem/zir/zirs/zemself (plural)?
Sure thing!
Wait a second, is that Ash over there? I think I see Ash! Do you see zem? Ze’re the one sitting by zemself with zir headphones on. I wonder what ze’re listening to? You’ve met Ash before, right? No? Well, you’ll have to meet zem sometime; I think you’d get along nicely with zem. I’ve only spoken with zem once or twice, but ze seem pretty neat. Oh, you don’t see zem? Ze’re the one sitting in the brown chair over there. Yup, that’s Ash! I’m not sure if the bag under zir table is zirs or not; it could belong to the table next to zem. Oh, I sure hope that isn’t zir bag because ze’re walking away without it! We should go let Ash know there’s a bag under the table ze were at, in case it is zirs. Looks like you’ll be able to meet Ash now! Hey! Ash!
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nah-binary · 1 year
still haven’t slept and it’s 8am…. Withdrawals plus insomnia sucks looool anyways i’m having a really hard time being alive right now if anyone wants to 🐝 kind enough and buy me breakfast?? 🥺
$blahsumsage on cash app
@blahsum on venmo
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sth-lgbtq · 2 years
shadow android is genderqueer and uses ze/zem/zir..! (i found a flag here; https://pronoun.fandom.com/wiki/Ze/Zem )
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(btw, I love your art of zem!)
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custom-pronoun-pins · 2 years
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[ID: Ten circular drawings of a black cat in front of a circular rainbow, against a transparent background. The cat has yellow eyes, a pink nose, and pink inside its ears, but is otherwise solid black.
Yellow font on its chest reads, "my pronouns are", followed by a set of pronouns.
The pronouns are, in order:
xey/xem, xe/xim,
xe/xir, xe/xym
xy/xym, ze/zem,
ze/zir, zey/zem,
zy/zem, and zy/zev
End ID.]
Feel free to save them to your computer/device to use for icons, headers, moodboards, edits, ect. You can even add your own pronouns to these!
If you’re able to print out and make your own buttons, feel free to do so, as long as you aren’t selling them to make money!
Requests are always open!
Designs are no longer available on Redbubble as of April 2023, as they’ve started actively stealing money from artists. Sorry for the inconvenience. You are, as always, encouraged to save these designs to use as icons or in other art, and you are encouraged to print them out and make your own shirts or buttons if you’re able to.
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Neopronouns in Action #019: Preparations for Change
Neopronouns: ze/zem/zel/zemself, which follow the same rules as he/him/his/himself
Replace he with ze
Replace him with zem
Replace his with zel
Replace himself with zemself
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting him use, since he lost his.”
"Ze is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as ze gets a fence set up around zel yard so the puppy can go outside without zem having to walk it. Zel uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting zem use, since ze lost zel.”
This is also a free writing prompt!
= = =
Ze sat on the bench, zel case of markers open next to zem, writing quickly on a blank page of zel sketchbook that ze'd ripped out. The sunlight was warm through the branches of the tulip tree overhead, and the shouts and screams of the little kids playing on the jungle gym twenty feet away were very amusing. Zel younger siblings were chasing around their friends and the other random kids they'd roped into the game, playing some combination of tag and the floor is lava that involved both a zombie apocalypse, and a planet-wide flood.
The adults (zel mom, dad, aunts, and uncle) had gone over to the nearby hotdog stand to grab food and drinks, but now they were busy catching up with Len, the stand owner, and his son, Lee, chatting about all the things that had happened since the last time they'd been able to come to the playground.
If ze was estimating correctly, ze'd probably have at least ten more minutes before the adults actually came back over with lunch. They were all super talkative, and so was Len, and when you combined that with all the things they had to talk about, all the things that had happened since the last time they'd gotten to talk to Len and Lee, that made for a lot of conversation.
Ze would have time to complete what ze was writing before it was time to move over to the picnic tables to eat, ze was sure of it. Which was good, because if ze got interrupted, ze would probably feel too nervous to finish it.
Ze was writing down a guide for zel family members for how to use zel pronouns. Ze had changed them online a few months ago, but now, for the first time, ze was going to tell zel family.
All of the adults in zel family were very supportive of zel younger siblings, who were both trans, and zel cousin, but they were all binary trans. Zel younger siblings had literally just switched pronouns and names. (At first, their parents had assumed it was a practical joke or a game that was just going on for a long time, before they realized they were serious about it) It didn't require their parents to learn anything new, just change who they were adressing with what. Wren had become Sparrow, and Sparrow had become Wren. They were both still the same size, so they didn't even need new clothes, they just traded those too. And zel cousin, Oriole, had just changed her pronouns to she/her, and kept her name the same.
What ze was going to ask everyone to do was something entirely different. Ze wasn't just going to be using she/her or he/him pronouns, or even they/them. Ze would be asking zel parents to use neopronouns for zem, and was changing to an entirely new name, and ze didn't know how they were going to react to that request.
But ze was going to err on the side of hope, and hope that they'd be just as accepting of zem as they were zel other trans family members, even if it did require them to relearn some grammar.
Hopefully, it would be easy enough for them to learn how to use zel new pronouns, and hopefully, they would respect, even if they couldn't understand, zel nonbinary identity. Ze wouldn't know how they would react until ze told them, but ze was going to hope for the best.
And in the meantime, ze had example sentences and cheatsheets to write down for them.
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thecorporatemind · 2 months
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(uses ze/zem pronouns)
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theskysthelimitt · 5 months
Being a alter isnt always bad. As long as you keep positive and know the skys the limit in this body then you will do great. Keep calm and keep cool. Dont let any defy who you are! Your headmates could be great friends with you if you let them too! I wouldnt have it any other way. Im jai, a asexual neopronoun user that uses only Ze/Zem, dont let anyone change you !
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genderstarbucks · 7 months
Trendervember Day 11: Pronoun Hoarder!!
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Posting this later than I wanted to cuz I was feeling low on spoons today but at least I finished it before midnight
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Hello! I would like to ask for a pronoun check if it's alright? I use they/he/it/ze(ze/zem and ze/zir idc) and I really like tmnt, transformers and the mandalorian! I also really love hugs and giving headbuts! And my metallic orange tangle!!!
This is my friend! They are one of the coolest people I’ve ever known, he's done so much for me, and they’re someone you can always count on! I know that you and it will be awesome friends, ze's just so, so, so cool!!
Yesterday it showed me zir orange tangle, and it was awesome! It was nice to see hir so excited about something they loved. He also talked to me about the mandalorian, and ze told me all about hir favorite characters. I haven't seen it, but since they like it, I might have to watch it!
I hope he is having an awesome day!
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evion-sage · 2 years
my new username is so fitting because i’m literally a maggot having another manic episode right now lmaooo
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pronoun-checks · 8 months
ello! may i have a pronoun check
names myc,
pronouns they/he/it/rose/zyr
(rose/roses/roseself) (ze/zem/zyrself)
the name myc is short for mycology, cant decide between pronouncing it 'mick' or 'mike' leaning towards the first one. i'm planning to dye my hair brown and blond, like blond bits in the front maybe? i have noisecancelling headphones, undiagnosed autism, but i'm gonna go to therapy soon ✨fuck yeah✨. I also got a pin with a trans flag that says 'he/him' :3
Sure thing!
Wait a second, is that Myc? I think I see Myc over there! Do you see them? They’re the one sitting by themself with their headphones on. I wonder if they’re listening to anything, or if they’re just noise-cancelling. You’ve met Myc before, right? No? You’ll have to meet him sometime; I think you’d get along nicely with him. I’ve only spoken with him once or twice, but he seems pretty neat! He said that he’s planning to dye his hair brown with some blond bits in it soon, so maybe you can see its hair when it’s done! It said that it’s autistic and it’s starting therapy soon. I’ll have to wish it luck sometime. Oh, you don’t see rose? Myc is the one sitting in the brown chair. I think that bag under roses chair is roses, but I’m not sure. Yeah, I think that’s roses bag because it has a trans pin that says “he/him” on it. Ze was telling me the other day that ze had just bought that pin for zyrself. Wait, Myc is leaving without zyr bag! Quick, we’ve gotta let zem know that ze left zyr bag under zyr table. Hey, Myc!
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nah-binary · 3 months
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it’s been a while since I’ve done a face reveal✨ (they/ze)
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