#hyper danganronpa h20
toaster-hair · 2 years
i have sooo much one sided drama its so fun. i love being delusional 
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chishnfips87 · 1 year
Had this weird Fanganronpa x Batman film parallel thought (this is all just headcanon)
I wish I could draw, so I could visualize this better.
Batman (1989): Danganronpa Another (first one to kinda make an impact)
Batman Returns: Super Danganronpa Another 2 (Direct followup to the first, more distinct in style and tone, darker overall)
Mask of the Phantasm: Danganronpa Lapse (Shorter, but has a good, consistent story)
Batman Forever: Danganronpa Blowback (Not the greatest, technically incomplete (ReleaseTheSchumacherCut), but has a lot going for it)
Batman & Robin: Hyper Danganronpa H20 (Bruh)
Dark Knight Trilogy: Danganronpa: Despair Time (Such a great use of characters and story, really emotional and serious, even with its comedic moments)
Batman v. Superman: Danganronpa ReBirth (Looks great and has a lot going for it, but again feels incomplete)
The Batman: Project Eden's Garden (Just the very beginning of an amazing saga)
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Ranking the Danganronpa Executions.
//So this is a little different to the rankings that I typically do, but today, I’m actually gonna be ranking down my thoughts on the executions across the Danganronpa series, down to how good I think they are, for animation and symbolism. On a scale from Extremally Bleh to Raw As Fuck.
//I’ve been wanting to do this, but the initial plan was to break down each of the class trials, and I decided not to do that in the end, because it’s been a while since I’ve seen the class trials from the Another games, and I don’t feel like going back through them again just for a regular list. I may do it later though.
//There are a few things to note about this ranking.
I will be covering the executions from the main series, as well as the executions from Danganronpa Another, Another 2, and the two from Blowback before it got cancelled.
This list will not include the Warrior’s Of Hope’s “death” scenes.
It WILL include Chiaki’s death from Danganronpa 3.
There are no proper executions from RebirthVoices, and only one animated execution from the original Rebirth. I will not be including it, so Rebirth as a whole is not on this list.
Hifumi’s execution from the demo is not included. It sucks anyway, so no major loss.
Hyper H20 will not be included at all on this list either, since the executions in that are just drawings. Not that there’s anything wrong with them, but it’s also the case that Hyper H2O is still new to the blog, and as a result, I don’t feel obligated to make it a full part of Survivor’s canon just yet.
It goes without saying that everything on this list is my own personal opinion. You may find that you agree with me in a lot of places, and disagree in some others. Know that you are free to do either/or, and you’re also free to discuss your own opinions in the messages, provided you are nice about it.
//That should be all for now, so without further ado...IT’S PUNISHMENT TIME!
Number #33: AFTER SCHOOL LESSON [Makoto Naegi/Kyoko Kirigiri]
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//Initially I was going to count both Makoto and Kyoko’s versions of this execution as different executions, but in the end I decided that other than the fact that Alter Ego interrupts Makoto’s, they are literally the same cutscene with a different character.
//And they’re both equally as boring as each other. Narratively, I don’t think it makes TOO little sense, since this seems like an execution that Monokuma coupled together at the last second, because as we know, the purpose of this trial was to frame someone for something they didn’t do, be it Makoto or Kyoko depending on what ending you choose.
//But other than that, I literally have nothing to say about this one. Honestly, given it’s place in canon, it’s lucky it even makes the list. If I’m being honest, it's actually not as terrible as the next spot, but "exciting" and tense is not the word I'd use for it, in spite of how that's meant to be the entire point of the execution.
Number #32: FORCED SHUTDOWN [Alter Ego Junko]
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//Similarly, this one gets low because it barely counts as an execution. A strong way to land the final nail in the coffin for Junko in DR2, but execution? That’s a strong term for it.
//That being said, I actually like this one on it’s own. It's far from being a really good "execution”, and it also doesn't have the same eerie animation style the other executions do, but the one thing it has compared to Junko’s death in DR1 is originality, as opposed to haggling together every execution so far into one. I also just loved to see Monomi/Usami again one more time, because I was honestly beginning to miss her.
Number #31: BYE BYE OUCHIES [Mikan Tsumiki]
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//Mikan, I love you so dearly, but I have always hated what Chunsoft and DR’s writers do to you, because you’re a precious wounded soul and you don’t deserve any of the shit. And this execution is just the final nail in the coffin of just how poorly the writers treated your character.
//Level with me hear reader, does ANYONE like this execution!? Just watching this makes me uncomfortable and I have never once found anyone online saying Mikan's execution is good. Maybe I don’t hate it as much as I used to, but just...what the fuck were they thinking with this? 
//Sure, injecting some kind of fluid into a giant arm DOES relate to her talent, with injections and flu shots of course, but there's so much else that could have been done with this one in particular, which is mainly why I'd want a whole rewrite if these games ever got remade. 
//Besides, have you ever noticed that Mikan is the only character in the series who we never actually SEE die from the execution? (Not including the Warriors of Hope) She just goes into the atmosphere and vanishes and we just never see her again. LAME...
//This sucky execution was ultimately just the cherry on top of a VERY sucky case.
Number #30: ULTIMATE ANNIHILATION [Shuichi Saihara/Tsumugi Shirogane/Himiko Yumeno/Maki Harukawa/K1-B0]
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//Again, this one BARELY counts as an execution. The only reason it gets higher than Makoto/Kyoko’s and AI Junko’s is because it’s very cinematic compared to those two, but even so.
//I’ll admit that V3′s ending is really...wacky, and that’s putting it kindly. This execution didn’t really give me the sense of satisfaction I hoped it would, and let’s not forget that it actually kinda fails?
//The point of what’s going on here was to destroy the Ultimate Academy, end Danganronpa and kill the 5 remaining students, including the Mastermind, but the only two characters who actually DIE here are Tsumugi and Keebo. Shuichi, Maki and Himiko live, and I’m thinking “What the hell was the point even!?”
//But it still ends up a better cutscene and execution than Mikan’s, just barely. I'll admit, seeing Tsumugi die while waving in the same way Junko does during her execution, makes her death...sympathetic I guess? This could just be me, but I think even SHE realized that maybe this corrupt series couldn't go on forever, since she looks a little sad before she and Monokuma are inevitably crushed by a boulder.
//Also, the highlight of this execution is the final character who dies. Keebo. In order to hit the final nail in the coffin, quite literally, and to destroy the Ultimate Academy for good, Keebo blows himself up and takes everything down with him. I gotta say, that part made me really sad, because I really grew to like Keebo in spite of how basic a character he was throughout the whole game. But it was still pretty awesome.
LOW TIER: Nothing Great...But a little better...
Number #29: WILD WEST INSECTICIDE [Gonta Gokuhara]
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//Case 4 of Danganronpa V3 might be my overall favourite case of that game, but Gonta’s execution BARELY BARELY escapes from being put in the crap tier. If the trial had sucked overall, like Mikan’s, this one would be so much lower.
//The one thing about this execution I like is the music. I think the cowboy vocals in the background are fire. But Gonta is a good character, and this execution was NOT the comeuppance he deserved. Tragic? Yes. Makes sense to his talent? Absolutely! So what’s the problem?
//The problem is that in this situation, Monophanie and Monotaro prove more than ever that the Monokubs are quite possibly the worst thing that ever happened to Danganronpa as a series. 
//Gonta is the one being executed tragically here, but for some reason, he’s HARDLY EVER ON SCREEN! The majority of this execution is focused on Monotaro and Monophanie having their dumb incest bug child! 
//Now, the Monokubs dying in these executions isn't new, and this is the last time it actually happens, since Monophanie and Monotaro are both killed by this execution, but this execution is the worst offender of that. When Monokid and Monosuke died during Kaede and Kirumi's executions, I didn't care much, because they were brief. For Monodam, I was ok with it, because it was a legitimately surprising death, and even though a lot of the shots were focused on him instead of Kiyo, the context of that execution meant I didn't mind it so much.
//But sorry V3, I've had enough of incest by now, so maybe DON’T force me to watch an execution where THAT'S the central point and NOT the character who's being executed?
Number #28: CULTURAL MELTING POT [Korekiyo Shinguji]
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//I have no sympathy for Kiyo as a character. He was so great, and then Case 3 of V3 just...fucked him...
//Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with this execution, I just don’t think it was NEARLY as satisfying. After what he did, I want him to suffer MORE, which is saying something because honestly, this execution is pretty savage.
//It makes sense and relates to his talent, sure, but it's still an incredibly dissatisfying ending for a VERY dissatisfying trial. Plus, it upsets me every time I see Monodam, my favourite Monokub, commit suicide like that randomly due to his siblings oppression of him.
//And that’s not even mentioning the fact that Kiyo's own sister, who he committed this murder for in the first place, is ultimately the one who ends him, just makes his motive and this whole case...pointless!
//I don’t exactly know where you are in V3′s universe right now Kiyo, but wherever you are, I sincerely hope that you’re surviving off your own bloody tears.
Number #27: THE CAGE OF DEATH [Mondo Owada]
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//This one’s just really fucking weird.
//For the most part it makes total sense, and when you do a bit of research, you see it’s actually referencing some kind of old legend...Which is really cool!
//But...why exactly?
//I don’t think this execution is bad per se, and Game 1 Case 2 is easily one of my favourite cases in the series, in large part thanks to Mondo as a character, but it just confuses me. You mean to tell me that the high speed of the motorcycle in the cage, combined with the electric shock, caused Mondo's body to liquefy into...butter...? And then Monokuma eats him with pancakes?
//Granted, there are a couple of things that make this execution good. Mondo’s expressions throughout, the fact that liquification is an original idea that hasn’t been done to anyone else yet...But other than the next spot, it’s the only execution in DR1 that made me think “Well, this is weird.”
Number #26: THE ULTIMATE PUNISHMENT [Junko Enoshima]
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//It’s the ULTIMATE Punishment! The final and glorious death for the evil Junko Enoshima, the Mastermind behind the killing game and the most despicable human being that’s ever lived!
//Ok, so this is a better final cutscene and execution than 2 and V3, because it’s an ACTUAL execution. And honestly, I don’t know what I would have done differently, because of all directions they could have gone in for Junko’s death, this made the most sense. I mean, the one who was behind the executions is being murdered by all the executions. 
//However, that really removes any sort of...uniqueness from this scheme. I mean, I don't know WHAT kind of execution Junko would have other than this one, since her talent is really vague at this point, but I do kind of wish things ended a little differently.
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//Our first (and worst) fangan execution. This isn’t cool, it’s just complete chaos.
//And by the way, I don’t know this executions name, because I cannot read Korean. If anyone does know how, please dm me the actual translation so I can edit this later (provided Tumblr will let me)
//Honestly, I look at this execution as maybe like...an unused execution for Kaede, but when it’s Seina, it doesn’t actually make an awful lot of sense. Seina is crushed to death after falling rapidly through several wooden stages, due to Monokuma violently playing Piano.
//Seina’s not a pianist! She’s a violinist, so the piano should serve NO PURPOSE! Not be the thing that actually KILLS HER. You cannot claim that an Ultimate Violinist’s execution is such just because there’s another Monokuma on the stage playing a violin, who by the way, doesn’t do ANYTHING by the way.
//Someone online said that the way the execution SHOULD have gone is “she starts playing a traditional song with her violin but a Monokuma gets bored and throws a rose with very sharp thorns at her, in turn she starts playing faster but more and more roses are thrown and she goes faster and faster until all the strings on her bow snaps and she collapses, dead  in a bloody pink mess of roses with sharp thorns” That would’ve been awesome.
MID TIER: Maliciously...Mediocre.
Number #24: BLAST OFF! [Jin Kirigiri]
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//The appeal of this execution comes from how it serves narratively. This punishment works better for Kaito later down the line for a few reasons, but we’ll get there when we get there.
//No joke, this is the legit FIRST THING you bare witness to when you start playing Danganronpa 1, and the purpose is to give you a taste of what it is you’re in for. And I think it does so pretty successfully.
//Jin’s animations in this scene are horrific, and even though Danganronpa isn’t technically a horror, this one scene right at the start gives you that impression. Admittedly, it does fall apart at the end a little because of the cartoon skeleton that falls out of the machine though, but overall, this one’s pretty successful at doing it’s job in the narrative.
Number #23: EXCAVATOR DESTROYER [Alter Ego Chihiro]
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//The thing this execution does best above everything else is it shows Monokuma’s sadism extremely well. It makes it clear, narratively, that Monokuma knew about Alter Ego, and went out of his way to make this execution for the AI. Which he was inevitably going to use regardless of whether Alter Ego served as a sacrifice in place of Sakura.
//In terms of the canon executions, this one is the exact centerpoint, toppling between it being pretty good, and pretty bad. There’s just not much to say about it.
//All it is is a computer getting the shit beat out of it. There’s not much more than that.
Number #22: RUNAWAY TRAIN GHOST RIDER [Mikako Kurokawa]
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//Honest to god, the fact that Mikako’s execution is my least favourite from the Danganronpa Another series by LINUJ is honestly the best compliment I can give to those fangames. While I’ve never been a big fan of the class trials and the mysteries, I think someone really needs to check if the creator is ok, because of a lot of these executions are INSANELY brutal.
//The reason why this one is the worst is for two main reasons. For one thing, Mikako is actually ALREADY DEAD by the time this sequence happens, having committed suicide just moments prior. And despite the fact that Another 1 tries to play into the original DR’s canon, this doesn’t make an awful lot of sense, because by that logic, Monokuma would have tried to execute Sakura too, despite being dead.
//It is pretty sadistic and funny thought that Monokuma does try to execute her corpse.
//The OTHER reason of course, is that this execution actually FAILS. Not in the same manner that Kaito’s does in V3, where he dies before his execution finishes, but it straight up just...stops...There’s no crash, no explosion, all due to a random power outage. So there’s a lot of build up for pretty much nothing.
//That being said, the context of this execution and it’s animations get it at least this far high up. Despite the fact that Another 1 ran on a slightly more dumbed down engine, and thus the animations aren’t completely top tier, for what they are, they’re super impressive.
Number #21: MELODY RHYTHM FINAL DEATH CONCERT [Hibiki Otonokoji/Kanade Otonokoji]
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//I think it’s the characters involved in this execution that bring it down a little bit, because honestly, Kanade and Hibiki were both pretty annoying in my opinion. However, I do think that this moment was REALLY unfair to Hibiki, having been executed in a case that she knew NOTHING about. Kinda like was the case with Gonta, but...worse.
//But what makes this one GOOD is the horrific stuff that happens in it, and the helplessness on her face and her struggle to survive, only to be completely decapitated by the thing meant to save her is really hard to watch. And then with Hibiki gone, the floor falls out under Kanade, and she is hung to death.
//Plus, as seen above, when Hibiki immediately goes for the key, Kanade grabs her, which shows that she doesn’t give a shit whether she lives or dies, so long as Hibiki goes down with her. Which then follows with Hibiki, rightfully, bashing Kanade’s head in with a microphone. The imagery is sick, and it really gets to me.
//However, It’s a bit fast, and that’s both good and bad thing. A lot of executions are dragged out for emphasis, but not this one. So while it’s original, it doesn’t exactly have the same effect.
//Plus, as mentioned, the circumstance of this execution just leaves me a little sour.
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//Again, I don’t know the name, because it’s all in Korean.
//Honestly, this execution is a LOT like Mondo’s from DR1, except it’s less weird and is a little more horrific, but other than that, I don’t have much to say about it.
//Seeing Mikihiko get slashed by...whatever the fuck that is behind him, is brutal and bloody, and FAR more appropriate to his talent than Seina’s execution was. What drops it down a little bit is that the sequence of events are...confusing.
//He’s hung up like a puppet on strings, wearing a dress, and slashed open a few times by the claws of the beast behind him. Then Monokuma’s drag him down into a machine and he emerges as a neatly stitched together doll.
//I don’t have a lot to say about this one. It’s just the same as Mondo’s execution but better.
Number #19: PRESS CONFERENCE [Nikei Yomiuri]
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//This one is actually pretty freaking brutal, and honestly, it’s purely through circumstance that it barely escapes the higher tier, because it’s written PERFECTLY.
//One of Nikei’s character traits is his confidence and reliance in his writing hand, which right before this execution, he loses as a result of firing a faulty gun. And what does he do when he tries to reach for the ladder at the end of his execution? He tries to grab it with his right hand.
//And it’s crazy as well because it clearly means Mikado KNEW that Nikei would attempt this, and KNEW that Nikei would lose his right hand before this execution! How crazy do you have to be to have planned this so meticulously!?
//That being said, given that Nikei hit rock bottom with his character at this point, the lack of sympathy I felt for him really knocks this one down a few pegs. Had it been the case that Nikei had been a better person and not one of the bad guys, he might’ve gotten a lot higher, but this was his just desserts. Plus, it’s more about Mikado than him anyway.
//Plus, the sequence drags onto a chase, but really it’s a fall that does Nikei in, and that’s it. Nothing savage or suffering like Leon or Mitch. But this is still a pretty good one.
HIGH TIER: These go pretty hard.
Number #18: THE BURNING OF THE VERSAILLES WITCH [Celestia Ludenberg]
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//Nikei barely managed to avoid getting into High tier, and similarly, Celeste barely escaped mid-tier. If it wasn’t for the hilarious twist at the end of this execution, it would’ve been mediocre at best.
//This is an appropriate end for Celeste, being basically a manipulative witch, and as such, dying like one. But had she just burned to death, I would’ve put this one WAY lower. The Fire Truck rushing in at the end and flattening her, I will confess, was pretty funny.
//It’s good. It works. It makes sense. And that’s all that matters at the end of the day. It only beats Nikei’s due to the better animation and more hilarious twist.
Number #17: THE SPEARS OF GUNGNIR [Mukuro Ikusaba]
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//Yes, the Spears of Gungnir that kill Mukuro DO COUNT as an execution. There’s no flashy cutscene or anything, but the rules do state that if a rule is broken, the subsequent student will be executed. Mukuro broke a rule by attacking Monokuma, and was executed, which means this counts as an execution.
//But it still doesn’t make sense why it would be this high, even if it does count, because there’s no flashy animation, no zany music, and it’s very sudden.
//And honestly...yeah THAT’S the reason why it’s so high, because it’s very sudden! I can sum up what makes this one good in two words.
//Shock Value.
//Mukuro’s death in DR1 is quite possibly the most unexpected kill in the whole series. You know full well people are gonna die, but this just comes TOTALLY out of nowhere. And the little sporadic twitches, as well as her last words are CHILLING.
//It’s purely because of the lack of proper execution standards that leave this one so low on the list, but it’s super shocking and plays a huge role in the narrative of the game, so I think it deserves credit where credit is due.
Number #16: PLEASE INSERT COIN [Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2)]
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//The video game imagery goes hard in this execution, and it’s really clever and creative! While I definitely won’t call it my favourite, this is a pretty great way to end one of the best trials that the series has to offer.
//It’s tragic, and hard to watch for those who love Chiaki, which I KNOW is a lot of people, but it still has the same goofiness and over-the-top animation that an execution should have. It doesn’t pick tragedy over comedy and it’s a perfect balance.
//In fact, it’s low on the list because I think it’s a bit overrated, and it does drag on for an awful long while. There are like, three different traps in this execution, and only one, the least impressive might I add, kills her.
//This execution is unique and it’s pretty clever. That’s all that it needs to be.
Number #15: BLAST OFF! SECOND IGNITION! [Kaito Momota]
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//Kaito Momota is my 5th favourite Danganronpa character, and what happens in this sequence is a major reason why. WHAT A WAY TO GO OUT!
//Similarly to what I said about Mikako, what makes this execution an outlier is that it actually fails. But unlike Mikako, who dies before the execution can START, Kaito goes out before it FINISHES, dying on his own terms, and ruining the whole show, which pisses...Monokuma...off...HARD.
//Narratively, it’s amazing. Because it didn’t matter that Shuichi figured out the truth, or that he stopped Kokichi and Kaito’s plan. They still won. They STILL broke the killing game.
//It’s amazing that this is one of the most original executions in terms of narrative, and yet it’s reused from Jin Kirigiri’s execution from the first game. To me, this has always felt like the basis for Monokuma's inevitable downfall, and what happens with this execution, in a way, completes the master plan. The writing of this one is superb, and honestly, the best written one.
Number #14: DEEP FRIED TERUTERU [Teruteru Hanamura]
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//The first execution in every game is the most important, because it has to be impactful and set the player up for what they’re in for. Not including Jin Kirigiri’s execution, the one that I consider to be the worst is Teruteru’s.
//But by worst, I don’t mean it’s bad. In fact holy shit, this one is still pretty fucking brutal, and is one of the main series better ones.
//Witnessing it was just as horrifying as the scene that happened just before it, where Teruteru actually seems willing to accept his punishment, and is ready to die for his actions, but before he dies, asks what happened to the Hanamura diner and his mother, and Monokuma refuses to tell him. That kinda stung, and then it’s emphasized when he dies in such a horrific and painful way.
//The execution is also a bit violent from how he actually died, since the actual death process lasts for a couple of seconds at most. He burns slowly in lava, I mean...nothing hurts much more.
//Poor Teruteru. You may be a creep, but you didn’t deserve THIS.
Number #13: SUPER MAKUNOUCHING MACHINE [Hajime Makunouchi]
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//And THIS one is even worse. 
//Like I said, the first executions always seem to be the most impactful, and the same is true for SDRA2′s first victim, Hajime Makunouchi, who is not only bludgeoned to death with powerful fists 999 times, all of which hit him straight in the face, but he is then SHREDDED by the machine he is trapped in, and is turned into a plush.
//Fucking OW!
//I don’t have an awful lot to discuss about this one, because honestly, by the time I saw this, I was used to the first executions being super brutal, but you know what? It still deserves credit, for being overly violent, and creative, yet simple in practice.
Number #12: STRAND OF AGONY [Kirumi Tojo]
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//The first time I saw this execution, I didn’t really like it, simply because I felt nothing for Kirumi. She was my least favourite character in V3, and for a while, the series, because I just didn’t like how she was written.
//Over the course of time however, she’s MASSIVELY grown on me, and now that I look back at this execution, HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS ONE IS SAVAGE!
//A lot of people have argued that this is the best execution in the series, and while I don’t necessarily agree, it’s DEFINITELY the best from V3, where the others aren’t all that impressive.
//And yes, I know we still have one more from V3 to go, but I like that one for a bit of a different reason, but as far as brutality and symbolism go, this one is the best.
//Strand of Agony, involves the Ultimate Maid being chased through a hallway by a group of protesters holding signs that say "Notice to Quit" in English and some other foreign languages. As she tries to run away, she gets blocked off by another group. She didn't know what to do until she sees a vine with thorns drop down from the ceiling. The vine goes through a couple of spider-webs. Kirumi grabs on and climbs up, because of it being the only way out, piercing her hands in the process. Kirumi then stops as she encounters a large group of circular saws activating throughout the walls. Kirumi stares in hesitation for a moment, but determined to escape, she proceeds to climb through. As she makes her way to the top, she gets slashed and lacerated several times, causing her to scream in pain. Soon after she escapes from the saws, she is worn out, sustained a lot of injuries, and a lot of her clothes are cut off. She then looks up to see a blue sky and sunlight pouring through a hole on the top of the ceiling. Thinking that it is a way out, she continues climbing and reaches for the gap. Instead, she touches the ceiling and the hole turns out to be an illusion, which was actually a children's drawing of a sky and a sun. As she stares in disbelief and despair, the vine then breaks, causing Kirumi to fall and go splat on the ground.
//It’s torture after torture, and it never lets up. This whole execution treats her as if she's nothing more than a spider, not only climbing a dead end rope of thorns, but also falling to her death and going splat.
Number #11: SATSUKI CRISIS [Satsuki Iranami]
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//You ever played that game Pop-Up Pirate as a kid? Where you have to joust toy swords into a barrel, and whoever loses is the one who puts in the the sword that causes the pirate to pop out of the barrel?
//That that, but as an execution, and God it hurts.
//It doesn’t help that this is a similar situation to Gundham, where Satsuki, the blackened, committed her crime for a just reason, and now is happy to resign herself to her horrible fate. She barely stops smiling the entire time she’s in the barrel, and it’s heartbreaking.
//And as if the swords piercing through her aren’t enough, when she pops, she just goes splat on the ceiling. Seriously, LINUJ’s executions are all really good, both violently and narratively.
//The reason why Satsuki’s execution barely escapes the top 10 is because the symbolism doesn’t exactly tie in with her Ultimate Clown talent. It does so more than Seina’s execution of course, but even so.
//This a good one. And with that, we finally get into the top 10. And we kick off with...
Number #10: DISMANTLING SPORTS DAY [Ayame Hatano]
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//I know it seems a little controversial, but I genuinely really like Ayame’s  execution. It’s simple in practice, but savage in display.
//And the build-up and tension as you’re waiting for that shredder to get closer and closer, until it cuts her up into tiny little pieces, but then you’re caught by surprise, as it turns out the finishing line at the end of the race track is actually a blade, and it cuts her TOTALLY IN HALF.
//And the look on Ayame’s face right before she’s sliced is one that shows SHE KNOWS it’s a trap, and that’s the worst part about it. 
//If there’s one thing about this execution that I don’t like, and stops it from getting into the top tier, it’s the fact that this execution suffers the most from the limited animation potential of the first game, because the jumps are a little goofy looking to be honest.
Number #09: GUNDHAM TANAKA STAMPEDE [Gundham Tanaka]
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//This one hurts...
//It’s pathetic of me to admit this, but I cannot watch this execution and NOT cry my eyes out. But it’s primarily because of the circumstance and not the actual execution itself that I cry, so I can’t put it up too high, because the actual execution is pretty simple, and the buildup is kinda ridiculous actually.
//I think Peko’s execution was played to be a little sadder, but for me, this is the one that takes the cake. Gundham is another character who's in my top 5 and for good reason. Seeing him go like this, as well as the fact that you can see the life leave his body as he stares at his pets, combined with the final shot of his face in the distance is something I can never get over.
//It may be straightforward, but it is pretty brutal when he finally gets rammed. So it has brutality points too.
//It’s great, and it’s the cherry on top of a delicious cake that is Game 2 Case 4.
Number #08: LAUNCHURCH [Kinji Uehara]
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//This one is great. It’s similar to Celeste’s execution with the sudden hilarious twist in the end, but it also works really well with the heavy religious imagery, and the symbolism of the sacrifice of christ, similar to how Kinji made a sacrifice to protect the lives of the children.
//And much like Jesus, if I may be forgiven for saying so, it was all in vein.
//And then you see the Monokuma’s gathered around, and it’s a slow, brutal, agonizing process...
//Until the cross turns into a rocket and he’s shot up into the air!
//I don’t want to laugh at an execution that is this well choreographed, and honestly, despite my own problematic thoughts towards Kinji in this chapter, this was an appropriate end for someone of his moniker.
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//This is the only execution in Danganronpa 3, and a lot of people in the fandom heavily agree it’s one of the worst experiences. I mean, look how badly it got NicoB.
//Kirumi’s execution is bad, since she ends up a completely mangled corpse, but CHIAKI in DR3 is far worse! At the end of the long process of her navigating through the hellish maze Junko set up, she ends up with a completely pierced-through foot (which she has to walk on for a majority of the execution), a gouged eye, a broken arm, a pierced-through knee, a stabbed heart, and a mangled body from falling on spikes.
//And the worst part about the whole execution is, somehow, despite taking an absolute pounding, Chiaki is STILL ALIVE in the end, for a few minutes at least, and this is the only time in the series where this happens! Which means she suffers for another good minute before she finally succumbs!
//Which gives her enough time to talk to Izuru. Who as a reminder, is the empty shell of Hajime Hinata, and the last thing Chiaki sees. Think about that. The last thing this girl sees before she dies an extremely painful and agonizing is the empty shell of her best friend in the whole world, looking down at her with a blank expression.
//As if she didn’t already suffer enough.
//It would be a crime not to put this one in the top tier, and the only reason it’s not number one is because Danganronpa 3 left a bad taste in my mouth overall. Had the anime actually been good, and not leave a bunch of questions without answers, then maybe, just maybe, this one would have more of a chance.
//If Chiaki Nanami is up in heaven, she’d BETTER be happy dammit! No one, ESPECIALLY not her, deserved this.
Number #06: THE DEATH VOLCANO SHOOT!!! [Mitsuhiro Higa] {BEST IN DRA1}
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//Sorry. I don’t like Mitch at all, and this execution was really satisfying to watch.
//But it is definitely brutal, and honestly, it’s hard to put into words properly, but I’ma try.
//You know how Leon’s execution was super brutal? Well, you can tell that LINUJ tried, and definitely succeeded, in recreating that. Strapping him to a football and kicking him about sounds super torturous.
//And that’s not even mentioning the state Mitch’s body is left in post execution. The Monokuma’s kicking the ball about kick him around so fast, it LITERALLY sets the football field ON FIRE! The last thing you see as the monitor pans out to the reaction of the other students is what’s left of Mitch. In pieces, and completely charred.
//This a prime example of just how good LINUJ is at making the executions, from both a brutality perspective, as well as a narrative one. 
Number #05: THE EMMA IN THE WOODS [Emma Magarobi] {BEST IN SDRA2}
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//There is one more execution from SDRA2 that gets just above this one, but technically speaking, this is the best PROPER execution from SDRA2.
//The choreography and symbolism is legitimately AMAZING. And while I have very mixed opinions on Emma as a killer, it’s a similar case with Kirumi in which the execution is so brutal and scary, you can’t help but feel a little bad.
//It perfectly ties in with Emma’s talent, forming an execution made of movie references, and the ending part was super gory, and tied in with a lot of horror tropes.
//Ultimately, this one is just plain great. There’s nothing bad I can say about it, and like before, an example of why LINUJ is really good at horrific imagery and executions.
Number #04: DEEP SEA TRIP [Sora/Yuki Maeda/Iroha Nijiue/Yoruko Kabuya]
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//Waitwaitwaitwaitwait...hear me out on this one.
//Like I said before, I believe the best execution in SDRA2 is Emma’s but only because it’s the best PROPER execution. As far as the executions in general go, this one GOT ME BAD!
//The reason is because this execution happens as a result of something that the series has NEVER DONE before which is...a WRONG VERDICT. Mikado manipulates everyone into thinking that Iroha killed Teruya, when in reality, HE is the purpotrator, and he succeeds in doing so.
//So as you can probably imagine, my heart rate went through the roof when I watched this cutscene. I know that Danganronpa games are typically 6 chapters, so you’re probably thinking, “well, you know that there’s a 6th chapter, so you know they’re gonna be ok by the end of this.”
//But that’s the thing!
//I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared playing Danganronpa as I was in this moment. I genuinely thought that Sora and the others were through, and that was gonna be the end of all of it. Of course, the execution fails because the program crashes, but it didn’t stop me from being scared.
//This was the highlight of what made SDRA2 so special, despite all the problems with it’s class trials, it still delivered in this moment SPECTACULARLY. Plus, the animation and the frantic pacing of this is incredible.
//And with that...it’s time for the top 3.
Number #03: DER FLOHWALZER [Kaede Akamatsu] {BEST IN DRV3}
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//You guys already know just how much I love Kaede, and as you can imagine, this hurt more than you could believe for me.
//Not only did I have to watch a character I adored playing as go to her tragic death, but said death was SO UNBEARABLY painful to watch. But it is good, and I’m glad it was what it was as opposed to what Seina Datenashi got.
//To me, I feel like this execution almost takes place in real time, and it's very hard to not feel a little sick, and the music and how off key it becomes as the execution progresses further emphasizes Kaede slowly and gradually losing more and more of the life within her as she dangles above the keys.
//The thing that makes this execution so heartbreaking is how each of the scene's transition. Kaede is one of the characters in the series who is so full of life, and is so fun to be around and watch, but every time the camera shifts from her to somewhere else, every time it shifts back, a bit of that life has since faded from her face and thus keeps happening until there is nothing left of it in her.
//She was one of the most cruel executions in the whole series, and you can hold it to me on that.
Number #02: ONE WOMAN ARMY [Peko Pekoyama] {BEST IN DR2}
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//This execution is amazing for one big reason: The narrative of what happens, and I’ll explain why.
//First of all, this execution made Chapter 2′s ending somehow EVEN MORE heart-wrenching than it already was. It's not nearly as violent as most of the executions in the series, particularly because you don't really see her get stabbed by the Manikins (or Monokins as I like to call them ;)) but it's arguably the most emotionally cruel.
//The most notable part of this execution, is even though it's basically a lost cause at this point, Fuyuhiko actually rushes into the execution to try and save her. The most screwed up part of this trial, is that the way everything is set up, it seems as if Monokuma PREDICTED that Fuyuhiko would do this! 
//I mean, think about it. What would be more despairing for Peko than dealing harm to the one person she spent her whole life trying to protect? He freaking KNEW Fuyuhiko would try to save Peko, and WORKED it into the execution process!
//That's fucked! That's SO fucked! Not only because Fuyuhiko is left clinging onto life by a thread for an execution that wasn't even meant for him, but because that's EXACTLY how Peko ends up dying, because she uses her own body to shield his from the sword blades, so that they don't reach his vitals.Not only that, but Monokuma gets Peko to slice Fuyuhiko's right eye in half, which is just kind of emotionally painful.
//Game 2 Case 2 gets a bad rep for being dragged out a lot, and yes, I do kinda agree, but I think this conclusion made up for all the errors that came with it. This was a close shave, and this execution barely escaped being the number one...
//But of course, there’s only one execution in the whole series that deserves the title, both in and out of canon, and by now, you should’ve recognized which one it is. I shouldn’t even have to say it...but...
NUMBER #01: THE 1000 BLOWS [Leon Kuwata] {BEST IN DR1}
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//As the title of George Washington’s autobiography states...you never forget your first.
//Leon’s execution is a masterpiece. It exceeds all others in terms of brutality, narrative, and every other thematic piece of importance that executions serve in the series. This execution DEFINED those principles.
//Technically speaking, the first execution in the series was Jin Kirigiri’s, but since Jin’s was part of a prologue where the player doesn’t get what’s going on yet, it doesn’t give the player as much of a taste as to the true cruelty of the killing game as Leon’s 1000 blows does.
//Plus, yes, like I said earlier, Mukuro’s death counts as an execution, but it’s not the same theatrical performance that Leon’s death was. And as weird as it sounds, being speared all over the body seems like a far easier death than being bludgeoned to death by baseballs.
//This is the first REAL execution in the entire series, which means it needs to leave one hell of an impact, and holy shit, it does so amazingly! Leon's execution has a whole new meaning to it, and sets up the series, showing the extent of the twisted nature and the darkness of this world, and that the world we once knew is now far beyond our grasp. This is also one of the first instances where we see the almost haunting animation that all the punishments are associated with. Again, we see it with Jin, and it's JUST as horrifying there, but again...lack of context. Leon's facial expressions as the chain clasps his neck tightly and drags him away kicking and screaming is nightmarish, on a level that none of the other executions have achieved thus far. However, the real shock is that this is only the beginning. The REAL punishment has yet to come!
//As soon as Leon is strung up to the post, it becomes clear how the punishments relate to the victims Ultimate Talent, as the player watches in horror as a machine gun/pitching machine is loaded with baseballs. Imagine what it would be like to have hundreds of thousands of baseballs shot at you from every possible angle. If you can manage that, then you know as soon as you see those baseballs, that there is absolutely no way that Leon is going to make it out alive.
//And his death...is painful.
//The last thing you see before the cutscene ends is the last blood-coated baseball rolling towards the camera while Leon's limp and lifeless body hangs in the background, and it’s at this point that you know you’re going to be in for a sick, twisted affair of a game. I love it, not in an edgy way, but from a writing and over-arcing perspective.
//Things in Hope’s Peak...have never been the same since.
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//And that’s that. Please, I heavily implore you to leave your own thoughts in the comments below. Chances are I may turn this post into a script for a video later down the line, but in case it’s not obvious, I love this series, and will for a long time.
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creepercraftguy · 4 years
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Maya Canzanilla, The Ultimate Barista, protagonist of Hyper Danganronpa H20, redone sprite to put it in DR’s common style.
Original sprite under the cut.
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griffinavocado · 5 years
made some sprite edits of the hyper danganronpa h20 characters,,,
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theusaviator · 5 years
When you don’t think the game can’t get anymore heartbreaking.
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justsomeelf · 5 years
H!DR H20 memes + random images because I miss Ash
!spoilers (duh)
Prolouge + Other Shit
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Nick making Maya, Hunter, Kouji, Four, and Leona:
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(I’m joking I’m sorry) (I love all five they’re valid)
Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 3
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Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
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reneesfoxden · 3 years
List of canon non-binary/agender/gnc characters
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Crona, Soul Eater
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K1-B0, New Danganronpa V3
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NiGHTS, NiGHTS Journey into Dreams
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Blanche, Pokemon GO
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Elliot Dunkel, El Goonish Shive
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Vaarsuvius, Order of the Stick
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Shep, Steven Universe
Edit 2/5/21
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Davepetasprite, Homestuck
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Wakko Warner, Animaniacs
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The Magypsies, Mother 3
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Janet, The Good Place
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Zoë Hange, Attack on Titan
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The Knight and the Hollow Knight, Hollow Knight
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Double Trouble, She-Ra and the Princess of Power
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Toad and Toadette, Super Mario Bros.
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Steve and Alex, Minecraft
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Oliver Feng,  Hyper! Danganronpa H20: Abandon All Hope
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Eden, The Binding of Isaac
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jadespadegames · 3 years
I was low-key thinking of doing an lp of Hyper Danganronpa H20 (I've heard things about it but I wanted to check it out for myself before judging), but apparently the download link has just been yeeted from existence because the creator is remaking the game hhfndncnsnf
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sdra2headcanons · 5 years
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I may or may not’ve gotten distracted for a bit and I didn’t end up finishing the Sora/Yoruko hcs, but I’m here to say you guys should play hyper! Danganronpa H20 bc it was really cool and yeah this was basically just an excuse to apologize for not posting but you guys should still play it! Will I probably delete this tomorrow bc I’m tired and it doesn’t make sense? Yeah. Do I care rn? Nope! Okay I’m sorry again I’m gonna finish them soon I promise thank you for being patient 💖
-Mod Kanade
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kinsareryvalid · 5 years
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Made this for another good ol’ fella in Discord, Not much, just Caesar from Hyper! Danganronpa H20, Satsuki Iranami from Danganronpa Another, and Toko Fukawa from Trigger Happy Havoc
Oh! the one for Caesar is actually my attempt in making sprite edits.. what do y’all think?
Welp, I would still be experimenting!
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-Mod Yuki (Taira Shift)
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drkinedits · 5 years
what’s one of your favorite danganronpa fan game? personally, i like sdra2. also, may i get a ∞ ?
are we talking playable games or just fangans? i like super danganronpa another 2 or hyper! danganronpa h20 for playable games, and my favorite non-playable fangan rn is definitely by @docochocart. if you haven’t played h20 or read docoronpa yet, i highly recommend both!! 
i’m coming back from the dead
and i’ll take you home with me 
i’m taking back the life you stole
my chemical romance - it’s not a fashion statement, it’s a deathwish
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xentricity · 5 years
for those who follow my fangan
it’s currently on indefinite hiatus while it’s undergoing a complete rewrite. i’ve matured a LOT since the initial conception of dr:rd, and i no longer feel comfortable with plot points i’d chosen, as my writing + planning skills have evolved past where i’d find the conclusion satisfying as an author.
i’m taking a bit of a break to freshen up and get a clean mind before returning to it, and i ALSO want to focus on game development, which will be very important to my career in the future. which is why the project im undertaking on this hiatus is... [drumrolls] another fangan, except one that you can actually play. it’s not going to be as in-depth, writing wise, as dr:rd. but it’s going to flex some new sets of skills.
don’t expect some huge, jaw-dropping spectacle on par with the canon games. the fangan, dangan ronpa: equivalent exchange, is going to be almost entirely in a pixel-art style, built with RPGmaker. if you’re familiar with hyper danganronpa: h20, that’s more the style i’m trying to hit. 
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Hearing Rhabdophobia makes me despair so hard that Junko is jealous as that word reminds of a very awful fan series which is like the Danganronpa H20 of its fandom.
//I think I know what it is you're talking about and even if I'm wrong, I still won't say what it is because the less said about it, the better.
//Compared to some of the creators and content that exists out on the internet, the level of shitness that Hyper Danganronpa H2O reaches is actually really mild. Milkpunches is a shitty person and Hyper H2O isn't the best game, but even it has its standout aspects that make me endeared to it.
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humanimalgam · 4 years
listen. if it is physically possible for me to obtain a copy of hyper danganronpa h20, it will be done. that is a promise.
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griffinavocado · 5 years
HDRH20 spoilers below the cut,,,
Me : haha i bet caesar is the killer because blue bird and he’s blue
Caesar : *is the killer*
Me :
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