#i actually just doodled myself when i was small and then had the idea
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This is just an idea for an au
Idk the name would probably be something like the "(not so) imaginary friends au"
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dragon-kazansky · 1 month
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Nine - Late night scandals
"What do you think Bridgerton?"
Benedict turns around to find the artist he had accidentally offended at the gallery the other night.
"This one more to your liking?"
"Mr. Granville--" Benedict raises from his chair to approach the man.
"Perhaps they should take it over to Somerset House so it can be skyed right next to mine."
"I believe I owe you an apology, sir." Benedict says, feeling rather embarrassed.
"Unnecessary. I actually quite enjoy the eloquent stings of your critique. So?" He gestures back to the painting on the wall.
"A touch morose for my tastes," Benedict says.
Henry points to the next one.
"A tragedy. The hound deserved better," Benedict comments.
Granville laughs. "Where is yours?"
"Your work," Granville clarifies. "Are you tell me you're not an artist yourself?"
"Well, I-- I suppose sometimes I like to... Well, I mean, I almost--"
"I believe 'yes' and 'thank you' are the words you seek. But either way, you should come by my studio." Mr Granville holds out a small card to Benedict, who accepts it. "The pieces I do for myself are there, and I think you will find my real work far less, um... Oh, how did you put it? 'Cold and lacking inner life?'"
Benedict scrunched up his face as he nodded, still burning with embarrassment. "I shall never live that down, shall I?"
Mr Granville leaves.
Benedict returns to his table where he had been absentmindedly doodling. Eyes. He was sketching out a pair of eyes. Pretty ones. From memory.
He sighs and closes the sketchbook.
As you sit in the drawing room of the Bridgerton house, as invited by Violet, you discover that she had no idea about the boxing match, or that Daphne had been there.
You keep your eyes focused on the latest Whistledown paper, though you had stopped reading it.
Daphne was playing the piano while her mother interrogated her.
"A boxing match is no place for any young lady." Violet sighs.
"Is it a place for a prince? Was he at today's match, sister?" Hyacinth asks.
"He certainly was."
"It is a loathsome and barbarous form of entertainment," Violet was very displeased.
That was when Daphne took the opportunity to mention you had gone as well, which had Violet looking at you.
"You too?"
You glare softly at Daphne, who gives you a smug little look. Crafty one, she is.
"Anthony invited me," you admit.
Violet looked terribly ill all of a sudden. You were sure she would being this up with her eldest son at some point.
"What about the duke?" Hyacinth asks.
"What about the duke?" Both Violet and Daphne ask at the same time. You eye Daphne curiously from your seat.
"Was he also present?" Hyacinth asked, less enthusiastic now.
"I do not know," Daphne says. "If the duke was there, I did not see him."
Hyacinth leaves the piano to go see what Eloise is up to. She had been scribbling away in her book since you arrived.
You put the Whistledown column down and rose from your seat to seek entertainment near the window. Watching the street was surely more entertainment than listening in on that conversation.
Anthony enters the room and greets both his mother and his sister. You turn and he greets you too.
"Did you truly take your sister to a boxing match?" Violet hounds him.
"Your admonishment will have to wait. I have news," he cuts her lecture short. "Prince Friedrich has asked for my permission to propose." He looks at Daphne.
She stops playing. "So soon?"
"Well, what did you tell him?" Violet asks.
"That I know better than to answer for my sister. I have no objections to the man. People speak well of him. Whatever you decide, Daph, you shall have my support."
You look at Daphne quietly.
"I... uh... I..." She doesn't know what to say.
"You need not decide now," Violet tells her. "You certainly have no known him long."
"Let me know when you have an answer, and I shall convey it." Anthony says to his sister.
"Indeed." Daphne looks at him.
Anthony leaves as quickly as he came in. It was clear Daphne needed time to think.
When Daphne had pleaded with you to attend the next ball with her, you couldn't say no. There was a sadness to her gaze, and you wondered from where it had risen.
Something had happened between her and the duke, and she had been off kilter ever since.
The ball, like all had been so far, was wonderful. The theme was a little more out there this time, but everyone was behaving quite perfectly.
You were standing with Daphne as she scanned the crowd. Exactly who she was looking for, you weren't quite certain. You would suggest the prince on the account that the duke was apparently leaving London tonight.
The prince could be seen across the room. He was in conversation with someone. You glance toward Daphne, but your gaze shifts as Cressida Cowper comes over. You give Daphne a gentle nudge.
"Daphne." Cressida chuckles. "You look beautiful, as always."
"Thank you, Cressida," Daphne says politely.
"You could have chosen anyone," Cressida says. "You have gentlemen lined up to pay you tribute. Yet you did not hesitate to steal my chance for happiness away, did you? I knew the marriage market would make rivals of us, but I never thought youcapable of being my enemy."
"The man made his choice, Cressida. What did you expect me to do?" Daphne asks.
Daphne walks off in the direction of the prince. You look at Cressida and then walk off in the other direction.
There is nothing you could ever say to her.
You begin to walk alongside the dance floor, watching the couples dance. A hand comes into view, and you turn to see a friendly looking young man smiling at you.
"May I have this dance?"
You take a moment to gather yourself. You had hoped one of the Bridgerton boys would be here to dance with you, but you supposed you couldn't rely on them every time.
"You may."
You go with him to dance.
It seemed Benedict wasn't here.
Benedict was, in fact, making his way to the studio of Mr. Granville. He was intrigued by the artist.
He finds the address and knocks on the door. Henry Granville answers.
"Mr. Bridgerton."
Benedict stands there a little awkwardly.
"Come in, come in."
Granville lets him in. Benedict enters and follows him. He is led further inside and finds himself in a large room. A circle of easels presented around two nude models.
"I do not know what I was expecting, but it surely was not this." Benedict says.
"Oh, simply a gathering of like-minded souls." Henry tells him. "Here, let me show you what I've been working on."
Benedict is led further inside the studio. He passes a couple of painters discussing war so causally.
"What do you think?" Henry asks.
Benedict walks over and takes a look at the canvas.
"Hmm. It's a far cry from Somerset House, I must say."
"I shall take that a compliment."
They both chuckle.
"And I must say, I'm truly jealous. Is this your life?" Benedict asks.
"There are advantages to being the second-born." Henry tells him. "Heirs have the responsibility. Second sons have the fun."
They both chuckle again.
"So... why not go have some fun?" Henry gestures to the models. He's giving Benedict the chance to epress himself through art.
Benedict picks an easel and sits down.
As you dance once again tonight, you spot Anthony standing off to the side. He's staring at the opera singer.
You hard heard whispers about him being infatuated with an opera singer, but had no idea if there lay any truth to them.
You continue dancing with your partner.
Benedict was still a no-show tonight, which you found to be rather disappointing. You had been looking forward to another evening of his little quips and teasing.
When the dance ends, you curtsy to your partner and head in the direction of Anthony and Violet. Lady Bridgerton had tries to introduce her son to a rather pretty young lady, but he showed no interest.
"Shall we dance, Lord Bridgerton?" You ask, looking at Anthony.
He turns and looks at you, for half a second, thinking you were another lady his mother was intent on pushing on him.
"Yes, let's." He offers his arm, and you take it. Violet watches you both go. Even if he chose you, she would be pleased, but she knows her son will not take you as his wife. You're his friend who has come to rescue him from her for a while.
Violet downs a third glass of champagne.
"She is persistent," you say.
"Your mother."
Anthony chuckles softly. "Yes. Quite."
"The opera singer..."
He looks at you.
"Nevermind. Its not my business."
Anthony's expression softens. "I was - am - found of her."
"Yes. I assumed as much."
Anthony sighs. "It's complicated.
You nod and say no more on the matter. Anthony spins you around elegantly.
"Is Benedict not here tonight?" You ask, twirling with him.
"Benedict? No." He gazes at you. "Why do you ask?"
"I just noticed his absence."
"Missing your dance partner?" He teases.
You chuckle. "Am I that obvious?"
He winks at you, and you shake your head with a smile. "I'm fond of you boys. I can't help it when I notice one of you is missing."
Anthony grins. "How lucky we are to have gained such a special friend such as you."
As Anthony gives you another turn around the floor, you spot Colin speaking with Penelope. You smile softly at the sight and then turn your attention back to the eldest brother.
At least you'll have one Bridgerton on your dance card tonight.
As the next dance begins, Anthony keeps your company longer. You're aware this may catch attention from others, especially Lady Whistledown should she be here, but none the less, you dance with him twice.
You soon see that Colin has left Penelope on the sidelines to dance with Miss Thompson, and you also find the prince talking to Daphne amidst their dance.
The dance ends, and you manage to catch sight of Daphne fleeing the ballroom.
Anthony bows, and you curtsy.
"Until next time." He nods his head at you. You smile and nod, taking your leave. You worry about Daphne and intend to go check on her, but you're stopped by another gentleman.
You sigh and realise you'll have to dance with him before you can flee again.
The dance feels like it drags on, and on, and on. You smile, you listen to your partner talk, but your mind is focused on Daphne. She did not look well when she fled.
When the dance ends, you spot Anthony leaving the ballroom. You waste no more time and follow him.
He heads outside. You follow.
He turns and looks at you. "Go back inside."
"What's the matter? What's happening?"
"Did you see him?" Anthony asks urgently.
"The duke."
"He is here?"
"He was, and now I can't find Daphne." You realise he's concerned about his sister.
You hear something further in the garden, and Anthony hurries off. You follow him, close on his heels.
What you find is not what you ever expected to see.
Simon and Daphne were not just kissing. His hands were all over her. Her dress had been pulled down. You cover your mouth, though you can not hide the gasp that escapes you.
Anthony runs at Simon.
Simon receives a strong punch to the face. He falls to the ground, and Anthony takes another swing. He punches him a third time and then stands beside his sister. You hurry to her other side and checks her over.
She is speechless. She has no words for you. They have been caught in a compromising position.
"You will marry her," Anthony declares.
"What?" Daphne looks at her brother.
"Immediately. We can only hope no one saw you take such liberties, and my sister is saved further mortification. You will marry her!"
Anthony is angry.
"I cannot marry her," Simon says.
"You have defiled her innocence, and now you refuse her hand? I knew you were a rake, Hastings, I never thought you a villain."
"I cannot marry her," Simon states more firmly.
Daphne looks hurt.
"Then you leave me no choice. I must demand satisfaction."
"A duel? Anthony, you cannot--" Daphne begins.
"He dishonours you, sister." Anthony looks at her. "He dishonours you and me and the very Bridgerton name. I have misjudged you, indeed. You have duped us both, but I shall not see my sister pay for my own misdeeds. We will settle this as gentlemen."
"I understand," Simon agrees. "I shall see you at dawn."
"I do not understand," Daphne says softly. "You would rather die than marry me?"
You look at Simon quietly.
"I am truly sorry."
"We need to go, Daph. Before anyone should see us." Anthony says softly.
You reach out for her arm gently and pull her away, Anthony follows you both.
Daphne takes her brother's arm after he begs of you not to say a word about anything. You swear by it, looking him in the eye. Anthony thanks you.
You drift off from them as you enter the ballroom once again.
Anthony approaches Colin and tells him he is taking her home. He asks Colin to take care of their mother. You decide to step in and help. Anthony looks grateful.
Anthony and Daphne leave.
Colin looks at you, but you just smile softly at him and ask him to help you with Violet. He doesn't say anything about Daphne or Anthony.
Neither do you.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
@hopshusushi - @katherinejess - @nannabug - @afunkyfreshblog - @f0x33 - @dd122004dd
@jupitervenusearthmars - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @captainlunaxmen - @winchestersimpalababy - @acupnoodle
@ms-fandomgirl - @fablesrose - @anyaisinyourcloset - @meowzerzstuff - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @crazymar15
@cosmixstar - @bree3parchen -
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modelbus · 10 months
Heyy! Could you do Wilbur x artist!reader dating hcs because a musician and an artist? I feel like Y/N like Wilbur makes so much art of him to the point she actually probably made one of their lovejoy posters!! And Wil would teach Y/N guitar and Y/N teach Wil how to draw and its so SDHDSGJ
I'm an artist and I think this would be cute! Hope you can answer this ask <3
- 🍄anon :D
I’m not an artist myself, but my two artist friends came in clutch here!
Pairing: Cc!Wilbur x Gn!Artist!Reader
Adored Artist
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Idle drawings of Wilbur completely fill your sketchbook. Him playing guitar. Him sitting there. A specific doodle of him with a large forehead— for the joke.
The two of you tend to sit together without talking. You drawing, him creating Melodies and lyrics.
Getting showered in compliments.
He talked about decorating his guitar once, and you drew nothing but guitar designs for the next week.
His callouses and your graphite-stains are jokingly called “battle wounds” together.
When Wilbur buys you art supplies as gifts, he is painfully meticulous in making sure the supplies are good and ones you like.
Him peering over your shoulder to see what you’re working on, always delighted when it’s something related to him. Whether that be a simple guitar sketch for practice, or actually him.
And 100% yes he’d be yoinking your drawings to use for Lovejoy or merch reasons.
“Hey Love, remember that drawing you did the other night?” He asked, leaning against the couch where you’re curled up with a sketch pad. “You’re gonna have to be more specific than that, Wil.” You had laughed, finishing part of the sketch and looking up at him. He laughs too, leaning down to kiss you. “The one with the Lovejoy mascots. And our skull.” He had elaborated for you. Your eyes had lit up, flipping to the page for him. “Yes! That one. I was thinking, maybe it’d be cool to use as a design for merch?”
You couldn’t believe it, that he actually wanted to use your drawings. But, when you realized he was serious, you jumped at the chance.
(He insisted on paying you for it, too, even though you assured him you were perfectly happy giving him the designs. For two weeks you played a game where you passed the money back and forth until you gave up and just accepted it)
He doesn’t shut up about you or your talents ever. Met someone new? He’s pulling out his phone to share your art. Saw someone online talking about art? He’s tagging you to say you’re the best artist ever.
Teaching each other <333
Wilbur had made a small comment, and you jumped on it.
”I wish I could draw like that. You’re so talented, you’re incredible.” “I can teach you.” “What?”
Did not go well at all.
“Imagine that the light is here, okay? So you have to shade where shadows would be, making it darker there.” You explained patiently, gently tapping the areas you’re talking about.
“Shadows. Darker. Shading.” Wilbur repeated, looking up at you. You were leaning on him, your head on his shoulder to see his drawing. A very… admirable attempt at you.
“Go for it.” You encouraged, and he blinked.
“…Were you listening?”
“Of course I was, love.” But the way he had leaned in to kiss you—to distract you—certainly said otherwise.
Since you “made” him draw, he convinced you to learn how to play guitar.
You protested (secretly loving the idea of learning from him) but in the end he got you to agree.
Sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around you to help you form the chord shapes. It’s cozy, and you’re absolutely failing.
“This is a G—“ “My fingers don’t do that, Wil!”
In the end, it turns into him playing a song for you. But only after you manage to make that G chord, finger pain be damned.
He loves putting up your art on the walls. Taped.
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frokenkeke · 24 days
Making of Ashes to Ashley
Recently I posted my comic Ashes to Ashley, and got such a tremendously kind and loving response that I felt like sharing a little bit more about where it came from.
The story is about a transgender awakening, where the quiet and somber Ash explodes out of the closet as the loud and colorful Ashley. This was always the plan, however the details changed along the way. Quite quickly I realized that I was writing about myself and my own trans journey. I never played in a band and I don't imagine I'll ever grow bunny ears (sadly), but still Ashley is undoubtedly a reflection of myself. I just allowed life to become a stage and gender performance a rock concert.
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Above are the first idea doodles I drew late at night in early April. I quite enjoyed giving Ashley lipstick and prominent eye shadow, since I hadn't ever done a character like that before. The idea was a bit of exaggerated femininity that accidentally becomes raw punk expression. One or two people have pointed out the Um Jammer Lammy similarities, and they are absolutely not coincidental. Initially I imagined Ashley would've been more reluctant about her transformation, which is why she looks a bit more annoyed in some of my sketches, but the story became more bright and funny if it was made immediately clear that this all happens off of her own volition.
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Some method and color tests. My girlfriend suggested I instead go a lot more raw with it, which is why I ended up adamantly using an ugly sponge brush built into Photoshop. Sapphic Disaster are some form of punk-shoegaze band, so combining rough pencil linework with crunchy texture coloring felt like a fitting visual representation of them. This also side-stepped the biggest problems I've always had with drawing comics – dealing with inking is a boring waste of time, and working digitally always makes me fixate on perfection. By just using pencil on paper I had to stick with whatever errors couldn't be saved by a regular eraser, in fact I dedicated myself to only using an old worn down Bic mechanical pencil and embraced the idea that the comic would consistently look a bit off and amateurish. Of course I allowed myself the luxury of cleaning up my drawings digitally before coloring, but that can only take you so far. This way of working helped me make fast progress and kept each step engaging, I've never had as much fun drawing a comic as I had with Ashes to Ashley.
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Here's a before and after from initial scan to finished panel. I often only tidy up around focal points like faces or hands, and allow the rest to remain as it is, usually parts like the legs or Ashley's ears.
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Character references and my initial color picks, they went through small changes as I went along. I liked giving all the band members different sorts of rabbit ears to make them all look distinct from each other.
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Here's some ideas for the Sapphic Disaster band logo and the comic's color palette, notice how Ashley is more vibrant than Ash.
While working I filled up numerous papers with doodles trying to workshop panels and layouts. It's too much to show all of them here, so I composed a few collages of my favorites.
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It was pivotal for me that Ash would always look painfully cute. The sketch of the table scene with Floyd shows a rare out-of-character confident and laid-back Ash. In the presence of Floyd?! Never!
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I was very concerned about the reader recognizing the old Ash when first seeing Ashley. She may be all excited about being a girl, but her nervous cluelessness remains. I ended up going back and redrawing two panels in Ashley's introduction to strengthen this impression.
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For those not in the know, shoegaze is a rock subgenre that centers around noisey guitar textures, typically achieved through heavy use of effect pedals at the musicians feet; hence the name. When Ashley plays her guitar she produces a cacophony of strange sounds, the reader will have to imagine what they actually sound like, but I always imagined their opening number "I Wanna Be a Girl" to sound like a couple of amateurs trying to recreate Lush's Blackout.
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The page where the band go around looking for Ashley while she's receiving her makeover was shoehorned in at a later stage for pacing purposes. That's why Gabriel is suddenly back to pulling cords after previously claiming they're all set, oops!
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One of the core rules to this story is that everyone is always overly supportive of Ashley's transition no matter what. This is what makes the otherwise stern and serious Floyd especially funny, my girlfriend was pivotal in sprucing up his dialogue, adding bits like "have you seen the health care waiting lists?, "I know an endocrinologist who owes me a favor or two" and "give me 35% more danger"
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Towards the end I discovered that Ashley and Debbie dancing was apparently the most important panel in the entire comic, judging by how much I tried to perfect it. (For the record, my favorite panel is when Ashley screams into the microphone that she wants to be a girl.) Maybe Ashley and Debbie dancing should've replaced the final full-page panel? Well, we got a lot of cute doodles out of it regardless. Just kiss already!
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Initially I imagined Ashley to be standing alone in the "could this be the real me" final panel, but I realized her odd family of friends was equally a part of the real her. She was always right where she needed to be, she just needed to find herself within that place. (I ended up giving Ashley a cigarette because otherwise it looked like she was praying.)
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Here are some ideas for the cover illustration, of course in 1:1 format to look like an album cover. Up until last minute I planned for the comic to have You Made Me Realize as its subtitle to distinguish it from eventual follow-ups, which is why the You Made Me Realize EP cover art is paraphrased in the top-middle. I ended up just going with Ashes to Ashley to keep it clean and simple. The title Ashes to Ashley was blurted out immediately by my girlfriend when I first showed her my concepts for the story. It's perfect, she's perfect.
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I drew two Ashes and two Ashleys for the cover art and let my fingers smudge all over the latter. While most obviously riffing on the cover for My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, it's equally taking from the Ecstasy of Saint Theresa's Pigment.
And there you have it.
However I never intended this to be the full extent of Ashley's story, just a satisfying and complete end of a chapter. I've already finished writing the next story, Today Forever, and I hope I can get it out to you all soon enough. Your love for Ashley keeps me going.
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piles-of-numbers · 1 year
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hi, I wrote / doodled my aroace journey for pride
id below the keep reading
ID: A series of 10 images featuring a handwritten story and doodles along the way. They read as follows:
Growing up, I believed my life would follow a certain path. (Doodle: footpath with grass around it). It was the path of all my favorite books, shows, movies, etc. Doodle of a row of five triangular flags along a path. The first is labeled "meet a guy," the second is labeled "we develop some witty banter," the third is labeled "He confesses his love for me," the fourth is labeled "???", and the fifth and final one is labeled "Profit."
That path was in my mind during most interactions with my guy friends. Doodle of a stick figure posed with hand on face, considering another stick figure. Next to the stick figure is a list: nice (check), funny (check), smart (check), likes me??. These candidates became my crushes. I waited for a confession. Sometimes, my friends would suggest I take initiative. Doodle of the same stick figure in a thoughtful pose, along with two more stick figures. One says "You should ask him out!" The other says "Yeah!". But something about the idea felt off.
I told myself I wanted to focus on school instead. (Doodle of a paper with an A on it, two books titled Math and Biology. In truth, the idea of dating didn't really excite me. I thought that there was nothing wrong with being single. Thought it wouldn't be the end of the world if I just kept to myself. But all those stories taught me about what happened to those kinds of sentiments. Doodle of a stick figure, hands on stick hips, saying "I'm better off alone!". Below that is words written in the Spongebob timeskip card, "Two Days Later....". Then there are two stick figures holding hands and looking at each other, saying "I'm only complete now that I've found you."
So, being the star student I was, I decided that I was just staving off the inevitable and decided to skip to that part where I found someone I liked. My sophomore year, the stars seemed to align: I turned 16, the age of most teenage protagonists, I heard through a friend that a guy would have asked be to Jr. Prom if I hadn't already expressed I was busy that day, and said guy got me a small gift for my birthday. So, with encouragement from my friends, I decided to strongly hint (but not outright say) that I liked him. And so, a week after my 16th birthday, he asked me out, to which I responded with a super confident "sure?"
We went on two dates before I ended it. He didn't do anything wrong, but something on my end felt wrong. I wouldn't say that I was repulsed, that seems to strong of a word. But the situation seemed forced. I decided I must not be mature enough, that I would date when I got to college. Towards the end of high school, I discovered the actual definition of asexuality. A doodle of the stick figure wondering Wait... sexual attraction? What is that? That's real? Cue about 3.5 years of questioning: how to prove a negative? maybe I am just anxious? No "right person" yet? I don't hate the idea of sex? Other people are exaggerating?
Fun thing about the anxiety question, I started taking anxiety medication during my last semester of college. With my mind a little more ordered, it all became clearer: I'm ace. The stick figure now waves an ace flag. With that sorted out, I was ready to move along in life when... the stick figure is handed a paper by a little brain and asks "oh? what is this?" The happy little brain smiles as the paper reveals the words HAVE I FELT ROMANTIC ATTRACTION???* The asterisk leads to the smaller note "also gender???"
Of course I had. Right? There was the aforementioned guy in high school, and in early college I thought about pursuing two guys. But I realized something: I always thought I had to like somebody. The butterflies I had in high school were less about the guy, and more... Doodle of two butterflies having a conversation. "Omg he likes us" "Mission accomplished" "Wait now we have to go on a date." "Ahhhh? what do we even do?"
What even is romance? I don't know. It's different for each person. Like a lot of people, I crave a connection founded on trust, shared interests, inside jokes, etc. Doodle of two stick figures, there are squiggly lines between them, a connection. But I think something about that connection, maybe its very essence, is just different. Two stick figures with different squiggly lines between them. I remembered thing how I've always wanted to skip the whole "head over heels" part of the relationship, and go right to being an old married couple. So, I'm aro. At first, I had a mini crisis. Doodle of the stick figuring sitting on the floor with tears, holding the aro flag. A sad brain pats the stick figure in support.
But that crisis ended when I stopped treating this revelation as a path being blocked... Doodle of a path leading to an archway, the archway is boarded off.... and more like a bunch of new paths I hadn't really considered opening up. Doodle of the archway path no longer blocked off, surrounded by a bunch of other archways.
Honestly, the first path isn't even gone, it just looks a little different. Doodle of the archway path looking the same as before, but the archway is a rainbow in the colors of the queerplatonic flag: yellow, pink, white, grey, black. The pathway has pebbles of those colors. I'm thankful for all the stories and comics people have shared related to the aroace spectrum. I shudder to think what my life would look like if I hadn't found these words, what paths I may have forced myself to walk. So now, it's my turn. Happy pride 2023, especially to my aros, my aces, aroaces, my aspecs, and to everyone still figuring things out. Doodle of a stick figure holding an ace flag and an aro flag.
End ID.
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extralively · 13 days
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Gojo Satoru/Original Female Character Silliness, Fluff, Pre-Relationship, Satoru is turned into a cat, Crack Treated Seriously 3,782 words Also posted on AO3 Summary: Satoru gets turned into a cat, and Yura suddenly has to catsit the white furry menace until he turns back. (Normally I use images from the manga or anime for the banner above, but this time yes, I did just sketch out this Catoru doodle myself for this lmao)
.......So. I got a request to write a fic where Satoru gets turned into a cat, and while I didn't think I'd do it at first.... the ideas just came to me lmao. So here we are! This is basically just silliness and with minimal proofreading, and as usual, I ended up writing A Little Too Much of what was supposed to be something quick and stupid lol
This oneshot is part of a series, but it can be read as standalone if you just want to see Satoru being a furry menace. I also wouldn't consider this canon to the main fic (or maybe do if you want lmao), but it takes place *before* Satoru and Yura get together (so around 2014-ish). Enjoy this silly fun!
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“...are you being serious right now?” Yura asked, completely incredulous as she stared at the sight in front of her.
Shoko snorted next to her. “It does sound like a joke, doesn’t it?”
Yura stared.
Satoru got turned into a cat.
Satoru got turned into a cat.
“...Fucking hell,” she let out, rubbing a hand over her face.
“It’s temporary,” Shoko said, leaning against the file cabinet as they both stared at the white-haired, blue-eyed cat on top of her office’s desk. “Should clear up in a day or so. Apparently, the idiot met this guy who said he could ‘make you experience life as a cat’ and didn’t realize he’d meant that literally.”
Yura let out an aggravated sigh as her gaze met the small blue eyes of a cat who was, undeniably, the idiot known as Gojo Satoru. Even if she found it hard to believe the whole story, she could feel it was him there through their connection, which made the experience all the more surreal. “Now what?” she asked, setting her hands on her hips.
Shoko shrugged. “You take care of him.”
Yura let out a huff, shooting Shoko a look. “I take care of him?”
“You’re the expert Gojo handler,” Shoko said, her fingers fiddling with the pack of cigarettes in her pocket. “Also, I’m a doctor and not a vet.”
Yura only stared at the cat—Satoru. Satoru as a cat.
Honestly, of all things—
“Oh, and before you go,” Shoko started, moving to pick up something in her desk drawer and then moving in front of Satoru-the-cat. “Here.”
When Shoko stepped back, Yura was hit by the sudden urge to snort at the same time that she wanted to throttle Satoru’s furry little neck, because Shoko had placed tiny, round sunglasses on Satoru-the-cat’s head.
“...Where’d you even get those?” Yura couldn’t help but ask.
Shoko shot her a look. “You don’t wanna know.”
So Yura was supposed to take Satoru-as-a-cat home.
“Meow?” Satoru... meowed as she approached the desk, and he tilted his cat head at her.
“Why do you always drag me into your messes?” Yura half-heartedly complained, her hands on her hips again.
Satoru-the-cat got up from his sitting position, walking over—or rather wobbling over—to her. It seemed that he wasn’t exactly used to moving around with four cat legs instead of two human ones.
Yura suddenly had to bite her lip to keep a smile from popping out, because as much as she was completely exasperated at the situation... Satoru-the-cat actually looked really adorable.
“Meow?” he... said, looking up at her. One little paw reached out, pawing at the air to get her attention, and oh God that’s actually really cute.
So Yura reached out with a finger, touching the paw in the air and oh God it’s like a real cat.
“I guess... we just go home,” she eventually said, letting out a small sigh. “So how do I...?”
Her hands hovered above Satoru’s furry body, unsure how to... pick him up. She eventually took a hold of his... torso? Lifting him up off the table as he let out a surprised meow, his paws swinging in the air.
“Calm down, I’m going to need to carry you—” she started, but Satoru suddenly twisted in her hold when she brought him close to her, propelling himself up using her arm and torso as a jumping point to suddenly climb on to her shoulder. Yura had to try to keep him from falling off as he climbed up, but he then simply made himself comfortable there. “Seriously?” she asked as Satoru settled down on her shoulders, letting out a satisfied chirp.
Yura sighed again.
“Is that Gojo-san?” Ijichi asked with wide eyes as he stared at the white fur ball around her shoulders. As he recomposed himself, he reached out with a hand. “He’s actually kind of cute—”
“Rawr.” Satoru suddenly swiped at the man, somehow shooting Ijichi the same unimpressed look he’d often give the manager but in this tiny cat body.
“Now, now, be nice,” Yura chided Satoru, as Ijichi jumped back like he’d just remembered this wasn’t just any cat he was actually talking to.
“S-sorry, Gojo-san!” Ijichi stuttered out, rushing to get into the driver’s seat of the car. Yura had to ask Ijichi to drive her back to her place, since she didn’t think taking Satoru through public transit like this would go too well.
Yura climbed into the backseat, Satoru finally jumping down from her shoulders to sit next to her as she buckled up. He seemed restless, though, like he was still getting used to this new body, moving back and forth on the backseat, standing up on his hind legs to peer through the window, jumping down between her legs, and then surprising her by climbing up onto her lap. Yura could only blink down at the white furry mass on top of her thighs, watching him as he turned around in place until Satoru eventually seemed to settle down right there.
“Really?” she asked, amused, staring down at the white-haired cat that was actually Satoru sitting on her lap. Her mind suddenly pictured the human version of him trying to do the same, that tall giant of a man trying to make himself comfortable curled up into a ball on top of her thighs, and she snorted at the mental image.
“Meow?” Satoru asked, tilting his head up at her. But she only shook her head, looking out at the window.
“This is all so ridiculous...” she muttered, snorting again.
“Alright, here we are,” she said, letting Satoru jump off her shoulders again to land on her couch. They were finally in the safety of her own home, and all they could do was wait until Satoru went back to normal.
Satoru-the-cat started sniffing around the couch cushions, and she wondered what it was like seeing this familiar place with his new cat eyes. Wait, did his cat self still have the Six Eyes? Limitless? How did this even work?
“Do not scratch any of my furniture,” she suddenly felt the need to tell him. Satoru-the-cat turned his head to her, and even if she couldn’t see his little cat eyes behind the tiny sunglasses, she could tell the expression on his face wasn’t anything good as he menacingly raised a paw towards the arm of the couch. “Satoru,” she warned. But he only wiggled his paw, getting closer, and her eyes narrowed further. “Don’t make me pull out a spray bottle,” she told him, wagging her finger.
Satoru let out a whiny meow, lowering his paw.
Yura sighed, moving into the kitchen. She was a little hungry, and it reminded her that she probably should get Satoru something to eat too, right? But the problem was... what?
Pulling out her phone, she started looking up cat-appropriate foods. Meats, got it. But no sauces or seasonings of any kind. Also don’t give them milk because they’re generally lactose intolerant, and that one took her by surprise—you mean that all those movies and cartoons with cats drinking from saucers of milk had been lying to her this entire time? Oh wow.
Okay, she could probably cook up something simple for him.
Yura started moving around in her kitchen, vaguely noticing Satoru walking around her apartment—scolding him when he knocked something off a shelf—but focusing on getting food ready. And since she would have to wait to get her dinner ready, she decided to hold herself off with a couple of leftover cupcakes she had in her fridge from her last bakery run.
She opened the fridge, fetching the two chocolate pastries, and then placed them up on the counter—
And suddenly Satoru jumped up on it, surprising her.
“Satoru,” she called, watching as cat Satoru headed straight to something with his tiny mouth wide open in glee, something—
The cupcakes.
“No,” she said, picking him up off the counter. His four legs flailed around in the air as he let out an indignant squeak, but she paid him no mind as she placed him on the kitchen island instead.
And he then immediately jumped right back to the counter where the cupcakes were.
“Satoru, no,” she called once more, promptly picking him up again. Cat Satoru let out another frustrated meow, his paws trying to reach her cupcakes as she moved him away. “You can’t eat sweets right now, you are a cat.”
Satoru let out a loud, dramatic meow as she placed him on the kitchen island again. And he instantly tried to jump to the counter once more, but she caught him in mid-air.
“Satoru,” she chided him, holding him against her side. Cat Satoru looked up at her, and if he were human, she was sure he’d be pouting. “I don’t know how biology works right now, but you are a cat. So there’s a big chance that if you eat any sweets as you are, it might just kill you. Stay away.”
Satoru paused for a moment, and they just stared at each other. Then he started wiggling again in her arms, trying to reach the counter, and she let out an aggravated sigh.
“So a time out, then,” she said, walking out of the kitchen and to her bedroom. “Since you can’t behave, you’re gonna have to wait right here.”
Yura shot him a stern look as she placed him inside her bedroom, his little head tilting in confusion for a moment before she closed the door and left him inside.
“You stay there until dinner is ready,” she called through the door, snorting again at this absurd situation as she heard the whiny meows coming from the other side.
Because honestly, Satoru would absolutely eat those cupcakes given the chance, and considering they were chocolate—that literally might kill him.
Satoru scratched at the door, meowing in a very dramatic and Satoru-like fashion as she turned away, walking back to the kitchen and—
There he was, sitting on top of the counter, tail swishing behind him.
Hehe, she could practically hear from him.
“...You can still teleport?” she asked, incredulous.
“Meow,” he answered, looking like a very smug cat.
Yura was forced to put the cupcakes away again, and she made Satoru promise he wouldn’t try to eat any sweets unless he wanted to die in a cat’s body. That, and the fact that she threatened to make him eat actual cat food got him to actually settle down as she cooked some chicken and eggs for him to have as dinner.
“So,” she started once they were both done eating, letting out a sigh. “Now what?”
“Mrrh?” Satoru chirped, his cat tongue slipping out to lick around his mouth, his ears twitching.
...Okay, he’s very cute.
“Wanna watch a movie?” Yura asked. Might as well, right?
Satoru seemed to chirp in agreement, and he followed her as she moved to the couch, jumping up on it next to her. It was certainly odd, making herself comfortable to watch a movie with Satoru when he was a cat, but she could still feel his presence there next to her, assuring her that this really was Satoru. If she closed her eyes, she could almost pretend it was him back in human form, but then she suddenly felt two little paws on top of her thigh, and her eyes opened to peer down at him.
“What?” she asked, a little amused at the sight of cat Satoru half-standing perched up on her thigh, looking up at her.
“Meow,” he responded. She had no idea what that meant.
Satoru seemed to be sniffing at something in the air, his cat head moving around as he focused on something. Then he climbed onto her lap like he’d done in the car, and Yura stared down at him in amusement. “So you’re a lap cat, that’s what you’re telling me?”
“...Meow...” he responded... almost thoughtful.
Yura continued to stare at him, taking in the features of Satoru-as-a-cat. He was actually, truly, really cute, and she bit her lip as she stared at the way his tiny pink nose wiggled around in the air. When Satoru suddenly lifted a paw to swipe at his own head, purposefully knocking the tiny sunglasses off, familiar blue eyes blinked up at her. “Hi... kitty,” she called, and when Satoru’s tiny cat eyes narrowed up at her, she snickered. “Are you a good boy?” she teased.
Satoru let out a small huff, turning his head up. Yura wasn’t holding back the grin that spread across her face, and she ended up also not holding herself back when she got the urge to suddenly touch him.
She lifted a hand, slowly letting a finger touch his cat cheek. The whiskers tickled her skin, but as she finally made contact, the white fur felt extra soft to the touch, softer than when she would brush his hair sometimes. Ah, that’s right—Satoru was actually really fond of having his hair brushed, wasn’t he? So would he enjoy the same thing as a cat, she wondered...
She started to gently scratch at his cheek, watching as Satoru seemed to pause at the feeling... and then suddenly lean into it, his eyes closing as he pushed his head into her hand.
Yura’s smile widened as she started giving him scritches under his jaw, Satoru seemingly enjoying them and encouraging her further.
Then he started purring.
Yura had to bite at her lip—this was too much. “Satoru,” she called, moving her hand to rub at the top of his head. “You’re purring right now,” she told him, but he didn’t respond, his eyes closed as he seemed to enjoy getting petted.
Her grin widened.
Her other hand joined in, her thumbs rubbing at his cat cheeks. He only let out an appreciative meow, the purring never ceasing, and Yura kept indulging him, like she’d often do by brushing her hands through his hair after he’d make her take his blindfold off for him. But then Satoru suddenly moved forward, his front paws stepping on her stomach as he raised himself closer to her face, and she blinked down at the sudden proximity.
“What?” she asked, a little confused but also a little amused. Or a lot.
Satoru, as expected, didn’t say anything, only brought his head closer to her, nose sniffing the air. Yura blinked at him as his chilly little nose touched her chin, sniffing at her... before he suddenly started rubbing his head against her jaw.
She huffed out an amused laugh. “Satoru?” she asked, but Satoru only kept rubbing his cat head against her cheek, his fur and whiskers tickling her. He’d pause for a moment, nose sniffing at her again, before he went right back to rubbing his head against her... almost fiercely determined in his movements. “Honestly...” she huffed out again. Her hands had been hovering in the air, and she let them gently rest against Satoru’s white, furry back.
Was this a cat instinct of his? Well, she could indulge him on this, as long as he didn’t start humping her or anything...
If there was one thing she learned during this whole experience, it was that Satoru as a cat was really needy.
After he was done rubbing himself up on her, he settled down on her lap and proceeded to nap there as Yura watched the movie alone, letting her hands gently pet him every now and then. But when she had to get up to go to the bathroom, he did not seem to have appreciated being disturbed, letting out whiny meows as she told him that no, you can’t come with me.
Then after, when she tried getting some work done for the night, scattering a few reports on her bed that needed filling, Satoru said no. Or meowed a no, in this case, promptly sitting on top of the papers and refusing to move.
“Satoru,” she called, staring at him with a look that asked ‘are you serious’.
Satoru’s tail swished back and forth, silently responding with ‘yes, I am’.
She let out a heavy sigh. Honestly, this somehow felt so painfully in-character for him that she had to wonder if turning into a cat was what made him act more like one, or if he’d already had the soul of a cat deep, deep down.
It eventually got late enough that it was time to go to bed, so Yura started her nightly routine. She took a shower (and threatened to give Satoru a shower if he didn’t behave), and went to brush her teeth.
And Satoru refused to leave her alone.
“Meow,” he tried getting her attention, standing up on his hind legs with his front paws pressed against her leg.
“’m busy,” she said, spitting out toothpaste into the sink. “Just let me brush my teeth.”
“Meowww,” he whined.
Yura sighed. Weren’t cats supposed to be more independent or something?
“Do you want to go to the bathroom again?” she asked. At least Satoru was able to use the regular toilet, and she hadn’t needed to get a litterbox for him...
But cat Satoru shook his head, letting out a whine. He ended up jumping up on her washing machine next to her sink, perching himself up there and looking at her expectantly.
“Are you hungry?” she asked, but he shook his head. “What then?”
Satoru nodded his little head at her, his blue eyes sparkling in the artificial light of her bathroom.
Did he... did he want more petting?
Incredulous, Yura raised a hand—surely this wasn’t what he wanted?
But then he pushed his head into her hand, and Yura started giving him scritches again as she let out a huff.
This fucking cat.
At last, it was time to get to bed. But therein lay the problem: where was cat Satoru going to sleep?
Satoru had never really slept over her place, mostly due to the lack of space and he’d never had any need for it anyway. So should she make him sleep out on the living room couch? Yura felt a little guilty at the thought, the image of this tiny bundle of white fur staying all alone by himself out there making him look oddly vulnerable in her mind. And considering that he refused to stay away from her anyway... into her bedroom they went.
“Here,” she said, setting her fluffiest blanket into a small nest for him at the foot of the bed. “You can sleep here.”
“Meow?” Satoru let out, jumping up on her bed and investigating the makeshift cat bed.
It felt a little surreal, going to sleep with Satoru right there next to her, in the same bed... but as a cat. Well, the entire day had felt very surreal, to be fair, so it was finally time to end it and hope that tomorrow this whole thing would eventually fix itself at some point.
Yura settled into her usual spot on the bed, slipping under the covers on her side, her eyes then landing on the white furball next to her.
“You alright in there?” she asked, and Satoru turned his cat head to her.
“Meow,” he replied. That sounded good enough to her.
Yura closed her eyes.
And a few moments later, she felt the bed shift, a warm small weight settling right against her stomach. She cracked an eye open, seeing the white cat that was Satoru curling himself into a ball against her.
“Satoru?” she asked, but he only responded with a quiet chirp, curling further into himself.
Yura let out yet another sigh. She had read somewhere that cats had higher body temperatures and that they liked the heat, so maybe he was just cold.
She lifted a hand, rubbing a knuckle on the top of his head. “Just go to sleep, and maybe you’ll wake up human again tomorrow,” she told him.
“Meow...” he responded, and started purring again.
A smile spread across her face as she closed her eyes.
(When Yura had been halfway to sleep, she felt a warm thing suddenly start to burrow itself under her arm. It felt nice, and soft, so Yura brought it closer to her chest, holding it to her.)
Yura eventually started waking up, bit by bit.
And the first thing she noticed was the warm thing that was pressed against her—not unpleasant, just unusual. Her brows furrowed at the feeling, because this thing was warm and heavy against her side, something rubbing itself against her chest and making her feel funny.
So she cracked her eyes open and peered down, her gaze being immediately met by a headful of white hair.
Ah, Satoru, her mind supplied. But hold on—Satoru had been turned into a cat yesterday, she suddenly recalled. But hold on again—this was definitely a person-sized thing that was in bed with her.
“Satoru...” she called, trying to shift back to look at him. But no go, Satoru had a strong arm locked around her torso, keeping her in place as he rubbed his head against her chest.
Was he still purring or was that just her imagination...?
Yura tried pulling back again but Satoru held on tighter, a sudden realization that he was rubbing his face against her breasts making a wave of heat shoot up across her face.
“S-Satoru,” she stammered out, wakefulness finally coming over her as she pushed him back with more force. “You’re human again, get off.”
That seemed to have finally stirred him awake, his head eventually shifting up to blink up at her with blue sleepy eyes—human eyes now. His hold on her loosened, and she took the opportunity to push him away from her. Her eyes scanned his form, trying to check if everything was back in place now, her eyes going lower and lower—
Yura let out a loud squeak, jumping off the bed. “You are naked—”
“Me—ow,” he let out as she pushed him off the bed, ungracefully falling onto the floor with a bedsheet thrown over him. “…This is animal abuse.”
Yura let out a huff, welcoming back Satoru’s familiar voice after all those meows yesterday—at the same time that she wanted to smack his finally human face.
(And she tried very hard to ignore his very human bare chest as he only dignified himself to cover his bottom half with the fallen bedsheet, her face burning because yes, she had also just caught an eyeful of very human privates just a moment before…)
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End notes: (Yes, I did not know how to end this lol)
Anyway, this was just some silly side fun as I struggle writing some chapters of the main fic, welp. Turns out it's a lot more fun to picture Satoru as a cat instead! Bonus points if you're familiar with cat behavior and figured out what cat Satoru was doing rubbing himself on Yura lmao. And since they weren't together here yet, Yura doesn't know how clingy and needy Satoru can really get as a human because sis, that is just his real self showing through when he has the excuse of 'being a cat' to hide behind lol.
Thank you for reading this dumb oneshot!
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Billy Hargrove x singer!reader
Living in Hawkins is probably the most boring thing possible but it has its perks.
I woke up to the screeching of my alarm at 7:30 am letting me know I have to get up to go to school, I sit up and see my cat stretching and yawning as it seems it also awoke to my alarm.
Groaning I get up and start getting ready for the day, thankful that it's a Friday for one reason it's the weekend and the other is that I go to the bars open mic nights. I've made good friends with the regulars already.
As I'm brushing my hair I hear the honking of Steve's car outside my house.
"Shit shit shit shit shit!"
Running out barefoot with only socks on, my bag over my shoulder and my sneakers in my hand I get in the backseat of his car.
"Hey nance!"  I greet Nancy
"Morning y/n!" Steve and Nancy reply in sync
"Well aren't you a lovely disaster this morning" Steve teases
"Fuck you i had to shower " I reply laughing
As we pull up to the school I managed to pull myself together and not look homeless.
Last night wasn't one of the best. My mother suffers from a handful of mental illness one of those being bipolar disorder and there are times where she can hate my guts and other times where she acts like nothing happened, she's had one of her episodes last night and screamed at me for my room being messy and threw my mirror at me making it shatter into a million pieces.
On Monday we got a new student his name was billy and he came from California. What is he doing here? I have to fucking idea. We didn't exactly have the best first interactions I guess? On his first day he's befriended Tommy and his group. Unfortunately for me I wasn't my nicest looking as the night before I had another argument with my mom which led to her kicking me out of the house so I went to school the next morning red eyes and a messy bun.
Monday morning
When I arrived on school on Monday Tommy and his group were staring at me. Im popular but not how you think. I don't have a large group of friends nor am I rich. Through all the hate I received throughout my childhood I have made a promise to never give hate no matter how much I receive. I don't have 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 with anyone in this school. At least not that I know of.
"Hey y/l/n you good?" I hear carol ask
I turn to look her way and see her friends and the new kid staring at me
"Uh- yeah, just hard night, you know" I replied
Carol might seem like a total bitch but she isn't once you befriend her, she's known of my home life for a while now
I take another glance at the new kid once again and we end up making eye contact for what seems like forever until I enter the actual school.
Present time
Me Nancy and Steve walked into the school and going out separate ways as we all the different classes, I head to my seat in the back of the class and start doodling in my journal watching the class fill up as the bell rings.
Keeping my eyes on my journal I see someone out of the corner of my eye take the desk next to me.
"Hey y/l/n" i hear the voice of billy say as I look up
"Hey, morning" I reply smiling
"What're you drawing?" He asked with a small smirk playing on his lips
"oh, just doodles to pass time" I reply slightly inhaling as he gets closer to see
I'm enjoying the time we spend talking until some girl next to him gets his attention by whining his name and then proceeds to ask him out.
Slightly upset that he chose to ignore me I turn my attention to the window showing the outside track by the gym.
This class period is one of the longest classes I have being 3 hours long so that gives me time to work on random things, I've been writing this song since last week labeling it "mirrorball" as mirrorball was the original name of a ball covered in shattered pieces of a mirror before getting the name "disco ball" as they were used in the 70s at discos
While finishing last minute things on the song I see billy look at my journal through the corner of my eye.
Quickly not sparing him a glance I close my journal just in time as the bell rings and being the first one out of the class
"Y/n!" I hear billy yell
Turning around I reply "hey?"
"Sorry about earlier uh yeah " he says scratching his neck
"Oh cause you know, Emma"
"Oh that! Yeah don't worry about it" I fake smile
It's awkward silence for about 5 seconds
"Um sorry I'm gonna head to class" I say walking away before he can respond
Time skip
As I make my way inside my house I hear the phone start ringing, rushing to it I answered
"Hey y/n" I hear on the other side of the phone that it's Eddie
"Oh hey Ed's! Are you ready for tonight?" I ask him because he is the keys during my set
"Yep, so do you want me to pick you up?"
"Yeah that would be great see you then!"
Changing into my outfit for tonight it's a flowy purple dress with ruffles and bell sleeves pretty much giving a hippie fairy is what I hoping for
Me and Eddie arrive to the bar a bit before I go on to set up and try to get there before it gets busy
After setting up I begin seeing people start to pour in as the sun sets, unfortunately I still have a quick sound check before.
Making my way to the bathroom I see billy sitting at the bar with Emma with his tongue practically down her throat
Part two https://www.tumblr.com/mystargirl-interlude/721670506571513856/%F0%9D%91%AD%F0%9D%91%B6%F0%9D%91%B9-%F0%9D%91%AD%F0%9D%91%B9%F0%9D%91%AC%F0%9D%91%AC-bh
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onmywaytofanfic · 10 months
Thanks a lot for the tag Kaz @akamikazae let's see if I can do all of them!! :3333
Name: Boro :3
Pronouns: She - Her/ They - Them
Where do you call home: I heard once that home is that place where you can go to the toilet without any problem. I would also add that is that place where you can get yourself a glass of water without asking for one.
Favorite animal: People assumed that I am a cat person, they are wrong I love every animal...also cats, felines in general.
(˚ˎ 。7
Cereal of choice: I have a problem with cereals I love them!!! My favourits are honey puff like cereals and those that are squares filled with chocolate or milk. Those are ddelicious GIVE ME CEREALS!!
Are you a visual, audio, or kinesthetic learner: I remember that we have to do this test at the Uni and I was like a mix. Most of the time I doodle while taking notes and when revising stuff I need to move around my room. Also, when I am thinking in general I need music or a podcast while pacing around and a small notebook where I can write down any idea that crosses my mind or doubt while revising something. I tent to do more than one thing at once so, pacing while listening helps me so... Audio-kinasthetic-reading learner
First pet: There is a festivity here Los tres Reyes Magos, Three Wise Men, that we celebrate durign the Xmas time. That night my neighbours dog gave birth to who would be my first truthful friend. I woke up and the neighbour told us that the mother couldn't pass the night. In a small basket they got both pups, one seemed so full of energy the other one was curled up and shaking. I got the curld one without a second though and hugged them. He would be my friend for more than 10 years. I miss him a lot. He got the name of my favourite journalist ever but I keep it for myself ;) Friends know his name.
Favorite scent: Baked cookies, cinammon, but mostly flowery scents like lavender and also, please do not laugh, there is this deodorant chocolate scented ...wow.
Do you believe in astrology: I prefer to keep my thoughts to myself on this one, yet I find astrology interesting but I would not let it choose my life or stuff like that. It is very interestign to have a look at it.
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/apple music: 10
Sharpies or highlighters: Highlighters! I actually enjoy the layers that you can do with them and they got this Cyberpunk effect when done right that I love.
A song that makes you cry: ‘Fucking Perfect' by P!nk or 'The crow and the butterfly' Shinedown.
A song that makes you happy: ‘Lady Domina' Haloo Helsinki! or 'Master of the House' Les Miserables the musical... I have a problem with musicals in general.
And finally do you draw/write/create? I write and draw, a different thing is that I have the guts to call what I do something creative or even worthy. But I just do it, hoping to get better eventually... hope is the key word there. So I do both and technically create since both are creations *badum tsch* I also do tons of memes so...that's creations too, isn't it? One day I may post here those abominations that I call memes.
Hmmmm I tag @succikko-nebulae , @shinoposting , @yamanaka-shin and @spellcasterlight <3<3<3<3<3
Thanks again Kaz!!1 This was fun, I did not know that I had so many playlist on Spotify...and I use one in a loop most of the time xD.
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ntls-24722 · 9 months
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Mime DJMM!
@artastic-friend had the idea of him being a twitch streamer from the same video that brought Karaoke Kat to fruition, and since they actually do go on twitch they mentioned how there's streams that musicians do where it's all music, barely any or no talking, and then I suggested that if he were to stream he would have to exaggerate his movements a ton to bring his own personality to light. Like a mime!
So, Dj Music Mime.
Spoilers for Clone high below? It's a pretty small spoiler, but
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This is a weird crossship but DJMM kinda has a chance with Wesley especially in the universe of Clone High. A robot like him wouldn't be Wesley's first rodeo. I'll call them... Gospel Music
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Giant spider fritz!!
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I wish there was more but I didn't have a lot of time to do it, which is a shame because there was a really cute, extra idea
Also I gotta admit making giant spider romance is a little awkward on account of the fact that Giant Spider/Planetnid (name for Oort Cloud creations) Fritz wouldn't realistically have a plastic helmet like Comet, so he's very... stiff. In the face. But I did make a hypothetical one quite a while ago
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another reason why there isn't much is because ya boy is SICKNASTY‼️💯🔥🔥🔥🔥
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which isnt very big news but in relation to that I also wanna say that in general this blog is gonna. slow down
I started the almost daily music man tag during April and that was when school was really slowing down/i had way more time for doodles? But school is starting up again?
I just don't want to push myself to the point of burnout and end up hating doing this? Even though I really like doing this??? But I feel awful everytime I can't get around 2 pages worth of Stuff/I make stuff that isn't all that good in my eyes?
i uhhh just wanna warn that it's gonna be slowing down since I originally wasn't making all the music man stuff daily for the tag (though it has kind of become me doing so but i wanna nip it in the bud before i hate that habit), it was just that I usually drew some Music Men almost every day and that I would be able to post them. It was a recording of an occurrence rather than a gimmick of this blog if that makes sense?
There probably is still going to be music man stuff almost everyday just, probably not 2 pages worth of it everytime
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infinibab · 18 days
what if you were the moon and i was an avid star and moon watcher and we fell in love after a cataclysmic event (in a timeless, unlabeled sorta way)
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anyways!! another au to add to the roster!! still working on a title for this one, but now, i'm shortening it to the Moonfall AU!!
this here is a little au wherein Knuckles has the ability to see a certain Shady figure (Shadow) within the moon. they don't talk much, but when they do, their conversations are always worthwhile.
there's a story to this whole au too which i'm really excited to share!! but i'll save that for another day. (it'll be soon though, TRUST)
doodles and more rambles under the cut!! (and if you have any questions, my asks are open!! stick your hands into my enclosure)
knuxadow shippers are so starved like. fuuuuuuuccckk why is Shadow the moon all of a sudden?? anyways, this idea hit me in the middle of the night and i just kinda ran with it!
long story short; this is a little au featuring Shadow (the moon) and Knuckles (certified moon enjoyer) and how their relationship unfolds
Fun fact: Shadow actually has a physical form! (he actually has two!) However, he's more likely to project it (in a hologram-esque way) rather than show up anywhere physically. This mini projection is only visible to Knuckles though. for lore reasons, of course.
As for his other physical form, it's a lot closer to the Shadow we see in canon! It's not as discreet as he'd like, but it helps him blend in just fine.
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Whenever Shadow's not in projection mode, he often takes shape within the moon! again, though, he's only really visible to Knuckles.
(also: the moon isn't always THAT close to knuckles either, and it's never that small. i simply didn't want to scale anything)
most of these doodles actually take place after the events of the au plot. whoops. beforehand, Knuckles had only felt a strong connection to the moon, but didn't know there was actually somebody in it! it was a bit of a shock, especially since the hedge in the moon is so damn irritating! but that's neither here nor there. they get along just fine now, save for the occasional feud every now and then.
i need to stop myself, but there'll be more on this soon TRUST!!!
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hackedmotionsensors · 1 month
i didn't reblog the post but I do agree that the terminology for zines has gotten completely twisted.
ON THE OTHER HAND I don't think that selling them for say 20$ (which is what i sell my sketchbooks for) is unreasonable or unfair to still call a zine. I need to cover my costs of printing and the time I put into putting them together. yeah I can TECHNICALLY get a printer and print them myself but with the cost of printer ink and the lack of space its easier for me to just pay for someone to do it professionally but I'm also NOT making them at like....the HIGHEST QUALITY, LIBRARY BOUND, HARD COVER, IT COMES WITH A THOUSAND DOO DADS AND GIFTS. its just sketchbooks ofpreviously existing doodles and a few new sketches or sketches that I had before and colored in. Its essentially like selling a full print but in carryable size with some notes from me.
Its a zine but I call it a sketchbook because the idea of zines has changed for a lot of consumers. Thats not their fault bc those zines or anthologies DID start out in the "lets make a big ol book together because we are all horny for Reigen" kind of thing. A lot of times they're projects made from passion. I HAVE noticed that there's been a turn in the whole process of making them that both stresses out artists, requires kickstarters, and all sorts of shit that should be considered Artbooks. ARTBOOKS have always been on the higher end of things. There's nothing wrong with considering an anthology thats proper bound, and for a certain amount on a kickstarter you get extra things like stickers, charms, whatever.
But zines SHOULD go back to being simple little things. The cost to buy them shouldn't be lost UNLESS the artist wants it to be. If you print at home or using a schools printer and just print a bunch of cute little zines yourself then that should also exist and you can set your price point for whatever you want.
Its all semantics and personal preference at the end of the day but I do think that...yknow it wouldn't hurt if we could start calling the big project 50$ range books that often get run into the ground from bad leadership (or fun stuff like the organizer of the thing runs off with the money to play genshin) ...something other than zine. Like Artbook or Anthology. Or even Collection lol
Zine should be a small thing that you collect for fun and doesn't require a committee, a new discord channel, and a contract to make sure your organizer doesn't run off to play gacha (I'm sorry it still makes me laugh)
ALSO another thing about zines is that often times they were originally made to be alternatives to really closed minded book sellers. Like...its where a lot of the OG star trek fanfic/porn came from. Its a place to have your ideas put down. To explore narratives. Essentially Doujinshi can also be considered A TYPE of zine in that it literally means self published (not NECCESSARILY that its...yknow...bl or waifu porn lol Sometimes its just manga that artists put out before they can get published)
But lately there are a lot of zine projects (again...more actually like anthologies or art collections) that are REALLY REALLY closed minded even when the subject is SHIPPING.
So even the nature of CREATING the zines has changed a lot.
So yeah I agree with that post that I forgot to reblog. My only REAL gripe is that it doesn't mean that you should undercharge your work because you didn't print your zine at home or hand craft it like a youtube diy video. I did enough of that at art school I am not gonna bind a book or try to cut pages ever again if i don't have to lmao. CSP even has a zine preview so I can see the pages in 3d as if they were bound before printing lol
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Hiya! Just yeeting a hc at you: I've always Headcanoned that Scout usually went with the Bat/frying pan due to shaky hands or smth. Could be caused by anything. But probably from the amount of energy that guy has is the most possible-
Hey bestie!! I wanted to answer this with a little doodle, but I can't really draw anything atm since it's nearly midnight for me. HOWEVER, I will share with you some of the research I did on hand tremors!
Disclaimer ⚠️: I myself am not a mobility aid user, nor do I personally experience hand tremors. I do not claim to know everything on the topic, and may be incorrect or wrong in some cases! If you'd like to know more, I highly encourage you do your own research!! Ofc, if you happen to know more than I do, feel free to correct me where I'm wrong :) and have fun reading!
I really like ur idea on the bat/frying pan for Scout! It does make sense for him to perfer those particular melees with hand tremors, since the small triggers on guns might be a bit fiddly to deal with. Maybe for the frying pan he'd have to wrap the handle so it's a bit thicker, and easier to hold! Like those big rubber grippers for utensils you can order online
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Your ask made me think about what other things Scout might use/do in order to live with his tremors as comfortably as he can. I imagine he'll have to attend occasional physiotherapy sessions with Medic, to practice resistance training and working his muscles to help get steadier hands!
Of course, this also all depends on what kind of tremors Scout is experiencing, but since you said shaky hands, I'm going to guess Essential tremor, maybe? Essential tremor is one of the most common movement disorder, and it causes tremors mainly around the arms or hands, although it can also affect the head, voice, or other areas of the body. Essential tremor can be mild, or severe, depending on the person. I'm sure you weren't actually thinking about a specific type of tremor when sending in this ask, so I'm probably over-thinking this, but it's still interesting to learn!
I also think Scout would have to probably get a lil checkup after battles, especially since hand tremors usually worsen after intakes of caffeine (and Scout’s gotta be chugging that BONK all battle), and obviously after a bloody battle there's gonna be leftover adrenaline too. All of that combined means a lot of shaky hands, so off to the Doc he goes to de-stress!
There are also some mobility aids that help with tremors that Scout could use! Such as these braces/gloves (??) That dempens tremors. Now, I'm not sure how exactly these work, and I've never personally used them before, so their actual effectiveness is beyond me; but according to what I've read, they're apparently pretty helpful at stabilizing the hand (if only somewhat)
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From what I understand, some of them are simply weighted gloves that you strap onto your hand, such as the ones shown in the second and third picture, but some have tiny little sensors in them that counteract against the tremors to "cancel out" the shaking?? (I probably didn't word that right)
Anyways, I had a lot of fun exploring more tf2 merc disability headcanons with y'all, and I hope you had fun too!! Sorry to anon for dumping this massive answer on you, you probably just wanted a simple doodle :')
If you happen to know more on the subject, or have personal experience, please do share and correct me if I got anything wrong!
Love you all! <33
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sageheartwriting · 1 year
Virgil Hawkins (YJ Static Shock) x Artist! GN! Reader
Author's note: First time writing something on tumblr! I just love YJ minor characters so much but there's like not much content SO I'm feeding myself and if you'd like to send in requests that's fine too! Tell me if there's anything that I can improve on!!
Story: Virgil breaks his old skateboard and gets a new one. (name) offers to doodle some stuff on it and stuff ensues. (This is more fluff than anything romantic I think, tell me if it's bad haha)
Virgil whisked through crowds of people, music blaring through his headphones. He weaved through the streets, the wheels of his skateboard scraping along the floor.
"Shit, shit, shit! I'm so gonna be late...!" Virgil grumbled as he peeked at his phone. In that moment of his absent-mindedness, he bumped into a person and...accidentally stepped on his skateboard.
Unsurprisingly, he showed up late.
(Name) sat idly at the table, scrolling through their phone with a neutral expression, occasionally scribbling down sketches down on a small notebook. Virgil pushed open the door of the coffee shop, his signature skateboard and chirpy attitude absent for once.
"It's rude to make a friend wait, y'know."
(Name) looked up with a smug smirk, teasingly mocking his late appearance. They cocked an eyebrow at the dread-head, suddenly noticing his saddened expression. Virgil sat down opposite (name), eyebrows wrinkling into a frown (which they found cute).
"Ugh, I'm real sorry. I know we wanted to meet up and talk and stuff, so I actually wanted to come earlier! Ah, just my luck. My skateboard broke so I had to walk the rest of the way...sorry, man." He whisper-yelled in frustration at his own misfortune.
(Name) nodded and took a sip of their drink. "That's fine." They looked up to smile at him, flashing their teeth in a charming smile. "Maybe you should get a new one? Actually...when you do...can I..can I doodle on it?" (Name)'s eyes lit up at the idea that suddenly came to mind.
The pair soon found themselves in Virgil's room, seated on the floor with a brand new shiny skateboard, waiting to be decorated in colourful neon markers. (Name) took out their sketchbook - full of small doodles - and their phone - full of reference images - and went to work.
Virgil watched as (Name) got in 'the zone', completely immersing themselves in the moment. They held up a picture of a cute puppy. "Can I draw this?" They asked, eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. He could feel his chest tighten from (name)'s adorable actions.
"Sure. But why that?" He leaned back, giving them full creative freedom over the design of his skateboard.
"It's cute. It reminds me of you." (Name) spoke with zero hesitation.
Virgil's face flushed and he sat back up straight, leaning in closer to hear better. "S-sorry, what?" He tried to cover up his embarrassment. Surely, they didn't mean that...he just heard wrong! Right?
(Name)'s face reddened as they slowly realised what they said, and their hands stopped abruptly.
"Um...I...I said it's cute! Yeah! It's cute." (Name) also shook it off.
The atmosphere suddenly became tense and Virgil realised just how close his face was to theirs.
"Tell me the truth...please..?"
(Name) gulped and bit on the inside of their cheeks. Sure, Virgil was a nice guy...and his jokes was always the highlight of their conversations...and was just a joy to have around...
"Hey-you're getting really red...are you okay?" Virgil grabbed (name) by the shoulders, shaking them lightly. (Name) snapped out of their trance, staring back at him. "H-huh? What did you ask? I forgot." (Name) lied, eyes darting around the room in nervousness.
"What about the puppy that reminds you of me?" He asked.
Alright, time to rip off the band-aid.
"It's..." (Name) sucked in a deep breath. "It's cute like you."
They both sat there for a while in silence, before bursting into laughter. Virgil slapped his knee. "You're kidding!"
"No, I mean, yes. I mean it." (Name) regained composure, sitting upright to look at him properly. "I think...I...I think you're cute, Virgil." The feeling of something cold spreading along (Name)'s sock alerted them and they looked down.
"Oh, shit. I left the marker uncapped."
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rohoenergy · 1 year
When I made the first tape I didn’t know what the plan was I kinda just wanted to put out a tape for me and my friends. Even internally trying to harvest my potential in areas where I felt like seeds were planted for me and they were not entirely my own. Nothing can prepare you for the things that come with this music shit when you’re a small town boy and a virgin to the the city. EPHEMERAL was the root chakra, a moment in time that is frozen forever. A starting and referencing point. On occasion I still go back and visit that version of me for solace and guidance. 
I spent 2years after that in and out of love, in and out of vices, in and out the city, around and away from home…trying to make something of my myself even if to simply just make sense of my own life and it’s intended form. 
I had many studio sessions with MARS in 2021 even some virtual ones with EARL trying to create something and nothing would came out of my body. Nothing came out of my vocal cords either, I lost and fuckedup my singing voice, quite literally gave up on the idea of pursuing music for a while. (Wasn’t being “mysterious” lol. Was just going thru some things). But this life I swear, something about this life is so intricately designed that things are always in their place even when they feel out of place. VESPER came to me in a meditation. At night. And even the irony of a “vesper” being a literal night prayer. When VERSPER came to me that night it came with a new voice box, a new body and a new form. I kept a black leather journal these past two years and in one of the pages there’s some doodles with “ARCHANGEL” written in jet-black ink that held the formula for the entire project. I’ve been working subconsciously on this album for 3years without knowing it. 
This year I came back home to my mother’s house, I was hesitant on returning and starting from zero—especially after creating habits and new ways. She would hug me on my lowest days and tell me that I possess more power than I actually credit myself for and just like everybody else I needed to evaluate the shadow and embrace it because it won’t always be daytime. VESPER is nighttime. Venus in the night sky. It is redemption, for myself and for my conscious. I spent a portion of my life’s prime years around muses and amazing things and amazing people and we all seemed to come alive in the night, the most vulnerable time of day. VESPER is my shadow work in the most intensive way, goin through life’s darkest alleyways and venues. It is the realisation of your solitude even in the crowd, it is the most annoying and intrusive thoughts, it is emotional venom and sex…lots of it. VESPER is a scorpio, the sacral chakra. The divine feminine, my very own Lilith. VESPER is also the alchemy of redirecting all my misfortunes into shit I can scream out loud on stage to a crowd of open hearts as a form of therapy and healing. But most importantly, VESPER is me enjoying myself in the presence of everybody else. A beam of selenite glow on a new moon. The other side…
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pjunicornart · 2 months
Symptoms of Me (vent post... kinda)
So, my mental health has been kicking my ass as of late. I haven't been feeling the best, and lately I've been beat to shit by my autistic symptoms.
So how did I vent? With Meet the Robinsons, of course. Because I feel so connected to Lewis/Cornelius, I headcanon that he experiences my symptoms as well.
I drew Neil displaying how my symptoms/trauma manifests. They're all just little doodles. I think it's important for people to see from multiple perspectives when it comes to mental health (especially neurodivergency) because everyone's symptoms manifest differently. I've wanted to make a post like this for a while, so... here you go.
This is me. (cw: brief mentions of trauma/abusive relationships)
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I space out a lot. Often times I'll get lost in my daydreams, so much so that hours could pass by and I wouldn't have a clue. This happens a lot, actually. It's the reason why I'm only able to get one artwork done a day, because I constantly space out. Another little symptom displayed here is my fidgeting. As I write this post I am bouncing my leg.
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Wanna know a physical sign of autism? Toe walking! I do this a lot. I do it because carpets and hardwood floors feel weird to walk on. If I don't have my house shoes or socks on, I'll toe walk everywhere.
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Music is how I connect with the world. That's why I get inspired by music so often. Since I can't formulate my words on the topic of my feelings, music is how I do that. Music helps me understand myself by putting complex things I don't understand into simple to sing along to verses.
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On the topic of music, it gets stuck in my head. Easily. I can put a song on loop for five hours straight and I would never get bored of it. When I go to bed, the song will play in my head, and I'll get excited because I can listen to it again in the morning. Because songs get stuck in my head so often, I would mumble under my breath the lyrics as a tick. The same could be said for my ticks in general. Small phrases or words will repeat in my head over and over again, and I'll say them aloud. Recently, "he's tired" has been on repeat for me. I don't know why.
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Wanna know ANOTHER physical sign of autism? Frequent constipation/irregular and incomplete bowel movements. I am definitely guilty of this. I've been taking fiber gummies, but it's only helped a little bit. I still go over a week without going number two. This might be a bit TMI, but this is one reason why it was super difficult for my parents to potty train me. It would hurt to go, and therefore I wouldn't wanna do it. My parents weren't particularly... nice, about potty training me. I have trauma from it. Speaking of...
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Because of trauma, I HATE using toilets. This kind of ties into my age regression as a coping mechanism a bit. For multiple reasons, I wish I had a better childhood. So, I regress to a mental space where I'm a happy kid. If I'm being honest? There are some days where I wish I could just go in a plastic potty and not use the toilet. Because of the trauma from potty training, yes, but also because they're loud. Loud noises suck.
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Emotions? I don't understand them. To me, it's just noise. I see no reason for them, and I hate them. But it's only because I don't understand them, and this includes my own emotions. There are times where I'm crying, and I have no idea why I'm crying. I'll tell myself there's no need for me to cry here, and I'd curse myself for being "weak", when I'm just being human. I'd judge others for getting angry, because to me, it's so easy to just suppress everything and look at things logically. I had to teach myself empathy recently, because I didn't get it when I was younger.
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I freeze when I'm in conflict. I remember everytime I'd get in trouble with my dad (he was emotionally abusive), I'd just sit there and cry, with the words stuck in my throat. I couldn't get them out, no matter how hard I tried. He'd yell at me and tell me to talk, and it would frustrate him when I wouldn't listen to him, and he'd just tell me off more. He didn't realize I was shutting down due to my autism (which was undiagnosed at the time - and still is because the American healthcare system sucks). It was hell. To this day, if I'm ever in a conflict, the words get stuck in my throat.
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In general, my relationship with food is negative. I avoid certain foods like the plague because they trigger my very sensitive gag reflex. Most of the time it's a texture issue. That's why I have my comfort foods. They textures and tastes are perfect! You'll notice that they're mostly warm foods. These foods warm me up in a way I really like; It's a pleasant feeling. Box mac n' cheese is my all time favorite comfort food, too. I like it a specific way: It has to be the Kraft brand with the spiral pasta, and I like it with a little bit of extra milk. It makes it creamier. By the way, I don't know why I drew that burger with cheese, because I actually like my burgers plain. Just burger and bun (same with hot dogs).
I'll be okay. Just going through a rough patch right now. I have a new AU idea for MtR that I'll explain. Eventually.
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sparklee-gem · 5 months
Oooh what’s altar boy and black coffee? 👀💞
Ah altar boy my beloved. This was one of my first long fic ideas, of a demon/ human AU where Yugi works at a church, is selectively mute, and catches the attention of a demon on the outskirts of the little community he lives in. It was one of my first “exploring kink” fics thought up.
I enjoyed the brainstorming, but this was before I had posted my first fic, so I got intimidated by the length of it and put it aside to work on smaller projects, which led to it getting buried. I would love to revisit it: I had even doodled up concepts too haha
“Alright, if you won’t tell me directly, I’ll just take a guess: You enjoyed our time together last time, is that right?”
Yuugi nodded.
“And you feel some sort of guilt. Letting a creature of sin like myself bring you pleasure, is that it?”
Yuugi hesitated, but nodded again.
“And,” Yami leaned forward where he sat, face propped up by his palm, “you want some sort of punishment for your feelings, and with me being the only one who knows about your ‘sins’, I’m the only one who can deliver it.”
At that, he stood up, and took long exaggerated steps towards Yuugi, heels clacking against the marble floor.
Yuugi stayed where he was, tense, looking at the floor. He kept his gaze there, even when he felt Yami stop right in front of him.
“Do you want me to punish you, Yuugi?”
He twisted his hands together, stomach twisting for many reasons. He gave a slight nod.
All of a sudden his face was grabbed and he was pulled forward, his eyes going wide as he was forced to look into sharp red irises.
“Say it. Say you want it, Yuugi.”
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Black Coffee was a “coffee shop AU meet-cute but make it horror” idea with puzzle. I actually finished most of it but I just never ended up going back to it. I’ll probably revisit it for some writing challenge to get a one shot out.
He hadn’t really been in the mood for a drink, but felt obligated to buy something in exchange for using the little shop as shelter from the weather. He decided on a honey sweetened tea, without caffeine, mainly for the warmth, and a pastry he would take home to heat up for breakfast for tomorrow.
Taking a seat at one of the tables by the window, he planned to take his time and savor the flavor of the tea while he waited out the storm.
He let his eyes roam only to catch someone staring directly at him from a booth across the shop. A moment passed, then the stranger with piercing blue eyes, almost violet in the low light, gave a small smile and turned his attention back to his own drink. He mumbled something and after a beat of silence he giggled to himself.
Atem swallowed down the odd feeling with another sip of tea. He looked out the window to watch the street, if only to have something else to look at.
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