#i also don't really like using twitter that often because of how toxic and weird it is
inkyu · 1 year
More art 🍽️
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I have this, it's the only piece of John Egbert art I am proud of
nice background practice too for looking at refs, I want to practice backgrounds to get good at it :33
my version of HS^2 John though, I feel like he would wear two shirts and have side burns
idk that's just me
anyways i'm going back to being afk again
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dekarios · 3 months
i love cryptid-like ocs... they are something. not telling u what or what their name is. but they exist, probably.
ive never actually talked about this oc on tumblr cuz i got the distinct feeling tumblr either wouldnt like it or wouldnt care (this is also why i dont talk about a lot of ocs very often and its usually just afhiri... low self esteeeeeeeem)
but i'll use this pose to give a lil rundown. trigger warning i guess for a generally terribly unhealthy and toxic relationship dynamic with weird shit like cannibalism and blah blah
this oc was specifically created because i wanted to explore orin's character more. i wasn't satisified with what she got, and i also am not really a dark urge fan/player so i don't have a durge to explore with orin (and i don't think i could do this now because i've fallen in love with a particular default durge interpretation i see on twitter a lot)
i wanted to make a werewolf in general cuz they're my favourites. cirok IS a werewolf but it's... not a typical werewolf and genuinely so fucked up. and i really liked the idea of a changeling with a werewolf, so i gave orin my more Typical werewolf
when orin is a young teen she finds a werewolf who is about the same age as her. orin decides she wants it, like a pet, and is able to convince the cultists who actually looked after her/raised her to essentially keep it as a pet and care for it... 'care' for it
they are raised together with the werewolf being orin's constant companion in every sense of the word. orin demands they are together whenever she can. they have a very close bond, which isn't quite owner and pet, but it skirts that line a lot.
orin trains the werewolf to be a cannibal and only eat people, this is partly for control reasons and also because it's fun to orin. the werewolf is specifically ordered not to hunt animals, and is punished when it does. so whenever the werewolf does hunt, it hunts the streets of baldur's gate for people to eat. it ends up developing favourites :)
orin also trains it to be tough and loyal in other ways. like orin practicing her blade work on it, which not only strengthens its skin with scar tissue, but also improves its pain tolerance, and tests how far she can go before it will act out. as they reach adulthood, it never tries to stop her - meaning she could kill it whenever she wants, and it wouldn't defend itself
going back to the cannibalism, the werewolf, in all of its love and devotion to orin, has determined she must be the most tasty meat of all. she's a changeling, the only it's ever seen, so it simply assumes she must taste unlike anything it's ever had. and because it loves her so, her scent alone is enough to drive it to a desire to devour her. orin uses this to toy with the werewolf, and will allow it to lick her, taste her blood, and various other things like placing her hand in its mouth to tease it. it would never bite orin without being ordered to, and sometimes she does allow it. when she's feeling particularly mean, she will taunt it about how much it wants to eat her, to see if she can break its resolve.
orin has also taken to drinking the werewolves blood, thinking it has forged a bond between them that transcends everything - they are connected through flesh and blood and it can never be severed.
the werewolf worships orin in a way that she could never get anywhere else. she has created the perfect creature for her, something that will always listen to her and respect her, that'll do anything she says, that will love her always no matter what she does, that will always provide whatever she may desire. if orin ordered it to die, it would. if orin ordered to eat itself, it would.
one of my favourite facts is that orin doesn't want it to ever leave the werewolf form. while this is technically impossible, and she will be visible angry and disappointed and upset if she witnesses the werewolf in it's usual form, she's found she enjoys a half transformed state a lot. so the werewolf has taken to forcing itself to be half werewolf, and half whatever it is when it isn't a werewolf. this form can and will look different! it's hard to keep up and is painful for the werewolf.
on that note, no. i don't know what the werewolf is when it isn't in its werewolf form. its race/species doesn't matter. i will never decide on this i don't even wanna think about it. Unimportant Information!
also because it is a dnd werewolf, it can be in Just A Wolf Form. sometimes it does this on its own accord and for orin. she doesn't mind it but prefers either full werewolf or the half transformed state. however sometimes u just wanna pet a wolf yknow. yknow???
ok i think thats enough LKSDFSFSDKFLDS
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hellsbellschime · 1 year
Hello, here to give you some context about the people attacking you: Lina is a person who is obsessed with Rhaegar x Lyanna, has been around the fandom for many years and is known to always start fights with every corner of the fandom, especially with people who don't think Rhaegar is a saint who did nothing wrong ever. Went as far to call Rhaegar a ephebophile instead of a p*dophile, as if that somehow makes it okay. Regarding her IRL opinions, she's very weird about Putin and issues regarding POC, which is often expressed through her opinions about fictional characters/races/families and has even expressed transphobic opinions. I've encountered her on twitter countless times; I'm neither pro-team Green or pro-team Black, yet she has been so awful and hateful that she's been called out numerous of times and most people know they should avoid her, both on twitter and tumblr. Brideoffires previously known as yendany has also been cancelled on tumblr before, I remember them from my old political tumblr days, they were called out as being anti black, racist, fetishiser of gay men and a weirdo overall. These people, along with the rest of "targnation" have been around the fandom for a long time, they will attack anyone they disagree with, including fellow Dany and Targaryen fans who don't "stan" Daenerys hard enough to their liking. If they don't like you, it means you're doing something right. I've always liked Daenerys, as a POC myself I've had issues with how racist her storyline is written, which has nothing to do with Daenerys, but the writer himself - and I got attacked for it and accused of being a "white bitch" which just puts me off the character and fandom and is extremely toxic and deranged. "Targnation" is known for being awful, attacking actors, being extremely racist and sexist and borderline transphobic, considering their treatment of Emma D'arcy when the HOTD casting was announced. This attack on you isn't because those people care about social justice, they've just branded you as a "Dany anti" and because they can't give a proper response to your metas and videos, they'd rather attack your personality and accuse of you things that aren't true, as they often do. All of this goes beyond fiction; war, racism, xenophobia, antisemitism is so much more important than "stan wars". It's not something you get to use as a "gotcha moment" because you disagree over fiction. It's absolutely disgusting. This fandom disappoints me every day. Anyway, keep being you, keep sharing your opinions, keep learning and growing. You're a gem in this fandom of awfulness, you're so well-spoken and smart and I hope you don't let these people get to you with their harassment and bullying because they've chased away a huge part of the fandom already. Sending love <3
Oh boy, well hello my fellow white bitch! And yeah, I don't know who this is nor do I really want to find out given what's been going on, but none of this is particularly shocking to hear. Obviously there are unhinged stans in every fandom, but it sucks when they make everything suck for everyone else. And thanks for the support but no one needs to worry about me, I survived the fucking Klaroline fandom so some kooks I've never heard of going nuclear on me is fairly old hat. It generally takes a lot for me to internalize this kind of fuckery and the only thing that actually bothers me is being misrepresented, and I feel like I made myself clear so at least people can form their opinions of me based on reality rather than the unhinged rantings of people who don't know me and who I don't know. Ultimately however people act is on me and not them, and stuff like this really is analogous to someone screaming "bitch" out of their car window as they drive by so it is not something I take personally, it is just weird because, due to the nature of social media, doing that can actually lead to some other people being like "wait what maybe they're right?"
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tellthemeerkatsitsfine · 11 months
I just found your blog and I wanna say you seem really cool and I like your posts. some of them are exactly the kinda thing I like when it comes “liveblogging”, and you also seem to have good opinions. I hope you’re having a good day (sorry if this is a weird ask to get I’m not very great at putting my words together or social things, and I was going to ramble more but it seemed even weirder and I didn’t want this ask to be even longer)
Wow, thank you, I appreciate that! That is a lovely thing to get on this morning, I love reading that. I do write this for myself firstly - if Tumblr didn't exist this would all be in a Word document on my hard drive somewhere - because when I think things I just need to write them down. But I love knowing other people enjoy the stuff that occurs to me, stuff that is mostly worthless except to some small sub-section of the population that shares my specific interests, that is so much fun.
Also, never apologize for rambling on my blog. As rambling is both something I do all the time, and it is kind of one of those opinions I have. That I genuinely think people underestimate how much Twitter has ruined the world - I mean, people know it's ruined the world, but because of toxic discourse and stuff, and I think people don't talk often enough about how Twitter has created an expectation that anything you say should fit into a couple of sentences. Which is bad because it strips nuance out of arguments, and that ruins the discourse in the world. But also, it strips joy out of things! It make you curtail self-expression! If you find someone's blog and like it, you should tell them without feeling like you've intruding by using more than 280 characters! Obviously that's a very selfish position for me to take on this specific post, because someone just said nice things about me, so of course I want to encourage it. But I also just believe that in general, say nice things and don't believe that a paragraph of them is too long! You sound like a lovely person with nice things to say that I'm sure people want to hear!
I recently heard a radio thing about internet comedy (a thing Josie Long did in about 2009, which is interesting as it was just emerging then), where Richard Herring was interviewed and said he likes putting comedy on the internet because people don't have as much right to be bothered by it. On TV or radio, if people don't like you they can complain that you've taken a slot that could go to something they'd like better. But the internet is vast with room for everyone, you can take up all the space you like and it doesn't cost anyone money or take space away from anyone else or force anyone to look at it, so say what you like! I don't love everything Richard Herring's ever said, but I liked that.
...Obviously, this is also a selfish opinion because it defends my own lack of ability, and/or lack of willingness to put effort into being concise when writing. And holding this opinion makes me feel better about when I feel pleased with myself for writing a post that I've managed to keep short and not too rambly, but then I'll see another post that is shorter than mine tagged "sorry this is so long". Or when people reblog my average posts with "long post", which is fine to do, just makes me remember... oh right, most people don't go on for as long as I do. But if you want to go on about something - anything whatsoever - I personally will always encourage you to do it, and there is no need to apologize to me for that. (And if the thing you're going on about is that you like my blog... I mean, you definitely don't need to apologize for that.)
I have rambled again, but the point is thank you for the message, I greatly appreciate it!
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v-v-x-x · 2 years
Love how the JD stans never know the definition of the terms they are using and often use ones against Heard that apply to them. Like toxic femininity for example. They toss that around yet it means: "the adherence to the gender binary in order to receive conditional value in patriarchal societies. It is a concept that restricts women to being cooperative, passive, sexually submissive, gentle, and deriving their value from physical beauty while being pleasing to men." So if Heard was the abuser, she wouldn't be an example of toxic feminity. But she's not the abuser (victims who fight back also don't fit toxic femininity because they aren't cooperating with their abuser's abuse), whereas the women who support JD are showing their very own toxic femininity by supporting a male abuser because patriarchal society has deemed that the correct stance and by believing there is an acceptable way to be a woman and a way that is not acceptable (a woman who hits her abusive partner back or hurts his fragile ego by saying something mean isn't acceptable).
FUCKING TRUE! I hate when people use the term "toxic femininity" like they're trying to sound so smart but in reality they sound dumb ass hell. Ever since this trial happened, these people have really shown their true colors saying all these horrible disgusting things about Amber and dragging other female celebrities in it like it's their turn next. Once this dies down and everyone stops talking about it, they're gonna go back on their feminist rant saying "believe all women" "men ain't shit fuck them". I don't wanna hear it. I don't and someone needs to call them out on their bullshit. You disagree with one thing and everyone goes crazy like we're all supposed to have the same view. All these babies making a blocklist post of people that support Amber. Mention my name. I need a shoutout. These crackheads are such hypocrites, they're following around Amber threatening to kill her, any time a logical person makes a good point they send them death threats, but you can say anything to them because that's "problematic" and "you're an abuse apologist". I have not once sent a crackhead fan a death threat because that's weird and I have a life but they'll do it to me in a heartbeat.
I don't even care about celebrity drama and the only reason why I'm talking about this is because it's being shoved down my throat everyday on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr no matter how many times I put "do not reccomend." But the main reason why I'm talking about this is because people years ago already predicted this is what would happen to the #metoo movement. This is all gonna have a negative impact on women whether they're famous or not. Workplace, home, outside minding your own business, anywhere. And these people don't understand but instead they want to blame Amber saying it's gonna be hard for women now to open up about abuse. When has it ever been easy!?!?!?! She did not cause this! It took my male co-worker a year to finally get fired and multiple women have reported him for sexual harassment and assault. I had to walk my friend to her car because was waiting for her one night being weird about. He did it to me and other women and the only reason why they fired his ass is because he wasn't doing his job and he used to come to work drunk. So the fact that people are saying Amber Heard is the cause of this is so hilarious to me.
If these people wanna go after bad women why can't they go after the women that have actually abused these men. Sam Taylor Johnson grooming Aaron Taylor Johnson, Lena Dunham, Akiko Matsuura  grooming Charlie Heaton, list goes on and on. Like said before it seems like what these depp fans love to do is put words in our mouth thinking that because we don't believe Johnny that somehow means we don't think men can be abused. Of course men can be abused I have called out so many women in this industry and even a close friend being abused by his girlfriend. It happens. I just don't believe Johnny.
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volperion-moved · 2 years
I agree with you, but I also really hate that Adrien is also very much creepy with his obsession over Ladybug at times and it never gets addressed (or made fun of) by the show and the writers despite it being much more common than Marinette's flanderized moments. The writers have acknowledged on multiple occasions that she can get "too crazy" over him and its fairly obvious they often use that as a reliable tool to humiliate her for comedy, punish her by creating grandiose repercussions, (legit can't believe what He said on Twitter during the NY special), and just making sure in the end she doesn't move on and let go even if she wants to because "status quo". But with Adrien they have never actually acknowledged his weird gross behavior with Ladybug/Mari, they take it far more seriously. The double standard is very obvious and it's a pattern in misogynistic writing.
see i never said adrien wasn't terribly written in this aspect either and I've talked abt adrien a ton at this point. i hate how it has to be this stupid contest. "yeah marinette's bad but look at adrien." "well adrien's only bad bc marinette steals his screentime and is mean to him."
see I don't like adrien his fans have really put me off i think a lot of his behaviour is toxic and manipulative whether he or the writers intend it to be or not. but I'm tired of talking about why i don't like adrien and seeing people make guilt trippy posts about how I'm a bad person bc i don't like adrien and seeing adrien stans whine about how marinette and luka get more love. it's so stupid and embarrassing to look at
and it's always been this way w lila. if you like lila you must hate marinette. you must have never been bullied before and think bullying is okay. why do my opinions on one character have to mean ANYTHING about another character. if i criticise marinette why does that mean I'm giving adrien a free pass on everything and need to be educated on how bad he is ackshully. im sure you didn't intend to be condescending or anything im just so tired.
i want to stop talking about specific characters and instead talk about how the entire show treats love and romance. adrien and marinette act the way they do and get treated the way they do because this show is heteronormative and misogynistic. marinette is the 'abhorrent admirer' trope while adrien is the 'dogged nice guy'. the show wants us to laugh at marinette when she humiliates herself but then pity adrien for his struggles. it's not really a matter of which character is better written or more interesting or more likable but how the narrative treats them.
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buckys-metal-arm · 24 hours
God it's fucking wild how someone says one thing to you and it sticks with you forever in a bad way
It's been a year now and every so often my brain decides to remind me that one time in a Bucky Twitter GC I was in one of the people in it had this joke (that had stopped being funny a while ago imo) where they would Photoshop our selfies so we were bald, and they kept sending mine over and over, and one of the people in it called me "not a looker", and when I woke up and saw that and called them all on it everyone acted like it was no big deal and dismissed it as "well maybe they're just saying that because you've been acting weird in chat" and then used the fact I was mad about it as the catalyst to confront me on how I'd been acting in the chat. And I won't minimize, I DID do things that were absolute shit in there and I still feel guilty and have been working to be better. But they mixed genuine concerns with things like "you project too much onto Bucky" and "you only started posting BuckyNat stuff on Twitter after we mentioned liking it" and like...?? They also said that mentioning a situation with a person that had been in the chat was triggering for one of the current members and that I "knew that, but was still bringing it up by saying i didn't want the current situation to turn out like that one". And obviously that's AWFUL, and I hate that I was responsible for triggering someone, but I genuinely did not know that it was a triggering thing for them, and they never said until it was brought up during this.
And like. Looking back a year later I've realized they also sucked too. And again, I KNOW I did shitty things. I know that. But like the instance with the GC member essentially calling me ugly and everyone dismissing it as okay because of my misgivings was definitely a thing, but like. I watched them start to make a fake pro shipping Twitter so they could make fun of the people that followed it (they ended up deleting it bc me and one of the other members said it felt like a bridge too far), I saw the shit they said about people who would leave for a bit for whatever reason until they came back and suddenly they were best friends again. They got mad at me when I said I saw Bucky as Bisexual, going on about how he was "CLEARLY gay" and that I was "projecting onto Bucky because *I'm* Bisexual", and it made me really upset because I felt like I was being shouted down.
I don't know what this is, and I'm purposely being vague about what group it was and names and stuff because I absolutely REFUSE to call people out by name. I have no desire to make it a smear campaign or anything, I just needed to get out the fact that someone said something to me in a Twitter GC I was in that is permanently branded into my brain and has left me feeling more self conscious about my body and my fear that no one will ever see me as beautiful or worthy of love and the one year anniversary of that happening is coming up so it was on my mind.
Again, I KNOW that I did bad things in there. I'm not minimizing and I still feel guilty about them. I'm working on being better. But idk with the privilege of hindsight I also kinda think the entire group was sort of mutually toxic I guess
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loser-brain · 4 months
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I need y'all to get over the fact you think blocking is a bad thing. Twitter has taught you all that blocking means that a person had to do something bad in order to be blocked.
I block people when I don't want to see their posts because my comfort over theirs comes first. My online experiences do not affect them at all. However, what they are posting is affecting me.
And if it's the other way around I highly suggest they block me so we do not cross paths.
"Oh! but what if they like what I post and I just don't like what they post :("
... unfollow them?? or just... don't follow them to begin with??
"OH! But I don't want to see their post on my dash!"
There is an option to say "This post isn't for me in particular..." and Tumblr will just stop recommending posts from that person for a long while (This only works if you are not following them and are following a tag).
"But I don't want to ruin our relationship D: I just don't want to see what they post."
So, a lot of people have been using the filter tool to just "mute" people, steps on how to do it. 1. Go to setting 2. Account -> Scroll down to "Filtered Post Content" (YOU WOULD WANT TO USE FILTER POST, NOT TAG, THOSE TWO ARE DIFFERENT) 3. put in their username and you have done it.
Fair warning though even if they, the person you mute, haven't reblogged it, it will still filter the post giving you a warning they have interacted with it (Not really saying they have interacted in it but more "This post contains filter content" as a way to indicate they have in some way interacted with the post).
"I just don't want to block people :("
... then don't block people??
"But I also want my online experience to not be so bad... like, what if I ended up wanting to see what they post every once in a while without it feeling weird..."
... it's going to feel weird whether you like it or not. Muting or blocking a person and then going to see what they have been up to is completely normal in *average doses. As long as you are not becoming a stalker and purposely going out of your way to surveillance them then you are good.
*average doses on someone going out of their way to let their curiosity get the better of them is literally once (1) a day, every 5 months or longer. If you do it more than once (1) a day, every few weeks, or every so often, sorry, I'm diagnosing you with "You are a stalker and you need to go touch some grass and read a damn book. My god, get a life."
Blocking is a tool to make your life so much easier. I don't really like muting (because of the whole Vtuber drama), however, if you prefer muting over blocking, then that is completely fine, but understand the main purpose of blocking is to make your online experience better. Not a judgment hammer where everyone is like "ALL IN AGREEMENT THIS USER SHALL BE BLOCK SAY AYE!"
Blocks are part of your privacy, but if you want to share them with others go for it. I don't like BlueSky because of this one flaw, all blocks you make are public for everyone to see. And knowing from past experience with the Vtuber community, my god, hell is about to be set on fire tenfold.
I just remembered people also use mute as another way to block as well. Mainly to combat those stalker users or just plain toxic individuals. And honestly, if it works for you, it works for you and I can't really tell you what to do 👍 (there is a difference between the point I am making versus people going out of their way to harass you. If muting works for you to combat them, go for it).
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// small rant + mentions of fictional abuse and victim-blaming of fictional characters
abuser apologists my beloathed. they engage in so much victim-blaming that i made a whole meme to call them out every time it happens, and sadly that meme has seen a lot of use in the months i have been using it 😔
and the d-s-m-p fandom does so much victim-blaming too… i have seen some horrible shit on twitter and tumblr about that, and don't even get started on the fanfics…
even worse is that there are Several characters who are victims/survivors of abuse in the dsmp canon, but so often their trauma responses are used to "illustrate" that they somehow deserved to be treated badly, or are otherwise villainized
ugh, i hate it in this fandom. at least some of us here try to stay sane
Aqua I saw this ask a while ago and put off responding, but god, you're so right.
I don't think I'll ever recover from seeing the take that c!Tommy's exile was just "summer camp rehabilitation." How can you look at a premeditated string of abuses designed to obliterate a person's self-esteem and ability to trust their friends other than the one abusing them, which not only failed to improve their behavior in the long run but also nearly drove them to suicide, and then say, "Ah yes, this is a perfectly reasonable punishment for being a mildly annoying prankster who accidentally burned five blocks of somebody's roof???" (This isn't even getting into the fact that a solid number of those real-life "summer camp programs" are incredibly toxic and abusive themselves. Like, you sure you want to use that as a reference? You sure you want to defend the isolation of vulnerable teens with underqualified supervisors and no consistent contact with the outside? You really see no way that could go horrifically wrong?)
And c!Quackity. My god, c!Quackity.
Manberg c!Q really couldn't do anything right in some people's eyes, could he? If he laid down and silently accepted c!Schlatt's behavior, that means he endorsed the cruelty the president was heaping on other citizens. If he argued and fought back, that means he wasn't really being abused - in fact, it must mean he was the true abuser all along! Bullshit. Now, c!Q is a little shit in the Las Nevadas arc, don't get me wrong, but the string of events that got him there is very well-documented. He's not some super-genius puppetmaster who selfishly manipulates every single person he comes in contact with. He's a hurt and traumatized young man who has taken all the wrong messages from his abuse at c!Schlatt's hands, and from all the wars and abandonment that reinforced those messages. Now he's overcompensating, he's projecting, he's lashing out, he's digging his nails in and refusing to let go of what little he's got. And even then, he's been shown to feel genuine remorse if he subjects innocent people to even a fraction of what c!Schlatt did to him, because surprise! He's not a total monster. What c!Q later became does not make what happened to him in Manberg any less terrible. People can change, for better and for worse.
And you know what? Fuck it, I'll even go to bat for c!Dream on this front. I have very little personal sympathy for him, but nobody deserves torture. Nobody. And it feels... weird to see people taking what's clearly supposed to be one of the darkest points in all three character's (c!Q, c!Sam, and c!Dream) arcs and turning it into some kind of empowering girlboss moment. These are three incredibly screwed up people who have taken out their anger on vulnerable "acceptable" targets to different extents and for different reasons, and who have accomplished virtually nothing as a result. What c!Dream has done to others, particularly to c!Tommy, is disgusting and unjustifiable. What was done to him in Pandora's Vault is also reprehensible. There's no point in arguing over who "deserved" it more, because these two wrongs do not cancel one another out.
That being said, don't even get me started on the fanfic trope where c!Tommy rescues c!Dream and comforts him after the prison arc, or the ones where c!Quackity is villainized to the point of hurting c!Tommy for doing so, despite the fact that his affection for c!Tommy is canonically a major motivation for his treatment of c!Dream. Because those fics are tasteless and out-of-character as hell...
... I'm going to pause now because I need to write a whole ass video essay at some point in the future, and once I start ranting I won't be able to stop
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madara-fate · 3 years
"I'm not gonna say one side is better than the other. All I can comment on are my experiences on the matter, and for me, the Sasuke mischaracterisation in the SS fandom has been far more prevalent, and was the primary reason I stopped reading fan fics years ago (at least not from people I don't know and trust). Now obviously, I'm not about to use my personal experiences to indicate what the general trend is, but it was enough for me to have a rather firm perspective. "
I can understand your side. I've never liked the mischaracterization of both characters within the fandom and it is the main reason why I usually don't read ss fanfictions, neither get excited about them overall. But I find absolutely gross how these kind of Sasuke stans villanize the whole fandom or make stupid claims like "SS fandom don't care about Sasuke", "All they care is Sakura being shipped with hot guys" or attacking Sakura and her fans because in x ss fanfiction Sasuke is treated badly. I never seen this type of energy when Sakura is portrayed being cheated on, abused and despised by Sasuke in popular ss stories, neither I or another Sakura fans who dislike this mistreatment and also support the couple started to shit on Sasuke because of it. But it's exactly what these specific Sasuke stans do with Sakura, this is why I talked about the "weird sense of entitlement" in my first ask. I also dislike how some of them started this conspiracy against the whole ss fans "not caring about Sasuke" using for example, how he's treated badly in a lot of ss stories or how part of the fandom defend her more. The first case also apply to Sakura. There are many stories where she's portrayed really badly, some of these stories aren't even written by genuine SS fans(yes, some writers just use their popularity to get a better audience), there are fans that know more about the common tropes about their writing in fanfictions than their canon selfs, there are some fans who do not understand both characters, etc.
Second topic, it's true that nowadays Sakura receives more attention of the fandom... But instead of these Sasuke stans treat it as a conspiracy, why don't they put 1+1 together and talk about the far more hate she and her fans get? I don't see (at least, not often) Sasuke fans being harassed because they create stuff about him (fanarts, cosplays, a simple post in a Twitter, etc) but it happen to Sakura and her fans in a daily basis. It's absurd considering the fact that she isn't real, but we can't make a post without these haters pop-up from nowhere with very nasty comments, some of which are death/r*pe threats. I was part of the Naruto Fandom years ago and these people even dedicated fanarts of Sakura being brutally murdered by different characters or being r*ped. They call the fanbase toxic now because most of the fans stopped endure the years of harassment in silence and started to give them the same energy (even though I won't deny the fact that Sakura fanbase has a lot of shit people, like any other fandom has their bad apples) but still, they don't care when her fans have been attacked with racist/sexist slurs over a decade.
Another observation toward this topic: Sasuke, despite being unfairly hated and misunderstood by big portion of the Western fandom, also has one of the biggest fanbase and is loved in Western. It's impossible compare the kind of hate they both get and we can't forget that even some of the bash he gets is just another way of bashing Sakura (the same goes to Sarada).
To finish this long ass ask (sorry for this), I was really bothered by these kind of attitude from these said stans, considering how these same people act exactly the way - or worse - they are complaining about. I wish you a nice day. 😊
Well, I've made my perspective on the matter clear, and I'm going to stick with it. I can understand the frustration you feel towards these extremists Sasuke fans whose behaviour leaves a lot to be desired, but I still very much believe that the Sasuke mischaracteristion within the SS fandom is on a much greater scale. That's not to say that I think those Sasuke fans are in any way better, but it's just a trend that I've noticed regarding the mischaracterisation specifically.
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destinyc1020 · 4 years
I personally think that the reason behind the JE breakup was him switching up from saying/portraying to Z he wanted a committed relationship to wanting to "have fun" & mess around with other ppl. That's why imo he started hanging around the Tommy Dorfman/Kaia crowd a lot because he truly wants something casual and to be on that frankly *f-boy* mess rn in his life & while dating Z (since that crowd is known for lots of partying, dating in circles, wanting attention/calling paps, cheating, etc), but didn't really have the balls to say anything and admit he actually was experimenting/acting out of curiosity with being in a committed relationship with Z rather than that actually being his intention to commit.
I agree that something changed after Feb sometime after NYC and by June/July and Z realized what was happening and cut him off. I think it's possible he was cheating too (I think he was with all the rumors while he was dating Z and his history) but I don't think it was that obvious until after the fact of the breakup since Z didn't post her ("revenge/clapback" in a sense) braid selfies till the cheating stuff came out and nothing action wise from Z alluded to that during the summer if my memory serves right. It also makes sense bc if we look at JE's relationships prior to Z he has a history of getting girls, posting or showing them off giving them confidence he's really into them or serious, and then ghosts them like Cari or changes up to where he decides seemingly out of nowhere he wants someone else and cheats or is tired of the relationship like with Joey, and later Z.
I agree with you as well that Z was doing all those out of norm things to try to do things differently than w/Tom but also because I think Z had some level of reassurance or confidence initially to do so due to JE's persona and initial actions that led her to thinking JE was gonna be committed him w/him introducing her to his family so early on, the bond and "I know him" factor from the cast being close on Euphoria and all that. As a result, she thought doing those things meant she was maturing, growing, natural to do and felt this was the right relationship to actually start to change her previous behavior with, besides just the fact of wanting to change up bc of the breakup w/Tom imo.
JE (pretentious imo but nonetheless) also often speaks in interviews like he isn't like men his age and more emotionally intelligent, speaks constantly on how he wants to be a serious actor and taken seriously (though he don't act like it), put up the facade he hated the paps with him flipping off the paps w/Z, and constantly speaks on toxic masculinity through his fashion and in interviews as well. I bring this up to show and say, JE often portrays this more mature, "unique", shy, sensitive demeanor that Z probably identified with and thought she could trust hence the risks and out of norm behavior from Z taken.
Finally, imo this breakup made Z more angry than the Tom breakup, even before with Trevor because I think she felt deceived and led on intentionally to something that wasn't the reality and like she had been used emotionally/not respected while she was vunerable which is even worse than just blatant cheating. I think the comments he made about memes, LDR, and his weird, slight disses imo with the weird COVID-19 awareness rant he went on in response & to excuse himself from getting dragged that day on Twitter near/on Z's birthday or the Emmy "congrats", was from Z's perspective him trying to gaslight her for the relationship not working out and continuing on hence Claire and Darnell's subliminal toxic relationship posts and Z's not only anger, but I've noticed uptick in highlighting things in her life that remind her of her self-worth, support, and trusting her intuition/heart lately.
The Emmy win and boost in her career post JE, reassured that and I think Tom came in at the right time magically bc it reminded her of someone despite the issues in the relationship, who always respected her and was honest about where he wanted the relationship to go and they reconciled.
Sorry I wrote an essay, but yeah.
WOW!  You spoke a word here. 👏   First of all, how on earth were you able to post an anon so long without having to separate in parts lol? 😅  Were you using the app? Anyway... I won’t belabor some of your points and make this essay even LONGER, but I will just say that overall I agree w/your assessment.  And THIS paragraph right here:   
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^^THIS!!!   DECEPTION is the perfect word.  That’s the word that comes to my mind too.  I really do think she feels/felt deceived/duped!  I honestly don’t think he was really who she thought he was.  Like you said, I think she thought she knew him because they worked on set for so long on Euphoria, but I don’t think she really knew him.  I can see too why (IF this is indeed what did happen in their relationship) Z could be a little hesitant about getting into another relationship rn. 😔   And like you said, just about every relationship (that I know of) in which JE has been in, it seems he’s either cheated on the girl, lost interest, or ghosted her until she “got the hint” (I suppose).  Something about him just gives me restless vibes.  Like, he can’t sit still for long...can’t be with someone for THAT long. Like, I really think he just gets BORED.  I think I would be SHOCKED if he had a relationship that lasted longer than 2 years lol.  I know he was with Joey for about a year, but he ended up cheating on her.... 😬   I know guys do dumb stuff when they’re young (I think he was like 20/21 back then?).... So... I get it.  Cheating on ONE gf is one thing.  But to have cheated on 3 or MORE girlfriends is just crazy to me!  🥴   And it wasn’t even like it was over a span of like 20 years or anything!  It was like back-to-back!   Ugh... Anyway....  Don’t even get me started on that sympathy IG story smh. 🤦‍♀️  And that Emmy IG story also sounded fake as idk what, and I think he only really posted something because he was getting hate from Z’s stans.  Cuz if he were genuine with his “congratulatory” message, then he would have liked her Emmy POST.  But he DIDN’T.  👀   I’ll NEVER forget that day.  Because people from all OVER were liking her post, commenting on her post, congratulating her, etc.  Even Diva Miss Mariah Carey herself took time out to make little comment hearts on her post!     But here he is actually her CO-STAR who works closely with her on the show that she won the Emmy for and likes NOTHING? Wow.... very telling.  Then, when he got dragged down the street by her fans lol, the next day, THEN he makes a “congrats” IG story for her. 🙄  Tbh I really don’t think he would have posted anything for her if he had not been dragged so hard. 
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Anyway, I agree with you.  I think Z has realized that Tom is a genuine friend. 😊  I think she sees the stark contrast.  Idk what’s going on w/them atm (if anything), but at the very least I think they are in a much better place w/each other. 😊  
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