#i also just love her love and use of language
could i request emily x polyglot!reader? someone finds out r can speak multiple languages, so naturally derek challenges her and em to see who can speak the most languages
so emily and r get into a language competition (?) and the 2 make a bet of whoever wins, gets a special prize from the loser *wink wonk* pls? it starts with innocent foreign banyer then ends up gettin dirtier if that makes sense? top!em pls 😊
thank u for reading, if ur not comfortable its all good! :D
hi anon!! thank you for the request <3 this is a super good idea, i was very excited to write it. it kind of morphed from your request a bit, but the main idea is still there. i do want to specify that i am by no means fluent or even proficient in any of the languages used in this fic (besides english 😭) because let’s be real— 4 years of spanish did *not* stick with me, so i used quite a bit of google translate. you might want to keep it handy too! i hope you enjoy :)
p.s. this is my first fic in a very very long time, please be kind <3
love language
emily prentiss x fem!reader
rating: 18+ MDNI
warnings: smut, cursing, oral (r receiving), fingering, dom!emily, i think that’s it?
w.c.: 1.3k
It was a long day for the members of the BAU. Back-to-back-to-back cases on short amounts of sleep were starting to wear on the team, and it didn’t help that the current case was stumping them.
“Oh, look at this, guys,” Morgan says, showing a picture from the newest crime scene. “Looks like there’s some writing in another language.”
You drop your head into your hands, taking a deep breath as you try to reset yourself and focus on the case.
“Looks like French, where’s Emily?” JJ asks.
You study the picture for a second before speaking up. “Dire la vérité— tell the truth.”
Morgan’s eyes cut to you. “Y/N, you speak French? And really, where is Prentiss?”
You’re about to respond as the door opens and Emily walks in from the bathroom. “Emily, did you know Y/N speaks French?”
Her face is surprised. “Huh. I didn’t. What else are you keeping from us?” She jokes.
Your eyebrows raise and you smile. “I speak a little bit more than French,” you say, not wanting to brag.
“What other languages do you speak?” Reid asks curiously.
“Well, French, and also Spanish, German, and Italian. Mostly Romance languages,” you say.
“Here’s a challenge,” Derek says. “Which one of you can speak in a different language for the longest?”
“¿Cómo no sabía que eras políglota?” Emily asks, effectively starting the competition.
“Nunca surgió en la conversación,” you respond plainly.
She laughs. “¡Podríamos haber estado teniendo conversaciones secretas todo este tiempo!”
“¿Qué tipo de conversaciones secretas te gustaría tener, Prentiss?” You say, raising an eyebrow.
She blushes slightly, flustered. She switches to French, trying to keep you on your toes. “Eh bien, je ne sais pas. Des trucs qu'on ne veut pas que Morgan écoute.” Her eyes flit to Morgan’s as she mentions him and he looks confused.
“What are the two of you talking about? And what are you saying about me?” He asks, looking between you and Emily.
You let out a small chuckle. “Tu ne veux juste pas que Derek m'entende te traiter de jolie et qu'il devienne jaloux, hmm?”
“This is all well and good, but shouldn’t we be getting back to the case?” Reid interjects.
“Yes, definitely,” you say, straightening your hair and pulling yourself back into focus mode.
After some more discussion on the use of a foreign language at the crime scene, the team decides to break for lunch. You take a quick trip to the bathroom and end up washing your hands at the same time as Emily.
“So, what was that?” She asks.
You’re caught off guard. “What was what?”
“You think I’m pretty,” she replies. “You told me I’m pretty in French. What was that about?”
You stammer a bit. “Well, I do think you’re pretty, Emily. I think you’re beautiful,” you admit.
“It’s interesting,” she says, stepping closer to you and placing a hand on your waist. “You speak three romance languages, and while it’s not the same meaning, you picked the most romantic language to compliment me in. Even if I couldn’t tell from the long glances and the way your heart is pounding right now, that alone would’ve told me what I’m pretty sure I know,” she finishes, looking you dead in the eyes.
Her hand is heavy on your waist and your mind is racing. “And what do you know?”
Emily’s other hand trails from your shoulder to your jaw and pulls your chin up so you’re forced to look in her eyes. “You have feelings for me,” she states.
You hold her gaze for a second. “I hate profilers.” There’s a noticeable tension between the two of you before Emily smirks at you. You feel yourself inching closer to her and then you’re pressing your lips to hers. She reciprocates the kiss without hesitation, and you feel her hands pull you in by your hips.
The kiss gets broken and Emily rests her forehead on yours as you catch your breath. Your eyes meet and you share a smile. “Embrasse-moi encore, s'il te plaît,” you say softly.
“Oui chérie,” she replies, already leaning into kiss you again. Her lips meet yours in a passionate kiss and she pushes you up against the door of the bathroom. She flips the lock of the door. Emily doesn’t want anyone interrupting.
Emily’s breath was warm against your neck as she kissed the tender skin. Pulling the collar of your shirt aside, she sucks a deep purple mark into your collar bone, drawing soft whines from you. “Shhh baby, don’t want the others to hear you, right?” She says, kissing the skin she marked soothingly.
She switches languages again and whispers in your ear. “¿Que quieres, hermosa?”
You meet her eyes and can feel the lust practically radiating off of Emily. “Want you to touch me,” you respond.
Within seconds, she’s on the floor in front of you, unzipping your slacks. Her fingers trace you through your panties. “You’re soaked, baby,” she says.
“For you,” you say, bracing your hands on the wall behind you as she teases you.
Emily pulls your panties down and rests your leg on her shoulder as her fingers find your clit. It’s almost electric, the way she rubs tight circles into the bundle of nerves. “Emily,” you moan out her name.
Her ministrations stop, causing you to whine out again at the loss of contact. “What did I tell you? Not a sound, or I’ll stop completely.”
You nod, covering your mouth with one hand as Emily runs her tongue through your wet cunt. She groans at the taste. “You’re fucking delicious,” she says, voice deep and dripping with arousal. It’s nearly impossible to stay quiet as her lips close around your clit, teeth gently scraping, making your legs tremble.
Your hands find a home tangled in Emily’s hair as you hold her face close. Her tongue slides back from your clit to your entrance. Your teeth clamp down against your lower lip as Emily’s tongue plunges inside of you. Her face is wet with your slick as she tongue fucks you, the sight alone bringing you close to the edge.
Emily then licks back through your cunt, sucking on your clit as she pushes a finger inside of you. Clouded in pleasure, you can’t focus on anything except the need to cum as she adds another finger and your walls are clenching around her. “Squeezing me so good baby, you want to cum?” she asks.
Your head nods frantically. “Yes— please, wanna cum,” you say breathily.
Emily curls her fingers up to press against that spongy spot inside of you. “Cum for me,” she commands, returning to suck at your clit as she hits your G-spot over and over again.
Your body shakes as she sends you over the edge of your orgasm. Her name is falling from your lips in a quiet whisper as you soak her fingers and face.
“You did so good for me,” she says, standing up and kissing your temple.
Catching your breath feels difficult, but you begin to fix your clothes and look presentable.
“Это было так хорошо, озорная девчонка,” Emily says, fixing her lipstick in the bathroom mirror.
“You may have just rocked my world, Prentiss, but I did not gain the ability to speak Russian,” you laugh.
The two of you make eye contact in the mirror, which starts you both up laughing, when a knock sounds from the door. You freeze, flushing in embarrassment.
Emily unlocks the bathroom door, opens it, and finds an impatient JJ awaiting you. “What are the two of you doing? We have an unsub to catch,” she says, turning around and heading back to the rest of the team.
Emily throws you a wink and follows after JJ.
You’re pretty positive this isn’t going to be a one-time thing.
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et6rnalsun · 3 days
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⟡˖ PLOT. in which,, she has a thing with her best friend’s brother but at the same time also with the best friend. the thrill of secret hookups with matt and the constant fear of being caught, the sweetness of the moments with chris and his attentive touch makes it impossible for her to have a clear choice. how can she? one is her first kiss — the one they never talked about again, and the other her first senseless fuck that left her feeling more than just a pain in the legs.
⟡˖ WARNINGS. sexual scenes, 18+ contents, smoke, weed & alcohol use, strong language, love triangle (not threesomes), toxic behaviors. PROB SLOW UPDATES
⟡˖ LINKS. aesthetics. playlist. prologue. masterlist.
⟡˖ TAGS. @n6ptunova @fawnchives. (comment to be added) ‘layout’ inspiration @ venusblakes
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A/N ⁑ ik nobody uses soundcloud anymore but on spotify all my friends follow me & its a bit embarrassing 😞😞 do it 4me ♡ ♡ idk when i’m posting the prologue bye i love u all
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nhlclover · 3 days
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summary: being new to montreal, you find a connection with kirby despite your language barrier.
warnings: french!reader, use of french (all of it is translated), appearance from big play dave (david savard), abrupt ending
word count: 1.31k
As you weave through the crowd, desperately scanning the room for one of your coworkers, you can’t help but feel slightly out of place. The lively conversations around you are mostly in English, something you’re still trying to master. Coming from a small town in Northern Quebec, English wasn’t a language you came by often. You knew phrases sparingly, but if you attempted to hold a conversation in English, you knew it would end up with you confused and embarrassed.
You stopped at an empty table, setting down your drink and taking a deep breath. You remind yourself that moving to Montreal for work is a bold adventure, not a reason for anxiety.
“Hi, I’m Kirby,” a friendly voice interrupts your thoughts. You turn to see a dark-haired guy with a warm smile, his eyes sparkling with genuine interest.
Your eyes widen in surprise, a flicker of panic crossing your face. Kirby’s smile wavers slightly, uncertainty creeping in as he tries to interpret your reaction. Is it possible you had a boyfriend?
“I…I’m sorry,” you stammer, your accent thick and your words halting. “I don’t speak English well.”
Relief washes over Kirby. He hadn’t misstepped; there was just a language barrier. The problem now was that his knowledge of French was limited to a handful of curse words he’d learned from his Quebecois teammates, while your English was just as basic. At that moment, Kirby regretted not going through French immersion in high school.
An idea passed through Kirby’s head as he spotted David Savard over your shoulder. “Can you wait here?” Kirby asked, slipping past you to chase down David. Kirby’s words came out quickly and jumbled, passing by you without giving you a chance to process them properly. However, you remained put, watching as Kirby stopped someone.
“Dave! I need your help.” Kirby said, pulling him aside. “ I met this girl, and she’s drop dead. But the only problem is she basically only speaks French. Can you translate for me, please?”
Kirby flashed David a pleading smile, watching David raise an eyebrow. “Are you serious?”
“Please, Dave.” Kirby urged.
David rolled his eyes, sighing. “Alright, fine. Lead the way.”
Kirby led David through some people and back to where you were thankfully still standing.
“Bonjour,” David said, giving you a polite smile.
A small smile appeared on your lips upon hearing your native language. “Allo,” you replied.
David turned to Kirby, waiting for him to tell him what he wanted translated next. “Oh, right,” Kirby said, pulling his eyes off of you. “Can you tell her my name’s Kirby and ask her what her name is?”
David groaned but translated when Kirby smacked his shoulder. “Il s'appelle Kirby, puis il veut savoir c'est quoi ton nom.”
You let out a soft chuckle, flicking your eyes to Kirby who looked at you with hopeful eyes. “Je m’appelle y/n.”
“Her name’s y/n.” David translates.
“Y/n,” Kirby repeats, and you can’t help but love the way your name sounds coming off his tongue. “Can you ask her where she’s from?”
“You both know that Google Translate exists, right?” David asks, but once again translates after Kirby gives him a look. “She’s from Sept-Îles, a town about ten hours north of here, but she’s just moved here for work.”
“Woah, that’s far from home. Can you tell her that I’m from Alberta and that I’m sorry I don’t speak a lick of French, but I’d really like to take her on a date?” Kirby asks. “Also tell her she’s really pretty.”
“God, you owe me so much for doing this,” David says under his breath, turning to you. “Il vient de l'Alberta et ne parle pas français, évidemment, mais il vous trouve vraiment jolie et il veut vous sortir.”
A pale blush forms on your cheeks as you let out a soft laugh. Kirby has a hopeful look on his face as he gauges your reaction. “J'adorerais ça.” you say.
“She said yes,” David says.
Kirby’s face lit up with a radiant smile. “Thank you, David,” he said, his gratitude evident.
David rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “You owe me big time for this, Kirby.”
You and Kirby exchanged numbers, sparking the beginning of the journey that was your relationship. Your first few dates were a process of getting to know one another, aided by translation apps. As your feelings grew for each other, you became determined to bridge the language gap, and you both promised to learn each other’s language. While Kirby’s progress in French was slow and often hilarious, you quickly picked up English, impressing him with your dedication and rapid improvement.
With each date, you and Kirby grew closer, finding that love could transcend language barriers. Kirby admired your tenacity and intelligence, joking about how you’d soon be correcting his English, let alone his French. Meanwhile, you appreciated Kirby’s patience and his committed attempts to communicate, even if it meant enduring his butchering of French phrases.
Coming up on four months of being together, your relationship with Kirby has been one of the best things since coming to Montreal. The connection between you two has deepened in ways you never imagined, bringing joy and comfort to your new life. You have yet to say “I love you”, not in English at least. Instead, the unspoken expression has been silently nurtured between you, each shared glance and tender moment building the unspoken truth of affection. The words remained unsaid, waiting for the right moment to be said. And now, as you lay on the chest of your boyfriend in the early morning light, the soft hues of dawn casting a gentle glow on his face, you found a way to say it for the first time.
The first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains as you lay in bed, wrapped in each other's arms. You traced a finger along Kirby’s jawline, a playful smile on your lips. "Okay, I have a new thing for you to learn in French," you said, your French accent still present but endearing.
Kirby chuckled, pulling you closer. "Alright, teacher. What’s the lesson today?"
Your eyes look into his with a newfound clarity, your smile reflecting the warmth of the rising sun. You looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking slowly, enunciating each word. “Okay, répète après moi,” you say. "Je t’aime."
He looks at you, a curious spark in his eyes, and mimics your words, “Je t’aime.”
You smile at his attempt, correcting his pronunciation with a light laugh. You teach him to say it with a French accent, allowing the words to flow easily from his mouth, your fingers tracing his lips as he speaks.
“Je t’aime,” he says again, this time more confidently.
“Très bien,” you praise, your eyes locking onto his. There’s a softness in your gaze, a quiet intensity that makes his heart skip a beat.
“Do you know what it means?” you ask, your voice barely more than a whisper.
He shakes his head, a teasing grin spreading across his face. “Not exactly. You tell me.”
You take a deep breath, your heart pounding in your chest. “It means ‘I love you,’” you say, your voice steady but your eyes betraying a hint of vulnerability.
For a moment, silence envelops you. Kirby reaches up, brushing a strand of hair from your face, his touch lingering on your cheek. “Je t’aime,” he repeats, the words carrying a new weight now that he knows the meaning.
Kirby leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “I love you too,” he says, sincerity in his voice.
Your lips break into a smile. “Say it again,” you say, resting your forehead against his.
“Je t’aime,” Kirby said in a low voice, pressing a soft kiss to your jaw. Kirby repeated the words, alternating with kisses along your neck and collarbone. “Je t’aime, je t’aime, je t’aime.”
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wolfofcelestia · 2 days
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So we know that Zayne speaks a language that MC doesn't. My headcanon is that he knows all the languages that the game is dubbed in while MC is only fluent in the languages we, the players, know
So in addition to him purposely making his handwriting even worse when he gives her a love letter, I can also see him writing an entire letter in the language she's trying to learn
Sometimes using really difficult words that no beginner would know just to tease her
But also for the same reason he'd make his writing worse - so she would come to him and ask him to read it to her
The first phrases that she commits to heart whenever she learns a new language from him? All the basics but also
"I love you"
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From the just hold my hand scenes that (probably) won't be written
Ice can't talk, he hasn't been able to for a while, not long after the diagnosis even, but since his last surgery, he knows he will never be able to again.
He and Mav learned sign language as soon as this became a possibility — they attended lessons together, sometimes online, and they practiced with each other, until they became fluent enough to communicate daily using sign. It became faster than Ice writing whatever he wanted to say and so it became primarily how they talk if it's just the two of them — by the time Bradley enters their life again and brings in a whole new husband and four (and counting) kids into it, they use sign language every day casually.
Bradley and Jake's middle daughter, Ronnie — Ice is her favorite, has been since the day they've met. Mostly due to his calm and soothing demeanor and just the aura of safety he has to him, but also because she's a quiet kid who doesn't talk much — she has a bit of a speech development problem that isn't too worrying at her age but has to have an eye kept on it — and often gets buried under the hyperactivity of her older sisters who talk a mile a minute or under her baby brother who craves attention and often gets it because he's cute as a button when he's clingy. But Ice always took the time to pay attention to her even if she was quiet or if she was not doing anything, even if it was just sitting next to her or holding her or basically looking at her expecting her to show him what she was doing or what she liked. People outside of her basic family (her parents and her memaw) rarely get her as much as he does.
So she's maybe a little clingy about Ice.
And you know, when it kind of settles that Mav and Ice are going to be in their life, Bradley promised himself he'd at least try to learn sign. He's terrible at it, he's always been not that good at languages and despite having the finger flexibility that a lot of learners struggle with, he just doesn't have the muscle memory that lets him have a smooth learning.
When Ronnie sees him practicing at home and asks why he looks like grandpa Mav when he talks to grandpa Ice and he explains that it's how Ice speaks (which Ronnie never thought about because she's a kid and she thought grandpa Mav could just understand Ice so well without speaking out loud because he loves him so much, the same way her parents did with her), she gets obsessed.
Next time Bradley takes the kids for some playtime with their grandpas (while Jake and Bradley have some me-time together...), Ronnie gets all shy when Bradley says the well-known phrase of, "Go say hi to your grandpa," and she signs to Ice.
It's just a little clumsy "Hello, grandpa," the simple wave of a hand looks a bit too much like a salute and maybe she adds a third tiny arch as the sign for grandpa finishes but Ice gets it and it gets everyone — especially Ice — a little teary-eyed as well.
[Also, sign language often has the same kind of insider linguistic slang families have when using spoken languages (you know, your sister once calls the terrace door windwoor when she's five and your whole family still calls it that even though she has kids of her own and a corpo job now... this but with hand signs) and I love the idea of Ice encouraging her to make those mistakes and then having them become only their inside vocabulary that no one else gets]
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harrysgal · 16 hours
harry styles x yn aspiring filmmaker — social media AU
I posted this yesterday but I wanted to change a few things so I deleted it and now I’m posting it again lol it’s long but I still hope people like it!
About the smau: yn starts posting videos on youtube and is trying to build a career as a filmmaker. Things are going pretty well for her and she starts getting more attention when she creates content about shows she goes to. She’s also a fan of Harry’s music and some of his fans start getting suspicious when his team starts interacting with her.
Disclaimer: The story it’s set in 2021 and it will follow their relationship through the LOT leg in the US. Since this is nothing but fiction, I will be following some of the real timeline but also adding my own stuff. On top of that, I won’t be basing myself on Harry’s actual posts.
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liked by bestfriend, yourbrother, and 60 others 
yourinstagram here’s to a new year and new beginnings :)
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bestfriend love youuuu  bestfriend im so happy to have you back!! 
↳ yourinstagram pls don’t let me choose a bf ever again ↳ bestfriend don’t worry. single squad for life ↳ bestfriend or until one of us gets married lol  ↳ yourinstagram 😂 love you!!
Jan 5, 2021 • 
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liked by bestfriend, yourbrother, and 75 others 
yourinstagram can you believe just three months ago this gal was heartbroken, unemployed, and out of dreams? guess the world reallyyyyy spins around, huh 😜
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bestfriend yes it doesss  bestfriend now the universe is giving back what she deservessssss yourbrother i think i liked you better when you had no social life
↳ yourinstagram 😂 omg fuck off ↳ yourbrother if this is the language you use around my children i’m never letting you babysit again ↳ yourinstagram 😔 stop that’s not funny
Feb 10, 2021 •
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liked by sisterinlaw, bestfriend, and 60 others 
yourinstagram got myself a camera and a dream (plus an empty bank account)
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yourmom Are you OK? Do you need money? x
↳ yourinstagram im okay mom :) love you ↳ yourbrother my bank account is empty too
bestfriend can’t wait to be your +1 at the academy awards 
Feb 26, 2021 •
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liked by yourbrother, bestfriend, and 85 others 
yourinstagram step aside pls your girl just posted her first video on youtube and is now one step closer from becoming a filmmaker ✌🏻
view all 13 comments 
bestfriend THAT’S MY BESTIE sisterinlaw Loved it!! 💋 yourmom I miss you. Give me a call x yourmom Also you should post pictures of your face x
↳ yourinstagram 😂💗
childhoodfriend Nice to see you still love telling stories, haha great video!
↳ yourinstagram oh my gosh it’s been a while! 🥺 thank youuu let’s catch up soon  
Mar 19, 2021 •
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liked by yourbrother, bestfriend, and 167 others 
yourinstagram life lately
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user1 just watched your video on youtube about growing up and i’m in tears! you’re soooo talented
↳ yourinstagram omg that’s so sweet thank you so much :’) 
yourbrother why bothering buying a camera if you’re going to steal mine
↳ yourinstagram i didn’t steal it  ↳ yourbrother but you also didn’t give it back yet did you? 
user2 Loving your content!!
April 10, 2021 •
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liked by bestfriend, anotherfriend, and 319 others 
yourinstagram hellooooo i just posted another video :D even tho she’s not physically in it, i must admit our 20+ years together completely inspired this one. thank you for being there for me. i’m very lucky to call you my best friend and i love you 💗 hope you enjoy it!
view all 25 comments 
bestfriend i cant rn i’ll be back when i stop crying user1 amazing!!! another great video! loved everything about it, left me thinking and wondering about lots of things. i’m blown away by how talented you are.
↳ yourinstagram you’re so sweet 🥺 thank you, it means more than you can imagine!
yourmom Lovely girls 🥰 user3 This was my favorite so far!
April 21, 2021 •
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liked by bestfriend, sisterinlaw and 512 others 
yourinstagram got my first paycheck and went out shopping 
(ps: remember when my ex freaked out bc he didn’t want me to buy harrys album? lol here’s to you pal) (fine line you’ll be next i promise!)
view all 57 comments 
bestfriend harry styles album listening party tonight
↳ yourinstagram as if we don’t already listen to it everyday lol 
user1 you’re so real for this lol user1 also wtf? why didn’t he want you to buy the album? 
↳ yourinstagram bc he was jealous and insecure  ↳ bestfriend jealous that you’d bump into harry someday, mention you bought his album and he’d fall in love with you  ↳ yourinstagram lol talk about delusional  ↳ bestfriend he just knew your potential ↳ user1 😂😂😂
yourbrother so YOU are the reason why my daughter is suddenly obsessed? user5 Omg didn’t know you’re also a harry fan! What’s your favorite song?
↳ yourinstagram sign of the times always and forever
May 6, 2021 •
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liked by bestfriend, yourmom and 750 others 
yourinstagram just me and my little camera conquering the world ❤️ lol no but srsly, i know it’s only been a month since i posted my first video on youtube but so far ive had suchhhh a great time working hard to make my dreams come true :’) i sometimes fear my content isn’t much or isn’t professional enough, so the feedback i’ve been getting truly warms my heart and puts a smile on my face! thank you. thank you. thank you.
view all 86 comments 
bestfriend ❤️❤️❤️ yourbrother why are you still living in 2020? 
↳ yourinstagram why are you so annoying?
yourmom We’re very proud sweetheart x
↳ yourinstagram wouldn’t have done anything without your support! love you ❤️
user1 your content is AMAZING! the way you bring little stories to each video has me obsessed 
↳ yourinstagram i love telling stories so much!! im happy you enjoy them! 
user3 Honestly you’re one of the most creative people I’ve come across lately. The way you approach each topic with so much honesty and tell real life stories while not really including people in your shots is incredible!
↳ yourinstagram omg thank you so so much! this means the world me! 
May 6, 2021 •
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liked by bestfriend, sisterinlaw and 910 others 
yourinstagram hiii i just posted a new video on youtube and im really nervous about it lol this is really different from the others + a little longer, but also the most special so far. it includes a very memorable moment we lived as a family just a couple weeks ago so i trulyyyy hope you enjoy it! lmk your thoughts plssss
view all 103 comments 
user1 i just sent this video to everyone i know. i feel like i say this every time but this one is my favorite yet!! you’re so talented i want to live inside your brain
↳ yourinstagram hahahha you’re the best thank you sooooo much for your constant support!
bestfriend ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THIS WAS MY FAVORITE ONE SO FAR  bestfriend pls take me to a concert and make a short film of me dancing to my favorite songs too 😭 i beg you!!!!
↳ yourinstagram let’s do it! ed sheeran? beyonce? harry styles? ↳ bestfriend YES ↳ yourinstagram yes it’s not an answer lol you were supposed to pick one 
user8 👏👏👏 you’ve outdone yourself with this one!  user4 You’re so real about this one! My mom LOVES Shania Twain too and the day she saw her live for the first time was exactly like this! She just turned into a fangirl all over again haha 
May 27, 2021 •
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user2 Hey there. I’m so happy youtube just recommended this to me. I’m in love with your content! So creative and touching. I’m definitely going back to binge all your other videos now. I was just wondering, though, is this your real family? I’m only asking because from the way you tell the story it feels so much like watching a movie that it made me wonder if they were actors following a script 😅 hope you don’t take it the wrong way. Have a good one!
↳ youryoutube hiii thank you so much for watching and for being so respectful and polite about your comment! 😊 this is my own family, yes! i actually wasn’t planning on filming this, but my brother and i took my mom to see shania twain (who’s like, her favorite artist of all times!) and i woke up inspired to make a little video about it. i’m really glad you enjoyed it, and i’m actually really flattered by your question, because this was the first time i didn’t script a video at all and was really afraid in the end it wouldn’t come up the way i wanted to. so thank you!!  ↳ user2 Oh, wow! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer me. That’s really interesting to know. Loved how you managed to capture the emotions without actually exposing anyone. I also enjoyed how this isn’t just a “vlog”, if that makes sense. It truly feels like an actual story with beginning, middle and end (I mean, there’s even some drama in it!). So cheers to you! Can’t wait to see what else you’ll come up with in the future.  ↳ youryoutube THANK YOU! oh my goodness that’s exactly what i’m always going for :’) thank you, thank you!! 
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liked by bestfriend, yourbrother and 3,614 others 
yourinstagram hello????? i just woke up to the news that the one and only queen and goddess shania twain watched my video????? and shared it?????? what the hell it’s happening????? 
view all 245 comments 
yourbrother thought you were going to expose mom losing it on our gc haha bestfriend I’M COMING OVER WE’RE FUCKING CELEBRATING user1 😍😍😍 yesssss love to see you getting bigger and bigger!! user18 omg that video was so cute!! also love your aesthetic user14 your mom’s excitement was the sweetest it left me in tears  harryfan say 🙋‍♀️ if you’re here because gemma shared her video
↳ harryfan2 🙋‍♀️ ↳ harryfan3 🙋‍♀️
Jun 1, 2021 •
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liked by bestfriend, anotherfriend and 5,875 others 
yourinstagram good morning?? is life even real?? 
last week was sooo insane omg im still over the moon and also so happy reading everyone’s reaction to my mom’s dream coming true 🥺 everyone’s just so sweet and kind! thank you!! i wish i could spend the entire day around just chatting and celebrating, but today is a big and busy day for me so wish me luck im really gonna need it 
view all 541 comments 
bestfriend remember there was a time when i used to be the first and only to like your posts? :’) user1 good luck!! user4 Can’t wait for your next video! user9 I THINK I JUST HEARD YOUR INTERVIEW ON THE RADIO??
↳ user10 Yesss. I was driving to work and I heard that too haha ↳ user3 omg what did she talk about? ↳ user9 @user3 they were basically asking about the video/her mom. she explained that it was a really spontaneous thing and that she wasn’t planning on doing more of those but after seeing everyone’s reaction she’s changing her mind. oh, she also mentioned she never expected shania to see her video and that she still doesn’t know how it got to her in the first place!
Jun 8, 2021 •
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liked by anotherfriend, cuteguy and 6,513 others 
yourinstagram quick life update: got a part-time job. moved to a new apartment. completed my harry styles album collection. went on a date with a cute guy. posted another video. 
so far no complaints. 300/10.
view all 617 comments 
bestfriend can’t believe ‘went out for dinner with my best friend’ didn’t make the cut 
↳ yourinstagram sorry that’s bts content
user5 Your last video was amazing!! So were the last two before that!! Totally feel like you found yourself in the music field 
↳ user1 omg i totally agree! i can totally see this becoming a series or something like this ↳ yourinstagram ohhhh i love the idea!! :) 
harryfan any chance this cute guy was harry styles himself?
↳ yourinstagram 😂😂😂 minus 100% chances 
user3 Is this part time job film related maybe?
↳ yourinstagram i wish :( needed a normal part time job to pay for my dream job actually lol
harryfan2 omg which one of his albums did you get?
↳ user5 she already has self titled so she must’ve gotten fine line now
June 25, 2021 •
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liked by bestfriend, cuteguy and 8,315 others 
yourinstagram sorry i havent been here the past few days but i was busy playing hide and seek with my niblings (i just found out there’s a word for niece + nephew btw. how cool is that?!!)
view all 732 comments 
harryfan girl tell me why i came here to watch one video and never left? :’) 
↳ user1 lol same!! she’s great isn’t she?
yourbrother i hope you know you’ll be the one buying your goddaughter a ticket for that harry styles boy
↳ harryfan2 “that harry styles boy” lol excuse me sir? ↳ yourinstagram you’re about to get soooooo dragged and all im gonna do is sit here and watch lol ↳ sisterinlaw I’m sitting here, too!!
user4 your posts always brighten up my day 😍
July 3, 2021 •
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liked by cuteguy, yourmom and 11,798 others 
yourinstagram i can’t believe there are so many people watching me post stuff like this lol i don’t really know how to behave and i get easily embarrassed so if you don’t mind i’ll just pretend we are no more than 5 friends just hanging out okay? thanks!!
btw wanted to share that we took my niece to see ariana grande so…… guess what??? new video will be up tomorrow :D this one is once again a little bit different from the others idk im always trying new things so let’s see if it works!! 
view all 931 comments 
cuteguy 😍 bestfriend when is it going to be my turn? :(( user3 omg can’t wait!!! will we finally get to meet your niece??
↳ yourinstagram nooo:( i don’t feel comfortable sharing them on the internet. that’s also why you’ll see this video is kinda from a parents perspective? idk how to explain with words you gotta watch it to see it haha ↳ user2 we love a respectful and mindful woman 💪
harryfan can’t wait for the day you see harry omg i just know that will be the best video ever
↳ harryfan3 right like so many fandoms have been getting these incredible videos i’m so jealous
July 12, 2021 •
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liked by yourinstagram, bestfriend, sisterinlaw and 4,339,032 others
harrystyles LOVE ON TOUR will be going out across the USA this September and I could not be more excited for these shows. I love you all so much. I’m very excited, and I can’t wait to see you. H
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bestfriend @yourinstagram 🤭 harryfan @yourinstagram THIS IS IT DO YOUR THING PLS I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT user2 OMG ARE WE FINALLY GETTING A SHORT MOVIE??? SAY YES PLS OMG @yourinstagram user7 i feel like if yn doesn’t take @bestfriend to at least one show there will be blood 😂
↳ bestfriend @yourinstagram see? everyone knows it should happen ↳ yourinstagram @bestfriend STOP WE’RE SO FUCKING DOING THIS ↳ harryfan AIDHASASJDBAJHAJH I’M SO EXCITD
July 14, 2021 •
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liked by cuteguy, anotherfriend and 14,513 others 
yourinstagram had a reallyyyyy huge meeting today and i was losing my shit so this really cute guy took me out for a coffee :D 
(new video’s up!!! hope you enjoy it!)
view all 1,007 comments 
user4 are you guys sharing a piece of cake? stop that’s so sweet :(  user8 omg she has a bf?? but what about harry?? lol
↳ harryfan7 THAT’S WHAT I SAID!! she was supposed to go to his show so he could see her in the crowd and fall in love 😩 ↳ harryfan12 lol please harry doesn’t even know who she is. also maybe don’t be disrespectful to the guy she’s actually dating? ↳ user8 @harryfan12 it was just a choke chill out lol
user1 can’t wait for the new video!!! (also… important meeting??? 👀)
July 29, 2021 •
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liked by bestfriend, mollyjane_x, cuteguy and 17,283 others 
yourinstagram i dont think you guys will ever understand how much you watching and spreading the word about my videos has changed my life. it hasnt been even even six months since i started posting on youtube and yet it feels like i’ve lived four years so far. thank you soooo much for deciding to join this ride with me!
also, so much is happening rn that i feel like i need to sort some things out and reorganize myself. so there’ll be a new video up tonight, and then i’ll be taking a short break before releasing any new content. it won’t be long, just a couple of weeks that will mostly be used to feed my creativity once again lol (and also to plan and script some exciting new projects!!) 
i hope you stay around and wait for me. i’ll see you back really soon 💗
view all 1,345 comments 
sisterinlaw 💗 user1 take all the time we need we’ll be here waiting for you!! <3 user3 you deserve all this sooo much!! harryfan7 i see you molly 👀
↳ harryfan11 no bc how are you even a harry fan and don’t absolutely freak out when harry’s creative director likes your post?? ↳ harryfan8 also his manager following her??? i mean what are the chances of being just a coincidence? 
bestfriend i love youuu and i’m so freaking proud of you 💗 user4 I’ll miss your content because it always puts a smile on my face, but I totally understand and can’t wait to see what’s next!
Aug 13, 2021 •
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liked by cuteguy, mollyjane_x, gemmastyles and 19,107 others 
yourinstagram so……. i kinda quit my part time job to start this other full time job? which is now finally related to something i truly love?? 😅 oh god!! i dont even know what to say. all i know is that im about to start the craziest adventure of my life and even tho im about to board the plane i still cant believe it is ACTUALLY happening. again, thank you so much for spreading the word about my videos and for being so kind about them. thank you for deciding i was worth your time every week. im only here right now bc you gave me the chance in the first place so thank you thank you thank you! 
i’ll share more details as soon as i can (and when i’m sure i wont jinx it lol) but for now, THANK YOU!
view all 1,501 comments 
cuteguy have fun, call me when you land 😘 harryfan you’re going to the LOT and nobody can convince me otherwise!!
↳ user4 why wouldn’t she just say it, tho? ↳ harryfan idk she normally never shares she’s going to a show anyway she just posts the video later 🤷 
harryfan8 the fact that molly and jeff followed her and now molly likes all of her posts can’t be random. also she quitting her job and traveling the same day so many from harry’s crew are traveling? 
harryfan7 gemma liked this post but she doesn’t even follow her??? bestfriend i miss you already can’t wait to visit you!! user1 im so excited whatever it is you deserve it so much!!!!
Aug 25, 2021 •
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PART 2: LAS VEGAS (soon)
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I’m not hopeful people will read and enjoy this, but if you happen to do so pls let me know? :( thanks!!
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The Rutabaga (The Surprise, Part 15)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, sex, fingering, oral, explicit language, pregnancy times, pregnancy bodies (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 1.6k
Summary: As your body changes, you're feeling self-conscious and worried that it might never return to "normal." Emily is, thankfully, very good at reminding you that you're beautiful.
Week 25: The Rutabaga
You stared in the mirror as you brushed your teeth, eyes roving over your body. The pimples that had sprung up and never seemed to go away–it was like being a teenager again. You lifted up your shirt to look at your baby bump, but choked on a mouthful of toothpaste at what you saw there. Your belly button poked out over the rise of your belly, a direction which it had never, to your knowledge, gone before. And what was that? A line?! A line from your belly button all the way down to where you couldn’t even see it anymore. You vaguely remembered Dr. Delgado mentioning it but, you hadn’t actually thought it would happen.
You spat into the sink, looking yourself over more critically, still trying to cough up all the toothpaste you’d inhaled.
“Honey!?” Emily called from the bedroom.
You kept coughing, but croaked out a response. “I’m good! Just breathed some toothpaste.”
“Em, look at this,” you said, standing in the bathroom doorway, shirt lifted up over your belly.
Emily lowered her book to look at you. “Yeah, babe. You’re pregnant, all right.”
“No!” You huffed, waddling closer. “Look at my belly button. What the fuck is going on here!? It’s popping out like a little jelly bean or something.”
Emily chuckled and sat up, setting her book aside. “A little jelly bean… Honey, I think that’s normal. Don’t you remember Dr. Delgado talking about it?”
“Yeah, but…” You sighed and ran your fingers over the dark line that ran beneath it, the stretch marks that lashed themselves tight over your belly. “I guess I didn’t think I would look like this.”
“What do you mean?” Emily asked, taking one of your hands and running her thumb over your knuckles.
You shrugged and exhaled. “Everyone’s pregnancy photos always look so cute and I look… I don’t know, there are lines everywhere and I’m all pimply and my baby bump looks weird.”
“Hey,” she cooed, pulling you down to the bed. “It doesn’t look weird. It looks beautiful. You look beautiful.”
You shook your head slightly, looking down. “You’re just saying that because you’re my wife.”
“I most certainly am not,” she protested, tilting your head up.
When you didn’t respond, she pulled you down next to her on the bed. “Come here,” she said softly. “Come lay with me.”
You lay down and stared at the ceiling, feeling inexplicably sad about the ways your body was changing. Such mixed feelings. Just like you would never be the same after the baby was born, it was likely that your body would never be the same either. It made you a little sad, even though you knew, when all was said and done, it’d be worth it.
“Let me tell you,” Emily said, caressing your face, “what I love about your body.”
“Em,” you protested, blushing a bit.
“Shh,” she ordered, silencing you with a kiss.
She started at the top of your head, running her hands through your hair.
“I love your hair,” she said. “I love the way it sticks up in the morning.”
She kissed your forehead. “I love your head because it houses your beautiful mind.”
She planted kisses on either of your eyelids. “I love your pretty eyes.” Another kiss. “Your nose.” Then a real kiss, your favorite kind, where she held your head in her hands and gently pressed her tongue into your mouth. Your stomach fluttered. “I love this mouth,” she said, kissing you once more. “So kissable. Good for so many things.”
You giggled as she continued kissing her way down your body. “I love your neck. It’s also very kissable.”
You whined and arched your back as she swirled her tongue around your nipple, her touch alone hardening them to peaks. She let it go with a pop, using her fingers instead to squeeze them gently. “I think you know exactly how I feel about your tits.”
You’d have blushed if you weren’t so damn turned on. She’d barely done anything and you were pretty sure your underwear was soaked through.
She moved to your stomach, pressing her hands lovingly on your baby bump. “And, god, do I love your stomach. Look at you, honey. You see these marks?” She kissed them gently, only her hands, grasping at your waist, betraying just how aroused she was. “I love these marks. I love your little jelly bean belly button. I love that you’re letting your body change so we can start a family.”
She moved to your thighs and you let out a moan, your hips pushing toward her. “I love these strong legs,” she said, and then paused.
You shuddered when you felt her breath close to your center.
She chuckled, smug. “I love that you get so wet for me, just from my words.” She licked a stripe from your center to your clit and you grasped at her head, breathing heavily.
“I love that you come undone for me,” she continued, planting kisses all over, except the one place you really wanted her.
“Emily,” you moaned.
“I love that I can make you feel the way you make me feel,” she said, finally pushing her fingers inside of you and scissoring them so a bolt of pleasure shot up through your spine, making you writhe and gasp.
“I love you,” she finished, before diving in like a woman starved. Suffice it to say, Emily knew what she was doing with her mouth, but the mouth/hands combo? She could have you coming on her fingers in thirty seconds flat, and she knew it. But she wanted to take her time tonight, building you up to your peak, and then backing slowly away. After a while, you were quite literally dripping, begging for release.
“Come on, Em,” you groaned, bucking for more friction. You just couldn’t quite get yourself there.
She lifted her head, wiping her face and smiling at you. You whined at the loss of her mouth against your clit. “You feeling beautiful yet?”
“Jesus Christ, yes,” you confirmed, annoyed. Your body was shaky from riding her fingers for so long. “I’m a fucking goddess. Now finish me already.”
Emily pressed the flat of her tongue against your clit, hard, and curled her fingers just at the spot she knew would have you falling apart. And sure enough, your orgasm flared through you like a flame set to a line of gasoline laid the length of your body. You trembled as Emily finished you off, pumping her fingers slower and slower to bring you back down, then finally easing out of you and licking your arousal off her fingers.
She moaned and her eyes rolled back as she flopped onto the bed next to you. “The taste of you, that’s another thing I love.”
“Point taken, love,” you said, kissing her quickly and snuggling into her. “I’m stunning.”
“And don’t you forget it.” She kissed your forehead, resting her hand on the side of your head and her chin on top of your head. “Or I’ll be forced to remind you again.”
“Oh, no,” you replied drily, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Emily’s other hand rested in its usual spot on your baby bump, and you pressed yours over hers, appreciating your wife, appreciating that soon there would be three of you.
You felt a fluttering inside your stomach and then, so quick it took you by surprise, a tiny little kick, so hard it poked the edge of your stomach out, right under Emily’s hand. She gasped, barely moving.
The baby kicked again and Emily shot up like a cannon, pressing her face against your stomach.
“Honey, I can feel him!” she said, her voice high and giddy.
You put your hand on the side of her face, brushing your thumb along her cheekbone. She was so happy. God, you loved to see her happy. You loved her so much.
“Hello!” she said softly, lips centimeters away from your skin. “Hey, little guy!” The baby kicked again, right in Emily’s face, and she laughed. “I hear you, baby. I hear you loud and clear.”
She looked at you, absolute joy written all over her face. “Does he always move this much at night?”
You shook your head.
Emily thought for a minute, then her eyes opened wide in realization. “Do you think…” she started, grinning conspiratorially at you. “You think it’s because we had sex?”
You looked at each other and burst out laughing. “Oh my god, we woke her up!” you wheezed.
Your stomach fluttered, a series of baby kicks popping up on your stomach.
“Aw,” Emily cooed, resting her chin on your belly. “It’s okay, little guy. We hear you. Go back to sleep. Mommies are sorry.”
“Let her sleep, Em,” you scolded, pulling her back up to you and kissing her. She kept a hand on your baby bump, just in case, just to feel the baby move. She couldn’t get enough of it. Like magic. Every single time she felt it, she was shot through with joy.
“I can’t wait to meet him,” she whispered, yawning, and tucking herself under your chin. You could nearly feel her buzzing with excitement, with love. The same love she buzzed with for you.
“I love you, Emily,” you said, running a hand lazily under her shirt and over the bare skin of her back.
When she didn’t say it back, you craned your neck and found her fast asleep. You brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead, reaching to turn off the lamp. When you realized you couldn’t reach it, you decided to leave it be. You’d happily sleep with the lights on to stay here with Emily like this just a little bit longer.
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Hi i want to ramble about the recent bound lore (5/29) (Rune and Vast) so beware if you haven't seen that!
SO! Lets talk about Vast
Vast cares so much about Rune. In a little bit of an obsessive way, though that language of "my treasure" is generally playing off the fact that Vast is a magpie (said by Heyhay themselves). But overall, they care.
There is a bit of a divide here in the focus of Vast and Rune. Vast cares about Rune and his relationship with Rune. When Rune got sploded, she was far more concerned with Rune than the Chronometer. Rune, after recovering just a bit from being exploded, was far more focused on the invention rather than himself. (After all, he's probably used to getting hurt at this point)
As they set off on their journey, Vast watches very closely. They become more nervous as the two get closer to the obelisk, the magpies also doing so, especially when Rune refuses to go back. The focus here has shifted- not just to caring about Rune, but fearing for her and Rune's relationship. He can't know about the Obelisk. It's not fixed. He can't know, because deep down, he's afraid Rune will figure it out. Figure out he's an Avicane. See him for the monster that he is.
So she freaks out. Rune won't listen, and he panics. He smacks the chronometer out of Rune's hand, causing it to break. And this, my friends, is what I see as a "point of no return". Because there's no way to salvage this situation anymore. Even without Rune knowing that they're an Avicane, she's already made herself look monstrous.
And of course he has to explain! So with the encouragement of the magpies, he shows Rune the obelisk. And here's where we get our second "point-of-no-return". The inventor finds out his love is an Avicane.
This shatters the trust between the two. After all, all that trust was built on lies. But who tells the man he loves that he's killed people? Who can look their love in the face and confess that they're more monstrous than any warden or beast they could ever encounter? Who goes to their love and confesses their horrendous deeds when you know no one could ever love someone as monstrous as you?
And then Rune asks him to leave. Despite his pleading and explanation that he can fix it without hurting people, Rune asks him to leave. And of course he does. Rune is too wrapped up in the murderous tales of the Avicane that this solution that Vast is offering is practically ignored. Because he's still taking magic. He has still hurt people. He's still dangerous.
And Vast runs. He leaves, he flies back home and they pace on his porch and spirals. He's lost his love, his treasure. She rips the pages out of her book because despite everything she still wants to be good. He doesn't want to be the monster that he sees himself as, that he saw reflected back to him in Rune's horrified eyes. He's had his life flipped upside down and all it's gotten him is heartbreak the revelation that he's a monster. A brutish beast of the skies who does nothing but lie.
And monsters' can't be loved. Monsters don't get to love. All monsters do is hurt.
But he'll try to be less of one. They'll hide his claws and do what's right, then leave. Then he'll leave it all behind. Rune and Sylph and all those good memories. Because surely they won't want a monster. And she's got a job to do.
But how can she keep doing her job like this? When faced with the revelation that he's a monster raised by monsters? How can he keep living like that? What can he do? What is there to do?
Gonna do Rune in another post because this is so long- thanks for reading!
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Greetings Tumblr!
I present you another do-you-know-this-thing blog, but this one is dedicated to characters who stutter. I’ve noticed an extreme lack of stuttering representation both in media and here on Tumblr, and my goal is to change it with this blog.
First, a little about me.
I’m a stutterer myself. I’ve been stuttering since childhood, and now when I’m an adult, my stutter starts to severely affecting the quality of my life. It made me actively fight it since last year, I was in therapy and took medication, but there were no visible improvements. Currently, I’m learning how to accept my stutter and live a full life in spite of it.
I don’t know whether this blog will become a thing, so I’d prefer not to reveal either my main blog or my nickname for now, but you can refer to me by using she/her pronouns. I also want to point out that English is not my first language, so if I mess up or use the wrong terminology, forgive me, I’m genuinely sorry. Feel free to correct me, though.
And now, about the blog.
For now, my plan is to post one poll weekly. I’ll wait until the middle of June, and if there are no submissions, I’ll start posting the characters that I find myself in hope more people will learn about the blog and get interested in it.
I haven’t created a google form yet, since I want to start gathering submissions through my askbox. However, if more people prefer google forms, I can always create it. I can work with whatever.
Submission requirements.
Your submission needs to include the character’s name, the character’s picture, and the name of media they’re from. If you can also provide a video fragment where it’s clearly heard that your character is indeed a stutterer, that would be great (but it’s optional, so please, don’t feel pressured).
I will not accept real people unless they’re from a movie/book about a historical figure. My priority is fictional characters. However, your character can be from any kind of media, whether it’s a movie, a book, a video game, or anything else.
I will not accept characters who just pretend to be a stutterer. Their stutter must be real otherwise it’s just pointless.
A few things to add.
I haven’t met a single person on Tumblr who stutters, so I also want to create sort of a stuttering community here. If you’re comfortable with sharing your experience about your stutter with me and everyone else here, feel free to send a message! Really, I’ll gladly listen to all of your stories and I’m sure that other stutterers will be happy to know that they’re not alone.
For now, my profile picture is Bill Denbrough from It. I know nothing about this guy except for the fact that he stutters, so if he’s not good representation, let me know and feel free to suggest any other character that you want to see as this blog profile picture. My header is the sea, and it has nothing to do with stuttering, I just love the sea.
I was inspired to create this blog by:
If you can spread the word, I will highly appreciate it!
That’s it! Thank you everyone for your attention, I’m really excited to start working on this blog and meet all of you.
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agirlandherquill · 21 hours
oc interview tag
thanks @willtheweaver for the tag!
this one looks like fun!
i'll be using Edeva from Ruin's Reprisal for this one,
Were you named after anyone? - "Well, my middle name comes from a distant relative - Maenaire, I think there was a legend written about her once, I never had the chance to find out her story but my mother clearly saw some similarities between us."
When was the last time you cried? - "Ah, that. Do tears of anger count? I cried enough while I was screaming at Fenley for being a mangisen - that's a pig, in my native language. I think he got the message, tears or not."
Do you have any kids? - "No. I never considered children, and I don't think motherhood is a suitable role for an Exilza. I would never subject a child to this life, but if that ever changes... I don't know, maybe I would, if I found someone - someone that was right."
Do you use sarcasm a lot? - "More often with Fenley than not, I don't know why he just- Brings something out in me."
What is the first thing you notice about people? - "...In the old days, I would have said their faces. Faces can change, they can hide things, but I always looked at the eyes - These days, I notice whether someone is armed. I know more dangerous people than not at present and... It can never hurt to be safe."
What is your eye colour? - "Blue. Though Fenley would have many other things to say - He pays far more attention than I."
Scary movies or happy endings? - "I need no tales to know fear, and though I have yet to know one, I'd prefer a happy ending."
Any special talents? - "I can silence the most fearsome man the country has ever known with a single word, does that count? Oh, and please don't tell Fenley."
Where were you born? - "Vitaire Manor, right here in Aliria."
Do you have any pets? - "I was too preoccupied with the goings on of Court to take responsibility for anything other than myself, sadly. And in the wilderness now, I would wish that upon no animal."
What sort of sports do you play? - "Something of a verbal sparring match with Fenley, though sometimes, rare times - things almost turn violent. He never lets me harm him or myself in the process, which is nice. And despite what he says - I do win our arguments."
How tall are you? - "As much as I would love to call myself average, Fenley's laughter can be heard from here - I know, I know, I'm not as tall as I think I am."
What was your favourite subject in school? - "I seldom had proper lessons, aside from personal tutors but... I learned to dance, with Arden. That was one of the lessons I enjoyed the most."
What is your dream job? - "I've never had a job. I've always had an expectation - my engagement to Arden decided most of my life, until our wedding day - Well, I won't say being engaged to a Prince is simple, but it was certainly easier than being an Exilza."
now for the tags! i just updated my tag list so here goes! no pressure of course, looking forward to getting to know some other people's characters! - also open tag!
~ ~ ~ tags ~ ~ ~
@the-ellia-west @tildeathiwillwrite @drchenquill @365runesofthesystem @coffin-hopping
@godsmostfuckedupgoblin @a-mimsy-borogove @frostedlemonwriter @i-do-anything-but-write @r-u-living
@thatuselesshuman @lead-to-code @sunflowerrosy @theaistired @phoenixradiant
@autism-purgatory @corinneglass @tiredpapergirl @patheticexcuseforawriter @missmisanthrope
@your-writing-motivation @littlestchildofthemoon @morganxduinn @thebrownleathernotebook @rmhashauthor
@lamuradex @fantasy-things-and-such @glasshouses-and-stones @hattonthehatman @humbly-a-doppelganger
@hopecreatesstuff @ramwritblr @s-pendragon7 @thelastneuron @heartreactor
@ihauntmyhouse @shiningstars-world @scaewolf @mehxis @just-emis-blog
@joeys-piano @ramitola @thestoryteller8 @yrndrgn @riveriafalll
@lawrencespen1777 @theverumproject @zackprincebooks @ansanity2 @justjariel
@orion-lacroix @jupiter---daydreams @vinniehorrible @stars-forever @thewritingautisticat
@whatwewrotepodcast @anaisbebe @appleandsnow @urnumber1star @chaotictravelerrants
@andagii-projects @dragmewithyoutonirvana @a-bi-cat-with-books @fearofahumanplanet @just-a-domesticated-cryptid
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pinkiemachine · 2 days
Superman: Origin Story! 🎉
Part one involving what became of Krypton and the rest of the El family will be linked below.
Lara and Cal crash landed together on Earth (specifically, outside of Smallville Kansas) in the summer of 1977 with their escape pod badly damaged, and Lara bleeding out. As luck would have it, a young couple was driving through that part of the country and saw what they thought was a plane of some sort crash land. John Kent jumped out of the car and went to check to see if there were survivors and found a Kryptonian escape pod, steaming and smoking, with a woman and baby inside. Lara could tell that she didn’t have much time. Attempting to speak to John (though, he didn’t understand her language) she asked that he would take care of her son and bring help. Along with Cal, she also gave John a small, hand-held device that he couldn’t figure out the purpose of. Then… she died.
John was left standing there, not knowing what to do for a few seconds. Ultimately, he figured he ought to bury the body out of respect, so he ran back to his wife to give her the baby. By that point, though, there were already dark shapes on the horizon. Martha spotted them. Black helicopters. The Kents got in their car and sped away as quickly as they could, not wanting to get tangled up in whatever conspiracy this was. John didn’t take them back to house that night. Instead, they kept driving until they reached his sister Emma’s house where they would lay low for a while.
Martha was still holding baby Cal and she couldn’t bear to let him go. She had suffered a miscarriage just a week before and immediately fell in love with the boy. There would be no getting rid of him now. They decided to name him Clark, after a word John thought that the woman in the pod had tried to say to him.
After the black helicopters had gone, and after the crashed pod had mysteriously disappeared, John and Martha went back home and continued on with life. Naturally, they had a million questions, but answers would be very tricky to supply unless they wanted to poke their noses into uncertain places. So they kept to themselves. Clark, meanwhile, was growing up fast and strong. Literally. By the time he was two, he was lifting things he really shouldn’t be able to, running faster than they could keep up with, and falling out trees on purpose (not sustaining any injuries) because it was fun. This was their first inkling that Clark might not be human. (After all, Kryptonians do look a lot like humans.)
I would also like to mention that in this version, Clark has siblings. Yes, a few years after saving Clark, Martha gave birth to another son, Micheal. Then came Sean, then Rueben, and finally Suzie. They all worked together on their father’s farm, though it was kind of an open secret who did most of the work. Clark would out-perform his brothers constantly, and it had become quite the sore spot in the family. But, when the tractor breaks down, who’re you gonna call to get it back to the barn? Probably the superhuman son who can lift it with one hand and fly. They did have a lot of good times as well. They got up to so much stupid stuff…heheh… story for another time.
Clark was told from a young age that he was allowed to use his powers on the farm, but nowhere else. Especially not in town. John and Martha were worried the black helicopters might come back. So Clark did his best, but rumours still abounded. Some of the other kids in his class at school even called him an “alien” because of how weird he acted sometimes. Naturally, he had been told his origins by this point. When he was six, his parents sat him down and explained about the pod and his mother and John gave him the small device that Lara had given him. The moment Clark touched it, it activated. It was a holo-photo projector, and it displayed a portrait of the El family, baby Clark included. This was proof that Clark was from the stars, and from that moment onward, he became obsessed with outer space. By the time he was in middle school, he had star maps and rocket posters pinned up in his room, he tracked down every scrap of alien news and conspiracy theories that he could find, and tried to send out radio signals into deep space with his own dinky, homemade system in the family tree house. He loved his adoptive family, he did, but he also wanted to know what had happened to the rest of his birth family. Were they out there? Did they know where he was? That he was alive? He had so many questions!
Alas, time flew by, and no answers appeared. He had a falling out with one of his brothers (involving Clark losing control and accidentally hurting one of the family dogs with his laser vision) and after high school he left to get a degree in investigative journalism, later taking a job at the Daily Planet in Metropolis. He still talked to his brothers and sister and Ma and Pa, but he felt alienated. He didn’t really belong anywhere. That’s why this job was so important. He would scour the ends of the Earth to find answers.
Little did he know, though, that the escape pod and Lara’s body had been taken by the government and were being experimented on. Head of the classified project currently: Amanda Waller. Most invested investor: Lex Luthor.
Part one here 👇
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shinynewboots · 15 hours
The Alchemy: Adam x AFAB Morningstar!reader Part 2
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AN: Hello all! Thank you so much for all the love and support you have given this story!! Once again want to give a special shoutout to @jennieyeager for the wonderful prompt! I do apologize for the wait. I had a lot of different directions I wanted to go and this was the final project. With that being said:
Confession time: I definitely think this is going to be longer than 4 parts! I kept trying to condense this as best I could but these two idiots really took the plot and ran with it so I hope y'all are ready!
Warnings: 18+ eventually, somewhat dubious consent, language, Adam-typical misogyny
Part 1
The clock on your arm was ticking quickly, time moving at a faster pace than you could fathom. You had made the executive decision to not tell Charlie about your arrangement with Adam until it was too late for her to stop it. A cowardly move, perhaps, but you knew she would try and talk you out of it if she sensed even the smallest hint of hesitation in your decision. 
And there was some hesitation. To leave everything you had ever known to marry this man who had only ever been the boogie man of your nightmares? But you thought of Charlie and her mission and dreams and you knew the answer could only ever be yes. 
There was another part of you, a part that you weren’t completely ready to acknowledge, that was curious and intrigued. No one ever chose you first. Ever. And yet this mythic being upon first glance knew that he wanted you. Now maybe it was the slight resemblance you bore to your mother or desire for his weird revenge but it was still you that he had chosen. That had to mean something, right?
So you left a note for Charlie to find once she finally realized you were missing. 
I’m okay. Please don’t come after me. I went with Adam, the leader of the exorcists. He promised in exchange for me, he would stop the exterminations and give your hotel a shot. Please, Char, I had to do this for you. For us. For…everyone. Please don’t tell Dad, though I doubt he would answer your calls anyway. Please don’t do anything rash. I will try and contact you when I can. I love you. Y/N.
The embassy looked more foreboding than it ever had. The building almost looked like an eyesore along the skyline. Almost too perfect to be seen amongst the squabble of Hell. You glanced down at your watch: 0:05.
Five minutes until your life changed forever. 
You trekked through the embassy, the rooms were just as quiet and dark as when you and Charlie were here only 24 hours earlier. You finally made it back to the meeting room where you had met Adam originally. Light streamed through the cracks in the door and you knew he was there. Another glance down at your watch: 0:02. 
There was no use in waiting for the clock to strike midnight. For your carriage to turn into a pumpkin. It was inevitable, so why put it off? Sighing, you opened the door. 
You looked around the room and only saw Adam, his feet on the table, and leaned back in one of the boardroom chairs, a golden guitar in his hands.. He wasn’t wearing his mask so you got a good view of his human features. He also wasn’t wearing his white and purple robe and instead wore a simple black cotton t-shirt and blue jeans. 
There was no one else present, not even his loyal exorcist from the first meeting. Adam was strumming the guitar, his eyes closed, and his expression was peaceful. 
You glanced down at your watch. 0:01.
You cleared your throat to alert Adam of your presence. The gentle melodies from the guitar came to an abrupt stop and you were suddenly face to face with Adam, who had flown to you with such a speed that you still couldn’t wrap your head around. 
“Hey Babe, good choice.” He said, smirking and taking in your appearance. You found your eyes drawn to his lips and the memory of his smoldering kiss only 24 hours early. My, how much can change. Adam seemed to notice because his smirk became a hungry grin and revealed to you his sharp canines. You found yourself so distracted that you missed his question.
“Hard Candy?” He asked again, holding a small wrapped cherry-hard candy in your line of sight. You looked at him, your eyebrows scrunched. 
“Uh, sure. It’s not poison, is it?” You joked, giving a very Charlie-esque awkward smile. 
“Nah, babe. It's for the travel. You ever portal-traveled before?”
You shook your head. 
“Thought so. Don’t want you puking on me or anything once we get there. This should help.”
You nodded and went to grab the candy from his hand. He had other ideas. He unwrapped the candy himself and held it out in front of your lips. You involuntarily took in a deep breath and could once more taste his kiss from even the subtle scent of the candy. 
“Open,” He whispered and you did just that. He placed the cherry candy on your tongue and it took everything in you not to unravel. To forget your arrangement and to try and find out if his kiss was just as sweet and flavorful as the hard candy that now sat on your tongue. Instead, you chose to swirl the candy in your mouth, the juices emitting their pleasant sweet tang. 
“Thanks,” You breathed out, not trusting yourself with any more expression of language than that measly word. 
“It’s fucking good, right?” 
“Yeah, I, uh, wouldn’t expect anything less from a candy from heaven.”
Adam shook his head. “Nah, that's not from Heaven. They don’t get the cherry flavor right. That’s from Earth.” 
“Oh,” You said lamely, trying to locate this special cherry flavor Adam seemed to enjoy. You wouldn’t call yourself a candy connoisseur but at least now you knew one more thing about your soon-to-be husband: His hard candy preference. 
“You ready to go?” Adam asked, holding out his large hand for your grab. 
“You promise that you’re going to stop the exterminations? And give my sister’s hotel a shot at redeeming sinners?” You asked, just needing one last verbal confirmation that you weren’t making a mistake. You could have tried to hold him to a deal but he was an angel. An angel, who despite being a villain in your parent’s history, had done nothing to conceal his true intentions as far as you knew. And you always felt icky making deals. The idea of owning a soul? Could you even own an angel’s soul?
Adam grinned in a way that could only be described as shark-like, his canines glittering in the light. He held a hand over his heart as if to further prove sincerity. “I promise to do everything in my power to stop the exterminations and give your sister’s stupid hotel a shot.”
You breathed a deep sigh and nodded. You gave him your hand and he squeezed it in a surprisingly gentle manner. His hand was calloused, surprising you as you thought all heavenly things were perfect. But his hand was rough and weathered and worked (especially his fingers, which you attributed to his years of guitar). 
A portal suddenly opened in the wall and you got your first glimpse at the Pearly Gates of Heaven. It was even more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. A piece of your heart began to ache. Charlie should be here to see this.
Adam pulled you forward. 
“Close your eyes,” He whispered, his mouth dangerously close to your ear and warm breath tickling you. “And hold on to me.”
You looked up at him, your eyes wide with wonder and a little disappointment that you couldn’t take in the sight before you for even a moment longer. 
“Trust me, the first trip’s the worst.” He said, and suddenly he pulled you to his side. His body was warm and softer than you had imagined. You closed your eyes tight. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you even tighter to his side. You heard the flap of his wings and suddenly you felt weightless as the ground beneath your feet ceased to be. You could feel yourself flying higher and higher until…
You felt a rush of air and a glorious sun shining on your face. You felt as though the universe had taken you by the belly button and was pulling you closer to it. Your stomach began to flip and you were very grateful for the candy, as the flavor was helping to settle your nausea, at least for a little bit. 
The sensation was lessening and you felt your feet hit solid ground. You hesitantly opened your eyes and were immediately met with various cameras shoved in your face.Angels, winners, and Cherubs crowded around you and Adam. Your mouth had run dry and you couldn’t think. Lights flashed and you felt yourself melding closer into Adam’s side.
“PRINCESS! PRINCESS! Care for a comment?”
“Princess! Over here! How did you manage to get Heaven’s most eligible bachelor to lower his standards to a Hell Born like yourself?”
“Hey Fuckers, get the fuck off my lawn!” Adam growled.
“YOU HEARD HIM, FUCK OFF!” You heard someone else yell. You looked over to see the same Exorcist angel (Lute?) that had been with Adam at the meeting yesterday. She had a menacing grin on the face of her mask and had a spear pointed at all the reporters. Adam gave her a nod which she returned (after she speared through a camera cherub was holding). 
 Adam decided to act quickly since Lute could only hold off so many reports and so he used his wing to shield you and make a path up to the house. You mirrored his footsteps, though you couldn’t take in the world around you due to his wing. Finally you made it inside Adam’s house and were able to take a free breath. 
“Fuck,” Adam cursed. “Fuck Babe, I’m sorry. I don’t know how they found out.” 
He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. You could still hear the reporters outside but chose to not let it bother you (well, it would bother you at least a little. You had never been one for the spotlight).
“It’s okay. It’s fine,” You said softly, placing a hand on his arm. He looked over at you with curious eyes and you felt your heart stop. And then you felt yourself accidentally swallow the cherry candy. You immediately began to cough and choke as the candy slid down your windpipe.
Adam’s eyes widened in shock and fear. He ran up behind you and began to push on your stomach in a pitiful attempt at the heimlich maneuver. Fortunately, you weren’t solely reliant on him to save your life, and you coughed up the remaining cherry red candy. A sliver of what it had been when you had been given it early. Really Sexy Princess Morningstar, real sexy.
Adam must have been relieved when you stopped choking, at least enough to make a joke. “Fuck Babe, don’t choke again unless its because of me.”
Ah, there was the asshole you had originally met. You had let his kind, sexy gestures fool, but the asshole was still there. 
You scowled at him and began to look around the house. It was a modest house, the perfect size for one or two people. Cleaner than you expected too. You had honestly expected trash and leftover food to be strewn around the house, but you were pleasantly surprised. 
A sound at the front door caused you to jump and you looked to see Lute entering, an irritated look on her face. Adam walked over to her, his hand up to give her a high-five which she begrudgingly returned.
“Thanks Bitch, I don’t know how those fucking reporters found out.”
“You made a bit of a spectacle of yourself, Sir. Apparently one of the Saints let it slip that you requested the Hell Spawn.” Lute said, eyeing you with disgust. The feeling was mutual and you could feel your demon form bubbling under the surface, your eyes beginning to turn a reddish color.
“Fucking Peter,” Adam scowled. He glanced over at you and seemed to feel the irritation seeping from your pores. “Babe, she doesn’t mean it.” 
“Yes I do.”
“Yes she does.” You said, crossing your arms and stepping closer to Adam. 
You and Lute glared at each other. 
“Okay, okay ladies reel it in. Lute, you’re a real one. I fucking appreciate it. Just let the girls know I won’t be at training for a few days while I get Y/N settled.”
“Of course sir. Hell Spawn.” She said, nodding at Adam and then you. Your eyes narrowed. 
“Bigoted Cunt,” You responded, giving her a just as condescending nod. Lute bristled but one look from Adam and she quietly slipped out the door. 
Adam turned to you, suddenly more sheepish than you had seen him in the past 24 hours. He rubbed a hand behind his neck. “So, uh, I only have 1 bedroom. I mean I have more rooms, I just haven’t had a chance to get more beds or anything. So I put your suitcase in my bedroom.”
You know, this is the part of the story where the main character gets nervous. Worries that her very sexy, very annoying husband-to-be is going to ravish her and take advantage. Her mouth would run dry and her palms would get sweaty. Only one bed? Give me a break. 
But you weren’t the main character in the trashy romance novel and he certainly wasn't the main love interest material. And you could make do with the idea that maybe living in a romance trope. And he seemed sheepish enough that it was genuine. 
So instead of doing as you would if you had been the same person you had been in Hell, only a few hours before, you decided to draw on some newfound confidence. You closed the distance between yourself and Adam and looked up at him, a coy smile on your features. “Lead the way.”
This seemed to him, as his features brightened up considerably and he grabbed your hand to guide you to the bedroom. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach and you could feel your nerve breaking the longer you walked with Adam. 
When you entered his bedroom, you were surprised to find it to be rather plain. Very few features had been added to the space to make it homey aside from a guitar propped against one of the nightstands. Not a picture or painting or any decor to be seen. Like the rest of the house, it was shockingly clean. On the bed, your forgotten suitcase sat. 
“I’ll leave you to get settled. I'll grab some wine or beer or whatever you drink down below.” Adam said, motioning towards you to begin unpacking your suitcase. You smiled at him, feeling as though you were seeing the real Adam already in the few moments of insecurity he had let shine through. 
“Wine is good.” You said. He nodded and made to move towards the door before stopping and turning back to you. He stood in front of you, his golden eyes meeting your own before they looked lower at your lips. Emboldened, you licked your top lip slowly and looked at his own before devilishly looking back at his eyes. 
His large hands cupped your cheeks and suddenly his lips were on yours. Your senses were once again overwhelmed with that delicious taste of cherry hard candy. Feeling more and more impish, you licked the seam between his lips, a soft request. 
Adam responded in kind and opened his mouth, tongue meeting your own and licking in a controlled, hard manner. Your hands found their way into his hair and tangled in his soft brown locks. One of Adam’s hands left your cheeks and snaked its way down to your waist, pulling you closer. His large hand cupped your hip and squeezed with a firm pressure that sent a pleasant chill up your spine. His body felt so warm against your own and you could feel your resolve weakening. 
(But would it be so bad if it did?)
You reluctantly pulled away from him, your lips missing the feel of his against your own. His cheeks were flushed and his golden eyes were bright and alert. 
“I uh, I should unpack,” You whispered, untangling your hands from his hands. Adam nodded, though you weren’t sure he heard you. 
He coughed awkwardly and you tried to avert your eyes when he tried to discreetly ‘adjust’ himself. “I’ll go get the wine.”
“I’ll unpack,” You replied, mentally kicking yourself for the repetition. You nervously brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. Adam nodded once more and left the room, leaving you alone.
You sighed and tried to calm your breathing. You unzipped your suitcase and smiled forlornly at the picture that sat on top of your clothes. It was a picture of you, Charlie and your parents. You and Charlie were children, grinning wildly at the camera. 
You folded the picture so it just showed the two of you. You placed the picture on what appeared to be the unoccupied side of the bed and continued to unpack.
Tags: @jennieyeager @tati-the-fangirl @alastorswifeee @randomgurl2326 @marxo5 @dragovegogrimborn @ella-janehaven @honestlyshamelesskid @miniaturetalent @klorinda @turtle3586 @naniiiii12 @belladonnadeath
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iguessitsjustme · 2 days
That special episode sure was...something. I liked the idea a lot I just don't think it was framed correctly. Anyway instead of talking about what I didn't like, I'm going to just list what I liked. Be the positivity you want to see in the world or something I guess:
"That was a morning kiss. Now get ready for morning sex." sIR. In front of my salad????
When the cat moved AWAY from the door when it started banging because they were...well...I shan't say
Hot woman cop. Why are we just getting her now pardon me?
Deeni. The actress that played her did a fantastic job considering the complexity of emotions that Deeni needed to carry. Honestly stole the show for me.
A random Saint appeared. Mostly to give us flashbacks and I guess an explanation (not needed but I'll stop myself here on my positivity post) for what transpired in the series
Tharn mentioning Dr. Chumpawhumpa and Phaya punishing him for it.
Gorgeous soundtrack. That was expected and it did not disappoint.
Honestly? I love the special effects. I did laugh every time they appeared but not because they were bad just the timing and the plot surrounding them. I should not have laughed honestly that one's on me. I think they're gorgeous. loved the orange.
Thongthai screaming at Phaya "what would you do if it was Tharn" which was just GOLD. They might be a side couple in the show but that doesn't mean their love is felt any less deeply or is any less important than our main couple. I especially love that it was Thongthai about Khem because to outsiders, it might look like Khem loves him more but very clearly those two love each other equally. They just have their own personalities and love languages and idk that line just made me happy. Also get wrecked Phaya. You literally couldn't say anything to him after that. You were worse when you thought you lost Tharn.
Pool party? Pool party.
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moonxytcn · 2 days
We adopt a dog with billie 🥺
adopting a dog
Billie Eilish x fem!reader
summary – you and Billie decide to take the next step in your relationship and adopt a dog
warnings – pure cuteness
a/n – thanks for the request anon <3 Just so you know, Luz is light in Portuguese
English is not my first language so there may be some errors.
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This gif isn't mine, I found it on Pinterest 
Billie and you had been together for two years. Your relationship had started unexpectedly but quickly turned into something deep and meaningful. Between tours and recordings, Billie always found time for the two of you, whether through long conversations into the night or quick getaways to peaceful places.
Billie's apartment in Los Angeles was your sanctuary. One night, while watching a movie on the couch, Billie turned to you with a mischievous smile.
"Hey, I was thinking... how about we adopt a dog?" She said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
You were surprised but also excited about the idea. "Really? Do you think we're ready for that?"
Billie held your hand, intertwining her fingers with yours. "I think so. Let's take a step forward, build something together. And besides, I've always wanted a dog. And you?"
You smiled, feeling a wave of happiness and love. "I’d love that. Let's do it."
The next day, the two of you went to a local animal shelter. There were so many adorable dogs, all waiting for a home. Billie looked like a kid in a candy store, examining each puppy with a huge smile on her face.
After an hour of searching, a light brown puppy with curious eyes caught both of your attention. He was a mix of breeds but seemed to be the perfect combination of energy and sweetness.
"This is the one." Billie said, kneeling down and petting the little puppy. "What do you think?"
You knelt down beside her, and the puppy immediately came to sniff your hand, wagging his tail frantically. "I think he chose us." You replied, laughing.
You completed the paperwork and finally brought the new family member home. On the way, you discussed names. After several funny suggestions, you decided on "Luz."
"Luz." Billie said, testing the name. "It suits him. He's going to light up our lives."
The first days with Luz were a mix of chaos and fun. He was full of energy, running around the apartment, chewing on slippers, and exploring every corner. Billie and you took turns teaching him basic commands, and he quickly became part of your routine.
One night, while Billie was at the studio, you were home with Luz, teaching him to sit. After several attempts, he finally got it. "Good boy!" You said, offering a treat.
When Billie arrived, you were exhausted but happy. She looked at Luz, lying at your feet, and smiled. "You're doing a great job." She said, hugging you from behind.
"We're doing a great job." You corrected, turning to kiss her.
As months passed, Luz brought even more joy and love to your relationship. Walks in the park, trips to the vet, and cozy nights on the couch became precious moments. Each day with Luz reinforced your commitment to each other and the happiness of building a life together.
One day, while walking in the park, Billie stopped and looked at you. "I love you." she said suddenly, with an intensity that made your heart race.
"I love you too." You replied, feeling warmth in your chest.
She held your hand and, with the other, petted Luz. "We're building something beautiful together. And I want to keep doing this with you, every day."
You smiled, holding her hand tighter. "Forever." You promised.
Billie smiled, and Luz, as if understanding the depth of the moment, barked happily, running around you both. It was the beginning of a new chapter, full of love, adventures, and, of course, the adorable Luz.
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scekrex · 3 days
Adam wasn’t killed like everyone thought. Lucifer’s son aka Charlie’s little brother m!reader took him in and healed him. Charlie lets the new sinner Adam stay in the hotel after her brother begged since she loves her sweet brother so much. Adam never seen a demon so hot and falls for the reader. They’ve been secretly messing around and Luci ends up walking in on them.
Okay to clarify: Charlie in this fic is over 200 years old - reader is one year younger than her. Which makes him way younger than Adam is but I assume almost every person this man has fucked with in heaven is way younger than him
And when his edges soften, his body is my coffin
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, sexual tension
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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You knelt next to the tall angel, your hands kept pressing the shirt you had been wearing moments ago tightly against his wounds while the golden blood that had already formed a puddle around the first man stained your pants - not that you really cared. Your focus was on the dying soul in front of you. Yes Adam had been awful, yes Adam deserved to die, but on the other hand it simply didn’t sit right with you to let him die that easily, for you it felt purely wrong to give up on his tainted soul without even trying. And just as you were about to cry out for help in panic, Adam started to breathe.
Your big sister, your father and their friends had worked quite hard to rebuild the hotel and just as the last light of it flickered to life, Adam took his first breath. “Y/N?” Lucifer’s voice called out for his youngest son right before he spotted you kneeling next to Adam. With slow, heavy steps he walked over to you and the first man, suspiciously eyeing what you were doing but when the king of Hell saw how the brunette’s chest visibly pumped blood and air through his body, he looked quite shocked. “Dad, he’s alive,” your voice sounded happy, excited even and yet so broken - Lucifer didn’t move, he just stood there and watched. “We have to take him in, dad, he’s wounded.” The blonde king shook his head violently, snapping out of his haze as he processed your words slowly, then he shook his head in a softer manner - this time he used it to respond to what you’ve just said, “Nuh, no~no~no~oh, we’re not taking him in.”
Charlie appeared behind the king of Hell, your older sister - she was only one year older than you - put down a gentle hand on his shoulder, “But dad, he’s a human souls just like the other residents and as much as I hate the thought of living with him, the concept of this hotel is all about redemption, maybe Adam can redeem himself too.” And while Lucifer didn’t admit it out loud, he knew his children were right, a defeated sigh left his body and he lowered his head. The blonde was not willing to put up a fight with either you nor Charlie so he simply gave in. He always had the option to kick the first man out if he would not be willing to redeem his soul after all.
It had taken Adam a while to regain his strength, it had taken him even longer to accept that his angels had left him and that he was doomed to rot in Hell - though he kept telling you and the other residents that soon Sera would look for him and send Lute. But Sera never mentioned Adam in any of the meetings she held with Lucifer and Lute had not been back to Hell ever since she thought she had seen her best friend die. Not even during extermination day. But on the other hand that had forced the first man to get used to his new environment and while Vaggie was just as amused to have the brunette roaming their halls as Lucifer, Angel seemed to actually enjoy the first man’s company - even though most of their conversations were about the bitches Adam had slept with in heaven.
But you were without a doubt the demon he got along with the best, not only did you like the music he was playing, you also seemed to understand him without ever going through something similar, yet the two of you connected. The bond between you and Adam had grown strong, so strong that the brunette had you pressed against your bedroom wall, kissing your lips over and over again as his wings framed your sides - a habit he had picked up in Heaven to prevent people from staring. His lips didn’t remain on your lips though, he was eager to shower your entire body in kisses and he was determined to keep going until that goal was reached.
“Fuck,” you mumbled, gently nudging Adam to signal the former angel to give you some space. “Lemme just-” you grumbled as you took off your shirt, throwing it somewhere where it wouldn’t bother you and as soon as the soft fabric was no longer covering your skin, the brunette was on you in an instant, his hot mouth was mapping out your body like it was the most beautiful thing he ever touched, his tongue circled your nipple. And then a loud banging noise appeared right behind him and when you peeked over Adam’s shoulder you froze. Your father was standing in the door frame, just as shocked as you were. “Adam,” you mumbled quietly, trying to get the taller male to notice the king of Hell. But the angel shielding your body from your father’s eyes simply grinned against your skin as he responded, “Why don’t you moan louder for me, babes?”
Lucifer cleared his throat quite loudly and it was just then and there that Adam noticed the blonde king. His body stopped moving immediately and he just stared at you with a blank expression on his face. When a small hand reached for his upper arm to spin the angel around, Adam was sure he was gonna die - there was simply no way Lucifer would let that slide.
As soon as Adam looked down on the king, he awkwardly grinned down on the blonde, trying to charm his way out of the situation - not that his bullshit worked on Lucifer and before he knew it Lucifer’s fist collided with his face.
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i-yap · 1 day
Hello here another request from Dick Grayson. I hope you are well and that you are not putting pressure on yourself with these requests, sleep well.
Could you write something about Dick's Girlfriend who is an artist 🎨 she went to university and graduated with a degree in Literature or something like that she is like an artistic soul she writes, plays the piano, paints maybe she knows a little about ballet [she is just as flexible than Dick] and speaks several languages. Maybe Dick convinced her not to "work" [on a schedule for someone else] so they could spend more time together and so she wouldn't fill her little head with things like forced labor or bills. He covers all expenses and more. He spoils us too much. ...it also makes it so that you focus only on your art out of passion, writing, painting, playing music, learning to play the guitar 🎸 just because you want to and have the time.
and on the nights when he has patrol you go out with your friends "Sex And The City" style.
You also learn to cook in the huge kitchen of their shared apartment and he tries everything you make, he also cooks for you (sometimes) you also do a Skincare routine for him and he loves to smell just like us.
Dick Grayson x artist!y/n
man has money, I can see bruce paying all his vigilante children and he got alfred's billion plus man is the best detective at the pd .
So how could you expect him to not feel sorry for his -pretty but stressed overworked surrounded by idiots who don't know art having to commercialize herself and loosing her sense of style and art because of the nonsense requests of her bosses -gf. Your pain is his pain after all.
You know you are very creative I mean- your ballet could give grayson a run for his money. You have always been talented, drawn to the creative arts. But here you are stuck being a designer for a corporate job. AND IT SUCKS BALLS.
The boss keeps asking you to design templates and after designing 3 boring asf template she's like yea that fine now just do content. But even the content cant be fun or innovative. It has to be corporate and easily consumable and its just so dumb like let ai do it and why even hire you if she wants you to do the labor that is just ctrl c ctrl v LIKE FUCKK
And your creativity is dyinggg. you cant remember the last time you picked up a paintbrush and you loved art. Now you're loosing a sense of self and you don't even know if any of this is worth it. WHY NOT BE A BARISTA?? AND DO ART ON THE SIDE...CUZ OF THIS FUCKING ECONOMY. ONLY THE RICH CAN BE ARTISTS ONLY THE RICH AHHHH
(sorry this turned into a little self vent ahem ahem)
anyways dick sees your talent and he sees your pain and...he wont take no for an answer.
So here you are, live in girlfriend , but he calls you an investment whenever you feel down because dick is paying for both of you.
So other than art, you make him food. And he makes you food too dw girlie but you do it out of passion of trying out new recipes .
You go out and teach students dance at underfunded public schools and perform without contracts...just for the love of performing or focus on writing a book.
You spend the day focusing on your passions and build up your skill, having a loving supportive boyfriend.
Dick is really busy with detective work then as Nightwing so you spend the alone time focusing on your work rather than being distracted by your pretty boyfriend...that too actually.
And with this amazing man by your side, you have plenty motivation.
SO when you do become a hit, No one is prouder than Mr grayson here who believed in his girl all along.
and If you don't? you can always start a small art school, language school or ballet school. There is no lack of talents
And with such a talented gf , dick has the perfect trophy wife who he loves very very much. You are the talk of every gala, you accompany him on business meets (language skills and art is universally needed) and honestly dick couldn't ask for more!
In modern society its now believed that the only way to get self respect is to be a working woman. Why cant we stop telling woman to be something? Staying at home, raising or not raising kids, focusing on your passion and loving your husband ( future husband too) is just as acceptable as going to work( if you can find a man like dick ofc). you do work hard, you did have a degree or not depending on your circumstances and you are genuinely working towards your goals. And dick comforts you in it. He sees your passion he sees your talent and more than that he loves you so no matter what, he's supporting you through this journey.
I am actually writing a batboys skincare thing which ill post over the weekend. Im sorry this turned into a personal rant. Im working two jobs and studying 3 courses while preparing to start university..so this hit a little close to home . What I would do to have a dick grayson just marry me and let me focus on my passion rather than juggling various stuff. This blog is maybe the only thing I do for myself..which is sad cuz I had a lot of hobbies. Anyways ...hope this didn't suck too much.
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