#i also usually find myself watching my dreams either AS one of the characters (not myself)
waterfallofspace · 5 months
For the first time in a while, I had myself a snz dream~
Sadly wasn't completely focused on the snz, but it was starring D/azai (feat. C/huuya as a supporting role) and man... I'm gonna be replaying it for days in my mind... >//<
All the surrounding details aren't important but... let's just say D/azai chose to be tied to a suspect, and have his loyal assistant C/huuya (who did not care for that title) place the cat in his lap, D/azai's eyes watering within seconds.
The results were... itchy <3 and through some wonderful ~dream logic~, each time D/azai let another powerful, desperate, itchy sneeze out, the chains he'd tied himself to the suspect with would pull tight, and the suspect would find himself crashing into D/azai, powers being stripped each time (something that, in this dream world, was highly unpleasant)
A lot of it was fairly dream logic-oriented, so the plot itself doesn't make a ton of sense, but the image of a hitching, smirking, sneezy D/azai, with an eye-rolling, cursing, but slightly concerned C/huuya... yeah that's gonna be on repeat for awhile~
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italeean · 8 months
Hello ^^ I’m honestly pretty late, but may I partake in the event?
Name— Suzuni or nickname of Suzu
Description— I enjoy writing stories (though I more often than not find myself daydreaming about what I could write instead lol) and artistic activities such as painting/art & ceramics. Ofc I suck at my hobbies 👍👍 (I think so anyway)
I like,, honestly I have no idea. Daydreaming/picturing scenarios in my mind? I do it rlly often lol, so ig I probably like it? As for dislikes, myself— And rudeness and arrogance lol 
I try to surround myself with people who are both playful/teasy but also decently observant (Warning for mental illness mention— I have depression and consequently may make darker comments at times). I also tend to use a lighthearted and casual tone when talking about serious topics relating to myself (e.g., warning again here, self-death)
Oops that got long, sorry about that :’l
I’m a lee, and as for fandom, either Haikyuu! or My Hero Academia if that’s alright ^^
Relationship— romantic because why not lol
Preferably a male character
Anyhow, have a nice day/evening ^^
Hiiii!! Sorry for the inactivity... again 😅 istg this period is driving me bonkers but I'm also having lots of fun!! Anyway, thanks for participating, I hope you'll like who I matched you up with ❤️🍡 *hands you the usual dango to eat while you read*
🔮 So, for my event your pair is... SHINSOU
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
1. Sneaky, fairly smug and a little mysterious. Perfect ler material if you ask me 😌 2. I see him as a very caring and careful soul, who doesn't bond with everyone but holds extremely close the ones who manage to gain his trust 3. He would be able to understand if you need help or are struggling mentally, and he'd be there 24/7 for you 4. He could use his quirk to induce relaxation and/or make you fall asleep... obviously if you're comfortable with it and give your consent 5. He would totally get involved in your hobbies! I already see you two painting or doing ceramics together 6. You probably have made a "couple sculpture"... like a heart broken in half and each one of you keeps a half in their bedroom 7. He trained with Aizawa. He knows how to be silent. Expect surprise tickle attacks from any direction at any time~ 8. He'd be extremely happy to read your writings and give you a review about them!! He'd probably use tickling to convince you to let him read them hehe 9. Tickles whenever you say that you suck at what you do! He doesn't tolerate when someone talks badly about someone he loves (even when it's you talking badly about yourself) 10. He finds it extremely cute when you space out and daydream, so instead of interrupting you, he would cuddle up to you and hold you in his arms while you imagine any kind of scenario 11. He probably volunteers cat shelter, and sometimes you join him. Seeing how gentle he is with cats made you fall in love with him all over again. 12. When his insomnia hits hard, he comes to your room and you two end up hanging out together all night long. Or if you fall asleep, he just cuddles you and watches over you, as if he could keep bad dreams away.
🔮 Tickle scenario
Everyone liked weekends, but you surely had one more reason to enjoy them. Both you and Shinsou were free from school, which only meant one thing: date!
You always did something different: watching anime, making sculptures, painting, chatting, taking walks... one time you even tried to crochet, but he made a mess and got so grumpy that you decided to drop that activity.
That Saturday, you two decided to go at the cat shelter to do some volunteering. It was a really unusual date, but you loved spending time with each other and a ton of purring furballs. Also, the happy, adoring expression on Shinsou's face was so endearing...
The owners of the shelter were extremely nice with you, and they adored how you spent your free time on "volunteering dates". Obviously they made you work a little, but then they let you play with the kitties as much as you wanted! Actually, they let you play until it was closing time... or else you would've never gone back home.
"Hey baby I'm done with Kai, we can go home." Shinsou called for you after leaving a 5-month-old kitten to sleep, but he got no response. He saw you sitting on a chair, your back was facing him. "Baby didn't you hear me? We got-" "Shh!" You suddenly interrupted him.
He raised an eyebrow and approached you, and he couldn't believe his eyes. The new refugee of the cat shelter, who refused even to approach the sweet owners, was cuddled up on your lap and peacefully asleep. "Would you look at that..." the tall teenager smiled, "seems like this little rascal finally chose someone to trust." He was overjoyed to see that furball finally open up.
"Too bad that this human is already busy with someone else~" He reached out to grab the kitten and put him back in his sleeping pillow, but you swatted his hands away. "You're not ruining this moment..!" You whisper-yelled to not disturb the sleepy little angel, "It took me the whole day to get to this point, now we're staying here." You stated, more assertive than ever.
Your boyfriend raised an eyebrow, clearly amused with your antics, "Oh really? Then it would be a shame if a sudden earthquake disrupted your peace~"
You didn't have time to ask him what he meant. A tingly feeling spread throughout your body, making you almost jump and throw away the poor kitten. "Shinsohohou!! Stahap ihihihihit!!" You did your best to keep your legs still and not wake the little furball, but at the same time you desperately tried to swat Shinsou's hands away from your sides.
"But I'm doing nothing, honey... it's just the earthquake." He mused, close enough to your ear to make it tickle, and then blew a raspberry on your neck for good measure. He had to admit, he was a little surprised by how much you were resisting the impulse to squirm away. In other circumstances, you would've already jumped away and hidden somewhere, maybe curled up in a ball.
"Wow, not so squirmy now that you have the little rascal on your lap, huh?" He asked as his fingers played with both sides of your ribcage as if it was a piano, "I think we should name him Giggles... a fitting name related to a wonderful memory like this one..." He thought out loud with the clear intent to tease.
However, the fun had to come to an end. The owners were closing up and you two had to go back to school. He chuckled evilly and without wasting time, he drilled softly under your arms. This time, you couldn't hold back the squeal, which woke up the cat.
"Ah... you're finally awake, Giggles. Did you have a nice rest on my girlfriend's lap?" The violet-haired guy slowly approached the cat, "Now it's time to go to your actual bed, though. But we'll be back soon, alright?" He picked up the little one and laid him on his sleeping pillow and waited for him to fall asleep, then he looked at you and helped you up.
"Come on, say goodbye to giggles and get ready to go, or else I'll let you alone in Aizawa's clutches if we arrive late to UA." He told you with a smug grin on his face. You quickly got ready, not wanting to be scolded by the strict teacher, said goodbye to the owners and got on your way with your boyfriend.
"So... did you have fun on this date, Giggles 2?" Shinsou asked, laughing at how red your face turned, which made you smack his arm in utter embarrassment.
"Shut up..."
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
I hear
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X 40’s!Reader.
Word count: 1319 words.
Summary: You were led to believe that Steve no longer loved you, however, he will not give up.
Warnings: Too much angst.
A/N: This is my gift to @sweetascanbee’s Love Is A Game Writing Challenge with prompt:
"I heard that you’re settled down/ that you found a girl and you’re married now/ I heard that your dreams came true–Someone Like You, 21.”
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum   @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz  @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae  @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @hallecarey1 @sapphire-rogers​ @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose​ @caplanbuckybarnes​ @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow​  @writingshae​ @alexxavicry​ @azulatodoryuga​
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 You threw away the letter that had just arrived, and after 21 weeks of receiving it, you had heard some rumors, but there was nothing to confirm them.
You had gone to the camp, but that woman had been very rude, and you didn't even know if what she said was true.
You had gone to the camp, but that woman had been very rude, and you didn't even know if it was true what she told you. The only certainty was that Steve didn't come back, and it also seemed that there would be no more letters after that one, no answer to the ones you had sent during those weeks.
You took off your engagement ring; you had taken such good care of it since you knew that Steve sold some of his things to buy it for you, but the war had already come to an end and he was not coming back.
You thought it was time to move on with your life.
The phone rang; usually, it was your mother who answered, but at that moment she was busy, so you took the call, but what you heard was the opposite of what you expected: it was from the publishing house where, a year before, you had gone to leave a copy of the draft of your book, and it would publish it.
You wiped your tears, a few minutes before you were crying with sadness for Steve, but now they were of happiness, maybe that was the sign to start with a new future and stage in your life.
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21 months later.
 You had just left a copy of your last book at the publishing house; the other two previous ones had been successes. You were trying to go unnoticed; you didn't want to answer some uncomfortable questions, much fewer ones that inquired about your past and asked you about the relationship you had with Steve.
The world still loved Captain America, but not you, and not Steve either; you had already managed to get him out of your heart, especially when you read that news a month after receiving the last letter.
You were walking down the street, heading to the bus stop; however, you felt you were being watched. You turned around, but found no one watching you; maybe it was the emotion of what you had just done.
You took the bus; you were going to go to the small café that had just opened a couple of blocks from your house; you were starting to have ideas for the next book, although the strange feeling still did not go away, you could ignore it; you took out your notebook to make a few notes.
While you were waiting for them to bring you what you had ordered, you took the opportunity to start writing a little. You were so engrossed that you didn't even notice when someone stood in front of you.
"Are you busy?" the man asked. You looked up, you didn't want to have company, you had been very well without it in the last months, so much so that you preferred to be always alone.
"You couldn't finish the sentence, since you didn't expect the person to be Steve, your gesture became serious, you didn't want or believe to see him after what had been in the newspaper, about his wedding with that Carter, yes with that woman who was so rude to you. "What do you want?" Why are you here?
You tried to keep your voice down, but the truth is that you could empty the whole pot of coffee and you wouldn't feel any remorse; at least you liked that he was honest.
"I heard that your dreams came true."
"What are you doing here?" You asked again, this time sounding a little irritated.
"I was told that in this place I could find you; I want to talk to you," he answered, his voice remaining the same.
"I don't have anything to talk to you about, Steven, let me," you asked, you never thought about what would happen if you met him again.
"I know you are going to be very famous, the world is going to adore you too," he tried to be friendly and kind, although he was aware that you would be very angry after what happened.
He had been angry too, until 21 days ago, when he found out the whole truth.
"I heard that you're settled down, that you found a girl and you're married now, "you said, maybe you could finish closing that chapter in your life if you knew the truth, it was better that he told you the truth than to stay only with what the newspapers said.
"He was married," he replied, settling back in his seat before continuing to speak. "She loves another man, but she is very ambitious and tried to get many advantages and lied to all of us." She told you that I was going out with her; she told me that you left me... She and I got married because the army high command thought it was a good way to get more people to support us after the war, although it was only the wedding and we didn't even live together, I indeed made a mistake.
"I don't believe you, Steve," you said. You didn't even think what he was telling you were enough of an explanation.
"I heard that you came looking for me, but I had been trapped in the ice for many years, and when I finally woke up, I went to visit you, but we only had a couple of weeks together before you passed."
You laughed; you couldn't believe how cynical Steve could be, apart from the fact that he was trying to make fun of you.
"Please say something believable, if you loved someone else, I would rather you had told me yourself, instead of sending her to her "you were trying to control your emotions, otherwise you would start crying.
"I'm telling you the truth, Y/N, I know it's hard to believe, and even more what I will tell you, everything I have lived, but the only one I love is you.
"Steve, please let me go; I can't believe anything you say," you begged.
"I know where the ring is "he interrupted you, you turned to look at him, surprised, no one else but you knew where you kept that ring he had given you". "In the music box you has hidden under your bed."
"What? How do you know? Did you go to my house to look for it?
"No, you told me yourself when we met again. I wish I could show you all the photos, but I wouldn't want to ruin the surprises for you. I promised you we would always be together."
"I don't understand anything that happened." You still had feelings for him, even if you wanted to deny them, but you didn't know if he was lying to you either.
"Maybe it sounds crazy, but I was in the future, but before that, I made a mistake, after a while in that place, I realized that I had to come back and do everything possible for us to be happy, forgive me, I need you to forgive me, I don't want to be with someone else but you "he took your hand.
"Show me those photos; I need something to believe you." Tears were starting to gather in your eyes.
"But... "
"I don't know if I believe you, Steve."
Steve showed you some of the photos and kept telling you what he had experienced; somehow, you believed him.
Something inside you always told you that Steve would fulfill everything he promised you, so you would continue with the plans you had since before he joined the army and finally be happy.
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kloofspeaks · 7 months
Five Nights at Freddy's | A Cinematography study
I'm Loofy, I currently have hopes to go into a Cinematography Major which I figured I could share those dreams and aspects into a small blog post about the move Five Nights at Freddy's (2023).
Word count for those interested: 3178
Taglist: @strawhbrrries, @omoriiiomrrr, @meteorstardust, @burgundymeadows, @viothewolx
Study under the cut
-Introduction to the Film
The purpose of this study was driven by the fact that I've been a fan of the Five Nights at Freddy's series since 2014, I was introduced by my older sister who is still into the series and books after all these years. We've watched every gameplay, read every book and theorized everything together till she moved in 2022.
On top of that I really wanted the first ever study I posted online to be something that everyone is interested in; including myself. I wanted fans (much like myself) to find some sort of connection to this whole study with different opinions, cinema views/uses of studies that people used when filming the piece and a simple background on a movie that went on to break several records on it's release date. Let's get started, shall we?
Emma Tammi was the director of the Five Nights at Freddy's film. She has done six movies with herself directing (that's including this film in her roaster.) This is not the only horror movie she's done. She's gone onto win multiple rewards and I'm going to have to at least give her some credit for wanting to really highlight a lot of the motifs (I will point these out in a later point.) and the important steps of the FNAF lore as a whole.
She mainly was driven aside with Scott Cawthon; the creator of the game's. Wanting this film to be driven more to the actual FNAF culture and the people that had grown into the fan they are today by following a messy lore story and the start of a game that was a last ditch effort.
Five Night's at Freddy's is an American Supernatural Horror film. It's conventions are to allow the watcher to be frightened and on the edge of their seat. It's to focus on telling a story while also being scary and a tragedy.
-Visual Study (Spoiler warning, Images are used)
The lighting that is used in more of a natural lighting, they use the sun and mood lighting to add more effect to the actor that is in the shot, this causes the movie to use a lot of backlighting, natural lighting, mood lighting and soft film lighting. Soft film lighting is mostly used throughout the whole film since it wants to allow the camera lense to almost wrap around the shadows that are being made by said lighting.
Most of those effects are prominent in the scenes where Abby is laying on the floor watching TV while Mike is sitting by the kitchen table questioning if he should contact the number on the card he was given to be able to keep Abby.
The color pallet that is used in the mood lighting is reds, yellows, blues and purples. They will use it either as backlight mood lighting or definition lighting for a character's shadow or face.
Here are some examples:
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(Mood Lighting Examples)
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(Soft Film Light Examples)
The main cinematography techniques used are: Long shots, Medium long shots, over the shoulder, Dutch angle shot and bird's eye shot. These are camera techniques that we use in most films today and in the past to tell a story from every point of view and get everything in a single picture. Let me pull some angles and shots from the film.
Long-shots are usually the ones done from afar much like the ones you see from the outside views of the pizzeria or of Abby and Mike to give definition to the surrounding area while still having the subject being on the characters.
Here are some examples:
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Medium long shots are shorter versions of a long shot and are more closer to the subject that it's focused on, much like the shots used in the scenes of William and Mike's conversation about the job position and the conversations Mike has with Vanessa.
Here are some examples:
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The Dutch angle shot isn't one you miss in most Horror movies- It's one that is MAINLY used in horror films to date. The best way to explain it is the way the camera is tilted towards the delivering character. I was only able to really pick this shot up a couple times in my four rewatches of the film which was when Afton showed up in his Springbonnie outfit therefore I don't have any examples I can share at this point and time.
Close-ups, you guessed it! It's close ups of the actors/subjects face. We see plenty of these of Mike and Abby but they're not extremely close up. They're more just distanced close-up's but are close enough to define the emotion, skin texture, glimmer, lighting on and of the actor.
Here are some examples:
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Bird's eye shot is all in the name, it's a shot that's normally filmed with a flying drone and is up in the air and shot much like a bird is following or sitting up in the sky. This is used when Mike exit's the conversation with William and when he is driving towards the pizzeria.
Here are some examples:
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Point of View shots are one's that use the actor's "eyes" as the shot, it can be seen from the very first scene with Foxy to William getting his cup of black coffee while speaking with Mike.
Here are some examples:
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Framing is always a key when shooting a shot for cinematography, learning where to have your characters stand and how the composition of each shot laid out before filming. There's shots that go from one to six in only three seconds of footage. The film uses a lot of an editing technique called quick/fast-cutting which is where there is an angle that is touched on for a brief 3-5 seconds before switching to a different angle of the same conversation.
Much like how Matpat explained in his behind the scenes video where they spent several hours just filming one scene, it was because of this quick-cutting and having to piece together every shot to make it look like a fluid and forward conversation which allows for clean shots, visual storytelling and eye-catching camera movements.
Visual storytelling is used to tell more to the story than what is physically being explained, there is so much in this film that I'm willing to break down the most common ones.
William Afton's purple bow ties are a dead giveaway and clear visual storytelling towards the fact he ends up being Springbonnie and the murderer of Mike's younger brother when he was twelve.
The plane that Garrett plays with in the first dream and is dragged into a photo with Vanessa and her father which is later spotted by Mike when she reveals that she knew about Garrett's death and explains much more behind her story and why she knew so much about the pizzeria.
The almost halo like scene where Vanessa is standing during the confession scene with Mike. The light behind her makes her seem like she's an angel that is there to help Mike through his problems and also directs towards her downfall which is her getting hospitalized.
Abby and the drawings on the wall in one of the composition medium long shots, it's shown during the scene of the first guard which led to his murder. The drawing is immediately brought up as a 'mental issue' by Abby's aunt and Mike says often that if he dropped dead she would've still been drawing before she even noticed and it's brought up again and again throughout the story as it seems to be one of Abby's character traits as she's able to use drawing to connect with the main four later in the film and one of her drawings is used to kill Afton in the end of the film. (He always comes back.)
The impact the visual narrative had was that it was able to present the movie well and allowed the foreshadowing to be delivered PROPERLY even when from a regular viewers eyes it seemed choppy and messy, which is how the film is supposed to be. It's supposed to be for strictly FNAF fans.
The visual motifs that are commonly used in this film would be drawing and the use of a child's mind being able to use drawing, creativity and lighting to explain past trauma. It's one of the few motifs I figured was worth at least mentioning before we moved onto the next part of this study, which brings me to....
-Sound and Music
The soundtrack revolving around this film is very 8-bit sounding in the first half of the movie to be able to tie in to the relation with the 8-bit parts in the game which match with more an atari style of gameplay in the middle of nights, secrets within the game and main plot story telling.
Which is the role of the music in this film, it's driven with the use of violin and piano. It's being used for storytelling and strictly story telling. The main songs I want to point out in this one is the bright and rich piano that is used to enter Mike when he wakes up and jumps out of bed to get started with his date to the drastic change of subtle guitar/bass in his dream sequences.
It's used to express emotion with the storytelling, giving us certain noises and sounds that can trigger something familiar in the brain. The calm before the storm is what I want to call it in this study, it's the joyfulness that Mike has before Garrett is taken to the music going grim and almost threatening when he realizes that he is going and is being taken away from him while keeping that 8-bit sound almost like the music itself is glitching.
The voice acting is very different in this film compared to other horror films that focus on voices much like Scream and the tone changes that are needed to make a character come off a certain way.
Matthew Lillard and Elizabeth lail both have very awkward sounding voices/lines in the entire film, almost like they're supposed to come off suspicious. Steve Raglan has more of an unsteady voice that makes him come off uneasy and intimidating.
Vanessa is played strictly as someone who has more to bring to the table but is hiding it poorly, she speaks about how she knows so much about the past guards, why they quit and when, who and where about the pizzeria which causes Mike to become suspicious of her and drill questions into her when he gets the chance to.
Mike has shaky, not very confident in himself voice lines and his voice is mostly uneasy in all of the movie. He seems almost like he's not there or is distant from the conversation when it is held (and I don't know if this is just Josh Hutcherson acting or what Emma Tammi told Josh to do on set, but he looks so tired throughout the whole film and I wanted to specifically mention this in that study so people don't think I'm taking that the wrong way.)
Abby is the opposite, she is very bubbly and approachable which almost makes it unbelievable that Mike is the one that is raising her during the story of the film because of how drastically different they are.
Along with the voice acting there is ambient sounds that the film uses that I would like to touch on as well:
Foxy's iconic hum and the jumpscare noise from the first game is an ambient noise mainly used to connect the viewer (which hopefully is a fan) to the film that is displayed to them and the people around them in the theater.
The sound of birds being used to have Mike enter his dream sequences so he can be able to remember it fully, in theory the sound of birds will help him feel more connected to the day it happened, but that's just a theory.
Which would make this an aural motif, because it is used as a source/fact why Mike uses bird sounds to help himself sleep and needs that tape to be able to get to that dream sequence.
-Narrative and Themes
The plot of Five Nights at Freddy's consists of Mike Schmidt a man who seems to be struggling to be able to hold a job because of his rising PTSD and anger issues. He is tasked with raising his sister Abby while dealing with the accusation of being unsafe and unfit to be able to raise her and is served with a paper from his Aunt wanting to take full custody of his sister with this new found information he finds himself a job at an abandoned pizzeria where he just settles for six hours out of the night to watch over the place. He soon meets a police officer named Vanessa and she expresses more about the backstory of the pizzeria and why a series of killings led to the closure of the place back in the 80s. When Mike's babysitter for Abby randomly disappears he ends up taking Abby to his job for the night where she makes contact with the dead spirits of the animatronics that lurk the abandoned place and causes Mike, Vanessa and Abby to dig deeper into the lore of the pizzeria.
The character development that is used in this story is stuck onto Mike who is the main character of the story being told, he goes from wanting his younger brother's killer to wanting to live in a life where his brother is never taken and he is happy living his life with his family. He soon realizes his mistake and realizes that Abby is the only person he needs in his life and puts his brother's past and death behind himself to allow himself to heal from his PTSD and anger issues to just live a normal life.
The main themes of this movie is:
The American Dream.
Past Trauma.
Stepping up and becoming a new person.
Arthur Miller once explained The American Dream in a simple story after explaining the tragedy that Shakespeare often used as angst in his plays but it would only be used in a royalty and never as a common man. The American dream can simply be explained by the dreams held by someone who is financially stable enough to be living their dream in the bounds of America. Mike is shown to be failing The American Dream due to his struggles with money, the loose cases of him almost losing his sister because of his mistakes and failures where he is too wrapped in this dream that he's stuck in.
Which is why I wanted to touch on this topic, Mike does get past this dream and works on becoming a better person after a tragedy had happened. (more than once) He struggles in life but soon finds out his true answer to his troubles was family and that he had been pushing his sister out of the picture since day one. It was a recovery story with a theme of being the bigger person and learning from your mistakes.
-The Impact
As we get to the climax of this study I wanted to touch on the impact this movie had for the millions of people that decided that they wanted to watch this movie for the inner child inside of themselves. The movie has gone on to reach a 30% in critic reviews while there is an 88% audience view, (as of i'm writing this) it ended up becoming much like The Mario movie with the reviews as critics found it confusing and bland while the actual intended audience found it confusing much like the lore while their childhood dream was coming true.
Five Nights at Freddy's ended up shattering countless records on it's opening night of Friday, October 27th. Those records are:
The highest North American opening for PG-13 horror.
The second largest opening for a video game themed movie.
The biggest opening for a horror movie helmed by a female director.
The largest horror opening for 2023. (which took the throne from the Nun II)
The cultural impact this film had on the viewers and fans was overwhelmingly positive, it had people crying in the theaters, cutouts of Markiplier the titled 'King of Five nights of Freddys' in theaters, people taking in every bit of lore they could get. It impacted the inner child from 2014 that had hoped for a day that this movie would hit theaters and finally get recognized for the glory it truly is.
The movie had been rumored for more than eight years before it finally came to life around 2020 when Scott Cawthon came to light and explained the details of the film (very minor, might I add.) and confirmed it was going to be made. The same man went on to add how he went to opening nights and shared his experiences and he was happy to see how excited fans were to watch the film he spent hours and days to compact into something that was truly "made for the fans."
There were countless converseies of who would appear in the movie and the ongoing joke of the "We are FNAF" trend spreading its way through every social platform only for it to b debunked when the movie dropped. It truly will go down in its pure legacy of being a movie that took 8 years to come to limelight.
-The Conclusion
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. The key findings I found in this study was making the impact and techniques used to make the film as enjoyable as you could make a video game as confusing as FNAF into a movie and I have to say we definitely succeed.
The realization of failure or past trials and tribulations is what I really wanted to touch on. Mike Schmidt is welcomed as a character that is simply trying his best when it comes to taking care of his sister Abby and he is failing in every way possible but somehow makes up for it at the end of the day. This movie might've not changed lives but certainly rested the childlike excitement that we had when it was rumored all those years ago.
Finally, that inner child can come out and we can be kids again just for a smooth 2 hours. This movie was clearly life changing and will continue to be held dear in the hearts of many, it's nothing huge but something special.
I can't tell you how long I've been wanting to say this but the hype I felt in the theater the day I saw it just confirmed all my theories and doubts, this movie isn't going to be something someone is going to easily forget.
Thank you for reading my Cinematography study of the Five Nights at Freddy's movie.
And Thank You, Scott for making my childhood become a reality.
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sugalaritae · 1 year
griddle's april reads
so, the end of april was fucking insane with cleaning my new apartment and then moving into said apartment and then immediately packing up and going to chicago. because of all of that i missed writing this post and tbh i forgot what i read, or rather how much i read in april (you can blame trying to distract myself from all the stress of moving into a new place).
here is the wonderful list. as usual most of it was mxm and on archive. i will list the xreader fics that i read first. also, if you are a writer and you do not want to be listed on this list please let me know and i will take you off!
hope you're all doing well and that april was kind to you and that the beginning of may has been a wonderful breath of springtime air.
paradise - chapter 13 - @minisugakoobies jjk x reader - stripper, neighbors to lovers That sexy man on stage - the one currently giving your friend the lap dance of her LIFE - is your super shy neighbor, Jeon Jungkook?! read on tumblr (ongoing)
the one with namjoon and the u-haul - @eoieopda knj x reader - siblings best friend Namjoon + “stuck in an elevator” bc god of destruction or simply bad luck idm either read on tumblr (complete)
satisfy - @suga-kookiemonster kimline x reader - smut, escort au “listen,” taehyung says, eyes wide and eager as he smiles at you. “i figure we can just help each other out. i scratch your back, you scratch mine.” but when you find yourself suddenly in need of a massive favor, exactly how much scratching are you willing to do? read on tumblr (ongoing)
no matter how far you go - @vyduan pjm x reader - chaebol au, spy After leaving Seoul (and your fiance Jimin) eleven years ago, you show up pregnant and alone for your wedding at city hall.  read on tumblr (ongoing)
seven stars - cypheromone knj x jjk - space After an electrical storm in an unstable wormhole near Earth, the I. S. E. Bangtan loses contact with the Institute, and is considered lost in space. Four months later, the crew of the Bangtan is still stranded in an unknown galaxy. The ship is broken with no acting engineer to make repairs. The crew's doctor and life support specialist can barely cooperate professionally, and the captain is falling in love with the planetary explorer. (A love story spanning galaxies.) read on AO3 (complete)
seven stars 2/3 - cypheromone knj x jjk, myg x jhs, ksj x pjm x kth - space part 2 of the series read on AO3 (complete)
seven stars 3/3 - cypheromone knj x jjk, myg x jhs, ksj x pjm x kth - space part 3 of the series read on AO3 (ongoing)
fool me once - bazooka myg x jjk - based on the film 'man up' Yoongi is thirty years old and alone. He's got a watered-down version of his dream job (working for a small-town paper writing fluff pieces and ghostwriting the advice column), an older sister who won't stop trying to set him up with every girl she knows, and today is his parents' fortieth anniversary. Maybe if he was happier he wouldn't have pretended to be someone else's blind date in the middle of the train station. read on AO3 (complete)
fang f*cker - @sailoryooons myg x jjk - vampire au Jungkook loves reading his smutty vampire comic and so what if he fashions himself a little bit after the main character. Yoongi finds it wildly offensive. Every day he has to watch Jungkook play at being ominous and spooky - and okay, maybe it’s a little cute. But it’s mostly offensive, and Yoongi would know. He’s a vampire, after all.  read on tumblr (complete)
summer storms - beebalm knj x jjk - friends to lovers Seoul is melting, and so is Jungkook with Namjoon crashing in his bed. How long must he wait after Namjoon's breakup to make his move? read on AO3 (complete)
stay in your sky like a star - spudcity pjm x jjk - modern with magic Jimin is the one thing in Jungkook’s life that’s his alone. And he won’t let go of him, no matter what his family says. read on AO3 (complete)
threads of everything - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - slow burn At eighteen, Namjoon is busy with university, part-time tutoring, his lack of a love life, and his alter ego in the underground rap scene. He’s got his hands full without a tutee’s older brother trying to kick his ass, but that is precisely what Seokjin tries to do. Ten years later, Namjoon thinks it was a hell of a way to meet his first love – and his second, and his third. After having refused to speak to Seokjin for several years, he is unprepared when Seokjin gets back in touch. read on AO3 (complete)
practice makes perfect - beebalm myg x knj - idol!au Yoongi has never been kissed. He asks Namjoon to help him out. read on AO3 (complete)
imprints (for the boys in the back) - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - fuckbuddies to lovers Seokjin is not looking for a relationship – he’s been there, done that, lesson learned. So when he somehow ends up in a fuck buddy arrangement with supposed one-night-stand Namjoon, he knows that he needs to handle the fling without emotionally compromising himself. He’s definitely got this! (Dear reader, he did not have it.) read on AO3 (complete)
the magnitude - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - producer!namjoon, actor!jin (part 2 of imprints) Namjoon is in love, and he is secure in the warm and all-consuming pull of it whenever Seokjin smiles at him. He is rather hopelessly in love and convinced that the two of them are ready for the next big step – but instead Seokjin begins to pull back. Namjoon has never quite figured out how Seokjin works, but this apparent case of cold feet is nothing that a bit of confident wooing can’t fix. He’s definitely got this! (Dear reader, he did not have it.) read on AO3 (complete)
more walls (collected along the way) - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - exes Seokjin has been busy since his break-up with Namjoon seven years earlier, with swift promotions at his father’s investment firm, while Namjoon has, perhaps annoyingly, become one of the most prolific authors in Korea. Never mind that, of course, because Seokjin has moved on! It’s a bit of a shock, then, for Seokjin to discover that he is married – to his ex-boyfriend Namjoon. read on AO3 (complete)
what the stars look like under you - nicedress (reread) myg x knj - pornstars, bdsm After building a porn career as a popular submissive, a scene gone wrong sends Yoongi spiraling. Switching roles gives him new purpose and shields him from the trauma he’s not willing to face, but having the world’s most pretentious, ecofriendly Dominant steal his spotlight isn’t making things any easier. read on AO3 (ongoing)
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draculas-husband · 1 year
15 questions/Get to know me!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Sort of actually, haha. As a transman I chose my own name. I sort of named myself after King Richard from the TV series Galavant! (That everyone should watch btw because it is a criminally underrated comedy fantasy musical.) But there were definitely other people and characters that influenced my choice... As well as all the cool nicknames you can use when named Richard such as Dick, Rich, Ricky etc.. etc..
Also the name and nicknames comes with so much pun potential!
2. When was the last time you cried?
It was rather recently.. It was an rp moment that really got to me emotionally, touching me to tears. Though it would be even more recently if we count laughing so hard you cry. Either way I blame @nikyri-ninky for both!~ 😘
3. Do you have kids?
Does my cat count? Cause I call him my son, my baby boi, my sweet child.. If so yes. My fur baby named Major Flumph. I also have fictional children as well as a few friends who refer to me as their dad.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I would not say that I do, no. On occasion for sure. Especially if I am teasing my boyfriend. Though that is mostly payback for him doing it to me.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played a bit of soccer, did gymnastics, and played a lot of floor ball (a sport that was invented in Sweden) as a kid. But sport rarely interests me these days.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
That is a damn good question that I struggle to answer. I genuinely do not know for I notice a good number of things but could not tell you what the first thing is even if I wanted to.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both. Both is good. If I had to choose however: happy endings. I love me some scary movies but I also struggle with anxiety and stress enough that happy endings are usually more healthy for my mental health in the long run.
8. Any special talents?
My coworkers, parents, partners and several friends would all kick my ass if I didn't mention drawing and painting. Also baking and gift giving (more specifically finding things for people that is based on their genuine interests).
9. Where were you born?
In Stockholm, Sweden!
10. What are your hobbies?
Playing gaymes, drawing, baking, gposing, role-playing, talking with my friends. The list is long hahaha but those are the main ones.
11. Do you have any pets?
Ah whoops, mentioned him already but oh well. Yes! A super fluffy, handsome tuxedo cat named Major Flumph. I've only had him for a few months but I love him with all my lil' gay heart! He turns 1 the same day I turn 28!~ 💖
12. How tall are you?
I am 5'9" / 175cm
13. Fave subject in school?
Art and English.
14. Dream job?
Something where I get to be helpful or creative. Doesn't have to be something super specific as long as I earn enough to live comfortably and have lots of fun. But then again I believe in universal basic income so... I def want a job that mainly allows me to grow as a person while also letting me have fun.
15. Eye colour?
Tagged by: @mirrim-the-moonfaerie and @mimble-sparklepudding , thank you both! 💖
Tagging: @nikyri-ninky , @slumberingslothfully , @elizabethrobertajones , @sosei and anyone else who wants to do it!~ 💕
If anyone would like to get to know me even better just shoot me a dm, despite my name I do not bite! Not at first at least...
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candy-red-river · 10 months
I found and did something very important yesterday:
So basically, I reinstated my vibes.
You see, I watchewd a video criticizing sludge content and it gave me a psuedo-existential crisis, I didn’t know whether or not i was watching content worth my time, i like long term fan content with plots and I usually download them to watch at home since I’m offline most of the time but I don’t know if that content SUITES me y’know? I’ve been trying to curate my interests for a long time and I got back into tf2 after a few days of no content because i had a dream about it. 
And let me tell you i am VERY attached to the characters (can’t play the game right now) and story any time I watch something about them I feel like warmed seasoned cooked chicken wings (also because that’s what’s in the fridge). Earlier thatr day I had downloaded HOURS of sfm show-esque content while multitasking to not be bored which spurred my stressful self reflection and in my distress in order to calm down I ended up listening to one of my pre-digital rebirth songs (the birthday massacre) and it reminded me that I can find new songs by starting pandora song-based stations. 
Ok more context: after my digital rebirth and keeping an eye on the content I consume, I couldn’t find any media that fit what I was going for or i would find something that would fit me and my vibes at first but after listening for a long time I would slowly start going neurotic from replaying it over and over again. 
I needed new music. New music that wouldn’t make me feel rabid after a few listens. One of those bands was of montreal, specifically their peppy elegant funk music.
So I went onto pandora and made a station based on gallery piece from their skeletal lamping album for find more music that had the same energy (lyrics can go either way) and GOD did I find what I was looking for!! 
FIRST I rediscovered a french pop song that i hadn’t heard since I was a CHILD and couldn’t look up later in life due to not knowing the lyrics, only the melody. When I heard that song on that fateful day I was ESTATIC and the good vibes only continued! Another old song that I couldn’t find due to not knowing the lyrics popped up ( with more fitting music of course)! I ended up listening to that station for the rest of the half hour while browsing pinterest, etsy, and irregular choice and I had SO MUCH FUN!! I was ACTUALLY enjoying myself more while browsing!
Conclusion: my colorful funky vibes are here and now I feel like a damn shopping mall and it has kinda inspired me!! Also I just so happened to remember Bunny Maloney so that’s cool too!
You can use pinterest, spoofy, and maybe youtube if you’re looking for new music.
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lightwise · 11 months
15 Questions/15 Mutuals
I'm so late to this, but thank you for the tags @ladyzirkonia @sunshinesdaydream @freesia-writes I loved reading your answers!
Were you named after anyone?
If I told you this you would know what my name actually is ;)
When was the last time you cried?
Hmm probably at a recent movie watch or reading an article that resonated with me.
Do you have kids?
I do not, but I love seeing my friends' kids.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What do you think? ;)
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Hmm if I had been answering this question in high school I would have said their shoes. Now I think it's a combo of someone's face/looks and also their demeanor, how they're speaking, what their attitude is.
What's your eye color?
Dark chocolate brown (people think they're black, but they're not, I really do have irises, I swear).
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy Endings, or just endings that make sense/feel purposeful and appropriate for the characters and story. I have a low tolerance for horror or anything scary...it's stretched some as an adult (and I've been shown plenty of gross or scary things by friends). Considering that I was carried out of the theater screaming as a child watching ET and Toy Story (the first one, when Sid is tearing up his sister's dolls) I think I've come a long way.
Any special talents?
I'm a good writer and photographer, like words and connecting and distilling concepts just come naturally to me. Skills that would get me on a talent show? Not really.
Where were you born?
Southern United States
What are your hobbies?
You mean posting on here isn't a hobby? :p Watching and critiquing movies and shows, reading, writing, when I have the time/finances trying different recipes at home, taking good walks, talking to/hanging out with my friends.
Have any pets?
No, but I want a cat desperately. I've rescued a number of feral kittens here and there but haven't been able to keep one myself yet. I had two gerbils as a kid and two kittens for a year, but had to give them away because my dad was allergic. Since then I've always either lived with people who were allergic, had landlords who didn't allow cats, or just haven't had the finances to feel like I can properly take care of a pet for the commitment of its life.
What sports do/have you played?
Basketball both for a year in highschool and also my whole childhood with my dad in our driveway. We had enough space for some good 3-pointers. I also took ballet for over ten years.
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
History and English/Lit.
Dream job?
I've never really had a dream job, and still don't. I went to school for photography and have always done it on the side, but have had jobs in marketing mostly (and coffee sometimes). I usually just want to find something that allows me to be creative and use my brain in ways that work well for it while allowing me to live a life that is healthy for my nervous system. I commuted to work in offices for years and detested every second of it (other than a few great coworkers who got me through it). I like working from home or working on creative projects, and just want to be skilled and effective and helpful with whatever I put my effort toward. However, referencing the hobby section above, I would love to turn watching and critiquing movies/entertainment into something of a paid job.
NPT if you've already been tagged/don't want to do this please ignore! @drafthorsemath @eriexplosion @heyclickadee @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @rosechi @wreckers-wife @kixs-husband @sinfulsalutations @photogirl894 @questforgalas @starrylothcat @iellarenuodolorian @eelfuneral @ladykagewaki @ladyanidala
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andiatas · 1 year
I was tagged by @princesscatherinemiddleton to answer these questions so let's find out how much of a nerd I am!
What colour are your eyes?: Blue-grey
What instantly tells you if a person is good?: I usually have quite a good gut feeling/instinct when it comes to people, so I'm gonna say the vibe
Do you have a recurring dream?: Not anymore, but growing up I frequently dreamt about my teeth falling out - either that I could pull them out one by one or they fell out all at once & ended up choking on them... can someone tell me if this is normal? Should I be concerned for my younger self?
What is the most interesting class you have taken?: I'm gonna have to say when I was studying History A (autumn 2020), I remember having such a strong feeling of "I'm home, this is where I'm supposed to be" & I try to remind myself of that whenever I have a life crisis & feel like giving up on history for a "safer" field
How often do you find yourself daydreaming?: Way too often
Name/nickname: Saga, I don't really have a nickname... one of my friends has said that if I was a dog I would be a poodle, so she sometimes refers to me as that
Zodiac: Capricorn (Sun = Capricorn, Moon = Aquarius, Rising = Capricorn, for those who are curious)
Height: 158 cm, so around 5 feet 2 inches
Nationality: Swedish & Sámi
Favourite colour: It's a tie between forest green & light pastel colours, depending on my mood
Favourite season: I'm gonna say summer, despite all the pollen
Favourite animals: Dogs & horses
Favourite fictional characters: Oh gosh... way too many! But fictional as in book characters, I'm going to say my underappreciated girls Ginny Weasley, Susan Pevensie & Amy March. If you can't tell, I also love Sophie Beckett & Benedict Bridgerton (I know, shocker!) both as individuals but also as a couple. Honourary mentions to my boys Michael Stirling, Percy Jackson & Finnick Odair. Not gonna go into TV series or movie characters because then we would probably be here the whole day 😂
Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?: I'm addicted to coffee, so that's gonna have to be the answer but, I do love hot chocolate every now & then
Average hours of sleep?: I think somewhere between 6-7 hours
Cat or dog person?: Dog! haha
Number of blankets slept with: Duvet with one blanket on top
Places ancestors are from: The southern part of Swedish Lapland. All of my ancestors lived concentrated in an area nicknamed Drottninglandet, Queensland (the area was "discovered" & named after Frederica of Baden). So as you can see, I had no choice but to be royally obsessed!
Dream trip: Oh, I don't think I have one! I'm gonna have to say pass on this one for now
Blog established: Nov. 2012.
Random fact about yourself: I don't know how to whistle
Three ships: Well, seeing as I've already mentioned Benophie, I'm gonna go with Helnik from Six of Crows/Shadow & Bone, Bellarke from The 100 &... Shirbert from Anne of Green Gables!
Last song:
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Last movie: I can't remember...
Currently reading: Scientific papers on the history of the upper-class & their country homes - no really, it's actually interesting but it's taking up all my brain power (as Ash knows seeing as I'm practically years behind on reading her stuff, sorry about that)
Currently watching: *cricket noise*
Currently craving: Sweets
Now, I'm gonna tag @death-of-astar, @silverhallow, @bridgertonbabe, @sophiamariabeckett, @grandmaster-anne & @quintessbrit plus anyone else who wants to answer these questions
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septembersghost · 1 year
what do you do when you feel like dean is far away from you? i woke up the other day and it feels like the two characters that've been with me the last three years are further away than ever and i don't know how to feel about it other than freaked out. weird question maybe but i figured you might relate
oh anon darling, i'm so sorry you're experiencing this, and know how much it can hurt and even cause that unsettled feeling. i honestly wish there was a simple solution that i could give you to immediately mend it, but the truth is, it's been an ongoing struggle for me as well. the usual solutions that i'd imagine someone else might give would be to rewatch favorite episodes (which I've not been able to bring myself to do since 2021), or find a comforting fic to read (which unfortunately for many reasons i don't personally do, but i'd never discourage you from that if it might help!). it's hard to even go through the tag or participate in fandom things for an array of reasons too, so it's left me a bit adrift trying to figure out how to keep him very present and alive here while still protecting myself from some of what was causing me continued wounded distress. i know i've made some more lighthearted posts about this and him showing up and very warmly and strongly reaching out to me in dreams, and maybe it's silly but that's stood as a powerful source of knowing how much he's still with me and lives in me, that when i've worried and hurt about him drifting, he shows up to remind me that would never happen. he is always a part of my heart and being, held safe there. but that's my own experience and of course doesn't necessarily alleviate the day-to-day distance we feel. he's not the only character i've been struggling with this over either, though he's the most intimately dear. it's a uniquely sad feeling, those connections to characters we love is so personal that the loss of that in any way is very real. it's not a weird question at all, and i do relate. maybe an unhelpful suggestion, but have you thought about watching some good amvs (sometimes not as hard as watching whole episodes), or even listening to some of the music he loved in the show? just sparking that connection and memory a little. all i can suggest otherwise is to remind yourself of why he matters to you and why you held him close, because that always, always exists and can never be diminished or taken from you. remember what he stood for and what spoke to you in the story, and how that love you feel is also as real as any other.
and you can always talk to me if you want to, i'm here and understand and we're in it together 💙
(also anon, since no one really asks me dean questions anymore, i love and was touched to get this. thank you.)
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thebigshotman · 1 year
(Before continuing on to the movie review this week of “Annie Hall”, I feel I need to state this. Yes, this is a Woody Allen film. Yes, he is, without a doubt, a scumbag of a human being. However, I throughly enjoyed the movie. This is because separating the art from the artist is a very real thing people can do, no matter how influenced by the artist’s life the art was. I and everyone else in my class did the same thing.
As my professor said before the screening: “This is a film class, not an ethics class; take your scorn elsewhere”. So please do not come to me with anon hate about the fact that I enjoyed this movie. It will be immediately deleted as if you never sent it. (I know most of the regulars around here know not to do that, and know what kind of person I really am, but you never know who might see this 😬)
Anyway! With that disclaimer out of the way, the review is under the cut for those interested! Thank you all for being respectful and chill 😊)
Another week, another movie in film class! Last week’s “Godfather” didn’t give me much to talk about, but good golly did this one! This week we watched “Annie Hall” by Woody Allen, and it was a romantic comedy. Romantic comedies are something I usually don’t watch very often, with the sole exception of “Pretty Woman” and a couple of others. But this one had a lot of tricks up its sleeve to keep me interested!
The movie is about the relationship between Alvy Singer-Allen-and the titular Annie Hall-Diane Keaton-as it rises, falls, rises again, and eventually breaks up amicably. Alvy’s other relationships are also explored briefly to hammer in the point that he seems to be unlucky in love no matter what. We see this relationship out of order, with their awkward first meeting only coming about a third a ways in. We also break the fourth wall pretty frequently, with fantasy sequences woven in here and there by all characters and frequent asides to the camera by Alvy. In the end, they meet each other one last time for dinner, and the whole thing ends surprisingly poignantly with a metaphor involving love and eggs. Trust me, it was way better than it sounded 😂
The screenplay definitely deserved to win an Oscar, as it’s very tightly written and very funny, if odd and cringe worthy occasionally. What didn’t win an Oscar but was amazing, though, was the cinematography, done by the same dude that did “Godfather” funnily enough. It really captured what it must be like to fall in and out of love against the backdrop of a big city. The fantasy sequences and asides, very unusual for a romcom, also make it stand out from a crowd and keep you guessing what strange-but-realism-driven thing would happen next. The movie line scene with a cameo by Marshall McLuan (you can look it up if you want) was a highlight!
I’d say it’s a combination of what “Scenes from a Marriage” and “Ferris Buller’s Day Off” must be like…but I’ve never seen either lol
Keaton deserved the Oscar for playing Annie, bringing just enough of her real self into the role to make her realistic but enhancing everything when needed to make her the prototype “manic pixie dream girl” she is. Some of my classmates thought Alvy was annoying, what with his constant griping and distinctive voice, and I can definitely see why, but…I saw parts of myself in both of them. My positive qualities in Annie’s free-spiritness and definitely my negative ones in Alvy’s anxieties and overthinking. So I can’t bring myself to hate either, or their performances. They truly captured the “nervous romance” of the tagline!
So, yeah! Overall I really liked this movie! It did a lot of things I didn’t expect a romantic comedy too, and in a good way, too. The burden of how horribly its writer/director/lead actor forked up over the years weights heavy on it, make no mistake, but I think despite that it’s aged decently. If you can find it for free somewhere I recommend watching it! Just, y’know, do what I did. As for me, I will be watching it again as soon as I can find that aforementioned free source lol
Next week is “Network”, the origin of the famous “mad as hell” rant! Definitely a very big change from a romcom, but as someone going to school for media and a news reporter myself I can’t wait to see how it is! I’ll be sure to let you all know. In the meantime, hopefully I’ll be on in a few hours to get to threads.
La dee da la dee da…seriously I loved Annie. See you all soon!
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My mission if there’s ever a 70s day at college is to dress like her in this gif 😁
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
Happy STS Dreams!
I have two questions for you today. Do you have any favorite media, like books or movies, that you feel has influenced your writing style?
And conversely, do you feel like writing has changed the way you read books or watch movies? Has your taste changed at all because of your own writing?
That are very interesting questions.
Do you have any favorite media, like books or movies, that you feel has influenced your writing style?
When it comes to writing style I feel like the most influnce has been the wip dirt in the doing by @sleepyowlwrites, cause she showed me that no clear plot introspective character centered hurt/comfort group dynamics were allowed to be written and could be done in a fun engaging way. It was like giving me persmission to write Tears of Iron the way I like. Until then I have been really struggeling with the idea of a clear plot for my writing, because I usually don't like any plot in books/movies either. It serves the purpose of keeping things tight and together, with a straighforward goal, so you feel the progression of the story and you can tell all these scenes serve a purpose...but the plot usually just gets in the way of the parts I'm really interested in? Like the relationships and the arcs? Yes ofc, plot also tends to externally cause thes arcs, but I still feel like it gets in the way of characters talking, thinking, confronting and comforting each other.
Like in Star Wars the best scenes are with Anakin and Obi Wan or Anakin and Ahsoka dicussing, teaching, bantering. In Naruto it's the training sequences, Sasuke's and Naruto's rivalry, their talk before the big separation fight. In Eragon it's the training arc as well, when Eragon is learning things from Oromis by dicussing questions, meditating and realizing the vastness of the universe, his cute scenes with his dragon Sapphira and how protective and comforting she is of him when his back injury acts up.
One or two books that really had good plot as well were my two all time favourites, Tuyo and Transformation. In Tuyo the best part is that every gesture, glance, way you formulate or greet someone carries immense political weight and the little ways the protagonists get to know each other and their cultures to form such epic friendship. In Transformation the redemption couldn't have happened without the whole enslavement part, and the common enemy and the curse that would make them work together and show one's compassion so the other could get better by admiring him. But the rest of the final fight was very unmemorable.
Do you feel like writing has changed the way you read books or watch movies?
Writing has definitely changed how I read and watch stories. Every story gets analyzed, every story is an example of what to or not to do, what worked and what didn't. Every story is a good exercise and good AU fuel. My parents say I can't enjoy stories anymore, always studying them before and afterwards. Cause isn't it amazing to read the movie's plot beforehand, see what it was theoretically and then watch it, seeing how it was executed and what brings emotion into dry description of scenes? I love how every story around me is a way to improve, something to add into the collecton of tools, images, emotional beats, seeing what's possible to be allowed to do it myself or combine it in a new way.
Has your taste changed at all because of your own writing?
I'm afraid it did because I prefer reading what I want to be writing. I'm looking for inspiration and for material to learn from, so I'm looking for bromance, for enemies to friends storylines, for culture clash, for unique magic systems, for good hurt/comfort scenes. Lots of bestselling books just don't have these, they don't have interesting premises and I can't make myself read those. It's getting harder to find books that would fit any, not to mention more of those categories. I should probably read a bit more widely, to get a taste of new things I could love just as much. But I still feel unprepared, like I don't have a repertoir of skills and examples enough to write what I want.
Also finding good hurt/comfort is so hard? I get more luck with that on tumblr or in fanfiction, but when you find a good source it runs out eventually and finding new quality content is difficult. Mountains of bad content to comb through.
I'm not sure why I'm not good at it still. Maybe I am and just my own insecurity holds me back. Maybe I'm waiting to find the exact thing I want to write, so I feel allowed to do it - this cursed tendency to look for persmission is really annoying. People get nervous that their idea already exists and I get reassured by it.
But esp hurt/comfort scenes that are my favourite to read are for some reason difficult to write, to get right, to give me that right feel and satisfaction out of it. Am I too far from the characters? Is there something about how the scene goes that I'm not doing right? Do I just have too little practice with them? Do you have any tips, since you write these as well? (It really hit me you might be a kindred spirit, when you first send me that ask about how Zephyr would act as the one injured/sick and as a caretaker. I liked you from that point on XD).
Anyway, really awesome questions, thank you^^
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lotti-lyric · 2 years
Hola! I saw your post and I wanted to request a romantic matchup! I would very much prefer a male U-A student (if you can make that possible).
Ok so I am a female, and I am 5’9 (ik I’m that one tall kid lol). I have long brown hair/curls (like very curly). I would like to call myself an ambivert because one minute I can be chill and just relaxing my bed, and the next minute I could be bouncing of walls. I am a Scorpio (and some how a mix of Libra). I am Demisexual but I do prefer males/he/him. I have brown eyes that are usually dark, but kinda light up in the sun. I’m a minor teenager! I wouldn’t say I’m big, but I’m definitely not skinny either, so probably more on the curvy side. I have skinny legs, and skinny arms but wider thighs (and dare I say it, stomach rolls).
My dress style is kinda weird. Like one day I could wear all black, and the next I could be in a mix match mood. However I do prefer the dark/light academia aesthetic.
Ok my personality is a lot of things, I can be very sweet at most times but I have probably one of the shortest tempers in the world. Whenever somebody gives me attitude, I tend to reflect their attitude and give them the same one back. I try to avoid lying as much as possible, but I am very sarcastic. In school I am mostly known for my sweet and sassy character (mostly for laughs lol). I am socially awkward, and I (unfortunately) do have anxiety that puts me into bad moods sometimes. If there is a friend group, believe it or not; I’m the mother of the group. Sometimes I can be a control freak, but I tend to realize days later. I do like being the sender of attention (in the good way).
I have an obsession to listening to music. At random timss of the day, I will pop on my Bluetooth earphones and begin dancing. I like pop music (preferably Ariana Grande), Rnb music, and music in my saved TikTok sounds.
If I know somebody very well I get very comfy around them. Idc how preppy my clothes are out in public, at home I like to slip into an oversized shirt/hoodie, some comfortable pj shorts, and some high top socks.
My favorite season is Summer cause I for some reason love to be in the pool.
If I’m mad, I promise you if you give me some food (preferably Italian) I’ll forget our entire fight. I am also a huge chocolate lover.
I constantly search and wonder everyday how I will be able to achieve my dream job of becoming an actress. It’s absolutely my dream career, and I really hope to pursue it.
I cuddle with my pillow at night, because the thought of having someone next to you, comforting and holding you is my dream :(
When I’m bored I scroll through TikTok, instead of really making them.
I’m always flipping or dancing if you ever see me. I’ve been dancing since I was very little, and I got into gymnastics a couple years ago (unfortunately I had to quit cause of covid)
I’m not much a fearful person as I get older, the only thing that really scares me is death. I can watch horror movies like Chucky (cause he’s LOWKEY kinda funny), but Lord knows that you should never show me Annabelle. If you show me something scary, at night I will be clinging onto you shaking and begging you to turn some kind of light on.
Although I can tend to be lazy sometimes, I’m actually a very active person.
I sing, dance, act (you know the whole performance arts package).
I find humor, and kindness the most attractive thing in a person. I also kinda like people that can be sweet or fiery (you know getchu comebody who can do both).
I’m sorry for so much reading, this is my first time doing this. I hope this dosen’t make you struggle, so take your time! Luv you <3
charlottes interlude 💗- hi!! so i’m probably going to begin repeating characters if i feel it’s the best match!! but all the headcanons will be personalized and different so don’t worry, nothing really changed!! sorry for the delay loves, i’ve had class for 9 hours today (im still in class rn oops🧍🏼‍♀️)! i hope you enjoy, have a great one!! you seem so fun!
warnings; swearing, anxiety mention
i match you with…
Hitoshi Shinsou!!
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- this for you both!! ^^
- absolutely loves everything about you!! you’re the most stunning person he’s ever seen and he’s not afraid to make sure others know that
- so expect a hand always around your waist
- he loves being surprised by your style each day! it’s become a game for him to message you his guess for ur aesthetic every morning!!
- crashing in comfy outfits in his dorm with him just holding you while ur playlist blasts on your speakers 💗 its so ethereal
- he loves how sweet you can be but also finds your attitude super cute!! he’s a pretty mellow guy but can also match the snarky, sarcastic energy you give him, leading to a lot of playful banter
“Can’t wait to absolutely decimate you for all you’re worth in Mario Kart later Toshi 🤪”
“Ohhh tsk tsk, in your dreams sweetheart, that mushroom cup has always belonged to me”
- he’s honestly such a sweet guy but ur humor aligns so well it’s so CHAOTIC
- always makes sure to help you any way you need if you feel anxious, even if it’s just through cuddles!! he loves your caring nature but he also loves to spoil you and give u a lot of attention!!
- he cannot dance. he loves watching you dance though!! he’s so amazed by what you can do!! he’ll try if you ask him, he wants to sweep you off your feet 💗 doesn’t mean he’ll be good though 💀
- have y’all slept with all the lights on after a horror movie binge?? absolutely 💀 worth it though
- loves to watch you preform!! you just light up UGH you’re his star GOODBYE
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a-moth-to-the-light · 2 years
Fruits Basket Diaries, #6: Why Do I Adore Ayame So Much?
[see part 1 here]
[see part 5 here]
This is part of an ongoing series where I’ll be cataloguing my experience rereading (and finishing for the first time) the Fruits Basket manga. I’ve just finished reading up to the end of the manga, so there will be spoilers for the whole story!
Fruits Basket is full of unrequited loves, both platonic and romantic. Usually, these kind of "lost love" relationships, ones based in a history of complete infatuation on one side that isn't mirrored on the other, either turn into romance stories or are filled with distress, but Fruits Basket takes a very different approach, allowing these relationships to exist as a unique variety of affection, something soft and tender instead of fiery and dramatic. We get to see characters who feel love and admiration for those who don't quite reciprocate live peacefully with those feelings, using them as the source of a strong friendship rather than screaming them from the rooftops. These characters (Ayame, Haru, Hanajima), get to find lovers of their own while their former (and, admittedly, still a bit current) obsession (Hatori, Yuki, Tohru) does the same, but they never have to pretend their feelings don't exist--in fact, they still have loving friendships with their former obsessions, even if they aren't "the one" for them.
We also see the beginnings of these kind of relationships within Fruits Basket--Momiji watches Tohru leave with Kyo and hopes he'll find someone of his own one day; Kagura retains her affection for Kyo, even while she acknowledges his relationship with Tohru; Yuki gets a dramatic, tearful goodbye with Tohru, even as she connects with Kyo and he gets closer with Machi. For these characters, "moving on" doesn't mean leaving their feelings behind, it just means accepting new parts of life along with the old; as Hanajima puts it so beautifully, "My weakness will always be Tohru-kun". And yeah, I get that. I've spent a lot of time trying to cleanse myself of feelings, to just make them go away so everything can "be normal". Eventually, though, I found that truly accepting and loving the part of myself that fell in love with the person in the first place, the part of myself that still sees them and glows a bit, is what has truly helped me move forward in relationships like these without guilt. Because yes, there will always be people who are my weaknesses, people who I was once infatuated with and who I still have a strong attachment to, and that doesn't have to be painful. Hanajima gets the best of both worlds, it seems--she lives her own life outside of Tohru, but she also loves Tohru enough to fight for her happiness. This dynamic mirrors my experiences with some of the most important people in my life, and I think that's why each of the three pairings I mentioned earlier, ones I see as the main examples of this dynamic, is so special to me. Seeing Haru and Yuki's friendship develop as Yuki realizes how deeply Haru cares for him and starts to reach out in return was especially comforting, putting a positive spin on Haru's long-held affection instead of forcing him to "get over" it.
There's this one quote from the final volume: "But the one thing I do know is that love isn't just about loving what's in front of you. The past, the future... maybe it's about holding all of them close to your heart." Maybe past infatuations don't have to be regrettable, failures to sweep under the rug--through the relationships it shows, Fruits Basket finds the potential of the past to make the present beautiful, even when not everyone's dreams came true back then. The people I would consider my weaknesses, as Hanajima said, were, are, and will be the source of many special moments in my life. Even as I pursue relationships and goals I never would have dreamed of in my younger days, there are still people from those days I would drop everything to support, and that, Fruits Basket reminds me, is, indeed, a special kind of love.
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offical-ranter · 2 years
ok guys i expected this show to be pretty average.. nope. it was great. just 1 episode in and its already one of my favorite marvel shows. heres a bit of my thoughts on it -its so cool to see more representation. im not Muslim or Pakistani so i cant say anything about those aspects (tho im sure u could find stuff about it online from those more knowledgeable) other than its great to see other cultures and languages in a production like this. and like MoonKight they had what i assume to be cultural music, which was also rlly cool -ITS SO RELATABLE! LIKE SKDFJSGS;, i dont have the words. the fact that she daydreams all day about being a superhero, doodles during class, is a literal fangirl, and has parents who doesnt understand what she likes, is. so. relatable. this is the most ive ever seen myself in a marvel character, which is kinda the point of the show. but still. i was watching her talk about making her cosplay and looking at fanart and its just, i do those things. i have marvel shirts and dream about going to cons. the amount of, just feeling, i felt when her mom completely shut down her plan to go to AvengerCon is just, immense. like wow, so many ppls parents judge their kids for the things they like. the scene where Kamala tried to put something around her hips after her mom told her the outfit was too skimpy or tight (without even seeing it i might add) was something i just immediately felt. she didnt even need to monologue about why she felt the need to do it, i could instantly understand based on her action and expression. i cant put into words how this feels like a show that just gets us -her friendship with Bruno (im still not over that song why would u do this to me Disney). its so accurate to how friendship is and its so wholesome to watch. Kamala feeling out of place in school and being quite to meeting with Bruno and talking about the con? thats great, thats the friendships i wanna see. there was no romance, tho there may be based on the look they shared on the roof, but im surprisingly open to it. i usually never like romance in action based shows but they understand each other so well. their struggles and dreams, like even if their love is just platonic its still there. and i love to watch it (not to mention its the literal perfect superhero partner dynamic, the one who fights and the one in the chair) -the directing. ive had a lot of problems with Disney directing as of late (cough cough Boba Fett) but marvel shows have always been fine. WandaVision was rlly unique in its idea, so was Hawkeye, but none have stood out in just plain directing so far. until this. theres no weird shaky camera for no reason, no weird up close face shots (im looking at u The Falcon and the Winter Soldier), nothing like that. just good camera work and going 100% with the theme. the drawings coming to life on the walls and their texts becoming signs and Kamala's planning being animated/drawn. its like spider-verse and i love it. it seems so true to her character and the vibe of the show. reminds me of a movie i think exists where some guy in high school has the ability to make the things he draws real, but im not sure if i just made that up lol -references. some ppl call them easter eggs but either way their great. like me tell u i was screaming whenever i saw something from the greater mcu. even before the show started i noticed how MoonKight is now in the intro logo. there was a lot but some things i remember r the og captain america song at the con, the drawing mentioning his ass, also at the con, the trust a bro truck and original ms. marvel design as art during the end credits. im sure there was more and im kinda disappointed im not remembering them after just watching it -the mysteries. whyd the bracelet (idk if thats what its called but for now bracelet) give her powers? who r the ppl in the end scene (i dont think any other marvel show has had an end scene first ep)? will her old friend refriend her? OMG SHE STILL HAS THE POWER TO EXTEND HER LIMBS?? BUT NOW ITS LIKE CRYSTALS???
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norcalbruja · 7 months
Undas / Soul's day weirdness
So with my excessive time off due to unemployment and Spooky Season coming to a close, I've been getting into "The Crow" about ten years too late. I am full of sorrow for both the character Eric Draven, and for Brandon Lee's untimely death.
Yesterday was my first night of work at the bowling alley, and I only had to stay about three hours since I'm not actually in the system yet. I still did not want to go to a DAY-JOB again, and the beach at night is Dark And Creepy, so I was regretting watching Eric Draven's traumatic resurrection scene on Youtube before getting dressed.
It does not help that one of the place's storage rooms is called "the scary room" by one of the managers. While it's lit up pretty well now, it's eerily quiet, it used to have a single desk-lamp valiantly trying to light a room that's close to the size of my whole apartment, and the CLOSETS are still pitch-black. It's also full of the old machinery that they replaced, but can't find a proper spot for.
Manager said that before it was properly lit, everyone hated going in there and sometimes he felt like someone/something was watching him from the dark.
Like, ENDLESS NOPE for that part of the building. I might need to bring a necklace that I made for Persephone a while back, but I can never find a chance to WEAR. I just carry it around in my bag because I feel bad about never wearing jewelry whenever the gods prod at me to make it, and I might need to wear it under my work-shirt or stick it in a pocket.
Anyway, while I was driving home last night, I was listening to Hozier and trying to get myself back into "I need this job for money" mode, so I was like "ughhhhh, Happy Soul's Day to the spirits, I guess? Look I really don't want to be at this job, but I also need money, and if I can manage to get a break with my art soon, I would like to leave it on GOOD terms."
This is behind the cut for length, mentions of "dead-spirits versus living-spirits," and an explanation about how I used to be suicidal.
So I was getting ready for bed and already Very Unhappy at the thought of having a day-job again, annnnnnnd someone calling himself Eric Draven came into my meditation.
The only thing most of my family knows about my spirituality is that I can see ghosts/dead-spirits, and I occasionally have dreams of dead relatives. Apart from that, I barely SEE any dead people in my spiritual messiness. Like... I'm not a gravedigger or anything, after all.
Plus, living spirits usually tell them to keep away from me, even if they don't mean harm. It's because I'm depressed, and I was borderline/passively suicidal in high school (I constantly did not eat because I didn't feel hungry and I felt like a waste of space). I'm no longer suicidal, but as noted by my constantly stressed updates about my life, I never managed to feel BETTER for very long.
Hades and the Morrigan have said that I am "too close to death" and I spiritually have "one foot in the grave." Like, I already spend too much time in the Otherworld to (badly) cope with my shitty life because mundane-world things like "therapy," "getting diagnosed for Autism/ADHD" or "getting a break in the arts world" just seem so unattainable for me, so if I spend too much time with DEAD spirits, there is a low but not zero risk of me wanting to join them.
Meanwhile, here comes Eric Draven on the night of Soul's Day / Undas in full goth clothes and makeup, and I was freaked out and I asked him, "Hiiiiiiii??? Are you Eric Draven or... Brandon Lee?"
He was like "No no no, I'm not either of them--I just took his face because you'd freak out MORE if some random guy came along. Please just call me Eric."
And I went, "Okay, Eric, why are you here? I don't have even a LIVING boyfriend around, much less a recently-murdered one."
Eric said very, very reluctantly, "I came because you're full of vengeance. You reek of anger and loneliness. Nobody living can seem to help you with your art, or getting a house, or the stuff you actually NEED HELP WITH, so I figured a dead guy roping himself in can't hurt too much."
So I was like "You are the third or fourth spirit who told me that they can smell my unhappiness. Is that a thing in the Otherworld?"
And he said, "YEAH. Yeah, it is. And that's a problem if it gets this bad. You might start attracting the good tricksters--like your husband--but you might start attracting some bad tricksters, like Loki."
So I said, "Eric, Loki isn't a BAD spirit. Tricksters have necessary functions in life, people just don't LIKE those functions all the time."
Eric apologized and said, "I'm sorry about the 'good or bad spirit' thing, but Loki's not a NICE spirit. I'm here because you need help, and some of that is how you don't want more NOT-NICE spirits homing in on you."
And I was like, "Well, you are painfully nice, Eric, but are you good or bad? I really hope I don't need to fight anyone soon."
He admitted, "I don't know which one I am. I'm not TECHNICALLY supposed to be here, but YOU were supposed to get help with at least one fucking thing you keep begging for. What are people gonna do? Kill me again?"
Anyway, Eric is definitely dead. He's cold when I touch him and he can only warm back up when he's in really high emotion, but then he starts almost burning like he's got a fever instead, so the issue seems to be how he can't "regulate his temperature" anymore.
This morning Macha (an Irish horse-goddess, she basically did the "extrovert" thing and adopted my hermit self) found Eric hanging out with me while I was trying to wake up enough to brush my teeth, and she prodded him and went, "Ew, he's dead! What are you DOING here?! It's not Soul's Day anymore, mate--GET OUT."
And I told her, "Macha, he's not literally Eric Draven! He said he wants to help, and he's nice! Don't make him leave!"
And Macha was like, "Honey, you don't have good boundaries! You also have issues with how people said your people's gods abandoned you to the wilderness! You aren't going to make ANYONE leave!"
Dionysus is also pretty wigged out that Eric's here, but Eric repeated that he is here because I'm miserable as shit, and "if the living cannot help, maybe the dead can."
Hades is just extremely sad to see him, so he shook his head and went, "Well, looks like the grave came to you. THAT was unexpected."
Lola Buwaya and Haik Number Four are also upset.
Like... a giant squid and a dead guy came to help because they feel bad for me, and at least one Megaloceros heard Spirit-Me's screaming for help, but most of the anito are just MIA? This is WEIRD and nobody knows where they are.
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