#i am at my limit i swear i am
leclercsbf · 10 months
just carlos vying for his boyfriend’s attention.
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eluminium · 7 months
hey, just a fun little pattern I noticed in Secret Life... Impulse keeps failing his tasks in the exact same ways he fails to win a season. He has a plan, he executes it pretty well, but is always brought down by another person screwing him over. Always so close, and yet somehow out of reach. The first task he failed? He completed it, only to spill his secret to Tango right after. And Tango did nothing to stop him. He won, but couldn't go all the way. The second task? He completed it, only for Skizz to call him out on it and sink the entire operation. He did it, and yet he still got nothing out of all that effort.
Compare this to all his final deaths in the series.
In 3rd Life, he was on a good path to victory, only for Bdubs to infamously kill him.
In Last Life he may have died way earlier but it has a similar pattern. He releases the Wither without getting hurt himself, and with a loyal ally behind him. Only to be shot by Scott who shouldn't have been able to kill him as a yellow name because Impulse wasn't specifically attacking him. A sort of betrayal by the rules of the universe. In Double Life, he came third and was in a 2 on 1 fight against Pearl. Only to die because Bdubs axed him and dealt too much damage to them both to survive Pearl's attack. Betrayed by Bdubs yet again.
And finally, in Limited Life he came second, the closest ever to victory. He could have won that season, if he and Scott hadn't been betrayed by Martyn. So close, yet so far away.
Impulse's biggest enemy really is himself around other people. He just loses brain cells by the second. That, or the Watchers really like seeing this one man be betrayed, intentionally or not, over and over again.
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gummi-ships · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts 2 - Olympus Coliseum
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Saint Germain, shocked: You have a fake ID? With a fake name and everything?
Isaac: I don't have to explain myself-
Leonardo, sitting against a bookshelf on the floor: He used it to get a second library card so he can take out twice as many books at once.
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splynter · 4 months
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”You can’t believe it, you can’t conceive it
And you can’t touch me, ‘cause I’m untouchable
And I know you hate it, and you can’t take it
You’ll never break me
‘Cause I’m Unbreakable.”
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h-f-k · 21 days
i need argentina to wake the fuck up and stop getting fucked so fucking bad by this shitty ass government. i never thought i would say this but we need to learn from the french. we need to set on fire soMETHING. i don't know.
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brbsavinggotham · 4 months
so i didn't get my job. my boss and my would-have-been boss brought me into their office today and said i did really well in the interview, the job was mine, until the last person really blew them away. i have to understand, she's really incredible, and i'll be so impressed with her when she starts next week. and it's important to remember, they really want to hang onto me because it's hard to find good people, and next time a role comes up i should apply for it because that might be the one! i'm a valued member of the team, i shouldn't lose hope. but of course with an extra permanent person on the team there won't be as many casual hours going anymore, just an unfortunate side effect of choosing someone over me. and don't worry, they'll announce it to everyone in the all staff meeting tomorrow that i'm not invited to so when i walk in at 9am everyone will know i was only second-best.
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taegularities · 8 months
y'all ever just feel like. you know. crying
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i am officially, FINALLY all caught up again in both the manga and the anime for bsd and OH BOY there are thoughts and opinions but also WHO CARES because my tags are finally FREE to be unfiltered
#hnnnnnn#i am SO happy#i am BEYOND happy#i love the arc even if i complain about it a lot#but i am also hnnnnnn…….displeased……..with a few things#the anime fr about to catch these hands#i already KNEW they were rushing it from the few episodes i had watched#but the anime is usually SO good at pacing#that i fully trusted that certain things would be slowed down for significance/impact/etc#but instead the pacing just stayed WAY too fast for me#and they ended up cutting SO many small moments that had SO much importance like im going crazy about some of them#some of the lines they cut…….#or even adjusted slightly that it drew away the impact#ugh i KNOW there was a LOT to balance and a LOT of content to get through#but i am a little disappointed that so many emotional scenes were what ended up suffering for it#this is why i don’t usually like reading the manga for animes i watch#i always end up getting disappointed by the limitations of adaptations#that being said though regardless of general limitations i don’t think some of the rushing is above criticism#and i am going to go and eat glass while seething over the particularly offensive rushing/cuts😤#OKAY DONE that’s the last i’ll say about it i would just go crazy if i didn’t vocalize it somewhere#in general i was VERY happy with the arc in both the manga and the anime i have SO much love for it#definitely a favorite for me#and THAT concludes my very vague no spoiler review#i swear one of these days my self control is going to snap#and im just going to start posting my full essays and content analysis shit about everything i watch here#but for now we’re safe and all my rants will stay spoiler free tag paragraphs instead godbless🙏
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krillbobby · 10 months
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This is my first time drawing anthropomorphic animals, or animals at all so'scuse me if they look a lil wonky. ::}
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sammypog · 4 months
psa i know there’s a lot of stuff i’ve said i’m working on and i haven’t gotten much done recently and i’m sorry 😭😭 schoolwork has been kicking my ass recently and i also have been really sick for the past few days so i haven’t had time to really work on anything else but i have a list of everything i wanna do and all of it WILL be getting done eventually ‼️ just hang on for a bit i prommy
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miyuskye · 5 months
Another chapter, another month of not knowing if baby boy Snake is gonna make it.
Keep going, Yana, keep playing with my poor heart
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lostryu · 9 months
we haven’t oppressed straight people enough tbh
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
Yes I DID inexplicably make myself sad again
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skibasyndrome · 6 months
I'm about to throw all my academic values overboard to get this fucking article done
#linguistics are my enemy#not because I don't like the subject#I'm just........ so much less at ease with this than with literary sciene oh my god#I'm so glad I can mostly focus on lit in the future but let me tell you these few linguistics articles I have/had to do have really brought#me to my limit#and I thought I was already fed up and not giving a shit when I did that one article in summer... oh I had NO IDEA how much less of a shit#was capable of giving!!!#the thing is.... I think objectively I'm still? idk not the worst I could technically be doing#like there ARE people who straight up... idk don't even try to have a research question or who don't read more than a handful or articles b#t ugh#I like academic writing so much and I love putting in the work and I love actually getting into the reseach and finding the most important#texts and writing a balanced and well researched article but ugh..... I just feel like I keep reaching my limits with linguistics#and this time is worse than the others because this topic is SO FAR from being standardized and all I can do is ???? mention that there's#like a hundred different models and then just??? choose one and go with it? which is so fucking unsatisfying#but I swear... everybody in this field is just making up a new model that's just different words for the same thing (and not in the /normal#way that science /always/ is about making up a new model. no. this time they are very unnecessarily making up new models)#ugh. everything about this sucks#I should've chosen a different seminar I should've chose a different topic and I especially should've written more of this in summer when I#technically still had a little more time#sorry for blowing up your dash with complaints this festive season lol. I am just having a time (TM) with the different writing tasks on my#hands and I need a place to vent I guess#simon.out.#sounds so drastic btw I'm not about to cheat or plagiarize or anything but I'm about to do so much less of a proper work than I ever wanted#to allow myself to do. cherrypicking and all.
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slam-dunkrai · 5 months
sat down a couple of days ago to write more fic. ended up revising chapter one again
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