#i am not saying biden is perfect. at all. or even good.
queerwhohatesithere · 6 months
here’s ur friendly reminder that trump has been very transparent with his agenda if he’s president and no matter what we should not let him become president again because then we’re all fucked
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
Hello I was just wondering if you've seen Imani Barbarin talk about not voting (https://x.com/imani_barbarin/status/1747723080917492020?s=46&t=55h0eHrgY7FtQI8ej54maw)? I saw you reblog the post about "not waiting for the morally pure candidate" and I think that's a willful misrepresentation of what Gen Z is feeling
We've not seen Biden address ANY of the things the post claims (climate change is the only one I remember without scrolling back) but we have seen him approve more oil licenses than trump, drop more bombs than trump, support a genocide, abandon disabled people and any Covid mitigations during the second highest surge since the start of the pandemic (with less testing so odds are things r even worse than we can tell), bring back student debt, etc etc
As a Gen Z'r, I genuinely want to understand how y'all can believe "no vote is a vote for fascism" when both candidates are horrendous? Why is the onus on us and not the politicians to do better instead of pointing fingers and saying "at least we're better than Trump" when that is categorically untrue?
I'm sorry if this is too rant-y I'm just so furious and frustrated with my perception of older voters' complacency with being given utter shit instead of organizing for better
I am trying very hard to be reasoned and understanding about this- bearing in mind that we want the same things in the end and I'mnot jazzed for Biden either -when it's extremely, EXTREMELY obvious to me that Trump is worse.
If he gets elected there might not be another election. The man was theoretically willing to use military force to quell protests if he lost the 2020 election (why he didn't, I don't know; but I'm not willing to give him that chance a second time).
Trump has called himself a dictator, proudly, in the same breath as saying "we're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling." Biden does NOT remotely have a perfect record on either of those things- he was locked into some construction of the border wall by how the funds had already been allocated by Congress during the Trump administration, but not everything he's done in relation to it, which also pisses me off. As for the oil thing, it's a bit more complicated than it seems on the surface: not as simple as "he doesn't actually care about the environment" even as it's definitely not a good move or in line with his stated climate goals.
As for those climate goals, I found this interesting article that rates key areas of climate action and how they've fared during the Biden administration. It was updated in January, and it is not sycophantically uncritical across the board. But that is LEAGUES more progress than we'd get under a system of "drilling, drilling, drilling" with absolutely no concessions to the climate crisis at all.
His handling of the situation in Palestine...yeah, I struggle with that, too. I know he's been trying to talk their leaders down, to some degree, but it's not nearly enough to me. And I STRONGLY disagree with us selling them weapons. However, Trump's statements on the matter- calling for a ban on Gazan refugees in the US, calling pro-Palestinian protestors "barbarians," and saying he'd revoke the student visa of anyone he deemed "anti-American" -makes me believe that letting him get into power is not something my conscience would allow, vis a vis the fate of the Palestinian people. Because it would be exponentially worse.
I also think the material good that has happened under the Biden administration has been...MASSIVELY under-publicized. Because like. He HAS addressed things. Lots of things, in fact.
this article from last year was too early to include pardoning thousands of people federally convicted of simple marijuana possession (again, not perfect, but still very good), setting new rules to limit methane emissions, capping prices for at least some major insulin producers, partial student loan debt forgiveness (tried to do more, but got hamstrung by Republicans), cancelling oil leases granted by Trump in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (not enough given the leases HE granted, but it's not nothing either), and much more I'm sure I'm overlooking. Because, again, nobody's been talking about it. It sells more news subscriptions to feed readers an endless stream of what Biden is doing wrong- which I am not denying! -leaving people with the dangerous impression that both sides are the same. Republicans would not have done any of this. That's just the truth of the matter.
Look, I would like a better option, too. I would love to actually LIKE a presidential candidate in my lifetime. I'd love one who wouldn't make concessions to the interests of selfish, heartless people with ledgers where their sense of human compassion should be. I just don't see that person coming to power between now and November.
And I'll take someone who is Standard US Politician Slimy but at least makes some improvements (unfortunately, I doubt there's anyone with a chance of winning in less than a year who doesn't support Israel to some degree, since this country have a long history of that) over someone who might actually stage a right-wing military coup, and who would kill me and other marginalized people himself if he thought it would get him more fame and fortune.
Some people say their conscience won't let them vote Biden. I can't tell them what to do. But if he gets the Democratic nomination, my conscience wouldn't let me do anything else.
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odinsblog · 10 months
Something I need to get off my chest, for old followers and new:
I do not give a single solitary fuck about communism
If communism blew up and died tomorrow, I would not give one shit about it 🥱
If “communism” is your end all be all about what’s right and what’s wrong in the world, then do us both a favor and block me right now. No hard feelings, okay?
And for anyone wondering: no, I don’t give a shit about capitalism, and definitely not neoliberalism either
Look, sooner or later you have GOT to understand something: some people (neoliberals) get all bent out shape if you aren’t constantly falling over yourself to kiss the ass of whoever the current Democratic president is. That ain’t me. When Biden or Clinton or whoever is wrong, I will hold their feet to the fire and at least try to them accountable (see: Biden Title 42)
And when capitalism fucks up (lol, that’s any day of the week that ends in the letter Y), then I will call that shit out too
Sooner or later, ALL of that shit fucks up. All of it. All of it
None of it is beyond critique
If you think your special little rhubarb (communism, capitalism, religion, libertarianism, etc etc etc) is magically the only one that is perfect and good and right all the time, then you’re just like a little baby who still believes that Santa lives on the North Pole. Please grow tf up
But I am very specifically calling out communism today because several long time mutuals lose their shit whenever I don’t kiss Putin’s ass, or when I don’t blame NATO for Putin invading a sovereign nation that wasn’t attacking Russia, wasn’t in NATO, and wasn’t even applying for membership into NATO when Putin decided to attack them
Is America wrong for all the dirt its done all around the planet? Fuck. yes. Does America bad = Russia good? FUCK NO
Look, everyone has their own personal coda; their guiding principles; their “religion,” their rhubarb. For some, it’s a blind, sycophantic inability to understand or acknowledge that simply being marginally better than Trump doesn’t automatically make centrist Democrats above being held accountable (it’s our job as citizens to always demand better from whoever our elected representatives are—they work for us goddammit)
For other sycophants, it’s a rabid inability to call out capitalism and/or Christianity
And for others still, it’s communism
I guess my problem is, EYE don’t measure how “good” something is by how “communist” it is—I measure it by how much good it does without burying poor people, without harming Black & Brown people, without hurting women (trans or otherwise), without vilifying foreigners, and without burning LGBTQ people (the way Russia and America do)
If you can’t understand that, then your particular brand of blind fanaticism (your rhubarb) is communism, and you are no different from the VBNMW, Blue MAGA sycophants who go completely ape shit whenever you say something even slightly unflattering about politicians who happen to wear the letter “D” behind their name—see where that got us??
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You’re no different. You just have a slightly different rhubarb
Communism is NOT my fucking measuring stick. I don’t have communism on the brain, and I sure as fuck don’t have capitalism on the brain either
I love Black people, Brown people , poor people, immigrants, asylum seekers, women, the LGBTQ community, democracy, equality, justice and freedom
And dassit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m on the side of the little guy and the underdog
So anyway, fuck communism, fuck capitalism, fuck “Christianity” and fuck all the other little bullshit unimportant distinctions you far too rigidly use to decide if someone is “good” instead of just looking to see if they’re actually doing good or not
Some of you good little “communists” couldn’t even be bothered to speak up about Brittney Griner because you didn’t want to look bad or say anything bad about Vladimir Putin’s raggedy ass. Lol. You guys suck!
And no, this isn’t me taking a right wing turn like Cenk and TYT (or like Jimmy Dore, or Glenn Greenwald, or any number of the other “previously” progressive media types who are re-aligning themselves with conservatives)
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In 2016 I had to break ties with people and bloggers who turned out to be dogged Blue MAGA sycophants, and today I’m fed up with people who can’t go more than two minutes without signaling how “communist” they are 🙄
Sorry, but that shit don’t get my dick hard
(And for added clarity: Republicans and Libertarians, go fuck yourselves with a rusty chainsaw)
If this post makes you mad, then here ya go
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</end rant>
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
do you think the odds are in the dems’ favor to keep the house and the senate? i worry both houses are gonna flip red bc of all the focus on immigration and inflation right now…
It depends. There has been focus on both immigration and inflation, yes, but that's not the full story. The immigration narrative took a bit of a turn after DeSatan shipped a planeload of migrants to Martha's Vineyard and they're now (rightly) suing the shit out of him for kidnapping and human trafficking, and it's not really a major talking point at the moment outside of Fox News and the other bastions of right-wing drum-pounding that always discover a Big Scary Caravan of Brown People!! heading for America right when they need to distract from something terrible that the Republicans did. Inflation, although still high, is coming down, and gas prices are WAY down (over $2+) from their stratospheric May-June highs.
Additionally, this is in no way a regular midterm year (where we could expect significant losses for the incumbent president's party). There was that little thing where an illegitimate right-wing SCOTUS overturned women's basic bodily autonomy, and all the actual elections we have had since, including in deeply or traditionally red districts, have showed Democrats WAY overperforming, including topping Biden's margins vs. Trump in 2020. This is not a foolproof indicator, but it has been consistent, and it shows that there is absolutely a lot of rage (as there should be) over the Roe decision. Pro-choice people, and even people who are traditionally moderate/more conservative but are among the 60%+ of Americans who support abortion rights (I don't know why that number isn't higher, but then, this country is often a theocratic libertarian nightmare, so.... yeah), are strikingly more likely to vote for Democrats. The Republicans tried for 50 years to overturn Roe, and now they're trying to backpedal, minimize, or equivocate it, rather than proudly running on it as a campaign strategy. If it really was so popular, you think they would? But even blood-red Kansas voted overwhelmingly to keep abortion legal, so they're trying to spin it both ways.
This isn't to say that there aren't significant headwinds and steep odds, because there are. The crazies are motivated to vote to avenge the disgrace of their God-King Trump, the fascists smell power after they were beaten last time, and if Democratic voters don't get to the polls in equal or greater numbers, we're going to be in a very bad spot. I said this in 2016 and I said this in 2020, and I'm saying it again now: I do not care if you think you are as morally pure as the driven snow and there is no way you could ever sully yourself to vote for a flawed human institution like the Democratic Party. You still have to do it. There is no safe Republican or non-Democratic candidate to vote for in the 2022 midterms. Nor can you act as if you personally are exempt from the project of staving off full-on theocratic fascism for the rest of us, or that you will somehow magically escape the consequences of its imposition. I will not hear or tolerate any stupid arguments on this. If you are one of the people who reflexively whines BUT BIDEN/THE DEMOCRATS HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING, or BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME!!!, I beg, BEG you to get out of the leftist social media misinformation chamber and find out what, in fact, they HAVE done (and what the other guys want to do). If the only political opinions you're hearing or ever seek out are those that already reinforce your profoundly skewed VOTING IS BAD AND I AM PERFECT conviction, there is something very, very wrong.
Doing morally good politics is not, as the Tumblr leftists like to think, a matter of opening a book, selecting all the most Morally Pure positions on paper, and immediately discarding any person who doesn't fully embody all of them (i.e. everyone). It is making the most moral choice that prevents the most harm, and right now, the Republicans are off-the-ranch crazy and harmful. If they get the House back, they have promised to spend all their time on trying to send Dr. Fauci to jail, impeaching Biden and Garland, "avenging" Trump, passing a national abortion ban, and other nonsense revenge-driven fascist cosplay. I'm not making this up, they have said it very clearly and repeatedly. There will be absolutely no progress on further legislation (including the Electoral Count Act which is meant to prevent further coups of the type that we saw on January 6, among others). They don't even care that any of this is unlikely to actually succeed. They will rip apart the country, sow division and hate, and put on revenge-spectacle nonsense all the way to 2024. They won't even try to solve any of the problems that matter to anyone, and they will make them all worse.
I think the odds are currently better for Democrats to hold the Senate, as they have to defend a relatively few number of seats while there are more GOP seats up for grabs, and the Republicans are running such an utterly terrible crop of losers that what works for the loonies in the primary is having trouble appealing to the general electorate. The House is more of a tossup and will rely on turnout in individual states. And on that note: if you are an American citizen over the age of 18, check your registration. Check it now. If you live in a state where the Republicans have rammed through restrictive voting laws, make sure you know what those are, so you aren't disqualified on a technicality. If you are registered in a state other than the one where you currently live, update your registration or make arrangements to receive an absentee ballot. Know when you need to return it for it to be counted. DO IT NOW. THE MIDTERMS ARE BARELY MORE THAN A MONTH AWAY.
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cowboylikedean · 5 months
im so fucking sick of the online discourse even - and especially - in left-leaning spaces lately and seeing the last few posts on your blog has honestly made me feel better. im not alone! yes! a nuanced take aboit what’s happening in middle east!! it exists!!! and while biden might suck big time, he’s still no trump! and there are no other viable alternatives right now!! does no one else remember 2016? clinton wasn’t the “perfect candidate”, sure, but remember where that got us? remember the wave of anti-immigration laws? remember charlottesville? jan 6? how we lost Roe? how the SCOTUS is heavily conservative-leaning? like thank FUCK not everyone has completely lost their minds yet.
I am also so sick of it!!! I have been for years tbh. and here's the thing, too... I actually think Biden has been pretty damn incredible. His record on domestic social issues has been really great. There's a lot I've disagreed with. I think he really could have done more in the beginning with covid relief and him leading the charge on dropping the $15 minimum wage really was fucked. I think the way he's handled Israel has been abhorrent. You can't claim to be against a war you're supplying! But I also think he's done a lot of things right. Not rushing us into war with Russia, for one thing. How many people begged him to do that, on both sides of the political spectrum?? How many people still are? Like there's plenty that Biden has done that is good!! And honestly, he's the best president of my lifetime BY FAR. He is in no way perfect, but the online left's biggest trap is the perfect solution fallacy.
Perfection is fake, it simply doesn't exist. And if perfection is the standard of your advocacy, it will be ineffective and pointless because perfection simply is not real. There will never be a perfect president or a perfect candidate. So waiting for one will always end up in letting the right take control. What we've seen where the right has skewed center more and more is a direct result of this!!
What happens quite often, too, is that this fallacy of perfection leads to black and white thinking that ignores nuance and intersections of oppressive forces. It's what leads to the oppression olympics and weird declarations that some forms of oppression are "higher" and "more valuable" than others. This tends to weaponize oppression and ends up in pitting oppressed groups against each other. This is something we see a lot in the Israel/Palestine discussion. Whereby antisemitism is completely invalidated as an oppressive force... Which isn't helpful and creates pain and suffering instead of alleviating it. I also think there's a lot of arrogance from Internet Lefties who like to think that 75 years of conflict is actually something that can be summed up in a quick twitter thread or a 5 minute tiktok. It's not.
But yeah, I'm here to be a voice of reason!!! Not all of us have lost our minds!! Most of us, even, are collected people... Online discourse is just that. Online. In most real world spaces, there's a lot more nuance. You just have to be willing to stand up and say something.
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fangirltothefullest · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask political advice? Feel free to ignore this if you don't want to/have an answer
I'm not good at politics. I'm, unfortunately, largely uninformed bc it all triggers my anxiety and I've yet to learn how to deal with it. But I need to be informed so that I can vote and help with things
I don't know that I want to vote for a party just bc their the party, and would prefer to know about what they're saying they'll be doing in office. But if I look anyone up, I'm finding them doing some kind of anti on their opponents, or their opponents spewing anti on them, and I still don't know what's going on, but managed to have a panic attack.
So. How do you learn about what a candidate is claiming they'll do in office? How do I find out what my current government leaders are doing and make my opinions actually matter?
If you got this far, thanks <3
I'm so sorry to be bothering you with this, I know you're not a political figure. But the only other people I have to ask about this are my conservative family, and while we haven't really talked about it, from things I've overheard, they think this whole thing is a good thing..
Generally I have help- I get together with people that re like-minded who I can trust to do research with me and we talk about pros and cons of people. We ALWAYS look at their PAST track record. What did THEY push for before trying to run for the position they are after? People often have done the research for you online (always use multiple sources before making a decision to fact check if possible).
We look for things that seem suspicious- are they super religious? That can often lead to rhetorics that can harm others depending on what their religion is. Do they donate to people? If so, to who? What causes? Who are they chummy with? Did they used to spout one rhetoric and now suddenly changed their tune? Because that's a huge red flag, especially if they are claiming to be a democrat because it means they are likely to be lying about what they would bring to their role.
Who is supporting them? If they are being backed by republicans we know are currently the problem, then that's a no go. Honestly at this point Republicans have been consistantly voting on and imposing tocix policies and legislation so like... just don't vote for them at all. We can no longer trust that they are looking out for EVERYONE. They have continually proven over and over again that they cannot be trusted to make fair and equal and equitable policies. I am tired of us giving them second chances. We're done.
We don't want more people in that bring the same backwards policies and legislation. Just don;t go for Republicans. Just check them off the list and move on. They've proven they refuse to listen, they are untrustworthy. They ran out of second chances.
You also have to look at it objectively- nobody is perfect. Everyone has flaws and you're not going to get a saint in any political position EVER. Your goal is to find the people who are progressive enough to make policies that are good. They might not be perfect- they might not fully cancel ALL student Debt (Biden) but they might cancel a shit ton of it anyways (Biden). And sometimes you think someone is gonna do good and they disappoint you spectacularly so you have to accept it and try to vote them out and try a new one later. You HAVE to understand that progress at all is progress and with the foundations laid we can move forward towards even more progress.
If the people currently in office are shitheads, then rather than complaining about potential new candidates, we get rid of the ones already there. If we have the ability to kick them out WE HAVE TO. There is no other way to handle this- they are blocking our abilities to vote, putting our bodies on the line, and soon they will be coming for all other rights. If we let them revert all our progress we could end up with full segregation again because these republicans are KNOWN bigots and racists.
So how do we find the good ones?
First off, cross centrists out of your voting pool. Don't bother with them. Centrist is a word that they use when they want to be republican but don;t want to admit it. Too many centrists swing republican. We cannot let them get in either. So we have to look for people "on the left" which literally just means, find people trying to be progressive. Find the people supporting progressive policies- find the people who have been supporting those for ages- do they attend progressive rallies? Do they march for people's rights and freedoms? If they protested against wearing a mask during covid they aren't a good person ok.
That's how I look.
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leslie-lyman · 2 years
Hi love! I forget what numbers these are......
what are your unpopular opinions? what’s your favorite time of day? what was the most formative album of your youth?
what are your unpopular opinions?
Oh man, I dunno if I have any big obvious ones? The only one I can think of is that I think the series finale of Lost was beautiful and perfect, which is a divisive subject amongst fans of that show.
I guess I have lots of political-ish opinions that aren’t unpopular in the tumblr communities I’m in but that are certainly unpopular with large swaths of the country. Abortion is health care. Health care, housing, etc are human rights. Transgender children are real and valid and should be supported and defended at all costs. Joe Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. I do have certain thoughts about the complete naïveté and general unhelpfulness of people who push Medicare For All above all things and let the perfect be the enemy of the good when it comes to getting more people health care in the US that would make people on the left annoyed at me (even though I’m right and those people don’t know what they’re talking about 😘), but that’s a very niche conversation lol.
what’s your favorite time of day?
Oddly enough, early morning, even though I am TERRIBLE about getting up in the morning. But every once in a while, especially in the summer, I manage to get up on a Saturday morning way before my husband, and I can do whatever I want! The potential of the day is endless! I can do so many things and be so productive even before, like, 9am! Sometimes I go for a walk, sometimes I sit and read, sometimes I get things done around the apartment, it’s great. I feel like a Real Adult. 😂
what was the most formative album of your youth?
Hmmmm, this is a tough one. My first CD I ever owned was Britney’s …baby one more time, so that was a big deal in my personal music history. I’d also have to say Billy Joel’s 2000 Years: The Millennium Concert was also huge in my childhood. My parents, especially my dad, love Billy Joel, and we used to listen to that album on repeat during long car rides. “Scenes from an Italian Restaurant” has been my favorite song since I was about nine years old, and my dad instilled a love of all those 70s and 80s bands and artists he loves in me.
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loz-tearsofahomo · 2 years
Does anyone want to see my unhinged bidenxreader fanfic. I hate it. I hate it sm. This is the definition of god fearing what he has created, i domt think the sky bitch anticipated this is what i would do with the life he gave me ANYWAYS HERE IT IS (its a highschool au one shots also i apologize for this absolute atrocious creation):
1st one:
biden looks at me
I stare back longingly
I- I cannot believe he looked at me!
What is this feeling? Am i? In love
Joe-chan is just perfect in everyway 🥺
2nd one:
I see him again outside my locker
I breifly ask myself why joe is still in highschool at 80
but my irrational thoughts get cut off by HIS SHEER BEAUTY
"Bi- Bi- Biden-chan,,, will you sit with me at lunch?"
In a deep seductive voice he cheerily says "Sure fellow american"
In that moment i cannot control myself
a stand there. Embarrassed. This is the worst day ever! What if joe-chan noticed? MY LOVE LIFE IS DOOMED
3rd one Part 1:
Date: A few months later
Ever since Jung Kook transferred into my homeroom class from korea Biden-chan has been hanging out with him. I really thought we had a blossoming romance until him. Everyone keeps saying how they have a perfect shoujo love story, though i still have hope since theyre not official. Me and Joe have (thankfully) still become good friends despite Jung Kook, hanging out after school and doing volleyball practice together! i just love biden senpais face when hes focused, with sweat dripping off his sexy wrinkles as he deflects the ball with perfect form, its just so... cute!
Now im gonna be honest here. I only joined volleyball to see him, im not fully versed in the rules, but on the bright side whenever i kick the ball and get disqualified joe-chan always comes and calms me. His voice is soothing, deep yet cheerful, loving, and raspy. His words float out of his mouth perfectly, always knowing what to say. I lean on his shoulder and take in his musky scent, i dont think i could ever get sick of him.
3rd one part 2:
Today me and joe senpai were practicing in the gym as normal WHEN JUNG KOOK STORMS IN
"I NEED TO SEE YOU JOE. NOW. " he yells, seemingly in desperation. Of course i know it's just an act, hes done this 5. Practices. In. A. Row.
Biden senpai chimes in "no need to fight, both of you are lovely myfellowamericans"
"Both of us...?" Tears blur my vision and my feelings overflow.
"Leave us" biden instructs jung kook to leave.
"As you wish"
Jung kook leaves with disappointment.
"Do you- do you- do you even like me?" I ask, tears staining my face.
"Of course i do fellowamerican, what would make u think i didnt?" He said while consoling me.
"Its just, its just ur always hanging out with that kook guy and never have time for me, i just- i just hate seeing you two together" "I cant control myself when im with you Joe senpai"
"Oh darling, dont call me that fellowamerican I respect you too much, just call me joe" he says smiling, although a little upset sounding
"Why are you, always with him, with jung kook, i just cannot bear it".
A tear runs down his face
"Oh dear, it seems i cannot control myself"
My tears stop. I look at him confused.
"Cannot control yourself?"
I ask.
"Why yes, why do u think i hang out with jung kook all the time?"
"Because u hate me? Becuase i will never be good enough for you? Becuase everyone knows ur in love with jung kook?"
He chuckles softly
"No sweetness, it is because i needed something to distract me... From you"
"How could i ever love jung kook when i only have eyes for you? Ur wonderful, loving and an excellent fellowamerican"
I cannot believe it. Before i can say i feel the same a blairing alarms interrupts me. The buildings automatic sprinklers goes off, soaking the both of us. As we run out of the building I see jung kook holding a lighter over the fire alarm.
The image that inspired it all:
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Thank you for reading my most hideous creation
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grimmsoddities · 2 months
It's fucking 2016 again. That was the year I stopped believing people were inherently good, that evil was an outlier, an unnatural state of being. It's 2016 again, and now people are using the deaths of countless Palestinians as a reason to allow evil to happen. It's 2016, and people aren't believing us when we say 'hey, I know they're not perfect, hell they ain't even all that good, but maybe vote for the one who isn't openly gunning for killing queers and disabled people and POC'. It's 2016, and childish little wannabe activists are kicking their feet and whining about voting for Biden and by default are gonna let Trump win, and they're hiding behind fucking genocide victims while they do it. You don't give a shit about Palestinians, you evil fucks.
I'm so much more filled with hatred than I am love nowadays. My empathy is a rotting, aching hole inside of me that I can't do shit about. I try so hard to keep going, to see good in people, but all I see is suffering from everywhere. Palestine, Ukraine, China, Africa, my own fucking backyard. Constant barrages of suffering, and constant barrages of both genuine care and people attempting to good, and fucking ghouls that are using the genocide as...fuck, I can't even put it into words. Theyre disgusting. And there ain't shit I can do. I'm barely surviving, hiding in video games and making things and hoping I survive my own personal crisis a little bit longer. I have no followers so reblogging means nothing, and half the time I can even stomach the suffering. Just to be told people like me are evil because we try to keep our heads above water, because we know martyring ourselves won't fucking do anything. I'd just be another statistic, not a story they tell to encourage people to speak up and fight.
It's a privilege to say you refuse to vote for Biden because he's not your perfect choice. For the rest of us, it's a desperate bid for continued survival. We deserve to live, too. And if you don't think you'll be marched out into the streets and executed too if Trump gets his way, you're a damn fool. At least I'd get to laugh at you as I die if that happens.
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xcal1bur25 · 6 months
Y’know. Speaking as someone who’s said things in defense of some of his and his administration’s choices, it’s not like the culpability of Biden in regards to the Israel/Gaza situation is zero, but it is telling just how many bad actors would benefit from American voters considering the level of that culpablity to be high.
To briefly summarize the core of the arguments I’ve made, for context:
As far as I understand Biden and his administration are trying to stay on Israel’s good side under the belief that doing so gives them more ability to affect the situation than just openly condemning Israel. Also people vastly overestimate the degree to which the US, and especially the president specifically, can actually effect things.
There’s almost certainly more to the logic than just that, but viewing things though this lens does cause a lot of the actions that have been taken to make wayyyyyy more sense. It makes sense why they haven’t laid this out, too. The entire gist of the strategy is that if we’re Israel’s “only friend” during a time when they are a) whipped into a frenzy by an attack on their national security and b) hated by everyone because of their extreme response to point a, then the voice of the only ally standing beside them will carry a lot more weight than just being the largest voice in the big group of people criticizing them that they’ve already chosen to not listen to. That doesn’t work if we openly say “we’re only being nice to you because we actually agree with everyone mad at you and we want you to listen to us”. Overall, I respect the logic of this strategy, it makes sense why they chose it, and I can see the arguments for why openly condemning Israel would probably just make things worse, make them more desperate with no trusted voice telling them to exercise any restraint.
It’s also a strategy with objectively shit optics, even if it does work, and it’s a strategy borne of the outdated belief that supporting Israel is the politically necessary public stance to take, without properly adjusting for changing attitudes. And, while I do respect and understand the logic behind it, that doesn’t mean I’m totally convinced that it was the best call, or that a harsher stance wouldn’t be more effective in terms of both optics and results.
So by no means do I think that the tactics chosen, or their implementation, is above criticism. They are, emphatically, not.
However, at the same time, much has been said about how the Israeli propaganda engine is out in full force, and Netanyahu and his cronies would absolutely fucking LOVE for the the American government to be run by batshit insane evangelicals who would give them unconditional support to quote unquote “make clean the holy land”. They’re well aware of how their actions are perceived. There’s a reason they keep trying to push the whole “criticism of Israel is antisemitism” angle, even though all it does is piss people off and raise the rate of actual antisemitism. It’s because global antisemitism justifies Israel’s existence and creates an external threat that Netanyahu’s facist administration can use to bolster its support. They know what they’re doing is turning the world against them - that’s the entire point. Which means they’re also well aware that they can try and drag Biden and the democrats as a whole down with them, giving them the republican administration they want.
This is all to say, I don’t think we should give our politicians a free pass, or stop criticizing US support of an imperialistic and currently genocidal country, and I am genuinely worried that Biden’s choice to prioritize effectiveness over optics is going to backfire, badly. We need to hold our leaders accountable for their actions, and while I do think Biden gets a lot of undeserved shit in general, he is far from perfect and has made a number of mistakes. But at the same time, I think we should all take arguments trying to paint him as fully culpable for Israel’s actions, especially ones to the effect of “therefore you shouldn’t vote”, with a grain of salt, and to take a moment to think about exactly who benefits from those arguments being made.
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pattywagon2go · 6 months
Transit Talk Thursday
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Transit Talk Thursday: Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving, if you celebrate it. This week was originally going to be about gadgetbahns, but since it's Thanksgiving, I thought it would be cool to talk about why I'm still hopeful about transit improving, especially in North America, since I tend to see a lot of doomerism about it online and it gets tiring after a while. That and I'm on a time crunch.
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Easily the biggest thing I can point to is that here in North America, things have been progressively gotten better. With how much advocacy that has been happening, more and more people have been realizing that "Hey, we should be investing more into public transit!" and there's concrete evidence of this happening, such as the opening of the Montreal REM, the Biden Administration awarding Amtrak with more money for the Northeast Corridor, the Lincoln Service, California High-Speed Rail, etc.. And even without that, you can't brush aside the things that the United States has done right, such as the metro systems in large metropolitan areas and the Northeast Corridor between Boston and Washington D.C..
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Of course, no rail system can run without some trains, and in that regard, many systems here have been looking to catch up with Europe. Caltrain, DART, BART, Washington Metro, hell even Amtrak have been looking to getting fresh new rolling stock from European manufacturers like Stadler and Siemens to replace their aging fleet. New rolling stock can help improve public perception of transit by making it flashy and modern, and who wouldn't want to ride on something modern vs something from the 70s?
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Of course, it's not always going to be the big stuff that's gonna push transit forward. Little things help too, such as having fare gates accept credit or debit cards, instead of requiring a fare card, protected bike lanes on roads, and housing with less parking next to stations are great small changes that help transit make big leaps forward.
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While on the topic of big stuff, there's been loads of progress there as well. Fully electrified or actively electrifying systems such as Denver RTD and Caltrain are proof that electrification isn't some foreign concept to the United States. It is still very much possible and should be pursued. And when these projects are completed, they lay the groundwork for other agencies to follow up on to bring these same improvements to the people that they serve. This would not happen if these projects never happened to begin with.
And don't get me wrong here when I say all this. By all means I am not trying to say "Oh let's just keep everything the way it is, because it's perfect", because it's not. Far from it. But I'm tired of hearing all the damn time from people about how the US is unsaveable from the 70+ years of car dependency we have built up so far. There is irrefutable evidence that things are going to get better or have gotten better. We can't just call it a day and say "Fuck it, it ain't worth it". We need to keep pushing.
So conclusion time?
I'll keep it fairly brief.
This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for the transit that we do have, and I'm hopeful for what is to come in the near future.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
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Wednesday, May 17th: What goes up...
Yesterday was firing on all cylinders- doing the 10% extra instead of the one.
And today I paid for it. For whatever reason (racing thoughts), I couldn’t fall asleep until 5 am. No amount of yoga, meditation, or well-intentioned cleaning seemed to be to snap me out of thoughts/anxieties.
Green noise? Fuck you. Deep breaths and mindfulness. Nice try, bitch. I was up and today I was down. 
But still, I got up again. And it forces the question, what is my baseline for a successful day? What counts as having enjoyably experienced life and managed to take some trembling step forward towards a better version of myself? Did today have a point? Did it age me or lead to something good? 
If I’m going to have a low day, what can I still do when the fire’s out and call it “enough”. 
1.  Getting outside everyday - I walked and listened to new music all the way to the pier and back. It was grey as hell, but two humanity moments stuck out to me: a surfer trailing from the beach leaving perfect wet footsteps on the concrete and a shy teenage girl filming the ocean, I smiled at her and she smiled back so nervously I felt a weird pang in my heart. 
2. Reading and Writing. This will have to do for writing but hello- still happened. And as for reading I think I’m going to commit to getting either another chapter of Sapiens or the 90′s book I’m reading under my belt. 
3. Cooking and Cleaning: Cooked a fabulous pork chop with dijon-fig glaze and balsamic roasted asparagus and potatoes. Listened to the FREAKIEST Radio Rental and low key spooked myself lol. Cleaned the kitchen afterward and also am currently attempting to remove a ring stain from my night stand. But who the hell owns white vinegar? 
4. Politically Aware: Still reading the Crooked Media daily newsletter because it’s A). Liberal like me and B). Funny. Survey says: the world is pretty fucking grim and Donald Trump is still a banal aura of evil that prevents Biden’s agenda. I’m not even a huge Biden stan, but these our my choices. 
5. Yoga and Meditation: It is 7:44...WOOF I DON’T FUCKING WANNA. I called Orange Theory to set up a free class and will try and persuade my lazy ass to do at least 10 min of each. 
6. Dressing Well + General Skin/Body Grooming: Wore a bunch of layers of blue work out gear on my walk. Sunscreen always. Tonight going to have a verrrry long hot shower and moisturize. Zero drinking since last Thursday when Sarah and I went to the beach.
7. Positive Relationships: Connected with Mom and Dad, Ashley, Erik, Maddy, Dasha, Kiera, Nate, and Hannah.
8. Dating: Boooooo. Sent a Hinge message but I have dating FATIGUE honey.
9. Comedy/Sleeping Better/Less weed: Yeaaaaaaaaah could and need to do better. Katie’s out of town so I’m using the empty home to practice. Sleeping less needs research at this point, set my alarm with hope in my heart, and fuck it: no weed past ten.
10. Career: Have a strong lead with Ashley’s friend Sarah and set up a call. 
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thathusenfulhu · 1 year
if you miss moon cafe on a friday, here’s what you do
it's 4pm on a friday and man, i am absolutely mad with hunger. i woke up a couple of hours back, like any good dhivehi man, and lay in bed trying to figure out what i wanted to eat and where. because you see, my mother now lives all the way in phase two and i can't just pop in on a friday afternoon to get free grub. anyhow, it was already 3pm when i was done eliminating cuisines and individual dishes from my list. it was now clear that i wanted dhivehi keun. so i did as someone might – i settled for a maldivian rice bowl from rodchenko. it's the perfect sub for those who've missed the lunch buffet at moon cafe and still crave something dhivehi. to my dismay, i found out rodchenko did not open for an hour. so, i watched some russian propaganda clips on tiktok. putin. such an eloquent man. so knowledgeable, especially on his great adversary. i doubt biden knows or cares as much about russia. and now, at 4pm i call rodchenko and place my order. it will take forty minutes, they tell me. fine, i say. maybe i can watch putin speak for another half hour. the more i listen to putin, the more i am drawn to him. his charisma is apparent even on the phone's small screen. i listen to him criticise the west with great composure. of course, i don't agree with him on most points but he sounds incredibly persuasive. he sounds like someone you could get behind. finally, the time has come to head out to rodchenko so off i go. it is drizzling and so goddamned humid it almost seems like the air is giving me a big wet hug. rodchenko is quiet. dead quiet. i race upstairs and the place is empty but for me and a server who hurries to the kitchen. i take a seat in the booth, my back against a plump cushion. the dish is soon in front of me. it's an old favourite of mine, the maldivian bowl.
let me describe it briefly. there's rice half drowned in masfen, topped off with caramelised onions and sides of thelli faiy, sweet potato, and crowned with a dollop of rihaakuru. it's savoury, slightly sour, the coconut milk in the masfen adding some welcome sweetness while the chili turns on the heat. by all means, a decent substitute for moon cafe. i watch the rain patter on the large windows, thinking now of the prospects of nuclear war. the pro putin tiktok channel asserts the scientists involved the manhattan project revealed atomic secrets to the soviet union. why? putin says it's because these smart men understood that a single nuclear nation was far too dangerous and another opposing nuclear power was needed to restore balance. i finish my lunch and pay 115MVR at the counter. it costs 20MVR more now but still not too steep for a good dhivehi meal at this cafe with a russian's name. balance – i check mine on the phone. all is well.
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thesheel · 1 year
  I started this blog in July with the intent to bring readers some amazing articles on the American elections. Using my thirty years of experience in data science and as a political data scientist to translate information into data-driven political articles, I started this blog in July/2020 with 730 views. Within four months, we ended up with 537,245 views and 100,000+ users.   [visualizer id="4217" lazy="no" class=""]   This exponential growth is a great success for me as a political data scientist, even more than what I thought initially. All of this could never have been possible without the love and support of the readers. Therefore, this article’s primary purpose is to show my gratitude to the readers for their continuous support.   Thank you note from Eli Mshomi- A political data scientist I am thankful to the readers of Missed Votes because they care about the community, the world around them, and are keen to keep themselves updated and informed about what is happening around them. As I am a political data scientist so from the very beginning, Missed Votes was initiated to bring unbiased and data-driven opinions to its readers and keep them informed about the latest fact-based news from the United States elections.   '   I have also received various messages from the readers, some of which are shown above. These messages meant a lot to Missed Votes and me. Today I want to say that it was your support that kept me going. Your criticism showed me the way and corrected me where I went wrong. Hardships and challenges are a part of our life. Without these things, life does not mean anything. When one faces challenging situations, he strives to do more than he can, and that is what I have done. When I started the website, I had to overcome certain challenges. I faced them and kept fighting like a soldier, and my weapon was and will always be the support of my readers. I also want to thank my international readers. The website was related to the United States in the beginning, and I never imagined that it would find such a massive following in other countries as well. Missed Votes has a vast audience from Asia, the Middle East, and European countries. Due to this, I have decided to add International Sections in the Missed Votes that will bring you some amazing articles from across the world. The following picture can show you how we managed to attract the global audience on Missed Votes.   Additionally, I want to inform my readers that Missed Votes will start a live poll in the evening to keep its readers updated with the latest developments in the presidential elections. Missed Votes strives to bring you the latest news and to keep you informed so that you can know what is going around you. I also want to say that I always like it when people tell me of my mistakes, and I take it as constructive criticism. Reaching perfection is a dream in itself, and Missed Votes is dependent on your reviews and comments to fulfill this dream. In the end, I wish my readers happy and safe voting and wish Donald Trump and Joe Biden good luck with their adventure.  I hope that whoever wins the election will work in the best interest of America and its people. Stay tuned for live polls, and we will keep on bringing you some more amazing articles about the presidential elections from today. Thank You. 
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eleanorblue · 2 years
EleanorBlue’s Five-Part 2022 Midterms Recap; Part One: Hello
Just got to my grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving, logged onto Twitter, and saw that the Alaska races have been called, so I can FINALLY post this.
Hi. My name is EleanorBlue. Actually, it’s not, but close enough. I’m an epidemiologist from America who likes musicals, easy video games, history, and books. I’ve also been Into Politics ever since I was a child—my first memory of Any News is of the 2000 presidential election. I was four.
Elections have changed since I was younger. Ever since 2016, elections have felt existential in a way they haven’t before. Like, “if we don’t win, democracy in America might end.” Or, “if we don’t win, we’ll never be able to do ANYTHING to address climate change and it won’t matter that we don’t have democracy because we’ll all be underwater and fish don’t vote.”
These midterms were no different. I’ve been dreading the 2022 midterms honestly since January 20, 2022. Since the Dobbs ruling, everything felt even worse. So much was at stake this year. Election deniers were running for governor and/or Secretary of State in critical swing states across the country. If elected, these people could try to overturn the presidential election in 2024–2020 all over again, but successful this time. Abortion access was literally on the ballot in some states, and in others, anti-abortion candidates that had promised to enact draconian bans were running. Finally, if Democratic control of Congress was at stake. If Democrats held the Senate, they could continue confirming liberal judges to lifetime appointments. If Democrats held the Senate and the House, they could pass more legislation that actually help people.
But I wasn’t hopeful. President Biden’s approval rating is very low—around 40%. Midterm elections tend to be something of a referendum on the party in power, and with inflation, the war in Ukraine, and the still dragging on pandemic, and did I mention inflation, people are Not Thrilled with Democrats. Plus, the part of the President tends not to do well in the midterms.
Some pundits predicted a Red Wave—a Republican sweep of state legislatures, governorships, and congressional seats. Republicans would take back the Senate and win at least 40 seats in the House. Republicans would take control of election infrastructure in every single swing state. Democrats had lost before they began.
I was really, really nervous in the days, weeks, and months leading up to November 8th. Now the day has come and gone, and *almost* all of the elections have been called. I feel…better than I thought I would. A *lot* better than I thought I would. The results aren’t perfect, by any measure, but they were surprisingly better than anticipated.
Why? How? What happened?
I’ve written a five-part series breaking down the midterm elections: who were the candidates, who won, why did they win, what does this mean. (Those last two questions may not be answered for every candidate, but I am going to do a recap at the end.) Also, I say five-part, but, uhhhh. I am thorough, but not concise. I may have part two section A, part two section B, and so on.
I want to make this clear: I am not an expert. I’ve never worked in politics, I didn’t study politics in school, no one in my family had been in politics. I’m just some persons who follows the news really closely, reads a lot, and has a Tumblr.
If you have no interest in American politics/do not need to read an analysis done by some random dipshit, never fear, I’ll put all my posts under a cut so as not to clog up your feed. If you want an exhaustively-sourced summary of how American democracy managed to survive another election, read on! I’ll post a new part every day, starting tomorrow.
Thanks for reading, and good night.
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anarchistbitch · 2 years
briefly(3 weeks and 5 days to be precise) but anyway, im tired, there's one class that idk if im gonna fail but im just glad to be done with it for now
how have you been?? ive been thinking of talking to you for such a long while uuuggghhhh but n e ways, i hope youre doing great and send you tons and tons of hugs to make up for the time i've been gone
i'd tell you im gonna read the sxf manga rn but ive got so many things on my list and i havent progressed with any of them bc ive been gaming, there's kinnporsche, and cutie pie, and semantic error, an endless list of books, so many fics too, my three weeks and 5 days are not going to be enough for sure
yeah, s2 was way more messy, but well, it's fictional and enjoyable to watch, benedict i felt was 2 seconds away from jumping him but theyre cowards so i wasnt expecting it
did you end up finishing cbaw?? 👀 btw, im gonna watch fire island tonight bc of you reblogging so many things about it cause i hadnt heard of it at all
i havent read a single thing ugh, idk if i mentioned that i was reading vermillion bird but i havent even continued that one, even tho i watched the donghua and it was good as hell, at this point i wont even login to goodreads cause ill be too ashamed to see the 0/4
i didnt even know there was a semantic error novel lmao, i started the manhua and might watch the la soon but that might is quite stretched
i was reading the lady needs a break or something like that, ive seen so many variations of its english name, it's about this girl that has been reencarnated so many times, remembering every single life and is just done with life and wants to laze around but her plan keeps getting spoiled by her being unable to ignore situations that she sees as unfair or generally disagrees with as well as other plot reasons, i wouldnt say it's high literature or whatever but ive enjoyed reading it despite several moments where i just feel unimpressed lmao
smzs was fantastic, 100/10, so much fun :'3 i wanna watch it with my friends sometime soon but theyre still in classes so it's gonna have to wait
hearstopper ahhhh it was great and i cant wait to see what alice meant exactly with big asexual plans, need me that rep
did you hear about the bts hiatus-not-hiatus?? thoughts on that??? honestly i think they said it wasnt really a separation to bring down the chaos somewhat bc everyone was already crying their eyes out, i feel they went "sheesh" and backed up a bit lmao on a serious note tho im glad theyre taking a break, recently after the announcement i saw two reels that just made me get out of the saddened state, one was about how the op hoped somewhere in the multiverse jk got to live his childhood and the other one was that one time they realized they could go home directly after the shoot, they really have sacrificed so much of their time to this and it's heartbreaking bc yeh, it's their dream but it does not replace family and friends
also, i cant with the memes about joe biden being sold to bts, i think of them and laugh randomly through the day
and yes, i want to tattoo jin's speech in my forehead bc i need to remember it more often
FEVER BY ENHYPEN WAS A MOMENT, it's so fucking good, i think i said in my last ask but i really like their vampire/supernatural concept
i am eagerly awaiting holland's bl, idk what it's about but i hope it wrecks me
did you finish the god of highschool??? it's so fucking good and well, halfway through i BAWLED, damn i wanna rewatch it now, i LOVE the fight scenes and the op makes me wanna stand up and start kicking stuff
heavy by yonaka is so SEXY, makes me think of like a noir movie heroine
re:gooey by glass animal yeeeees indeed, it's just perfect for that, and i though more brownies buuuuuuuut chocolate deserts exactly 😌
sxf does not dissapoint EVER lmao, it's comedy gold and yeah, yuri pls chill, and the thing about anya's performance at school is just agh, cause, i dont remember if it's canon or if it was just an analysis i saw floating around on here, about her having lied about her age and it would add so much bc she's trying her best and i seriously understand trying your best and still not seeing the results you'd hope for and if she's younger then she's already doing so damn good for her age, not to mention that she was in a shitty af orphanage for who knows how long, i cant imagine she got good education there, so yeah it's comedy gold but it has so much heart, what a great show :'3
ok i can be normal now(lie) djkfhjsdhfjd look, i, sdjkhsjfhd, it's something alright, and with context it's so fucking different but still kfhkdsf i cant wait for you to watch/read it, the manga has so many scenes that make me put my phone down to breathe and it's art style doesnt help, in the anime they look softer
and yes i think of you often <3 hope you're eating well and resting enough!
i know ive done this many times, but id like to begin answering by apologizing for the delay[ik u said its okay but its fine if u were frustrated]
i really wish i couldve answered this a few weeks earlier because i wanted to wish you the happiest pride month with better months to come!! i hope it still holds true
i do hope that class went well[on that note, smth similar happened to one of my subjects: long story short, it wasnt fine for a bit but now its fine-ish, if it was the same for u i hope it continues to be well and then better💗💗💗💗]
i have been well!!! ive been in good health but how have you been!!! i hope you see cats , and ice cream trucks/ or little convenience stores with reasonably priced ice creams and chocolates!!![if u hate both maybe drinks? u strike me as a fanta person] ive been thinking of ways to talk to u too!! but it istg tumblr has some agenda against me cause it glitches so weird!! truly home of phobia😔[NOW SEE,, if i posted this during pride month i couldve also landed a joke about "during pride month??". truly my own enemies art mine own actions]. i am hugging u rn so if you feel warm rn thats me!! and if u feel cold in ur hands thats me holding ur hand with my ice cold hands hehe[im distantly related to mbj. sorry🧊🧊<-ice demon emoji for hearts<3]
i have so much to get through and its very ❕❕❕❕❕[<-overwhleming] so im taking everything as slow as possible but i am watching a few things rn like cutie pie and sxf so i get u. but also do tell me ur thoughts on everything regardless!! i like knowing what u think!! [also on cutie pie: idk if u started but i did and i think its a pretty good show and i think u'd like it 🤗 ]
bro i totally thought that benedict was gonna join in and s2 would be those 3 navigating a queer poly relationship in s2 while dealing with societal rules and "decorum" as it was in the 1800s
i did not finish the cbaw kdrama[im kinda abandoning all the shows ive left in the middle and coming back to them fresh in a year or around that time ]
re: fire island. i aim to inspire😔
oh goodreads isnt even that social but boy does it bully you hfksjksf[changed my reading goal to 1 book and now im 1200% done<3<3 beat the system<3 or beat up the system<3]
by the sounds of it she needs a break sheesh. high literature is fake ,if its doesnt bring u joy in some sort of way approach it like a snake[with care and curiosity] and i will check it out[in the future!!]
ive rewatched smzs so many times it really doesnt get old🥰 hope u and ur friends get to see it while eating smth really good!![personal rec is soup cuz im a soup fanatic!][also teeny tiny story but i once watched a show when i was younger and very impressionable ,and one character mentioned hating soup and i was like "ykw i will also hate soup now" and i felt horrible for like a week after that cuz i love soup!! moral of the story: soup is about warmth and love and also a form of rebellion against the deep nihilism engraved in society]
whats ur favourite soup? mine is sweet corn soup cause i used to have it a lot as a kid! and rn i favour egg drop!
heartstopper ahhhh!! i wanna see what they meant by big asexual plans too!!
bts does need a hiatus just for like letting ppl get into the know about what all they done -bbmas, run bts, bon voyage, beyond the screen , in the soop, literally all the concerts, not including solo work and so much more . and its been 9 years since theyve debuted and like namjoon said its hard to improve or grow urself in a field of constant expectations, so if they go to paris or a museum im glad they want to share it as well yk?
writing this in small cause even though i mean this genuinely i also feel a bit cringe😭so like ik theyve sacrificed a lot , not a little ,a lot and even though theyve reached a level of success that is quite hard to achieve without real talent and a lot of support, i do wonder what wouldve happened in another world if they didnt decide to pursue their current career. and yk. i hope theyre happy in both. also i hope in another world we wouldve crossed paths a little closer, m.
hope joe robinette can finally pay those student loans😢 and gets to live his best reverse harem explicit lemon 100k wip wattpad fanfic<3
ooooh wait if i also tattoo it on my brain😳😳 we'll have matching tattoos😳
i dont follow enhypen but yes it was a MOMENT i remember the first time i heard fever i was like "waiiiiittt a sec"
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NOTE: above image is supposed to represent my enthusiasm about the song and nothing else. thank u for ur time
wait didnt holland release a song for it!!! im listening to it rn and its a freaking bop!!!
i couldnt start the god of highschool ( ̄ ‘i  ̄;) but bro . bro why did it make u cry. bro answer me [<- person who is even more motivated to start it once they have enough time]
oooh i do like noir movie heroine!! and also . thats kinda a spot on vibe??
dude i kinda made a mistake associating that song with brownies/desserts cuz now whenever i hear that song im hungryyyy
anya! is ! such ! a ! cool ! character! the thing is idk if shes actually younger than six but if she is then she is technically performing better than any average child at that age would be[when i was six we already started multiplication and also at six i had an impulse to lick window cause of hansel and gretel<3] and shes just so near and dear to my heart💗💗 and also theres this thing about loid being an exemplary spy , but still fatherhood being his toughest mission like iktr
mika shoving his fingers in someones mouth is a spoiler therefore implying major plot significance got ya😊👍🏾
i might actually read the manga before the anime cause im a sucker for cool art [love animation too but as i said , im kinning a snail for the next few months<3 ]
i think of u quite often and hope ur well safe and have lots of food!!!
a song rec: every pore by tamino
love, kit
idk if u wanted to know and i feel. a bit weird about sharing this at all but the main reason for not answering this in so long is cause im in a weird headspace. which haha i mean who isnt right? but a lot of things changed in two months and like i can feel im in that stage you are right before a huge burnout and im trying to not? burnout? and my support system rn isnt the best rn and yea. im doing less than ok but just above being crushed. hopefully it passes and also hope this never happens in mine or anyones life again lol
making u read that might have u bummed out but if u read that [firstly sorry] [and secondly just, thank u for sending that first ask at all<3][my good bitch what do you want for your birthday][i think of u everyday lol][and also these last few months ive learnt to say i love you more freely without it being some huge moment at all, so i'd like to say: i love you. i truly do. idc that we've never seen each other. if u ever feel lonely just know that im rooting for u forever][💗💗💗💗💗]
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