#i blame the writers block
kiaxet · 1 year
So it turns out the latest update in @somerandomdudelmao‘s apocalypse comic has been living in my head, and when that happens I need to get it out, so ~900 words of sad it is!
Donnie is good at birthdays. He has been once he was old enough to understand the concept. It's a point of pride.
Specifically, he's good at presents. According to his data, most people who fail at presents do so because of the guesswork they seem to think needs to be involved. He's never understood the point of that. Data and hypotheses, certainly, but why guess when a definitive answer is available after a simple direct inquiry?
"What do you want for your birthday?"
Early on, the presents are easy. Art supplies. Comics. Stuffed animals. Things he could hand to Papa in an easily followed list format, or obtain for himself once they all got old enough to start safely leaving the lair and venturing into the city above. It's simple and straightforward and so, so easy to get right.
(Of course, he always has an annotated list of his own desired gifts to provide to his brothers; if he's solved the guesswork issue, he may as well make things easy for them too. Plus, that method ensures he gets what he wants.)
Things start getting a little more complicated as he and his brothers get older. Art supplies and comics and stuffed animals are still very much appreciated, and he's documented his brothers' tastes well enough to know exactly what they like, but the answers to his simple direct inquiry are different.
"Dee, can you help me plan this mural out? I think I have enough space, but I could use a hand with the measurements."
"Donton, my half of the day is gonna be a Jupiter Jim marathon, and I need you there. Without your laptop." A beat. "But you can pick one of the movies if you want."
"Hey Donnie, you think you can help me out fixing up the gym? Things just stay put longer if you weld 'em."
After a few years of documentation, Donnie spots the pattern. His brothers appreciate physical gifts from him, certainly, but that's not what they want anymore. What Donnie's family wants from him is time - time outside the lab where he spends a good amount of his days, time spent in conversation or shared activity or simply in the same room. It's not as easy as finding the right physical gift, but if that's what they want, then he's more than happy to provide. Now that he's discerned the pattern, it's just as easy to give his brothers what they want, and Donnie can continue to maintain that he is Good At Birthdays as a point of pride.
The Hamatos don't do birthdays anymore. There's no time in the apocalypse, no supplies, and Donnie is one of the few who actually keeps track of the calendar date. The apocalypse certainly has its share of anniversaries, a list that only grows the more people they lose, but birthdays are no longer celebrated.
With one exception.
Casey Jones Junior, their collective adopted kid, is young enough that birthdays still matter - should still matter. They do their best to keep him safe and keep those days calm and happy for him, despite everything happening around them, and while they don't always succeed, they at least try.
And damn it all, Donatello is still good at birthdays.
"Casey Junior!" He greets the kid with a grin, leaning on his bo like it's not both an inconvenience and a humiliation to need to rely on it in order to stay upright.
"Uncle Tello?"
"Since I'm not very good at guessing, I'll ask straight out." This is not entirely true - he has a list of potential gifts for Casey drafted, with 98% certainty that whatever Casey asks for will align with one of them - but he requires that confirmation to move forward. A certainty in a world where certainty is in short supply. "What do you want for your birthday?"
"My...ah." Casey's expression falls and he looks away, gaze fixed on the paperwork in his hands. Donatello says nothing, pointedly ignoring the elephant in the room in order to give Casey space. "You...can do anything," Casey starts.
"Pretty much, yes." Material issues aside - spirits know he'd have a cure for whatever the Krang had infected him with if those weren't a concern.
"I want you to stay alive," Casey says, and Donnie's smile freezes in place as Casey looks back up at him. "Can you do that?"
Damn that two percent uncertainty.
"Ah. Of course." He shrugs, as though he doesn't know exactly what Casey is asking for, and pulls up a holographic display of a calendar. "According to my calculations, I will be alive next month, which means I'll be here for your birthday." Not talking about it won't solve the problem, but it may salvage this conversation. "So! What's an actual gift you want?"
"I want you to be here." Casey's gaze finds a point on the floor, and Donnie falls silent. "Not just for a month."
No. No, he needs something concrete - something he can act on - he knows how long his list of responsibilities is, but he still feels stymied, rushing up on the end, and he needs something he can do- "But it's not a gift," he replies, a last-ditch effort he's fairly certain is bound for failure-
"No. No, it is."
As always, all Donnie's family wants from him is time.
And now, at the end of his rapidly-shortening life, it's the one thing he can no longer give them.
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farfromstrange · 4 months
Tell me why I’ve been struggling to get inspired to write for WEEKS when I had the time to actually do it, but the second I sit down to work on my academic responsibilities, my writer’s block vanishes and the creative juices start flowing. It’s like my brain WANTS to find ways to procrastinate being responsible, and for me to turn my focus back on Matty and other dark-haired sad boys™️ played by Charlie Cox. What is this madness?
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fuedalreesespieces · 4 months
the martial arts of a kiss
or: if ranma and akane had kissed during the ice skating arc.
He wasn’t sure why he’d even asked. 
Akane stared at him with an expression he couldn’t quite place, and that was startling on its own. Usually he could identify her emotions with ease; she never made any effort to hide them. The only thing he recognized was embarrassment blooming in her cheeks, spreading an even, rosy blush over her fair skin. Her shoulders rose up like mountain slopes, and the blush grew down there, too, scattering over her collarbone and neck.  
If...if you don’t mind...then I don’t.  
A shallow wind blew through the dojo. He wished he hadn’t said anything – the sudden silence bulged between them like someone shoving an extra crayon in a too-filled box. They’d been bickering like usual earlier, but it had only taken a single moment of stupidity to dismantle the casual, if not heightened, mood. He supposed it was his fault for even bringing up kisses in the first place, for daring to goad Akane – Akane, who’d shouted back as though kissing were a feat she refused to fail at: go ahead and try it!  
She kneeled in front of him now, eyes pinned on her skirt. The air was stiffening, nearly uncomfortable, and he searched for something to say. He grappled for a moronic insult that would dissolve the ice between them, and though those were always in reach, this time he had nothing to say. He hated to feel speechless, but she did that to him - only sometimes, he insisted.  
Akane made the first move. Her voice was quiet. “I...I don’t mind.” She added, reaching up to tug on one of her side-bangs, only to remember they were gone. Her hand drifted delicately to the cusp of her knee, “...if you don’t mind.” 
The distance between them shrunk to nothing with those words. He could make out every detail on her face, the exact pattern of her blush and the petite scrunch of her mouth, like she’d eaten something sour. Her eyes were wide as pots, filled with a stew of emotions he wished he could pick out. “Close your eyes.” 
He blinked owlishly. “Me?”  
“Yes, you,” she huffed. “If you can’t do it, then I will!” 
“I can!” 
“I’ll be as old as my dad by the time you get the guts!” 
“Oh, you-” He grit his teeth and placed either hand on her cheeks, pulling her closer than ever before. It was a brazen, idiotic move. He was sure she’d conk him on the head for this display, but instead, her left hand came to gently drape over his. Her skin was the color of a tomato – he would have told her if his own face was much better. Their mutual touch seemed to steam, like red-hot coals pressed together under a grill.  
He’d hoped to see the kiss coming, at first. His previous (and only kiss) had felt like a swift, unexpected attack, and to close his eyes after that was to give up his semblance of control. But this was Akane – he trusted her. He would know her in the dark, and he would know her by her rugged palms skirting over his skin, and most importantly: he wanted this. He wanted to feel her kiss. Just admitting it in his head made him senseless, and part of him wanted to run, maybe lift some weights, anything to settle the erratic energy him from within, but Akane’s presence kept him in place. 
So he closed his eyes. Swathed in darkness, the touch of her lips against his felt like a thousand colors bursting under his eyelids. She was...warm, and her lips tasted like sweat from her training, and she was clumsy. He almost forgot, what with her confidence, that this could very well be her first kiss, because after their mouths met she seemed to forget where to place her hands. Ranma laughed against her lips.
Akane tilted her head and the kiss found its balance. His fingers trailed down her shoulders, tapping at her collarbone. Her hands played with the stray, unruly strands of his hair, and the touch of her made him ache. It was both the pain and exhilaration of a night run, the awe and excitement of watching firecrackers explode in front of you. He could combust any minute with how tentative she was being.  
She drew away from him, breathless. There was ire in her eyes, though her lips were hiding a questionable smile. “You’re terrible at this.” 
“Me?” he scowled, but there was no heat to it. “You’re the one who can’t kiss.” 
Furious, she grabbed him by the shirt collar and reeled him in. This kiss felt more like a crash, a loving punch on the mouth, and when she felt her breath run tight, he would pull her back in for a second, and a third. It didn’t calm him in the slightest. He remembered how as a child he would sometimes take lit matches and squeeze the fire dead with his fingers the way his father used to. The sensation of flame against his skin was momentary, a hiss of pain that tore through him, made his heart squeeze, then faded. This felt like that, except the cycle was never-ending. The heat of each kiss was exquisite, and he wanted the moment to go on forever, to feel the same excess of uncontrollable, delighted energy, like somehow all their fights were being channeled into one momentous, if bumbling, exchange.  
Ranma Saotome didn't bumble at anything. But this felt right, like the sort of kiss only they could share and no one else. Not a spectacle nor a sport.
“Ranma, Akane!” Kasumi’s light voice danced through the hall. Their lips might as well have ripped from each other. “Dinner’s ready!”  
Her shadow lingered outside the dojo screen. Akane came to her senses first and shouted, voice all throaty, “We’re coming!” 
“Y-yeah! Just practicing!” he added. Goddamn that stammer.
They watched as Kasumi’s shadow disappeared. Akane pinched him on the nose. “Hey!” 
“’Just practicing?’ What kind of excuse was that?” 
“What kind’a excuse? It ain't no excuse. You do need practice.” He gave her a crooked grin. “I’ll help ya out.” 
Her face turned red again. “You....” Her fingers clenched into a fist. “Big words from a guy who couldn’t even get the guts to kiss me first! You were shaking like a wet duck!” 
“But don’t worry, Ranma,” she assured, using her hands to lift his jaw close. In a poor imitation of his voice, she crooned, “I’ll help ya out.” 
He groaned, his face leaning on her shoulder, as Akane’s laughs echoed in the empty dojo.  
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womp-womp-waa · 14 days
Everything he ever did it was all for his parents approval. Every single thing he did was for them. The only reason why he got up out of bed was to try and make his parents proud. And what did he get in response for all of his effort. Them going on business trips. Again and again and again. Just another business trip. Another move. Another school. And every single time he tried to do something to make his parents stay with him. But nothing worked. He did everything he possible could to please them and he was so sick and tired of them ignoring him. Why? Why should he have to work himself to death just for some attention. Something that he should already be getting. Parents are suppose to love their children not run away from them. At first he thought it was his fault that his parents didn't love him. But now he can clearly see the truth. It wasn't his fault. He did everything he could to change himself and make him more likeable to his parents, so maybe the problem wasn't him but them. For the first few years after this revelation he kept him mouth shut and just stopped trying. Every extra activity he did was for them and they didn't appreciate it and he certainly didn't enjoy them so what's the point of carrying on doing something if it doesn't serve a purpose why should he bother. So he spent most of his time in his room. But it was almost his twelfth birthday and he got told that his parents were going on another business trip. And that's when he lost it. He wasn't proud of all the things that he screamed at his parents but all of this pent up anger over years and years of neglect finally came to the surface. And now on his birthday he was lying in bed, spending his twelfth birthday grounded and now all of that previous anger turned into sadness as he couldn't even bring himself to get out of bed anymore
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sttoru · 10 months
ima tell u this now : if u hate on x reader fics, block me cus by doing that you r doing us both a great favour 🤚🏽 ion need any of ur negativity on my blog because this is a safe space for people who do enjoy x reader fics goodbye
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oh-meow-swirls · 23 days
was looking through old posts and i'm surprised to see that i seemingly didn't have any commentary on anything in 3 in chapter 7, 8 or 9, the posts related to 3's story go from "my first reaction when i saw yopple-bot was 'i love you. but also you are definitely the boss for this chapter-'" to "i have been in hell all day. hell being bada-bing tower." funny to me cuz those chapters are like, the best ones sdfkljsdfjfsdkjlfsdjkl-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#i love dukesville. yo-kai watch wild west. though also everyone in bbq talks like they're in the wild west-#i don't blame myself for not having any commentary on hazeltine mansion tbh. it sucks ass. i mean it's kind of fun but like#god is it annoying. i think using the mechanic of switching between nate and hailey for puzzles is a cool idea but. bad execution#very bad execution. it is so annoying#especially the section where you're in the basement and have to use the drill a bunch#... why are there prison cells in the basement anyways??????? i just realized how fucking weird that is-#i'm mostly just annoyed by the dining room puzzle tbh. i KNOW the fucking answers but verygoodsir is an ASSHOLE for some reason#and won't let me choose the FUCKING CORRECT DOORS#3's so fucking amazing tbh. i really wanna replay it soon. don't wanna have to delete a save file though#wish 3 had three save files like 1 and 2. i get why though i mean it's the biggest 3ds game klsfdjfskjfsdjksdf-#i wanna like. actually use my originyan for once. i might just end up using nyases ii instead tho fsdkljjdsfjskd-#i love every chapter in 3 after nate and hailey meet tbh. the bestie moments are so good#though also i don't think it was an amazing idea tbh. it means there's six main characters after that point#sometimes one character will go several cutscenes without talking at all. it's usually buck#he doesn't have any dialogue during any of the key quests in new yo-kai city. which is pretty amusing admittedly#i think the writers just forgot about him or something fslkdjdfslkjfsdljkdf-#i think my favorite thing related to that is like. during the stuff in bada-bing tower komasan and komajiro are there too#but they don't have any dialogue. which makes it seem kind of pointless#i get why they're there plot-wise but like. at that point you should either have them leave before you go to bada-bing tower#(esp since they don't end up in the ufo with everyone else. idr if there's a reason for that there probably isn't-)#(i think i slightly blocked out everything in bada-bing tower cuz it is so grueling)#or just. give them dialogue???#i love 3 and all but it definitely has some problems-#which is why i'm so excited to rewrite it <3 for both of those reasons. i can fix things. and also it's the best game#just. full-stop. not just the best yo-kai watch. i just think it's the best game ever#that title changes based on my current biggest hyperfixation though sfldfsjdkslfdjkfdj-#i think i'd say my overall top 5 is like. yo-kai watch 3. deltarune. ummmm. fantasy life is up there
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So I just found out that irl!ranpo is gay????
So the story is that I was just scrolling through tumblr for a bit and found a post that say(questioning) that ranpo is gay and I was like
(Here the link if you wondering)
I was shocked I was completely shocked like my mind was just repeating a sentence
"Irl!ranpo is GAY??!"
So I calm down a bit go to Google and search and found a reddit post kinda explaining the part "irl!ranpo is gay"
So the gist of it was ranpo and his friend name Iwata who was anthropologist that spent years researching the history of homosexuality in Japan, during the 1930s edogawa and Iwata had a competition to see who could find the most books about erotic desire between man.
Edogawa dedicated himself finding books published in the west and Iwata dedicated himself finding books published in japan
But unfortunately, iwata died in 1945 leaving with only part of his work published so edogawa worked to have the remaining work on queer historiography published.
And there was also this too "Vision and Putrescence: Edogawa Rampo Rereading Edgar Allan Poe"(you will also find this in the reddit post link that I put up there) that talk about his sexual indentity and heterosexual love? (Idk know how to explain it though but if i have to sum it up I will take a page from the reddit post and said "A quote verifying that Edogawa Ranpo was almost certainly gay.")
This is why I love irl author fact so much like, they have things about them that we don't know yet and when we find out it just leave us completely shocked
Like seriously iam so completely shocked right now to the point that iam completely ignoring my homework to write this
(Also a reminder iam not a researcher who did some kind of in depth research about this, this post is just me finding some kind of fact about irl!author if there is any misconception then iam sorry also if you want to discuss more about this then feel free to comment in the tag or the comment section but I will not accept any hate comment if you don't like it just scrolled past it this will not affect your life)
P.S: while I was writing this I just remember that I have some post that I haven't finished and edited or post yet but if you curious about it then I could said one is about kinda related to jouno, one is atsushi and one is just random, I might post it if I have the motivation but maybe it will take a while
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hostiae · 9 months
this isn't about anyone or anything on my dash/said by mutuals/it's just thoughts bc of some trends i've seen recently that i'm just like ???.
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Omg just write the damn chapter stop getting distracted by every damn thing and don’t you dare open chapter 18 until you finish chapter 16 just be serious it’s been a month 😠😡🤬
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ihugzminseo · 3 months
fuckkkk fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck writer's block is a literal pain i can ASSURE i have so much stuff being written as of late that i just haven't finished or posted ughhhh please help me
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dameare · 9 months
Being a writer means to passionately imagine every juicy scenario instead of writing it down
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act I: the first day of school
Sirius begins his first day of 3rd grade; Regulus starts elementary school.
Maybe they had infections? Were they sick?
The thought of sickness hadn't even occurred to him before, hadn't been one of his concerns many concerns.
Sickness, coughs and snot, running noses, rubbing said noses, wiping them on the chair, on the table. Regulus took a seat back.
A kid a row in front of him was chewing on paper, licking glue, putting absolutely everything in his mouth that he was specifically advised not to. The girl next to him had an open wound, and it all just started to make him feel sick .
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go-go-devil · 2 months
Clara awoke in her bedroom with three figures standing over her. The initial grogginess of her vision could at first only parse one giant, dark mass kneeling next to her and two others standing close together a short distance away. Quickly the strong scent of leather stirred the rest of her senses back to consciousness, and as she blinked the blur out of her eyes the figures of Stanislav Rubin, Alexander Sanburov, and Katarina Saburova became clear.
Rubin was the one who stirred her awake, judging from how his gloved hand rested on her shoulder. He spoke something to her, though Clara couldn’t quite hear what as she pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the bed, her head still consumed with the perplexing dream she’d had. 
She was on the far end of the stage in the theater, unable to move a muscle. Only the sound of footsteps could be heard walking across and off the stage as she sat there, completely paralyzed and leaning against… something, until the creek of an opening door ended the dream. Perhaps it was another prophecy, but now was not the time to analyze it. There were far more important matters at hand.
All manner of words were exchanged among the four. Words of debriefing from the doctor to ensure she knew exactly how their blood was going to be administered to the sick. Words of stern affirmation from the former governor that she will succeed in saving the Town with her wondrous powers and become a worthy heir to his family’s legacy. Words of intense assurance from the fallen mistress that she will not stumble into the same traps that ensnared herself, along with subtle hints of what might be concern from the trembling in her voice.
And, of course, words from their savior that gave them all the answers they wanted to hear.
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Pretending Ridiculously Specific Things on the TARDIS Wiki Are a Relatable Experience Like
Fifth Doctor's Page: This is stub need info about The King of Terror oops
Tegan's Page: The King of Terror is a novel that exists and Tegan has a grimdark backstory now idk
Turlough's Page: The King of Terror is the next 5/Tegan/Turlough adventure after The Awakening. It goes in a specific place in the timeline. Someone made a wiki page purely because of this one damn incident. Torture torture. Anyway, after that there's Lant Land...
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HELP i need to go to bed but my brain just came up with the hottest armand/louis/lestat plot
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junnieverse · 8 months
Hi, can you write an Enhypen reaction to accidentally touching their friends boobs? Like they're doing something together and accidentally their hands touch you.
(not smut, it's just their reaction.. Of course only if you're comfortable)
I have always told myself to really try hard on requests but no matter how hard I rack my break, I can't come up with anything good for this one.
I do have a draft for this but as I work through it (as I have been for the absolute longest and for that I apologise since that's why it took so long to come) I don't think I can go through with this request.
Simply because I don't think what I would post would be up to my standards of what I write and my drabbles felt a little boring so I don't you to be disappointed and not like it either.
I am so sorry, my requests are closed rn but because I feel so guilty, you can make a request for something else if you'd like to so you'll be my exception during this period :)
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