#i can rest
ardeidae-e · 4 months
me gustas tú
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"i like the sea, i like you"
anyways lyrics are from "Me Gustas Tu" by Manu Chao
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rubiarts · 1 year
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He did nothing, I'm so proud of him 🥹
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fire-bay · 2 years
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"Hey Bay you're not as active these days" I WAS BUSY GRADUATING MED SCHOOL WOO
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magnusthepuppet · 11 months
If you’re feeling really crazy you could draw my silly oc chai teehee
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thats the last of the requests! thanks to everyone for sending something in, i had a lot of fun. i’ll probably do this again if i’m feeling like i’m out of motivation, but that’s all for now <3
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516kys · 10 months
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part 1
Narrator upon the Curator's allegation again but it gets tenseyyy
Narrator and Curator address each other by 'Henry' and 'Claire' btw but its only between them
guess who fell in love with their creation
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dramadramallama · 4 months
Love Supremacy - brain rot part 3 (hopefully that's it, last part, i'm done PHEW)
As stated here, the story within a story structure makes for a cool viewing experience. Different readings for different levels.
Layer 1 - Myung-ha abandons himself Layer 2 - Limbo: an intermediary, temporary, blurry state Layer 3 - The Game, roleplaying yourself (Layer 4 - Us, watching the show haha)
It grants both the audience, and the characters a chance to get a new perspective. 
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As Myung-ha sinks into himself, he has to rise back up.
The game framing is interesting, as it makes Myung-ha an active participant in his own fate. He is more likely to act in the safety of a game, with defined, clear goals, and “easy” missions to complete on the side of the main quest. It compartmentalizes the universe in neat little game notifications, and relieves some of the pressure of the hardest part of life. Finding happiness? Pfff, EASY, right?
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Myung-ha is given the opportunity to do what all of us have probably wished at one point: re-start, from the latest save point, where it all went wrong. As argued in part one, the characters aren’t just words on paper, or pixels in a game. They have agency, just like Myung-ha.
1. Mirrors/Symmetry
2. Fate, Free Will, and Happiness
▶️3. Game/Reality
Very soon, it appears the lines between the so-called game and so-called reality are getting extremely blurry. 
First, the stakes are incredibly high for a simple game. The penalty is death. 
Myung-ha doesn’t seem fazed by the threat of death, he’s not scared of it. It could be because it's "just a game," but I personally think it's because he's technically already "dead." He ignores the penalty and focuses on his mission(s) at face value. Subconsciously, he works towards changing his own fate, and he gets there!
Debuffs (negative effects) need to be corrected
His efforts are slightly slowed by “debuffs.” These incidents happen due to Yeo-woon’s general dislike for everyone (including himself). They slow the process down enough to teach Myung-ha how to build friendships and relationships. The trick here is that Myung-ha is supposed to learn by proxy, through Yeo-woon’s self-love journey, how to love and be loved, and speak his true feelings.
“Bad” things seem to happen because Yeo-woon isn't quite ready for that unstoppable wave of affection Myung-ha unleashes. At first, the debuffs are incredibly mild and inoffensive (Fondness/Affection level around -10 or -5 = a LEAF falling on his face, a defective streetlight, and spicy tteokbokki lmao) and are easily transformed into something positive, bringing them closer.
But Yeo-woon’s affection is directly related to how honest Myung-ha is with himself and others. For example, he is disappointed to realize the urgency of Myung-ha’s text was fake (="Myung-ha doesn't trust me like I trust him"), and he doesn’t reassure Yeo-woon about the fact that he smells like someone else (lol cat energy). By refusing to open himself up to be cared for, it backfires with direct consequences. 
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Myung-ha is allergic to listening to his own advice. All "do as I say, not as I do." When he told Yeo-woon "when someone cares for you, just accept it, why do you have to [question it?]" I almost screamed. We're all mental health experts when it comes to someone other than ourselves lol.
As for most things in life, the answer is balance. His side quests involve, for example, making other friends, who can be reliable and provide help in return. Kyung-hoon helps with a part time job and Sang-won offers to drive him to Yeon-woo.
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Also interesting to note, his knee jerk reaction to anyone trying to enter his sphere is to close himself off, keep some distance. The above is in response to someone using casual honorifics (hyung/oppa).
Kyung-hoon, as if expressing Myung-ha's interiority, explains he's ok with long distance dating. Why? Simple: he likes his boyfriend, and wants to enjoy every moment until it ends. This is in direct opposition to what Myung-ha chooses: he places the certainty of pain/suffering above the mere possibility of happiness.
(...relatable tbh)
Myung-ha's inner desires clash with his depressive state constantly, and it gets worse after Yeo-woon’s affection levels dramatically drop from a positive number, back to zero, and then negative again, due to Myung-ha struggling to accept, and balance his own feelings. Too much love for everyone but himself, too scared to need anyone who might end up leaving him. The debuffs get more serious (Grandma gets hospitalized), and he starts fainting. Myung-ha is falling back into old traps, and like vicious circle, by trying to fix the errors incorrectly, in turn, makes the system shut down.
Thankfully, he does come to understand things remain worthy, even though he cannot have them forever.
The mysterious texts from an unknown number
Myung-ha faints several times, like things aren't quite going right. The nonsensical texts keep pouring in.
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These read, to me, like close friends/family grieving, like they're in a columbarium (?). Besides the one from his sunbae at the end, they're all unsigned. There's one text saying they have "followed someone wearing the same clothes as [Myung-ha], knowing it couldn't be [him]", and one about a broken vase. Are they all from his sunbae, relaying the things said to him once? Or after his death? At his funeral? As a prayer? Thinking of him?
While the game server experiences extreme instability, memories, “real-life” happenings parasite the safety of the game.
Very personal elements keep permeating the game play; lines go beyond blurry, and disappear entirely.
Elements outside of the game keep popping up. Soon, the edges of the gameplay aren’t so clear-cut anymore, as Myung-ha gets more precise with defining happiness. His own handwriting shows up in the game notifications.
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The answers are his own: he filled in the blanks himself. But he constantly tries to apply them to someone else.
It becomes impossible to dissociate the game from Myung-ha’s existence. I’m sure I haven’t caught them all, but there are many instances where Myung-ha's reality bleeds into the game.
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Bubbly, water sounds are heard at key moments, and before long, his "memories" with his sunbae also get a underwater backdrop. To say nothing of the water/wave imagery around Myung-ha.
His world is leaking through the seams, the wave is rolling him over, and he’s sinking deeper. Which way will he come up? Water symbolism is always, MUAH, chef's kiss.
He is given ultimate freedom - a symbolic pen, to overwrite the program, and solve the system errors
Myung-ha for better or for worse, whether he likes it or not, is in control, quite literally, of the game, and by extension, of his life. When he starts to understand he's the origin of the errors, he panics, chooses to end it early, and saves Yeo-woon's fate over his.
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That same pen has been used to write all the answers to the questions that appear in the game. He chooses Yeo-woon over himself. The game fails, the universe wavers. Beautiful contradiction: he fights to stay. Just like the way he regretted it after walking into the water. His true intentions come bubbling back up to the surface, and he runs to Yeo-woon, away from death and towards life. He doesn't want to disappear.
Time's up
In the previous post, I went more in depth about how he only gives, never takes. He doesn’t reach out to be pulled out of the water, thinking himself to be alone, and his system slowly starts shutting down. 
The scenes end abruptly, we jump from seemingly disconnected locations, faster, while Myung-ha frantically tries to outrun his own errors. I’ve seen some criticism of the pace and editing getting a little hectic in the later episodes, but I think it was purposefully reflecting Myung-ha’s state. 
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Yeo-woon, with his newfound agency, defies his own story ending. By changing the game’s core mission to “make Myung-ha happy” he counters Myung-ha's one-sided choice and the balance can be restored.
"Despite knowing the journey and where it leads, I embrace it and welcome every moment." (Ted Chiang, Stories of Your Life and Others)
It is unclear whether Myung-ha gets a redo in a new reality, or if he gets to enjoy his own personal heaven after death. The game might be a physical representation of Myung-ha’s mind. It’s as real as any other intangible concept, like love, or happiness. There's definitely something to be said about the aspect ratio changing depending on where he is, but...
But to me, it doesn’t really matter. It's not where he ends up, it's how he got there.
I love that we open with Myung-ha abandoning his life at sea, and close on him returning to the water for a new start.
And I love that Myung-ha loves his own story: on his date with Yeo-woon, he gets emotional over the movie because the Monster Croc is "an alien" (COUGH Myung-ha) who joins the Zombie Gorilla (COUGH Yeon-woo) in his world to "save it"...
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ambeauty · 2 years
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ilovefightclub · 1 year
an update on the ‘i demand jake sully smut’ saga: the jake sully smut tag ACTUALLY HAS JAKE SULLY SMUT NOW!! best christmas ever icl
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casino-night · 2 months
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i finally done it.
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jumpingsnowflakes · 3 months
oh Pero :´)
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sairitaikutsu · 2 months
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dracofeb · 16 days
Texas Derg with Texas Car
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Texas derg has acquired Texas Hot Wheels. Been on and off searching since I heard that this was a thing. Really only wanted it mainly cause Texas.
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selfinserttothestars · 7 months
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Heishome!!@W Im happy
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
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jaybirds-chirps · 2 months
the best part about this was the boop wars I got into trying to get all the badges like yes hi hello people I've never seen before have all the boops
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enjomo-arch · 7 months
graphics changed i can't bother /w my dash icon rn but they look decent. i'll sleep and do some prompts later from my box
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