#i can't believe I finished this omg
bloomous · 1 year
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vintage scope & theatre, plumbob plaza (lot 4/4)
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verypsbfan019 · 2 years
Confessions (TTTE humanized AU)
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It was a normal day on the Railway of the Island of Sodor. Everyone was working in their respective places, giving their best to prove how useful they are. 
    But the calm wasn’t meant to last that day, again. 
“Have you seen my hat... my coat and MY ENGINE?”, somebody was screaming on the platform, desperately. It was one of the Scottish twins, he didn’t have something that could make it easy to recognize him, neither the number of the locomotive he drave nor the pin with his name. 
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Thomas was about to leave the station but he got off his engine and came closer to talk to the other engine driver. 
“Your engine is still in the shed, Donald”, he tried to calm him down. 
“I'm Douglas!!!”, the red haired driver said.  
“Wait, if you are Douglas, the one who came here earlier was…”
“My brother took my stuff?!”, Douglas exclaimed, he couldn’t believe it. Although the Scottish twins were known for “impersonating one another” in the early days to get away from problems, they didn’t do that anymore as a condition to stay in the Island. “Where is he?!!! WHY HE DID THAT?” 
“Calm down, calm down, Douglas”, Thomas didn’t know what else to say, “He just left with the Engine Number 10 to Brendam for a train of goods”
“Can you take me there?” 
    “I am sorry, I have to leave with my passengers now”, Thomas said, “Just take Donald’s engine, it’s exactly the same as yours!”, he went back to his engine and finally left the station. 
    Douglas didn’t have another choice, he would have to take Donald’s engine and look for him. 
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Douglas found Donald next to a water tank, so he stopped the engine and walked across the rails. 
“You better have a good explanation of why you are impersonating me!!!”, Douglas screamed, completely furious. 
“Douggie, I can explain…”, Donald jumped off the Engine Number 10 and Douglas could see that his twin brother was wearing his hat and his coat, as he suspected. 
    “You better! We promised not to do this anymore at work!”
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“I was going to pretend to be you in order to invite Emily to go out... with you.”, explained Donald.
“YOU WHAT???”, Douglas couldn’t believe what he just heard. 
“Yeah! Duck, Oliver and I had been talking about how you daydream with Emily all the time since she arrived at the Island and also the fact that you never talk to her about your feelings…”, Donald continued,  “So we came up with this idea of me impersonating you and talking to her when we cross paths in Knapford…”
“And Duck and Oliver thought this was a good idea?!”, Douglas exclaimed
“They didn't oppose it so…” 
“I can't believe this, my own brother and my friends see me even as incapable of talking to the person I like…”, this time, Douglas seemed to be talking with himself.
“Douggie, we don't think you are incapable, you are just... Ehmmm…”, Donald wasn’t able to find the words to explain what he meant. 
“Please don't say anything, your eyes are telling me all the things you think about me”, Douglas interrupted him,”And give me my stuff back, your locomotive  is on the other side” 
    “...Fine”, Donald realized that he went too far this time. 
    “You are just like mother and father”, Douglas added in a whisper before putting his hat on. 
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Although the rest of the day transcurred normally, Douglas couldn’t stop thinking about what happened. After the last delivery of goods he had to do, he stopped on an alternate railway close to Knapford and sat on the grass. He knew that Donald was about to put his locomotive in the shed at that moment and didn’t want to coincide with him. 
“I can't believe it, I can't believe it…”, he was still talking to himself, Donald’s plan didn’t want to leave him alone and it was about to drive him mad. 
“Hello, Douglas!”, the red haired driver heard a voice and looked up. 
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It was Emily.
“Emily!!!”, Douglas exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”
“I saw your engine on this alternative rail and I thought you were out of steam or needed a hand to go back to the sheds”, Emily said, “Is everything alright?”
    Douglas just sighed: “Yes, everything is fine”
    “That doesn’t sound like it's true.”
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Emily sat next to Douglas and he sighed again, staring at the grass.
“I am just kind of crossed with my brother.”, Douglas explained.  
    “What happened again?”, Emily knew that Donald and Douglas argued a lot while working but always got back together at the end of the day. Brothers always fight, it’s like a Law of Nature. 
“It's just that... Donald tried to impersonate me today.”
“You two did that a lot while working in Scotland, I can’t forget that”, said Emily. 
“Yes, I know. We used to do that to get away from trouble before but this time it was to ask someone I have a crush on to have a date with me.”, Douglas continued staring at the grass.
“Oh, that's upsetting and a little… disturbing.”
“It is, that’s why I am so cross with him.”, Douglas kept talking, “I hate the fact that Donald sees me unable to do things by myself and that Duck and Oliver agreed with his plan. He believes I am his little brother rather than his twin and that he must help me in every single thing I wanna do in my life. Our parents might have put that on his mind while we grew up, they always saw me as the weaker twin or something”.
“He really crossed the line by thinking I am even incapable of asking you to be my girlfriend”, he thought aloud this time.  
“...Me?!”, Emily was surprised by hearing the last part of Douglas’s sentence.  
“Oh, LORD.”, Douglas covered his mouth with both hands for a second. 
“Yes, Emily, I have a crush on you.”, Douglas finally confessed what he hid for a long time, “You know that both Donald and I saw you as a mentor, even as a big sister when we worked together in Scotland.”, he paused, “Although... I eventually developed more feelings for you and they came back when you moved here... I really like you!”, he felt his face was on fire.
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“Awww, Douglas... I like you too but I'm not interested in romantic relationships right now.”, Emily said and now she was the one who was staring at the grass and the little flowers they had around.
“I thought you and Henry used to be…”
“ Oh, that was like five years ago, I am just not interested in romance as I thought I was…”, she said, “I need to feel very connected to someone before even thinking about a relationship with them, It’s kind of difficult to explain sometimes.”
“I think I understand what you mean, Emy”, Douglas commented with a little smile drawn on his face.
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“We can go out as friends, though, and then see where this takes us, what do you think?” Emily immediately suggested as she hugged Douglas and put her right hand on his shoulder.
“That'll be wonderful!”, Douglas answered cheerfully. 
“Now come on!”, she stood up and offered a hand to him, “Let's go back to the sheds before it gets darker…”
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The next day.
    “Morning, brother”, said Douglas when he saw Donald drinking a cup of tea at the platform before going to the shed for his respective engine. He was wearing his coat and hat with his respective Number 9.
    “Douggie! I am so sorry about what happened yesterday, I wanted to apologize but I didn’t find you…”, Donald started to talk. 
    “It’s okay, Donnie, apologies accepted.”
    “No, I really went far this time…”
    "I am so glad you finally accepted you were wrong on something", Douglas sipped his tea, "By the way, I finally confessed to Emily what I feel for her."
            Douglas told Donald about the conversation he had with Emily yesterday. 
            "So... no matter who it was, Emily would have rejected you anyway", concluded Donald, feeling even sillier for his absurd plan. 
           "It wasn't precisely a rejection, brother, she's just not interested in romance right now.", repeated Douglas, "We are gonna go out as friends and see if we can go further." 
         "Oh, I see." 
         "The important thing is that I told her what I feel, that's the real achievement for me", Douglas continued talking, "Look, Donald, I know you have good intentions but please don't do this again. I am conscious that there are things I can't do without your help but that doesn't mean I am completely useless."
          "My dear brother, I never saw you as useless or incapable of doing things on your own", Donald said, "I think I just can't tell apart whether you need an extra hand or not…" 
          "If I need you, I will always tell you, okay, Donnie? And if you need me, tell me, we are brothers after all"
          "Okay! You are right", added Donald and smiled. 
          "You agreed with me twice and it's not even 8 am, that's another big achievement!", joked Douglas.
           "Oh, shut up, Douggie!", Donald said and they both laughed. 
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emblazons · 5 days
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"This is only the beginning— the beginning of the end."
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amazingdeadfish · 7 months
Day Thirty One: Trick or Treat
I can't believe I actually managed to finish the prompt list! I'm in disbelief :'))). Anyway, do you have any candy left to spare these three?
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lestatlioncunt · 2 months
fallout spoilers under the cut :3
my genuine reaction to seeing new vegas for 2 seconds at the end
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oceanlix · 2 years
Day 31: Yuta + Tattoos
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Pairing: vampire!Yuta x vampire!female reader
Genre: Smut
Word count: 3300
Warnings: vampire!Yuta, vampire!female reader, hair pulling, fingering, oral (female receiving), begging, quick mention of blood, dirty talk, degradation, masturbation (female and male), breast play, nipple play
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
Getting talked into a tattoo by your drunken friends was not your wisest decision, for sure. Even sober, Mark’s ideas were usually something you would avoid. But stranger things have happened to you on Halloween themed bar crawls than your roommate’s goofy boyfriend convincing you to get your body modified. You almost back out at the last second, but when your tattoo artist walks into the room, you suddenly know you aren’t going anywhere.
“Yuta,” he introduces himself, shaking your hand firmly. Your friend giggles next to you while Mark’s jaw simply drops. He looks like a cartoon as he stares at all of Yuta’s tattoos.
“So, what are you looking to do tonight? I’ve got my flash books if you need some inspiration.” You barely register his words, unable to tear your eyes away from his handsome face.
“Y/N,” your friend giggles some more, knocking into your arm. You almost can’t believe she’s paying more attention than you, but then you realize she’s utterly in love with Mark and could not possibly care less about your hot tattoo artist.
“Maybe I’ll look at the flash,” you decide. You did come in here on a whim, so you really don’t have a design in mind at the moment. And Yuta staring you down certainly isn’t helping with that.
He smiles gently as he passes you a thick binder. “Take your time looking at everything,” he says. It’s late enough that the shop is empty, so at least you’re not holding him up from another client.
You open the binder and flip through some pages, passing characters and tribal designs. Mark and your friend are useless, giggling and cuddling on the couch a few feet away instead of helping you. Finally you get to the flowers, and immediately you decide on a thorned rose.
“I like this one,” you announce, and suddenly your friends find the ability to stop canoodling long enough to wander over and peek at your choice.
“Oh dang, that’s nice!” Mark grins, clapping you on the shoulder. Yuta nods in agreement, flipping the binder around to look at it.
“Give me a few minutes to draw something up,” he says, scooting his chair back to a tiny desk in the corner. You turn to your drunken friends.
“It’s gonna look so pretty,” your friend whispers, though she’s not really whispering at all since Yuta looks up with a tiny smile. “I wish I could get a tattoo.”
“You’re drunk, babe,” Mark tells her. He’s got a dopey look on his face as he stares at your roommate. They’re so in love it makes you sick sometimes. You’re totally not jealous at all, definitely not.
The four of you sit in silence while Yuta finishes drafting your design, the only sounds coming from the pencil rubbing against the paper. You look around at the walls, which have random drawings all over them in neon paint. None of them look like the same style, so you assume it’s not Yuta that decorated in here.
“I’m done,” your artist suddenly announces, wheeling his chair over. Your friends crowd around as he slides the drawing over to you.
The thorned rose looks similar to the flash, but it’s wrapped around a wooden stake now. Your eyes meet Yuta’s, panic slowly washing over your body. Does he know? you wonder, trying to read his expression. It could just be because it’s close to Halloween, but you still feel nervous. You glance at Mark and realize he’s dressed as a vampire. Ah, that’s probably where Yuta got his idea for the design. He doesn’t know anything, you decide. You school your expression back into something semi-normal.
“That looks good,” you tell him. Yuta nods, breaking your gaze after a moment. He looks you over, contemplating.
“Any ideas for placement?” he asks. You shrug, pointing to your arm. You hadn’t intended to get a tattoo tonight, but you can’t really go wrong with a classic arm tattoo.
“Boo,” Mark yells, a little too loud in the small room. Your friend giggles, punching him in the arm. “What?” he whines. “That’s so boring!”
Yuta smirks, and that’s when you see it. A fang, just barely peeking out over his lip. You hold in your gasp, clenching your fist on the table as he starts prepping your arm for the stencil.
So your tattoo artist is a vampire too. You’re wondering how he deals with the blood; you probably couldn’t handle yourself in this environment, so he must have a lot of self control.
“Hey,” Yuta calls out to you suddenly. You meet his eyes and tilt your head. “Don’t think too hard.”
You know he means about the tattoo, or maybe he doesn’t. He smirks again, his fangs staying hidden this time. “Alright, let’s get started.” He looks at your friends and raises his eyebrows. “One of you might wanna hold her hand at first, just in case.”
Your roommate grabs your hand, flinching instantly. “You’re always so cold,” she complains. Yuta snickers to himself, which you don’t appreciate. It’s bad enough he’s already figured out what you are, let alone also being a vampire. You don’t need him to out you to your friends as well.
The needle doesn’t hurt as much as you thought it would when it hits your skin. Perhaps that’s because you’re a vampire, but you’re not really sure. You have no way to compare it to human pain anyway. You squeeze your friend’s hand just for effect, which doesn’t go unnoticed by your tattoo artist.
“Should I get a face tattoo?”
When Mark says that out of the blue, all three of you look at him incredulously.
“No!” everyone shouts, startling the poor man.
“So Johnny lied to me?” he says, sounding dejected. Your roommate pats his shoulder comfortingly, while you glance at your tattoo artist and try not to laugh.
Yuta grins up at you, wiping some ink off your arm. You won’t lie, having his gaze on you is a lot scarier than the pain from the needle. He’s just so hot.
“Babe, I love you with or without tattoos,” your friend is telling her boyfriend. He seems a little less upset when she kisses him, but he’s still pouting.
Yuta tattoos you in silence for the next twenty minutes, your two friends seeming to forget where they are as they get lost in their own world on the couch. You’re zoned out as well, thinking about how your artist immediately picked out that you were the same kind as him. You don’t think you’re that obvious, though maybe you could dress a little less like a vampire in the future. Where’s the fun in that, though?
“Hey!” Mark sits up suddenly, startling all three of you. Yuta manages not to fuck up your tattoo somehow. “You should come to our Halloween party!”
Your eyes bug out of your head as you shoot a glare at your friend. Inviting the hot tattoo artist totally unprovoked? Mark infuriates you sometimes.
“Yeah!” your roommate agrees. You see the gears turning in her drunken mind as she smiles slyly at you. “We’ll give you the address in case you want to stop by.”
Yuta nods, going back to concentrating on your tattoo. You don’t know if that’s a good sign or not, but you make a throat slicing motion at your friends when you’re sure he isn’t looking.
At the time, you’d wanted to karate chop Mark in the throat for inviting your tattoo artist to your Halloween party. But now on the night of the party, as Yuta appears on the porch in a racing costume, you could kiss your friend. Well, you would if your roommate wouldn’t kill you for doing it.
“Hey man!” Mark shouts, coming over to give the other man a bro hug. “Glad you could make it! We were getting tired of Y/N looking at the driveway wistfully.”
“Dude, shut up,” you groan, punching Mark in the arm. You were definitely not watching the driveway like a lovesick puppy; you don’t know where he got the idea from.
Yuta laughs, slinging an arm over your shoulder. “Well, I’m here now to entertain you.” You don’t miss the way his eyes drop to your lips momentarily.
“I’m hungry,” your roommate announces loudly, walking up the stairs. Jungwoo is right behind her, holding a plastic pumpkin bucket filled with Jell-O shots. You grab a couple as he shuffles onto the porch, offering a blue one to Yuta.
“Guys,” Jungwoo starts, looking around nervously. “I don’t want to scare anyone, but Yangyang just told me there’s a vampire clan that lives around here. Do you think any of them would show up at the party?”
“Vampires aren’t real,” Mark says right away, far too confidently. He wraps his arms around your friend and pretends to bite her neck, making her giggle.
Yuta smirks, once again sharing a secret between the two of you. His hand bumps against yours and then he’s linking your pinky fingers together, your heart jumping in your throat. This isn’t how you saw the night going, but you don’t think you mind.
“I’m not taking my chances out here,” Jungwoo groans. He puts down the bucket of Jell-O shots and heads inside, leaving Mark the chance to grab some more.
“Do you wanna go somewhere more private?” Yuta whispers in your ear. Your skin prickles as his tongue touches your earlobe. You nod your head.
“Have fun!” your roommate shouts as the two of you head inside together. Your lower back burns where Yuta has his hand on it, guiding you through the crowd. You’ve never been with another vampire before; it’s always been too risky. One of you might get too excited and cause problems. The last thing you needed was to make living in this town harder for all of your kind. But now, you figured you had enough self control not to lose your cool. You supposed that would be tested tonight with Yuta.
He finds an empty bedroom and leads you inside, only for you to realize it is in fact your room. You giggle to yourself as he sits down on the bed, arms wrapping around your waist.
“What’s so funny?” Yuta asks, kissing your stomach as he runs his hands down your thighs. Thank god you decided to be a slutty witch; your crop top and skirt leave so much skin exposed he doesn’t even have to undress you right away.
“Nothing, just find it funny that you found my room right away,” you tell him. Yuta hums, tongue darting out to lick a stripe on your stomach. Your breath shudders as you lean into him, grabbing a handful of his hair for support.
He sneaks his hands up the back of your skirt, palming your ass over your thin panties. You let out a moan, feeling your fangs start to emerge from your gums. It’s been so long since you were with a man that you forgot how it affects you, the urge to bite appearing in the back of your mind.
“You’re so hot,” Yuta groans, kissing your stomach again. You hiss as you feel his fangs gently scrape the sensitive skin, hips jerking away from his mouth. Your whole body feels like it’s burning up as he unzips your skirt and shoves it down around your ankles.
“Fuck,” you curse. Yuta rubs his fingers over your panties, your wetness leaking through the thin fabric. You sigh dreamily, running your fingers through his hair as he continues to touch you.
“I haven’t even done anything and you’re already this wet,” he says in awe. His eyes are glued to your soaked panties, his fingers teasing your entrance over the fabric. You wish he would hurry up and take them off, your fangs digging into your lip as you try to hold back another loud moan.
“Yuta, please,” you start to beg just a moment later. He looks up at you with a smirk. You feel your pussy throb with need at the sight, not wanting to unpack the meaning of that right now. “I need you to touch me.”
Yuta shakes his head, instead leaning up for a kiss. “Are you scared?” he whispers, his lips barely touching yours. You shake your head, leaning in to close the final gap between you.
Immediately you feel like you’re being devoured, though his fangs aren’t even out yet. He cups your face in his hands so tightly that you can’t move away, forced to gasp for breath as he continues attacking your lips.
“Yuta,” you moan, your hands sliding down his arms. You’re really not scared; if he wanted to hurt you, he’d have done it by now. And besides that, you like to think you can hold your own. The only fight you plan on having with the other vampire tonight is in between your sheets.
“Get on the bed,” he says suddenly, voice raw with desire. You don’t waste any time, climbing past him onto your bed and sticking your ass in the air. Yuta is behind you seconds later, his hands sliding up your legs and grabbing your butt.
“I want to taste you,” Yuta whispers. You’re a little scared to have his fangs near such a sensitive part of you, but your curiosity wins in the end. You nod your head, your breath hitching as he starts pulling off your panties.
You’ve been with men before, but nothing could prepare you for the feeling of Yuta’s lips on your pussy. You bite down on your lip, your fangs piercing the skin easily. Blood drips down your chin as he holds your hips still and licks at you, your moans coming out freely.
“Yuta,” you cry out, pressing your hips back into his face. The way his tongue swirls against your walls has you squirming for more, grabbing at your pillows helplessly.
“Baby, you have to stop moving,” he coos at you, pinching your butt before diving back in. His nose rubs against your clit as he adjusts his angle, fingers digging into your thighs.
You whine into your pillows, not even caring that you’re getting blood everywhere. You can always wash them later. Your mind can’t think of anything else except for the feeling of Yuta’s mouth, your orgasm building.
“Fuck me,” you moan, arching your back. Yuta pulls away from your pussy, replacing his lips with his fingers. You’re so wet that they slide right in, drawing a shout from you as he finds your spot and presses in further.
“Come on my fingers first, pretty girl,” he tells you. You can’t say no to his request, not when his voice is so seductive and you’re practically sobbing with need. Yuta fucks you with his fingers steadily, watching them disappear inside your body.
“Greedy little pussy,” he growls, leaning down to kiss between your shoulder blades. You feel so overwhelmed that this is what sends you over the edge, your fluids gushing out around his fingers as you clench around them.
“Oh my god.” You shiver as he continues to work you through it. Finally you slump forward into the pillows, his fingers slipping from your spent pussy.
“I hope we’re not done yet,” Yuta says, rolling you onto your back. The smirk on his face is enough to get you going all over again, your fingers reaching down to touch yourself as you stare back at him.
“I want your cock,” you sigh, spreading your folds with your fingers. Yuta looks down as your cum drips out, his fangs reappearing. He crouches down between your legs and licks up your fluids, moaning as he kisses your inner thighs.
“Don’t worry,” he smirks, sitting upright. He reaches into his jeans and pulls out his dick, spitting into his hand. “You’ll definitely get it soon.”
Yuta strokes his shaft, spreading his saliva all down his length. He teases his slit with his fingers, precum squirting out of the angry red tip. You lick your lips. You want to taste him, but right now you want him inside of you even more.
You reach out and grab his balls in your hand, squeezing gently. “Put it in me already, would you?” you egg him on, smirking. Yuta hisses and swats your hand away. He grabs your thighs and puts them around his hips, lining up his cock with your entrance.
“Tell me,” he starts, dragging his tip through your wet folds. You moan at the teasing, your head thrashing side to side. “Do you think you deserve my cock?”
“Please,” you babble, your eyes filling up with tears. His tip keeps dipping just inside your pussy, taunting you before he pulls back out. You’re so frustrated you can’t stand it, your hands balling up your sheets tightly. “Fuck me!”
Yuta smirks, grabbing your hips and sheathing himself in you with one deep stroke. You can’t even describe how full you feel, a loud moan falling from your hips. His cock reaches every part of you, including that spot that drives you crazy.
“Is that good enough for you?” he teases, hips completely still. You’re frustrated again, just wishing he would move already. You shake your head, trying to lift your hips to get more friction. Yuta presses your hips back down though, enjoying your struggle.
“Yuta!” you find yourself whining. You’ve never had to beg a man so hard, but you can’t help it. Your walls flutter around his cock, your moans weakening his resolve with each passing second.
“Okay, fine,” he sighs, like it’s a huge inconvenience to actually fuck you. Truthfully, he’s barely holding back, ready to pound into you. Yuta slides your hips up further into his lap and starts thrusting, leaning down to silence your sudden scream with his lips.
His fingers pull at your nipples as he fucks you, tugging them into stiff peaks. The fabric of his jeans rub against your bare ass, your juices getting all over the denim. They’ll be stained later, but he doesn’t care. You making a mess on him is the least of Yuta’s worries right now, not with the pretty sounds you’re making for him.
“Right there!” you cry, digging your nails into his shoulders when his tip hits that spot inside of you. Yuta leans down and swirls his tongue around your nipple, blowing on the wet spot before switching sides. You can’t handle all the extra stimulation, your orgasm crashing over you instantly.
Yuta keeps fucking you through it, though he slows down enough that you can feel every inch of his cock as your walls flutter and clench around him. He leans down and licks at the blood on your chin, ending with a kiss that has you sighing into his mouth.
“Oh my god,” you sigh as he pulls out of you carefully and rolls to the side. Yuta reaches over and brushes your hair out of your eyes, smiling at you fondly.
“I’m so glad you came in for that tattoo,” he says, grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. If you could blush, you would be doing it.
“You should be thanking Mark,” you giggle. “He’s the one that kept insisting we go into the shop.”
Yuta rolls his eyes, swinging his leg over yours until he’s above you again. You shrink under his gaze, your eyes closing as he playfully tugs at your nipples again. You moan softly, arching up into his touch. You can’t believe you’re getting turned on again so soon, but you’re not about to complain. “He can wait. I have a very pretty vampire under me that I need to take care of first.”
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yurki-posts · 8 months
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Rob drawings or something
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cheezduoz · 1 year
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me: i want to make some art of the cultural festival arc
also me: what if i just draw the entire thing...
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hauntingblue · 2 months
I have connected two dots... yamato kaido and momo (and kinda shirahoshi with her top) have clouds above their shoulders... and luffy in gear fourth has them also.... I can see the signs
#momo must be so emotionally confused omg poor child. this guy says he is my father and treats me like his son and also this samurai who has#been acting like my father just died. and now i turned 28 and a dragon and i need to save this island or my shougnate will die. jesus#FUCKING ROB RUCCI!!! I SURE HOPE NOT ONE STRAY ATTACK REACHES THE ROOM FULL OF CP0 AGENTS!!!#now the government is going to invade wano AND TAKE ROBIN!!!!! ROB LUCCI DIEEEE!!!!! AND YOU WILL FAIL AGAIN!!!#now how tf did the heart pirates get there... who can fly on there or did they just tag along on momos tail#the dinosaur head snake???? hello?? qjdhakshsk and it worked.... sanji... 'thats what a brachiosaurus is!' well i do not think so....#wtf sanji.... so much of that wiggly dance he does with the heart eyes has brought him here...#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1053#poor killer man.... why doesnt he cut off the arm kid doesnt have... that should do it right???#jesus.... goodbye kid and law.... hawkins just hitting his head to a wall.... CUT OFF HIS ARM!!! oh no..... another self sacrificing mate..#YEAAHHH THE ARM!!!!! is he gonna take it and give it to kid akdjsksj OH HE TOOK THE STRAW DOLL!!! killer your brain is so huge..#the death card looking JUST like killer.... that was such a slay... they had this one thought out for a while.....#THE MUSIC!!! GOODBYE HAWKINS!!! KILLER OUTSERVED!!!! whats with the cutting of arms this arc.... kid now its your turn to slay (big mom)#episode 1054#sanji having an existential crisis and queen just: WELCOME TO THIS MOMSTER WORLD#having issues with his body transforming doesnt help with the transfem allegations#APOO IS STILL ALIVE???? CUT OFF HIS HEAD!!!!#i was gonna say KINEMON!!! BUT I KNOW ITS THAT FUCKING KANJURO!!!!!! nami drawing the moon on his asscheek akdjsksj#KIKU AND KINEMON ARE ALIVE??? I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS THIS IS A TRAP!!! DON'T GIVE ME HOPE!!!#NOOOOOO THE CP0 IS IN ACTION TOO NOOOOOOOOO#they are breathing.... omg.... kiku..... ORICHI DIEEEE!!!!! i knew this couldn't end like this for her... i have been completely bamboozled#kinemon appearing like the first time... just legs.... amazing#how does big mom ikoku inside the castle are we insane... yamato can you like bite off kanjuros head off or smth... finish him off PLEASE#why do they have steel beams in kaido's castle. everything else is wood and stone. who designed this.#bepo being in law's mid episode animation akdjaksns.... thats really his beffo (bff) bepo#big mom being crushed by some beams doesn't sound right... kid should turn into magneto and start bloodbending... or repel her into the sea#episode 1055#episode 1056
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anonymouslyel · 2 months
ㅡ cherish the warmth we have as it is
what if mafuyu goes to akihiko and haruki's apartment to ask for akihiko's help musically but akihiko's still at osaka.
“Mafuyu?” Haruki looked down and saw Kedama with him. Haruki opened the door wider to let the two in.
He took to his natural place in the apartment: on the living room’s table. In only a few minutes, the apartment looked like whenever Akihiko’s practicing and composing music; papers everywhere, music sheets on the couch, the trusty mug full of pens on the table.
It gave Haruki a comfort and happiness he didn’t know he missed. Having Mafuyu here, mumbling and humming, strumming and pausing to write lyrics, Kedama barking and playing by his legs, soothed Haruki.
1.7k words | Rated G | Family Fluff
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fortunorsa · 8 months
I Just had a Dream about Human care bears and i had to draw robbie's design rq She was so pretty omg
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owedfavors · 8 days
⤷ ✧ @cptnpike said, ❝ oh, and i mean this with the intention of kissing you goodnight at the end of it. think about it. ❞
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the past few weeks have done much to counter the limbo of the preceding months — of a ship out of commission, of his temporary reassignment, of his prolonged near silence. a silence that she still does not know what to make of, yet chooses to let disappear unquestioned into the past. after all, they are both back on enterprise where they belong, and thus the world back on its axis.
— that is, until he follows a perfectly normal ( or so it seemed ) invitation to dinner with... that, preempting the easy agreement already upon her tongue.
una can't name the series of emotions that she knows write themselves across her features before she has a hope of wrangling them — along with her thoughts — into any semblance of her accustomed discipline. each is too fleeting for her to grasp, blending as a whole into vague disorientation.
they've crossed into some alternate reality ( unlikely ), or she's misheard him ( she knows she hasn't ), or... and it isn't that she's never thought — but all of that she's — and is this more out of place after the preceding months or after a decade... though, really, that's irrelevant because even if — but, no, it's not an if. she knows it to not be a joke, knows the humor he employs when he seeks to provoke her, and there's not a trace of it — she cannot begin to put to words, even in her own mind, all the ways in which...
but she cannot just stand there looking — well, stunned, she's sure. ❛ I... ❜ she begins, but she doesn't know where that sentence goes. tries again — ❛ chris, what... ❜ — but that's no better. those unidentifiable emotions wrest control of her expression from her once more, and she draws a steadying breath. then, with something that's almost a laugh ( as much bewildered as amused ), she finally manages, voice softer now, ❛ where did this come from? ❜
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Top 22 of 2022
I've been meaning to do this before the end of the year for obvious reasons, but I just didn't have the chance until now! Thank you everyone who had tagged me, you all are so sweet
I apologize in advance, though. My memory sucks and my perception of time is broken sdjfjdhf
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Part 1: Fandom Faves 
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year: SPY x FAMILY, Demon Slayer
02. Favorite new ships since this year: SPYxFAMILY - Twiyor, Cynari, ScaraLumi - Genshin Impact
03. Favorite anime/TV show of the year: Extraordinary Attorney Woo, SPY x FAMILY, Pokémon Journeys
04. Favorite movie of the year: Hmm, I honestly don't watch many movies, so this one's hard... maybe Turning Red? Haha
05. Favorite character of the year: Scaramouche/Wandered, Tighnari - Genshin Impact. Uzui Tengen, Rengoku Kyojuro - Demon Slayer. Seo HyunSoo - XXX Buddy.
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year: One of my favorite soundtrack every year will always be Liyue OST - Genshin Impact!
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year: sajkhfjdf this year I read lots of new Manhwas and also a few books. Some of my favorite manhwas were Define the Relationship, Perfect Buddy, Actually, I was the real one, Who made me a Princess?, Under the Oak Tree, Love so Pure (side story), Forget About My Husband, I'd Rather Go Make Money, The Marriage Business and mooore.
I didn't like the books I read this year that much, but I guess my favorite was Six Crimson Cranes. Also read some light novels and they were The Marriage Business and I'll be the Warrior's Mother.
08. Favorite game of the year: Genshin Impact and Obey me!
09. Highlight of this year to remember: March 7th when I went to Disneyland JSAFHJ
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Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2022: Tickletober, my 2k milestone. @vqler and @dokidoki-muffin return aaaand... I think that's the most I can remember hahaah
11. Favorite fan art of the year: I have been blessed with so much fanart this year omg, some of my faves were this one, of course because it's the first time someone drew art for one of my fics!
Also this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one, but honestly, there are so many aaaa
12. Favorite fic of the year: I read good fics this year, I can't choose, but definitely some of my faves are these beautiful fics I got from my dearest friends in my birthday and Christmas, here, here and here.
13. Favorite ask game of the year: The tickly alphabet, this one and the 3 sentence fic
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger: Participating in Tickletober for the first time! I didn't finish all days, but I'm happy with the result haha. Also getting to finish my 2k milestone event!
15. My own best fic/post of the year: I think I wrote a lot this year, but one of my faves to write was this Koi ga Ochitara one because I've been wanting to write one with them for sooo long!
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year: Probably not the "most", but this Mafuyu x Ritsuka x Yuki one?
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected: Omg these three Tickletober fics because they don't have a large popularity in the community, but they got more attention that I expected!
Koi Ga Ochitara, Junai Drop Out, Sign
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year: I think I did write more this year, so that was nice!
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Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year: I'd like to work on this little AU idea thingy I have been neglecting because I feel unsure to write and post, but we'll see!
20. Goals for next year: As for this blog... maybe getting into more fandoms to keep writing haha. Also, Ginny girl is trying to write less trash, but I'd like to keep collaborating with her, because I just love how well we write together aaaa
21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most: MAHOUTSUKAI NO YOME SEASON 2! Aaaand more Genshin updates and also Obey me cards that I can actually get LOL
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Part 4: Spreading Love
22. Shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year: 
Goodness, here comes the fun part haha:
@otomiya-tickles of course my sweetie girl precious baby boo. I already told you this, but thank you for making my 2022 a loooot better, thank you for your endless support and your love! You are the best and I'm so happy to talk to you every single day! You are so so talented and smart and amazing and I love you!
@ragewerthers my frieeeend, I always have so much fun talking with you! From just daily life activities to our endless hcs about our precious Toshi *teary emoji* you definitely did my 2022 a lot better too and I hope we can still talk lots this 2023!
@wertzunge Maaaax, I think this year we talked more than any other time haha, I'm happy we're both excited about Mahoutsukai no Yome sdbfhsdf I already said this to you, but I hope we get to talk some more this year as well! Thank you for your friendship!! (Also thank you for your kind support during commisions!)
@vqler @dokidoki-muffin we barely interact with each other BUT I wanted to say that you both are amazing and super talented people and I admire your abilities and your creativity and it's so so nice to have you back in the community! You both are GREAT and I get excited every time I see art from you both. Such talented people, let me give you a respectful kiss on your forehead.
@ticklystuff omg hi! I know we don't talk much, but I just wanted to say that I really like you and you are so so so so SO good at writing ome such talent! I love seeing you in my dash and seeing all the cool amazing stuff you write aaaaa I think of you every time I see Childe, no lies. Thank you for being amazing!
@happyandticklish Queen of writing. No words just admiration. Honestly, you are so so so GOOD. I wish I could write like you and you're so kind and amazing help askdjskf We've talked a bit before and I apologize for my awkwardness aaaaa Thank you for showing us all how cool you are and for being a cupcake!
@myreygn Reeeeey! I honestly get so so shy when you mention how you fangirled when I followed you back ahahaha, thank you for always being so supportive with me! You are amazing and I like chatting with yoouuu! I hope we get to talk some more during 2023!!
@thornoisdono Thank you for the generous support in kofi aaaaa, I love every single fic you requested and hopefully, you'll see them up in the next couple of days! Thank you!
@intheticklecloset @zeke-ism @lovelynim @xsezzie @bloominggiggles @ticklish-v-93 @soft-tk-fluff @chibimochii @nnainai @tickles-tea @looneytickles @tiredleekaz @ssnicker-doodless @spongeboblevel25 @justmaybee @itslittlegiggle @tiklart @lovelymessybubbly @italeean @ticklishfanart - whether we had talked before or not, I'm so thankful for you all! I love seeing and interacting with your content. You all are amazing and make my stay in tumblr so much better! I'd love to get to know you all more this year, but I'll be always be awkward, but I want you to know that you are some of my favorite blogs EVER.
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cutebatart · 2 years
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Oh I guess he is an owl after all
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Title:  A Protector’s Job     Day:  Whumpuary 2023, Day 10: Hidden Injury/Blood/Recovery Word Count: 2635   Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating:  T   Characters: Raphael     Warning:     Summary: Accidently getting caught up in Foot activity, the guys are getting overwhelmed. Raphael won’t allow that, and steps in to make sure his brothers get to safety. That, however doesn’t come without consequences of its own.   Notes:   ff.net || AO3
A Protector’s Job
Raph cursed to himself as he brought a hand up to wipe at the blood on his face. He didn’t dare let go of his sai to do it, instead using the back of his fist to try to wipe it away. He wasn’t sure he succeeded. It didn’t really matter anyway. With the way that they were pinned down, he was going to end up with a lot more blood on him. They all were.
The Foot Ninja were everywhere. Raph would have called it an ambush, except that the first few Foot had seemed far too surprised by their presence. Raph figured that they must have stumbled into something that was about to happen, though, because it hadn’t been long before more and more Foot had shown up. Something had obviously been about to go down, and for once it hadn’t been about them.
At least, not until they had stumbled into it.
Raph tried to catch his breath as he looked around, trying to lay eyes on his brothers while he had a moment’s reprieve. The situation didn’t look good. Leo was slowly being backed towards the edge of the roof as more and more Foot pressed him in that direction. Mikey was being backed into a corner, cutting his ability to bounce around. Donnie was standing in the middle of the rooftop, where his bo had the most advantage, but Raph could tell that he was being overwhelmed too.
And there were more who had just spotted Raph up on the water tower.
Raph grit his teeth, tightened his grip on his sais, and then plunged back into the fight.
He made his way towards Mikey first. Mikey was slowly being trapped, and Raph wasn’t going to allow that. Besides, if he could free Mikey, then he could send him over to help Don. Mikey, when he was focused, was a scary, fearsome warrior. Raph had no doubt that he would throw his all into helping Don, and that Don, with his formidable intellect, would be able to react off of Mikey with precision. They could easily take care of each other while he went to help Leo.
Raph barreled straight into Mikey’s opponents, catching them by surprise and managing to take out a few. He punched, slashed, and stabbed his way through them, taking no time to pull his punches, making a path so Mikey could get out of the corner.
“Raph!” Mikey said, his nunchuck still swirling as he took out more ninja.
“Go help Don!” he said. “I’ll get Leo!”
Mikey took off towards Don, taking out as many ninja on his way as he could. Raph only spared him enough of a glance to make sure he was alright before heading towards Leo.
His brother was closer to the edge than before, having to wield his swords against completely separate opponents. It was something that Leo had done before, but it did put a strain on him, and it made it far too easy for someone to get in a strike that Leo either didn’t see coming or couldn’t defend against.
Raph leapt upon one such opponent, sinking his sais into the ninja before shooting up, pivoting, and catching another’s weapon between the prongs of his sais. He twisted, breaking the blade, and then shot his foot out in a kick. He came to a stop behind his brother, him and Leo standing shell to shell.
“Mikey and Don are together,” he said. “Leo, we need to get outta here.”
“I know,” Leo said as he blocked another strike. “We just need the opportunity.”
“Give me one, and I’ll make a path to Mike and Don,” Raph said.
He heard Leo’s short, wordless grunt of acknowledgment, and then waited for his opportunity. They both kept fighting, of course, but Leo kept him mostly hidden until he knew that Raph would have the element of surprise. Raph wasted no time, darting out from behind his brother and indiscriminately taking out one Foot after another. They had obviously not been expecting it, and Raph was able to take out three or four before the rest started to catch on. By that time, Leo was racing up behind him, then leaping over him to gain his own element of surprise. They kept that pattern up, switching places at random, until they made it to Mikey and Don.
“We need an out!” Leo said. “Don!”
“On it!” Don said, and the rest of them fell in, making a protective triangle so that Don could work his magic.
Raph had no idea what Don was about to do, but he wasn’t about to doubt his brainy brother. He’d have already thought of half a dozen things he could do, Raph was sure, and had most of them in that bag of his. Sure enough, within seconds, Don was pitching something into the air.
“Duck and cover!” he shouted, and Raph pulled back from his fight, turning his shell towards the enemy, and covering his eyes, facing inwards towards Donnie. He could see the others do the same, and the behavior threw the Foot Ninja off balance. It was a dangerous gamble, but if Don said to do it, then chances were if they didn’t do it then, they’d be caught in whatever he had coming.
A brilliant explosion of light flashed, so bright that even through eyes that Raph closed on instinct, it was dizzying. He could hear the screams of the ninjas all around him as they didn’t cover in time, but he didn’t look up until Don had given the all clear.
Of the ninja that were still alive, every single one that Raph could see was bent over their eyes, or had their hands pressed to them. Whatever Don had done, it had blinded all of their opponents. It had also, though, probably sent up a giant flare to anyone who wanted to investigate.
“Come on, let’s go!” Leo said, and he waved their brothers on, making sure they were going, before chasing after them.
Raph, as usual brought up the rear, making sure that they weren’t followed and that there was no trouble from behind. Leo quickly caught up with Mikey and Donnie, passing them to lead the way.
“I’ve got the Battleshell waiting four blocks over,” Don said. “She should already be running and waiting for us.”
“Right,” Leo said, and altered his path.
Within a few moments, the four brothers were jumping down from the rooftops and sliding into the Battleshell. Wasting no time, Don slid into the driver’s seat and put it in gear. Almost before they had the chance to close the doors, he had the Battleshell booking it out of the alley it had been parked in, and driving into the city.
For a moment, no one said anything, still riding high on the adrenaline of the fight. Finally, though, Leo broke the post-battle silence. “Alright,” he said, “Sound off.”
“I think I’m good,” Mikey said, all but collapsing onto one of the seats. “Just absolutely wiped. Like, can we not do that again?”
“Any injuries, Mikey?” Leo pressed.
“I don’t think so. Nothing out of the ordinary and that can’t be taken care of with some ice and band aids, anyway.”
Leo nodded. “Okay. Don?”
“Like Mikey, I should be able to tell you more when the adrenaline fades. But I think the most serious thing I have is maybe a slightly wrenched knee. I’ll wrap it when we get home, ice it, and rest it. The rest is all minor.”
“Sounds, good, Don,” Leo said. “Raph?” He double take at him. “Raph! You’re covered in blood!”
“Yeah, well, most of it ain’t mine, so you can calm down, Leo,” Raph said. “I’m still hyped up, but as far as I can tell, aside from some bruised knuckles and soon to be achin’ legs, I’m fine.”
Leo frowned at him. “At least get a towel and clean some of that off. I want to be sure that’s all it is, and we don’t want to terrify Master Splinter by coming in with you all bloody.”
“Whatever,” Raph said, although he still moved to get a towel. “What about you, Leo? How’d you hold up?”
“My shoulders and arms are going to be sore, that’s for sure. But everything else is just minor cuts and bruises,” Leo said.
“We’ll have to give all of our cuts a good cleaning when we get home,” Don said from the front. “And I mean more than just soap and water.”
“Not the betadine!” Mikey whined. “That stuff stinks and it stains my skin! And we all know that I have the best shade of green here.”
Raph tuned the bickering out, getting one of the towels from the back instead and starting to wipe himself down. He had gotten more blood on him than he realized, and one towel was quickly stained completely red. He got another one, lurching just a bit as Don seemed to take a swerve or a turn too hard. Maybe they should make sure Donnie hadn’t gotten his head hit.
Raph could feel himself starting to come down from the adrenaline rush, calming a bit, and his body was making it well known just how exhausted he was and how much it hurt. It had to have been a pretty big adrenaline high, he figured, because this crash felt harder than others. He just shrugged it off, though. Some fights were just that way.
He continued to wipe at the blood, the towel getting more and more red. Raph frowned at it. He knew he had a lot of blood on him, but he hadn’t thought it was that much. He twisted to look at himself, wondering if he’d missed something somewhere, and felt a rather strong twinge of pain in his thigh. Blinking, he looked down at it and stopped.
“Uh, Leo?”
Something in his tone must have been off, because all conversation ceased, and Leo and Mikey turned to look at him.
Raph looked up at them. “I think I was wrong. Not all of that blood was theirs.”
He went to take a step towards Leo and Mikey and staggered instead. He felt his leg give out, knew he was falling, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Arms wrapped around him, and instead of hitting the floor, he found himself slowly lowered to it, panicked shouting going on above him. An engine revved somewhere, sounding pretty sweet, and then he knew no more.
The next thing that Raph knew, he was waking up in a room with low lights and the smell of antiseptic. He didn’t feel like he was in any danger—and he had woken up that way before—so he let himself settle into being awake slowly. It didn’t take him long to figure out where he was, and he turned his head, wondering who was sitting with him in their little infirmary.
“Good evening, my son. It is good to see you awake.”
Raph blinked. He hadn’t been expecting to see his father next to him. Sure, Raph knew that he took his turn watching when one of them was injured or sick, but most of the time it was one of his brothers that he came around to.
“Mas’er Splin’er?” Oh, that came out much more slurred than he had meant for it too.
Apparently, Splinter could see that, and he chuckled lightly, his eyes crinkling up in that amused way they did. He brought over a cup with a straw and held the straw out to Raphael.
“Drink, my son,” he said.
Raph did, and, when he was finished, smacked his lips together a bit to try to get some moisture back in them. “Master Splinter… what happened?”
Splinter set the cup aside. “What do you remember, Raphael?”
Raph took a breath, thinking back for a moment. “We got caught up in a fight,” he said “A big one. I don’t think they thought we were gonna be there. I think we just stumbled into it. But there were lots of Foot and we were gettin’ overwhelmed. I remember fightin’ to Mikey and sendin’ him to help Don. I went to Leo, and then we both went to Mike and Donnie. Don did somethin’ with some sorta flashbang, and we booked it outta there. I remember tryin’ to clean up on the Battleshell and then…” Raph trailed off, scrunching his brow. “…I don’t really remember.”
Splinter was nodding. “You passed out. You did not realize it at the time, but you had a rather large and deep gash in your thigh. It allowed enough blood to escape you that you passed out. Your brothers brought you here in a panic, ignoring their own wounds to make sure that you were cared for. Donatello has been working relentlessly on making sure you have everything you need for a healthy recovery. Michelangelo has been cooking up meals high in iron and reading comic books to you. Leonardo has come in and sat beside you, keeping vigil. We have all been very worried over you, my son.”
“How many days have I been out?” he asked, confused.
“This is the end of the third,” Splinter said. “You gave your brothers quite a scare.”
Raph stared at his father and tried to sit up. “Three Days?!” he asked, alarmed.
Almost just as alarming was the fact that his father pushed him down with almost no effort at all. “You will stay in bed Raphael,” Splinter said firmly. “And you will do as I have sent the others to do—rest.” His expression softened. “You need to build back your strength, my son.”
Raph had a hard time fighting against that sort of expression, and he stopped struggling, letting his father lay him back down again and pull the blankets up, much as he had done when Raph was just a tot.
“How long am I gonna be out?” Raph asked.
“Until I say so, my son,” Splinter said. “As it is, I am not letting any of you out of the lair for quite some time. But you, specifically, will be spending your time resting and recuperating. And no matter how long or short your recovery period is, I expect you to abide by it. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Sensei,” Raph said, knowing that arguing with that was an exercise in futility.
“Good,” Splinter said with a smile, and then stood up, heading towards a cart. “Now—let me run through these tests that Donatello left for me, so I do not have to endure his unintentional lectures about why they are important, tomorrow.”
Raph chuckled at that and watched as his father moved about the room. Raph looked around it too, as Splinter gathered what he needed and read over the instructions one more time. He could see little bits of his brothers left in here. The stack of messy notes left amid the neatly stacked supplies that was all Donnie. The tattered comic book that was sitting on shelf of medical supplies was definitely Mikey. The wax residue left behind by candles spoke of Leo. A hockey stick in the corner told Raph that Casey had been here. A tube of strawberry chapstick sitting on a tray indicated April had been here as well. A cup of tea was Master Splinter’s mark.
All of his family had been here and been by to check on him. They had even stuck around for a while. Raph smiled to himself at that. He might be stuck here for a recovery period, but at least he’d have his family to keep him company—and that was something he’d always fight to keep.
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zephanax · 1 year
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Thank you so much Mob !!
Thank you for changing me for the better, for telling me that I can be loved as I am, even when I have trouble expressing myself, when I feel too much, when I don't feel anything, when I hate the way I act, when I have a hard time staying put, or when I am told I am weird. That I am nothing special, but as unique as the next person. That I can move forward despite my mistakes, that we can be whatever we want to be, and that it's okay to be scared. Thank you Mob Psycho 100 for being there in my life. You are helping me and many others in a troubled world.
Merci encore.
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