#i could go more into depth about this
transfemyoungblood · 4 months
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they are both trans girls. you agree.
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revenantghost · 1 year
Wolfwood executing Rolo in front of Vash and then justifying it as a mercy killing because he sees himself in Rolo will never not fuck me right up
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God, Fabian and Riz need couples therapy and they're not even in a committed relationship.
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cigarettedolly13 · 1 month
I feel like the reason Mello was labeled as “emotional” at Wammy’s isn’t necessarily because he was overly emotional, like some have suggested, but rather because he was emotional in the way most “normal” children are (ex. Crying when they get hurt, yelling when angry, laughing when happy, etc) and ofc I imagine a certain level of emotional detachment is not only expected, but pushed at Wammy’s, especially for someone like Mello who’s supposed to be one of L’s top choices for succeeding him.
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xxprincess1x · 2 months
Izzy when Ed is signing the Act of Grace document:
"Think about what you're doing, Ed. Do you really want to lick the King's boots?"
Meanwhile Izzy literally earlier that week:
Plotting with the English Navy (essentially the sea police) to get Stede killed just so he can have Ed handed over to him, in exchange for his services to the King.
I'm sorry to break it to you Iggy, but isn't that also licking the King's boots? But for an entirely selfish reason that disregards the feelings of the person you're supposedly doing it for?
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owlphibiansprite · 8 months
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can we talk about thi- cAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS the ship is under attack and ed's first reflex is *protecc stede*
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Currently overthinking: how obsessed some of fandom is with the idea of punishment for the sake of punishment, instead of learning from mistakes, and how the Jedi are very clearly team learn and grow.
The most “punishment” thing I can think of that we see the Jedi do is assigning Ahsoka to archives duty, but that is clearly meant as ‘get you off the front lines and have you reflect on your actions’ time, not so much a true punishment.
Where we see the Jedi go hard on proclaiming their allegiance to team learn and grow is Dark Disciple (if you haven’t read and don’t want to be spoiled, turn back now because I am about to spoil the shit out of that book).
Vos falls.
Not just dabble a little in the dark side falls.
Falls and pledges himself to Dooku and kills Jedi and clones.
Jedi Knight Kav Bayons
Jedi Knight Akar-Deshu
They died because of Vos.
It can be argued it was unintentional (Vos shoved Deshu into Bayons causing Deshu to sting Bayons. Losing his stinger also would have killed Deshu, but Vos killed him first) but that doesn’t change the fact that Vos is responsible for the deaths of two Jedi, as well as the clones killed in his escape with Dooku (catch me being forever salty over the unnamed clones who die).
He goes by Admiral Enigma and terrorizes the GAR for months.
When the story resolves and Vos returns to the light, do we see him thrown in prison? Executed?
No. We don’t see either of those things.
We see the council intentionally obfuscate and hide these facts from the military (because the military does love punishment and executions).
We see Vos confined to the temple while he heals.
We see Master Yoda spend extra time with him to ensure he rehabilitates successfully.
We see a probationary period to determine if he has really came back to the light.
This is extra important because earlier in the story we saw him return to the Jedi and fool them (some of them, Master Windu was so suspicious of him because Master Windu is a smart smart person)!
And yet, they still believed that he could return to the light and should be given that opportunity.
And he does! He comes back. And he resumes his role in the war. And when everything falls apart he continues trying to help.
And he gets that opportunity because the Jedi do not believe in punishment as justice the way some do.
Repentance and growth. That is the Jedi.
And yet, every day, I see people trying to set the Jedi up as enforcers of prison terms and executioners, because they don’t think people got what they ‘deserved’ in canon.
But that is all a gross misrepresentation of the Jedi.
Ahsoka’s trial and possible execution was not the way the Jedi would have proceeded- it was the GAR and the Republic. Which is probably why the GAR ensured the Jedi couldn’t handle it themselves - there would have been no justice theatre and no blood.
It is not pro-Jedi to insist on punishment and retribution as justice. At its heart, punishment is revenge. And revenge is not the Jedi way.
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
I really am starting to notice a pattern in Helluva Boss:
1. Introduce new character that’s a threat or antagonist
2. Have them disappear for episodes and never be mentioned by the main characters or acknowledged, not affecting the main narrative at all.
3. Insert Stolitz episode or filler episode with the characters the exact same and never changing or adapting
4. Bring said antagonistic character back in the most underwhelming way possible
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somewhat-insane · 8 months
Wukong losing Macaque was a very necessary part in furthering their relationship.
Explanation under the cut. (S4 Spoilers)
I've been in friendships before like what Wukong and Macaque had. Macaque, the person I was most like in these friendships, was absolutely DEVOTED to Wukong. I mean, look at the way he looks at him.
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And he was aware of how devoted he was. He knew the effect Wukong had on him. That's where this anger comes from when the others are questioning Wukong's loyalties.
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He was willing to give Wukong EVERYTHING. He was willing to follow him into a battle for a cause I don't really think he believed in. And I don't believe Wukong really even noticed.
Wukong seems to be a very emotionally driven person, he acts quick on his anger
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Is shown to be sentimental
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AND seems to have a habit of cracking jokes to lighten the mood when he or someone he cares about is feeling stressed.
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It's apparent that he feels and cares very deeply about and for those near him, but I don't think that even registers in his mind. He's just grown... comfortable. He doesn't need to think about it because in his mind, this is how it will always be. It was enough for him. I don't even know if he planned to overthrow the Jade emperor as some grand act of justice, I think he just wanted to hang with his buds. He even refers to it as "cheeky mischief" with Macaque.
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Macaque, appears to be more logical of the two. And he tries to get Wukong to see what he's missing but...
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Wukong isn't exactly known for his listening skills.
That is, until he's forced to listen. Until he's forced to think before he acts.
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It's a classic story of "you never know what you have until it's gone."
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oddberryshortcake · 1 year
Jamil Viper and his Inferiority/Superiority Complex
Chapter 6 provided a deep dive into Jamil’s psyche with an outsider’s perspective on it (being Leona’s) and there’s so much I can say about it, because now that Jamil’s issues are being seen outside of his internal dialogue, there’s a lot of deep-seated complexes and trauma that makes him act the way he does, and all the while Leona is losing his patience while also trying to give him good advice and tough love.
Jamil switches between having an inferiority and superiority complex once he’s put in a life-threatening situation with someone stronger and smarter than him. 
All throughout Jamil’s life, since childhood, since he was born, he was meant to be the capable one. He was the smartest, he was the most skilled, he was meant to protect Kalim. 
The adults in his life trusted him to protect and die for Kalim, and despite being miserable in his situation, he got satisfaction from being a more capable magician than Kalim. Somewhere, deep inside, he enjoyed the fact that he was viewed as intelligent, strong, and talented, even if it was always overshadowed.
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 He was so used to being the most capable person that when he tried to do his ‘protecting important person’ act to Leona, he was blindsided by the fact that Leona is incredibly capable and even stronger than him.
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Leona didn’t need him for protection, Leona didn’t need him for anything. It was Leona who was covering for Jamil, who protected him when Jamil was injured and being pursued by phantoms, Leona was the one who lifted and used the thunder spear. 
Jamil’s perceptions of himself were shattered. What gave him worth in the eyes of the adults in his life no longer mattered. What gave him confidence in his abilities and a feeling of misunderstood talent and superiority didn’t matter. 
Jamil doesn’t know how to be the one who is protected, who is weaker, who is not the ‘smartest person in the room’ that he usually believes he is. He feels like he rather risk his life alone than be a burden, his repression starts showing itself more obviously, and his self-esteem drops down hard.
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So as they traveled through Styx, Jamil flip-flopped between being deeply insecure and still thinking he knows best. Leona trying to redirect him into accepting help, taking a rest, not looking down on people who utilize their skills, and acknowledging the skills Kalim has that he doesn’t end up eventually pushing Jamil to allow Leona to help him, but it isn’t without Jamil wanting to endanger his life because that’s all he knew. 
Leona pointing out his superiority complex unraveled the inferiority complex underneath. If he isn’t the strongest and smartest, then who is he? He wants to be separated from Kalim, but who is he if he’s next to someone who is more skilled than him? Who is he if he isn’t the strong one, walking into danger to protect someone else, utilizing his unrecognized talents to the fullest? 
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At the end of the day, Jamil finally allows Kalim to help him with something. It isn’t a lot, just grabbing some tableware, but it’s infinitely better than him doing everything by himself, stressing but relishing in being the only person he can rely on. 
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His arrogance is a clutch, something he developed and clung to that kept him mentally separated from his peers. Leona poked holes through that perception of Jamil’s self, now he’s faced with knowing that he isn’t some misunderstood genius, that he’s smart but he still has a long way to go, and he’s holding himself back by not accepting his faults or any help. 
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His childhood of being a bodyguard, of being expected to give all of his well-deserved victories away, of being expected to risk his life and die to protect someone else formed this perception of himself being the only person he can rely on in him. 
Having it shattered unearthed just how much of himself was reliant on the conditions he grew up in, and how he has so much more room to grow and change if he’d allow himself to.
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hewmitcwaft · 11 months
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dostoyevsky-official · 5 months
Why is the prestige of an educational institution seemingly so important specifically in the US (i am not from there but why is the ivy league etc regarded as so much better than other unis if what is being taught is the same specifically in the humanities where you do not need expensive equipment)? Except maybe that if there is higher selectivity then the profile of the students will be of ones that are more ambitious / with better grades so overall the level would be higher and the teaching/learning experience would be more intense? sorry for this dumb question, i went to uni in the uk (i am from eu) and their class system and this whole way of thinking astonished me, a lot of arrogance+ignorance+immaturity imo combined, so i am trying to draw parallels about the anglo world i guess
briefly put, universities are now jobs training centers (in a way they've always been so, but not explicitly like this) and the ivies are an employment network like no other. employers will look at your application more favorably if you have an ivy+ on your resume, and you can attend events and/or socialize to get your resume on an employer's desk to begin with; they will disregard your resume if you're from a bad public school. ivies weren't seen as academically rigorous until fairly recently in the context of their long history (berkeley, CA is a presigious "public ivy" city college and hunter college, CUNY, used to be seen as prestigious "public ivies" until funding got choked off), but they were always playgrounds for old money. there's an undeniably higher selectivity for quality, but a lot of those students are the fig leaf the universities use to cover something called legacy admissions, which is when your admissions chances to a school get significantly boosted by having one or both parents as that school's alumni. legacy admissions are at play at all the ivies and nearly all universities in the country, but notably not at MIT. the other reasons why prestige gets so played up, or why the ivies dominate attention, is because almost the entire elite attended ivy+ colleges. in a sense, it's both a self-referential circle and a personal affair on the pages of our dailies and everywhere else (like oxbridge and eton in the uk) etc. this is combined with the general anti-intellectual trend in america, exemplified by significant quantities of stupid people who, for instance, imagine every college student attends CRT 101: from maoism to the sea classes at the ivies (in reality, the vast majority of americans attend publics, and the ivies are quite conservative)
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
given that seems to be the new popular take in the fandom at large since totk got out: let the record show that I'll gladly let myself get repeatedly manipulated by the wind waker speech and be foolishly moved by its implications over rejecting space for humanity and vulnerability in the monstrous and the dispossessed, and then feeling weirdly smug about severing that fleeting attempt at connection and deem it obviously insincere
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lancerious · 3 months
thank you for being #1 lancer fan the world needs more lancer fans
Ho ho ho, of course!! Lancer is CRIMINALLY underrated I tell you, kid deserves WAY more attention than he currently gets
Glad to see another Lancer fan pop in <3!
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blaithnne · 25 days
my timephoon hot take is that the episode was literally fine, it's the episodes that came AFTER it that fucked things up
#the final confrontation where louie and della say that shit to eachother? peak televesion#the next episodes shouldve. yk. resolved that#but by having the premise be “the entire family is goign to disneyland and leaving louie behind” uh...?#i get what they were going for but they fumbled so hard#timephoon introduces a lot of conflicts that the next episodes SHOULD have resolved#but they didn't. at least not well#like della and louie should've had a proper conversation#and also i dont think della was wrong for steppin in at the end of timephoon like that was warranted#her wording and execution? far from perfect#but she's trying#also. timphoon was fine yes but it could have been way better still#i would have preffered it if they went more in depth about the struggles of motherhood and how beakley and della both felt about it#give me beakley being vulnerable and opening up about how hard its been raising webby alone and how she GETS it#she gets not knowing what to do#she was a spy#she has no idea how to be soft and motherly but she's learned and she's trying and she did it alone#and she doesn't want della to be as alone as she was so she tries to help#but she's a certified grizzled ex spy so fuck if she knows how to be gentle about it#so it just makes della MORE insecur because beakley seems to have it all together#and i wish there was a scene where they could talk to eachother and beakley could admit that she doesn't#she's made mistakes she's fucked up but she's trying and aren't they all?#but yeah. for what timephoon was#it wasn't bad#but the following episodes fumbled#i forget if it was in timephoon or next erpisode were we got della telling louie to shape up or he couldn't be part of the family#like again that was BAD! BUT#it wuld have worked if the show adressed and had her learn from it#and showed that it wasnt out of malice its because she was doing her best!#but they didn't#they were...weird with it
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s1llycilantro · 10 months
why does it feel like the only people who actually understand Kai's personality end up being autistic people. Saw someone say he's cold and overly serious. I'm sorry?? are we talking about the same character?? The guy who forced Joe to call him Mr. Kebab?? The same dude whohad major beef with Alice over a fucking necklace??? Who chased Reko to tell her ghost stories?? Fuck in the manga he's such a little dweeb constantly.
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Just because he's monotone and, I will die on this hill, has MANY autistic traits and or symptoms it doesn't mean he's this cool calm collected dude with his life together. This sounds like utter gibberish but all I wanted to do today was happily scroll through the Kai Satou tag and was slapped in the face with mischaracterization every now and again. To quote Nao he is simply silly and cute. And heavily burdened by the sins of his family as well as his own. But that's another story
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