#i didnt do it before cause his humanized hair made it hard to see and basically pointless
citrusinicake · 3 months
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Vitalasubzam Week 2024 Day 7: Getting Back Together / Falling Apart
so this one is less either or both of those prompts and more something in between, basically zam weighing both his options regarding eclipse in his mind: leaving or staying
regardless of what he chooses though, subz is always his first priority -- if not in action then in mind
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sgojoenthusiast · 1 year
miguel o’hara x reader
miguel is suffering with the side effects of his vampirism: the insatiable hunger. you, a doctor, will stop at nothing to help him, no matter what. it’s your job, afterall.
CW: smut, biting, lowkey vampire sex, rough, i didnt do amazing in my gcse spanish course so i’m sorry for the rough attempt at miguel speaking spanish LMAO, hardly proof read mb, bit of oral (f receiving), mentions of blood, pain and injury. fem reader.
word count: 2.1k
likes, comments and reposts are deeply appreciated! <3 enjoy.
He couldn’t help it. He couldn’t resist. His brain felt like it was begging to break out of his skull. Everything hurt, but it wasn’t the kind of pain he could turn to you for help with.
It was the kind of pain that stemmed from the unfortunate bite all those years ago. A pain that derived from a never-ending hunger within him, resulting in constant hunger and sharpened fangs.
“Miguel, how many times do I have to say it? It’s my job. It’s what I'm paid to do! Just let me help you and we can-”
“No.” he cut you off sharply. When he had hired you after a particularly nasty fight that ended in a lot of spidermen injured but there was a lack of medics to help, he didn’t realise everything you did or said would have so much of an affect on him. If he had known, he would’ve never even looked in your direction because, god, you were intoxicating. “No puedo más, mierda. [i can’t anymore, fuck]. You can’t help me, okay? Just go home.” He seethed.
He wasn’t angry with you, never you. He was angry at how he had to turn your sweet words and caring touch away just because he couldn’t risk hurting you.
“You’re so frustrating, Miguel. you never let me help you.” He stood with his back to you, because he knew that if he looked behind him and saw you standing with your arms folded, a cute pout on your lips and the smooth skin of your neck on display, he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back anymore.
If he ever came close to hurting you, even if somehow the domino effect of something he did led to you getting injured, he would never forgive himself for as long as he lived. You were only human, you weren’t a spider like the rest of them. You were fragile, and couldn’t protect yourself as well as you could save others. 
“You should know by now I won't stop until I get what I want.” you began walking up behind him. “You’re clearly struggling with something. your breathing is heavy, you haven’t been walking or talking properly since you came back from your mission.” a sudden realisation popped into your brain. “You didn’t hit your head on your mission today, did you? Miguel- you told me there wasn’t a scratch on you, I can’t help you if you’re lying to me.”
Finally, he turned around to face you, his head hung low but he could see every inch of your perfect body. No longer could he restrain himself from the all-consuming thirst he felt as he flashed his fangs and suddenly appeared in front of you, pinning you against the wall.  “No quiero ayuda. [I don't want your help]. I just want it to stop.”
You tilted your head up at him. There wasn’t an ounce of fear in your eyes despite your position and he felt his heart stop. “You aren’t scared?” He breathed out. His eyes were wide and red. His heart was beating increasingly fast and his throat was getting dry.
He was so used to being the one people would cower around. Yet with you, you always seemed to defy his expectations. He stood in front of you, restraining himself from killing you, and yet you had barely even blinked.
You moved your hair out of the way of your neck, causing him to try and push himself away from you but you grabbed his wrist before he could. “It’s my job to help you. That’s why I'm here. So let me help you.”
He found it so hard to disobey you when you looked up at him so gently. Yet it was that look that reminded him of his affection towards you and made him shake his head profusely in denial. He refused to hurt you, even when you asked him to.
You pulled him by his wrist, closer to you, tempting him in as he complied thoughtlessly. His mind was reeling with the thought that it was your hand touching his wrist. It was your hand that slowly traced up his back and it was your fingers that threaded through his hair at that moment. Slowly, you guided his head down towards your open neck as every doubt inside his mind froze against his will. All of his morals disappeared. Everything he stood by, his dedication to protecting you, gone within a minute of you delicately caressing him.
“Please, Miguel, let me help you.”
When you pleaded with him so innocently, when your words slipped so tenderly from your pretty lips, he could no longer hold himself back. The shackles he’d chained himself to for so long, the restraints he’d built with his bare hands, crumbled like castles.
His sharp fangs sunk themselves into the crook of your neck and you whimpered slightly in pain, biting your lip.
Miguel lost himself in the taste of you as he forced you up harder against the wall. Still, it wasn’t enough. He needed his entire body against yours. He grabbed your leg, wrapping it around his waist as he continued to slowly suck the blood from your neck.
His hands pawed against you and massaged your hips. You felt yourself growing increasingly more wet at the feeling of him pressed up so close against you with his lips against your neck.
Somehow, the pain faded as you got used to it and all you could feel was the sensation you got as he ground himself against you, overpowered with need and moaning into your neck.
His head was spinning as his blood pumped vigorously. He’d never experienced such a high, such an addictive drug that devoured him whole and swallowed him completely.
You could feel how much he needed this. The feeling of peace and pleasure overshadowed the one of pain, yet, as you felt yourself go faint, you began to shake yourself out of the trance his lips against your neck put you in. In an odd way, you’d let him drink from you forever if it meant the feeling of his skin against yours.
You tapped his waist, urging him off you as he withdrew.
You placed your hand against your neck as a sudden pang of soreness washed over you. However, the sight before you was one you’d never forget as you looked up to meet his eyes. His lips stained with your blood before he wiped it away sent a strange sensation down your back as you closed your legs.
“Thank you, mi dulce niña. [my sweet girl].” he took your face between his thumb and index finger. Your faces were unbearably close. The desire to taste your own blood on his lips consumed you as your eyes flickered between his and his lips.
You stood against the wall of the empty hallway to his room in silence, your bodies begging for each other yet your mouths too shy to make it known.
Instead, he opted for silently taking you down the dimly lit corridor to his room, his fingers intertwined with yours.
The second his door closed, your back was against it. His lips finally pressed against yours as you sighed in contentment. Once again, your leg was hiked up as he caressed the supple skin of your thigh.
A rough yet gentle hand made its way up to your face as he ran his thumb up and down against your cheek. “I need you so bad. You don’t know what you’ve done to me. Everyday, I think about you. Your lips, your voice, your smile, your hips. I can’t fucking get enough of you and it kills me that I cant physically be as close to you as I want to be.” he murmured against your lips whilst you breathed shaky breaths against his.
You didn’t know what to say, or how to put your feelings into words because he had already summed it up so perfectly for you. “I can’t get enough of you either.”
He carried you to the bed and placed you down, his touch never once leaving your skin except to take his suit off.
Your hand ran across the scars of his chest, some you had fixed up yourself, up to his neck where you pulled him against you once more. He struggled to get your uniform off quickly with the continuous kiss and lack of sense as the thought of you naked beneath him fogged up his mind.
Miguel broke the kiss, and the sight of you with your hair splayed out across the mattress, skin glistening and your eyes half-lidded with lust had him weak in the knees as his dick grew harder against your thigh.
The moonlight peaked out past the gaps of his curtains, highlighting your frame and making him desperate.
He began to kiss down your body, leaving marks across your collarbone where he would occasionally bite.
He sucked and licked your nipples gently as you writhed beneath his touch, desperately yearning for more of his rough touch.
“I need you, miguel.”
“Patient now, mi dulce niña. [my sweet girl]” he replied, looking up at you from between your legs as he slowly began kissing down towards where you needed him so badly. He stroked your thighs and nipped at them harshly, yet the pain merged so beautifully with the pleasure that it all became one big blur.
He asked you to be patient, but after so long of longing stares and discreet touches, being patient was the last thing on your mind as you bucked your hips up, itching for his touch.
“Niña mala [bad girl]. What did I just tell you?” he snarled.
“Please, Miguel, I'm begging you. I’ve waited so long- I can’t be patient anymore.” you pleaded with him. It seemed to be enough to convince him as he brought your hips up to his face and flicked his tongue skillfully against your pussy as you gasped surprisingly.
He moved his tongue rhythmically, snatching pleas and moans from your lips. It wasn’t too long before he slid in one of his fingers... then another. He thrusted them inside you relentlessly, praising you for taking what he was giving you without another complaint.
His tongue and his fingers combined clouded your senses and made you feel as though nothing - no one - would ever come close to satisfying you so well. However, just as you clenched around him, he pulled out. You whined and cried for him to stop playing around, but he simply ignored you.
Miguel needed to feel you come around his dick if you were going to come anywhere. He needed you both to finish together. He craved the feeling of your bodies merging together in that haze of relief and exhaustion before he pulled out.
He moved back up to your face and your eyes locked; a feeling rushed over you that made your heart swell. You don’t think you could ever get enough of him.
He grabbed his painfully hard dick, stroking it against your folds. You bucked against him hopelessly. Luckily, he took the hint and slid himself somewhat smoothly inside of you, though the pain of the stretch was inevitable.
Your hands immediately went to his back, gripping on as if it would save you. Miguel groaned at the pain as he pulled back slightly and thrusted harshly back in.
He noticed the bite marks on your neck, and the blood that still gradually fell from it due to the lack of treatment. He leaned down, licking the blood up and moaning as he pounded himself into you savagely.
Everything was overwhelming. The feeling of him licking and sucking the blood from your neck, the pain of your hands clawing down his back, the unrelenting pummelling inside of you and the sounds of skin against skin and voices intertwining in the air.
It sent you both spiralling.
“ ‘m g’nna- come, Miguel.” you heaved out.
His hand trailed down to your aching pussy as he slid a finger against your clit and began rubbing viciously. Your moans dominated the room at the extra pleasure as you began to slip from your control.
“Come with me.” he demanded as he hammered inside of you without any remorse.
It was everything you had both dreamed it would be and more. The feeling of letting go together shook you both as you clenched around him, sucking him in, and as he shot his load inside of you.
You both lay there for what felt like an eternity of comfort and serenity. Your bodies pressed up against each other with your eyes closed, just soaking up the moment without any anxieties or thoughts.
However, to your dismay, Miguel pulled back. He took your face in his palm again, marvelling at your vulnerable state. He would be the only one to see you like this.
He placed his forehead against yours as your breaths became synchronised along with your heartbeats, creating the sound of peace and belonging.
note: read the extra here.
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cackt0 · 5 months
Some ideas! (Doodled this yesterday night pls dont judge)
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This is kinda what I have in mind for Raven's design in the fanfic 'Starblind' made by @dancingthesambaa !
What I went for is basically a kinda flowy look on her, as if she didn't have a definitive form. I do like to think the outlines of a 'young woman with eyes aged beyond comprehension', per say. This is more of a doodle, so I didnt encapture her exactly. But I would like to think that her entire being is constantly like moving, and her hair flows as if not affected by any gravety whatsoever, fading at the tips as more grow. No idea how to explain it, but I like to think that this would kind of be like what a god would look like. A confusing, terrifying but at the same time incredibly beautiful; no, incredibly *goregeous* being. Ever eternal, ever omnipotent. I also would like to think that she'd be able to pass through Leo, phasing through his body with him only being able to feel the brush of her cold (or warm? Still not decided) hair before she disappears completely. Man. I've thought WAYYY too hard about this. AND, I may be very very wrong with this direction, but I kinda hc that she's, in a way, Leo's mother. Cause like- she blessed him, she's the mother of his ability, and his ability is apart of him! Idk, just really like the idea even if it doesnt become canon (I dont mean as in she would be with the fam and be his 'mom' or something but more of like the titles of mother or father given to certain gods when they had kids with humans. Like a demigod from ancient Greece, only being abke to visit the one they call their 'parent' very rarely. The role never really fitting all the way, but still being a fact nonetheless)
Sorry, rambled lmao. But yeah! @dancingthesambaa, if there's anything you think I should add to her design I've forgotten about, please do tell me! I wanna do more drawings but for that I'd rather have a more solid take on the way she appears. Thankyouuuu <333 (Oh and if you dont make the fam meet them soon, I might have to make COMICS to sustain my mental health. Imma STEAL YOUR FANFIC /j) but like actually, might do small comics
See yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :))
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raideneiseuthymia · 2 years
Crimson Eyes
Summary: Basically, Diluc finally lets his emotions show and wonders if you wish he was a different person and you reassure him that you love him just the way he is. 
Warning(s): Crying, Hurt/comfort 
Pairing(s): Diluc Ragnvindr X GN!Reader
Word count: 800
Inspiration(s): A random prompt I found > “Do you wish I was different?” 
A/N: Basically, something is wrong with me, and I love this man. I saw a dialogue prompt and decided I was gonna write for Diluc ‘cause perhaps behind his facade he believes something is wrong with him. This is also very short I’m SORRY!! Also if yall didnt know i suck so bad at titles LMAO 
---- “Do you wish I was different?” 
The question had come out barely above a whisper, if it hadn't been silent you were sure you would have missed it. The quietness of the words didn't lighten the weight they held. Your heart ached at the words you heard your lover speak. Had you made him feel like that? 
“Diluc…” Your voice was soft as you slowly approached him. He sat in a chair that had occupied a portion of your shared room, his back facing you and his face buried in his hands. Carefully placing your hands on his shoulders then letting them slide down his chest before resting your chin on his head. “I don’t wish you were different, never have I wished for that.” 
You could feel the wetness of his tears falling upon your knuckles; he was crying. The outburst he just had made him upset with himself. His outbursts were scarce, you never blamed Diluc for them. Sometimes he couldn’t control it, and sometimes he was just so worried he couldn't think before speaking. He had always taken accountability for the things he said when angry, he had always apologized and they were always sincere. It wasn’t like he had them on purpose, he would never hurt you intentionally. Never. 
“But I–” 
“No, Diluc do not go down that road,” Your tone was stern, concern laced in it. “There is nothing inherently wrong with you. There is nothing to want or wish to change about you. Sometimes… sometimes you just get overwhelmed and I understand that. You are only human, a very kind one at that.” 
You placed a kiss on his head before moving around his hunched form. Crouching in front of him you grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from his face. Red strands of hair had messily fallen around him, sheltering his eyes from yours. His upper body shook as he tried to hide the fact he was crying; he had such a hard time opening up and letting you in. You tucked the loose strands of hair behind his ears, giving him a soft smile as he finally looked at you. 
“I know that it's hard for you sometimes, and perhaps because of the things you have gone through you think you are inherently unworthy of love but Archons, that is not true.” You tilted his chin up and placed a soft kiss on his lips. 
Placing your forehead against his you let out a soft whisper, “If only I could change the way you see yourself, then perhaps you wouldn't wonder those things. If you could see yourself through my eyes, then you would truly understand.” Your hands found their way to his cheeks where you wiped away his tears. “I love you, Diluc Ragnvind, I love you. There is nothing that can change that. I do not wish you were different, I love you just the way you are. I always have.” 
Diluc let out an airy chuckle as he put his hand over yours. Somehow you always knew how to make him feel better when he got himself in these moods. “I’m sorry, my love, for my outburst. As well as having you see me cry.” 
“You don't have to apologize for being human Diluc, you are allowed to show emotions with me. I will never hold that against you. I will love you even when you are at your lowest.” 
Diluc bit his lip as more tears threatened to spill, those words hitting him hard. He had always locked his “bad” emotions away until he was by himself, afraid they would scare you away but here you were. You were here, by his side comforting him. Nothing but love and kindness in your eyes as you looked at him. 
Warmth filled his chest as he stared at you, his thoughts running a mile a minute. You made him warm, he didn't even know that was possible. How could your love for him make him warmer than his pyro vision already did? How could someone love him so much even in his broken state? And how was it humanly possible for him to love you just as much, if not more than you loved him? 
Panic erupted in your chest as you watched new tears spill from his eyes. Had you said something wrong? “Hey, hey, Diluc? Why are you crying again?” Your thumb wiped away the tears just as they fell from his pretty crimson eyes. 
“It's nothing,” He laughed, sniffling as he tried his best to get himself to stop crying; he was failing horribly but this time he was not crying from sadness. He pulled you close to him and placed a hasty kiss on your lips before smiling at you softly. “I just love you.” 
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calebwittebane · 9 months
im not gonna lie, there are people i follow who often make posts that are preddy funny and who often have good opinions, but whom i find unpleasant and annoying and generally unkind, and whom i kind of really hate. its not a hatefollow because i do enjoy many of their posts but i hate them as people and anytime something mildly bad happens to them im like LOL :).
thankfully i am not mutuals with them because if that were the case, the close proximity would cause their body to be affected by that hatred, even if they werent aware of it, or knew but didnt care. but the malice would slowly poison and ruin them, and they would start to become sick. they would feel as though someone had been adding antifreeze to their food and drinks. ethylene glycol and so on and so forth. but they wouldnt make the connection between the illness and the malice of mine that they were being afflicted by. their hair would begin to fall out in clumps, they would experience light-headedness and nausea and increased body stench, they would begin to regularly experience sleep paralysis, they would see mysterious red marks on their skin that would quickly fade away.
unable to think of their condition as anything other than them being infested with demons, and consumed by fear and desperation, they would eventually turn to some real out there pseudoscientific woo Soul And Body Healing bullshit peddled by a guy with a youtube channel and a popular tiktok account. they would purchase tons and tons of his supplements and read all his books, and become invested in the belief system to a shocking degree, still tormented by the disease. all the fans followers friends family and folks at home would have a hard time recognizing them at this point. 'what happened to the goodposter we knew and loved?', they would ask, and ultimately all distance themselves from them one by one.
already holding a new propensity for conspiracy theories, the blogger would take this as a sign that the fools were all simply threatened by their recently mastered forbidden wisdom, and fall deeper into the rabbit hole of fringe internet spirituality. they would eventually become an obscure type of flat earther, believing in an astronomical model so strange that other flat earther would scoff at them and accuse them of making them look unserious.
a viral video would emerge of the blogger approaching some young people in the street, vigorously lecturing them about the mobius strip earth, with the sun being a round hole carved in an enormous egg made of black obsidian that we are all trapped within that shields us from the brilliant divine glow the rest of the universe is bathed in. supposedly, humanity had shattered the egg before, freeing the earth from its prison, however an unhealthy diet (containing dairy and plant oils) causes humans to emit invisible particles that float up into the atmosphere and above, where they solidify into the obsidian shell. many commenters would point out the tshirt the blogger was wearing, depicting an absurdly muscular man breaking out of the obsidian egg, with text above saying "W.H.A.T.: We Hatch Again Together".
humiliated and scorned, the blogger would make the decision to abandon their brethren at least for some time, and retreat into solitude deep in the woods. they would sustain themselves on acorns, the youtube guy supplements, and whatever birds and rodents they managed to find. no longer in close online proximity to me (and no longer online in general), they would quickly start to recover from their illness, and (not incorrectly) attribute that improvement to their hermit lifestyle far away from those poisoned by dairy and plant oils.
one day, a bear would attack them. against all odds, newly full of vigor and powered by years of pent up anger, they would emerge victorious from the encounter. they would skin the bear and start wearing its pelt like a fursuit, giving them the appearance of a somewhat deflated bear with eerily human movements. emboldened by this experience, they would make the decision to return to their preaching, and travel from the wilderness to the nearest populated area.
having arrived in a small town, still wearing their hard-earned fursuit, they would cause widespread panic. not sure how to approach the issue just yet, and weighing the possibility of leaning into the bear thing regardless to add some extra dramatic flair to their sermons, they would walk into a convenience store to get some soda. the cashier would immediately flee and call 911 from a safe distance, reporting a horribly fucked up bear casually strolling into the building, so even if the blogger had any money, they would not be able to pay for the soda, absolving them of this responsibility.
they would take a generous sip of the cold refreshing soda they had so dearly missed during their time in the wilderness. unfortunately, the effervescent sugary drink would unexpectedly interact with the supplements and acorns still in their system, causing a violent chemical reaction. the energy released as the byproduct of said reaction would be so great, it would cause their body to disintegrate in a burst of blinding orange light.
as their body faded away, they would smile serenely, knowing that although they did not manage to convince everyone they had spoken to, they had sown the seeds of knowledge among them, and that even the arrogant nonbelievers would eventually start seeing the signs. there is hope for humanity, that it would one day break out of the obsidian shell, and regain the long-lost enlightenment and magic. they would feel that they have done well.
some time would pass absently--seconds or centuries, one could not tell. to their shock, they would realize that their consciousness has not been extinguished by death. suspended in endless void, they would try to scream, yet their efforts would be in vain.
then, another change would occur--they would begin to experience a tingling sensation, seemingly psychological rather than physical. cell by cell, they would regain a physical form, and their senses would all at once return to them as they awakened. their surroundings would snap into focus. they would be surrounded by otherworldly tall green structures, curved and swaying lightly. their field of view would span 360° on every axis, their eyes situated on flexible stalks. they would then realize--they have been reborn as a slug.
all because they had roamed too close to the powerful confident beautiful gentle unemployed brown-eyed bloggeress whose righteous ire they had earned despite her peaceful nature. all because they did not heed the signs. by then they would have learnt their lesson, but by the time they earned another lifespan as a human, the internet would be no more, replaced by a mass malfunction of amazon brain chips giving those affected constant visions of various ai generated rule34 pictures of the hex maniac that jeff bezos had saved on his hard drive at the time the disaster struck
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drkcnry67 · 8 months
SPN Kinktober day 4
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soulless!Sam x reader
Tags: vaginal penetration, double penetration(cock in pussy, dildo in ass), vibrators, rough pussy fucking, rough anal, forced fucking, if i have missed any tags please let me know via PM thanks.
No summery
dark, cold, you skin shivering against the cold stone ground, a chill in the air, its musky in here, the air thin and dusty. but what happened to you
whats the last thing you remember? the flashing lights, the pumping music then nothing... just pitch black but how long ago was that... you could only hear your own breathing.
but then the sound of boots, and a key in a door, this made you jump someone else was here. your eyes betrayed you as a form came into view. this was a frightening sight as the man that now stood before you was then drenched in blood.
yn: oh my gods please let me go... i didnt do anything to you... please let me go...
sam: oh honey you are never leaving this place. i have such big plans for you... now, lets get you up and onto this table i want to examine your perfect tight body.
you tried to back up against the wall but couldnt for shackles pulled at your hands and feet. as this man could only laugh at your predicament.
he then stopped laughing and quickly turned his attention to pulling you by your hair to your feet only to throw you down against the table. his eyes exploring every single inch of your skandally clad form.
yn: fuck you, you son of a bitch.
sam: well youre not wrong on that fact. but you need to address me properly... you shall address me as sir...
you begin to scream as he drags his fingers accross your entire bare skin. he tears the rest of your dress off as he pulls something up from the side of the table. you cant quite see what it is but you can be sure its not for plesent purpose.
thats when a cool metallic feeling crossed the folds of your pussy. it made you scream out as it was like every single nerve of your body was not your own control.
sam then inserted the metal dildo into your pussy. this caused you to scream louder, tears falling from your face. his hands making sure not a part of your body remained unphased by his touch.
Yn: no please stop this, this is madness
Sam just laughed his hands not leaving your form instead he pressed further into your body. This would sure leave bruises.
Sam: stop trying to plead to my humanity, for you see though I am human, I'm only but a shell I have no soul therefore like all those that came before you, I will try to breed you and implant you with my seed, thus no I will not stop till you are pregnant with my spawn
yn: no no no no no no
thats when sam comes round to your face and hangs your head off the side of the table so he then takes out his cock and shoves it in your mouth...
this causes you to gag and choke and throw up as he does so violently and roughly, but your muffled screams fall further on deaf ears.
sam laughs violently as he continues to fuck your throat deeply. tears streamed down your face as further to your dismay you were throat fucked and stripped of all sense of time and conciousness.
it was then that you were finally able to breathe, the air flowing into your lungs as you hyper ventilated. but thats when firm hands yanked the chains that adorned your ankles pulling you down to the end of the table so your ass was right on the edge of it.
but something rubbed then against your ass.. it was cold and slightly wet... but then a sharp pain as your ass hole was stretched to great lengths. this caused you to panic and scream struggling to get out of your chains.
thats when another feeling was at your pussy this time it was unclear as to what it was... but now it was about to also be stretched open as sam laughed darkly his rock hard cock plunged right into your wet pussy.
this caused you to further scream in horror, this was to be your fate but you would fight it as long as possible. But something clicked in your brain...
Yn: wait, I know you... I know your brother...
Sam: then you know why I can't stop why there is no use in trying to fight me... take it like the bitch you are then you can run back to my brother and once my spawn is born you will be mine and mine alone. Till then I need to fill you with as much of me as possible.
That's what he did Sam filled you up about 6 times over then left your legs suspended in the air for 24 hours when he came back downstairs he lowered your legs and handed you a blanket...
Sam: get the fuck out of here run little chickadee run
You did exactly that you ran up the stairs out the door and down the road. Arriving at a payphone You then called the number you had gotten tattooed on your wrist.
Yn: I need your help
Dean: im sorry sweetheart who is this?
Yn: my name is yn you saved me a few years ago told me to call if i needed your help and i now see to need your saving once more, you see your brother just held me captive
Dean: where are you?
You looked around
Yn: north shore and Granville
Dean shouts something at someone else and then comes back on the phone
Dean: walk a bit up the road from there you should come cross a shack a diner of sorts they are friends of mine. They will help you till I get there I'm on the road now... I'll see you shortly..
•to be continued•
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cherrysha · 2 years
Interrupted Monologue
Pairing: Zhongli x Reader
A/N: im trying to get back into the swing of writing and came up with this today,,, its not edited since i didnt want to spend too much time on it, and im working on my tendency to over explain concepts in my fics and this was a practice on that. i hope yall enjoy!!!
Word Count: 700
Warnings: yandere!Zhongli, asphyxiation, slight mindbreak(?)
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Zhongli is the type of yandere to accidentally injure his darling, not because he forgets his own strength, but because he genuinely forgets just how fragile humans are.
It’s hard to remember when he’s witnessed everything they’ve accomplished in Liyue. How intelligent, how cunning, and accomplished they are. He’s watched humanity grow since the very beginning, watched its development in wonder. Has fought side by side with humans and has seen their resilience firsthand. 
So what’s a little bit of choking? He knows the correct way to do it, focusing on cutting off the blood supply by pinching the arteries on the side of your neck with his fingers. If he meant to hurt you he could easily crush your windpipe and deprive you of oxygen, but hurting you was never his intent.
So when you go limp in his lap, eyes fluttering shut after they had been wide eyed, hand desperately clawing at his own around your throat, it confuses him.
He’s not sure what else to do besides removing the pressure from your neck.
For a man with so much knowledge, he can’t seem to remember what to do in a situation like this. Can’t remember if he was ever in a situation like this. It only takes a few seconds after the blood supply is renewed to your brain before you wake up again, but in that time Zhongli feels his heart in his throat. Keenly aware of your heartbeat, of your breathing, aware enough to realize that you’re okay but still not quite understanding it.
You look up at him, his mouth slightly open and brows furrowed, and he looks… insulted. You haven’t been with him long enough to completely understand his emotions, how they play across his face. It doesn’t occur to you that you’ve read him wrong until he’s caressing your head with the same hand he choked you with, whispering apologies and excuses. 
“My head hurts” is all you manage to say in response. 
The hand that’s tangled in your hair stills. Of course it does. Zhongli relaxes at the sound of your voice, at such a frivolous statement that betrays your state of mind. Your soft voice looking for comfort from the man who caused your pain. A kind smile morphs Zhongli’s face as he stares back down at you. 
“Understandably so.” He whispers.
More gentle than he’s ever been, which you’d think would be hard to achieve since he’s already so soft with you normally, he’s picking you up as he rises from his seat.
“Let’s get you into bed then.”
Zhongli didn’t intend to hurt you, but as he makes his way through the empty corridors he finds peace in knowing that an incident such as this one was inevitable. Yes, humans could be resilient. They could be formidable allies and opponents if afforded the chance, even without a Vision. But wars and fighting were only a small sliver of life. He’d become acquainted with those facets of humanity a long, long time ago. He was embracing a human life for himself now, and the complexities of his choice only grew more enigmatic with each passing day. 
He used to believe that the fragility of humans was a blinding weakness. Even now, looking down at how you’ve curled yourself into his chest, eyes closed as you patiently wait to reach your destination, he can’t bring himself to see anything but your weakness. And he thinks about it for much longer than he should, his mind having been made as soon as your body went limp from his tiny display of power. But that was his nature, to think long and hard until the path forward was crystal clear.
When he places you into bed, you slowly slide yourself under the duvet. It’s obvious that you’re exhausted, whether it be from your brief stint of unconsciousness or the argument that preceded the incident, Zhongli isn’t sure. 
What he is sure of, however, is that you have taught him an invaluable lesson, one much more interesting than all of the dangers he’s prevailed over in his long life. And it’s one that he won’t soon forget.
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minkkumaz · 9 months
favorite anon,, hehe. ur my fav writer!! im so happy i discovered ur fics,, interactions with you are always so sweet!!
YOUR OT6 MASTERLIST. I GASPED ONCE I SAW IT. twirling + swinging my feet. this feeling reminds me of waiting for the bonedo comeback.
first of all, CUPID SUNGHO. CUPID SUNGHO ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ firm believer cupid sungho wears glasses just because!!! before shooting his shots he definitely pushes up his glasses to get a precise shot.
medusa reader and human riwoo has me tearing up. the amount of angst that could be made up will BREAK me. like what if reader just wants to watch riwoo dance and perform but they cant get too close because they dont want to make riwoo loose his bright future ☹️☹️☹️
ZOMBIE READER? me and jaehyun could be zombies together 🤞🤞 stop but what if jaehyun was a scientist who could really help out the reader.. or like jaehyun and the reader were childhood friends when a zombie apocalypse appeared and watching his best friend get turned into a zombie made him dedicate his life and future to turning them back.. scientist/researcher jaehyun 💭 (i just wanna see jaehyun in a labcoat tbh)
VAMPIRE TAESAN HAD ME JUMPING UP AND DOWNNNNN. hes literally THE vampire ever. i 100% love the mysterious, weirdo social outcast taesan who’s secretly a vampire… (thinking abt how the reader could be a total geek and nerd when it comes to supernaturals)
PFKFKKDKD MERMAID LEEHAN. leehan and his fish pals :)))) LMAO but like ur so true leehan is legit the 🧜‍♂️ emoji. I CANT STOP THINKING ABT HOW BEAUTIFUL HE’D BE UNDER WATER LIKE IK HIS HAIR IS GONNA BE FLOWEINNGG. (plottwist, leehans a siren and ends our life </3)(its okay cause its leehan)
BUT OUT OF ALL IM SO SO SO EXCITED FOR ALIEN READER AND WOONHAK!! ACK i keep thinking about how Woonhaks a regular highschool student, and his new alien friend helps him study at night using their antennas as a nightlight HAHA. imagine the two just tucked under a blanket reading a book together with the light source as the antenna.
im seriously so excited for all of them it really feels like a bonedo comeback LMAO. the things i wrote were just little ideas. im definitely excited for anything you’re gonna be putting out!!
ditto! interacting with you has been my fav i love hearing your opinions on my works and stuff you're so sweet :,< i'm so glad you're excited for my series omg i feel honored that i'm on the same level as waiting for a bonedo comeback ><
i giggled so hard when you said sungho adjusts his glasses to look at his shot LOLL that thought is so funny to me bc hes so majestic but the idea of that is so nerdy HAHSKHSB
trust me.. riwoo's will have a lot of angst. THAT IS ALL I WILL ELABORATE ONE! shoutout to woonhakist aka my bae for the medusa and cupid idea :3
zombie reader w human jaehyun was probably one of my smartest ideas like i literally have the plot on lockdown and i'm expecting tears from everyone that reads it because i'm having trouble properly breathing at the mere idea of it. LET ME COOK!!!!
i'm gonna base vampire taesan off of a kdrama i watched! NOT PINPOINT ACCURATE TO THE PLOT BUT THE IDEA!! not saying which one quite yet, but i'll probably namedrop in the a/n portion once i actually publish it :) if you know which drama im talking about when you see it, you might have an idea of what the ending will be so i kinda hope people don't know ^^;
and no fr literally this whole series wouldnt exist if i didnt start working on mermaid leehan like a month ago. i was thinking about it.. then i wrote it.. and im like halfway done and the wordcount is literally sickening its so long.. but i can confirm that leehan is described very beautifully bc hes just THAT majestic. got me hyperventilating n shit. (i will not confirm nor deny your plot twist) (anything that happens is okay bc its leehan)
I AM ALSO SO SOSOSOSO EXCITED FOR ALIEN READER AND WOONHAK I'M BASING IT OFF OF 'I DO'!! so honestly most of what you're thinking about is pretty accurate (i might steal that antenna nightlight idea thats actually so cute and so smart wtf) (with credits to my sweet melon anon)
i'm even more inspired to write this now hehe you gave me motivation!!! get your tissue boxes ready for october because HINT!! they will all be very angsty :3
0 notes
lovelyyy-luna · 2 years
dinner time
pairing: (negan smith x fem!reader)
fandom: the walking dead
pronouns: she/her
type: smut
warning: p in v, blow jobs, fingering
word count: 784
date: april 1, 2022
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He and you were isolated and that was how the two of you liked it.
You both found a nice little cabin by the edge of the lake.
It was owned by a nice old couple, Mary and Sebastian. You found them turned, they were walking together. It was kinda romantic that even in death they were still together.
The two of you did the humane thing and buried them next to each other under the old oak tree.
A few months had gone by and you and Negan made this place your home.
You had just finished making dinner and once the table was set you went outside and called Negan in.
He sat at the table and you stood up fixing his plate.
“Why darlin’ this looks so good,” he said with a smile.
While you were hovering over the table his hand grazed up your thigh and you swatted it away playfully.
“Come on darlin’ can't we have just a little fun before dinner?”
“Before dinner? Babe, I'm literally putting food on your plate. And I don't want this food to go to waste.”
“It won't. It'll be quick,” he said with his version of puppy eyes.
You groaned with slight annoyance, “But you know I hate quickies.” you say while you swing your leg over and straddle him.
“Well I'll take my time with you then,” he said, lightly kissing you and gripping your thighs.
You slowly started grinding into him and his tongue grazed your bottom lip.
You could feel him getting hard between you and there was a hitch in his breath every time you moved across his hardon.
You got up from your position and went between his legs and undid his pants. His dick popped out and was laced with his precum.
You started to stroke him and were making eye contact with you the whole time and when you put him in your mouth he started whispering, “That's it, baby girl. Your mouth was made for my cock.”
He got up from the chair and stood up while still, his dick was still in your mouth.
You placed your head on the edge of the table and he slightly hovered over the table.
He started to thrust into your mouth causing your gag but it made your mouth wet and turned you on even more.
He was close and knew that if he came now he would be out of it and that wouldn't be fair to you.
He gripped your hair and took himself out of your mouth and when he took it out there was a link of spit between you and him.
He let your hair go and then bent over and grabbed you by your neck causing you to moan. You stood up and he kissed you. Your mouth and your face were covered with your spit but he didnt care.
He moved some of the plates away from the table and picked you up and placed you on the table.
His hands went back around your neck and the other snaked down between your legs. You were already soaking, his fingers slipped in and he slowly curled his fingers in you, teasing you.
You started to whine and a smile rose onto his face.
He loved seeing you undone. Every time his fingers curled hitting your sweet spot tears rolled down your face.
He knows your own body better than you do. He pulled you closer by the neck and he could tell you were close.
He whispered into your ear, “come on baby girl. just cum for me. I need you to let go.”
As if on command you did. You came all over his hand.
You were tired and so was he. You collapsed into his chest and the both of you were breathing hard.
He tilted your head up, “You hungry darlin’?”
“Yeah a little”
“Okay, why don’t you get into bed and I'll fix you a plate. hmm?”
You nodded and once you got your feet on the ground your legs turned to jelly and you sat down right away in the chair
He turned around from the kitchen and pieced it together, “Aww your legs are a little shaky?”
You nod again and he walks over to you and scoops you up bridal style.
You nuzzled your face into his neck and peppered kisses on it causing him to chuckle, “Slow down darlin’ don’t start something you can’t finish.”
“Who said I can't finish?” you say looking up at him and he had that devilish smile on his face.
After saying that he threw you on the bed and got between your legs once again.
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wanna be tagged? (X)
tags: // @fandomxreader // @mrspetxrs // @negan-lover-blog // @Detective-oof // @a-astxr // @meromelo // @alexxavicry //
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spikesbimbo · 3 years
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Pairing: Prince!Atsumu x f!reader
Summary: getting royal dick on valentine's day < 3
cw:  body worship, dacryphilia, marking, breeding , praise (receiving and giving), sir/king kink, defaming royalty??(idfk what to call it) treason, possessiveness, borderline yandere, hurt/comfort, body worship, rough sex to soft sex, mind games, sacrilege, slight cnc (barley), former virgin reader, corruption kink, false sympathy, sweetheart to meanie >: ( , idk if this is slow burn
wc: 7.8k
a/n:  for the jj plays cupid event!!!!! Thanks to @alto-march-of-death and @kmorgzz for helping build this story and giving me the title.
Happy valentines day, 
            love valentine < 3
- 18+ Minors DNI
“Stop being a crybaby, calm down”
His stern voice making you more anxious, not knowing how you ended up sitting in his lap. Feeling like a dog under him, or right now on top of him. Wondering how you got in this position daily, hourly.
You didn't understand why he kept you around, always having his hand around you whenever he could. You weren't the only pretty girl in the country, you weren't even qualified to be with him, being a somewhat servant before him snatching you up.
As much as you tried you couldn't ignore the stares and side comments of all the other girls in the harem, it made your eyes water, trying to wipe them when you got back to your room the prince gave you, all the others living in the same building, much more run down than yours; maybe that was one of the reasons.
Looking in the solid gold mirror he gifted you, ‘just cause’, always reflecting your red and puffy eyes daily as you called your most trusted maid to grab you some ice.
She was the only thing keeping you sane. No, the prince never did or pushed you to give him anything, but it was natural to be scared. Being in a foreign state after your guardians sold you. Aran, the only one who treated you like a human being and not a prize, saving you from being sold completely by saying that the prince would take care of you. As he worked under him his whole life as guard, proving his dedication.
Thinking back to the day you listened to the first love of your life, dressing in their outfits on the day of the celebration. Aran keeping a close watch on you, seeing your uncertainty knowing you had no other way out.
He flashed you a small smile, not big enough for anyone to see but you, trying his best to reassure you that everything was going as planned.
Hearing the drums stop, you and everyone else at the festival turned their heads to the large door, carved out of the most luxurious stone, their family crest being engraved onto it.
You bowed seeing everyone else do it, the head advisors words being caught in your mind, "To properly curtsy, you place the right foot behind the left and then it's just a slight bob, what you don't want is when a lady goes too far down and then she can't come up."
This being the third time you done it since you've been here, the first after running into prince Sakusa’s advisor. Him declaring that you would be a perfect match for his concubine after seeing you at the banquet the other day.
He continued by saying that he wouldn't be able to deny your beauty and that you would be perfect for him, even making an exception for you due to his distaste with the women in his country.
You tried to zone out of the conversation until the words “produce an heir” brought you back. You froze, throat closing, sweat now forming on your body extremely repulsed at the thought of being in that situation. Aran quickly noticed the state you were in and told his advisor that you weren't feeling good, leading you back to your room, his hand supporting your back as you trembled in his hold.
You entered the room that had been provided for you while you stayed here, immediately crying your eyes out as soon as the door closed. Your dreams of having a family, a normal family, the only thing you've ever wanted, being snatched right from your roughed up hands.
You turned your attention back , hearing the Herald speak. His voice being loud shocking you, but you still kept your balance not wanting to mess up already.
“Now introducing His Grace, the Duke of Inari, followed by His Royal Highnesses, the Princes of Inari.”
You slightly looked up, seeing the king followed by the two princes, not being able to tell them apart.
But luckily Aran moved ajar to his prince, the other prince’s and duke’s guard doing the same for them before they went their separate ways. Everyone lifting their heads now as you did the same following in suit. The party resumed itself as you could see everyone going back to drinking and taking along with the music returning.
They moved to the prince's chair, making out that they were talking, not being able to read their lips, not that you wanted too, what was their business you had no involvement in nor did you want to. But that changed when you saw aran gesture towards you out of the corner of your eye.
That's when the prince you would grow to care for laid his dark eyes on you for the first time, not being able to take them off, making you shiver in embarrassment. The outfit you had on only covering the parts that needed to be. The ‘dress’ you had on having slits on your legs all the way up your upper thighs,borderline hips.
The white, almost see through material held together by jewels and gold, along with your hair being fastened the same way, hoping nothing was out of place. You wanted to do a good job for him, trusting him with all your heart since he was the only you've had your whole life.
You were brought back to reality by noticing that Aran and the price weren't in the same place, quickly looking around before you were greeted by a charming smile as you turned your head straight again.
“Good evening my lady” he said, holding his right hand covered in jewels out, slightly bowing to be eye level with you, his smile not fading. And as you looked him in the eyes you froze yet again, getting entranced by his gaze, so warm and compassionate yet terrifyingly cold, remembering the power he held.
You looked up at aran for a second, him reassuring you that you were supposed to give him your hand, so you did.
“Good evening, your royal highness.” trying to be as confident as you could, again breaking eye contact with the prince one again to look at aran, making sure everything you did was right.
“Would you care to join me for some drinks?” the crown on his head shining brighter than the stars, his eyes still lingering on you.
“Y-yes your highness” you stuttered out, shocked that this was working. Even if you didnt what you were supposed to say. No? You'd probably be executed if you did, the thoughts plaguing your mind as you walked alongside him and Aran towards their table.
He sat down patting next to him for you to sit. Yo looked up at Aran, standing there nodding as confirmation. As you then sat next to him, as far away as you could without it being obvious, or at least he didn't mind.
He poured you a drink into a gold cup, guessing the red liquid to be wine, before pushing it towards you “Thank you your highness” you said more assured this time, picking it up with both hands wrapped around it, nervous that you'd drop it.
This continued the whole night, feeling more comfortable due to the alcohol and Aran being your ‘protector’; even though he'd kill you if the prince asked him too. Lucky that you weren't lightheaded, this night being the first time you've ever had more than one drink.
You even laughed, the prince saying something funny trying to get it out of you, and from the moment he saw your smile he was entranced.
A few days after you were requested by the prince, Aran coming to fetch you. The relief on both of your faces that you'd at least end up somewhere where he could watch over you too.
You were greeted by him after passing through the gate, the prince himself helping you get out of the carriage and not your guard. He expressed that he couldn't keep his mind off you for days, your pretty face being the only thing running though his mind before finally asking you to be one of his girls.
As much as you didnt want to be “one of his many girls” you didn't have any other option than to be with, some random guy, sorry- a prince. Or be sold to an old guy whose wife ‘suddenly’ died, the thought making you cringe.
You put on a fake smile, finally let go of all your hopes and dreams, letting yourself be his, completely in and out. “Yes your highness. I would love that!”
“Miss y/n!” your maid said coming back. “The prince wants to see you!” she exasperatedly said, running back here as it was urgent to get you ready to see him, always having to look perfect for him.
He probably wanted to talk to you about valentine’s day, something he or anyone in this country doesn't celebrate, mentioning it to him about a week ago as you laid in his arms after being with him the whole evening.
Thinking back on it; being embarrassed at how you asked, covering your face at the thought.
“I-it's um-, a day where… couples spend together” you said in a combination of mumbling and whispering out the last part, not wanting to make anything out of you twos 'relationship’. Not expecting anything after being together after being his for almost 9 months.
You've grown accustomed to not expecting anything, always getting disappointed in the end. Being emotional was hard, running in the nearest private place letting your tears run free at the littlest things, but at the end of the day it was just because no one listened to you. Someone being the slightest bit attentive to you was all it took to make you happy,.
She ran a bath for you, the steam rising as you got in it, giving you the ice you requested for your face while putting in some oils from the flowers you were growing.
Them residing in the same garden that grew the ones you planted for the a few months ago, wanting to give them as a sort of goodbye present, or not. Still being unsure about staying with him, even already writing a letter around a month ago; hiding it in the pocket in the fur coat.
You just knew at the moment you were going to play into his hands, letting him do whatever he wanted to you, not that you wouldn't enjoy it; he always took care of you.
Another reason you've grown attached to him, not realizing if you genuinely liked him, or the affection and attention he so profusely gave you. Sometimes you ever questioned your love, not romantic anymore for Aran, wondering the same. The both of them being the only ones to ever treat you with any sort of care or respect, besides your personal maid.
After doing your hair the way he liked it, along with putting on the light fitted dress you loved to wear, tou took one last look in the mirror before you walked to his office.
“My lord...” you stummerd now, clinging onto his robe straddling his leg, a heat rising up to your face. Your body never knowing how to control itself after being with him.
The other woman's jealousy still got to you, even the way they looked at you made you cower. You were sensitive, still not numb to it after everything you've been through. You were weak inside and outside. Nowhere near good enough to be his, whatever he wanted to call it.
But he noticed, not letting none of them do anything to you, you having your own personal bodyguard now. Usually spending the night with him in his room, and during the day you just sit in his lap and entertain him while he works.
He was in no way a bad prince, in fact he was a great one in your opinion, putting everyone first along with his brother, twin brother, as you learned. But something you also understood was do as you were told or it would be the end of your life, as your dear friend Aran said.
“Just because he likes you doesn't mean he’ll keep you forever.” His words always replaying themselves in your mind every time the prince did something for you, whether it was buying you something again, or that one time he gifted you a whole garden for you to tend to when he couldn't be around.
Yes you were insecure about you two’s ‘relationship’, wondering if you should just leave as you later found out any of the girls were free to leave. But the way he treats you you've grown accustomed to. Waking up in the morning, the first thing crossing your mind being him, even if you slept in separate beds. Immediately reaching out for him being disappointed when he wasn't next to you.
There’s nobody else here, which is as much of a surprise to you as it is to the rest of the girls that had been ushered out. It’s just you and him, with the overwhelming tension blinding and dizzying.
The bath that you two were in, warmed to your liking, was only adding to that fact. After rubbing his shoulders and feeding him the sliced apples he liked, pampering him like the royalty he was, your arms got tired along with your mind. Thinking about the fact that you may not be here in a month, the ache in your heart growing.
Reaching out for some of the wine his maids had prepared earlier in the glasses as he beat you to it. Gently taking your jaw into his hand, tilting your head back enough, as you let him. Letting the slightly chilled liquid make its way down your throat. His eyes grazing you like you were a little lamb and he was a big bad wolf coming knocking on your door.
His thumb swipes once across your lips, partly cleaning up some of the wine that escaped your them. His soft grin widening, his voice being laced with the smell of liquor. “you’re so pretty, my love.” pushing your pulled up hair to the side, laying soft open mouthed kisses along your neck. Shivering at the touch while melting into his arms. “so pretty.”
You heart flutters in fearful anticipation, the lust in your body rising to the top. Every movement of his forcing a sharp, terrifying jab at your chest. He stares, stares for too long
His fingers holding a vice grip to your jaw, thumb poking at your lips, tugging your lower lip down. Marveling at you for a few more moments, before his hand falls back to his side, and he sighs.
He was entranced from the very moment he saw you.
He helped you out of the tub as it grew too cool, placing your hands in his as he then picked you up over the ledge. Placing your feet on the floor, your wet body now getting cold while admiring his slightly tanned figure as he loosely wrapped the light robe around your frame, doing the same to himself.
His broad toned chest peeking through; his pretty collarbones exposed just for you. Impure thoughts getting to you as you remembered the last time the two of you were in here. Your legs wrapped around his head, dangling, as he made you cum over and over again on the cold marble countertop.
He picked you up again, mumbling out something along the lines of “beautiful”. His big arms supporting your back and legs as he took you to his bed, sitting you down in his lap as he calls the maids in, always females, telling them to bring in some food before placing his attention back on you.
“Are you okay dear?” he asked looking at you yet again bringing you back to reality, placing his hand on your thigh, making its way slightly under your robe .
“Yes your highness-, I'm fine. Thank you for asking.” you responded giving him a warm smile. Not entirely fake, as you were enjoying yourself, but were you really happy?
You wanted the average; a nice house, a family you could always come back to, a warm bed and clothes. And he made sure to give you all the material things you could ask for. But again, were you really happy? At the end of the day you just wanted genuine love and affection.
The maids knocked on the door, him letting them in as they brought trays of food, your eyes lighting up as a smile peeked through when you saw your favorite. Making you heart beat even faster that he remembered what you told him, even though he asked you.
You fed him as usual, placing him before yourself as you were taught, not minding. Instead feeling like a mom feeding her kids, a giggle coming between you lips at how peaceful he looked.
“What's so funny?” he asked, his words coming out as concerned that he wasn't in on it.
“Nothing my lord, its just… i was thinking of how cute you looked” you said trying to hold back the laughs still trying to make their way out of your mouth.
“Cute?” he questioned, looking vaguely offended that someone would call him, the strong, handsome, intimating prince ‘cute’.
“Yes my lord”
“What about me is cute, huh?” he asked again, sounding like a child. “Is it this?” he said, now grabbing a piece of meat while opening your mouth. Taking the food in between your lips, your cheeks stuffed as you chewed on it, looking the happiest he's ever seen you. His heart growing with every movement you did. “Your right… it is.”
“Is this what you wanted?” he asked, moving his hand to your waist firmly gripping it. Feeling the affection ooze out of him as he leaned into your neck. His breath being blown onto your neck with every word, his lips being so close yet so far.
You nodded, another smile appearing on your face, trying to hold back your eyes watering, not letting one tear slip out. You turned your body facing him, his hands never leaving your body. Resting your head against his chest, letting you do whatever you wanted to him.
He turned your head out of his body, facing him now. Connecting your eyes with his while he stroked your forehead.
His lips meet yours, not even realizing for a second, the feeling of his plump ones against yours being so natural at this point. Making you give him a good morning, goodnight, a good whenever kiss, everyday. One kiss turning into many, an overwhelming amount by the time his mouth is trailing down your shoulder. His wet open mouth kisses, spit and marks being left behind.
Stopping when his neck can't turn anymore. Instead repositioning you to sit higher on his lap as he now can kiss your arm, doing the same but adding his hands down your body this time.
You let out a whine when he slid your dainty little robe to the side, your body now being exposed to the cooler air, tensing you up. Hardening, hoping he would just keep paying attention to everything but that, your nipples rubbing up and down against the linen fabric, your legs straddled his thigh as he slightly bounced you everytime he reattached himself to your skin.
His warm hand eased the cold feeling as he placed in on your inner thigh; a wave of heat rushing through you as he gripped it, fingers inching closer and closer while his eyes looked down upon you, his lip behind your ears, feeling his hot breath be blown onto the to top of your spine making yous shiver in his summery embrace.
“y -ah, your high-ness” you moaned out, your hands nothing compared to the size of his, reaching out for his wrist, barely being able to wrap your trembling fingers around it.
Your dramatic, conscious tears finally spilling out as you feel his length grown against the swell of your ass involuntary grinding against it.
“Why so formal my love?” he smirked, the hunger in his voice evident, spreading your poor little cunt open. His fingers sliding down it, gathering the slick in between them before teasing his finger in your hole. Only putting just past his nail in, feeling the wet hotness slide down his knuckle letting out a heavy groan at the sight.
He pulled the finger out, moving his head so you could have a clear view of him as he placed his ring finger on his tongue sucking on it, deliberately making it sound as lewd as it could. Loving how flustered your pretty face got as you hid into his arm, clenching your fists around the fluff of his collar.
He let out a little laugh, thinking about how precious you were while sliding his hands up your thigh and separating the sides of your robe letting the shoulder fall off completely all the way down to your waist.
His fingers covered in slick and saliva now fondling your tits he freed, his middle finger and thumb pinching your nipple, already hardened from earlier. Internally blaming it on the cold and not how worked up he got you.
Opening your legs with his other hand, letting you back rest of his chest once again, hiking your knees up to give him a full view, looking down or in the big mirror he had against the wall.
Returning his hands to the mess of your cunt, this time actually sliding his finger fully in, no warning besides the fact that he was obviously growing impatient. Wanting to devour you, but reminding himself that he had to take his time or he would break you.
“You get like this… for me?” he teased nudging his head into yours, forcing you to look at your reflection. Your legs spread open just for him, your greedy little hole swallowing him up as you whined out not knowing for what.
Your mostly naked body against his still clothed,m while his eyes stared into yours from the mirror, your cheeks being squished into his hands as he makes you maintain looking at the scene, bringing your pouted lips to his, so irresistible.
The formerly neat bed you two were on now being the opposite, the roses you said you loved being spread out all over the mattress as he pulled away from the kiss to lay you down on the soft quilt
His body towering over yours, knowing already in the back of his head that the maids would have to come in for a second time to clean up, just to throw away his sheets after he took care of you tonight.
Voice high pitched as you sobbed in embarrassment from his lips attaching to your nipple, fingers fucking into you shallowly, his slow pace getting faster every second. 
Sucking on your chest, the pain being eased by his tongue dragging the spit over them, before working against it by using his teeth almost drawing blood. Your writhing under him, mouth open, no sound coming out except gasps, the way you’re squirming under him makes him grow even harder .
“I just want to fuck you, my dear, over and over again. The only thing I ever think of is you. Your precious moans and the pleasured look on your face is always running through my mind.” kissing away the tears falling on your cheeks before they fell onto your chest.
 Leaning back into you and whispering into your ear, his breath tickling your baby hairs. “Fuck you till you cant think anymore, till all you can think of is me... just like you deserve.”
Sweat dripping down your back as he flips you over, your robe falling completely off, bare as the day you were born. Him trailing his finger down your spine, your ass already in the air knowing how he liked it.
Feeling the need burning under your skin, your hole clenching around nothing, wanting so desperately to be filled.
 He wants to defile you, fuck you so much that all you know is him. Whether it was his cock making its way into your hole or mouth, barely being able to fit it but doing your best. His cock twitching at the thought of it.
His hand wrapping around your throat bringing you out of your own little world, choking you with your back to his chest, your knees doing their best to support you.
 The atmosphere quickly changing, feeling the displeasure seep out from him. “Now what was that letter, hmm?” he questioned, already knowing, wanting you to explain what the fuck was going on in that pretty little head of yours.
The fact that you, a noble now thanks to him, wanted to leave the man who gave you everything you heart desired? He thought you were crazy. Even questioning if anyone had put any poison in your food.
“Y-your highness!” you choked out, turning around quickly trying to solve the problem you created, fat tears falling once again.
 “I- um, well… the other women were-“ you cried thinking back to this morning when you went to grab the white and yellow flowers that you've been pampering for so long. This now being the second time they've done something like this.
“A-and…i've taken a liking to you, Your highness. please forgive me!” you sobbed out, knowing what you said. His naturally flirty nature made you doubt yourself, Not knowing if he even liked you back. 
Your head now hurting from putting yourself in this position, already getting too attached to him, what were you thinking? You? With the future king, your food must have really been tampered with.
“Huh?” he said, ignoring the words coming out of your mouth being music to his ears. His somber voice turning damned as his anger was rising.
“you'd think i'd let you leave me? I don't think you understand dear...i'd kill you and everyone working under you if you left me.'' you winced at the threat is his tone, not knowing if he was being sincere or not, working against it so you'd never find out.
“You don't think I noticed? I always have guards around you. They let me know your every movement, whether it's taking a stroll outside or going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and they just so happened to see you crying your eyes out.” He stated loosening his grip. “But don't worry dear, I took care of them.”
“You'll never have to see them again my love, I got rid of them.” he said with his unforgiving smile, almost cooing at you. Moving his hand from around your neck to cupping your face, his body still hovering over you. “So now it's just me and you.”
The strange thing is that you felt no fear, even knowing that getting rid of them meant he killed some of them, but why did it make your heart flutter? Why did it get you more excited? You were really going insane.
“You know I'm the only man that can take care of you, the only one can fill this needy little cunt up. he said, spreading you open, slightly pushing one of his fingers in. “i've got your slutty body trained to get soaking at just my presence”
“my lord-” you sang, thinking of how gentle he was while still controlling you. Remembering the first time he laid his hands on you. It hurt so bad, even though he spent a good amount of time prepping you to the point where you felt ‘messy’, but it still pained you to take him.
The first time you've ever been touched, and when you told him he froze, never being in this situation before. He thrived knowing that he would be the one to take the purity out of your body, preparing a whole week to ease you up. But you would never tell him this, not because you were scared for your life, but more of a caring reason, not wanting to hurt his feelings and ego in a sense.
“That's not my name.” he said, shoving his finger all the way in you in one motion, gasping at the action, still not letting a word out . “Fuck princess, call me by my name.”
You hesitated, your body not following suit. “Cmon love” he said almost pleading with you, his voice once changing again, sounding like a sad kid right now. “You're not gonna get anything till I hear that pretty voice say my name” he continued moving his finger in you, your moans bouncing off the walls.
You've never been so conflicted, not knowing what to do, just letting yourself be his completely in and out again. “P-prince Atsumu-”
“Fuck.” he groaned, your soft whine letting out his name, accompanied by prince. But he could deal with that. That fact that he's got you wrapped around his finger right now, literally, has him fueled. This all he needs to keep him going, to prove you would be nothing without him, without realizing deep down it was the same for him.
“You only get like this for me don't you. Of course you do! i'm the only man you've ever been with.” he confidently stated, keeping it that way, not caring if he had to use his bloodthirsty hands to do it. “Your brain only thinks dirty thoughts when I'm around, huh?”
He continued playing with you, touching every part of your body, the parts that he taught you about, some that you couldn't even get to, making you act like a fool under him getting him even more ansty. “fuck-.” he groaned taking his clothes fully off, letting his cock finally be free. The friction of his robe already making it leak with pre-cum, standing on its own against his stomach, so red and needy.
“You ready princess?” he said dragging you by your ass towards him, rolling you over as you arched your back, now face down ass up.
Presenting yourself for him as he let his cock rest on your ass, lubing it all up with your slick as he rubbed against it, wanting to stretch you out comfortably for you, pain and pleasure to mix not be separate.
“a-ahh,” you panted out, his thrusts immediately taking your breath away, not being able to catch it. His hands wandering all over your body before grabbing you shoulder, pulling you back against him, his other hand grabbing your tits, his grip tight.
HIs slow pace quickens as you clench around him, his other hand gripping under your hips to hold you up. He's never heard something so beautiful in his life, your moans and whines echoing around in his big room.
He's also never seen something this beautiful, looking in the mirror as your face is all fucked out for him. You tiny little cunt taking him whole, his balls slapping against your clit making you squeal with every thrust.
This position being his favorite, him able to see your body in every angle with help of the mirror, letting him abuse your body for hours. Watching his big hands tease your hardened nipples while you wheezed out nonsense, going completely dumb from his dick.
“You gonna be louder? Gonna let your precious guard know your getting fucked?” he tells you, thrusting into you harder, the jealousy that was settled in him rising back up. Ever since he first saw you he noticed the way you looked at him, putting it to the side due to the fact that he and Aran were close and that you too had nothing going on.
But the possessiveness in him grew after you tried to leave him, wanting to claim you in every way, wanting you to not be even able to function without him or his dick, him being the only thing in your mind. The heat growing under his skin this time, burning up throughout him as he fucks into you harder, pulling you close to him, his face now in your neck.
You could only whine at the shame you felt, Aran not even crossing your mind like that anymore. His hand unyielding its place on your breast, his fingernails leaving marks there as leaves sloppy kisses under your ear, knowing how sensitive you were there.
“You like this, right? Getting fucked like a whore, showing off. Like it when you’re stuffed full of my cock, pounding my own cum into you? You know cant leave me”
The vulgar splurge of words coming from his mouth along with his cock nuding your cervix at this angle was knocking the sense out of you, letting your moans finally be free, not holding them back anymore. Your body going limp in his hold, lucky that he was holding onto you so desperately, his hot breath sticking to the slobber he left on your neck.
“tsumu,” you gasped out to his delight, not even realizing what you had just said, too lost in pleasure. Knowing that he now has you in the palm of his hand. Saying his name so casually and lewd, like he wasn't going to rule the country one day. Pushing against his tight unchanging hold on you. “Can’t , please― ”
“You’re addressing someone of importance you know.” He said, regripping the base of your neck hard enough to hold you in place. “People are killed for not addressing royalty properly. Confidence overflowing through his words, finally having the upper hand.
“It would be a shame if that happened to you”. He continued, a slight tease in his voice, his cock getting harder looking at your pretty little tears dripping down your cheeks, falling onto your tits.
“-i didn’t mean to!” you sniffled, moving your arms backwards, grabbing onto him, lucky that he wouldn't cut your hands off for touching royalty at him. Tears now flowing from fear and pleasure.
“Tell me who I am, then I might forgive you.” he teased, playing mind games with you, having you fall and break into his hands, made him grow in excitement. “M-my lord” you moaned, not wanting to give in. “No.” he asserted, his grip on your neck tightening again. “Tell me who i really am”
You trembled in his hold that was growing looser with every second, knowing exactly what he wanted. “f-future king” you muttered out trying not to cry, embarrassed of how this, he, was affecting you.
You would normally be scared in this situation but the way his cock was pulsing inside you making all your worries go away. If you were to die, you would gladly if this was the reason why.
Your words getting to him, somehow fucking into you harder, bruising your cervix, breaking into your womb. “You want me cum inside? Leave my cum stuffed up inside of you? Hmm?” you could only nod, knowing you had no other choice, not that you wouldn't choose the other option in this situation, the feeling of pleasure overriding your logical thoughts.
“Can't hear you.” He uttered, groans following him. ”y-yes!” you whined like a baby, not wanting the feeling of him to leave. You were really spoiled, always getting what you wanted, and as usual he followed though, never saying no to you. “What a good girl, already thinking of how to help me.”
You don't know how long it’s been anymore, can’t think of anything besides ‘Prince Atsumu’, just how he wanted it. He couldn't picture anything other than him fucking you full of cum until your swelling with it. Unable to move as he flips you over facing him, wanting to see face first the mess he was making in your cunt.
Every part of him wants to own you, in and out. Wants to break you down until you're completely his, until your body responds to only him, until your brain is trained to be completely his, not giving any other man any attention.
“Want me to breed you, want me to fuck so much of my cum into you, that it’ll be spilling outta you for days? M’gonna knock you up full of my babies, just like a good little girl,” he groaned, having your wrists pinned to the bed with one hand.
Not like you could move, his strong arms holding you in place. Your pitiful whines not being heard over the sound of his balls slapping into you, the sound of you creaming all over him being white noise at this point. But the idea is nice at the moment; being unable to move, just being Prince Atsumu’s, the future king of Inari’s plaything to fuck as he pleases.
“Tight little cunt, swallowing my cock up,” he tells you, watching as the drool escapes your mouth, kissing it off of you. “Gonna fuck you till your pregnant angel, I’m gonna fuck you again and again until your carrying my heir. You’d like that, right love? Fuck my cum in and out of you.”
“y-yeah tsumu please tsu- tsumiee, please -ahhh” you cried, not caring what the consequences were. He was thrilled, his excitement being shown through his body, finally breaking you down to this state.
The fact that he turned you, a sweet, nervous virgin, into a needy little thing. Still remembering the day he took it, getting on his knees for the first time in his life, being the first person he's ever pleased and not the opposite.
Something about you made him keep coming back, wanting to see your face scrunch up in delight, caring about you more than himself, wanting to be your first and last. He genuinely thought he was going crazy, not experiencing a human emotion.
“Gonna fill you up with little princesses and princes so you gotta stick around and we’ll make a whole kingdom for ourselves.” he stated, wanting to make sure no one could mistake you as anything but his.
Your “yeah” makes his heart burst. You soft, sweet voice saying just what he wants makes him snap, hips relentless as he fucks you, unable to think beyond anything except fucking a baby, or two, into you. Wanting to see you so big and needy.
His heads in a whole nother world, the urge to fuck you, make you his own, the only thing not draining him. He trails finger down to your clit, rubbing it energetically. Listening to your sobs, edging him to not stop.
“Please” you voiced out, choking on your words. Being so close, yet so far. Him not letting you orgasm until he wanted you to. His selfish desires making you kick your legs out in complaint.
Feeling his cock pulsing inside you, finally moving his fingers on your clit again; blessing the gods that he at last let you cum, your body shaking as he slid his length deeper into you. You let out a cry, clinging onto him. His shoulders being placed into your arms as you didnt let him go, chest rising and falling dramatically.
“Fuck!,” he grunted. You nails digging into his skin, leaving little crescents there. Dropping into your neck as he finally feels sedated, cum shooting hot and thick into you. Holding you as you did him, your eyes already staring to close.
“You take everything so good, princess. so slutty,” he says, affectionate as he can be, looking at the mess you were making. His newfound love for you pouring out with every touch he laid on you. Not pulling out of you as he picked you up to get the dirty sheets off the bed, your head falling back his arms, eyes burning to close, lips slightly open.
“My love...” he murmured, now laying his body on yours, skin to skin. His face in your chest, your hands grabbing onto his fluffy hair. “You’re such a sweet girl… a pretty little thing.” he whispered, knowing you loved when the words left his mouth.
You murmured back, wanting the words ‘I love you'' to come out so desperately. Hiccupping as he adjusted himself in you. Leaving light kisses on your chest, clenching at the sensation, hating being so sensitive.
As he trails his hand down your chest to the pendant necklace laying in between your breasts, the first gift he ever got you.
He noticed you never took it off, just this one, not the countess rings, headpieces and other necklaces he bought you. He knew that you very much appreciated those, but this one was special to you, even keeping it on whenever you had to put on other jewelry whenever he had events, tucking it in the chest part of your corset.
You coddled him, his real personality coming back, where he acted like a needy baby, loving how you held him in your arms. Feeling like home along with his mellow smell, the scent of burnt amber mixed with the comfy smell of fresh linen making you melt into his touch everytime he pulled you closer.
He didn't want to admit how attached to you he was. Your warm smile, soft body, always knowing how to take care of him and make him feel warm and cozy, his personal stress reliever. Swearing he saw a halo around you head when you woke him up every morning, the light shining through the windows providing another testament.
“Were you serious?” you said, voice course and shaky. Wanting to hear the words you wanted the most.
“I'm the future king, they can't go against my orders.” He said reading your mind again, understanding how stressful it must be in your position. “Besides you already are in the eye of the people.” he huffed out, rubbing your stomach with his warm hands.
You saw a smile appear on his face before he disconnected himself from you, disregarding the warmth leaving your body.
“P-prince Astumu! You can't!” you uttered trying to take it off as fast as you could, hands scrambling. “Shh, see?” he said, turning your head to the mirror. “Look at how well it fits you.” he continued. You thinking his mind was clouded right now. Your naked form covered by the sheets the sheets. Your being a mess, along with your eyes looking red and swollen.The crown being the only thing presentable, sitting upon your fucked out head.
“fuck, you’re so pretty...” he said, giving you a longing kiss on the forehead, taking his time separating from you.
“W-what are we?”you said finally placing the crown back on the dresser.
“What do you want us to be?” he said, letting out a laugh, trying not to be so serious as he's never felt this way before. Being nervous for the first time since he was a kid.
“I'm serious.” you said pulling away from him. His shocked attitude working the fastest he's ever done in his whole career. His face expressing his need
“Ok...” pulling you back to him, the thought of you leaving making him want to crumble. ‘I need you.”
“And?…i'm not the only one you need.” you said trying to push him, his immature side coming in at the worst times.
“Fuck, okay my love, i promise you, you or I won’t be going anywhere, okay? I swear on god's green earth and everything I own.” suffocating you in his arms so you couldn't leave, pressing his lips against your head speaking every word that came into his mind.
Before you moved your head looking at him in the eyes, the blanket pulled up over the both of you, the roses wilted all over the floor. Your stare halting his thoughts, your eyes telling him to spill every secret that he held against you, wanting to know his very thought about you.
His eyes met yours, not being able to look away. A sigh left his lips as a blush grew on his face, you being the first person to leave him like this. At last he regained his composure, his messy haired, scratched up self speaking. “If you'd just let me explain.”
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takalzuoom · 2 years
lol an idea for your pirate au! azul, since childhood azul has been bullied by both the merpeople and pirates, he sought refuge underneath the pier in the harbor of pommefiore, enters mc, an adventurous and curious who meets azul as they were collecting seashells, and a friendship blooms between them, for the first time azul experiences kindness from someone not of his family, he'd never been treated with such gentleness and warmness, thus making azul fall for mc, it only intensified when he was given a shell necklace made from the seashells when they first met from mc, it's now one of his most prized possessions,
unbeknownst to them riddle has seen this and is furious, riddle doesn't want to lose mc, so riddle hunts azul down and corner him, warning the octomer to stay away from mc, scared and intimidated he swims away into the distance as he was chased away by riddle's threats, and he follows riddle near the place he first met mc and sees the mc hugging the human boy. Riddle then asks mc to marry him when they got older and mc innocently accepts, not knowing azul can both see and hear everything. Azul leaves the harbor for good, not wanting to face mc, he should’ve expected this, he should’ve been grateful that mc has given him their friendship, but he was greedy for more, he wants mc’s devotion and love, their heart, and soul, he wants a happily ever after, with them, he’ll do everything to make that happen so he plots.
Still heartbroken, the octomer retreats to the sea. So what does he do to make you fall for him? Turn human of course! But he doesn’t have the magic strong enough to do so, so he trains and he trains and he trains endlessly, growing stronger with each new spell, he even made a new spell to get closer to his goal “It’s a deal”, the more humans under his control, the more humanity he has taken from them, getting closer and closer to his goal and soon mc will be his.
Meanwhile mc’s heartbroken that their new octobuddy was gone, they were very fond of their new friend, and seeing azul left without even saying goodbye was devastating to them, as they grew older, mc moved on and now has faint memories of soft inky black tendrils that tickled them, a flash of silver hair and happy laughter between friends. When mc was held captive by Leona’s crew and on the verge of drowning from the storm and the seawater flooding the cells, they see a vaguely familiar presence, they could’ve sworn they’d seen this octomer before.
*sighs dreamily*
this ask literally inspired the childhood azul prompt. cause it’s just so good and so juicy.
like everything is just so delicious. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD IT WAS FOR ME TO ANSWER THIS
poor azul 😿😿
mom just imagining how elated he’ll be once he finally gets mc back!! 😸😸🫶
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reidsnose · 3 years
hair tie
Tumblr media
overview: spencer and the reader start carpooling to work together
genre: fluff!!
a/n: i really dont know if this one is any good i just thought the idea was cute but let me know what yall think :)
spencer was startled by the sudden knock, guests were rare in his little apartment, let alone this early in the morning. a bit paranoid he put his hand over the gun attached to his hip, just in case.
what surprised him even more than the unexpected knock was seeing you through the peep hole when he got to the door.
"y/n? are you ok?" he worried, scanning you up and down quickly to make sure you weren't hurt.
"no um i'm ok," you nervously chewed on your lip, "i was going to call you but i don't have your cell yet. oh my gosh this is going to sound so weird."
you were relatively new to the BAU and they were all very welcoming. the only person who seemed a little bit more closed off was Spencer.
it was true, he was avoiding you a little bit, but only because you were the most beautiful human being he had ever seen; which only made you that much more intimidating. he was afraid. what if he said something stupid? what if the second he opened his mouth you started thinking he was just his IQ. but you were fully a part of the team now. he would have to at least be aquatinted with you.
"its ok, you can say it." he encouraged kindly, causing you to visibly relax.
"ok. oh before i ask i want to preface this by saying you could totally say no i completely understand its a super weird thing especially because we barely know each other." you took a breath as he nodded, a slightly amused smile toyed with his lips.
"i understand the implications. proceed." he mentally slapped himself for wording his thoughts like that.
"do you maybe.. wanna drive to work together? i heard you talking about how you take the train and i also heard that you have an aversion to germs and i drive by your apartment to get to work anyway so i-" you cut yourself off, looking up and seeing him staring at you wide eyed. "i'm sorry this is too weird i over stepped my boundaries and now you dislike me even more. i'm sorry for interrupting your morning. um, you're going to be late for work if i don't leave you alone so ill just- sorry. i'm sorry."
truthfully, this was one of the kindest things anyone has ever offered to do for him. and you offered it with genuine kindness, no ulterior motives to try and get something from him. he stood stunned. how were you so beautiful AND kind. and still somehow a little intimidating.
"we're gonna be late" he called out.
"what?" you turned, having already walked a couple steps from his apartment, your heart beating a bit faster at the sound of his voice.
"you said i'm going to be late. but were carpooling. so we'll both be late," he said matter-a-factly, grabbing his coat and satchel.
"YES!" you laughed, a cracking a wide smile and punching the air triumphantly.
you leaned against the railing of the stairs as you watched him lock up. he was tall and slender and very handsome. so handsome. not handsome like morgan, handsome in a way you were sure you'd never seen before. an incredibly unique and scarce handsomeness that only Spencer Reid had. you tried to forget those thoughts as he began walking towards you.
"i don't dislike you, by the way." he blurted as the two of you walked down the stairs. he felt bad that he made you think he isn't fond of you; the problem was he was too fond of you.
"oh! thats good i've been trying to think of every interaction we've ever had because i was afraid i might have said or done something."
"truth be told," he huffed out a breath, "i was kind of intimidated by you."
you laughed a real, genuine laugh from deep in your belly as you reached your car. the sheer coincidence of the situation as well as your entirely non intimidating nature was seriously laughable.
"you cant be serious! did Garcia tell you?" you asked, completely dumbfounded.
"tell me what?" he asked back, confusion lacing his voice.
"that i was intimidated by you!" you confessed.
"what? this guy in Texas called me a pipe cleaner with eyes! how could i have possibly intimidated you?"
he looked around your car trying to subtly profile you. thats when he noticed you had put hand sanitizer in the passenger side door. and you had pushed the seat back to accommodate for his long legs. it was just two little things, two ways you put a little extra effort in to make him feel welcome, but he was 100% positive if he thought about it too much he would cry. he felt the need to do something like this for you. not to get even or anything, but simply because he wanted to make you feel the way he felt right now.
"i don't know! you're so tall and smart and you seemed quiet but i guess thats only because you were avoiding me. are you sure garcia didnt tell you?" you laughed, watching the road.
now it was his turn to laugh, "no i swear, Garcia didn't say anything about that to me!"
The two of you continued driving, either talking or sitting in a comfortable silence. and this little carpool became a tradition. the two of you arriving and leaving work together every single day, causing the two of you to become closer.
you had to admit, every morning and evening you spent with Spencer made him just seem more and more perfect. unbeknownst to you, the exact same thing was happening with him.
he noticed, one day, as you were pulling your hair up to tie in a ponytail, your hands alternated searching your wrists for a hair tie but there wasn't one there. once he noticed it once, he started noticing it constantly. on a case, in the office, in the car, at a bar. you always seemed to forget your hair ties.
so he went to the store after you drive him home one day, and got a few packs of hair ties. after paying for them, he put one on each wrist and the rest in his satchel, so next time, when you needed one, he'd have it.
he felt like such a creep, constantly watching you to see when you would try to put your hair up. of course the rest of the team took notice, though they had noticed your obvious incline towards each other, Spencer was clearly acting a little weird.
and then it happened.
the two of you were partnered to go to the crime scene on a case, and you went to tie up your hair before you entered the scene. he could hardly contain his excitement, his mind moving a mile a minute trying to decide how he wanted to give you the hair tie. he watched one of your hands search your wrist, but this time it pulled off a little black band and started looping it around your hair.
he couldn't believe it. he finally had a chance to make you feel a portion of the way he felt when he saw your effort in making his car Spencer-friendly, and new he had to think of a new way to do it.
he looked over and saw you holding what used to be your hair tie, now no longer a band, but a completely useless elastic line.
"you've gotta be-" you muttered to yourself, but your sentence was interrupted as Spencer nonchalantly jutted his wrist towards you. "what are you doing?"
"take my hair tie." he stated simply, trying so hard not to blush. this became even harder as your fingers graced the skin of his wrist while you pulled the hair tie off.
"oh! thank you! you're a life saver!" you breathed, cracking a wide smile as you used it to tie your hair up.
you couldn't help the butterflies going absolutely insane in your stomach. why did he have a hair tie? does he tie his hair up sometimes? why have you never seen it up? you tried to suppress a smile, that would be completely inappropriate for a crime scene.
but you couldn't suppress the warm feeling in your chest. because that was always there when Spencer was around.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife
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ayuki-ikuya · 3 years
I come bringing ideas and headcanons.
OK, so we all already know what The Three oldest archons abilities. So I’ve come up with my own ideas we could use for the younger archons! (And yes I’m grouping Ei, Venti and Zhongli as the older siblings since Ei Is 1000 years old Venti is 2,500 and Zhongli is 5,000-6,000 and the other archons are still in the hundreds I think)
Again these aren’t canon just stuff you can use for future Requests for Twisted wonderland x Teyvat God! Reader
For Dendro archon!Reader
Definitely a Bow User. And Is a Healer. But the their Ult can cause damage
I have a theory That during the Archon War The dendro Archin created the Regisvines to fight for them, and only two were left. I also Headcanon The dendro archon can bring plants to life and overwrite what each plant can do. (Maybe even bring mushrooms to life 👀).
Maybe They can create a giant plant from the ground that spreads Healing energies and since this is a god where talking about can Cure Curses (Ahem Vils Curses Ahem) and major Diseases and what not.
For Their Ult maybe a giant plant monster (kinda like how Gouba and Oz exists ) that will attack for them (could make for fun combos with different elements like if the dendro archon was wet Hydro Plant monster)
For Hydro archon!reader
Polearm or sword (theirs way too many Hydro Catalyst) Healer and Dps, Why? Cause I say so.
You’ve mentioned how Hydro archon summons a giant wave? I’ll do you one better and their E skill summons a giant sea creature of your choosing to soak the fighters (A cool visual is their polearm turning into a big dream catcher then going swoosh and Baam Maybe like A giant Water Koi fish finna drown your ass *ahem ace ahem*)
Now mihoyo likes to reference Their character form honkai impact into genshin impact (and since they took a characters look from Honkai and another characters abilities with the whole Dual ego thing for Raiden shogun and Ei) I’m gonna base this Ultimate Skill From a character from Honkai (for research search up Herrsercher of Sentience)
Since the Hydro archons whole thing is about Justice. Now here me out here. WATER WHIP. Just a giant whip of water that can go on for miles (maybe it’s salty maybe it’s like fresh water depends on our readers mood lolol). Like, It’s whip of water strong enough to cut diamond or whatever it would be very cool (Kalim would wanna see if he could do something like that with his UM Que jamil trying to stop him)
Maybe their hair turns into water too.
Pyro archon! Reader
Claymore. A Big strong war god needs a big strong weapon. Dps and Defense.
Now It’s not just one claymore, It’s DUAL-CLAYMORE, why? Cause it’s a war god that’s why!
I like to think the shield is like Xinyans and XiangLings combined and it’s constantly sending off tiny Fire Discs. Or just symbols shooting fire like what the Pyro Abyss mages can do
For Ultimate I like to think it’s like Childes Daggers but Bigger and on fire just a huge sword made of fire.
The pyro archon doesn’t think just BURNS. and STABE
Cryo archon! Reader
I can’t really come up with much for Cryo archon. But maybe a Catalyst that can summon a giant blizzard that drops down giant ice swords (kinda like Ganyus)
Definitely a sub DPS.
Maybe a healer too since The Tsaritsa is The archon of love?
What do you think about these abilities? Since you mentioned that the students and staff would assume their just strong mages I tried to be very creative with these abilities.
Also how I think the lore could go is maybe somewhere after leonas overblot and before azuls, Crowly has found a way to send Yuu home reluctantly. Yuu, grim and the aduece duo, and maybe some of heartslaybul or savana claw whoever you want come with them to the office to send them home. But Yuu is contemplating whether or not they WANT to go home now. But something goes wrong, maybe grim messes up the spell for the portal to work becuase (although he doesn’t want to admit it ) doesn’t want Yuu leaving, and their greeted with a surprise guest. Now this gives Yuu time to decide if they genuinely wanna go home and when teh archon finally has the materials they need to create a portal Yuu will tell them to leave the portal open (maybe put it into a tiny pocket mirror like the how we have the teapot) because they wanna stay for a little while or just until grim graduates (Que a happy fire cat ) and the archon whose grown attached to some people here was like ok “let our friends visit whenever they want, only if their headmaster allows it”
Now onto the headcanons
Anemo Archon! Reader and Mondstadt! Yuu
Everyone expected a lot of things not a person with Green eyes and (H/C) hair with green highlights. And an odd thing about them was the glowing stone on their person, Yuu didn’t have that?
Everyone’s freaking out because they’ve accidentaly taken another person from Yuus world.
And since Venti Is a well known famous bard In teyvat let’s say or Dear (y/N) is also a known bard and is not at all freaking out about what’s going on in fact let’s say our dear reader recognizes Yuu! And so now (Y/N) is now a new student (and a new headache for Crowley) in the ramshackle dorm! Yup! Just an ordinary human bard, Ehe~.
I’ll leave the rest of this up to you, Where Yuu has to explain what the world of teyvat is like (and why Yuu doesn’t have a phone (and a vision) because Twisted wonderland is far more advance in Technology and teyvat has JUST invented the Camera)
Also I head canon that people with Visions can summon their weapons and object with their visions, ok? Ok. To make things make more sense when reader pulls out a lyre from floating glitter.
Geo archon!reader and Liyue! Yuu
Same things happend here, but hey! We’ve summoned a Funeral Consultant! A very (ahemATTRACTIVEahem) Wise funeral consultant at best!
Our dear Friend (y/n) is very calm about the situation as well. After all everyone and liyue knows their god was killed and The Adepti are watching over them
So Our dear reader is seeing this as a free vacation 😊
Electro Archon!Reader and Inazuma!yuu
Since the god of Inazuma isn’t “Dead” or hasn’t left and the people know what their beloved archon looks like, Yuu will definitely Be Freaking the fuck out
insert the meme of the womens face that gets zoomed in on the second panel “the. WHAT.” 😃
And y’know how Eis “Hello” voice line where she makes the traveler her guard she says the same thing to Yuu except “I recognize you are one of my people as your archon I shall be your guard and keep you safe from any danger in this Foreign world” and let’s say The puppet will not be used and Reader will be in control becuase they don’t have to worry about erosion right now so the puppet will be resting while (Y/N) is in control protecting their Precious Inazuma citizen is ok.
Well until They can get the materials they need to open a portal. I’ll let you figure out the rest, but congrats ramshackle you now have a god in your abode 😃✨
-Plot Anon 💗
PLOT ANON-SAMAAAAAAAAAA ILY!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your hard work sob
Anyways, for skills of the archons-
Dendro Archon
I think they'd use a sword or a catalyst tbh, if the skills you listed, it makes a little more sense to have them be more of a catalyst
For their elemental skill, I think they'd summon/throw something similar to Klee's and Aloy's elemental skill except they heal if someone in your party is nearby, their healing could scale by their EM or ER.
For their burst, I like your head canon for the Dendro Archon, so I might go off from that and your idea for their burst, just more tweaking. The dendro archon would be able to summon a large plant that heals AND deals Dendro damage by sapping mobs hp. The amount of life sapping it does and the healing would scale off their original HP (artifacts that give hp won't be of use)
Hydro Archon
I agree with hydro polearm or sword. Too many catalysts
Mmm... To be honest, I think you should have the burst be her skill... The whip idea is intriguing, but I think it would work more for a skill which can allow them to use it several times before waiting for the CD to go down. I think the whip skill would work better with Crit as well.
AND AS FOR THE MENTIONS OF WAVE AND A SEA CREATURE, I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER BUT FOR THEIR BURST!!!! They summon a large tsunami which takes form of a monster/animal and lunges at the mobs (similar to Zhongli tossing down a dumbbell), however the amount of damage the burst can do is depending on if they are afflicted by the wet status the mobs are afflicted by. If already afflicted with hydro, the mobs would receive double damage while those with other elements afflicted on them would receive the element combination DMG and normal DMG while those that aren't affected by an element, they would receive normal damage. The amount of damage the burst does is scaled by EM.
Pyro Archon
Hmmm.... I think the skill would be they set an AoE with magma, mobs will receive damage from it and will continue to receive damage if they stay on it, but those who are in party, they will receive an ATK boost that scales from HP.
For the burst, I think I'll use a character from Honkai Impact with their special move which is Murata Himeko in Vermilion Knight: Eclipse battlesuit. Pyro Archon uses their claymore and another claymore but made of pyro and is far more larger and their cut scene has the Archon raise the pyro claymore above their head and slam it down to send pyro erupting from the ground (similar to the pyro axe wielding hilichurls)
Cryo Archon
I agree with catalyst
Mmmmmm.... I'd say her skill would beeeeee... Trapping several mobs or so in ice. They can either do 2-4 ice traps depending if you got their c1. (The ice traps are similar to Mirror Maidens traps BTW but it deals or affects the mobs with cryo)
For burst, I like the idea of summoning a blizzard/swords, but it's similar to Ganyu's. SO I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER!!!! Cryo Archon will summon a blizzard which freezes mobs without having to use hydro, the freeze status lasts for a total of 15 seconds or higher if you got their c3
Hmmm... I like the idea, but imma tweak it a bit. The archon was in fact summoned through that portal because Grim decided to mess it up just for Yuu to stay a little longer, and so the Archon now resides in Twisted Wonderland as well in order to aide them until they can return back to their world. That way it makes more sense and makes it more fun.
Anemo archon
Yuu would be a bit jealous about them because they got a vision.
Crowley needs to hide his money
Sam has been strictly told to not give them wine that Sam stores in his shop...
Vargus is conflicted about them because they legit float without magic
Trein recurved a major headache
Divus is praying to whatever god existing to take them back
Geo Archon
Yuu feels awkward meeting the consultant of the funeral parlor having to meet the Director...
Crowley is praying for dear god for them to go away.
Train + Crewel + You = Besties
Sam was literally threatened to not joke around with you with business.
You legit did not fuck around with people when in contracts.
"Osmanthus wi-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP" - everyone
Electro Archon
Yuu is literally terrified in "your" presence.
Shogun malfunctioned due to being in an entirely new world so you had to disable Shogun's rules and create new ones regarding this world.
Yuu is still unaware of Shogun being a puppet
Crowley is no longer safe.
The staff (specifically Crewel) is supporting Shogun/You to beat Crowley's ass into shape.
Only the Diasomnia dorm knows your predicament with you and your puppet(s).
You are the definition of Queen/King/Royalty of the school. If you search up NRC, your picture literally plastered on it as the definition.
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oriigirii · 3 years
Streamer MC headcannons with the brothers 💞
"You were quite a known face on social media back in the human realm, playing games, doing unboxings, just vibin in general, fans around the globe looked forward to your streams a lot! However, considering the sudden (unannounced) invitation to the exchange program, you had to leave all of that behind out of the blue. It wasn't as bad at first, but you have to admit you do miss the feeling of being able to do goofy shit online. Luckily for you, with the advance technology of Devildom and some spicy magic, the internet had synced with the human realm, and thats when you decided to finally re-enter the streaming scene. How will the brothers react upon seeing your peculiar past time?"
Head empty, No thoughts aside from the brothers just bothering the MC while they stream so here you go haha
Warnings: None, just crackhead energy and a lotta mispellings
Gender: Neutral!
Hotel: Trivago
* [ ಠ╭╮ಠ ] Lucifer *
{How did he know about your career?}
I honestly don't see him as someone who goes on the internet a lot
(He screams boomer to me, change my mind)
He doesn't have the time either, he's too focused on work!
So him finding out is gonna take a while
But! He did find out the hard way when shrilled screaming was heard from your room when he was passing by with some paper stacks in his arms (courtesy of Diavolo)
This man felt his instincts kick in, he ran as fast as he could, papers forgotten, and he immediately slammed your door open. Splinters scattering around, your door definitely damaged, as his eyes held a glare and his demon form was out, wings spread in a threatening display.
He was ready to beat someone's ass as he had thought someone had hurt you in here.
But all hes met with is you, infront of your chair and PC, and a game over on the screen...
To say he was unamused was an understatement cause you just lost your internet priviliges for giving him a heart attack (He said it was because you were being rowdy and noisy but with what you saw you knew that wasn't the case)
Good luck tryna puppy-eye your way to his heart to let you continue streaming lol.
If by some miracle you managed to wriggle your rights back from his hands, he'd warn you not to be so loud next time.
You already learnt your lesson though~ (Hopefully)
{How does he feel about your streams?}
Not everyone's the same, so if you were the shy soft streamer who does more art streams or something akin to a podcast, you can bet that Lucifer will be putting you on while he works, he kinda knows your streaming schedule at this point and if you were running late, he'd force one of his brothers to take over your dish washing duties or any chores you were stuck with
If you were the loud obnoxious meme type, hed still try to watch out of curiosity, and as much as he appreciates that you were getting comfortable here in Devildom with how you laugh and joke around, he still can't approve of it. Its too loud, its much like his brothers energy and he has enough of that already, so he probably doesn't watch as much.
He has countlessly came to your room to shush you and at this point your fans had made a compilation of each time Lucifer had barged in to tell you off
Look he likes it when you scream, but not when hes in the middle of work okay--
At this point, chat has deemed Lucifer as dad and you as their mom/dad.
If he ever catches wind of this he'd definitely be teasing you in private for centuries to come.
Overall fine with it, as long as don't do something stupid on stream.
* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Mammon*
{How did he know about your career?}
I would say he found out by him crashing into your streams midway but that's too predictable, hence why you've Mammon-proofed your bedroom during streaming hours!
Thanks to our wizard daddy, you have managed to cast a simple lock spell on your door and as well as a sound proofing
You love your broke idiot, but you did wanna keep the tone of your stream today a bit more chill, you wanted to have a proper Q&A with your fans to hopefully clear any bad vibes around your 3 month disappearance.
When Mammon has learnt your door was locked he definitely was a bit pissy, he knocked on your door loudly even and was calling out for you to let him in, but to no avail.
Bro he's scared.
He usually was allowed to enter, and you usually answered if you did need to be left alone for a bit, so just leaving him hanging got his mind racing and he had to press up his ear on the wooden door to try and hear if you were okay
When this continues on he finally resorts to getting help, but the only one in the house ws Levi, so he kicks down HIS door.
Levi boutta summon Lotan for interrupting him honestly
But as Mammon exclaim you weren't answering and he worried for your wellbeing, Levi rolls his eyes and scoffs,
"Idiot Mammon, they're streaming don't bother them…"
Streaming? why didn't you tell him???
Rude much.
He did huff and now was forcing his way to use Levi's PC for a moment
Can Levi stop him?
He was busy on his console, and if he stood up now hed be breaking his world record so he was at a terrible state so he just resorts to threats of him drowning the Avatar of Greed if he does anything stupid on his PC.
He immediately logs in to your streaming platform and he watches for a bit,
You were more dolled up now just to look decent on stream, and he felt this jealousy rise as you interact with your chat, especially to those saying I love you's and stuff, and you even said it back? the audacity! You were his werent you? Were you replacing him with these nobodies?
He huffs as he realized that those who paid got their message highlighted, and thus, he starts donating. (Mind you this was Levi's account...)
"Mcccccc Open the dooorrr"
"Ill behave i promiseeeee"
"Cmon pleaseeee?"
Chat is c o n f u s i o n
NGL, they thought Mammon was a creepy stalker and red flags were being waved everywhere
but as chat was pondering who the hell he was, you can only sigh and look at the camera with that unamused expression, but ugh! you just KNOW hes doing that kicked puppy expression of his, and maybe it really wont be so bad
So you snap your fingers and say, "Okay MonMon, its open, Im giving you 3 seconds"
Mammon wasnt deemed to be the fastest out of his brothers for nothing
As soon as you got to '2', you were already tackled by the white haired male and chat went wild.
Now that you've shown your life in Devildom, maybe its time to introduce chat to your boyfriend no?
{How does he feel about your streams?}
You get paid to sit infront of a camera, do I have to say anything else?
But really though, as much as he enjoys the thought of getting so much cash from something so simple, he prefers the joy of being able to proudly exclaim that he was your first man!
ohhhh he thrives on the salt of your overly attached stans
but for those who fully support you, he always feels so mushy and shy when they say the ship you guys so hard
The fanarts has him WEAK (he may or may not have saved a few)
You usually do streams alone, but now you've allowed the door to be left open to let Mammon join whenever
Chat pogs when he enters with so much confidence, only for it to crumble when you kiss his cheek on stream.
Overall finds it fun to spend time with you, but just dont play scary games cause Lucifer might hang him upside down on stream.
* ▘▂▝ Leviathan*
{How did he know about your career?}
He is honestly the most attached to his D.D.D and he catches wind of almost anything going down in the internet, so your 'revival' being hyped up was something he definitely saw and he was just s wo o o ned
His Henry 2.0? a famous streamer?
Were you truly a blessing gifted upon him or was he dreaming?
He definitely didn't bring it up at first as he didn't wanna make it a big deal, but you notice hes been more in his head lately, and you have tried asking him what it was but to no avail.
You have to corner this little snake if you want answers and he eventually admits that he knew of your persona online and was incredibly shy to ask you to stream with him
He's a streamer himself afterall but maybe he doesnt stream as much as you do nor does he have as large of a following, so his intrusive thoughts attacked him and made him think that maybe since he wasnt as famous he didnt deserve to be in the same stream as you
Please tell him to join you and gib him kiss U3U
He'll absolutely m e l t
But now, as you make the announcement to your viewers and Levi to his, the internet explodes as a special collab stream was hapening between the expert gamer and avatar of envy of Devildom along with the beloved exchange student and streamer of the human realm
Your usual viewers reach between 10-15k, but as you start stream, that number boosts higher and beyond
Before streaming though, Levi was incredibly nervous, he'd picked the games for you to play that he knew you would enjoy with him, but his mind kept racing about whatthe fans thought, he didnt wanna disappoint them
But you had to remind him that whatever they say will not matter in the end as this was merely for fun, this was YOUR stream and you guys were gonna do what you want and nobody can have a say on it. (Maybe except Lucifer)
You usually talk for him with your bubbly personality, and to calm his nerves, he hs your pinky wraped around his where the camera can't see it.
Regardless, his thoughts subsided as you two delve into your stream that lasted a solid 7 hours, you definitely promised your chat that you and Levi will be doing more streams together from now on.
Once the cameras cut and yall are left alone, Both of you collapse on bed, and despite you being asleep already, Levi was just far too giddy as everything dwells on him.
Having a player 2 by his side now had never felt so intoxicating and he as just so lucky to have you.
{How does he feel about your streams?}
He obviously adores it, although some streams he wouldnt join just so he can play games on his own
He's still an introvert afterall, he needs his alone time
But he prefers that alone time with you, his Henry.
So when youre about to go stream, he kinda becomes a bit pouty, but with a simple promise of kisses (and maybe even more if youd like) he would let you go, but his attention would disappear from his game altogether.
He might just end up watching you instead
May or may not, at some point, just chat you and ask if its too late to join you
You do allow him to join you and play from the comforts of his room as both of you can simply play via internet, you give him the comfort to not turn on his mic or webcam either and you have no idea how he appreciates that.
Will definitely fight someone online when they start claiming you as theirs (-cough- stans) Please make sure it doesnt escalate to him summoning Lotan
Although the comments would often get to him, and as much as he can fight them online, he still does find himself pondering if they were true, so you need to give him a lotta lovin and reminder that he is your player 1 and no one else can ever fill that place.
Wow 3 brothers this time, what an improvement, anyways hope yall enjoy! I think its pretty clear who I simp for depending o nthe length of each lol, but do let me know if you guys want a part 2 for the rest of the brothers, or even the undateables!
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I never expected you guys to like demon Senjuro so much lol I’m really happy to see that like it was such a random impulse thought but the au has a lot of room for growth
In this post Im gonna establish a few things about what happened to Senjuro and Kyojuro in the events between Senjuro’s “death” and the pillar meeting. I will only cover their relationship and a little bit of Senjuro’s relationship with Tanjiro. The others can come at a different post cause this post is gonna be long lol so I put it under cut cause no one really wants a post to flood their dash
TW: Mentions of death (some are children), mentions of cannibalism (If you’ve seen even the first episode of demon slayer and had no problem, you’re fine with this post. This post is slightly not anime only friendly as I make references to an upper moon and I show a manga only panel as of posting this) Shnjuro gets really depressed but luckily there is no attempted suicide
Senjuro Rengoku
- His class was at the bottom floor and they were cleaning the school (I heard thats a thing in Japan if someone has a better idea on what they’re doing feel free to shoot an ask) when they got attacked
- In canon we dont know his age but I’m gonna guess like 12-14 but in the au he is 13 so he was 12 when he became a demon. A rogue demon attacked Senjuro’s class and Senjuro ran to get help and was fatally injured but still managed run to get help as he was given a nichirin sword and even if it didnt change color he must have known breathing techniques at the very least on a basic level and the demon was too preoccupied with some of the teachers and others trying to kill the demon, of course unaware of what it was except for Senjuro
- Upper moon 4 was sneaking around when he saw the all but dead body of Senjuro and demons really dont have standards for turning people into demons so when he noticed he was alive, turned him into a demon mostly so that if he did find any “evil people” (demon slayers) he could use him as his meat shield alongside his personalities
- When Senjuro woke up as a demon (cause even if he was a breath user he was very inexperienced so Hantengu had no problem making him a demon), he had no memory of his life as a human and looked around trying to find a human to satiate his hunger and saw a human in the distance with someone and began to run to them to satiate his hunger when he felt himself being held back. 
- The spirit of Ruka Rengoku gently held her son back and instructed him to not eat humans as that’s not something he should do and even if Senjuro couldn’t recognize the woman holding him back, he found himself obeying her and running to go to a place to hide from the sun
- From that moment on for a few day he would hop from place to place whether underneath homes, in caves or any place he could find to avoid being seen and to be shielded from the sun and found himself growing sleepy so in the cave he hid in, far away from the place he was last in, he closed his eyes and fell asleep for a year
- When he woke up, he had unwittingly burnt away Muzan’s control of him and was unsure on what to do when Ruka’s spirit appeared again telling him that he needs to find his way home. Senjuro wasn’t actually listening to a lot of what she said except one thing stuck to him. 
- “Senjuro”, he didn’t know what his name was as a demon but the name seem to stick to him and he figured this must be his name (he would of course be correct)
- When he found himself staying with the Kamaboko squad, having been spared despite being a demon due to him not having any form of aggression to them (something they all noticed due to his general demeanor and their enhanced sense) and Tanjiro could smell he hadnt eaten one human and he invited him to join them. He joined Nezuko in her box (she can grow really really tiny if she wants or is tired)
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Kny chapter 85
- He joined for two reasons: One, he was really scared of people and demon slayers especially so when Tanjiro offered him the chance to be able to be safe and hide he took it. Secondly, he wasn’t sure but the smile Tanjiro gave and his warm reassurance reminded of him of someone, when he thought hard he only saw blurry shadows and got a headache so didn’t try to push it
- Tanjiro did ask him in the wisteria house while Zenitsu was chatting with Nezuko and Inosuke was off being Inosuke about his past and Senjuro told him about his brief meetings with a woman with black hair and asks if they’ve met before as he feels familiar
- This is where he gets the idea that the woman with black hair (Ruka) is his mother and Tanjiro guesses that the person that he thinks is Tanjiro must be his father (right on the first part Tanjiro but wrong on the second lol, you tried)
- He wears a cyan yukata with a new hakama pants as the clothes he was previously wearing was the same bloodstained clothes he wore after turning into a demon and Tanjiro didnt want to leave him in that. Tanjiro thought to get him a gag but the idea made Senjuro uncomfortable so Tanjiro made him swear to never eat a single human
- In Mount Nagatumo, he was too scared to jump out to protect Tanjiro like Nezuko but when she gets sliced up he leaves the box to watch her while Tanjiro fights Rui, unfortunately he is caught in Rui’s webs like Nezuko and was saved from it by Nezuko flames (though it did burn him a fair bit, Nezuko would apologize to him for this later)
- Giyuu doesn’t kill Senjuro cause his resemblance to Kyojuro despite the different clothes and demon eyes is clear to anyone who can see and Shinobu also finds herself hesitating but shakes those feelings off as Kyojuro deserves better than to see his little brother as a demon. Luckily Giyuu stops him and Senjuro runs with Nezuko and Tanjiro but is later taken back to the demon slyer corps by a Kakushi who put him and Nezuko back in their box
- When Sanemi stabbed the box, he moved to try and protect Nezuko but the box was too cramped and they both got stabbed despite his efforts. Later when he tries to bait him with his marechi blood, he’s too focused on resisting the blood and on Nezuko who he had grown to see as a sister to care about the wide eyed looks the pillars were giving him.
Kyojuro Rengoku (I am so sorry in advance Kyojuro simps I put this man THROUGH IT)
- He had just finished a mission and was going to get another mission when a crow he hadn’t seen work in years came flying to him, obviously panicked telling him how Senjuro’s school was attacked and how no one can find Senjuro among the bodies. The crow was Shinjuro’s
- When he hears that, all the kakushi and other demon slayers present would say they had never seen the flame pillar run so frantically, he only stopped to apologize briefly if he bumped into someone while running but the only thing racing in his mind was his little brother who had no weapon to defend himself with. He forced the image of his brother being nothing but a corpse away only thinking about saving Senjuro
- When he reached the school, he forced himself to calm down. Panicking isn’t going to magically bring Senjuro to him so he needs to keep himself in check because with so many people dead, he’s not the only one concerned over the kids
- There were no survivors on the area that was attacked, the police were there investigating the deaths of the many children and teachers, Kyojuro had to spend time convincing the police he was with them and to be allowed to investigate as well
- With no survivors, he heard from the police that there was a blood trail when they got there and he went to find the trail, when he reached the end of it where there were no traces of Senjuro but since the people there were untrained civilians, Senjuro was the only possible person to have been there
- He spent multiple days searching, Mitsuri was at one point sent to check on him and it was clear he was pushing himself, as days passed by, his composure and bright demeanor were crumbling and he started latching onto any lead to at the very least find the body of Senjuro to take back home but it was becoming clear that he would never find it and a kakushi had to be the one to tell him that his body was likely eaten to the bone or eaten and discarded to either rot away or eaten by someone else
- Kyojuro took a week off, not just because of the grief he felt at that moment but because he needed to check on his father and make sure he would be okay, the man didn’t even face Kyojuro when he came in to visit, he forced himself to not cry in front of his father as he tried to talk to the man who couldn’t even say a word and just drank away even as his eldest son tried to talk to him
- Servants were hired to monitor Shinjuro by Kyojuro as he was concerned about his health both physically and mentally but he did notice how Shinjuro never resisted to being taken care of by the people he hired. They reported to him he could be heard muttering Senjuro’s name and even stares at his room for extended periods of time
- When he made his return, he apologized to the pillars for his behavior the past two weeks (even though no one blamed the man, some even said it was okay if he needed more time, they wouldn’t judge) but whenever he was told that he said he had to be strong to protect the weak so he could be someone that could stop families from ending up like his own
- He was far more determined in killing demons, demon attacks had become personal to him now, whenever he saw a demon eating people he found himself wondering what they must’ve thought in the afterlife as the demon desecrated their bodies
- In the pillar meeting, when he was informed of a swordsman who travelled with not one but two demons, he felt disgust as who knows how many humans they could eat. On the way to the meeting, he couldn’t help but notice Shinobu deliberately avoiding him a bit, Giyuu was doing the same but the man never really talked with them much to begin with
- When he saw Senjuro go out of the box with Nezuko, he felt the smile on his face drop and his heart practically sunk to the core of the earth as he saw the unmistakable hair of a Rengoku and the face was so clearly Senjuro’s despite his eyes having a black sclera and his iris and pupil becoming cat like, the pillars had all turned to see if the flame pillar was alright and he could hear Himejima mutter prayers and Mitsuri was on the verge of tears seeing Senjuro alive but as a demon
- He found himself going into denial until Tanjiro, who had been freed as Obanai left to comfort the distressed love pillar, ran and yelled Senjuro’s name and told him to resist his hunger
- “My sister and the other demon with us are different! They would never eat a human!”
- Senjuro was a good kid, he was innocent, kind and a bit on the timid side. He had helped raise him, he knew Senjuro would never want to harrm a fellow human even when threatened. 
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Hi!! Can you do a one shot of kyojuro ending up in our world and meets reader and they become friends and fall in love?
Of course! Thanks for requesting!!! I had a lot of ideas for this one! Thank you!!!!
Not exactly from around here
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Kyojuro smiled as a scroll of parchment was dropped in his hand. Untying and unrolling the paper he looked at the newest target. Looking at the papers he seen a map on the second.
Confused he walked into town, looking around he spotted a shop owner setting up his sweets stand.
"Hello! Hi!" Rengoku called with a smile.
The middle age man smiled turning away from the Hawthorn he was skewing.
"Hey there! The sugars still heating up! But Can I interest you in my special sweet buns! There not typical!"
Rengoku smiled, "I was wondering if you could help me find this place."
The man looked over the stand looking at the map, "hmm...thats the old abonded train station, the tracks are covered in water." The man infromed, "If you want to go there, go down the back alley just down the street, you'll hit a dead end all the way down and take the stairs down, you'll see a fruit stand and turn left going down some more stairs."
"Thank you." Rengoku spoke putting the papers away, then looking at the stand, "how long is that sugar going to take?"
"Hmm? Not to longer more." The man spoke.
"Can I buy..."
Twenty mintues later Rengoku was walking down the second set of stairs with a bag of sweets in his hand and a stick of tanghulu-ed hawthorne in his hand, but before he could enjoy his sweet he past by a child playing by himself- so he was happy to share the Tanghulu with the small boy.
By the time he had made it to the run down station the sun was setting, the water filled the tracks like he was informed and the sitting area once well done was now over run with folliage, vines creating a curtain.
Walking down the colostone path he made it to a small ticket booth, swipping the vines away he seen no one in the ticket booth. Walking away from the ticket booth to look around a bit more he spotted a random mushroom in the middle of the walk way. Curious enough he went over to it- as it suddenly picked itself up and ran off.
Confused Rengoku followed the mushroom as it ran behind the sitting area and back around the far corner. Rengoku followed as he turned the corner. A shadow now in the ticket booth, and the small mushroom running over.
Rengoku followed moving the foliage again seeing the silhouette of what seemed to be a ticket master- the only solid thing was the brooch on the mans hat.
It was silent as the man held up a set of tickets.
"A ticket slip?" Rengoku asked, but got no reply, only a pointed finger at his haori.
Figuring it was the scroll hidden inside he took out the roll and set it on the wood.
The scroll was taken and ripped as it burnt to ashes and in replace Rengoku was given the ticket slip.
Taking it he looked at the slip- he had never heard of any of the stops passed the first three.
Walking over to the now clean sitting area he took a seat, a black cat joining his side as it waited with cat sized bag around its body, some other creatures such as more mushroom people, and flower fairies came to take a look at Rengoku- a human- none the less a demon slayer.
He looked down at the small group and smiled sending them into shock and hiding. He smiled brighter as they came out of hiding slowly- unsure if they'd be scooped up or slashed, but seeing his bright smile they took a seat, bathing in his sun like smile.
Hearing the train coming in he stood up, walking over towards the tracks to realize the water was still present, but filled with small fish and- what he assumed was an eel that pasted by. The colors in the water scattered as the train came in- coming to a slow stop as the doors slid open.
The cat took lead, hoping in as it held its ticket slip in its mouth. Rengoku followed after, still uncertain of what was really happening- but you could say curiosity killed the cat.
Taking a seat on the bench he looked out the window infront of him. Soon a ticket master- no more than the age of tweleve came floating by- two eyes following him as he held out a gloved white hand. Looking at the ticket he handed them to the boy, who took them and shreaded them in his hand processed shredder and moved on. On the first stop- people filed in, a veiled woman sitting next to him with a child in a wooven fruit basket- the child- of course wasn't human, and a male in a kitsune mask infront of him, smoking out of a Kiseru, and beside him sat the cat that minded it own bussniess.
It wasnt till the fourth stop he was left alone- the only residing was the cat. Rengoku looked over and waved smally with a bright smile but the cat never did respond.
Not so long after the same floating boy came back over- pointing to the door as the train came to a stop.
The cat got up as well as Rengoku went over the doors opening as they both walked out. Rengoku watched as the black cat made it own way leaving Rengoku alone in silence. Looking around he found some stairs, traveling up them he came to a back alley, he almost walked into busy foot-traffic, luckily stopping himself in time as he watched people pass by, werid items in there hands, dressed weirdly, some dressed in what seemed to be a uniform.
"You really are a slow one aren't you."
Rengoku looked up seeing the black cat sitting on an on-ing.
"Oh. So you do speak." Rengoku smiled. "I am-"
"Rengoku Koyojuro. I know who you are." The cat spoke, "why are you here?"
"I was sent on an assignment you see!" Kyojuro spoke with a bright smile, "that ticketmaster took my map. But I still have the letter- hey where are we?"
"Modern time- futuristic for you." The cat spoke, "Just do your job and leave. Don't cause a ruckus."
The cat left as Rengoku looked out into the crowd, with a bright smile on his face, and a hop in his stepped out into the crowd, just to be carried away by the crashing wave of people. When he finally got out of the crowd he looked around looking at the letter.
'Find Y/n'
Wss the first thing that stood out to him, he went to the closest person in veiw. A young girl in a school uniform with her friends.
"Excuse me!" Rengoku smiled happily.
The girls looked back at him- immediately flushed at his apperance, "Hi! I was wondering if you could help me find a Y/n?"
"Y-Y-Y/n? Y/n? W-w-what?" One girl spoke a flushing mess as she looked at the young man.
"Hmm..." Rengoku thought looking down at the paper.
"Ah! A Y/n L/n! Or a L/n Y/n! Which ever way sounds familiar would really help!" Rengoku smiled.
"Ah as in L/n-Sensei!" One girl pipped up.
"The pretty teacher?" Another girl asked.
"Pretty teacher?" Rengoku asked.
One nodded, "She works at the highschool. Shes Mirus home room! Isnt that right Miru-san?!"
"H-huh! Oh...yeah!" She flustered.
"She should still be at the school. She said she had a meeting."
"Where can I find this highschool?"
"Its down that way."
Thanking the young women he left to find this highschool.
Walking along the streets he seen cars and bikes past by- confusing him- but interesting him none the less. Asking for directions once more he had made it to the school, walking through the front gate he stopped hearing windows being opened abruptly.
A young woman stood there, her hair down and relaxed as the breeze blew through it softly. The breeze now dismissed- showed her face, Kyojuro awe strucken by her appearance, she seemed to be the only simple thing in this hetic world he had traveled too- her bright colorful eyes made her stick out- show casing her warm heart and soul as she smiled.
From the corner of her eye she spotted the bright colors of the sun. Turning her head down she looked at the male looking up at her- there bright eyes locking with one another.
It was silent, the breeze coming and going as they stayed awe strucken by one another.
"Can I help you with something sir?"
There it was. Her voice, a love striken arrow piercing Rengoku's heart.
"My name is Rengoku Kyojuro."
His voice sent a warm fuzz to her cheeks.
"I am L/n Y/n."
This was her.
"I. I've heard of you." Rengoku called back, "I was wondering. If you'd like to become friends!"
"A pretty bold move for friendship Mr.Kyojuro!"
Rengoku smiled, "I suppose it is Ms.L/n!"
"we can grab some yakisoba, maybe a beer? Or some sake?"
Rengoku nodded as Y/n smiled, "Give me time to grab my things."
Rengoku patiently waited as the woman soon came down the steps and out the school.
"Its nice to meet you as a whole rather than just your upper half." Rengoku smiled as Y/n chuckled softly.
"So. How about that food?"
That was the start of it, there meeting- they had sat and ate talking along the way, laughing and joking- until Kyojuro brought his reasoning for being where they were.
"A demon train?" Y/n asked.
"It may be hard to believe-"
"It really isn't!" Y/n said, "This is the modern world after all- just if your a supposed demon slayer why didnt you just kill the thing instead of boarding it?"
"I'm still asking myself that question!" He laughed rubbing the back of his neck with a smile.
Y/n ate some rice as he contuied to talk,
He may be hot but kinda childish- or is it dense...
"So whats the plan then? How are you getting back?" Y/n asked.
"Oh." Rengoku spoke.
Well atleast he has a plan
"You see. I don't exactly know!" He finished.
Of course he doesnt have a plan
"Well how about staying at my place until then?" Y/n asked, "I teach mythology and history.So you'll be my living reference in return"
"That sounds great!"
"Well first we should dress you modernly. Im sure the police will arrest you for walking around with a sword." Y/n informed.
Rengoku listened as Y/n informed him on the modern world the two soon returning to her place, he was most interested in the colorized pictures on the wall as she started informing him on where things were.
She turned around to see him with a frame in his hand, but he soon set it down.
"Something wrong?"
"No. Nothing at all. I've never seen so many. Who paints them all?" He asked curiously.
"There taken with a camera that links to my printer." Y/n informed.
"Can we take one? You know before we figure out a way for me to get back!" Rengoku asked.
"Yeah I don't see why not." Y/n smiled.
Rengoku smiled as Y/n continued the house tour. The next few days Y/n would help Rengoku get accustomed to modern life, and he'd teach her about his time- simple things she wanted to know really. He accompanied her to school where he sat in the corner in the from of the class- or in the back depending on the time. Most of the highschool girls fauned over him- and maybe even some of the boys.
It was safe to say- Y/n and Rengoku had become friends. Yet that didn't stop Rengoku from wanting to return home. A week into his visit he was still there, and he was missing home none the less.
Y/n frowned seeing Rengoku doodling little images of his old friends and world.
"What do you want for dinner today Rengoku?" Y/n asked.
"I picked yesterday! You can pick today!" He spoke smiling.
"How about pozole?" Y/n asked.
"Is that new?" He asked.
"No." Y/n responed, "it's a hispanic dish. I figured while your hear. Maybe you could try some other cultural food! Fish isnt the only thing out there you know!"
Rengoku smiled softly, "that sounds great then."
Y/n smiled, "how about helping me?"
Rengoku nodded as the two got to work. He had found himself attached- warm hearted next to her. He knew she was going out of her way to not only help him, but try and feel better.
They cooked and cooked, the two laughing along the way as they sat down with there bowls to eat.
Rengoku took a spoonful happily, "It's diffrent. I like it!"
Y/n smiled, "Im glad you like it so much. Now you know how to make it so you can make it whenever!"
He nodded as they contuied to eat, "I was thinking."
Rengoku looked up from his bowl, "maybe we could take the camera out? Go take some pictures together?"
Rengoku nodded with a smile, "I'd enjoy that!"
"Then it settled! We can go out after we eat!"
The dinner was filled with laughter and jokes, dishwashing contained a bubble fight. Ending in the two of them sitting against the counter taking a break. Just for them to get up again and get ready to head out, Y/n with a camera in her hands.
The evening was warm, and happy- a smile not leaving any of there faces. It was mostly goofy pictures of the two of them doing things- just one- as the other one was usually taking the picture.
Y/n intruppted a man for a quick question as he happily agreed, Y/n ran over to Rengoku pulling on the haori he had overlaping his buttonup.
"He's gonna take a picture of us." Y/n said pointing to the man who held the camera.
Rengoku nodded in understanding as the two stood ready bright smiles on there faces as they stood infront of some neosigns.
"There we go!"
"Thanks alot!"
"It was no problem!"
Y/n smiled looking at the photo.
"One more place?" She asked.
Rengoku agreed as she pulled him along, the route soon told him where they were going.
"I figured." Y/n spoke walking down the stairs, "the trainstation of which you magically appeared would be a nice photo right?"
Rengoku nodded, "It would be nice."
Y/n smiled as she found a rock to perch the camera on, "it'll be on a timer so I'll rush over and we can take the picture!"
Rengoku watched as she quickly ran over the two smiling as she held his arm, there fingers interlaced with each others. The photo snapped and Y/n smiled rushing over to get it. Making there way home Rengoku looked at her free hand, hanging by her side as she held the camera in one hand.
Feeling his pinky being taken he looked back down and noticed Y/n wrapped her pinky around his, looking back up at her she walked normally- following in suit he wrapped his pinky around hers.
"Hey Rengoku..."
She was silent for a mintue, "nevermind..."
Rengoku frowned as they got home, taking there shoes off, Y/n took her coat off and Rengoku hung his haori up besides it.
"I...Im gonna go print these pictures-"
"Wait a mintue." Rengoku said grabbing her hand, "What. What were you going to say? Before the nevermind. It must've been important."
"No. Nothing." Y/n spoke walking away and to her desk, "We should get these printed."
The mood suddenly changed, it was lighthearted once more as they figured out what pictures to print. Rengoku watched her smile and laugh as he stood over the chair using the back as a leaning support.
"Hey! Thats a good one!" Rengoku pointed out at the picture of Y/n feeding the deer they seen passing a tea garden.
Y/n looked at him, his face now level with hers as he looked at the computer with a smile. Pressing a quick kiss to his cheek he flustered immediately.
They looked at each other, Y/n flushing immediately.
"S-sorry." She apologized.
"You missed." Rengoku told her.
"I-I missed?" Y/n asked as Rengoku pecked her lips softly.
"See I didn't miss." He smiled brightly, "You try again-"
Rengoku was silenced as Y/n kissed him again, this time, the kiss lasted longer than a peck.
Standing up her hands ran through his hair, tilting her head to deepen the kiss. He only responded with his hands on her hips, pushing into the kiss more she stumbled back a bit and bumped into her desk.
Pulling away Rengoku smiled softly as did she, "sorry." He apologized with a light laugh.
She chuckled lightly, her head resting against his, "you...kiss good."
Rengoku flushed softly as Y/n rubbed the back of her head.
"I uh. The printers in my room." She spoke softly rushing off flushed as he followed with a smile.
She looked at the pictures with a smile, as he stood in her doorway, leaning against the frame.
"Hey. Rengoku here are-"
She froze as he was suddenly next to her, a smile as he observed her.
"W-what is it?"
He sighed,tossing his Haori on her bed as he rolled up his sleeves. Gulping unknowing of what was to happen she was suddenly picked up.
"If I want to keep that smile on your face! I suppose I must tickle you!"
"Wait! Rengoku!-"
She was tossed on the bed as he climbed over her. Almost immediately tickling her she cried out in laughter, finishing off his tickling with a kiss to her lips he laid on his side, waiting for her to calm down.
"Want another tickle?"
"No! No. Im okay." She chuckled as he smiled.
Sighing she finally calmed down, the two laying on the bed together in peace, she yawned as he covered them with the white, flamed desgined haori.
"Im glad I found you." Rengoku spoke softly kissing her head as she smiled.
"I love you Ren." She smiled hugging him.
"I love you too N/n."
The two fell asleep in each others embrace, the suns rays of the next day only waking the two up.
Rengoky yawned as he sat up, back pain immense as he covered his eyes from the sun- which was odd as he remembered you only opening your curtains a bit.
He looked behind him seeing Tanjiro.
"Ah! Thank god we found you!" Tanjiro sighed in relief.
Why was Tanjiro here?
Rengoku looked around quickly, "No. No. No. No no. No. No! No!" He cried getting up to his feet.
He had returned to the trainstation that started his journey.
"Y/n!" He called out, maybe you had been brought back with him, "Y/n!"
Tanjiro frowned at Rengoku's sudden burst.
"Hey. Hey! Calm down. Aniki what's wrong? What happened?" Tanjiro attempted to calm, "where did these chlothes come from?"
"No! She was here! She was with me! I-" Rengoku jumbled together.
"Aniki. Please. Take a deep breathe." Tanjiro spoke holding Rengoku's arms, "maybe that will jog your memory?"
Rengoku turned arouned to see his sword on the floor and under it was paper. Rushing over he looked at the papers- photos you had printed and taken for him. Fat tears rolled down his cheeks as Tanjiro comforted him.
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