#i do have more stuff of this AU but idk if its still worth showing now
pouletpourri · 25 days
could you pleaseee draw more of the kaufmo lives AU? I'd love to see more of it 🥺🥺🥺🥺 please!!
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get a jestie who will go batshit for you (in defense)
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frienderbender · 2 years
For the character ask: Skwisgaar :3
Send Me a Character
skwisgaar‼️ fuck yes
First impression: so i think i’ve talked about it before but mtl has always been a show i’ve been familiar with but never watched from beginning to end until a few years ago but i always liked skwisgaar because he looked and sounded So Much like this guy i had a thing with during my first year of college and that’s always been so fucking funny to me so i knew when i finally sat down and watched this show he’d be an instant fave for me.
Impression now: skwisgaar my beloved. i was still mostly right about the fave part except he just got pushed to 2nd place. 3rd depending on the day but still a character i hold dear. a character who i feel strongly about and who i think got so underutilized in canon. and as i’m typing this i realize that like all my faves have that in common LMAO
Favorite moment: so many to choose from. honestly any time he’s just goofing off and shedding that sorta cool sex god attitude. like when he and toki are making prank calls? oh my god. peak skwisgaar. i need him just being a dork.
Idea for a story: some guys AU-centric but something i’ve tossed around forever is a plot/“episode” where skwis and pickles go have a day out together (+seb ofc) and go have fun being the stay-at-home dads they are. bc like the other guys are busy working but these two wanna do stuff while their kids are at school and their spouses work. and they never hang out one-on-one and realize Wait we can actually have fun together. then ofc the other three hear about it like hey um Excuse Me why weren’t we invited🫡 we like to have days out. and skwis and pickles are like well we just wanted to go do some fun stuff together and you guys have work so :/ then will’s like I DON’T!!!😤 anyway the stay-at-home dad duo still does their weekday shopping trips. sorry guys.
Unpopular opinion: HMMMM okay so i always see people talk about How Often they see other people say skwisgaar is like an unemotional jerk or something along those lines and while i’ve seen that before too it’s always been from like. posts from 2013. like WHO in the modern age is saying that about him. i’ve always wondered this bc i’ve never seen that happen now😭 but uhh Unpopular Opinion hmm. i’d say if anything i’ve seen more modern takes kinda flip that old take on its head and i’ll see skwis written as more powerless in dynamics and it’s like Hey hold on. don’t go turning it THAT WAY bc that’s not right either😭
Favorite relationship: abigaar and nategaar man……..the thing about skwis is that i think he works really well with lots of characters. i love skwistok a lot too, and i think skwickles is fucking hilarious, but those first two….THE skwisgaar pairs for me.
Favorite headcanon: god i dunno. i think i’ll always be a sucker for secret hopeless romantic skwisgaar; i really do think he would like to settle down in his own way. and i also think—though idk how much this falls into the headcanon category—i think his dynamic with his mother is something worth analyzing. i think he really does want a relationship with her, and he does care for her, but It’s Complicated. there needs to be better communication on both ends, but i don’t know if they’ll ever really reach that point. and i think skwis has some difficulty accepting that he may never get an answer to why things ended up the way they did between them.
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intrulogical · 2 years
tbh kind of a harsh one about the fandom (and maybe should not even get published) but i feel like all the content creators that were worthwhile ended up leaving. i kinda feel like youre one of the remnants of the fans that had real serious and interesting discussions to have about the show and thats why i love your blog so much. and no offense to everyone else still in the fandom, they make what they enjoy, but it all feels like fun unrelated aus, or borderline-oc out of character art or fics, and absolutely no thoughts on the real characters or show anymore. which is fair enough since. yknow there hasnt BEEN anything new to talk about. but i LOVE what the fandom used to be with people like rondoel and thoriffix and angel-archivist and erstwhilesky. but idk. maybe i just grew out of it. but i wanted to hear your thoughts on this since u encapsulate what i really wanted this fandom to be, and if u feel the same way at all. also idk if this ask got off track sorry </3
awh my dude :(((
its okay, dont be sorry!! i really feel the struggle you feel </33 but i'm glad i got to offer stuff you enjoy, because honestly, i miss these sides of the sanders sides fandom too :((
i don't think you're being harsh about your general assumptions on the fandom. to me, i think the fandom has always had fans who make more ooc, au-related content, but we always had that lucky few who really analyze and the dissect the series for what it is. and now, well, i feel like it's much rarer to find.
don't get me wrong, the fandom's lovely, but i think we accidentally became too obsessed with the idea that we were the first "perfect" fandom that we normalized toxic black and white thought processes, which made a lot of us just. not consume sanders sides for what it's worth.
the interpretations of sanders sides has honestly gotten so shallow for what it is. sanders sides discusses mental health, philosophy, psychology, moral dilemmas, and just. a lot of stuff that people go through that they didn't realize was a problem with a viable solution. it's funny to think that sanders sides discusses black and white thinking but its fandom is JUST like it. the fandom infantalizes the characters when virgil has spoken out about it. we've attributed these characters to such batshit unrealistic unsympathetic headcanons which warp our view on them.
and i don't know. it's kind of disheartening, sometimes, because we're given such an amazing and well-crafted series and all fans do is woobify or villainize the characters. we don't see the established depth that's already there.
i can't blame past content creators for leaving, but for those who stayed, i really hope that you really embrace the series for what it's worth. i don't mean digging deep and analyzing characters for every breath they take, but just. understanding what thomas informs us of. internalizing the lessons the characters present to us. it just feels like a waste, if we see these characters as nothing but ragdolls for us to throw around.
of course, i don't mean we should stop making au's and personal headcanons, but i just mean like. appreciate sanders sides for what it is first before you do.
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stuckinamok · 2 years
I definitely already read one (i cant think of the title but it was cute af and i loved it) but I would love to see another soulmate au of hunter and willow.
I've never written a soulmate au so idk how comfortable I would be actually writing it but I might write up a premise as like...a writing prompt or something.
I was imagining Belos creating his grimwalkers over and over and no matter what he did, there was always some mark or indication on each clone/recreation that meant he had a soulmate (in the demon realm) and it really pissed Belos off because he killed his brother for falling in love with a witch and there was just nothing he could do from preventing it happening each time.
Hunter now exists and its the first time Belos doesn't see any kind of soulmate "mark" and he's relieved but we all know Hunter is a big nerd and reads about everything and he ends up reading about soulmate magic stuff and that there doesn't necessarily have to be any kind of mark. He's curious but smart enough to not ask his uncle about it first- he asks Darius. And Darius is all like "idk why dont you go to the hexside library or something to find out more" and thats how ASIAS actually starts and thats when he meets Willow.
Idk how you'd meet Willow or how she'd be first introduced but she is also born without a mark. Her dads tell her some people dont have soulmates but also there are some special types of soulmates where it's only revealed upon meeting them or something. (Like the invisible red string thing yk). So shes teased her whole life about it but she still has hope.
So just like in ASIAS she first sees Hunter when he's showing off his sick flying skills and Gus, being able to see through most illusions and such, also has a special gift he hasn't shared with his friends (it just seems not worth mentioning). He can see soulmate connections and when he does he's immediately taken aback by it but still semi threatens Hunter about not messing stuff up with Willow.
Later they find out he's the golden guard this whole time and Gus is especially mortified.
Darius still shares with Hunter that he's impressed that he's made friends at Hexside.
SKIP to Labyrinth Runners and guess who has the same special gift as Gus? Or at least his little magic mirror gives him that gift--Adrian. Thats how he creates the illusion of Willow so well because he already knows she is connected to Hunter somehow and Gus didn't see through it.
Idk about the rest though, those are my initial thoughts on how it would go. I really don't know how it'd all end, tbh.
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nastyburger · 3 years
public ShortComings right now right now right now right now ri
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the premise/start of the episode is similar to its canon counterpart. danny needs to pass an important physical exam and is paired with dash as a fitness buddy to help prepare for it. however, instead of jack just blasting phantom, a ghost, and an innocent bystander outside the house with the shrink ray and promptly fucks off to not deal with the consequences of that, the shrink blaster is introduced early on to danny as a prototype still in the works. it is then left in the lab until it is needed later and the set up for the actual fitness buddy stuff comes into play.
the real deviation from micro management happens when skulker attacks the duo. danny randomly shouts to scatter in opposite directions to throw the ghost off as a thinly veiled excuse to have a place to transform and promptly bolts...... except dash doesnt run in the opposite direction like he was supposed to. danny gets to a secluded area and starts slowing down, like half a second away from going ghost, before being pushed by dash to keep running with skulker following close behind.
while still running for their lives, danny is just like???? why the fuck did you follow me i said scatter????? to which dash promptly says “dude that ghost was definitely chasing you and there’s no way you can out run it, you would’ve been toast.” to further prove the point, danny is unable to shake dash off his tail and actually is struggling to keep up in human form, to the point where dash is practically carrying him while occasionally tossing him ahead to force him to run without falling behind.
danny, realizing that he wont be able to turn into phantom anytime soon, decides “okay change of plans, we’ll do this the human way” and steers dash towards the direction of fentonworks to get ghost weapons instead. they eventually hit the lab and danny starts grabbing ectoguns and starts blasting at skulker who is putting up quite the fight. dash, seeing the struggle, tries to help too. he grabs some guns of his own, but being more unfamiliar with the tech, he grabs a lot of duds or stuff not fully loaded. in his frantic panic, one of the guns dash grabs ends up being the unfinished shrink blaster.
before danny can stop him, the blast goes off but instead of shrinking only the target, it malfunctions and hits everyone in the room and a couple of weapons here and there. the shrink explosion knocks everyone back quite a bit so they’re far away from the gun and idk some bullshit about jack coming in to be like huh that’s weird and taking it somewhere else. shrunken shenanigans ensue.
if danny couldnt get away to transform before, he DEFINITELY cant now (how is he gonna explain disappearing and then having a mini phantom show up lol). so he an dash are stuck together. they grab all the tiny weapons they can and set off, having tiny happenings and that all along the way similarly to canon. the only difference is danny more discreetly using his his powers and covering it up by saying it was fenton tech. it leads to some funny stuff and danny trying to badly lie through his teeth.
this episode builds on both dash’s character and how his view on danny starts to change. this event is sorta the kicker to his whole redemption arc in the nasty reboot timeline, having moments/seeds somewhat sown before this but never full on sprouting until this moment. dash has seen danny hold his own in a fight before, but only in teams, with his friends, and behind weapons (i.e pirate radio) up until this point. as their weapons start to lose ammo and supplies (and, unknown to dash, danny’s powers) dash starts to REALLY see how resourceful and charismatic danny is on his own. all other possible factors are removed here, its just pure, unfiltered, human danny fenton baby!
even when dash has his breakdown similar to canon, the kid he picked on for years still extends a hand and helps him out of it. even when the goal seems so far away like they’ll never make it, danny tells him to press on and keeps moving forward. even when they’re at their wits end and dash cant for the life of him figure out a way out of the situation, danny still!! somehow!!!! does!!!!!!! all these little moments make dash start to fall in love appreciate the skillset and merits danny has all on his own. (theres also like themes of danny learning how to properly balance/maintain both of his lives and learning he has valuable skillsets as fenton too instead of being a useless half in this reboot. dash’s validation is a small part of what encourages danny into realizing his worth. because, hell, if your bully thinks you’re doing alright then thats gotta mean something, right?)
the climax of the episode is when danny is backed into a corner by skulker with no ammo, no powers, and no significant physical strength. but even so, danny decides to go off the deep end by launching himself at skulker and starts smacking the shit out of the ghost with nothing but an empty ectogun and blind gremlin rage.
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(exactly like this lol)
in the struggle, danny is doing surprisingly well (which dash absolutely notes in awe) but then at one point, skulker points a weapon in prime position to shoot danny without him noticing. dash panics and rushes to pull fenton off of skulker, but danny, upon realizing what dash is doing, takes opportunity and latches onto skulker’s head trying to pry it off with dash’s combine strength (much to dash’s confusion).
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basically, danny manages to rip skulker’s fucking head off (dash is horrified until danny shows him the actual ghost and how his body was just a suit) and sucks up skulker into a spare thermos. the two then use the suit to jet pack them up onto the welding table in the ops center where jack had been tinkering with it.
the shrink blaster had its final fixes implemented in it now, with a reverse switch as well, so danny and dash easily changes back to normal. they share a bit of a moment, similar to phantom and dash in canon. but instead of dash ruining the moment this time, its danny who simply states “well the adrenaline has worn off so i should probably tell you my leg is most likely fractured” before collapsing onto dash. at some point during the tussle with skulker, danny’s leg apparently got scrunched pretty hard to the point of being broken but danny was being too feral in the moment to react right away.
(again, as stated in a previous ask, my shitpost jock protection squad au took various elements from this plotline in the reboot so there will be overlap but its not canon)
because of the broken leg situation, danny is unable to do the test but is allowed to retake it once he recovers. of course, this means dash is still danny’s fitness buddy. this gives an excuse for them to be stuck together for a little longer and so the redemption process begins!!!! (even if danny’s leg technically already healed after a day or so lol)
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mixelation · 3 years
An entire ItaSaku fix-it fic, outlined
So, a while ago @phoenixyfriend reblogged an ItaSaku post from me with the addition (not quoted in its entirety): 
Can I tack on a delightful “Sakura, through a comedy of errors involving the records office and her attempts to locate a file on some obscure disease, finds out about the Massacre conspiracy and gets declared Itachi’s point of contact going forward.”
And I was like “what kind of comedy of errors goes from medical research to Deep Conspiracy” and ended up with a whole-ass fic outline. It’s eventually ItaSaku but you are going to have to s c r o l l. 
The AU is that Orochimaru decides to jump Itachi several years later than in canon. Most canon beats still happen (because we can’t make this TOO complicated for my poor brain), except everything is delayed by a few years and Sasuke stays in the village.
Orochimaru still invades Konoha, because that was about his grudge against against the village. Hiruzen still dies, Tsunade retrieval arc still happens, etc. The main difference is that Orochimaru doesn’t go out of his way to bite Sasuke like a weird vampire, and Sasori is involved bc YES he is always down for killing the Kazekage. He might be excluded from the action because he’s off tinkering with Rasa’s body or something; idk, I just don’t want things to stray TOO far from canon because then everything gets harder to plan.
Itachi still shows up in Konoha to scare Danzo, puts Kakashi in a coma, stalks Naruto to his hotel, etc.
Orochimaru jumps Itachi AFTER the hotel debacle because he’s like “okay, I desperately need a new body, and if we BOTH just fought Jiraiya then we’re probably even”
He’s Wrong
Orochimaru’s betrayal stalls whatever Akatsuki is doing so all their jinchuriki stuff is delayed a couple years
Biggest part of this AU, besides conveniently making the characters older: without a curse mark fucking with his mind, Sasuke stays in the village.
Sakura still asks to be Tsunade’s apprentice; Naruto still goes on his training trip. Sasuke becomes Kakashi’s unofficial apprentice.
Sai gets put on Team 7 as Naruto’s temporary replacement and at first Sakura is ecstatic. Two pretty boys!! Two pretty boys that are dark and mysterious and just her type!!!
But double mean pretty boys is. It’s too much. Sakura hates both of them within a couple months. This kills the girl’s crush.
(She WILL take a kunai to the chest for Sasuke, but also he’s a Dumb Boy)
Yamato still subs for Kakashi as team captain at some point, because Sakura needs to know him for Plot Reasons
Sakura still kills Sasori, but this time with either Sasuke or Kakashi as back-up, because one went after Naruto and Deidara and the other stayed with her. If I were actually writing this, I think I’d make it a Sasuke-Sakura tag team to emphasize how their team dynamic has changed in this AU.
Sakura starts the fight by initiating a fake argument with Sasuke as a cover to pass him an antidote to Sasori’s poison. “Stop coddling me, Sasuke-kun--!!”
Even Chiyo is like: Is she stupid....?
It’s still ultimately Sakura who makes an impression on Sasori, though, because she’s the one who has the antidote to Sasori’s poison. Even Sasuke can’t dodge a hundred puppets worth of projectiles. They’d both be dead without her.
....although chidori might be able to neutralize the third kazekage’s black sand. Sasori is impressed with Sakura’s poison acumen; he’s just deeply annoyed by bastard-child Sasuke. Why. Stop.
The cave gets 572% more trashed than in canon
Anyway, the part that’s actually the story: when they’re around 15, years before the whole Sasori thing, Sasuke gets a weird cough he goes to Sakura about it.
It’s just an out of season cold, but Sakura asks why he seemed so concerned about it. Sasuke casually mentions sometimes Uchiha just get chronic pneumonia and die, and Sakura is like ???
Sakura asks Tsunade about it, and Tsunade is like, oh the Uchiha black lung! Yeah, the Uchiha all have funky lungs that help with breathing fire, but sometimes they just die of respiratory problems and no one knows why
Sakura: What do you mean NO ONE knows?? Tsunade, on her second bottle of sake: Well my theory was that some of them had something wrong with their freaky Uchiha lungs that made them lose resistance to smoke inhalation, but did anyone want to support my research? Noooo, it was “unnecessary in the face of wartime”-- Tsunade, one rant later: Anyway, pretty sure their records just call it a curse. Because NO ONE supports centralized medical care outside of their own village--
Sakura comes away from this conversation with the idea that sometimes the Uchiha magic fire lung just fails, and she wants to know more about it because what if Sasuke’s fail? He’ll have to switch to 100% lightning jutsu, or retrain the way he uses fire to be less dangerous to his lungs.
Sakura starts digging into medical records and notices some discrepancies. First of all, there are some Uchiha registered as civilians who died from chronic pneumonia, which doesn’t make any sense if it’s the result of over-using fire jutsu. Also, there are plenty of fire users in Konoha and the percentage of them who die from chronic pneumonia do not match up with the percentage of Uchiha who die from it, implying there’s probably factors besides “uses fire jutsu.”
Like, it might just be the way Uchiha use fire vs other shinobi, but surely if your lungs stopped working properly, you would stop using fire jutsu....?
Also, she finds out one of Sasuke’s grandparents died of Mystery Disease.
So now she’s thinking Uchiha have some some of genetic disorder that affects their lungs, and Sasuke has a direct relative that had it. Now she’s even more worried.
Obviously, Sakura wants a full family tree to determine Sasuke’s risk, and also she wants access to any records private Uchiha healers kept.
Most of this she gets access to with minimal red tape, but some files just.... don’t seem to exist? And she has no idea why they wouldn’t??
Like, okay, anything regarding Uchiha eyes has a bunch of extra red tape around it, but Sakura is team medic to the last three sharingan left in the village. She knows how to get around all that tape. She’s got the clearance. She’s a pro at filling out request forms.
Most of the non-existent files are on Uchiha Itachi, so at first she’s like, “Well, I guess that makes sense, he is a missing-nin.”
Except it DOESN’T make sense, because she can get Orochimaru’s medical records, and that guy was doing illegal medical experiments on himself (as well as... others. so many others).
(It’s not, you know, EASY to get those files, and Tsunade does call her in like “wtf, kid,” but she gets them. They exist.)
Anyway as part of this test to see if there’s special red tape in place for missing-nin, Sakura is like, “Tsunade-sama, can you just sign off on me getting X files while you’re at it?”
(The Test was like a split decision thing while talking with the records office, which is why she didn’t just go to Tsunade. Also narratively things are boring if it’s all just going to the Hokage LOL)
So now Sakura literally has a “she can do what she wants” card from the Hokage, and the files! Aren’t! Anywhere! She gets access to the records rooms herself, goes through all the confidential hospital and public health records (which includes shit like foreign captive’s torture wounds and bloodline limits, plus way more on Orochimaru’s experiments than she wanted to know), and there’s NOTHING. Where else could they be??
Eventually she ends up breaking into ROOT. Like, she doesn’t know why they would be in there, but it’s the only place she hasn’t checked. She knows Danzo keeps his own freaky records.
She knows this via Sai and/or Yamato
Probably she concludes the medical records are likely to be in there because something something traced other missing files re: Orochimaru back to him.
But probably she also snoops around the old Uchiha compound first because it’s easier to break into. Sorry, Sasuke!!
The records she finds are almost exclusively on eyeball stuff. A bunch of stuff is still missing (word of god: because Danzo grabbed them and then destroyed everything he didn’t need), but Danzo definitely has all these records pertaining to Powerful Eyeballs.
The medical records are mixed in with skill assessments and mission reports and psych eval stuff Sakura wasn’t even looking for. It’s all annotated.
It’s REALLY obvious Danzo was keeping tabs on Uchiha with especially powerful doujutsu. The dates indicate it started years before the massacre and continued.... for months after the massacre....?
Sakura memorizes the names of the Uchiha Danzo was interested in and looks up their death records. All the massacre victims were cremated but the the ones Danzo was interested were processed a week later than everyone else.
Sakura has met Yamato. She knows Danzo dabbled in weird experiments along with Orochimaru.
Did he.... did he just take advantage of the massacre, or had he somehow predicted it?
Infuriatingly: ROOT had no records of Uchiha Itachi either.
Now that Sakura knows what types of records Danzo was messing with, she broadens her search. She starts going through skill assessment reports and post-mission reports and psych evals. She reads through other people’s therapy notes (which.... I imagine are less private in Military Dictatorship Ninja Land than IRL). This is literally years of work, which starts before the whole Sasori thing.
Sakura does find mention of Itachi! But it’s.... not as often as it should be, and it’s usually in reference to him being violent or angry or stressed or threatening someone.
If Danzo scrubbed the records clean of Itachi, but only left “my captain scares me and pushes me too hard and told me I should quit being a ninja if I couldn’t keep up,” then he’s clearly trying to paint a picture.
Sakura does more research. She has exactly one interrogation skill she’s good at, and it’s drinking people under the table. She talks to people who worked with Itachi, and their accounts of him are “brutally efficient, mean and a perfectionist, but also he hated spilling blood and was pretty mild-mannered out of uniform” and “yeah he was a killing machine, but that was just his day job, i was SHOCKED when he killed his whole family. seriously his hobby was visiting tea shops, and he completely wrecked Tanaka’s shit when he suggested we go ‘have fun’ with local civilians”
All this, and she still doesn’t fucking know if Sasuke might have inherited Coughing Up Blood Disease because some asshole destroyed Itachi’s medical records and none of his ex-teammates know shit about it
Danzo is not stupid enough to leave actual record that he instigated the Uchiha Massacre, or that he ever interacted with Itachi. But Sakura has mounting evidence that he either knew about it and failed to act, or he’s using Itachi as a scapegoat
The scapegoat theory is... Sakura doesn’t like thinking about it. They have one witness that says it was Itachi, and that’s Sasuke.
But also who else could it have been? Why cover it up?
(Sasuke is aware Sakura is trying to research his family medical history and losing her mind; NO ONE is aware she’s been breaking in places and drunk-interviewing ex-ANBU and forming Conspiracy Theories)
well, people have noticed she’s been picking on older ANBU in bars because Sakura is not THAT subtle, but no one really thinks that much of it; playing interrogator for Cool Ninja Stories isn’t that weird of thing for young ninja to do
Eventually Sakura takes all her evidence to Tsunade and is like: sooooo....... am I crazy??
At first Tsunade is like: Yes??
But then Tsunade goes into her own special Hokage files and finds.... everything pertaining to the massacre lacking
Look: Tsunade is not stupid enough to think that Hiruzen was completely honest in the notes he left for his successor. She investigated anything that look mildly suspicious to her, but she’s been out of the village since before Itachi was born. She doesn’t know shit about him or the Uchiha head family at the time. Child genius snapped and murdered everyone? Seems reasonable to her, and there’s no evidence indicating otherwise; in fact, she has reports of stress and aggression in Itachi and a pretty thorough investigation implicating him in the murder of Uchiha Shisui...........
........so then why was it a surprise?
How did Itachi snap on a very rare day when all Uchiha happened to be in the village? How did all Uchiha conveniently happen to be in the Uchiha compound, and not out visiting friends or shopping? How could one shinobi-- even one as good as Itachi-- kill so many trained ninja and then flee so quickly, with no one noticing for hours?
FUCK, Sakura, f u c k
(All their conversations go down in Tsunade’s private residence, with no guards to witness and five billion privacy seals from Uzumaki Mito herself)
So... there’s definitely a conspiracy, and Tsunade wants to be as cautious as possible about who else they let in. The first person she ropes into this is Jiraiya because: 1) she trusts him implicitly, 2) spymaster, 3) he’s fluent in Hiruzen’s bullshit, and 4) it’s not weird for him to be in her house so their secret meetings don’t seem too suspicious
Here’s the weirdness going on in Jiraiya’s life:
He’s been getting intel on Akatsuki for YEARS via a contact who also works for Sasori
(some spies..... will just sell information to anyone. this one is like: do you need information on a small country with no ninja? and so jiraiya doesn’t see a problem with the complete lack of loyalty. who cares if other ninja also know about trade economics in this country)
Anyway, this contact is giving him information that is obviously being purposefully leaked. At first Jiraiya thought it was just Orochimaru fucking around (since Orochimaru would also have some access to Sasori’s spies by association, and Orochimaru’s motivates are.... complicated and difficult to predict)
He’s been treating the intel as sort of.... very likely to be a trap, but what he’s been able to verify is all accurate
Then Orochimaru defected from Akatsuki and Jiraiya was still getting info??
So he was like.... I guess Sasori is trying to sell out Akatsuki? The guy does seem pretty vindictive.....
But now Sasori is dead and Jiraiya just got a new message and he’s.... confused
They all conclude that the Akatsuki informant is likely to be Itachi, because no one else has motive to help Konoha, and that they should figure out a way to 1) verify this and then 2) lure him out to get more info on the massacre
Jiraiya decides the easiest way is to arrange a face-to-face meeting. He sends a message that’s basically like: look, I know who you are, but things are getting desperate on our end, and the new Hokage and I have decided it’s better to expedite information exchanges
Itachi replies that he’ll meet with a Konoha representative but not Jiraiya
They figure this is because Jiraiya is one of a very few set of people who could stand a chance in a fight with Itachi.
Sakura volunteers. They debate this for a long-ass time. Sakura is not trained for this sort of thing; her connections to Sasuke and Naruto might motivate Itachi to hurt her, etc. On the other hand, her connections to her teammates might keep her safe from Itachi, because he’d want to manipulate her into giving him information; plus, if not Sakura and not Jiraiya, they’d have to get someone else involved
Tsunade vetos getting more people involved at this time. If Danzo kept this from her, then it’s possible more of his creeping roots are hidden from her. She’s going to do an internal investigation on him, but she and Jiraiya are going to have to very thoroughly vet people they involve in it. It’ll take a lot of time, and they’re going to need their internal investigation team on the ground in Konoha anyway.
So Sakura gets made point of contact mostly by process of elimination u.u
Sakura starts taking more solo missions, mostly related to helping rural areas in the countries surrounding Konoha with medical shit. Most of these missions are real! Some of them are fake. :)
On her fake humanitarian missions, he meets with Itachi in civilian towns and villages because both the profile she built on him via drunk interviews and Jiraiya’s reports indicate he’s reluctant to involve civilians
like, he will, but it’s always very strategically-- like genjutsu-ing that one lady for Jiraiya-- and never random bystanders
Jiraiya always gives her a script and instructions. The first meeting is just to verify his identity. She’s not meant to even mention the massacre until she’s gained his trust. She has to report everything he does and says to Jiraiya and Tsunade to analyze.
The first handful of meetings are.... terrifying and also very stiff and awkward. He verifies he’s been the informant the whole time by repeating what intel he passed on to Sasori’s spy and when. He’s vague about how he actually arranged it, and he’s even vaguer on his motivations.
Eventually, though, Sakura is pretty confident he’s not going to murder her and has the horrible realization that she still has a Type and he fits it perfectly, and they spend all their time sitting together in local cafes under a fucking privacy genjutsu like something out of a cheesy romance movie.
Anyway, being both comfortable with him and having some sort of.... very weird, ill-advised attraction to him... means that Sakura starts trying to do small talk!
Sakura: This sun is so nice after so much rain! Itachi: Yes. Sakura: This area really needed the rain though, I’ve heard. Itachi: Mm. Sakura: Itachi: Sakura: Can I take a lung biopsy? Itachi: Excuse me?
One meeting takes Sakura out of the village for Ino’s birthday, and Ino demands Sakura bring her something back as a gift. So Sakura casually mentions wanting to go souvenir shopping, and Itachi is like, “oh, this town specializes in this type of sweet” and that’s what sakura gets
next meeting itachi is like: did you like your souvenir?
Sakura ofc is like: yes!!
And he.... suggests another local sweet to her and she’s like “??? okay?” but she goes and buys one anyway and it is really good.
Also sometimes he is just.... very soft. He asks her quietly about Sasuke (Sakura has Jiraiya/Tsunade-approved answers for these questions, but sometimes Sakura gives him a LITTLE bit more) and then he goes quiet.... and usually he then goes, “foolish brother, not even worth my time” but obviously this is some sort of cover because he keeps asking
Eventually Itachi just starts taking her to the tea/sweet shops he’s found. It becomes their Thing.
Ino definitely notices Sakura sometimes comes back from missions with a box of sweets or a tin of tea and a dreamy look in her eyes and is like: FOREHEAD YOU MUST TELL ME ABOUT YOUR SECRET AFFAIR IMMEDIATELY
Sakura correctly realizes she fucked up, because now Ino’s suspicious, and Sakura goes and tells Tsunade immediately
(And also: Sakura definitely goes and meets with Itachi, spends more time on casually conversation than intel swapping, they usually eat or drink together, and then he walks her around town and buys her a souvenir)
(Oh no, oh fuck, is she accidentally dating Itachi?)
Tsunade: Hmm... this is good actually Sakura: excuse me Tsunade: Anyone really determined to investigate what you do will realize not all your missions end with a whole village miraculously disease-free..... this is a good cover story. Keep getting souvenirs. Play up the affair. Sakura: ARE YOU KIDDING ME
Jiraiya says the essentially same thing but with MUCH more innuendo
Guys it’s a fake dating AU
Akatsuki definitely also think Itachi is having an affair. There are bets on if it’s a man, woman, NB or some sort of creature from the abyss.
Itachi, deadpan: Yes, I am off to meet with my secret lover, with whom I do sex. Kisame: Well, I don’t think Itachi knows what sex is beyond a “shinobi’s tool for emotional manipulation”-- his words exactly-- Kisame: But yes, he’s definitely seeing someone. Kisame: He’s been making lists of tea shops to take them to.
Itachi politely declines the lung biopsy, but at this point we’re past the age he died in canon and his symptoms are getting steadily more obvious and Sakura is like: he has it! He has the Uchiha black lung!!
When they’ve been faking dating long enough, Sakura quietly confesses that she’s done research into the mysterious Uchiha respiratory disease, and she’s terrified Sasuke’s going to develop it
This makes Itachi finally cave. If it could help Sasuke, Sakura can poke at his lungs.
(When she takes samples back to the village, Tsunade is like: you went off script!!! Sakura, you can NOT do that; you do NOT have a proper handler and you need to keep it together.)
“Figure out the mysterious lung disease” quickly becomes Sakura’s priority over the intel. She’s not a recon ninja; she’s a medical ninja. She wants to study and cure* Itachi so that she has the information on hand for Sasuke, or any of Sasuke’s children.
(*it’s more likely she’d develop a way to manage symptoms to increase lifespan and improve quality of life, lbr)
She starts doing things that are-- what do the kids call it-- technically treason: She starts giving Itachi her mission details for her actual solo missions so they can meet more often.
If Tsunade doesn’t want her bringing samples back to analyze in Konoha, then Sakura can find other places to do it. There are clinics all over, and Itachi shows her an abandoned Oto research facility.
Itachi shows up in a rando village infested with leprosy and Sakura just... makes it go away. He goes somewhere they’ve just suffered a mud slide, and Sakura is moving entire trees and fixing injuries like it’s nothing.
He is just..... like, he is just so soft for this. He gets to watch an expert shinobi heal things and create life instead of kill.
......but also Sakura could also crush his skull like a peanut shell and for some reason he finds this very exciting
For Sakura’s part, she’s... really upset with how much she likes Itachi. He respects her and tells her she’s right about things (so sexy), like committing light treason for Sasuke being a good idea. He helps her with non-healing things, like using Earth jutsu to help clear the mudslide, and seems vaguely bemused and surprised when he gets thanks from villagers. He brings her a crow with a broken wing and she barely even yells at him about how she’s a people medic, not a vet.
Also for all his gentleness, Itachi can and will talk mad shit the second other people show aggression. He has no problem using force to solve problems, and he is very good at using force. If he’s not aiming all that at you, it’s..... sort of hot?
At this point, Sakura still hasn’t gotten a definite explanation from Itachi about the massacre, but she’s wholly confident that he was either framed or coerced somehow, and she’s having a moral crisis over it. The idea that the village would potentially turn on someone like Itachi, who was a genius and the heir to a founding clan.... it’s sickening. If the Uchiha could go down like that, any ninja could. She wants to tell Sasuke but she knows it’ll destroy him and his trust in the village. She feels betrayed, and it wasn’t even her family! But Sakura-- unlike Sasuke-- also has a close bond with the new Hokage and is fully confident Tsunade would not do something like this. Sakura is still loyal, even as she feels conflicted about a lot of things she previously believed.
Sakura is starting to crack, and it makes her very protective of Sasuke.
She keeps doing things like forbidding Sasuke from talking to strangers or lecturing him on eating more vegetables.
Sakura: Sasuke-kun, as your medic, I hereby give you permission to use fire jutsu again. Sasuke: Was I.... ever banned from using fire jutsu....? Sakura, patting his shoulder: You’re going to be okay. I’ll make sure of it. Sasuke: ????
Obviously Sakura and Itachi’s cute meetings have to go to shit eventually. Itachi can’t shake Kisame one time when he’s going to meet Sakura (Kisame doesn’t want to cockblock but he needs to settle some bets, okay), and Danzo has gotten suspicious enough of Tsunade and Sakura that ROOT shows up at the same time
Itachi takes in this situation, and that the only obvious way out is to kill a bunch of (brainwashed) Konoha-nin and genjutsu Kisame, which he would really prefer not to.......
....and comes up with the brilliant alternative of kidnapping Sakura and running
Sakura is not a big fan of being kidnapped, but she’s also become a legend in the smaller countries as a sweet angel of mercy. Nagato and Konan are perplexed by Itachi randomly kidnapping his lover (who... turns out to be a pretty valuable hostage he should have told them about), but also they do approve of her most recent mission work and want her to keep doing in in Rain Country. So being kidnapped is.... inconvenient, and Sakura doesn’t like it and she’s worried about what Danzo is doing in Konoha... but also she doesn’t mind being sent out to heal people and overall it’s not that bad?
She does have to share a room with Itachi, because they’re still Fake Dating (or real dating? unclear)
Itachi, loudly, in front of others, for appearance’s sake: Come, Sakura, let’s go have sex. Sakura, being led away by the hand: I-- you-- EXCUSE ME Kisame, after they’ve left: ......see, he says that, but I bet he’s just going to have her read to him.* Kisame: Theirs is a pure romance. u.u
(*because Itachi is half blind at this point. Sakura should get on fixing that)
(they definitely eventually have sex because a girl has NEEDS. itachi is much more into to being wrestled down onto a bed than either of them anticipated)
Sakura gets sent out on a couple of humanitarian missions around Rain Country, and gets sent with a pair of Akatsuki as babysitters. Imagine Sakura smiling sweetly at you while she administers a B12 shot and Kakuzu is just looming over the both of you. Glaring. Is she really doing this for free?
While Sakura is busy being a hostage, Itachi is able to coordinate with Jiraiya via the spy again. He and Sakura argue over what they’re going to tell Jiraiya.
Itachi: It would be out of character if I didn’t start by trying to trade you for the Nine-Tails. I’m a bad person, Sakura. Sakura: Shut up, I’m afraid you just speaking the words “trade Sakura for Naruto” out loud will summon him. He has a huge hero complex, you know. Itachi: Itachi: You probably shouldn’t have told me that. I’ll use it against him. I’m-- Sakura: YOU’RE A BAD PERSON, I get it!!
Eventually the whole hostage thing comes to a head and Sakura and Itachi have an argument that ends in Itachi confessing why he has to be such a bad person. It’s heartbreaking and horrifying and completely stupid, all at once!
Anyway then the messages from Jiraiya just.... stop. :)
And so do any missions coming out of Konoha. :)
Sakura and Itachi are mutually just like oh,, fuck and throw caution to the wind and go to investigate
Obito intercepts them; Itachi stays to fight him while Sakura continues to Konoha
Danzo has realized ROOT is being probed and Tsunade is on to him; he’s declared her incompetent and staged his own coup
Danzo has essentially zero support from non-ninja, BUT he has a whole-ass brainwashed army, he does have support from some non-ROOT ninja (not anyone in Sakura’s age group, but older ninja consider him to have been essential in the second & third wars and are quick to remember tsunade abandoned them for the third war)
Tsunade has willingly submitted herself into custody to prevent bloodshed and try to use diplomacy; Jiraiya has disappeared somewhere that probably involves keeping Team 7 from doing something rash and Danzo getting his claws into the jinchuriki
Sakura shows back up and is immediately detained; she gets pulled as a witness for some fake-ass trial to let “the people” decide if Tsunade is a competent Hokage or not
Sakura and Tsunade share a look from across the room and are mutually like. You know what. Fuck this.
Hokage Tower was overdo for remodeling anyway!! (SMASH SMASH)
Jiraiya: .....and that’s our signal for our resistance movement to mobilize! Tsunade: YOU CAN’T MAKE ME LOSING MY TEMPER YOUR SIGNAL. WHAT IF I JUST WENT THROUGH WITH MY TRIAL Jiraiya: Tsunade...... we both know you weren’t going to last for than two days
Danzo is killed, and the fighting is mostly contained to ninja with minimal casualties. There’s still distrust among comrades in arms, but it goes better than anyone really hoped. As part of rebuilding the village, Jiraiya and whoever else they tapped for Danzo’s investigation release a statement that Danzo was undermining the village and trying to reignite a war; they issue evidence he colluded with Orochimaru and Hanzo
They do not reveal the massacre. Tsunade includes evidence in her Super Secret Hokage Records so that future generations can decide what to do with the information, but it’s dubbed too dangerous for the public to know at this time
Sakura seriously considers telling Sasuke, but she sees him snickering at some stupid joke Naruto made and she just..... can’t. Not now.
She still doesn’t really get Itachi’s deranged plans and all the lies, but she moves a little bit closer to understanding him.
Itachi, having received expert medical attention for the past year or so, is no longer on his deathbed and kills Obito.
Sakura leaves Konoha ASAP to find Itachi exhausted and injured in some tiny town in Fire Country, but alive and.... more peaceful than she’s ever seen him. It’s like there’s a weight lifted from his shoulders.
(insert shippy moment where they hold each and maybe make-out/have happy relief sex)
Itachi goes back to Akatsuki; Sakura goes back to Konoha
Zetsu disappears from Akatsuki immediately after Obito’s death. It’s implied that Dark Forces are still out there, and Zetsu will be back, but he’s retreated fro now. Without Obito or Zetsu as a mastermind, the compass needle of Akatsuki’s goals slowly starts to shift-- Nagato and Konan are still out to crush the shinobi system as we know it, but they’re more sympathetic to civilians + non-village ninja.
Most of Akatsuki membership is baffled, but Itachi is down with the increase of missions that are just, like, helping people? He doesn’t mind murdering a whole family if they’re the oligarchy of a mining company keeping a village hostage~~
They still ostensibly want to collect all the jinchuriki, but it’s basically indefinitely on the back burner.
Tsunade retires as Hokage a couple years later. There’s still this weird distrust of her after Danzo’s slander campaign, and she got to implement all the structural changes she wanted anyway. Kakashi is voted in and he’s a very uncontroversial Hokage choice.
Sakura is very disillusioned with the shinobi system at this point, even though her loyalty to Konoha remains firm.
She keeps doing her humanitarian missions, and she keeps inviting Itachi on them. It’s nice.
Sakura spends more and more time outside of the village, and Itachi spends more and more time away from Akatsuki. Neither of them ever fully break away from their respective organizations to 100% run off into the sunset together, so they have to work to keep everything fairly hush-hush.... but it’s nice. They’re satisfied with it. 
When Sakura is in the village, she gets even smugger with Ino about her Secret and Very Sexy Affair, and she hints strongly it’s a very romantic and sexily forbidden affair with a hot missing-nin. Die of jealousy of Ino-pig!!
When Kakashi takes over as Hokage, he’s crushed but not particularly surprised to learn the truth about Itachi....... and also now it’s very obvious that Sakura is fucking him.
Kakashi: Sakura....... never tell me about your love life again. I just don’t want to know. Sakura: (GOES BRIGHT RED) Rest of Team 7: ???
Kakashi also thinks about telling Sasuke, but he’s an emotional coward.
The end is happy but I think not conventional for this type of fic. There’s very little change to the shinobi system. Zetsu is still at large, and Itachi is still a despised and disgraced missing-nin. Akatsuki shifts towards more sympathetic, but they’re still a terrorist organization and they still take heinous missions to financially support themselves and flex their power at larger villagers. Sasuke is left in ignorance-- about the painful truth, and about his brother’s love for him, but also he’s happy and Sakura decides that’s good enough.
Sasuke does get weird gifts from Sakura’s travels sometimes. He has no idea they’re from Itachi.
Sakura’s Secret Vagabond Lover is basically a meme in the village at this point. He’s known to be kind to children and to help her on her missions, and no one makes the connection between him and famous evil missing-nin Uchiha Itachi.
Not much actually changes, but the world does get just a little bit brighter, with just a little bit more love.
And YES, Sakura does work out excellent symptom management for Uchiha Black Lung and makes it public knowledge in Konoha for any Uchiha babies down the line.
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franeridart · 3 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: theres something about your art thats so??? i dunno??? unique?????? like, u don’t have any prominent features to ur art- no exact way u draw eyes or hair- but when I look at it I just KNOW, somehow, that its yours- idk lol im rambling
Thank you so much for this ask, honestly!!! Since changing the tools I use to draw I’ve been feeling like whatever it was that made my style could have gotten lost in the transition, so knowing that whatever it is still shows through means the world to me right now!! ;;A;; bless you!
Anon said: You are the reason my heart has been shattered so many times. (If you didn’t get it, it means you got me into jjk)
God xD I hope you at least enjoyed it? Jjk is a hammer straight to the heart over and over, but as far as I’m concerned it’s all worth it - hopefully you felt the same as you got through it! I’d feel bad otherwise haha
Anon said: Fran! I love ur art sm!! I’m a newbie artist and ur SatoSugu art really /speaks/ to me,,,, idk haha but ur rlly inspiring! ❤️ Anyway could you maybe do a body anatomy tutorial? 🥺 👉👈 No pressure tho!! I completely understand if you have other things to do! <3
GOD ANON I wish I was good enough at anatomy to do something like that for you! As things stand though if I tried to I’d just end up passing all my mistakes onto you, which wouldn’t be good at all orz hope you won’t mind my not feeling up to it - there’s a ton of videos on yt for this kind of things though, made by actual professionals who’ll know how to explain way better than I ever could for sure! And if you’ll ever want to know how I go about smaller things that are more about style than actual rules, than just say so! I’ll do my best to help however I can in that case! And thank you for liking my stsg stuff, it really means so much to me ;A;! <3
Anon said: I just scrolled through your /entire/ KiriBaku tag— It took me about two hours and all I have to say is that I have absolutely zero regrets and I love your art /so much/. Seeing four years of your development is really motivating! And your ItaFushi doods,,,, you draw Megumi so pretty! I was going through a massive art lock recently, I can’t put into words how much you’ve helped me... love you, Fran, have a great day!
Boy how I feel you about the art block anon...... I’m glad my blog could help you through yours though!!! Hope you’ll have a great day filled with a lot of happy sketching too!!! 
Anon said: you should totally make a kamisero fusion !! :D
ouch, I definitely won’t anon, I haven’t touched that au in literal years - I’m glad you still like it though! Thank you!!
Anon said: Did you know that i am literally. In love with your art. Keep it up your amazing
sobs thank you so much! I’ll do my best to keep it up as best as I can!!!! ;;;;; <3
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constellationmelody · 3 years
Beauty and the Guard AU
An AU on Beauty and the beast but there’s no beast unless you want to count belos as one but he’s not the focus character Hunter just refuses to take off his mask the whole time.  
Takes place when luz is trying to save Eda from petrification, Luz strikes a deal with Belos, Giving the portal but manages to destroy it. She’s instead taken captive and warned by Belos that if she escapes, He’ll send an army to capture not just Eda but everyone she ever met and befriended. 
- Has to stay in the Castle as to answer Belos’ questions about the human realm and any other information gathering.
- Hunter is assigned as her chaperone but not all the time. Not when he’s on missions. Steve fills in. 
- Luz agrees with Hunter to not ask about his mask. She says that she doesn’t have a desire to get to get to know him and Considering how the majority of citizens are under the monster category, she understands that he doesn’t want anyone to look. Hunter is not sure if he’s relieve that she will keep her promise not to look under his mask or feel insulted that she basically called him ugly. 
(Long post)
- When not 'helping’ Belos information gathering, She puts to work as a cleaning lady, Luz is furious about it. She can’t believe she has to clean more there than she does at home in a dusty castle. The other cleaning witches can do their job well with magic, meanwhile it’s all manual labor. Not to mention she shares quarters with them and they snore.
- Tries to convince Hunter to let her go out even if its around the castle grounds, of course, He says no and shuts down her attempts.
- While doing her cleaning duties, Luz wanders around the castle to look around any valuable information on Belos for any way to help eda/or whatever without the Golden Guard following her. She finds the forbidden library and is amazed by the goldmine of BI’s forbidden knowledge! She only gets to look through some books before she gets caught by Hunter which he angrily yells at her about being in a place where she’s not supposed to be in. Drags her out and locks the library.
- She tries to run away but often gets stopped by Hunter, the threat of going to the dungeon doesn’t scare her (”I escaped there like twice”). He relents and allows her to go on these ‘adventures’ when he’s not in a mission, He finds it to be fun but would not admit it.
- Luz manages to get the freedom to go back to school but is secretly spied on by Hunter, though he sometimes get caught by the monsters or students roaming around. Hunter picks her up after school. (weak sauce, idk what to put here to make it more interesting)
- When he’s not chaperoning her in the outside world, Hunter gets envious how much fun Steve is having with Luz when they go on an adventure. Detailing their bounty adventures, using the snails to shop and buy things. He can’t really do much about it but when he does go, Steve gets sad; Luz promises him that she’ll get him souvenirs.
- Somehow finds out that Hunter is a magicless witch and Luz shows him that she can do magic through glyphs. Hunter is amazed and they start geeking out about it until he stops himself since it’s a forbidden knowledge.
-  Luz had succeed running away from the castle but its to the beach to stare at the boiling waters. She tells Hunter that the castle life was suffocating her and needed to go out. Hunter stayed with her until they were ready to go back. 
- Hunter secretly takes her to the forbidden library to cheer her up so she can learn more and the boiling isles history. Hunter is happy to have someone with the same interests as him to talk to about wild magic. Gets more comfortable around her and talk in secret more about it. During their time together get bond over varies subjects, the library becoming their sanctuary when its not in use, which is most of the time. They share about each other’s realms constellations, history, what kind of magic is around, creatures and about the titan. Luz scolds him for this, referring back when he got angry at her for being curious when he basically did the same thing in secret.
- After some time getting comfortable and know each other through mutual interest and deep talks. Hunter gets bothered that since she doesn’t know his name, She has no choice but to call him by his title. When they are coming back from doing errands, He tells her his name and she’s allowed to call him by it when they are together/in private. His heart fluttered when he hears her say his name.
- Luz starts to grow feelings for him despite not knowing what he looks like. She had opportunities to see what he looks at the times when he’s asleep during their time in the library or when his mask gets knocked off during a temp job but kept her promise to not look at his face which leads to uncomfortable situation where she accidentally gropes him when she was looking for him to give him his mask back, luckily never below the belt. What she finds is his built felt normal. No hidden spikes, slime or what-have-you to suggests that he’s in the monster/demon category. Hunter obviously flustered. 
- (Following the plot of Hunting palisman w/ some changes to the plot cause obviously Eda)  At school Luz can’t find the palisman that suits her and is upset about it. Hunter, although he still hesitant about his feelings towards wild magic, tries to comfort her. (convo from the Hunting palisman) Luz  talks about What happened at the school, and questions Hunter about how he manages to know what he wanted for his future and How he came to the emperor’s coven, to help her get some guidance from him. He tells her about himself and lack of future and Although she isn’t sure about hers, at least she gets to choose. Luz feels sad for him and hugs him. Hunter melts in her embrace. 
- Just as he’s about to fall asleep in her arms, Rascal pops out of his hiding place and gives Hunter a heart attack. Rascal chooses Hunter to be his palisman. Obviously Luz feels a bit disappointed that hunter got his palisman when he doesn’t want it, the look of uncertainty he has with the palisman makes her determine to get him used to it. She can always be a teacher since she has experience with Owlbert.
- With his new staff that he’s still unsure of, Hunter decides to take Luz out somewhere out of the ordinary routine after school, somewhere special (think like events like the wailing stars but something else) but that turned romantic. At some point he slightly lifts his mask to kiss Luz’s hand. She’s obviously swooned. May have peeked and sees that he has loose strand of medium blond hair sticking out and that his Lips felt like normal. Starts to think he looks like more like human(or witch?) like some of her classmates.
- They become even more friendlier as it becomes a usual thing for them to be seen together in the castle when Luz is or isn’t working, even the coven members are noticing this, especially Kikimora. Coven leaders are just shocked that someone liked him enough to be his a friend. 
- Kikimora start planting seeds of doubts in Luz’s mind about whether Hunter really is being her friend or just fulling his duties as he was told by Belos. What if their talks where his manipulative ways to get her to tell him about her and other information gathering. Was he really talking to her as she clean because he’s really saw her as a friend or just keeping guard to make sure she doesn’t run away. Kiki does this to mess whatever good thing Hunter has since she can’t kill him.  Luz tries her best to ignore her, rationalizing that that’s quite an investment for Hunter to go through to manipulate her.
- Somewhere a long the line, Luz finds out the truth about day of unity and the truth of Kikimora’s words of Hunter’s actions that she assumed was just lies that Kiki told her. She’s hurt to think the guy she grown to love had any knowledge about it and betrayed her. “I though you were a good guy [mentions all the stuff they do together and such] I guess You’re not my friend, you’re just the golden guard.” It kills him when she said that.
- alternatively he finds out that she has the key to the partially fixed portal door. Is conflicted on whether to break their bond for belos or not especially after learning that she’s homesick and wants to see her mom again. Fought with Kikimora over it with lead to Luz finding out their fight and gets heartbroken that Hunter has it, assumes the worst that kikimora was right.  Again, “I though you were a good guy I guess I was wrong. You’re not my friend, you’re just the golden guard.” His feels his heart breaks. 
- Luz gets rescued by Eda, Lilith, king, hooty, her friends. Hunter doesn’t try to stop her but apologizes to her for everything and for what it’s worth, he’s happy to got to know her and that he loved her, whether she feels the same or not. Luz obviously shocked but couldn’t give a response because the gang were fleeing.
- Back in the owl house, Luz is a mess because of the mixed feelings she has for hunter. In one hand, she knew him as this cold person who was very dedicated to his job while the other as an intelligent, funny, (other more things) and is confused on which hunter is the one she grown to love. ( Feels devastated about it because she thinks that he faked his feelings for her to get knowledge on the key or whatever although hunter didn’t really know she had it.)
- Lilith is dumfounded that Luz has feelings for him because she known him to be a brat. Luz argues that He is but much more than that. As she explains why, she gets hits with the epiphany that she does indeed had fallen in love with him. Eda laughs, “Not sure If I approve catching feelings for your nanny, I thought you were being tortured or something but I see now what you have been really doing.” wagging her eyebrows. Luz: “They have me clean the castle from top to bottom! By hand!” “I don’t approve then.” Luz shares her knowledge of wild magic with the group that she learn from the castle’s library.
- Weeks later, Luz tries to sleep but hears small knocking on the window, She opens it and sees Rascal with the key with him and a note from Hunter apologizing again for what happened. Belos doesn’t know about the key. She sends a note back, telling him to meet her. 
- idk how they makeup. (Working on it) Luz walks up to Hunter and asks if she could take off his mask which he agrees to. Luz takes his mask off and smiles, “well look at that, Magenta eyes. You aren’t ugly as I thought to you were!” hunter frowns, “But you’re handsome as I imagined,” leans up and kisses him first. Hunter tosses the mask away for good and hugs her close to kiss her better. Luz pulls back,  “and... I love you too.” Hunter isn’t sure what his new future holds but knows for sure that Luz is a part of it. 
( Had an idea in an alternative story plot around the part where they went out to a ‘date’. They confessed their love and started to kiss lol imagine them having to use a blindfold to keep her eyes closed. But it was a bit too sensual? Or Sensuous? It just didn’t fit in the flow of the storyline. Why did this became a dabble? )
Hunter, for the first time, gets self conscious about his looks. He tries not look into mirrors, though hard when his mask reflects the face he tries hard to avoid looking at when putting it on, He doesn’t really thought much about his looks, except for the scar that’s plastered over his cheek. The ugly scar that he rather forget he has.
As Hunter looks down at Luz’s face, blindfolded to prevent her from accidently opening her eyes during their ‘make out session’, He’s starting to believe that Luz lied about being magicless. He can’t help but feel enchanted over how beautiful she looked by the way the moonlight cast a heavenly glow over her cute features. He can only imagine how her eyes would look like if she didn’t have the blindfold on. “I wish I can stare into your eyes,”
“Why can’t we?”
“You know why”
“Right, I’m not allowed to look under the mask.” she pouted.
“And... well,” Luz attentively waits for him to continue, “I may not look... pretty as you think I imagine. If that makes any sense.” He sheepishly confessed
As Luz wraps her arms around his shoulders, Hunter feels her hands feeling up up his neck, tenderly cradling his face. Hunter fails to resist the blush spreading across his cheeks and the warm pleasant feeling in his chest
“I have other senses to “see” you,” She says sliding her fingers along his jawline, “Strong jaw, ... No scales, or slime... just soft skin” 
She found one patch on the left of his face in particular that caught her interest but before she could take her time to feel it, Hunter quickly shook her hand away from it. Sensing its something he feels uncomfortable with, she decides to leave it alone. 
She continues, “I can hear your voice; sound hot,” He suddenly felt shy at the comment. He was always self-conscious as he has been told that it was annoying. He felt relieved that it wasn’t the case for her.  “Heh, Thanks”
“I can smell you, " She nuzzles against his neck and scrunches up her nose, “... you need a shower.” Hunter frowns, that was certainly killed the mood a little. She pulls back, “But I like that you smell like pine forest sometimes,” weak save.
 “And,” she hums as grazes her thumb over his lips, licking her own. Hunter subconsciously sucks in his breathe, feeling himself getting hotter by the second.
“I can taste you.” finishing off her sentence by pressing her lips against his; briefly misses his lips by kissing the corner of his mouth before correcting herself. 
Hunter smirks in amusement. 
Alright, He admits that was pretty smooth of her to end it the way she did, even though she fumbled at the end. 
He feels a bit confident on that fateful day where he feels brave enough to show her his face, He just hope it lives up to her expectations despite her reassurance to the contrary. 
Luz, on the other hand, is glad that he’s feels like a normal person underneath the mask, she can’t help but feel a bit disappointed that hunter possess no fangs. 
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cescalr · 2 years
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Tagged by @livingincolorsagain. Thanks man is this like revenge or something. You know I've got like 40 of these why would you do this to me
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Game: Post the titles of your current works in progress. If someone sends one of those titles to you, explain the concept or post a snippet!
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Cho/Ginny coffee shop au with no current title that was prompted before Easter and about 1/2 way done, sorry abt the wait~ [part of my ‘Dumbledore time travelled to save the world but clearly the more interesting perspectives are the various coffee-caused romances that happen after that. duh.’ series, thank you for letting me use existing worldbuilding <3]
Ron/Harry marriage proposal fic that A (is this revenge i repeat. is it.) prompted I write like a year ago but fluff is my secondary nemesis (after the sun). It also doesn't have a title yet~ [small spoiler. gonna use your other marriage based prompt in the same continuity <3]
Heaven Sent.
Mutari Res.
In Inceptum Finis Est
And In The Past It Remains (For Now, It Can Stay.) [Yes it's a bad title what of it. What are you gonna do about it? Huh? That’s right. Nothing. I’m gonna stare into the middle distance contemplate my choices in life and not cry though. (joke)]
Lectio Libri Per Chaos Incarnatum
The Future Is A Moment That Will Never Pass. [Part of ‘The Snap’ series.]
And The Universe Decrees: Second Year.
Ab Epistulis
Whatever They Give You
Golden Bullets
The Words You Speak Confuse Me
The Beacon Hills Diet (Does Not Include Cannibalism. What The Fuck, Santa Clarita?)
Let The Game Begin.
A Friend In Need.
La De Da-Da Day! 
Veni, Vidi, Conatus Sum.
The Red Spider
Something Something, Fuck, I’m No Poet. [Really, I’m not. I couldn’t think of a title so this is what it got. it doesn’t deserve a better one you’ll understand if you ask about it.]
From The Dark Then Unto Dawn
The New Campers. 
working title: SHIELD Agent!Stiles AU. Post S6. MCU Timeline Altered. [yeah its been called that since i posted it like four years ago. so what?. You probably don’t need to ask this one. The title says it all, really.]
For What It’s Worth.
You Don’t See The Way He Looks At Me. (Claudia - He’s Ten Years Old.) [This is like a month away from being abandoned so. There’s that.]
Once In A Blue Moon
In The Heart Of It. 
Old Gods. 
School Blowing Up And What Happens After That. (You Know. The Usual.)
A Lifetime Relived. 
Every Rose Has It’s Thorns (And Darling, Oh How I Love To Suffer Yours.)
The Harsh Light Of Another Sunrise (We’re All Just Going Through The Motions, These Days.)
Love Triangles Aren’t Triangles (Until You Draw The Third Line.)
And So, The World Moved On. (Did It Really, Though?)
Inverted Relativity Falls.
Wizarding History, Culture, And Random Shit (Like Laws And Stuff), As Told By Ronald Billius Weasley, Hogwarts Student. 
Super-semi-open-secret WIP with @vivithefolle​ which we’ve written like a smidgen of <3. Percy Rebels And Shit AU is the current working title. 
The Time After Everything (Season 4 AU) [posted this weirdly. overarching series that’s actually just chapters of a larger whole separated out into one-two-three shots. Idk why i did that. Might combine everything into one fic for archival purposes and rewrite the whole thing, but for now technically still a WIP.]
The Backstory Collection. [series, again, but a set of WIP fics that. are not written at all. and the first is in desperate need of a rewrite; i did this when i was sixteen and it shows.]
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@livingincolorsagain you are very mean for this. Thanks for tagging me <3.
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Anyway, tagging; @vivithefolle​ suffer with me <3 pls. :)))
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glimpses into a calmer universe
a gift for @luyous, because you once made some posts asking for indchu fics, and I started writing indchuran for the hell of it, but never finished until now. I think this could fit in the indchuran: bros for life AU but only after they get together, since there’s less pining than usual. Anyways, this is very overdue, but I hope you enjoy!
A little bit of domestic fluff. 3 glimpses into the indchuran universe through three different perspectives. Iran/Persia is Roshan, and they’re genderfluid.
Also on AO3!
The smell of food is wafting upstairs from the kitchen. It tempts Aditya sorely, and he tries to resist—he has a rather crushing workload to get through today—but five minutes later his feet are padding softly on the first floor landing, the tiles cool under his bare soles. He stops in the doorway, idly tracing the spots of afternoon sunshine dancing on the walls, and watches the figures of his two loves, side by side in the kitchen. Yao is standing in front of the stove, spatula in hand, and Roshan is at his side in front of the sink, busy washing something Aditya cannot see. They are talking quietly above the sizzle of the wok and the sound of water gushing out of the faucet, a perfect picture of domesticity, all easy smiles, gentle touches, quiet jokes and careless laughter. An intimate synchronization of movement, like their hearts are beating in time. It strikes Aditya that his heart suddenly feels like it is overflowing, and he supposes he’s done enough watching from afar—for today, at least. 
Yao hears him coming first, and turns around as he enters the kitchen, but doesn’t say anything, just acknowledges him with a smile and a softening of the eyes, and begins to heap the stir-fried ants-on-a-branch—the vegetarian variation, with diced shiitake mushrooms instead of minced meat—onto a plate. When Roshan sees him, Aditya is treated to a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek that smells like roses before they turn back to washing the spinach, cilantro, and parsley—Aditya thinks they’re for the reshteh that recently appeared in the kitchen cupboard—in the sink. 
He offers to help with the washing, or the onions (even though they make him cry, which always makes Roshan and Yao laugh), but Roshan pushes him lightly out of the kitchen and Yao makes sure he doesn’t go back in. So Aditya is forced to sit at their small dining table, debating whether to finish his work or enjoy the afternoon sunshine streaming in from the glass back door. The work, he decides, isn’t worth it, and instead he goes back to watching Roshan and Yao work. He refuses to think he is admiring them. 
Nevertheless, it isn’t long before he’s too caught up in staring that he doesn’t notice Yao nudging Roshan and whispering “Aditya’s pining again”. But when Roshan catches him staring, they just smile cheekily, wink, and blow him a theatrical kiss that still makes Aditya’s throat catch and his heart stutter, even after a year of dating them. When they turn back to chopping herbs, the sunlight catches on their hair, coating it gold. Aditya is reminded of Roshan’s name, and Yao’s—and their meanings: light, shining. 
He does not think himself sentimental, but sometimes—many times—he wonders if they were fated to be. And he supposes it is not too cliche to admit to himself, privately, that his partners are the lights of his life.
Yao pauses at the entrance of the Ferry Building Farmer’s Market, still wondering whether it was wise to bring Aditya and Roshan along, and whether they will drag him to every place that sells anything vaguely shiny before leaving. But just as he thinks this, he makes the mistake—and it is definitely a mistake—of turning, and catches Aditya grinning at him, flashing an easygoing smile—a smile he’d do anything to keep, and he relents. But his regrets, or doubts, or whatever the vaguely self-preserving feeling in his chest is, must have shown on a slight frown or in an imperceptible sigh, because Roshan kisses his cheek and says,
“Come on Yao, we’ll handle ourselves. We won’t get distracted and we’ll be back at home in no time, exactly as you planned.” They wink at Aditya, which is never a good sign, but it’s still enough to wheedle him into agreeing, however fondly exasperated he is, and however certain he is that they will waste half the day away, as usual. He sighs again—the old man sigh, according to Roshan—but grumbles a “fine, but you need to pay me back in white rabbit”, and watches them veer off towards the artisan stalls, holding hands. Aditya’s hair glints brightly in the sun, and Roshan’s is dyed a rich, dark brown. Like two suns, hand in hand; one bright, the other warm.
Someone bumps into him, and Yao shakes himself out of his reverie. The grocery list is a mile long, and he doesn’t need to waste more time than is absolutely necessary, after all.
But finding all the things he needs to buy takes more time than he likes, and the walk to the Chinatown butcher’s to see whether they have halal live chicken— they don’t—takes even longer, so that it is almost noon (two whole hours, which he realizes with a pang) when he wanders back to the Ferry Building to find Aditya and Roshan in a small jewelry shop, excitedly inspecting a stand of earrings. He watches them for a second through the windows as Aditya holds a pair of dangling yellow lotus blossoms up to his ears and Roshan looks on admiringly. Yao is pretty sure he too is admiring Aditya—he looks truly beautiful, with the earrings and a modest smile and a bright twinkle in his polished obsidian eyes—but some part of him pulls him back into real time and reminds him that although it is a Saturday, he has no time to waste (stupid law firm), and he regretfully walks into the store to retrieve his partners. He thinks—no, he knows—it will be half an hour before he can pull them away from the (admittedly alluring) jewelry displays, but he supposes Aditya’s cheek kiss and Roshan’s cheerful gratitude will be worth it. Anyways, he can always bullshit case briefings and squeeze out extra time somewhere. He’d rather not rush this moment.
When Roshan finally trudges home after getting the week’s groceries, neither Yao nor Aditya are there to hold the door open for them, and there is no response when they call out an “I’m back” from the kitchen. They know Yao and Aditya are in the house—Yao’s Hello Kitty slippers are missing from the shoemat—so the only possibility is that they are ignoring Roshan. Sad. They sigh—rather theatrically—but heave everything into the refrigerator without calling a second time, and hope this will be a fair trade for them failing to find white rabbit in Chinatown for the third time in a row. 
Yao and Aditya, they find, are in the living room couch, engaged in another petty struggle over the remote. The newest Game of Thrones episode is playing on the TV Yao shipped from China, and Aditya is furiously muttering about “what a trashy white-produced rapefest show it is” and trying to swipe at the remote Yao grips with white-knuckled hands. Yao, for his part, has not retaliated much at all, besides scooting over to the other side of the couch and obstinately holding onto the precious remote. Roshan looks on for a time, amused, and watches Tywin Lannister’s face loom nastily over them all, until Aditya turns around and catches sight of them in the doorway. 
“Roshan, help me! You can’t possibly agree with Yao’s taste, can you?” Aditya looks thoroughly exasperated, and Roshan almost can’t believe how much his voice begs them to take a side. 
“No thanks. Aditya, you’ll have to fight the good fight by yourself; I’ll be in the kitchen making dinner.” They smirk, and decide that the way Aditya swells up with absolute fury is definitely worth whatever payback is coming. And as they walk back to the kitchen to start washing vegetables for dinner, there is a brief moment of silence as the TV switches off before everything descends into chaos. Yao's yelling now, and, by the sound of it, has started a pillow fight that Aditya joins in with enthusiasm. Roshan glances back, just in time to watch Yao whack Aditya with a flower patterned pillow and scream, 
They are idiots, Roshan thinks with a smile, but they are their idiots.
Feedback is welcome and appreciated! thank you for reading :)
In the second scene, I just chose a notable farmer’s market in San Francisco at random hhhhh (apologies for any inaccuracies if anyone from CA is reading lol) the Ferry Building Farmers Market is pretty close to Chinatown, and although idk where they live in San Fran, Yao’s gotta get his white rabbit from somewhere right (the live chicken would be for chicken soup, but not the American kind)
Last scene inspired/taken from this ask! thank you bones, this was the fic I was talking about lol
the title was made up on the spot but I was thinking along the lines of “well this is a universe where the three of them are less of a group of bastards and also don’t have to contend as much with complex relations and just be lovers together”
In the first scene, there are two dishes I was referencing:
Ants-on-a-branch: 蚂蚁上树, whose proper name is ants climbing a tree, but I tweaked the translation a little. It’s a Sichuan dish that usually consists of vermicelli noodles cooked with minced meat (pork I believe) and a bunch of green onions and chopped peppers for spice (my parents also add stuff like wood ear, a fungus, and carrots and don’t add pepper but idk how “authentic” that is because we ain’t from Sichuan lol). For a lot of Chinese dishes you can usually substitute meat with shiitake mushrooms to make it vegetarian/vegan.
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I tried to imply that the dish Roshan was planning to make is ash reshteh, a Persian dish of thick noodle soup with various herbs, onions, and peas. Kashk or yogurt whey is also a component of the soup and gives it its signature rich sour flavor. Because reshteh noodles are believed to bring good luck, ash reshteh is typically served around the Persian New Year, Nowruz, and at important events, but it can be theoretically be eaten at any time.
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
i was only musing about biker au but you know what consider this your formal biker au! poly chaeya request. don’t let your biker bf dreams be dreams
i- HAHA, it got too long so i had to make a cut
I'm going to make ch💙ya established in this au because i do what i wAnt
Them being in different gangs but still working together/ hanging out/ having sex. We stan
No to loose plot for this au yet, just me going of
Methinks, Mondstadt is one bike gang and Liyue another and like the Fatui ? But idk if i see anyone else as bikers yet
But xiao on a bike? Stan. My heart? 💓 (i haven’t met xiao ingame but that one fanart on him on a bike almost got me simping)
I like to think Kaeya and Childe does what they want mostly, like bike gangs usually they just get together to ride somewhere it's really chill
Childe owns like so many bikes dude he's so fucking rich he can have any bike under the sun
But his favourites are sports bikes. Like I just see him adoring his Ducatis
His second and third favourites are dual sports bikes and cruisers
Kaeya heavily prefers cruisers. Just because he's chill like that
Like have you see those thighs???? He doesn't just get them from any old bike mdudes
Also enjoys naked bikes and touring bikes uwu but prolly has a scooter or smth for the memes
“yeah, I ride” and brings his a Vespa or smth in his full leather get up HAHHAHA
His main cruiser,, the engine fucking purrs it’s just right. kinda like a deep rumble, like you can hear it coming and going but once it’s out of earshot it leaves you with this feeling
Kaeya also being a little handy? Like he can take a look at his and Childe’s bike and kinda know what’s wrong, when to change something etc.
You guys....... sweaty Kaeya half dressed, hair up in a bun, working on his bike and with little grease smeared on his face and hands because he’s just been so focused on fixing up his bike-
Childe stumbles in to grab something and instantly is hard
Childe enjoys washing and polishing the bikes, will wash and polish Kaeya’s bikes before he does his too because he’s just sweet like that
Mmmmm wet Childe from washing the bikes, Kaeya will seduce the moment he sees, doesn’t even care if Childe is finished or not
If this AU has like some plot or smth idk yet but them being a brains and brawns duo? Like Kaeya plotting stuff and Childe beating the shit out people??? Yeah, I’d like that dynamic on them
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 them taking turns driving each other? so they can snuggle and relax while the other enjoys being held. quality date right there  
Childe’s guilty pleasure is to have Kaeya drive him while he snuggles. He loves the thrill of riding but nothing can beat being close to Kaeya like this
Childe loves helping Kaeya remove his helmet and giving him chaste kisses to his lips, nose, cheeks
Deep inside the speed demon, he really is just a soff boi enjoying some quality time with his bf doing their favourite thing together
Can,,, can you just imagine the two of them in leather jackets and tight jenas i- erotic as hell
Childe very obviously stares and Kaeya whenever they go out riding together and Kaeya always puts on the tightest fucking jeans that show off his thighs good shit
Hi, hello, welcome to my high ponytail Kaeya agenda 
The sexual tension of this fucking AU.......... The potENtIAL I want these two to have the time of their livES
He has to take extra of his hair too because helmet hair is not cute so he finds different ways to tie it up and stuff 
Kaeya totes have different eye patches to match his outfit too like ok chill damn extra much
Anyways, Childe is a speed demon, the adrenaline he gets from riding fast and reckless? He needs that daily dose of blood rushing in his veins
Has the most feral fucking look after too and fucks Kaeya into oblivion after
Sex on the bike? Sex on the fucking bike babes!!!!
Kaeya riding Childe while they’re on the bike i-
Kaeya being extra good at riding because of his cruising skills too? mmF
He has so much like friction burns on his thighs because they can never take off their clothes in time before fucking like is2g
Childe cannot ride cruisers without thinking of Kaeya and Kaeya makes it his life goal to burn it into his brain and get Childe to the point of erection every time he’s on his cruisers
They swap jackets too whenever they go on long riding journeys without each other
Childe has more than once rutted against his cruisers to the thought of Kaeya
Fucking shameless too!!! Takes a pictures and sends the aftermath to Kaeya
I live for bottom Kaeya knowing he just does things to Childe while he being completely fine. Like he won’t go on his cruiser and immediately think of Childe, he still can enjoy the feeling of riding a bike? But Childe every time he uses his cruisers he gets Kaeya brain rot
Kaeya 100% gives Childe hand jobs whenever Childe rides AHAH Childe might be soft for Kaeya’s rides but Kaeya gets off of the adrenaline from the speed and just exerts it this way
Also the thrill of the speed + being potentially caught while his giving a handjob on the road + Childe losing focus on the road??? 
Kaeya won’t let Childe crash but the thrill......... sends shivers down his spine
i- not me getting carried away w ch💙ya biker hcs and forgetting this is a poly request (i do not see)
you can ride a bike too if you want uwu. but if you don’t, they’d love to have you ride behind them
They thinks it’s cute when you have to hold onto them. You can do two things
1, you don’t hold onto them for support, instead hold onto something else for support lmAO. They’d be so offended HAHAHHAHA
2, you can put your little hands up or down their clothes while you’re holding them for a fun little good them
Childe, the little shit, speeds up the moment you’re safely secure on the seat just to hear you scream and hold onto him tightly
Kaeya prefers slow rides late at night, where you can put your head on his shoulder and hold him tight, smth chill, sometimes y’all can talk
His cruiser,,,,, you know it just sends the nicest vibrations just right ;)
Childe’s rides are more no chill, more like completely no chill at all
If you’re the type that gets off from fast nerve wrecking rides then the adrenaline will also lead to feral sex after too
If you ride too!!! the three of you just picking a quiet route to speed through the night on? then stopping somewhere to just vibe and talk and stuff
Thinks its so fucking sexy that you’re into bikes too like you’re sexy on your own but having the same passion as them??? 
Sad though that all three of you can’t be on the same bike? But that’s ok, y’all just take turns being the one on the back
If you don’t ride, but have an interest in learning!!! Childe will throw himself at the chance to teach you 
Is actually? Surprisingly??? A really good instructor? Like for a speed demon he’s really safe and tells you all the safety tips and all
It’s his natural care giving side 🥺🥺🥺 he wants you to be safe before you guys go anything doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
Kaeya if you approach him to learn he’s really sweet about it too
Him being able to balance your body weight and the bike no problem while you try to get used to the weight of the bike and balancing
His thighs could just crush you mAN
You cannot get away from bike sex man, if you refuse, literally swap with me 
They’ll try to convince you though, they’ll always find a way to do it at least once
I reckon they’d start with having you on your knees and blowing them while they lean against their bike then fucking you against it
Hopefully, it’ll open up the idea of having sex on the bike!!!!
Kaeya giving you tips on how to ride Childe while you’re riding him as he’s straddling his cruiser
Childe pins you lying on the seat of the bike while he pounds into you
Them taking you to quiet spots a little out of town to fuck your brains out (or ya know to talk and see the sunrise and stuff)
It’s always the prettiest places too, a little secluded, but very worth every effort to get there
Like they make it so romantic too?? Not sure if it’s the atmosphere or just them but it always steals your breath away
Ugh rides near the beach where you can hear the waves, the purr of the engines and the sounds of their laughter. I’m so WeAk
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blush-and-books · 3 years
Hi! I wasn’t sure if you were still taking requests but could you do #22 for Juke? Make it angsty if you want I’m in that type of mood today 😂
From this prompt list: Kissing someone’s cuts/bruises/scratches etc. High school AU, Luke is ~edgy~, Julie is the best friend in the whole world and he has every reason to be in love with her (which he is). IDK if you’re still in an angsty mood but I made it angsty. I also went off with this one because I was having too much fun. Thank you <333
“Guys, please don’t tell Julie.”
It was early in the morning before school, and Luke was hunched over one of the dirty sinks in the bathroom while trying to nurse his bloody nose. Alex was twirling one of his drumsticks between his fingers in a nervous habit, and Reggie was propped up against one of the stall dividers. 
Luke’s face was bruised and bloody from both his nose and his own scraped knuckles that keep brushing against his cheek on accident. 
“She’ll find out,” Alex sighs, and Luke glares at him through the mirror.  “Fuck, Bobby will probably be bragging about it,” Reggie adds. 
Luke, Reggie, and Alex had been planning on going into the music room before school to quickly test out some new material that they had been working on with Julie for their rehearsal after school that day. Normally, the music teacher lets them go into a practice room and mess around, but this morning, their teacher was distracted: By Bobby Wilson. 
AKA their ex-bandmate.
Who they had found with the music teacher, hunched over a computer, playing a recording he had made of a song with eerily familiar lyrics. 
He had recorded songs that Luke wrote when they were all still in a band. And he was showing them off to their music teacher as his own. 
Their music teacher was singing Bobby’s praises, telling him how proud she was that he was developing a career, and then she excused herself to go make some sheet music copies for one of her classes -- and that is when Luke made his entrance. 
Long story short: Bobby had a black eye and some cuts on his face from Luke’s rings, and Luke had a bloody nose, some busted knuckles, and a bruise blossoming on his cheek. 
And the last thing he wanted was Julie, his best friend, finding out. She would be so mad. 
“Well then just let me handle it, please,” Luke spits. “Don’t go running to her saying ‘Luke and Bobby beat each other up-’”
The door to the boys bathroom flings open -- and an angry girl with dark, curly hair storms in. 
Julie Molina. 
While, under any other circumstances, Luke’s day would be made just by seeing her -- he knows it’s about to get a lot worse.
“Lucas Michael Patterson, you better have a fucking valid reason for getting your ass kicked or I swear to God-”
“Bobby? Seriously? I thought you decided he wasn’t worth your time?”
“If you’ll just let me explain-”
“Maybe we should go,” Reggie cuts in. Luke rounds on him. 
“You-” He points at Reggie, then Alex, “you two weren’t supposed to tell her.”
Julie speaks up again. 
“You told them to hide this from me?” “I texted her SOS as soon as we broke you and Bobby up,” Alex explains, avoiding Luke’s eyes. “Sorry. We thought she would know a little more about first aid then we do.” 
Reggie walks over to the door, and Alex follows him before Luke can tear into them more.
“Thanks, Julie,” Reggie says right before grabbing Alex’s wrist and pulling him out of the room. Luke is left alone with Julie -- and Angry Julie is not a fun Julie to be around. 
“Jules, I-”
“Save it.” 
She puts her backpack on the floor and surprisingly pulls out a bag of bandages and a container of rubbing alcohol. A small package of tissues follows, which she instantly passes to him to hold to his nose. 
Relief fills him. They’re the soft kind -- not the sandpaper stuff that the school keeps in the bathrooms. 
“Thanks for… Doing all this,” he mumbles, voice nasally. Guilt pangs at his chest when her scowl deepens and she still won’t meet his eyes. 
“Well, I knew you wouldn’t have gone to the nurse, and someone needs to make sure you don’t get an infection.”
She’s right. The nurse means admitting he got into a fight to a school employee, admitting he got into a fight to a school employee means suspension, and suspension means an upcoming raging argument with his parents. 
He’s filled with a burning warmth when she suddenly grabs his hand -- still not making eye contact with him. His knuckles are pretty torn up, and Julie starts to remove his rings one by one. 
Luke’s heart breaks a little at how much he wants to lean into her while watching her do it. He wants her to do this again, preferably when she’s not mad at him, preferably in his room or in the studio while they write songs. 
“Now,” Julie finally speaks up and breaks his trance of distraction. “What happened?”
As he inhales a deep breath, he slowly removes the tissue from his nose, which has minimized it’s bleeding. 
Luke’s cut off by a stream of cleansing alcohol running over his cuts and stinging every square millimeter of space. 
“Fuck! Ow!” Julie’s face remains expressionless as Luke tries to pull his hand away, but she keeps it firm in his grip. His breathing gets heavier as he tries to face the pain. “Okay, I know I fucked up, I’m sorry. I deserved that. Let me explain.”
Another drop of the alcohol splashes on his knuckles. As he hisses, Julie gives him an expectant look. 
“I’m waiting, Patterson.”
With a few more deep breaths, Luke starts. 
“We found out that Bobby recorded our songs. My songs. Songs that were supposed to go to Sunset Curve, and he stole them, and recorded them, and played them for Ms. Harrison.” Julie’s grip tightens on his fingers. He hopes she understands his anger. “And she was just so happy about it, and was giving him all these compliments, and… When she left, I confronted him, and he was being a dick, and I just… Got mad.”
Julie finishes pressing a towel to his knuckles to wipe away some of the blood, and begins to softly wrap a bandage around his hand. Her touch is more gentle than it was a minute ago. 
“Who threw the first punch?” 
Luke sighs. 
“I did.” The bandage is tugged tightly around his knuckles. “He said that I’ll never have a band ‘with that Julie girl’ that’s worth anything close to what Sunset Curve was, and that he was making a success out of what wouldn’t have been.” 
The bandage loosens. 
“I’m sorry that Bobby is a song-stealing asshole,” Julie finally says, finishing up the bandage on his right hand. Now, time for his left, so he turns fully towards her and lifts the hand towards her to take. His heart flutters when her fingers wrap around his, but it’s quickly killed by the pierce of the rubbing alcohol. “But you know you shouldn’t resort to violence. You should be the bigger person.”
“Being the bigger person doesn’t exist when you’re a teenage boy,” Luke retorts, only to be defeated by a strong pour of the alcohol once again. “But you’re right. I know you’re right.”
“As I always am.”
Well, he can’t argue with that one. 
“As you always are.”
Finally, Luke catches a small smirk on his best friend’s face, which fills him with relief. Temporarily, his attention is taken off of his burning knuckles as she calmly finishes wiping away the blood and beginning to wrap a bandage around his left hand. 
“At least tell me you kicked his ass,” she says, out of the blew. “I want to know it was worth it.”
Even in the current situation, Luke grins wider than he has all day. Julie never fails to bring it out of him. 
“I mean, not to brag, but he definitely looks worse.” Julie looks up at him, clearly wanting a full description of the other party’s injuries. “His knuckles are trashed too, but I got in a black eye and my rings tore him up pretty good. He looks like he got attacked by a raccoon.”
“As he should,” she thinks aloud. Luke nods vigorously in agreement. 
They stand in silence under the aggressively fluorescent lighting of the bathroom, and Luke spends the next thirty seconds just staring at Julie like a lovesick idiot. She looks tired (like all of them do, every morning -- they’re teenagers for God’s sake), but her hair is down and curly and beautiful, and her sweatshirt looks beyond cozy. 
Suddenly, Julie lifts Luke’s mummified left hand to her lips and presses a light, slow kiss to it. Followed by another one. 
And then, she finally looks up at him through her long eyelashes, which takes his breath away completely. Her feet shuffle a small step closer to him, and for a moment he panics that she’s going to kiss him, or he’ll lose his self control and kiss her, but what she does instead makes his heart pound just the same:
She lifts herself onto her tiptoes and kisses the oval-shaped bruise painted across his cheekbone. 
His hand, with a mind of its own, comes up to cup the back of her neck and keep her as close as possible, which she doesn’t fight. Instead, she brushes her nose against his, and today just went from being the worst day ever to the best day ever, and-
The school bell rings. 
Julie pulls away. 
Hastily, she’s tucking her medical supplies back into her bag, and avoiding his eyes once again. 
“Try not to get in another fight, please,” she sends him an awkward smile as she zips her backpack, “I only brought the two bandages.” And before he can even blink, she’s gone.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
I just think we need more Quirkless au's of Tomura being Izuku's friend or brother in the background of what is happening
Izuku invites his friends from high school over to hang out and Tomura is there making food in their kitchen, remarking about "Oh so my little bro DOES have friends. Nice to know you're finally joining the world, brat" and snickers as Izuku elbows him playfully. Izuku and his friends proceed to hang out in his bedroom for the entire fic while Tomura goes and does his own thing
Izuku at 14 goes on study dates with his friends who are from a different school and they're the only friends he has. The entire fic is spent detailing goofy shenanigans and bonding moments. At the end of it, Izuku gets picked up by Older Bro Tomura in his car and when Izuku insists that he can just take the bus, Tomura replies with "shut up and be grateful, brat, this saves money" but he's just making sure Izuku gets home safe <3
In a Normal Kids Who Also Have Quirks au, some of Izuku's friends are in the mall at one point and they suddenly see Izuku in a cafe sat opposite of some older guy who looks a lil shady, chatting away freely. When they ask him, Izuku laughs and says "Oh yeah, that's Shigaraki! We met in that cafe one day and idk became friends. I dropped my quirk analysis notebook and he accidentally saw some info in it and started ranting to me about how one of the paragraphs was wrong, and we started bouncing ideas off of each other. We just kinda bonded over it and we meet up now and again to hang out. He's a good guy, really, he just has no fashion sense lol". Bonus if Tomura is there AS Izuku says this and he just shoves Izuku playfully with a huff, Izuku laughing as he teases him more - the rest of the fic is spent on Izuku trying to help Tsuyu and the others break into an aquarium and free all the frogs
Even just them in the background, with Izuku preparing for a date with (insert character), picks out his outfit then finally settles to relax and log onto his game, connecting with HandKing21 who scolds him for being late. When Izuku tells him he's got a date tonight so he was preparing, Tomura just meets him with "Yeah yeah we get it you're not single anymore now PLEASE can we get through this dungeon and defeat that damn Ogre? If I have to spend another week on this level I'm gonna scream" to which Izuku laughs and they get to work. They've been online friends for years, but they still try and play when they can, even when life gets busy. Rest of fic is spent on Izuku with (insert character) having cute blushing moments or whatever - BONUS if Izuku is nervous and having relationship trouble, his sadness reflecting onto his gameplay and Tomura straight up just sighs and asks him whats up. Izuku tells him and Tomura is like "well me and my boyfriend just communicate that shit to each other. its no big deal. we both have our share of bad shit that gets in the way, but we just talk to each other. if you talk to this boyfriend or girlfriend or whoever of yours and they laugh at you, fucking dump them cuz they're not worth your time. Anybody who laughs at their partners insecurities is a shit head who doesn't deserve their attention. Are we done? We got that sorted? Okay let's continue cuz I am NOT spending another 4 hours on this stupid quest just to fuck up again. Get your head in the game, brat" and Izuku just laughs, thanking him and they continue
Izuku and his friends decide to do some good old Teen Vigilante Justice and idk vandalise some old rich assholes house. Izuku mentions that he can borrow his brothers equipment, and when he gets concerned looks from everyone, he just smiles and says "Tomura does the same thing with his friends. I've done this before, I know what we'll need." - Tomura isn't introduced into the fic, we just read about Izuku mentioning him, listing off the advice Tomura has given him and getting to work. Also imagine Izuku casually remarking how "yeah when I was like 10, Tomura took me with him and his friends to vandalise a rich neighborhood full of assholes and showed me how to throw exploding spray paint at a house JUST right so the paint splatters over the windows and roof of the balcony. That stuff really sticks to the wood, and its hard to get out if they don't notice it straight away and leave it for ages! Some of them never even end up noticing! So let's get to work guys lmao let's do this"
Like idk I'd kill for a fic where whatever is happening (ship fics, world building fics, vigilante fics, everybody is quirkless etc) just has these two in the background with SOME kinda dynamic that shows they have a bond
And, if there is a fic like one of these, let me know I'd love to read it
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justarandomsideblog · 3 years
Okay I admit it I'm obsessed, just more Winged!Fundy AU stuffs
-Most of canon is side-stepped, using rough elements as a guideline (L'Manburg was a thing, it had its revolution, the 16th and doomsday, Wilbur died, Fundy and Phil are estranged/disowned, Fundy has his prophetic dreams which jumpstart his godly magic, etc) but Fundy is around the same age as Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo are physically (the former of the two being immortals and the latter having a naturally long lifespan), and it takes place in a world where the nuke wasn't stolen and Quackity gets to be happy okay. Fundy is still being haunted by his dreams and begins to suffer from derealization, though I have no intention of going into details about it.
-Dream himself is mortal and isn't the big bad, but DreamXD, his twin/doppelganger is a god of chaos and is the main antagonist, and Dream is working for DreamXD. DreamXD has noticed Fundy's powers awakening.
-Phil is one of a handful of Angels of Death, having been created by Death through magic. He is technically Death's son, and if Death ever falls is the next choice to become the god of Death. He is technically a god, but as the son of a god and having wings he is referred to more often as an angel. Wilbur and Tommy are his biological sons, though they have different mothers (who are mortal and lived roughly 100 years apart). So technically all three of them are Angels of Death, and all their wings are made of magic.
-Wilbur manifested his godly magic when he was 3, and had Phil there to guide him through it so that growing his wings wouldn't hurt. His wings were pepper gray and white, but when he was still a small child he had a traumatic accident that irreversibly damaged his wings, and his wings were magically removed since leaving them be would have caused more problems.
-Tommy was barely 6 months old when he manifested his godly magic and grew his wings, taking both Phil and Wil by surprise. His wings are pure gold, a stark contrast to his father and brother. He still has them, but he started hiding them when he got involved in wars since they would become a target for the enemy.
-Angels have a special magic called an Angel's Bond, where they can, only once in their lives, share a bond with a mortal and extend their immortal life to them. There's different kinds of bonds this can fall under, though the most common are familial bonds, often between a mortal who was taken in by gods or angels. It ties that mortal's life to the angel's, and until the angel dies the mortal cannot die and will only age at the same rate as the angel.
-Techno and Tubbo are Phil's adopted children. Techno was found as a young Piglin in the nether, and he was roughly the same age as Wilbur. Phil ended up using his Angel's Bond with Techno. Tommy brought Tubbo home one day, Tubbo an orphan trying to get by in the forest, and Phil welcomed Tubbo into their home. Tommy ended up using his Angel's Bond with Tubbo after finding out that Tubbo's going to grow old and die before Tommy ever even reached adulthood. Phil has concerns about Tommy using his One and Only bond so young, but it can't be reversed so...
-Sally is the daughter of a god, and was created through magic. She has many sisters. Their mother calls themself Mother Nature, even though they are more accurately Life (versus Phil's father being Death) and Fundy is the actual embodiment of Nature, being the one and only descendant of Life and Death.
-Wilbur and Sally knew each other were angels/spirits/the children of gods, and they knew they were the children of opposite gods, meaning that their love was technically a forbidden love as life and death magic was never meant to mix. They fell in love anyways, and though the god of Life disapproved, they just sat back and watched. Sally actually couldn't have kids, being a product of pure magic, and ended up asking Life for help, and in the process made a deal; she and Wilbur got to have a kid and in exchange, they could never awaken the kid's magic (thus, these two immortals' son would be doomed to mortality) and Sally had to return to the sea after the kid turned 5. Oh, and Sally had to take a different form after being pregnant because Life did not want their grandchild to appear human. Yea Life's a sick fuck. Wilbur actually wanted to disagree but Sally wanted to have a kid biologically (they did raise several adopted kids which was very fulfilling but Sally just... wanted to have a baby, idk why, couldn't be me) so she agreed. Wilbur cried the day he came in for breakfast to find his wife had transformed into a fox woman cause he knew the timer had begun.
-They didn't tell anyone, not even Fundy, who they intended to raise as a mortal. They took away all magic from their house and told Fundy that Wil was a musician and Sally was an accountant. It was after Sally disappeared that Wilbur built L'Manburg's walls.
-Wilbur managed to keep Fundy from manifesting his magic all throughout his childhood and teenagehood, and he never found out that Fundy figured out astral projection and shapeshifting. After Wilbur died, however, Fundy began exploring a little more and ended up discovering some of his other powers (prophetic dreams/dreamwalking, being able to mold the world around him to a degree, things like that) and Ghostbur didn't remember enough to keep an eye on him. Phil had no idea, since Wilbur never told him, he never met Sally and Fundy hadn't manifested his magic when Phil was around. This time, where Fundy is completely alone and has all the time to himself, is when he begins manifesting the magic his parents had tried so hard to keep him from manifesting, and it's when the phantom pains from wings that hadn't grown yet began. It is a PAINFUL process to grow wings, even magically, because it comes from under the skin/attaches to muscle and bone, and since he has no older or more experienced Angel with him he has no one to help him or guide him...
-Ranboo is there when Fundy's wings grow, a very traumatizing moment for both of them (blood and Fundy definitely passes out and all that fun stuff), and manages to convince Fundy to not immediately try to chop them off with an axe (Fundy was panicking) but Fundy refused to go to Phil or Tommy because he has Issues(TM). Namely, he didn't want his family to decide he's suddenly worth loving because it turns out he's just like them after all. In fact, he's terrified that if they find out, he can never have a relationship with them because he'll never be sure if they love him or just love that he's like them. He wants to be loved for who he is, not what he is...
-On the other hand, Phil and Techno threaten to kill Dream when Dream shows interest (/p) in Fundy, and Phil tells him to "stay the hell away from my grandson" because even if he's angry about the whole Butcher Army thing, still, he is NOT about to let some cretin near his grandson. They do love him. They're just mad and waiting for a proper apology. (Phil, of course, does not know Fundy is more god than mortal so the idea of him manifesting death magic and growing wings doesn't even cross his mind, and doesn't know he let Fundy go through the wing growing process all by himself.)
-Funboo (/p) shenanigans as they try to hide the existence of Fundy's wings from literally everyone else. Tommy and Tubbo finding out in possibly the worst way possible. Tommy freaking out because Fundy A) went through that painful and traumatic process without another angel there to help, B) is trying to teach himself how to fly and use magic, and C) didn't feel like he could go to his own family about this thing that everyone in their family has gone through.
-Emotional family shit as Tommy realizes just how alone and isolated Fundy felt, not even willing to go to his own family to learn more about his magic? Learn how to fly?
-Enter Tommy&Tubbo&Fundy&Ranboo (/p ofc) shenanigans as they, very specifically, try to hide this from Phil, Techno, Ghostbur and anyone else they think might even possibly let it spill to them. Also Tommy taking over teaching Fundy about his magic and flying, because "no offence Ranboo but this is very different from enderman stuff"
-Fundy trying to come to terms with the fact that his family's perception of him won't change just because it turns out he's not mortal
-Fundy figuring out how to astral project right out of the mortal plane and talk to his father in the afterlife. It's tense ofc their last meeting was not a good one but Fundy needs answers because nothing's adding up....
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mego42 · 3 years
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Shamelessly stealing @foxmagpie​’s monthly rec thing without the ability to get my life together to do these on a monthly basis so, seasonal recs! So excited to see if I manage to do this again with anything remotely resembling consistency but i’ve been keeping the notes for approximately 43 years (or since ~september, whatever that means) so by god i’m gonna use them. 
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found my thrill - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
Turner POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys turner is SO OBSESSED with Beth and Rio
both canonically and in this fic
it’s gr9
also features a weirdly soothing and relatable cord untangling moment as a metaphor
truly disturbingly relatable turner pov tbh
relentless boomer disdain, always a plus
led to the creation of this monstrosity, not sure what kind of a monster would do that
War In My Mind - mintletters16
post-213, gorgeous character study 
guaranteed to make you feEl stUfF
I really love the like, cyclical, fractured pattern of Beth’s internal monologue, it gives the whole thing a really affecting at times dreamy, at times haunted vibe
the end twist is *chef’s kiss*
mourning bells - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Later s2 era, Rio’s at a funeral, gets drunk and calls Beth
V short, kind of…..mmm, not sweet, but almost? Idk
It’s got a wistful sort of almost/i can be quiet with you vibe that i go extremely bonkers for
delinquents - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Lol are any of you actually not reading this yet?
g o d ch 8 where do i start
First off how ABSOLUTELY VERY DARE for the tragic angst that is delinquents!beth boland. This poor baby, this precious bean. MUST PROTEC
zero percent deserves dean’s clammy hands, no i have not forgotten, tattooed on my brain, will never forgive
I also love love love love LOVE the ruby/stan subplot happening
(and ruby’s mom!!!!!) (seriously though you write the best moms)
oh god and baby beth starting to have confusing feelings about rio?????? *chef’s kiss*
p sure i was just like, straight screaming the entire end of the chapter
the dugout is like, pure serotonin
I can’t even talk about the closet
tHe teNsiOn
thank you i will take eleventy billion
don't give it a hand, offer it a soul - medievalraven / @medievalraven
am a desperate heaux for any fic that features rio and mick friendship
you are all incredibly shocked i know
still would not be mad if this swerved into rio x mick fake dating but beth x rio is cool too i guess
Speaking of things i am a desperate heaux for: DIANE!!!!!!!!
and DATING ANNIE???????????? Blessed
honestly this fic is worth it purely for the assertion that mick watches queer eye
Why don't we go to Venus? - watermelonriddles / @bensonstablers​
another grief study! 
apparently i was working through some stuff in september, idk, that was like 4 years ago
considering it’s the premise of the fic, i don’t think it’s a spoiler to say this fic is canon divergent and working with the premise that rio killed beth in 302
he is uh, not coping well
extremely haunted you might say
lots of marcus and rhea which is a delight!
rhea is to good for him tbh
i said what i said
truly top notch dream (nightmare?) sequences
the conversation at the end is extremely uncalled for
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drop the game - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Am going to die mad Beth and Rio didn’t hook up in 211 but luckily this fic scratched the itch 
(temporarily, it’s a fairly permanent itch)
Bonus rec: missing scene series i wanna do bad things to you featuring 2x02 and 2x04
Viva Voce - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
Whoops we woke up married Vegas shenanigans!! 
So cute!!!!! So sexy!!!!! 
What more do you want?
am desperately obsessed with how beth can’t help stalking rio
feels right, feels organic
this makes me feel a lot of stuff about how they could be without their canon garbage between them
🎶 we could’ve had it aaaaaaaaaaall 🎶
you showed me colors (i can't see them with anyone else) - gild_fire / @gild-and-fire​
really into the use of color to illustrate beth’s emotional state, i feel like there’s a word for that but idk what it is
really nice job capturing beth’s inner vulnerability balanced by her outer stubbornness
am DESPERATELY into Mick playing matchmaker
more please???????
Both Sides of the Law - JoeyLee / @joeyjoeylee​
LAW SCHOOL AU! I suuuuuuper love Beth and Rio here (alt pov!! a gift!!!!) I love how initially prickly they are, I love how it’s evolving into a grudging respect, I love how INCREDIBLY AND HILARIOUSLY OBSESSED WITH EACH OTHER THEY ARE and neither one of them seems to see it
listen I know we’re all already foaming at the mouth over this one but as it’s gonna go down as one of my all time favorites it bears repeating/rereccing
cannot stress enough how masterful the use of POV is here, both voices feel completely true and distinct and I love how the alternating chapters revisit, reveal and emphasize pieces of each other
i can’t talk about this fic without hyperventilating
the slow burn is going to ACTUALLY KILL ME
rip, no regrats
Earned It - wakeupflawless / @wakeupflawless​
that’s it that’s the pitch
living for beth’s exit in the first chapter, rio and i are both incredibly into it
second chapter also features violently possessive Rio who cannot deal with anyone messing with his girl so if that’s your thing boy howdy get on it
shake, baby, shake - openhearts
according to my bookmarks this was a reread but ???????
must’ve read it in the fugue state that followed reading for a moment we were strangers which is gr9 and I believe I have recced it before. If not, horrible oversight, reccing it now
beth and Rio POV lead up to the bathroom break, beautifully done, low-key feel bad reccing it bc the end point of both chapters makes me want to throw things but it’s super worth it for the tEnsiOn. ENJOY
What the Sea Wants, the Sea Will Have - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I’m assuming all of y’all are already reading this
P I R A T E  A U
I’m sorry maybe you didn’t hear me piRaTE aU
meticulously researched, brain-meltingly vibrant, already painfully sexy slow-burning PIRATE AU
god where to start okay so first off, the world-building here straight up breaks my brain, sophie’s put in the work and it SHOWS
second, the atmosphere. i’m generally a pretty like, vague mental picture sort of reader but the sensory detail here grabs you by the throat and like, forcibly hauls you in whether your brain’s wired that way or no
and hey speaking of throats if you, like me, go a little funny about the knees at the idea of beth holding a knife to rio’s throat (he’s fine, calm down), there’s a v excellent beth-in-a-barrel moment for you
oh christ and the sexy tension
it’s gonna be a race to see which slow burn takes me out first, this or law school
Stunner - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Another high school AU, this time with baby Rio absolutely head over heels for his older sister’s bff
stunner!Rio has an emotional earnestness about him that I feel like delinquents!Rio has already outgrown and it’s so SWEET I can’t get enough
Desperately cute!!!!!!
alL he waNts iS foR beTh tO bE hiS girL
also unreasonably angsty???????
A Heart's A Heavy Burden - tooshyforthis / @bathroombreaks​
Howl’s Moving Castle AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Howl’s!!!!!!!!!!!
perfect opp to roast Rio for being a Dramatique Heaux 
and it’s gonna be 9 chapters?????? H Y P E
author’s note boldly presumes I did not know I needed this AU when the reality is I did in fact know I needed this AU, I just wasn’t expecting anyone to deliver
so blessed
author also claims to not be team nose stud and yet it features prominently in all its magnificent glory
what is the truth dot gif
A Bit of a Stretch - septiembre / @septiembur​
SO????? CUTE?????????
would be on this list for Rio calling Beth E alone tbh
really really really really really love this Rio POV of being settled into a relationship with Beth
It manages to be sweetly domestic af while still holding the edge that makes brio brio which is a neat trick
@septiembur may be a witch
beth’s approach to getting rio to do yoga with her is hilarious and exactly right, canon-typical amounts of subtlety 
Post Break-Up Sex - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
stg this was called Hit Shuffle
no matter
h O T
with a side of damn i’ve made some questionable choices in my life haven’t i introspection
(no regrats tho)
(esp not with this fic)
not the point of the fic by a long shot but i’m also extremely obsessed with Weed Eddie, so real
She drains my soul... she drains it not - niham87 / @niham87​
am a complete sucker for paranormal world building that satirizes bureaucracy 
Is that a trope? If so that’s my favorite
I did it. I’m picking a single favorite. You know what that is growth dot gif
ANYWAY i love the concept, i love the humor, i love beth instantly clicking with annie
I love her and mick’s sort of grudging professional courtesy
Love beth as a champion of environmental responsibility and all of the underworld being like …...okay??
cannot wait to see where this goes
Nine-Tenths - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
sometimes i think about rio putting beth’s hair in a ponytail and have to go lie down
science please explain why this rUinS mE
wait hold on i skipped ahead
opens with rio sleepily holding beth’s hand to his heart so that’s the kind of thing you’ll be dealing with
uGH theY’RE sO CUTe
idk why precisely but rio adding hair ties to his bracelet collection is my undoing every time
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Missed Call - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Rio doesn’t come home from a job when he’s supposed to. Beth (and I!!!!!!!) slowly loses her mind
Truly a masterpiece of rising tension
Will literally never forgive her for calling this light angst
The first person to point out there was an author’s note at the beginning I obvs didn’t read is getting blocked
crush - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Listen even though this is centered around two OCs, they are OCs FROM a (n iconic) brio fic AND Beth, Ruby and Rio all make cameos (I mean, Rio’s pretty present since he lives in Mar’s mind rent free bc they are THE SWEETEST MOST ADORABLE BEST OF FRIENDS so idk if i’d call it a cameo but whatever)
and even if it didn’t feature any official GG characters I’d still rec is bc that’s mY SON AND this fic is TOO CUTE
I have so many feelings over mar and rio growing up and not knowing how to cope with girls becoming a Thing in their life and how it affects their friendship and mar feeling left behind but (SPOILERS) at the end of the story rio starts feeling that too and it’s so poignant knowing how that’s going to continue in delinquents
while mar may be my son, i also claim elena’s #1 stan status
before you’re like meg you’re only reccing it bc it’s a bday present ask yourselves do i really strike you as the kind of person that wouldn’t be equally obnoxious about this either way?
truly cannot fathom how hard i have fallen for these OCs i don’t normally do that
@foxmagpie is definitely a witch
The Ottoman - Niham87 / @niham87​
look i will be the first to admit that i don’t go near as bonkers over the ottoman line in 308 as y’all do
(don’t get me wrong, i love it!!! I love that he laughs and i love that she’s pleased it just doesn’t hit my lose my whole mind button like idk, the dubby or the 306 convo, idk why)
BUT i v v v much love the context this delightful Rio POV pwp gives it
am also absolutely feral for 209 missing scene fic
and anything that captures the complexity of Rio’s s3 feelings for Beth and how twisted they’ve become
so this scratches a bunch of itches, is what i’m trying to say
Bet On It - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
That’s what my brain does when I think about Beth and Rio meeting in ch 1
am DESPERATELY OBSESSED WITH the tension between the two of them in this fic
I love how it plays with the ways they have to rely on but don’t trust each other
plus FAKE DATING and BED SHARING (fair warning hasn’t happened yet but the set up is there)
originally supposed to be 2 chapters, already up to 4, prayer circle it goes on forever
do you like drugs (tonight) - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
v important focus on hydration, other fic should take note
extremely about the use of cut to and then flashback to enhance the ‘we were on drugs’ vibe
speaking of, beth and rio absolutely would take ecstasy to prove they are fun bc they are the exact kind of idiots that would peer pressure themselves
so glad beth kept her purse, got a bit stressed there for a second, clutches in that kind of circumstance are A Risk
not that i would know
really love the ongoing denial that they are remotely into each other while proceeding to demonstrate how they are in fact, extremely into each other, great vibe
rio dances
I know my brain broke too
mmmm bacon
Navigate A Broken Path - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I have a long standing tradition of getting unreasonably obsessed with side characters so i’m not like, entirely surprised by how obsessed i am with both Mick and Mary Pat but i never in a million years considered them as a ship
they fit????? so perfectly?????? It’s amazing how she developes them individually enough that i look at them together and think ah yes this makes perfect sense for both characters
and they’re such an amazing foil to Beth and Rio? 
can ships have foils? do i know what a foil is? 
hell i don’t understand
how absolutely very dare you make me care about YET ANOTHER set of gg ‘verse children
do not read this fic if you have no interest in feelings you zero percent asked for
wHA t hAPPeNED iN aLASkA?????????
A Moment’s Silence - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
*makes sign of the cross*
y’all are gonna make me rediscover religion
extremely appreciate the author’s note approach to backstory top notch prioritization
listen it’s basically 3k of beth deep throating rio idk what more you need me to say about it
it is…..good stuff
bless the kinkmeme or fest whatever we’re calling it
praise - civillove / @blainesebastian​
I mean you had me at “three times rio calls beth a good girl and one time he really means it”
ephemeral rio
I left that note for myself in here in the middle of the night and haven’t the foggiest what i was thinking but i stand by it none the less
okay okay i think i know what i meant, this fic (as do all of my fav civillove brio fics) has this sort of like, liminal, in the quiet moments feel to them that makes the moments and feelings somehow feel like i’m catching a glimpse of something secret and precious???
idk i just really like it okay
Heart and Soul - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
oh look more unbearably sweet domestic tenderness, this time to music
thank you ma’am for my life
rio remembers beth used to play piano and gets her one and revoltingly cute shenanigans result
also hilarity
and sexiness
this fic has it all, truly
shout out to mick who sees no reason to keep rio’s feelings to himself
good girls tumblr fic - prettylittlementirosa / @hypermania​​
cheating and reccing a whole series
It’s my list and i can do what i wanna
stop crying about it, it’s four fics and they’re all AMAZING absolutely impossible to pick a fav
truly flawless characterization, next level ability to capture evocative mood, cannot get enough
three’s a crowd: who knew ballroom dancing while dean watches and grinds his teeth could be so sexy 
(trick question everything about that premise sounds A++++ and boy howdy does it live up)
feel it on the way home: rio tries to break up with beth, it goes about as well as you’d expect
(thE angSty tenSioN)
i want to play the game: [from the floor] i’m still not ready to talk about it
(rio/turner, missing scene, 10000000% a taste of what went down in that hotel room)
june after dark: pitch perfect annie pov, really really love the take that Annie is the baby whisperer, can’t fully explain why but it feels incredibly right
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morethanonepage · 3 years
what would you say are the dynamics and themes that interest you most? Also frankly I'm surprised you read any star wars fic still, I agree on just wanting to read some good finnpoe but that has gotten increasingly futile.
i mean the thing i potentially like so much about finnpoe is that they BOTH have very specific, in some ways very different traumas (finn being a child soldier and growing up in such a highly regulated way where he had basically no bodily autonomy VS poe being mind-raped AND seeing his inability to stop it as having betrayed his own people AND seeing so many of his friends & comrades die in quick succession AND still recovering from the loss of his mother as a child and Muran when he was commanding Rapier Squadron) but they both have a tendency to compartmentalize that and continue to function on their own while being loyal (Finn’s devotion to Rey, which gets a lot of flack in fandom but like -- that’s one of the first people he’s been able to form a connection with!! AND I think he lowkey feels that it’s his fault Rey got dragged into -- everything, so he feels a great deal of responsibility for protecting her) and passionate about a cause (Poe basically killing himself to keep the Ideals Of The Republic Alive, be it through trying to hunt down the FO before he’s even part of the Resistance, to doing everything he can to keep the Resistance afloat once he is). 
like they have those similarities -- a real sense of duty and responsibility toward their friends and those they’re fighting with -- but they have fundamental differences in approach that the movies did a shitty job of extrapolating on when it could’ve been such an interesting conflict: Poe is the idealist and thinks of duty to a higher ideal first and foremost (like Leia and his mother, tbh) whereas Finn is more of a pessimist and a cynic and believes protecting your friends and loved ones from the substantial evil is hard enough without setting up to FIGHT ALL OF THE BAD IN THE UNIVERSE like Poe wants/believes he has to do. and both of these things are based so much on their upbringings! Poe grew up with those ideals and freedoms and parents who fought, successfully, to protect them, and believes he owes it to them to live up to their example and protect them as well; Finn has SEEN the evil of the FO firsthand and seen everyone around him subsumed by it, believes it to be omnipotent bc for him and his squad mates it literally was. escaping all of that was an act of powerful resistance on its own!
idk i just think a lot of the fandom’s take on this is, if you focus on finn ~running away~ in canon or not wanting to join up with the Resistance just ‘cause it’s ~the right thing to do~ you’re feeding into this idea of black men being cowards and/or selfish when it’s like no! that’s the consequence of his trauma: he’s running away from an abuser who controlled every aspect of his life, who’s set up to hunt him down and destroy planets and take over the universe in a way that’ll mean he’s NEVER safe, and he knows every single person he grew up with and had some affection for are a part of it too, which on the one hand he might be reluctant to fight them, but on the other they 100% won’t be reluctant to fight him AND they know him well enough to know his weaknesses. 
all of this is A LOT and it’s heavy and dark stuff, which i GET can be hard to work into like, light fluffy fic about finn finally being happy or learning what sex is or w/e, and not everything about fanfic has to be a ~deep exploration~ of character’s inner turmoil but like -- idk. there’s ways of dealing with these elements of finn’s backstory without making the whole thing drudging tragedy porn (which is ANOTHER fanfic trend i can’t stand -- neither Finn nor Poe are characters entirely without hope and fics that treat either of their tragedies [lbr it’s mostly poe’s that get dealt with] as the focus or main characteristic of either also bum me out) and I just really wish fandom had more interest in it. 
Another factor that KILLS ME is how Poe has (justifiably) developed OBVIOUS distrust for the force and force users, and would have such a fundamentally hard time dealing with the fact that Finn is one. Canon didn’t even let Finn be explicitly force sensitive, and fandom is like YAY FINN IS FORCE SENSITIVE, NOW HE CAN USE THE FORCE TO BONE (POE), and any fic that does touch on it makes Poe out to be ~unreasonable for not trusting Finn, or having his distrust be a consequence of his PTSD alone, and a sign he has to deal with his shit VS a very real issue that Poe might genuinely not be able to get over: the force CAN be creepy and is too easy to abuse, and a lot of what Poe’s seen it used for WAS bad. 
the other dimension of all this is, accidentally or not, these dynamics take on all sorts of real-world implications given both actor’s identities -- the explicit parallels between Finn’s upbringing and chattel slavery (taken from his family at an early age, losing all connection with his birthplace and culture, seen as useful but dispensable by an oppressive, mostly-white empire)  & its legacy for Black Americans (that lack of connection with a historical homeland and the loss of a cultural connection that came from it) VS the first generation latinx immigrant narrative that Poe and his family embody (the sacrifice for and long separation from a child in the service of giving them a better life, the burden that child takes upon themselves to make that sacrifice worth it by excelling in certain spheres, the drive to be the VERY BEST representative of their new culture, the embrace of that culture’s ideals bc they don’t want to think their parents sacrificed everything for a lie [with the creeping knowledge and experience to know many of those ideals are flawed and not always lived up to]). 
and the canon ignores that bc addressing it would require world building that couldn’t center/come back to the Skywalkers in some way (and the only family dynamics it’s interested in is DADDY ISSUES, fucking Free Fall), and fandom doesn’t care about it bc it’s mostly white girls who, AT BEST, decide to focus on the potential ~sexuality conflicts (coming out, family rejection, etc) when writing real world AUS, without dealing with the intersectionality of a black and a brown man, their respective cultural context, and the resultant conflicts those would create beyond, idk, “POCs are always homophobic so finn and/or poe’s parents kicked them out or w/e”.  and like I really don’t WANT these people trying to grapple with the complexity of a queer, interracial relationship where neither participant is white (i’ve seen enough just watching them grapple with either character’s sexuality tbh). 
but idk, that’s what’s interesting to me: finn and poe’s backgrounds and how those set up fundamental conflict points for both of them, both in canon (Poe’s devotion to the cause of liberty and democracy for the whole galaxy VS Finn’s duty to the people he loves over anything else) and in a real world au (Black people have a fundamentally different relationship to the American Ideal than Latinx immigrants do, for very good reasons). And I want those things to be significant elements of the characterization for both, but not the ONLY elements of characterization for both: stories should, in even some small way, be about what characters WANT (even if it is just “to fuck,” as it often is when I write [ok it’s usually “to love but be able to show it without saying it, hence the fucking”]) and so few fics, these days, give me any sense of what finn and poe want besides, vaguely “each other” (”because the author feels like they have to write them bc the actors are hot/for woke points”) and that is just -- boring to me. 
also god i would just love to read some dialogue that isn’t just twitter/tumblr memes and/or mcu level mean quips. like, just in general. 
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