#i forgot to send these out the last time so i def will this time !!
leetaehwan · 1 year
Pass the happy! 💌 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 more people! Get sending 🧸💗💭
hiiiii adri i could use some happy on this weird day so thank u 🫶🏼
1. green tea
2. seeing the ig posts from all the idols at pfw everyone looks so good <33
3. the tangerine i’m currently eating 🍊
4. lino’s long hair
5. the days are getting longer again 😌
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etherealyoungk · 11 months
college boyfriend!chan
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because i really wanted to write something with these pictures of chan <3
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college bf!chan who had a crush on you ever since you joined, and it took him a whole year and a half before he gathered the courage to finally talk to you and (clumsily) ask you out. chan likes you so much and is always waiting for you by your locker or outside of your class so you both can go to lunch together. he's just so enamored by you really.
college bf!chan who would see your schedules for the new semester and see if you had any classes together. but you didn't since you both were doing different courses. you just happened to have one class a week together and he's just complaining about how he's supposed to spend the entire day without out?? that's a crime in his opinion. so the one class he's with you he's gonna flirt with you nonstop, sending you cute smiles and winks and air kisses because he didn't get a seat next to you and ended up sitting at the other end of the lecture hall. he'll def be the type to pass little love notes to you during class if he manages to sit next to you. and he's also gonna hold your hand underneath the table the one class you have together. he's just so enamored by you really.
college bf!chan who would always aks for a goodluck kiss before a test or exam because why not. "they really do help, last time you forgot to kiss me and my grade dropped", he says with the most serious face and how can you even say no to that cute face.
college bf!chan who loves having little library study dates with you and he brings all your favorite snacks. he'll say "okay let's study for 1 hour and then take a break", but he's getting distracted within the first 15 minutes and scooting his chair closer to yours as he leans his head against your shoulder. "one hour isn't over genius", you tell, knowing well what he's trying to do. "hm i think i need a recharge kiss", he says, lifting his head up as he looks at you. "please?", he adds, puckering his lips. you give him a knowing look but give him a peck anyways. he proceeds to feed you some chips and looks at what you're studying.
college bf!chan who convinced you to skip class to watch a movie and you couldn't even say no because he'd already booked the tickets. so that's how you were both in the theater watching a movie instead of being in class. but you didn't really care, seeing chan smiling and eagerly watching the movie he was so excited made your heart full. he'll spoil you with an added dinner date too, which ends up being mcdonalds but who are you to complain, these were the best kind of dates.
college bf!chan who would hate seeing you stressed out and anxious during exams season and complained about how exams are actually stupid and should be banned. he'll make sure you don't overwork yourself by staying up late, pulling all-nighters - because he knows you've done it before and hates seeing you breakdown later.
college bf!chan who attended a class for you when you were down with a nasty cold and took the time to make notes for you so you wouldn't miss out and have to stress out over catching up. the notes he took were cutely messy and scattered but he did mange to get down the important information. he'll even be ready to do the assignment for you, but you tell him it's okay, feeling bad. he cups his cheeks in his hands as he tells you he'd do anything for you and this is the least he can do before he's giving you a warm hug. you did end up getting a decent grade for the assignment because of chan.
college bf!chan who will spoil you after your exam, treating you to a cute lunch and buying you your favortie cake as a little celebration for getting through exam season. expect lots of handholding as you both walk hand in hand.
college bf!chan who would smile and be your biggest hypeman when you're presenting your presentation to the whole class. he'll also be a little goofy, shooting you smiles and winks and you're trying not to smile too hard and laugh at his antics. he'll even write a" y/n is the best" with a little heart on a small piece of paper and hold it up, shooting you a silly smile as you see what he's done and bite your lip, trying not to grin. the moment your presentation is over, you're gathering your stuff back and going back to your seat, whisper yelling at chan. "what were you doing!", you say as you put your stuff on the table and sit down. luckily you both were in the back so no one could hear or pay much attention to you both. "i was supporting my lovely partner who worked so hard on their presentation" "by trying to make me laugh?", you say deadpan. "what no i was being supportive...baby cmon. fine next time i won't be supportive i guess", he says, frowning as he crosses his arms. "you're such an idiot, my idiot", you say, smiling, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "thank you", you add and he finally cracks into a smile and he intertwines his hand in yours.
college bf!chan who's always supportive of whatever you decide to do. he's your little pillar of support and you're so grateful to him for being with you.
taglist: @daisycheols @ylliris-hanniehae @naaaaafla @slytherinshua @joshuaahong @fairyhaos @rubywonu @gam3bo1z @cutiepatutie13 @ibsysbsfunsbs @rksbae @kyeomyun @icyminghao
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heelluring · 1 month
1:37 am — lee heeseung
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when you forgot to sit on your boyfriend's lap
It was friday night, and not just a friday night. It was one of the rare nights where the two of you are completely free from all the responsibilities you had for the past weekdays. It was the night where the two of you will excitedly have your movie night, with non healthy food like chips and popcorn, or just a ramen gourmet your boyfriend, heeseung made.
He was in the living room, setting up your humble 'theater' spot, just waiting for you to finish sending one last email for work. Heeseung was excited, he was waiting so patiently with a small on his face. The lighthearted kids' movie was ready to be played anytime once you're ready. Heeseung look back to the room where you are for the nth time. His right leg bouncing from being excited, can't wait to just be with you. It didn't took long when you finally emerged from the room.
Oblivious at how your boyfriend's eyes lightened than ever once he took your sight in. How his smile widens than before. Shame on you for not seeing that because you keep your eyes on your phone to send one last reminder for your work next week.
"Okay, hee... done!" You took your own comfort beside him on the couch, tapping his legs without looking back, excited for the movie night. It's been five seconds and your boyfriend hasn't moved, thought he'll grab the remote and finally start the movie— he didn't.
That's why you can't stop yourself from finally looking at him, confused winning on your face. And, that confusion made more evident when you saw how offended heeseung look staring at you. His wide eyes looking straight, his mouth agape. He looks like a confused and offended fish, staring as if you grown two heads at once.
"What?" When the question came out, his eyes widens a fraction tilting his head as if asking, 'are you serious?!' in his own silly ways. "What?!" You dramatically raised your voice, giggling at his antics.
"Really? On the couch, Y/n? Wow, I'm hurt." When he sees that your confusion didn't seize, he playfully clicked his tongue, hitting his thigh timelessly. "You should've sit here..." Hit, "Here..." Hit, "Here!" And again, another hit.
"You had the privileges to use my lap as your personal chair, and you didn't take it. I am so offended, wow. My girlfriend betrayed me, and I am so speechless" The last sentence came out as a 'whisper', as if he's saying it to himself rather but the way his voice was loud enough to hear it convinced that it was a snide for you too. "I was ready, y'know? I— my... my legs were ready. It was spreading just for you, and you choose the couch?"
You unbelievable exhaled, eyes still onto him. He is so dramatic and silly, you can even see that he's serious about all of this. Finally feeling the weight of this 'issue', you giggled dragging your sorry's to make it cuter before smoothly sliding on his lap. "I'm sorry... hee" You whispered hiding your face on his neck as you hug him sideways, planting a smack on the side of his neck after. "I promise I'll always sit on your lap for our movie night. I promise!" Childlessly raising your hands, you successfully hear heeseung's laugh. Giving you a kiss directly on the lips as he hugs you back.
"Yeah, you should. I would not tolerate any mistakes in the future. You might forfeit your girlfriend privileged on my lap" Your forehead in contact with his as he whispered those 'threats' with his eyes close but a wide smile on his lips.
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— Note !
a spontaneous idea when i saw a video about heeseung being the type of boyfriend who'll spread his legs for you. ODBSI I HAD TO TYPE IT SO HERE IT IS. still busy with school but i'll def edit this and write more once I'm free (might be on summer vacation). hope yall are doing great ❣️
©heelluring | 2024
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belphiesgirlfriend · 11 months
Obey me! Brothers music taste headcanons
more like ramblings than headcanons tbh but i had this stuck in my head and needed to get it out, also feel free to send requests for diff headcanons!
Cw’s: none!
Little bit satirical (i over exaggerate sometimes cuz it’s funny) but pretty in character overall i thinkk
• You know this motherfucker listens to classical music and classical music only cuz he’s boring
• Okay but jokes aside i see him listening to like 30’s 40’s 50’s music especially the love songs.
• Like straight up fallout 4 soundtrack music, he’d listen to it while doing paperwork or unwinding
• He’d definitely be really prideful (no duh) about his taste in music, he’d feel all fancy and refined when he tells people
• Type of dude to be like “modern music simply can’t compare to the classics…” shut up grandpa we get it u know bach’s zodiac sign, penis size, and mothers maiden name
• Wants to be different so bad, he’d strictly listen to music from his vintage record player or some shit cause it’s the “most authentic” way to listen, fr acts like a manic pixie dream girl (he’d hit me upside the head if he heard me say that sorry luci🫶)
• r&b and spanish music
•but i feel like he’d like 2000s party music from all the clubbing and casinos
• def a weekend listener and like 90’s rap
• but also like i wouldn’t be surprised if he listened to some 90s rock too
• he’d listen 2 sublime or nirvana or local h (i’m projecting on the last one)
• but anyways he’d be a #1 rihanna fan he’d blast her music in his room but then deny liking her💀make it make sense!!
• also he knows her best album is loud CAUSE HE HAS TASTE!!
• also tyler the creator i get the vibe he’d love him
• kali uchis fan too
•ALSO i feel like he had a phase where he listened to juice wrld and was like “these cheating lying females….” after he got his heart broken by a witch YOU CANG TELL ME IM WRONG😭😭 it’s okay though cause he’s embarrassed by it now
• oh childish gambino too duh forgot about him
• this one’s gonna be real fucking short IM SORRYYY
• he listens to anime openings and game soundtracks strictly
• that’s literally all i can think of dude
• he’d be like “i don’t have time for normie music…”
• his room is literally that old caramelldansen meme from 2019/2020
• this one was harder for me to pinpoint
• first instinct would be classical music but it’s canon he likes ska music too so 🤷‍♀️
• i really do feel like he’d listen to all types of music, like a true jack of all traits, if he likes it he likes it so his playlist is allllll over the place
• for some reason i get a vibe he’d really like 80s music in particular though
• the song that pops into my head is who can it be now? by men at work idk why
• maybe even older music i feel like he’d like sam cooke
• OH both him and belphie would like mazzy star and fiona apple idk why but they would
• okay crucify me for this one but…mitski I JUSG FEEL LIKE HE WOULD
• but i also see him loving lady gaga a lot cuz he has taste
•omg he’d listen to old katy perry too
•but yea also probably lil nas x he’d have a celeb crush on him
• oh tyler the creator too with his gay ass, him and mammon both love him, they def have done a duet to see u again
• he’d be a barb probably defend nicki too😭
• and as much as it pains me to say it, he’d fucking listen to ayesha erotica and be like “this is so good!!!”, hed post a devilgram story with one of her songs and then get cancelled on twitter
• “I made a severe and continuous lapse of judgement…” and then did the same thing a week later
• type of guy when you ask him what music he listens to he goes “idk i don’t really listen to music”
• he legitimately looks up “hype playlist” on youtube to work out and that’s the extent of it
• really can’t see him being a big music guy
• if u invited him to a concert or something he’d go though for food
•he’d give you a piggy back ride so u can see better
• tbh if u were to put on music he would not care much no matter how good/bad it is
• you could walk in on him working out and literally listening 2 cbat or some shit
• HE LITERALLY IS CBAT GUY😭 he’d be like “i always use this song when i’m working out..
• emo fucker
• i feel like he’d like emo/ 90s rock ( but more “rockish” than mammons 90’s rock)
• but he’d also love any more relaxing music with softer vocals
• they have the combination of 90s rock but also more soothing calming vocals, theyd literally b perfect
• and for that reason his favorite albums r koi no yokan and saturday night wrist, also their self titled,
• would call mammon a poser for his music taste “nirvana isn’t even *real* rock idiot🙄”
• but nah, also like i said in satans fiona apple and mazzy star fan
• he’d suck so bad though he’d go on twitter and be like, “if you like deftones ur a poser” (while being their number 1 fan, fucking brat) then turn off his phone and take a nap for the funny
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NSFW Alphabet Arthur Morgan
Okay! This was requested from an anon user but I've wanted to do one for a while!
Keep in mind this is NOT modern Arthur, it's regular old 1899 Arthur, and I know there's been multiple of these made but like I wanna do my take on it lmao, so I hope y'all enjoy it! I had to look up the alphabet for this lmao, I forgot what each letter stood for what
Uh, also each letter is probs gonna be kinda long so this is gonna be a long ass post lmao
Warnings!: Obviously NSFW, and I mean, talk of all and anything nsfw
Tags!: @photo1030 @kieropal @mrsarthurmorgan7 @6kaja9 @pcotarelo @cantchoosejust1
Let's go y'all!
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A= Aftercare (What They're like after sex): Arthur is a very cuddly man, I mean, he won't admit it to anyone but you, he's very affectionate, he'll be affectionate with you in camp in front of everyone, but if someone DARES point it out he refuses and gives them a glare to send them running. Therefore, after sex he's the most gentle person ever, he cleans you up, gives you water, asks if you want one of his shirts or if you want to stay nude, and he cuddles with you, unless you don't want that, but his initial idea is to cuddle.
B= Body Part (their favorite of theirs and their partner): Arthur loves your thighs, first off, he loves to squeeze them, have his head between them, hold them, slap 'em anything that has to do with your thighs, he's all over them. They are his absolute favorite thing. He's totally an ass-thigh man. Now, his favorite body part of his is his arms and hands I think. His forearms especially are very defined, and he knows you look at them all the time, so they're def his favorite, mainly because they rile you up.
C=Cum (Anything to do with it y'all): Let's be honest here, Arthur is a big man, and he's got....a big...you know, so he's got....storage, to say the least. I feel like he's got a big load, regardless as to if you did it with him just last night or not. But especially if he hasn't been with you in like a week. Then it's even worse, and he always apologizes cause he knows its a lot but lets be honest you're probably a cumslut.
D=Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of his) : Arthur doesn't like to tell you that he likes his hands tied up, but when you offer it he gets a hard on he can't explain. He loves to watch you wrap rope around his wrists and pull it tight while you look him in the eye. Sometimes if you aren't around he holds his wrists together and places them between his thighs to try an emulate them being tied together.
E=Experience (How experienced are they?) : Let's be honest here, it's Arthur, he was made 'a man' by getting it on in a whore house, and I feel like when he was younger and much more pubescent he probably went there quite frequently. That man knows what he's doing and he loves to make you squirm
F=Favorite Position (I mean...you know): Arthur is...I mean he's kinda vanilla, but not really, He loves missionary, he gets to see your face, he gets to kiss you, see how you react to his touch, and he feels a lot closer to you that way, but he also LOVES to take you from behind, your back to his chest, sitting on his lap as he thrusts up. He can't choose between the two if you ask him which he likes better.
G=Goofy (Are they serious or funny in the moment?): Arthur is a bit of both, he's serious, mainly because he doesn't want you to think that this is a joke for him, he loves you and doing this with you is important to him, but he's also comfortable with you, so he loves to joke and laugh with you. He'll smirk at you, and make you laugh, but right after you laugh he'll make you scream.
H=Hair (How well groomed are they, color??): I feel like Arthur, even though he's very much a hairy man, doesn't grow an obnoxious amount down there, but when he does grow an abundance he's quick to shave it to a manageable amount, it's easier to keep clean, and it's more comfortable, it's too itchy otherwise. It's pretty much the exact same color of his beard and chest hair.
I=Intimacy (How are they in the moment?): Arthur is a romantic at heart, let's be real. He loves all that sappy shit, he loves to make you blush, become a puddle in his hand, but, he also can be rough, so it really depends on the moment, he might sweep you off your feet, or he might come up to you and kiss you deeply before bending you over any flat surface he can find.
J=Jack Off (I mean, come on, you know, this one's my favorite lmao): I feel like Arthur used to do it a lot, mainly just because he needed to get the energy out, not because it was something he wanted to do, but because he got tired of having to adjust himself in his pants. But when you come along it's a different story entirely, now he does it because he HAS to, he thinks about you every time he does it. If you catch him doing it he'll just stare at you breathing heavily while he continues to do it.
K=Kinks (One or more of their kinks): Arthur may be kinda vanilla but...he's got his ideas....He loves thigh riding for one thing, and he wants you to do it in camp in front of everyone, and try not to get caught. He loves to tie you up too, as much as he likes his wrists tied up, he loves yours tied up more, having control over you is something he loves. He's also got an auditory thing, your sounds are something that gets him riled up so easily. Hell, you breathing in the right way would get him ready to go.
L=Location (Favorite places): He likes to take you into a hotel, just because it's more private, but it's not his favorite, not by a long shot. He LOVES having you in camp, watching your face contort as you try not to make sounds, its a game to him, to see how loud he can get you, though he does always feel bad when Abigail stares at him the next morning. He loves to do it in the woods with you too, primal, raw, he feels so fucking amazing when the two of you just can't handle waiting that long so you HAVE to do it in the woods
M=Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): Like I said, he's a huge auditory man, but I think there's a lot of things that get him going. He doesn't mind someone who isn't very action oriented but if you are action oriented he absolutely gets hard watching you do the simplest things. Loading your gun? He's fucking solid. CLEANING your gun? He needs new pants. He likes to watch you do chores too, bending down, he just loves to watch it. Your voice really gets to him too.
N=NO (Something he won't do): He's not a fan of like, HARDCORE degradation. He's fine calling you his slut, his whore, but he won't call you a bitch, or something like that, and he won't like call you a failure or some shit, he hates that, and he physically feels a little sick at the idea of saying something like that to someone he loves. He refuses to do any kind of roleplay that emulates non consent too, he just doesn't feel right doing that.
O=Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill): Jesus christ, he loves to give. LOVES to give, his hands wrapped around your thighs while you squeeze his head between them and have your hand tangled in his hair while he looks up at you, it's his FAVORITE THING. He likes when you return the favor of course, and he loves the tears and spit that stream down your face but it's nothing in comparison to giving to you, and he is absolutely fantastic at it, he knows EXACTLY where everything is.
P=pace (How fast are they?): He's a mix, as I've mentioned. He's usually slow and sensual, and builds a kind of average pace, enough to make you feel good and feel loved all at once, but if he's had a bad day and needs to relax, or if you ask him because he DOES love this too, he's fast and hard, hitting your ass with his hips roughly, but in the BEST possible way.
Q=Quickies (Opinions on them and how often they happen): He actually really likes quickies. Not as much as actual proper sex, but he does like them. He can't keep his hands off you, he loves physical touch, and you turn him on literally so much, so if the two of you don't have much time and he happens to be hard he's def gonna suggest it, and then totally make up for it later that night with a much longer round.
R=risk (Are they willing to experiment?): Arthur isn't really opposed to anything, he's willing to try anything that you find exciting, like if there's something you're specifically interested in he'd love to try it if it means that you'll have a good time. If he doesn't like it then he'll tell you an apologize that he probably wouldn't like to do it again, but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't try something else with you. Hell if he ends up liking it he might ask you if you can do it again more than you do.
S=Stamina (How long can they go for): At first Arthur hasn't been with anyone for a VERY long time, so he's not really got much stamina built up, so for a little while he asks you to be patient with him while he builds it up, because he's very quick to finish at first, but the longer the two of you are together the longer he can go, honestly you'll end up tapping out before he does.
T=Toy (Do they own toys? Use them?): Considering it's 1899 there's not many toys available, but I don't think he'd be the type even if there were a lot. He seems very much like a hands on type of guy, but again he isn't against trying anything new, so if you wanted to he'd definitely give it a chance.
U=Unfair (How much do they like to tease?): Arthur is such a goddamn tease. He literally will tease you all day long, come up behind you put his arm around your waist and whisper with that voice of his in your ear, call you his good girl/good boy and tell you exactly what he's gonna do to you later, and then he won't even kiss you before he walks away. He'll do that, and anything he knows you love. Flex his forearms when he knows you're watching, stretch and expose that little bit of skin under his shirt, it's literally his favorite thing to rile you up so you're good and ready when he wants you.
V=Volume (How loud they are what sounds they make): Arthur is very much a groaner. He groans and cusses under his breath, moans but very rarely, sometimes the sounds come out as nearly a growl, but its fucking hot as hell. It's not very loud, usually it's under his breath, but depending on the situation, and depending on where you guys are and how long it's been since the last time y'all were together he'll be loud. Saying things like "Jesus fuckin' christ girl/boy" He can't help it.
W=Wild card (Random headcannon for this character): He loves to look John in the eye and then whistle/ call your nickname and slap his thigh for you to take a seat. John struggles to be as suave as he is, and he hasn't been able to get to Abigail on that level yet, so Arthur loves to be a cocky bastard about it.
X=X-ray (What is going on in those pants??) Ok so, you guys have seen how Arthur walks. Yeah, part of that is def because he rides horses all the time and he's got a little bit of that swagger ego, but that bitch is carrying around a big dick too, like I think he's a bit bigger than average, at least 6.5 to 7, and it's pretty girthy too. Honestly a very pretty dick and nice balls.
Y=Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): Like I said, he hasn't been with anyone in a while, so when he gets with you it's like his sex drive skyrockets because he's with someone who loves him, and who he finds incredibly attractive, so it literally gets SO HIGH. He's almost always trying to get with you, he like cannot get enough of you.
Z=ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards): Arthur may have a lot of stamina after being with you for a while but when he winds down, he winds down. He'll take care of you, get you water, a shirt if you want it, clean you up, and then cuddle with you, but more than likely after five minutes or so of you tracing circles on his chest or playing with his hair he's OUT. Like snoring out, an arm around your waist and the other hanging off the edge of the cot.
Y'all this was so fun and I swear if this gets guidelines I'll have to fight tumblr
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fandxmslxt69 · 2 months
Happy birthday, lovely! I hope you're happy and healthy! So sorry I didn't see your post earlier, I've been having a very hectic year with studying, working and just generalized stuff! BUT BUT I couldn't send you a inbox!
So like a said: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! you are one of the sweetest mutuals ever! And to celebrate that a gotta ask
What is your latest read?
And I want to know your all time favorite Jason fics, please with links and all!
OMG PLS DONT APOLOGISE I KNOW HOW HECTIC LIFE CAN GET!! i hope you are taking good care of yourself, resting and relax outside of studies and work!!! remember that none of it matters if you aren't feeling good <33
um truth be told my love i have been in SUCH a slump lately,,,, its been tough out here.
i only read like 3 books very recently (last month or so)
I did read All The Little Raindrops by Mia Sheridan my QUEEN. its like a mystery thriller with a side of romance!!! Sheridan's books are ALWAYS a hit (she's very popular for her booktok famous Archer's Voice? And Travis !!) I've read like. most of her books at this point. I have never devoted myself to an author so much. She got me into the whole thriller genre and I LOVE her. so much. ITS SO GOOD AAAA. its not for the faint of heart and on more than once i find myself with the need to throw up with how HORRIFYING and messed up some of this stuff is (most of her thriller books are not for the faint of heart. lots of horrific stuff that is all too real and it makes it 10x more disturbing). Anyway i loved it i think i gave it a 4/5 stars it was so so good
2. i ALSO started Ana Huang's If Love series. I literally never shut up about Ana Huang like. EVER and i had been wanting to read this for a while and IM SO GLAD I GOT IT STARTED !!! Its a LOT less popular than hr Twisted and Kings of Sin series; she wrote it well before she got popular/published but its so good. its def not Twisted/Kings of Sin series but it makes it sooo clear how much she's grown in her writing, character development and general story telling!!! I read the first 2 books and UGHGUGHUFGHUFGHG yeah. new comfort series fr fr fr fr.
I also got digging through Lynn Painter's works (Love Wager, Mr Wrong Number, Better Than The Movies, etc) 10/10 her rom coms are sacred to me. this was a while ago though like. months ago lmao but i think abt her books always!!!
OH OH OMG I READ BIRTHDAY GIRL BY PENELOPE DOUGLAS !!!! SOME TIME AGO!!! yeah it changed my brain chemistry. i dont remember if i told you or not. but it changed my life. i think about it always.
edit: omg shut up i forgot i read some banger books months ago that i did not mention. i ate up Liz Tomforde's sports romance series (Windy City series) it was SO FREAKING GOOD. she had hockey romance, she had basketball romance she had BASEBALL ROMANCE. 10/10 amazing vibes
I ate through the latest of Lauren Asher's (Love Redesigned) IT WAS ALSO HELLA GOOD!! Ana Huang's King of Greed was also a vibe. not my fav but it was good. I ALSO delved into hockey romance SOOO DEEP. Fav series is probably Becka Mack's Playing For Keeps. It's the silliest stupidest fluffy no plot head empty series ever. the first book is 90% porn. its just for the giggles. the second is a bit better but the third is def the best in terms of actual plot & character development for example but the vibes are astronomical and i live for them
i ALSO started reading Sarah Adam's small town romance series (very very good). All fluffy fall vibes. CHLOE GONG HAD COME OUT WITH A NEW BOOK IN THE SUMMER AND I GOT TO IT AROUND THE NEW YEAR AND IT WAS SOOO GOOOD. Immortal Longings mm......she destroyed me once again.
OKAY ALL TIME FAV JASON FICS ok i dont have links (is lazy to go find links) but i will tell you two blogs im like religiously stalking:
@in-som-niyah has AMAZING THOUGHTS on Jason 10/10 i love getting all my jason content from her GOD BLESS THE HARDWORKING PEOPLE OF TUMBLR DOT COM
@fcthots also has some kick ass Jason stuff....like....from smutty to fluffy and domestic its....yeah. oooghgubjgubgn yeah yeah.
anyway i've probably forgotten to mention a bunch of books but thats all i can remember that was actually good. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN READING !!!
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soracities · 11 months
I saw someone send you a similar ask, so I'll go... I'm in love with a friend, not my best friend, but we're close. I met this girl last fall and have been in love with her since. I gave her a letter in which I confessed my feelings last week and I'll probably get my answer tomorrow. Before I gave her the letter, I thought the answer would be positive, but since I gave her the letter, based on her behaviour, I've thought the answer would be negative... So yeah, I'm very nervous about it, bothering all my friends, and strangers on the internet :) in order to feel better and make the time pass. Whatever's the answer, I'll find out tomorrow!
(Used to be in love with my best friend too, now that's passed. That was def unrequited)
(cont'd) Asker who's waiting for a reply to a letter: oh the actual point of asking was to say, at the end, which I forgot to do 🤡, that art is helping me too, I'm gonna listen to some music tonight, maybe start a show, and I'll go to the library tomorrow to get some epic fantasy and poetry books
always always come back to that image of art as an invisible hand falling from stranger through time and space to hold onto yours. am so glad you have found many such hands to hold you, even if only as a distraction 💗 you've been so incredibly brave and vulnerable in making your feelings known and no matter what happens it counts for so much that you have been willing to take this leap, anon. wishing you all the best and sending you so much love 💕💖🫂
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pha5ed · 9 months
You Play a Sport || LifeSteal Headcannons
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: none
members :: clown, mapicc, parrot
note :: never played basketball or tennis but i have a lot of friends who do so im relying on what they told me TT
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Everyone has played basketball lightly growing up so when you said you play basketball he went “Oh cool”
But when you say you’re on your school’s varsity team and playing club he knows you’re deep in
Clown isn’t a huge sports guy but he knows clubs are expensive as fuck and far 99% of the time
He’s really curious and asks a lot of questions
When he hears you’re spending roughly $1,000 alone on the club he feels his wallet cry
Then you mention how expensive shoes, jerseys, and gas is and his wallet literally crumbles
He could never imagine spending that much on a sport
What’s even crazier was when you admitted you didn’t plan to play on a WBNA/NBA level
You said you just wanted to play during college and most likely go to open gyms every once in a while
Bro was so shocked and was about to doubt your spending habits
But when you mention how it’s not too different from buying skins, emotes, and games,,,, he gets really quiet
He’d love to try playing with you once or twice
He’ll probably make a gamble of some kind
“If I get 10 points you owe me $20”
And then you whoop his ass
“Double or nothing”
Now you doubt his spending habits…
He’s not really big into shoes and stuff but he likes looking at them with you
When you start sliding the shoes across the floor he’s so confused????
Why are you ruining shoes in the store???? Aren’t you embarrassed???
But then you explain it’s to test the grip of the shoes he goes “ohhhh”
He’s so clueless about shoes it’s so funny
“What about these?” And he holds up a pair of Jordans 1…
If you let him try on a pair of basketball shoes he instantly gets the hype
He might even buy himself a pair
But he’ll never use them for actual basketball, just going out
When he wears his new basketball shoes outside you can see allll of the sports player cringe
Literally 3 people come up to him and go “bro you forgot to take your court shoes off”
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When you said you play volleyball he always thought you were just joking
No way a loser who plays Minecraft all days and streams could be on the volleyball team
Especially since practices and games can last until 9pm sometimes
But when you send him clips of you playing, he’s shocked
He always thought volleyball kids were super cool, popular, outgoing, drinkers, smokers, etc
And Mapicc thinks you’re the exact opposite LOL
He actually admires the grind a lot
He likes going to gym and plays basketball every now and then
The football coaches at his school always asked him to join but he didn’t really like the sport that much
He def asks questions about your games and rules and stuff
Probs says cocky stuff like “I could do that”
If you ever meet in person and try to make him dive, spike, or even server he’ll definitely suck
Once he actually tries it, it appreciates the sport a lot more
If he goes to any of your games he’s definitely SCREAMINGGG
Shouting, whistling, clapping, stomping, everything
Probably provokes the opposing team
Definitely argues back with the ref even though he’s not a player and not from your school
He doesn’t understand the uniform difference between the girls and boys though
“If you dive in booty shorts wouldn’t it hurt your thighs???”
When you say it does hurt your thighs sometimes he’s even more confused
“Then don’t wear it????”
But he doesn’t understand that it’s just the culture of volleyball at this point
He lovesss looking at players volleyball shoes
He’s tempted to join volleyball just so he can get a new pair of shoes
But when he finds out most volleyball players don’t actually buy volleyball shoes but instead buy basketball shoes he’s a little confused
“Why not buy volleyball shoes???”
And then you have to explain how a majority of volleyball shoes kinda suck ass and how basketball shoes always have extreme grip
And he’s like “???Why don’t they make volleyball shoes with more grip???”
He helps you realize how dumb volleyball culture is sometimes…
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When he finds out you also play tennis he gets so competitive
He LOVES tennis with his whole heart man
Asks what your schools name is and what division you’re in and your rank and your average win rate and and and
You two bond over tennis constantly
He can finally send someone the tennis memes he gets on his feed
If you’re worse than him, he’s always giving you tips and and even offers to train you if ever meet irl
But if you’re better than him, oh boy, he’s gonna train so hard
He definitely sends you clips of him playing and asks you to rate it
He’ll ask for clips of you playing as well and he might or might not make fun of your form
Whenever he wins a match he’ll take a picture and send it to you ASAP
If he loses,,,, he pretends he never even went to the game
One time he broke his racket and he let you pick the color
You picked an ugly ahh puke color but he laughed it off and actually bought it
If you do meet irl, you guys are INSTANTLY playing tennis
No hugs no greeting, he comes to the airport with a tennis ball and racket in hand
If he wins, he will make fun of you every day and will constantly brag to you
But if he loses, he deflects and constantly blames random stuff
“The sun was in my eye” It was sunset and cloudy
“I’ve never been in this country so my racket’s not used to it” What?????
Definitely makes you redo your serve at least like 5 times just to make you angry
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transboysokka · 7 months
Glad That’s Over
(Chris Suffers Through Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 for the First and Last Time)
ok last one thank god lol
this budget looks BIG
UH OH the credits say the Vampiric Council is back yikessss
Lee Pace??? Rami Malek??? DAYUM
I actually know like zero plot points we’re gonna see in here so my mind is wide open
Wtf I didn’t know Forks had Yosemite….
oh okay wow so she’s just automatically good at everything I see
Okay yes I’m DEF gonna bd having problems w this baby, like the massive budget of this film and they can’t even cgi a normal looking kid or get a real baby for this stage
Jacob is such a mom
Lmao Edward w heart eyes like “she’s amazing right look at my wife”
Why is Rosalie so obsessed w this baby though
She oughta check in with her parents soon eh
So interested in what their vampire sex is like but also I feel like that’s not my business at all and have no desire to see it
Oh damn lol the fangirlies def went feral over this one in theatres
Lmfao Jacob just stripping in front of Charlie like same tbh but this is hilarious
I do appreciate Jacob letting the cat out of the bag though
This was a dumb conversation just tell him
Bella he’s gonna wonder in a few years why you haven’t aged at all
This goddamn baby he’s obviously gonna figure out where SHE came from
Or maybe not lol
Yeah if I was Charlie I’d be pissed after all that
What did they do wrong why are they in trouble
Immortal Child omg what is that ohhhhhh
Lol Jacob speaking logic like “just tell the volturi they got the wrong idea” and everyone’s like “nah anyway how are we gonna fight”
Alice and jasper peacing out okay???
ohhhh convenient the kid can show people her memories eh
Ok so we got rami here as a waterbender
Oh shit he’s the AVATAR
So yeah I don’t actually know what’s happening
Okay Lee pace. Still confused.
I’m just so bored by all of this the whole series should have ended after the first cutesie half hour of this movie
Anyway all this attempt at like woke international vampires is like near-Harry potter levels of lazy racism…
Alice only told Bella her message bc they love each other actually,
so WHY are they abandoning their daughter??
Are we… gonna get an explanation of how renesmee even exists?
Anyway so if Bella’s a shield that STILL doesn’t explain how she was one before she was a vampire??
Now Alice is back bc sure I guess
Like this ENTIRE last hour of the movie is just unnecessary
Oh fuck and now Carlisle’s dead like come the fuck on
Another one bites the dust
Why are they even fighting? I fucking forgot bc the stakes are really SO low
Idk who any of the dying wolves are sorry am I supposed to be able to tell them apart??
I am not emotionally invested in the outcome of this fight At All
Just fighting to break each others necks k
oh jeez are they sending renesmee to live in the Amazon or
Oh slay
This weird little walk down memory lane amv? Also unnecessary but I mean yeah I guess the fans would be into it
Cool that she can like…. Unshield?? Obvs we won’t get a real explanation for that either lol
Amazing that I’ve seen this couple for 5 whole movies and still don’t care about their relationship at all
A thousand years IS an appropriate song to end on though I’ll give it that
Okay yeah I mean I’m glad to know what happens but this whole movie kind of sucked it didn’t need to exist tbh
Glad it’s over
Overall? Interesting franchise. It was whatever but it did kind of hold my interest enough. Will I ever understand why it was such a huge fandom phenomenon? No lol let’s get teen girls crazy about HEALTHY relationship dynamics next time
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the-converse-high-top · 6 months
These are my favs to ask everyone 16, 17, 23 :D
tysm for the ask!! 16: (post a picture from the beginning of the year) this one was just plain hard to find because my phone tried to gaslight me into thinking this picture didnt exist anymore XD
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this is a pic of me after my last show as a high school stage manager! I forgot the name of the guy in the background but he worked with the theater. He was the one who taught me how to put mics on people (like the kind that go on your face), which is a Very Intimate Experience at times. I was absolutely high on my own energy that day for many reasons, which you dan def see on my face.
17: (post a picture from the end of the year) you have no idea how hard it is for me to pick something omg theres so many unhinged pics I could choose
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lonk wurm (long worm) niin lonk niin slime
23: (If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?) You know, at this point I had already gotten into uni, so I wouldn't include that in my answer. I guess I'd tell myself to get out a bit more. I didn't really do anything all summer and I feel as though I should have. There were also some opportunities that I did end up missing because I just didn't get on them fast enough. But overall, this year was a really good year for me and I don't have much that I'd change!
[alt text is stored in the images]
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bichachonacho · 2 years
I’m literally screaming crying throwing up at that last chapter omg you are so talented!
If I was reader it would have been the final nail in the coffin for me the moment he didn’t stand up for me or chastise his mistt when she disrespected reader during dinner IN FRONT OF THEIR FAMILY INCLUDING THE FUCKING QUEEN I understand stand that witchcraft and being a bastard doesn’t really matter in our society but in theirs it’s a pretty big deal so please take what I’m about to say with several grains of salt as this does not in anyway shape or form reflect my real views and is merely an interpretation of what I think their world would be like. When a woman in Alys position disrespects a member of the royal family and just gets away with it unscathed? Seems very unlikely I should assume Alicent will be kicking her out and banning her from ever setting foot in court again at the very least as punishment for bringing that kind of disrespect to her home. I mean she was already displeased with her son for only bringing her to their home, I can only imagine how royally pissed she is at him for making them all break bread with his whore and letting her disrespect his wife. Alicent is portrayed as a strict traditional woman so it makes sense that she would be okay with adultery but absolutely NOT with disrespect to the royal family, honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted Alys executed for treason. Aemond is going to be in big trouble for: disobeying his mothers orders of sending her home, parading her around the castle, the whole dinner disrespect situation and giving her a room. Like how long is he expecting to keep her their before white anglo-saxon protestant mommy rips both their heads off? My guy is making some bad choices
I also think that if he ever had the fucking audacity to request reader performs her marital duties that she would just lay there waiting for it to be over not even making a sound and leaving as soon as he finishes. His heart would break when he thinks about how Brandon could make her feel loved and give her pleasure but he couldn’t even get a reaction out of her besides maybe mild annoyance(no way she would cum with how angry she is at him and royals are often portrayed as bad at sex because no one is willing to lose their head by giving them bad feedback so I don’t have high hopes of his sexual prowess(does he know what a clit is? Would Aegon tell him? I think Aegon wouldn’t because it be funnier not to say anything and just let him be bad at sex. I doubt Alys would dare complain about bad sex when in the story we have already seen him snap at her just because he didn’t like her words))
I also love how Aegon is just being a little shit stirring instigator and how Helaena is just happy to chat with reader not having a care in the world. Both very in character
This analysis is getting kinda long so I’ll stop now. Can you add me me to your taglist? I forgot to ask last time
Also if you haven’t made a final decision on a Brandon face claim yet I vote Aaron Taylor Johnson because he is just so dreamy
Thank you!! and omg yeah I’m pretty sure Alys would’ve gotten way more of a punishment & deadass wouldn’t have been allowed to even sit with them at the dinner table 💀 I just threw that in for dramatic effect lmao. But omg yes like she might find it less enjoyable with him because she’s not on good terms with him.
Aegon stays true to his actual character I had to make sure he was just as much of a little shit on here as he is in the show 😭 & yesss ofc I’ll add you! Honestly I love Aaron so you can defs imagine him as the face claim, I won’t make a decision on behalf of everyone since some people want Henry cavill and i love both 😭
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slutnali · 9 months
🌪️☔️ please !!
ty for sending in Gi !! 💜
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
the last of us au, zombie apocalypse au, accidental kid acquisition, blood/violence, found family
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
These two actually go hand in hand lmao, but basically a TLOU/zombie apocalypse au. Not necessarily following the plot of the game/tv series but just the world that they're in, how the outbreak started and types of infected and all of their insane stages. I forgot how long they've been living in a post apocalyptic world but no less than 10 years for sure.
Rosé is mostly a nomad and she's out scavenging one day when a fight between 2 of the most prominent groups/camps in the same region she's in starts fighting with one another leading her to take cover in the closest building. In that same building as she's trying to move up through the different floors she runs into Denali who had snuck out of the camp she'd been in because tbh, it was mostly a dictatorship and she wasn't about it.
They're pushed/cornered together, especially when infected are involved and they're forced to work together if either of them want to survive despite hating each other's vibes off the bat lmfao. It's then when they hear a third voice screaming 'get the fuck off me!' which definitely is from a child. She's like 12 or 13 and of course they help her, she def can't fend for herself because she's never been outside of the walls and doesn't even know the stages of infection..
Rosie doesn't want to keep the kid but Nali can't in clear conscious leave her alone so there's no choice but to take her [nali and rosie are coincidentally traveling in the same direction shhh] from there they stick together and become a little family throughout their time travelling on foot. They do run into cool, kick ass nomad Anetra who definitely flirts with Denali after finding out Rosé and her aren't a couple despite the two acting and arguing like an old married couple.
They also come across Sasha's camp which is a godsend. I have soooo many hc's and love for this au. Also the kids name is Josie
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yxstxrdrxxm · 4 months
(Since i already did reveal myself, i'll just send asks without being an anon lol)
Oh! That's easy, actually. Although we won't be available when we leave tomorrow, we contacted a certain someone that can run this blog and inform us of any messages you have for either me or Eros ^^
Navina? 👀
Speaking of, Eros wanted to tell you that he appreciated your presence, Mochi! Every time we talked about you and the others, I've seen him smile and mutter something about getting a calico cat and naming her after you. It was so cute! Eros never had any close friends other than me, so seeing her talk about everyone and you like we were all best friends warmed my heart.
SJNSKSJDJD- THAT IS SO CUTE??? Naming a calico cat after me, awhhh 🥺 cupid, can you tell eros that i appreciate knowing her too?? Tell her i said she's very cute too- (and yk there's something funny about your words. I also have a calico cat roaming around my house lmaoo, why is my life so full of funny coincidence-)
Aha... Anyways, before I go on rambling, that's all I can say. We'll see what we can do to make things easier and so we can speak to you all again, hehe! I hope you'll still be around when that happens :D
Oh yeah, i forgot to copy the sentence, but uhh, about that interesting thing in next month, i'll be sure to keep my eyes on it! Whether it'd be another event (i doubt it would be this one, please rest navina 💀) or anything else, i will be enthusiastic about it :] AND YES, I WILL STILL BE AROUND 🙆🏻‍♀️ you can't get rid of me, i'm like that small mistake when you're drawing and you just can't seem to erase it unless you get to the layer who has it-
Hehe, whoever it is will be a surprise, but I'll tell Eros that you appreciate the sentiment as well! She's out right now to get some last minute groceries (and also snacks, we'll be having a small movie night to celebrate our resignation!), so she'll definitely be pleased to hear your message.
Anyway, its nice to see you'll stick around even if we won't be here, then :D hope you enjoy what else will go down while we're busy settling some last minute plans.
(note from yours truly: HELPAIDSRFHUI NOT THE CALICO CAT... dwdw, Im gonna rest for after the main story + maybe writing the dlc fics. on hindsight, they might not be guaranteed to be all posted because bro, my brain needs a huge reboot when this sht is all done and dusted. orz.)
(tbh the next one wont be abt OLC anymore, thankfully, but! it will also reference this + make small cameos. Dont know what I'll do this time around when I get the chance but we shall see kek)
(Istg though when Im done Im gonna limit whoever I'll write. I love writing all of these characters and thinking abt them but God do I now resent how many I have to research. fuck THAT.)
(anyways!! I shall go eep for a good while on writing + maybe post dlcs. I will say that some fics will most def not be published even after the week for dlc stuff/extra fics because my brain just. isnt braining. orz orz im gonna cry. i'll prolly post them randomly idk HAIUHDUFSI anyways ill shut up now goodbye—)
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hils79 · 8 months
Hils Watches Cross Fire - Ep 27
Okay, I'm going straight under the cut for spoiler reasons
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Oh shit maybe he really is dead! But then why did Xu Wei say he was travelling when the grave is right there? I have so many questions!
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Died on Halloween. Wasn't it September when they met? So he's going to 'die' very soon (I still don't believe it). Ooh or maybe he IS dead and Lu Xiaobei is going to save him somehow
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Oh shit apparently 'very soon' is today
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Oh, I totally forgot An Lan was the one who gave Xiao Feng the postcard to send to Lu Xiaobei. Love that it's become plot relevant all these episodes later.
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Oh that explains why no one in the public knows about his death. He died testing the same equipment that nearly killed Wu Wei so obv they covered it up.
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If he was somehow responsible because Xiao Feng wanted him to turn himself in...
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Oh my god this is so stressful and I honestly have no idea how it will play out because they tried this with Lu Xiaobei's brother and it didn't work. Maybe Xiao Feng is fated to die but there's still 10 episodes left. GAH!
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IT WAS XU WEI! He's leading Xiao Feng into the glitchy place that nearly killed him last time. Wow, every time I think Xu Wei can't get any more terrible he proves me wrong. THAT IS YOUR BEST FRIEND! I can't believe I ever shipped you.
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So your stupid game nearly killed Xu Wei last time and instead of fixing it you just left it and got someone else to come and test it with him
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Oh shit if Xiao Feng survives he'll know Xu Wei killed Lu Xiaobei's brother. So I'm guessing either he doesn't survive or he survives but the damage to his body either gives him amnesia or puts him in a coma. It's def too early for him to just tell Lu Xiaobei.
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Well shit!
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God, this poor kid. He failed to save his brother and he failed to save his pseudo brother too.
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Ooh Xiao Feng's grave is gone so he's prob still in a coma. Bet he'll wake up just in time to tell Lu Xiaobei everything so he can destroy Xu Wei's team and life
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Why might it take a while? When you realised it was Xiao Feng's death day you got there in like an hour
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I love that he was like a badass gangster when they introduced him and he's such a simp for his girl. It's adorable.
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I mean it's none of your business if he is
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She definitely tops.
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Deeply inappropriate, I know. But he looks good with long hair.
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thebendsbyradiohead · 4 months
15. Do you get wanderlust? Where do you want to go?
omg i totally forgot i reblogged those! thank u for sending this one in 🥰
oh god i do, i was just thinking the other day how much i enjoyed getting lost in barcelona alone two years ago
my next trip will likely be berlin which has been on my list for a long time now, but aside from that i’d love to go to ireland & def a trip to see the northern lights (which apparently should be strongest this year so maybe i should cash in on my norwegian coworker’s offer to visit her cabin in the mountains)
also while certainly not impressed with the US overall, i’d like to go back & visit more of the south like new orleans, new mexico, san diego which i missed out on last time + boston
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waryfalcon · 1 year
Hi! My name is Jazz. Diane Duane reblogged my post about top surgery last week, and you reblogged it from her with a very kind offer of advice and information -- which I super appreciate, thank you. :) And I will now proceed to take you up on that offer.
I'd like to ask: if you had to buy a compression garment to wear while you were healing, where did you get it? Did you have to buy any additional medical supplies like...I don't know, gauze or anything? How much could you move your elbows out to the side while healing? (I've been trying to practice having "t-rex arms", and it's taught me that apparently I'm very expansive in my elbow movements...) And how long was it before you could reach and stoop again in the course of your daily routine, like to empty a dishwasher and other simple things?
Also, if you have any more "things I wish I had known/someone had told me" I will VERY gladly accept them. Your tip about roomy button-up shirts, for example, was great.
Thank you again!! It was super nice of you to offer this. And congrats on your own not-long-ago top surgery!
Hi, Jazz! I'm glad to help. I know it can feel so dang overwhelming! Feel free to hit me up with any other questions or if any of my answers were confusing. (ASDF I meant to reply privately and forgot. If you want me to kill this and message the info to you, let me know!)
Compression Garments
The first one you receive you will wake up in after surgery. I personally got a second. You could get a nice one, I woke up in a Marena Full Vest, but I opted for a $25 snap up half compression vest I found on Amazon with decent reviews because I didn't think about wanting the second and couldn't get a half vest from Marena which was what I wanted in a timely fashion. Note on sizing, I got a men's medium in the Marena but a large in the other and both fit the same.
Then after I could get a binder on over my head I switched to mostly using one of my old binders, this was probably 4 weeks in. I think I wore it something like 6-8 weeks, much of that time was both awake and asleep. They will have recommendations for times in your recovery packet. If they don't some surgeon's list their tips on compression vest time on their websites.
**Note: If you could use a US men's medium and have an address you are comfortable with an internet stranger shipping something, I can send you the Marena and cheaper vest I got both.
Additional Medical Supplies
Pre-Surgery: Hibiclens soap. You should be able to find this at local stores, but def look in the aisle location stuff. I found it was next to wound care stuff. The surgeon will probably give you instructions on how many showers to take with it etc, but I cannot stress enough, do not use it on your face. I didn’t make that mistake, but it was stressed to me hard enough to know that no one would want to.
All general recovery things they will give you to take home with you after surgery/after your follow up visits.
A roll of silicone tape kinda like this stuff. Whether your doctor recommends it, I found it was amazing for softening the scars. Also it is apparently convenient for when you reach the point you can submerge. My surgeon told me it would adequately protect the scars from sunlight if I wanted to go swimming (He told me to go hit the beach during our first cold snap in October, we are 10 hrs away from the nearest beach. I might have laughed at him.) I cut it in half down the length of it and used thinner strips, I found that was plenty to cover the scars and meant I didn't use it near as fast.
If you don't have ibuprofen, get that. I didn't need a lot of pain meds but everyone is different and it's better to have and not need than need and not have. They gave me hydrocodone/acetaminophen tabs and told me I could alternate with an NSAID like ibuprofen if I needed meds more frequently than I could take those. 
Both a small bottle of stool softener and a small bottle of regular laxative. You may only need the stool softener, I started with it and it was not enough. I only needed them once, but I definitely needed the laxative. The combo of the anesthesia and the hydrocodone was tough.
If you have drains (most common) then a small cup or two for draining/measuring. Something like this maybe. I ended up having my friend who stayed to help me out like SCROUNGING to find old ones from nyquil bottles because you can't find them in physical stores on their own very easily. If you have those, just save a couple. If you wanna throw them away after each use, well -waves vaguely at the link- a set like that would be handy.
Range of Motion/Recovery Time
Every recovery is different. I was never at full T-rex arms, but I definitely was not at full ranger of motion for about a month. Every surgeon recommends things a bit differently too. Definitely try and get help that first week with store runs if you realize you need something, grabbing food/making food so you aren't stuck ordering delivery a bunch. Set things you know you'll want to reach on lower cabinet shelves/flat out on the counter. Even if it messes up your sense of order, you can fix it later, reaching above your head or too far side to side is TOUGH. And I definitely did not do as good a job of this as I thought and had to get help getting stuff accessible. As far as reaching down, I didn't notice an issue there at all. But I mostly crouch on my knees when doing that anyway. Assume it will be about impossible week 1 and tough through week 2, getting easier faster than you should do it after that.
My surgeon recommended I not go back to work for 3 weeks, but I did some work from home that third week. When I went back the weight restriction was 10 lbs for another 2 or so weeks. 10 lbs is a lot lighter than you think. (My very young 11lb cat QUICKLY realized I couldn't pick him up off of things and took advantage so hard, luckily I had help to retrieve him that first week when I couldn't even shove him off things)
My surgeon insisted I walk around at least 3 times the day of surgery(to avoid possible blood clots in the legs) and walk around some each day after. But at least 2 of my friends had surgeon's who insisted on complete bed rest the first week. The friend who stayed with me spent half the time staring at me incredulously because I was constantly having to force myself not to try to do more than I could and the last time they did this, the person spent the whole time in bed/was in a lot more pain/etc (which is why I note very strongly that every recovery is different). Meanwhile day 1 something about the anesthesia/pain med combo? I was WIRED. I couldn't sit still or sleep. I paced and chatted at a mile a minute until after 2am. (Given that, I am very lucky I was not stuck on bed rest. I would have SCREAMED)
Other Things it would have been nice to know
I had the stitches that dissolve over time. They do this at different rates. It can sting quite a bit actually. A lot of first aid creams have something numbing. It won't hurt to use them after initial recovery, because when I say at different rates I mean I didn't start having the stinging until after a month. I found I mostly had issues with the nipple grafts, not the main incision, but just on one side. Also? Don't worry too much about bits of what looks like puss. That is normal when they break down slowly, it's most likely not an infection. Basically, ask the nurse during a follow up if you have any concerns, but don't worry about it too much.
If you are a side sleeper, you will probably try to do that sooner than you can comfortably. I would suggest maybe to have a body pillow to either side to sandwich yourself and block turning. This didn't happen for me until I started recovering, but yeah, I definitely did not have a safe guard in place for when it did and that was painful/also difficult to get up from without trying to support too much of my own weight.
Remember that suggestion of a friend? I knew it in advance, but I really didn't know how much I'd ask of them. The one who went to the hospital with me had to pick up my prescriptions after I had the surgery. The one who stayed with me had to get me the laxatives and the the bigger shirts/make food runs/get stuff down for me I didn't realize I'd have trouble reaching/wrangle the cat. Just so many errands.
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