#i get so sad
clownery-and-fuckery · 6 months
A parallel I did not realise existed until now. The batch and looking up/looking down. Its a simple composition technique that's used throughout the show
But hear me out.
Crosshair looked up to see those vultures. He looked up, after losing Mayday, losing his last real strand of loyalty he had for the Empire. He looked up towards the creatures he was told that could survive even under the harshest of conditions. And he felt free. He chose to stand back up and make sure he would "go out" as a survivor, like those vultures. Like Mayday. Crosshair looked up towards his freedom.
Tech looked up to see a different kind of freedom. He saw the drop, he saw the fall that waited and the misty realisation of death. Yet he looked up. Looked up to his family, his driving motive, his freedom. He could be whoever he wanted with them. He fought with them, he lived for them. Now he chose to die for them. His last decision wasn't to assess his exit, it wasn't to look around for the best solution out. It was to take one final look up at his family as he fell.
Similarly, Hunter looked up at his family as a part of it was taken from him. He watched, powerless and helpless, as Omega was taken from him. Like everything else had been. Like Crosshair, like their situation they had grown to accept and love, like Tech, like his hope for a future with all of them together. He looked up as that was taken away from him. As his life as he knew it, was again forever and continuously ripped away from him in a cold and uncaring fashion.
Now- looking down is a whole other story.
Wrecker looked down as he watched Tech fall. As he experienced his first raw loss since Crosshair. A permanent and warping change that couldn't be fixed. There was no waiting this time. There is no "We could have taken you" like there is with Crosshair. Wrecker watched his brother go through the very thing he feared the most, and all he could do was watch. Stare down into an abyss that swallowed his family whole. He couldn't even bare to look at Omega, he chose to look at the floor, eyes down like the ground was changed and he would fall just like he watched Tech do.
Echo's parallel actually happens back in tcw. When he was unplugged, hanging from the stasis chamber, looking down while his head was ruthlessly emptied of info. He didn't see it until later, looking up at Rex, his dear and near brighter future- but at the time? He was looking down. Looking down at everything he could've been. A fighter, a soldier on another mission, fighting for a bigger, better future for all the Republic, like Rex. At the same time, he was looking at everything he would now be, a rogue element, different and, in the grand scheme of things, wrong, like Tech. Echo was something that should not be, but is, and he looked down at his possibilities, his pathways, and chose to go with the bad batch. He chose to embrace his differences.
Just- them looking up and down as their entire world shifts and changes for better and worse is so ohmygod??? Didn't even realise the parallel was THERE though its definitely strongest in Crosshair and Tech-
Crosshair looked up and assured himself that he would survive. Tech looked up and accepted he would not. It kills me.
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sequinsnstars · 11 days
my fatal flaw is not being able to read bad reviews of my favorite books
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lov9r · 1 year
i admire authors so much, people dont know how time consuming and unmotivating writing can be.. they are seriously so underrated and i appreciate all of them so much
please, the writers in tumblr or wattpad or ao3 or whatever dont even get paid.. imagine writing almost everyday for hundreds of people and not get paid for your hard work
im a former author and i would write and write and write, and even maybe sometimes when i finish writing, i would hate it so much and like i would delete the entire thing just because im not happy of the results.. i just get so tired and unmotivated, thats mostly why i even stopped writing
people dont understand how much writing can consume your energy, i adore writers so much and i just wish they get the appreciation they deserve
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awhisperamongechoes · 6 months
Somedays I have to remind myself that I will never be loved in the ways that I’ve dreamt of and I have to be okay with that.
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oxydiane · 2 years
Sirius clutches the handles of his motorbike harder. His heart races and his mind keeps wandering back to the empty house he had just left. The house Peter was supposed to be hiding in.
He feels ill as he speeds through the night sky, the only thing on his mind getting to Godric's Hollow as fast as possible. He needed to calm his nerves. It couldn't– It couldn't have happened, but he needed to be sure, to check. He was just going to drop by quickly, maybe give James a hug and Harry a kiss on the forehead because Merlin knows what would take for his hands to stop shaking. He grips the handles harder.
He looks at the night sky to get his mind off the destination, the constellations above him and the clouds surrounding him. Being able to recognise the stars and planets embroidered in the dark sky was not a skill he ever particularly liked, no matter how much wonder and amazement it instilled in his friends and peers. Constellations and planets just reminded him of the family he had run away from, but it was familiar, and it was mechanical. So Sirius starts naming all the stars he can recognise to calm the trembling in his hands and the shaking of his breath.
If he felt ill during the flight, the sight that meets him when he lands makes him want to bend over and vomit his late dinner all over the Potters' gate.
The Fidelius has fallen. The house is in ruins. James–
His legs seem to move all by themselves, he makes his way across the front garden in seconds and runs inside. Sirius' voice is stuck in his throat, he wants to scream and call out for his best friend but words aren't coming out. Is he too scared not to hear James call back?
He comes to a full stop in front of the stairs. A distinctive sting from the corner of his eyes and the back of his throat is the only thing that grounds him, because the sight of his best friend laying on the ground, eyes open and lifeless feels like something out of his worst nightmares. It can't be real, it can't.
But it is.
Sirius shakes as he frantically searches for James' pulse, but feels nothing. James' body is still warm.
The crying of a baby pierces through the silence of the night and Sirius thinks he has never been happier to hear that sound. Harry– Harry is alive?
With a shudder, he gets up and rushes to the source of the crying. He feels like vomiting all over again when he sees Lily's body on the floor, her bright green eyes now dull forever. She must still be warm, too.
What he didn't expect to see, though, was Rubeus Hagrid, Hogwarts' Keeper of the Keys, holding a crying Harry with both his big hands. He feels his stomach do a backflip, he needs to take Harry.
'Sirius–' Hagrid speaks, his voice full of emotion. 'I– So sorry–'
Other words attempting comfort must be coming out of his mouth but Sirius can't hear any of them. His eyes are fixed on Harry and how small he looks in Hagrid's hand.
'Hagrid,' he interrupts the half-Giant, 'Give Harry to me, Hagrid, I'm his Godfather, I'll look after him.' His hands twitch, he is desperate.
'Afraid I can' do that,' replies Hagrid and Sirius thinks his heart might have actually shrunken twice in size. 'Dumbledore said Harry was ter go ter his aunt an' uncle's.'
'Dumbledore is not–!' Sirius takes a shaking breath, trying to calm himself down lest he wants to end up yelling and escalating the situation. 'Dumbledore is not his guardian, I am, give him to me, Hagrid.'
'Dumbledore's word's law, yer know that,' Hagrid said simply and Sirius couldn't decide if he wanted to take Harry and make a run for it or take Harry and then blast Hagrid as far as he could. He decided neither would be wise.
'Where do you have to take him?' He changes his approach.
'Somewhere in Surrey, Little Whinging, I reckon.'
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
'Take– Take my motorcycle. Take it and bring Harry there safe.'
'Really?' asks Hagrid, amazed. 'Wouldn't yer need it?'
Sirius shakes his head. Dumbledore still thinks he was James and Lily's Secret Keeper. He is done for.
'I won't need it anymore. Just be sure Harry is safe, please.'
Hagrid gives him a sympathetic smile before patting his back with one of his large hands and leaving.
Sirius is still shaking when he hears the engine roar and the distinctive sound of his motorbike taking off. He makes his way down the stairs and crouches down in front of James' body.
'I'm so sorry, Prongs,' his voice trembles, 'I failed you again.'
He takes James' glasses off and closes his eyelids, the hazel pupils looking at him so devoid of life were making him feel sick. James was never going to look at him again.
Closing the front door, he sits down and takes his head into his hands, mind racing. James was gone, Lily was gone, and Harry was gone. Harry was gone. Dumbledore would do him in and lock him up in Azkaban. Would Azkaban really be that much worse than the stinging in his chest and the violent twists in his stomach at that moment?
He can't stop seeing Harry's tiny face, now adorned by a scar and still so fresh in his mind. They wouldn't let him near Harry. They had taken that from him, too.
The end, that is the end. There is nothing left to lose.
Sirius stands up and decides that he doesn't have it in himself to go with grace. He is going to track Peter down and make him pay, even if it kills him.
He's got nothing left to lose.
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i can either get drunk off of one drink tonight or make sure i eat a little more than i actually want and drink a little more…
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just-a-tiny-goldfish · 10 months
If the GOSHDARN PUPPET had just stayed asleep 🙄 I’m sure Mortum would have forgiven Orellia and they could have actually made out 😤😤😤
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redilepsy · 8 months
am i the only one that physically can't watch the last episodes of henry danger
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
My inability to celebrate when this man scores needs to be studied
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verdanturfwind · 10 months
EYYY BULLIED BY “MEAN LESBIANS” AS A TEEN GANG. In my case it was bc I was actually identifying as aroace at the time but it still sucks just as much. Thankfully around when I realized I was a lesbian was when I cut that person out of my life permanently but yeah, agree that I Do Not Trust anyone who labels themselves that way.
REALLLL LIKE. God 2017-2018 tumblr was the WORST especially for aro and ace people. And SO MANY of those bullies back then were "mean lesbians" that would call any pushback against their bullying "lesbiphobia." Like, as a young lesbian who didn't know much about the queer community and hadn't fully developed my critical thinking skills it was terrifying! Online lesbian identity back then was so overrun by TERFs and exclusionist bullies and I'm glad now that I'm surrounded by queer people including fellow lesbians that are so loving and supportive.
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haluton · 1 year
Sometimes I get on the verge of a breakdown simply because I realise there's countless amounts of amazing fics I'll never be able to read or even hear of?? And I just go on with my day without knowing that I just scrolled past the most gorgeous fic the other day??? And i'll never have enough time to read them all???? Also remembering beautiful fics I've once read and loved but didn't save, suddenly remembering the beautifulness of it?????
And I--
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dottores · 2 years
kakucho and izana :’)
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kosmogrl · 27 days
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caduceusboneflute · 2 months
Slowing down by The Backseat Lovers is a masterpiece.
Their music made me appreciate instrumentals, and those parts are the best parts of their songs!!!
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coachbeards · 2 months
no but like...beard being forced to sleep at the clubhouse...which is called the dogtrack....beard literally was Sent To the Doghouse by jane
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sashthesloth · 25 days
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I love the little squad of shades who follow Mel around the Crossroads when she gets back from a win
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