#i had a caption for this but i forgor
shadow0-1 · 1 year
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Shouldn't cross my mind
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blushouyo · 1 month
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angelfoodscake · 2 months
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was randomly motivated to animate tonight
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hopkei · 5 months
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archersartcorner · 3 months
Mentioned posting a WIP so here we go! It’s a Six at the Sierra Madre piece
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First was this concept sketch I doodled in MSPaint when I should’ve been doing lab work lmao. I listened to Begin Again for the first time and it gave me the visual of Six kneeling at the central fountain in the Villa, resting his head against the fountain head as he listened to the old hologram of Vera singing. Drew this so I wouldn’t forget.
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I took the initial MSPaint sketch and moved it onto a layer in Procreate. I sketched this out to play with the perspective, landing on wanting something birds-eye-esque. I didn’t get the perspective quite right wrt Six’s placement on the fountain, but I did note that I wanted him to be hugging the edge of the fountain, even if that didn’t correlate to its canon size, because I wanted the imagery of being held in a cradle.
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I went and found a few free pose websites and played around with the base dolls until I got something that fit the perspective and the body wasn’t clipping at weird points. Did a trace over of Six and it all looked good, resketched the fountain, felt good about it, but felt like I could add more.
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So I added in these two panels, thinking of the last two notes in the song. There’s a finality to it that I like that I wanted to mimic.
And that’s it! Just gotta actually take the sketch and make the piece over it. I wish I still had a working tablet, I can only do so much on my phone with my fat fucking fingers & Procreate 😭
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thgegooberguy · 1 month
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I had a funny caption but uhhhh I forgor 🥺
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(ermmmmmmm gif credit to captainhowle uhh 💥💥💥‼️)
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yandereraven · 4 months
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i had a good caption but forgor it.
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infime · 1 month
so distracted and tormented and traumatized by the horrors i forgor here look last week's vlog finally done. sorry had to speed up my voice bc i wanted to say a lot in a minute oops! but yk the usual french captions provided n auto translate checks out :)
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addysfandomdump · 8 months
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I had a better caption in mind for this but I. forgor. Anyways Faye turning Curie (@riftclaw) into a horror game protagonist by force. He is about to get mugged by so many leathery dolls.
Bonus (there is blood but it is toony and unserious):
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such-a-daydreamer · 8 months
Haha so like, I was originally gonna post the inktober stuff one by one like everyone else is but like, I forgor :/
Just know that like, it is a lot. So continue under the cut if you wanna see my absolute shitter of an art dump
//-------Day One-------//
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Prompt: Ink (warm up)
The second one was more of a warm up really, I just wanted to get myself in the mood. Especially love that fell drawing in the corner.
//--------Day 2--------//
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Prompt: Pumpkin carving
Yes. Yes that is error and ink kissing on the pumpkin.
//--------Day 3--------//
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Prompt: Medicine
Hehehe my original idea was to have ink covered in colourful splotches and be on the floor and have the medicine be his like vials. I ended up thinking "that's too easy" so that turned into him wearing one of those sexy nurse outfits then I made a last minute decision to NOT do that
//--------Day 4--------//
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Prompt: honey
Little to say about this, other than I love him a lot💕💕
//--------Day 5--------//
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Prompt: Theatre play
Yeah the caption says enough.
//--------Day 6--------//
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Prompt: Stickers
Yeah I uh, forgot that this whole thing was like a pun on inktober and y'know the character ink and this whole thing is called inktobertale, derailed a lil bit but 'm gonna get back on track after this I swear😭
//--------Day 7--------//
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Prompt: Gingham
Yeah I basically know my ass to my elbow when it comes to textiles and stuff like that so I had to research some things. Anyways, Gingham is cute :3 tempted to make that skele an actual oc but like I can't be bothered.
Here's the prompt list btw
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Yeah so uh, see ya next week til I've gotten the next batch done ... unless you wanna have it done one by one? Idk, tell me your thoughts. ALSO HAHA bit reluctant about showing this cuz of the MASSIVE sidetrack for like the majority of the week
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cicada-and-pomegranate · 11 months
I feel like if 9/11 happened again, no one would really react.
I think a lot of people were horrified on 9/11 because they didn’t know things like that happened. The boomer generation is all like “never forget”, acting like it’s the greatest tragedy since the Holocaust, and acts like joking about 9/11 is paramount to joking about genocides, but they went to school every day to learn about how to hide from a nuclear bomb.
At the end of the day though, the most that 9/11 effected the lives of most people acting like 9/11 is the world’s greatest modern tragedy is that they have to take their shoes off at the airport. 9/11 had disastrous effects, of course, but not on the people most intimately obsessed with its tragedy.
There’s a 2002 episode of Arthur where a school fire is used as an analogue for 9/11. (I really wish they just used real 9/11 that would have been so fucking funny) One of the plots is about Buster feeling bad about not really caring about the fire. At the time that was a super important message for kids, because why the fuck would they care? They probably don’t even know how much 3,000 is or necessarily what death is or maybe even where New York is. It’s unrelated to them.
9/11 happened 21 years ago. It can legally drink in the US. If you actually remember the significance of what 9/11 was when it happened, you’re kind of old now. Young people either were Buster or they learned about 9/11 in history class. It’s a meme now.
I’m going to New York in about a month and I’ve already planned to take a photo of the 9/11 memorial and caption it “I forgor”. I don’t fucking care; I wasn’t alive in 2001. I think older people need to accept that 9/11 is now a historical event rather than a modern tragedy, and a historical event with a comparatively low body count.
The fact that 9/11 gripped the nation for decades after isn’t just a consequence of the place and time it happened; it was intentional. It was a terrorist attack; it was meant to be flashy, it was meant to be destructive, and it was meant to be scary. Making 9/11 out to be the worst thing ever projects Al-Qaeda’s strength.
We’ve now lived through entire months in which every day has killed more people than 9/11. Of course that’s always been true, but not from one collective, abnormal cause. When you become desensitized to death, it’s no longer tragic. One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.
The constant propaganda about 9/11 being the worst thing ever, counterintuitively, makes it seem less bad. It normalizes it to the point that it’s not the tragedy it once was. Especially when you didn’t live it because you were not yet alive.
This doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing, I mean no one cares about the myriad obscure genocides which killed hundreds of thousands to millions, but 3,000 people who happened to have a statistically higher income (the Twin Towers housed financial offices and the flights that were hijacked tend to have a lot of business travelers, especially on a morning flight early in the week)? Greatest American tragedy literally ever.
I think people not caring about the faceless people who died on 9/11 and ended up getting turned in to patriotic martyrs and caring more about the faceless people who die every day because governments around the world think it’s in their best interests for them to is a good thing. It’s an inevitable part of moving forward in time; the sands of time erode all but the number of bones.
So joke about 9/11. It ends the era of “never forget”, and brings about that of the perpetual apathy that faces all historical events with the inevitable bored child in an elementary school classroom asking the teacher why he should care about dead people.
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razzmothazz · 3 months
i forgot i had a funny caption for that ena 4th drawinf that was smthn like haha the event is ena stealing akitos shit and making a sick beat but i forgor i had like an hour of sleep give me a break... i think i need a nap. there will be nenekasa later btw
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sevicia · 1 year
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(art by @/turnipoddity)(not rbing cause too many thoughts for tags)
this is captioned "meet cute" and it's driving me CRAY Z I have this image saved on my phone multiple times because I get more insane every time I see it. The idea of Edward and Bruce (in drifter mode) seeing each other late at night on the subway is something so dear to my heart because Edward recognizing him as Bruce Wayne while he's not being, well, Bruce Wayne, would mean that he has something "over" him in a way, and I think it would drive him a bit crazy seeing as he already obsesses over Bruce and sees him as "everything wrong with the city", so seeing him in a "casual" setting like this one would do one of two things: 1) convince him that Bruce, much like other powerful people in the city, is up to shady shit OR 2) make him angry that Bruce is taking the subway instead of parading in his fancy car: does he think he'll understand what other people in Gotham go through if he shares one single experience with them? because the idea of it is so absurd, there's a sea of difference between an actual BILLIONAIRE and the rest of the city, and this might seem like Edward is assuming things of Bruce and his intentions, and that is because he would and he does! Of course, Bruce is a public figure (and a billionaire) so everyone assumes things, especially Edward who grew up in Wayne Manor, staring at Bruce's face, hating him for so long.
It's also canon that Edward is the type of person to smile at others in the subway (even if he calls himself a "repulsive fool" when they don't reciprocate), and I think that (personal HC and projection time) he had the idea of being "good" to others hammered into his head so much as a child that he just bites his tongue and smiles and tries to be nice. So he WOULD smile.
Bruce on the other hand would only go around at night without his face covered if he was sure there was no one around. Yes, he could beat Edward up if he needed to, and he could also keep tabs on him if he sensed anything worrying about him, but I don't really think that stuff aligns with his whole Thing (since he is very driven and has tunnel vision for pretty much the entire movie). But I like to think he is just too late in covering his face when Edward gets on the train, a way in which he becomes slightly vulnerable to him, and in which they now share something, even if it makes Edward angry and Bruce uncomfortable and both of them paranoid. Because that's the only way I see their relationship being: angry and uncomfortable and paranoid and sad and ultimately tragic. The things I see on like, the riddlebat tag are very fun and cute and I love them but realistically That would not fucking happen.
IDK I was gonna say something else but I forgor. Basically bla bla bla I crazy now
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sydmarch · 1 year
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I had a caption in mind but I forgor 💀
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missbaphomet · 8 months
I had the perfect lyric to caption a booty pic with but I forgor 😔 I hate you ADHD brain
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darkclouud9 · 1 month
this had a different ish direction and I had some funny caption but I forgor
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when Jiraiya comes back to the village and suddenly two of his friends are dead post 2nd war *jaw drop*
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