#i hate cheating arcs but god is this funny
just-a-queer-crow · 1 month
I know ppl are going to be BEEFING over their opinions on Eddie’s cheating era, but looking at this from a bigger perspective, i find this SO funny, what do u MEAN he’s cheating on his gf of like a couple months with the doppelgänger of his dead wife thats HILARIOUS
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cuubism · 1 year
would you be ok elaborating on the hob/death post? I already adore Hob and death friendship arcs and Hob/death as a concept and I would LOVE to hear more <3
*cracks knuckles* so--
there are actually two separate AUs. the canonverse one, and the human AU one.
i pitched the canonverse one to @magnusbae thus:
extremely funny au where hob and death have been casually hooking up since 1389 and dream finally confesses his feelings in like 2050 and hob's like ah. should i stop hooking up with your sister then? and dream's like should you stop doing WHAT?
basically. in the six billion years it takes dream to get his shit together and admit to his own feelings for hob, hob and death have just been having loads of no-strings-attached sexy fun in the background (death: you snooze, you lose, dream! *sticks tongue out*)
dream is very perturbed by this, he's like hello that's MY toy?? give it BACK???? I HAD IT FIRST!!!!!!!!!
(we don't headcanon hob and death actually dating, by the way. they're just pals who hook up sometimes. they're very chill about it. dream is the only one who's not chill about it because he wants All Of Hob's Attention All The Time NOW)
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The human AU version:
Hob and Death are roommates/friends/fuckbuddies who have this lowkey open relationship thing going on. they're having a great time in their casual but well-communicated healthy relationship.
enter Dream, least well-adjusted person on the planet, also Death's younger brother, who's staying with her for a while. and as soon as Dream arrives Death has to watch her formerly reasonable friend Hob disintegrate into a haze of utter Simp Behavior and insanity, and she's like oh boy. this is gonna get interesting.
meanwhile Dream is like handsome... guy... being nice... to me... 😳 *falling down the stairs*
Hob is into him so fast it's embarrassing and eventually Death yanks him aside and just gives him a look. And so like the mature adults they are they do talk about it and Death is like, dude, we aren't dating, you can do whatever you want. Besides, I'd rather have my brother be with someone I actually know and like rather than his other disastrous relationships (though Death is swiftly learning that Hob is much more unhinged than she'd previously thought. Dream brings all of it out in him). So Hob's like cool I'll flirt with your brother
Dream is under the impression that Hob and Death are actually dating. So the more Hob flirts with him the more Dream is like 👀🤔 and he's kind of in love with Hob because ohh Hob is so kind and handsome and he listens to everything Dream says and he's so charming... but he also kind of hates Hob because how dare he cheat on Death and how dare he make Dream want him like that?
Death: so are you and Hob getting along well?
Dream: no. I hope Hob falls off a cliff and dies.
Death:.... alright thanks for the input
But Dream does just keep indulging his worse impulses and one day he just finds himself sitting in Hob's lap on the couch in Death's apartment while Hob listens to him talk and he's just like: oh my god I'm a homewrecker
Dream, later: Sister. Your shitty boyfriend is cheating on you
Death: ....did it actually take Hob this long to ask you out? we talked about it ages ago
Dream: ...
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sageandred · 9 days
The way Shameless fans have always argued in favor of their faves and against their least favorite characters to be worse than them is so funny. You can't judge Shameless characters too hard on a moral basis. You just can't. The show is called: Shameless.
Mandy- tried to s.a. multiple times, but grew up with learned behavior around an abusive dad who s.a.'d her himself (she walks around with no pants for god's sake; that's sad because she doesn't even realize it's not normal); oh and almost forgot - ran over Karen, but had history of repressed anger problems, learned fight not flight retaliation responses, and jealousy after repeatedly being treated bad (and not just by Karen)
Fiona- made 10000+ mistakes, including almost killing her brother, but never had a childhood and was forced into parenting while never learning how to parent in the first place
Lip- #1 screw up for his own life (I guess it's his life, you can't blame him), because he hates himself and is self destructive also due to his upbringing; was angry and rude more times than I can count to Fiona, but he is angry due to his exact same feelings towards his (non) childhood
Ian- what did Ian even do...? cheat on anyone but Mickey? (edit: dang he did that too - but it doesn't count) ...be too serious for seasons 6-9?? (< jk, i love him; that's taken from real critiques.) be transphobic? (I hate, but it's valid he's uneducated - my memory is bad i don't even think he was transphobic just clueless on some things)
Carl- be the worst runner when trying to escape cops? a messed up child taxidermist?
Debbie- We can hate Debbie, jk! I do wish her storyline unfolded better, because it totally makes sense the need to grow up too fast and try to emulate Fiona (that's all I'll give her 'cause I understand, but I'm not trying to write an essay on my complicated feelings on how they could've portrayed Debbie's character arc better)
Recognize their shameless flaws. And have your faves, I agree. But to compare them and be on your moral high ground about why fans should recognize more individual actions as bad is void at the start of the argument.
Because Monica VS Frank - They both suck as much as I can recognize they both are sad, vulnerable, childlike lost causes at the core. But people always argue Monica is worse. Why, because she left? Honestly, good she spared them as opposed to mooched off and sat around doing nothing. Frank is funny (which I think is the only reason people like him more), but they're both the same level of shitty parents. WHICH IS THE POINT...to understand the kid/y.a. characters' bad trauma responses
"I think we as a society, should acknowledge how [blank] shouldn't be praised." That's like saying: "the Joker is villianous, guys did you know??" like why am I getting recommended arguments for why certain characters suck more?! In the year 2024, for god's sake?!?
Terry Milkovich, tho, is GOD AWFUL; hate on him all you want. x
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cer-rata · 1 month
Goddesses That Would Be Better Wonder Woman Antagonists Than Hera
Enough with Hera as a bitter, manipulative, shortsighted hag!!!
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I'm so sick of media making Hera a flat, hysterical cunt, especially compared to the general moral nuance that her entire pantheon represents. It's just lazy at this point and done to death, and for Wonder Woman to have to fight a woman who's main grievance is being cheated on and generally mistreated by her husband again and again again and again like...optics people.
So here are my choice picks for goddesses of other pantheons (and one Greek on) that would be interesting obstacles to Diana, both ideologically and materially. Also! I say antagonists on purpose, because generally in polytheism, gods aren't truly evil, even if they have negative attributes, it's always more complicated than that, and while these ladies WILL cause some conflict, they're all more than just flat villains. Most could reasonably also be allies, and Diana is all about making her foes into friends.
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A goddess and Jotunn, Skadi is the queen of bowhunting, skiing and winter, generally. Famous for storming Asgard alone to avenge her father, and being intimidating enough for Odin to choose to attempt to appease her instead, Skadi is intense, and fittingly cold, but also fair and capable of seeing reason. Her tentative truce with Odin and her failed marriage to the god of the summer, Njord, could be ripe to twist into reasons to cast her eye towards current events, both divine and mortal. A proud, mighty giantess that will do what she deems necessary to see justice done to herself? You can do stuff there.
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The Shinto creation deity turned goddess of death, Izanami is upset! Very upset! And fairly so! She's like if Eurydice got really livid after Orpheus ignored her simple instructions and vowed to break all of his little toys. Because that is exactly what happened, they almost have the same myth. As revenge for him messing up her resurrection, Izanami vowed to kill 1k people each day to hurt her husband, Izanagi, the other creator deity. Izanagi responded by making 1.5k new people each day, which...I mean solves maybe the wrong end of the problem but...
Unlike Hera, she poses an active threat to mortals and has the power to make dealing with her difficult. Maybe Diana and Amaterasu have to team up to deal with her insane...uh...step mother? Kind of? It's a little complicated, I'm not going into it, Wikipedia is your friend.
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I'm going to be honest she's my mythology blorbo and I made this post for her okay--
The Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, conquest, divine law, the Queen of Heaven, patron of queer folk (No I'm not making that up, she's down for the gays mythologically speaking), Ishtar is complicated, a little strange, and funny, so funny. She's got a short temper, is easily offended, yet is generally fair and uninterested in harm coming to mortals. Her bit thing is how her conquest domain often manifests. She doesn't care about leading armies or whatever, she goes to attempts to swindle or fight other gods for their domains. Her big famous myth is about her hubris in attempting to single-handedly storm the underworld to steal the seat from her sister. She's incredibly powerful and self assured, a little petty, but not cruel. If you want a goddess who will show up, slap Diana down a city block and intend it as a friendly hello, while also vaguely suggesting that they make out, it's Ishtar. She's a perfect occasional antagonist/ally depending on her whims, and she's so disinterested in bothering humanity that you can really have mostly consequence free god fights. An arc where she decides that Ares is starting to embarrass the war god community and she's going to beat his ass and take his job? Diana has to try to get her to stop without offending her and making it a personal problem? Because again this woman is crazy, she has beaten a mountain to death because it wouldn't bow. It was not a sentient mountain. She'd be so much fun!
And we're going to ignore the version of her that showed up in "Black Adam" because that was boring, lame, and focused completely on the sexual angle, because straight men can only focus on one trait at a time--
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Polynesian goddess of volcanoes, Pele fills a lot of the same niche's as Ishtar here, in that her rage and displeasure is catastrophic, befitting the personification of a volcano. Though even as a volcano god she's notably scary, in some tellings the previous volcano god who occupied the volcano she lives in now, caught wind that she was coming in his general direction--not specifically for him mind you, just in his direction--and he fled for his life, vacating the volcano. She's as multifaceted as a volcano though, bringing life as well as destruction. But you know. Her domain IS a natural disaster, so it's not hard to create a scenario where Diana would need to try to stop that from being a thing. Bonus points if she's irritated about the colonization of Hawaii, that could be an interesting narrative for Diana to contend with.
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DC dropped the ball here as well, don't look her up, you REALLY don't want to see her design, it's nasty.
Anyway, Nemesis is the goddess of retribution, but SPECIFICALLY for the crime of "hubris" or arrogance against the gods. She punishes you for thinking you're hot stuff in comparison to the divine. She's the reason Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection and died. She did that. She thought he was a bitch, and she was correct. Why is that distinction important? Because she's not just vengeance, she's a tool to defend the honor and ego of the gods. Who in the DC universe would make the Greek gods feel disrespected and threatened? An alien who is willing to punch them in the face perhaps? We could have Diana desperately trying to stop this divine terminator from messing up her super friends who really don't understand the levels of petty the her pantheon is willing to stoop to to save face. Shes a winged warrior goddess with a heart of stone!!! Give us that fight!!!
Anything but Hera!!! Anything!!! Leave her alone!!!!
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altraviolet · 16 days
mini director's commentary on TEG: Ch 24
a new reader left a really nice comment on Ch 24 so I went back to read it and thought it'd be fun to share a few 'behind the scenes' facts about it!
Soundwave swirled the flask as Ambulon and Anode fought each other. After Ambulon finally wrestled Anode down and hooked her back up to the monitors, he rounded on Soundwave.
I have a very clear visual of this scene. It's SO funny to me xD I laughed when I wrote it and I laugh internally now rereading it. In my mind (if we think of this being framed like a comic panel or a movie) I see SW on the left, looking down at the flask he's holding in his tendrils, which he's swirling. Behind him is a very cartoony dust cloud of Ambulon and Anode fighting each other on the med bed, haha. You know when the characters are drawn super simplified, and you see little stick arms and hands darting around a dust cloud and you know they're fighting? That's what's happening at this moment and Soundwave is COMPLETELY ignoring the chaos behind him 😄 Lug is, of course, watching all this in a distressed state.
The montage continued, footage of a memorial service... Any crew member who wanted to say a few words was allowed to. The ceremony went on for seven hours, as evidenced by the timestamp in the corner of the clips... Aquafend gave a short, but surprisingly passionate, eulogy.
Two notes about this truncated excerpt:
1- the memorial ceremony is lengthened by people paying respects. this was directly inspired by a funeral I attended once. the lady in charge of the funeral was supposed to limit the time to one hour for memory sharing/storytelling. anyone could come up and share a memory of the deceased, but it couldn't be longer than an hour. we were there for much longer than an hour
2- I put Aquafend's euology in here not knowing what I was doing with him in the future, but knowing I wanted to be able to refer back to this moment as a touchstone of him Caring About People. I felt bad about how Aquafend's character was treated early in the fic and wanted to give him a 'redemption arc' in the eyes of the reader and Soundwave. I got my chance to refer back to this eulogy during the Irradion arc. I think this deepened Aquafend's character, made him less one dimensional than just "hurr hurr fuck u Soundwave I hate u." good for characterization and more interesting for the reader, hopefully :)
Soundwave found he was crouched forward on the couch. The snack tray in his lap had cracked. He unwound his tendrils from it.
this is after the Scavenger's memorial video concludes. I'm throwing this in as an example of show don't tell. we see SW's visceral reaction: I didn't tell you how he feels, I showed you what his body did without him even realizing. it's a small detail but I've always liked it. bonus: I got to use that tray in a future chapter. Cyclonus uses it to confront Soundwave about his past actions. Cyclonus confirms that SW is a changed mech, because SW says if he could go back knowing what he knows now, he wouldn't do what he did to the Scavengers
“Pff. These are an officer's quarters. They're supposed to look dignifi-” Rodimus stopped himself. “Oh my god. I sound like Magnus.” He shook his head.
Rodimus has this "omg I sound like Magnus" revelation because I, the writer, wrote Rodimus saying the officer's qtrs are supposed to be dignified, paused, & was like "wait, that sounds like a Magnus thing to say, not a Rodimus thing." lol. but I wanted to leave it in. and, why not? after a couple thousand years together, there's no reason Rodimus wouldn't absorb a tiny bit of Magnus, especially if he's seeing evidence that SW has disobeyed one of the few rules Rodimus has directly given him xD cheating? mayyyyyyybe... but fun
that's all! if you're ever reading TEG and have a question about a paragraph or something, feel free to hit my inbox. it's fun to think/remember back to the chapters... Ch 24 was posted in Oct of 2021 but I still remember these little details ^u^
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cherienymphe · 1 year
What were your fav and least fav moments in season 3 <3
Ok so (spoilers below the cut)
Rafe. Literally Rafe. He was just so funny and such a little shit and one of my favorite things about the season
Riara!!! I loved their interactions so much and when he was like "I always liked you Kie" I went what is actually happening right now cause 😭
Jiara! They hurt so good tbh. The difficult and angsty scenes between them were needed imo. I knew it wasn't going to be smooth sailing and it was difficult watching the way her parents treated him and basically threw his own fears about him and kie in his face and my God the self sabotage was driving me insane and they kept highlighting the differences in their classes but they were cute
Cleo. Literally just Cleo but especially her and Pope. I was surprised by how much I loved them because it seemed like OBX was like yeah let's put the two leftover black characters together but unfortunately they were right and they were cute. Hashtag black love I guess 😭
Cleo and JJ. Not what you think. Cleo's genuine fascination with JJ was hilarious to watch. It was like every time he opened his mouth she'd look at him like he was the most bizarre and mind stumping creature she'd ever met. Also them being two sides of the same coin and equally chaotic was everything
Ward dying!!! I rejoiced so loud it was embarrassing
John B reuniting with his dad but the buck stops there (see least fave things for more)
Y'all gone hate me for this one but I was actually here for Sarah and Tooper? And I do not know why tbh. Can't even tell you. Definitely don't hate her and John B. I think I just enjoyed the drama of it all.
Rafe and Barry. Loved seeing the murder boyfriend together again.
Just the mere knowledge that Rafe was getting it in. Good for him. Good for Sophia.
Rafe and Rose fighting. That was very hilarious to me. "You missed"
Everyone looked great
That motorcycle thing JJ did that made my Kitty purr
Topper going off the deep end in a jealous rampage
Pope telling Rafe it's not over like yeah. I look forward to round 4
Kelce 😭 I actually missed him
Topper helping them steal the "cross" like what was he even doing there? It was so funny to me because you have the whole gang and then...topper 😭
Rafe almost choking his dad out. That was great. Also when he almost killed him. That was a moment
Friar Cameron
Least fave:
WARD. FUCKING WARD. I wanted him OUTTA THERE from day one. How he managed to be so self righteous while sucking so bad I do not know
The fact that Rafe didn't kill ward. That was highly disappointing but alas
Big John. Just a horrible father. Found myself wishing he'd stayed missing.
They were putting the boys THROUGH it my gawd. Idk if they were like yeah we tortured tf out of Sarah last season so this season let's make it even. I mean Pope finding out Rafe melted the cross? Almost going on a villain arc? JJ having no home and nowhere to go and being treated like shit by Kie's dad? John B almost dying? Being forced to be an accessory to murder? Getting cheated on while literally going through hell? My goodness
The show is TV MA so how tf you're going to show Sophia waking up in Rafe's bed half naked and show Rafe getting dressed but don't show us what went down in said bed. Why am I watching Sarah and John B about to do the so but I can't get a crumb for Rafe?
Really wanted to see Rafe give Sophia that tour. No I won't shutup about it
Kie's parents. It's amazing how I found myself thinking they'd grown on me because surely it's hard trying to be a parent to Kie with everything going on but then they just weren't listening to her at all and literally forcibly shipping her off was sooo. And then for them to be celebrating their discovery at the end like they didn't doubt her and JJ the whole time was so ugh
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sereneabyyss · 9 months
Blind Watch BSD Season Five
I Feel Spiritually Unwell After That. Unfortunately @wafflesarecool and @animusmelodiam and I have completed season five of BSD. fortunately this means I can come back to Tumblr to not avoid spoilers Animus kept reblogging. However, as was pointed out by Animus before we started, this was very stroke inducing.
First off, as always, Animus Numbers:
Waffle disconnect count: 15
"what the fuck" count: 31 (thanks Amenogozen, Bram, and Fyodor!)
Animus numbers keep us pogging through the pain
We started off strong, immediately hating the Russians.
"he's fucking insane. but I'm rooting for him because I hate Fyodor more"
"'I hate both of them, but I hate this one slightly less so I'm rooting for him' is the entire mood"
Kyouka Lucy and Atsushi trio are top tier. We love them dearly.
"I believe Poe is a trained sniper over them not seeing a car in a flat area anyday."
"Waffle Ranpo is being the greatest detective to ever live. Stop dying."
Many, many, many "what the fuck that is a horrible idea" were said
"The most unprofessional UN meeting... why is waffle still dead"
"cuz he doesn't want to see the horrible UN meeting"
waffle becomes alive
"All you missed was a terrible UN meeting"
Oh look, we finally remember Atsushi has regenerative powers. How nice and convenient.
"where the fuck is emo at"
"How funny of you to ask"
All of these characters need to fucking consider getting some therapy
See Akutagawa cares too much about Dazai's approval, therefore, trying to make him betray that trust is tantamount to geeting tiger claws slashing you in the face.
Tachihara become Toph arc! You can learn from Jouno!
Speaking of Jouno what ever happened to that guy. Find out more next time I Guess!
bram pack
Aya and Bram have adopted each other. Kunikida and Bram get to have custody battle over Aya a la fist fighting her father.
"poor aya. I have a baked potato tho."
Never Fucking Piss Off The Happy Person.
Speaking of angered Kenji, how has the one power that was literally compared to Mother Nature itself not been played upon as Kenji being a vessel for a godly power similar to Chuuya and Atsushi? Like it's right there.
Yeet The Kenji.
"dazai don't try to drown Chuuya. Learn some humanity"
Chuuya deserves to kill Dazai As A Treat.
"Bram lives in an eternal state of going through it"
"Well he lives in an eternal state of being impaled, of course he's going through it."
The Fucking Shoujo Springtime Filer?????
"why is he being crucified? Why is bram jesu?"
The comparison of Bram to Jesus was found to be extra funny after Fyodor's last words.
"I love Sigma dearly, but he brought a gun to a knife fight and Lost."
AYA NO BAD AYA- oh well ok fine sure.
"Atsushi your boyfriend is a vampire"
Bram has officially adopted Aya can't change my mind
"hey look, it's the cockroach" "dammit i was hoping Chuuya killed his ass"
Also Ranpo had way too much fun being a terrorist. But like, he deserved to commit crime. As a treat.
Anyway, I gotta go work. This was hell.
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deadaccount1211 · 5 months
TD 2023 Review: The Final Chapter
Spoilers Down Below.
Episode 9: I ain't gonna lie from the way they structured this episode in the beginning. I already knew Caleb was winning immunity.
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Funny screenshot I grabbed ^.
I started off this season liking Mkulia because I saw it as an alliance between two equals. But ever since the cheating plotline, they've only ever used MK as a punching bag. And then the cherry on top is Julia eliminating her for a second time.
Left a sour taste in my mouth tbh. And I can believe the hockey bros were dumb enough to vote her off. But you're telling me that Julia somehow convinced Priya and Damien that MK is the bigger threat between the two? She literally told you guys she eliminated Nichelle. But consistency be damned I guess.
Episode 10: I kinda wish the memory game was more about remembering events that happened through the season and less press a button on a ipad.
This julia vs damien rivalry is cooking. It's about time Julia faced some opposition in this competition.
A bit ironic considering they're athletes but I don't think Wayne and Raj have done well in a single competition this season.
Priya admitting she knows Julia is manipulative and then proceeding to get manipulated by Julia. ://////////
Me going into the elimination scene: Oh so the praleb drama is resolved! Priya or Caleb is going home right?
Ok Julia shared her immunity with Caleb. Vote off Priya? She won last season??? It's not that hard???
"Sorry bro we can't vote off Priya because she's in love with Caleb" WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT LOGIC? That's exactly why you should vote her off!
Damien running around the island looking for his idol and then getting dragged away screaming is legitimately pitiful to watch.
This season loves giving ppl undignified exits but this was the worst one of all.
I want to add on that I knew there was a very low chance Damien was gonna win given how his arc was structured. But this elim was bullshit, should've been Priya.
Episode 11:
Starting off the episode with the hockey bros saying they miss Damien is lame. Ya'll never interacted and you voted him off. Fuck off.
Julia starting an off screen alliance with Caleb is lame. I don't want to hear the excuse "They can only fit so much into 22 minutes." They did perfectly fine in S1? Why the steep downgrade in quality?
We finally get a non gen 1 cameo and it's fucking McArthur. God I hate this season.
This is the worst challenge of the season. This is the third time ya'll have done run around and be chased by animals challenge. At least nobody is farting this time around.
Maturing is realizing Raj was never gonna get a character arc and he's only here to be comedic relief. Sigh..
Julia being a challenge beast doesn't feel as fun as it did in S1. Probably because she's casually steamrolling the game rn.
They waited way too long to boot off one of the hockey bros. We literally only have two episodes left. How are they gonna be able to make wayne idependent and stand out on his own?
Episode 12:
Why is Julia so insistent on gaining Wayne's vote when she has the immunity idol?
Caleb really is whatever the plot demands him to be. He spent the first half of the season being a wannabe f boy. Now he wants to act all sweet n shit and say he don't wanna lie on Total Drama. Like please get the fuck out of here. Not even Millie was this annoying. Steroid ass freak.
Maybe it's the inner fanfic writer inside of me. But imagine if Damien was in this fear challenge and his final fear to overcome was Scary Girl. Would've been peak imo.
They're really giving Wayne a last minute character arc about learning how to be himself without Raj around.
Tennis Rivals cameo? Isn't RR supposed to be an in universe spinoff? Why are there more RR references than like Revenge or Pahkitew? Are those seasons getting swept under the rug?
They really tried to make this elimination suspenseful when we already know Julia has the idol.
I still like Priya overall. But i'd be lying if I said Season 2 makes it hard to do so. Besides a few mentions from Chris, her being a canonical winner has no effect on the story. Her storyline is a near identical repeat of last season but worse. Just change the genre from friendship to romance. And replace Millie with Caleb. It naturally ended in episode 10 but the writers wanted to stretch this shit as long as humanely possible so here's more problems for the two to overcome. I could go on and on but to sum it up, priya x caleb is ass.
The Finale:
Hmm. Who should I root for?
The guy who just became relevant last episode?
Generic romance plotline guy?
Overpowered villainess?
I like Julia the most out of these three. But a complete Julia steamroll would be mid. Like if she won S1, I'd be cool with that. Because she fought tooth and nail to get into the final 4.
First boot to winner is a neat idea but I don't want it wasted on a bad character like Caleb.
Wayne exists.
Wait so Ripaxel is still together? Why was she so distant towards him in their elimination episode? So Ripper legitimately quit for no reason then? And didn't Chris say last season if you quit then you owe him a million bucks? Is that never coming back up?
Say it with me everyone, "This season is ass!"
Team Caleb not giving a shit about him is so real.
Why is Julia surprised that only MK wants to be on her team?
I don't know how many of you have seen it. But there's this fanmade show called Disventure Camp. And the finale challenge for that show is almost identical to this one. Not accusing anyone of copyright.
I just thought it was interesting to point out.
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Considering Chase's pizza obsession that got him eliminated in season one. Shouldn't he have been the one to go back for pizza? This season can't even remember the minor details.
I thought they were gonna do bald julia for a second lol. Mullet Julia looks cool though.
Wayne won. My honest reaction: :/
I can't be the only person who thinks it's sus that Terry McGurrin. The white straight ally who likes hockey. Wrote the final episode where the white straight ally who likes hockey wins. :/
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People have been comparing his win to TDI Owen.
Owen was a goofball but at least he had a S Tier social game and interacted with loads of ppl (cody, gwen, trent, heather, duncan, izzy, noah)
And he was decent at the challenges. (dodgeball challenge, eating challenge)
Wayne sucked in every challenge and only talked to Raj and sometimes Julia.
Honestly might be the 2nd worst winner this series has ever had. Mike still holds the crown for worst winner.
If they really wanted an underdog finalist they should've went with Damien. He was an underdog and actually did shit in the game. And they built a rivalry for him and Julia. Only to throw it away immediately.
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Kinda wish these were the two pairings instead of Ripaxel and Praleb.
I know they teased a S3. But if it's the same level of quality as S2, I don't want it.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
I guess... tipsy as I now am... The episode was better than I expected. I’m still deeply, deeply frustrated, but at least Nandor seems to kind of?? get?? that what he did was wrong??
I hate Marwa’s arc so much. fuck. I hate it so much. I can’t believe this is how it ends for her. stuck in someone else’s body and personality forever because Nandor is too stupid to understand that bodily autonomy is a thing.
And I feel so bad for Guillermo. He seems so genuinely hurt. I hate that they introduced this character solely to hurt Guillermo. We didn’t get to hear how they met. We didn’t get to hear how long they’ve been together. Hell, we don’t even know if they’ve fucked. What does “whirlwind” even mean in this situation?
Freddie, like Marwa, was basically just a plot device who wasn’t even that well characterized and existed only to get mind manipulated into a romantic relationship which like??? thanks, I hate it!
that said, I am at least relieved to find out that the hypnosis only made them “be cool with it” and didn’t make them fall for each other. that’s a saving grace.
god, though. it’s clear that it’s supposed to be funny that Guillermo walked in on his boyfriend cheating on him with his own clone but like. I just feel bad. I don’t feel good about any of this.
I guess the one saving grace is that Nandor more looks like an idiot than as mean as I thought it’d be. The writers are still pretty mean, though. :(
meta to come when I sober up I guess
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Roasting tokrev girls: part 1, hinata (99% percent about her relationship with takemichi because these are the parts i hate the most hhhhh)
these are only my negative opinions and i'm still being negative about them
So i will start from beginning, i think takemichi only liked her because she was popular and loved him not because of who she is and combined with hinas live at first sight its not convincing me that its a type of love that will last twelve years and be healthy at the same time. At some times it even seems that takemichi isn't in love with her but more with the symbol of her: the only girlfriend he ever had, the person he's trying to save, the person that truly remembered him. (Although i think that changed later a little it still has other problems)
the most common critique about her relationship with our hero (i promise i'm going to talk about other things). Takemichi is 26 and she is 14 (i think?) Which makes their whole relationship....weird, i am not going to talk too much about it but it makes me really uncomfortable
I hate the fact that her beating up takemichi is portrayed as funny or deserved by michi the biggest ones i remember are the scene where she beats him up for cheating (i also think the whole concept of this scene is weird but this a whole other matter) or for breaking up with her i don't remember much from this scene but when i read it it was just...uh i don't know why a person like hina couldnt understand takemichi breaking up with her
She has no thoughts of her own about anything other than takemichi and arguably emma this is understandable with really minor characters but she is the reason this manga exists (or is she? Well even if not she was in that role for 3/4 of the story) but she is used in the story like a plot device a few stepps away from being a macguffin
God this is not nearly enough text for a character like hinata but i just can't squeze more if i think of something else i will just send another ask
Side question i would also like to do emma but first i want to reread some moments of the black dragon arc do you know where i could do it?
(last thing if i made you uncomfortable in any even very small way please say)
Ok I do a lot of positivity posts so I think it'd only fair we roast them too, gotta have that balance.
I actually do agree with the first point, I don't think past Takemichi really really loved her, this could partly be because he's only a teenager. But he definitely didn't seem to respect her a lot especially since he was definitely about to cheat on her with Emma before the switch. He definitely seemed to take her granted. I think he did love her in his own way though, after all she was what he thought of when dying. I also think when he first travelled back he wanted to save this idealised version of her like you said, almost like he had nostalgia for his only girlfriend. I do think that changed as he spent more time with her and got more sure of his goal though, it's like travelling back reminded him of everything good about her.
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Yeah the violence bit is a little weird especially since she's supposed to be a pacifist. I think that's just Wakui's way of showing her strong emotions, like she was so upset she broke her own character and her own code. Definitely not cool though, it's definitely not a great trope.
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Unfortunately she's mainly reduced into the love interest role so most of her characteristics will be based on Takemichi. Especially since she's mainly shown with him.
(Mangadex tends to be the best)
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15, 16, & 19!
15 Favorite sunny fic(s)
There are so many amazing ones it’s hard to choose! I would say the ones currently sticking to my brain the most are: The Gang Learns to Exist in the Moment, Wishing Well, Stubborn Selfish and Easily Jealous, and The Way We Look to Us All. Spoilery ramblings as to why under the cut because I can’t help but gush a bit over these lol
16 Random hot take
This is a SPICY one but. I am not optimistic about macden actually becoming canon. I would love for them to be canon, I think it makes sense for the characters and it think it would create a lot of comedic potential, but I’m also a bit of a pessimist, and I personally think RCG finds it funnier to have them have an almost-kind-of relationship than an actual confirmed one. I feel like if anything they’ll be canon at the end of the very last episode and then they’ll die or something as a last joke about how these people don’t deserve to be happy after all they’ve done. But who knows, maybe I’m wrong
19 If you had the skill/talent/time to create any content you wanted, what would you want to make?
If I had the energy I would write a million macdennis fics I have so many ideas. If I had the skill/talent I would draw a bunch of funny/sappy ship art
The Gang Learns to Exist in the Moment
Oh my god ok where to start with this one. This one buzzes around in my brain constantly. Holy fuck the funeral scene where Dennis is super drunk and his and Dee’s family gets all judgey and Dee stands up and says “He was a terrible father to us, you understand?” UGH. That makes me feel so many things I think about that scene all the time. Mac’s therapy sessions where his therapist tries to help him realize he’s gay are so sweet. It wouldn’t have fit with the tone of the actual show at all but sometimes I wish they were canon because it’s such a great exploration AND WHEN HE SAYS HE LIKES SUPER MASC GUYS AND HIS THERAPIST POINTS OUT DENNIS ISNT SUPER MASC AND MAC LIKES HIM?? I die in the best way possible just get rend in twane oh my lord. Dennis’ fight with Dee is so real and is resolved so beautifully. Charlie learning to read finally??? The star charts! The “real” funeral at the end AND HOW IT WRAPS WITH THEM FINALLY SINGING TOGETHER AGAIN. Fuck. I literally wept. I’m whirring just thinking about it now.
Wishing Well
This one is still ongoing but already I have so many Feelings. The metaphor with the burning apartment. Dennis thinking talking to Mac about missing him is a dream when it’s clearly a memory he was just so drunk??? FUCK. That’s good shit. Convincing Cricket to marry them secretly like the dumbass he is. THE BATHROOM KISS. Mac getting his memories back but not telling Dennis?? The reveal that Dennis is the first one who called him Mac instead of Ronnie AHHHHH. Literally always thinking about this one and aching for more. Can’t wait to see how this one ends
Stubborn, Selfish, and Easily Jealous
Poor Trevor. Honestly I’m usually not a fan of fics about a third party getting between a ship but this one is so well done I was hooked start to finish. I love Dennis’ dream sledgehammer and him “leaving” it on the elevator at the end. I love how Trevor is genuinely a good boyfriend and it doesn’t pull the whole “well obviously ship should be together because third party is terrible anyway” stuff I hate. It does such a good job showing that Mac and Dennis love each other while showing the reasons they aren’t together and why Mac wants to be with Trevor despite Dennis finally reciprocating his feelings. And when Mac starts cheating with Dennis it gives me such complex feelings it’s *chef kiss*. The hospital scene holy shit. The epilogue! There’s so much real human stuff here it’s so good.
The Way We Look to Us All
This one is pure Dennis angst, and you all know I live for that. Dennis struggling to accept his sexuality, and his age, and his obvious feelings for Mac is so so good. I love how the sex scenes mesh with Dennis’ character arc and the themes. I love them trying to punish/help Charlie and Frank. I love Dennis’ freak out to Artemis. It’s been some time since I last read it but it’s still inside my heart and soul.
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 years
oh god re: dick supposedly being a womanizer. That interpretation had an uptick lately because of the whole TTA/Nightwing miscommunication fiasco and GOD. Also, correct me if I'm wrong as I've not read the relevant comics super recently, but people seem to think Dick has commitment issues but personally to me he seems like he has the opposite problem in relationships. He tries to make them work long after he should let them go (and indeed its usually his girlfriends who break up with him).
Yeah, we're not going to talk about the TTA/Nightwing miscommunication, which is happening entirely because the writers didn't bother to talk to each other and clear up timelines to ensure that Dick wasn't cheating on either Kory or Babs with the other.
Anyway, you're right and you should say it! Dick's single biggest issue re: romantic relationships is that he takes every single relationship super seriously to the point where he stays in them far after he should have initiated a breakup. Dick has the opposite of commitment issues; he has over-commitment issues and I'm pretty sure that you're right in saying that basically every time he's broken up with a love interest (at least...pre-reboot), they initiated it.
It's true for Kory and Babs, at least: Kory decided to return to Tamaran for awhile after her and Dick's failed wedding and the Evil!Raven arc, initating the breakup there, and Babs initated both breakups that happened between her and Dick (the first time breaking up with him during the entire Blockbuster-Tarantula nonsense because...well, there was a lot of shit happening there and it would take a lot of time to explain, and the second time she returned her engagement ring to Dick during the acursed Nightwing Annual #2 that literally everyone wants to pretend doesn't exist, because she thought he wasn't ready to get married and needed to "figure himself out" first).
There's also a ton of panels where he's pretty explicitly laid his mentality about sex and relationships out on the table, which I find fascinating since his mentality is basically "I take my relationships super seriously and commit whole-heartedly to every single one, I need genuine time in-between each one to get over the last one, and I'm not about to have sex with someone I don't genuinely love." Here's a couple from the 80s Teen Titans run:
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"You also have to understand that I just came out of a romance with someone I thought I cared for. That's why I've been putting you off....You see, I only think I may love you. I mean...not just as a friend. I mean...in a romantic way. Lord, I don't know what I mean. I really need time to sort out my emotions."
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"My morality makes me a one-woman man. And you're that woman. you always will be."
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"I gotta be honest, Roy--I couldn't make love to someone I didn't really love." "Different strokes, pal. You'll probably go to heaven while I'll sport a perpetual tan!"
So....yeah: Dick is not a womanizer, and in fact if you were going to categorize him, you'd probably sort him into the "hopeless romantic" category because of how seriously he takes the whole concept of "being romantically involved with someone."
Granted, these over-commitment issues do create some extremely funny situations, like that time Dick and Helena Bertinelli had a one night stand (super uncharacteristic of him, it was a whole thing) and Dick tried to like....legitimately take her out afterwards:
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"There is no 'us,' Nightwing. There was just one night when you were feeling lonely and I was feeling alone. Let's call it an agreeable indiscretion and leave it at that." "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. I don't do things on a casual-"
Dick is legit like "okay so are we dating now or something?" out of sheer obligation and Helena's just like "we fucked, Boy Wonder. It was fun. Let's move on." I hated everything about that one-night stand except this conversation, because it was both a) objectively hilarious and b) extremely in-character for Dick to try and make the whole thing mean something other than a fun night. A for effort, Dick. You tried and I love you for it.
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eijiroukiriot · 3 years
JUST FOR THE RECORD...these are my top 10 favorite bkg moments
10. the fact that he plays the drums!! not any one moment in particular, just his presence and role in that arc. kinda cheating but i think the fact that he was put into drum lessons, is good at it, and played them as a part of the band is just so sweet and nice. whatever makes you happy kid
9. the scene with the vacuums
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this is a really good scene in general - the atmosphere, the pauses, the stiffness of the dialogue...it all really goes to show that this is like. huge. compared to the actual scale of the conversation. because it's AWKWARD and it's HARD for bkg to be thinking about what he's supposed to do here, and harder to put it into action. dvk2 is really huge for him as a character but it's this moment where you see that he's really starting to pick up the pieces that gets me
8. the whole sequence of mina and kaminari trying to get him to wear the santa coat :)
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one big part of bkg's character arc that i think tends to get missed a lot is him coming to realize that he has a place in the class as another student - not someone that they fear, or someone they hate and look down on, but someone who they recognize has issues but want him there as much as anyone else. they're FRIENDS!! come ON!!
7. when he denies vehemently that he was worried about the internship group and goes to bed at 8:32 to prove how not worried he was. idiot
6. this line
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THIS IS HERE BECAUSE I think that it is funny that he ran into deku and racked off every word in his vocabulary at once. but i'm also gonna cheat and talk about how after the sludge villain attack he runs up to deku like "you didn't save me, alright?? huh??", fooling absolutely nobody. something about fronts and underneath it all he's got a lot to work on
5. this
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do i even need to talk about this? what can i say that hasn't been said before. god.
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TOP 10 MOMENTS THAT MAKE YOU THINK GOD I LOVE THE BOY...this is such a legacy bkg moment and it happened right as i was getting into bnha so it left a big impact, i think, on the way i look at bkg's character. the way he's saying it like he doesn't want to admit it, but knows it needs to be said. he's made crazy strides since this but this was the first concrete time we ever saw him acknowledge that he was wrong in the past, has a lot of work to do, and has started, even if just barely, trying to be better in the way he needs to be. legacy moment.
3. save and be saved!!
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also soooo extremely good in terms of him recognizing he's got work to do and is on his way but in such a stupid flashy textbook bkg way!! him declaring it in the middle of a fight!! you can't grow if you don't recognize that you're missing something but growth isn't and shouldn't be about regret, it's about embracing where you're going and the victories you're making along the way!! the fact that bkg is able to acknowledge and interact w his own arc in a way that feels like HIM! loud and chaotic and even a little arrogant in how cool he knows he looks!! i love this moment. i love him
2. THIS!!
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i think...when it comes to what bkg moments stand out to me it's all the times where he put something out there himself. and there are a ton of moments in bkg and kirishima's relationship that i love (which should be super obvious at this point) and most of them Are about him learning to be a better friend and give back what he's receiving! but even kamino is about how their relationship is equal and kirishima and bkg are both taking a risk. it's about what bkg does knowing that he has someone who is willing to be by his side and try time and again to reach out to him even when he's receded back into himself in the past. in this moment bkg sees that kirishima needs someone to be there for Him and puts himself out there to help him - he's got nothing to gain here, nobody's even asking him to talk, but he finds it in himself to take the risk and pat kirishima's back! because he's a good friend. a good person. and it's through his own strength and putting himself into situations that he knows he'll have to try hard in that he's getting better, too
and number one my favorite bakugou moment of all time is
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so i love talking about bkg as a complex character with layers and hard feelings and many, many challenges to painstakingly work through and i could sit here talking about it all day but it's also equally important to me that he is a kid. he is a stupid teenager who has made mistakes and knows he's made mistakes but would he have made those mistakes if he wasn't a kid working through who he is and what that means and where he's supposed to go in the world? no! it is equally important to me that he's putting in so much work to be a better person that it is that he just gets to be happy. stinky. stupid 16 year old boy. skull shirts and baggy pants etc. and genuinely making amends with deku, through no small effort of his own to swallow his pride, yeah, but also being goofy about it. and dumb. joining the conversations about ofa and deku's next quirk because he accepts that this is a legacy that belongs to deku and the best thing he can do is provide his insight and support to the cause, but also laughing and declaring that he's still better than him and letting himself be goofy and stupid and young while he still can. because he's got so much time ahead of him! and he's on his way. i love him but this is no surprise
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sofoulandfairaday · 3 years
The ultimate How I Met Your Mother Finale rant
I know this has been done before, and I know I'm several years late to the party, but I don't care, so IN THIS ESSAY I WILL tell you about why this finale takes the spot as the second-worst finale in TV show history (because Game of Thrones is still, to this day, unbeatable, and it will probably stay like that forever). 
But first, a little context: I've just finished binge-watching HIMYM. This binge has been going on for three days straight (my final exam of the semester is in a week and I should be studying, so the fact that the last few days were a partial waste of time makes me so mad). Second thing: I already knew how it would end, and yes, kids, it does ruin the show for you. It ruins the show so much it makes your blood boil when you rewatch certain scenes, but I will get to that. 
You might want to make yourself a drink because this is a complete list of all the reasons why HIMYM's finale sucks - I'm warning you, it's gonna be looong.
It completely invalidates the entirety of season 9
This is one of the complaints people most often have with this series, and I have to agree. It would have been so much better if the last two episodes never existed, and they just showed Barney and Robin dancing at the reception after walking out of the chapel, Ted noticing Tracy and then the platform scene. "And that, kids, is the story of how I met your mother". Cut scene. Honestly, I don't get the hate people give to season 9, barring the last 2/3 episodes, especially since season 8 was so much worse (except for a few honourable mentions, like The Robin). S8 was slower, less funny, and less deep, and while the authors took a risk by making s9 happen in the span of a weekend it paid off: they took their time introducing the character of the Mother to the gang and fleshing her out. They make sure to highlight all the little ways in which Ted and Tracy are perfect for each other, and even tie up loose ends, like with the Slapsgiving episode, that was a filler but it wasn't boring to watch (although it may be problematic for different reasons, I'm not Chinese, so I can't say for sure if it's cultural appropriation or just the authors making fun of a particular movie genre). 
Some episodes were arguably great: "Daisy" was amazing, and that whole fight between Marshall and Lily was so realistic and well thought out, "Sunrise" was extremely important for Ted's character development, same goes for Tracy and "How Your Mother Met Me", "Bedtime stories" was impressive, "Rally" was incredibly funny and proved once again what a beautiful character Barney Stinson is, so much so that even Robin never has doubts that he (the guy with the biggest commitment issues on the planet) will bail on her before the wedding, and says to Ted that "he always comes back". Daphne's character is super funny and the right amount of annoying, the shenanigans of the gang are well thought out and all of the characters (not just Barney) complete their arc in this season. The last two/three episodes butcher that.
Marshall and Lily
Marshall and Lily, arguably the world's most solid couple, are the only thing this God-awful finale gets right, especially Marshall, who is my second-favourite character, that finally gets everything he deserves. But what about Lily? They never mention her career after Italy, and I refuse to believe she goes back to being a kindergarten teacher as if her year in Rome meant nothing. I also refuse to think she becomes nothing but a political wife, the equivalent of Zoey, but without saving the world. We know she has three kids, but her postpartum depression is never really talked about much and they definitely had the screentime to delve into it. 
 Where do I even begin? Barney Stinson is, without a doubt, the best character in this series, the glue of the whole gang. I think the message they were trying to give is that, since his trauma stemmed from the absence of a father figure in his life, he could only truly heal by becoming a father as well. People also say that n°31 had to stay just a number, because who could match up with Barney Stinson? First of all, I call BULSHIT on that last point, because Robin wasn't the only girl Barney could have ended up marrying. I used to think that too, but it's just not true: that is the equivalent of saying that Barney was incapable to truly love a woman and commit to her, even after all the development he got, and that he only got one shot at love in life, and that's it. This goes against the point the showrunners try to make by having Ted and Robin end up together AND by having Tracy get with Ted in the first place: "it's never too late, you always have another chance at love, etc." And, let's face it, Barney and Robin are legendary, but Barney and Nora (hell, even Barney and Quinn!) were pretty good together too. 
Second of all, if they wanted to give Barney a kid, they could have easily done that, before Barney married Robin. Barney's "redemption" starts when he gets with Robin the first time, hell maybe even when we meet James for the first time: Nora, Quinn, finding out who his father is, the episode dedicated to the lies his mum told him/finding James' father, him getting to know his own dad, etc... those are all steps along the way. The s9 episode where Barney accepts the relationship between Loretta and the reverend proves how far he's come. So why not give him a daughter BEFORE he proposes to Robin? Have him cheat on Nora/Quinn with n°31, giving him a relapse, and having him get closer to Robin while struggling to be a dad to Ellie. That would have been great. 
Or, you know, don't give him children. What's the point of burning the Playbook if you're going to have him write the second edition? What's the point of having him do a complete 180 in the last few scenes and acting like having a kid is the only thing that makes him change? What's the point of doing that when the show spends entire episodes berating Marshall and Lily for "changing too much" when they have a kid?
Also, Barney is the "challenge accepted" guy. He loves his wife so much, he spent years wanting her, and then he gives up because there is no WiFi in his hotel. How does that make any sense at all? This is Barney Stinson, the "I will fly out to San Francisco and buy Lily a plane ticket", the "I will steal every girl from my best friend just to save him for Lily", the guy that wrote the Playbook (it takes effort to pull those plays off), the guy that planned for weeks his proposal, the guy that waited years to get back at the man who stole his first girlfriend, the guy that makes every night legendary... are you telling me that that guy becomes the equivalent of a bored housewife instead of living his best life while travelling the world? Come on. They don't even try to make it believable.
While watching seasons 7 and 8, I felt that Ted was becoming the worst character on the show: he was boring, depressed, basically had no good storylines, the whole thing with Victoria was pointless and inconclusive (and the whole "stop being in love with Robin" was completely out of character for her), but whatever, we could have accepted that because it passed the message that two people could be good together, without being soulmates - which, by the way, renders the TedxRobin ship pointless, because they were right for each other, but Ted and Tracy were soulmates. Him being hung up on Robin in the latter seasons is almost pathetic, and the thing he does with the locket is insane, not romantic - BUT I will say this: it can be seen in two ways, depending on who's watching. I personally like the two as friends, so I see the whole thing as a "Dahmer" situation, but I get the people who see it as a "Dobler" one and see what he did as a grand romantic gesture. 
The problem, though, is that the whole TedxRobin ship gets pretty old, pretty fast: it's an annoying on-and-off thing, that should have ended with the locket. Because, yes, Ted was in a dark moment, yes, he was probably depressed, yes, he thought Robin was his only shot at happiness, but he changes during season nine! He spends entire episodes letting go of Robin, including the one where she transforms into a balloon and flies away. Ted is the good guy, ultimately. He is the guy that is genuinely happy for his best friends. In one of the deleted scenes from the finale, he meets Robin years later and says that he's so happy with Tracy he never thought about Robin in that way anymore. All of that gets thrown in the trash. Why do that? To use a Harry Potter metaphor, Ted is Severus Snape, while Barney is James Potter: the former loved the girl of his dreams with all his heart, even to the point of creepiness, but they weren't meant to be together. 
This, along with the next point, is the worst of all: Robin is the worst character of the entire finale. Her relationship with Ted in season 2 is wonderful, and I say that as a full-on Barney/Robin shipper. There was never a problem in their relationship, apparently, but they then break up because they have an "expiration date" and ultimately want different things in life. Except that Ted is not her soulmate. The only times when Robin wants Ted are the times where (1) she can't have him because he's either trying to move on or (2) the times where it's convenient, for example when they become roommates again and they solve their disputes again. Around that time, we see perfectly that Ted had moved on and that the person getting hurt was Barney. It's one thing to see Ted and Robin in the finale as two people picking up where they had left off after they dated. But this is not the case. 
In season 7, we have the exchange that should have put an end to any and all TedxRobin drama, and that completely invalidates whatever the writers wrote after that about the two of them: Ted declares his love - "I think you know how you feel about me now. I don't think time's gonna change that. Just tell me: do you love me?" To which she answers "No". And Ted also says later to Marshall, that he's "happy because he can finally move on". 
What a load of crap. 
Getting over someone is hard, believe me, I would know. And, oftentimes, it doesn't happen until we find someone else to love (and from the moment he meets Tracy, there is no one else for Ted). But by giving Ted feelings for Robin after this moment, it takes away from the beauty of it- because it's one of the most heartbreaking feelings in the world when you declare your love to someone and they don't love you back. Ted and Robin were both honest at that moment, and it was the last genuinely good exchange between them. After that, during season 8 they try to show us Ted trying to get over her (and failing) and in season 9 Ted getting over her completely. This is also weirdly paced because at the beginning of s8 both are in happy relationships with other people and there's no jealousy (which is good, because at least they weren't toxic) and they seem just friends (when Robin leaves Nick to go see him in the middle of the night, she implies that she would do it for any of her friends), but after Ted breaks up with Veronica because of Robin everything is weirdly coated in this sort of tension between the two: first Ted loves her, but she doesn't, so when he helps her by taking her to Barney's proposal ("which means my best bro in the world has given me his blessing"). 
And, by the way, every time they try to paint Ted as the guy that comes through for Robin after this moment, they dumb down Barney's character. And still fail to make Ted a better guy than him (see: the carousel in Central Park). 
Yes, Robin and Ted have some chemistry, but it is nothing compared to what Robin and Barney have. Every time Robin is jealous of Barney, it doesn't seem like a stupid whim, just because some other child is playing with her toys (except, perhaps, during The Robin). Robin and Barney's relationship would need a whole other post, and the next time I rewatch the series I will write down all the things that make them perfect for each other, but, to me, the biggest difference between the two relationships is this: in season 6, when she's not dating either one of them, Ted accuses Robin of never making him feel needed while they were together, whereas Barney praises her for it. Those are elective affinities: that's what Barney and Robin have, and what Tracy and Ted have. 
Barney and Robin have more or less the same arc: they both get over their fear of commitment and they do that with each other. Time and time again, we are told that if they're ever going to settle down, it would only be with the other. The first time they break up is honestly so stupid, and even when they are broken up, they are the best of friends, which also makes Robin's behaviour in the finale look so stupid. The way the two of them fit together is unparalleled, both in a romantic and a platonic way. 
Think about it: Robin makes Barney a better man, while she makes Ted a worse one. 
Also, the whole point that there are different seasons in life for everything gets thrown out the window: apparently, Ted and Robin (that were a couple that ultimately worked in their young twenties) are the same people in their forties.
But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that the two final episodes butcher Robin's arc as well: episode 23 starts with Lily saying "I want this girl to be in our lives" and we know Robin never made other friends outside of the gang, because she didn't need to, and now she walks away from everything because of fucking Ted?? This is saying "hey, Robin was only in the group for Ted, who brought her in, and now she leaves because he's not her puppy anymore". Robin was the one that was eternally indecisive between Ted and Barney and you're telling me that three years and many many life experiences later, she's still not sure? 
The point of her story is learning how to get over her fear of commitment, learning how to be there for her friends (there's an entire episode dedicated to that, and it's the one where Lily's pregnant and we meet Robin's ex-best friend in Canada), and how to balance her job and her life. Also, the way her character is treated is un-feminist and un-progressive: she becomes Ted's consolation prize. She is passive throughout s9. She cannot, ultimately, win the modern-day struggle most women have and balance out career and love life, so her true life, her "happy chapter" begins after she has already accomplished everything she wanted to and she's free for Ted. She doesn't even go back to him, she just the prize the main character wanted for all his life and only got in the end because his wife died (ONE SCENE, people, ONE SCENE!). Also, this makes Tracy the "broodmare" that gives him the kids he wanted, and his "happy family" experience before he goes to be with his one true love. 
The mother
This. This makes me so mad. One whole season spent on building up Tracy's character, just for it to go to waste. It would have been so easy to screw her up, but she is hands down the best thing about s9. She's the perfect woman for Ted and the episode shot through her perspective is the sweetest. By the end, I liked her more than Robin and Lily. She was the perfect addition to their group, she fit together with them in a perfect way, and they show us the biggest moment of her and Ted's life... for what? To have her die in a few sentences? And I don't care if they shot a funeral scene, I don't care if the finale was supposed to be 40 minutes long, because, in the end, it wasn't. The scene where Ted meets her is the second most beautiful one (after Barney's proposal to Robin) and the climax of the whole show, but they ruin her... and for what? The chemistry Ted has with her, he has with no one. The joy she brings him, the way she understands him, is unlike any other. I am sure that one of the reasons they killed her off was the shock value and I hate it. 
I cannot stress this enough: Tracy makes Ted a better person. When he's with Robin, Ted is "the nice guy" in the most selfish and narcissistic version of the trope. When he's with Tracy, love comes easy to Ted. Also, the scenes between the two of them are arguably the best Ted scenes of the show.
The kids' reactions (ugh)
It's not really what they say- it's the way they say it. The end of HIMYM was not supposed to be funny, even though the show is a sitcom. It was supposed to be bittersweet and beautiful, because it's the end of an era, and the writers must have known that. So, Ted finishes telling his story, reveals to the audience that their now-beloved Tracy is dead, and the reaction is: "No, ahah, you totally have the hots for Aunt Robin" (their words, not mine). Like, what the actual fuck? I cringed when Penny said that. It's tasteless and not fun at all. Even if it has been six years... It's still your fucking mum, show a little bit of sadness at the thought of her. 
The reason the show ended this way
What makes me especially mad is that I know for a fact that the reason they went with this ending is that it was the original one, always intended for the show, from season 2 onwards. And, if you watch it right after s2, it makes sense. But if you consider the eight years that passed and the massive character development, then no, it's not the best possible one. So many things hadn't been decided yet back in s2, especially about Barney, Ted, and Robin, and I hate that they didn't dare to scrap their work. This ending probably had sentimental meaning to the writers, but authors have to do what's best for their characters, not themselves. It's like with GoT, in a way: I think that the authors were all too aware of the impact of HIMYM and didn't believe that their finale would live up to the expectations... which compelled them to make the worst decision possible?? Every single character is OOC during the episode. Oh, and Marshall and Lily moving in the last episode is a ripoff from Friends (or maybe a tribute? Idk). Anyway, I believe that the authors were too attached to their sentimental version of "what should have been" and didn't give the characters the endings they truly deserved.
"Life works this way" // "Life only moves forward"
Some people say that the show is realistic because that's how life works. But I call super-BS on that. That might be true, and yes, people do get sick and die (Max, Marshall's dad...) and life does go on. But then, you don't frame it the way they did. It's just bad storytelling if you do it like that. And the problem is not the structure of season 9, because the characters develop in that season. The problem isn't even the mother's death. The problem is Ted ending up with Robin because that's not life moving forward for him, that's him, doing the same thing he did in 2005, 25 (twenty-fucking-five) years before! 
In conclusion, this finale is incoherent and inconclusive, and not satisfying at all. The only character that gets a good ending is Marshall: why is that? What makes his ending great? It's the fact that his character arc is respected and he finally gets what he's been working towards for more than ten years.
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sems-diarie · 2 years
sem i was rewatching a couple of gintama episodes for serotonin and i can’t help but gush over how adorable gintoki is i love that man sm 🥺 do you have a favourite episode you remember or a fav arc?
okay okay let’s get it going- so sorry this got embarrassingly long -
the shogun assassination arc STOLE MY BREATH AWAY. kamui and sougo had me by my neck (and still do) and the fact that we got to see gintoki n takasugi together again!? i absolutely adore watching them on screen together. also! i’ve always loved shige but this was the arc that solidified him for me.
the snow vacation arc w shige was so fucking funny, too 😭😭😭😭😭 when kagura and otae didn’t wanna touch him because he was greasy and stinky it had me in tears
okay and then, the farewell shinsengumi arc was so good. gintama, i feel like, is character-dependent because around here is when the overarching plotline becomes a bit confusing for me—but i love nobume and isaburo so much. the love her has for her—i wish for it. gintama proves itself over and over again to cherish family, but this was when i knew.
shinpachi’s saber beam arc had me so fucking emotional lmfaooo. it was so bad bc we were just coming out of the courtesan of a nation arc (which left me heaving and huffing for hours afterwards LMFAOOO) then the shogun assassination arc, and then farewell shinsengumi—back to back to back, i couldn’t breathe. but it also felt so good to see shinpachi love and be loved like that. it was a new side of him for me (i don’t rlly like his character but i do appreciate him when it counts). and we got the golden gintoki begging scene that still leaves me choked up to this day rmfaooo. he loves those kids so much bro. and he isn’t afraid to throw away his pride for them because he knows- he knows that pride will never be worth the pain it can bring.
i rewatch the joui 4 reunion arc a lot bc i like seeing them all together during the war 🥺 s’comforting.
the popularity poll arc 😭😭😭 it got GRITTY SO QUICK LMFAOOO. everyone was clawing for power. i also love how our mc was #1. hair flip. as per usual. and the way it started w yamazaki getting mugged 😭😭😭 LMFAOOO
i fucking LOVE the gender swap arc RMFAOOO specifically for kyuubei <333333 and tskuyou. she was so fine as a man i’d let them both breed fr
yoshiwara in flames and the red spider arcs are classics. gintoki and tsu are a compelling duo—which is why I ADOREEEE THE LOVE POLLEN SPECIALSSSSS. i especially liked the spider arc bc gintoki knows what good love looks like, what it feels like. and he wants that for tsukki. the way he gets so angry on her behalf (and maybe a little of his own) is exactly why he’s so dear to me as an mc. he carries his supporting characters with a special kind of oomf.
the saw arc with hijikata and sougo was unbelievable i hate them so much 😭
i am also especially fond of the jirocho arc. that fight at the grave yard was actually what got me into gintama!! i saw a clip of him gnashing that sword and knew i’d give ‘toki some babies lmfaooo. and also—the way he loves, the way gintoki gives so much love and protection even though he’s only felt it once from one parental figure in his childhood…. when he, kagura, and shinpachi got into that fight and they told him life wouldn’t be fun without him and he told them he just wanted them to live. i don’t think i’ll ever recover. he’s the only man in the world for me.
i also liked the jail arc!! watching gintoki terrorize the other prisoners 😭😭😭
i really liked the gintoki-hijikata soul switch arc solely for the new gintoki hair style.
oh my GOD. THE CHEATING ARC!?? WITH OTOSE AND OTAE AND TSKUYOU AND LITERALLY EVERY WOMAN IN THE MAIN CAST!? LMRMFKO i was laid out the whole time. and jealous ☹️ i wanna be his lil wife or whatever ☹️
i appreciate the arc on kagura and kamui’s home planet bc we got to see development from all sides of the fight (katsura blossoming into zura) and i love it esp bc where everyone started coming together again 🥺🥺🥺 kamui and kagura’s backstory had me geeked so hard. i will forever love that kagura doesn’t really hold it against him for leaving her (or, she does, but if he wanted to come home she’d take him in with open arms)—but it still makes me angry that he did.
last but not least (and the most obvious) the exact plot of the silver soul arc was messy but when i tell you i was geeked 400% in every episode. especially the part when everyone was sleeping and partying and just enjoying each other’s company. the greatest thing about gintama is it’s ability to make you feel like you’re there.
but anyways, generally? if the episode has gintoki and takasugi or shigeshige or kagura and sougo or kamui in it, it’s def a favorite. or if all the girls get together. and literally every episode with gintoki backstory gives me serotonin. or episodes where both the shinsengumi and odd jobs are in them. yeah :D
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raposarealm · 2 years
I saw this coming from a mile away, ehe
Why I like them:
First, I'm a sucker for well-written tsunderes. I have a type, I know.
Secondly, Rena's really relatable to me. She's from a relatively normal background, but she nonetheless ended up with a bad hand. She's not introverted and shy, per se, but she's really bad at reading the room and the people in it, and she doesn't get what things need to be not said -- so she comes across as extremely blunt and mean, and gets picked on and harassed for it enough that she closed herself off and started acting like the 'mean streak' was on purpose. She pushes her friends away because she sees herself as a burden to them, and doubles down when they confront her about it. And like, god, f4, could you possibly call me out more? Rena's desire to constantly be someone she's not, to the point of abusing her magic to copy others, really kinda hits the nail on the head; like, I bring hardships on myself and start arguments and fights in order to punish myself, but also to make myself feel like the martyr that I'm not.
Why I don’t:
The writers sometimes go overboard with Rena's 'mean' attitude, and have her act really out of line -- like the scene from the anime's first season where, after the gang save Kaede from the Friendship Ending Staircase, Rena is too scared to ask Kaede to be her friend again, and instead tells her to be 'her slave', like, what. That's just mean. I mean, it's funny, but it's harsh in a way that doesn't match Rena's constantly-misinterpreted bluntness. Sometimes the writers just have her be mean to be mean, too, like her scene in Yachiyo's MSS where she just steals one of Yachiyo's donuts and then tries to pretend she didn't just steal someone's food? That's not a social rule, that's morality, y'all.
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
There's a lot of possibilities, but I'd say either A) the game version of Chapter 10's Eve fight, where she copies Kaede's magic and the two work together to tie down Eve with a bunch of vines, or B) the Arc 2 Chapter 7 Rena/Ranka reunion, which I won't describe here because spoilers, but it's so good and also I like Ranka a lot because of Rena.
Favorite season/movie:
I'm gonna pretend half the anime didn't happen, so I'll cheat and say her MSS, which is really good anyways.
Favorite line:
From her story select: "Even Rena hates Minami Rena..."
Favorite outfit:
Her normal Magical Girl uniform, I've come to love it.
KaeRena or IroRena are both very good.
Momoko/Rena and Ranka/Rena (game please let them be happy!)
Head Canon:
Her bluntness and awkwardness reminds me heavily of autistic behavior (and by this I mean myself but shhh)
Also, she probably slays at karaoke when she's not around other people.
Unpopular opinion:
I.. don't think I hold much in this category?
A wish:
F4 please give her better outfits beyond her normal uniform and MG outfit... her winter one's ok but... her Christmas one's an atrocity.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
I don't know what I'd do if she died and/or witched out. (knocks on ood)
5 words to best describe them:
"Grumpy", "Tryhard", "Blunt", "Dedicated", "Loyal"
My nickname for them:
Honestly, I just call her 'Rena'.
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