#i have a lot to say about chrom apparently
minimutty · 5 months
Minis FE Awakening Blind Playthrough Chp 11
I'm a bit late but we back! Back to plot and more marriages! And apparently a time skip I suppose. First up: Gank Gangrel in what was the most anticlimactic revenge ever, but Emmeryn's been avenged, so that's already been squared away, woop woop.
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First up, suppports marriages. Maribelle and Ricken. Idk they seemed to be around the same age range, so I just went with it. Also Ricken and her interacted in story so that's more than enough inventive for me. Still continuing with the theme of just marrying as opposed to like dating or getting to know each other. It's a miracle any marriage in this game lasts more than a year.
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Next, Lonqu and Cordelia. Honestly I'm just gonna marry em off bc Lonqu wasn't like, violently sexist to her. He actually was pretty nice and teaches her lance stuff, and he blushes in like their C support, and in a FE support game this is more than enough. They should get married soon.
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Back to plot plot plot. Gangrel is backkkk.
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Typical dumb villain stuff. Shoulda just killed us when we were 10 levels lower. He's so dumb. Uh, anyway, he is being evil and so evil that eventually the mook soldiers realize how evil he blatantly is, so they all leave.
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This soldier probably died for saying this lmao
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For some reason the game and plot try to make what Emmeryn did like a super impactful thing, but she literally said one thing about "war is bad" and then chucks herself off a cliff and its portrayed as this super moving and motivational thing? I really don't get it. I've seen people do a lot worse and it not move people, but I guess this is a kid's game so welp welp. Good enough contrivance.
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I guess it's good enough to make our lives easier.
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We finally get our dancer! Wooop best girl is here by factor of being dancer! Dancer important!
As a reward I'm gonna try to marry her off to Libra idk. I actually haven't checked if he can.
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Gameplay-wise I was a dumbass and didn't see Gangrel's range and he killed Chrom with the leven sword, which I recognize from Smash! Be glad there's image limits bc it cuts out a lot of my stupid deaths because playing as many FE games as I have doesn't stop me from being an idiot. I think that's just a given for my life I think.
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Anyway we win, I try to get some more lvls for Virion, and we finish the Plegia arc! At least that's what I think this arc is.
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Chrom lampshades that the credits screen didn't show and we have a temporary happily after after where all the hets all get married and have kids asap, which I think is historically accurate to the end of irl wars.
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Actually this does explain why Chrom didn't call himself this. Coulda sworn FEH said differently but I'm actually surprised they explained it, props.
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Apparently ppl who play this part blind get jumpscared if they don't know Chrom gets force married here to whoever has the highest support. I knew this thanks to the power of FEH and memes, so I just married him off to first girl.
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TIMESKIP. Chrom asks what his eugenics kid's stats are still looks the same but now he has a kid. Isn't he like 19 now? Did he have the kid at 17? Well I guess medieval times idk. Sumia, Chrom's wife doesn't want to bother mothering and demands to join Chrom in I think the next bad thing to happen.
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Suma dgaf about the kid it's time to more fight. Who cares about postpartum recovery. Also Lucina's eye automatically denotes her as a main character. The benefits of royal wet nurses I guess.
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The Roommates(tm) have married banter that's more emotional than any interaction between Chrom and his wife, and then we get revealed to the next Bad Thing plot.
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Apparently this place called Valm is attacking us bc some guy named Walhart (?) is being mean and evil, I sure hope his motivations are like 2% more interesting than Gangrel's.
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Virion is back and acts like he wasn't part of our army like 2 years ago, and comes with what I think is his retainer, Cherche, whom I recognize from FEH.
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Anyway Viri here says that he was from Valm and came back bc Walhard and wants to help stop before he invades the world or whatever, so I guess that's our next plan!
Agh, I ran out of images again, but anyway Virion is being a weird womanizer so in response I probably will just keep him single, and then I get Donnel & Lissa support, Lonqu & Cordelia, and Virion & Miriel. More supports, more plot!
Conclusion: I think that's the end of Arc I. Gangrel existed to kill of Emmeryn and make Chrom exalt, and I'm guessing this next guy Walhart will probably do something similar? For now I'm focusing mostly on trying to get as many ppl married off as possible, but I'm looking forward to whatever happens next bc I honestly have no idea.
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recurringwriter · 7 months
🧡💛 for the ship asks!
🧡 a favorite friendship
this isn't fire emblem but the ask game isn't specific so: Sophie and Calcifer from Howl's Moving Castle. they are so FUN and the way they have a curse in common yet are so vastly different is delightful to me. truly one of the friendships of all time.
💛 a favorite familial relationship
there's so many good ones. brief shout-out to the entire family in Dark Lord of Derkholm and Year of the Griffin because i'm thinking about Diana Wynne Jones apparently. Amazing family relationships in those books.
OKAY. and in fire emblem there's a lot of really good ones, too, and i will say... Chrom and Lissa. i think that lissa's younger sibling energy is so strong in a very fun way, and chrom is so patient with her and i love that he looks out for her and is willing to take her opinion seriously. even though she is younger than him, she's an important part in the story.
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teaveetamer · 1 year
Someone on the subreddit made a possible fallen alts post and it legitimately has me question the entire fandom like - a majority of the choices are just "characters who sided against the main characters at some point", like the Birthright characters on Conquest and Conquest characters on Birthright. Like in what way does simply siding against the mc make a character "fallen" or "evil"?? Rhea on CF is also listed even though we have Fallen Rhea from SS!
I saw that one! Just speaking to the games I know I think a lot of them make sense, even if the justifications are just blatantly wrong. The 3H slide is probably the most "I was reaching" one to my eyes. The emblem versions of all the lords are also a biiiiiiit of a stretch until we see actual emblem alts of the characters, IMO.
For Houses/Hopes CF Rhea and AG Edelgard seem like a bit of a stretch just because they'd basically just be the same as their SS Rhea/AM Edelgard counterparts... like I don't see why they'd bother reusing them unless they were really hurting for options (and clearly they aren't, Fates alone could fill like six fallen banners by itself if they wanted).
Fallen!Byleth (not emblem) also seems like a stretch since they're apparently referencing exactly one thirty second cutscene where Sothis is temporarily in control of Byleth's body. Monica seems redundant since her "fallen" form is just Kronya and they've already done Kronya, and Jeritza as a fallen is like... that's just how he is all the time lol, unless there's something in SB that I'm missing. I've already bitched enough about how fallen Marianne is deeply ingrained fanon/headcanon with extremely minimal basis in actual canon.
From the 3H slide I think only Aelfric, Dedue, Miklan, and the Shezes really make sense as options. The former three all have clear human forms that they lose and turn into monsters, and Shez's Arval takeover only lasts for a chapter but I could reasonably see a "what if" scenario kind of like they did with the Corrins not getting their dragonstones.
The Fates slide is kind of "right church, wrong pew" in that most of the characters make sense, but as Heirs of Fate alternatives not BR/CQ alternatives. Every father character features in Heirs of Fate as an Anankos puppet so any of them could technically work for the theme. Similar deal with Mikoto, Arete, and Sumeragi, they all appear as Anankos puppets in Rev.
Gunter would also work, though he's almost definitely not going to be getting any sort of alt because of real world concerns (his JP VA died before FEH even released. All of his JP lines for his base form are recycled from Fates and because of the way Japan does voice acting, we can assume the character is retired from here on out unless they're willing to recycle more lines from Fates). Anakos would also be an obvious pick but IIRC he shared a VA with Gunther (at least partially, he might have had two different VAs one for the human and one for the dragon form or something so the circumstances might be slightly different for him). But I don't blame OP for not necessarily knowing that and they do fit the theme.
I'm not sure what they're referencing with Flora and Rhajat (it's been a hot minute since I replayed Fates) so I hesitate to say they wouldn't work, but idk. I think the only stretch there is Anthony just because no one is gonna pull for a random NPC child and IIRC he's just always like that, he never really "fell".
The Engage slide mostly makes sense actually. The only questionable one is the character who is brainwashed for like one chapter and then is literally fine, but I'm sure if they wind up being popular IS would be willing to do another "what if" type thing for them.
I think for Awakening the OP only pulled out Risen King!Chrom which... honestly I can definitely see. IS considers Cipher ideas fair game for these banners (e.g. F!Ike) and Chrom being a fairly popular main character is definitely going to be considered for a banner carry slot.
I definitely played SoV but only once in 2015 because I didn't like it that much and I literally don't remember enough of it to say if any of those options are bad picks lmao.
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convxction · 2 years
[ what if lissa can sees sometimes their mother? maybe if possible their father, too. like their souls are so restless seeing what had happened after the war and all. lissa having a high affinity for magic, perhaps even more than emmeryn that she can see spiritual energy to some degree only if she focused. like she does not know herself she has this amount of energy because subconsciously she is using it as ‘psychical’ energy more than magical🤔. lissa is too strong because her ‘mana’ is transformed to kinetic energy rather than magical type but with training and when she focuses more on magic use, she grows to have a better control of it ??? it surprises her and chrom when one she jumps startled saying she saw a woman so suddenly. then it repeats days if not weeks after. she describes the woman and it is so apparent that it was their mother. it is kind of bittersweet since you know lissa does not know her mother like, at all. chrom cannot see their mother, emmeryn might feel her presence or see misty like figure.
basically, chrom is screwed every time the situation requires magic and its use. i feel like it will definitely bother him that he cannot help in that aspect. He did train, he tried everything but it seems he has no affinity to it. i think it is a .hmm ...dunno if it is regret but certainly a part of him he wished he get better at for everyone’s sake. it carries over as he grow up but gradually becomes like ...insignificant? when he was a kid/teen it did bother him a lot because he could be stronger and protect others with magic too but growing up he realizes there are things are meant to be but it does not mean he should feel sad about it but find something else he CAN do. anyway. idk. i just want lissa to see her parents even if as spirits man 🥺🥺 lissa deserves more happy things sobs. emmeryn ofc. chrom ...eh. lmao jk he deserves happiness too. spare happiness to him pwease.
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iturbide · 3 years
Seeing the Sumia breakdown reminded me no one asked about Chrom, so... Chrom character breakdown so the whole trio is together? :D
You know what, you’re right, we do need the whole trio together
How do I feel about this character?
He’s just.  So amazing.  I didn’t go into Awakening completely blind, but I had no idea what Chrom was really like when I started, and within basically five minutes I knew that I wanted to marry him.  (This was a problem because I went with the beanpole on my first run and was playing the game straight, meaning I had no gay romance options; I consider this a travesty and it may have contributed to Future Built).  I showed a friend of mine the opening movies, and when we got to the one with Chrom and Lissa, right after Chrom helped Robin up off the ground and smiled she said, entirely unprompted, “I feel like I’m being seduced.”
And what’s so amazing about him is that it’s entirely uncalculated.  He’s not trying to charm people, he just has that way about him: he’s open and earnest and wants to help people, even if that means getting into dangerous situations -- and on top of that, he wants to trust people even if he’s told he shouldn’t.  He and Lissa might make fun of Frederick and his wariness, but honestly the man has a point; the fact that Chrom would rather let Frederick watch his back for him and give people the benefit of the doubt, rather than letting that mindset infect him and distrusting strangers, is so heartening to me, and one of the many things I really do love about him. 
He’s also flawed, though: he’s by no means a perfect person, and is susceptible to doubt and anger both.  Even if the game doesn’t give it the attention it deserves he has conflicting legacies that he’s trying to measure himself against: his father the warmonger, who he doesn’t want to be like but fears he’s becoming...and his sister the pacifist, who he wants to live up to but fears he’ll never manage.  It makes a fascinating internal character conflict and helps round him out further into his own person, rather than being just another generic blue-haired Lord.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
ROBIN.  From day one it has always been Robin, because the entire game revolves around the bond between these two people.  Even if you don’t marry Chrom, the fact is that he and Robin trust one another implicitly, such that Lucina’s herself knows that the person he trusted most in the world took his life; she might not immediately put the pieces together, but it speaks volumes for their relationship.  And honestly, the way it’s built, especially in the M!Robin supports, is so incredible: the trust and care between these two people who want to help each other and who can and do rely on one another is incredible, and makes a rock solid foundation for romance down the line.  They’re just amazing together and I love it.
Also I wholeheartedly ship him with Sumia because she’s wonderful and brings an entirely different set of skills and outlooks to the table that I think can and would be very useful to the halidom as it continues to grow under Chrom’s watch.  And yes, it’s improved 5,000% when he’s with both Sumia and Robin together (because I stand by my OT3).
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Sully, hands down.  I’m pretty sure in their supports they talk about how they’ve known each other since they were kids, and I really love the idea of these two growing up together, training together, becoming super tight as friends and being constantly ready to have each other’s backs.  Sully also makes a fantastic wingman for Chrom, let’s be real here.  Vaike is another that I really enjoy, because the idea of them having this friendly rivalry where they’re constantly sparring and trying to one-up each other is really fun.  Having them be just a chaos trio together is one of my favorite things and I really need to find a place to put that in because it’s arguably hilarious to think about Chrom getting terrible advice for how to flirt with someone from Vaike and getting smacked upside the head later by Sully after failing spectacularly with it.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
He’s really not that dumb, you guys.  Fandom loves to play up that one line from Gaius’ support with Olivia about Chrom eating an unpeeled orange (which may not even be true, it could have just been Gaius trying to make Olivia laugh), and conflating it with the idea that he’s dumb as a box of rocks.  There is very little that frustrates me more than the whole “moronsexual” joke that runs around fandom with regards to him and Robin, and it’s just not fair to Chrom as a person.  He’s not an idiot: he can do dumb things, like most people, but he is also a very capable and considerate person, and an accomplished fighter: if he were really as stupid as fandom likes to play up, he’d have been dead before getting any kind of proficiency with a sword.  Just because he can lose focus and mess up doesn’t mean that he’s a hopeless idiot.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
Okay so this is probably weird but I honestly wish that he’d tried to talk to Grima in the end.  Most of the conversation after Validar’s death at the Dragon’s Table is between Robin and Grima, and the final battle starts with the call to arms rather than any attempt to engage with the Fell Dragon; basically Chrom writes Grima off as unreachable and a force that needs to be destroyed based solely on Grima’s words, Lucina’s news of the future, and Naga’s insistence that it has to be done...even though Grima doesn’t actually hurt them at any point before the final battle. 
Do you see how weird that is?  Grima could, logically, have gone ahead and shot Chrom through the heart with a Thoron at the Dragon’s Table, since they state flat-out that they were the one who killed Chrom in Lucina’s timeline and that they share the same Heart of Grima with Robin, so it arguably would have fulfilled the same purpose regardless of whose hand summoned the spell -- but they didn’t.  They talked a big game and the giant dragon came back but Chrom at no point took fire from Grima -- heck, even after raising the dragon form Grima lets them go, flying off past Origin Peak and letting them parley with Naga.
Considering the fact that Chrom made an attempt to talk Walhart into a laying down his arms and forging an alliance, and willingly engaged twice with Validar in good faith (once after the events at Port Ferox, once after returning in hopes of acquiring Sable), it seems bizarre to me that he wouldn’t do the same with Grima.  He’s been trying so hard to hold true to his sister’s virtues of peace, of trying to talk rather than going immediately to arms the way his father would have, that it feels like he’s backsliding in the final battle when his quote facing Grima in combat is literally “I come to end you.”  I just wish he’d remembered Emmeryn’s ways in that moment, and at least tried; even if it failed like it did with Walhart, it would have been a powerful reminder that he’s still trying to live up to the best influence in his life.
Give Me a Character    
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 37: Shigure the Disney Princess
Paralogue 3: Surprise Duet
While the group is sailing to...somewhere, Azura’s sky knight son Shigure arrives, injured. Shigure explains that he is being hunted by the spooky ghost dudes we keep running into. His entire village was destroyed by the ghosts. Azura, being mysterious, says that the ghosts are hunting him because he’s her son. She doesn’t explain why, because Azura never explains anything in this path. Shigure leaps into battle to avenge his fallen friends.
This is a fun chapter. It’s split between three boats and which ones are connected changes from turn to turn as they move. After the battle, Shigure has a breakdown over the deaths of his friends and sings the only song anyone in his family knows to mourn them. Shigure, not wanting anyone else to die protecting him, joins the group so he may become stronger.
I genuinely forgot how cool of a character Shigure is. His mourning of his fallen friends and desire to grow stronger give him a lot more depth than most of the portal babies. All I remembered were a bunch of Supports about art and singing. His design is very reminiscent of his mothers, in concept if not actual pieces of clothing; he also has armored shoulders that look weird but also establish that he’s more combat focussed than Azura. His blue hair covers half of his face, which I’m not sure I like. His personal skill, Perfect Pitch, gives him a custom Rally command that heals nearby allies. I actually think I’ll like this character.
Hey, something I noticed while writing this update: Corrin has two Supports for each portal baby. Or, because Corrin can be a parent for each portal baby, three Supports. The point is, male and female Corrin have different Supports with the kids. For some reason.
Support: Lady Corrin/Shigure
C: Corrin finds Shigure singing the magic song that caused his mom to die. Shigure is singing this song while riding on a pegasus, because he's shy, something that would probably be hard to do.
B: Shigure takes Corrin on a pegasus ride.
A: Shigure takes Corrin to a beautiful waterfall with a rainbow.
S: Shigure takes Corrin back to the waterfall and proposes. Corrin, being a propper, accepts this opportunity to marry a much younger relative.
Review: Fine, but a bit shallow.
Support: Lord Corrin/Shigure
C: Corrin finds Shigure drawing.
B: Shigure shows Corrin his drawings of his destroyed village and slain guardians, which Shigure says helps ease the pain.
A: Shigure shows Corrin drawings of a place he sees in his dreams, a strange world where everything is floating.
Review: My god, a Support conversation that foreshadows plot elements. That alone makes it great. Although, now that I think about it, it is entirely possible for you to get this foreshadowing of a mysterious world of floating islands after actually visiting that place, which is odd.
Support: Azura/Shigure
C: Shigure and Azura sing together. Unfortunately, Shigure, who apparently just hit puberty, can't sing along properly.
B: Azura rewrites the song, you know which one, to be a harmonized duet. Shigure acts really shocked at this obvious solution.
A: Shigure says that he isn't as good of a singer because he doesn't have the same magic. Azura explains that her magic comes from her pendant. When Shigure asks to use it, Azura explains that the pendant kills the user. Shigure freaks out and begs his mother to let him take on the responsibility. Azura tells him no and asks him to throw the pendant into the lake if she ever dies.
Review: This Support line has a fantastic A-Rank that does a lot for Azura and Shigure as characters. The other two conversations are just kinda mediocre, though. Side note, how old is Shigure? Because this Support implies his voice only recently dropped. I was operating under the assumption that he was one of the older portal babies, perhaps even as old as twenty, but that implies he’s very young.
Support: Shigure/Father
C: Shigure's father finds him painting and says that Shigure's unseen art is really good. Shigure's father decides to set up an art exhibit, despite Shigure pointing out that a war is going on.
B: Shigure is anxious over being unable to finish a special painting he's making for the exhibit.
A: Shigure shows up to the exhibit late, having spent the entire night painting a portrait of his parents.
Review: Kinda mediocre, all things considered.
Support: Shigure/Sibling
C: Shigure's sibling finds Shigure singing in the woods, surrounded by wild animals like a goddamn Disney princess. The sibling accidentally scares the animals away. The sibling asks to hang out with Shigure and he says no.
B: Sibling scares off the animals, again. Shigure tells his sibling that the animals aren't comfortable around them because they can sense their negative emotions.
A: The sibling admits that the animals got scared off by their jealousy of Shigure. Shigure helps his sibling pet a rabbit.
Review: The fact that I’m keeping this vague made me write sibling a dozen times. Setting that aside, this one is decent.
I don’t talk about the voice acting in this game very much, mostly because I don’t know too much about the VA industry. The Fire Emblem series recycles VA’s a lot. For example, Matt Mercer, who you know for appearing in everything, voices four different characters in this game.
He voices Chrom, one of the main lords of Awakening who reappears in a DLC chapter. He also voices Ryoma. Now, this makes sense, Chrom and Ryoma are both noble, heroic princes. Mercer also voices Shigure, who is very different than Chrom and Ryoma, but is still a royal and still a heroic warrior.
The last character Mercer voices is Azama.
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summoner-asha · 3 years
You know I've always had this scenario in my mind and always thought about how it would turn out. The basic premise is that you (the summoner) exist in other worlds sorta like how there are other Askr's. Maybe some of these versions of you existed in other Fe games and had a completely different life than the you who was summoned to Askr. Then that led to me thinking about what if one of these versions of you was in a relationship with one of the Fe characters and somewhere along the way you died in battle protecting them. After some time they get summoned to Askr to see "you" but not the one they knew, but you from our world. It makes me kinda wonder how some of them react to seeing "you". How would someone like Chrom, Ike, or even someone from 3h would act? What are some of your thoughts? This has been on my mind for a long time and I wanted to see how someone else who played Feh would think of this. Thank you for your time. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
[ [ oh my Gods, I hope you didnt think I was ignoring this. I saw this and immediately got excited because I have thought about thi very thing! Like...For instance, in the games where you get to ‘make yourself’ i.e Awakening and Fates/Birthright, what would happen if the YOU from those worlds ALSO came. And I =ve always thought about this and so when I got this I got the perfect one! vwv I used our grumpy ninja Saizo because when I first played birthright I went for his ass because Ive a thing for teasing grumpy and manly men and the reward I got for dealing with his ass was not what I expected. Plus I feel that half the time (on a serious note) no one understands just how AMAZING of a partner he can be. (Well if you didnt go for him as an S rank yeah)....You know what would ALSO fuck that up???? If your KIDS came and remembered YOU as their parent. Also sorry its long ;A; I was really amped! ] ]
[ [ See and I thought I was the only one thinking of this kind of scenario too! And I have just the one in mind too! No one gives Saizo any love >: C And if you haven’t ever got him to S rank in Fates then you have no gods damn idea what youre missing with this boy-o here. SO HERE I GO! ] ]
When he had first laid eyes on you...or well….laid EYE on you, he was taken aback so terribly. If one could compare he’d best relate it to a poisoned arrow shot right into his heart. He couldn’t believe it. He thought he was seeing a ghost. Upon seeing you come into view when he was first summoned he wanted to run and grab you and hold you so close that you just might die. Again.
But he knew better. Ever so quickly did he know better. The [ Y/N ] he was seeing now was not the [Y/N] he held ever so dearly in his own World. No. It couldn’t be. And he had to learn to quickly place those thoughts aside. Being a Saizo though, he couldn’t. He needed to investigate. He needed to lay his woes and curiosity to rest. And so he did what he did best. He patrolled. Out of sight, in the shadows. Every time he was able to. Which, being a ninja, was always. Even though his own Lordship , Ryouma was there, his heart told him he needed to place importance there.
For a while he did stay away though. He made sure to never get too close to you. If you were both in the same room, he did his best to not gaze at you for too long. But there was so much that you and his [ Y/N ] had in common. It was almost sickening. It tore at his heart strings. But he steadied himself around you.
So...So...SO MANY similarities….Like how you smiled even when you were nervous. The way your head bobbed when you were trying to think of a plan. Or how your eyes glossed over when you sat and just...watched the sky. Like how the both of you would on quiet nights in Hoshido….
Eventually you would catch him though. And he’d be floored so badly. He should have seen this coming though. Back in Hoshido you were always so predictable. At least to him you were. You would tease him,
“You just have really weird supernatural ninja skills!’ You would raspberry from time to time. He would take your hand and hold it and simply sigh,
“It is through the deep connection between us that allows me to know every step you take.” His voice always soft in this fact. His large hands holding your soft and small ones. You would wrinkle your nose and roll your eyes.
Here in Askr, you would do this too with those you were close with. When Shareena would joke with you about a Hero you might like. Even in distaste when Loki would attempt to smother you in her plots.
His mind was elsewhere now as you stood before him, a brow cocked up pretty high, palms on your waist. His eye blinked, coming back to reality. You seemed annoyed. Like how Hoshido you would be whenever you found him stalking you.Oh wait, he was caught.
“Hello???” You huffed at him.”Saizo, you’ve literally been in this corner for so long. Are you-“ You wrinkled your nose with annoyance.”Are you STALKING me?!” When you got annoyed or angry at him ,you were surely a force to be reckoned with. Maybe that was also what had drawn him to you back in Hoshido…You were the only one who dared step up to him...
Saizo, this is not Hoshido anymore!
“I…”He started, a hand raised as his digits fiddled with the air as if the words were just there for him to pluck. “I was...patrolling.” His voice was faint. His eye glossed over a bit.
“You’re ALWAYS patrolling. Don’t you do anything else?” You were truly annoyed with this man. Every word pinging his memory. Like flash backs in a reel they spun in his head. “I’ve heard the others and what they’ve said about you.” At this point your arms were crossed over your chest, hips slanted to the side, toes tapping. “I can assure you I’m fine. Go back to Ryouma.” You honestly weren’t trying to sound harsh to him. But him practically breathing down your back for no apparent reason was weird and unnerving.
“I know you’re worried that if I’m not ‘tactful’ enough your precious Lordship will be in danger, but trust me, I got this.” You’d been in this world long enough to know how to care for yourself. And by care for yourself you meant you slaved nights away planning and going over maps to make sure you got the best results when taking out the Charges of Heroes that were placed into your hands the moment you rolled out of that accursed mirror.
Yeah, you fell into a mirror. That’s how you got here.
While you went on about how Saizo could just stop being a creep and let you be, all he could do was see and hear his Beloved [ Y/N ] back in Hoshido. Every detail etched into his memory. Now playing out in front of him. It almost brought him back to the day before...He lost you.
It was so cold that night too. Assassins tried your patience. Wars with other countries having brought back the instincts of war within the both of you. You had been molded into that of a seasoned and fine Leader. You had been busy with being a leader and making hard decisions. He didn’t want you to,though.You going out onto the battlefield always made him nervous. It was why he was always by your side. To take on the muscle. Be the muscle. You refused to sit back and watch though. You had a duty to the small kingdom you protected. It was your duty to be out there in the fields as well.
By this time you were still going on about how he needed to relax. There was already a plethora of other Hereos trying to “keep you safe” and you most certainly did not need more. You also just wanted him to relax and worry about himself and to just make sure he was in top form for whenever it would be that he was needed. You just wanted him to...be.
In times like this, back in Hoshido, whenever you would go off on one of your ‘angry tangits” at him, he would usually shut you up with a passionate yet soft kiss. Pulling you into his big , firm and strong arms and pressing his unmasked lips against yours. And you would melt. So simple. But not here. He couldn’t do that here. He couldn’t because you weren’t his...You someone else’s [ Y/N ] and it tore at him. Any fool would act on their hearts will, but his will of mind was stronger. Even when it was breaking apart for the second time.
“Ok are you just not listening to me or something?” You were more than annoyed. Having been going on about how he needed to chill. His eye looked at you. Almost in a glare.
Oh, if you only knew [ Y/N ].... If you only knew.
He snapped to it finally and his brows furrowed at you. “If you weren’t so aloof about what goes on about you, I wouldn’t need to ‘stalk’ you.” He gruffed. Mentally slapping hisself. That sentence was what started your relationship in your own world. And he knew he messed up by saying that. You rolled your eyes at him.
“If I had an orb for every time I was told that I would have…” you paused…”I don’t know how many but I know it would be a lot!’ You threw a finger down. He scoffed at you.
“Simpleton.” Was all he said to you after, quickly vanishing without a trace. Damn he was good ninja. You didn’t even see him leave.
He’d not be far though...He’d be at the corner of your eye, every time. Just back in his world. Ever so silently watching you from afar. Holding onto his heart break every time he would lay eye on you. And you would never know. You’d never have a clue that the man everyone rumored to be as cold hearted as he looked, once held you to the utmost importance in his life. He loved you dearly. So very dearly...You’d never know though. Never...
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greyhavensking · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
Ahhhh thank you so much @thiccbuckybarnesfic @iamthe-wo-manwhocan and @oh-i-swear-writes for tagging me! Love these kinda tag games
Name: Maria
Fandoms: Marvel, mostly; and primarily stucky, though I've written some OC/canon character fics, too. I sometimes write Clintasha into my fics but I've never written a fic exclusively based around them
Two-shot: I honestly forgot I had a two-shot, but I do! Model Behavior is literally the only two-chapter fic I've written, most of them being one-shots or multi-chapter
Most popular multi-chaptered fic: Oh, that's An Act of Kindness, which is the last fic in my you are the future series. It's only multi-chaptered because I ended up making it in the 5+1 format. It's got 9465 hits, 704 kudos, and 86 bookmarks.
Actual worst part of writing: I mean, the writing itself can be pretty stressful if I'm in a funk (which, unfortunately, has been the case a lot lately), but if I'm being honest it's probably editing? I honestly don't even really do it; what you see on Ao3 is probably the first and only draft I've written for that story. Also, fight scenes are the bane of my existence. I'm much more suited to writing long-winded emotional conversations, to say the least
How you choose your titles: Yeah, no, a lot of them are song titles or lyrics. For one of my WIPs it's a quote from the movie it's based on. Some of them are more original, like The Sunscreen Wars, but I primarily use songs lmao
Do you outline?: Uhhh depends on the story? For shortish one-shots I usually don't bother, but if I've got a more involved idea I try to at least write down the major plot points I want to hit, and some background for the characters if I think it's necessary. I like outlining, but half the time I don't actually have the full story figured out so I never get as into it as I want to
Ideas you probably won't get around to, but wouldn't it be nice: I have a whole backlog of fics I want to write some day, and they've all got little summaries or ideas sketched out in a google doc in my stucky folder, but. Well. No telling when inspiration will strike, you know? Although, there are two ideas that I love very much that I sincerely doubt I'll get to any time soon: A full-on Tangled AU with Bucky as Rapunzel and Steve as Flynn Rider, and a Fire Emblem: Awakening AU (it's a video game) with Steve as Prince Chrom and Bucky as Robin, amnesiac tactician with a troubled past who is, sadly, apparently destined to kill Chrom. Trust me when I say I would have so much to work with in terms of mixing both their canons together. But alas, I lack the motivation
Call outs @me: I reblog writer call outs on the regular lmao, but mostly it's "hey I've got this really cool idea that i'm gonna talk your ear off about but also nothing is going to come of it for like eight months"
Best writing traits: I've been told my characterization is pretty good, even when I'm writing AUs, so I'm gonna go with that
Spicy tangential opinion: Uhhhh. Huh. Maybe that the "write for yourself" thing is great and all, but. Well. When people choose to share their work online, in public spaces, it really fucking sucks to get no validation at all from, and I hate that people try to brush that off by telling writers that "writing for yourself and only for yourself" is like, the only way to be a good writer, or to be happy with your writing. I know the danger inherent in seeking validation only from outside sources, but wanting someone else to look at your work and tell you that yeah, you did a good fucking job... that's not wrong
I guarantee I'm gonna tag people who've already gone but that's okay! @somanywords @turtle-steverogers @not-withoutyou @bluesimplicity73 @stuckyflangst @metalbvcky @plutosrose (and as always feel free to ignore this! no pressure to actually do the tag!)
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personuhh · 3 years
So, I'm a major fan of Awakening, and I genuinely wanna know your thoughts on the story overall! (And no I won't attack you or anything over your opinion, I'm aware the game has a lot of flaws and whatnot, I just like to hear from people!)
I'm completely incapable of not being biased about FE:A because it's genuinely my favourite game of all time and I really do consider it flawless. I think the story is a perfect length, and comparing it to fates makes it more apparent how badly they could've fucked up. There's such a perfect balance of everything... writing and localization are top tier, every support is a treat (the least likely couples are always surprisingly enjoyable) the combat is broken but that's what makes it so fun, I think Chrom and Robin are a fantastic duo, and the rest of the main cast (Lissa, Frederick, some of the minor shepards who are a part of the main story) are such strong and grounded, yet funny as hell characters, I honestly wouldn't care what they were doing, I'd still be entertained. I think even beyond that, the future past DLC contains some of the best writing in the series and still makes me cry, I wish they'd release a spinoff or prequel with the kids' backstories set in their time, I still think there's enough material there. For a game that was supposed to be the franchise's loving sendoff... it shows how much went into it; and every game after feels disappointingly hollow by comparison.
I've never really agreed with any of the "flaws" that people say the game has, because "fixing" those exact things in fates is what makes it such a shit game (making the story longer, giving each character more supports, having a larger cast, higher stakes story which added WAY too many main characters – everything is BORING and lacks the same flavor Awakening had in its writing, and I believe it's because it came down to quantity over quality – making the avatar into a bland self-insert that eventually culminated in Byleth's silence). I love the story of Awakening from start to finish, I love the cast dearly, the only real issues I have with Awakening is the artificial difficulty on Lunatic and Lunatic+ and lack of gay relationships. That's it.
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pieman1112 · 3 years
"Mother~" Thomas came into her room after knocking "Goddess of beauty how do you fare today? Hm? Aw, come on, you wound me, of course I come to check on you and not because I was goofing around and some of the maids are after me for flirting with them haha~ Ahem~! Seriously, how are you? I heard about what happened in the previous meeting ... I'm sorry ... There's ... heh... literally nothing I can do for you ..."
Rebecca was back in her shared bedroom trying to cool off. Things had gotten heated with one of the council members after a debate about the requirement of Lissa being in the room. The council member had made note that Lissa shouldn't be there because of her lack of the royal birthmark. He didn't even know why they had to acknowledge her point as she wasn't part of the royal family as evidenced by said lack of birthmark. Rebecca retorted by asking him what purpose her having the birthmark served since she was Chrom's sister. He scoffed and said that an outsider like the 'queen' wouldn't understand the importance of such a thing. Her response was that maybe it took an outsider to bring a positive change for such things. Soon it devolved into the council member saying that Chrom was a fool for marrying such a loud mouthed wench. She could barely even be considered a lady. Chrom should have married one of the noble daughters because then they might actually get some work done instead of hearing these foolish notions. It was at that moment that Rebecca had enough of this man attitude and decided to settle this as she would whenever an ODST would insult her father. It didn't take long for her to tackle the man and start hitting him. Hunter was the one to pull her off the man. The council had to hold the meeting for the moment so that cooler heads could prevail.
Rebecca rubbed her knuckles as she let out a frustrated grunt. She knew that what she had just done was improper and not a way to handle such a thing but man did it feel good. It was then that she heard a knock and before she could say come in, her future son Thomas entered the room. The frustration she was feeling seemed to melt away after seeing him. Though a look of slight disappointment flashed on her face after seeing his facial expression. She had seen this same one a couple of times after he had chosen her room to hide in after some of the staff got tired of his comments. He also opened up with such comments if he wanted to stay out of trouble.
"Hello my wonderful son. You're not making comments to the staff that would get you in trouble are you? We had a talk about this honey." She said sighing a little.
Her eyebrow raised when he said that he was only there to check on her and then not doing well to hide his guilt. Though his tactic would grab her attention off of his misdoings by reminding her about the council member. Apparently word traveled fast about her 'disagreement'.
"You don't need to worry about that sweetie. If I had my children fix my problems then I wouldn't be a good mother would I? Things were a lot simpler when your mother was a Marine. We would argue and fight a little bit but we always had each other's back. Here it's a lot different. I'll go apologize to the man in a little bit. Let him nurse that injury a little. Your grandfather probably had to help him realign his nose. Your mother still has her right hook." She joked.
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irandrura · 4 years
Third and final post: what were my other thoughts?
 Let’s talk about the game’s mechanics first.
I am overall very pleased with the battle gameplay. On the battlefield itself the gameplay is more-or-less unchanged from the past, but the character advancement and customisation system is significantly improved. Moving to a single overall character level and giving every character the ability to change classes at will is a much more fluid and elegant system than in the past, and the ability to choose the specific combat arts and abilities each character takes looks like it adds a lot of depth. It’s probably appropriate for the overall ‘teacher’ theme of the game that you have much more power to mould each character’s skills and talents, but I’d like to see it in other games as well. There’s an important balance to strike: on the one hand, characters should not be infinitely malleable, and should all have their personal strengths and weaknesses. On the other, so much of the fun of the game is in developing characters and watching them grow that it’s really good to be able to specialise them.
Speaking of battle gameplay, divine pulse is great. The Fire Emblem series has always struggled a bit with accessibility, and while casual mode definitely made the series easier, it also felt to me like missing the point. Casual mode is too easy, and by removing any risk of permanent death, it felt like it removed a lot of the game’s tension. Divine pulse is a much better way to make the gameplay a bit easier and less frustrating while still keeping the same feel as classic FE gameplay. It gives you just enough room to survive a lucky enemy crit, or a small misjudgement on your part, without totally removing the need to be careful. I approve. That said, I did feel that by late-game you probably had access to too many pulses and it removed the need to conserve them. With a dozen pulses, there isn’t much risk any more, whereas if it stayed capped around three to five, each individual pulse might have felt more precious.
 (Apparently Mila’s Turnwheel in Shadows of Valentia actually did the mechanic first, and I totally forgot about it. Oh dear…)
Other gameplay innovations were more hit-and-miss, for me. Battalions were fine, but I don’t think I would have missed them if they weren’t there. They helped make the battlefield seem busier and more populated, but they don’t seem to have had a massive impact on the game. Similarly, monsters were mostly fine (Cindered Shadows boss notwithstanding), but again, I don’t think I’d mind very much if they didn’t come back. They rarely actually felt like the most dangerous enemies on the battlefield, and just required a slightly different strategy, and… well, maybe it’s just me, but it feels weird for FE to have boss monsters like that. I suppose arguably it’s been a tension in the series going all the way back to the original game? Marth was supposed to fight monstrous dragons, but his entire game was about enemy soldiers, and dragons didn’t stand out as the terrifying beasts they ought to have been. Still, I’m not sure I’m sold on them here.
When I started playing I complained that exploring the monastery was tedious. You can get into a routine later on, but for the most part, I did think it could have been streamlined more. Having lunch with students or going for special training or browsing the marketplace are all fun things to do, but a bit less sprinting all over the map to talk to everyone and return lost items would have been appreciated. The lost item mechanic in particular feels like busywork. A bit of exploring is nice, but only as long as it doesn’t get tedious. It might have been lovely to explore other locations as well – Enbarr, Fhirdiad, the army camp outside Gronder, etc. – but I can understand that the amount of work required would not be practical.
Speaking of tedium, though… I really could have done with a few more maps. Maybe this is my fault for constantly choosing battles, but I found myself replaying the same forest, plains, beach, or volcano map too many times for comfort.
I might also have liked for crests to be a bit more mechanically impactful, given their important to the world and the plot. I regularly forgot which of my units have crests, and what any of the crests do, since most of them have so little effect as to not matter. The only one I did usually remember was Felix’s Crest of Fraldarius, and that was mainly because it makes him do more damage and sometimes made him kill people I’d hoped to leave on one or two HP. I don’t think crests should have been overpowering, but a little more power would still have been nice. It should not have been so easy to forget that they exist.
Similarly, by the time I finished the game I realised that I had never used a Hero’s Relic, even once. I would like to say that this was a principled decision on my part, given that they turn people into monsters (and it looks like I was right about them being made from bone?), but it was mostly just the BUT-WHAT-IF-I-NEED-IT-LATER effect. They all have quite low durability, and while I understand that infinite durability, as with relics in previous games, was not an option due to breaking how combat arts work, it was still enough to discourage me from using them. Perhaps on a higher difficulty they would become necessary? I always feel a bit sad when for mechanical reasons I never let characters use their most iconic weapons.
 Moving on from mechanics…
There is technically a shipping mechanic, with an S support for the protagonist, but it really felt like an afterthought to me. I don’t think the game would lose anything significant if you just removed all the S supports. Compared to a game like Awakening or Fates, where the second generation makes it mechanically important and the plot seems like it works best with a bit of romantic drama (f!Robin/Chrom and m!Robin/Lucina looking particularly intended), Three Houses is surprisingly chaste. I suppose picking a character to be your waifu might be part of the culture now, perhaps looking also at the growing influence of waifu gacha games, but for me it felt tacked on. I can imagine potentially rewriting the game to make romance a more important theme – perhaps talking about Jeralt and Sitri a bit more? – but to be honest I think that that would have been worse for the game overall.
In particular, it stands out to me as sitting a touch oddly alongside the teacher concept. One of the things that stands out to me about Byleth as a protagonist is the way that Byleth is in a superior position relative to the other units. You are a professor, in a position of authority, and you have more life experience. Your job is to teach and mentor these younger characters. This contrasts strongly with Robin, who I think was presented as the equal of the other Shepherds (your relationship with Chrom is that of comrade and friend), and with Corrin, who was presented as an inferior or junior (your siblings are older than you, and they start off with higher status). Because of that superior position, then, I found the game suggesting a feeling of responsibility towards them, and a feeling of pride in their accomplishments.
This might be a bizarre comparison, but in some ways a game that Three Houses reminded me of while playing was Princess Maker 2, a weird little DOS game from 1993 about raising a girl. The core loop of choosing activities to raise the stats of a character in your care, punctuated with occasional outings to fight monsters and get loot, felt quite similar. Similarly, the emotions that seemed to be evoked, to me, were emotions of care and pride: perhaps not paternal as such, since Byleth isn’t that old, but certainly the satisfaction that comes from nurturing a younger and less experienced person.
For the most part that actually worked, and I certainly applaud it for feeling less icky than Fates. If I compare tea parties to that weird Fates mechanic where you could invite characters to your room and touch their face, it is vastly less creepy. So I’m glad that the romance has been toned down.
And speaking of things that I’m glad aren’t prominent…
I’m deliberately burying this part in the middle of a long post. Tumblr is famously ruthless on issues like this, but fortunately I have a very low follower count and you’re all nice people. Basically, one of my worries going into the game was that Three Houses might be the ‘woke’ Fire Emblem game. I am glad to find that concern averted, at least so far. A person could perhaps make some pretty cringeworthy interpretations of Duscur to do with racial politics, but the game itself does not push you in that direction. Tumblr and AO3 love slash shipping, but as far as I can tell that remains as canonically unsupported as ever. Interestingly, while Three Houses has a small handful of same-sex romantic S supports and endings, as far as I can tell they’re all for Byleth and they’re all simply copy-pastes of the opposite-sex versions. It’s enough for me to genuinely wonder whether they’re in the original Japanese at all, or if they were added. I know translations of FE games have played around with character sexualities before, so it’s possible. At any rate, part of me was concerned that this might be the Dragon Age: Inquisition of Fire Emblem, and fortunately it isn’t. (I mean, I did actually enjoy Dragon Age: Inquisition, but at times it did get to be a bit much.) I’ll take this as a valuable lesson when it comes to not believing posts I see on Tumblr. You’d think I would have learned from previous games: popular fan interpretations of a character are often completely wrong. Three Houses seems for the most part to be a very traditional Fire Emblem game.
In terms of the overall series trajectory, I take Three Houses to be an overall positive sign. Awakening and Fates seemed to be taking the series in a direction that I didn’t care for as much, with heavy use of player avatar characters, much more fan service, and more trope-driven plots. Three Houses seems like a return to deeper worldbuilding and characterisation. The cast of characters overall has definitely been a high point: in Fates I sometimes struggled to build a team of characters that I felt truly fond of, but in Three Houses there were usually more characters I wanted to use than I had space for, and there were no recruitable characters that I truly disliked.
Really, the biggest disconnect between me and Three Houses, in the end, is the fact that Three Houses is built for replayability, and I don’t like replaying games very much. However, I don’t think I can in good faith call that a flaw or poor design: obviously there are a lot of people who love replayability, and considering that I got a good eighty hours of gameplay out of my first playthrough (DLC included) and enjoyed it, I’m not really in a position to complain.
So in the end, then, I think that while Three Houses is not my favourite Fire Emblem and does have some places where it could be improved, for the most part I think it’s quite a good outing and a significant improvement on the last few. It is not designed entirely to my tastes, but what is here is mostly good. Three Houses leaves me feeling much more optimistic for the future of the franchise than Fates did.
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tactful-kind-daedra · 3 years
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following:
1: Their first impression of your muse:
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"Truthfully, I didn't really know what to think when Chrom announced we'd be getting another tactician in the ranks. I suppose I can admit, at the time, I was more worried I wasn't doing a very good job and was being replaced. Apparently they were also very skilled at fighting and magic; things I'm certainly lacking in. Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck for quite a bit of time."
2. Current impression:
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"Nobu's my husband so of course my impression is a very good now," she said with a laugh. "We do have disagreements time to time on things, but everyone does~ He's generally much more interested in ruling and the workings of the Empire, and he does that much better than I could certainly. We both know what roles suit us best, that's probably why we meld well together!"
3. Are they attracted to your muse?:
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"Oh, very very much~ Simply the most handsome man all around, even in his dragon skin."
4. Something they find frightening about your muse:
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"My Nobu can have a bit of a temper about him... Not that I'm worried he'd do anything to me or the children; certainly not! However, he sometimes gets preoccupied with 'getting even' and putting others in what he designates as 'their place'. I simply can't understand the appeal of it. I can't see how someone could find joy in making another so unhappy, even if they aren't an upstanding type of person..."
5. Something they find adorable about your muse:
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"For all he does to make himself to be the 'unmoving and unshakable Emperor', it all crumbles away when his children make sad eyes and beg to him. He completely crumbles under their plights~ I suppose the same could be said for myself, but I generally try not to use such tactics. I don't want him to be feel obligated."
6. Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:
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"Of course! I'd be quite the awful spouse if I wouldn't do such for my beloved husband or children! Though, I will certainly try not to put myself into such a position and make such heart-ache for him."
7. Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:
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"We would, if we could, however, it's a lot of work to keep so much running in order. Not to mention keeping the children generally entertained. I suppose it would also be a bit hard for Nobu and I to go somewhere and be inconspicuous. Though, we do plan personal holidays for ourselves, sometimes with or without the children... if that counts."
8. One word my muse would use to describe yours:
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9. Would my muse slap yours if they could?:
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"Only if he's being very naughty~"
10. Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
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"Multiple times daily, if possible! Which it usually is."
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I suppose that's a huge difference between the Trio's relationships in Awakening to their relationships in Fates. In Awakening everything was PERSONAL. Every interaction, every wound, every fight, every revelation one side or another. All of them have the potential to be very personal because anyone could be a brother, a sister, a mom, dad, uncle, aunt. In Fates the only personal relationships are their liege and whomever they have family with if they have a family at all
Hmm, I’ve never thought of it like that! You do have a point that the army consisting of the Shepherds in Awakening made everything feel personal though. The army never felt super huge, and everyone felt like they could run into each other at any given time, even if they didn’t have canon Supports, and they might still have an interaction. I guess the end of the world (and Chrom) does that to people, haha. I wouldn’t necessarily say the relationships in Fates are relegated to just lieges + spouse/kids though! Outside of the main story, there are a lot of friendship Supports that can be seen through until the end as well! I usually choose the background characters in my FE fics based on who has canon Supports with each other, for example, although I obviously tend to focus on the romance stuff much more. But I really like the fact that Keaton and Laslow can become good friends! That Keaton brings him gross bugs to show off and they play frisbee together! I like that Selena tells Xander to lighten up and that Xander feels at ease watching Felicia work! And that Niles and Elise actually have a sweet friendship! I like that Arthur and Azura apparently met briefly before the game! I like that Hinata and Odin can become friends who bond over magic and cool things, and that Charlotte and Beruka can talk about different ways to kill a man (the result of which apparently makes Camilla laugh when she hears it) and that Kaze likes the snacks Peri makes and that Azama learns how to be responsible because he’s supervising Felicia and that Saizo is genuinely nice to Mozu and likes working the fields with her and !!! I can go on, lol
So, on one hand, you’re absolutely right that Fates has a different feel from Awakening! There’s definitely a lot more divide between groups, and people feel more like they have a social circle they run in and usually wouldn’t cross outside of Revelations. And even then, there are so many characters that everyone feels less likely to have the potential to be good friends/to feel close-knit even if they aren’t friends than in Awakening. Like that original ask basically says, Corrin + Hoshido royals wouldn’t be nearly as affected by a Trio reveals as the Nohr royals. But!! I think there are a lot of people who could care about the Trio and take that reveal more personally! Even if they aren’t the royals, I think it would matter to their everyday friends a lot more too. So it’s personal in that sense! And also realistic in the sense that every friend you have is not necessarily friends with each other, but they all share the common thread of caring about you.
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evajellion · 3 years
2020 vidya ranking: #2 Fire Emblem Three Houses
The first game I played starting in 2020, and the first Fire Emblem game I also ever played. It was released a year before, but hey-- this list is based off of what I played, not what came out this year.
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And if the placement was not obvious enough, it left an impression.
Lemme make a confession-- I only tried this game out after Byleth was revealed in Smash Ultimate. I had no interest in the game prior, especially since the english VA for male Byleth was a complete creep. Thankfully, he did get replaced later on, but I still had no interest trying the game.
When Byleth got revealed for Smash, a wave of anger flooded the internet. I wasn’t exactly too impressed either, and honestly… Sakurai’s attempt at trying to show off Fire Emblem this late into the franchise’s life… was not a good way to sell people on this game. Sorry Sakurai, you’re a great guy! Just not a good advertiser, and obviously a majority were less willing to try FE after that.
So what made me change my mind? Well, it was none other than Alpharad’s video, who was happy about Byleth being in because he said Three Houses was great, but admitted it was poor execution. Byleth wasn’t a bad character, it was just the unfortunate burden to carry right after Corrin and Chrom. Apparently this character was even planned to be in Ultimate sooner, but was pushed back due to 3H being delayed.
From there, I watched a video of Alpharad actually playing the game, and… I liked what I saw! So good job, Alpha, you did a better job at selling Fire Emblem to me than Nintendo did, evidently he should be given royalties for it.
I bought the game about a month before my birthday, just a bit before Byleth’s DLC would even come out, and just before COVID struck. I had no idea what I was getting into-- I was nervous actually, because I didn’t know if I would like the gameplay, even if Alpha made the game look pretty enjoyable.
So there are three houses (but in actuality, there are four routes plus one more if you wanna burn $30), your silent, mercenary protagonist is tasked with becoming a teacher for one of said houses. Black Eagles, Blue Lions, and Golden Deer. I already knew what was going to happen in Black Eagles (haha no I didn’t), so I went the Blue Lions route, because I figured Dimitri would be the generic one to start off with, that and I liked the students there.
About ten hours into the game, I realized how dead wrong I was to make the assumptions I did, because the Blue Lions route tore my goddamn heart out.
When was the last time I actually cried over a video game of all things? I think it was The Legend of Dragoon, that game kept tugging me like a fiddle to the point where I was at tears.
I made the mistake of not recruiting anyone because I was nervous. It was a mistake that I came to regret during the half-way point. Felix kept being rude to Dimitri for some reason, and I figured he was blowing it out of proportion until I got to that point. I wanted to protect just about every goddamn character in my first playthrough! 
I ended up venting to my friends who had zero interest in the game about it, which I’m sure was annoying as all hell, but that’s how much this game ended up making me feel. Dimitri is probably one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters ever (followed up by Seteth and Marianne), and the worst part is I don’t wanna say why for people who hadn’t played this game.
Can I mention the soundtrack for this game too? No, really, the composers knew how to make this game’s OST emotional. It’s an absolute crime that God Shattering Star wasn’t in Smash Ultimate, and I don’t care if it was for spoiler reasons.
Gameplay is as refined as it gets here. Sure, you sometimes have an annoying system with the larger monsters, but of all the FE games this one is probably the best for beginners. This game also handles your same-sex relations better than Fates did, thank god. Sure, it’s not perfect like Story of Seasons, but I’ll take it!
My only criticisms are that some of the routes… feel unpolished. This is because, the game wasn’t exactly finished, which is a bit obvious since the graphic quality doesn’t match other Switch titles. Apparently, the writers were having trouble during the Golden Deer and Black Eagles routes. There was also this character known as the Death Knight, who I adore, but it took until an update for the developers to remember he was in the game at all and make him a playable character. (thankfully, that was also the last route I needed to do)
Why is the game unfinished? Well, it had already gone through delays, I imagine Nintendo wanted it out by summer time because any later is the season where they wanna shill Pokémon or something. But this is a situation similar to The Wind Waker where even though a lot of stuff went unfinished, the game is a fantastic gem.
I’ve rambled far enough. If you somehow haven’t gotten this game yet, I highly recommend it, play through it blind so you can really get the story experience… juuuust be wary of the price tag. See if you can get a good deal on it.
And yet, there’s one game that I liked more than this. One I would personally say, should have been a part of GOTY in 2019.
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convxction · 3 years
"Uncle Chrom? Would you mind telling me a story about my mother, if you have the time to spare?" - Accalon
Emmeryn’s birthday | @crestlocked
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“Hm? Ah, Accalon.” the lord lowered the sword he was cleaning to listen to what his nephew had to say and that somewhat left him speechless for a good minute. Not in a bad way, mind you, it’s just the rush of memories caught him off guard. Gods... he do have her eyes, doesn’t he? 
Sitting the sword aside, Chrom made a room for the young man to sit down as he patted the empty space for him to sit beside him. “Of course. A story ...” index reached to rub his chin thoughtfully, trying to recall a pleasant memory to tell the boy. There were honestly a lot but he wants one that he does not...look like a dumb. He has his pride to keep in front of his nephew. Owain already knows the bits and pieces because apparently Lissa of the future did not shy away from exposing him (and herself for that matter.)
“Let’s see... Ah, alright. I got one. One time, I believe I was 13 by then, we had stealing incident in the castle. The investigation did not yield any results because whoever stole from the kitchen, knew their way in and out. Knights waited to ambush whoever comes to steal but they never show up when the knights are present. A distrust between the knights and the castle staff started to rise, honestly it was going to be chaotic if it weren’t for Emmerryn.” a pause to breath in deeply. It was amazing how she always knew how to act no matter the situation is. He remembers that he was mad at the thief--biting the hand that feeds them and all that honor and loyalty. Rich words like these wouldn’t feed hungry tummies, especially not what after his ..late father did. A war that consumed everyone, not letting anyone out of its clutch. He was naïve and too idealist back at that time. Heh...things have changed, but he could not say to the worse. All thanks to the bonds that carried him to this day.
“So,” he continued hands clasped together as he looked at the young man. “What do you think your mother did?” he was not expecting an answer from Accalon, it’s just the kind of interjection to not bore him with his long rant. “She ordered that no one cook for the entire week. The order was shocking because how else are we supposed to eat, not to mention, she sent the chefs and everyone working in the kitchen back to their homes for a vacation. At that point, the knights were worried and confused of her order. ‘Who was going to cook for us?’ everyone asked and there come their answer, ‘I will’ said Emmeryn with her smile gracing her face. Eveyone could not believe it, they thought she was joking but lo and behold, she went into the kitchen closed the doors on herself and refused to let anyone help her.” 
“Heh, can you believe it? The exalt cooking for the whole castle? That was hilarious! I tried talking to her, Frederick, Phila, but she refused to listen to anyone. The knights wanted to break the door but she warned anyone from walking into the kitchen. The whole day passed by and Emmeryn did not leave the kitchen and the noises were getting quieter and quieter. That obviously made us worried. The knights, and the Falcon Knights were in favor of breaking the door at that instance but Phila stood against them. She reproached them for trying to break Emmeryn’s order and made them leave the area back to their posts.”
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Leaning to the back a little bit to stretch, Chrom stared for a second at the sky then fixed his posture once again. “You would not believe who was the thief back then... a group of children who snuck into the castle and found a small hole in the kitchen to smuggle the food outside. How did they get in, I personally don’t know. That part was kept a secret but from what I surmise...it was my sister who let them in, or made it easier for them to get in. These children from the slums... Big sister was lecturing them when she remained in the kitchen. She knew once the knights will get in, they will be forced into jail. It seems that she wanted them to get what they want and not steal from someone else but they were exposed. You know, it made think a lot on why my sister did what she did. Why...why did she let in strangers in the castle like that...then it occurred to me...she was expecting something to happen, and it did. These children never came back to the castle afterwards. I wondered what happened but my curiosity was answered when I initiated the Shepherds. These children--now adults, were first to volunteer into the ranks. Big sister not only gave them food but she wanted them to see the castle from inside and determine what they want to do in the future. For a long time the castle had been accessible to almost everyone, but in the last 15 things had to be changed. Kids like them could not wander close to the gate let alone get inside with how much hatred was going on for us. They saw and heard with their own selves the real truth and let others know. It was kind of a reckless plan to let in kids and not expecting someone to get a wind of it but sister had really all her trust in them.”
A low sigh, ”Big sister never doubted anyone even if she saw them red handed. She believed in those kids and look at them now...doing everything they could to protect Ylisse back.” Chrom pauses and realize he went on a tangent. “Er, well, um yeah...that’s one story.... Apologies if it was long.” a sheepish smile curls his lips. “But Accalon,” more serious demeanor in his tone. “Your mother was not once foolish. We’re here because of her sacrifice, don’t forget that...don’t forget her. Some might see what she did was unreasonable...illogical...foolish but only who was there knew what it truly meant to scarifice your life like that.”    
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iturbide · 4 years
Ask memes are always fun. Can I please ask 18 and 30? Thank you.
Of course you can! ❤
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
Oh gosh this is tough because honestly there are a lot of little things I’m proud of across my works but let’s start here because this never seems to get attention despite it being one of my favorite things about Future Built chapter 15:
“Where do you want me?”
The tactician whirled as Chrom shouldered his way through the crowd with sword in hand.  “I want you with the rest of the injured,” Robin hissed.
“I’m not leaving you to this fight alone,” the prince said.
“In your condition, going into battle is suicide.”
“The healers said I was free to move about camp--”
“There’s a difference between daily activities and a godsdamn war, Chrom.”
“I’m the captain--”
“And I’m your tactician, so listen to me when I say keep back.”
“Chrom, I swear on Grima’s bones if you don’t keep back in this fight I will drag you back and tie you down.”
The prince stared as the tactician struggled to rein in his emotions.  “Did you just threaten me?”
“Will it convince you to listen if I say yes?”
The captain raised an eyebrow.
Robin is normally a master of his own emotions, preferring to push them down so that he can think through things.  The whole incident in the Plegia Castle Courtyard had a big impact on him, though, and Chrom’s apparent disregard for his own health and safety isn’t helping his attempts at keeping his cool.  But the big thing is really his oath: despite growing up in Ferox, Robin was still raised Grimleal by his mother, and she didn’t shy away from swearing in heated moments (’for Grima’s sake’ was a favorite when she was exasperated).  To her, making an oath on Grima’s bones was an indelible promise, and something she did not use lightly; even before coming to Ylisse, Robin treated it with similar gravity, and after crossing the border he was especially careful to keep more suspect language like that to himself. 
In that moment, though?  He is dead serious about keeping Chrom out of further danger, and needs a way to express that.  So even though he’s keeping his voice low to avoid anyone else hearing, he makes that oath on Grima’s bones, clear proof that he’s not messing around here -- and Chrom, who has never heard Robin speak Grima’s name when they weren’t completely alone, recognizes the gravity of that choice and wisely backs down.
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future. 
I have too many AUs.  Also too many WiPs, which is a related issue.  There are a ton of longfics that I want to write at some point, but why not dig deep: for every fandom I engage in, I tend to have a single magnum opus that I pour a frankly absurd amount of love and care into.  They tend to be monsters -- Future Built is my Awakening opus, for example -- and bundle up a lot of things that I find important or meaningful.  One of my very first fandoms was actually Ace Attorney, and someday I intend to go back to that fandom and write my opus, since I’ve been sitting on the concept for literal years now but haven’t gotten all the necessary details hashed out like profiles, evidence, etc.  It was actually inspired by another fic I read and took issue with -- I wasn’t fond of how they portrayed Miles Edgeworth, for one, and the conceit of Phoenix getting tried for Edgeworth’s murder hinged on that (in my view flawed) characterization -- so I decided to write something in a similar vein that fixed what seemed so off to me...which meant a complete role reversal, and ends up with Maya having to defend Edgeworth in court when he’s accused of murdering Phoenix Wright.  Although it’s nowhere near ready to write yet, I do have at least a general plot progression, a ton of planned scenes, and a title -- ‘Crime of Passion’ because if I’m gonna write a story about lawyers you bet I’m gonna go ham on legal terminology.
Behind the Scenes Asks
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