#i have too many of my own headcanons and they're basically just my ocs at this point LOL
cobaltfluff · 2 months
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wherein akechi avoids looking at his reflection as he sees too much of his mother in his own appearance
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cherriko-art · 3 months
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I haven't even started Leah's romance route yet but I've already got their entire relationship and dynamic mapped out in my head.
Rambling into the void, but my female farmer OC, Mili, is basically a female himbo. I'd like to think that she doesn't really get all the passive aggressive jabs Leah makes to the farmer in the beginning of the game, and it makes Leah feel kinda bad abt it later on. As they grow more familiar with each other, I'd believe Mili's tenacious attitude eventually wears down Leah's defensive walls and she starts to grow fond of Mili and her lil' antics (much to Leah's own horror).
And since Mili is kinda airheaded but kind, she's easy to take advantage of, even if others don't exactly have any ill intentions. This would start to annoy Leah as she sees Mili running around helping everyone and their dog around town, and she starts to get kinda overprotective of Mili, and chastises her for never being able to say no to anyone (both farmer siblings are like this tbh). I kinda headcanon that Leah hates Scott bc 1. She's lowkey jealous that Mili and Scott hang out a lot in the mines (but she can't bring herself to go to there herself, its gross and dirty and also there's no reception) but mainly bc 2. She thinks Scott is absolutely full of shit with his museum that exists purely due to all the donations Mili makes to it, but he essentially takes all the credit for. Mili disagrees, but regardless, Leah and Scott don't get along.
After they start dating, Leah becomes an overprotective but proud gf who loves showing Mili off to her followers. The only thing is that she despairs over Mili's lack of fashion sense, esp since Mili's older sibling, Lu-Ran, is perfectly well-dressed themselves. So it becomes her hobby to dress Mili up in cute but practical clothes.
On Mili's end, she's just a simple girl with simple thoughts. Leah is a drop-dead gorgeous gf with a heart of gold (according to Mili, disagreed with by many others). She doesn't really get all the influencer stuff but she's supportive and likes to chat with Leah's followers on livestreams. She doesn't know that Leah's followers have basically formed a Mili Fan Club/Protection Squad.
I also like to think that Leah is a lifestyle influencer and environmental advocate. She donates the money made during livestreams and sponsorships towards environmental research and causes. My headcanon is that she's one of Ling's main sponsor (anonymous of course) for her coral research.
Overall, I'm a big fan of "opposites attract" tropes, so I am obsessed with my OC Mili and seeing how the relationship dynamic with Leah would work out. Mili would help Leah become more emotionally vulnerable and be less rigid, while Leah would be a solid rock in Mili's chaotic life who helps keep her grounded and remind her to take care of herself and not just others. Leah is a bit antisocial though, despite being an influencer, so being together with the social butterfly that Mili is would be quite interesting. With Mili as the bridge, Leah would eventually open up to other villagers too and become friends with Mili's friends too (other than Scott of course). From the get-go, Leah would get along very well with Mili's older sibling (my other farmer OC), Lu-Ran, as they're very down-to-earth, quiet and acceptably-dressed (to Leah's standards).
Anyways, if you actually read my word vomit, thank you for entertaining my 2am brain ramblings.
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saintsenara · 3 months
if you are still doing ship game, thoughts on jily?
thank you very much, anon - i am always taking questions both on romantic ships and on characters' platonic vibes, the more unhinged the better.
although jily can't really be described in those terms, not least because their narrative purpose in canon is to be little more than blank canvases onto which harry can project as he goes through his series-long character arc, shedding his initial hero worship of james when confronted with the reality of his father's behaviour in order of the phoenix and starting both to fully appreciate lily's centrality to the course his life is taking and to see his dad with nuance as a real and fully-rounded person, flaws and all.
this narrative role means that the glimpses we get of them in canon feel kind of superficial - their bantering during snape's worst memory is basically high-school-teen-movie level, the snapshots of their life under lockdown in deathly hallows lovely and bittersweet but also just colour to a storyline which is already all of those things.
and this is not to say that i find jily uninteresting as a ship - i completely reject the common anti-jily position that they didn't really like each other, that they had nothing in common, or that their backgrounds made them incompatible [i'll expand on this below, but while i do think that their respective blood statuses and the impact of these on their relationship are worth thinking about, i loathe fics which portray james as chafing against his marriage because, as a pureblood, he'd be more comfortable with someone 'of his own kind'. this is bullshit, and there's far, far too much of it in this fandom]. my views on one of james' most frequent non-lily partnerships are well known, and i share the outrage many jily fans have for the way lily in particular is treated in a subfandom increasingly dominated by rigid fanon which prioritises giving depth to male characters [even if those characters are, in essence, oc's] and slash relationships over exploring the canon female characters, partnered or not.
but i do also find that a lot of jily falls into the same trap as much of the hinny i dislike - that is, a tendency to present as a sunshine-and-roses fairytale a relationship which is much more interesting if the things which canon implies [and which can be reasonably inferred outside of canon scenes from a canon coherent engagement with the text] might have introduced an element of dysfunction into james and lily's partnership are taken into account.
the shadow of the war is obviously one of these things. what role lily actually plays in the resistance is something which preoccupies me [she is never mentioned in canon to have taken a combat role - and i find it considerably more plausible that any attempt voldemort made to recruit her was at snape's request and connected to her potions prowess] particularly because, as we see in the way her death is memorialised in deathly hallows, the series regards the defence of the integrity of the nuclear family as a key aim for the good guys. how does she interact with james and his wartime role when she's pregnant, nursing, or in hiding for the vast majority of her time in the order? how does she feel about her husband being a soldier if she's behind the scenes?
indeed, what role james [and sirius] plays in the order is also something i'm obsessed with thinking about - not least because so much of the inherent tragedy of the marauders' storyline is caused by the fact that james and sirius think they're fucking invincible and that their plans to keep the potters safe are foolproof. it's entirely reasonable to read james and sirius as being pretty gung-ho about being paramilitaries - and my headcanon is absolutely that more battled-hardened order members didn't like them very much [moody does not, after all, seem massively fond of sirius] - and lily seems affected by this too [she's not holding her wand either!], and what they thought they were doing as 1981 rolls around is compelling to me.
james and lily's divergent backgrounds is also something i'd like to see explored more in fandom - not, as i've said, in the dull 'james should have married a pureblood' way, but in a way which deals with the fact that their relationship follows wizarding norms. molly weasley can blame the war all she likes, but [although i doubt this was jkr's intention] the evidence of canon is that witches and wizards marry and have children extremely young as a social standard, that couples generally don't live together before marriage, that divorce doesn't seem to be common, and that married women tend not to work. lily - a mother at twenty and, therefore, presumably married at nineteen - is coming of age, then, in a magical world which thinks about gender very differently from the muggle world of the 1970s, and i think that tension is worth exploring.
[similarly, the way in which her marriage is self-protective - lily gains a pureblood name and the social cachet which comes with it at a time when she's in rising danger on account of her birth - is something i think it's worth looking at when considering the pairing.]
there are other flashes of dysfuntion which i adore thinking about in relation to jily - lily's relationship with the other marauders [you can pry the reading that sirius resents her for stealing the love of his life - and i certainly don't mean lupin - away from him from my cold, dead hands]; how much of his misbehaviour at school james conceals from her; the fact that lily becoming more overtly interested in james from her sixth year onward must have a little bit of attempting to make snape jealous mixed into it - and whenever i stumble upon them in fics i say oh ho like horace slughorn and kick my little feet in the air.
i care rather less about 'we're so hot and flawless and not doomed' as a trope.
but i do stan james for beefing with vernon dursley even though lily told him to behave. the man really is just that annoying.
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gavinom123 · 1 year
RIGHT HI HELLO i'm going to make a quick post discussing what's been happening over on twitter these past few days, but it's going to be very long as I'm including as much context as possible!
Before the majority of the post begins, for context: IZ-san does not allow any edits of their artwork, including video fancams, meme edits, and even color filters. Nothing of the sort regarding their artwork is permitted. Full guidelines regarding their work can be found here, so please give it a read if you haven't already! I've been seeing more and more people across various socials disrespect their boundaries, and it's only basic manners to respect them.
It started with a peing ask (similar to curiouscat or retrospring for non-en twitter users) regarding Noel's status as a transgender character
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To briefly summarize, it this ask explains that since Noel was Patricia, many people mistake him for a transgender character. It goes on to ask about IZ-san's opinions on trans and LGBT headcanons for their characters, and apologizes if their questions don't make sense as they are using a translator.
They included a translated version of their response in english, so I'll be sharing that below as well.
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To put it simply, none of the characters in Witch's Heart are written as members of the LGBT community. While these headcanons are allowed, they should not pretend that these are official and should not use IZ-san's illustrations to share them.
They quietly added onto this after posting their response
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They build onto this the next day, first tweeting in japanese, and then in english. I'm sharing the english screenshots below.
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Again, they are nothing but respectful about the situation. They've chalked it up to cultural differences, but in my opinion it's not even a cultural difference. It's others pushing their interpretations of the characters onto the fucking developer of the game. The characters of Witch's Heart aren't those made by some big company, they're literally IZ-san's OCs that they've been kind enough to share with us. They do build onto the cultural differences interpretation here, again showing nothing but their attempt to understand why people are time and time again horrible to them.
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After this, they received another very very long peing ask, which I'll include the MTL of below.
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Their response isn't translated this time, so I'm including the MTL below.
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They explain their perspective, as well as the japanese perspective on LGBT+ representation-- specifically that many people in Japan consider it disrespectful to include LGBT+ characters in works that are not themed around the subject.
They build onto this in their tweets after answering this question, some of which are screenshotted below. I won't be screenshotting everything as this post is long enough as it is, but if you're interested please go check out the rest!
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After this point, IZ-san hasn't tweeted anything new outside of replies to those offering their support.
To summarize all of this succinctly: you're allowed to have your own personal headcanons! However, they aren't allowed in the official tag (#witchsheart), and should be kept to the non-official-content tags if mentioned (#whnoc + #whnos). Additionally you cannot pretend that your headcanons are canon, and use that argument to harass others over them. You are also not permitted to use official art in sharing these headcanons. Please be respectful of IZ-san's boundaries as they've had to explain this way too many fucking times.
From here on it's just going to be my opinion on everything, so feel free to stop reading from here if that's not something that interests you. In my opinion, main problem here doesn't have anything to do with headcanoning or editing IZ-san's art: it's a simple matter of respect. Witch's Heart is an indie game made by a single person in their attempt to share their characters and their story with people worldwide. Why do people treat it as if it's some big game made by a corporation? Why the fuck are you so entitled to someone else's artwork and characters that you'd go out of your way to disrespect their very clear boundaries? This isn't unique to IZ-san, there have been so many other creators having similar issues. Segawa-san disallowed english translations of their work entirely because so many people were reposting and editing their artwork. Even EN artists are having similar struggles-- just look at Welcome Home and all the fan merch people made against partycoffin's wishes. The commodification of someone else's OCs has got to fucking stop, you can't claim them just because they got popular!! It's not even limited to just gamedevs and content creators-- people feel entitled to doing what they please with even just fanart. Many of my friends and I have had our work reposted without permission, even when "DO NOT REPOST" is written all over it in clearly visible and bold letters. Literally last fucking week I saw a group of like 14-year olds harassing a kr artist because they asked them not to repost their art, and these fucking kids responded by maliciously editing and tracing and reposting it even more. There's a level of basic human decency that isn't being met in fandom overall nowadays, but especially rpgmaker circles and it makes me so fucking sad. It's not that hard to be a decent human being so just fucking stop.
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caerus (god of opportunity and luck) headcanons since my oc is his kid
youngest child of zeus
I imagine him as a mix of apollo and loki
not a good father, he's there but disappears quickly just as opportunity does
If his kids ever try to reason with him he'll probably just say "not the right time, not convinent" as an excuse
in his more modern form he has a curly mullet
wears leather clothing with wings on the back (daryl dixon who?)
caerus cabin hcs
surprisingly most caerus children get along with tyche along with her kids (caerus and tyche are together)
caerus kids don't have any real powers like demeter or hades kids, they're more like athena kids where they have an affinity for knowing when to do the right thing at the right time.
almost like a bell goes off in their heads, they can 'sense' an opportunity coming along and willingly take it
caerus kids are good with ranged weapons, like archery, throwing knives, slingshots, etc
caerus will sometimes gift his kids an object that helps with luck or the ability of flight. for example, my oc has a magical mini balance scale ⚖️ one side means no, the other yes. when asked a question it will weigh to the best possible decision.
caerus kids unfortunately experience a lot of near death experiences, they somehow survive when they shouldn't have
whether it was their father secretly helping them or just their luck, who knows
even before getting claimed, it is common for a caerus kid to have survived a car or airplane accident
others might encounter a monster and make it out last minute or even killing it
but when a caerus child does end up dying, it is very tragic for all involved.
caerus is secretly devastated, knowing that there was nothing he could have done because their luck has worn out
...moving on, this might make caerus cabin with the highest surviving half-blood children
when claimed, a mini winged balance scale icon appears above their head, for a couple of hours they have imaginary wings and flowing hair. like how water makes your hair kinda float
caerus kids are known to have "wise eyes", flowing hair, curious birthmarks that form shape of wings
caerus kids get along with, tyche cabin, athena cabin (they share a common thirst of knowledge), apollo cabin (their affinity for archery), hermes cabin
cabin headcanons
their cabin is painted white with windows and shutters on each side. on the door there is two wings and a scale carved in.
for the interior, it is mostly spacious with a few living spaces for campers to play chess, cards, etc in
in the center there is a massive pillar that is designed to look like a scale which holds up the ceiling.
the cabin basically looks like a white styled casino along with some grandma country vibes
they have a mini library and storage to keep any weapons or magical items
since caerus doesn't have too many kids, campers sleep in large twin beds while the counselors sleep in queen beds. each bed has their own bedside drawer, a small closet along with retractable curtains for privacy and such.
there is also neon white lights on the wall directing to the bathroom or mini kitchen, etc
that's it!! this was rlly fun, if I should do more comment down a god(goddess) I should do next (preferably a minor god)
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residentfurry · 5 months
Oc infodump/ Verdugo speculative biology
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This is part Mari post part verdugo speculative biology post! So please keep in mind this is all speculative x)
The basic story of the Verdugo is that there are two of them; Salazar's scientist and housekeeper. They are bioweapons that are basically made of gene spliced human, insect, and Plaga DNA, made by the scientist before turning himself into a Verdugo.
Mari is based off/ was infected by the scientist Verdugo (the one you see in the main remake) so we'll be mostly focusing on the traits of that one mostly!
(Also it's not confirmed in-game that the scientist Verdugo could infect people, but in the DLC the housekeeper Verdugo infects Ada with what seems to be it's own type of parasite/plaga, since it gets expelled from her body after the death of the Verdugo and that doesn't happen with other Plaga. I like to think that if Ada hasn't killed the Verdugo, she would've turned into one.)
Which was kinda the inspiration for Mari! Kinda a fun "what if" situation. What if the Verdugo had infected someone besides Ada, having been able to do so before?
As a Verdugo, she shares many similarities with with the insects the scientist had extracted the DNA from. Based off the Verdugo models, I would assume that they're cricket/grasshopper DNA! Several of the species I have as examples below are actually from Spain/Europe, so it's very likely the scientist used them in his experiments!
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(Insects pictured: Mole cricket, Bush cricket, Giant Weta, and Grasshopper)
The legs, mandibles, even the unique 'hands' are all features that the Verdugo have! (Or at least variants of them) Even though Mari's design doesn't start far from the in-game models^ I usually keep the insect part of her in mind when drawing her!
The part where my own concepts/ speculation comes in is usually in her behavior.
Which begs some questions!
Could Mari chirp like a grasshopper or cricket?
Yes! It's my personal headcanon that she could grow wings and shed them at will (as alot of bioweapons in re can mutate at will) and while she has these wings, she could technically chirp!
What would her wings look like?
I would imagine that they would be transparent or a kind of ashy brown.
How does a Verdugo like Mari crawl through small spaces like vents? (Like in the game?)
I personally headcanon that she can flatten her body, much like a roach! This helps her fit into small spaces that she shouldn't otherwise fit into.
What other similarities does Mari have with insects?
Like Grasshoppers, Mari's ears is located on her side, just above her legs!
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Does Mari have abilities like the other Verdugo/ bioweapons?
Mari can do basically everything the scientist Verdugo could do. For example, she is extremely difficult to kill and is pretty much impossible to kill by gunfire. She can also transform into that long-tailed form (like in the Verdugo fight with Leon) and use that tail with precise accuracy. Other than that, she has passive regeneration and can regrow a limb if lost in under a week. She also has the same weaknesses as the scientist Verdugo and becomes sluggish in the extreme cold. (TLDR: she has strength, agility, and can kill anything in many different ways while being kinda untouchable herself. Not that she'd want to, of course, but she could!)
Could she infect others and turn them into Verdugo?
Yes :3c
How does she get along with Ashley? Shouldn't she be under some sort of control via Plaga?
She may still have some residual instincts (because she is a bioweapon after all) but she isn't influenced to directly harm Ashley or well...anyone.
Usually Verdugos and bioweapons are hyper aggressive, but Mari isn't. She isn't "mind controlled" like the other Verdugo/cultists (at least not in the same way.) I don't know if I want to reveal too much of her backstory just yet but there's a good legitimate reason for all that stuff. ^ I tried to make her as canon adjacent as possible so she could actually be a legitimate character within the re universe.
But what was the thought behind The creation of Mari?
The whole reason I wanted to make Mari is to basically...give explanation to what Ashley is doing after the events of re4, as well as give her some more character depth and explore what we really don't get to see in the games: how does a bioweapon event/ attack effect someone long term? I wanted to explore Ashley's trauma and her desires and what she decides/wants to do moving forward, and Mari is kind of a narrative device to help with that. She doesn't just stop existing once she's saved, ya know?
Did I create Mari just because I wanted more Ashley content? Yes. Absolutely. I love Ashley as a character and I think she's so interesting!! I want to see more of her!! So Mari is just my excuse to pretend that I'm Capcom making filler content for what Ashley's doing LOL
Overall, props on whoever designed the Verdugo in the remake, because it's one of my fav monster designs ever and is just so beautifully detailed (as well as it's partial xenomorph inspiration!) and is just so cool in general!
So ya that's some facts/speculation about Mari and the Verdugos! ^-^
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cozylittleartblog · 10 months
Oop, hello there! ^^ I remember you from DA, still think your art is so cool!! Still fond of the vintage characters and the world of Tessa n' Val! I'm currently testing the waters on Tumblr lol, hoping to get around a different vibe for documenting my projects n' chatting about stuff I like, and wanted to ask: as someone who's been on Tumblr for a while, what are your main tips for a starting artist in the platform? Wish ya a great day! Stay artful n' creative :]
HI!!!! i remember you too, i always get really excited when artists i like come here. tumblr is the only website i really use for myself and not just to post art, so it means i get to follow them and interact with their art 🥺 i ditched deviantart for everything that isn't posting art and bitching about the website via status updates lmfao, the new inbox and watched deviants tabs are so... out of the way and counter intuitive. hate it there.
anyway, I've written a general tumblr how-to post because there's been so many exoduses (exodi??) from other platforms over the last few years, but I don't think I've ever written one for artists? or at least I can't find it if I did. so here are some hot tips 😎👉👉
NUMBER ONE BIGGEST RULE: if you're an artist and you want to actively gain a following and curate your art, please have a separate art blog where you post exclusively or near exclusively art. it's ok to reblog a post here or there, but tumblr is a website About curating and having specific blogs! it's not that people don't want to see or hear about the artist behind the work, but they don't want 43289 unrelated memes and posts for fandoms they're not in 😅 admittedly i have skipped following some good artists here because their reblogs completely drown out their art and clog my dashboard. people really like curated blogs, almost every artist has a separate art blog 'round these parts. (it's completely fine to post WIPs and text posts discussing your art too, some people would like to see your process!)
speaking of curating: tags are your best friend! tumblr tracks the first 20 tags I believe, so use the first 20 tags to add your important search terms. this is where you put anything you'd want to turn up in the search. really you probably wont have more than 10 of these tags. after that you are welcome to ramble in the tags or use organizational tags for your specific blog.
not sure how to tag? search up what terms you'd use to try to find your own post if you were someone else, and see what tags popular posts in that tag used. you should ALWAYS use the #art and #artists on tumblr tags, as well as any relevant common trigger/content warning tags :D here's how i do it:
FOR FANDOM POSTS: where applicable, I tag Fandom, Fandom Acronym, Featured Characters, Featured Ships, and sometimes #[fandom] fanart and/or #[fandom acronym] fanart. FOR ORIGINAL POSTS: you can tag your art medium (digital art, traditional art, sculpting, etc), the general aesthetic or themes, time periods, and if it features your OCs you can use #oc and their names so if people want to see all your OC content they can find it. admittedly i mostly post fanart so i am very spontaneous with the tags i use on my original art posts lol
4. shorter captions seem to be preferred by the masses, I personally either dump my extra comments in the tags of the original post or I'll put them under a cut. unless it's extremely relevant to the post, like explaining ideas or headcanons
5. have all your handy links in your bio! you can use basic HTML coding to insert links with text and put in line breaks. you should have links to other socials (or something like a carrd that links them for you) and your support streams, like shops and tip jars and patreons. and ofc a little about you and what people can expect to see you draw!
6. have your inbox open! you don't have to take requests, but sometimes someone will throw a brilliant idea at you that you may Coincidentally be inclined to draw. it's also just fun to interact with people who like what you do! sweet comments go a long way
7. last one i can think of - do a seIf-reblog at some point in the day. people live in different timezones and not everybody finishes their dashboard. personally I schedule posts for 12 pm cst and then one seIf-reblog at 8 pm cst. it's also okay to reblog your older artworks for new followers to see, especially if you haven't posted in a while. TV airs re-runs and so can you B)
hope some of it helps!
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ansbobcar · 4 months
When will this suffering end for my fanfic to beginnnnnn (big rant)
What I personally like when I write fanfics is expanding upon the universe given to me. In the case of Mashle, expanding and creating new spells in the power system while adding my own characters, probably expanding upon the other magical races that exist in this universe. SPOILERS FROM THE MANGA, ANIME ONLYS BE WARNED
Maybe I'm thinking too deep into this but like I don't understand howwww or when the Divine Visionaries (DVs) joined. There's either some sorta retcon plot from the actual manga to the fanbook to the wiki or something because... nothing is adding up?
It matters to me okay because I'm writing an Orter x OC fic and they're both DVs.
Let me show/explain to you the confusing plotholes/retcons that I don't know how to consider and hopefully by the end of it I can see through the fucking problem.
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1. The DV inbetween Rayne and Orter who was killed
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In chapter 77, Renatus Revol (the Immortal Cane) revealed to Mash that the DV before Rayne and after Orter was killed and it's implied to have been from Middle School Aged Domina (13-14). So roughly 2 years ago from canon.
This implies that Orter Madl is the 2nd newest (alive) DV from our current lineup. And we can also deduce that the age he started serving as DV is 20-21. BUT WE DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW WHO THE FUCK THIS MF IS?
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The confusing thing is that the FANDOM WIKI (idk why I trust it still) states that Domina killed Orter's JUNIOR Alex Elliot(21) (according to the wiki) instead of a DV and basically after that BECAME A DV so that means he was over 20-21 when he became DV BUT HE'S 23 WHEN WE MEET HIM?? Let's assume he was 21 but that means his junior is older than him--YOU SEE WHY I'M CONFUSED????
2. Agito Tyrone and Renatus Revol (+ the other DVs)
The fandom wiki's trivia section which is the only fanbook (likely thing i've read) states that these two joined around the same time. There is a big problem though.
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Agito is 22 and Renatus is 26. There's a 4 year gap between these two but they joined around the same time...
My logic tells me that if they came together as a pair, it wouldn't be possible for Renatus to have joined when he was 18 because Agito is in middle school. Meaning they would atleast be 19 and 15 respectively. If they came consecutively after the other that leaves the door for some more possibilities though.
However, it's majorly implied in the plot itself that in order to become DV you gotta be part of the magic schools and then later on compete in the Trimagicathlon to figure out who is the new DV of the year.
Like honestly, other than Ryoh, Kaldo (who I firmly believe to be 1st and 2nd longest serving respectively), Orter and Rayne, the others are just verrrrrrryy unknown placement wise.
Don't even get me started on Tsurara. SHE'S 20 AND IDK WHEN THE HELL SHE JOINED!!!!?!? The two ways to counter this is 1) she skipped some grades because as head/part of the Magic Research Administration you gotta be smart, 2) headcanon how many years she was in it even though she clearly joined before Orter somehow ;u;
Why does this matter for me? BECAUSE RINKA's (my oc) BACKSTORY NEEDS THESE MFS IN THERE.
3. So what do I have currently?
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This is currently the only ass conclusion I could come up with (including Rinka) because shits just confusing man I'm gonna assume that they're like the JJK School system in which for high school they have 4 years instead so that 19-20 isn't unexpected. I kinda wish the plot had a sense of time. That's why and how it's possible for these ages to work (Sophina and Orter hitting 20 is probably to do with their birthdays or entering the year lower, idk man shits confusing). That means Alex Elliot... you're now 19 and a Divine Visionary instead of a Magic Police Cadet or whatever it's called.
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Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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panther-os · 1 year
Any thoughts on Clone and/or Jedi language?
Too Many of them 😅
The biggest thing on my mind for trooper languages right now is that Jaster was a Journeyman Protector and so was Jango's bio dad, so Boba, the Alphas, and any CCs or CTs the Alphas trained directly most likely speak JP dialect Mando'a like Bacara does. I have sound change rules written up for converting standard Mando'a to JP but I need to finish transliterating the established dictionary before I can feed everything to Vulgar and generate the remaining vocabulary.
I think besides Mando'a, the clones probably haven't been exposed to many languages besides Galactic Basic and various common languages like Shyriiwook and Gand where the speakers can't translate themselves due to structural differences in the vocal tract.
For Jedi, I've created [counts on fingers] four? Sleheyr, Kimpian, Dyungzilyu - three! I've created three languages for various slave communities in the galaxy (inspired by fialleril's Amatakka) that are spoken by different members of the Jedi Order. Not all of them, as they're all closed languages, but enough that there's a sort of cultural exchange going on in the Temple. Those that aren't rescued slaves themselves are trusted rescuers who have been taught by Elders.
Sleheyr uses custom phenomes and is spoken by the Prosmyi (sky-children) of Sleheyron and is integral to my OC Taio Pallas. Kimpian uses Farsi phenomes for the most part and is spoken on Nar Shaddaa and in one of my WIPs, Nico Diath offers to get permission from an Elder to teach Eeth Koth, who was born a slave in my headcanon. Dyungzilyu uses Mandarin phenomes with slightly different spelling (but just as many diacritics) and is spoken on Bandomeer.
I'll actually share a snippet real quick. This is a giant time and dimension travel groupchat epistolary fic. This is 10yo Anakin (one year post-TPM) and 49yo Obi-Wan (eleven years post-RotS), while Taio is from 1½-2 years post-AotC and is the same age as the Anakin in her time. Aayla, Eeth, and the clones are from one year post-AotC while Nico is roughly three years pre-AotC.
Anakin Skywalker: Yithai, bliv gey yi kid muv beyng thev mim. Okay! I’m gonna practice it!
Taio Pallas: Don’t forget to tell your teacher that you want to meet me and Kalo, he’ll be able to schedule it with Master Nu. You’ll also need to tell him you have a tracker and need to have it removed, he probably doesn’t know.
Kenobi: I can confirm that he does not. Also, Anakin, if you want to get his attention, call him yēngun. It’s Dyungzilyu for teacher.
Taio Pallas: You too?
Kenobi: Unfortunately, I had an eventful Padawanship.
Windu: Bandomeer was your initiatehood.
Kenobi: That, too. Really, though, it was only a year.
Taio Pallas: Mine was only two, and I don’t remember it. You were trusted enough to be taught the language, which makes you one of us.
Aaylas’ecura: Ca jehsa eyi ca jehsa eyi ca jehsa eyi
Eeth Koth: Jee-jee vaa tula goola.
Anakin Skywalker: U settah huttese?
Eeth Koth: I do. I don’t remember if my people on Nar Shaddaa had their own language or what it was. I was three when my parents abandoned me on the streets instead of killing me like Master ordered, and four when I was Found. I only know that much because I told my Finder and they remembered and made sure to tell me when I was old enough to ask.
Nico Diath: Could’ve said something. You want Kimpian, I’ll see if I can find an Elder or Keeper on my way back to Coruscant, get permission to teach you.
Gree: So many culture, language, and history subchannels, this is great.
Taio Pallas: And of course the Vode are welcome, too, since you all come from a background of slavery.
8826: Well I wanted to but now that you’ve said something…
Gree: Don’t be a bastard, Neyo.
Bacara: He can’t help it, it’s his one setting.
Taio Pallas: I thought it was funny.
Anakin is practicing a Sleheyr greeting for meeting a fellow slave for the first time. Aayla is saying "one of us one of us one of us" in Ryl, and Eeth is saying "we can start a band" in Huttese, after which Anakin asks if he speaks Huttese.
I do also think the large number of languages spoken in the Temple results in a lot of mixed metaphors and a constantly developing creole formed primarily around Force-based jargon. Pretty much every Jedi is canonically multilingual, but this would be yet another reason for it.
Besides that, I'm a huge fan of the already existing Dai Bendu, which I hc is also a ceremonial language for Miralukka due to their shared history with the Jedi Order. (And I've crafted a fully developed Miralukkan common language as well. And a Kel Dor one. And a less developed Trandoshan one.)
If I let myself talk about languages any more, I'll never shut up. 😅 Thank you for the ask! This is one of my passions and another of my special interests (as I'm sure you cannot tell (sarcasm)) so I always love talking about it.
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creepylittlelady · 7 months
I need to know more about Lazari in your AU
She deserves more content from fans
Hi! I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer this ask, and also thank you for sending me an ask in the first place! I love answering questions, even if it takes me a bit to respond :3
I agree with you, Lazari deserves better. I mean like, even her own creator did her dirty man, SHE HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!! Her concept is so cool and her own comic did her SO DIRTY. I hate the treatment she gets from fans too.
Yeah I get it her comic was terribly written and was the origin of the 'I HAVE CRAYONS AND PAPER!!!!!' meme and the characters were poorly written and the lore was inconsistent and the fanservice was weird and the story/tone was ALL OVER THE PLACE. But like, don't take it out on my baby Lazari please she deserves better.
I wanna do some more silly headcanons of her this time around, I might make a separate post on more serious stuff about her ;)
So, let's get cracking!
Lazari Headcanons!
-She's on the Autism Spectrum, diagnosed and all :3. She also has ADHD, also diagnosed! She's the representation we deserve to see in this fandom lol.
-She's Chibiworks. Okay, let me explain:
SO, when Lazari first came into the Mansion, she was just an 8 year old girl with demonic tendencies who was abused by her hyper-religious mother who hated her. She hated herself, she was shy, and she believed that she was nothing more than a monster, a mistake. But all of a sudden she goes from that to the DAUGHTER OF THE EMPEROR OF THE UNDERWORLD, a literal DISNEY PRINCESS (cuz yk she's his daughter), and now she literally lives in a Magical Forest in a Magical Mansion of Serial Killers, Ghosts and Demons.
She thought that the world around her was super interesting considering she never got to see much of the outside. She loves drawing, so she drew about it. She drew about the potential greater stories unravelling around her, making her own characters based on concepts she learnt about whilst exploring.
She made I Eat Pasta for Breakfast as a way of letting her imagination go wild around this new environment she found herself in. She made characters to interact with the people that already existed, and gave them purposes.
(Btw, several of the weird stuff and the not kid-appropriate scenes in the comic are retconned out of this version.)
She also made Creepy Frozen Pasta, just saying. She also wrote The Seer. She wrote every Creepypasta comic in existence. Found a cool Creepypasta comic series? Lazari wrote it.
-She LOVES drawing. Her artstyle is very much manga-inspired and she loves creating her own OCs, which are littered throughout her work. A lot of them are directly based on concepts, such as many of Zalgo's followers in IEPFB being based on the idea of Zalgo having a cult of personality around him.
-She's definitely an animation meme kid. I'm deffo self-projecting but she is the DEFINITION of the weird kid. She makes animation memes of everyone in the mansion. She makes animatics of actual stuff that happened. She makes amateur dubs of her own comics.
-Manga is her biggest hyperfixation. She collects TONS of them, and directly draws panels from her favourite manga to improve her drawing skills. Her favourite Manga series of all time is Fruits Basket :3. Her room is basically just all of her drawing scattered around the place.
She specifically likes Horror and Shoujo anime, despite the fact that they're basically polar opposites. Alongside Fruits Basket, she really likes Madoka Magica!
-She definitely makes AMVs of her favourite animes. She deffo writes terribly written fanfiction about her favourite anime couples kissing and giggles whilst writing it.
-She's also a Gacha Life kid FUCKING FIGHT ME SHE DEFINITELY MAKES GACHA OCS. She definitely stays up until 2am with Sally watching 'Hated Child turns into Hybrid Princess' videos. Lazari gasps in shock every single time and Sally is just sitting there extremely confused.
-Sally is her best friend. She lore-dumps to Sally all the time about her special interests, and Sally listens intently and nods along. She even writes notes about the lore of her favourite series! Sally is a super supportive best friend, and any time any of the ghost kids make fun her for her autistic behaviour she puts them in their place.
-Despite this, the two of them argue a lot, because they're kids and just of course they do. Fun fact! The reason why Sally only appears like once in IEPFB is because Lazari initially wrote her in, then the two got into a fight and she took her out of the story. They made up soon after but Lazari thought it would be too awkward to add her back in and Sally just accepted it.
-She has a very unorthodox form of common sense. With that I mean she has none at all. Once the mansion was on fire, and Slender screamed at her to get up and evacuate. Her reaction? She told him to leave her alone and let her sleep.
-She really likes Vocaloid, and her favourite Vocaloid isn't even a Vocaloid. Her favourite, uh, singing bank, is Kasane Teto! She claims that her robotic voice (before the SynthV AI transfer) was pleasant to her ears.
-Her favourite Vocaloid Song is Kasane Territory, because of the animation meme of course >:D.
-She also definitely tried to make a Storytime Youtube Channel but everyone in the Mansion made her delete it because she was sharing personal information about them all. Like genuinely she'd be like 'SO THE OTHER DAY MASKY AND HOODY WERE ON A MISSION FOR SLENDERMAN AND THEY KILLED THIS ONE GIRL WHO LIVES AT THIS ADDRESS IN THIS STATE'.
She has like zero concept of Internet Safety.
-She's a massive Melanie Martinez fan. She got Sally into her music, and back when Melanie Martinez was like just getting popular she'd sing all of her songs super loudly in the shower. Once Slenderman referred to the house as a 'Dollhouse' and Lazari screamed 'DOLLHOUSE BY MELANIE MARTINEZ? HEY GIRL, OPEN YOUR WALLS, PLAY WITH YOUR DOLLS-'.
-She used to be a massive Roblox kid in 2017 and was also an MSP kid. Christ she was on so many virtual worlds, she was even on Animal Jam sort of.
-Fanon Masky, Hoody and Toby were invented by her. Fanon Masky was made PURELY out of spite for him. The first time they met was not pleasant, as he called her a brat. Lazari vowed to humiliate him in every way possible from that point forward. She found out that he hated children, hated Slenderman, hated Cheesecake, hated the texture of Crayons, and hated jokingly being called a twink by Toby.
All of that combined? You got the Crayon-having, Cheesecake-eating, Skinny, Scrawny, Slenderman dick-riding Fanon Masky that we all know and love. The other residents found out about this strange new version of him and it became so popular she drew individual fanarts of him and handed it to all of the residents. Even Slenderman has a picture of Cheesecake Masky on his Office Wall. Somehow Masky didn't find out about this until a long time after the fad ended.
In my AU Hoody is a selective mute who doesn't verbally communicate with anyone besides the Proxies, so he was deathly silent when he first met Lazari. She misunderstood this as him just being shy and so Shy UwU boy Hoody was made.
Fanon Toby is just a sarcastic persona Toby puts on to piss other people off. She misunderstood this as his REAL personality and alongside the waffles thing that Jeff and Ben always mentioned (Toby stopped liking Waffles long before Lazari came), Fanon Toby was made.
-She made the Dollmaker (yeah he exists) make her plushies of everyone in the Mansion + The Zalgo and a few of her OCs. What does she do with them, you may ask? She roleplays with them with Sally. They've made a bunch of random ships with this, and now they're both avid Slender x Zalgo shippers. They also ship EJ with a lot of people as he has such a versatile personality, but they mainly like EJ and Jeff.
Lazari also found out that Masky was sort of intimidated by Nurse Ann so she shipped them very vocally in front of him.
-She's a massive Sanrio-girl, and her favourite character is My Melody :D. She's watched the entirety of Onegai My Melody at least like sixteen times already.
-She tried to learn Japanese, and failed miserably. She can sometimes read Hiragana if Kagekao writes it really carefully.
-Her own handwriting is really terrible, almost illegible. It's a gift to be able to read anything she writes.
-She's a part of the Mansion's Literature Club, and Ben nicknames her the Natsuki of the club, as she's always insisting that Manga is literature.
-She argues with Slender, as he believes that comics and Manga shouldn't be considered literature, as they're all pictures and barely any words. Lazari TO THIS DAY debates him about it.
-About her demonic urges, they're manageable as long as you give her a random body part to chew on every once and a while. She doesn't lose her control like she once did when she first came, and she's not as dangerous anymore. She's like a saint compared to EJ.
-As she's a half-demon, she has some godly amount of brute force strength. She can carry someone thrice her size and force open any door, no matter how many locks are on it.
She also has an incredibly high pain tolerance. Once she got scratched up pretty bad by EJ when he was in a particularly bad Demonic State, the girl didn't even notice until Lulu noticed.
-About Lulu, she was actually assigned to show her around when she first arrived at the Mansion! Lulu had told Slender earlier that she wanted to take charge of whoever came after her, and has a really good relationship with Lazari. She's one of Lazari's favourite people.
-Her relationship with her dad is...strange. On one hand when she does get to visit they generally have a nice time, however due to how much she reminds him of his deceased little sister, sometimes he'll accidentally call her 'Lily', which dampens the mood a little bit.
-Stripes ADORES her. The two sisters are very close and Stripes just loves her so much, she even made her her Teddy Bear that she's famous for carrying around :3.
-She had a phase where she called herself an irl Yandere. Thankfully she stopped after like a month but it was very funny lol
-She loves Nightcore! And Trance Music, oddly enough. One of her favourite songs is 'Be Alive!' By Stian K. (Search up the song. If you recognise the song from a certain animation meme of her then you deserve all of my respect).
-Her favourite food is Chocolate Strawberries.
Okay, if you want to ask some more serious lore-related questions then go right ahead and I'll answer! I just have so much of Lazari since she was one of my comfort characters when I was little and first got into Creepypastas. I see a lot of myself in her and I'm so peeved that the fandom either completely ignores her or dislikes her, like she's got so much potential! She's an incredibly important character in my AU actually, and one day I'll make a post detailing her correlation with the greater story :3
Hope you enjoyed! If you're new to this blog and are just seeing this post, then I have an AU named 'Puppet Strings', with its own lore and interpretations of the characters. If you're curious, come check out my blog and you can ask me questions!
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sammydem0n64 · 6 months
📁 + any of em
Hello Oliver Aroacegrian! I reckon you don't know many of my ocs (fair enough theres too many of them) but I'll stick to a Dialtown one since ik thats a fandom we share!!
Ok so I have a Dialtown oc named Howlice Rustlebelt whose Theoroar's daughter (yuh oh!), she's literally just an elementary schooler who is basically free labor for the zoo but she doesnt clock it because she's 8 and thus. Kinda stupid!!! Dw abt it tho
The headcanon is that she sees the Gingis as older siblings since she was around when they were at the zoo, and she doesn't exactly realize her dad was a P.O.S for having those creatures locked up nor does she realize the Gingis are harborers of chaos in their own right (she's one of the kids they used for free child labor that one time FGHJKL). She still clings onto them and wants them to come back to the Zoo so they can hang out!! So she can vibe w/ her "siblings"!!!
Likewise she sees herself as an aunt to the Ginglings once they're born despite her young age! She desperately wants to play babysitter with them and take them on walks! She was def watching over the eggs like a HAWK during Act 3's events, not just bc her dad wanted to exploit the newborns, but bc she wanted to meet her future nieces/nephews/niephews and coddle them! She's just sillay like that
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andorerso · 11 months
Sissi, please satiate my very academic curiosity about your two OCs Dani and Elijah because I've seen you tag them on some very omg-thats-my-jam dynamics.
Like I need details. Whats their story? Do they hate each other and then oh-shit-regrettably-its-u hate-fuck in some Boston bar? Like I already have headcanons for them, we neeed moore 🥺
me seeing this ask in the morning
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they're honestly one of my favorite OC ships, like top three AT LEAST. and honestly? hooking up in some Boston bar is not unimaginable! like you're not very far off at all and I love it 🥰 please tell me more headcanons *chin in hands*
you might regret asking me though because I have a looooooot to say! so much to say. too much, you might think 😭 but they have a long story, and I couldn't give them justice if I condensed it, so I think I'm gonna put this under a read-more
okay, so important context first: the setting is urban fantasy with magic and different sorts of monsters but the twist that it's all out in the open and the world has known about the existence of these paranormal things for a long while now.
Dani's in her mid-20s (around 25-27 at the start) and she has this the devil may care attitude with some serious abandonment issues (because her family situation is complicated and not the greatest). She's very rarely had real connections with anyone, whether platonic or romantic, so it makes her very lonely and basically the only person she's close to is her brother. She will pretend she likes it that way but I mean... she clearly does not. She's also a licensed monster hunter, but while most of her family on her mother's side, including her brother, were/are witches, she's got no magic of her own. So it makes her kind of an outsider even in her own family.
And Elijah isn't human. In fact, he comes from a different dimension altogether so he's a something but no one knows what yet because his kind hasn't really been seen ever before and people just don't have a name for it. He's a couple hundred years old which is old in the human sense, but not so much for their kind. Kinda early 30s in appearance. Elijah technically isn't even his real name but it's his human name and what he goes by for the entire story. His dimension is sort of splintering apart at the seams and his kind are dying by the millions so many of them started seeking refuge in other worlds, including our world. Of course they all have different attitudes towards humans, some think they should be peaceful and co-exist, some think they should just take over and subjugate humans, and some think that co-existence IS optimal but they don't think very high of humans regardless and don't really want to interact much. Basically like "you're just a small ant and I'm better than you in every way but I don't hate you so I guess you can stay." Elijah falls more into that category at the start, although he's actually curious about humans, but he's following his mentor's lead who's kinda like a father figure and the person who leads the group he came over with.
So anyway, Dani gets tangled up in this whole situation as she's one of the first person to actually see and interact with one of the others. You could kinda say they're enemies because Elijah's super loyal to his own people, and Dani's very skeptical and distrustful of them. But most of all, she really doesn't trust Elijah's mentor and that obviously creates some tension between them. So they start off on the wrong foot and they really can't stand each other first. It's a lot of unfair assumptions and prejudices basically, and they're both guilty of it. But they also clash simply because of their personalities.
Elijah's calm, collected, reserved, a bit cold some would say, he doesn't show much emotion and is entirely too serious for his own sake. Dani's more laidback and fun and likes to hide her pain with stupid jokes. She's also very much ruled by her emotions so she's hot-tempered and prone to make hasty decisions that often result in bad consequences and Elijah just. does not vibe with that. At all. There's definitely attraction from the start tbh but it's a "fuck, why them, I cannot stand them" kind of attraction. The "I think you're hot and I'm annoyed about it" kind of attraction.
They do become friendlier as time goes on and they find common ground and realize that they may not be so different after all. During this stage, only a few months after meeting, they actually end up sleeping together at a low point in both of their lives. It's one of those "you're here, I'm here, let's just make each other feel alive" kind of things. But because this is absolutely a slowburn, the next morning Dani's like "you know that was just a one night sort of thing, right?" because she does fool around with people often so it's nothing new to her but Elijah does not, isn't used to this, so he's like "uhm... yeah of course." But internally he's kinda spiraling about it. They don't talk about it, but ofc they're thinking about it.
So as time goes on, they end up becoming really close as friends and literally everyone's shocked about this development but they just... see each other, you know? They get each other in an instinctive way that no one else does. Elijah's absolutely in love with Dani at this point but doesn't really understand what he's feeling so he never does anything about it, just pines from afar, and Dani's sort of still in the denial phase (plus you know, the whole "he's my best friend and I don't really have a lot of people I'm close to so I can't lose him"). Dumb shit, obviously.
There's a jealousy sideplot at some point because I like them but it's not a love triangle because I hate those. It's basically just more of Elijah pining to be honest. Lots of angst because that's just how I roll. Over time, there's like 2 or 3 incidents when they actually kiss (I could even see another one night stand at some point, it depends) but they always pull back or change their minds or something happens outside of their control and it just never ever goes anywhere. At this point, Elijah loves her and realized it, but he's actually kinda content to be just her friend. He's okay with loving her from afar because he doesn't really think it possible to be with her for real, and it's very sad.
Dani, on the other hand, is the opposite. She has also accepted the fact that she loves him and she does not want to be just friends. At some point, they have one of those heated arguments that end with Dani, finally too frustrated with this thing between them, blurting out that she loves him, and Elijah for his own reasons (he has a lot of shit going on) pretty much ignores it and pulls away from her. It's like "this is best for both of us, I'm trying to protect you" blablabla, it's stupid and although they technically remain friends, their relationship is very obviously strained because Dani doesn't forgive him for it. Like the girl can absolutely hold a grudge, but also this is probably the time he hurts her the most, so understandable. I mean you gotta know that this is the first time she said those words to anyone that isn't her brother, and she feels rejected, feels like doesn't love or want her, feels kinda worthless because he's an immortal being from a different dimension, ofc he doesn't want her, why would he, and she feels incredibly angry that she still loves him despite all that. It’s a cycle of self-hatred and resentment, and then all that, along with some other things, pushes Dani into spiraling and she has a brief evil arc, and that's another thing preventing them from being together. (She's pretty mean to him during this era but he's also one of the things that brings her back to herself so you know... fun stuff!)
Anyway, they do get together eventually. I'm undecided on this part because idk what works better yet. One possibility is that one of them, probably Elijah, shows up at her door before a big battle that's gonna happen and confesses and they spend the night together knowing it might be their last night alive. The other possibility is that one of them, probably Dani gets hurt during the battle and Elijah confesses while she's bleeding out in his arms. Either way, they don't expect to survive so they finally come clean, and then... they survive. So now they gotta actually confront this for once.
They decide to give a relationship a try, but it doesn't end well the first time. Sure, they're happy and disgustingly in love for a while but neither knows how to be in a relationship because neither have experience. So as soon as something comes along to shake their foundations a bit, the whole thing crumbles. The following crash and burn might even be the angstiest part of the story, idk. I'm gonna be honest, the end does get a little fuzzy, I haven't fleshed out everything yet. I know I want there to be a temporary character death at some point because I know it's cheap but I live for that stuff. So Elijah dies, probably while they're still broken up, and Dani definitely goes a little feral and sets out on an impossible path to bring him back. The good stuff. He comes back, they reunite, etc. I don't wanna say everything's perfect after that because they still gotta work on their issues, but they have a happy ending and that's what matters.
Tropes include but not limited to: slowburn, mutual pining, it was always you, battle couple, hot-headed & level-headed, unhealthy codependency/mutual obsession, soulmate coded, opposite sides of the same coin, not even death can defeat us, anguished declarations of love, sad people growing an intense connection from shared trauma, grumpy character who only smiles for love interest
Songs that remind me of them: 
Remember to Remember Me by Isak Danielson - this one is pretty angsty, but it really fits a certain period in their story and every single time I hear it, it makes me think of them
An Evening I Will Not Forget by Dermot Kennedy
Evermore by Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver
The Alcott by Taylor Swift ft. The National
Love Like Ghost by Lord Huron
Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
(Dani also has a playlist that she made for him even when they were just friends and it's super secret and she's kinda embarrassed about it but she does end up sharing it with him later when they get together. Fun fact, I did actually make that playlist on Spotify.)
Other trivia tidbit that I like but couldn't fit into elsewhere: Dani's full name is Danielle and she HATES when people call her that. Her parents used to do it when they were angry, and her brother still does it to mess with her or when he's disappointed with her. So no thank you. Except if it's Elijah. Other people say it in anger or admonition but Elijah says it out of sheer devotion, and she's very into it.
I could also like... make moodboards if anyone's interested? Or even if no one's interested...
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thedragonagelesbian · 9 months
1 (because I think I got here late and would love to know more about Cyrus Generally as well), 5, 26, and 31
1. Tell us about your Tav! Name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. Do you have a headcanon for where they're from? Their family? Are they a Dark Urge? Or did you choose an Origin Character? Was it an easy decision?
asdfkpofjsaf i know my cyrus posting is. inscrutable at times, especially since he was originally a Dragon Age 2 character, so here is the definitive primer on bg3!cyrus
Name: Cyrus Hawke
Race: Wood elf
Class (main timeline): Paladin in Act 1; Paladin/Barbarian multiclass for Acts 2 & 3
Subclass (main timeline): Devotion in Act 1; Oathbreaker/Wildheart (bear) for Acts 2 & 3
Class (came back wrong timeline): Paladin/Sorcerer
Subclass (came back wrong timeline): Devotion/Shadow (mod) in Act 1; not sure if he'll end up breaking his oath in the same way in Act 2, but the plan is to take most of his sorcerer levels in Act 2 since the shadow sorcerer mod has some fun mechanical interactions with the Shadowlands
Where are they/their family from: Cyrus was born to Leandra Amell, the runaway heiress of a noble family in Evermeet (Faerun's equivalent of Valinor, isolationist elven paradise), and Malcolm Hawke, an eladrin warlock who had scorned his archfey patron. Because Malcolm was being actively hunted by his patron, Cyrus was born and spent his earliest years on the road.
Malcolm was killed by his patron when Cyrus was quite young (<20, baby by elven standards), and Leandra passed away a few decades after that. At the time, Cyrus was still very much a juvenile for an elf despite (in accordance with D&D lore) looking like an adult by other humanoid standards. He ended up in Baldur's Gate immediately following his mother's death and spent ~50 years there as an orphan in the Lower City.
Cyrus self-identifies as a Baldurian, but his actual relationship with his hometown is much more complicated. When he lived there, he loved many of its people and wanted to protect them, whether from the opportunism of the Guild, the overreach of the Flaming Fists, or the cruel indifference of his orphanage's headmaster. But that sense of expectation and obligation, especially to the other orphans, was often strangling. Cyrus grew quite accustomed to sacrificing his own happiness and desires to take care of them.
When he saw his first opportunity to leave the city without feeling like he was abandoning people who needed him, he took it without hesitation.
Durge vs Origin: Cyrus is an origin character. I didn't even consider going Durge for him. From playing him in DA2 and spending basically the whole summer yelling about him, he was already a very well-established character in my mind, so I didn't really want/need the extra story and world tie-ins that durge offers.
I also knew pretty quickly that I wanted to play him, rather than coming up with a new OC. This is because he is my most specialist boy ever, but also because for my first playthrough, I wanted to get into the game itself, rather than spending too much time thinking about who this person is and what their connection to the world is.
5. Do you remember the first humanoid enemy your Character killed? Was it the first person they've ever killed, in your opinion? Would they have been bothered by it?
It was the looters in the cathedral right off the beach-- he persuaded the ones outside to fuck off, but failed the roll for the ones inside the building itself, and they were automatically hostile when I had Astarion pick the lock.
I think he was bothered by that particular set of deaths just because 80% of the time, he prefers to de-escalate and resolve situations peacefully... in those other 20% of cases, though, he is quick to draw blood. Threatening his friends, hurting innocents, and being a careless or cruel authority figure are all great ways to encounter the righteous paladin fury simmering behind that affable, easy smile.
So, no, it wasn't his first kill. I think that honor probably went to a bandit who attacked him and Leandra when they were traveling alone after Malcolm's death. It was very messy, poorly executed, and terrifying, leading to the scars Cyrus has on his cheek and throat. The encounter also drove him to learn swordplay and defense so he could be ready the next time around.
26. What was your favorite enemy? Did your Character have any memorable fights or moments in combat that were ripe for headcanons and interpretation?
Even if Cyrus smited Minthara into oblivion, I am fascinated by her and her women's wrongs and her evil paladin wiles, and I look forward to learning much more about her when I do a more morally dubious playthrough.
As for the second question... god, I wish I had a better answer! Bc I love this question and thinking through the relationship between combat mechanics and narrative, but... the Act 1 combats didn't have as much personal/emotional investment as Acts 2 & 3 for me. Also, because I was playing on explorer mode, those emergent moments of super close calls and near (or actual) deaths didn't happen very often.
When I do my paladin/sorcerer run though (on regular difficulty this time), I will be very curious to see when 'strength of the grave' triggers for the first time (drop to 1hp instead of 0 once per long rest). Violently flirting with the line between life and death is sure to be very stressful for him :)
31. Does your Character have new or old phobias or superstitions that affect their story?
This is super low-hanging fruit, but Cyrus is very sensitive to how his body is modified, so the whole tadpole situation is. Immensely yikes. He tries not to ever use the tadpole powers, even in benign instances such as sharing thoughts and feelings with companions. He'll only resort to it if he absolutely has to. If I remember correctly, the only times he used it in Act 1 were to free Shadowheart and to interfere with the goblins' interrogation of the dead mindflayer.
And, of course, the Dream Visitor's suggestion that he should be encouraging and inculcating these powers is politely but firmly rejected.
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tk-o · 1 year
i was very split in voting in the plural poll you posted. like both sunny and omori and ko and tko i dont think were written with the intention of being plural, but both do a good job in being that. omori protects sunny from the memories of him accidentally killing mari, and tko is literally a representation of kos negative feelings.
so it was a very hard decision, and i usually dont vote in those cases. but for you, i voted ko and tko.
thank you i'm glad i made an impact on a poll on tumblr dot hell. i've read a few things about omori (i remember the plot decently but i basically just looked up what the deal with omori and sunny was back when it blew up because i was bored and was never buying it anyway) and i think it might handle the topic better in some ways because omori (game) is clearly focused on addressing the aftermath of trauma and with ok ko it's moreso implied/somewhat headcanon but eeeeeeeh i still think both representations are obviously flawed when thinking of them as plural cause omori and tko are like. stabby stabby alters (even though the narrative makes it somewhat clear that they're both trying to protect sunny and ko in their own ways) and they kind of end up getting characterized as nothing but that by the fandom and even by the show/game itself in some ways. but i Obviously have a way bigger attachment to tko because i have a lot in common with him and he's like the best fictional character in any media ever so 😌/lh
edit: so i typed out this whole paragraph and i didn't notice you sent this:
like both omori and tko try to protect sunny and ko! even though both of them are a bit misguided!!! omori literally killing dream basil on multiple occasions in the dream world so that he wouldnt tell the truth. the whole sequence in black space where omori finds a basil, basil tries to tell him something, and basil brutally dies. all to protect sunny from what hes done. omori literally is sunnys trauma response.
and tko!!! while he is cruel to ko for a good chunk of the show, its because he views him as weak. and personally, i think hes trying to at least protect their body by taking control. im the type of guy who sees tko in the way he was canonically meant to be seen, as kos anger, mostly because thats what i relate to but! there are so many things that point to him being an alter. he literally takes control in mystery science fair ep to protect ko.
like oh my god this was a hard decision.
yes!!! both of them i kind of see written as a personification of a trauma response, which ofc translates into plurality xmcnbvzmxcbnv and like. anger and repression plays a big role into why they act the way they do. omori thinks that repressing and forgetting everything (big symptom ofc) and hiding it away will help sunny, so he kills off anyone who could tell him anything even if it's only in a dream. and tko's only mean to ko because he's trying to protect them. ko can't use his powers as well, so tko takes control because he wants to protect himself and the plaza too! the anger is a response to trauma because it comes from feeling powerless! ko felt powerless and like he wasn't enough, so tko has a bunch of super op mary sue powers and is constantly upset and angry about everything as a response! (the concept of like a mary sue oc which is basically what tko is /pos being formed as a trauma response also hits close to home because (very essentially) that's what me and breakfast are) also mystery science fair is like. rewatching it i was like 🧍‍♂️ because it just makes me think of all the times i've either yelled at people or i've started dissociating when i couldn't yell at people 😭
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bcbdrums · 2 years
What are your pet peeves in fics for Drakgo?
Oh wow, I'm not sure where to begin with that... I can either be vague, or super detailed. But I think the biggest thing is if they're out of character.
For example, if Drakken is portrayed as a bumbling, stupid coward that's gonna be a fic I don't read. He is shown to do numerous daring physical feats in the show, takes on Kim himself, and he invents a great many genius things or modifies things he stole, which would require the know-how.
If Shego is portrayed as entirely ruthless and horribly cruel toward Drakken, that's also gonna be a fic I don't read. She mocks him in the show yes, but it's playful teasing for her entertainment, not vicious. They have much more of a...cantankerous old married couple vibe, or a best buds with a leftover playground grudge vibe.
Alternatively, remembering this is a children's show...if they're portrayed as too evil, or too soft on the other side of it...the author had better be convincing, or else it's just...putting familiar names on OCs, you know? Bottom line is, they've gotta be in character. And I think most other pet peeves would stem out of that issue...
Something else that's harder to pin down exactly is when a writer thinks that their headcanon is like...the only headcanon. Everyone has their own interpretations of characters that can go all sorts of directions and remain in character, and that's one of my favorite parts of fanfic, is seeing the diverse possibilities.
As I said it's really hard to pin down how exactly it comes across in fic, but sometimes it's there... I think it again is linked to being in character. Like if the headcanon strays too far, perhaps, from onscreen characterization? The writer has to be extremely convincing again, if they're gonna posit some very out-there backstory or whatever that doesn't fit with what we see onscreen. But sometimes it comes across in writing as... "No, this IS what happened! Not just one possible way." And when I start to get that sense in a fic it starts to feel...ehhhh. Which leads again to feeling out of character. And that goes beyond Drakgo, that's any and all fandoms.
That was a lot of rambling to say basically one thing, but I think that's the big one, Anon... I'm trying to think of small pet peeves but nothing is leaping out at me. If I think of any, I'll reblog and add to this post! Thank you as always for the ask.
Now... Do YOU have any pet peeves in Drakgo fic?
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frostbite-the-bat · 1 year
I cant think of anything specific about DP so I’m just gonna ask you to go off on it anyway you want
Thanks for asking!!! Well, DPAU, Aka Datapack AU, is my Deltarune Chapter 2 specific AU I have created. It's my big passion project, and even I can admit it is a little too overambitious.
It expands the world with worldbuilding, new characters, new darkner species, new rules, character-specific headcanons, species headcanons, even new made-up companies and how Dark Worlds work in the first place! DPAU in general is just that, my own Deltarune CH2 "mega-world" that can host not only my own ocs and ideas, but also my friends! I hope to one day inspire people to create their owns stories and OCs based on the things I ave made. (Following my HCs, species I have made, ETC.)
I also got help from my friends, since their OCs are in this AU, and I do ask them for ideas and such - however it is still my AU and basically 99% of it is done by me. of course, things that are DPAU specific and not just Deltarune basics. Or well, how it was made, what does Datapack even mean, and some detail on "Swatchling masks" only. It's crucial info to understand this AU - if i talk about DPAU further, this is all information you need to understand everything else I may say about the world. By basics I mean prepare to scroll through a lot of shit, that still only scratches the surface of this, because I have ADHD and no control of my life. May make you ask "is this even Deltarune anymore"! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED :3
Anyway, DPAU started as a few headcanons I have made for the Swatchlings, inspired by my friend friend's, gatorbeast's, Addison headcanons! I loved the Swatchlings and wanted to expand on them a little bit, just for fun! I like making things up for fictional species sometimes!
And well.. Knowing me I just add details! And I add details! And I add details! AND I ADD-
YOU GET THE GIST! I just added more fun stuff and expansions to them, and the world around them... Eventually it became an whole AU!
You see, the name "Datapack", comes from what is essentially the driving point of the main character's story, and the thing that started it all!
A "datapack" is another name that's used for Swatchling masks. They're not actually even masks at all! That's why there's an in-universe alternative name for it. Some even use the term "Swatchling horn". I use mask and horn interchangeably.
The white "masks" Swatchlings seem to have? Well, they aren't masks at all! They cannot be taken off, and it is, in fact, their face!
I will not go too in depth on Swatchling reproduction, (it's not even sexual, so don't worry if you want to ask further about it! It's just fairly detailed, and has tons of unneccesary info.) but I'll go over the basics!
When a parent/parents (can be more than 2) have offsprings, they will grow an horn on their snout shortly after having said offspring! It will grow as the egg grows, and falls off some days after the chick hatches!
The mask contains data and information of the parent - the way Swatchlings work is... Very complicated for no reason! I just enjoyed doing it so I had explanations for as many questions nobody asked as I could think of, you see.
But, the gist is - they're not just the body guards or artists... They're everything! The Swatchlings are naturally suited for basically anything. They're made to be adaptable and fill in certain roles individually!
Swatchlings will already hatch with some traits from their parent, but the mask is made to fill it in! Besides, if there's multiple parents, they can pick whichever one they think is the best. Or swap with other Swatchlings who kept their horns, if they have them.
The mask has information, but even energy for the Swatchling! They do not grow like us humans, they grow very rapidly. They are seen as real adults and mature around the same ages as we do, but they grow very, very quickly. The mask basically boosts their growth.
It also provides them with instinctual knowledge about certain topics... Let's say you are a Swatchling who's parent is a chef - and you receive their mask. You will grow to be close to cooking, possibly! You will have a very easy time picking it up as a hobby/job/interest! You can still learn to do other things, however, and spread this to your offspring as well! Generations of Swatchling like this may have passed down natural "knowledge" (or instinct?) rather towards many topics!!! It will help them later down in life when finding out their true passions, and purpose in the world!
DPAU is a bit less about Darkners existing to serve Lightners, but being a "lesser" world "underneath" the Light world after all. That's... Another very complicated topic - and honestly my least favorite of them all to work for this AU.
But basically! Swatchlings! Adaptable! Gets cool useful traits from parents through masks! Even physical perks - is your parent strong? You probably will be as well! The world is a canvas of endless possibilities! This is inspired by art programs being made to well... be able to do anything with!
NOW, there's two types of Swatchlings, and the second type has another sub-type.
MASKLESS Swatchlings, are those who never received a mask. After a few days of a Swatchling being hatched - a mask cannot be attached anymore. It is in a very limited time-span. Maskless Swatchlings lack the usual masked, white colored face, and tend to be of a shorter build as they don't have the outside energy and resourced that the masks give to help them grow quickly. They can basically do anything they want, but it may be slightly more difficult to learn. I wonder if there's an allegory for anything here.
MASKED Swatchlings, are those who received a mask. They are divided into artificial masks, and parent masks.
You see... Not all parents grow a mask due to a number of issues, or it is damaged, or some just have their egg split - causing them to have siblings. And well, they just don't have masks for all of them!
Maskless Swatchlings are typically accepted and seen as equal - they have their own great qualities! However, to satisfy the need for Swatchling parents needing masks for their off-spring... A business was made.
A brand new extremely advanced technology - the ability to create functioning, artificial masks! There's only one way to make them, and it is completely owned and basically copyrighted by the Swatchling-owned company, Adobi. They're known for their industry standard art programs, art supplies, and the company owner's, Brodi Adobi's, hatred of lemons. However, they have a Swatchling specific side just for creating artificial Swatchling masks! And since DPAU Dark World is HUGE and composed of possibly thousands of cities just like this one we see - and the fact they own this market - it's a big CHA-CHING for them. Dollar signs for pupils included.
There's two types of artificial masks. Regular, and specific datapack. The Swatchlings who have a specific datapack mask, are also called Specific Datapack Swatchlings.
Regular ones are sorta blank (haha), giving the Swatchling just the basics. Letting them grow bigger and faster, and general adaptability to learn! There may be some that are more leaning towards certain things - those may be a bit more expensive due their specificness.
Then there's the specific datapack ones. These are given to Swatchlings who are expected to be future workers - those who's parents have no plans for them, really. They want to ensure a good, safe position later in life so they get a specific datapack mask. It makes a Swatchling less adaptable, but extremely good in their specific field. They will also often make Swatchlings look the same/extremely similar. (The Swatchlings have ways of telling who's who, even in a room of naked to the eye identical looking/dressed Swatchlings.)
These are usually made for businesses who want future workers for hire. Of course, they can decide to NOT work for them later on - but if they do it's basically a free job right away, no worries no biggies. You already have everything you need naturally. For example, all of Queen's butler Swatchlings are this. That's why they look identical for the most part! Except for Swatch - they have a parent mask.
Specific datapack Swatchlings also work best in teams, and take orders well. It's sometimes both a blessing, and a curse, and sometimes the ethics of this are discussed - but the most common argument is that, well, they don't have to do what they were designed for thanks for their mask - they can just do something else if they want to. It may be harder for them to start and learn, but it is a possibility.
And well, LEGALLY, only Swatchling owned stores can order these masks en masse to sell them to other Swatchlings only, to avoid... Accidents. You see, only Swatchlings have the code in them that activates after they are a few days old that disables masks from working on them. Because it could cause harm if used on an adult or an growing being!
... Other species don't have that! And, you see, in the early days of the Cyber World forming, there was less species! They were all vague beings, who then split to fit certain roles. There was a few of these at first, and from them came everything else. Am I really putting vague evolution into Deltarune? Yeah. its the undiagnosed tism. sorry.
But basically! Swatchlings are more closely related to some species. Those can handle being masked fairly well, and may even have special forms and use it no problem, almost. But someeeee wellll, may cause some trouble.
And in the wrong hands... Someone may use this for evil.
There's people who try to modify the code of these, and make masks grant them abilities they could not have naturally. Help them achieve stronger forms. OH YEAH. I FORGOT TO MENTION. Masks also exist to let a Swatchling have stronger magic, and pass down learned/natural Darkner magic from parent to offspring.
Modifying/hacking masks is... Dangerous. This is the code for a living being, it's not like some code for a game or a program. This comes from a living being, to a living being. They may be made of code, but code to them is like... Our atoms. Is that a good way to explain it?
If someone were to use a corrupted mask, it would ruin their life together, since it can cause a wide array of problems.
That's why it's illegal for other kinds of Darkners to buy them (unless closely regulated, takes a few papers to fill, rather expensive, has to be a specific species as well), to not spread any mishaps. Well, it doesn't stop some people!
That's what caused the AU to begin... What if an Addison got one of these masks? Like, a VERY, VERY badly corrupted mask?
That's how Blank B. Addison was born in my own cursed little catboy entity hands. And with me developing him further... The world aroung him grew. And it kept stacking up and... Now I have a whole AU!
I uh. Talked a little too much about this, but I believe this is the basic info you need to understand anything being talked about further. Hell, I have NOT even gotten into the main story of DPAU, following Blank himself. I have not even MENTIONED Deep Dark Cyber City, which is my own new area and idea for Deltarune. Basically the dark web where all the nasty shit happens! Even I sometimes wonder how any of this related to core Deltarune (i mean it is supposed to be an addition to background elements, and its like.. oh this could happen but you wouldnt see it because it happens outside the players view and at a different time), but I also remember a lot of stuff I did in this AU is to be like... An somewhat canon adjusted addition? There's a lot of weird loops and shit here just to let some canon things happen, lmao. ANYWAYS. I WILL STOP MYSELF HERE BEFORE I GO ON ANOTHER TANGENT. THERE'S MORE ASKS FOR ME TO ANSWER. FEEL FREE TO ASK MORE, BECAUSE I PROBABLY CAUSED SEVERE CONFUSION AND I DEFINITELY MISSED A LOT OF POINTS ON ACCIDENT. I have also not read my old notes in a while, this is *all* from the top of my head.
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