#i jeed a hug
hongjoongpresent · 5 months
Just finished I feel you linger in the air. Definitely liked this show more than usual
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thewindstale · 2 years
We also have my son, Hope Estheim:
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Aww sweetie hi do u jeed a hug i will take u on adventures <3
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gemglyph · 1 year
That you jeed to be hugged and very carefully bubble wrapped
Also you give soft wholesome energy
I mean you’re right though… Truly. Worse is I have ADHD so I need the bubble wrap then just… do things I probably shouldn’t
Also, I love hugs!!!! Need all the hugs ✨
And I appreciate the energy!! I very much want to be supportive!!! And nice!!! :D
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i just want affection so had from him
i want help i jeed help yet everytime i imagine someone hugging me or telling me nice things its always from him
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hanniiesuckle17 · 2 years
Here is a hug , my way of hoping that you are doing fine , one of the nicest ppl I've come across of the internet you truly desrve it. - 🐿
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theoldsophieblog · 6 years
I need a girl who can make a great cup of tea ☕️ that’s the way to my heat
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ilohvtae · 6 years
I think music videos end too abruptly, like I need a hug or something.
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yeosanggf · 6 years
When I finished my final exam and got home I started screaming Boss
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Francis watches Tharntype (Day 2)
First thought: It's 5 am and I'm already doing this to myself?
Second thought: time for a cut!
Episode 5
Oh, fuck it, Tharn needs so many lessons on wtf boundaries are.
Type is allowed to be prickly and uncomfortable! Why, yes, I do have a preference for tsundere. Thanks for noticing.
Tharn has never found a boundary he could respect. Seriously. Not a fan here. Boy's a pain. He's obnoxious and pushy and, on-goingly, not my kind of character.
I am rolling my eyes SO HARD.
I really do feel bad for Type, honestly. Tharn is constantly pushing at him and every single one of his boundaries. Like, of course you push back at that and stay prickly! That's so unpleasant and unenjoyable!
This has that same weird vibe of FUTS, that 'I'll pretend to be your friend but won't really because I want more' but at least these two STARTED at FWB to get to that level.
I want Tharn to stop saying Type's name. Seriously.
"Let me stay just long enough to give you more reason to be affectionate toward him in the hopes of moving the plot along" - Jeed
I feel like Type could carve a boundary into a stone tablet and hit Tharn with it and it probably still wouldn't sink in.
"Alcohol doesn't cloud my judgement" and that's just a lie. Oy vey.
Poor Type, seriously. He has every right to have drawn a line and ask for Tharn to respect that, even if he thinks it's a dumb line. And, yes, Tharn has that right as well if he'd just exercise it.
I have zero strong opinion on Techno except to say that I like his actor more in LBC. Like, a lot more.
How did Tharn come from such a good family and not learn a single thing about boundaries?
But, also, like how are you calling Type self-centered when you're the one that has decided to make a choice you know he doesn't want and crosses every boundary he's tried to hold with you. Seriously. Not a fan. "He's so self-centered, not like me who constantly does things I know he won't like because I've never met a boundary I couldn't or wouldn't break. That's not self-centered."
I do feel bad for Type. He's been clear about how he views this relationship and it's Tharn who keeps ignoring every boundary he sets up and then getting mad when Type doesn't appreciate his boundaries being destroyed.
Cute moment 2: Type trying not to smile when Tharn hugged him.
Ongoingly, I mostly just feel bad for Type. He keeps trying to be clear about what he wants (or at least thinks he wants) and Tharn is just like the ultimate bulldozer.
I get why people find Techno to be a fun and funny character. I just... mostly don't care honestly? He's fine. But I'm not attached. His casual 'ally by homophobic' statements have kind of turned me off.
Type is so comfortable flirting with Puifai. I'm okay with it, I suppose? Like... is this really supposed to be horrible? It makes sense for the character. Also lol the music.
Episode 6
Honestly, it sounds so bad, but Type flirting with the girl is pretty cute? He's so smiley and all pleased with himself and it's weirdly darling. I mean, I know it can't work but he's adorable.
Seriously this is the first damn time he's actually been openly happy in the entire show.
I just don't like Tharn. They have sexual chemistry, sure, but they don't have any other kind of chemistry for me in the show. And, like, that's great and all but it doesn't make the relationship work.
Tharn, Type has been extremely clear that he sees you as a FWB and nothing more. Like, seriously. Can you respect just ONE thing he says to you? EVER?
Ugh, why is Type cuter flirting with a girl than he has been at any point with Tharn? Sure, he's sexier with Tharn but that's not what I want most of the time. I want cute and happy.
Oh fuck off Tharn.
I mean, I sure as fuck wouldn't answer either. Type has every right to his own life and privacy. Also, yess, punch him. Fuck him UP. Good boy. Full approval. Any chance we can get Type to give Pi some lessons in self-defense and standing up for himself?
You have zero right to be jealous. Type has NEVER lied about what this relationship is to him or what it means. Seriously. Ugh. Boo on Tharn. I want Type to get the girl now. I've never wanted that in a BL before in my life.
I love Seo so much he's so darling and cute. Also Klui. And neither of them deserve this.
I love the rules for a casual relationship. Type is so, so clear about what he wants and, frankly, Tharn can back out if that's not what he wants. Go for it. Get out. But don't ask something from him that he's made clear isn't what he wants.
Like, I get that Type has to end with Tharn because, like, that's the title and the plot of the entire show. But it doesn't actually make a lot of sense.
It is fascinating how Type is most confident in his convictions when he's faced directly with Tharn and more and more insecure the farther he is from him.
Also, awww, his smile went away. It's sad. I miss it already.
Oh come on, Type, you need a better lie than that. But also the smile came back! Yay!
One of my problems: I care so little that I don't remember things. So I'm only kind of even remotely sure that Type just made plans the same day he agreed to do something with Tharn? Maybe?
I mean, I will admit, shoving him off mid make out is maybe a bit far but, eh, honestly. I'll give it to him. This is the only way Tharn seems to respect a single boundary Type lays down.
Oh, he did make overlapping plans! I thought so. But I had forgotten for sure.
lol the sad music in the background makes sense but I am so utterly uninvested it just amuses me.
The biggest problem with Tharn and Type is that they have great sexual chemistry but other than that, for me, they've got nothing. There's no friendship or love in their actions. It's all about the lust and, I mean, fine. But I can't get invested in their relationship.
Seriously, sorry y'all, but Type's smiles with Puifai are just darling. He's so sweet and cute and soft in a way he never is with Tharn and I like it a lot more. I can't believe I'm saying this. I kind of hate that I am? But also like... it's true.
Come at me, he never smiles like this with Tharn. They're so good as FWBs.
I feel dirty even enjoying this, y'all. WTF is going on that I like them more? How the fuck is this happening? lol the music sting is amazing, though. The sheer horror of a Het Kiss in a BL comes through.
I was honestly hoping that Type would be apologizing for skipping Tharn's performance rather than for making out with Puifai.
Type is so panicked but also this scene makes no sense. Seriously. I... what? He was so sweet and into her. You're seriously telling me all that was nothing? Apparently?
Meh. So very, very meh.
Cute Moment 3: Type kissing Tharn's forehead
I do feel sorry for Puifai. Like, she was definitely lead on by Type (I... guess?) because he was acting super into her. And at least Type knows he did wrong by her.
"I won't act like a dick again" is probably the biggest lie this show ever puts together.
Ongoingly, they have great sexual chemistry but... for me, it's like TanBun from Manner of Death. The actor's chemistry is working but the character's chemistry isn't. (note: this comparison brought to you by @absolutebl without whom I might never have noticed the difference.) And y'all can say I'm wrong, I suppose? But like that's my read of this.
Cute Moment 4: Type playing with Tharn's hair. And the kiss he initiates. Fine, fine. Not bad.
We did get a real smile from Type in that too, which was nice.
And Type has a good point about never being able to say no to Tharn.
Ugh, I was planning on watching another episode but I just... I can't, y'all, I can't. More tomorrow.
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thehugwizard · 3 years
Can I have a hug, I haven't had a hug in 8 years.
Fuck dude, you jeed hugs *gives you a big soft hug*
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lovenona · 3 years
but what the actual HUH???? first off that bath house seem w drakens fine self😵‍💫 his hair was so cute omg and then finding out the baji and kazutora lore LITERALLY WTF HOW ARE THESE 12-13 YEAR OLDS PULLIN THIS SHIT 😭 but literally everything leading up to chapter 49 WHAT and i still have so much left to read LMFAOOOO
BRO THE BAJI/KAZUTORA BACKSTORY IS SO MUCH 😭 the valhalla arc HURTS i wish u the best of luck omg everything just keeps getting WORSE i just want to give everyone a hug and a therapist for the god damn TRAUMA
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wxsuthorn · 4 years
My Thoughts on Lovesick: the Series
Okay so I’m currently watching Lovesick and I love it so much! But literally when i tried watching the episodes on youtube for season two, there was this video that included multiple episodes. Little did I know that a bunch of the side couples and side plots were cut out and it was only the scenes with Noh and Phun. I feel the need to rewatch those episodes so that I can actually see what’s going on with the side characters. Kinda mad about that.
the things i loved:
They have cute moments that aren’t only kissing or sexual tension like other BL series (there’s barely any kissing to begin with)
I love slow burn BL’s... this one was no exception <3
I didn’t hate all of the female characters from the beginning to the end - i definetely hate a lot (Grace), but it’s not like with Addicted where i hated every single female character from the moment I saw their faces. Excluding one character.
It tackles a lot of different types of drama - there was a rich vs poor conflict with jeed, and there were financially diverse characters. Phun was obviously rich and his father’s image was easy to ruin since he was a politician. Noh didn’t have famous parents and was relatively middle class. Also, the sextape conflict. And even the thing with Earn liking Noh but Noh liking Phun was a neat conflict. The conflicts were diverse and i didnt feel bored after watching like 20 episodes.
I like how Noh and Phun’s relationship didn’t have a complete obvious and stereotypical seme/uke relationship. I personally feel like they both have a bit of both types of characteristics.
forehead kisses
things i didnt really like:
The first episode was a mess tbh
rarely had kiss scenes and when they did the camera cut off before they actually kissed - i get it if the actors are uncomfortable with that but its still annoying lol, especially after a bajillion episodes of them either being mad or having a misunderstanding or smth
their hugs were cringe im sorry. like it looked like they were trapping each other it did not look comfy lololol. not all of them were tho, just a few.
thats about it, not much to be upset about <3
still mad about the missing scenes masmnsksjssjjsj i should rewatch the episodes...
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i get so fucking stupid and xonvicne myself hes never gonna front again
i just need him so bas i sont wanna be dependent yet i really fuckinf need him i jeed him to tell me he loves menthat hes here for me that im gonna be okay sure maybe not now maybe not even soon but some day ans then heres gonna try to be there for me every step od the way and that he loves me he thinks im pretty ans then i want him to hug me and give me a kiss
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xansoverall · 5 years
It’s time for me to stop.
I had a fairly close talk with Abby, my best friend, yesterday. I told her the truth about my traumatic relationship with the previous owner of this Tumblr.
She told me about 12-Step which I need to look into. I’ve been using literally every day. I haven’t had a 100% sober day in so long that I don’t even remember what one is like. Even on the phone with Abby, while she was talking about sobriety, I was coked the fuck out. And I feel HORRIBLE about that.
I never imagined my life would take the direction it did one year ago. I was doing great, I just got out of High School(Which was a miracle by its self, with my ADD and all) and had a few friends to talk to every day. A few months later I’d get my first job at Walmart and I was a damn hard worker. I barely even smoked weed and when I did, it was with a friend or two who enjoyed smoking(I personally don’t like getting high all that much, I feel lethargic when I’m high). After the christmas season, I started disliking my job, mostly because of upper management. It eventually evolved into full-blown depression somewhere around late February.
When I met katie(March 25th, 2019, I still haven’t forgotten the date, nor the encounter), I honestly never felt happier. It was like I finally found my drug of choice, something that legitimately gave me a reason to exist beyond just trying to stay alive another day. Something to look forward to when I woke up every morning.
Quickly that faded away as I began to see Katies’ problems as my own. When she broke up with me the first time, I didn’t believe that she wasn’t in love with me because of her, I saw it as me failing to make her happy and content with life. I tried to stay friends with her, for her sake and mine. I felt empty and needed someone to be there for me but it felt like she was the only one who truly was. I couldn’t wrap my head around that so I started taking LSD fairly frequently.
On May 12(?), I got fired from Walmart due to faking hours by adjusting my punches literally every single day. It was my own fault for getting fired, I cannot deny that. After that, I was miserable and I’m sure Katie knew that. I don’t even remember when we started dating again but that’s when not even our relationship was safe from my Depression. Somewhere along the way, my brain stuck one tiny, tiny thought in my head: She was cheating on me.
It was all downhill from there. Not a single day went by when I wondered what she was doing or where she was. I used the Snapchat Map to keep tabs on where she was going. One day, I saw she went to a place in elgin that I’d never seen her go to before, which only made my thoughts worse. She must’ve picked up on it somehow because she turned it off shortly after. Every day after that was filled with misery as every thought that came to mind was her cheating on me. I started smoking more and more often just to forget what I was thinking about. I put on a nice face around my friends and family but there was no happiness to be felt.
I don’t remember when she broke up with me the second time, either. I guess my mind is very good at repressing bad memories. Regardless, I hit rock bottom here. I was high all day, every day. Abby went to rehab and I was left feeling more lonely than I ever had before. I was looking for something harder all the time. Anything to get me too fucked up to think, much less remember anything. I bought 100 tabs of Etizolam telling everyone “Oh, it’s just to help with my anxiety while I’m in college,” fuck no it wasn’t. All I wanted was to be numb and I hoped that it would help. Instead, I had a few nights where my friends would come over and get fucked up with me at my house. Including Katie. The etiz didn’t last longer than a week and I forgot pretty much the entire previous month of pain and suffering I went through with katie.
Then she told me she was getting kicked out of the place she was living. That was a total lie. I later found out that Jim(the person she was staying with at the time) had not told her to move out, he told her that she needed to get her life together. Regardless I, without hesitation, offered to let her live in my room with me. She was more than happy to oblige as I’m thinking it was her goal all along to do so. The first week was fun, we dropped acid, fucked, ect. Since neither of us had jobs(She got fired from both jobs, it’s unknown to this day why she got fired, maybe I should look into that), we were together 24/7. At first this was great for me, I’d finally gotten what I wanted- a truly close relationship with her. And then, a few days before her period, she turned into a completely different person. I thought it was just PMS and didn’t say anything to her about it. Then she basically shut down as a human being. She wouldn’t make an effort to make food for herself, or vocalize her hunger to me so I never knew when to cook for her. She stopped showering(She went an entire week without) or taking care of herself in any way. She didn’t react to physical contact(Wouldn’t hug me, kiss me, or anything else) and in general didn’t really acknowledge my existence unless she wanted something. After a while, she stopped responding to my “I Love you’s” and when so far as to tell me “Yeah, yeah I know you do” once. Nothing on earth could prepare me for that. Not even the physical abuse such as hitting me for no clear reason could possibly amount to hearing that phrase, I’d rather have my hand cut off with a dull file than hear that again.
Then, when I thought the worst had come and gone, she made plans to go to Missouri without telling me about it. 4 days before she left, I found out. She seemed uptight about going but wanted to see her family so I was as supportive as I could be about it and tried to help her pack. She got there and everything was fine, she was having fun, her family wasn’t being a bunch of assholes to her which was great to hear as they thought she was doing a lot more drugs than she was. She told me she loved being around family and wanted to live up there with me. Then, the next day, she texted me and told me she didn’t love me and that she was staying in Missouri. I died a little because I thought this would happen but doubted that possibility since she left almost all of her belongings in my house. I was wrong. She chewed me up and spat me out.
I need to stop using for my own sanity. I’m feeling better since the breakup but the habits have persisted. I’m back to smoking weed like I used to, only with friends but I’m still using the harder things such as coke. I don’t feel as though it’s helping what I jeed it to help anyway, it’s just soley for fun. Addiction is not fun, therefore Cocaine is not either. Nor is anything else. And nothing else will help fill the void that katie left either. I just need to accept that and get sober.
To abby, if youre reading this- I’m sorry for being such a fuck-up that I can’t stop even for long enough to talk to you about sobriety.
To katie, if youre reading this- you’ve left me with extreme emotional trauma that will likely take me years to get through. I thought you were better than my previous girlfriend but it turns out you were just as bad as her. You didn’t care about me in the slightest. When I asked what made you love me the third time we dated, you didn’t give me a good answer, you told me it was because I gave you a place to stay meaning you wouldn’t have cared about me if I had nothing to offer you. You’re a true sociopath, just like Victoria. Clearly, I’m just a sociopath magnet who’s so easily manipulated that I was happy to let you do it to me.
I’ll add more to this post later on down the line when the repressed memories come back slowly but surely. I’ve already started getting them and I’m sure more with come with time...
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do-not-miss-it · 5 years
Night one: 
“That was the worst night of my life“
I took an edible while James rolled his first joint. He messed up the first time and had to re-do it with Stewart once some of their fraternity brothers showed up. They’re total jeeds but I respect their brotherhood and friendship because they seem like totally nice guys. I went to this house for a game night with them that turned out to be the miserable prison house I watched a Gators game at the last time I visited them. James was supposed to meet us there but he never got off the couch. The poor man couldn't handle the lush. This time was less soul crushing as I dipped right when I had been there enough and there was something interactive to do. I thought the uber driver taking me there was going to axe murder me so I dipped a few blocks early and had to walk. When I dipped to go to Caden's, I tried to walk in but the dance circle backed into the door preventing me from getting inside. This party felt different than the last one. For starters, I was informed of last year's party before it happened. This one, everyone forgot to tell me. The whole vibe was aggressive, like these were people in their post-sardonic /mu/ niche of Death Grips as party music and irony poisoned dance moves. It probably didn't help that I was a little high but I took a knee in the middle of the circle and chugged some moscato since Reef seemed like he genuinely wanted me to have fun. It's weird how he connects so well with them and I can't but that's how it's always been. I tried to uber home but I got locked out of James's apartment and didn't know which room was his. His phone was off and by the time I arrived mine was dead. I scampered around the city in a frightened and lost daze trying to find a gas station to sell me a charger. I spent like $30 just trying to get home and even then I ended up just going to Caden's because I couldn't get a hold of anyone else. I'm a little proud of myself that while I didn't keep track of where I was that I still managed to find a way home. 
Night two:
“This is the geekiest party I’ve ever been to”
I killed it in beer pong. I actually bounced one into the other to win a game. I have historically been the absolute worst at this game and I won two and a row with Em. The night started with James dopping me and the rest of my wine off at Em’s new apartment where we played some music and talked. We went and picked up more drinks (she got a 12 pack of cider and I got another big boi of moscato). I played some music that she seemed into and we kinda shot the shit at first, just talking about random stuff. I don’t remember how it got into the subject of our parents but that’s where it headed; the lamentation of familial failure. She seemed desperate to talk about her dad and I wanted to let her open up. I think this all started by her asking about mine and I tried to play it casual, but it’s hard when your father is in prison. It definitely came from me talking about sending him money which is a big red flag. I’m not really affected by him anymore but I see that people feel bad for me whenever it’s brought up. She didn’t cry which I didn’t expect her to but it was still a relief. I felt a connection, though. It’s strange because Em always represented the kind of person I wanted to like me in high school and now I have this friendship that is separated by counties. We went to Jackie’s 21st around the socially appropriate time to show up to a party. I wasn’t crazy buzzed but I definitely felt the sugar in my stomach giving me issues. I tried to pull the trigger but nothing came up except some bad tastes, thankfully my stomach issues subsided. The music wasn’t loud enough since it was playing out of record player speakers, I peaked a copy of MBDTF and I thought “my man”. I overheard Stewart and Chris talking to some guy about making music and just felt white hot rage at my own cowardice. How are these guys making music and I’m not? This is disappeared once I ranted about the neglect of poor people to one of James’s friends and found ol jimbo trying to call Hailey. One of their fraternity brother was slowly making a move on Em even if she had no intention of intimacy. I walked in on them hugging but she was so freezing that she ended up using me in the same manner a few minutes later. After we pried the phone off of him we threw him in the car and drove his ass home. 
Night Three: 
“Is this Phoenix?“
I saw Krystle, bought a lot of stuff from Target, and watched a lot of Sunny. A guy at Ale House possibly thought her and Em were sister wives to me but I think they just might have been starers. We made fun of people from our hometown and just had some fun. Nothing worth writing about happened :)
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