#i just dont want him to see the fic lol
faeriescorpio · 2 years
Damien Time Travel AU Chapter 11
lets see if writing a fic for the first time in ages is gonna snap me out of my content-making hiatus?
Mark was waiting for him.
Oh, it was subtle, but Damien had long ago wised up to Mark's tricks. The actor may have not been waiting outside when the car pulled up to the mansion, and he wasn't standing by the door, but when Damien entered the living room Mark was sitting there, drink in hand, looking at Damien.
Mark's eyes were narrowed, but his face quickly smoothed as he got to his feet.
Damien let him. There were bigger things to worry about than Mark sizing him up the moment he stepped through the door, and it wasn't like Damien wasn't doing the same.
"My friend," Mark greeted, striding toward him like a predator stalking its prey. He produced a piece of paper from his pocket with a flourish, waving it in front of Damien's face long enough to catch that it was a brand new invitation to Mark's party, before folding the paper in half. With a steady confidence that Damien almost envied, Mark reached forward and tucked the paper into Damien's breast pocket. His hands lingered, smoothing out Damien's suit before Mark pulled them away.
It made Damien's skin crawl, but he reigned in his feelings before they could show on his face.
"Thank you, Mark," He barely refrained from gritting the words out. "But this didn't need to be in person."
"Am I not allowed to catch up with one of my most trusted friends?" Mark began to circle Damien, reaching out again and placing a hand on Damien's shoulder. As he passed behind Damien, it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Mark's footsteps were silent on the rich, red, carpet floor, and Damien didn't like the brief moment where he couldn't see or hear Mark.
But the moment passed, and Mark pulled up to Damien's right side, arm now wrapped around Damien's shoulders. It was a smoothly executed movement, but trapped Damien firmly in Mark's grasp.
"Come on, now, my dear mayor. Don't leave me the odd one out. You talked to everyone else but me."
"Alright," Damien pretended to concede, heart already sinking in his chest. He knew he couldn't have escaped so easily but it had still been worth a shot.
"So, how have you been, Mark?"
It was a weak beginning, but Damien knew he needed to keep control of the conversation as much as he could. If he could keep the questions on Mark, then Mark couldn't question him. How hard could it be when he was talking to such a self-absorbed man?
"Nevermind me," Mark said quickly, eyes skirting away. His grip on Damien's shoulder tightened for a second, then purposefully loosened. Damien raised an eyebrow, almost vicious in his delight at Mark's discomfort.
"Really? What is this party celebrating then? I thought maybe you had some sort of achievement or something that you wanted to celebrate. Then again, it doesn't really say on the invitation, does it?" He couldn't help egging Mark on. Damien remembered clearly how confused he had been about this the first time around, before he had realized it was nothing but a trap to lure William in.
Mark guided him deeper into the house, face turned resolutely away. "Damien, now," he said, voice lower than before. "Have a little faith in me, wouldn't you? Of course we're celebrating something. We're celebrating life. We're celebrating all the choices we've made which have brought us to this point in time. I thought you'd like to celebrate that. Isn't it your motto? Life is ours to choose?"
Damien felt a surge of rage. Surely Mark was mocking him.
"Sometimes I think I'm tired of giving people a choice," he growled, letting his anger slip into his voice. He stiffened immediately.
Fuck, he thought. I’m giving it away.
Mark's head snapped to face Damien, eyes burning.
"Damien!" He faux-gasped, or perhaps it was real. "Why, I never thought you'd ever say something like that!" Mark stopped walking, forcing Damien to stop as well. He turns his full body to face Damien, his other hand coming to grip Damien's arm. He searches Damien's face, and Damien waits for the game to end.
"You know," Mark says slowly. "Sometimes I feel the same."
His grip is too tight, like iron around Damien's arm.
"Damien. I'd like to ask you a question."
Damien can't keep his body from tensing.
"Old friend. What is it that you think you know about the party?" Mark's predatory smile is gone, leaving behind nothing but a horrid intensity.
"I don't think anything. I don't dare presume a thing." Damien replies, but Mark gives him a little shake.
"Damien. I'm not in the mood for games anymore. What. Do. You. Know."
Damien can't help it. He reaches forward, breaking free of Mark's grasp. He grabs Mark by the tie and yanks him forward.
"I know enough," He snarls, and then he pushes Mark away from him and sprints for the door.
He doesn't make it, of course. He's fueled by adrenaline, anger, and fear. But Mark has something he doesn't have right now: the manor on his side.
He catches Benjamin's eyes right before it all goes black. Not that it meant anything.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
sorry I’ve been on such a Dabi high lately but I almost croaked earlier at the thought of being his college gf and just being so opposite of each other!!!!!! you’re all good grades and perfect attendance, easily approachable and sweet smiles. and he’s all grumpy faced and dark clothing, makes people nervous whenever he stands outside smoking right by the doors.
who the hell would’ve thought you two would end up together? it just didn’t make a lick of sense seeing you two from the outside. but when they get a glimpse of you guys together, alone, everything just falls into place.
he’s so supportive of everything you do, no matter how dumb or nerdy he thinks it is. he keeps count of your stitches for you when you crotchet, doesn’t mind being your model for a cropped hot pink sweater you’re creating, wears the knitted beanie around campus that you made for him. he hates not having your attention but he takes some of the same classes you take so that he can help you study, quiz you when you’re not too sure of the subject, maybe even help you cheat if you want (you don’t, but he always offers).
he buys you your favorite drink at the cafes and always carries an extra laptop charger in case you forget. he helps you pick out your outfits when you’re unsure, and loves the opposite aesthetic whenever you stand hand in hand with him. he praises you when you succeed, and comforts you with your failures. he looks like a dirtbag that hangs around campus to be a creepy bum, but he’s there for you through and through <3
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gifti3 · 9 months
I think one con of dating asmo would be his fans
I like to believe that most of them are decent but theres always gonna be fans who dont know or care about healthy boundaries (some of his fans have to have a parasocial relationship with him!)
And ik asmo can defend himself but im sure it can still be upsetting at times
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moeblob · 2 years
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Among many others? I like a fair amount of ships with Ferdinand and my indecision has led me to smooshing him into poly a few times? But I guess Bernadetta gets the honors to be drawn here since I got their end card in my first AM run and I love them both very, very much.
(if I had any more energy for FE I’d draw him and Sylvain, too, cause that’s one I don’t mention much but let the horse boys be horse boyfriends)
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cowboy-robooty · 10 months
now that wiener has changed me i can show my true colors to you all. this is the equivalent of me posting my little prince on the internet okay because i genuinely think this is cringe and stupid but i cant help it i have autistic rage and everyday i fight against it. anyways the reason why its so big i like wieners itapan is bc this is how i actually feel about itapan
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its okay though because everyday i fight to cure myself of these aids (once i opened my social media app and saw itapan and my day genuinely felt significantly worse. ruined even. i am fighting so hard).
#BECAUSE I FOR REALSIES THINK ITS SO DUMB TO GET ACTUALLY DEADASS MAD AT FICTIONAL SHIPS#WHO THE FUCK CARES#AINT NOBODY CARE ABOUT THAT SHIT SHUT YO DUMBASS UP!!!!!#but my weakness... is itager... because idk im ill abt them its not a joke#ive been this way for like 6 years now#i can handle reading fanfics of germany x other characters bc germany literally never loves them#like all the fics i read of him x other characters is just him being tortured by them and he doesnt even like them#the only way he reciprocates their affections is literally after white room torture and getting turned into a different person#i believe that i think thats true thats the only way he could possibly show romantic affection to someone other than italy#i only can tolerate and sometimes enjoy content of germy/itatard x other people if its onesided and they dont love the other person#bc then im like yeah seems legit cuz theyd only love eachother in all universes#and i feel this way abt basically all of my ships i care abt bc im a monoshipper#but usually i wont give a fuck if i see them with other people im like that sucks lol but not my house not my soup!#BUT ITAGER....... IT MAKES ME CRAZY#IT MAKES ME ACT LIKE A FREAK ! I DONT ENDORSE MY OWN BEHAVIOR#thats why this is my shame............. this is my one true cringe and something i genuinely consider a flaw of mine#one of my few if not only autistic rage inducers............. please accept me for who i am. i am trying to fight this (ngl im losing but#we still try our best bc i want to have no weaknesses)#one of my few weaknesses.....#robooty dick pic
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the-mononoke-facade · 2 months
Hey so what needs to happen to put the medicine vendor in more Situations(tm)? He's got a lot of potential for that but we all seem just a little too scared to go with it
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Actually cry so goddamn hard when I think about Shinjiro Aragaki healing and being loved and having to learn to be okay with himself and being taken care of
#writing him has just been like. OOOOWOEOEOEOOE i piss tears i cant handle this shit this gay ass shit#i came up with an idea for just like a cute short one shot i wanna do soon and hnnnghh im so emo about it#very healing its like very hard to write some of the shit im gonna be writing cuz basically#some of it is just a little too real man and while i crave the angst and the drama i am just like#AND THEN EVERYONE HOLDS HANDS AND ITS OKAY PLEASE DONT CRY PLEASE#and ive mentioned how shinji has accidentally become nb to me now because i just kinda happened to write him that way without meaning to#and now another thing im noticing is that in my fic hes kinda bpd coded#it definitely wasnt intentional but now im accepting it as truth no one can stop me#i just really need him to be happy its more important to me than anything else man i need it for me#and he needs to be gay with aki they need to kissy and i think its funny cuz even in the parts where shinji is mad at aki and pushing him#away its like. he kinda has it bad lol and its clear he feels no actual hatred towards aki but more just self deprecation because he doesnt#feel good enough and like idk i just think about their respective roles in society like#aki is an honor student star boxer hero very attractive very kind very popular got adopted by a rich family#hes going places you know meanwhile shinji is a drop out who never had a family ever hes homeless hes sketchy hes on drugs#his reputation couldnt be any worse and he just leans into it and feels he has no future and hes worthless garbage#and aki could literally have anyone he wants you know he has an army of girls pining over him but he doesnt want them#HE WANTS SHINJI AND NO ONE ELSE HE SPENDS YEARS CHASING AFTER HIM#and shinji HATES it hes trying so hard to push him away and be the crusty delinquent and make aki see how worthless he really is#but aki just doesnt stop he loves him so much makes me sick SICK#and shinji really loves him back hes like not gonna shut up ever about aki hes like either doing it in a gay ass annoyed way#or hes like ‘haha omg aki is so cute though hes always trying so hard to be tough but hes just so sweet and gentle you know i hope he#doesnt push himself too hard if he got hurt id fall apart hes so silly i hope hes eating good i desire him carnally’#yeah sorry gamers this is just a pairing i cant be normal about they mean so much to me personally the fate of the world rests upon them
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everythingsinred · 3 months
Hey considering Natsume danced with a lot of girls just because Mikan said she was never going to dance with him.
Do you think that in a hypothetical scenario Natsume would have been able to kiss another girl just because Mikan kissed someone? Like for jealousy? just kiss, not be boyfriend and girlfriend or fall in love. I want to know what you think.
IDK if you are the same person who asked about Natsume's jealousy and petty reactions with the dancing before or not, but if not I find it interesting that this aspect of their relationship sticks out to people. Not that it doesn't stick out to me, but it's something I've been asked about a couple of times before and that seems interesting to me.
I've talked about this event in these answers (one & two) and in this part of Natsume's essay.
ANYWAY.... to answer your question briefly.... No. I don't think he would.
Long answer is under the cut.
Natsume danced with those girls in Chapter 26 because Mikan announced loudly she'd never dance with Natsume, and he took that personally. BUT I must also state that we see him dancing with only one girl to spite Mikan. Mikan assumes she's the only person he won't dance with, and I personally believe he was busying himself and spiting her by dancing with others, but there's no real proof that he did beside the one girl.
He clearly got bored pretty fast and ran away to hide in the woods away from other human beings so he wouldn't have to dance anymore.
This contrasts with his behavior at the Christmas Ball, where he clearly intends to hide in the tree for the whole event, stopping by for a slice of cake real quick. He only gets himself involved in the events when Ruka forces him to dance with Mikan. If it weren't for that, I think he would have stayed in the tree the whole time and wouldn't have danced with anybody else.
Natsume dances with other girls in Chapter 26 because Mikan says she wouldn't dance with him. It's one of the rare things he does out of spite. Mikan flat out tells Natsume she doesn't see why anybody would want to kiss him and his response to spite her is to kiss her.
Also I must stress that Natsume believes she has been kissed by someone else!
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He thinks Ruka kissed her earlier that evening and has thought so all evening since Ruka kissed her on the cheek (she has been acting strangely and blushing and generally freaking out. He doesn't necessarily see this, but one of her concerns is that Ruka not get the wrong idea about her accidental "tooth kiss" with Natsume).
He thinks she has been kissed before, and his response is not to kiss somebody else. Natsume doesn't really want to hurt Mikan, firstly. Secondly, the whole "spite" thing only works if he thinks Mikan wants to kiss him, or could possibly be bothered by the idea of kissing someone else, and his self-hatred prevents that.
Mikan danced with almost everybody in Chapter 26, except for Natsume. To get back at her, he dances with everyone but her. There's not really any outwardly romantic insinuation about dancing since they both do it so liberally that night.
Kissing is different. Kissing is not something that Mikan would do with just anyone, and in Chapter 50, Natsume is convinced she's kissed Ruka and that the two like each other. If Mikan likes Ruka, then she probably won't care if Natsume kisses somebody else, right?
Besides, Mikan has convinced herself that Natsume has kissing experience too, and he doesn't really correct that. We could take that as his spiteful act, since he's giving the same thing Mikan is: not communicating clearly.
I genuinely think Natsume's behavior in Chapter 26 is out of the ordinary. He has a new interest in a girl, something he's not used to. His jealousy usually punishes the person he's jealous of (think Tsubasa or Tono, who can hug Mikan freely when he can't), or Mikan by just insulting her if he can't punish the person he's jealous of (he never punishes Ruka).
But his way of hurting Mikan is really specific after this: he generally tells her Ruka is too good for her, or he calls her names. It's not about how Natsume thinks he deserves better than her. At no point in the manga does he hint to Mikan that he's interested in any girl other than her (he dances with one girl that we see in Chapter 26, but since she's supposedly one of many, that means she's not special, AND Luna in the Sports Fest, against his will, so not done to make Mikan jealous).
This is actually why I don't care much for playboy! Natsume in fics; emotions or not, he's just flat out uninterested in them. He's so laser-focused on Mikan that he gives up really easily. He doesn't think making Mikan jealous is possible, also, so he doesn't try. He has a really low self esteem and that's part of the reason it takes so long for them to actually communicate their feelings.
That's the reason Natsume tells her to tell him she loves him with her own voice in the Rapunzel Arc: he's still not sure of it. He continuously doubts Mikan's feelings and considers his stronger than hers, which leads ultimately to his death. His whole arc is about sacrifice, and a big part of that is feeling that his role in people's life is protecting them, rather than any innate value he has for them.
It's also the reason why people use Luna to make Mikan jealous in fics!
I know this might bother people, but Luna is often used in fics, typically AUs, to make Mikan jealous. As we know, Luna is actually significantly older than the kids and is not at all interested in Natsume because she 1. treats him like shit and 2. is actually in love with the ESP. However, jealousy is such a huge part of most fics, and considering that jealousy of Luna is what made Mikan realize her feelings for Natsume, it feels like an important facet to the NM relationship, even in an AU.
I agree with this! I have even written a lil post about how hard it is to do a jealous!Mikan arc for a fic without using Luna. So, actually, despite it technically being OOC for Luna to be genuinely interested in Natsume, I don't care. I think Luna can and should be used in whichever way people want, since her role in canon cannot be easily transferred to an AU where Gulliver candy doesn't exist. (I do it too. Luna's is too flexible a role in the manga to not be toyed with in fics... be mad if you want but that's your problem.)
(To elaborate, Luna's role in the manga is to irritate Mikan but specifically by making her jealous and endangering Mikan's relationship with Natsume. Because of Luna, Mikan has to face the fact that at first she dislikes a girl just because it seems Natsume "likes" her, and then further, to assess why she's jealous when Luna reveals herself more. If one were to stick with Luna being the same age as Yuka in AUs, that's fine, but considering that Luna does play a vital role in making Mikan jealous in the manga, I don't think it's that weird to run with that in AUs. Hope that makes sense.)
Someone in the replies to the above mentioned post references using misunderstandings, and yes that's possible, but it would be momentary, like it is in the manga. Misunderstandings are difficult to stretch out or make enjoyable in fics. In fact, Mikan's misunderstanding that Natsume has kissed other girls in Chapter 50 is actually cleared up by Natsume himself right after he kisses her!
To sum it up, Natsume's clearly not all that interested in making Mikan jealous for a prolonged period of time anyway. He clears up misunderstandings quick and his one spite-motivated jealousy tactic is not all that romantic considering how much they dance with other people. I also don't think Natsume would want to have kissed someone other than Mikan, tbh. He gets bored of dancing with other girls in Chapter 26 so going out of his way to kiss another girl? That's just not interesting to him and would be punishing himself more than her.
I don't know if I communicated all my points in the best way, but long story short: no, I don't think he'd kiss another girl to spite Mikan or make her jealous.
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orcelito · 1 year
Revealing myself as a 98 vashmeryl truther by how I write vash and meryl's interactions in itnl
#speculation nation#itnl shit#THEYRE JUST SO FUNNY and i love them 😭😭😭😭#so yes this is a trimax fic but i am just gonna. push my 98 agenda for their relationship hfkdhfj Just a little#idk their dynamic is just more Present in the anime than in the manga. and it works for the setup i have so There.#also yes this is a vashwood fic IM ALLOWED to enjoy other dynamics too#toeing the line a little bit on the slight undertones but nothing will come of it#i. plan to have an acknowledgement in this chapter. chapter 13#vash makes a joke that could be interpreted as flirty and she's basically like 'Dont Deflect. you dont see me like that anyways.'#vash realizing that Yeah there kind of is a dynamic there. but also hes so focused on wolfwood he wouldnt wanna lead her on#it's like. this is just kinda part of being an adult ykno lol like#sometimes you have feelings for your friends and you can acknowledge it even & if youre mature enough about it it's Fine#he'll let her believe he has 0 possible interest in her bc it's easier that way. for both of them.#he doesnt want her to get her hopes up. doesnt wanna lead her on.#and YEAH MAYBE IM A POLYGUN TRUTHER I THINK ALL 4 OF THEM WOULD BE GREAT TOGETHER#for the purposes of this fic im keeping it to just the vashwood#but i cant resist... a lil sprinkle here and there......#like them meeting with a goddamned meet cute & then vash subsequently being an Asshole by getting her hopes up & then dipping#thats like. the vibes. thats the thing. vash realizing he needs to nip this in the bud bc he Cant be what she wants him to be.#im just. man. i have some Thoughts about this all.#if you couldnt guess vash & meryl r having some relationship development this chapter. im excited !!!!#they Will be friends!!!!!!! soon.
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year
read baizhu’s stories. he wins for most balanced character of all time
#and i mean this in terms of lore vs plot relevance and personality traits#i still haven't pulled him but thats fine (coping) sigh he's so idk enriched as a character#like his stories are obv focused on. well himself but they have a lot of nice lore details like his contract w changsheng and some immortali#immortality mentions ig. idk how to describe it also the elaboration on the r/ship between life and death >>>>>>#can't believe he goes to dinner at wfp sometimes lmao?? him and hu.tao be like 'cant stand this bitch 1 min later me and the bestie' /jjjjjj#just kidding i could never water down a nuanced relationship to a joke meme#when they mentioned how he hu tao and zhongli come together and only truly meet heart to heart when conducting last affairs... good stuff#anyways i like him. please come home now i dont want to have to go to 80 pulls for you#back to the lore relevance its nice that his story quest also elaborated on like how god remains affect people and callback to the chi of yo#yore world quest wayyy back#think im pretty satisfied for how his character personality etc turned out after 2 yrs of waiting like some of the hate was so bad lol just#bc of qiqi's stories but like his stories did a nice balance between selfless but sees all transactions as useful ones and does good but wit#with knowledge that it will also benefit his own reputation and image. selfishly selfless search for immortality clever but caring etc etc#he's got a solid head about him and now i want in depth character analysis fics when there are none on ao3 pensive pensive#ramblings!#baizhu
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gothamcityneedsme · 6 months
i have complex feelings about it but in td when karkat is actually like fully integrated, he is much more static because the story is... Less directly affecting him? hes there as Dave's Boyfriend largely
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dirt-str1der · 2 years
Sagawa and shimano likers have like infinitely more interesting takes on their relationship than their haters because people who dislike them will be like UGH those SCHEMING old fucks are probably tongue fucking and sipping champagne over how best to ruin majimas life , and sagawa/shimano fans are like They wanna mail each other bombs so bad
#Listen to my problems#im literally obsessed because like theres not enough canon information to actually establish a relationship between them#not unless youre insane i mean but sagawa did let majima walk right past him and to shimano even though he was holding a gun <- smiling too#sorry he wasnt smiling but his smug cat face is literally like his rbf its always on#and also i remembered wrong i thought majima had the gun in his pocket or was badly hiding it but he was literally holding it in his hand as#he stormed the building. also the place was literally empty as he approached (relatively) two high ranking members of opposing factions#and ...? no bodyguards ? just sagawa standing outside lazily while smoking a ciggie no biggie ..?#kinda sus .....#sorry i guess it was a secret meeting after all but still kinda sus. and sagawa even was like LOL majima youre gonna kill shimano ? awesome#<- NOT VERY SUBTLE.#i appreciate the fact that theyre sworn brothers and seem to have at least working relations with each other but it genuinely seems like#sagawas getting the short end of the stick here considering he has to wipe shimanos ass every time he needs a favour#shut UP im just trying to write a werewolf fic and i was thinking sagawa should have a bite wound from majima because shimano didnt tell him#the kid was a wolf because he wants him (either one) to die#but literally its so funny to see the wiki be like ‘oh we dont know why sagawa was assassinated...’ and sagawa fans are like Shimano Did It#shimano fans are also like (laughing) yeah shimano did it
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reigningmax · 2 years
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3416 · 1 year
hypothetically if auston were to leave the leafs which team do you think he would join? (this is for an angsty fic idea)
gonna be real... i have no actual clue. it would depend on his motivations and why he's leaving. toronto is arguably one of the biggest hockey markets so... if you have him wanting to escape that, going somewhere where hockey's a little more lowkey or close to home, then arizona, vegas, or los angeles are all good picks.
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 month
being a kur*n fan in the year of our lord 2024 sucks ass bc every few months i get a deep urge to read a kur*n centric fic. so i go to ao3 and scour all the kur*n related tags. most of it is pwp or ship and i KNOW that going in every time and thats FINE but thats NOT WHAT I PERSONALLY WANT and also all of the fics are like 4 years old and the ones i DO like i have read at least three times each. existance is pain i hate it here
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waywardsalt · 6 months
deciding to write bellum in a context beyond and different from what he's shown in in ph is kinda. something. because there's not a whole lot to him and there seems to be an intense focus on having things be 'in character' so it creates the interesting dilemma of. what even is 'in character' for bellum in the first place and are the conclusions i draw about him based off the little bit we get in game things that can be considered 'in character' or w/e, or is (almost) anything fair game since i'm working off of a list of concepts and actions rather than an actual written character
#does this make sense? i have different hangups abt the different characters i write fanfic abt#salty talks#like im personally not too concerned with things being 'in character' bc like. ive enjoyed stuff being out of character#the biggest line i refuse ot cross is like. personal stuff and also when things are like. VERY not smth thye would do or go against arcs#like for me one of my (many lol) linebeck characterization pet peeves is when ppl write post-ph linebeck without considering his arc#like when they just write him post-ph acting the exact same way as he did we you meet him and like he has the same. idk. values?#thats a whole can of worms and i no longer care as much when i write linebeck bc i see him a specific way and so idc im having fun#bellum is just interesting bc unlike. most characters? there isnt a ton there but theres a lot to piece together and draw conclusions from#cuz ill think of fic stuff with bellum abd ill be like 'would he act like that?' and come agaisnt a wall#bc theres very little to compare and contrast with. at this point when i write bellum im kinda just writing an oc and its weird#cuz like ig my personal philosophy with like. keeping my aus as loz aus and not original things is that teh canon versions of these#characters and concepts and w/e are imporant to be considered and like. serve as backdrops? idk how to explain it#so like i dont just want to. write a bellum oc im tyring to write bellum and write from the little seed we get in canon idk what the#difference is but i feel like there is one. like with post ph stuff i dont try to break canon in big ways (or often) so ig with bellum#im trying to keep it so that (with post ph and ph centric writing specifically) it can slot in decently with the established stuff#like. ignoring tone rating all that. idk where im going with this im thinkin abt how i might write bellum and how weird it is
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