#i just felt smacked in the face with a mirror reality something i could see not only myself but so many other people i know/have known in
ghostcrows · 1 month
that damn web comic is rattling around in my brain ...
#i just felt smacked in the face with a mirror reality something i could see not only myself but so many other people i know/have known in#with a frighteningly sharp precision#some of the people in whn look IDENTICAL to real life friends or exes or people i knew in high school or coworkers#i sent it to my friend and he said 'i feel like this HAPPENED to someone i know'#i keep thinking about that awful feedback loop of mental illness isolation and social media addiction#but its so much more complicated than 'touch grass' like you could shoot all these peoples phones#and theyd just turn to something equally toxic and retraumatizing and self-flagellating#they already show this because they have ed's and self harm and abuse substances and spend money they dont have#the chronic online-ness is a symptom not the disease#the thing that makes me a little sick is how much i relate to milo refusing to delete his tumblr even after everything#i have had instances in my life where posting on tumblr was actively making my life worse or harder or getting in the way of real shit#and i still use it as a crutch in the worst of times#its just funny cuz its this thing that saves you from riskier vices while still obviously perpetuating those things#because its a place that reflects You so heavily#you reblog sad shit cause youre sad and it makes you sadder#you wanna self harm you see people post their cutting pics now you feel like its not so weird or bad#its making me ask questions like 'am i stunted' 'what does it mean to be stunted' and then of course#when is someone 'acting like a victim' and just A Victim and can you do both and what does that mean#man....
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coralinnii · 1 year
When they accidentally kabe-don you feat: Epel, Jamil, Jack, Deuce genre: fluff, budding romance notes: reader is written as Yuu, not gender specific, no pronouns used,
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when he’s hiding from Vil
Epel just needs a break now and again. The skincare routine, intonation and vocabulary training, posture correction, calories check…everything is little too much for today. 
He honestly just wanted a rest in the courtyard before Vil figured out he’s skipping out on his lessons. Which is how you found the lavender-haired freshman laying behind the bushes. 
“So, how long are you planning on hiding?” You asked him with a cheeky grin Epel doesn’t appreciate
“When I’m good and ready” or caught. Epel whispered those last words under his breath as he guessed that Vil had already noticed his absence and was looking for him or had ordered Rook to bring him back. 
“Monsieur Cherry Apple~” Speak of the devil
Epel cursed as he heard the hunter’s call and in hurried desperation, pulled you down with him as he rolled into the bushes. He didn’t realized how he pinned you down as he peered out through the gaps of the leaves trying to see if Pomefiore’s vice housewarden was out of sight. 
He only realized his position when he heard a shaky tone whisper his name. 
He looked down to see you looking at him, surprised and flustered. He felt a rush of adrenaline as he assessed his situation. His arms and legs caged you underneath him, and the low height of the bushes forced him on his elbows and knees to avoid peaking out from the foliage, so your bodies were so close that he swore he could feel your heartbeat (which he noticed were quite fast) on his own. 
He’s been trying for so long to make the first move on you but now that he had you so close to him, he’s blanking on his next move. He’s wondering what would Leona do in this situation? Heck, what would Vil do? 
Epel was so nervous that he didn’t notice your own mental battle as you decided what you should do. You were fidgeting with your hands whether you should push Epel away or if you should pull him by his cute little bowtie. Finally you decided to shoot your shot, reaching out to touch the lapels of Epel’s school jacket, gently pulling the flustered freshman towards you. 
Taking the hint, Epel started to lower himself as he watched your expression for any last minute second thoughts or discomfort. You showed none. 
Too bad that’s as far as he got as reality smacked him in the face with a burst of light shining through a sudden gap of the leaves being pushed away. 
“Beaute! A beautiful embrace between two young lovers, intertwined like vines of the foliage that hides their rendezvous from the eyes of their peers.” 
Rook’s sudden intrusion forced the two of you back to your senses as you and Epel scrambled out from each other’s arms, looking away in embarrassment. 
Perhaps because Rook senses the awkwardness, Rook reached for Epel and pulled him to walk with him towards the Mirror Chambers to head back to the Pomefiore dorm. 
“I sincerely apologize, young freshman. But, our esteemed Housewarden is awaiting our presence as to begin your daily lessons” 
Epel didn’t grumble or sigh under his breath at that like he usually would. Instead, his thoughts were swirling around the last few minutes with you. He’s stunned and honestly a little giddy over the positive step in his relationship. You reached for him, right? That means you, his crush, want something more with him, right? 
Epel braved a glimpse behind him and noticed you fanning yourself to cool your warm face. He felt his ego swelled at the notion that he made you that way. 
He promised to himself that he’ll be the one to make the first move next time. 
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when he saved you during Basketball Club 
Basketball was one of the few aspects of Jami's life that doesn’t revolve around Kalim or his duties as the servant of the Asim family so he assumed that he could have some time away from his responsibilities. Too bad that’s not the case when Floyd, the wishy-washy eel merman and Ace, the scheming slacker are his clubmates. Whenever one or both of them are here, there’s always a possibility of something that is bound to give Jamil a headache. 
Today was a little different however, when Ace decided to invite you to watch the club activities. Regardless how quiet or chaotic you are, Jamil would much rather deal with you than the worrisome Floyd and no, it is not because he finds you charming or attractive in any way. He swears it’s not that…not at all. 
You sat on the side benches, watching and sometimes giving encouraging hollers to your friends, including him which certainly boosts the morale of the club members. Almost unfortunately so as Floyd started getting too into his slam dunks. In his manic glee, the eel merman wanted to see if he could slam the ring hard enough to break it. 
Despite everyone’s pleas not to do so, Floyd went for it and slammed the basketball hard, succeeding in bringing the ring down along with the ball. The rest of the team ran from the hoop as the ball that was still stuck in the net of the hoop bounced towards you, bringing the ring with it. 
With quick reflexes, Jamil dove towards you to push you away from the ball’s path. The Scarabia student covered you as the both of you got on the ground, the basketball safely bouncing away from the two of you. 
Recovering from the fall, Jamil raised his head to survey the damage. It looks like the ball lost its momentum and is now rolling to a stop somewhere far from him. He sighed a breath of exhausted relief and looked down to ask if you’re alright. 
Still a bit shaky, you answered back with affirmation as you loosen the tight grip you just realized you had on Jamil as you must have wrapped your arms around his neck when he reached for you. To be fair, Jamil also just realized he had placed one of his hands behind your head, worried you might hurt yourself when diving to the floor. 
The both of you didn’t say anything else, lost in each other’s presence as you both wondered what’s the best course of action. Jamil is a tactful man but even he can be confused as to what to do. He searched you for a clue as to what you’re thinking. Were you uncomfortable? Scared? Maybe happy? 
“Floyd, this is why we said stop. Now how are we gonna play?” Ace complained to the tall Octavinelle student who responded with a frown
“I wanna see if I can, so I did it. You got a problem with that, Crabby?” Floyd said, showing off a glimpse of his sharp teeth in intimidation “We can talk it over if ya want. Come over here” 
“Nope. No thanks!” Typical Ace, running away after running his mouth but Floyd is unfortunately a chaser. 
Jamil sighed, getting to his feet then helping you onto yours. He weighed in the pros and cons of intervening before deciding to do so, in fear Floyd may break more things if left alone. Before he did, he took a quick glance at you and his keen eyes caught something rather pleasant. 
You were biting your lip.  
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when he accidentally bumped into you 
Jack Howl is an honest student. He does his best in school and he makes an effort to not miss a class if he can help it. Except one day, that may not be the case. 
Jack was assisting his senior Ruggie in convincing Leona to attend one of his classes. He already missed too many classes that week and Professor Crewel was scarily serious that the lion beastman attend his class as his grades depend on this particular attendance. Worried, Jack had offered to literally carry Leona to his class which offended Savanaclaw’s Housewarden enough to walk on his own, angrily declaring that no one is going to carry him like some sack of potatoes. 
But now, Jack was almost late to his own class which explained his long steps and quick walking as running in the halls was prohibited. In his haste, he didn’t consider looking ahead as he rounded a corner which ultimately caused his collision with another student. 
Jack was young but he was still a bulky beastman. A collision with him would mostly end badly for the other party which is why with Jack’s build and strength, pushed the other student backwards onto the floor with Jack following suit. Thankfully, Jack managed to catch himself before he reached the floor, softening his landing and using his arms to avoid crushing anyone. 
“Ah, sorry-“ Jack started to apologize before he looked and realized it was you. You were also in a hurry to your class and the last thing you expected was to bump into what you initially thought to be a firm but surprisingly soft wall. 
“I’m sorry, Jack!” You apologized as well with a look of worry. “I should have looked where I was going. Are you ok?” 
But Jack didn’t respond. He was slowly working his feelings whenever he’s near you. He noticed that his tail starts to wag excitedly around you which he curses his obvious joy he feels in your presence. Thankfully you haven’t realized or you weren’t aware what his tail wagging means. 
That may change though as you spoke once more, “Umm Jack. Your tail is tickling me” 
Jack’s ears perked up and he looked behind him and to his horror, he watched his tail whip about, occasionally brushing against your legs that were under Jack’s. The soft fur was tickling your legs which made you reflexively move away but being under Jack meant you accidentally bump into the beastman’s thighs, which definitely made him flinch. 
Mortified, Jack scrambled hastily off you but still offered to pull you up which you accepted. After a quick look to see you’re ok, the white-haired student gave a quick nod before running towards the direction of his class, school rules be damned. 
You were left in the dust but you didn’t try to stop Jack. Especially since you needed to head to your class as well. With that, you turned to walk towards your destination but with a shy but satisfied smile on your lips. Turns out what Ace and Deuce told you about Jack’s tail was true after all. 
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when blocking others from you 
It was not a secret that the school cafeteria was filled with delicious meals and treats for the students in NRC. Considering the rich, the powerful, and actual members of royalty were attending here, the school can’t afford to serve anything else but the best and finest lest they want to hear complaints. 
Still, that doesn’t mean there’s enough to go around. The cafeteria works on a first-come, first-serve basis where you gotta be there quick if you want what you want for lunch, especially when there’s something particularly rare on the menu. 
Which is why one day there was a scrambling line of hungry and greedy students who were on the brink of starting a fist fight for a special limited edition sandwich made by the finest and rarest of ingredients. Grim and Ace in particular were hankering for a taste of the supposedly grand sandwich so you, Grim, Ace, and Deuce were quick to get in line for the chance of such a treat. 
The crowd was getting restless. Students were pushing and yelling, agitated over so-called line cutters or people pushing each other to accelerate the pace. You could handle yourself well enough but a push too far from these relentless students could send anyone to the wall at this point. 
And luck would have it, a student was aggressively pushed back which in turn pushed you out from the line and back against a wall near the food line. You groaned over the slight pain coursing your back before seeing the back of another student coming your way. 
Before you could brace yourself, a strong arm came between you and the incoming student, effectively blocking the impact from you. You looked to see Deuce’s body protectively covering you as he placed his other hand against the wall near your head, glaring at the student who came flying towards you. 
“Watch it, buddy” Deuce said, his delinquent side peeking out as he gave the student a nasty warning stare. The student walked away, grumbling how it wasn’t like he wanted to get flung around like that and returned back to the line. 
Ignoring him, Deuce turned to look back at you with worry. “Are you ok?” His voice was nothing like the gruff tone mere seconds ago but instead a sweet voice of concern which had you more flustered than before. Not trusting your voice, you nodded your head. 
But Deuce wasn’t too convinced, he was worried that the slam might cause a bruise on where you landed. He cautiously moved his hand to the side of your head, gently touching you as he tried to feel for something, perhaps a bump or some blood. “You gotta tell me if you’re hurt, ok? A hit like that can do some serious damage” 
As sweet as Deuce was, you couldn’t pay attention to his words right now. Not when he’s caressing your head so softly like that, as though you’re a fragile baby chick in his hands. He was so oblivious to his effects on you that you curse him for his obliviousness but at the same time, you’re relieved he can’t tell how nervous he’s making you. 
“Yo Henchhuman, Deuce!” Grim’s voice called you and Deuce out from your own little world as the cat-like creature ran to you. “We got the yummy sandwich! Let’s hurry and find a seat” 
“What happened to you guys?” Ace questioned with a suspicious quirk of his brow, as he noticed the closeness of you two. 
“Some jerk pushed Prefect into the wall, and then nearly crushed the two of us,” Deuce angrily explained. “Looks like we’re good, though” 
“Well then, if nothing’s wrong then let’s find a spot to eat. I’m starving!” Grim already started walking with Deuce already following to make sure he doesn’t crash into somebody with his small body. You and Ace followed soon behind but yours and his attention were somewhere else. Ace watched you with mischievous curiosity, dying to interrogate you on the details Deuce left out in his story, and you looked anywhere but the red-haired freshman as you already knew what he’s thinking about.
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zerobaselove · 1 year
sharing sunsets | sung hanbin
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pairing: sung hanbin x gn!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 871
warnings: none! lowercase intended, not proofread
prompts: 23. "why are you looking at me like that?"
notes: genuinely this had me giggling n kicking my feet! anon who requested this i hope u like it and that it's what you hoped for!
more often than not, you spent your summer nights with your best friend hanbin. calling him your best friend didn’t feel like enough, the way he made your heart race had made you realize that your feelings were far from friendly. and hanbin was too hard to read to gain any insight on how he felt; sure, he was always smiling around you and he had become more fond of skinship with you as time went on, but he was just that kind of guy.
the kind of guy that people fall for. the kind of guy you can’t help but admire as if he’s the most beautiful person in the world; and in all honesty, you were convinced he was.
these were the nights you cherished the most, the ones where you were sat on the blanket he kept in his car, watching the sun fall over the skyline, much like how you had fallen for him. 
“isn’t it so pretty?” you wondered out loud, admiring the way the shades of orange and pink blend into the horizon. “so pretty,” he muttered; not taking his eyes off of you, unbeknownst to you. you smiled, your eyes trained on the setting sun for a few moments more, “it just feels unreal, no matter how many times i see it.” you rambled on before turning to look at the boy beside you, only to find him looking back at you with an undistinguishable look in his eyes.
“why are you looking at me like that?” you questioned, tilting your head slightly as you waited for a response. he shook his head for a moment, almost as if trying to return to reality before his lips parted. “because you’re prettier than any sunset.” he said matter-of-factly, as if unaware of the effect that confession would have on you.
you weren't sure how long you had sat there, mouth dry and head empty of anything other than the boy in front of you. the pinkish orange hue being cast on his skin wasn't helping your case, not able to form a single coherent sentence. you stuttered out a few syllables, being met with his ever so patient and loving smile.
you were a goner.
"was it something i said?" he giggled after another few moments of silence from you which finally brought you back down to earth for a moment. "was it something you-" you paused, in disbelief. did he really not know what his words were doing to you? "you can't just say that to me hanbin." you whined, smacking his arm in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere and get out of your own head.
"but it's true," he started, fully turning his body to face you as you subconsciously mirrored his movements. "i mean it's no wonder i'm in love with you, look at you." now it was his turn to sit there in disbelief over his own words. "shit, i-" his hands came up to cover his face. "i really blew that didn't i, pretend you didn't hear that." the words rushed out of his mouth like a waterfall of unfiltered thoughts.
peaking through his fingers for a moment, he made eye contact with you, hiding behind his fingers again as if playing hide and seek with his feelings. "god, now why are you looking at me like that." his words had been muffled by his hands, but you could still make out what he had said, and it was your turn to be bold.
"because hanbin," you grabbed his hands in your own, "i love you more than any sunset we've seen, and i've been wondering how you've felt about me for ages now."
"we've seen a lot of sunsets you know," he joked, still trying to process the mutual confession that was happening in front of his eyes. "i know, and i still love you more than every single one combined." you both breathed a sigh of relief in sync, the anxiety of not knowing how the other felt had dissipated, blown away by the warm breeze, leaving you with a new feeling amongst yourselves.
while the sky had turned more of a blue hue, the pink had remained dusted on his cheeks, and it was the prettiest he had ever looked. he was your own personal sunset.
"is it okay if i," he hesitated, leaning in closer to you in hopes of you getting the hint. you nodded, albeit a little too eagerly, "more than okay." his hand had come up to rest on your cheek, so gently, as if you would break, before connecting your lips. the feeling of his lips on yours was better than you could've imagined. the perfect moment with the perfect boy.
"god you're so pretty," he muttered, pulling apart from the kiss with a smile spreading from ear to ear despite trying to contain it. "you can't keep saying that to me hanbin." your blush intensified, looking down at your shoelaces to avoid his gaze, but he wasn't having that at all; lifting your chin to look at him, being met with a smile that you were sure would kill you. "i'm going to keep saying it, so get used to it."
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multifandombitxh · 2 years
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff (Hurt/Comfort)
Warnings: Mentions of drug use, breakups, and vibrators, swearing, crying, accidental eavesdropping
Summary: The reader goes through a rough break up and has been doing their best to handle it. When they pick up Mike, Dustin, and Lucas from their D&D club, they're met with a familiar face who is more than happy to help.
A/N: I'm having a lot of feelings right now, and this is how I'm coping. Enjoy :)
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Tapping your foot against the pavement, you checked your watch for the hundredth time. You'd been waiting for Mike, Dustin, and Lucas to get out of their club for what felt like hours so you could take them all home. After what was surely centuries, they exited the high school in a chorus of cheering and laughter, a sight that made you smile. In the middle of their little group was a familiar face, one that piqued your interest enough to sit up straight against your car.
Eddie Munson.
Eddie, who you had a crush on for several years before you graduated.
Eddie, who used to throw pretzels at you in 3rd period English class.
Eddie, who wrote a song for you on guitar in the tenth grade.
That Eddie.
"Y/N!" Dustin called out to you, "We won!"
You raised a fist to the air triumphantly at their victory. "Very nice, kiddos."
Part of you felt bad for not fully meeting their excited energy, but the reality was that you didn't have much energy to spare at all most days. After going through a rough breakup a few weeks back, you were doing everything you could just to keep it together. Your friends did what they could to keep you busy and feeling supported, but there was only so much ice cream you could eat with Nancy and so many romantic comedies you could watch with Robin.
"Is that really you, Y/N?" Eddie asked excitedly, the group of boys crossing the parking lot to your car.
"The one and only," You responded with a small bow.
"To what do we owe the pleasure?" He asked, coming to stand before you with his hands stuffed in his back pockets.
"Chauffeur duty," You answered with a small smile, jingling your keys.
The boys climbed into your car, noisily arguing about who would take the middle seat. You pinched the bridge of your nose and squeezed your eyes shut, far too stressed to deal with the fighting happening in your backseat. Sighing, you opened your eyes and realized Eddie was staring at you, a soft, sympathetic look on his face.
"You okay?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest and taking a step forward.
"Fine, yeah," You waved his concern away, "Just too much going on right now and these three are a handful."
"Don't I know it. Hey, I know it's been a long time since we've seen each other, but if you need anything..." Eddie started, trailing off for a moment before clearing his throat. "I, um, probably have something back at my place that might help, y'know, with... stress management."
"Is it a vibrator?" You asked jokingly, "Because that's about all that would make me feel better."
"Oh, oh God, I, um- that's not-"
You slugged him in his shoulder, laughing under your breath. "I'm just messing with you, dude. I know what you mean."
"Oh, right, okay," He stammered out with an awkward smile, "Just, ah, let me know and I can get something ready to go for you. If you're interested, I mean, no pressure. It might help, you never know."
"Thanks," You said, "I'll keep it in mind."
With that, you exchanged goodbyes and got in your respective vehicles. Internally, you were screaming at yourself for not taking him up on his offer, if only to see him for a little longer. It had been several years since you last heard from him, and seeing him again made your chest warm.
"Are you gonna do drugs with Eddie?" Dustin blurted from the backseat. You snorted as you watched Mike and Lucas both smack Dustin on the shoulder in your rear view mirror.
"I'm not doing drugs with your precious dungeon master, don't worry," You affirmed with a scoff.
"Good," Mike joined in, taking on an overly dramatic tone. "You might've embarrassed us and he would've kicked us out of the club just for knowing you."
"That's a little much, Mike," Lucas added, "I think he'd kill off all of our characters first."
"You three never change, do you?"
Ignoring the rest of their snarky comments, you turned over your key and fired up the car's engine, driving off into the night to drop off the noisy goblins in your back seat. Once they were all safe inside their homes, you began the journey back to your place and decided some music was definitely needed to keep you awake. You pressed "play" on your car radio, thinking that whatever tape was already in there would be good enough. When it came on through your speakers, though, you immediately knew you made a mistake.
The song instantly brought you back to vivid memories of your ex. It was the song that was playing when they first kissed you. It was only a brief flash of a moment long gone, but it was enough to make your heart cave in on itself. Tears welled in your eyes at the recollection, and you had to pull off to the side of the road. You sat there in the dark for a while, letting your tears and emotions flow freely as the music played. After the song ended, you knew you had to do something, and you knew just the dreamy stoner who could help.
It was cold; cold enough to make you hug your torso as you stood on the steps of Eddie's trailer. Loud, wild music was blaring through the open windows, so you were pretty sure he couldn't hear your knocking. Sighing in frustration, you walked around the trailer until you found what you were positive was his bedroom window. The curtains were drawn back to reveal him standing in the center of his room, flicking through a few records with a lit cigarette dangling from his lower lip. He was half-singing along to the music that was already playing, swaying his body from side to side.
It was hard not to take notice of the fact that his belt buckle was undone, hanging loosely at his hips. His shirt was untucked, and rode up a bit when he stretched his free arm above his head. His hair was slightly damp, as if he'd recently washed it, clinging to his neck in some spots. When he set down the records and began to yank his shirt up and over his head, you realized you had to make yourself known, and fast.
You bent down and picked up a small rock, tossing it at the window. This happened a few times before Eddie finally noticed your presence and hurried over to the window, putting out his cigarette in the ashtray on the windowsill. His face was beet red and he was covering his chest with the nearby curtain.
"What are you doing out there?" He asked, looking you up and down. "You can just knock!"
"I did," You replied, crossing your arms over your chest. "You didn't answer, so..."
"Oh, shit, my bad," Eddie apologized, "I'll let you in, one sec, okay?"
Shivering against the cold, you made your way back to the front door. It took a minute, but Eddie did return, a hoodie now covering his previously bare torso. Part of you was relieved, but another part of you wished you could've gotten a closer look. He had several new tattoos, and you were curious, to say the least. As you were shaking those thoughts away, he gestured for you to enter, closing the door behind you when you stepped inside.
"I hope you're not here for that vibrator," Eddie joked, walking into his kitchen and filling a glass with water. "I haven't been able to get that on the Menu of Sin yet, but it was a good suggestion. Selling those with weed isn't a bad idea."
"You're hilarious," You said, lowering yourself into the worn cushions of his couch. "No, I didn't come here for that. Just... Um, something to help me sleep, maybe? Something that'll distract me? I'm not really sure."
"A distraction, huh?" Eddie returned to the living room and joined you on the couch, handing you the water and crossing one of his legs over the other. He looked lost in thought for a minute, as if trying to decide what might work best for you. "What's your tolerance like?"
"I dunno," You shrugged, "Probably not great. I haven't exactly done this before."
"That's actually very helpful. Maybe something small to start you off, and we can build up to something a little stronger if it's not enough," He said, giving you a gentle pat on the back. For a moment it seemed like he was going to stand but had frozen instead, his hand still resting on your shoulder. "Hey, have you been crying?"
"What? No," You lied, shaking your head.
"Your eyes are like, really, really red," He said, craning his neck to look at your face better. "What's going on, Y/N?"
"I had something in my eye earlier, don't worry about it."
"You know, you've changed a lot since high school," Eddie said, standing up and wandering around the living room while toying with the clunky silver rings on his fingers. "Most people do, obviously. I mean, your looks change, your mannerisms change, priorities, jobs, all that good, boring shit."
You watched him carefully, wondering where he was going with his little speech. He came to stand in front of you, kneeling down to be eye level with you. The intense yet playful look in his eye made you shift in your seat, lowering your gaze.
"Look at me, Y/N, I'm not done," He said in a low voice.
How could you possibly say no when he sounded like that?
At his request, you reluctantly looked up at his through your lashes.
"There's one thing about you that hasn't changed," He said, holding up one finger. "You've always been really, really bad at hiding your feelings."
"I have not!" You shot back defensively. "I'm very good at keeping my feelings in check, thank you very much."
"Can you prove me wrong, though?" Eddie asked, cocking an eyebrow at you.
"I'm good enough at hiding my feelings that I had a super obvious crush on you in high school and you never even noticed. How's that for proof?"
Oh shit.
You sat stunned at your own confession, swallowing hard and clamping your mouth shut. You feared that if you opened your mouth again, more truths would tumble out, and you wouldn't be able to stop them. It felt like eons passed as you waited for his reaction, dead air lingering between you for far too long.
Much to your surprise, Eddie broke out in a toothy grin, resting a jeweled hand over your knee. "See, that's where you're wrong, sweetheart."
"Wait," You said, processing the information slowly. "No fucking way, you knew?!"
"Everyone knew!"
"That is such a lie, Eddie!"
"Have I ever lied to you?"
Taken aback by his question, you furrowed your brow. "Well, no, but-"
"But nothing, sweetheart, you're bad at hiding your feelings," He repeated proudly, "One of the worst cases I've seen, really. You really thought I never noticed you staring at me with those big doe eyes in class? Or when you would just coincidentally park your car next to mine every day? How could I not-"
"You know what?" You interrupted, any remaining dignity having evacuated your body. "Maybe I shouldn't have come here, I should've just gone home. Sorry I wasted your time."
You lifted yourself off of the couch and Eddie moved out of your way, allowing you to push past without knocking him over. The faint sounds of him protesting fell on deaf ears as you stormed out of the trailer, far too emotionally vulnerable to put up with any more of his teasing. He followed you out into the night, front door slamming noisily behind him.
"Y/N, stop!"
You were busy fumbling with your keys when Eddie had finally caught up to you, a little breathless. It took every ounce of control to ignore him, keeping your eyes straight and focusing on slowing your racing heart.
"Hey, come on," He breathed out, grabbing your upper arm and bringing you to a halt. Loose pebbles and dirt skidded beneath your shoes. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't wanna upset you, I just thought maybe I could at least make you laugh like I used to. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said all that."
Sighing, you turned to face him but kept your head lowered, tears threatening your eyes for the second time that night. Everything was simply too much; growing up, moving out, living with the person you thought you'd spend your life with and ending up leaving them. There was a crushing weight on your shoulders, and you couldn't hold it up by yourself anymore. Eddie took quick notice of your teary eyes and placed a nervous hand on your cheek, closing some of the space between you.
"What happened to you?" He whispered, swiping a tear away when it fell to your cheek. His expression was one of deep concern; dark brows drawn together tightly, eyes sad and wondering, his lips parted slightly and down-turned in a subtle frown.
"I... I lost someone," You admitted, your voice wavering and cracking. "I lost someone really special to me, and I've never felt so alone in my entire life. I was supposed to be with them forever, you know? We did everything together, and now I have to just live my life like none of it ever happened. I can't keep going like this, it feels like I'm losing my mind every single day."
Eddie nodded as you spoke through your tears, watching you carefully. "I'm so sorry."
You laughed through one of your sobs, roughly wiping at your wet cheeks with your fingertips. "That's what everyone says."
"I know," He sighed, combing a hand through his tangled hair. "But I mean it. If I could take the pain away from you, I would. I can't imagine how hard it is."
His words of comfort caused a knot to form in your throat, choking its way out as he carried on.
"Sometimes," He continued, wetting his lips. "Sometimes things just don't turn out how we want them to. I know that just as well as you do. I don't know what happened between you and your ex, but whatever it was, I can promise you, you don't deserve to hurt like this."
By now, you were a sobbing mess, your face buried in your hands and muffling your cries. Eddie wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace, and it felt like he was the only thing keeping you from falling apart all over that gravelly trailer park road. He smelled like smoke and shampoo, his hoodie soft against your cheek as you melted into his chest. Your arms snaked around his middle and clung tightly, afraid that if you let go, you would crumble.
It took a few minutes for you to cry yourself out, and then the cold finally set in. Once you were mostly calmed down, he carefully led you back inside, quickly finding a blanket to wrap your shivering frame in.
"Look, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to," Eddie said, "But if you don't want to be alone, you can stay here, with me tonight. Or whenever you like, honestly. I'm happy to have the company."
"Can I still get that distraction?" You joked, your voice nasally from all the crying.
"I don't know if drugs are a good idea for you right now, sweetheart," Eddie said honestly, "But, I do have a different kind of distraction that might work a little better."
You watched as he shuffled over to the kitchen, picking up a tape from the counter and holding it proudly in the air. "Check it out! I managed to snag the last copy of 'Labyrinth' at Family Video. We can watch it together, if you're feeling up for it."
Laughing at his excitement, you nodded. "I think that's a perfect idea."
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sacredcyber · 11 months
Found something in my wips, red string fated lovers silverV shenanigans. I think I’ll work on it when I feel the angst, which is often lol.
The bliss of an after coitus glow was something Johnny found himself experiencing less and less these days. He lay in bed, a blonde on one side and redhead on the other. The dark ambiance of his apartment feels appropriate. Nothing but cigarette smoke, the smell of sex, and the soft red ambient glow of his thread. He holds his arm up and stares at it, the thread flows gently, tightly wound on his ganic arm. He chuckles, it used to be on his other wrist, that was before, well, before having it blown the fuck off.
He remembers how he felt, for a moment it felt like freedom, like he could do whatever he wanted, be with whoever he wanted. Until it appeared on the other, then the feelings of frustration returned again. He sits up and rips the blanket of himself and his guests. “Hey, yo what the fuck?!” the redhead yells. Johnny rolls his eyes, “Got a show to get ready for doll, time for you to start fucking off.” He turns and plants a hard smack on the blonde’s ass, she immediately shoots out of her dreams and yelps in pain. “Use your FUCKING GANIC HAND!” He ignores her.
“You too, this ain’t a home for wayward whores.” He hops out of bed and stretches, taking a look at himself in his floor length mirror. The damn string is still glowing, for some reason it looks a little brighter. ‘Maybe if I try real hard, I can hang myself with it.’ he thinks to himself. He notices a pair of slender arms wrapping around him from behind. The redhead plants a kiss on his back, “so...are we getting VIP tonight?” Johnny rolls his eyes and removes her arms from his waist.
“Whatever, just leave. And lock the fucking door behind you.” She huffs in irritation as he grabs a pair of black boxers from the dresser and walks into his bathroom, turning the water on the hottest setting.
The cool tile and steam is a strange combination, but it doesn’t matter. He stands with his back under the hot water, the temperature slowly making his pale skin a rose pink. ‘You work too much’ he opens his eyes and sees her. Alt standing in front of him, a small smile on her face.
‘Thats kind of the point, lover.’ she laughs. ‘I adore what I do.’ Johnny felt a pang of jealousy in his chest. It’s a silly thing, to be jealous of something as intangible as “work” but for Alt it’s more than that. Being a netrunner is everything to her, it’s second nature, as natural as breathing air for her. Johnny pouts a bit ‘More than me?’
She tilts her head and brings herself closer to him, she plants a small kiss to his chest. She lets out a breathy chuckle ‘You can’t tell me you don’t feel the same about your music, your cause.’ she swirls small patterns on his skin, Johnny sighs. ‘You mean more than all that shit.’ He holds her tighter, as if he were to let go she’d disappear. Alt smiles, she runs her fingers down to Johnny's hand, a ghostly sensation tickles her fingertips as she caresses his wrist. Her eyes close.
‘For now.’ she whispers.
“FUCK!” the scalding water finally registers on his skin. He moves and quickly turns the faucet to cold. The steam quickly dissipates as ice water pours down his back, bringing him back to reality. The reality that she’s not here, not Alt and certainly not the bitch this thing was attached to. He grabs his shampoo and starts to work up a lather, his thoughts wander from his old flame to who this person was, his “soulmate”. He always wrote it off as bullshit, he knew who he was meant for, and that was fucking Altiera Cunningham. He knew it, fuck who this bullshit string was attached to, no one could compare.
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Twisted Tarot XVIII — The Moon
"An illusion is an illusion. Reality always exists despite the facade.” 
 The Moon, Upright: illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition
The Moon, Reversed: release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion
He is restrained by the expectations placed on him by the world, cursed to live an illusory existence. As intuitive and intelligent as he is, he must still his tongue and wait in the wings. When he is to understand others, who will be left to understand him and the darkness within?
Reveal the Shape of thy Soul...
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... Jamil Viper!
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For as long as Jamil could remember, his fate had been tied to that of Kalim’s.
Inseparable since birth—or so that was the narrative that Kalim had faith in. Such a belief became Jamil’s warped reality. The standard set for him without his input.
“Go along with the young master, Jamil,” his parents would briskly tell him. “Do whatever he wants to do. Play, study, and laugh with the young master, but never surpass him. You must remain humble, and know your place.”
They hadn’t explicitly said it, but even as a child, Jamil knew what they were implying. His place.... it was beneath the Asims.
Beneath Kalim.
But what choice did he have but to smile and nod along? To play the role of the perfect son and servant?
“.................... Yes, father. Yes, mother.”
Even in his memories, Jamil had felt that his response was small and insignificant. A pesky bug amid a vast desert, easily crushed by the elements.
He might as well have been one, with how often he was overlooked.
The first spark of his talent ignited with his first patch of intense envy.
He had been so excited to cup a small orb of fire in his palms, conjured all by himself after hours of grunting and concentrating. The light, the warmth—it was like holding the sun itself. Jamil had summoned the sun.
His happiness had been so short lived.
Those brief embers, stomped out before they could rage into a wildfire.
“How could you? The young master hasn’t been able to conjure any magic yet. Put it out at once, don’t let anyone see!”
His breath expelled the flames as instructed. Something cool to dispel the hot. Jamil’s hopes reduced to a pile of cinders on the ground.
Not so much as another spark escaped him until Kalim made a major breakthrough. A few puny embers, and it sent all the adults into a frenzy. Clapping and cheering and complimenting him.
They had never done that for Jamil.
He looked on enviously.
Knowing that he could far surpass that fire—if only he were allowed to. If only he were not bound by his chains.
Long desert nights stolen by candlelight, designated only for himself. Jamil would play with the flames, shaping them into snakes and other funny shapes. Manipulated the size and temperature.
Trained and perfected his technique in secret.
A prodigy by night, a novice by day.
Pieces of himself, stored away for safekeeping.
Fitting exactly into the mold everyone expected of him. Anything and everything to maintain the lie, and his own truth.
“Aw, cheer up, Jamil!” Kalim had told him with a smack on the back. “Just keep practicing, and you’ll get way better at using your magic! I can help you if you want! Everyone says I’m a natural at it.”
Kalim’s world remained intact—the illusion created in the face of the mirror perpetual, strong. A perfect place with perfect people, all holding hands, dancing, and singing songs.
“Thank you for the kind offer.”
“Gahahah! No problem! You’re my best friend, Jamil. I’d do anything to help you.”
He had smiled slightly then, knowing in his heart of hearts that he would not do the same for Kalim if given the opportunity.
How frightening it was that Jamil so readily stopped himself from lashing out. Made an excuse for Kalim, and to himself.
Shut up, shut up, he raged in silence. You don’t know anything. You could never understand how much I’ve given of myself, how much I’ve had to hide away.
Kalim bathed in the sun, whereas he was eclipses entirely by the moon. Lies and truth, fake and real, fiction and fact.
Jamil gritted his teeth.
“Do whatever the young master wants. Play, study, and laugh... but never surpass him. You must remain humble, and know your place.”
What Kalim wants...? What about me? What about what I want?
His hands were hard fists, fingers digging into the flesh of his palms.
No longer.
He would seize control of his own desires, his own destiny.
The illusion, spurned and shattered. The open sky, his freedom, within reach.
“The one reflected in your eyes is your master,” Jamil recited into the beckoning night. “If I ask, you shall answer me; if I command it, you shall bow to me. Snake Whisper.
“Now... I ask of you: who is your master?”
“..................... You are, Jamil-sama,” Kalim replied. His garnet eyes were blank, having been robbed of all their sparkle.
He smiled wickedly to himself.
At last, above Kalim.
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
Hello, can I please request NSFW Azriel x reader drabble? They are mates and Azriel is bored during some unimportant political meeting so he sends dirty imagines and ideas to her through their bond along with his shadows which make her feel like if he is really touching her... (English is not my first language so I hope this makes sense)
pairing: azriel x reader (acotar)
warnings: NSFW, dirty talk, descriptions of sex, men (sksksk couldn’t help myself) blood kink cause it’s az and Rhys being a lil shit :)
a/n: thank you for requesting! i hope you like this <3 I tried not to get carried away and turn it into a 25 part series (this time)
(also i didn’t know if people wanted to be tagged in this that wanted to be tagged in home so i didn’t but if u do just lemme know :))
You were sat at a round table, staring at the grooves in the wood as the Illyrian generals around you droned on about treaties and training. Rhysand had begun forcing you to come along to the meetings held twice a decade where the Illyrian generals from each camp would gather and share ideas, or mainly try bully other camps into dropping new protocols such as training females. Your head whipped up when your name was called, and you mentally thanked yourself for remaining at least partially present, beginning to talk through your plan to modernise areas of the camps, and actively ignoring the scoffs from men who didn’t believe you should be talking.
You felt a tug on your mating bond with Azriel and let your eyes momentarily catch his. He looked pristine as always, not a hair out of place and back perfectly straight, hands always within reach of a weapon. Your bond had clicked just over a year ago when an old friend Mor had sought you out, needing your knowledge on the ancient creatures you had been studying. You had asked for all the information they had and begun filling them in on your knowledge of a certain species big cat that you believed had been terrorising the Illyrian camps when Azriel and Cassian had stood, arming up to take on the beast when you had widely protested. “You can’t kill them please! They’re so rare and already going endangered, I’ll come with you I have been studying them I believe I could calm them down!” They had all be wary of your plea but allowed you to come along, following closely in case you were wrong. But as you had told them you were never wrong and soon found the cub the cats had been looking for, and returning it to the animals, smiling as they scampered off, Cassian laughing in disbelief besides you and Azriel on your other side, gazing at you in awe. You were about to offer an “I told you so.” as you turned to face the males when the air was stolen from your lungs, staring at Azriel as the bond clicked into place.
As you continued talking you sent a tug back, moving to look directly at your high lady as protests called out at your so-called radical ideas, and she quickly jumped to defend you as they outlined more and more plans that you had no interest in. You shivered as you felt two of Azriel’s shadows rest against your arms, one moving up to curl around your neck like a sleeping cat and looked at him again as he spoke through your bond.
I’m bored.
That surprises me. You replied, fighting a grin at his pout.
You want to know what I’m thinking about? He asked, face completely calm, asides from his eyes, which were sparkling with mischief and something darker.
Do enlighten me.
Bending you over this table and fucking you until all these men know who you belong to. You choked on your saliva at his crude statement and felt your cheeks heat up. But you’d love that wouldn’t you sweetheart, you’d be begging for me the whole time not even caring who saw you, so cock hungry. You’d let me stake my claim, let me make them watch as I take you apart. They’d never get to flirt with you again.
You glared at him, but it was half hearted as you felt a shadow trail up your leg in a shape all too familiar to that of your lovers’ hands. Azriel I need…
Already begging me darling, we still have an hour left. You glanced at the clock and almost cried out when you saw he was telling the truth, and then again when his shadows trailed over the damp patch that was forming on your panties. Then he was sending you images. They started innocently enough, the dress shirt that was just slightly too tight on him, his hands unsheathing truth-teller, but they soon changed. The image of him fucking you from behind in front of the full-length mirror in your room, blood trailing from the bite in your neck that he had given you animalistically, he had caught your gaze in the mirror and held it as he leaned down, licking your wound clean, his hips meeting yours roughly, the only sounds filling them room was the harmony of your moans and the lewd sounds of your copious wetness.
You were pulled back to reality when Feyre said your name and you clenched your hands in your lap as Azriel’s shadows seemed to reach under your flimsy panties. The ones you had pulled on without thought as you and Azriel raced to not be late for this exact meeting as a result of your morning filled with lazy kisses and slow thrusts. You shot Feyre a pained look as she repeated the question, Rhys stifling a laugh beside her, she smacked his leg as you blushed trying to answer her as best you could.  You were cut off halfway through but couldn’t feel any resentment as the shadows caressed you.
Good girl, Azriel smiled, if you remain quiet I’ll maybe reward you when we get home.
Azriel I don’t think I can…
You can and you will. Was all he said before sending you more images, the sight of yourself spread beneath him on your bed, glowing from an intense orgasm just to face another. The memory of the time Azriel had taken you so hard and for so long you had passed out, and woken up to an extremely stressed mate, although he left out that part. Or memories of when you had hidden beneath his desk, struggling to fit his cock in your mouth and slurping around him as you tried to bring him to completion, one hand tangled in your head, thrusting in and out of your wet cavern, the other gripping his desk so tight, his knuckles were white as snow. By the time he hour was up you had soaked through your panties and were resting your chin on the palm of your hand as you tried to hold in sounds, a task that became nearly impossible as he continued to send you dirty images and words, his shadows exploring your deepest parts. When the meeting concluded Azriel was at you side in an instant, an arm coming securely around your waist as his mouth dipped to whisper in your ear.
“Good girl,” was all he said, leading you through the room, beelining for the door, only to be interrupted by Rhys, who had a shit eating grin on his face and Feyre who almost, almost looked apologetic.
“You guys coming to ours? It’s almost time for dinner and I’m sure everyone will be there.” Rhysand asked, grinning when you glared at him. He knew exactly what Azriel had been doing, having done it himself to Feyre on many occasions.
“I’m afraid the missus isn’t feeling well,” Azriel replied smoothly, and you send him a tug of appreciation.
“That’s too bad, well have a fun night.” Rhysand replied with a wink, making Az’s hand tighten on your hip as he winnowed the two of you to your home. When you were inside your room he pushed you against the wall, smiling wickedly as he ran his nose along the soft column of your throat, his lips trailing kisses up to your ear as he whispered, “I don’t think I’m done playing with you yet.”
You whined at his words as he stripped you slowly, before pressing you down on the bed a hand firmly pressed against your throat. “You’ve lasted so long, but I want to see how long that patience will last,” he grinned, and you felt a wave of anxiety pass over you, “No cumming until I say so.”
You were in for a long night.
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write-ur-wrongs · 3 years
Facing Your Demons
Jaskier x Reader 1785 words
TW: implied sexual assault, seeing an abuser in public, panic attacks, and references to trauma. I did my best to avoid explicit details but tread carefully. 
A huge thank you to @bubblegumfanfics for trusting me with this request - I hope I’ve done it justice :”)
Request: Something where the reader was a*saulted in the in the past and has a flashback or she sees her ex that did it and Jaskier ends up comforting the reader, telling her how much she means to him (accidental love confession? Maybe? I love those) while Geralt is dealing with her ex. The reader says she feel the same way but she can't give Jaskier anything sexual because it makes her uncomfortable. But jaskier says he'll be with her regardless and that he loves her and if she ever wanted to try he will oblige and if she doesn't like it he'll stop
It was only one contract, meant to last no more than a fortnight. It should have been an easy in-and-out arrangement; your client got nervous, enlisted a Witcher’s help, and you agreed against your better judgement to stay on and split the earnings. While you’d dealt with this type of apparition before, you were tired, and figured it wouldn’t hurt to work alongside someone tailormade for the trade.
It was only supposed to be for the one job. It should have never gone on like this. You should have never allowed yourself to be charmed by the Geralt’s friend, the bard. You shouldn’t have grown comfortable working alongside Geralt, earning twice the coin by doubling your work. Hell, you should have refused to travel with them while working that first contract. Because maybe if you’d done that, you wouldn’t have found yourself so heavily linked to the pair of them.
Maybe if you’d had kept your distance, you wouldn’t be where you are now.
And you so desperately did not want to be where you were now.  
Cowering in the dank, stuffy corner of this horrid tavern, trapped between Geralt’s gargantuan frame and Jaskier’s far-too-close body, you were stuck looking the devil in the eye.
Okay, don’t be dramatic, you thought desperately, clinging to whatever silver lining you could get your trembling hands on to stay afloat, you haven’t actually looked him in the eye.
But still, you’d seen him, and the memories you’d spent so long trying to scrub away were worming their way back into the forefront of your mind, traveling down your body like furious snakes. Each memory burning with venom over everywhere he’d touched you.
“Hey, Y/N, you alright?”  Jaskier asked, reaching over to lay a comforting hand on your arm.
At the contact, however, you recoiled so violently away from him that you practically slammed yourself into Geralt. The combined sensation of Jaskier’s warm, calloused fingers on your arm and Geralt’s broad, hard chest against your shoulder sent blaring alarms of panic through you. Everything was too loud; everyone was too close.
You jerked your knees up in an attempt to curl yourself into a ball but ended up slamming both knees, hard, under the table. Surprised by the sudden ruckus, Geralt swore loudly beside you as Jaskier yelped, jumping back as his beer spilt and splashed across the table and onto his lap.
Both knees were now throbbing angrily, your head felt as if it had been filled with cotton, and your mouth watered dangerously as panic-induced nausea crashed over you. I can’t be here, a voice screamed inside your mind, I can’t be here with him.
“Y/N, what the hell-” Geralt started, stopping short when he finally saw the state you were in; the pallor of your skin paired with your wide, vacant eyes were horrifically familiar. It was something he’d seen in the faces of traumatized villagers whose lives were ruined by war, and in soldiers who’d just seen their comrades killed.  
Geralt met Jaskier’s eyes over your head and knew that they were thinking the same thing.
Without speaking, Jaskier pushed the table away from you as Geralt scooped you up and began marching steadily towards the exit. Once outside, Geralt gently set you down on a bench as Jaskier materialized by your side with a cup of water.
You’d been so focused on the devil’s face that you’d barely registered the change of scenery, but when your back hit the cool rock wall behind the bench, you were pulled back to reality. Startled, you blinked back unshed tears and let your eyes focus on the two concerned faces before you.
Your breathing slowed, and as you were coming too you heard Jaskier as Geralt whether he should splash the water he’d brought onto your face.
“N-no,” you breathed, feeling more grounded with every passing second, “please don’t.”
Geralt hummed knowingly and smacked the bard upside the head, scolding him for his ridiculous proposal, eliciting another yelp from Jaskier. “It was just an idea!” he hissed defensively, earning only a vacant stare from you and a glare from Geralt.
Frustrated and inexplicably jealous to see Geralt assume the dominant protective role, Jaskier knelt in front of you and scanned your face for a sign. His brows furrowed as he watched your lips mumble something inaudibly. “What is it?” he encouraged you gently, resting a hand next to you on the bench, but decisively not onto you.
“I can’t be here,” you said, barely above a whisper, “I can’t be here with him.”
Jaskier looked back at Geralt inquisitively, as if assuming he’d know you better since he got so defensive earlier. But when Geralt shrugged unperceptively in response, Jaskier felt strangely vindicated and turned back to you confidently.
“Be here with who, love?” he tried, meeting your eyes and doing his best to communicate non-verbally that you could trust him.
“The devil,” you murmured, your eyes finding the man over Jaskier’s head, through the tavern’s window.
The two men turned to follow your gaze. Upon spotting the man they assumed to be devil – a pompous soldier, gesticulating wildly as he held audience in the tavern – their eyes met briefly, eyebrows quirked, before coming back to you.
“You mean, that ridiculous ass?” Jaskier asked, trying to lighten the mood.
“The one in red? you asked.
“That’s the ass,” he replied, eyes sad as a tentative smile played at the corner of his lips, hoping you’d mirror the act.
You nodded silently, eyes meeting his fleetingly. “We, um, I mean he –” you broke off unable to continue, your eyes now closed as memories washed over you like acid.
“You were… together?” he tried, looking back to Geralt for support but getting nothing back but a non-committal shrug.
“I was, I mean he – um,” you swallowed thickly before going on, “we were.”
“And it was bad?” Jaskier was whispering now, meeting you at your energy.
You hesitated before responding, and that brief moment of silence broke Jaskier completely as he imagined the worst.
“It was,” you replied finally, meeting his eyes head-on, “not consensual.”
What happened next happened quickly.
Geralt swore loudly, his hands closing into tight fists as Jaskier swore in a way you’d never imagined him capable.
“Geralt!” Jaskier called over his shoulder, saying his name more like a command, begging his friend to take action.
“Way ahead of you, Jask,” he replied, already stalking his way back into the tavern.
When the tavern door slammed shut behind Geralt, Jaskier sprang to his feet before tentatively sitting by your side. His hand hovered over yours momentarily before he thought better of it and brought his hand back to rest on his own lap. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.
“I can’t,” you choked out, putting your own hand over his, surprising both of you.
“That’s alright,” he breathed, placing his other hand over yours lightly, “you don’t ever need to think about it ever again. Geralt is taking care of it.” As he spoke, he swung a leg over the bench and turned so that his body faced yours squarely.
“But Geralt doesn’t get involved in human conflict,” you said, swiping at the tears that had managed to fall as you tucked a leg under yourself to angle yourself in his direction.
Jaskier’s eyes flit momentarily to the tavern’s window before quickly coming back to meet yours. “No, but he does kill monsters,” he assured, “and specializes in demons.”
“Do you think he’ll kill him?” you ask quietly, crossing your arms defensively over your chest.
“Hard to say,” he tried to answer, but was interrupted by loud crash followed by shouting coming from within the tavern, “but, huh, I think it’s fair to say you won’t ever need to worry about him again.”
You nodded lightly, trying and failing to hold Jaskier’s gaze. He was looking at you with such intensity, with a warmth you definitely didn’t think you deserved.  “Don’t look at me like that, Jask.”
“I’m sorry,” he breathed, bringing his eyes down to your still-intertwined hands. “I just hate to think of anything bad ever happening to you. I wish I could have known you then… that I could have protected you, that I could have,” he hesitated, considering his next words carefully, “that I could have loved you the way you deserve to be loved.”
“Oh, Jask…”
“No, no, darling, you don’t need to say anything. Please don’t feel obligated,” he blurted out, immediate regret burning at his cheeks, “I’m so incredibly stupid and selfish! I’m so sorry I-I just, seeing you like this it just, argh! I shouldn’t have said it-”
“Jaskier, please,” you interject, placing a feather-light hand over his chest, the pads of your fingers ghosting over the flesh exposed at his collar, “it’s not that. I’m… honestly I’m glad you said it.”
“Yeah?” he asked timidly, looking up at you through his thick lashes.
“Yeah,” you breathed, “I think I feel the same way… about wishing I could, know your love. Be able to love you, freely.”
“Yeah?” he murmured once more; eyes hesitantly alight with hope.
“Yeah,” a teary laugh escaping your lips. “But Jaskier, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to, you know, love you in the way you need.”
“Y/N, hey,” he cooed, your confession bolstering his confidence, “all I need is to know your heart. Knowing you love me is enough.”
“Jask, I don’t think you’re understanding me –”
“My sweet girl, look at me,” he pleaded, bringing his head down to hold your gaze through the curtain of your tear-soaked lashes, “so long as you’ll have me, I’ll be by your side. And I promise you, nothing will happen unless you’re ready and you want it. Nothing.”
“Yeah?” you ask, your eyes scanning his for any hint of mal-intent or deception but finding only earnest adoration.
“Hell yeah,” he whispered, bringing his forehead to rest against yours. 
Just then, Geralt immerged from the tavern and wiped his blood-soaked blade against the tall grass as he spoke. “We’re leaving.”
“Way ahead of you,” you parroted in a small voice, letting Jaskier pull you to your feet, before you ran to your horses.
You didn’t feel ready to ride out yourself, so you hopped behind Jaskier as Geralt led your horse behind him on Roach. As you put more distance between you and the tavern behind you, you found yourself growing ever calmer. Until finally, with your arms wrapped tightly around Jaskier’s waist and your face pushed between his shoulder blades, you took your first full breath of the evening and realized, incredulously, that you knew you were going to be okay.
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reidyoulikeabook · 3 years
the battery was dead
Ship: GN! Reader x Spencer Reid
Warnings: Mention of case-typical violence (more specifically, a bomb), told from Spencer's perspective and he experiences anxiety about reader having been harmed (they're okay though!), Spencer's self-deprecating thoughts, general mood of anxiety throughout, stressful team situation, big feelings of guilt, very much hurt/comfort.
Word count: 1.6k (i did not intend for this to be this long but it's basically a whole thing)
A/N: This is not what I intended to write today but my brain's on a whole hurt/comfort vibe apparently so here we are: something I wrote all in one go in about half an hour. Oops.
Everybody was in different places when the bomb went off. Spencer was with Derek, in an SUV headed uptown. The explosion was downtown. Where you'd been headed. Alone.
The geographical profile had indicated he wouldn't strike downtown. The geographical profile that he had made. The geographical profile that the team had trusted, that the team had based their assignments off, that had led Hotch to conclude it was safe to send you downtown alone.
"Garcia," Derek answers, putting her on loudspeaker and glancing at Spencer who could be pictured and pasted into the DSM-V as the definition of anxiety right now, "Garcia tell me you can patch everybody through."
"I'm trying," She rambles, her voice pitching upwards, "I'm patching ___ through now I'm trying their cell."
Spencer's leg bounces. It bounces so hard it's a miracle the velocity of it doesn't send Derek veering right across the road. He scratches at his neck. There are no words to be said. No words in any language in the world can describe the fear coursing through his body as he hears Garcia scramble, pressing keys and typing and he's only vaguely aware of Derek's hand coming to rest reassuringly on his bouncing knee, managing to still it just a little bit.
"___ will be fine," He reassures him, "Just fine. I promise. It's not your fault kid, you couldn't have known, how would you have known?"
"It's my job to know."
His tone is bitter, angry, and he feels even worse for it because it's not Derek's fault. Derek is trying to help. Derek is trying to be kind and somehow that's worse because he doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve anybody's kindness right now and he can't get your face out of his mind. How you'd smiled at him before walking out of the door of that precinct and how it might be the last time he ever got to see you smile and it was all his fault. All his fault.
His stomach is in knots. Garcia's practically smacking her precious equipment in her hurry and then the line goes mute.
"Garcia?" Derek asks again, "Garcia are you still there?"
There's a beat of silence and then the background noise returns, "I'm just trying ____'s cell."
What's taking so long? She could have tried by now. He's never known Garcia to be slow at her job and even though it feels like time has stopped. Fractured like a mirror, throwing off pieces, and he's trapped inside a piece that has all of the horror and guilt he's ever felt in his life staring him in the face. But she can work faster than that. Why isn't she working faster than that?
It all becomes clear as he hears her clack again. Then your voice floods the line.
"You've reached SSA ____ ____ of the Behavioural Analysis Unit. Please leave a voicemail, or if you're calling regarding an urgent matter then please direct your calls to SSA Aaron Hotcher at the following number-"
"Maybe she's already on the phone," Derek suggests, cutting over your recital of his number, "Maybe her line's already busy. Right Garcia, is her line already busy?"
"I can't tell."
She's lying. Spencer knows she's lying and it knocks him sick. He practically wrenches the handle to the window off in his quest to get it open. The cold air pours in and he feels worse. He can't allow himself to bask in any feeling of comfort when you're God knows where.
He can't let himself think like that. He blinks hard, shaking his head as if he can physically remove the images from his brain. They flash through, his neurons defying him as they keep picturing you in worse and worse scenarios, and he can't breathe.
"Pull over," He directs Derek, wrenching off his seatbelt before Derek even manages to get the car in park.
Somewhere amidst all of it, Hotch has been patched through.
"We're convening downtown. Our presence has been requested at the crime scene."
Derek is saying something to pacify him. Or he's telling him something. He can't tell because his head is swimming and then Derek is squeezing his shoulder, physically pulling him back into reality.
"Kid. Listen to me. You're not helping anybody getting yourself all worked up like this. We need to focus. We've got to work this through."
He nods. He nods because Derek is right. They do have to work this through. Even though they would be better working this through without him because he's the one who made the profile that was wrong and his contributions clearly can't be trusted and-
"Put your seatbelt on. Talk to me. Let's talk through how it could have gone wrong."
Derek's voice strikes just the right balance between commanding and reassuring. It always does. So he does it. He clips in the seatbelt and starts to ramble, discussing avenues they haven't explored before, suggesting why he could have been wrong. He's never doubted himself like this before, and it's an uncomfortable feeling. What's more uncomfortable is the realisation he's never failed you like this before.
They pull up to the crime scene. Derek scrambles out of the car, but he pauses for a beat. It's only when Emily opens the door, that he's pulled back into reality again.
"Spencer," She says, "Spencer, come on."
There are SUV'S everywhere. They've tried to contain the scene as much as they could but they needed the bomb squad, needed paramedics, needed FBI.
She's walking him somewhere and he's frantically searching around him, frantically trying to orient himself. It doesn't help that it's dark, gone midnight by now, and the street lights were taken out in the initial explosion. Most of the lights come from torches, or headlamps that people are wearing. It's not enough, he can barely make out Emily let alone find your face in the crowd.
And then he hears it. His name. Your voice.
You found him.
"Spencer," You call, and he can't possibly turn around fast enough.
He barely has before you come crashing into his arms, cinching them tightly around him. He practically scoops you off of the ground, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you as close as he can possibly get you to his body, inhaling the familiar scent of your shampoo and there's tears coming out of his eyes, tears of relief and fear and-
"Spencer," You tell him, sniffling, "Spencer you're kind of crushing me."
You let out a little laugh, and he lets out one too. But it's puffy, practically just air. He releases his grip a bit and you lean up, your arms looping around his neck and playing with the baby hairs situated at the nape of it.
"Spence I'm okay, I'm right here," You reassure him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "I'm right here."
You are right here. He can hear the pound of your heart, he can smell your perfume, he can feel you playing with his hair in a way that tickles but is so comforting, so domestic, so reassuring that you still love him despite his fuck up, that he couldn't bring himself to tell you to stop even if he wanted you to.
He doesn't even know he's still crying until he speaks, his voice wavering as it manoveurs past the lump in his throat, "I-Garcia tried calling you. You didn't answer your phone."
"The battery was dead," You tell him, "I plugged it in in the car and next thing I know I'm getting pulled over. I got brought straight here when I told them I was FBI and I tried to borrow somebody's phone to call but they cut off cell reception here in case there was a second bomb."
He swallows. He can't say anything else, can't do anything else. He manages to open his eyes, and you lean up, apparaising him. You thumb at the tears on his cheeks, a kind of softness and love entirely exclusive to you filling your eyes along with a couple of tears. You don't look at him like you're angry. You don't look at him like you're disappointed. You look at him with a kindness he's entirely undeserving of at this moment in time and the thought spurs two more tears out of his eyes.
"What's wrong?" You ask, your voice barely above a whisper, "Spence what's wrong?"
"It was my fault," He chokes, his head dipping a bit, too ashamed to make eye contact, "I made the profile. I was wrong. I sent you here, I-I sent you directly into danger."
"It was a copycat," You tell him, "It was a copycat, he didn't get away in time and got caught up in the blast. Our guy is smarter than that, so they think this guy tried to imitate it. It's not your fault. You couldn't possibly have known, you can't profile a person you don't know exists."
The revelation is like foam on a petrol fire. It quells the pain in his chest, the one that had maliciously licked at him, igniting all his own wounds and insecurities.
It wasn't his fault.
He holds onto you even tighter, burying his face in the crook of your neck, "Thank you. Thank you."
"For what?"
"For being okay."
"I'm always okay," You tell him, your voice nothing but sincere, "I'm always okay because I always have you."
With that, the fire is out. You reluctantly wiggle out of his arms, taking his hand and squeezing it reassuringly. He's not okay yet. Not entirely. It all still feels surreal, and he knows it'll take a long time for his heart to settle down. But you're here. By his side. And that's enough for now.
In fact, with you? That's enough for always.
Permanent Spencer tagslist:
@ssa-m-187 @reidingmelodies @cyanide-mustard @shesalatesh
@sapphic-prentiss @geostarr @kathrynisadogperson @rem-ariiana @spoonielivingfree @starsandshit90 @spencerreidat3am @takeyourleap-of-faith @calm-and-doctor @averyhotchner @muffin-cup @purplewaterbottles082 @reidsnose @wheelsup @ellesgreenaway @sunlitspence @spencerreid9 @drspencerreidd @reiding-recs @bauemily @cmily @retrxbarnes @jhillio @txmhoelland @spenxerslut @amoeebaa @veridianluv @sad-bitch-h0ur @reidtome @converse-spence @randomfavtingswall @bethc54 @sebstan-is-the-man @justanothercrazyfangirl @eli-side-blog @vntgreid @reidmeastory @reidemandweep @ggublerss @s1lverhand @cigarette-day-dread @newtmyheart @i-understood-that-reference @willowrose99 @v-is-obsessive @awesomebooklover17 @youarethereasonimsmiling @xhopingthis-worksx @agentdilf @spencerreidsconverse @nomajdetective @brown-eyedshell @randomficsandshit @bvttercupbby @thatsonezesty13 @spookydrreid @kurtuinna @loverboyspence @jswessie187 @sammicabrera @idontwantyourcookiesthanks @sweetandsunny @reidstulips @midnightstan @stylesstreet @iamhowieson @reichelhache @screennamealreadyused @joyclubie @mrs-dr-reid @measure-in-pain @slaytherinthoughts @inlovewprentiss @citlalireedus @love-you-to-saturn @drayshadow @makailaa @idonotexiste @hercleverboy @disasterwriter @kuolonsyoja @thosecriminalminds @sun-flower-seed @singularityjc @adanae91 @uwu-queen-420 @broken-stardust
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saiqherrr · 3 years
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.pairing satoru gojo x fem!reader
.setting college au
.content warning smut, nsfw, angst???, degradation kink, overstimulation, slapping kink, unprotected sex, cumming inside, cheating
.synopsis you swear that you're different - that you can "change" satoru gojo.
.a/n this is unfinished but i wanted this out my drafts. i have had zero motivation to write lately. this also has not been proofread. bleh. enjoy
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NOT TRUE. NOT TRUE. you rubbed your hand on the side of your neck, absentmindedly looking down at your notebook that was filled with poorly written scrabbles of notes, words you could just barely imbibe from today’s lecture. you masked your irritation while two girls shamelessly whispered gossip about your boyfriend. why should it bother you if you knew it wasn’t true? because you knew that a good portion of what they were blabbering about was true.
you weren’t necessarily a shy girl, you knew a lot of people on campus from high school. for the most part you were quiet and minded your business, however, that changed after you notoriously flashed your busty bosoms at a frat party while your system was buzzed with alcohol. that was the night satoru gojo took you home. it was by luck that you committed such a sinful act on a night where satoru really couldn’t be bothered with desperate girls flocking on him. on any other night, he’d meander around the party, letting girls approach him and kiss up to him. he’d pick a spunky, sober girl from the flock and take her up to a room that didn’t belong to them, and fuck her - just for him to forget her name the next morning.
this night was different. he had a long day and he was surprised he had the energy to come to the party in the first place. he felt embarrassed for you when you got up on that table, slurring your words and waving your shirt in the air before you unclasped your bra, the frat house erupting with screams, chants, yelling and shouting. he couldn’t bear to see you like that and it bothered him that he even cared. he had no particular reason to. but his body moved on it’s own when he walked over to that anything-but-sturdy table and grabbed you, ending the show that everyone was rooting for. he slung you over his shoulder, taking up your shirt and bra before he found the nearest bathroom.
he took you back to his own apartment he was renting nearby, letting you sleep on the couch with a small blanket that just barely covered your feet and one small throw pillow was placed underneath your head. he left a mop bucket by the couch, anticipating that you’d be facing a mean hangover the next morning. he was glad he trusted his gut with that one because after he woke up the next morning to use the bathroom, he could hear you gagging and then regurgitating  everything you ingested the day before.
after he took care of you that day, you thanked him endlessly. you were eternally grateful that he took time out his day to even do such a generous thing. it was out of character for him to do something like that, too, but you didn’t know at the time.
you don’t know how you ended up where the two of you were now, but all you know is that you fully smitten by him during those first two weeks you guys had first met. the two of you went out on a couple of dates, spent the night at his place a couple of times and eventually...you guys were having sex. so much fucking sex. he whispered appraisal in your ear every time he got the chance to bury himself balls deep in your tight pussy. he was rough, yet his words came out as soft as ever to you, stirring up all kinds of mushy feelings and affection from him.
it only took one post on satoru’s instagram - that one picture of you in his apartment, smiling at yourself in the bathroom mirror as he stood behind you, kissing your cheek while he snapped the photo. it was posted in the early morning with the a simple, but meaningful caption: ain’t she special? one post confirmed something for, not only everyone else, but for you as well; he was in love with you.
it, of course, came as a shock to your peers on campus. satoru was infamous for being a player and a sex addict. even you, at one point, had make an ancient joke about how satoru couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. being held down by anyone wasn’t a common thing for him at all. the confirmation of your relationship with him only caused people to question if all of it was a facade.
you questioned it yourself sometimes. but then you’d oddly be ashamed in yourself for doing so. he told you he loved you out the blue, took you out for fancy dinners, wasn’t ashamed to mention you to his friends and almost annoyingly professed his love to you in public spaces and online. he loved you. you knew he loved you.
keeping his words in your mind was enough to protect your mind from getting hurt by reality. you were blind to the small love marks that weren’t given to him by you. you were deaf to the sound of satoru sweet-talking a girl on the phone, assuming you were asleep, when you were really wide-awake. you suddenly had anosmia whenever he’d come back to the apartment smelling like cheap perfume. you ignored it all subconsciously and it was starting to catch up to you.
you were clearly aware of satoru’s behavior before becoming official with him, but since he had treated you with so much tlc, you figured you would be the turning point in his life. you believed that he’d change now that he had such a smart, respectable, sexy, and compliant girl by his side. he didn’t need anyone else, right? wrong. you were not his turning point. you were simply another climax in his life, a feeling you gave him every time your pussy clamped down on his cock, except, he got to feel that from you more often than others. that’s how other people looked at it.
in two weeks it’d make a year since the two of you started dating. a full year of this? maybe he was in love in with you, but just because he was, it didn’t mean it got rid of his urges. so that’s why you were trying to ignore the chattering behind you right now. you know you couldn’t be mad. you knew satoru was a fucking sleeze.
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“throw it back on me baby, you know i don’t like doing all the work.” satoru's vainglorious words sent blazes of warmth to run everywhere on your body. your hands held the sheets underneath you as you shook your body to and fro, shivering each time your skin connected with his. his throbbing cock kissed your cervix and massaged your pulsating walls. you were recovering from an orgasm that you had moments before, juice running down your legs, but satoru fucked you through, bringing you close to overstimulation.
you wanted to tell him it was too much, but he had your own, soaked panties in your mouth, causing you to be quite inaudible. so many reasons to be uncomfortable yet you adored and wanted the entire. the fully body mirror that was across from you reflected the pornographic scene and felt yourself getting aroused all over again from the sight. drool dribbled from your mouth, tears rolling down your cheeks, satoru’s strained face. it only motivated you to go faster, milking his cock with your cunt eagerly.
satoru reached beside him, getting his cell phone and lazily opened up the camera app. he happily recorded the way you ricocheted your full ass on him, holding it and smacking it multiple times. once he was happy with the footage he had, he threw it phone to the side and he reaches around and takes the lacy material from your mouth, causing you to hack uncontrollably and lick your dry lips. he proceeded to grab your hips, digging crescent shaped dents into your skin. he pulled you to him, fucking you like he had gone batshit crazy.
he had you blabbering nonsense now that your mouth wasn’t restrained, but he managed to hear you say “’s too much!” and you stammered while moaning his name.
“too fucking bad. hold out just a bit longer, you weak slut,” he growled. “fuck...” you were reaching your high again, legs shaking viciously before they gave out and you imploded on your stomach on the bed. it didn’t stop him from ramming into you over and over again. you were so compliant to him. the way he fucked you was intoxicating. he made you crave sex more than you ever did in your life. “cum again for me baby, i’ll come with you.”
with both of your eyes screwed shut, you clenched around his slobbered cock, stomach convulsing violently and came hard. you practically screamed his name like you had no fucking sense. it’s because you didn’t. your psyche had gone clear and your body was numb. you couldn’t even process that satoru had came as well, rubbing excess semen in between your ass cheeks, watching strings of your release and his own drip from your gaping hole. he turned you around so that you were on your back and brought his hand, slapping you hard against your cheek, bringing you back to your senses.
“don’t scream like that again. y’lost your fucking mind,” he threatens you in a low, aggressive tone before snickering. he grabbed your delicate bosoms tenderly, scouring your stiff, aching areolas. you gasped intensely while sweat moved down your face, eyes half-lidded. he sucked your nipples graciously, running wet circles around them with his tongue. his ivory locks of hair tickled your skin, you bring your hand to run your fingers through it. he brought his lips to the space in between your breasts, sucking feverishly on your soft flesh until he could see visible marks form, leaving his mark on you.
“did i...did i do good...?” you breathed out, closing your eyes.
you felt his warm lips leave your skin and he chuckled softly before kissing you tenderly. “yes, yes you did. you did so well.” he was proud of himself for taming you, making you so docile to him. you were strong-willed and independent outside of the bed so seeing you lie here so pathetic under his gaze, losing yourself because of his touch was a sight to see. he felt lucky to have you...
you were truly such a beautiful girl. as embarrassed as he was for you when he first saw you flashing to all those people at that frat party, he silently admitted to himself that you looked fucking hot. if you weren’t so drunk that night he probably would’ve fucked you. he got his wish...eventually.
if anyone ever asked satoru why he has stayed with you for so long, he wouldn't have the option to offer an unmistakable response. whenever he was asked, he gave them a straightforward, “i love her.” he couldn’t quite understand how or what you did, but you allure him in a way no other person can. you unknowingly had him wrapped around your finger. he didn’t mind being tied down by you. well, that’s because he wasn’t entirely “tied down.” it was no secret that he sneaked around with other girls on campus, but what other option did he have? he was an addict. he couldn’t go a fucking day without burying himself in someone’s cunt - or someone’s ass, or getting his dick sucked by some whore after class. he couldn’t fuck you everyday. he didn’t want to use you for that purpose. you surprisingly meant something to him. he hoped all the warm gestures he gave you was enough to prove he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
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quietmyfearswith · 3 years
longing stares ; august walker x fem!reader
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status — completed oneshot
word count — 5,515 words
summary — in which august walker made the mistake of hurting the love of his life — thinking he had the upper hand, but in reality it hurts him even more than he cares to admit.
warnings — SMUT, unprotected penetrative sex, oral sex (f receiving), handjob, degradation? angst?? fluff? swear words, august talking down/shit about another boy, window sex
pairing — august walker x fem!reader
summary — in which august walker made the mistake of hurting the love of his life — thinking he had the upper hand, but in reality it hurts him even more than he cares to admit.
a/n — DNI IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, so this was inspired by this post, but i wanted to twist it up a bit to fit the song that inspired me to write,,, so i hope it turned out alright :> feedback is very much appreciated! 
tagging — @cruelfvkingsummer​
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The pencil that he balanced between his fingers snapped into two as he saw a sleazy employee's frail hands touch her shoulders affectionately. At first the Hammer found it foolish when Sloane told him his personal office would have two-way mirrors for walls; but now he was more than thankful for it as he was sitting down behind his desk because it allowed him to watch the scene unfold without them knowing about his intense stare at them. His piercing gaze would have buried this son of a bitch who dared touch what’s his as she was burying herself with work.
Well, what was his to be more accurate. But his brain couldn’t fully absorb that fact as his fingers were hastily sending a text to Benji that he was sending someone over to his department and to keep the idiot busy for as long as it took. Leaving his phone on the table, he didn’t bother to wait for a reply as he sauntered over to the outside of his office and opened the door as he called out, “Jonathan, Benji needs you in his department. Something about a malfunctioning gadget.” The brunette pointed to himself as he wondered, “Me? My name’s Joshua.”
“In case I haven’t made it clear, I don’t care about your name, John, I just need you to get over down and check out the malfunctioning device — and I’m not talking about your brain.” Y/N gasped out loud at what August said, for it was unusual for him to talk shit about others; she could only watch Joshua as he excused himself to go to the 30th floor where he was being called for.
Once he vanished within her line of sight, she brought her eyes to look at August who had a stern expression on his face, “You, in my office. Now.” As his voice left no room for questions, she stood up from her chair and entered his all too familiar work space. “What the hell was that about, Walker?” Her hands rested on her hips as she raised her voice at him once he came in too after closing the door to give them privacy. “What was what, princess?”
He mimicked her by placing his hands on his hips too; but he didn’t have the combination of a frown and pout that she had, instead there was a smirk on his lips. “You don’t get to call me that,” Even though she loved the way the nickname rolled off his tongue and how it was reserved solely for her, she now hated how it just served as a reminder of their past, “Not anymore, Walker. So cut the shit and answer my question”
Bobbing his Adam's apple up and down, August was cursing with how cold and serious she was being. “I didn’t like the way he was getting too close with you,” There was no reason for him to fabricate a lie so he decided to just tell the truth. “Well that’s rich,” She scoffed as she crossed her arms against her chest and looked at him with disgust, “You decide you don’t want me and yet no one else gets to have at least a chance with me?”
His brain interpreted what she said differently as he slowly moved towards her, speaking dangerously low, “Yes, princess, that’s exactly what it means. No one in this fucking world gets you, because you’re all mine. I don't care if they're a rookie in the CIA or some royalty. They will have to kill me before they get to you.” If it were someone else, they would have shivered in fear once they were backed against a wall by a trained, skilled CIA agent who has planted his hands on the wall by her torso, caging her in. But not Y/N because she knew two things — one, he would never harm her, not in a way she wouldn’t enjoy. And two, she was his weakness. 
“I’m not yours, Walker,” From a venomous tone she shifted to a calmer one which surprised the man as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “You made it extremely clear that night about how what we had doesn’t mean anything to you.”
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It was a miracle that August managed to open his apartment door as his focus was on leaving his marks on her neck. “Hated seeing him so close to you,” He growled without his lips leaving her skin as his foot closed the door. Lifting her up over his shoulders made her squeal, more so when he smacked her ass while he effortlessly brought the two of them to his bedroom. Y/N bounced slightly as she was dropped on his comfortable mattress.
Large hands ripped her dress in two and revealed the black lingerie set she had hiding underneath her office clothes. “You trying to kill me, princess?” August husked out as he tore his own dress shirt off before spreading her legs, thumb rubbing against her clothed core, “Princess, you’re staining through the thin cloth.” Sliding the cotton material off of her, he brought it to his nose and smelt her arousal before throwing it off the bed. Every time they ended up in his place, he sneakily hid her underwear so he could jack off to them when they aren't together.
Y/N gasped out as she felt his moustache tickle her skin as his lips left kisses on his ascent to her. A toothy grin was plastered on both their faces. His fingertips graze the under band of her bra, “As much as I love this bra,” August unhooked it and threw on the floor as his lips enveloped her breast as his hand grabbed and played with the other, “I’d rather see your body in all its glory.”
Her hands tangled in his hair as she arched her back, feeding more of her flesh to him. “Fuck bear, more please,” She moaned out loud when his tongue drew circles around her nipple before biting on the pebble. Pulling away from her tit, August smirked at her blissed out state as he undid his pants, sliding it off him as his cock sprung out. “And why were you going commando today, bear?”
Kissing her lips passionately so her smirk would be wiped off, he rubbed the tip of his cock on her slit, “Because I wanted to tease you at work,” Her mewls of need fueled his ego, her hands were clawing at his ass as she was trying to guide his cock in her hole. “What’s the magic word, princess?”
“Please! Please bear, need you so bad,” As soon as she whined out the final word August slid his cock right in her; velvet and warm walls welcomed his cock by gripping onto him tightly that it made him struggle to thrust in or out of her. Her grasp on his ass didn’t take and if anything it made her just dig her nails againdt the skin even harder, which only added to both of their pleasure.
Ruthlessly, August ripped both her hands from his plump ass to lay them above her head, his hands forbidding her to move them around His other hand lifted her leg, resting it on his shoulder, which allowed him to reach even deeper. “You like how deep I can reach in you?” Each word was accompanied by a harsh thrust to every word; her moans brought pride to his chest for they both knew he was the only one who could pleasure her this well. 
“Tell me, princess, tell me how much you like it when I fuck you,” The vein on his neck became even more prominent as he growled at her. Feeling the vibrations of his growl against her lips just made her glaze even more of her juices in his cock; a firm swat on her thigh had her focusing on his command, “You fuck me so good, bear,” She gasped out when his cock poked her sensitive flesh which made her an even more out of focus, “Only you can make me feel this good, bear. Want no one but you.”
Her words paired with the way her walls clamped down on his cock pushed him right over the edge; both of them gasped out when August pulled out of her cunt and let go of her hands. Before getting to question what he was up to, he leaned down until he was face to face with her cunt, quickly inserting his tongue on her pussy.
“Oh fuck, please bear, please rub my clit,” Graciously, his thumb rubbed on her clit as his other hand jerked his cock off while he shook his head side to side, driving his tongue even deeper in her. “Cum for me, princess,” Convulsing upon feeling the tremors of his words on her mound, she could only grab onto his head to grind her closer to her as she relaxed her body as she came.
“There’s my good girl,” He praised her while lapping her juices and drinking it all up. Opening her eyes once she felt herself significantly calmed down, she whimpered upon seeing his cum-covered moustache and red cock that was red and aching to cum. Sitting up, she moved closer to him and wrapped one hand on his balls while the other stroked the length of his cock, “Coat me in your cum, bear. Please, bear?” The innocence her eyes held contradicted the way she spoke and jerked him off sultrily — which made him throw his head back as he spilled his cum on her hands. 
Giving kitten licks on the tip of his cock prolonged his orgasm as he stroked her hair lovingly; once he let out all of his cum, Y/N licked some of the cum that spilled between her fingertips. Smiling widely, she looked up at him and opened her mouth to show how she had drank up all he had to give. Patting her head gently he praised her again, “Such a good girl for me, princess.” He kneeled beside her before taking her in his arms before collapsing beside her, August cuddled her close to him as she moved around to face him. Her finger was tracing over his jawline as they both silently cherished the post orgasmic haze they both were in. He loved being with her this way — loved the way their bodies worked in tandem. But they weren’t just a great pair in bed, Y/N was one of the few capable and intelligent employees Hammer has met. Though he often displayed a tough exterior, he could easily show her as well a vulnerable side of him.
There was an instance wherein she accidentally barged in on his night of wallowing in self-pity with the intention of fucking so she could release tension, she was instead faced with a sorrowful August. That night, she made it clear to him that he didn’t have to open up to him if he was uncomfortable. She just wanted to be there for him, even if they just both drank in silence, just so he wouldn’t be alone with his thoughts.
He did end up letting her in and voicing out what was going on in his mind. Upon taking it all in she made it clear that he wasn’t the villain he made himself out to be. “You are not defined by what you have done,” Concern was laced on her voice that night as she held her face with gentle hands, “You were asked to do so in order to guarantee the safety of the whole damn world. If anything, it’s us who doesn’t deserve you.”
Just as he was about to rebut what she said, Y/N sweetly pecked his lips to shut him up right away, “Never talk shit about yourself, bear. You’re a great person and I would be more than glad to help you realize so.” From then on every time he entered his office there would be a sticky note taped on his desktop screen where she wrote something great about him.
“What are you smiling about?” He wondered as her lingering hand settled on his cheek, rubbing the prickled skin. “Just thinking about you,” Her vague answer just had him even more curious than he already was. It wasn’t unusual for the two of them to be quiet after sex, but there was something about the way she was looking at him and the way her touch seemed gentler, softer.
“What about me?” It was a rhetorical question, he didn’t expect any answer from her. So imagine his surprise when she mindlessly confessed, “I love you, August.” 
Sitting up against the headboard he stared at her with bewilderment evident on his face, “What the fuck did you say?” Clutching the blanket to hide her nudity, Y/N could not help but feel vulnerable and exposed as she sat up to level with him, “You heard me, August, loud and clear. I told you I love you.”
It was like a dagger pierced through her heart as he rolled his eyes and stood up from the bed as he rummaged through his drawers and grabbed a tank top and sweatpants, “I call bullshit on that.” Offense and hurt overcame her entire being as she hastily dressed herself up as well, “And why do you call bullshit on that?”
“Because it’s not real!” He shouted as he turned to face her shocked face; he has never raised his voice to or in front of her. Part of her was terrified — she didn’t know what he would do in a confrontational situation like this. Sensing her startled state, he then spoke in a lower tone, “The love that you feel for me, isn’t real. It’s just in your head, you’re just coming down from your high.”
Enraged she chewed him out, “Why are you invalidating what I feel? I know in myself that I love you!” Shaking his head no, August crossed his arms as he challenged, “We’re just friends! Fuck, we’re just colleagues!”
As soon as the words left his lips he could see the effect it had on her for her tears were threatening to leave her eyes and it caused him to feel as though someone had squeezed his heart roughly. “Do friends do what we do?”
Her weak voice made him feel even more bad than he already was but he still couldn’t stop himself from being an ass, “Friends with benefits do.” She smacked his chest as she yelled out in frustration, “I’m not just talking about the sex, idiot! I’m talking about whether a friend comforts you everytime you feel pity for yourself? Would a friend clean up your bruises and cuts after a hard mission? Or when I make sure you have enough homemade meals, what am I to you then?”
“Nothing,” The way he said it so casually and without a second thought should have scared her; and it did, “It doesn’t mean anything to me. You’re not mine nor are you my girlfriend.” That was the final nail in her coffin — the rude awakening that while she was out here going out of her way to make him feel loved and appreciated but he would never do the same for her, or so she thought.
“Okay then,” She shakily sighed out, “I’ll see myself out.” Bending down to grab her discarded purse but not before saying, “I’m sorry for wasting your time, Walker.” Not bear or August, he called her what everyone else did. It was a painful reminder of something he had lost and not appreciated enough. It was for her own good, he thought, she doesn’t deserve to be with a monster like myself. 
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His hands abandoned his position against the wall as he recalled his harsh dismissal of her, “We aren’t together, in any shape or form. You made it very clear that night.” Taking advantage of the gap he created between them as he stepped back from her, she walked away from his office before he had a chance to say anything. Sitting down on his office chair he banged both his fists on the desk, which made all the objects in it jump slightly before coming back down. Deciding that he had enough for the day, he hastily collected his belongings before exiting the office to head home. 
As he got on his motorcycle, he remembered how firm her arms clung around his waist every time she rode with him. She feared falling on the vehicle and despite August’s repeated promises that he wouldn't ever let that happen to her; secretly, he loved it when she pressed her frame firmly against his back. It made him feel loved and appreciated — and that wasn’t the only time or her only way to let him feel so.
Turning off the engine as he parked, he trotted up to his apartment and once the door opened he took in the messy state of it. Ever since her exit, he neglected to take care of it because he wasn’t impressing her anymore. Besides, he fears that once he does organize his flat he just might find more relics of their shared time. 
Quickly showering the day’s dirt, he then laid down on his bed with a hand behind his head as subconsciously — or purposely if his brain decided to torture him as well — his would often replay what happened during these quiet, lonely moments of the night. And without fail, it always gives him the urge to smack himself for breaking her that way. Truth is she was everything he wanted and needed. Upon meeting her, he knew he wanted to change for the better just so he would be deemed worthy enough to be with her. There was something about her being magnificent in her own account that made him feel inferior to her.
It also didn’t help that he had never been in a serious relationship before; he often went for hookups and one night stands since his fear of commitment did not allow him to easily open up to anyone. But with her it was as if it was his instinct to tear down the facade he displayed to the world. “I love her,” He came to that conclusion and it shook him to his core.
Before closing his eyes to enter a state of unconsciousness, he then decided that he would confess what he felt to her, beg for her forgiveness, and ask for a chance to start a relationship with her. “Gonna do whatever it takes,” He promised to himself with a smile before pictures of him with Y/N clouded his dreams. 
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The moment he stepped foot on his floor, he noticed how Y/N wasn’t in her cubicle. Maybe I’ll talk to her after work, he thought to himself as he entered his office and busied himself with work.
Y/N knew it was an atrocious idea — one that could backfire in her face — but something about yesterday’s encounter with August fueled her to do so. It was nearing four in the afternoon when Joshua stopped by her cubicle to ask her once again if she wanted to hang out with him; in all fairness, he was a nice guy. But once you’ve had a taste of gold in your life, you would never settle for a nickel.
“So Y/N, I was wondering maybe we could grab dinner after this? I know this great restaurant that just opened a couple blocks from here,” The brunette nervously suggested as he leaned against her post. Not sure if August was seeing the whole exchange, she decided to stand beside him as she trailed her hand to his forearm as she sweetly smiled at him, “Yeah? What do they serve?”
Cue Joshua nervously rambling about the menu and ambiance of the restaurant as a Hammer prepared to nail down his mark on his woman. The moment he saw the sleazy boy once again drop by her cubicle, he was closely monitoring the situation and was more than displeased to observe how his woman flirted back at him. The fucking audacity you have, princess, He thought as he sauntered over there.
Gasps were emitted from both Y/N and Joshua when August stormed in to interrupt their discussion— pushing the brunette away as he pulled Y/N in for a searing kiss, ending their conversation. With his hands pressed against her cheeks, he poked his tongue on her lips as he demanded she let him in; and he could not help but smirk when she rested her hands on his arms, not pushing him away and instead feeling more of him, while she parted her lips to welcome his tongue without hesitance. 
Pulling away from their kiss, August placed a few more pecks on her lips before placing an arm on her lower back before arrogantly turning to Joshua, “Sorry pal, I don’t think the memo has reached you, so I’ll just make it crystal clear for you — Y/N is my woman so you better steer clear from here unless you want an excuse to use your health insurance.”
Nervous gulping down and walking away from her cubicle was how Joshua rescinded to the situation; while August led Y/N into his personal office despite the gasps and stares of the other employees. Right now, he didn’t give a damn about their gossiped hunches for his princess tested his patience.
““What the hell was that about, princess?” He angrily asked as he turned to her with a stern expression as he rested a hand on his hip. Opposite him was a smirking woman who threw him the same answer she was given when they talked, “What was what, Walker?”
Realizing how the tables have turned, he exhaled through his nose in order to remain calm before huskily explaining how he saw things, “What were you thinking when you grazed his arm,” To emphasize, he ran a hand in her forearm to reenact how she sensually touched the other boy, “But you know what I find the most interesting? Was the way you eagerly kissed me back; do you know what that was all about?”
His breath touched her cheek having walked up right in front of her; this distracted her for a bit as her brain scrambled to formulate an explanation for her actions. “Well?” August lifted a brow as he slightly moved his head, prompting her to answer the question.
“I don’t know what that was, bear.” Despite her timid answer, he heard it loud and clear. But what really pleased him was the fact that she didn’t use his name rather she used the nickname she graced him that one time Y/N poked fun about how hairy he was since he refuses to shave his chest hair and moustache.
“So you had no idea as to why you touched him like that when you know for a fact that you belong to me,” He clarified to her as he tilted her chin up with the other hand that wasn’t resting on his hip to get her to look at him. 
“How many times do I have to make it clear to you that I do not fucking belong to you; that is what you said to me, right?” Her bold facade quickly disappeared as he grabbed her arms, walking towards the window. Making her turn to face the window, he pressed her cheek against the glass window, “Well I’m gonna fucking remind you that you belong to me and only me.”
Rough fingertips lifted her skirt, leaving the velvet bunched up around her waist, and ripped her panties to shove it in her mouth, “Don’t need you speaking if all that’s gonna leave your dumb mouth is you don’t belong to me. You’re not gonna speak unless you state my claim on you.”
A muffled whine was all she could let out as she nodded when her pussy welcomed two of his thick fingers that were ruthlessly slamming in and out of her. His other hand creeped towards her clit as he alternated between rubbing and pinching on the hardened nub. “Can you feel your cunt dripping? This is how your body reacts to me because you want me so bad.”
With the hand that was previously on her nub, he tore her blouse open and fondled a breast, “Such a naughty princess, not wearing any bra,” Pulling on her nipple elicited a prolonged moaned as she rested her forehead against the window, “Were you planning this the whole time?”
The answer she let out was obscure with her mind fuzzy from the way his fingers were hammering in and out of her mercilessly while he helped her remain on her feet by having a firm hold on her boob. “You’re still the needy princess I know you are.”
August smirked at how she let out a pathetic moan when he pulled his fingers out of her for it proved he was right. Palms resting against the cold glass, she turned her head around and watched as he lowered his zipper to pull his cock out. “Do you even deserve to have my cock?”
Nodding her head and up down was all the response she could give him as he continued to degrade her, “I don’t think you do,” To amp up his teasing, he rubbed the tip of his cock from her clit down to her opening multiple times; causing her legs to shake in need as she moved her hips towards his tip. “You’ve lost your princess privileges the moment you talked to him,” He whispered, lips pressing against the shell of her ear.
One of her hands left the crisp window and instead sought out for the warm hand that was in her boob, clawing onto him desperately to let him know how badly she still wanted him in any way she could have him. The sting of her nails made him smile wickedly as he took pity on her and slid his whole length in one go, “That make you happy, princess?”
The side of her head leaned against the window but she still managed to nod as she was extremely thrilled for having him inside her. Blindly, her other hand left the window as she searched for his vacant hand and collapsed them together. Even though her eyes were closed as she was blissed out with the way he was pounding in and out her hole without a care; August however felt touched that there was this part of her instinctively reached out to hold his hand affectionately.
He guided their entangled hands down to her stomach so he could press her back firmly against his front, “Never forget that you belong to me, princess.” It was in that moment that his wide tip grazed her g spot so she could only mewl and nod weakly as her overwhelming gratification blocked out her senses. 
Coughing up a bit once he pulled her panties out of her mouth, her shoulders then bore the weight of his arm, “Tell me you’re all mine, princess!” He demanded as barked it out on her before biting the shell.
“I’m all yours, bear!” She gasped out when he repeatedly hit her g spot every time his cock entered her. Her velvet walls were now making it harder for the Hammer to nail her for it clung to him like glue to the point that it was almost choking his cock, almost triggering an early orgasm from him. Wanting to focus on something else, his mouth peppered kisses on the skin of her shoulders and neck with the full intention of leaving dark, purple bruises so people knew she was off limits.
Y/N never felt this simulated in all the times she slept with August; the way his cock rummaged her hole with vigour and determination made her buckle her knees, the feel of his rough facial hair prompted her to push her neck more to his lips while her feeling his hand firmly against hers made her feel loved. In the haste of a moment, she let out a confession of, “Missed you so much, bear.”
Feeling his heartbeat increase at her confession, he snapped his hips faster to drive his cock even harder to her, in tune with the way his heart beat against his chest, “Really though you didn’t want me anymore.” He couldn’t take the way she sounded so broken — what made it worse was that he made her feel this way, and he vowed to himself that he wouldn’t cause her to feel that way again.
“I’m so sorry, princess,” Hearing him apologize, she turned her to face him again and was surprised when he kissed her lips softly — in contrast with how he was driving her cock in and out of her roughly — before letting his lips rest against hers as he continued to speak, “Never gonna let you go, never gonna hurt you.”
“You promise, bear?” Her small voice made her seem even more vulnerable than she already was; meanwhile August nodded fiercely as he kissed her once again. “I promise, princess,” That promise left his lips repeatedly against her lips.
Unvolutaringly clenching her walls on his cock, she moaned out loud against his prickly lips, “I’m so close, bear. Please let me cum.” And that reminded him how he was in charge and still has to decide if she gets to cum. 
“I think I can grant you one princes privilege, what do you think?” His smirk widened upon seeing her pleading eyes looked at him and moaned in agreement. Still holding onto her hand with one of his own, the other went to graze her cheek as he coaxed her, “Cum for me, princess; let me feel how much you missed me.”
He then drove his cock deep in her to the point he repeatedly bumped her g spot which set her orgasm off — she screamed out loud as her hand squeezed his hand so tight yet it didn’t have any effect on him. Loving the way her walls immediately relaxed their grip on his cock, he took advantage of it by chasing his own orgasm.
“Take my cum, princess,” He breathed out and felt his thrusts decrease their pace while they still had the same vigour. Stilling as he shot loads of his sperm, he pressed her against him needing her to ground him back. With a kiss on the side of her temple he let out, “I love you so much, princess.”
Despite her brain being a fumbling mess, she caught on what he said and pushed herself off his cock and turned to look at him, “What?”  Her fingers were busy lowering her skirt and trying to make her blouse look presentable as it could be while August tucked his meat back in his pants so he could hold both her hands.
“I love you,” He reiterated before taking a deep breath, “I love you and it scared me to find out how strongly I felt for you — because this was something I have never felt for anyone.” A breathless gasp was all she could let out upon being presented with this information.
Sensing her confusion, August placed a kiss on the back of both her palms before speaking once more, “I know this is a lot to take in, but maybe we can take it one step at a time? We go out on actual dates so you can also let me prove to you how much you mean to me.”
Her eyes were searching for any indication in his that he was just pulling her leg, “I know I haven’t shown you exactly what you mean to me — and that is due to my stupidity and immaturity — but if you let me, I will treat you like the sublime and divine being that you are. Spending those days without you made me realize the vital role you fulfilled in my existence.”
Her lips broke into a smile as her heart fluttered at what he said; Y/N lunged to him, wrapping his arms around her neck as she kissed his lips passionately. The Hammer was more than happy to reciprocate the passion she had for the kiss as he wrapped his thick arms around the middle of her back. 
“Does this mean you’ll take me back?” It was shocking how soft the tone of his voice was when he asked this to her as they pulled away from the kiss. Bopping his nose with a finger, she smiled at him before nodding, “It means exactly that, bear. I love you and you have me now. Officially, that is.”
Loving the sound of that, he pecked her lips once again and pulled away with the widest grin his lips had ever made, “I love you more, princess. You always were officially mine, you just didn’t know it yet.”
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awindylife-writes · 3 years
After the End (Comes the Beginning)
Relationships: 10th Doctor x reader, Donna x reader (platonic), Donna x Doctor (platonic), Rose x reader (mentioned, platonic)
Summary: Christmas bride rewrite. The Doctor and you cope with the loss of Rose and meet Donna.
Warnings: mentions of the loss of Rose
Genre: angst
You lost her.
You lost Rose and she didn't even get to finish her sentence before you and the Doctor were ripped away.
You were standing in the TARDIS with her last words ringing in your ears. You stared at the wall where she'd stood just a second ago. You were sinking to your knees and you didn't even notice with your vision blurred, too many tears to see through.
Too much pain to get up.
A sob interrupted your quiet litany of "Nononononononononono-" and you hadn't even known you were speaking. You tried to catch your breath but you seemed to have forgotten how to take air in. The only thing that existed was the hole in your chest.
Then the Doctor's teary face appeared in your vison. His hands were gripping your arms. He was calling for you.
"Y/N. Y/N. Y/N." There was desparation in his voice and so much grief  in his eyes that it woke you up.
Because he'd lost Rose too. He loved her too, you three had been best friends and after all that he'd lost he must have been breaking. And if there was one thing you wouldn't stand for now, it was leaving him alone.
"I'm here." You wiped your tears with your palms and looked into his deep brown shattered eyes. "I'm here, Doctor, and l'm not leaving." You tried for a smile as you gently took his face in your hands and wiped his tears with your thumb.
When you saw he'd heard you, you pulled him into your arms. You were clinging to each other and you weren't sure if you were ever going to stop. Ever.
Then you heard a gasp and a shocked squeak. You and the Doctor broke apart enough to look at the strange woman who was now standing in TARDIS. You both stood up out of astonishment to see her better.
"What?" you heard the Doctor's incredoulus voice. You simply stared. If you hadn't been desolate, the sight would have been hilarious.
There was a ginger bride standing in the TARDIS asking, "Who are you?" and there was no clue to explain how she got there.
You found yourself smiling.
"What?" the Doctor breathed again. You thought you might start laughing but then you looked at him. He still had teartracks on his face.
The reality came back like a slap.
"Who are you?" she demanded, and you just
"What?" The Doctor seemed to be caught in a loop so you stepped towards her.
"Hi. My name's Y/N and this is the Doctor. You're standing in the TARDIS."
"You can't do that l wasn't- we're in flight that is- that is physically imposible how did you-" the Doctor was rambling away but the ginger cut him off.
"Tell me where l am," she told you with force. "I demand you tell me RIGHT NOW where am l?"
"Inside the TARDIS," you repeated and she focused on you.
"The what."
"The what?"
"The what???"
"It's called the TARDIS," the Doctor finally joined in.
"That's not even a proper word!"
When the Doctor went to get money from the ATM, you went with him. You'd have stayed with Donna before, before, but not now. You were not letting him out of your sight. Judging by the panicked look in his eyes when he checked if you were following him he felt the same.
You turned him away from the partying crowd, towards the bar. You'd recognized the look in his eyes as he watched the dancing couples, it mirrored how you felt inside.
You hugged him close and he buried his face into your shoulder.
Then you noticed the cameraman.
You screamed at Lance when he said those horrible things about Donna. You made sure she knew she isn't alone. You held her hand.
Then when she was crying in the TARDIS and the Doctor didn't notice, you held her.
When the empress of the Racknoss screamed, you got lost. She screamed in grief, and there was just as much of it in you.
Donna pulled you out of it.
There would be enough time to grieve when this was over, and then you would never get lost again.
"I'll just, go out there and do something," Donna finished with a smile. You exchanged looks with the Doctor.
"Well, you could always..." he began.
"Come with us." You stepped towards her. There was so much hope in you but you tried to keep it at bay. You didn't think you could take much more hurt today.
"No," Donna said in a soft voice. Well, so much for that.
"Okay," the Doctor reacted immediately.
"I can't," Donna told you sadly.
"No, that's fine!"
"No but really though, I mean everything we did today- Do you live your life like that?"
"Not all the time," you tried, but you knew it was no use. It wasn't true.
"I think you do. And I couldn't," Donna shook her head.
"But you've seen it out there," you tried. "It's beautiful."
"And it's terrible. That place was flooding and bruning and they were dying and he stood there like-" Donna turned to the Doctor. "I don't know. A stranger."
"And then you made it snow, I mean you scare me to death!" She turned back to you. "The both of you!"
"Well then," said the Doctor.
But then Donna went on, "Tell you what I will do, though- Christmas dinner."
She was followed by silence.
You couldn't speak, not when you could see Jackie's gentle smile as she passed you your cup. And then you could hear Mickey laugh while you scooped the turkey on your plate. Home, they had been your home, Rose and Jackie and Mickey, all that warmth and joy and ease, because you hadn't had to pretend when they were there. No, every moment was a gi-
"Oh come on." Donna's voice broke you out of the dream. Because that was what it was now, and that was what it would stay - a dream.
"No, no, we couldn't," you tried to decline. You couldn't sit down with a family, and be happy, and let it be Christmas. Not now. The memory of Mickey and Jackie burned, but Rose -
Not without Rose. Not when it felt like half your chest was missing. It had been less than a day.
"We don't do that sort of thing," the Doctor joined in.
"You did it last year, you both said so, and might as well, because mom always cooks enough for twenty," she tried.
"Donna," you said and there was something in your voice that stopped her (grief). "We can't." You let your sorrow show, and you hadn't wanted to do that.
But it was so, so close, just below the surface, everything in you was screaming, still screaming Nononononono ROSE!!!! There had been enough danger and adrenaline to distract you, but now that you were standing there in the snow, you couldn't keep the gnawing pain at bay. You were splintering.
She looked into your eyes, and you knew she understood. "Will I ever see you again?"
The Doctor gave her a soft smile. "If we're lucky."
Then you stepped towards Donna and she hugged you, even though you were both damp from the rain. She lifted her head from your shoulder and adressed the Doctor, "Just... hold onto her." She gave you a tight squeeze. "You need someone to stop you."
"Yeah," his voice was so soft you almost couldn't catch it.
And now it was time to go. You pulled away, but before you let go, you smiled and looked into Donna's brilliant blue eyes. "Thank you." You squeezed her arm so she knew you really meant it.
"And good luck," the Doctor wished Donna as you stepped backwards to join him. "And just... be magnificent."
She chuckled. "I think I will, yeah."
The Doctor opened the TARDIS door for you and you stepped in, but then Donna called out for you to wait and you both turned back. "What?"
"That friend of yours, what was her name?" she asked and you were ashamed you hadn't told her yet.
"Rose," you and the Doctor said in one voice. "Her name was Rose," you repeated and then there was nothing left to say.
You gave Donna a sad smile and turned away. The Doctor closed the door behind you and walked to the concole. You joined him just in time to grab a hold of it when the TARDIS started shaking.
You were off to the stars.
"Do you blame me?" the Doctor said in a tight voice when it was quiet. It was just the two of you again. You'd been hugging, and then he'd pulled away just enough to see your face and ask.
"What?" You had a small idea what he meant, but you didn't want to believe it. He wouldn't meet your eyes.
"Do you blame me for losing Rose?" he clarified, looking down at your joined hands. "I was supposed to keep you safe. I promised l would keep you both safe. And l didn't." His voice broke on the last word. His shoulders were tense, like he was bracing for a hit. You realized he'd braced himself because he thoght you wanted to leave him.
And all you wanted to do was smack him.
"Doctor, listen to me. And listen well," you commanded as you gently tilted his chin to look him in the eye. "Are you listening?" you demanded, and he nervously replied, "Yes."
"Good. What happened to Rose was not your falt. Did you hear me? Not. your. fault. I do not, and will never blame you for her loss."
He stared at you with his big brown eyes, lips slightly parted. He was completely lost, like he couldn't comprehend what you were saying.
"We knew that it was dangerous, we knew what could happen. It was her choice to stay, like it was mine. It could have been me just as easily."
His grip on your arm tightened as he shook his head, whispering "No, nononono," like he couldn't let himself imagine that posibility.
But you went on, "Or it could have been you, or none of us. That's the risk we took, that's the risk we both chose to take, from the moment we started travelling with you."
"It was our choice. Rose's and mine. And you don't get to take it from us, you hear me? You don't get to take her choice away like it was something you decided, like it was something only you did. She loved us and chose us and she was brave. So the consequences came, yes, like every other adventure we had, it's just that this time we don't like them. But they are ours and we'll live with them." There was stinging in your eyes and you didn't fight it. You cupped the Doctor's cheek with your hand. His brown eyes were wide, as if he just now came to understand what you'd said. What you'd meant.
You went on, "I'll grieve, and l'll hurt and so will you. But l'd rather have that time, the memories of Rose, of us together and the pain, than not to have had her at all." Your throat tightened and you had to swallow a few times to be able to speak again. You took a breath and finished, "So remember, Doctor, the choice was hers, and the choice is mine."
He had tears glittering on his cheeks and so did you. You held his gaze until he closed his eyes and hung his head, and then you hugged him.
You held him close and he clung to you even though he was shaking. You both sobbed but still you held each other.
You would hold each other together.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙀𝙉𝘿. ҂ 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢
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Hi!! Idk if you’re taking requests rn lol but I was wondering if you can write a clay imagine? It can be smut or anything lol
pairing: dream x fm!reader
warnings: nsfw (18+ minors dni), smut, calling dream clay, cliche apocalypse au, blood, kinda sad ngl
word count: ~3000
links: ao3
a/n: Hi everyone. I have no idea what this is, but if you like it let me know! I was struggling with coming up with something for dream but here we are on a crackpot tangent. N E WAY, thank you for all your support and requests! Have a great week and happy reading ♡ ᵍᵉⁿᵉ
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Soapy bubbles clung to your arms as you pressed your hands into the hot water, sighing as you reached the bottom of the sink. You didn’t care about the murky discoloration of the water from the stack of dishes you had just polished off. You attempted to let the stress of your day roll off your shoulders to mix into that same water. Call it a baptism, but the solace you got standing before the sink, pouring your emotions into the dark, louring water was comparable to nothing. The radio buzzed with slight static as the station attempted to break through the heavy interference.
That was until three long pulses echoed over the station, making your skin crawl as if an unseen force were intruding on your alone time. You stood up straighter, water dripping down your arms and splashing on the linoleum floor beneath you as you listened to the grizzled news broadcaster read from an obviously unedited announcement. The world outside of your apartment seemed to still, silence echoing through the streets where shrilling sirens lived only moments before.
“Breaking news… NASA has just verified that the mystery asteroid is, in fact, in danger of crashing into the Earth… As of this moment-” His voice cut out, your radio buzzing into static. In a panicked effort, you vaulted across your kitchen, slipping on the dishwater in the process as you tumbled to the ground. Before the pain could set in, you climbed to your feet, smacking your hand atop of the radio. It finally crackled back to life as you twisted at the dials feverishly. “... three days. To repeat, there is a countdown on the NASA website… take shelter when the time nears.”
Your ears rang alongside the three pulses to indicate the message was over. You were in denial, figuring there was no way this asteroid was actually going to obliterate the Earth. Surely, it was a joke. Everyone had been making memes of the space rock since it was picked up on NASA’s radar a month prior. Surely, this was just a test.
You waited for the city to come back to life, but everything remained still. After everything you’d all been through in the last year, an asteroid was going to be the end.
A sharp and urgent knock hammered against your door, making you jump a few feet in the air. Before you could move to see who it was, the person was already through the threshold. You peered around the corner of the kitchen and down the hall, your gaze meeting a pair of dark green irises. Clay’s towering figure stalked toward you, his eyes brimming with tears and panic. He pulled you into his embrace rather hurriedly, as if he’d been itching to wrap around you before he broke down.
The hint of cologne clouding the air around the two of you suggested that he was on his way out. As your hands followed their muscle memory to grip onto his clothes, he dug his face into the crook of your neck. It was becoming clear that even if you weren’t responding to your best friend’s need, he was going to take it from you.
He pulled away from you slightly. Your mind had gone completely silent as he looked at you, his attention struggling to focus on one part of your face. Your body felt numb and your tongue had gone dry. His gaze traveled towards the ground and he stepped back slightly, worry spreading across his features as he clamped his hand around your forearm.
“Why are you bleeding? What happened?” His voice cracked slightly as he dug into the drawer beside you to find a towel. You furrowed your brows before finally catching sight of the blood seeping from your arm and between his fingers. His hand was large enough that it nearly served as its own bandage.
He tugged you behind him towards your bathroom. “I fell…” You mumbled, your mind now racing with questions. Why couldn’t you feel the cut? Or his hands? He pushed you upwards to sit on the bathroom counter, his crimson hands shaking slightly as he rinsed them off. Your fingers tightened around the towel holding your wound together. As he focused on the task before him, he seemed to calm down ever so slightly. He rolled his head on his shoulders and took a deep breath to steady himself as fished through your First Aid kit.
“I was on my way to Nick’s and I heard the news. I’m…” He brought his arm up slightly to brush away a few tears against his shoulder. He pulled open a package with his teeth. You watched him carefully as he worked to clean you up. His blond locks hung over his eyes, curling around his ears and twisting about as he focused and you could almost hear his mother’s voice telling him he needed a haircut.
Your chest ached. “Clay, I think I’m having some kind of a breakdown,” you mumbled, your own eyes prickling with tears as he looked up at you quickly. Usually, you were the one that kept it together. It had been like that since the two of you were teenagers. Despite the fact that Clay’s tall, muscular stature gave off the appearance of an intimidating being. In actuality he always let his emotions get the best of him, leaving you in charge of being the rational one.
But as he patched up your arm and struggled not to fall apart, the reality was settling in to weigh heavily on your shoulders.
He began to talk softly to you---much like you usually did for him---making sure his touches were delicate and slow. While his hands were coarse from years of football and building decks with his dad in the summers when the two of you were younger, they were so tender when dealing with you. He cradled you as if you would break at the slightest flex of his finger.
“Why didn’t you just go to Nick’s?” You asked him once he’d finished bandaging your arm and had begun rewashing his hands. The scarlet water in the sink looked almost surreal after you’d been staring so long at the caliginous dishwater. He rested his hands on the edge of the sink, his eyes flashing up to look at himself in the mirror before chewing on the inside of his cheek.
Your hand traveled up his arm, his skin warm beneath your touch as you tugged on his bicep to bring him closer to you. He moved to wrap you in his embrace once again, his breath melding into your hair as his fingers closed around the fabric of your shirt. “I’d rather spend the end of the world with you,” he barely whispered, pressing a kiss to your shoulder softly.
You pulled away from him gently, his forehead moving to rest against your own. One of his hands moved to brush into your hair, his fingers finding purchase against your neck. The familiar smell of smoky vanilla and sage seeped into your mind at his closeness. You thought about your first kiss shared in “the name of science,” after you turned fourteen. Clay had been so awkward in his body at that time; his hair shaggy, stretch marks along his knees from his growth spurt, and a growing realization that you were in fact, a member of the opposite sex.
The Clay before you, even in his state of anguish and anxiety, stood with a cockiness that that Clay couldn’t have even dreamt of. His thumb glossed over your jaw, his eyes cast down as if his mind was wreaking havoc on his movements. Cautiously, you leaned towards him, sealing the space between the two of you as your lips pressed against his. The air of catastrophe seemed to dissipate around you as he pulled you tighter against him. The taste of mint and a faint whisper of fruit from the gum he always chewed blended against your tongue. Your arms moved to wrap around his waist, wanting him pressed to you as close as he could be.
He wrapped his hands around your thighs, pulling you up and into his arms as he made his way to your bedroom. As your back hit the mattress, Clay’s lips were back on yours, your fingers slipping beneath the hem of his shirt to tug the fabric over his head. You sighed as he hesitated before nipping at the skin of your collarbones, his tongue ghosting against any mark that formed on your skin from his teeth. You drove your hands into his hair, your fingers locking around the slight curls forming. He pushed your shirt off and you wiggled out of your sweatpants.
His hips dug into yours, the friction bringing a lazy smile to your face as you bit your lip. You tugged on his hair, making him moan into your ear to mix with his motions. “I want you, Clay,” you stated, your voice falling from your lips in a slightly deeper tone, your breathing uneven with passion. He moved to look into your eyes, pausing for a moment before his hand slid between your waistband and your hip to remove your underpants. It was clear that even as the timer clicked away the minutes the two of you had together, you wanted to savor him. If the world ended now as the two of you were in each other’s embrace, you would be fulfilled.
He smirked slightly at your words, his lips finding your neck once again. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to hear that,” he moaned, pressing a kiss behind your ear. He slunk down to press his lips against your stomach, moving slowly up your body to bury his face in your hair, grinding his hips against yours. You fought not to roll your eyes as you hooked your fingers through his belt loops, pulling his pants off. He pressed his lips against yours, humming into the kiss as you wrapped your leg around one of his. You slipped your tongue into his mouth, grinding against him.
As Clay pushed himself into you, your whole body relaxed as if he were made for you. He dug his face into the crook of your neck, letting you adjust to him. You hummed slightly, taking your bottom lip between your teeth as he began to move. He gripped the edge of the mattress beside your head as he leaned his weight on his forearm, the angle bringing your thigh to rest against his side. You wrapped your arm around his shoulder, bringing your hips up to move with his. “You’re so beautiful…” he mumbled, his lips brushing against your collarbones again as his thrusts into you became deeper.
You began to feel every inch of him in you as his hips ground against yours. Clay’s lips left yours to press against your jaw and your ear, one of his hands interlocking with yours, binding the two of you further together in the act. It was his carefulness of your forearm that sent a shock wave through your body as you were bitterly reminded that instead of a lifetime of cherishing moments like this, the two of you were cursed into his disaster arc.
His hand pressed into the mattress, fingers curling around the sheets as you pulled him down to you again, his lips melding to yours. You groaned, finding your sweet spot as he did so, making him pick up his pace. His other hand pressed against the side of your neck, bringing your skin closer to his lips as he pressed open mouth kisses to the landscape of your neck, thrusting into you and making the tension in your body tighten with pleasure. Your arms moved to wrap around Clay’s torso, pressing your lips against his shoulder as he moved. Your toes curled as you finally reached your orgasm, calling out his name and feeling him release as well, riding out your pleasure.
As you laid beside him, he played with your fingers, the quietness between the two of you nearly comforting. There was almost the question of “what now” hanging in the air.
A knock came at your door once again, your heart dropping slightly at who the person could be. You shot a look to Clay before pulling on one of the discarded shirts and your shorts from earlier. Your apartment was cold after being in bed with Clay, the air nipping at your skin and sending a shiver down your skin. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the billboard beside your window had the countdown displayed in heavy red numbers. You swallowed your uneasiness and opened your door.
Nick stood before you, his eyebrows slightly perked at---what you could only assume---your unkempt appearance. He wet his lips briefly. “Dream’s here right?” He asked, peering over your head a bit. You silently opened your door completely, letting him inside. Clay came out of your bedroom, tugging a hoodie over his head that he had previously shoved in one of your drawers. As Nick eyed him, it seemed like he’d forgotten whatever serious matter he needed Clay for. Instead of the skittish expression, Nick’s face twisted into a knowingly smug quip.
Clay ran his fingers through his hair, moving down the hallway and into your kitchen. “What’s up?” He queried Nick. You followed the two of them as Nick began to ramble about the end of the world.
Your chest tightened at his words as you took a seat at your kitchen counter. Clay uncapped a beer, leaning on the marble across from you. “There’s a bunker nearby. It belongs to some random old guy but I know some people who can get us a spot,” Nick muttered almost as if he were worried your neighbors would hear and sabotage his plans. He looked between the two of you quickly. “I think it’s worth a shot.”
You watched Clay closely as he thought, his expression nearly blank due to his somberness. You could practically hear the clock ticking away outside as the red light began to seep into your apartment. Clay chewed the inside of his cheek. “What do you think?” He asked, suddenly breaking the deafening silence and turning to you. “I wanna go where you go.” He looked almost like a child as he said this, but you were grateful he wanted to be with you in the end.
You tore your eyes from him, focusing on the ring forming in your sink from the dishwater that you hadn’t had the opportunity to drain. Your mind raced with the possibility that Nick was offering. “What’s the worst that can happen? We’re dying anyway, right?” You responded wearily.
And that’s how you found yourself packed into an underground shelter, Clay’s body pressed against yours as nameless people crowded the dense area. Nick huddled against the two of you, the asteroid’s timer serving as a foreboding heartbeat as it reminded you all that these were the last moments of your life. Clay’s arm tightened around your shoulders as you buried your face in the softness of his sweatshirt. Your legs were going numb from sitting on the ground with your knees folded to your chest, but you didn’t dare move from his grasp. Nick’s side dug into your own as he attempted to shrug away from the hysterical woman beside him whispering to herself.
Only the mumbling of prayers and lamenting sobs broke up the lulling music playing over a small Ham radio resting on a bookshelf in the corner. The tune reminded you of an eerie scene in a movie from the ‘60s. As the song faded, a newscaster began to discuss the timer, wishing that everyone was with loved ones and had spent the last of their money.
And then the final ten seconds came. Your fingers threaded with Clay’s as he pressed a lasting kiss to your forehead.
“... Nine. Eight…”
Nick leaned into you. The two of you had never really been close, but on your journey to the bunker, he'd become a companion to you just as much as he was Clay's.
“... Seven. Six…”
You let your mind travel to your past, prom in particular. When Clay shut the skirt of your dress in his passenger door by accident. You were so mad at him for finding humor in the situation.
“... Five. Four…”
You thought about the week prior when you were considering skipping a lecture because you were tired. What you wouldn’t give to go back to the simplicity of problems like that.
“... Three. Two…”
You hugged Clay tighter to you, hoping that if you both got blasted into whatever kind of eternity was waiting, you’d land at the same time.
“... One.”
Everyone seemed to hold their breath, even the newscaster. The silence was painful as you all waited.
Clay and Nick moved quickly, looking around the room. You furrowed your brows at them, your grip tightening around the front of Clay’s sweater. “Do you hear that?” Clay stated, his voice coming out rushed. Nick nodded, watching as the rest of the men in the bunker began to talk amongst themselves. You couldn’t hear anything, worry settling.
“What?” You asked, barely above a whisper.
Clay pushed himself to sit up away from the wall, dragging you up with him. “How can you not hear that?” He urged mildly. Fear began to pick at your nerves as you noticed the same reactions filling the shelter. Nick stood up, following some of the other guys who heard whatever they were talking about. Clay slipped from your grasp. “I’ll be right back,” he muttered and you grabbed his hand. His eyes flashed a different color as he looked at you.
A few of the women followed the group, attempting to get their companion’s attention before one of them opened the shelter door.
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
Its been you (H.H)
Warnings: fluff. Brief mentions of sex.
You heard the front door of the apartment open. You were sitting cross legged on your over sized couch typing away for an essay that you had due in less than five hours. Your roommate had been traveling and you weren't expecting him home yet, but the guy never really gave you much of an update, so you figured the door opening was him coming home early without warning.
“Y/N?” you heard a familiar voice call from behind you. Your head shot to look at the boy. Tall, blonde, blue eyed.
“Haz, what are you doing here?” you asked.
“Harry told me I could come crash in his room tonight, Liv and I,” he paused and looked down at his feet. You could tell something was wrong, but you weren't sure exactly what. “I walked in on her in our bed with someone else, and i, i don't have anywhere to go,” You could see the tears pooling in his eyes as he spoke. You lifted your hand for him to stop talking. That was enough of an explanation. Your apartment was an open door to friends, especially when they needed somewhere to escape their own reality.
“Come here,” you said as you set down your laptop and stood up, opening your arms to comfort him. He needed a friend in a dark moment, and though you hadn't known Haz for as long as other friends you had, you still considered him a close friend.
He walked over to you, and buried his head in your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist and you could feel the tears slipping from his eyes onto your skin. How someone could do this to him, you weren't sure. You were sure that he didn't deserve it though. After a while, and a few more tears, you both sat on the couch, a movie playing in the background.
“Sorry Harry didn't give you a heads up,” Haz mumbled.
“Well he knew i wouldn't mind, so don't fret it,” You told him.
“What is it with you two anyway?” he asks you, catching you off guard.
“What do you mean?” You had an idea of what he was going to say but you stayed hopeful that he wasn't referring to that.
“I mean, three years you two have lived together, and neither one of you has ever dated or anything. Is there something going on between you two?” His question struck a nerve in you, but you were a calm person so you wouldn't let him know that.
“Well, I mean we're close, but nothing like you would think I'm sure. Just haven't found the right person, either of us, you know?” It was a stupid excuse and you knew it. Of Course you never wanted anyone else to know why you haven't dated anyone in three years, You were ashamed of the reason.
“So, you guys have never..?” you laughed at the rather personal question Haz had asked.
“Wouldn't you like to know,” You teased.
You felt your phone buzz under your leg and you grabbed it to check what it was.
Harry: Haz there? Told him he could crash in my room. Having a bad night.
Y/N: He's here.
Harry: Thanks love. I'll be home soon. Won't have to miss me much longer.
Y/N: What makes you think I miss you Holland?
You knew you did. Of course you did, he was your best friend and had been for years. You felt the buzz of your phone again and looked down.
Harry: Well cause I miss you. Like a lot.
Your heart skipped a beat as you read that last message, and you had to pull yourself together.
Y/N: I miss you too. Like more. Hurry home.
You shut your phone off, knowing anything else he could say would probably turn your cheeks a permanent red and you didn't want to try and explain that to Haz.
“He loves you, you know?” Haz's voice was quiet but you heard him clearly.
“What?” you asked.
“Harry, he loves you. Maybe just as a friend, but sometimes i'll catch him looking at you in a way that friends don't look at each other,” his words were soft and true. Friends shouldn't look at each other the way you and Harry often did, but what could you do?
You woke up the next morning still on the couch. Your neck hurt from sleeping in an almost upright position but you tried to ignore that. Haz was sprawled across the other side of the couch, sleeping peacefully. You heard a noise come from Harry's room and you felt an uneasy tightening in your stomach.
What was that?
You got up quietly and walked over to Harry's door and pushed it open to reveal the curly redhead standing in front of his suitcase.
“Hey you,” You said, making him jump. He turned around and smiled at you, a lovely toothy smile you had missed so much.
“Hey you,” He said, rushing to you, throwing his arms around your waist and lifting you up. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you buried your head into his messy mop of curls, taking in his wonderful scent. “I missed you,” He told you, setting your feet back on the floor, you loosened your grip on his neck but didn't fully let go.
“I missed you more,” You teased. He laughed and rolled his eyes burying his head into your neck, his lips resting on your bare skin sending a fire down your body.
“I have so much to tell you, so many stories. I should probably shower first though, i’m sure i don’t smell great,” He told you, letting you go and walking back farther into his room. You stood in his doorway admiring him, as he rambled on, he slipped his shirt over his head revealing his bare chest, making your cheeks flush a pink hue.
“Harry,” You interrupted.
“Huh?” he asks, turning to you.
“I'm glad you're home,” you tell him sweetly. He smiles at you, rolling his eyes. You shut his door and go to walk to your room but you notice Haz sitting up looking at you. “What?” you ask.
“Not a way friends look at each other,” He teases you. You grab his hoodie and throw it at him.
“Shut up Haz,” you tell him laughing.
You walk into your bedroom, strip off your clothes from the day before and walk into your bathroom. You stood and looked at yourself in the mirror. Sometimes you didn't even recognize the reflection looking back at you. You rolled your eyes and got into the shower.
You finished drying your hair and getting a pair of black leggings on and a blush pink hoodie that didn't belong to you. You walked back out to the living room where Harry and Haz were both sitting on the couch. You walked over and sat down next to Harry in the open space that had been left for you.
“I was wondering where that one went,” Harry said pulling the string on the hoodie, “Where did you find it?” He asked.
The truth? The truth was he had left it in your room, on a drunken night, a few months back. Were you going to tell him that in front of Haz? No way.
“It must have gotten mixed up in my laundry or something,” You tell him. His eyebrows raise and he looks at you with a certain look that makes you know. He remembers leaving it all those nights ago.
“Looks better on you anyway,” He tells you. You smack his arm laughing.
“Shut up Holland,” You tell him.
“Mind if i shower?” Haz asks Harry.
“Go for it,” he tells him. Haz gets up and walks to Harry's room shutting the door behind him.
“Must have gotten mixed up in my laundry or something,” Harry's voice mocks your own as he laughs. “What, couldn’t just say, ‘you left it in my room a while back when we both stripped down to nothing and had sex all night long,’?” You stare at him, mouth open and can't help but laugh.
“I can't stand you sometimes,” you tell him while rolling your eyes and laughing.
“Sure you can't,” he said to you rubbing his hand up and down your thigh.
“Harry,” you groan.
“What love?” he asks.
“We can't keep doing this.” you tell him.
“Sure we can,” he tells you, as he gets off the couch and stands above you. His hand rests on your cheek as he leans down and connects your lips. He runs his tongue across your bottom lip making you moan, he kisses you harder, his tongue going into your mouth now. Your arms reach up and go around his neck pulling him down to you. His fingers tangle themselves in your hair and he pulls your head to the side, leaving wet sloppy kisses down your neck.
“Harry,” you giggle.
“Hey mate you know there is a bra in your bathroom?” Haz says as he comes out of Harry's room. Harry jumps up but falls over his own feet instead and you pull the hoodie up farther on your neck, hiding your glistening skin from where Harry's lips had just been.
“A what?” Harry asks, trying to play it off.
“A woman's bra,” Haz says, looking back and forth between the two of you.
“Oh, Uh, i, uh,” Harry stuttered.
“Must be mine, i had to use his shower last week cause mine wasn't working,” You tell him, hoping Harry's stuttering didn't seem too obvious.
“Come on guys,” Haz rolls his eyes not buying your excuses.
“What?” you and Harry both ask.
“I’m not blind,” Haz says. You sigh and Harry gets up to his feet.
“I promise you it's not what you think,” Harry tells Haz.
“Then what?” Haz asks.
“I don't have an explanation, if i'm being honest,” Harry laughs.
“So if i walked over to her right now and kissed her, it wouldn't even phase you?” Haz’s words shocked you., and you could see Harry's shoulders tense up.
“Don't do that mate,” Harry's voice came off even deeper than usual.
“Why, she's not your girlfriend, right?” Haz’s voice was taunting, and I could see he was getting the reaction he wanted from Harry.
“It doesn't matter, you're not going to kiss her.” Harry told him. Harrison took a step towards you, and Harry scoffed. “I swear Haz, if you lay a hand on her,”
“You’ll what harry? Admit that something is going on.” Haz demanded.
“Hey,” your voice came out louder than you expected, causing both boys to look at you. “You,” pointing to Haz, “Are not going to kiss me,” you looked over to Harry and your tone went soft. “It's okay,” You tell him, causing a slight smile on his face.
“Fine,” harry says. “I'll admit it,” You look back at him to see what he was going to say but his words shock even you. “I’m in love with Y/N”
The last few years, you haven't dated or talked to anyone because you were always hopeful that Harry would eventually notice you in that way, and then one night you had both been drinking and had kissed. It meant something to you, but he seemed to have just brushed it off like nothing. From then you just figured you were a meaningless booty call to him, and you had accepted that, but you always wanted more. You guys had been messing around for the past two and a half years, and yeah you were in love with harry, like head over heels in love with him, But you were sure you were just a quick fuck, or a booty call, because he never had time to meet anyone with how busy he always was. So to hear him say he was in love with you. You sat staring at Harry, your jaw practically on the floor.
“Oh shit,” Harrison said looking at you, who was obviously experiencing some shock.
“You what?” You whispered, knowing fully well what he had said. Harry looked at you, and took a few steps closer to you.
“I didn't mean to spring that on you,” Harry said apologetically.
“How long?” you asked him. He laughed and started counting on his fingers.
“Since that first kiss, probably two and a half years ago,” he told you. You reached up and swatted his arm. “What?” he asked.
“You have had me thinking i was a damn booty call all this time you shithead,” you tell him.
“I thought I was the booty call,” He laughed at you. You rolled your eyes.
“You guys have no idea what's going on between you, do you?” Haz asked. You and Harry both shake your heads no while laughing. “Go talk, you weirdos,” He tells you. Harry grabs your hand pulling you up and to your bedroom.
You walk over and sit down on your bed, looking at Harry who is leaning on your door. “I shouldn't have blurted that out, especially in front of him,” he says to you with a sorry look on his face.
“Why did you never say anything?” You ask him while fiddling with your fingers.
“I didn't think you thought of me as anything more than a friend, who you sometimes kiss, and shag,” He laughs, reaching up and grabbing his shoulder.
“You're an idiot then Harry,” You tell him. He looks at you surprised, “Why do you think I have never dated or talked to or about any other guys. I was always hoping that one day you would realize that i'm the one you want,”
“But you are,” He walks over and sits down next to you putting his hand on your thigh, causing your stomach to do flips.
“Don't say that if you don't mean it,” You whisper. He grabs your hands in his own and you look over to him, his boyish brown eyes staring deep into your own.
“I mean it, Y/N.” You're sure your heart is going to explode at this moment. This boy who you have held so near and dear to you was telling you that it's you, it's been you the whole time.
“Harry Holland, I swear you are going to be the death of me,” You tell him as a tear falls down your cheek, he rubs it away with the swipe of his thumb, and in this moment, you know everything is perfect
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violetlilysunshine · 3 years
Always the Prettiest, Part 2
Chris Evans x Reader
Read Part 1 Here! 
Anon: Thank you for writing my request!! I loved it!! Would you write a part 2 of when she actually cuts her hair? Maybe Chris helps her do it?
WC: 2,154
Warnings: a little angsty-ish, swearing, mostly fluff, tiny mention of smut at the end.
A/N: Sorry this took so long! The first part wrote itself but this one I struggled to get down and had no idea how to end it, hope you still like it!
It was a few weeks later and you were set to fly out in two days to start filming. You were so excited to start your new role and take on this new character, but still couldn’t get over the fact that you had to shave your head. Yes, Chris had talked you down to normal, but now that it was time to do it, your insecurities were flooding in again. 
You sat on a barstool in front of the bathroom mirror, the counter lined with all of the tools you would need. You had decided that you wanted to do this yourself, hopefully surprising him when he got back, but that idea seems to have flown out the window. 
You had tied your hair into four ponytails, deciding to donate it because you might as well, and were ready to make the first cut when the front door opened and Dodger started barking. You knew it was Chris and having him around made your nerves jump even more. 
You put down the scissors and looked in the mirror at yourself again. “It’s too late to drop out,” you thought, taking a deep breath, “it’ll grow back eventually.”
“Baby, where are you?” Chris called from the door, still being attacked by Dodger.
“Up here,” you answered back, your voice small.
Chris hurried up the stairs, eager to scoop you up in his arms. He plowed through the bedroom door, Dodger hot on his heels, only to find it empty. He looked around for a second as Dodger nudged the bathroom door open with his nose. The light drew Chris’ attention as he followed his best friend. Your image quickly came into view and his demeanor softened. 
“Getting started, huh?” he asked quietly.
“Uh, yeah,” you breathed, “was thinking I’d maybe surprise you with it but I stalled too long and now you’re here,” you laughed lightly, trying to calm your nerves. 
“Want some help?” he asked, gently, understanding if this was something you wanted to do on your own, but he so desperately wanted to comfort you. 
You hesitated again, not knowing whether he would help or hurt in this situation. In the end, you decided that anything he was involved in was always better, “please,” you answered while you looked down at your hands fiddling with each other. 
“You sure, darlin’? I don’t mind if you wanna do it yourself,” he soothed. 
“I’m sure. I need you, bubba.”
“Okay, com’ere, “ he whispered, extending his arms and pulling you in. 
You tucked your head into his chest and he placed a few kisses on top of it as his hands ran up and down your back. You felt a few tears spring to the surface as he rocked you just barely. He squeezed you tighter, waiting for you to pull away first; he had all the time in the world to comfort you. 
You pulled back gently, keeping your hands on his sides, as you looked into his eyes. He looked back at you, having a silent conversion that only the two of you would understand.
“Ready?” he asked eventually.
“Ready,” you said, your breath a little shaky. 
“I think you should make the first cut, ya know? Be in control and all…” he suggested, gently. 
“Okay,” you breathed, picking up the scissors.
You brought the pair up to the first ponytail slowly; your hands shook as you grasped the hair in one of them, the other opened the scissors, capturing the bundle in between the blades. You let out a deep breath between your teeth. You closed your eyes and slammed the scissors shut in one quick motion. You felt the hair break away, allowing you to bring the bundle down into your hands. 
“Like a band-aid,” you whispered to Chris, eyes still shut.
He laughed back at you lightly, “yeah, a band-aid.” 
You slowly opened your eyes, first taking in the sight of the bundle in your hands, then glancing up into the mirror. Your eyes widened, seeing what hair was left sticking out in all directions because it was so short. You let out another heavy breath, looking over at Chris to see his reaction.
He was smiling at you genuinely, a twinkle in his eye. You laughed a little bit at him, not fully being able to discern what he was feeling, but he wasn’t looking at you with disgust, so that had to be a good sign. He glanced down at the bundle still clutched tightly in your hand before looking up into your eyes, his smile widening.
“Holy fuck,” you laughed, dropping the bundle onto the counter. 
Your hands reached up to feel the hair left behind; your heart was beating out of your chest. You felt kind of liberated, your feminism taking over as you laughed at yourself in the mirror. 
“Fuck beauty standards!” you yelled at yourself in the mirror, laughing loudly. 
Chris laughed with you, watching you embrace yourself. He’d never felt so in love with you.
For a second you felt so free, then reality smacked you back in the face. You still hadn’t finished and this wasn’t just a one day thing. Your hair would take forever to grow back and you wouldn’t look like yourself and what if you weren’t pretty anymore and Chris left you? The last thought cut you to your core as your shoulders sank. Chris saw the wheels spinning in your head and took the scissors from your hand.
“Let me help, yeah?” he asked, knocking you from your thoughts, “there’s no going back now, hot stuff,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
He repeated your earlier movements to the remaining three ponytails on your head, lightly chopping them off and dropping them next to the first. 
“Someone’s going to get a very beautiful wig,” he whispered as he placed the last one down. 
You kind of wished he hadn’t said that, again thinking that he thought you were beautiful because of your hair.
“But I get to keep the best part,” he added, arms wrapping around your shoulders as you stared in the mirror.
He kissed your face and head over and over, just holding you there for a while, letting you rest before moving forward. 
Once you started to wiggle in his arms, he reached out and grabbed the clippers. He placed the shortest guard on it, before plugging it in. You watched him do all of this, your stomach turning in knots and hands shaking. He reached out and took one of your hands, turning it over in his own before placing the clippers in it.
“You wanna take the first swipe again?” he asked quietly, but you knew it wasn’t really a question.
“Okay,” you breathed, wrapping your fingers around the base. 
You turned on the clippers, flinching a little at the buzz in the almost silent room. You slowly brought the instrument up to your head, aiming right in the center. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself, before making contact. 
“There’s no going back baby, just do it,” he whispered.
You didn’t know why you were struggling so much; you’d already lobbed off all of your hair. You can’t put it back on, so what was the alternative?
Chris gently brought his hand up over yours, “together?” he questioned. 
“Yeah,” you breathed, lowering the clippers down and making contact before taking a long swipe straight out of the top of your head. His hand wasn’t really doing anything; he didn’t add any pressure or control your direction, instead he just steadied you.
You let out a deep breath as you pulled the clippers away and turned them off. The hair that you’d just shaved fell to the floor around you. You took a deep breath, staring at yourself in the mirror. Now you really had to do it, there was no way a hairdresser could fix this into some sort of Pixie cut. 
Your hands were resting in your lap gently holding the clippers. You raised the device up, holding it out to Chris gently, “can you finish it?” you asked, your voice so small it hurt him to hear. 
“Of course, honey, whatever you want me to do.”
You felt emotionally drained, still fretting about what would happen between you and Chris, but he insisted that this wouldn’t change anything. 
He worked his way around your head slowly, buzzing away the hair and brushing it off gently with his hands before taking another swipe. He soon finished, set down the clippers, and stepped away from you.
You took a deep breath, still watching your reflection in the mirror. “This is new,” you thought. You swiped your hands over your head, feeling the fuzz. It reminded you of when Chris buzzed his and it was so soft you couldn’t keep your hands off of it. At least you can do that all the time now. 
“I think I want to shower, ya know? Wash the hair off of me,” you said quietly.
“Okay, darlin’, I’ll be downstairs when you’re done,“ Chris answered, leaving you by yourself.
You felt like crying but didn’t, you weren’t really sad, just drained. You instead, swept up all the hair, discarding it in the bathroom trash, put away all of the tools you’d used, got out your best soaps and scrubs, and took a nice long, hot shower. 
You breathed deeply, letting the water wash everything away. It was nice to not spend 10 minutes on your hair, and not worry about brushing it once you’d gotten out, and then how you were going to style it. You ran your hands over it again in the mirror when you’d finished. You felt kind of liberated. Free. You weren’t weighed down by your locks anymore. You couldn’t hide behind it. You were coming around to the new cut. You applied some moisturizer before leaving the bathroom. You threw on one of Chris’ oversized sweatshirts, some leggings, and some fuzzy socks, before walking downstairs. 
You entered the living room, thinking Chris would be on the couch with Dodger, but you found him in the kitchen, his back to you as he stirred some pasta boiling on the stove.
“Hi,” you spoke quietly, letting him know you were there.
He answered, not turning around at first, “hi, baby, thought I’d make your favorite for dinner, alfredo, per your dad’s recipe of course, maybe it’ll cheer you up a - holy shit…” he cut himself off, finally turning around.
You ran your hand over your neck nervously as his eyes trailed up and down your body. You didn’t bother dolling yourself up, instead opting to be comfortable and cozy.
“What?” you asked, quiet as ever.
His eyes trailed over you some more, memorizing every detail of your body. He focused on your face for a few seconds before answering.
“You’re so…” he trailed off, “so gorgeous.”
“Really?” you asked, still a little insecure about the big change and its effect on your relationship.
“Absolutely, hot stuff,” he breathed, chuckling a little as he walked towards you. 
He reached your side and wrapped you in his arms instantly, planting a nice hard kiss to your mouth. 
“God I love you so much,” he breathed, pulling back a little, “I’ve never loved you more, actually.”
“Really?” you giggled, “even with no hair?”
“Even with no hair,” he chuckled back, “can I touch?” he asked.
Your eyes lit up and your smile widened when you heard him.
“Course,” you answered, again remembering how obsessed with his buzz you’d been.
He rubbed one hand gently against your head, a smile breaking out across his face.
“What’re you smiling about?” you giggled at him.
“Nothing, doll.”
“No, tell meeeeee,” you begged.
“Okay, okay, I love it, I do, I love seeing you try something new, but…” he trailed off.
Your heart dropped to your stomach, you didn’t want to hear a “but.” Your eyes widened as you shriveled inside yourself. 
“But, what?” you asked, voice small again.
“But I'm really gonna miss pulling it,” he laughed loudly.
You laughed back at him lightly, your heart lightening once again, “that’s exactly how I felt when you did yours, stud muffin.”
He laughed some more before squeezing you even tighter and kissing you again. This time taking things a step further and pushing his tongue in your mouth, “were you hungry now?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
“Not especially,” you answered, rubbing your hands up his sides, sliding under his shirt. 
“Well let’s put a pause on dinner,” he kissed you again quickly, turning around and shutting off the stove, “I’d like to find something else to grab onto, hot stuff.”
You laughed loudly this time as he dropped his hands to the backs of your thighs, lifted you up, carried you to the living room, and dropped you on the sofa, beginning to kiss up your body.
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laketaj24 · 3 years
The Business II: Sorry Mama
A/N: Sorry, I promised this Monday! But here it is! It is a little lengthy, but I think it’s worth it. Taglist here. Reqs are open! Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!
Warnings: Smut, daddy kink, a little pettiness -
Part I
Colson Baker Masterlist
Song Inspo: Sorry Mama, Phem and Machine Gun Kelly
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His home made you feel as if your tiny loft apartment above the record store was a fuck up. You didn’t even have a front door in Colorado, and here you were being presented a room bigger than your entire apartment. You sat comfortably on the bed, trying to escape a reality that was smacking you in the face.  
“Interview at the radio station in the morning.” You had out your planner jotting down the long list of his upcoming events and practices. “Shit, he’s going to Cleveland next week.” Did you even have your license? Were you able to fly?
“Busy?” He knocked on the open bedroom door and then leaned his tall body against the door frame.
“Uhm, just making a schedule for the next few days.”
“Are you always awkward as hell?”
You scoffed. “Are you always abrasive?”
“Abrasive, no. Honest, generally yes. I’ve been trying to get you alone for two days.”
“I didn’t know.” You lied. His attempts were blatant; he’d bought you coffee every morning, granted you were his assistant, and he’d attempted conversations with you but him being your boss made it hard to define the lines in whatever you two were doing. “What are you trying to get me alone for?”
“To talk,” Colson walked into your room. “How are you liking it?”
“It’s pretty busy; you travel a lot.”
He chuckled. “Yep, all the time. Are you regretting it?”
“No,” you answered. “You?”
“Nah, I mean, you haven’t gotten me coffee or like done anything yet, but I think you’re cool.”
Your mouth dropped, and he burst into laughter. “Can I do anything for you today, Mr. Baker?”
“For me, no. I’m great. But you can come out of this room and go a few places.”
“My wardrobe is shitty. I’ve washed this outfit three times. And it’s not even mine.”
“It’s clear it’s mine,” he laughed again. “Let’s get you some clothes.”
“I’m gonna pay you back.”
“No, the fuck you’re not, meet me downstairs. And you gotta wear your own shoes, you can’t fit mine. I’m like certain you don’t have big feet.”
He disappeared, leaving you in the bedroom by your lonesome. You had been sheltered the past three days, not talking to anyone but Kara, who had nothing good to say. And at this point, it didn’t matter. You just wanted her to stop calling you; she’d left you drunk with a bus full of men and said good luck.
The phone rang again and again; you answered, this time perching it on your shoulder. “Yes.”
“Are you okay?”
“Do I sound distraught to you?”
“You don’t have to be a smart ass! You quit your job. You haven’t come home. I was worried.”
“I’ve got a new job; I’m good. Thanks.”
“Being a whore?” She scoffed. “What’s the job?”
“None of your god damn business, you smart-ass arrogant bitch.” The call ended, and the eyes of Rook landed on you. “What?”
“You okay?”
“Oh, I’m better than fine.” You growled. Perhaps you shouldn’t take your anger out on him, but you did. “Can you move?”
“Certainly.” He smirked.
He moved out of the way, and you headed down the stairs; Colson awaited keys in hand and a smile on his face. “Assistant?”
“Are we leaving?”
“Yeah.” He opened the door for you and waited for you to go first. You lead the way staring at the array of vehicles in the driveway.
 The store didn’t have everything that you wanted, but you were impressed it offered more than what you expected.” You looked at the black dress, slinkily hanging from the manikin. The satin would hug your curves, but it wouldn’t put them out for everyone to see. You liked it. You touched the soft fabric and then picked it up.
“If you get that dress, you gotta wear it home.” He said from behind you.
“Why is that” You two had not addressed the elephant in the room. You’d rode this man for hours straight and would do it again if he looked at you a certain way. But he was now your boss; there were lines to not cross in business. This was an apparent line that should not be crossed.
“I want my clothes back.” He said with a crooked smile. “So you either wear that or go naked?” Colson shrugged and looked in the body-length mirror in front of him. “You can decide; I think U might win either way.”
“What’s the prize that you win?”
“I don’t know exactly; you've been quiet as hell ever since you got off  the tour bus.”
“I don’t remember how we met.” You admitted.
“You remember nothing?” He cocked a brow. Colson looked at you through the mirror; his face is stoic and unmoving. “You were that fucked up?”
“I’m not a good girl.” You answered. “I figured you knew that.”
“I don’t like good girls, so perfect.” He turned to face you and bit his lip. “You really remember nothing?”
“Is it worth remembering?” You teased.
“I’ll give you a refresher.” Colson pointed to the dress. “Put that on.”
“I’ll don’t think I want it anymore.” You brushed past him and looked up. “I’ll find something I like Colson, you just chill. Isn’t that what you told me you were here for? Just to chill.”
“You’re right; take your time.” Colson gave in quickly with a slight nod, and he moved to the men’s part of the store, not paying you any attention.
You were not a good girl; that made telling him no easy. So if you wanted to fuck him, you could fuck him. But, unfortunately, this was not the time; you barely remembered how this all started. Had it not been for the video footage, you’d be fucked. The feelings were all there, you blushed every time he cracked a smile, and yet you stood in a mental chamber confused about what to do.
You picked up a few items and headed into the changing rooms. They were huge, not like the department storerooms you were accustomed to; there was a mirror and a chair. You hung threw your clothes over the door and picked up the first dress. It was bright yellow, not really what an assistant should wear. You didn’t care. You slid it over your hips, jumping once to get over your ass, and then looked in the mirror. Yellow always looked good on you. You shook your head yes and smiled. Shit…, you were beautiful, hair pulled a messy ass bun and glasses on the tip of your noses, and you were the baddest bitch you’d ever seen in your eyes.
It was a yes for the yellow dress. You tossed it over the door creating a mental yes pile for yourself. It took you about ten minutes to try on every dress. Three yes and two no, it worked for you. Maybe he would find a normal store so you could have leggings; there was no way in hell you were wearing dresses the entire gig. You shimmied out of the last dress and tossed it over the door, and it disappeared, snatched down the moment it hit the door. Then you realized… no clothes were hanging there. Every piece you’d draped over was gone. You stood with your panties in bra with a dropped mouth. The awe was real; he got you. The sneaky man fucking left you helpless.
“What’s up?” He asked innocently.
“Where the fuck are my clothes?”
“Oh, my clothes? They are in the car.”
“Oh my god! You asshole. Give me my clothes.” Your heart dropped as you heard his laughter, and then you joined him. “This is not how you fuck me again.”
“It is, however, how I get you to try this dress on for me.” He hung the black dress over the door. “Please?”
“Thank you, Y/N. You are so difficult.”
“Mark my words, you sneaky little bastard.”
You snickered. “Big sneaky cocky bastard.”
“Better,” Colson said. “What words am I marking?”
“If you get this pussy… it won’t be today.”
“Is that a promise?”
“Yes.” You took the dress from him and started to get dressed. He somehow guessed your size appropriately, and you didn’t even care; you were impressed. The dress felt as good as you imagined earlier. It fit you right, hitting a few inches above your knee, accentuated your ass, and making your breast pop. This was a club dress for sure, but here you were, walking out the dressing room with it. Colson awaited you in the front of the store, bags in his hand and a wicked smile on his face. “You like it?”
“Fucking love it.” He shook his head and pointed to the clerk. “She’s fine as fuck, right.”
The woman blushed and pulled her hair behind her ear. “It looks good on you!” She beamed.
“Don’t lie; she’s fine as hell.” He walked over to you, draping his long arm around your shoulders. “You like it?”
“I do.”
“Road trip.” He took your hand in his and pushed the front door open to the store, and lead you out. “Are you hungry?”
“Good, I could eat too.” The edged sentence hit your pussy immediately, but he just kept walking to the car, ignoring the few people who recognized who he was and opened the door for you. They kept their distance, but the vultures were out and clicking their cameras.
Colson hopped into the car and pointed to your seatbelt. “Buckle up.”
“You're not worried about them?”
“The paparazzi”
“Oh, Nah, they got a job to do. Let them do it.” He shrugged.
“They’ll know about me.”
“Don’t worry about that.” He merged into traffic and sighed. “They’ll know you’re my assistant tomorrow at the interview.”
“Right!” You exhaled. Small reality check, you swallowed and looked into the bag. “You have a busy tomorrow lined up, you know that?”
“I do; you do too.”
“Are you sure about having me as your assistant? I can go home; you don’t have to keep being nice to me because a groupie made it back to Cali with you.”
“Nah, you act like you don’t even like me.” He shot you a loo a sped the car up, “You got nothing to worry about, right?”
“That’s right.”
 He got food for the both of you, but he didn’t head back to his place. Instead, you were outside of the city driving up the hills of California; you’d always wanted to come here, so you took in the scenery while mentally going over the schedule again for tomorrow. Colson's hand rested on your thigh, the calloused pads of his fingers stroked playfully up and down your legs. You liked the feeling. It had been a while since you’d felt some guitarist hands on your body. Apparently, he played it more than you gave him credit. He gripped you occasionally and dug into your flesh. Sensual act for someone who had a new girl every three days.
“You’re from Colorado,” He asked as the car slowed at the top of the hill. The plateau gave a good view of the city that thrived a few miles over.
“No, I’m actually from Texas, but I left when I was twenty. My parents were hella strict.” You peeked into the bag of food and grabbed one of his fries.
“Colorado served you well.”
“I just moved there, I went to New York, got a really good job, lost it, and then moved to Colorado with my mom and her new husband. I hate it.”
“Well, good you don’t live there anymore.” Colson parked the car, let his seat back, and took the bag from you.
“You say th-,” Your phone rang. Your mother’s face flashed before you, and you rolled your eyes. “Give me a moment.”
Parents were needed; you knew this, but your mother had criticisms, and if you knew Kara, she’d called your mom to tell her about the last few days. No, you had not answered her calls, and you didn’t intend to deal with it now, but if you knew your mother correctly, she was two seconds from declaring you are missing.
“Hello.” You answered the Facetime call, and your mother did not look impressed, just worried.
“Y/N.” She shook her head. “Where are you? Did you quit your job? Haven’t you been home in days? Are you okay?’
“I am fine.” You shook your head. “I have a new job now, and I will be home soon. I promise.”
“With that, whatever the fuck he is?” She stared at you.
Colson leaned in the frame, “Performer. Hey Miss Y/L/N.”
“I am married now; that’s not my name.” She cut daggers into him. “Walk away from him; I would like to talk to you alone.”
You sighed, “Be back.” You stepped out of the car and walked a few steps from him. You hoped he wouldn’t hear your mom act a complete ass on the line, but she was about to be loud. “Mom.”
“Don’t fucking mom me,” She hissed. “Don’t do this,” She paused. “Come home, now. Tell that tug to give you a ride, and maybe they’ll hire you back at the gas station.”
“You really think your daughter is only worthy of a gas station?” Colson appeared behind you.
“Give me a second.”
“Hang up on her.” He shrugged. “Conversation was over before it started; she didn’t give you a chance to explain anything. She just assumed you were out whoring?” He raised his brow at you. “Conversation was done five seconds ago; hang up.”
“Tell that boy to stay out of this,” She added.
“Mom, I got a job as his assistant.”
“A whore?”
“Okay,” You tried to block her assumption ut. “I will call you back later.”
“Yeah, away from him.” She ended the call.
“You know how to make shit worst!” You stared at him.
“Or better. Fuck her, fuck that little ass gas station. Fuck her calling you a whore.” Colson took your hand and spun you around once; the move resembled dancing. You felt like you were floating; he twirled you back to your chest.
“I didn’t know you were this sweet.” You said, looking up at him.
“I have my moments.” He admitted. He swayed with you. “They’re not as rare as people think.” Colson sighed and lifted you from the ground easily. Your feet dangled as he walked you back to the car and placed you on the hood. “I think this is going to be good for you, so don’t worry about the shit that’s going on back home; this is a good thing.”
“You keep saying that.”
“I keep meaning that shit too.” He stood in front of you and lifted your chin. “You really don’t remember that fucking kiss.”
“Which one,” You smiled.
“This one,” Colson’s lips met yours, and your breath disappeared as did the need to breathe, and you didn’t instantly remember, but the butterflies were familiar. He cradled your head to give him more access; his tongue dipped into your mouth and met yours. You moaned, tasting him, and fought the urge to wrap your arms around him and moving this along faster.
You pushed him back a little and took a quick breath. “It was that good?”
“Um, that was better.” His face turned a shade of red. “Fuck.”
You two met again, this time with no intention of stopping. Colson’s long fingers moved up the line of your thighs, pulling the soft fabric with it; you raised your ass from the hood of the car and unbuckled his belt. “What’re you gonna do to me?” You whispered.
“Make you forget who you are,” He whispered.  
Were you going to fuck him on the hood of his car? Absolutely. You tugged at the seam of his boxers, tugging on the elastic, and he pulled them down enough for him to spring out from them. Eagerly you stroked him from hilt to tip, and he pushed you back on the hood of the car, fuck warming you up… you were wet enough. He gripped your thighs, pushing them open and running his fingers down the slit of your pussy before he slammed into you.
The sun had started to set, but if anyone wanted a show of you getting fucked they had it, legs open and back arched from the car. He suppressed a growl fucking you slowly. He took pleasure in watching your face contort each time his length went into you. “You’re perfect.”Colson’s tone dropped to a whisper, but that fucking whisper was enough. You wanted to sit up and ride the fuck out of him.
He hit deep, the curve of his cock hitting the right time you bucked against him, spasming, and he’d only been in yu a few minutes. “How many are you gonna give me today?” Colson asked.
“How many do you want?” You rested on your elbows and gave him a smile.
“Everything you fucking got.” He slid out of you and pulled you closer to him, kissing you before he turned you around and bent you over the car and slapped the round globes of your ass. Colson played for a second, slipping one finger into you and then another. You mewled, wiggling your ass against his war cock, coaxing him to slide into you. He played into it, rubbing the head of his cock across your entrance and then sliding back into you.
Your teeth clamped onto your bottom lip, and you were flushed, relishing his movements. He pushed into you, rounding his and pulling you back onto him. “Look at that pretty pussy.” He hovered over you. “How she’s fucking shaking for me; I think she remembers who daddy is… Let me see if I can make you.”
Was that a challenge? His hand traveled down your back to the line of your ass, and he pushed a finger into you while he continued to fuck you. His pace left you winded, but the feel of the pressure of him being in both had you elated. “Fu-,” You bit your tongue.
“Y/N.” He sung and then slammed into you once more. His finger curved, and you screamed. “Say it for me, call me daddy.”
“Daddy, don’t stop.” You all but sang, and Colson reacted accordingly, making his fingers move expertly to apply just enough pressure, and his cock hit just the right angle. Of course, you fell apart under him, but he didn’t stop, nor did you want him to. You could handle this if this is what he wanted from you.
The thought of him stopping hadn’t crossed his mind; he was too enchanted in watching your ass bounce on him and feeling the shockwaves of the orgasm flow through your pussy onto his cock.
 The evening passed seamlessly; you had worked up an appetite, so you ate, talking about tomorrow, and he drove back to the house. The house was quieter than usual, TVs could be heard, but everyone had separated. “Get some sleep.” He said, opening the front door for you. “we got a busy ass day tomorrow.”
“Will do, good-,” Colson’s lips met yours once more. “Night.”
“Night.” He took the bags from you. “See you tomorrow.”
Your mind raced as you walked up the steps to your room. This was going to be more difficult than you intended, fuck blurred lines--- you could barely see straight.
Taglist: @taytayize123 @ctrlszn @supernaturalvikingwhore @jae-writes-fanfiction @bigsisbria @placeoffreedom @kyla-queen @missdforever @gottatoxicattitude @bang-kim-bap @msreshel @blowmymbackout @titty-teetee @strawberry-skyes @mauvecherie @savageiz @luci-her @littlelovebug98 @babyboy-cody @hellshedevil @daddyavesxx @crystalbaby12  @jeonsblackgf @fangirl199812 @thatonegrl-1 @isyoongi @honestsycrets @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @cartoonlover101 @therandomthoughtsofmsparker @bowwowzer37 @fandomfic-galore @mayaslifeinabox @hangovercurse  @szaplsdrop @heavenly1927 @mvrylee @canyoubuymetoast @littlelovebug98 @nightgirl250 @psychiccreationtaco @stupendoushairdocloudmuffin @aliendemigods @triplexdoublex @placeoffreedom @amorestevens @brightblaqkkheaven​ @pettyvxbes​ @pacmacs-macs @lostaurorax​
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