#i live in the uk so I've just accepted it will never happen
lizardsfromspace · 10 months
Ben Chatham was too niche to ever become known outside one forum but it's the My Immortal of Doctor Who. It was a series starring the writer's self-insert companion, Ben Chatham, and I guess it started with his fanfic version of series 2 (not sure if it's still online anywhere, but there's a summary), where Jackie dies of cancer bc the author thought chavs shouldn't be allowed on Doctor Who & the Doctor murders a hamster. His stories are full of random grim moments, and no one is ever heroic, since everyone just dies until UNIT can save the day. Ben Chatham is gay and a military-loving Tory. He reintroduced Adam and Jack over the course of the season bc he didn't like writing women doing or saying things and bc he felt Rose was too lower class to be allowed on television
I think I first learned about him when he posted his pitch for Matt Smith's first story:
"Martha Jones is walking down the cobbled street of the Cornish village of Little Bampton towards the local Inn, pondering why UNIT had sent her to investigate the strange sightings nearby and disappearances. Since entering into full time investigative work for UNIT in the UK following the events of Journey’s End she had never been so bored by a case. Nothing has happened in the three weeks that she had been in the village and she found the locals distasteful and she suspected some of the older ones were rather prejudiced.
Suddenly there is a familiar sound and she sees the TARDIS materialise in front of her. She grins excitedly as the door is flung open: “DOCTOR……….OH” she shouts as instead of the Doctor, a slip youth with floppy hair emerges, dressed in jeans and a casual jacket. “Who are you? Wheres the Doctor” she exclaims. “Hey babe, I’m like the Doctor. I’ve regenerated like. Wow its great to see you again. Wicked!”Martha is perturbed:
“But you’re so….. So much younger.” “Yay its great to be a kid again. I’m like so gonna get a myspace page. You look great in that jacket babe, I’ve like SO got the hots for you. Hows about we get up close and personal on the TARDIS double bed.” The Doctor coyly lets his floppy hair descend over his eyes."
There's a lot going on here, but my fave parts are picturing Matt Smith saying "Hey babe, I'm like the Doctor" and the fact that Martha internally refers to the events of Journey's End as the events of Journey's End. I've accepted ever since that Martha Jones can sense episode titles; she was just out there living her life until she suddenly sees a vortex and the words "THE STOLEN EARTH" floating in the air and groans at having to do this again
Also, in the Chatham canon, Martha hates going on adventures and loves to whine and do nothing. Just like everyone else. Meanwhile the Eleventh Doctor is a horny freak who wants to fuck and post to MySpace. Both of them despise poor people
This story also features the Russian mob whose leader, named Ivan, has henchmen named Ivan, bc he could only think of one Russian name.
Was the writer of this serious or a troll? We will never know. Certainly he was surrounded by trolls. He got an entire subforum quarantining promoting his stories, and there were fanfics of his fanfic, made by trolls whose sincerity was also, for many years, in doubt (they were trolls)
What we do know is that the writer repeatedly insisted it was canon, and wrote a letter to Doctor Who Magazine demanding more coverage of his OC. They sent him a lengthier letter he posted on forum but in the magazine all they said was
Which just about sums it up
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Genuine question. In an anarchistic society what do we do about folks who want to hurt and kill people like it's the fucking Purge? Do we let them, because having rules is the opposite of anarchy, or do we stop them because even anarchists can have morals?
I honestly don't think there are many people who live in our current society who want to hurt and kill others but don't "because there are rules".
In the UK, 2 women a week are killed by their partners. Part of this is about it being difficult (economically, practically, emotionally) to leave an abusive relationship. Some women stay because their partners convince them they will then use the court system to continue their abuse, or they will get access to the children and hurt them (in England, domestic abuse against a parent doesn't stop the other parent getting unsupervised access).
I genuinely believe, in an anarchist system with solid communities where we all look out for and support each other, this sort of scenario would be less likely, because it would be easier for people to leave abusive partners. I also think a true dismantling of patriarchy would make this less likely, and I'd expect relationships to more closely resemble "relationship anarchy" and be less closed, which I truly believe could be a protective factor against domestic abuse (I'm not saying it would never happen in this scenario, just it would be less likely).
To steal part of a slogan from antifascists "we protect us". Certainly ask people who've experienced domestic violence if the police "make things better"- for many, the answer is no.
Much of the other interpersonal violence in our societies is driven by crime. I think most people accept that decriminalising drugs and moving to a harm reduction model reduces crime. In a society where everyone has what they need, and feels they have a "future" available to them, there's no, or far less, incentive to turn towards violence. Most people involved with violent crime don't want to be- they've ended up there due to lack of other options, or lack of a way out, or a lack of basic resources. These scenarios simply wouldn't exist within an anarchist community.
We can also talk about the violence done in the name of racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia and so on between individuals. All of these prejudices arise out of, and are fuelled by, the state creating the idea of in groups and out groups. The state, particularly in times of financial or social turmoil, feeds fascism, and fascism feeds this kind of violence.
And these groups are not protected by the police. If they are protected, they are protected by the wider community- I've seen this recently in Newquay, in South Wales, in London, and it happens all over the UK. A group is targeted, people turn up to protect them, often the police turn their violence on the protectors, or at a bare minimum protect the fascists.
Do you think <30 fascists would stick around for hours in the face of over 200 counter protestors if they didn't have a long line of police protecting them?
Indeed, you need to consider the violence of the state. On a worldwide level, surely a large proportion of killing and violence is carried out by armies and the police. In an anarchist system, these forces would of course cease to exist, and this would cause a massive net reduction in violence. This is a basic principle of anarchism, I would suggest.
Ultimately, to be an anarchist, you need to believe in the inherent goodness of people. You need to understand what causes violence, how the state creates a system where violence is inherent, how power leads to violence and licences certain types of violence. I think without exploring this, you can only ever have a surface level grasp of anarchism.
Some people will read this, and point towards the fact that serial killers and so on exist. And I would like to point out that we know they exist, because they exist now, under capitalism. Nothing within the capitalist system truly prevents a serial killer from hurting others- yes, in some cases, they may be "caught" or "stopped" by the police- equally in some cases, the police imprison and sometimes the state even kills the wrong person.
Firstly, I do think it's possible that some of the situations that may "create" serial killers may be different in an anarchist society. But even if that's not the case, these individuals represent a vanishingly small proportion of the wider population, and there's no reason to believe they are constrained by laws or social rules.
As I say, my vision of anarchism is one where communities protect themselves. I would hope that we'd be able to help even the most damaged individuals in some way, whilst keeping the wider community safe. And yes, this is a suggestion of a utopia, you can say it's unrealistic, but the system we have now isn't working for a huge range of reasons.
In many ways, although this is a pretty shallow ask, there's so much I could write about this. I have things to say about the inherent violence in capitalism, which causes so much injury and starvation worldwide, but I think I'll leave it here for now, and if people are interested in hearing about why capitalism kills far more people than individuals ever could, perhaps someone could prompt me to write this in the future.
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chemicalarospec · 25 days
Gay rights always drives me feral bc I will NEVER understand the progression like the people who lived through it, and the level of acceptance i live under, that fully permeates my consciousness, that makes me unable to understand on a spiritual level is inconceivable to the people who lived through it. Its just like 9/11. I FUNDAMENTALLY live in a different world to you. All i think abt is u and you're too dead to know me. My world is beautiful to you. The beautiful things in yours are dying by the exsistance of mine but I'm trying to remember for you and keep it alive. But you're already dead and gone. You can't see the future. Keith Girdler died after Section 28 was finally repealed but Jeremy Wolfenden died before his father's report's suggestion to partially decriminalize was put into law. And would he have cared? They say it wasn't a revolution. In some stories they don't care. I think he would have, a little. It was his own father's work making his life less persecuted. sorry for going on about jeremy wolfenden the aromantic homosexual this post was supposed to general... not that it was supposed to be polished, i just sometimes go crazy thinking about gay marriage being legal and gay sex having been illeagal so close together. did u know they never criticized sex between two women in the uk bc they didn't want to let women know they could do that... criminalized homosexuality wasn't so long ago. It was less than 100 years ago. You lived then. I didn't. And things got worse and then they got better and they were better inbetween but for all of the dying. And some of you suffered and some of you loved and some of you did both. and i'm here now and i take everything u lived under not weighing me down for granted, i see it as an aesthetic, i look away from what happened or maybe I don't but. christ. 20th century homosexuality. 21st century gay marriage. there are centuries and millennia before and places, places outside of what I've studied but nearly everything happened then. so much happened then. i live under a rock. the rock is time. the time is good. and it's not all over but it's so so close. and yet the fight will certainly last a hundred years more.... i hope not but trans rights are certainly going to take a while. but god i'm standing and you wouldn't understand me, all my modern lingo and labeled complexity, but i understand you. not at all. almost perfectly. only a little. but most of you could barely dream of a world like the one i live in.
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paramorearchived · 2 months
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August 24, 2010
it's been long enough...
lordy, where do i start!? miss you guys. the honda civic tour has been one of the coolest tours that we've ever put together. not only because of the size of the crowds but the fact that we have been able to pull off a bigger show, with all the fancy production (never thought it'd happen!) as well as having a line up that is so diverse, i feel like there's a band for anyone and everyone who comes out to the show. we've been having a blast. 
right now, we have about a week off of it. and i'm sitting on my living room floor gawking at the TV and everything that is blowing my mind on the new season of True Blood. total vampire anarchy. that's what's going down in my house today! if i could count all the times i've heard "f*** authority" in the last couple hours i'd be so punk rock, i'd hurt. but anyways, this season is intense. i can barely keep up! between this and dexter coming out in a month my spare time is all booked and busy. which shows are you into right now? anything i should check out? (ps, chad is buying the box set of Lost and i'm going to start that sometime soon!)
the weather at home is so perfect right now. i feel really lucky to come home to a place that is so beautiful. sometimes it's sad to leave and go out on the road, missing everything that happens here - but honestly, it's nice to miss the things that you love once in a while. so you never forget to appreciate it. hopefully, i can say this without sounding like a preacher but... remember to enjoy EVERYTHING. the things that feel good, the things that hurt, rejection, acceptance.. it's all going to make you better. stronger. and more like yourself. every once in a while i get a reminder of how much i'm okay with just being me. i know that sounds ridiculous. cause i'm in this band. we're lucky. we got successful. but who i am is still this nerdy, silly, flamethrower of a person. and it took me 20 years to see that and get it and love it. now, that i'm home for a few days, seeing some friends and spending some good time alone... with myself... i got one of those reminders:
found one of my old journals. from right around the time we were heading out on tour with NFG in the UK early 2008. i started reading it and couldn't help but cry a little bit. cause that person was really confused. and very lost. and as it went on, the person behind the pen seemed to get a little bit stronger.. that part felt good. it was the reminder that i needed that right now i'm as strong as ever. there really isn't a point to telling you all of this. except maybe i want to thank you. cause you are a constant reminder. that i'm not as lost as i once was. 
okay, Hoyt from True Blood is cute and distracting. so i'm going to finish watching this episode. hopefully i'll be back soon! but definitely follow my tumblr if you want more consistent updates. it's easier to post pictures and what not from the road. ok. Hoyt. gotta run!
love you guys. SEE YOU AT READING AND LEEDS! hayley
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Annyeonghaseyo Baeksussy, I have returned from Jeju and almost lost a kneecap, but overall it was fun and we saw a filming crew (I think a kpop boy group was filming something outside our hotel lmao, but we had no idea who they were). The weather in Seoul is so unpredictable like wdym one day it's 27°C and sunny and the next it's 15° and raining 🔫
Omfg hold on, so much has happened. Firstly I'm sorry about your principal's passing :/ secondly not you imagining Yunho as another guy AGAIN 😭 how is the writing going? Thirdly you watched SIXTEEN MOVIES LMAO which ones did you see?
Also good for your cousin, but come on don't slander MU fans that much sjsjaisjjsjssjsjshs (lowkey I consider being a Barca fan as red flag soz </3333) I decided not to pay attention to football for the time being cause it's boring and annoying and I can't even watch any matches live 🔫 I don't need the negativity in my life 🤚🏼 wtf is up in the F1 world? I see my man Lewis isn't winning :/
Speaking of food, I discovered vegan Jeju and my faves are Lan's Kitchen, Cheesylazy (for some reason I thought the name was Cheesyslay sjsjsjsjskaja so now we call it that) and one cafe/bakery with amazing cakes - And 유. Also 7/11 and CU have some more vegan products and even accidentally vegan ones, so I'm living <3
Yeah Limitless was underwhelming, there's a song called Diamond that's nicer, not really my thing, but Hwa and Yunho sound so good! Though I prefer them on a different song called Diamond 😅❤
I just want Ateez to stop releasing unnecessary songs and focus on a full album. Also not another fucking festival and in Qatar of all places..... good for the fans, but 🤡🤡🤡🤡 and Xikers are going too, KQ is really doing everything to attach them to Ateez
I heard Jimin's song so many times, like it's EVERYWHERE and ngl the single is better and a decent club song, but overall... nothing great. Hybe continues to piss me off!!! And the encore he did was... rough. https://twitter.com/jnksoluna/status/1641461317428215813?t=1sChI621kLP7pKFGzYGTzg&s=19 all the fandoms are beating him up 😭
I really really need to watch The Glory, but I've heard and seen so many spoilers already, rip. I kinda wanna rewatch S1 of AOS, cause it's my comfort show for sure. Everyone who prefers S2 has the right to do so, but don't try to convince me it was better, just say you were blinded by the angst and fluff 🙄
Okay so about YOU, let me spoil you then - I hope it'll sense made - in s4 Joe went to the UK started hanging out with insufferable posh people and "met" a guy named Reese (he was a writer and was running for Mayor of London). Turned out Reese was killing said posh twats and tried to frame Joe, became his stalker, wanted to be killing mates together (the Reese x Joe ship has sailed ajsuajahjsjsja). BUT! Lots of people noticed that during gatherings Joe was the only one who interacted with Reese and like we suspected - that whole thing was only in Joe's head cause he has split personality. So he basically dissociates and doesn't know what's going on. Reese was a real guy that Joe was obsessed with, but they never actually met and Joe was behind all the murders. Now that Joe accepted the truth and still wants to act like a saviour I feel even more icky about s5, he was always awful but his delusional monologues were funny. Now that he has a rich girlfriend and acts like a entrepreneur I'm like 😬😬😬😬🤚🏼
I did not talk to Jin Goo, because we were far away, but the way my hand automatically waved and he was like "🧐😀👋🏻" and then I quickly opened my phone to yell about it. Imagine if I saw Soohyuk or Dohwan or someone else I've been obsessing over 😳 (BTW NEW WOO DO HWAN DRAMA) you'd not hear from me! My friend saw Kim Mingue three times in the past month cause he came to the same cafe as her
Have some Seonghwas cause I haven't been up to date with Ateez, but I checked Twitter and HEEEEEEEE ❤❤❤❤
We got married https://twitter.com/atinyteez009/status/1640781842432540672?t=HQ0JasZbdnZcSrh0mwBmNA&s=19
???? https://twitter.com/pingkiisaya/status/1641038527386222592?t=rf-qy29H31VIoB01MGPdHw&s=19
A photo from our grocery shopping trip, look at all the fruits and veggies! https://twitter.com/1024updates/status/1642163312803856387?t=XFmBjWVzfQPUPet2Eyw2eA&s=19
Seriously https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1642036025848655873?t=xSExNqS6vK1kchQpLdQabw&s=19 the bandaged one??!??!
Idk if you've ever seen this video, but it's back on my TL and I love it so much https://twitter.com/BaiduZTAOBar/status/1333451431072784385?t=ynrmLwWHNpo3rrwvr-FJ6g&s=19
And Taeyong baby pls someone free him https://twitter.com/taeyeweon/status/1641077265261035522?t=0Ychhd11werberr33t48EQ&s=19
BTW HWA'S BIRTHDAY ADS ARE UP WE LOVE TO SEE SEONGHWA EVERYWHERE ❤❤❤❤ I'm about to play spot the Hwa lmao. Today I scared some woman off, because I yelled "WHY IS HE SO BEAUTIFUL" jdjajsjsjajahhaha sorry ma'am, but did I lie??? I hope to see Jonghyun's ones too!
Happy Seonghwa day! 🥰 - DV 💖
Annyeonghaseyo Baeksussy, I have returned from Jeju and almost lost a kneecap, but overall it was fun and we saw a filming crew (I think a kpop boy group was filming something outside our hotel lmao, but we had no idea who they were). The weather in Seoul is so unpredictable like wdym one day it's 27°C and sunny and the next it's 15° and raining 🔫
HELLOOOOO YOU LOST A WHAT FHWNEHKQFHKSHDKC HOW COME 😭😭😭 WHAT THE HELL ….anon i think,,, omg i think you MAY have seen kai doing a filming there stop it. bc i know they were in jeju a few days ago and 🧍🏻‍♀️ that weather has been the same here and it’s 🔫🔫
Omfg hold on, so much has happened. Firstly I'm sorry about your principal's passing :/ secondly not you imagining Yunho as another guy AGAIN 😭 how is the writing going? Thirdly you watched SIXTEEN MOVIES LMAO which ones did you see?
it really was saddening esp bc he just met his grandson 😭😭 actually a peice of history bc he was one of the first kids in canada to drink slurpee rambdks FJWKJDWJHDKW HEY HEY I KEEP IMAGINING HIM AS MR GREY OR HENRY AND ITS WORKING
wedding season, love, wedding, repeat, argentina, 1985 (so good), a man called otto (CRIED), prey for the devil (has the potential to be in the conjuring ngl, too short tho), abbott elementary season 1 + 2 (not a movie but this sitcom is so funny), all quiet on the western front, el ángel, the tourist, dune, rush, anastasia (ended cinderlla), the whale, champions, gravity + rrr !!!
Also good for your cousin, but come on don't slander MU fans that much sjsjaisjjsjssjsjshs (lowkey I consider being a Barca fan as red flag soz </3333) I decided not to pay attention to football for the time being cause it's boring and annoying and I can't even watch any matches live 🔫 I don't need the negativity in my life 🤚🏼 wtf is up in the F1 world? I see my man Lewis isn't winning :/
she really dodged a bullet, he was an absolute jerk who said the n word and then went and said “my parents didn’t raise me like that, know me for what i am right now and not for what i did yesterday” MU FANS ARE A RED FLAG ITS LITERALLY THEIR COLOUR FBWNFB 😭😭😭 WE DO NOT CARE BARCA IS 17 POINTS CLEARRRRR
f1…anon, yesterday was phew, the emotions as a ferarri fan- them being 26 points BEHIND MCLAREN IM ACTUALLY CRYING 😭😭😭 ,,, australian grand prix,,,, 8 dnf, 4 restarts, UNFAIR PENALTIES??? SOME WERENT EVEN GIVEN???? huge expensive crashes, they fucked ferarri over AGAIN they had a straight p4 and turned into p3 after a crash— they restarted the race and didn’t count that lap yet still gave ferarri a 5 second penalty in which they ended p11, no points for them- but red bull got them all bc the fia dickride them 🥰 HAMILTON AT LEAST GOT A P2 IT WAS SO FUNNY BC GNWNFBWK MERCEDES WAS P1 AND THEN THEY WENT P7 AND THEN A STRAIGHT DNF id be crying ngl they’re all too strong to not cry bfnwbdns it was a silverstone again, but at least alonso somehow got p3 🔫 did not deserve it ngl, mercedes not winning bc rocketship red bull won’t let them
Speaking of food, I discovered vegan Jeju and my faves are Lan's Kitchen, Cheesylazy (for some reason I thought the name was Cheesyslay sjsjsjsjskaja so now we call it that) and one cafe/bakery with amazing cakes - And 유. Also 7/11 and CU have some more vegan products and even accidentally vegan ones, so I'm living <3 /// Yeah Limitless was underwhelming, there's a song called Diamond that's nicer, not really my thing, but Hwa and Yunho sound so good! Though I prefer them on a different song called Diamond 😅❤
chessyslay 😭😭😭 i looked the restaurants up and omg they all look so good 😭😭😭 ANON SEND SOME HERE PLEASE JFVWKCHKC u know what forget limitless, dimaond. THIS. HWA SINGING ANGEL BABY PLS 😭😭
I just want Ateez to stop releasing unnecessary songs and focus on a full album. Also not another fucking festival and in Qatar of all places..... good for the fans, but 🤡🤡🤡🤡 and Xikers are going too, KQ is really doing everything to attach them to Ateez
I heard Jimin's song so many times, like it's EVERYWHERE and ngl the single is better and a decent club song, but overall... nothing great. Hybe continues to piss me off!!! And the encore he did was... rough. https://twitter.com/jnksoluna/status/1641461317428215813?t=1sChI621kLP7pKFGzYGTzg&s=19 all the fandoms are beating him up 😭
you are correct, want them to create a song with good b-sides, gathering songs that are actually their style + diving into r&b’s, reggaeton, dance pop’s etc,,, i really hope they chose songs by the sound and not bc the sound what their storyline is meant to be,,, ateez doing a song like oasis, body rhythm, tell me what to do— no rap, just everyone singing and vibing, give us a summer album with no empty chorus, a album where we can play the songs on a road trip with a car with no roof and just vibes GIVE IT TO US PLEASE 😭😭😭
NAURR THE ENCORE,, and then they released the edited version? 😭😭😭 what GOES ON PLEASE speaking off solo’s jisoo’s solo! my favourite is the second track; all eyes on me, has a better sound!
I really really need to watch The Glory, but I've heard and seen so many spoilers already, rip. I kinda wanna rewatch S1 of AOS, cause it's my comfort show for sure. Everyone who prefers S2 has the right to do so, but don't try to convince me it was better, just say you were blinded by the angst and fluff 🙄
YOU REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED TO ANON, forget the spoilers anon, pls watch it + han so hee and song hye kyo are starring in a drama together ✊🏻😭 LMFAOOOO IM SEEING A CHANGE ARE U BEGINNING TO PREFER S2 THAN S1 👀
Okay so about YOU, let me spoil you then - I hope it'll sense made - in s4 Joe went to the UK started hanging out with insufferable posh people and "met" a guy named Reese (he was a writer and was running for Mayor of London). Turned out Reese was killing said posh twats and tried to frame Joe, became his stalker, wanted to be killing mates together (the Reese x Joe ship has sailed ajsuajahjsjsja). BUT! Lots of people noticed that during gatherings Joe was the only one who interacted with Reese and like we suspected - that whole thing was only in Joe's head cause he has split personality. So he basically dissociates and doesn't know what's going on. Reese was a real guy that Joe was obsessed with, but they never actually met and Joe was behind all the murders. Now that Joe accepted the truth and still wants to act like a saviour I feel even more icky about s5, he was always awful but his delusional monologues were funny. Now that he has a rich girlfriend and acts like a entrepreneur I'm like 😬😬😬😬🤚🏼
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I did not talk to Jin Goo, because we were far away, but the way my hand automatically waved and he was like "🧐😀👋🏻" and then I quickly opened my phone to yell about it. Imagine if I saw Soohyuk or Dohwan or someone else I've been obsessing over 😳 (BTW NEW WOO DO HWAN DRAMA) you'd not hear from me! My friend saw Kim Mingue three times in the past month cause he came to the same cafe as her
AWWWW THATS CUTE 😭😭😭 do not speak about dohwan. i had it away and the name triggered tempted era dohwan and i just rawred pls 😭 NEW DOHWAN DRAMA AND I AM AVOIDING EVERY FUCKING SPOILER AND THEN I RECENTLY SAW THIS AND FBWMFBWKHEKQHDKAJDKAHDAK
AND THIS 😩😩 all i see is older hwa
Have some Seonghwas cause I haven't been up to date with Ateez, but I checked Twitter and HEEEEEEEE ❤❤❤❤ //// We got married https://twitter.com/atinyteez009/status/1640781842432540672?t=HQ0JasZbdnZcSrh0mwBmNA&s=19
???? https://twitter.com/pingkiisaya/status/1641038527386222592?t=rf-qy29H31VIoB01MGPdHw&s=19 //// https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1641041663593267201?t=yV4NaNP93oObBmWvGmQ-Rw&s=19
them in a law drama would be so hilarious, it’s a NEED 😭😭 jung wooyoung as an attorney aggressively trying to defend hongjoong >>
A photo from our grocery shopping trip, look at all the fruits and veggies! https://twitter.com/1024updates/status/1642163312803856387?t=XFmBjWVzfQPUPet2Eyw2eA&s=19 /// Seriously https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1642036025848655873?t=xSExNqS6vK1kchQpLdQabw&s=19 the bandaged one??!??!
Idk if you've ever seen this video, but it's back on my TL and I love it so much https://twitter.com/BaiduZTAOBar/status/1333451431072784385?t=ynrmLwWHNpo3rrwvr-FJ6g&s=19
And Taeyong baby pls someone free him https://twitter.com/taeyeweon/status/1641077265261035522?t=0Ychhd11werberr33t48EQ&s=19 /// 😭😭😭https://twitter.com/taeyeweon/status/1641079835979317248?t=GVOhB_7A1z51tuaVnicypA&s=19
BTW HWA'S BIRTHDAY ADS ARE UP WE LOVE TO SEE SEONGHWA EVERYWHERE ❤❤❤❤ I'm about to play spot the Hwa lmao. Today I scared some woman off, because I yelled "WHY IS HE SO BEAUTIFUL" jdjajsjsjajahhaha sorry ma'am, but did I lie??? I hope to see Jonghyun's ones too! Happy Seonghwa day! 🥰 - DV 💖
WAIT PLS WHAT IF YALL RUN INTO HIM AT THE SUBWAY STATIONS KRVWKDHSK LMFAOOOO NAURR ANON 😭😭😭 and jonghyun ones?? 😭😭😭😭 pls take all the photos u see 😭😭
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help 😭😭
sm’s kinda popping with these releases lately 👀
??????? 😭😭😭
this actually kinda of insane ngl never expected this ,, and w miss gigi
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le-souriant · 7 months
#MusicMonday Review - October 2023
#MusicMonday is the hashtag I've been using for quite a while to share music recommendations from up-and-coming artists. Always fresh, and always different, trying to look for trends before they become one. You can check September's review for more music.
This month's music is all about love, and addiction, which may not be far from each other. Go ahead, give it a listen, and reflect, with a word from the artists themselves. 🎧
SweetLipp – Roxy
Take us on a highway drive The moonlight is waiting on the broken tide Let us go where we can sing We are free for the first time
We saw your name in the neon light Rolling with joyful spring And the silence of our minds Oh won't you take us far away Where are hearts can radiate
Our trip begins in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, for a Psych Surf Rock track, complete with a mid song break, about those protective wheels full of memories of a life left behind:
"Roxy is actually about a 30ft RV we bought in Canada to travel from Vancouver to Montreal. We called her Roxy, after a club we always wound up in Van.
There was 6 of us on the adventure and it was the time of our lives. We met amazing people, did amazing things and we were completely wild and free.
We'll never forget it and we decided to write a song about Roxy, the perfect ship that allowed it all to happen."
Futura Boombox & The Midnight Mass – Candelaria
Bésame con esos labios tuyos No seas insensible, entiende mi dolor Cierra esos ojos negros tuyos Y dime otra vez que me amarás
Ya poco a poco olvido tu voz Ahora se que la culpa era de los dos Quisiera ver esos ojos negros tuyos Y escuchar otra vez que me amarás
¡Oh, ya no puedo más!
Next up, from Laredo, TX, a dark Post Punk track in which you end up accepting the fact that she will eventually kiss someone else's lips:
"As a songwriter, we sometimes pull from experience or we draw from stories we hear.
For Candelaria, the inspiration came from stories of people I knew growing up. Some of these relationships were very toxic and others were bittersweet, but all of them shared a longing for connection.
Through the song I wanted to express these experiences and the challenging process of moving on. I wanted to write something that people were going to relate to and maybe find solace in the fact that they were not alone."
The Roster – Where's He Been?
Why try To fight it When it goes away just like yesterday come on
Slow me Quickly Figuring out how you knew all along
Suddenly I knew it all along
From Derby, UK, this Indie Rock song invites us to stop asking questions, or complaining. Do we ever learn?:
"I think the overall seances is about mad and messy nights out and the chaos that comes with it. 😂
I wouldn't say there was a specific incident which inspired the song but more of a generalization of ridiculous moments when you're spannered hahaha"
A story of sorrow A story of shame Broken and hollow Can’t remember my name But you follow me Follow me down...
Never strayed so far afield Trapped inside but you still appealed And now you’re standing there Can’t turn around or you’ll just stare
Let's move to Dublin, Ireland, for another Post Punk track about picking up the pieces of someone you care, who's falling apart. Looking away is not an option:
"Battles speaks of the dire consequences of addiction. Lost in its throes, you begin to shed your own humanity, becoming a slave to both desire and the chaos that accompanies it. Redemption can seem further and further away as you even become unrecognizable to yourself.
It's a sombre meditation on despair and fragility in a finite world, as well as man's capacity for change.
Battles casts a rather acute spotlight on the shame associated with addiction and the long road to recovery, hence the title. It has been an issue for the band in the past, but one that bound us together in a lot of ways."
Anemone – Freebird
Spread your wings and come to me I've made a cozy little place up in the trees
Settle down you don't need to be alone when we're together we fly out the way to the sun
You're a freebird with the color blue but remember you know I'm that color too
Finally, we end up in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, for a folky love song about freedom to go away for a while, and the anticipation to be together again, so happy and strong:
"The song is inspired by a painting my wife made. It's an original painting, and it's in the videoclip of the song.
She's not a musician, but of course she’s my inspiration.
She's my wife :)"
Listen to them and much more on the complete Playlist:
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ok so i know this is so cheesy and horrible and i hate that i'm even thinking it but i just realized yesterday was 1 month of us. ^_^
it feels like so much longer. i know i've been obsessing over you for years, but i guess it kind of is longer since i feel like we were dating as soon as you got here. that i was yours at least. tbh, i've been yours for months. ever since LA. that really changed things for me. i really can't believe how different my life was 1 year ago.
with my long term bf, 10-15lb heavier, at a boring job i kind of hated, but making good money. wondering if that was going to be my life for the rest of time. i had those thoughts so fucking often. is this it? is this my life now? i hated it so much. thinking back, i just can't believe i let myself get there. mind you, i wasn't horribly unhappy every single day, but maybe 60% of the time, which is more than what's acceptable imo. and the living situation made things so much more complicated, i made myself feel trapped. like i didn't have a way out. but i know that's not the case anymore. if that ever happens again, i know i can make it out. but i really hope it doesn't. i really hope when brandon moves here or i move to the uk, i dont feel that way. and i don't think i would.. but you never know. especially if i move there, away from all my family and friends. it could get very depressing. and honestly that's probably the 1 thing i'm most worried about. feeling isolated like i did in van. here i can text anyone and they text me day of and we make plans. it's so spontaneous and hilarious and amazing. and i know i would make friends there, but these are my family.
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natromanxoff · 2 years
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The Vancouver Sun - April 8, 2006
Credits to Royal Blue and Queencuttings.com
MUSIC | Frontman Paul Rodgers promises a '70s-style blast when Queen hits the Coliseum
[Photo caption-1: Frontman Paul Rodgers joins guitarist Brian May for the Queen world tour. The super group comes to PNE Coliseum Thursday.]
A chance to experience Queen as it was
its heyday, it may be the closest opportunity to experience Queen as it was. For Bohemian Rhapsody, Mercury makes an appearance on the video screen, to tackle one of his most signature songs.
"We said at the outset that it was never going to be a permanent thing, and there's no question in my mind of replacing Freddie Mercury or any of that," says Rodgers. "And I think the fans have been accepting of that, they understand, in the same way they don't expect me to be Free and they don't expect Brian [May] to be Jimmy Page or Mick Ralphs, my former guitar players. So it's very much being accepted for what it is. And it is a full on, very large rock show."
His collaboration with one of the '70s most campy rock bands is a brilliant step forward at a time when other rudderless rock veterans are turning to reality television and fame-seeking 20-somethings for their frontmen. (Hint: the initials are INXS).
It's a far better idea to ramp up one's classic rock cachet by pairing up with another survivor of the '70s. In order to reclaim the arena rock throne, Rodgers needed a band and Queen needed a leader. They'd been without one since Mercury died from AIDS complications in November, 1991.
The idea to collaborate was born out of a concert that marked the 50th anniversary of the Fender Stratocaster guitar. That night, Rodgers also played with Ronnie Wood and Joe Walsh. A few weeks later, he, May and Taylor played together again at the UK Music Hall of Fame Awards.
"But we never thought of putting myself with Queen until the moment came," says Rodgers. "I said to Brian, 'Do you think you could do All Right Now for me?' And he said, 'Oh yeah, but you've got to play for us, We Will Rock You and We Are The Champions. And I said, 'Sure, that sounds great, because those are two songs I can really rip it up on.
"And we did that, and everybody came off stage and we all said, "Wow, we gotta do this again,' which does often happen and then nothing may well come of it, because you go your separate ways and life takes over.
"But we actually did pursue it, and we talked on the phone and we talked about the idea of doing maybe a couple of shows in London just for fun. And people got very exited — promoters, management, record companies — and it turned into I think it was a 28-day arena tour of Europe. And it has now turned into an entirely full world tour, and here we are."
And so Queen with Paul Rodgers was born as a live CD/DVD as well, which has reignited the careers of Rodgers, Queen guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor, who'd all released solo material following the peak years with their respective bands.
There are a few concert surprises, too. They've written a new song, they play a Queen song called The Show Must Go On that never did get played live because Mercury didn't live long enough (Rodgers takes an Otis Redding approach).
And although they were initially reluctant, May and Taylor take turns singing because Rodgers encouraged them to. The fans would want it, he told them.
If their collaboration works, it's due in part to a mutual respect among talented musicians. Individually they might not be the world's most famous faces, but they are musician's musicians, and for music fans, they are rock 'n' roll luminaries.
"They do tell me that in their early days when they first were starting out Fire and Water was one of the Free albums, and it was their musical bible, etcetera. And they would listen to that. They obviously went a slightly different way," he says, laughing, because Queen sounded nothing like Free.
"But yeah, I've always admired them from a distance. I can't put my hand on my heart and say I've always bought all their albums, but I have always respected them a great deal whenever I heard their music on the radio."
The Queen collaboration is merely one in a long string of such unions for Rodgers, who also played with Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page as The Firm, the output of which was two albums.
In the early '90s, he joined former Who drummer Kenny Jones for The Law, which featured artists like Bryan Adams and David Gilmour. He's released albums of Muddy Waters and Jimi Hendrix tunes, being a credibility artist with a penchant for the blues and soul.
But most famously, it's his rock output that's earned him a name, hits such as All Right Now, Can't Get Enough, Feel Like Makin' Love, Rock Steady, Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy, Shooting Star. The Rodgers biography reads like a family tree of the influential artists of the 60s and 70s, and if he hasn't played with most of them, he's come close.
He tells the story of meeting a young Robert Plant at a working-class dive in Birmingham, in the days when Alexis Korner was playing with Free and before Led Zeppelin even existed. He remembers Plant singing (he does a hilarious falsetto impersonation) and got talking with him about how Plant was about to go down to London to work with a new artist named Jimmy Page. Rodgers had heard all about this session musician who was creating a buzz, but cautioned Plant that instead of taking the "30 quid a week" offered, he took a percentage instead.
It’s probably the best advice Plant ever got in his life.
But Paul Rodgers (right) has toured consistently, even when he wasn't fronting a major marquee name.
It's not the '70s anymore, which means touring is no longer synonymous with words like insanity and self-destruction.
"For me it's a lot more sober, and therefore I remember more of it," says Rodgers.
"In the old days, it was sort of full-on party central and wall to wall etcetera. But it has always been about the music to me 100 per cent, and all those other things really are distractions and they can get to be so distracting that they effect the music to its detriment, you know.
"So, I stay focused on the music and I like to stay fit. As I mentioned earlier I meditate and I do yoga and I work out in the gym. These are things that I like to do anyway and fortunately they've stayed me in good stead and enabled me to handle the pressures of this full on tour."
They may not be a permanent group, but Rodgers hints at the possibility of another project.
"Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if we did something bluesy in the not too distant future," he says.
As in an album?
"I don't know, I don't know," he says, coyly. "I will say we sound-checked the Hendrix 12-bar Redhouse the other day. And it was just smokin'."
[Photo caption-2: At left, new frontman Paul Rodgers (right) and Brian May of Queen perform in London last month at the start of their European tour.]
[Photo caption-3: Paul Rodgers (right) has toured consistently, even when he wasn’t fronting a major marquee name.]
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flapperdame16 · 3 years
The Queen by Matthew Dennison Book Review!
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(image: Head of Zeus Publishing)
Anyone who knows even a little inkling about me will know how much of a supporter I am of The Queen and the British Royal family. Since my childhood, I've been fascinated with Queen Elizabeth, even telling my Mom as young as age three (in the late 90s) I wanted to, "visit a place with a Queen".
At that age I didn't know the Queen by name, but the image I had inside my head was definitely of Elizabeth. A woman with short white hair wearing a crown was what the image of a, "Queen" , was to me. Fast forward to late 2010, just before William and Kate's engagement, and I became a full blown Royal watcher. Since I have been 14, I collect magazines, make an effort to watch video appearances, see documentaries, and follow many Monarchy devoted blogs and social media accounts to keep up with what is happening within "the fold". I watch The Crown every season on its release date (or close to its release date), and know all the latest buzz, but bizarrely, I never have sat down to read a full life biography of Queen Elizabeth. I have magazines, and coffee table books about her, but never chose out a biography. It's so difficult to choose a good one in a sea full of books, and for that, I am so thrilled I got the opportunity to read distinguished royal author Matthew Dennison's (he has written three other royal biographies) newest book simply and elegantly titled: The Queen. What makes Dennison's book stand out against the rest is firstly it's one of the first books to be published about the Queen after the death of Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. It looks at their relationship throughout its entirety, giving a fresh examination on the longest royal marriage in history. It was comforting to be reassured how strong the bond between Philip and Elizabeth was. Sure they had their rough patches in their relationship, and nasty rumors along the way, (particularly in the late 50s), but I'd venture to say any marriage, and relationship that was established for 73 years does. It's not so much the bumps in the road they had, it was how they were able to navigate and work through them that counts. It's important to remember Philip and Elizabeth fought for their love, at the time of their marriage with anti-German sentiment, and they endured right up to Philip's death. Its inspiring, especially in the time we live in now. Secondly, I will mention this book does not deviate on tangents about others, its focus is always centered on Elizabeth. Throughout  her long reign, many players both personally and professionally have crossed paths with HM; prime ministers, daughters-in-law, members of staff, and a whole bunch of others. Rather than devoting entire paragraphs to other players such as Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Princess Diana, HM The Queen Mother, or Private Secretary Martin Charteris, Dennsion gives us info about them on a need to know basis in relation to their relation to Queen Elizabeth. This keeps the writing focused with a strong flow in regards to the star subject. At the same time, it allows you to have basis of facts of certain players you may not know much about. During my own reading, to have a background context of the Prime Ministers was certainly a highlight for me, as I personally don't know much about the British Parliament and the people in it! Moreover, I want to point out how fascinating it was to read an in depth analysis of HM's childhood and young adult life before becoming Queen, as it's really the "least" documented part of her life. As with Queen Victoria many people only see Elizabeth as, "The old lady Queen", and it's sad many  forget at one point she was a vibrant young women who reveled in being a 1950s military wife, and someone who grew up in a close knit household in a family unit of consisting of "we four" (herself, her parents, and sister, Margaret).
When she was born in 1926, Elizabeth was not in immediate line for the throne as her father Bertie (later George VI) was the second son of George V. David (later the abdicated, Edward VIII) was the oldest son and therefore, first in line. Elizabeth's childhood until the 1936 abdication (and the following Second World War) was spent as minor royalty, that only serious royal watchers in the 1920s/1930s would read about. Yet at the same time, she was the only "princess" at the time of her birth, and she was the only titled royal grandchild. Elizabeth had cousins who were daughter of her aunt, Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood, but those two sons were not HRHs. I learned just how fascinated people were with HM in her childhood, and it really drew parallels to how today people are fascinated with Princess Charlotte. From sparking name trends, to clothing trends, to making popular toys come en vogue, princess inspiration has always been in the public interest! Finally, I'd like to bring the to attention the fair criticism this book brings to Elizabeth's reign: it's no secret that no one is perfect. Elizabeth has had her fair share of political clashes, family problems and even scandals within her long reign. Its balanced in saying the longer one lives, the more events- both good and bad- you witness. The book is pretty nuanced when bringing up touchy topics such as the Princess Margaret and Group Captain Peter Townsend's romance, HM's parenting skills/ relationships with her children, the Aberfan disaster of 1966, and Princess Diana' death to name a few.
As in within the book, it's all about points of view and the facts. I'm delighted to say the book doesn't take sides when viewing these topics, rather gives enough info for the reader to form their own opinion. I must say, however, I particularly didn't care for the slightly snide remarks given towards Princess Diana- always calling her every move "revenge" towards the family. That rubbed me the wrong way, but as I said, it's all about perception.
Overall, this book was a really informative read that is not just a rehash of the same ol', same ol' you would read in any random biography of Queen Elizabeth. With the last chapter clocking in at page 506, it may seem like a long dung out read, but it goes by quickly once you start digging in. (Personally I spotted one error on page 403, it's William Arthur Philip Louis, not William Philip Arthur!)
What I personally took away from the read was The Queen is an enduring woman. She's witnessed hardships of war, family crisis, premature deaths, scandals, and even the covid-19 pandemic, yet she's always been there for her people, her family and her country. She's been able to navigate changing times and as The Crown actress Claire Foy has said in her 2017 Golden Globes acceptance speech, Elizabeth has been at "the center of the world" since 1953 when she ascended to the throne. I don't think I myself could do better if I were in her shoes, and all that's left to do now, I believe,  is to appreciate her hard work and dedication. God save the Queen!
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Above: My Copy of The Queen with (some of!) my other Royal books! :)
I'd like thank Hailey and the whole team at Kaye Publicity for sending me a copy of the book to read and review. The Queen by Matthew Dennison will be available to own on September 1, 2021 in the USA and is available worldwide online and in participating stores. Links are as follows, and check out my YouTube Review video HERE)
AMAZON USA (Hardcover)
Barnes and Noble
AMAZON UK (Hardcover)
The Queen Goodreads' page
Matthew Dennison Author page
The Queen (Head of Zeus Publishing page)
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jungxk · 3 years
// rant
i'm jus so heartbroken rn i've been crying for the past hour i jus need to put my feelings out there, i hope it's ok w you.
my mum wakes up today and jus starts berating me bc i didnt put washed dishes into the cabinets & the kitchen looked messy for her. i'm supposed to do it bc there's nothing else i actually do but yesterday i had woken up in the evening nd they called me to pray straight away so i totally forgot about it (coupled w the fact that i dont like doing it either cuz there's always sm dishes nd it's such a hassle). she jus started scolding me senseless nd im someone who doesnt get mad easily, even if i do i tend to stay quiet bc i dont like conflict & angry emotions are ugly. but i couldnt stop it today? she kept calling me selfish nd she's been calling me that the past few days as well bc i never help out w chores or anything. she's always asking me "what do u do for this family" or "what do u do in this house" every single time nd ofc i cant say shit bc i dont. i'm doing uni online nd it's really not that easy but bc i dont talk to my family like at all, they think i'm all good. the other day i pissed them off nd my parents straight up said "why do we need to pay for ur uni ure not doing anything anyway" & i jus... i didnt even know if i even deserve to feel sad over it. they were asking me what i wanna do after uni as if im not just in my first year & when i said im not sure they got so mad and my mum purposely said "just marry her off" to push my buttons into giving them an answer. they keep saying i'm pushing them into being the worst and saying the worst to me but how is that fair? they're parents? adults? i'm jus 20 & i can control my emotions? but today really jus pushed me she got so mad at me for the littlest things nd i jus exploded. I asked her why she's mad and she's like cuz of the kitchen bla bla bla nd it got so frustrating i told her it's not my problem nd i jus wont ever eat again since all the unwashed dishes piling is my fault. nd then she got mad at me for that and scolded me. I hate being touched but mostly i hate being hit. imagine getting hit at 20 years old bc my mother is too emotionally unstable that she cant take a few seconds by herself to calm her anger down. I hate it. nd bc i said it's not my problem she came nd told me "yea it won't be ur problem when i die too! i'll make sure when i do, u never come see me." jus... what kind of parent says that? i'm so careful w what i say & i slip sometimes bc i'm human but how can a mother say that? she doesnt know anything about me. she doesn't know i dont like being hit, she doesnt know i dont like it when ppl act impulsively on emotions. sometimes i feel like i really am the problem nd that i'm really selfish. spending shit ton of money to get me to study, maybe i am selfish. i dont mind it. i know myself well enough to hate things about myself. but to have parents who barely know me as a person rather than a daughter, getting this much mad at me for smthn so simple jus makes me so sad. bc i was doing the task when she asked. she does things like this then wonders why i cant ever talk to her. entire family thinks i'm immature bc i behave exactly how they treat me. 20 years. I never ask for much. but it's starting to feel like asking to study in the uk was my greatest downfall. it feels like i dont deserve this. every day i'm itching to get away, to live alone bc they've made me feel like i can never work well in groups. it's always somehow my fault as if they havent been invalidating me nd my feelings since birth.
nd i can never tell them all these bc i'm never confident in them. i'm never confident in whether i would be accepted nd comforted without ridicule or scolding. my brother & father tell me it's like that, that jus bc i may get a scolding shouldn't stop me from being open. but what kind of stupidity is that? my mother who makes me feel like the world is ending when i accidentally break smthn, that it wasn't an accident but rather it's me nd that i jus cant do a good job— where is the comfort i can ever find coming to her w a problem?
nd bc of that we're not close. bc of that she's closer to my cousins & everyone else really. they've never concerned themselves to talking about family issues w me but when i dont know, they shame me, saying i never bother to ask— how would i know when to ask? should they be telling me when there's smthn going on?
this makes the concept of family so repelling for me. there is inherently no reason to ever have a child that isnt selfish or self fulfilling. what they do as parents is to make them feel as important nd respected as they expect from the child. but it's never like that w south asians. emotions dont exist if ure the child nd apparently getting mad is a norm nd shouldn't stop u from being emotional w someone.
at times i tell myself that i should pay back every penny my parents spent on me. bc sometimes it feels like it's being used to make me act or feel a certain way. i dont wanna feel this way. theyre my parents, i know theyre good people. but i'm so hurt by the things going on nd the things from the past. my mother invalidates me sm. she more or less kinda blamed me for feeling useless and depressed last year. my brother was telling her to go easy on me nd she got so mad & frustrated bc she didnt know what she was doing wrong. "if she feels so useless why doesnt she do anything about it?" like that was such a golden chance for her to have comforted me nd i couldve opened up? but she ruined it nd hurt me again.
last year i lived w her alone nd my dad was in our home country. I was having some troubles w him gone but i dont call or text bc... it always felt like a drag. it never felt like a conversation nd the only time it did was when i complained to him about my mum. so much shit happened between my mum and i & this person advised me to jus write some of my feelings to her. so i wrote her a long letter nd i included saying how not having my dad was hard on me too. flash forward im in my home country & w my dad. i know nobody here bc i didnt grow up here. i'm doing online uni & basically have to stay indoors cuz of covid. she brings that letter up when she was to berate me nd it jus feels so uncomfortable for me? like ok my actions dont line up but i wrote that cuz i was looking for comfort nd understanding. if i knew it was going to be held against me, i would not have done it? "u said it was so hard for u without him, so what do u even do for him here now?"— what can i do? i'm just 20 nd the situation im in is not normal? i'm grateful to be w my dad again but what can i do? &it always freaking comes down to house chores. i try my best. when our maid doesnt come i do my best w my tasks. i know it's not enough but i jus... i dont even know. ig that part of me is selfish nd lazy.
it's so suffocating here. all my feelings are bottled up nd im so scared what that would do to me in the future. but at least i know i'm too selfish to ever spend the rest of my life w someone.
sorry for the long rant. i hope this didnt ruin ur mood or anything i jus need an outlet nd ur blog jus feels so comforting nd welcoming. thank u for listening to me nd my feelings. God bless u really kssjdjsj
i’m rlly sorry this is happening to you bby. idk what race u are but this sounds so much like that asian mentality where emotions are black and white and comfort in any way is out of the question. ur still rlly young tho so ur relationship with ur parents has room to improve i promise. i think it’s rlly important for u to move out whenever u can tho bc that’s what rlly improves the relationship. having said this i do think the way your mum talks to u/treats u is emotionally and mentally abusive so whether you want to uphold that tie with her in the future is ur choice i just rlly hope u get somewhere safe and away from ur family soon x
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ladybevr · 3 years
Your comment about this being an attack on the monarchy for an agenda is the smartest I've read anywhere. Notice how all her answers and reveals were evasive? This would never cut the mustard in court because she's so obviously lying.
I didn’t watch or listen to it. I am basing my comments from what others reported her saying.  But from what they said in their posts I also don’t think OW asked any really challenging questions.  I think OW was in on it all and it was a collaboration between Ow, CBS, and MM to attack the Royal Family and weaken the Monarchy.  I think several sections were quickly redone after the bullying charges came out and were quickly edited in.  I bet that they started work on the reshoot yesterday and finished it up just before they went to air. The early clips released were to find out how the BRF and the people would react and just what measures the Queen might take after it was released.  OW and CBS are no friend of the BRF or the people of the UK.  It was planned as a distraction for the people of the USA and the UK and to damage the Monarchy and lend strength to those wanting a Republic in the UK.  A Republic government like the USA has is easier to control and manipulate.  Only those that can raise billions of dollars will win the primaries.  Those who accept all that money in donations to their campaigns then owe those who donated favors once elected.  They then have to work for those people and are controlled by those people. If they don’t then they will not be re elected.  That is how all the governments in the west are controlled. These same people control all the media sites.  In Britain and Canada it is harder to control basically buy the Politians.  The USA is heading for another war in the middle east.  It will serve as a distraction and as an excuse to not be able to fulfill their campaign promises.  It will also serve to make the controllers of the government richer. There are many forms of slavery. One such form is when the middle class shrinks and the lower class grows and wages drop compared to the cost of living. People are scared of losing their jobs and not being able to find new ones. The Masters only pay a low wage but they don’t have to pay for housing, food and medical  which  in the past the slave owner had to pay for.  But in many instances they can get the government to pay for some or all of it for them. Since they don’t pay their fair share of taxes it falls on the middle class to pay for the lower class modern day slaves.  The feudal system was a kind of slavery as well. The peasants were dependant on the Lords for land to rent,, housing, food, and medical. and jobs/wages.  The new elites want to be Lords even if they are not called that. They don’t want to have to bow to a Monarch or Prince. They want to be above them. They want the power to control the government.  They want far more power than what the current Monarch has.  So they will try to destroy the Monarchy and any form of government that  they control. The people in the USA think that they control. by their vote the government. But they don’t. The elites control who runs in the primaries and the elections and they control the media so that the people elect who they want elected. Those elected are controlled by those who donated billions to their campaigns. Often those billions come from the people in the form of donations to the companies or organizations pacs. Donations to pacs are often required of employees by the companies. No poor man who has not promised his soul to the elites/Lords  will not get the donations and therefore can not run a successful campaign and win.  Sorry for carrying on.  I am just in a bad mood tonight.  Will be better tomorrow. I doubt that a whole lot will change. The Queen and Charles are to scared and to arrogant that they don’t think anyone would dare say such disrespectful things about them, especially not Harry.  Ha ha.  They have buried their heads in the sand. They have paid and supported the persons that are damaging them.  Meghan and Harry are just tools for those wanting to see the Monarchy abolished. M and H have been flattered and manipulated by the abolishers. The abolishers have used their hatred and jealousy and need for attention to get them to do the dirty work  And the biggest joke is that Charles and the Queen thus the UK taxpayers have paid for it all. The Queen won’t act because if she does then she has to do the same to Andrew plus it sets up a dangerous precedent for the future.  Plus I think Phillip was the real strength behind the Queen through out her reign, not her.  She should never have given Harry any titles and should have cut off all funding right from day one.  But she was to scared and she let herself be manipulated and lied tp by Harry.  Charles is a weakling and a coward. He is probably celebrating that he escaped and that William and Catherine were the ones attacked the most.  The Queen is old and tired and not to much longer to live.  But once she is gone their is going to be a major fight to keep Charles from becoming King. That is when the major fight to abolish the Monarchy and institute the Republic will occur.  Those wanting the Republic have some major support including financial from the USA and Europe.  Then the real battle will begin.  Canada is also under attack in some ways from people from outside Canada to make the Canadian government be a Republic and it will probably happen after the Queen dies. I expect that Canada will have a referendum at that time and the majority of Canadians will vote for the abolishment of the Monarch as our head of state and for an elected Senate. We will probably end up a Republic just like the USA.
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greaterlandscapes · 3 years
My Dean Blunt Rotation aka High Fidelity Left A Bad Taste in My Mouth
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For the past 2 to 3 months, my listening habits were teetering to an end; mostly via burnout by spontaneously listening to local artists daily and less likely of a musical discovery drought, whereas my interests of a certain artist or genre hasn't found its, sort of, "eureka", moment per se. I've been feeling less enthusiastic over the things i listen to since my friends have gradually lost their flare when it comes to discovering/exploring untapped parts of the music realm. Thus, in return, my enthusiasm not being reciprocated. It leaves an empty feeling from someone who has been yearning social interaction, may it be media being latched on the topic - it's a feeling that's been guilt-tripping me ever since I was stranded in the other end of the metro. I feel closed off, exposed to the crippling loneliness the lockdown has punished us: a defacto solitary confinement in a national level. Our act of staying online is also an act of staying alive outside.
To be fair though, it's a valid move to not boomerang compliments/gripes over an art you haven't consumed due to someone's autonomy. Your able body being to consume the art you wish to finish with free time is a luxury in of itself. The art is then failed to serve its purpose to reach its goal: You have squiggly lines heading straight to oblivion rather than swirling in the earlobes of a wandering cyber nomad. We, eventually, need to find something that could help us exit, rather than escape, from capital. We, in return, do not shut ourselves from the outside. Instead, we then tend to avoid the stress of protocols and outdoor fascism; Not avoid the indoor liberalism that is eating us alive and online. It's a capital punishment we never knew we signed up for ever since the onslaught of the virus and the state. Art for art's sake is nonexistent now, always has been, it seizes to ever since we went inside. Feeding off of a holographic meatloaf coming from a glowing screen. We have a real-life Karen acting as a nightlight in our rooms.
The COVID lockdown made us listen to music — both for better, for worse. For one, it made us pass most days. You could say the same for any sort of media: film, mixed media art, or whatever pre-Covid activity that sprung up during our time in isolation. For music, however, there was an uptick of new listeners that made others Wheel-of-Fortune the fuck out of their music discoveries in sites like RateYourMusic, Bandcamp, or even Sophie's Floorboard. We've continued to expand and became more open change of opinions and be less of a jackass towards someone else's opinions. On second thought, our opinions have been catalogued, leaving more notes than actual footprints of our previous listens. Our new discoveries made new bands and re-emerging bands, bands who faded to obscurity, crawl back in the surface with newfound interest from younger listeners (ie Panchiko, Jai Paul, and Dean Blunt) and this glowing, previously unseen and unexpected overwhelming support from fans of departed artists (ie SOPHIE, MF DOOM)
For the other, we've hogged gratuitous amounts of media, resulting into losing our primary direction as to how we want to consume our media based on the preconceived notions of what we want in our art. There is goodness in becoming directionless when you think about it, but there comes a cost to our identity as music listeners. Instead, we end up widening our tangents, falling in endless rabbit holes, having zero chances to emerge from the surface. In fact, i refuse to call it a "rabbit hole" instead i'd rather call it a "pipeline" of sorts — transitioning casual music fans into a full on, different, unique versions of themselves that would define them when laws and protocols have eased in the outside world. Our act of staying online has either made most of us break our character or enliven our past selves. The music pipeline is now more apparent, stretching the norms of what was once alienated by a silent majority, but now accepted as an acceptable form of expression. The more music we are exposed to has made casual listeners stranged out or react in ways that our personality have betrayed us or deemed not as acceptable to them. Still, not changing anything that was prominent pre-pandemic. Liberal cop behavior is stronger, now more dangerous than it ever was once perceived by the outside world.
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Imagine a situation inside of a record, pre-pandemic of course, where you do not feel like lifting a record out from the shelf, instead, you window shop just for the sake of windowshopping. Capital and media made us think that going to record shops is a semi-productive activity. The age of discovery has died ever since High Fidelity romanticized and normalized the incelage of horny record diggers. Does this movie age well, yeah sure it does, for old 90s nerds at least. But did it translate well over in the past 20 or more years of events and tragedies that unfolded in pre-9/11 America? No it didn't. It was an age of free expression, only liberals would dream of whenever they take a sip of Guinness beer in their favorite dive bar.
Mind you, over a couple of months ago, it was my only chance in seeing why this movie was the talk of the town back when it was released. There's music, yeah, and attractive leading leadies, yeah, it has everything a 90s kid would love to salivate and drop their gonads over while they watch this movie. I obviously did not live to see the movie on opening day but i could imagine the scent that came out of that movie theater with attendees donning windbreakers and The Who shirts with popcorn dressing stains on their plastic cups. If there was a Filipino counterpart to this movie, i'd bet corporate champions Eraserheads and Rivermaya would soundtrack their music over and have either Tado or have Boy 2 Quizon, but i sense it to age like milk more than it could age like fine wine due to the senseless jokes one can execute in a Cubao or Cartimar record store.
John Cusack is obviously the incel in question here: a damaged, vengeful ex who constantly fails to live his partner's expectations and weaponizes his personality over the situations that has nothing to do with his interests. I spent the entire time being absolutely disgusted over the spineless responses of John Cusack's leading character. The movie then treads on flashbacks with John Cusack's failed relationships and what he could do to move on from each and one of them. If i could stand a SONA for 3 hours then I can't stand John Cusack being the dull entry point to incel, making more reasons why you should hate record store clerks who don't give an iota of shits to someone's inviting rapport. High Fidelity is opium for massive music circle jerks who can't take a single breathe of fresh air or a single quota of touching grass. There's more targeting weak and inferior guys and hot women who dump dumb overconfident dudebros more than the actual "music recs" in the entire movie. The more I think about this movie, the more I realize how our personality is in line towards Dick, the record store being unmercifully dunked on by the movie's two leading characters. He's an angel in the world of cynical bastards, witnessing both demons pitchforking record store customers in the ass while they're purchasing the latest Sonic Youth album.
I believe that Jack Black, the dark horse of High Fidelity, has a pleasing personality more than an irritating demeanor due to this behavior in the record store. In fact, outside of the record store, Jack Black doesn't seem to take the business is your pleasure act pretty seriously. Unlike John Cusack's character he brought his obsession over involving a record in an important memory/point of his life. There is so much stuff that has happened outside of the record store, so much for Rolling Stone and NME being the bible of music at the time, endlessly christening and shilling artists that believe to become the second coming of the Beatles. The music references here however are treated as fluff than it is a mechanism that would drive the senseless plot forward. If anything, there are events pointed out in the event that doesn't have anything to do with the life of the characters.
If anything, this movie did a great job at capturing the feeling of music bros being dumped on the wayside by a mature set of characters and how their current conditions aren't perfumed by the studios' liking of having to Cinderella story the shit out of a bunch of normal record store owners. The reality is in the reaction of one's social capital being invaded and we're here to witness how those reactions panned out in 2021. This is a villainous depiction of music nerds being the salt of the earth, the bane of all media discussion, still reflective of the insufferable salt of cyberspace found in music forums like 4chan and RYM. High Fidelity is a pipeline of 90s musicology, a dreaded fever dream of an owner waiting for the decade to end, trends ossifying and re-emerged by the hands of nostalgia-savvy individuals. It was, at its time, every music-movie nerd's excuse equivalent of Scott Pilgrim VS. The World. There are memories worth remembering and cherishing, and this movie isn't one of them.
In the past two weeks I've been fancying myself into sitting down and listening to different projects from the ever elusive, UK-based sound artist Dean Blunt. The first time i chanced upon his music wasn't too long ago - albeit a recent one in the time of COVID - was when I randomly stumbled upon his records at a Spotify recommendations section under John Maus (yeah lol i know the implications whenever his name is mentioned) - but then i was enamored by his online presence so quickly I put everything down and dedicated an hour or two researching about this man's music.
Other than the fact that his album "The Redeemer" wasn't the best record to start off in journeying through his discography: ending up disgusted and borderline bored even and I was more likely to lambast this record's aimless, pretentious art-pop inflections. By the end of the day, it was a preference long solidified by his undying fanbase. According to his hardcore fans, the music isn't really music, evaluating it as a free form of sound art, rather than sticking to a structured and conventional cues; the genre is nullified by most analysts of the arts. The growing interest of the general public towards Dean Blunt's pranks and antics have long appealed to my tastes as a chaotic neutral individual. Pranks that are well executed to piss off UK gallery connoisseurs and entertain ironic attendees who'd shit on the art piece rather than participate in it.
More of the resources I've found about Dean Blunt online: numerous aliases and collaborations that lasted around almost 2 decades. The most notable of all them, at least for my money, are either Hype Williams, a duo consisting of Dean and frequent collaborator Inga Copeland, and Babyfather, an art performance parodizing the pirate radio culture in the UK. I have not delved enough in Blunt's body of work to evaluate everything and what i could synthesize from it. For now, I enjoyed it as a form of entertainment. Well, color me impressed because Dean Blunt isn't clowning around, he, in fact, makes blissful and transcendental music from left to right.
Dean Blunt was the only few artists that made me want to binge on their discography. His movements in his music has attracted this pesky listener who thinks that being mysterious is a plus. I mean, look at me who thinks The Paul Institute, Panchiko, and Burial are the greatest artists that have walked the face of the earth.
The most I've enjoyed from Dean Blunt's discography are his mixtapes and collaborations: preferably his Soul Fire and ZUSHI, both of which were packaged as B-sides or supplemental releases rather than major releases such as the Babyfather project or the Black Metal releases. His knack for blurring the lines between genres still fascinate me as of this writing, and it continues to amaze me how he doesn't seize to compromise his art, he's here to prove a point and it sells quite well despite the lack of direction in his music. Blunt's music has more aggressive and hazy texture than the hollow, wide, soulless structure of art-pop/hypnagogic pop released today. He creates terrains from the rubble of his country's current shortcomings. The music overlaps the actual intentions with abstract concepts, becoming deconstructed down the line. In Babyfather, noise music coincides with Blunt's amateurish rapping. In Black Metal, Blunt isolates himself along with the assisted skeletal guitar playing. Both projects throwing all tropes in a vaccum alongside Blunt, who he himself would sought to become a personification of a musical void.
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(Excerpt from the Babyfather album review in TinyMixtapes)
Dean Blunt is an entity that wishes to become one person, but no, this isn't a figure in a specific art form; this isn't Banksy, this isn't Bob Ong, this is made by one person, clearly it is if you listen closely, and it's been entrancing me ever since his presence was felt on the horizons of the internet. Dean Blunt, what the actual fuck.
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Can't stand the football thing either. I never understood. It's just an excuse to hang out and get drunk ahha 🥴 besides that, I've noticed that ATL seems to have a much larger fanbase in the UK? Did I just notice that?
Living in a society where it's acceptable and encouraged to feel something and care deeply about man+ball makes me irrationally mad I hate it so much. Have some fucking shame about your meaningless entertainment drivel, at least! ATL def have a bigger base there but I feel like that happens for a lot of US bands? And it's easier for bigger shows to happen since they aren't there as much.
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years
darling dearest, i am in need of some advice and you were the first person i thought to ask (your fanfics are so deep, you have unrivaled wisdom. also you are an adult, which is very useful right now)
so, acting means a lot to me. in fact, it means the world. one of my first coherent sentences as a baby was, "mommy, i want to be on tv," so of course i developed an interest in theater.
it's my first year of high school, and my first thespian convention, and it's 500 dollars. for some context here, my parents had their first kid in high school. my mom never graduated, my dad joined the army instead of going to college. and then they had four more. on top of that, my dad's retired so we're all around dirt fuckin poor hahah. in other words, no one in this family has 500 dollars to send me (except for my middle sister, but that really is too much to ask for).
except for me! i had the money! only, it's in my college fund (which is 660 right now, no one set up a college fund for me as a baby--i only started saving two years ago). like i said, we're dirt poor and no one has the money to put me through college. my sister is a lawyer and has been practicing for years, and is still 200,000 dollars in debt from student loans. i'm having to rely on being smart to apply for scholarships and grants, and if i'm really special, i can get into harvard for free. which is such a huge deal, and one i'm kind of counting on.
even if i don't go to college, i need the money for when i ditch my home state and live in the big city for my big shot at being a successful actress. i can't do this every year. i've already decided to drop cheerleading and adv math next year so i can get a job (i'm not allowed to get one until i can drive). but i don't know if 3yrs of work will even be enough if i want to do normal teenager things and still go to college. chances are, i'm not getting into harvard, much less for free. i'm not gifted like i was as a little girl, and i think the stress would be too much. my mom says she'd help but she's saving for her own house and already getting me my own car, and she doesn't have money either. i don't think i can ask her for that.
thank you for even bothering to read this, thank you times one thousand if you respond.
Goodness lovely, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. This is such a big burden to carry and I know it must be really intimidating to think your future is restricted because of money. But take a deep breath, we're going to talk about some things, okay? I'm still new to being an adult myself, I'm in my final year of uni and money is hard.
So first let's talk about this $500 for your Thespian Convention. First, if this is a school event, a lot of schools do wave or reduce fees like this for families that can't afford it. They also may offer scholarships. I would look into seeing if that's possible, but otherwise let's talk about covering that cost from your college fund. I'm assuming from your language that you're American, which means that if you're earning the federal minimum wage (7.25/hr) it will take 60 hours of working to pay that off. That could take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to work off if you're working part time, so you need to ask yourself if you feel like the thespian convention is worth a month of work that you could be putting towards your college fund. (Also, I know you said you can't get a job until you can drive, but maybe see if there's anything local you can do for extra money, like maybe tutoring or babysitting?). And if you can't go to this Thespian Convention, see if theres a less expensive alternative you can pursue.
Another important thing to consider is that, if acting is definitely what you want to do, you don't need to go to college to be a successful actor. Leonardo Dicaprio, Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling, there's plenty of major A-list actors that skipped college alltogether to pursue their careers. Here's a list. And if going to college is something you really, really want to do, you also don't have to go to college immediately after graduating high school.
This is something they didn't push a lot when I was in high school, and this would have been mind blowing for me when I was a freshman. In my high school going to college was like the expectation for families that could afford it. And they also offered great support for struggling families and first generation students. But I did something super unconventional for my town and I took a gap year. And that gap year changed my life. So my love, you don't need to worry about 3 years being enough time to do normal teenager things while working your butt off to pay for school. You can give yourself as many years as you need to get that money together, or to pursue your acting career or both. College is ready for you when you're ready for it. There's no set timeline. And I wish they told high schoolers that more often. I wish I was told that sooner.
But let's say that you really want to go to college and you really want to go as soon as you graduate high school. That's totally fine too! Let's talk about your options. Getting a full-ride scholarship is competitive and a lot of pressure to put on yourself. I say go for it! Go for as many as you can and apply for every scholarship available! But also give yourself the breathing space to think about other options. This is a list of no-loan colleges in the US. These are schools that will meet 100% of your financial need if you get accepted. Now the tricky thing is you still have to pay for your EFC (estimated family contribution) and sometimes your FAFSA (federal application for student aid) grossly overestimates how much your family can actually contribute. But it will definitlely eat a big chunk of that money away and there are still loan and scolarship options for that remaining sum. Also when applying for these schools a lot of them do offer an application fee waiver for families that can't afford it.
There are also loads of private scholarship available options from various companies. Talk to your high school counsellors, they *should* have great resources for finding this kind of stuff. I wish I could remember where I found all of my scholarship info, but it's been almost 5 years since I've done that research. I think maybe fastweb was something I found useful? And I also found this website and this website after a cursory google search just now. I'm sure you'll find good sources too! Freshman year is not too early to start applying to private scholarships. A lot of them are directed at seniors, but there are all kinds and sometimes they're just fun contests with small rewards, but it all adds up!f
You can also try killing two birds with one stone! See if there are any acting jobs available either in your local area or even just online! Maybe set up a fiverr and read scripts for people, or see if you can work as a counselor for a theater camp in the summer. My first job was as an acting job as a dancing penguin at a local summer festival when I was 14.
Okay and now I feel obligated to tell you something. You don't need to go to college in the US. This probably sounds outrageous as a freshman, it definitely would have to me. But I'm literally typing this from where I now live in the UK, after taking that gap year and realizing that american school is ridiculously expensive and way less cool than european schools? Do your research, there's lots of options available to you and the US is not your only one. I've saved loads of money going to school here and I'm happy as a clam. Here are some fun links.
Anyway my love, I know that was a lot of information and I'm sure none of it magically solved your problems or took that burden of your shoulders. But take a deep breath. Everything will happen in its own time and there will always be opportunities for you to pursue being an actor. There will also always be the option to decide to go to college at any point in your life. The biggest and most important thing is to just not give up. Focus on the here and now, focus on your grades, and the rest will follow. You got this, I know you do. And please, always feel free to come to me with any questions or even if you just need to rant in my inbox, I'm here <3
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Jac & Amelia
Jac: So, you got your room 🙌 What other wins did freshers bring you? 😄 Amelia: Yeah, thank god Amelia: it's been full on enough without adding travel sickness Jac: Never going to fly when class starts either Jac: it's just slightly more inventive than coming down with the 'flu' every Monday morning, but not enough Amelia: bit intense to start crashing on my new friends floors too, I don't want to be THAT gay Jac: 😂 Jac: I doubt they'd mind Jac: but having a base that isn't totally covered in crochet decor is a plus Amelia: now that freshers is over and they're going to 🤞 they never see those hook ups again maybe Amelia: still, not the first impression I'm trying to make Jac: Oh God, tell me about it Jac: I am not trying to have people I've got to avoid for the next 7 odd years Jac: not trying to make it like home like that Amelia: very relatable Amelia: even though I have no need to count that high Jac: Is your course 3? or 4? Amelia: depends if I want to go to Canada, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Sweden, USA or the UK for a year Jac: Oh wow Jac: 🦪 Amelia: that emoji is the gayest Amelia: so yeah probably Jac: Very O'Keefe of you Jac: can't give up the 🎨 quite yet? Amelia: 😂 Jac: I've met THE perfect girl for you, oh my GOD Amelia: because I'm going to travel to Edinburgh for 🦪 after dodging a 3 hour commute Jac: She's American, you could convince her Cork has a lot to offer beside 🦪 Jac: but actually, she is UNBEARABLE, and I'm trying very hard to be nice and give everyone a chance rn Jac: she does Art History, despite the fact she seems to know less about art than I do Jac: doesn't stop her 🔊 Amelia: 💔 you put your mean girl years behind you too soon, I'm SO proud though Amelia: and I'm sure Savannah appreciates it just as much Jac: 😏 I can feel the sincerity Jac: I know though, talk about completely crazy Amelia: if you want sincerity I can totally believe she'd follow you there as if nothing happened Amelia: are you okay? Jac: I think the prestige probably beat the off-chance I'd also be there but I appreciate the belief Jac: Yeah, actually, I am Jac: it went well, better than I could've or would've imagined before Amelia: alright, that's a relief Amelia: not that it's been playing on my mind or anything since the ✨ livened up my feed Jac: I would've got in touch sooner Jac: It did cross my mind, that you'd see Jac: I also didn't wanna encroach on your freshers' experience at all, that idea won out Jac: It must've been a shock for you and all Amelia: I get it, because likewise obviously Amelia: plus you seemed like you were coping, and it's not the same as before, you have people to go to now if you aren't so Amelia: I don't know, it seemed too dramatic to come at you all !!!!!! Amelia: which is why I didn't Jac: I wouldn't have bitten your head off Jac: but I see and appreciate that logic Jac: not to mention previous experience would say I actually would so Jac: She's changed a lot too, in those 2 years Amelia: good Jac: Yeah, turns out she had a pretty rough time of it too Jac: which, obviously, but I wasn't really in a space to think too much about that back then Amelia: was likely to be more 🥀 than 🌹 living with her dad, and everything that happened with her mum Amelia: I'm not surprised even if I couldn't be very sympathetic then Jac: I can't believe I was zoned out Jac: I didn't even know about her mum Amelia: you had loads of your own shit going on, it'd be more unbelievable if you were tuned into hers Amelia: I didn't know how bad it was, or didn't want to hear it, whichever Jac: Jess made it sound like the world and his wife knew Jac: I feel awful Jac: but her mum is doing better now, and they're trying to mend their relationship, so, that's positive Amelia: it always feels like that in my 🏠 but I would've told you if I'd realised Jac: It isn't your fault remotely Jac: like you said, sympathy about it wasn't at the forefront of your mind Jac: and you can't be blamed there Amelia: I'm genuinely glad things are getting better, the last thing she needs is to feel like shit for leaving her mum again if they aren't Jac: I know you are, you aren't a monster Jac: even if you and Savannah had your differences, and the obvious situation from there 'til now Amelia: that's enough sincerity though, the last thing I need is Savannah Moore trying to be my friend again Amelia: you can keep her Jac: 😂 Alright Jac: about that though Jac: things have changed, between us too Amelia: okay Amelia: what does that mean? Jac: Well, I told her, this time Jac: that I'm not straight Jac: and neither is she Amelia: she really has fucking changed Jac: She hasn't also come out, there's no label on it or anything Jac: but she likes me back Jac: you deserve to know, and would, regardless of where we were in our relationship Jac: I'm sorry if it's not what you want to hear though Amelia: thanks, I guess Amelia: for not waiting for the 💍 announcement Jac: Things haven't moved quite that fast Jac: although, yeah Jac: I know Amelia: It's still Savannah, I doubt she's had a TOTAL personality transplant Amelia: you probably wouldn't like her if she had Amelia: so I'll keep an eye out for that post and put my congrats on it Jac: No, she's still her Jac: and I doubt her plans include a 💍 that could be bought on a student budget Amelia: true Amelia: I'll send some 💐 she'd NEVER put in the 🗑 Amelia: just the 💌 I'll actually bother to write, you know, like a normal person Jac: There goes the mystery Amelia: because of course you wouldn't recognise my handwriting Jac: I've checked your homework over enough times Jac: I doubt anyone else is rushing to send us a bouquet so Jac: process of elimination Amelia: there you go then Jac: but I have told my brother and that Jac: on the off-chance you catch him and he's dying not to bring it up Amelia: bit rude of him not to try and gently break the news Jac: Assumedly either thinking I've imagined the whole thing all over, or it'll all fizzle out before there's any need to go there Amelia: or I'm thriving so hard there's no need to bring me down 1 week in Jac: Obviously that too Jac: but you know that wasn't my intention, yeah Amelia: it's obvious you're not thinking about me, don't worry Jac: Okay Jac: do you want me to leave you now? Amelia: Why would I want that? Jac: Plenty of valid reasons Jac: to process, to not, you just don't feel like talking to me at this precise moment Amelia: what's to process? the bit about her not queerbaiting you the entire time is new, the rest isn't Jac: That's not nothing Jac: it changes the whole thing Amelia: not for me Jac: Alright then Amelia: you were hung up on her every second, what's changed for you is that was a least a bit mutual Amelia: I don't need to process any of that, it doesn't involve me Jac: It's still new information, that's all Amelia: not really Amelia: I probably should have guessed anyway Jac: If I didn't, I don't see how you could've Jac: she didn't even then so Amelia: too late to become a 🔮💎💫 gay, I hear you Jac: 🕵 is definitely a better idea Amelia: maybe I'd just really love to be able to say 'it's just a phase, mum' about something Jac: You've had plenty Amelia: name one Jac: [that boy band I said they liked lol] Jac: for starters Amelia: that wasn't a phase that was me lying that I cared Jac: yeah, okay Jac: you knew all the lyrics 'cos you cover was so deep Jac: no need to lie, they had some tunes Amelia: I knew all the lyrics because there was about 5 lines repeated over and over Jac: uh-huh Jac: you had badges all over your school bag Amelia: because you've never fully committed to a lie, oh wait Jac: There's no need to be a bitch Amelia: 😂 Jac: No, I'm not super ready to laugh about that time in my life, as it goes Amelia: okay Jac: I'm going to leave you to it now Jac: Good luck with your first proper day, hope it all goes well Amelia: actually wait though Amelia: I didn't mean that Amelia: I'm sorry Jac: Alright Jac: I know you're upset, or pissed off Jac: but being a better person doesn't extend to being a punching bag for you to get that out Jac: you can feel it, obviously, but that's just unproductive for you, and not gonna happen from my end Amelia: I know Jac: and I know that's what I did to you Jac: so it probably seems fair, or justified at least, that you get to now Jac: but it wasn't right, and an eye for an eye, you know Amelia: no, it's not fair, I wasn't being, that's why I'm sorry Jac: You don't need to stoop to my lowest Amelia: I'm trying, okay Jac: Yeah Jac: and I accept your apology Amelia: thanks Jac: should I not have told you? Amelia: I think that'd be worse Jac: I thought the same Jac: unless you were going to block me on the sly, then you would have seen Amelia: maybe I should now, I don't know Jac: If you want to Jac: to take some time Jac: or more permanently Jac: it's up to you Jac: obviously my offer of being friends still stands but I understand Jac: as I said, this changes things Amelia: yeah, if we let it Jac: You can't help how this makes you feel Amelia: but why should I let her take everything again? Jac: Savannah isn't actively doing that Jac: but if you want to keep trying, so do I Amelia: we worked hard at getting here, me and you, that's not about her Jac: True Jac: You don't have to be friends with her now, that's not it Jac: just accept that she's my girlfriend, and a big part of my life Amelia: does she know? Jac: About what happened between us? Jac: No Jac: she doesn't know a huge amount about those two years, for me Jac: I plan to tell her everything Jac: but it's a lot to throw at her in a sitting, especially unasked, you know Amelia: it'd really fuck with her freshers, for sure Jac: Right Jac: all for having the hard but necessary conversations Jac: but there's a time and a place Jac: I don't want her to feel like I'm trying to make her feel bad for me, either Jac: like 'look what YOU did' because nah Amelia: too 🥀🥀🥀 Amelia: it can wait, neither of you are going anywhere Jac: That's my logic Amelia: she'll get why you waited Jac: I hope so Amelia: come on, it'll be harder for you to say than it'll be for her to hear, she's a LOT of things, but she won't want you to go through that before you're ready to Jac: You're right Jac: it just feels like secrets, and that feels like 10 steps back Jac: but it isn't that Amelia: I'm sure even she hasn't had time to tell you everything, she'd need to be chatting non stop Jac: True Jac: if you're ever done talking about yourself and your life, that's gotta be a sign you need to get out more, right Jac: there's always more to say Amelia: right Amelia: stop being so virgo-ish about it and give yourself a break Jac: 😂 okay Jac: I just need lectures to actually start Jac: so I can freak out on that instead Amelia: same Jac: are you more 😁 or 😱 Amelia: 😕 Amelia: over 😣 Jac: You'll be fine Jac: let me know how it goes though Jac: I'm interested Amelia: okay 🤓 Jac: Well there's a lot of overlap Jac: obviously, you can usually do them as a double discipline but I wanted to go pure Psych Jac: doesn't mean I'm not 🤔 Amelia: yeah Jac: 🤏🤓 fine Amelia: we're not strangers Jac: I remember Jac: so, what are your new mates like then? Amelia: great, obviously Jac: It's a good thing you aren't taking English Jac: that description leaves a lot to be desired Amelia: what do you want me to say? Jac: Isn't there anyone in particular? Amelia: there's a whole course full of people Jac: Yeah, I like one of my profs, he's really cool Jac: but I don't know anyone on my course that well yet either, they all seem nice enough though Amelia: of course you do Jac: it's so refreshing in comparison to the teachers at our school Jac: even if he acted like a base level human, it'd be a step up Jac: but he knows his stuff, and he's down to help me get ahead, what more could I want Amelia: literally nothing Jac: But I'm still not into dudes so I won't commit that cliche, don't worry Amelia: a real weight off my mind Jac: sure Amelia: 😏 Jac: I've already done loads of prep Jac: can basically chill in his class this whole term Amelia: you can but you won't Amelia: 🤓🏆⭐ Jac: we're not strangers Amelia: maybe we are 🤏 because reading's the only prep we were given but I've already done it Jac: Not really Jac: you just pretended you weren't 🤓 Amelia: no, I just actually wasn't 🤓 about school Jac: plenty of other things Jac: you can't hide the 🤓 Amelia: it's not 😳 I literally can Jac: not from me Amelia: that'd be 10 steps back Jac: try 10000 Amelia: no thank you, that sounds exhausting Jac: you've got a 🛏 Amelia: yeah, I don't know who's more thrilled, me or my dad Amelia: getting to pretend he's allergic to pets for another year at least Jac: result Jac: won't have to fake seduce him on your behalf either Jac: I'm most thrilled Amelia: Savannah is Amelia: undoubtedly Jac: Yeah, that ain't something I ever want to explain 😂 Amelia: she'd be less understanding about it Jac: None of us are understanding that Jac: sorry to your father Amelia: 😂 Jac: I think your mum would snap Jac: go full psycho Amelia: probably Amelia: they're very 😍🥰😘 right now Jac: that's nice Jac: bit gross but good Jac: she won't call you every 10 minutes Amelia: she can try but I won't answer Amelia: the friend I like best will be here soon Jac: Sounds promising Jac: I'll leave you to it for now, for real Jac: you better get ready Amelia: you're so Amelia: you Jac: what does that mean? Amelia: I don't need 👗👠💄 Jac: what's that, a humblebrag? Amelia: hardly Amelia: it's a compliment for you, you're cute for caring Jac: It's not cute, I just like to look nice Amelia: oh so you don't think I look nice? Amelia: rude Jac: everyone looks better for effort Jac: that's simple facts Amelia: anyway, I meant it's cute you care about my social life this much Jac: because I really need you being a loner to worry about Jac: no tah Jac: obviously I'm happy for you Amelia: you don't need to worry about me whatever happens Jac: It's not optional Amelia: okay Jac: I never stopped Amelia: you can stop now Jac: That's just what being friends is Amelia: I'm no expert Amelia: have to take your word for it, if anything Jac: I know you care about me too Amelia: but you're thriving so I don't have to worry Jac: I guess Jac: it's not just for the bad times though, is it Amelia: I hope not Jac: it's not Jac: come on Jac: pull yourself together and at least do 1 out of 3 👗👠💄 Amelia: fine, I'll put shoes on Jac: that's what I like to hear Amelia: 🙄 just because I'm ignoring my mum there's no need for you to take over from her Jac: I still can't do any handicrafts so unlikely Amelia: Savannah is unlikely to wear a homemade 🧣 so I think you're fine Jac: she loves anything thoughtful but I ain't gonna start there still Amelia: 💐 Jac: Naturally Jac: both our rooms look like a florist already Jac: makes up for the shabby walls and carpet you can't do much about Amelia: any time you'd like to fully lean into the 👵 I'll do you an embroidery hoop or something Amelia: very chic Jac: they do sell a lot of that sort of thing in the charity shops Jac: I'm sure your 🎨 will be better than whatever the actual 👵 decided to do 🖼 Amelia: SUCH a compliment, I have no idea how I'm not 😳 Jac: Charity shops are in Jac: I'm not going to call it thrifting, I'm not even half-American, wouldn't be able to take myself seriously Amelia: good, please don't Jac: vintage, upcycling, all acceptable Amelia: for my mother Amelia: I'll take how 'modern' my room here is Jac: I suppose that does make a change Jac: I love the buildings though, the architecture Amelia: 🎨 Amelia: yeah, would be inspiring if I had any time Jac: Is Cork by the coast? Jac: I know nothing about that area Jac: I'm like NEXT to the beach, it's incredible Amelia: it's one of the largest natural harbours in the world, if that doesn't make you want to come and visit me, well ?? Amelia: it has it's own lovely architecture Jac: You should work for the tourism board, honestly Jac: good speech, that Amelia: 🤷🏻 Amelia: I'm here for the 🤓 and you're already interested in that Jac: I'd go to Italy, if I were you Jac: but then, Denmark might have the most interesting criminal practices and laws, so that's a good choice too Amelia: you'll visit me there then, yeah? Jac: I forgot about Sweden, but those three are the real ones to consider Jac: and we can sort visiting when we're even a bit settled Amelia: okay Jac: we've only just left Amelia: thanks for that obvious reminder Jac: 😏 Jac: you know what I mean Jac: give me a chance to get my diary in order before you're saying I'm avoiding you or whatever Amelia: give you a chance to miss me, you mean Amelia: you've got one right now, because I have to go get ready Jac: Oh, if we had to wait for that, you'd never see me again 😉 Jac: have fun 👠👠 Amelia: 💔 Amelia: bye
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ladyadalicialove · 5 years
Me, says I will be on hiatus and probs won’t post anything cus exams and essays
Also me: procrastinating very hard
Don't mind me just salty about the new episode and what not...also I don’t want to finish my essay.
Anyway since Chat Blanc was basically fanservice that served no significant purpose to the plot of the show other than "what if" scenarios. I've decided to share some AUs to put some good wholesome content back into the fandom. 
Also I need to write these things down before I forget....
Previous Holder is now your Babysistter AU
(I don’t have an actual name for it lmao suggestions?)
I’ve had this one in head for a couple of months now. The premise of this AU is the miraculous doesn't just come with the Kwami but a ghost/apparition of the previous holder. Unlike the kwami's they aren't what makes the suit or have any magical abilities. Rather they are just glorified babysitters, looking after and guiding the new holder the best they can. Some are some magical rules with them though:
Only the miraculous holder and thier Kwami can see them, when they are still in their civilian forms.
 They don’t disappear when the holder transform.
When other miraculous holders are transformed they can see other holder’s apparition, but when they undo the transformation they can no longer see them. 
The holders and kwamis can touch them as if they were real, but they phase through everything and everyone else.
I liked the idea of the holders prior to Marinette and Adrien being a pirate and a sailor who fell madly in love. They unfortunately died together and never had kids so when they came back as “mentors” for two lovesick teens they adopt them so quickly.
Adrien gets Captain Noir, the most ferocious and seductive pirate of the seven seas! And she absolutely adores Adrien and quickly assumes a motherly role in his life. The captain doesn’t like that he is alone in the mansion and gives every second of her attention to him. She calls him her "big kitten" and tries to ruin Gabriel's day every second she can. She also despises Nathalie but tolerates Gorilla.
Marinette gets Commander Bug, a stoic and ever so suave solider of his majesty's Royal Navy. He is very chill and helps Marinette to calm down when she starts acting up. Since he is a high ranking soldier, he often assists Marinette in creating strategies to defeat villains in both her hero and civilian life. Tbh he is a very reliable guy and very sweet. 
Honestly the two of them basically become parents to the two lovesick teens... and I imagine the story would literally be them ready to throw hands with Gabriel and Lila. Commander bug though ever so serious, meets Lila and immediately takes on the Captain Noir’s more... vulgar traits. 
Commander Bug: Hey Marinette *nudges her* Dead men tell no tales. 😎 *makes obscene gesture towards Lila*
Tikki: no wait maybe he has a point
Captain Noir: Ye really need to scupper that deadbeat father of yours off the side of this building. Hey Plagg, do ye think I can take custody of Adrien??
Adrien: I’m not throwing my father off the building!! He can be nice!!
Captain Noir: Oh no ye have Stockholm syndrome... maybe I can cure it with some rum?? That always helped the new sailors who were home sick! 😱
Adrien: oh my god I’m only fourteen 😦
Plagg: *laughing hysterically* at least you can drink your woes away!!! 😂🤣
And yes they both like the Couffaines mainly because they live on a boat. 
The Mythical Miraculous AU:
I wrote and planned this one before it was revealed there are multiple miraculous boxes. So in this universe let’s just say that the events of feast never happened. Prior to the “episode” Fu relinquishes guardianship and loses his memories. Let’s say there is no sentimonster that caused the downfall of the monks but rather Fu causing the temple to burn down another way. How? Maybe he left a torch unsupervised and burned the place down. Why? Idk that’s just how it’s happening now.
Anyway this AU stemmed from doing so many OC drawing requests in January. And I created seven miraculous OC's whose kwamis/concept are based on the seven virtues. They are also all based on mythical creatures.
In the story I imagined that Marinette is 17 and was giving guardianship over the miracle box some time ago. One day while messing around with it, she discovers that underneath the ying and yang centre piece there was cyclinder compartment that contained a parchment. Unrolling it had printed on it six locations along with the name of the miraculous associated.
Tikki informs her of the seven miraculous that were created as backups if the the miracle box or miraculous’ were ever stolen, lost, destroyed etc. Basically the last resort. Thus they needed to be kept out of the miracle box and in the world and always ready to defend. Hence they were given to families across Europe/Asia who promised their loyalties to the miraculous cause. 
Marinette decides since it’s summer break and she isn’t busy, to find each of them and get them to help in the fight against Hawkmoth. Tikki just rolls with it.
In no particular order these are the mythical miraculous and their holders:
London, UK ~ The Unicorn and Pegasus Miraculous of Kindness and Humility: They are currently owned by 12 year old British Twins, Iris and Ivy. They come from a rich family and only recently acquired the miraculous from their father and uncle. Ivy is all about sports and is extremely athletic, Iris prefers to read and paint. Apollo is Ivy’s kwami and he is a white unicorn, and Artemis is Iris’ kwami and is a black pegasus. The miraculous are anklets. 
Sovana - Tuscany, Italy ~ The Ogre Miraculous of Charity: Currently owned by Raphael, a 21 year old Italian guy studying Archaeology. He lives out in the Italian countryside with his parents and many siblings, he has a big family who owns a huge block of farmland. He is super kind and very charitable and received his miraculous from his Nonna. Orc is Raphael’s kwami and he is a selfish little bastard but he is huggable. The miraculous is a belt buckle.
Nice, Paris ~ The Pooka Miraculous of Diligence: Currently owned by Colette, a 25 year old French girl who is busy teaching six year olds, she doesn’t have any family as she was orphaned as an infant. She has always had her miraculous as she was left at the orphanage with it. She was unfortunately never adopted out, but she is extremely motivated individual with big dreams. Cinna is Colette’s kwami, she is quite lazy and often called Cinna-bun. The miraculous is a hair clip.
Kazan, Russia ~ The Phoenix Miraculous of Chastity/Abstinence: Currently owned by Orion, a flamboyant and arrogant 30 year old. He is extremely beautiful and a very proud man, and most would think he is a bit of a f*ckboi but nope. He is just saving himself for the right person. His father gifted him the miraculous when he was 15. Newborn is Orion’s kwami, and she is little b*tch and very stuck up. The miraculous is an armband.
Nazareth, Israel ~ The Griffin Miraculous of Patience: Currently owned by Nevaeh, a 16 year old revolutionist and active feminist. She has big ideas and big dreams that she hopes with enough dedication and patience she can achieve. Unlike the others, she received the miraculous from her dying neighbour, who was an old man in his nineties who had no children. Nevaeh may not be an intended holder but she is a brilliant one! Constance is Navaeh’s kwami, she is extremely wise and a soft speaker. The miraculous is a thumb ring. 
Seoul, Korea ~ The Sea Serpent Miraculous of Temperance: Currently owned by 19 year old aspiring pop singer Levi. Levi is extremely shy and laid back, he tends to be soft-spoken and polite.Often he dreams of being an Idol but his shy personality isn’t doing him any favours. His older brother was originally the miraculous holder but instead of accepting any potential responsibility he dumped it onto him. It was originally gifted to his brother by their mother. Sai is Levi’s kwami, he is extremely skittish and is just riddled with anxiety over the belief of the world ending. He is a bit of a conspiracy theorist. The miraculous is a fin pendant necklace.
Of course Marinette in three months convinces them all to go to Paris and stay there until the defeat of Hawkmoth. 
During her travels and time with them, she unravels the mysterious of these seven miraculous and their history. What are their abilities? Why do they specifically correlate with the seven virtues? How powerful are they? 
Ivy and Iris stemming from a rich family, rent out a lovely penthouse for the seven of them in Paris. Colette decides to be the legal guardian of the minors since she actually is French. Orion decides he is gonna be a dick. The rest are there for a good time and to kick a buterrfly's butt. And thus ensue chaos, pranks, romance and a whole lotta arguing. 
I can only imagine all the kwami’s and Marinette sitting, drinking green tea while watching these seven holders become absolute hooligans.
I already drew up concept art of them but they are not good sketches so yeah maybe I will show you guys another time.
Idk why I think this but I just figured everyone would hate AUs like this so I don’t bother posting these ideas especially if they are not fleshed out. I have so many but these are my most promising ones. 
The previous holder AU is one of my favourites because I had Captain Noir and Commander Bug’s story in my head forever. I love me some pirates. I know their whole miraculous story, like how they fell in love and why she became a pirate etc. The part where they become ghost mentors is a fairly new addition, been rolling it around for a month now and it is 100% caused by the shitty parenting via la agreste.  
The mythical miraculous one is extremely fun for me, but it was one of those AUs were I believed no one would like it so....yeah enjoy it?
If you wanna know more about each one send me an ask or send names suggestions!!
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