#i love daichi
134340am · 2 years
Daichi literally radiates comfort :(
he gives the most affectionate head pats and stroke your cheek so gently (and very often too)
(Also certified top tier hugger and cuddler)
Congrats for surviving your first day in the coffee shop!!
oh my gosh, this ask just sent me into daichi brainrot i need him so bad 😭 his hands are so rough and strong but he always touches you so tenderly, y’know?
stroking your cheek gently… i’d like to think he uses the back of his knuckles to do that and he always has the softest, fondest look on his face : ( if you’re being grumpy or pouty he pinches your cheek with his knuckles too hehe. AHHHH!!! i’d kill for a daichi hug tbh he looks so big and warm 🥺
thank you my fren!!! i’m exhausted but it was a goob first day, and i’m so thankful for everyone who’s sent me well wishes and good luck ♥️
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thegreatpeanut · 7 months
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senpai 🌸
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hinata-boke · 10 months
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captains trio vs vice captains trio
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
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I'm procrastinating so hard (and still coughing my lungs out) that I not only procrastinate on the things I have to do but also on the things I planned to draw, sooooo... another trans!Hinata piece 👉👈 Poor guy feels a bit insecure first.
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sirazaroff · 2 months
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Nightly cup of coffee ☕️ 🌙 ✨
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aaanttt · 8 days
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karasuno kiddies are good for your heart!<3
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whoreshijima · 1 year
My haikyuu dilf will always be Daichi, after timeskip, those thick thighs, wide, big chest with a bit of hair 😭 maybe a bit of softness in the belly, big arms, so perfect for holding onto during lovemaking, need me a man like that fr
Omg so true anon you’re so right
He’s got such big arms that you ask him to open jars and fix things for you just so you can watch them flex and move as he does so, fluttering your lashes at him when he hands it back to you with a smile. He’s just happy to help out
Soft belly that you like to cuddle into on the couch, his fingers stroking so softly down your face even though he’s such a big strong man, making you smile at how gentle he is
But he also loves to force your knees into your chest and have your legs over his shoulders, shoving a pillow under your hips to drive his cock deeper, easily able to pin you down and make you feel good, grunting lowly in your ear and telling you how good you feel
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kairiscorner · 7 months
i will cry
why did nobody ever tell me this guy (my daddyichi)
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shared a va with them (my other lomls with pretty ass hair and eyes)
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heich0e · 1 month
liv dropping the most insane plot line and then running away w/o further explanation
koushi loses his virginity to childhood friend!reader because you tell him that you're scared that when you finally get a boyfriend you won't know what to do. you tell him that he's the only one you trust, and you want it to be him. he doesn't have the heart to tell you it's his first time either, the nerve to say that he's been in love with you since before he even knew what that meant, or the willpower to deny you.
he and daichi move into a little apartment in the city together after high school—suga studying education and daichi at the police academy not too far from the university. it's a good arrangement; they're already more than comfortable together after all these years, and the only way either of them could afford a place that wasn't a shoebox was to live with a roommate. you take a year off after you all graduate high school, staying at home to work part time and figure out what you want to do with your life.
you've always told koushi you want to go to school in tokyo. but tokyo is expensive, so you need time to save up. and tokyo is far, so koushi needs time to steel himself for saying goodbye.
you come to visit him and daichi in sendai often, and frequently spend the night at their place—since the departure of the last train home always seems to creep up on you too quickly when you're with the duo, especially if you've had a few drinks. and when you inevitably look to koushi and bat your eyelashes and ask if you can spend the night instead of racing to the station to catch the last train, he never ever denies you.
spending time with suga and daichi is easy. it's comfortable. even though koushi is the common link between you, daichi was quick to accept you as a part of the deal—having once referred to you as a gift with purchase, which made all of you laugh. sometimes the boys take you out and introduce you to the new friends they've made since graduating. sometimes the three of you just lounge around their living room, drinking cheap beer that one of their senpais bought for them and talking about whatever comes to mind. koushi likes those nights the best—the ones where you're relaxed and soft, and sometimes ask to borrow a sweatshirt that he's all too eager to loan you.
you sleep with koushi a few more times, but don't ever really talk about it. daichi knows how suga feels about you (and has felt about you for all these years) and he warns suga that this isn't good for him. koushi brushes him off every time, probably smiles in a way that's just a little too strained to be sincere, and reassures him everything is fine. daichi doesn't push it, but he does start to treat you a bit differently—a bit more warily, because he resents the way you're hurting his friend.
one evening you come by their apartment before suga's made it back from class—letting yourself in with the spare key he gave you—and wait for him to return. daichi arrives home first after a brutal day at school, he'd gotten a bad score on an assessment and he has a group project due and his group mates are ghosting him. he's frustrated, and seeing you sitting in the living room irritates him. he cracks a beer, and then goes out to the balcony for a cigarette.
you follow him out.
you tease him that smoking is bad for him.
he knows that, and is already kind of annoyed he's picked up the habit since starting university. his reply to you is clipped. you quirk a brow and ask him for a drag. he looks at you, barely holding back all the things he wants to say to you.
you're flirting with him.
koushi has been in love with you since you were kids. has been sleeping with you now for months. and you're here flirting with his best friend.
and maybe that's why daichi goes along with it. maybe he's just stressed out and frustrated and taking it out on you. maybe it's his misguided way of hoping to finally get the message through to koushi that you're not good for him.
he regrets it the moment koushi walks in on the two of you on the sofa the two of them each paid half for—you stradding daichi's lap with your shift off—and sees the look of heartbreak on his best friend's face.
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If you’ve read the E. C. Myers books you know that Sun doesn’t really see himself as a leader until the end of Before the Dawn and not many respect him as a leader throughout the book either, including Coco. So this?? This look here?? This growth of him and Coco simultaneously coming to a decision and checking with each other? Likely using Fox’s team speak to formulate a plan?
It’s such a small blink and you’ll miss it detail that I’ve not noticed until now and it’s making me emotional.
It’s about the mutual admiration!! The respect!!
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iielenia · 28 days
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lil daisuga comic i did for the 2022 daisuga big bang 💚 based on lizzy's fic "delete those kisses" (ao3 @/kneesocks_senpai). read left to right!
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revasserium · 1 year
the little things (that add up to you) kageyama, hinata, suga, daichi, tsukki
kageyama || he keeps extras of your favorite hairties in his bag, just in case you need them; he always pauses to watch when you put up your hair, thinking to himself how such a mundane thing could mean so much, could take up so much space in his mind, your fingers running through your hair, gathering it up, the soft strands slipping loose to frame your face, your favorite hairtie caught between your lip and your teeth like some inconsequential thing, but he knows -- he knows that it's these moments he'll find tucked away in the pages of his own memories when he gets home, when the lights go out, when it's just him and his own thoughts of you.
hinata || he always buys your favorite flavor of taro milk-bread on the way home; he likes it when you take the first bite, loves the way you smile, unbidden, the happiness bubbling up through you as inevitable as the sunrise, the way you lick your lips and look up at him with those sparkles in your eyes, the way you blush when he laughs, reaching out to wipe at the crumbles that always, always get stuck to your cheek, your lips -- he knows that it's moments like these, the ones he gathers like breadcrumbs on the floor of a heart-break forest, leading him towards a place where he can't turn back without knowing that something inside him will shatter (but only if you leave him, and he doesn't think you will), but he doesn't mind, because he knows that it'll be worth it in the end, just to see you smile.
sugawara || he holds your hand in the hallways, even during the summer months when both your palms are sticky with sweat; he's always loved the feeling of your skin against his, loved the way it makes you blush, even to this day, loves how peoples eyes linger on the pair of you as he walks you to your next class, or to the lunch line, or out to where the gymnasium is, where you'd swing your hands between your bodies and pull him back for a kiss, ask him for one more minute, maybe two, the pair of you lingering like infatuated teens after their first date, unwilling to part at their parents' doors -- he knows that it's moments like these, the ones he cups in the palms of his hands like glass-blown marbles, these are the ones that will matter the most when one day the pair of you look back, holding hands in some distant future, because he knows that he'll never grow tired of the feeling of his hands in yours.
daichi || he lends you his jacket, his mittens, his umbrella, his scarf, even if that means he'll be a little chilly on the way home sometimes; because he's always prepared and you're -- well -- you're working on it, and he can't deny that he likes seeing you in his clothes, the size-difference strangely satisfying, the sight of it scratching some itch inside him he's never realized he had, and then when you return it -- whatever it happens to be -- he knows that it'll smell like you, and he can't lie, he really likes that too -- and he knows it's moments like these, the ones he tucks away in the lining of his jacket, in the stitching of his scarves, that he'll reach for the most, the ones that'll keep him warm on a cold winter's day when he doesn't have you by his side.
tsukki || he has a playlist of songs that you've mentioned you liked, just for himself; because he knows better than anyone else that the music a person likes reveals all their deepest secrets, and finds himself wanting to know all of yours, so he listens to each song, memorizes the lyrics, taps his fingers against the beat and wonders if you did the same the first time you listened, wonders if one day, he were to put a pair of headphones over your ears with a playlist full of all his favorite songs, if your eyes would light up, if your cheeks would flush, if your lips would split into a knowing smile and if you'd already know all the words to sing along -- because he knows that it's moments like these, the private ones he keeps like secret soundtracks, that might one day give him away to you, where you might one day realize that from the moment you met, all his favorite love songs started being about you.
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touchlikethesun · 2 months
i do think that the 3rd years must feel some pressure to be more responsible around the 2nd and 1st years, not to an insane degree but like it is there, and so it's really really nice when there's a scene with just them joking around with each other and being silly like they're high school boys they're kidsss they're so silly they're so funny suga's love language is screaming and violence daichi's kags impression is spot on i love them i love them a lot
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delirious-donna · 4 months
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So much thanks to @purpurregen for this absolutely beautiful piece of art! I love it so much that I’ve spent all morning bouncing off the walls and just staring at it. Maybe I’m delusional but I think me and Daichi look pretty amazing together (and that jaw hold… help me).
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weezmancer3 · 5 months
Snow Day!!
We got some snow where I live (and I'm finally out of my slump) so here are some Haikyuu characters enjoying a Snow Day!!
Kageyama and Hinata try to play volleyball but the cold makes it hard for Kags to use his hands (he refuses to touch the ball through gloves) so they go insane and start a snowball fight that turns into an all out war.
Tsukki is making snow-men. Yamaguchi helps him. They make snow-man versions of the entire team and send pictures to the rest of the team.
Noya and Tanaka find Kageyama and Hinata and join the war efforts. They text the other 2nd years for re-enforcments (Who show up with sleds to use as shields).
The third years show up to watch some of the war, but leave for Suga's house to drink hot chocolate and watch a movie.
Asahi falls asleep at Suga's house and Daichi wakes him up by dumping a bucket of snow on his head while Suga records it.
Asahi catches a cold from his wet hair, so the team shows up at his house to caroll him back to health (Nishinoya's idea). Asahi's parents have to shoo the team from their property.
I was planning to post more over break but kind of did the complete opposite. Consider this an apology. :)
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miruvei · 14 days
Literally nobody: ...
Me: watching '30 min of haikyuu dub' on YouTube..
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