#i love gay men amd i love being a gay man. and i guess i feel like ive been getting annoying or shallow or gross abt it
gaymalware · 5 months
theres so many ppl on here who say shit like "cringe culture is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!" but only apply that to stuff thats not "TOO weird" or is "Weird but like in a Cool way." like you didnt "kill" cringe culture you just rotated it a little to the left
anyways shoutout to the ppl w/ "boring" or "stupid" or "immature" or "gross" or otherwise poorly percieved interests or traits. you rock
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fillsta · 2 years
How to explain Les Mis characters to your friends
Enjolras 'Enjy dearest', 'Enj':
Angry blond boy. "Eat the rich". Either gay or aroace. His celebrity crush is Robespierre. He may or may not have a crush on a specific wine lover. Also Aaron Tveit. That's it
Combeferre 'Ferre':
The 'hot' scholar. Rly likes moths I guess. Wears glasses bc he's smart and smart ppl wear glasses. Has done nothing wrong, ever. We love him .
Courfeyrac 'Courf':
Everybody's friend. Flirty, fruity bitch. Round and lovable. Possibly in a relationship with either Combeferre or Jehan. Marius' own personal extrovert. Keeps the group together. Portrayed by the Mighty, the Fruity Fra Fee.
Grantaire 'R':
Likes to drink. A lot. Bi bitch, hopelessly in love with a certain blondie. Hold-hands-before-getting-shot-to-death kind of crush. Rly good at history and philosophy. Cynic. Also, fandom decided that he draws<3. Big hobo energy. Ask the fandom about the actor in the 2012 musical and they'll shed tears
Jean Prouvaire 'Jehan':
Ah yes, the softie. Love poetry and playing the flute. Most likely smoke weed. Plant parent. Gender unknown. We love their hippie bullshit. I don't remember the actor's name but he was kinda cute
Bahorel 'Baho':
The fruity gym bro. Enjoys fistfighting. Possibly Feuilly's bf. Man bun and beard. Studies law but doesn't want to be a lawyer. Doodles instead. Gavroche's idol. His celebrity crush is probably Dwayne Johnson or sth.
IwbavajsbJzkabzjsvs. We love him. He's pure and innocent. Orphan. Makes fans for a living. Really loves the countries of the world. Headcannoned as Polish. Enjolras' fav ho. Wears flannels. I'll stop here because oh boi I can go on for ages
Bald guy. Wholesome. He's also extremely unlucky and Victor made sure that's his only personality trait. Polyamoryyyy. His bf is Joly, his gf is Musichetta. It's just... Bossuet, you know?
Doctor? Yeah, did I mention he's a germaphobe? Poor guy. Eccentric asf. Carries a cane everywhere. Will wake up in the middle of the night to align his bed according to the earth's poles and shit. Yes, he has a bf and gf, as previously mentioned.
Gavroche 'Gav':
Best boiiii. Smol, like, 10-12 yrs old. Savage. Absolutely destroyed Enjolras when in an argument. Also managed to trick a skilled criminal once. Rip, he would have loved Minecraft. Eponine and Azelma's brother. Courfeyrac's instant son. Looks up to Bahorel.
Marius Pontmercy:
The Most Awkward Human Being. Like, fr. Courfeyrac's emotional support introvert. Possibly the only straight here but who knows??? Idk he's kinda close with Courf. Anyway Enj amd Ferre scare him. Especially Ferre. He somehow gets a gf??? Survived
Eponine 'Ponine' Thenardieur
Marius' side ho. Has a crush on him. Bit I think she's gayyyy. Or bi. There's no way she's interested in men only. Anyway, poor. Terrible household situation :(. Feminist. I hope she gets a gf in her second life. R had a smol crush on her but that was just a phase. She deserved better, like everyone.
Cosette Fauchelevent/Valjean:
Marius' main ho (how this guy manages to get bitches is beyond me). Cottagecore goth (is that a thing?). Adopted. Such a sweet gal. Eponine could also be her gf <3.
Montparnasse 'Parnasse':
Ah him. Okay this guy. He is s narcissistic but a good one. One day he looked in the mirror and said 'Wow im hot lets murder people' and so he did exactly that. Said criminal tricked by Gavroche. 'Dandy'. He's so cool I love him sm.
Azelma Thenardieur:
Poor girl doesn't get any development. She's just there. Survived. Is rly cool tho, trust me.
Jean Valjean:
Stole bread and went to jail for 19 years. Villain origin story. Then he stole from a child (which may or may not have been Feuilly but that's another story for another post) and he instantly went good. Became mayor and businessman. One of his employees died so he found her daughter and raised her. Survived for a while. Is supposed to be the protagonist lol. Wholesome grandpa
Inspector Javert 'Jav jav man':
Is his life's goal to arrest Valjean. I say enemies to lovers trope. Starts off as a bitch, tbh.
My poor girl deserved the world. Her bf got her pregnant and fled :(. She gave Cosette over to some strangers to raise her while she worked in a nearby town, sending them money for Cosette's expenses. That's a no no there but ok. Gets fired, becomes a prostitute, dies. So of any of you out there shame sex workers I'll choke u while u sleep.
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thestarsuniverse-mind · 9 months
The Stars Universe-Episode 1-Fucked Generation
Hello. You don't know me, and I don't know you. I hope whoever is listening helps me. Not necessarily helps me, but just understands. Yes, I'm just some teenager, whose life sucks. Most teenagers are like that. But no, I'm not trying to whine to you about my life. I'm not saying my life absolutely sucks. No one's life really does. I'm just realizing how fucked up our generation is. If you're an adult listening, this isn't necessarily directed to you. It's directed to those who are like this. If you take your childs phone away, you take away basically their life. Our life isn't like how yours was in the early 2000s or in the late 1900s. Our phones are one of the only way we can communicate.  We can't just get up and walk to wherever we need to go, or catch a bus. Because there are people out there that will hurt us. Kidnap us. Assault us. Abuse us. Hurt us. Just because we are alone. Our generation is fucked. Fucked, fucked,, fucked, fucked. People can't be part of the LGBTQIA+ community because they are afraid of being judged. Parents nowadays think we are all some self observed internet idiots and it's just a faze. But guess what. I could give less a fuck about your opinion. I will be gay and happy about it. I will be trans and glad about it. I a who I want to be. When we were kids everyone usd to tell us stuff like follow your dreams or you can be anything you want to be. So let me fucking do that. If I am not attracted to anybody, let me not be attracted to anybody. If I'm not attracted to the opposite gender, let me not be attracted to the opposite gender. We are able to love whoever we want. We are able to be whoever we want. If a by wants to be a girl, let him. If a girl wants to be a boy, let her. They are not comfortable with who they are, so let them become comfortable and be who they need to be. My parents don't want me to wear loose clothing because it makes me look like a guy and that is not very girly. I asked my mom if I could wear a suit and she said that that's for men and I should only be allowed to wear dresses. So why. Why should we be stuck back when soviet union was a thing and girls coulndt wear pants. NOTHING HAS A GENDER. Clothes don't have a gender, names don't have a gender. Just because I wear mens clothing doesn't make me a man. It makes me comfortable with my own body. I amde myself loose wait because my aibilings and my own fucking dad called me fat. If you have a problem with someone's body, gender, sexuality, personality, literally anything about them, then leave them alone Or keep your opinions to yourself. We have gone through enough already. Our mids are fucked u becuse of tohers opinions. I can't wear clothes that have childish things on it because im afraid people will judge me. But ij the end. WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I CARE. I am me and you are you and let's keep it that way. You don't like something about me? Well I could care less. People always tell me that the clothes you wear shows who you are. Well my wardrobe consists of dark clothing but I'm not like that. I'm just hiding who I really am because I'm not comfortable being myself anymore. I can't ask my parents for a therapist or talk about my feelings with them because they don't understand what's going on in my mind. My mind is dark. I want to cry every minute of my life but I can't because no tears come. I cry for the stupidest things because when there's something serious I can't cry. So when I say our genertion is fucked , I mean that it is truly fucked. and I hope whoever is listening to this understands.
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bbc sherlock, miss johnlock, and a little rant about being autistic. and pretty much cult abuse
not much a post to argue, more to just rant
so i've just binged on miss sherlock. will (probably) talk about that later except that miss sherlock is SO HANDSOME AND THE [GAY PANIC] MEME SENT ME.
in short i think bbc sherlock's 'stereotypical white man' and hboasia's 'asian female who clearly has auditory issues' are both cool enough to be considered autistic-coded. i disagree that bbc sherlock *shouldn't* be considered one *just because* he's too white and too stereotypical because that's like erasing actual autistic people out there who happen to be white men,, i mean yeah duh so many white men reps taking the lead it's super annoying, which is exactly why i think the issue isn't whether that sherlock is autistic-coded or not, but representation.
now that aside, this is where it gets personal to me. i've always had questions. many questions. many so-called obvious questions yet nobody could give some answer, and if they do, hardly concrete much less satisfying (to me). the 'it's how things have always been's. the obvious one (and not sorry for how 'stereotypical' this is) is body language. my job requires me to pick up on people's body language, their subtle facial expressions, their intonation, the rise and fall of their attention. we've had workshops on this, how body language of other people isn't always in hand with their real emotions (the message was: we can't judge the book by its cover sort of). but it makes me wonder, why is it that we're still told to pick up on these and rely on them to perform our job when they're unreliable?
i watched and rewatched bbc sherlock, paid more attention to the characters' non-verbal cues, and guess what, i think i'm doing a good job at this. i noticed what other people have pointed out, and i noticed and confirmed with other people. at some point i thought maybe studying these subtleties in shows may help me improve my understanding of body language when i work. but then again, two things. one, bbc sherlock is a work of fiction with elements of cinematography and various arts. any lines and angels on the face and body can be orchestrated and manipulated to give out a certain impression (some sherlock manips are hilarious). two, in real life, there's only one first and last take if we're talking about body language. so tell me why again, do we rely on body language contexts when we all make mistakes all the time and this thing is hardly consistent of a pattern like that of tv shows to even worth looking into?
i believe a lot of us have gone through that phase when you're told to sit still and be pleasant, even when that's not what you want to express.
another thing,
in bbc sherlock s4 there's a conversation about emotional contexts, and i agree, taking emotional (or any other besides factual) contexts into consideration may help us to make better decision morally. and sometimes they can be distracting too to achieve a morally higher decision.
i'm not bringing this up to argue whether what the last 3 standing characters did in s4 was right or wrong, or whether taking in emotional contexts was a mistake. no. i'm bringing this up because a personal nightmare of mine is coming up in less than a week and some people just can't wait a little bit more to celebrate it in my face.
institutionalised religion. and therefore expectation and control of conduct,
even when i, after painstakingly put away my emotional contexts to see the cult for what it is, to stand up for basic human rights (and these are the most popular and most agreed upon - not ones i made up on my whim) above my emotional religious attachment, i'm still seen as the bad guy because even some of my loved ones would rather believe amd support that way of life than form their own original judgement.
it's the reichenbach rooftop chat before the fall.
i'm scared and tired. probably will binge again after crashing to bed and dreaming of being believed in and not misunderstood. :)
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coughsyrupcowboy · 6 years
Ok let me just explain something. Nobody is upset that Adam is dead and that someones ship didnt become canon. You guys are really simplifying it and not listening to the actual complaints and have your rose tinted glasses on. Yes this is a story of war, people die, ect ect. But that's not the issue, it's much deeper and more insulting than a character dying.
So a few months ago, the voltron crew were like hyping up so much for the new season and its representation. They said shire was gay and had an defiance that we'd meet. And u know if a content creator says shit like they usually explore it.
Cut to when the new season is released. Adam and Shiro have one(1) conversation and they're having an argument. Here's where that is a bad idea from a writing standing point: this has no emotional effect on anyone. Like, first of all it's not even subtexted. They're stiff and mad and just look like roommates. We never see adam before this scene. We have no idea what their relationship was like before. And the general message there, accidental or not, is that gay people cant be happy with their partner. They always butt heads. But I guess they cant give off that message because they're too fucking cowardly to make them even touch each other or look at each other, let alone explicitly state they're gay.
I'm not sayi g u cant be gay without a partner. God, that is not what anyone is saying. I'm saying they're doing shiro dirty and never fucking stated that ANYONE IS QUEER. (This includes pidge, because her gender arc thing was a huge ass cop out. They could have explored maybe a trans man pidge, a trans girl pidge, nonbinary pidge or genderfluid pidge. But no they pulled a classic shes the man and made her a trans coded cis girl.)
The fans arent mad at adam dying. Look if adam had more lines, an actual relationship with shiro on screen, and his death served for some sort of plot or character development, I can guarantee u no one would be as absolutely livid as we are now. He gets two scenes and hes a bitch in the first and dies in the next. The shiro doesnt even liek bat an eye. He monotony says adam at his grave thingy and is on his way like he didnt just lose the man he was gonna marry.
Yes people die in a war. Yes things dont always work out for everyone. People die, people drift apart, some people arent good for each other blah blah blah. But here's the thing, the crew that worked on this show are basically the all seeing gods of this universe ok. They have the power to pick a character off and give that characters death meaning. But here they didnt choose a character to die. They MADE a character only for him to die and they decided the character that was born to die has to be a gay man. They had two gay men and they thought the best course of action after hyping the shit out of their show and clearly pandering to the lgbt youths desperately starving for any kind of positive representation.
Then only to get a slap in the face after getting THAT NONSENSE. yes people die in a war, but they had the power to pick and choose who dies in said war.
If you're cis het, I doubt this hurts as much as it does to the lgbt fans. When I was growing up, lesbian was a bad word. I thought if you said lesbian you would go to hell. On TV everyone was straight and normal, but the gays got made fun off all the time. They were the butt of jokes, used to make a point on how weird and disgusting they are. Very rarely were there gay movies or gay characters in a movie that didnt end up dying from aids, being killed for being gay, separating from their lover cuz being gay "sucks", or realizing they were gay only for it to be a phase. And as a child this sends me the message that if you are gay, you are disgusting and will never be happy. Straight people love getting off on gay misery and thinking that counts as representation. They get brownie points for killing off their gay characters.
But you know what these movies surprisingly do better than voltron did. They actually give their gay characters fucking personality and lines. Sometimes if a Straight is feeling first theylly actually use the word gay! But what voltron did was absolutely unacceptable. I'm not defending the fucking homophobic movies. I'm sayi g the bar is so so so so low that its hitting the ground and DreamWorks thought "hey if I take this jackhammer and make the worst fucking rep that anyone has seen in a while, fhats still representation and the gays will love it!"
I'm not even a goddamn fan of the show and I'm upset. My boyfriend had me marathon with him and we were both so ficking pissed.
AND ANOTHER THING!!! some of yall dont know what queerbating actually is??? Yall seem to think queer baiting is teasing your ship and not instantly becoming canon??? No it's the advertisement team looking at the scraps that lgbt get in regards to media and shoving a huuuuuuge Turkey leg in their face and then proceeding to throw it in the trash. What I mean by this is that when an advertisement team and production team realizes that a lot of queer teens are their main audience, they'll try to like "introduce" gay shit. Sometimes you get sexy lesbians only there for men to leer at. Sometimes it's two very visibly gay coded men who are bffs and then the writers give both girlfriends. And sometimes its telling fans that u have representation only to take it away immediately.
No one's upset about one person dying. No one's upset about a gay person dying. No one's upset that their ship isnt canon. No one's upset that this isnt a show for romance. No one's upset that we didnt "get the queer content we wanted."
We're upset that we didnt get ANY queer representation. We are livid that we only know shiro is gay from word of god and that people who dont have that context wont know that they were a gay couple. I'm mad that they took the only other gay man in the whole entire series, refused to even say anything obviously gay and or romantic and then killed off adam and called that diversity.
The crew seems to think gay people are just bitter or have no personality outside being gay. Once you show me a stable,happy, more than two lines obviously and proudly queer character then I'll shut up.(again if u mention pidge, fuck off)
And to the people sayi g were acting like shiro died, well here's the thing they've killed this motherfucker like 4 times and if that doesnt speak volumes of how much they enjoy making Gay characters suffer idk how to help you. ALSO DONT ACT LIKE SHIRO IS EXPLICITLY GAY BECAUSE HE IS NOT EVEN SUBTEXT GAY OR QUEERCODED SO SHUT UP AMD LISTEN TO THE LGBT PEOPLE WHEN THEYRE MAD.
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aloneatl4st · 3 years
Touch Starvation
Hello friends.
I would like to tell a story. A story about the last real romantic interaction i experienced that has left me feeling kind of empty.
I was 16 at the time, just before i started 10th grade (so around September of 2020).I used to hang out with a close childhood friend of mine amd her friend. Lets call her Jess and him Mark for reference.
I was outside woth Jess and Mark and we were aty citys most known mall, outside sitting on the grass of the big park it had.
I had been told we were waiting for a friend of Marks that was moving into our city to study. Lets call this friend Robert.
Time passes and Robert arrives. A soon as he approaches us i kind of feels like hes definitely not straight but me and jess were jokingly fighting over him behind his back as he was in front of us with Mark talking about random stuff.
Skipping a day of random stuff I actually find out he is bisexual after i tell him im gay (i do not remember the context but it wasnt in any way relationship related, we were just being ourselves). I remember him asking of me to not actually tell anyone because we were hanging out with another girl and another person. Tgese 2 people along with Mark were moderately homophobic, but I was never really afraid to tell them I am gay, however i did say i wont tell anyone.
Some time passes and we end up in a little park woth a very large and round swing where he sets himself beside me and we... just kind of talk. He actually ends up talking about how he feels used by all the men hes been with and when I ask him where does he find the men in question he answers Grindr. I tell him that he shouldn't expect smth good out of Grindr but i dont have the most convincing talent so he kinda just brushes it off.
At that point it was safe to say that i liked him. Robert would hook up with random men just attempting to get an actual relationship but it was just a waste of time.
More time passes and our whole group of friends ends up being outside at 1 AM somewhere close to my home, and it was really chilly outside. I only brought a flimsy jacket with me but i was s h i v e r i n g.
A few friends were just sitting on the bench, including Jess, Mark and Robert. One of the homophobic girls i mentioned earlier was snuggled up to Robert and he was just kind of existing, he had a hoodie on.
Needless to say, I was jealous LOL so I pretended to be very cold and to refuse Robert's advice of "also snuggling up to him". But i gave in, I'm just kind of petty looool.
It is kind of pathetic to say it out loud like this but that was the first time i ever got that close to a man in terms of being hugged/hugging back. Since im vocal enough about being gay my male classmates really just keeo their fair distance from me and hugging ig just isnt a "man" thing. My birthday is during Christmas too so i cant get birthday hugs at school.
I also have no male friends either so yea that was the first time i got a good cuddle from a man.
It felt... warm. I was close to crying in that moment because he had his arm wrapped around my neck as i was snuggling into his right shoulder/right side of his chest, as the other girl was on his left. I have always been touch starved but after that night when i had to let go of Robert... i felt seriously empty
He was 19 and secretly taken so nothing would've worked out, but i found out too late and an emotional bond was already formed.
I asked him to meet me at the top of the outside stairs of the park where there was a fountain. I was planning on confessing, even if i knew about our age cap. All i knew was that i missed that warmth he provided for me in that one moment. Half way through the confession i chicken out and instead of saying "I like you" i said "i liked you".
he laughs.
not in a "lmao how could i like you lol". More like a "oh haha thats crazyy". So i kept on with the convo and told him that i needed to look at some stuff through the mall and he said he wants to tag along.
After that day i had found out that he was actually growing sick of the friend group and he was just overall being a mess and mean for no reason.
He was basically excluded from our friend grouo6and i havent heard of him ever since.
I hate him for how mean he became for no apparent reason. But i miss his touch. I miss his warmth.
I want to feel the warmth of a man once again. Just once, since to that moment i have never been ina relationships with someone, even to today i have always been single.
Touch Starvation is a cute book trope I guess, but i genuinely do not wish it on anyone. It has left me feeling dead constantly and like the obky priority for me should be romantic love, not achievements, education of stronger friendship bonds.
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